Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Oct 1871, p. 3

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EMW. United States. .._. The Herald’s Washington despatch says .- ices received here from South Carolina test that at Spartansbnrg, on Wednesday Oct. 17th, a Ku Klux den, Consisting of a chief and 20 members, surrendered to U. S. Marshal Johnson, with their arms and dis- guises. Up to Friday morning 70 arrests were made in the vicinity of that town alone. Spartansburg is known to be the headquar. ters for that Congressional District. Arrests have been made in other counties, but the number is not known here. For prudential reasone, very little is said in the Administra- tion circles as to the information of which the Department of Justice is in possession. A number of well-known citizens are miss- ing, including Mr. Lyle, a member of the Legislature, who is reported to be a chief of the Klan for that district. Among those who have disappeared are two or three clergyman. The officers of the law are proceeding steadfastly with their work, and when the arrests are all made they will,it is affirmed, show the existence of a deep and wide conspiracy against the State, the laws. and all who sustain them. Most of the Ku» Klux refuses are known to have fled to Georgia, where the order is quite strong. The Grand Cyclops of that State is believed to be 9. son-in-law of Robert Toombs. A special to the Herald, from Columbia, S. 0., says: Information has just been re- ceived here from York and the adjoming counties of Spartansburg and Chester stating that the greatest excitement exists there owing to the summary proceedings of the United States Marshal and troops. Forty. four citizens were arrested and put into a jail which was already full of negroes. Several hundred citizens have deserted their homes in consequence of the wholesale ar rests, and sought refuge in the woods until the opportunity presents itself to seek re- fuge in fight. A reign of terror exists in that entire section of the State, and deprc dutions are being committed on the property of citizens who have fled by negroes and evil disposed persons. A fight is said to have taken place on Bread River between a band of. Ku-Klux and the United States troops and the conflict was so severe that reinforcements have been called for. A The Chicago Disaster. CHICAGO, Oct. 23.â€"-The walls of two Wings of the Court. House are found to be but slightly injured and their condition will admit of immediate reconstruction. The Supervisors have ordered work on the county wing to be commenced at once, so that work inside can progress (Illl'lllfl the winter. At a meeting,r yesterday of the congregation of the Fourth Presbyterian church it was as- certained that 800 worshippers in that church were burned out and are homeless. Their house of worship and mission school were destroyed. This is one of the most flourishing churches in the city. W. E. Longworth, a carprnter, who lost everything. by the fire committed suicide yesterday. The Chamber of Commerce has decided to to rebuild with stone. The new building will be superior to the old one in every ros- pect. The board of directors of tlic Hart ford Fire Insurance Companias hrve given orders to rebuild their building here at once. It will be complettd in 60 days. CHICAGO, Oct. 23.â€"‘1‘herc are indications 10-day that the Chicago insurance companies will do much better than was expected. The Republic, which at first resolved to pay 25 per cent. and disbund, will, it is understood, reconsider that action, and pay in full. The company will pay 25 per cent. without waiting for an ad_iust,iiicnt,niid after the adjustment will pay the balance. It is also asserted that the Bontman’s Company I will pay in full. The unburnt portion of ihe city is now supplied with water from the water works. The inquest in the case of the Grosvenor homicide has not yet closed The excitement regarding it is subsiding. The value of the school buildings and apps.