Finer: 15 C 1 Fur We at H10 “ERALL Bmk Stun-n, Ruchmoud Hill: BANNER (Hï¬uu Aurora‘: H. Wilson's Faun Smre. Markham; Weslevw Bonk Room. \ S Irving’s and M '7Shewr‘)’s. Toronto 1V1 Surgeons. Eugwnd. Resinl'ucn: North of Richmond Hill. npprmile Hm Elgin Hnnse, Allculls (night or dav) promptly amoude lo. \j s'troélï¬'l‘lmrnhill. Unusullmiuln in me ofï¬ce'm the .nnrumgs f 'l‘nnsdavs. Tlnnsdgva and Saturdavs. from 8 '9 in A M. ' “,f A-lleousnllalinns in the onion. "‘sh . ’!“\ot'll‘vi|l..lllv|ax 9.1865 1 mm: hwween T J. M†(hp Rev Jim» “Rubin and mllers. (in UN! York chnun during (m. months of JINy. Angus! and Se.) lem’mb'r. {80181. is aatlv printed in pamphku form. and worih a per" 3' S‘lns mulled mLIaflu-test noticemnd on iotsonnhlowrms. Ordais m1 1t“qu " lav-.16†1071-6 for Mr Cll’ter’survinos wiH be promptly attendedn 1J~ Uomnias ol Yur. cud I’KQI Ramona-4.01 3","!!! ti 1rd (301m Minn of Markham. 9.0, \-.Mru.<sâ€"â€"Uauuhulu- ?urlios mrlllriug Mr. smul-rsom’» 00~11vl ‘al nukou-mngemenlmt [In H rznAleflice, n Juliana-4. I555. 01 1.1 Commas n‘ Yark. real and Uulnrlo Residence, 1,018.61!) concession Markham‘ I’osULEcIâ€"Ununville. M HE POLEWH‘AL CORRF‘SPOVD ENC): hwween T J. M†(hp Rev Jmn n mum-1. m 5'6 Mr (H) may. \lsu [310012 fng and nlhnr anhn “mu-15d: Sap Ruikws Pails.(,illerMill:-. W whin “whim-e. Shiny-tr: Waggon Fellow. m: lmmher Sawedm order Foz‘parlicul rs MM: 5- IUENSED AUUTXQN'J’M FOR THE J O 2.0 e of Yurk {flux (.1 G Duurl~ ’- vulzi". 9, a), Adl'ars. Concord. (Hoar: prumpdy Inendod lo. lJ flatuuuul' lurk an! (on, C().h.;10ru| um“, ..;.:«uls, inc. Small clluxgas out! pllfll)‘ u do Funny Bills, Bdfllhess Unrds. Cumulus. L. s Forum. Bull Hands. Blank Chunks. D-o‘ - Blank Onion. Reeoipls. Lem-r Hudi. (Mum C-u‘ds, Pamphlets. large and Small Posters, and wary ullm‘ kind of aning mad. largo aldiliwne to the printing mail-rim. we are balm pr-porod “94‘ war in do [In neatesl. and must bomulul prmnog o! ovary duucx'lptiou. one your, ï¬rst insertion. . . . . . 5" Elch subsequent iusvrliun .. . . . . .. . . .. 2;) 2†inches wili b. considered on. column. Advnrtisemams withnut written directions inserted til| vomid and charged Accordingly. All transitory udverliso. out“, from strangers or irreyular cummners. must b. paid for when handed in for unveruon BOOK & JOB PRINTING - Ordors for uuy .I‘ the ï¬nd. rmentioud 0' d‘scripliou of Plain and Colored Job Work, Will bra promptly Mmudad lu: 0 on. 0110 inch. one year. . II'wo inches: on. ynar . .... . ..... . .. Tin-e. inches, one year . . . .. . .. . . . . . . Over lhree'invhaa'. un- ya r . . . . .. . . . Advutisemoulg for a sh her pernod Linn No paper discuuhnuvd until all urrearages are paid; and parties refusing papers without paying up. M“ be held accountath for [no subscription. All fetter: nddressod to the Edit" must be post-paid. ' 7 Twila-w: One Dollar per annum, in ad- Vauce; if not paid within Two Months. One Dql!nralld Fifgy Cnnls will he charged THE YORK HERALD will always by f‘nund lo contain the laws: and most impormnl Fweign and Lana! Nowe :mJ Markets, mud the greatest ear. will be ukun lo reudor iI m-c-wpmble to the. man of bu~:iues=s,nud a valuabIe Family Neyspnper. y H JOHN N REID, M.D., «on. our YONGE AND COLBORNE And dinpatchod to subscribars hv the earliest mail: or other conveyance. when so desired. (El): 190th ï¬stalh J srrv. RESIDENCEâ€"Adjoining Thornhih. oval, July'22.1:69. 575-1)‘ PUB _ ALEX.- SCOTT.- tiSHER AND PROPRIETOR 01? “Tu: You: HmuLu.†Elgin WHIN.JRI|IIHI'_\'1. 1870 Cheap Book :k Job Printng Establishment. hggkny. ,MII‘M‘ ‘3‘ I‘if‘ Concord, March 16, M70. Jnuo.‘27. 