-Milch cow any age‘ lst, 4 d015, A Mc- Neil; 2nd, 3 dols, A McNeil; 3rd, 2 dolu, James Grahame. Bull 1 year old, lst. 3 dais, A McNeil. Heifer 1 year old, lst, 3 dols, A McNeil. Spring bui] calf, lst, 3 dols,A McNeil. Spring heifer calf, lst. 3 dois, A Mc- ' Neil; 2nd, 2 dols, A McNeil. FAT CATTLE. Fat ox or cow, lst, 3 doIs, dip, A Mglfleil ; fluid, 2 dols, Jas Armstrong. Heifer years oï¬l, lst, 3 dols, J Jackson; 2nd, 2 (1015, F Bunt; 3rd, 1 doi, J Roman. ' Yokevworkihg oxen. (proved to be sflch) 1st, 3‘dols, W Holly; 2nd, Zdols, B M dsselman: ' GRADE. Milch cow any age, Ist, 4 dols, J Porter; 2nd, 3 dols, James Armstrong; ‘3rd. 2 dols. J Ellerby. Heifer 2 years old, lst, 3 dols, Wm Bowes; 2nd, 2 dols, J Lahmer; 3rd, 1 dol, J Porter. Heifer 1 year old, 13L,3 dols, J Moore; 2nd, 2 dols, J Moore; 3rd, 1 do], J Moore. Sprrng bull calf, lst. 3 dnls, J Moore. Spring heifer emf, 131,3 dols. J Moore; 2nd, 2 dole, J Moore; 3rd, 1 dol, J Moore. GALLOWAY. Bull 2 years old and over, lst, 4 dols, diE,_D McCallum. Bull I year old, lst, 3 dols, James Argstrong. Heifer 1 year old, lst, 3 dols, J Por- ter; 2nd, 2 (1015, J Porter; 3rd, 1 do}, James Armstrong. Spring bull cziif', lst, 3 dols, Willlam Bowes; 2nd, 2 dols, Wm Bowes; 3rd, 1 dol, J Lahmer. Spring heifer calf, lst, 3 duls, J For ter; 2nd, 2 dols, J Lahmer; 3rd, 1 do] George Garbutt. _Milch cow any :igc, lsf, 4 dols, Moore; 2nd, 3 (1015, J Moore; 3rd, dols. J Munre. Heifer 2 years old. lst, 3 d015, Moore; 2nd. 2 dais, J Moore. Milch'cow :iny age,’1st, 4 d015, J 'igah. mer; 2nd, 3 dols, J Porter; 3rd, 2 dols, William Bowes. DEVON. Bull 2 years old and over, lst, 3 (3015 ï¬ipLJ Snider; 2nd, 3 dols, J Snider. Bull 2 years old and over, 1st, 4 dols and diploma, J Porter; 2nd, 3 dols, J Lahmey; 3rd, 2 dols, Geo Weldrick. EXTRASâ€"Blood, three-year-old colt, recommended, Samuel Nesbitt; roadster, three years oid,J Grahame,recommendcd. CATTLEâ€"DURHAM. Judges~ John Gill, Islington; George Bell, Vaughan, and James Conron, Wes- ton; Single horse in harness, 1st, 3 dols, J M Davis; 2nd, 2 dols, $49444â€; 3rd, 1 dol, N Robinson. Saddle horse. 1st, 3 dols, Jas Gra- hame; 2nd, 2 dols, John Page; 3rd,] do], M Brown. Roadster shod horse, to be exhibited in name of shoer, lst, 1 dol, Stewart Blain. Filly three years old, any breed, 151: 4 dols, George Pearson; 2nd, 3 dols, A McCure. Spam horses in harness, 1st, 4 dols, N Strung; 2nd, 3 dols, G Jewett; 3rd, 2 doE,__Nel§0n Playter. _ V Entire colt. 2 years old, lst, 4 d015, Wm Alderson ; 2nd, 3 d013, W H Clu- binf; .31'd, dqls, M Jarrat. FiIly 1 year old, 1st. 3 dols, A Hoover; 206, 2 d018, J H McClure; 3rd, 1 (191, S Bell. Span hdrses in harness, lst, 4 d015, Richard Thomas; 2nd, 3 (1013, W Fos- ter; 3rd, 2 d015, George Evans. ROAD OR CARRIAGE. Brood mare, with foal by her side, lst, 4 6.013, James Armstrong; 2nd, 3 dols, James Brown. Eï¬tire ’colt 1 [yearr 3 dols, Hugh Ridden; 21w, 2 (10‘s, M Brown. _-..D.. “Humâ€, gnu -4 uu'b m UIUWU. .Filly 2 years old,’1st, 3 ,dols, Duncan Beaten ; 2nd, 2 d015, Wm Kersey; 3rd, 1 do], James Hood. Spring colt, or ï¬lly. 1st, 3 rials, James Armstrong; 2nd, 2 dols, J Brown; 3rd, 1 do], A Hilton. Spring cblt or ï¬llyflsf, 3 d015, A Burgess; 2nd, 2 dols, George Pearson; 3N3, 1 do], A McLean. -l uvn UCUISU .Luumpsmx. Fi y 1 year old, 3 dols, John Moore; 2m}, dols, Armstrong. Filly 2 years old, lst. 3 dols. Matthew Cransvick; 2nd, 2 dols, Wm Farr; 3rd, 1 do]: Ggorge Thpmpsfng. Entire COM, 2 years old, 1er, 4 (1018, W Stewart; 2nd. 3 dnls, Samuel “'ilson; 3rd, 2 dnls, _A ‘Hover. Entire edit 1 year (71d, lst, 3 6015 D Mason; 2nd, 2 duls, Mrs H Mason; 3rd, 1 do], Thomas Richardson. Spring colt- or ï¬lly, lst, 3 dols, Thos Dobson ; 2nd, 2 dols, Peter Franks. Span horses in harness, Ist, 3 (1015, J Golly; 2nd, 3 dols, Chas McMurchy. GENERAL PURPOSE. Brood mare, With foal by her side,lst, 4 dols, Geo Pearson; 2nd, 3 dols, Alex Burgess. Entire colt 1 year 010, 1st, 3 (1018, A Burkholder. Filly 2 years old, 1st, 3 dols, Thomas Dobson; 2nd, 2 dols, J Golly; 3rd, 1 (101, James Armour: Entire colt,‘2 years old, 1st, 4 dols, Wm Long; 2nd, 3d015, J