Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Nov 1871, p. 2

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JOBBING.-â€"In future all work done in the jobbing department of this office must be paid for when delivered. This means business. @119 (mm Swami The monthly fair held in this place on Wednesday last, gave qnite a stirring aspect to the town. A considerable amount of business was done in buying and selling cattle, 82c. The minutes of the meeting of the Yongo Street Sabbath School Teachers’ Association, held on Monday lust.,a1'c unavoidably crowded out of this issue; they will appear in our next. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€"The gen- tlemen forming the Library Committee oftlic Mechanics’ Institute, are requested to meet at Mr. Lawrence’s office, on Monday evening next, at 7:30 o’clock. A LARGE CROPâ€"Mr. John Duncan, an enterprising: farmer, residing about a mile and a half to the south of Richmond Hill, on Yonge Street, thrashed out the produce of eight acres of Treudwell Wheat :1 week 01‘ two ago; and he informs us that the return was 353 bushels :md 27 lbs by weight, a little over 44 bushels and 10 lbs to the acrb. Tom! deposits 1n Bank to Oct. 31 9334, 1181 00 De posits dmiu r month of Oct. . 759 00 Withdxawals m Octubex ....... 896 31 P. O. SAVINGS’ BANK STATEMENT. â€"â€"The following is a statement of the transactions in the Richmond Hill Post Office Savings Bank up to 3lbt October, 1871 : A young man named BurnoLt,a brakes- man on the Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway, met with a horrible death on Tuesday evening last, Oct. 31, at “’oodâ€" bridge. It seems that he was engaged in coupling cars on the train going west, when his foot slipped and the whole pas- senger train passed over his body. The unfortunate man only lived three minutes after the sad occurrence. THE HIGH SCHOOLâ€"At a meeting of the Board of School Trustees, held in the school house on Wednesday even- ing last, they selected Mr. James Urozier, B.A. (who has taken honors in, and is a graduate of' Toronto University) as Head Master. Mr. 0. comes amongst us with excellent testimonials; he is a Canadian by birth and education, and is therefore, we doubt not, qu.ilified to teach the course of studies required in our High School. Theinstitutiou will be reopened on Monday next, the 6th inst, at nine A.M, and we trust that the late pupils and many more new ones will avail them- selves of the oppourtunity. THE CHICAGO FIREâ€"Among the many theories set forth to account for the rapid spread of the Chicago fire, there is one that the stone of' which a large number of' the buildings were con- strueted was oil-bearing. ‘A writer in Chambers’ Journal, published a few weeks previous to the fire, speaks of it in the following: language: “ Where does petrolerm come from ? is nqnesiion which l1 1s excited much discus- sion 111110111: Neulnnri $13 in America. Dr. Sterry Hunt, 11118 5., (11' Montreal answers, that while certain lime‘mne 1111011 11111111 the United Slates are 51111111111)volei1e11>us 11.1 1111 present. it seems 1111 .11hilosri1 ‘11i1111 to be 111i] elsewhere l'111 the 11111in of the 1111 or 111 i111 agine i111; l11-1l12.1'sc1l‘11v some unexplained prorefis l'i'nm 1'11"lis \1l11111 1110 (leslnnle 111' the substance. In the neighbnnrheorl 111' Chicago there are enormous deposits of this Oil healing limestone 1 some 111' the houses in the oil" 1110 built ol' it, 11111] :Ll'ler 11 while present 11 smenry 111111e111'2111e1e from. ex111l111i11n of the oil. The lCilbL thickness 111‘ 11111 mass is thirty five (1-121. 