1S6? JOHN LANGS'V‘ \ Fl". > V Steam Mills,Thornhill mmhilllNoV. 3, .1869. 610-.“ .1353 D MOCONNELL II D., LRADUATE OF TORONTO UNIVER. ' JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUC'I‘KONEER FOR’I‘HE EDW. SQNDE‘S’HON, ICENSISD tUC'l‘IOTHEEIi 9'03! T3); Pater’lt EaVeJ-tmugh «ND \\'ATE:{QP()TTTS FOR. THE D0 F'c’x'HJIS iUPl‘O’ . JR, IC‘MNSEI) O UCTIONflEfl. [OR THE Hfliï¬ï¬x SIELSOH, ICENSED AUCTIONEEE FOR THE 3110th at gmdicim. DR. HOSTETTER, EMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE VOL. XIII, N O. 23. Orncr -Yonms Sr. RICHMOND HILL. LET'I‘J'JR-PR PISS PENN I‘lfflG. To Controversialists. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Terms: $1 per annum in advance. ADVERTISIN G- RATES ESTABLISHMENT. @xwtiamm “TH: You: HERALD.†IE. FIS H ER. THE HERALD IS PUBLISHED PER INCH. 3.43' ()0 5n To Lhasa whn have favored him with the†patronagein the past ha return“ his sincere thanks. and lo Lhuso wlm mm‘ do so in the l'u- Iuro, he would say that no Jenvurun his part wiHIJe wanting 1,0 :rwettlwn approval. lhzr‘mamcm -â€"Tlm"nllowinggaumrmmman, 'vitlmonï¬dmme recommend G. H Huslmml In allreqniring “0"an Hid: l’I' Reid,’l‘hornhi!l: Dr B'IH. Weston: i)r. D’vayn, Burwicu', Dr. Curmn, Brampton. ersllmxclc -â€"-'{‘hurnhill. Thurmin Sepkember 17,1868. 1v G. H. H.. Having hid over lintqu 'I’EAus’ PRACI‘ICE.ree?b mnï¬dnutof 5i ving omiru salvis. fuvlion. ‘ m U rpm-.H'ully to Announce that he will he at Unimwille. . . . Isl ‘vlonday 0 {each month, \Vosu-u . . BLh day N Kline-burg . 1 HM: U Bun-wick . .L’z’ml " Sunrbura' . . . .231'd " Where he will H5 m'epm-ed and mosthappy tn Wnil omlmse who may require hisservions. Team Hit] :11 such a mnnnoy as to mesosvu them frnu I'ux [hm- drovv. Temh Ixh-r-md wnh vhnl o :t pui‘bl! pain, and esuncia. an» unon [mm to lu! .ogufation 0| Chlllhcn“ "HI Chart!“ Mndn'ue, aid worl I arraumd to givt su union. All It zovscdnr-ssed to Aaron will use pl‘nmpi oubuliou. (“ousisl of high’v inslrumivn and onmrtainimy ~10-‘i9s. which ars- dflgll! inhlrrsilng a wr-l’ m: inuwusxva ol' 31m pinch)!†M lm'npvvrmica 1nd soh iety, Buwdvs u largu number 111' the Killq....................lsl ofOlcllxmeflI Rmhnnud Hiâ€...........51h “ Newuurliï¬l..............l!)1h “ Aumu..................15Â¥h. " T0011] hum-ml in l'np mou huproved Myles, on (:‘WM. SIIVH‘. Vuicqu'm d. 9.3m)!“ CIA Al luminun Base ~mrie<. shew m-u- bucks 0 he s and ()mnpi‘l‘d (Emu su ,rm' and moral which 0 mum b» canltm’n led b\‘ lngi" of the mndemxe drmkm: CATALOGUE on application at the I r 3". A ' 1) Arr to Dr .‘lHi-n, Unulm, (1‘3" I'urmu'u.) rmp-un'uk‘y ounounces that in mi“ visit the failuwing plat ps,(Sun- (‘1 14's excuntad). where he will attend [(1 Dan- tistry in I.†its branches: Killq....................lsl OfOlch month R.thth Hiâ€...........51h " Newuurlifl. . . ... . . . . . . . .llhh It Aumu. . . .. ...“..Iélh. I! Temperance Works. SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE PUBLICATIONS' “’3‘ Phys ,ians l’mscripl-ons carefully cnm~ pounded. and all ordexs alleudod to wnh care mu] despnlcha Farmers and I-hvsziciansfrnm lhe counirv will ï¬nd oursmck "f Medicines commuteâ€"wan Int- ud gomï¬ueâ€"uud oflhu best quality. R. E. wa. (NHHMIST AND DRUGGIST, mun ". / unn‘ll nn [H Groceries,Wim-s and Liquor s.Tl'.nI‘uhi I. By Ruyul Laucrs walnnllu has been uppunted 1957!.†of Marriage LCcusns. Thronhill. Feb. '16, 1868. - s in tlm Has 01‘ Elihu-0ran Drs. P. 01344 R. Wlllh! in NW (UHavyho plu, s Pll‘g In} It, 'r-xlrant mull» t id! hi, !:9\\' 'gvptrml'. All whq:npm\1iu.0v1l Ulnniuir) performed“: a 'nrkmuuï¬lu mumerzâ€" ten-mm. H. €1h,l‘:|1-ad'2‘hrlu. Huh menu» Vvvm‘vkn ....... ‘ Kichnw-IKI Ki“ . “LAM. L†i‘nr'uhl»! ..... X ’ Mon: OIL!