Cox; 3rd, 2 dols, John Pinkerton. Filly 1 year old, 1st, 3 dols, A McLean. Filly 2 years old, lst prize, 3 dollars, 1) Kenny. Filly 1 year old, lst,3 dols, A McLean. DRAFT. Brogd mare, with foal by her side, 1st, 4 dols, T-homas Dobson; 2nd, 3 dols, Peter Franks. Cow any age, lst, 3 dols, \V Bowes. Bull 1 year old, 1st,3 dols, A Cameron. Judgesâ€"E Taylor, Springï¬eld; J Ackrow, Etobicoee, and H Sanderson, Richmond Hill. AYRSHIRES. HORSESâ€"BLOOD. Twelve ktomato'es, 1st, 1 do], Jacob Burk- holder; 2nd, 500, J obn Rowntree. Peck'of red onions, lst, Idol, George WeKdrick; 2nd, 500, Duncan Beaten. Peck of white onions, lst, 1 do], George Weldrick; 2nd, 500, John Rowncree. Six heads cabbage, 15*, Idol, J Abeâ€: 2nd. 500, J H McClure. Six cimms, lst, 1 do], J08 Snider; 2126]. 50c, Wm Chew. Twelve garden radishes, 1st, 1 do], Geo Weldrick. Half bushel potatoes. any other sort, 1st, ‘2 dols. Jus Shunleworth ; 2nd, 1 (10]. Robt Johnston; 3nd, 50x2, James Shuttlewm'th. Twelve field radishes. 1st, 1 do], William Darker; 2nd, 500, Joseph Snider. Three ï¬eld squash, 15f, l dol, John Bowntree. Three ï¬eld pumpkins, lst, 1 do], Samuel Woods. VEGETABLES. Twelve blood beets, lst, I (101, Robert Collltef; 2ndt500,‘ A McNeil. HEM bdshe] 'pnlatdes, peach, blows, Ist, 2 (1015. WaHuce Brothers; 2nd, 1 do], Josaph Ktï¬'eq'; 73rd! 500, James érmstrong. n. .u, vuu’ yum“... .“nuuuuu'I. Hair B'ushel potatoes, Garnet cï¬ini, 1st, 2 dnls, Wm Darker; 2nd, Idol, Thomas Richmdsou; 3rd, 500, A Kain. Twelve Swede turnips, lat, 2 (1015, Gen Weldrick; 2nd, 1 do], Thomas Richardson: 3rd. 500, John Abel]. ' Twelve ï¬eld carrots, 1st, 2 dols, Gavin anrie; 2nd2 Idol, Wm Darker; 3rd, 50c, William Burkhulder. Twelve roots, mangel wurzel, Ist. 2 dols, Wm Smith; 2nd, ldo), Thos Davis; 3rd, 50c, John Abel]. Half bushel early potatoes, 1st, 2 dols, Robert Johnston; 2nd. dol, John Rown- tree ; 3rd, 50‘c, Joseph Kefl‘ey, 7 7 Judgesâ€"Wm Tuylm‘, W: J G \Vo’rts and 1*) J Musson 'lwelve while turnips. lst, 2 dols, W Darker: 2nd, 1 do], Wm Darker. Pair Spanish fowls, Ist, l (101, Jas Main; 2nd, 500., Samuel Woods. Pair Dorkin (owls, lst, 1 (101, Jas Main; 2nd; 500, John Jackson. Pair Portland fowls, 1st, IdaI, Jas Main. Pair pea. fowls,‘ Isl, 1 do], John Jackson. Pair game fowls, lsl, 1 do}, Jus Main; 2nd, 500, Jus Main. Pail Brahma. Plum, lsf. 1 (10], Samuel Woods; 2126, 50c, Thomas Dawns. ROOTS. Judgesâ€"Wm Tuylm‘, Wm Montgomery, T f‘ \l7,:.n ,.A,.l I.‘ l \l Pair common ducks‘ lst, 1 dol, J Jack- sorl; gull, 5Qcï¬, James Main. Pen of poultry. owned by exhibitor let, 1 do], M Jarratt; 2nd, 500, Thomas Davis. Paxr geese, lst, 1 do], J Jackson; 2nd, 50c, J Moore. Pair turkeys, 1st, 1 dol, John Jackson; 2nd, 50c, George Thompson. Pair Aylesbury ducks, lst, 1 (101, John Moore; 2nd, 500, Samuel Woods. Pair Muscovy ducks, Ist, 1 do), Archi- bald Cameron. Lnr'ge bxzeed sdw, 1 fear 151‘, 3 dols, Jag Main; 2nd, 2 dols, J Feather- stoneig‘rd. 1_d‘ol, George Weldrick. Small breed sow, had pig's in 1871, 1st. 3 dols, J Main; 2116. 2dols, J Feather- stope; 31_'d. lrdql, J Featherstone. Lange breed béar, 1 year ï¬xirivlh-nder, 1st, 3 d013, Jas Main; 2nd. 2 d013, Jos Feather- sLope; 3131, lidol, George WeldHck. Judgesâ€"~M E Brougham, Robt Conway, E §heppgrd. Lgrge Bleed boa“, oval: oné lst. 3 dols, J Jackson; 2nd. 2 dols, J Feather- stogeig-hld, 1 510}, A. McLean" bméll breed bo'ar, 151: 3 (1015;3er Main; 2nd, 2 dols, J Featherstone; 3rd, 1 do}, J Feathersmne. . Smith bfeed Hoar, 3 do'szWJamés Main 2nd, 2 dols, Joseph Sapp; 3rd, 1 dol, i Peterman. Large breed sow, had pigs in 1871, 1st, 3 dols. J Featherstone; 2nd, 2 d015, J Feutherstone. Two {at sheep, ewes or weathers, lst. 3 duls, Juhll liownlree; 2nd. 2 duls, John Jackson; 3rd, Andrew Barker. mas. Judgesâ€"John Grill, Isliugton; Geo Bell, Vaughan} Jafngs Conron, Weston, Ram 2 shears and over. lst, 3 dols, dip, John Jamieson; 2nd, 2 (101s, J Jamieson. Ram slwarlmg, 1st. 2 dols, J Jamioson. Two brood ewes, 2 shears and over, 1st, 3 d015, dip, John Jamleson; 2nd, 2 dols, J Jamie-son; 3rd, 1 do], J Jamieson. Two sliearling ewes, lst, 2 dols John Jamieson; 2nd, 1 do], John Jamieson. Two ew'e lamle. 