21nd it. l111s been :slimnlen’ from expr 'iment H1111 meli sqnure mile 01 it Contains seven 11.1111 three-quarter millinn barrels. “111l111fl111'tv 11:1ll0ns. of petroleum AS 11 1111- 111:1 1rl (on/11111181111, we mention that 111121111111 111ed11ce11: the e-gmnt l ennbflnnna oil1egi11n from 1860 1111870 was lwenly ei r‘hl million 11 11101115. Four sqimre miles ol' the Chicago Climeslune Contain a gremer quzmlily. If this be true there is no wonder that the houses supposed to be fire proof were swept away as quickly as the masses of wooden structures surrounding them. But there is testimony pointing toward otherreasons for the destruction of these buildings. Mr. Mullett, the United States Government architect, at present superintending the building of several public offices, states that the only fire- proof material is brick, and that no stone will bear the application of intense heat Without breaking 111to fragments. He adds that there is only one buildinrr he- longing to the Government which can be called safe ,â€"â€"â€"the Capitol itself would be destroyed under similar conditions to those obtained at Chicago. NE\V ADVERTISEMENTS. Credit Saleâ€"James McGee. Emergencyâ€"li‘ichm0nd Lodge, No. 23 RICHMOND HILL, NOVEMBER 3, 1871 M. TEEI Y, Postmastex BAD Boysâ€"For some time past the congregation attending the Sabbath eve- ning: services and other meetings in the \Vesleyaiii Church of this town, have been annoyed by unbecoming noises made by a number of bad boys who appear to attend for no other definite purpose. The new Masonic Hall has likewise been Vlsited by the same parties at lie-unions, Concerts, &c. We are re- quested to mention that the trustees of both these institutions know the names of most of these disturbers of the peace, and, only out of respect for their parents, have refrained from having them brought before a magistrate to be punished. In future these boys will run a very great risk of being arrested, sent to jail, and of making the acquaintance of the whip- ping post and the cat with nine tails, he- sides a month of‘ solitary confinement. A word to the wise is sutficienl. SWITZERLAND AND ACROSS THE ALPS.-Last Tuesday evening the Rev. Charles Eby delivered a very interesting lecture on the above subject, in the Me- thodist church in this town. Though but a. tyre in the art, Mr. Eby's ability 2 2*. lecturer is above the average. In (10:1. .bin" the beautiful scenery of that romantic country ficm pelsonal lecoll ec- tions of a recent tou1‘,11e,in imagination, led his auditors tlirouwh its picturesque vzillevs by its beautiful lakes, up the s.des of its almost inaccessable moun- tains, directing their attention to the roaring of the stem-m and the thunders of the avalanche, pointing out the fear- l'ul precipice and the awful chasm, the lodge of St. Bernard and the home of the chmnois; then guided them across the Alps and down their iCebound slip- pery sides to the sunny valleys of Savoy; the whole beingr a mental panorama af- fording none the less pleasure from the absence of dung-er and fatigue of‘ travel- ling. On resolution, a cordial vote of thanks was presented to the lecturer by the chairman, the Rev. 0. Fish. attention to an Act passed by our Local Legislature for the registration of births, marriages and deaths. It has now been in force some years, but with very poor results. The fault seems ‘to be that no special provision having been made to enforce the requirements of the Act, and what seems to he everybody’s business, turns out to be nobody’s. The question of’ prosecution is left so general that no one, no matter how lunch impressed with the importance of contributing to the general good, feels inclined to institute legal proceedings to enforce the obser- vance of the statute. In the township of