“ Phpic‘ous :I‘Oscrhlioos cquully prqrox'en Richmond Hill, Dec.1. 1809. 594-1? NV' 'I'oevh willuml t'om. by [I e use of )thnr \‘pr ‘. which nffecls 1hr mmh only . ‘l‘ha Imnh ,n. ._.|I|| qnmnndnm Mom-In. Insmmihlr huh Lllihaxmrlwl mane} Oman [1:0 louih can be etheur! 0 11h no ppm and drum. ht. Mn, I‘m um 23er a V‘vm‘vkfl ......- ‘0? ‘ Kichnuvnl Ki“ ........ ’ {-031 \11.).nc:i._...........-"l i‘nr".hl»1............. . “'d " “uni. H ........... "‘h " Rn Iznk 2 ill †.0,“ 'n u u... .--- Hwe mmer to their new and commndinus building on lhr; cnrner of Yonge and CHm-t- St. East, and would r1 turn lhniv Ihanks lu lha pxlhTic for past palrouaga, hoping :0 "writ a continuance of the s'nne. They have granny unlarged their old stock and have now on hand a good assortment of Drugs. Paints. Perfumery. Chemicals, Oils, ToiletSuups. Medicinvs, Varnishes. Fancy .miclos Dye Suxflk. Patr‘nt Medicines. and all olhez‘ articles kepx bv Drnqgins generally. JI-‘FICLLâ€"Cm-xmr 0F \lhm‘! cud Yong. Sta , I‘nrnum (oppoiv‘w the Grown lush Hum, (war 9» Law .al’s (ii-oanry Stare. ' ï¬t ivwid .uuutiou paid Loan prtsexnlion .H‘ Um naturol X'ath. lr'f“. . U 11.x. “ECTEW METHOD OF EXTRACTING Q'? l".()U1‘ ENIEQNGXRING TR! [APE Nilrulw “1&4 \Drora 1 April 2.4. Aurom. Mny '25. 1870. J‘xzurv L... 18‘ I. Richmond Hill. Nov.‘25,1569 d '(hb' 'gp. PROPIUETORS OF THE RICHMOND HIM. DRUG STORF THOMAS CARR, {EALER [N DRUGS. MEDICINES, WM. ALLINGLI '04 LILS QURGSUN DENTIST, G. H HUSBAND: L D S. anENTIST, BEGS MOST RE w. H. CANNON, L 138, lax “ENTIST, (LATE ASSIST. 23* k. ROBINSOIY‘S, L.!.3., H. SANDERSON & SONS, HERALD BOOK STORE. ï¬mggiï¬tï¬, REMOVAL. flmï¬iég. 1870 w... ALLI‘I. d \M, II (I 7‘ II 'I II "xh u _ 'guh “ C lye on hand .1 A. c s and nryuumuh moraine hmmrv. led bv l'w able»! 61‘-Iy l“ w i C I 0 (HO-1! 5.13. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1871 l punIiv will ï¬nd lint rim: argumnuri nu Illll. uhou Houw o ! - I‘H‘a. Timu- 0:1 Px‘onsive tumbleumumd. mm lam! oaveuud shows. Au auemive and uhliging husth-r HALL nF Tm: Asxnru-n-N 3’4 King Street East. 'l'm‘nnloi To Pars-Ms. Guardians. Pastors. and olhm‘s wh-uw (5mm, Ward m- i‘riqmds may be. leaving home for rendencn n the City 0! anuiltu: 'l‘lie Yuung Men’s Christian Assm-mtion of 'l‘urnmo announce ill-1! flu }' have a (Iumvmuea fnr lhu unrpnsu of show ing linalwss lu Young Men wh“ are strangers, and landing then: under religenus influences. II is ruquï¬slnd that all who dPsiI'e [he un-opera inn of this Committee WI†swd the nnnws' nrd :u'drns~t~s ol‘ Young Men about In rmnove to 'l‘munlo. in \vhnn- llwv are inwreqed‘ by t3 e per un him selfil' pnsriihie ()1 [w W‘s" wiih ‘nch particu- larsnl‘ vharacler as they may deem pinpni JNn MAmmNALn, Tues. J WHKm. i’l‘nsitli III. So Univ. ’ ‘HIS ASSOPIATTUN HAS TRANS- lua‘rm‘ chm Linn-nu Inlize' UrnuJ I’mnu Stare. whan Sincklmlrlvrr am' nlï¬â€˜er.‘ mm procure Books every Friday aftnl‘lmun‘ ' ()n‘u‘r: ‘10 74. KingSuT-OI Hast,’l'mbvt(v o'cl tho 13031.; an Bonk «mum. ()nvm SH'Q'L C JON. HUGG\N .. 'l‘uru lln I). l - allkinnunf‘annm-;ts.I‘Ie!Jsluv:-NI Canvlll\_610'llilt. my Stuck Illli Prion M for mru' Ming alsewharu; us you willï¬nd i1 (1 §our int-rest. DEALER IN FINE (INLD A?!“ SIL wr Wuches. JeweJr), &c., “3 Yongr» Smut. I‘oruulo FARMERS AND TRAVELLING RFN‘IDENChâ€"Nflnl‘l} apposilot he ["51 Uï¬ice Rich .uunu Hi“. The suhsm-ilmrs are now manufacturing a large number of the above: and, having in~ creased Incnlirioas fur Nepal-\ng 1h. lumber, can supply I†‘rders prumpiiy. Farmers will consult Ihelr own interest by examining our Mi“ bul'oro Inning plsrwlmnu as we foe! conï¬dent tlmv mil be <alislied nut Machines“. noLsurpassod if equalled. A. «KL W. WILS( N. WILLI 0.M M I LLO I, glARRIS’I'ER, ATTORNEY. SOLTCI BEST FANNING MILL ! ‘ nd. hovin rocuntly hecu Improv-d, the sub scribers have awry conï¬dence in its sup-rior merit. Whonover shown. andure pronounced by com peleutjndgcs as being m. THESE MILLS HAVE Stood the test of Competition .’ AT ALL THE ' I’Rovmcur. Exmsrnoxs & COUNTY FAIRS, FANNING MILL! RING‘VUOD MAR BLE “YORKS. L) WIDEMAN. MA‘NUF‘AC’I‘URER m ‘VILSONS’ IMPROVED DOUBLE ACTION J. N BLA‘E’E. ,E‘ARRISTSR, CONVEYANCER, 5.0 5:)7 THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘AgmAGE A:\‘D WAGON MAKER, {mawnud Snm. Sepumher 5.’ "7| JOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO DUGGiN . fnzrvas, ,wARRISTElH. AT'I‘OHNEYS-AT LAW (EL' Issuer of Marriage Liegnses. Toruo'o. Dem-uth L’. 1P09 Richmond Hill,Aug. 27, W71 2†1nd 217 You‘re Sun-m. anomo LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL Undermlier, Sic 1 on in Ullrlcery, Cunnynnt . a Soliuxlum in ChIHC‘PI‘Y Emmi;th gimmz‘i. U MARRIAGE LICENSES GREEN BUSH HOTEL, Manufactured in Lanach ; -â€"l‘rovincual In: mum. .nce Buildings Wiï¬seuzmmuï¬, u gunning "gum, J SEGS" 33TH, “gnaw (Flam, RICHMOND HILL. J. L. PARKER. Proprietor 24.1868 A. SCOTT, Librarian. AD" . MDZVII~t.J' \‘OHUH‘I 540 IV 68$ 497 All orders From a. distancepromptl) “landed to. and mfliciuesseuuo any parlo .lhe Prov vium . V dlwle of Tmmnm Vutm‘inal'V College. ('nrnernt Yongo and Contra SI. Eaezt. Rich- nmnd Hill, beg,“ In announce to the pnhlicihal m- 13 now nrm'uning with H. SAnmmson. of :he mm. . laco, \\'|lm'(-lhe_\' ma) ba cnm‘uhing dn Iwr<o . 1V or by letter, on all diseases 0 Mars ‘ (‘mtlcn 8:0. Nlmnmmzsur “VICKY DH. :mP‘rmN fo r Nurses and (IMHO alwm‘s on hann‘: such as l’h_ 'ic. Diuretic. Cordial. 'l'ouic, Cough. (Innditiou and Worm Balls and Powders, l‘he Cough Balls have been found mos! servicealflu in ullm‘iating mme of the dislresxing symp- toms of Brnkenwind or “nave: in Hest (30! Draughls. Linimenls for Sore Thl‘lh'ltc, Sprains. Curb. Spnvin Hing-hone, «Vac Br . t m-ing Oiunnouts, I'FO Ugofund Healing ()inl- ments. Lolinlls for wounds. Bruism, Saddle Gulls, lnfall‘lble Oil and Sheep Tick Des: n'oyer. Horrros examined as to 801111 0955 also lmugghv 2nd Sold on com mission. Richmond Hi". Apri'QH, 17368 50] The power nf arms-ling drsease disp‘ayvd by Lhi» pr: paratiun is hvuurnbL' acknowledged h ' In. umleiva‘ {Hou‘rty m every section when-n it lune bran introduced: and he rapidly invreasv mg sale is Ihe has! gum‘antw o" the: estimation in which it is hle by His public, The Swup will cule [’u’mum-y Consump- mm in llle ï¬rst and sncom stnge- - will give “BART. ImrAL A"|' Gmmnu. PAKA' ver Ar/Io'nirl 01' Loss q)" Vnimz I: will cme Leu I'OI'HTB’I. Chlv-nwi“. wzemil. and restores the Mood m puritv and health. real rPI'ef and nrolougg lib Ill the thi 1i.)- I: will ('urn Asthma, Bl‘nm/Iitis, Lu'rg/ngitis. (Tnuglls. Colds. It will em» all d|>ea<€s uri~ gma'inq from want u.“ MrsuLAR ACTION and NEIWv-us anrm such in Enl‘urgn-meul M' the l IVFR. Enlarge-mam of'Llep/LHI. Dyspepsia. In‘irkvls. Fpel‘lr- and Ural-liar A 'on 01 [he FELLOWS’ COMPOUND SYRUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. ‘4 o yum] mick C(‘Hko‘l' H‘Pult‘d Ihvwnn. {hunwa on Uri (‘vnmr of Yonga and (Tent?! “'1' Its. in l9 I vi'lugr- of Kinhmund Hill. Fur umher pariiuuhrï¬ Enquire nf "Win! lhe roar huh nf Lo! NC. 95‘ in the Qnd Con . Vnugh An. 3“ Marc. vile: Id. the tenant Jar liulhvlqd rxh vnhaw '- pine. Pt)"1t~l‘!lw and «lhtzr im-lmvtion ipply to 11;! 'yt’lll'f ou th- praun‘v'4 (-‘JDVMN 3.9.1)? SIKINGLE FACTORY I 63 ACRES ON LOT 30. 