15f, 2 d013, J Jailglgéson 2nd, Idol J Jamieson. Two brood ewes, 2 shears and over, lst, 3 dols, dip, S Lemon; 2nd, 2 dols, John Jackson} 1 do], Robert Marsh. Two Shem-ling ewels. lst, 2 d013, S Lemon; 2nd. 1 dul, Kubert Marsh. Two owé lambs, 2 d015, S Lemon; 2nd: 1 do], Robert Marsh. Rim lamb, lst, 2 (1013. S Lemon; 211d, do], John Jackson. Ram 2 shears and over, lst. 3 dols. dip, S Lemon; 2nd, 2 dols. Jas Bowman; 3rd, 1 (iii. lelimp Capner. Ram shearling, ’lst, 2 6015, liobt Marsh; 2nd, 2 dolsy James Bowman. 2nd, 2 (ms, \Villiï¬m McNuil-J Two ewe lambs, lst, 2 dols, A Barker; 2nd, 1 do], George Weldrick. COTSWOLD. Ram 2 shears and over, lst, 3 dols, dip Jolm Colly. Ram sllearling‘, lst, 2 dols, John Golly; 2nd, 1 (lul, Julm Cally. Rum lamb, lst, 2 dols. John Jackson; 2nd. 1 (l?)l. George Weldriclr. 'l‘xw ln-ood ewes‘ 2 Shem-s and over, lst, 3 do}? Lip, John Colly; 2nd, 2 dols. John Jackson; 3rd, 1 dol, George Weldrick. Two shemling ewes, lst, Z dole, J Golly; 2nd, I dill, John Jackson. Two owe lambs. Isl. 2 dols, G Weldrick; n .l n 1 1 up... .. \v . Two brood ewes 2 shears and over, lst. 3 dols and dip‘lomu, John Golly; 2nd. 2 d013, John Jackson; 3rd, 1 doi, Geo Weldrick. Ram lamb, 1st, 2 dols, Andrew Baker; 2nd, 1 dol, Thomas Witty. Judgesâ€"John Chapman, Mark Roblnson and R. W Jeffrey. Ram shearling, lst,2 d018, John Jackson; 2nd, 1 dol, James Guardhouse. Ram 2 shears and over, lat, 3 dols and diploma, John Cooley; 2nd, 2 d013, James G uardhouse. Two sheeulingr ewes, lst, 2 do!s,A Barker; 2nd, 1 do], John Porter. Heifer 3 years old, any breed, lst, 4 dols, James Armstrong. Spring heifer calf, 1st, 3 dols, J Pérter; 2nd, 2dols, Wm Ellez'by; 3rd, 1dol,(} Garbutt. ' Herd of cattle, any breed, not less than 6, lat, 4 dols and dlploma, Jacob Lahmer. Heifer 1 year old, lst prize, 3 dols, J Porter; 2nd, 2 d013, J Jackson; 3rd, 1 do], J Jackson. Best bull, any class, lst, 4 dols and dlp, Porter. SHEL -- LEICESTER. SOUTHDOWNS‘ POULTRY. MERINO. FAT. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND IQEL, ON T., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27", 1871 pelt; 2_nd, 50c,‘Mrs Harpér. auu. uuu, uua “a†V....... Pair woollen socks, 1st, 1 do], Mrs Moore; 2nd. 500. Mrs Harper. Pair,woo]1eu stockings, lst, 1 do], Mrs Harper; 2nd, 500. Mrs Harper. Pair woollen mittens, lst, 1 do], Mrs R Coulter; 2nd, 50c, Mrs Harper ‘Uu, UUUy JJJIDG \J Uwuuulv... Specimen braidinngt. 1 dol, Mrs Robe“; 2nd. 500, Mrs Levi Clark. ulurn', gnu, uvu, mm “min. S ecimen fancy netting, iét, 1 do], Mrs Hyper} 2nd, 500, Mrs Harper. 1 11 It "1,,1 Llnlilc' HID“, vvu, 4-4-u ‘â€"vâ€". .v.. Specï¬nen tatting, 1st, 1 d8], Mrs Wood; 2nd, 50c, Miss C Johnston. _ Snei'ilnen crocher work, lst, 1 dol; Mrs R Wilson; 2nd, 500, Mrs McDongall. Specimen Berlin work, 15:, 1 dol, Mrs Mc Vain; 2nd. 50c, Mrs W Holly. Specimen raised Berlin work, lst, l dol, Mrs Harper; 2nd, 500., Mrs Harper. ‘1‘ Spercinllen’embrbideï¬ in musluilst, 1 do], Miss McVain; 2nd, 500, Miss McVain. muss mu V alu; AHU, uuu, mm.» Au» I an:- Specunen fancy knitting, 1st, dol, Mrs L Clark; 2nd, 5300, Mrs ï¬arper. ï¬ï¬BJtvtrlé home made wine (not grape) lst, 2 (1015, Mrs Robert Wilson. -.“‘v â€" Blair’s home-made soap, lst, 1 do], J Moore; 2nd, 500. J Burkholder. LADIES WORK. Judgesâ€"Miss Duncan, Miss McLean, and John McCallum. Patch-work quilt, 1st, 2 (1015, Mrs Small; 2nd, 1 dol, Miss Bunt. Quilt any other description, lst, 1 do], Mrs Robt Wilson; 2nd, 500, Mrs Jos Keffer. Gentleman’s shirt. lst, Idol, Mrs Har- per; 2nd, 50c, 3m J Shuttleworlh. 1 1 . LHUE‘, Lulu, uup, IvaHuLu usvvumw Hearth mg, lst, 1 do], Miss A Johnston 5 2nd, 500. Miss C Johnston. gnu, uvu. “Ann: V nu...wuv... Bottle home-made wine from grapes. (open air) grown in Canada, lst, 2 dols, J Rowntree. run , uuu, uuu, .uu: u V.....yw..v Gentleman's flannel shirt, hand‘gade, lét, 1 (101. Mrs Bunt. Set double teém ha'rness, lst, 2 uols, dip, J McClure. Saddle, bridle and martingale, 151, 2 dols, J McClure. Pair mens’ ï¬ne boots, 15!, 1 do], David Stewart; 2nd, 500, David Stewart. . Pair mehs' coarse boots, lst, 1 do], David Stewart ; 2nd, 50c, David Stewart. Two flour barrels, lat, 1 dol, Wallace Bros; 2nd, 50c, Wallace B others. Suit men’s clothing. Canadian cloth, lst, 2(30185, G & J 7W Cox & Qo. Pair horinemade blankets, lst, 2 dols,Mrs Hail-p917. 