- ratus destroyed by the fire is $208,000. Eight houses were burnt. The committee appointed at a recent meeting of the Rock River conference to ascertain the losses of the Methodist churches by the fire report as followszâ€"Tlie Garrett Biblical Institute THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL. ONT, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1871? YORKVILLE NEWS. TABLEAUX VIVANTS.â€"â€"OD. Friday night last the Yorkville town hall was crowded by a most fashionable and ele- gantly dressed assemblage. The stewards did their duty well and seated the large crowds without any confusion. The Iconcert was well carried out and gave great satisfaction, the several vocalists received frequent cncores, Master Harry Jarvis, dressed in full Scottish costume, winning speceial plaudits for his Scottish songs. The tableaux were all excellent and reflected credit at once upon the ma- nagement under which they were arâ€" arrangcd, and the ladies and gentlemen taking part in them. Where all were so perfect, it is hard to individualize particular scenes for special fame; but perhaps, the “lion in love” and the “last cook’s lcgacy?’ are most deserving of special notice. In each of them not only was the posing admirable ; but the facial expression of the young lady in the first, and the cook and the mistress in the latter, would have done credit to a professional actor. At the conclusion of the performance, it was announced that Miss Charlotte Nickinson (Mrs. D. Morrison) would appear in the same place last Tuesday, assisted by gentle- man amuateurs, as Mrs. Chillingtone, in “ the morning call,” and “ Nan,the good- f'or-nothingf’ in addition to which there were seven tableaux.‘ This attractive programme filled the hall to its utmost capacity. “fl The Yorkvillc W. WI. Sabbath School Anniversary was held in the Bloor street Church on Tuesday evening, Rev. Dr. Evans Earnest practical speeches on the Sabbathschool work were delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Dewart, Griffin, Dr. Richardson and Mr. John Macdonnld. The scholars, under the direction of Ald. Boustead, sanga num- ber of Sabbath-school hymns, with spirit and energy and were vigorously applauded by the large audience present. Miss Blight and Messrs. Gr. Coles and IV. Blight sang “Guide in. O thou great Jehovah” and “ Rock of Ages” to the delight of all present. A largerand handsome Bible, accompanied by an ad- dress from the ofiiccrs and teachers of the school, was presented to Miss Emma Fraser, who for several years has held presiding. the position of teacher in the infant. class, and who is now about to leave the city. Miss Fraser read an eloquent address in reply. The secretaries report showed the number of scholars, according to the roll, 177, average attendance, 140; average attendance of officers and tea- chers, 19. . The officers appointed for the ensuing sabbath school year were- Messrs. S. Wickson, Superintendent; George B. Crown, Secretary ; George Robinson, Treasurer ,' Gurton Crown, Librarian. The meeting throughout was most cheerful and animated, and was pronounced the most successful that the school has enjoyed. The collections at the Sabbath services were very liberal. PUBLICATIONS. CANADIAN MAGAZINn.â€"-We continue to be in receipt of this excellent monthly. It commenced publication in July last, and we find that, as each successive num- ber is issued, it improves, taking a higher position in our home literature. It is wholly composed of original matter such as Canadian topics, compositions, inci- dents and locations. is the editor, and Irving, Flint & 00., Toronto are the publishers. PURE GOLDâ€"This is the name of a high-toned weekly paper of sixteen pages, publshed in Toronto. Its treats upon the current topics and sentiments of the Dominion from a purely moral stand-point, and is not an advocate of the principles or doctrines of any parti- cular scct or denomination, but contains matter of great interest to all. It is just such a paper as should enter the home of every family in the Dominion. Price, $2 per anuum, in advance; sub- scriptions received at the HERALD book store. ..___._ BALLou’s MONTHLY [MAGAZINE son NOVEMBER. â€"-â€" Sparkling and bright, Witty and wise, instructive and interest- ing, is " Ballou’s Magazine for Novem- ber.” It has a spirited tale of adventure in China, quite a number of illustrated articles, and several excellent stories, the whole making the contents of this popu- lar magazine more select and interesting than any other serial in this country. It is brimnt of information, and just what is wanted in the family circle. But here is the list of contents, and our readers can see for themselves what a treat is before them 1â€"“ The Tichborne Case,” “Nice and the Pass of Tcnde;” “Ca- Robcrt Ridgeway . l l inoculations. ~_,_A blames, gradations. {. SIG-N OF THE TEA CHEST. Notice s HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- tion will be made at the next session of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. for an Act to amend the Act incorporating the Credit Valley Railway Company, to extend the pow» ers conferred on the said Company. to grant the right to build a branch from some point on the line of the said Railway to Fergus or Elem, and for other purposes. Dated this 10th day of October. A.D. 1871. W. H. BEATTY, Solicitor for the applicants. 'I‘oionlo, Oct. 12, 1871. 690-7 . JUST RECEIVED, A Fresh Stock 1 PETER S. GIBSON. ROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman. Special attention paid to preparing Plans. Specifications and Bills of Material for building Bridges and Culverts; also to preparing Porâ€" files and Estimates for Grading Hills. and Draughts for Patent Rights. ' Ollire at Willowdalo, Yonge Street, in the Township of York Orders by letter promptly attended to. October 4, 18(1. 6P9-2m OF ALL KINDS OF GROOERIES. TEAS THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED NORTH OF TORONTO; nine Beauties;” “ Indian Archipelago;” “ The Grotto of Ganges ;” “The City of Kazan, Russia,” “The Portuguese Man of “lair,” “ Elder Brewster’s Chaim” “ The Hcmigzile ;” “With what Measure ye Mcte ;” “Uncle Sam's Story,” “Janettc’s Hatred ;” “ The Lover’s Test,” “Light through Stone Wall;” “ Tragedy or Comedy?” " Two Thanksgiving Days ;” “ What they were â€"-Jacks or Pucksf‘ “ The Fate of Mr. Pilliwig;” “ Sketches of Travel in Caliâ€" fornia; “Miss Larkspur’s Diamond’s ,” Our Young Pezplc’s Story/Idlerâ€" “Gucss: or, The Son of a Politician,” “How we caught the golden Eagle,” “ Lula's \Vcdding j” rious Matters ;” “ The Housekeeper;” “Facts and Fascias,” “Our Picture Gallery; ” â€" Humorous Illustrations. Ballou’s Magazine is only 15 cents per copy, or $160 per year. Published by Tliomes & Talbot, 63 Congress Street, Boston; and we would remind our read- ers that now is the time to think of get- 1) ting up clubs for this popular magazine. RE A K E A S T. â€" EPP’S COCOA.â€" (iltA'l'liFUL AND CDMFOH'I‘ING- â€" " By a thorough knowledge of the n tural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a careful application r-f the fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, MI. Epps has pro- W losses on buildings owned in the city, $80,000; Methodist Church block,$100,000, Grace Clinrcli,$100,000; one Scandinavian and two German Churches, $150,000; amount of insurance considered good, $80,000. CINCINNATI, Oct. 23rd.