50. REAR OF New Richmond Hill. 'I‘ha land is all clear, uud in 0 good Mu t of cultlonliun. 'l'IKre is on th- ,nremisee It ï¬rst claw Dwelling House. L‘Orus. Mablcs. L\c. There is also on this pro- :IoIlYa S A XV 1\( I L L 0f valuable land, 72 acres cleared in a high mam of (:llllivatlon. the ramainde: he WF‘ll tim- ‘zmred wi‘h pine and hardwoexd : them is on [he p'avnisw a good frame house, with stone crllar. a kitchen and woodshed nearly new, a large flame burn 39x75 neaer new.slable,sheds, and root house compiom, two never-failing springs 04' water. so cistern, and a thriving 01‘- wlmrd 9 avros of wheat in the ground. This Farm is beautifully Situated. Fouling on Ynngo Si eel onlv 4% miles from King; .xtu ion. North- i-rn Railway. and 15‘; from llm thriving village "1' “ll'hlllnlld [llll.l(‘l)ll|lllll169 walk to church. wluml honsemntl saw-mill. 'l‘rrm: lunsvu‘rmw. Terme easv l’nsxesslml immediaiolv. No nl-j'eclion to exchange fora larger farm in u synod lowlity. Fol further purliculurs apply :0 the ownor on (he promises. JOHN BROWN. Richmond Hill I’. O. Vaughan. Sept ‘27. 1871. (588 G FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. Q»i|lm ad on lot 1V0 716,52nd Gnu Markbom :H‘M' H thmtnd Hm Apnh (2.. IL. p701lli-!s|- (a 3000 10 min.- ord-r. The Subscribur ofl'ers for sxlo fl]. following *3 sale. being purl of’ 1.0: 59. in the 15'. con cession of the Q PL_E N DID WHEATA FARMV FOR EL'OR Six-LE OR TO RENT. SOuD BY A I’()""'FEV(7A RIES, Priv‘e. N50: sum-$7 50 JAMES l. PILLOWS, Chemist. 4-. Sb John, N. B: Richmond Hill. May 11. 1571 HAY“) .EYE9, Jun. Mnrhl‘cm, 1‘! \y 13, lb7i. 'Gï¬ti»6m ulmzox 3.3.0? Vumlltu, Aug 25, mm. (585 TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, All. NE W MAORI’ERY, ALF AN ACRE OF LAND, WITH J. H. SANDERSON, E 'l‘ E RI N A RY SURGEON, GRA VALUABLZ PROPERTIES, A suns, inc-Inm- AND N Flï¬b’r‘ntTl‘l Rum (.- UnmzR. gmp‘erw far @119. CONTAINING EIGH'I'Y ACRES 100 ACRES, Isl" .CON YAUG H AN. Farm for Salo- ,ctmfitmrgg, J.\S. M I‘A WRENCH. For Sale. NAIELY: WITH (5834f U lsaid, was pope and sovereign. No one ‘questionr‘d his authority; no one disere» dited his divine inission. He guided and advised the people in their earthly as well as spiritual affairs. There was naught to molest or make them afraid; for they felt that they were guarded by the ï¬ends of the desert, the angels of the mountains, the word of the Prophet and the spirit of the Lord. Joseph Smith, the original Founder of their faith. 1 had been murdered; they had sufferedl persecutions in Missouri and Illinois, had I been driven from Nuuvno, where thev] had seen their ï¬rst temple destroyed. and I had time and again been threatened \vith‘I utter extermination by ï¬re and sword.l But now at last when they had got tol Utah, they realized that the time of their! suffering had passed, and believed that? the Millennium 0F the " Saints†was apl preaching. Had it not been'pmmised by “Joseph?†Did they not see its preternzal signs? Were they not. enjoy- ‘ ing its golden dawn? Sneh Were for, years the feelings of' the Mormons, and thus did they rejnice in their possession of the “land of Canaan.