Vaughan, there has been' registered. . for the past ten months ending Oct. 31st, ‘ births 68; marriages, 36; and deaths 15. This is a return which does not cover the number of one concession of the town- ship. Such universal neglect implies that were the duties of enforcing the law madc'imperative, it would remove all fear of annoyance from parties who ques- tion the legality of the Act, and the general public would endeavor to make the statistics as correct as possible. At New Years, we hope to be able to an- nounce vastly diflerent figures. REGISTRATIONâ€"“re desire to direct t l ann’, November 3.â€"Credit Sale of' farm stock, timber, &c., on lot No 10, 4th Con. Vaughan, l)elom_vin,-;r to Mr Christian Mus selman. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sharp. Henry Smelsor, Auctioneer. SATURDAY. November 4.â€"Creriit Sale of Farm Stock, &c., on lot No 25, 5111 Con. Vaughan, 111 Lynn’s hotel, Teston; belong- ing to Mr John Thompson. Sale at one o'clock inn. Henry Smelsnr, auctioneer. TUESDAY, November 7.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Furniture, &c., the property of James McGee, Esq, at his residence, Springhiil. Sale at 10 A.M. Henry Smelser, Auctioneer. [The horses to he offered at the above sale are good, there is one black heavy plow team and a span of greys, good rourlsters. The furniture is all new and first class. As the proprietor is removing and wishes to talte nothing with him. the sale will be without. tiny reserve. See advertisement in another column.] FRIDAY, November 10. â€" Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Furniture, Bar Fixings, 450.. on lot 33. 51h Con. Vaughan. l)E’l(lll‘.’ill;{ to MnGnrrrtt Blnugh. Sale at 12 o’clock. Henry Smelser, Auctioneer. ’.' Parties having Sale Bills printed at ‘ this office, will have a notice similar to the labove, free of charge. In 1872 there ml! he a Scandinavian Ex- hibifion at Copenhagen. The King of Spain went out into Tarra- gona. Bay recentiy.and astonished his gentle- man in attenriancc, General Baiagna, by beginning to strip of? his clothes. The General asked the King what he was going to do. “ I am going to have aswim.” called out Amndeo the first, and straightwny, to the terror of his companion, he threw a sommersault into the Mediterranean. No thing warse came of the adventure than the shock given to the sensibilities of theGenera]. AUCTION SALES. THE YORK HERALD,_ RIGHMON D HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1871 The translation of Motley’s “ H:sl0ry of the Netherlands” has reached its third edi tic-n at. the Hague. Every preparation for war is being made by Russia. The gold mines of Australia and of New Zealzmd me practicably inexhaustible. In the garden of Mr. Morley, the Pack {arse Inn, near York, there is a pear-tree with three distinct crops of fruit. Persia is still suffering from famine and pestilence, and the disorganization and dis. turbauce which these calamities have in» duced. ' The armaments of Russia have made such progress that the empire is in a position to place “ in a. few days" no fewer than 1,700,000 soldiers in the field. In the French capital, where, a. little more than a year ago, the unbridled extra- vagance of feamale toilettes was a scandal and a by-word, simplicity in dress is daily on the increase. ‘ Lord Stanley of Alderly and the Dean of Westminster, who attended the meetings of the Old Catholic Congress at Munich, held several consultation with the leaders of the movement. The new tariff which has been adopted by the Victorian Legislative Assembly, under the leadership of Mr. Duffy, is one of the most elabome systems ever devised for Lhe protection of home industry. The St. Golhnre