2nd, 1 (1‘01, _M1's Mchaylaue. Pilir Ahomé‘made'horse blankets, lst, 2 doLs, Roe‘ljh‘os; 29d, John _Moo~re. Set single harness7 lst, 2 duls, J McClure; 20d. 1 (10], J Mchul'e. Ten ydsutweed cloth, lst, 2 (1013, Wallace Brgsi 2_nd, 1 dolr Roe Bros. Judges-M E Brone, R Conway and E S Shgppal‘d: r Teh yds home made flannel, lst. 2 dols, Miis C J0_hn§t9n_; 2nd, 1_d01,»M‘rs‘Jnvc‘ksonl. Ten )‘ds fulled clan}, lst. 2 dols, Roe & Brothers, Woodbridge; 2nd, Wallace Bros, Woodbridge. Sponge cake, not Ieés than ï¬lb, ISI, 2 do], Mrs 1% Wilson; 2nd, 1 dol, Mrs JJackson; 3rd 50c, Miss C Johnston. Fruit cake, not less than 51h, lst, 2 dols, M Raymond; 2nd, 1 dol, Mrs R Wilson; 3rd 500, Mrs Jackson. Six lbs honey in comb, lst, 1 do], Wm Hartman ; 2nd. 5Qc. Robert Johnston. Six lbs honey, clariï¬ed, lst. 1 doi, J Burkholder; 2nd, 500, James Savage. Cheese, not less than 12 lbs. Inf, 2 dols, John Moore; 72nd, l dq], Samgel Wood; Two loavcé home-made, bread, lst, 2 do], Mrs Linton; 2nd, 1 do], JBurkhoIder; 3rd, 500., Miss Bradley. Wood; M: 1 do], George Welï¬i‘iék; and; 500, William Sloan. Open bugg'. lst, 3 dols, dip. J Brown, Weston. Iron ploughrlst, 2dols, dip, G Wilkinson. Cast iron plough, steel mould board, 1st, 2 dols, dip, John Abell; 2nd, 1 dol, John Abell. Wooden plough, Isl, 2 dols, J Wilkinson Pair iron lmrrows, 151. 2 (lols, JSavage. Slraw cutter, 18!, 2 dols, William Jick & Brother; 211d, 1 do], Jnl'm Abe-ll. Glain crusher. lst. 2 dols, John Abell. Fanning mill, 1st, 2 dols, A 65 W Wilson; 2nd, 1 dol, Patterson Brothers. DAIRY PRODUCE. Firkin of butter. not less than 20 lbs.lst, 3 dols, James Bowman; 2nd, 2 dols, Wm Bnrlx'holder; 3rd, 1 dol, Mrs Brown. _ Ten Ill-S ffesh Byte}; :setflghmflg‘vame $7,, piesepted {gyiVWalrlucie Brostulrggk‘fdolg. S Combined reaping and mowing machine, lst, 3 (1018, John Abe“. Land roller, 131;, 3 dols, John Abell. Two horse farmex-s’ Waggon, 1st, 3 (£018, dip, James Savage. ‘ Reaping Inachiué, sélf-mking. 1st, 3 dols, John Abe“; 2pd, 2 dols, Jrohn Abell. lMarket waggoh, 151, 3 (1013. Jas Shuttle- wog-lh; 2nd, 2 dols, Michael Brown. Mowing rhachihe, 13:, '3 (1015, John Abel}; 2nd, 2 dols. John Abell. Horse power thre=hiug machine, with se‘ paratm‘, Isl, 6 ($918, dipLthn Abel]. Ditching machine, lst, 2 d013, dip, John Abel]. 12 ears Indian corn, lst, 2 dols, A Kaiser; 2nd. 1 do], Gr Weldrick. , Two pounds hops, lst. 2 dols, M Brown. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Judgesâ€"Francis Danton, Eiias Snider, John Brown, jr: » One bushel flax seed, 1st, 2 dots, Wm Hartman; 2nd, 1 do], A Kalser; 3rd, 50c, T Dobson. )uILEL’ gnu, qu,’ nu... Pair woollen glows! 1:15, {21.01, Mrs Har‘ One bushel timothy seed, lst, 2 dols, G Weldxick; 2nd, 1 do], W Linton; 3rd, 50c, G Pearson. One bushel clover seed, 15!, 2 d013, J Ket'fur. Two bushels oats, white. lst, 2 dols. G Pearson; 2nd, 1 d0], S Woods; 3rd, 500, W Burkholder. Two bushels common peas, 1st, 2 dols, S Woods; 2nd, 1 do], W Linton; 3rd, 50c= J Kefl‘ir. Two bushels oats, black, lst, 2 dols, J Kefl‘izr; 2nd, 1 do], J MooIe; 3rd, 500, A McNeil. ‘ Two bushels spring Wheat, 131;, 3 (1013, dip,James Mchir; 2nd,2 dols, Jas McNair; 31‘C_l_, 1 (19], J Snider. Two 'bushéls marrowfut peas. lst, 3 dols; J R Lawrence. *Two bï¬shcls barley, four or' six rowed. lst, 2 dols,dip, James McNair; 2nd, Idol, W Lin_t0n; 3rd, 50C, G Laurie. Two bushels fall wheat, “bite, Ist, 3 d015, dip, James McNair; 211d, 2 d015, S Woods; 3rd, 1 do], A Keï¬â€˜er. n uuub' ulu L uul7 A .Lxcllel‘. Two ybushéls fall wheat, red, 1st, 3 (10151 A McNeil. Open air girapesl, 6 c’lustrerrrsy igiiludo], Samuel Woods. Varié'ty of apples, 6 of each, Ist, I (101, Joseph Keffer; 2nd, 50c, B Musselman. Twelve autumn pears, lst, 1 dol, James Shuttleworth ; 2nd, 500, ._Iosegh_K_eï¬â€˜e_1-. NuullAL V‘Uthl : Allu, IJVU’ UUBU‘JH LLUUCI" Twelve winter pears, Isa, Idol, James