†Fanatics; And may he bless the farmer’s home, Where peace and plenty reign! > No happier spot ’nealh heaven’s high dome Duh this bromibeameous enrlh contain, Than where. secure from earlth strife, The Palmer leads his peacot'ui life. quexed by toil and tricks for gain H0 turns the fertiie mould; Then scatters on the golden grain, Then weallh of fruit in golden showers; Like pomcgmnates on Aaron’s rod, A miracle from Nature’s God. And reaps reward a hundred fold, He dwells where grace and beauty charm, For God has blessed Iris hOpe and flu-m. By evening breeze or summer showers; God bless them all, each Ienf’s a. gem In Nature’s gorgeous diadem. The orchards that in early spring Blush rich with fragrant flowers, And with each autumn surely bring God bless the meadow field and nook, Begrimed with fairest flowers, And evr-ry leaf thax’s gently shook Can earn an honest livelihood I Can from the course and fertile soil Win back a. recompense for toil. God bless the farmâ€"411i: dear old farm! God bless it every rood, Where willing heart: and sturdy arms The downfall of Mormonism. God Bless the Farm. §£lvmiwï¬o 959mm). Tt is under these formidable circum- stances that Mormonism, or rather poly- gamy, which Ydungdéclures to be the eesentral _feature of Mormonism, is now tn the ï¬rst place, the Pacific Railroad was built, and this brought Utah, which had previously been so far away, within four days’ travel of' New York, and ena- bled the Government to transport its troops, and exercise its power there, with facility. In the second place, great dis- coveries of gold. silver and lead were made in the territory of' Utah, and this attracted there tens of thousands of" unbelieving miners, who were bitterly opposed to Mormonism. lo the third place, there arose a schism among the Mormons themselves, and several of' their leadingr tnen took ground against poly- gamy, and called upon the Government: to defend them against the power of Brigham Young. 4 In the fourth place, the Gentile population. now grown power- ‘, fol, began to assert their rights in the administration of political altars. In t the ï¬Fth place, President Grant ap-I pointed new Federal judges in Utah, who were directed to enl'nrce the laws against polygamy, and are now supported in their: authority by a considerable force of" United Stutt-s troops. I it is under these formidable clrcum-' stances that Mormonism, or rather poly- gamy, which Young declares to he the essentral feature of Mormonism, is now, lernment. Ind replaced it on the table, while all the rest stepped over it or shoved it aside; and he waited quietly for his turn, instead if pushing and crowdi lg. showing that he was honest and orderly. When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were well brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk; and when he wrote his name I noticed that his nails were clean instead of hemp; tipped with jet, like the handsome little in the blue jacket, Don‘t you call these letters of‘ recommendation ? I do, and would give more for what I can tell you about a boy using my eyes ten minutes than all the letters he can bring; l'ellow’s me.†Through the exile of Chiselhurst may con-y sider the present Government of France weak and ineï¬'icient, there is no prospect of n repetition ofthe mad attempt at Boulognai' He is rather disposed to maintain, in a dig-i uiï¬ed way, his rights as the legitimate ruler," and is co» tent with the expressing the opiate ion that France should be allowed todacidd by aplebz'scite the future form of, her Gov? He apparently clings to the idea. th t he is still popular with the military and, the rural population. The tax-Emperor do“ nies the truth of the report of conspiracies ' and inter tied descents on the coast of France and means to use I only peaceful methodl to, regain the thmnw . . ‘ v It was not long after the Mormons had establislnd themselves in Utah. that Brigham Young proclaimed that he had received a special “ revelation" requiring him to promulgate the doctrine of poly- gamy, and institute it as a social practice