â€"The Andes Inv Burance‘ Company, finding the losses in Chicago larger than reported, have resolved to pay all proper losses to call upon the .atOckholders for $500,000 to make good the capital and continue business. Several stockholders present at the meeting,r sub- scriben their proportion. CHICAGO, Oct. 23.-â€"â€"Thcrc is considerable exuitement over the killing of Col. Gros- venor by a sentry at Chicago Universily,and opinions differ as to the conduct of the sen try. It is evident that young,r Treat thought he was performing his duty. He is ayoung man of most excellent character, and the fatal shot. was his first efl‘ort to discharge a gun. The coroner commenced taking tes- timony yesterday. Prince Kassa is to be crowned Emperor of Abyssinio in October, first at Axum, and finest Gondar. Fevers seldom make an attack without warming, and may often be thrown off by soaking the feet in warm water, wrapping up warm in'bed, and taking two or three of Parsons’ Purgativc Pills. The forest fires in the neighbourhood of Chatham and Watford have been unusually destructive, owing to a drought extendingr 0ch aperiod of fully two months. The latter place had a desperate struggle Satur day night and Sunday with the all devour- ing flames, which were finally beaten off. The district between Chatham and Lake Erie is suffering severely from want of water. Latest advices from Venezula state that the revolution continues there in full vigour. AUCTION SALES. FRIDAY, Oct. 27.â€"Cash Sale of Village Lot vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which maysave us many heavy doctors’ bills.”â€" Civil Service (:‘uzctla, Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each packet is labelledâ€" ‘ JAMES EPPS Sc ’70., HomaapatbioClidmists.l.ondon." Alsonnakers and, other property at Headford, 2nd Con. Markham, the property of Mr. Francis Bowes. Sale at one o'clock I’.M. F. Button, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Oct. 31.â€"Credit Sale of valuable. property on lot No. 35, 2nd concession Vaughan, belonging to Mr. Sam’l Thomp- son. Sale to commence at II o’clock. A.M. Gormley A; Sanderson, auctioneers. ‘ THURSDAY, November 2.â€"Crcdit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements &c., on lot No. 16, 3rd Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Peter Rupert, Senr. Sale to begin atl P.M. J Gormley, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, November 3.â€"Crcdit Sale of farm stock, timber, &c., on lot No 10, 4th Con. Vaughan, belonging to Mr Christian Mus- selman. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sharp. Henry Smelsor, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, November 4.-~Credit Sale of Farm Stock, &c., on lot No 25, 5th Con. Vaughan, at Lynn’s hotel, Teston; belong- ing‘ to Mr John Thompson. o’clock P.M. Sale at one Henry Smclsor, auctioneer. ‘5' Parties having Sale Bills printed at this office, will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. Fourteen days is the time, in the opinion of the military authorities, for the Manitoba expedition to reach Fort Garry from Col- lingwood. Mr. James Hooper, master diver, went: the other day from Liverpool to Carnarvon The rebels retain possession of the seaportl Bay to “2" a new diving apparatus- He of Ciudad Bolivar, and have imposed a con- tribution of $100,000 on the inhabitants. From that. place they were marching on Barcelona. President Guzman Blanco was actively raising forces to quell the revolt, and had gone to Valencia to organize troops. His war steamers were assembling at Puei‘to Cabello,and large armaments were in course of preparation. It is anticipated that the campaign thus opened will be final and close the struggle. The prisons are crowded with political prisoners, and it is stated that the Government is disposed to rule with iron Sand. Went. down twenty six fathoms. It is the greatest depth that has ever been accomp‘ lished in England. A fire occurred on Sunday morning at Bradford. which has completely destroyed Messr’s. Thompson. Smith & Son’s new mill on the Holland River, a little south of the town. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary, and Detective NeWhall, of Toronto, is 110:1 there making enquiries. It is not long since that large ,barns, belonging to the same firm, were destroyed by fire. The damage dcne in the present instance will‘not be less than$25,000. ot' ,Epp’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa. and Condensed Milk.) 687-1y OF CANADA Change 01 time ORTHERN RAILWAY Richmond HillStalion. taking effect April 24, 1871 : Going North 8.04 A.M. . . . . .504 r M. Going South 9.34 A.Iu . . . . . . . . . . . . . “.09 m1. TORO NTO MA RKE'I‘S. Toronto. October ‘26. 1871, Flourâ€"Superfine . . . . . . . . . . . . S 5 50 FL) 5 0t) Spring Wheat, extra” 5 (it! {La 5 (if) Fancy . . . . . . . . ....... 5 70M?) 5 7:3 leirn.........-..... 59ll@ 500 Superior Extra . . . . . y, ‘3 25 (CD 6 3t) Oatmeal.... 45tl© 47.5 Cornmeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 35 ft? ‘1 54' Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131'0 @ I5 00 Wheatâ€"Spring . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 23 Q 1 25 Soulos and Ileihl. . .. I 32 ((3 1 33 Treadwcll . . . . . . . . . . l ‘28 (I? 1 30 Barley............. . . . . . ... 055ml 050 l’oase.......... Oats” “Charcoal,” “Cu- . Fattening Cattle. THE YORKSHIRE 0 AT T L E F E E D E R. .â€" ALWAYS 0N HAND! 15 recommended and Used by all First-class Stock Breeders THE BEST Throughout Europe and Canada. FAMILY FLOUR! Horses, Cows, Sheep and Pigs fed with the Yorkshire Cattle Feeder have always take" first prizes. It Fattms in Oneffourl/I the. usual time. Groceries, Provisions, WINES AND LIQUORS, We have iinmborless congatulary recom- mendations from Agricultural Societies for the benefit they have derived from its use in raising stodk. Price 25 cents and $l-00 per box, box contains 20 ‘ feeds. Prepared in Canada only by HUGH MILLER & CO., CHEMISTS, 167. King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists sud Storekeepers. . October 18, 1.571. (i91-tt’ AND CROCXERY, that will suit Purchasers. FEED SOLD. THE HIGHEST PRICE. Horses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY OIL I . Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry B U T T E R A N D E G G S for healing GIVEN FOR 111 Exchange for Goods. FRESH CUTS OR 0 D‘SORES. \ , ALEX. MOODIE. Sign of the Tea Chest. IIUGII M August 17. 18" Richmond Hill, Aug. ‘23. 1871. 6%? 683 a 1â€". p, AILS MADn UP T' mond Hill PostOfiico. Untilfurtbcr notice.the mail: will be closed at this office as follows : noRNING. #4»â€" THE RICH- gutmt guitarists, - Caution l ! Caution ! l l " ‘0 THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH Pnovthrzs or NORTH AMERICA. I beg must respectfully to acquaint the pub- lic of the Bl'ltlrll North American provi ces that in May, 187,1 caused the business «180 "‘“ ' Maiden Lane, New York. for the sale of Hot.- BRlTIS” MAlLS LOWAY’S I’Ii Ls AND UiN'rMifiNT. ‘Vlllcli were up Are CIOSEd M TOTOMO ‘5 {01101751 to that. time prepared by William Brown, now my Cunard mum every Monday” . 10:30 AM, deceased, to be closed. I regret to say that l Canadian mum every Thursday 10:00 1),”, have reason to know that the management of y _ _ , - late business had for some years. and III main S,SEE;XESfit‘ffidflgo1:35;“;3‘633 those hues m ways, been most corrupt. and it may be that the'l’ills and Ointment were not prepared with The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom We care I have always desirmy (via Quebec in summer, and Portland in win- Those who do not wish to be deceived by lel‘):l5 “0Wl‘l‘luced 1-0 6 cents 1’er i 0Z‘ weight buying spurious medicines, which are now If sent Vin New YOI‘k- It Will ll}? 