Railway, '. ilh utunnel about the length of that of the Mount Cenis, will, it appears, very soon be commenced. Subsides to the extent of 85,000,000 francs have been voted by Gurn’mny. Italy, and Switzerland. It is eslimmed that at least sex en or eight years will he required for the entire completion of the work. The season for coughs and colds is rapidly approaching, and every one should be pre pared to check the first st'mptoms, ass. cough contracted between now uud Christ- was frbquently lasts all winter. Ihdre is um better remedy than Johnson’s Anmlpne Linimenl. For all diseases of the throat and lungs it. should be used internally and extet'tmllv. The new railway arrangement at Hamilton winch we understand was efl'ecled at a very eauly hour on Monday morning, is culled a “provisional” one, and its details are not yet made public. It is said to be substanti- ally this, however, that the Hamilton and Lake Ere Company build their railway to connect with the Grand Trunk, the Great Western Air Line, and the Canada Southern â€"â€"all these railways to have running powers over the H. 8; L. E. R., and equal privilege of access by it to Hamilton and Port Dover. This, we are informed, is the main point. in the agreement. It is proposed to hutld the Southern Pa» cific Railroad on the three foot gauge. The Vice-President of the company wrote to Henry G. Stibbins, a noted New York capitalist. on the subject and in his reply Mr. Stehbins says: In mv opinion, it will not be possible to resist t_l e weight of testi. xtmny in favor of these ratlwoys over any other guage. and I certainly agree with vou, that the discovery of their efficiency will do more for the South and Southwest than could have been done by any other human means. I regard the successful agitation of the matter at this time as equal to the dis. covery and introduction of the cotton-gin to the whole Southern section of the country. COLLARS AND CUFFS SCHOOL REQUISITES ’[EMPERANCE LITERATURE, A mommy cumming 64 pages: $2 a year or 20 cents a number. For Sula at the ”mum: Boo! STomc, Cotai- .ing 64 pagesx filled with chnice litera- (we. migiual and >eler,,ted and one 01 mole put 10: ml Illusualimm. be id-Is a piece of umsir . $150 a. 3631, la ceuus a .nnnhex. Sol at {he than“) P out Siren" Inculcativo of tempeperauce principles. at tho NEW DOMINION MOSTLY, A wuekh'jnnrnal of current even's. Lirgra- tnre, Science and Ants, Agriculture and Me- chanics, l‘ashxun and Amusement. Suld at 10 cents a number at the A \‘Veakly Journal for Canadian Homes, Represummive 01‘ all“ that is hem and Times in the Current Thought and Moral Sentiment of the Dominion. b'irrtum pages a wen/.7. $2 PU RE GOLD. M ~mum/51131.1»: MAGAZINE, my .W. F the Dominion. b'm'tum pages a wen/.7. $2 year or 5 cents a number. For saie at the HERALD BUOK STORE. YMNS, ANCIENT & MODERN YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS N AD I A N ILLUSTRATED N E \V S. SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AT 'I‘Hl 31mm “31mm. THE LATEST STYLES, AT THE News Summary OF ALL KINDS. AT THE A NEW SUPPLY AT THE HERALD Boo: STORE. FOR. SALE AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE- HERA LD BOOK STORE- HERALD BOOK STORE- HERALD Boox S'rom; H EBALD Book 8101-: a. YOUNG LADIES’ JOURNAL NIAGAZINES, PAPERS, 8w. WESLEYAN HYMNS, r'l‘he Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had 111 the County. A Fiwsh SupplWOf the genuine Badman-fie, and also olher celebrated manufactures. at the York Herrdd Book Store Richmond Hill COPY BOOKS POCKET CUTTLERY. Bauer paper than any in the neighborhood 1- NICGMI. E-q . who is ranmvinz. in 931' without rcsurve, at his residence, SPRINGHILL. Viz:‘2 span