Shuttleworth; 2nd, 50c, Joseph Keï¬'v Twelve cooking apples, lst, 1 do], Samuel Woods; 2nd, 50c, Joseph Kefl'er. Twelve table apples. lst, 1 (10], Samuel Woods; 2nd, 500, A McNeil. HOME MANUFACTURE. GRAIN AND SEED. FRUITS. SUCCESSFUL OPERATIONâ€"A young man residing in the township of York, had received a severe burn in the sole of his foot when a child about ï¬ve years old; after a time it healed, leaving a dense cicatrix, which contracted until the toes were drawn down so much that their upper surface formed a part of the sole of the foot. After arriving at the age of manhood, the increased weight produced so much irritation as to se- riously interfere with his locomotion. Several eminent surgeons were consulted, who advised the removal of the toes. An operation had already been performed without relief. Dr. McMaster, of Yonge Street, was consulted, who was of opin- ion that the contraction might be over- come and the parts restored to their na- tural position and usefulness by What is termed a “plastic operation.†which was accordingly performed by him in the fol- lowing manner: The dense band or cica- trix was divided, across the sole of the foot; this was not suflicient to allow the toes to be straightened, as the bones had grown downwards and had to be brought up to their natural position by being, forcibly extended, which left a gap of an irregular shape about three inches by two; in order that the parts might not contract again, a piece was taken from the calf of the opposite leg and carefully adjusted into the place described, where it united, The foot is now perfectly 3 straight and in all respects the same as the other. . I n the last Canada Gazette is a gene- ral order respecting the formation, equip- ment and maintenance of two batteries of garrison artillery, denominated “A†and “ B" respectively7with headquarters at Kingston and Quebec, and furnishing detachments in Toronto and Montreal. These batteries will also be schools of gunnery for such oï¬icers and men as may wish to avail themselves for any conâ€" venient period of the facilities for obtain- ing practical instruction. The batteries will have the guardianship of the forts and all war material in the two provinces. It is the intention of the militia autho- rities to establish schools of gunnery at St. John, NB, and Halifax, NS. Sabbatï¬ggï¬Ã©ï¬ _ ssociation will holdiï¬heirjan‘ fleeting in the lecture-room of ‘theeWeSley’an church, in this place, on Monday evening next, the 30th inst, at half-past seven o’clock, for the purpose of electing ofï¬cers for the ensuing year, and other business. A lecture will also be delivered on the oc- casion by the Rev. Wm. Read; the sub- ject of which will be “The model Sab- bath School Tcacher. All are invited to attend. The expedition ‘taï¬gd River for the purpose of protection' from the Fenians, embarked from Cfllingf'ood for Thun- der Bay on the steamerihicora, on Saâ€" turday last, at f0 o’clock, RM. The men, some 300 in number, were in good spirits. The Miami was mild, and they expect to 113*}: a pretty fair voyage. The Chicora is/lo ~ irect to Thund Buy, without ‘ with the V The British Medical Journal of the 7th instant says: ' “ Her Majesty has been suffering quite recently from a sharp rheumatic attack in the foot and head, and the brief" notices of indisposition in the Court Journal have caused some anxious misgivings; but we are happy to state upon the best authority that the Queen is doing very well and that there is no cause for anxiety.†LECTURn.â€"-“Switzerland, and across the Alps,†is the theme of a lecture to be delivered next Tuesday evening, in the Wesleyan church in this place, by the Rev. Charles Eby, B.A. The land and its associates are full of interest in the present day, and the gifted and elo- quent lecturer is just fresh from a tour of the European continent. 