among his people. The Mormons in Utah and in other parts ot‘ the world were startled at this announcement, and for several years the Mormon missionaries in the different countries in Europe either denied the authenticity ot‘ the reports concerning.r the matter, or attempted to explain away the revelation by saying it had reference only to “spiritu lH wives in a ‘ Spiritual" sense. But Young im- mediately took unto himself many wives, and soon was the father of many child- ren, after the manner of men ; the bishops and other dignitaries of' his religion followed his example7 by his di- rect command; and before long, pu'y gamy was a leading feature or" the Mormon system. carried out practically by all‘ who desired to maintain their standing in the Mormon Church. When the American people realized the fact that this demoralizing Oriental “institution†had been established on American territory under thejnri3diction of the American Government. there was a widespread agitation against. it. It. became a political question. As far back as 1856. when the Republican party was fortned, and Fremont was put forward as its Presidental candidate, a " plank†was introduced into the " plat formH of the pu‘ty. denouncing polygamy us :1 “relic of barbarism,†and calling upon the Govermneut to take measures for its extirpation. Bills were passed against it. by Congress, and in 1858 a small military expedition was sent across the plains te‘ Utah. to assert the au- thority of the Government; and enforce its laws. But the expedition met with insurmountable difï¬culties, and in a few months it ended in failure. Brigham Youngr was more deï¬ant thzin ever, and the Mormons felt, that they had gained a. permanent triumph over the armies of the unbelieving: “ Gentiles.†Bzf'orc any further steps could be taken against poly- gamy, the L‘Xmericun Government found itself involved in the great war of Seces- sion, which was Followed by the troubles of' “reconstruction,†only terminated; and, under these circumstances the Morr mons enjoyed ten years more of safety and security. But within the last two years, a series of' events have occurred which have brought the Mormon ques. Lion again to the front, and under which its destruction is now approaching. But now the end of' the prophet’s power has come, and the destruction of Mormonism is at hand. Brigham Young is under arrest by the ofï¬cers 0f the United States Government, in pr» paration for his trial For polygamy; his dominion is in control of the enemy; Federal troops hold his people in awe; sehismaties have appeared in the Morr mon ranks; “Gentiles†are rushing to Utah by the ten thousand; and it is now_ evident that the Mormon system can be SuVed, as the Pope of Rome lately said of himself, “0an by a miracle.†to a painful degree; victims of deception and fraud they were beyond doubt; subjects of' :1 relentless despotism, eccle- siastical and civil they wow, it: must he confessed; yet they worked and sang from year 10 your, and were inspired by an enthusiasm that knew no bounds. they were assuredly; ignorant they were There are nearly a hundred thousand Mormons in the United States, seven- eights of whom are iuUtah; and it is estimated that there are about 21 hundred thousand more in other parts of the world; mostly in the countries of, Northern Elm rope. Their recruits are from the poorest, } most ignorant part. of the population, and they are a people easily deceived and ï¬led by the cunning “ prophets" who have' gained authority over them. Brigham ‘Young himself is new a man of over lseventy years of age, but he is posseased of remarkable powers of body and mind; {He is audacious, astute, and dictatorial. '3 He entertains the most practical view of 'things, and has amassed an enormous fortune by speculations in real estate, by prosecuting public works, and under the Mormon system of “ tithes.