well-mulched Horses; lynke ”xx-n. (good); 50 sheep; 6 Cow: mud ”NEW: ‘20 Pigs: 2 wagygnns: I new Carriage; Rolhar: P10112‘hl: Cultivator . llnrruws: Sleiglw: Cutter; lmplomanls: 5‘I tons Haye &c., &n Hair-cloth Sofa. cfifih and Chairs. \annm Crnlre. dinhw and folding Table-s, Sidn‘mmwl Bureaus, Chefi'aniers. GM Coruiven. Damask and L-co ‘IU‘mins. Gilt M rror and TniIA-t Glam-gs. Harms tap and \‘Valnm Tni‘et and Wash Stands. \Vnrdrnhe‘ Sets of' Druwmw, (kc. Brns~sls and Kiddnrminslor (“m-per; V'alum and Fancy I-on Bv‘dshmde and bedding. Glass Chin". and Delfivam. Ha“. Palm. and Junk- ing Stovgs.Valuab‘a Mnlndoon.‘.\’lusic Sum-1&0 FARM STOCK, Brick Store-house & Lots One farm under rent to Jnmas Henrv. and one farm under rent to James Johnston. Trmnmu-Undar'mn Cth m or Hut sum 1 months credit on approved juiut notes‘ An emergency meeling of the above lodge will be held on Wadnesdav evening mm, at seven o ’clock precise 'v. 691 l R. E. l..AVV Sec y’ A fiSlables, ahd about two hares of land. on Yonge Street within one mih of Richmond HilL For further particulars. apply 10 JAMES M. LAWRENCE. Richmond Hill. on. 1‘2. W7}. (i9U-awtf against tlm late Andrew Mncliath, cm» rmge builder, Richmond Hill. are required in deposit a statement. with thn undenigued on or befnre the Is! day of December next. And a” parties owing thiq eslata rm- required to settle the sums previous to the above date. 1’ C RUSBY. Now is the time to aecure onel 1 lion will be mad: at the next session of the Legislalure of the l’iuvincu of Ontario for an Act. to amend (he An incorporating tho Credit Vallev Railway ('ompam‘. to extend the pow ers conferred on thennid (Imnpum’. 10 gm“! the right to lluild 5 hand! from some point an the line of the said llailway to Fergus or Elora, and for oiher [)lllpusus‘. Dated this 10th dry of October. A.[) [7771, w. H. BEATTY, Solicitor for the applicants. 0W BELLS FOR OCTOBER, VERY WEEK FOR OCTOBER 0N TUESD\Y NOVEWBER 7, 1871 , STRONG ACTIVE BOY TO LEARN blacksmithing. Apph to ALL HlS HOUSEWLD FURNITURE ONDON JOURNAL Usuuuy Ioid at 10 and 1‘21 cents reduced to 7 and 10 cams each. CENT M USIC King. Nov. 1. 1871. AGZINES FOR OCTOBER W'M. TRENCH. Richmond Hi“.’0ct. 5. 1871. (3894f. \N O T H E R LOT OF THOSE FASHIONABLE S'I‘RII‘ED SHAWLS. Richmond Hill. Oct. 1'7 1R8] 689-tf Tomato. Oct. 12,1871, 93ch fidvcrtmnwnw. AM INSTRUCTED BY_JA.\1F,:“ LL PARTIES HAVING CLAIMS To Rent, H 0 US E, _GARDEN, ORQHA_RD FOR OCTOBER ARRIVED AT THE FOE OCTOFEH ARRIVED AT THE Wanted Immediately. ERERY GIVEN THAT APPLICA- [I EI‘LALD BOOK STORE. For Sale at (he Herald Book Store. At ten o’clock. A M” all his Arrived at the Herald Book Store. Arrived at the Herald Book Store. Arrived at [he l’erald Book Store DeuYor in al kinds 0! MI] innrv'. 5w. Richmond Hill. ICHMOND LODGE,A.F.&A.M. ; No. 23, GJLC. AINO WILL BE OFFERED A At the Central. ALL SIZES AT THE SUPPLIED AT THE Credit Sale. AT KING S-rnxou. For Sale at tho HERALD BOOK STORE. Notice. Notice HENRY SMELSOR, HIRALn [30on . ran. HERALD Boot S‘rmm HERALD Boox Sromc. W‘Vl. ATKINSON. Auctioneer. 693-1 89 l -1d 690-7 George A. Lagmtafi' is authorised to collect Accounts. Richmond Ilill.0ut. 14,1869. 568*- DR. JAs. LANGS'I‘AFF ‘ [LL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 5109mm Plasterers,are prepare to contract for erecting all kinds of Ewellings. Chuthos. Schools, &0. ’I‘ha bos( of workmanship guaranteed. Plas- xering don- on tho >hortesL notice. RESIDENCE â€"Maple. Maple.0ct. :2, 1871. ' 690â€"13; «r (/ivil Enuineer and Draughisman Special attentinn paid l0 prepuling Plans. Specpificutions and Bills of Maleriai VOI budding BIidges and Culverts; also Io pIepming I‘M- files and Estimates for Grading Hills. and Drangi‘ts for Patent Rights. PETER S. GIBSON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Draughtsman OflnTre at Willnwdale: Yonge Street. in the Township of York Orders by Iener promptly attended to. Good, Fresh and Sn'ong Young Hyson Tea, only 50 cts per lb Fm. full flavored Young Hyson Ton, only 60 01s pm 1!: vSiupa-N nor Maynne Young Hx son Ten, from 85 Ms! Mr 1?). l‘ we! fl :vored thk Tn: from SUI-.15 per 1b 1' mmt tfl waxed and best Black Ten imported, $1 (”I per lb In Canisters of 5 tbs. 5 cls per 11: less than these prices. The above '1‘ mm wme carefully selected and are fullv ten cents per lb better man nnv l'eus said on Rix-hmoud Hill Examine and test them and I Will guarantee you will hear me out in my assertions. 0. A. BARNARD. Sign of the British Flag Stafi‘. Richmond Hill Is the mostwonderful discovery in chemist” fur homing ' JinLLE ’u’S DERBY OIL H]. mund Hill Poslomco. Unlill'ux'lher notico.the mails will be closed at thns oflice as fvlluws : M The rate on Loders For the Uniled KiI-gdom (via Qualien III Sllvlimfil. and i’oI'Iinnd In win- Iur),is IIIIw Imincvd to [1 (“outs pal i [)2 WeighL H" sent via New YoIk. it will im 8 us pm i 02 N.B. Letters for Despatch by those hues of Steamers should be so umrkad. BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows: Hy Cunard Line. evory Monday. . . 10:3"A.M By Canadian Line.evex'\' 'l'hursduy 10:00 P M 'I‘lmse rams applv only toprcpaid lelleré; ”ken! unpaid, or insufficiently prepaid. there w H be a line of double Lhe amount of dxficiem postage. M, TIC EF Y. Pustmaalor. U :wynum erâ€"nolexueedmglureehnudlod dollars l\\ auv out, depusilor,) Will be received at the Rlchmmul llill PM! Ulfice, for which Government will Lllow Impresl. Fol partlcularsapply to 1‘, will,” l’olelfice. ls! October. 187]: Allsopp John Amhlel‘ W. Benson Jane Baker Jnlm Brown Bracken Rachel. linker James Clill‘ord Mrs James Crcnen Patrick (2) Carnahau Letty Chaswell James Cusgmve James Clark Emma unwuy l“. Critlt‘ndeu Benj. Chapman John Carrulh A Dundman John Duuton James Duner Salvenil Danton Brown Dalson Mr. Duruw Mr. Espny Joseph Gurnnan Jane Hituhius John Halv Martha (cattle trader) Jones G90. C. Kllllps Wm, Kirby Harriet Kennedy Duncan Klinck VV . J. Kerswll Charles Kerswell Mrs. (I. H. Lymhurner Mrs. R. H. Melcnll' Thus. Meger Andrew Mossingham James McDonald Rachel Mallugh Mike (2) McNair James McKinnon Miss S. A. McGillivray Duncan h1<-l1tosl1 Mrs. J. Mclivoy John (Q) Mchnnell Ju'nea Powe‘l Lucy Russell Ernest C.(‘2) Russ David Shirl William Siscn Isaac TnVlul‘ Charles Rev. I.. Warner Wilson G. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY JEWELRY! JEWELRY! N H. ansl‘unm; LETTERS will require In he handed in 15 minutes by'ure the ume of unwuy l". Criutmdeu Benj. Chapman John Carruth A Dundman John [Minion James Duner Salveniu Danton Brown Unison Mr. Duruw Mr. Espny Joseph Gurnnan Jane Hituhius John Halv Martha Ingram John Railway Guide and Five Cent Dominion Monthly for sale at the Way 4, 1869 MALLOY S AXES New Crop. IBESH NEW TEAS. ““0! \IR he sale of PEMAINING IN THE RICHMOND L Hm l’ostOfl'xce. ls! October. 1871: BENNETTS A B C losi ng P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMéND , , POST HILL. 2 OFFICE October 4,1811. September 28. W71 WOODBURN &. STYLES, UILDERS, BRICKLAYERS A ND August 17. 1870 Northern Southern Southern Richmond Hill, April [9, lb'll Olfice hours: from 6:30 IN“. to 9:30 P.M AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR 3C5; 6%. flapmtmmt. FRESH CUTS 0R OLD SORES. ifiifitntlaumm For Sale cheap, at the “15mm Office. Horses and Cattle. MARRIAGE LICENSES. HLGH MILLER & CW H57 King 5L Eus‘ List of Letters Mail. Ma“. mail M. TICEFY. Postmaster. I‘m-WY is Government. Agent 2'01 FOBSALE BY DANIEL HORNER, UN . Lot 20. 