8 01-5 I)” i 01 liker to emanate from the States or elsewhere. These Yates hPllly 0‘11."loin'cllm’uelwrsi lrsem but to possess themselves of the genuine HOL- lllll’al’l:Ol'II'Sl‘IfiCIelllll' Prepaid-“l5” “lube” I.OWAv’s PILLS AND OINTMENT, manufactured line of double the amonntot' deficientpostnge. by me in London, England, will do we” to M. TEEFY. Postmaster. see that each pot and box bears the British Richmond Hill, April 19, 1871. Government stamp on which is engraved the words “ HormowAY’s PILLS AND (lIN'rMEN'Iz.” and that the address on the label is 5.53 OXFORD List Of Letters Sinner, LONDON, where only they are manu- factured. and iii no other part of the world. REMAINING IN THE 'RICHMOND The retail prices are on the labc'sin British Hill PostOIficc. lst October. 1871: currency, and not in dollars and cents. Jones Geo c No representative of mine will ever travel Northern Mail. . . . .... . . . . .6230 A.M. Southern Mail. . . . . ... . . . n . . . .6:30 A.III. i-zvuxysc. Southern mail , . . . . . .....G:30 EM- N.B. REGISTERED Ln'n‘uns will require to be handed in 15 minules zégforc the time of closing. ‘ ' Allsopp John 7 - v r r v be British Provinces or I . , . H _ I ' tliIonLlr an) Jiait of} 3:281]: J‘Zno §:,,yl,$qH‘2,.':ilet the United States. either to sell. or to take {5,61, Jnlm Kem‘deDuncan orders for my Pills Ind Ointment, and as I mo‘wn (Came trad”) Klmck W J. have reason to believe that attempts will very probably be made to deceive the public in this way by persons calling on medicine vendors, falsely rel-resentingtbat they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent 1 demo it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such doc-options. I most earnestly entrant all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased. in the public interest. to c'on.municcte the pur- port of the some to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine HOLLO‘ Korswdl Charles Kerswell Mrs. C. H. Lvmburncr Mrs, R. II. Metcalf Tlios. Mcger Andrew Messnighnm Jamel McDonald Rachel Mollugli Mike (2) McNuir James McKinnon Miss S. A. McGillivray Duncan Molitosli Mrs. J. Bracken Rachel llnkci James Cliiford Mrs James Crcnon Patrick (2) Carnelian Letty Cbaswell James Cosgrove James Clark Emma t oii'wny 1“. Critteiiden Beiij. Chapman John Carrutli A Call Q'Examz'mfor Yourscl'ves. BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND / POSITIVELY THE GREATEST A d°llar Which will be Sold at Reasonable Prices on Richmond an" at coedings against such evil-doors. and I engage Is applicable to all seasons of the year, $qu amt filters. 1 . grip Gilliam, nu.» l . I WOULD SAY TO THOSE ,JUST RECEIVEDi That may be in want of AMI“: BOOTS 86 SHOES, S I G- N O F THAT THE [am not selling of an old stoic/c That has been in the shop for years but I offer you Fresh Goods Made this season. and A New and varied ‘ ASSORTMENT OF SPRING GOODS Consisting in part of. AT A LESS PRwE THAN OLD GOODS Scotch and Canadian T weeds CAN Iin Gu’i' IN runs TOWN. I i a, Cottonades, Gambroons, Denims,‘ Remember that Tickings, W: H . M Y E R 3 ’Neither Can nor Will be Undersold. .BLEACHED & FACTORY COTTONS.‘ _. A Nice Assortment of:- ‘ DRESS GOODS l: Prints. Plain and ancy Brilliantcs, Marsallas, dinghams, 6w , SPLENDID VALUE! Selling off) __.. Mourning Goods, Cobourgs, Craps, Clothl, Plain and Silk wove Lustrcs, with the BELOW COST LARGEST 65 MOST VARIED ALI. THIS MONTH L’l‘ moon or 'r. DOLMAGE’S. Gents’ Shirts, Ties, Cravats, Collars, Fronts. &c., on Richmond Hill. A SPLENDID ASSORTIVIEN'I‘ or Ladies” Gents’ and Children’s Seminar. ' Hosiery and Socks BARGAINS Evsn OFFERED is IN ALL SIZES. B O O T S & S H O E S , New Gloves, Parasols.” Laces, Small Wares and Fancy Goods, with a T.DOLMAGES. WELL SELECTED, STOCK OP Gents, Attention , GROCERIES vAND HARDWARE t I AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE Paints. Oils, Varnish. Window Glass in all Sizes, Which will be sold Your order for .W W For Cash or Short Credit, FINE FRENCH CALF BOOTS AS CHEAP AS ANY H0 USE IN THE TRADE. At ' 665~tf AT $5 PER PAIR. G. A. BARNARIPS. T. llOLMAGE. Rcbniond Hill. Excelsior Boot Maker. Richmond Hill, Aug.10,2871. Boll-11' Notice V HE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since be commenced business as a Beer AND Snot: lVlet:n,nIi Rich-nomiHiil, bogs to announce to them that he/has disposed of his business to his son'Ronnm‘ Siv1.n,jnn.. who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. ROBT. SIVER, Sen. In reference to the above the subscriber bogs I i i that he w‘ll g" e h' li stattent'o W. COX, Dumb”: o a mom ce I Iv is v. I n , . . - to business and will keep on hand a Select Rlchmond H'H’ Aug' 10! {871' gsl'tf' stock of Ready-Made Boots and Slices, suita- ‘ “r bio for the trade in the neighbourhood, and , , hopes to merittlio support of hisfather’s friends. Powell 5 Swmg Pumps ROBT. snvns. Jun, Richmond Hm, Feb. 9, isII. 655-tf ANUMBER OF THE ABOVE PUMPS; For Sale at less than half price. Apply to, ‘ ’ P. PHILLIPS, Pump Mailing, Richmond Hill, June 15, 1871. 673â€"6 Shingles! Shingles” QUANTITY OF SHINGLES FOR, A sale. Apply to ‘ .IOIIN HAMILTON. Elgin Mills, Sept. 21, 1871. 6874f For Sale, NUMBER OF THOROITGHâ€"BREQ Young Pigs at $1 each. Apply to ‘ FARI‘IERSy BOOT & SHOE STORE ()HN Burnoutâ€"MANUFACTURER and Dealer in all kinds of Boots and Shoes, 38 west Market Square. Toronto. 113’ Bootsnnd Slices made to Measure, of the Best .Vlaterialsand Workmaiisliiu, at the Lowest Romunerstiug Prices 'l‘oronto,l)cc, 3. 1867. STATIONERY or AI I. KINDS AT THE HERALD BOOK s'roniu .._._. ___.._.___. . flutter gulps, FANCY GOODS ron SALE, anAr A'I‘ Tun HERALD BOOK s'rouis. Butter. ~_~ FRESH BUTTER! ALL THE YEAR ROUND. WORK BOXES, ALL SIZES. AT THE HERALD Boo; Srouit. CONCERTINAS, WITH SELF ISNSI'BUCTDR, AT THE Great Improvement in Butter Making ! CHURNING OF HOURS HERALD BOO S 011:- Reduced to Minutes! K T P OCKE T BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT THIS It saves Time, Money é' Labor. This wholesome and inexpensive way of HERALD BOOK STORE MAKING BUTTER. l HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL & CLOTH BRUSHES AT THE -____A IT raccoons MORE BUTTER. HEW" 3°” Sm" GOLD runs, PEN HOLDERS s PENCIL CASES AT THE In summer it makes Butter Firmcr. keeps it sweat a longer time, and prevents it turning During autumn, winter and spring ,wlien cows are fed with Turnips, Mangolds, Rye .. I)”,de John McEVOy John (Q) WAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT, ' Hay .. . , . . , . . . . . ,. , _ _ _ _ , , Dunwn Jmnes Magnum," anes 1 would ask, as a great favor. that should It Straw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ , , 1‘2 11” (a) [5 no Dmmr Sawenis powml Lucy come to theknowledge of any poison that spu- I’otaloes. per bag. . . . . . . , . , _ , 071i (.3 U at) Danton Brow“ Russo“ Ernest c, (2) 10118 medicines are being‘ more or sold In'niy Apples, per barrel . , , , , , , , ___ 1 (m {a I 50 93150,, Mr, Russ David name, he be pleased to send me all the particu- Beef. by the Sid! . . . . . . . . . 0 (I5 {(3 0 m“, Uumw m,._ 8116:] VVimam Iars be can collect respecting the same. that Is Mutton, by he carcass . . . . . . . t) ()5 (a) 0 116 ESP“ Joseph Sisco Isaac to say. too name and address-of the vendor Poultryâ€"Geese . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 m) (l 6:) Gunfian Jane Tm-{Ur Charles who Is selling the spui'Ious medlcuies, and blip- Turkeya . _ . . . u , . _ , 0 5t) ((0 I ()0 “itching John Rev. 1.. Wamer Wise the nani‘o and adoress of the blouse in Chigkans, per pair ._ 0 35 (a) 0 4” Ha“. Mamba Wilson G. the United States, or elsewhere. which may Ducks, per pair . , w (l 50 @ u 60 Inamm John hove supplied them. so as. to enable me. for Porkâ€"Mess . . . . . . . . . . 15 5v ((3 16 ()0 b M_ TEEFY, P, M. the protection of the public, to institute pro- Bacoii 13% 13,83 to remuiicrate very handsomelybnv person Hamsâ€"Salted .. . . . . . . . . . 0 10 ((0 CT] P. 0. S A V1 N G S B A .N K. who may give me such Inforrnnnon. the Iii- Smoued , , , _ _ _ , , , U. 0 [2 (,3 0 13 I formani’s name never being divulged. . Dressed Hogs _ _ D _ _._ _ _ . _ 5 5t; {(3 5 50 RICHMOND I ‘2. POST thpuhli may pei'dsun .licselrezéson to behave 1' ~ ., , , ,, _ . , , , , , , . . . H , H (l » l at is ins esii eceive )y uying spurious liaisonâ€"lb itolls. V b) g 0 HILL _. ., O F F I C E' imitati‘pns of these] Medipiueg, luridwill do vyell rancid ' r " ‘ to sen me, in a ettcr, o t e a I‘css at not ' lr‘ggg Panked . ‘ . (1)) 2)) l); EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR: (OR (which he can do at a cost of six cents In post- ljried 0 In a) 0 (I8 3"." "1"“ ‘°"”“°lexf3°°d“lglm'ee llullflmd ago). one of the books of instructions which Salt ..................... .. ll 7!) f6?) 1 6n dl’llm's lll'al'ym‘“ d?l’“:'l°"-) W‘“ be rece'l’ed are affixed to the same. [promise to examine b , H wool ‘ _ _ _ _ A . . . N . . ' . I . i I 0 35 a, I, 40 at the Richmond Hill Inst Office, for which it and send a new)“ staung when,“ [he “ed-h n tei , WWIIâ€"Hard - - - . 6190(1) 6 25 Govemmem W'Hanow Illlhrest‘ cities are genuine or not, so that If spurious lie Soft .. . . . . . . . .. . . 4 00 [LE 4 25 Foiparticularsapply to may apply to the person from whom h « pur- M . 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster. “,fi‘ .VIR. TEEFY is Government Agent for lie sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALSO AGENT FOR THE Patent Eaveâ€"trough ND WA'I‘EItSPOUTS FOR THE DO- MINION, at $0 per 1110 leet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed ; Sap Buckets, Pails.CiderMil~ls, Washing Machi_iie=.ShiIigles MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Wag on Felines. and LumberSawedto order. ,, , FoIparticuln-saddress ' Ofiice hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.1d. JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, May 4,1869. 563-tf Stoam Mills/I‘Iiornhrill "â€" ' Tl‘lOl‘Illilll,NOV. 3, 1869. SID-.11: A B O JEWELRYI JEVVELRYI Riilway Guide and Five Cent Dominion Monthly for sale at the IF" 18°31.“ 91‘”?! 3‘ Te HF'l‘l'P. 9i"! ’ HERALD Boo; Stone. IIImAtD Boon Sronl. â€". 510., and occasionally eating Wild Garlic, giving an unpleasant flavor and bitterns~s to all of which is entirely remoyed by the use of this preparation. Cost of matevid only 15 cents for every 100 pounds of butter. Recipe sent tree of charge for 50 cents. Address. , WILLIAM MILLER dz. (0., Box 239, I‘oronto. AMPBELL’S PATENT MAGIC WIN: DOW CURTAIN FIXTURES. chased them to have his money refunded. Forsalc, Cheap. only 25 cts.,at the Chemists and Di'uggists who desire to ob- tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wlirlesale pricesin quantities of not less than $20 war II â€" V17... 8s. 6d , and 22s.. and 34s., per dozen boxes 01' Pills or pain of Ointment, nett, without discount, for which, ~ remittance must be sent in advance. ;_ JOB PRINTING I have the honor to be. Dune Nuutnud Quick at the Herald Office. HERALD 1309i; smug, 682-11 “J E T 0 L I N E J" The new and iunefl'acenblo Marking In}; {9; Cotton. linen, &c., for sale at the I ' Hymn: Boo! Snug. With great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 553, Oxford Street (late 244, Strand), London, W. C.,Sept. 1.1671. “87.6", ’s xns MALLOY A FOR SALE 1:" 1 Brews PUMPS ,FOR SALE 33' :- BRILLINGER LE ISURE HOUR" DANIEL HORNER, UN . M ’ Richmgz'fl ma Sundayst Home forJuue at Herald Book Store Lot 20: 2nd 60n_'M||’kllw 33°“de Hill" “11° u "68" 'fl' I

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