†It is‘ ‘generally believed that he has as many l as sixty wives in his great. harem in Salt lLuke City; but it appears by the indict-' \ went under which he is to bc'tried, that lhe is accused of: lewdly and licentig‘xy ly cohabiting with sixteen difl‘erent women.†The bishops and other oï¬icers of the Church are possessed of from Four to twelve wives each, and all good Mormons are required to have at least two or three. “ You are mistaken,†said the gentle: man, " he has a great many. He wiped his feet when he came in, and shut the door after him, showing that he was care- ful; he gave up his seat to that old lame man, showing that he was thoughtful; ‘ he tool: off his hot when he came in, and answered my questions promptly and re- spectfully, showing that he was polite and gentlemanly; he picked up the book which I had purposely laid on the floor. Ind replaced it on the table, while all the rest stepped ever it or shoved it aside; and he waited quietly for his turn, instead if pushing and crowdi ig. showing that he was honest and orderly. When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were well brushed, his hair in nice order, and his teeth as white as milk; and when he wrote his name I noticed that, his nails were clean instead of hemp; iippod with jet, like the handsome little l'ellow’s in the blue jacket, Don't you“ call these letters of‘ recommendation ? I‘ do, and would give more for what I can tell you about a boy using my eyes ten‘ minutes than all the letters he can bring.) me.†A gentleman adveftised for a boy to help him in his ofï¬ce, and nearly ï¬fty applicants presented. themselves. Out of the whole number he in a short tima selected one and dismissed the rest. “ I should like to know,†said afriend “on What ground you selected that boy who had not a single recommendation." We are glad that this demoralizing “ institution†is at last to be destroyed. It has long been a disgrace to the‘ country, an outrage upon society, Hi scandal to decency, and an insult to‘ Christianity. The Mormons are of course very much agitated, and have threatened resistance but the forces against them are too great, and they will be compelled to succumb; If Young is condemned, for his poly- gamie practices, of course all polygamists will suffer similar condemnation. Thus the abominable system will assuredly be now broken up. Mormonism will dou‘btli less exist after the legal and practical abolition of pologamy, but it will be shorn of its most notorious and degrading feature. As a. system of Faith, the Government cannot interfere with it, for all religions are guaranteed protection and security by the American Constitu- tion. But the enforcement of the law, the growing power of the Gentiles. the spread of' the schism, and the destruc- (ion of the political authority of the Mormon rulers, must utterly destroy the assumptions which the Mormons have put» forward during the last twenty years: assailed. It is' in this state of things that the warrant was issued on Monday Oct.[2ud,f‘or the arrest of Brigham Young, who is to be brought to trial for hit offences against the laws. PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE ON Yours» ST. RICHMOND HILL. - Terms: One Dollar per Ann-um in Aiivand. Letters of Ee‘commendation‘.‘ Issued Weekly 611 Friday Morning. “THE YORK HERALD-g5" ALEX; SCOTT, PROPRIETOR. WHOLE N O. 693: