Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Dec 1871, p. 3

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The murder appears to have been of the most deliberate and cold‘blooded nature, and the motive prompting the commission of the crime is somewhst uncertain, but it is generally supposed that Johnson, the murdered man, had incurred the displeasure of Trawss, the murderer, by saying some- thing against him to a. Miss Nichols, the daughter of a farmer residing in the neigh- borhood. Traviss appears to have brooded over this, and while outwardly maintaining friendly relations with JohnSOn, was only waiting a favorable opportunity for wreaking his vengeance upon him. ‘On Wednesday night Traviss appears to have fully made up his mind to send Johnson to his long ac» count, and going to his house in his usual seeming friendly manner, and finally stayed all night; during the whole time he was in the house there was no disagreement be- tween the deceased and him, neither was anything particular noticed in the demeanor of the prisoner. The two rose early in the morning, and after hrcakl'asting together they started in a heavy sleigh for Queens- ville about eight o’clock, and that was the last time the deceased was seen alive. Shortly before nine o’clock three men, named Joseph Trsviss, Thomas Traviss, (connections of the prisoner) and Matthew Parks, saw a sleigh apparently empty going down the road of the 5th concession, near, lotss21 and ‘22, and, upon examining it, they: found the deceased lying in the bottom with, a bullet wound in the neck; he was then ‘ quite dead. There had been a slight fall ofi snow during the night, and the track, of the sleigh was perfectly distinct, beingi the first one that had passed over the road and on tracing it back they discovered the .marks indicating that some person had got out of tho sleigh along a field near to a sideroad leading to the residence of his brotlier-in-law. The man drove the body of the deceased to his house, and then institu- ted asearch for Traviss, who, it appears, had gone across the fields to his married sister’s. whom he toldflthujhe hadsho ‘ Johnson, and that he would also shoot him self; after staying in the house a. short time he went by way of the fields to Mr. Nicholls’ farm, but he did not see the girl to whom he was alleged to be paying his addresses. He then appeais to his sister‘s; by this time the constables and a number of the residents in the Vicinity were out searching for him, and arrested him at the last named place. When Constable Cook" took him into custody the prisoner merely said “ I am ready to go with-you;” he was searched and some bullets, powder and a bullet-mould were found on him, but no firearms of any kind. Mr. E. Jackson, of Newmarket, the County Coroner, was apprised of what had taken place, and he immediately issued his warrant for an inquest, which was held last evening at the house of the deceased. The evidence of Mary Ann Johnson, daughter of the unfortunate man, proved the time at which the prisoner and he lelt the farm, and stating that they then appeared to be verv good friend, her father was in usual good spirits, and health; he was broaght “back dead about an hour after they had left the house. David Peregrine, who was working in the bush not far from where the deed was committed, swore that about nine o’clock some children, who were going to school, told him that Johnson had been killect~that he had been shot down the road; thr witness went to the road and found what had been stated by the children to he fact, and he then assisted to take the de eased to his residence. A man named John Kellington, who was in the woods by the road, a few yards from the spot, deposed to having seen the decessed and the prisoner riding in the. sleigh down the road; the prisoner was sitting on the left hand side of the sleigh. James Blizzard said about eight o’clock he heard the report of a pistol between lots 20 and 21, and he noticed a sleigh track coming from the north and foot marks in the snow going east. The witness was on the side of the road when he heard the report, which was quite distinct and loud. Another named George Watson also deposed to hearing the pistol shot. A short time afterwards he noticed a man going across the field leaving the prisoner's sister’s house, and he was positive that the man he saw was Traviss ; he was running and going towards the woods. Watson Wright, another witness, testified to seeing the sleigh on the road going south on the fith conceSSIOn, and shortly after he saw a man coming down the road, and he 'ok him to be John Traviss, going towards fisborne’s, his (prisoner‘s) brother-in-law, witness saw the footprints in the snow, and tracked them to the spot where the priso- ner had evidently got out'of the sleigh; he