2nd con Max-Mum ALSO AGENT FOR THE MURVING. I} V H N HERALD Boon 1mm. M. TEEFY, r. u , _ , _ ,6230 r M, .....H:30A M‘ .....G:3ll AM Eusl Turmnt 631- LI BPB-L‘m 61‘6 If 5634f GREAT SUCCESS NEW FALL GOODS! LARGEST, CHEAPEST 65 BEST Of his large stocks former‘y has induced him to secure a still TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS This success is Unmistalceable Evidence of the confidence of a pa- tronising public. Shawls 112 all the Latest Styles, Junkets, Wool Goods m G7 eat Vm iety, Wmceys, Cohnul'ga, Alpacas. Merinou, Fancy Dress Goods. l’rints, Cuitous, 'I‘ickillgS.‘ Plain and Fancy Flannols, Blano kets, Carpets. Husiury, Gloves. Furs, These Goods have an bee-I purchased before the late Rise in Prices. HATS AND CAPS, &c. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, dcc. (fic‘ Everything Good & Cheap Will be found to contain everything that is beam/fut chaste, elegant and of the lalcst style. 14 FIRST PRIZES Cmmdeut from his success and tha xiharal patronage he has resolved in :he past yours. that ha can slil unit intending purchnsurs in good serv'mu his articles. W. H. respect'ully solicits lheiuspectiuu of his present stock of Together with a good asaonment of Whins, Lashes, Currv (Tombs. Cards. Brushes. 5L0. for the lowest remunerutivo prices. COLLARS WARRAN'I‘EU To Fit, Look 86 Wear Well All orders aneudad to with Promptness, Cheapness and Dispatch by the proprietor, WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Sep. 21,1571. 687-6m By {he six following Agricu lural Societies '. Yonge Slroet. En»: York. Markham. North York. King and Vaughan. AS W. H. MYERS’ Is the Place to get a Good Article, You should Call d: Examine the Stock Rags to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- mond Hill and vicinity that he has opened the above named establishment, one door north of Mr. Barnm‘d’s Sture. where he in plopnrrd to make to order on the Shortest Naiice. every description! of HARNESS. He also intends to keep on hand a well assorted stock of BRUSHES. ers AND LASHES in great vn iety H H C. would also inlhnale lhm h» tho- ronghhv udderslands COLLAR MAKING In all its} branches. having of late years do- voied much mne and attention to [his modl important branch of the link, hora" confi- dent} guarantee a safe and easy collar All u-hn may have the kindness to favor him u illl Iheir pntmnuge cm: rely upon a first-clues artiâ€" (:15 us nothing but fiM-class s'o k will be used, made up i u workmanlike manner by expe- rienI-od “’Ulklhelv, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Richmond Hill; 890.13, 1871. ASSOR'I‘MENT OF Single and Double Harness .’ flat}; ($110M, (firnmm, Ready-made Clothing, Richmond Hill. Sept. 27, 1871. The subscriber begs Io announce that he has no“ on hand the MILLINE RY DEPARTMENT Name a '9il and Varnish nlwuvu on Lnnd CANNOT BE SURPASSED Central Store! HAVE NOW ON HAND W. ATKINSON. OF THE CENTRAL STORE, Larger Stock for this Season. ICHMOND HILL COLLAR AND HARNESS EMPORIUM. SINGLE & DOUBLE HARNESS. Trunks, Vulises, Cards, Combs, HARNESS ES'I‘ABLISUMEN’I‘. H. Iâ€"I. CLARKE For Single and Double Harness, Doe skins. silkmixed Cloths, I’elveteens, TUE QUICK DISPOSAL Accounts rendemd Oclobex lat. The stock consists in part of In the Greatest Variety. New Harness Shop. Before purchuinz Qluwhoro, To which has been awarded Which for Prive and Quality Stock he ever ofi'ured Richmond Hill A Splendid Smck of “gm: , 8m AS USUAI. THE DEALER l AT THE A very good 686~ly 688 THE ONTARIO HOUSE; DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, The Highest Cash l’rice given, for Farm Produce. ROBERT NEWBERRY. FIRE PROOF STORE P CANAD IAN TWEEDS! PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS; MPORTANT PUBLI‘G‘ NOTICE; Nice Fancy Woolen. Goods .9 I Ready Made Clothing, 81c. 81c. LOWEST CASH PRICES. GROCERJES, HARDWARI, Accounts am rsndered on the ht October. and H is expncmd that Ihev will be promptly mm. Ihis fa'l as we have bee-n blessed wilh Ill abundant IIaIvest, which hrmgs good pxicel lliuhnmnn Hill, Sept. 21. ”3'71. 585 I have be-en su~tuinad by the high“! leg“ tribunals. and universally approved by In OI.‘ lighten“! public when": intredncod. ‘- have; all the meiits of Omar pumps will“ on! their del'm-ts. No others possess their po- culiar advantageous features. l- have already takun the leading pluco iul some of the United States,“ well as in Camd- '- as now perfected, are the successful to- suh of Iwelve \‘cars endeavor to supply a walk umversallv fell. I are made under genuine patents in (II- nada and the United States. Are no spunoul imilminn or infringement. ‘ erected wilhin the last ten years. can have recent improvements attached. and gulru nuleed superior to any other make. I even in their hitherto imperfect form, have in all instance: carxied 03' the highon prizes from all competitors. l whnle may cannon be approarhed i]; wood, have never 3st been equalled in mots" at doub’e the 00st. ' cannot be rivalled willmul infrrnying Poweil’s Patents. Users of infringing pump: ura liuhle. C. POWELL,Patnnlee,l\‘ew§qnbgook 1 Thu only efficient fire angina pump. available in a few svcnmis.\vi1\lern|1d summer, day and night. qunngors beware. ‘ as now made, have: no castings to com. loose or break. Have all steel benringl. guaranteed. I we adapted for the deepest wells. R0. ferleces to all Depths from cistern tq one hundred and thirty fuel. l have a cmuinentnl lepntntion.and are fun uxlmsading all other kinds bulh in wood and Int-ml. POWELL'S PATENT P U M PS. rl‘hu nnlv ymvinn‘ Hm nuninn nulnn POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S as now perfected, are the successful to- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P 8 am mlumnd l‘nr Hm rinnnnn! umlln 12-- POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS urn Inn-”l unflnr urnnninn nnInnla n‘n {‘n- POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS Inn's. n“ Ihn Inniim nf nllmr nun-nu whh- POWELL’S PATENT P U MP8, whnle may cannon be approarhed in POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS 'Ihl’fl nlrandv Ink-an lhn lnmfina n‘nn- ;nl POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS, Avnn in Ihnir h‘uluuvm in1nnrl'noo hum POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS hnIvA lnmn muininnrl hr Mu. kink... I‘m-.1 gm fiundfi, @rnmm. POWELL'S PATENT PU M PS, arm-lad wilhin I||n qul tan \‘A-rn, n-n POWELL’S PATENT P U M PS I-nm‘m ha riunllnd willnnnl inI’r-rnuinn POWELL’M S PATENT PUMPS nunnm - Inn A nn nam- \nainnn m- POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS 1mm: 1: vmniuI-nml :Annknrinn nnrl urn f... New Fall é‘ Winter Goods, September 28. 1871. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. Clan Tartan W’oolings. UTUMN ANNOUNCEMEN'R COATINGS ANDA‘ VESTINGS, Is now opemwith a large stock of Clothing, Boots &: Shoes, (5-6; Bought in the Ben Market :nd Mn be sold at the Great Bargains ! New Fall Goods. Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. GRAND DISPLAY B LA N K E T S , WINCEYS. glam”? gnaw. R. NEWBERY’S GO AND SEE THE Mantle Cloths, Furs, A LARGE ASSURTMENT 0' He can give youin The Stock includes Double and Si ugle IIosiery, Gloves, BROAD CLOTHS, New Store, Crocknry. &c. SHA WLS, AT THE Elk vin Milli. 558-3m

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