2nd, 10 d013, presented by John Abel], Esq., Schomberg band. Penmanship by any béy under lGlyem's of age, residing in the Riding, 1st, 1 (101, Mr Jagieson; _2_ndZ 500, A _Â¥Yuvl'st_()11._ Peximaï¬ship by any girl under 18 yr’s of age, residingin the locality, 1st, ‘1 (10], Miss Totter. ‘ +1 My éï¬wmmo lét, 20 dols, preheated by Capt Wallace, Cooksville band. FINE ARTS. Oil painting on canvass, amateur, lst, 9 d013, Mr McCallum; 2nd, 4 (101.4. Mr Mc- Callum; 3rd, 2 dols, Mr McCallum. Collection of photographs, by exhibitor, lst, 2 d013, H Armstvead, Klineburg. Judges â€" Mr - Gallavau, Woodbridge; August Urroskui‘thfKlin_ei§urgj Sewing mï¬ehim’e, ISI, 2 dols, Guelph sewing machine; '2nd. 1 dol, Wheeler 52: Wilson, Mr Farr. - Knitting machine, 15$. 2 do}, Wm Rennie. Parlor Organ, lst, 2 dols, Mr Farr. Canadian straw hat, lst’; 1 do], Mr Shut tlewort!) 3 2nd: Migls S_ Shugtleyvprtb: Specinien hair ï¬work, Ist, 1 dol, VMrs Wm CII'OSSOH; 211d, 505:, Mrs Guardhouse. RICHMOND HILL, OCTOBER 27, 1871. BRASS BANDS. ‘UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON- To Weekly Papers. received at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill. The above Teas ware carefully selected and are fully ten cems per it better than any 'l‘eas sold on Richmond Hill. Examine and test then) and I WIII guarantee you will bear me out in my assertions. ' G. A, BARNAR.D. Sign of the British Flag Staff, Richmond Hill Supéuior Mayune Young Hyson Tea, from “5 cts pm‘ if). I“iue flavored Black Tea, from 80 Ms par lb Flnest flavored and best Black Tea impurled, $1700 perr 1b In Canisters of 5 lbs. 5 cts per lb less than lht§e prices. F‘me ful| flavored Young Hyson Tea, only 60 cts per lb 7 Plasterers, are prepare to contract for erecting all kinds of lswellings, Churdws, SchooLw, &c. 'l‘hs best of workmanship guaranteed. Plas- tering done on the shortest notice. RESIDENCEâ€"Maple. Maple, Oct. 12. 1871. GQO-Iy Good, Fresh and Strong Young Hyson Tea, only 50 cts per Tb [1 against the late Andrew MacBeth, car- riage builder, Richmond Hili, are required to deposit a statement with tlm undersigned on or before the lsL day of December next. And all parties owing this estate are required to settle the same previous to the above date. 1’. CROSBY. [1 Slahles, am! about we acres of land. 01; Yunge Sin-eel. wilhiu one mi)a of Richmond hill For further particulars. apply lo Now 2'5 tke time to secura one. Vwm. ATKINSON. For several months past I have used Fe] lows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites in the treatment of Incipient Phlhisis, Chronic Bronchitis, angi other aï¬â€˜ections of the Chests. and I have no hesitation in stating that it ranks foremost amongst the ryedies used in those diseases. 3“- Z. S. EARLE, Jr., MD. home from 8 to 94.4.“. George A. Lugustuï¬' is asthorised to coHect Avenuuls. Richmond Hill, Oct. 14,1869. 568* For years and years past we hlve been familiar with Polar expeditions, but have heard very little of their success. The last one, the German expedition, claims to have succeeded in discovering a Polar sea, free from ice and swarming with whales. If this prove correct, further particulars will be most interesting. DR. JAs. LANGSTAFF V ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.l\l. A Miasionary, just returned, says he re» gards Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment as be- yond al‘i price, and efï¬cacious beyond any other medicine. It is adapted to a great varier of special cases, and is the best pain killerin the world. The Fenian “ sabre" in the North ’West has vanished in smoke, with the exception of trouble and cost to the go- vernments of the Dominion and Man toba. Gov. Archibald issued a “call to arms†to the Manitobans, which was ‘ heartily responded to by the male popu- ‘lation, both old and young of French as well as English, in fact the enrolment was all but universal. With such an enthusiastic people, Manitoba need not fear the occasional displays of valor C?) of “Gin’ral†O’Neil and his handful of" deluded execrable followers. The Fe- nian leaders were, of course, arrested by the United States authorities, and will, no doubt, go through the) usual farce of a trial, imprisonment, pardon and liberty in time for the next periodical “ demon stration. September 28, [871. New Crop. FRESH NEW TEAS. Richmond Hill, Oct. 5, 1871. BUSH FIRES.