afterwards saw the prisoner and Mrs Osborne, who told him that Traviss had said to her that he had shot Mr. Johnson; when he had said that he left the house and went in a northerly direction. Mr. John Nichols said in his examination that he first heard of deceased’s death from Dr. Pearson about ten o'clock, and he immediately went to his own house to acquaint some of the members of his family with the fact. When he got there he found the prisoner, and was , sonifiat surprised at the circumstance, as he h een there butashort time previously. Trav s told him that he had been staying all night at Johnson’s, and had ridden with him as far as Conrad Osborne’s, (prisoner’s brother-in-law). He said Johnson had gone to Queensville, by (Jane’s Mills, which fact‘ Mr. Nichols took no notice of, supposing county business had called him there, he being adeputy reeve of this township. A man named John Greenwood, who was de- puted to asssist the constables in making the , arrest, stated that he heard the prisoner say‘ that “he had now got his revenge and he was satisfied.” After he was arrested he said he wanted to go and see John Nichols’ girls, but he was not allowed to do so. The other constable, Cook, merely deposed to, v -. ' '""‘ *"’ J' John vanss has been caught and IS now in care of a constable. The cause of the foul deed is reported to be that Traviss was paying his addresses to a farmer’s daughter, and Johnson had been giving him a bad character to that famxly. rn ' I I ~ g . 12L” squnxnr, Nov. 23.â€" A deliberate and lful xhurder was committed this morning in East Guillimbury about nine o’clock, near Queensville. 'A respectable farmer named ‘John Johnson, 'who lives on the fifth con- lcession of East Gwillinihnry, left his house this morning in company with a young man named John Traviss, in a sleigh. As some children going to school saw a runaway team, they stopped it and found Mr. John- son, lying dead in the sleigh. 0n 'GXamina- tion of deceased it. was found that he Was shot through the neck. -It appears thatl John Traviss had a gun in the sleigh, and isl the murderer. After committing the deed l he left the sleigh, went home and told his sister what he had done. He then ran ofi' into the woods. It is reported. he has rifle with him. The people in the neiglrl borhood are after him and have surrounded the woods. In consequence of the snow they think they can track him; but are somewhat. afraid of the rifle with which he was armed. Murder in East Gwillimbury. @elggmphit. There are about 3,800,000 head of cattle in Texas,one-fourth being beeves, one-fourth cows, and the other half yearlings and two- year olds. Seven hundred and fifty thousand calves are raised and branded every year. All are raised on the great Texas plains, which cover an area of 152,000,000 acres. BERLIN. Nov. 27.~The session of the Prussian Diet. was opened to-day by the King in person. The speech from the throne points to the financial prosperity of the country, proposes a general increase of official salaries, and recommends the en- couragement by the Diet of railway enter- prises. The speech was well received, and the Emperor King was loudly cheered by the_membcls of the Diet. ROME, Nov. 27.â€"For the first time since the occupation of Rome the Italian Parlia- ment met in this city to day. The opening speech was delivered in person by Kng Victor Emmanuel. He alluded to the events connected with the occupation of the city, and said Italy restored to herself had re- eonquered her place in the world. He was convinced Rome would remain the seat of the Poutificate. The relations between Italy and all the other nations were friendly and peace would continue but. he warned parlimnent they would be held toa strict account. in future it' they neglected to pen feet a thorough reorganization of the mili- tary and naval forces of the kingdom. Lord Belmore will shortly resign the Governorship of New South Wales, and will be succeeded in that office by Sir Her- cules Robinson, C. (1., M, G., the present Governor of Ceylon. A despa-tch from Washington to the New York "World states that a. serious difficulty has arisen between the United States and Spain respecting a. breach of promise on the part of the latter power to protect American citizens in Cuba. It is supposed that a. large American fleet will soon be sent to Cuban waters. Whine“ camps, each to hold 180,000 men, one being estab- lished at Smolensk, and the other will pro- bany be located at the Gaiician frontier. The “ Standard” has reason to believe these military preparations are directed more par- ticularly against Austria, because the ap- pointment of Count Andrassoy at the head of the Imperial Council is regarded at St. Petersburg as unfavourable to Russia. A despatch from Paris on Tuesday last states that Gen. lossel, the condemned Communist General, and two of his com- panions were executed on Tuesday forenoon. They met their death bravely. The execu» tion was witnessed by 3,000 troops. Rossel fell instantly, but his companions had to be despatched with the aid of pistols after the soldiers had fired upon them. The World’s London special says that at a council of worlgingmen on Saturday night, Scott Russell stated that the Lords were still anxious to perfect an alliance, and that a jomt meeting of both council will soon be held. The Standard is informed that Russia has undertaken special armaments on a gigantic A collision occurred last night off the Irish coast between the ships Marmion and Osceola. The latter sunk very soon after she was struck. Several of her crew es- (:aped, but nine men are missing. It is hopLu they saved themselves in one of the boats. It appears from investigation that in the killed, wounded and missing the working men in Paris have decreased in number to the extent of 100,000. Ontof 24,000 men employed in shoemaking, 12,000 are in flight or in prison. Tailors are equally bad ofl‘. Jewellers appear to haye emigrated en: masse. The upholstery and furniture trade which empIOyed 60,000, is just now in a. state of collapse for want of skilled hands. The last official bulletin of the“ attending physicians reports the condition ofthe Prince of Wales, to ten o’clock this morning:â€" He passed a sleepless night. the fever in creasing. but the strength of the patient still holds out against it. The Queen is constantly at his bedside. The cdurt circular,in the evening. journals, announces that Her Royal Highness, the Prinpess of‘lezles, is ill. LbNDON, Nov. 27, eveningâ€"The physi- cians bulletin this eveniug states that the Prince of Wales has been quieter today. There is no change, however. in the symp- toms of the disease. - LONDON, Nov. 27.â€"A despatch from Lucerne, Switzerland, annaunces that; Count Girgenti son inJaw of Ex Queen Isabella, has committed suicide in that, city. bnly nineteen years and a fesv months old, maintained the most stohd demeanor all through the proceedings, not uttering a word. He is of tall stature, intelligent counte- inan-ce and powerful frame, with nothing in his appearance to lead one to suppose he wOuld be guilty of so deliberate and awful la crime. At the railway station at New‘ l market this morning he seemed to feel his i position most acutely, the nervous twitching of his face indicating the mental torture ‘ going on within him, he sat steadily gazing at the snow as it fell, until spoken to by a Female cousin, when he burst into a bitter flood of tears. . With the exception of answering one question our reporter put to him relative to his age, he scarcely uttered a sound while in the railway car in which he was conveyed to Toronto. Constable Cook was in charge of him, and on his ar- rival at the City Hall Station the prisoner was put into a cab and taken straight to jail. Traviss, who was a carpenter by trade, up to the present had always home a good character. The affair has created a mourn- fnl sensation in the neighborhood, Mr. Johnson being a man who was universally respected. I The prisoner, who is quite a young man, making the arrest, and finding the ammu- nition upon him. John Quinlevey gave evidence of a. very significant charqctep. He stated that the night before the murder (Wetluesday) the prisoner came to him in the bush and showed him a revolver, a six- shooter, and fired a few shots out of it to show him how well he could shoot. He told him he was going to John Johnson’s to spend the evening. No further evidence was adduced, and the Jury, with but; short deliberation, returned a verdict of wilful murder. The coroner'then formally com- mitted him for trial. Great Britain Germany Russia Italy "I‘HE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER-1 1, i871 Doctor McLeod states officially as well as professionally that he has been in atten- dance on Her Majesty Queen Victoria. dur. ing a period oftime exceeding thirteen years, and can thus declare that the reports which have been circulated recently, to the effect that she has exhibited symptoms of mental weakness, are “ unqualifiedly falsu. On Tuesday evening a public meeting was held in the Town Hall, Chester, in sup- port of :hc Chester Diocesan Open Church Association. The Earl of Haddingtou pre~ sided, and made a speech in which he stated that ten years ago there were only ten Churches free and open in the diocese, now there are 140. Bad enough to look and feel bad your. self; but no excuse for having your horse look and feel badly, when for a small sum you canzbuy Sheridan’s Cavalry Condition Powders, which given in grain two or three times a week, will make him look and feel well. Sir Richard Wallace has presented to the National Gallery in London a small paint- ing by Terburg, representing the “Con. gress of Munster.” As an example of minute, delicate, and at the same time powerful portrait-painting, this is undoubt- edly the most remarkable picture in the world. It was purchased by the late Mm- quis of Hartford for £7)350. Winter is now‘fairly upon us, and the teams are hastening to the lumber woods various parts of the country. Our advice to every man who goes to the woods, be he captam, cook, teamster, or any other man, is to take along a good stock of Johnson’s Anodync Lim’mcni and Parsons Purgative Pills. Many months of labor (in the aggre~ gate) may be saved by this precaution. Sir Richard Wallace is just now occnpied with the erection of an immense hospital for his fellow-countrymen in the Route de la Revolte. This hospital, the construction of which will cost about 700000 francs (£28,000), will be called Wallace’s Hospi- tal, and Sir Richard Wallace will pay the whole cost of maintaining it. The annual expensesrsay the “Siecle” are estimated at not less than 150,000 francs (356000.) Mr. Baring Gould’s new volume will con, tain the principal legends which are current in the east about the Old Testament pa- triarchs, prophets, etc. These legends are as interesting and as widely spread as any body of legends that can be named. Many of them Mr. Gould believes to be “genuine traditions,” among which is a legend of the “ Sacrifice of Isaac,” in which Satan is in- troduced very much in the same way as in the book of Job. The sources of modern tradition Mr. Gould divides into Mussulman, Jewish, and Rabbinical. Mr. Gludstone’s letter to the Universities has created quite a stir among Churchmen, who declai'e that in this bommunication to the Chancellor of Oxford they find the initial note to the disestablisbment of the English Church. ‘ WT the public press, that they may use all their powers in the cause of the truth and righteousnss, and rise above the praise and blame of men. The Rev. Mr. Voysey has introduced the followmg prayer into his revised Litany: “ Thgt it may please Thee to hel ) all liter Children whose brain development is un- usually large in comparison with the body, are most frequently singled out fora pre~ mature final resting place. Why is this? Simply because the functions of the. body are too frail’to Supply the waste going on in thetb’rain consequent upon active intelli. genee. Fellows? Compound Syrup of Hypo- phosphites is so prepared that it imparts the vital principle directly to the brain which it assists in developing a vigorous and robust body. Captain Burton, the African traveller, is bringing home from Palmyra a. collection of skulls, and the skeleton of a man eleven feet high, which is supposed to be one of the giants "of Basham. The novelty and originality of this notice ofa birth in the “Standard” are remark- able: ‘* Sept. 30th, at Windsor, the wife of William Talley, Esq., solicitor, of a. daugh- ter. No doctors.” It is stated that Mr. Hugh Birley, M. P., for Manchester, will, early next session, in. troduce a. Bill for stopping the sale of in- toxicating liquors during the whole of Sunday. The retirement of Sir Fraud Ives Scuda more, Assistant Postmaster-General, and Superintendent of the Government Postal Telegraph system, is announced. The Liverpool Recorder lately sentenced a policeman named Davis to penal servitude for five years for robbing a shoeblack of 8d. Mr. Ald Dakin, President of the Great Western Railway Company of Canada, and formerly Lord Mayor of London, England has been knighted. A new Palestine explomtion expedition, under the charge of Captain R. W. Stewaxt, R. 19., left England lately. Great Britain will probably import during the ensuing year 11,000,000 quarters of grain at a coast of about £40,000,000. Aa Imperial decree orders the immediate election of members of the Austrian Relehs- rath directly by the people of Bohemia. Tne Emperor Napoleon is ‘vriting a his. tory of the attempt to found an Empire in Mexico. 7 M. Gambetta's marriage is announced1 but the bride’s name is not given. The Tichborne trial may bossibly not be concluded till the end of next year. The Bishop of Rupert Land is in London. Persecution, affliction and trial hasten the fruit buds of youth. imam 3mm. U any numberâ€"notexceedingthreehundued dollars hyany one deposilor.) will be received atthe Richmond Hill Post Office. for which Government willallow Interest. I“, AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH- mond Hill PostOffico. UuLiH‘urther notice.the mails will be closed at this office as follows : munyma. The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer, and Portland in will- ter),is unwrmlUCed 1.06 cents per % oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will he 8 as per; 01. These rates apply only toprcpaid letters; ifsem unpaid, or insulficiemly prepaid. there will be a line of double the amount of deficienlpostage. M. TEEI“ Y. Postmaster. scriben Lot 2'4. 3rd concession Markham. about the 15th August 1ast,threa ewes and two lambs. Any parson giving information as to their whereabouts will We Lewarded. FRANCIS BOYN'I‘ON. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS wil! require to be handed in 15 minuws bag/bra the time of closing. _. BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto as follows: By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 AM. By Canadian Line. every Thursday 10:00 I’.M. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to he had in the County. A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated manufactures. at the York Herald Book Store Richmond Hill; NJ}. Letters for Despatch by these Steamers should be so marked. Salt. " .u....-....nnn Wool .............. Woodâ€"*Hai‘d....i.. Soft........ Office hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 EM. May 4, 1869. 563-11" RICHMOND , HILL S REAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€" Gammon AND Comom‘ma. â€"“ By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and uutr'lion, and by a careful application of the fine pupa:- ties of well-selected cocoa, Mx Epps haspro- vided our breakfast tables with a deliotely flavored beverage which may save us nany heavy doctors’ bills.”-â€"~Cim'l Sui-vice G'mctla. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelledâ€"" JAMES EPPS 6:00., Homoeopathic Chemists, London.” Also ma- kers of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa. and Con- densed Milk” 687va Flour‘Snperfino. . . . . . . . . 4 . .1 Spring Wheat. extra. . Fancy . . . . . . . . ....... Extra . . . . . . . Superior Extra . . . . . , *3 x13. he sale of POCKET CUTTIERY. 0:} The remains will be interred in the Buttonville Wesleyan burying grounds to- morrow (Saturday), leaving the residmce of Mrs. John Linfoot, Richmond Hill, a 10 o'clock, A.M. GRAY.â€"-At the residence of her daughter, Unionville, on Monday, November 27th, Jane Gray, aged 68 yearsâ€"~mother ofR. A. Gray, of this place. Her end was peme. meo'r. â€" Yesterday ( Thursday ). at Richmond Hill, Susan Jane, daughtex of Mr. William Linfooti-aged 3 years and; months. Strayed pROMflTHE ‘P‘R‘EEJISES OE TflE-SUB HusnAun.â€" LAKEâ€"By the Rev. J Bredx'n, assisted by the Rev. C. Fish, on the 2ch "IL, at the residence ‘of the bride’s father, George H. Husband, Esq., L.D.S., of New‘ ton Brook, and Nellie, daughter of Wm. Lane, Esq., of Thornhil]. DIED. SMDER.â€"PRENTI'S. â€" By the Rev. Fish, at the Wesleyan Parsonage, Richm Hill, on Tuesday, November 28th, M13. J J. Snider and Miss Sarah Margaret Preu both of the township of Vaughan. Headford. November 23. 18'“ . Northern Mai} . Southern Mai). Southern mail Richmond Hill, Nov. 20, It'll. JOHN HAMILTON. Elgiu Mills. Sept. 21, 187l. 6874f P. 0. SAVINGSVBANK. ,EPOSITS 0F ONE_DOLLAR, (QR Fox particulars apply to Shingles! Shingles” QUANTITY OF SHINGLES FOR (‘9. glimmrtzmt. sale. Apply to MARRIAGE LICENSES. TORONTO MARKETS. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Tumu'v is Government Agent for ALSO AGENT FOR. THE gm £52112, Toromo, November 16.157]. fitmgea, MARRIED. EV ENIKG. POST ‘ POWELL-'8 PATENT PUMPS O F FI C E. havs all the merits of other pumps with- out their defects. No othars possess their pe- )LLAR, (0R culiar advantageous features. 00 7.0 00 00 u] to ‘55 mm. 696-3 :30 AM. :00 I’.M. hues of '- have already taken the leading place in some of the United States,as well as in Canada 1' The only efficient fire engine pump. available in a few secondsnwinlerand summer, day and night. Infringers beware. l as now made, have no castings to come loose 01' break. Have all steel bearings. guaranteed. ‘- el'ected within the last ten years. can have recent improvements attached. and guar- anteed supenor to any other make. Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. Accounts are rendered on the 1st October. and it is expect”‘ that they will be promptly met this fall as we have been blessad with an abundant harvest, which brings gogd pzicus. I are made under genuine patents in Ca- nada and the United States. Are no spurious imitaxion or infringement. ‘ cannot be rivalled without infrrnging Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are li'ahle. C. I’DWELL, Patentee, Newtonbrook A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0|" GROCERIES, HARDWARE Crockery. &c. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, '- while (hay cannot be approached in] wood, have never yet been equalled in metal at double the cost. '- havebeen sustained by the hi host legal tribunals. and ullivoysqlly approved y an en- lightened pulyl‘gg wheggver intrathtced. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS. 'I‘hn nnlu amninne Gm. numb... n“... Ready Made Clothing, &c. 8L0. LOWEST CASH PRICES. The Highest Cash Price given for Farm Produce. ROBERT NEWBERRY. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, nI-nnhaa “xiv [\h‘ l... I..,.5 A._.. ..»._._ ~>u POWELL’S PATENT P U n: nnm nm-l‘nnlnA m... H... ........-..rr._u .._ 1 as now perfected. are the successful re- sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a want universally felt. B LAN K E TS, WINCEYS. Nice Fancy PVooZen Goods I ! SHAWLS, ‘- have a continental repntaliomzlnd are fast supeseding all other kinds both in wood and metal. BROAD CLOTns, COATINGS AND *VESTINGS, Mantle Cloths, Furs, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS arg madfiefi under genuine patents in Ca- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S In". alpaca" chin“. a... lawn“- “In..- :- v..~~u~ ...-:.a..._.L‘.-. .L uuLLu, I‘â€" even in their hitherto imperfect form, have in all instances carried off the highest prizes from all competitors. L are adapted for the deepest wells. Re; ferenuesto all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS a: “run unudn In"... “A ....,. .. .0. - .m...‘ POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S nun“ :nll'ln:w I\'nl.....¢.‘ :.\..~--r.-. r__.__ POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S are adapted for the deepest wells. Re- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S cannot be rivalled without infrrnging POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, while [hay cannot be approached in POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S haun hann mmhfiund '1" Hum hinhnaf Inna] CANAD IAN TWEED S! POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S lmvn a nnulinnninl rnnnknfinn d1"! urn r.-. FIRE PROOF STORE ! ’MPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. September 28. 1871. New Fall é‘ TVz'nter Good-s, Clan Tartan Woolings, IIosiery, Gloves, FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. in}; ($00M, (Macaw. UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the Clothing, Boots d": Shoes, 15 now open with a large stock of Great Bargains New Fall Goods. i211ch gnaw. GRAND DISPLAY G0 AND SEE THE He can give you in Double and Single The Stock includes New Store, ’EWBERY’S AT THE Elgiu Mills; 588-3111 585 Chemisls and Druggists who desil‘o to ob“ tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesaie prices in quantities of not. less ‘han $20 won-1h â€"â€" viz., 85. 6d., and 225.. and 34s.. per dozon boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nett, without discount. for which remittance must be sent in advance. I have the honor to be. With great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY. 553, Oxford Street E1315 24;,VStilra11-tiâ€"fv London, W. (3., Staph 1, 1871. 687-611: LEISURE HOUR , Séhday at Home for June at Herard Book Store 1 would ask. as a great flavor, that should it come to ihe knowledge of any person that spu- ious medicines are being made or sold in my name,lle be pleased to send me all the particu- lars he can collect respecting the same. that is to say. the name and address of the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines, and like- wise the name and address of the House in the United States. or elsewhere, which may have supplied them. so as to enable me. for the proteclion of the 1)ublic,to institute pro- ceedings against such evil-doers, and l engnga to remunerate very handsornely~any person who may give me such informmion. the in» formanz’s namo never being div‘nlged. .u I a I: ~ Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these. Medicines, he will do well to sand me, in a Ielter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a. cost of six cents in post- age), one of the books of instructions which are affixed to the same. I promise to examine it and send a reply. stating whether [he Medi- cines are genuine! or nm, so that if spurious he may apply to the person from whom he pur. chased than] to have his money l'bl'llllded. I most earnestly enlreut all those who may read this advertisement that. they be pleased. in the public interest. to communicate the pur- port of the same to their friends that they may not, be defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine Homo- WAY’S PILLS AND OINTMJENT. No representative of mine will ever travel through any part of the British Provinces or the United States. either to sell, or to .tako orders for my Pills and Ointment, and as I have reason to believe that attempts will very probably be made to deceive the public in this way by persons calling on medicine vendors, falsely representingthat t y are acting for me, and with my knowledge a 1d consent. 1 (lenm it advisable to put the public on lheir guard against any such deceptions. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines. which are now likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere. but to possess themselves of the genuine Ho'L- LOWAY’s l’iLLs AND OINTMENT, manufactured by me in London, England, will do well to see thatreach pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is engraved the words “HoLLoWAY’s PILLS AND ()m'rnmN'r.” and that the addressnn the label is 553 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where only they are manu- factured, and in no other part of the world. The retail prices are on the labels in British currency, and not in dollars and cents. .1. PROVINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. I beg must respectfully to acquaint the pub- lic of the British North American provinces that in May, 187,1 caused the business at 80 Maiden Lane. New York, for the sale of Hoe- LOWAY’S PILLS AND UINTMENT, which were up t1 that time prepared by William Brown. now deceased, to be closed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years. and In many ways, been most conupt. and it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the care I have always desired.‘ 'I‘O THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH BUTTER AND EGGS FAMILY FLOUR! Call 5' Examine for Yourselves. Which will be Sold at Reasonable Prices that will suit Purchasers. SiG‘N‘ OF THE TEA CHEST. Richmond Hill, Aug. 23. 187i. THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED A Fresh Stock! firuvvriw, gravifiiunfi. FEED SOLI). H.“ V} Caution ! ! Caution ! I ! WINES AND LIQUORS, gntentfimaicinw, THE HIGHEST PRICE Sign of the Tea Chest. ALWAYS ON HAND! Groceries, Provisions, In Exchange for Goods. NORTH OF TORONTO; OF ALL KINDS OF JUST RECEIVED, AND CROCKERY, THE BEST , = (4an FOR 6 ALEX. MOODIE. 683 The above Teas \Vul‘e carefully selected and are fully ten cents per fl) better than any Toas' sold Ion Richmond mu. Examine and test them and I WI" guamnloe you will bear mo’ out in my assertions. - G. A. BARNARD, 1 Sign of the British Flag Stafi', Richmond Hill} Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing Supra-Iior Mayune Young Hyson Tea. froin 85 (:t3 per if). g Fine flavored Black Tea, from 80 0.15 per fit Fluefit flavored and best Black Tea imported, SUN) rpel‘ Tb In Canisters of 5 ibs. 5 013 per 11; less than‘ WES}; pripes. Herses and Cattle. MILLER’S DE RBY OIL- JOB PRINTING. J and Dealer in [all kinds of Boots and Shoes, 38 west Market Square. Toronto. Good, Fresh and Slrong Young Hyson Tea; only 50 01.5 per ih 1"qu full flavored Young Hyson Tea, only 60 cm per lb FARMERS’ BOOT & SHOE STORE TOHN pAflRQNfiIAEUL‘AQTURER 83’ Boolsand Shoes made to Measura. of lheBest Malerialsund Workmanship, at the uowest Remuneraling Prices In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention to business and will keep on hand a select stock of Ready'Made Boots and Shoes. suita: ble for the trade in the neighbourhood. and hopes to meriltho supportof l)isfutlmr‘sfriéiid§. SEVER, Jun. Richmond “1”. Feb. 9, 1871. J. thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he commenced business as a 13001' AND SHOE MAKERmn Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT SIVER, jun"z who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continne td bestow their patronage on his successor. THE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for thn nah-mung I AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE; On‘Riéhz‘fiond H'm. id. BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND CHEMISTS, 167, King St. East, Toronto. quflSale by Druggists and Storekeepefs. October 18. 1871. _ 6914f We have numberless congatulary recom- mendations from Agricultural Societies for the. benefit they havé derived from its use in‘ raising s_t9dk. l’rié’e 25 cents and $1'00 per box. A dollar box contains 208 feeds. Prepared in Canada only by P OSITIVELY THE GREATEST THE YORKSHIRE o A T T L E" Horseé. Cows. Sheep and Pigs fed with the Yorkshire Cattle Feeder have alwaya taken first prizes. It Fattms in Oiwfourth the usual time. ' New Crop; QRESH NEW TEAS. Used by all First~class Stoc7c Breedéré September 28. 187] . 'l‘oronto, Dec. 3.1867. August 17. 1870 Dnne Noatnncf Quick at the Herald Oflico. Richméud Hm. Aug. 10, ten. €814? Au. THIS MONTH m BOOTS 8; SIâ€"IOES FINE FRENCH C’A'LF 3002’s FRESH OUTS OR om) songs. Throughout Europe and Canada; Efljnnm and $111125, BELCFW COST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED 1i Gents, Attentibn ! HUGH MILLER &. co. Fattening cattle. wattle (tinder; Is recommended and AT $5 PER PAIR. HUGH MILEJER & CO., Selling ofi‘. Your order for FEEDER 167 King St. East Toronk ) 6314 if Notice ROBT. SIVER, Sen. T. DOLMAGE. Excelsior Boot Make}; T. DOLMAGE’S. T. DOLMAGE’S. SSS-If 655-“

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