â€"During the latter part of last week and beginning of the pre- sent, large ï¬res prevailed up the 2nd and 3rd coneesswns of Vaughan and King, destroying great quantities of va- luable timber and cordwood. So alarm- ing had these ï¬res on Monday become, that, at the village of Patterson, the ï¬rm gave orders to have scaffolding erected around all the workshops of the estab- lishment, and Windlasses for raising wa- ter; so near had the ï¬re approached that great anxiety was felt for the safety of that village. We are thankful to learn that the ï¬res have since gone down and no particular cause of alarm is at- present felt. Richmond Hull. Out. I2. [H7]. Richmond Hill, Oct. 1-‘ 188] 1N 0 T H E 1% LOT OF THOSE FASHIONABLE STRIPED SHAWLS. BBQ-tr WOODBURN & STYLES, UILDERS, ' BRICKLAYERS A N D STRONG ACTIVE BOY TO LEARN LL PARTIES HAVING CLAIMS To Rent, HNO‘LfSE, ‘G‘ARDEN, ORCHARD, £2111 @ï¬mtmmmw. blacksmithmg. Appl) 10 Wanted Immediately. Deabr in all kinds 0! Mullinerv; &.c‘ Richmond Hill. At the Central. JAMES M. LAWRENCE. Notice. WM. '1‘ RENO H. 669-“. 6864f 690-awtf 891-111 All orders attended to with Promptuess Cheapness and Dispatch by the proprietor, Together with a good assortment of VVhins, Lashes, CurrV Combs. Cards, Brushes. SL0. for the lowest remuneraï¬ve prices. C-‘nï¬dent from his success and {he liberal} patronage he has received in the past years. that he can stil suit intending purchasers in good service his articles, W. H. respectfully solicits lheinspection of his present stock of COLLARS WARRAN'I‘EI) To Fit, Look & Wear VVell By the six following Agricullural Societies: Yonge Street. East York. Markham, North York, King and Vaughan. 14 FIRST PRIZES AS W. 11. MYERS’ Is the Place to get a Good Article, You should Call 0’: Examine the Stock BRUSHES. ers AND LASHES in great variety. H H C. would also intimate tha; he tho- roughly uddarstands COLLAR. MAKING In all its branches. having of late years d6- voted much time and atlonuon to this most important branch of the trade, he can conï¬- dent} guarantee a safe and easy collarl All who may have the kindness to favor him with their patronage can rely upon a ï¬rst-class arti- cle as nothing but ï¬rst-class 510 k will be used, made up in a workmanliko manner by expe- rienced workmen. ASSOR'I‘MENT OF Single and Double Harms: .’ Harness Uil ana Vm-msh always on hand. Richmond Hill; Son. 13, 1871. 686-1)’ Begs to in‘timate to the inhabitants of Rich- mond Hilltand vicinity that he has opened the above named establishment, one door north of Mr. Barnard’s Store. where he is praparcd to make 10 order on the Shortest Nolico. every description of Humzss. He also intends to keep on hand a well assorted stock of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Everything Good 85 Cheap Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, (90. (be. WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 21 , 187]. 687-6112 Theso Goods have all beau purchased before the late Rise in PliCOS. Wmceys. Cobourgs. Alpacas, Merinaï¬, Fancy Dress Goods. Prints, Conons, 'I‘ickings. Plain and Fancy Flannels, Blan- kets, Carpets. Hosiery, Gloves, Furs, m†be found to contain everything that is beautiful. chaste, elegant and Q)" the latest style. Ready-made Clothing, Shawls in all the Latest Styles, Jackets, W'ool Goods in Great Variety, HATS AND CAPS, 860 NEW FALL GOODS! Of his large stocks formerly has induced him to secure a still TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS GREAT SUCCESS This success is Unmistalceable Evidence of the confidence of a pa- trunising public. CANNOT BE SURPASSED. Richmond Hill, Sept. 27, 187]. HAVE NOW ON HAND SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. To which has been awarded New Harness Shop. ICHMOND HILL COLLAR AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. H. H. ELARKE Trunks, Valises, Cards, Combs, For Single and Double Harness, W. ATKINSON, OF THE CENTRAL STORE, 5331x313 WW, (ï¬xumiw, ARGEST, nHEAPEST & QEST The subscriber begs to announce that he has now on hand the Larger Stock for this Season. Central Store! Before purchasihg elsewhere. Acéounts rendered October lét. Which for Prico and Quality Doe skins, silk‘mz'xcd Cloths, Velveteens, THE QUICK DISPOSAL In the Greatest Variety. The stock consists in part of Richmond Hill imam, 8m Stock he ever offered. A Splendid Stock of A very good AS USUA I. THE DEALER 1N AT THE 688 l have been sustained by the highest leg!) tribunals, and universally approved by an an lightened public wherever introduced. I cannot be rivalbd without infhnziné Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pump; are liable, C. POWELL, Patentee, Newtonbrook l- have a continental reputationmnd are faivt supesedlng all other kinds both in wood and metal. 'â€" while [hay cannot be approach“) if]; wood. have never yet. been equalled in metal at doubPe the cost. I are adapted for the deepest wells. Re; fen-encesto all. Depth from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. 1 even in their hitherto imperfect form: have in all instance: carried oi? the highelt prizes from all competitors. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS, » while [hay cannot be approached in POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS have been sustained by the highest legal ‘- as uuw perfected. are the successful ro- sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a wait uuiversallv felt. POWELL’S PATENT PUMP m-n minnoan Fur nlm Ammo“ ...-l|,. n- POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS llnvn n nmninnnonl "munch". -..,l --- 9.-.. ‘- havs all the merits of other pumps with- out their defects. No others possess their po- culiar advantageous features. POWELL'S PATENT PUMPS, .n1kn:.. khlmm.‘ :..,..â€._r._. 1-,...“ l have already taken the leading place in some of the United States,as well as in Canadt POWELL’S PATENT PUMP$ cannot be rivalbd without infrrnginn- . 1‘ erected within the last ten years. an have recent improvements attached, and guar- anteed superior to any ollmr make. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P 8 ac nun! hnvrAlllnr‘ urn on.“ m......._..r..l __ ‘ as now made, have no castings 10 come loose: or break. Have all steel bearingl. guaranteed. ‘- The only efï¬cient ï¬re engine pump. available in a few secondsnvinlermld summer, day and night. lufrmgers beware. l are made under genuine patents in Ct- nada and the Uniled State. Arts no spunanl imitation or infringement. POWELL’S PATENT PUMP han n†Hm m‘nrhc “4' ml.-. mun..- ...:.I.. Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. Accounts are rendered on the 1st Octobu. and it is expected that they will be promptly met this fail us we have been blessed with Ill abundant harvest, which brings good piicel. POWELL’S PATENT P M P S. 'I‘hn nuhv amninno aâ€. -.._...- _....‘__ POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS3 nrnnlnn" .nhl‘ n a I»... ‘u .___A POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS [Inna .I.A....Au ml"... a... I--.a:.. _ “I--- ._ POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS are {mid}; lgndery genuine patents in Ct- A LARGE ASSORTMENT OI‘ GROCERIES, HARDWARE POWELL’S PATENT U M P S I" uunAn L-..“ .‘h _-A . LOWEST CASH PRICES. Ready Made Clothing, 8L0. &c. B LA N K E T S, WINCEYS. Nice Fancy Whole): Goods .’ ! SHAWLS, [Mantle Cloths, Furs, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, CANAD IAN TWEEDS! FIRE PROOF STORE ! The Highest Cash l’rice given for Farm Produce, ROBERT NEWBERRY. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Richmond Hill, Sept. 21,1871 Clan Tartan Woolings, FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH MPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. September 28. 1871. New Fall é‘ Winter Goods, Qty 05mm, ï¬wmm. UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. ‘ COATINGS AND TESTINGS, Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the New Fall Goods. Clothiwg, Boots (fl Shoes, (51:. @11ch gnaw. Is now open win: a large stock of Great Bargains GRAND DISPLAY GO AND SEE THE R. NEWBERY’S Tho Stock includes ' ‘V Hosiery, Gloves, Double and Single BROAD CLOTHS, He can give you in Crockery. &c. New Store, III THE Elgin Milli. 588-3m 585