Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Dec 1871, p. 4

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BE deaf to the qum'relsmne, blind to the scorner, and dumb to xhuse who are mis- chievously inquisinve. NOTHle so ndorns the face as cheerful- ness; \\ hen the [want is in flower, 113 bloom and beauty pus: m 1119 features. IF you Would be known. and not know, vegelute in u village; if you would know, and not be known, live m u cii)‘. To give pain is the Iyr:mny,t0 make happy the true em pire of beumy. A SLOWNESS to applaud betrays a cold temper and an envious spirit. THE manners which are neglected m small thingsme uflen those which decide men for or against you. WHEN a man has no design but to speak plain hulh, he Hwy say a great deal in u very narrow compass. EVERY i'nol knows how (men he has been arogue; but every rogue dues not know hcw often he has been a ['00]. AXY one may do a casual act of good nature but a cominumion of them shows it a part of the temperament. WE should give as we recniveâ€"cheerf‘ully, quickly. and without hesilulion, for there is no grace in u benefit that sticks to the finger. . AN Ihfmr's industry will do more to beget cheel'hnness, supuress evil hummus, and re- trieve your ufl‘uix‘s, than a months moaning. HARMLESS mix-1h is 1119 best cordial against the consumption of" 1110 spiriis; lhewfm'e jesting is not unlawful, if it trespassslh not in quantity, qualin or season. ONE of the ancient. fathers snid:â€"â€"~“A man should be promised for death the day before hut. as he dons not. know wlwu 11ml day is, he should all“ nys be prepared.” To (011 your own secrets is generallv folly, but, 111211 folly is wiIhout guill; {o communicate those A'ilh “hich we are en il‘usted isulwnys treachery and treachery for the most part combined will] foliy. NEVER attempt to do anything tlml is not right. Just as sure as you do. you will get into trouble. If'yml even suspect that any» thing 1s wrong. do it not until you Me sure your suspicions are groundless. “7mm we to believe nothing but what we could perfecfly (-omprehvnd, not. only our stock of knmflodgc in all the hmnchos of' learning would be shrunk un 10 Y‘OihianHH even the afi'airs 0! common life could not be Carlied on. WE are often infinately mistaken and fake the (alsesl mnnmrpsQ whom we envy Ilw lmp- piness of I‘l(‘l1 and great men. Wp lmmv nnt1l1e inwmd canker ll‘JlT cuts but all tlwir joy and de 1hr. and makes tlwm really much more miserable llmn ourselves. SPANISH PROVICRBS.â€"-An :ss cnvered with gold is more l'r'speclod thnn a horse with a puck-saddle. A word my! nsfnne thrown awav do not mlurn. One thief m:ka a hundred suffer suspicion. A rich widow cries with one eye and rejoices with the other. Would you know the value of money, go and bm-row some. To hushnnd strength, mental and phvsi» cal-to hushaud and govern nnwor. passion, every immttse and every attribute nt’ our na- ture. so that there may ever 17 ‘, with us the reservv strength {'01- use and enjnvmentâ€"is one of the chief‘sccrets of' happiness. Ex eggs in ptnnsure or employment is the bane of' life. To smn a 1itth§shnrtof the point of replenon is the golden secret. If you Can’t Praise .vour Neighbor, Don’t Name Him at all. In our judgment of others, we mortals are prone To tall: of their faults without heeding our own : And thin little rule should be treasured by all : “If you can’t praise vmn‘ neighbor, don’t name him at all.” Men’s dupds are compounded of glory and shnmo, And surer ’tis sweeter to praise than to blameâ€"â€" Perfecfinn has never been known since the Funâ€"â€" “If you can’t praise your neighbor, don’t. name him at all.” Remember, ye cynics, the mote and the beamâ€" Pause in ynur faultfinding and ponder the themeâ€" Who has the least charity, quickest will {0.11â€" “If you can’t-praise vmir neighbor, don’t nzime him at all.” If we would but endeavor our own fault to mond, We'd lmve all the work to which we could amend, Then let us be open to charity’s callâ€"â€" “If you can’t praise your neighbor, don’t name him at all." I’ve pondered over every sound Whose echoes thrill the soul, I’ve se “ched those melodies profound Who e numbers round me roll; But. sought in rain the magic spell, Which bids each care depart \Vhen ripples from {air woman's lips The joy which fills the heart. There’s music in the summer breeze And the glad water‘s tl0w, I lie-air :Ilnltl the lot-0st leaves An anthem, soil and low; But when from woman’s ruby lips 15 borne upon the air Her overflow of happiness, She reigns unrivalled there. The ocean’s wild majestic tone Resounds from clime to clime, The noble organ fills the soul \Vith harmony suhlinic; But these must ever yield the palm When Woman’s heart sets free From love lit eyes and twth of pearl A flood of ecstacy. That laugh can gild with joy the clouds Of sorrow, toil, and pain; Can cause the deserts of the heart To blossom o’er again; Can melt the letters of the worldâ€" lts coldness and its pride; Can lift the veil from fortune’s face, And cast her frown aside. That ringing laugh the echoes wake O'er em-lh, and sea, and air; It links the mingled songs of time Will] angel voices fair; Call this no more a "vale of tears,” While gushes lull and free, From woman’s lips, and eyes and soul That luaven born melody. “Woman’s Laugh. Odds and Ends gaging. In regard to feeding sheep in Winterl Bui-dett Loomis, the well-known groweri‘ of Cotswolds, states in Moore’s Rmal,‘ that he aims to supply his breeding ewes daily with what is equivalent to one pint 1 of corn and a quart of coarse bran. Hel regards the bran as a substitute for hay“l and thinks it serves about the same pur- } pose that turnips do. If the ewes are‘ strong he decreases the quantity, and if? his mews are very low gives more bran ‘ which he regards as cheaper than hay.: He sometimes substitutes oats, beans,: and occasionally a little oilcake for the corn, and if some of his ewes are unusu- ally thin, he puts them by themselves and ‘ and gives them a little stronger feed.“ His ram and ewe lambs get about the same feed, with two quarts of turnips daily. He regards oats, with a little oil- ‘ cake and bran, as better for lamle than corn, as with this diet they make more 1 bone and muscle, and it is important that sheep of the size and heavy fleece of‘ Cu ‘olds have something out of which to ;,':")W carcase and wool. An excess of water, or too much dampness in some instances, arises from surface water, and in others, from spring1 veins that crop out in the cellar. In many instances, when the excavation is being made for a cellar, in a heavy, springy ground." water veins are cut off two or three feet below the surface of the ground. When such is the ease, the water in those veins will be discharng behind the cellar wall, and will settle down and pass along; on the surface of the cellar bottom. Sometimes, however, the veins of water are not reached till the excavation is about completed. Then when the water veins, which pass through the earth like the blood veins through the body of a living animal, are filled with water, the bottom of the cellar will often be covered with water, even when a good underdrain has been provided to convey it away as soon as it has accumu- lated in sufficient quantities to flow out through the under-drain. Now for the remedy. The corrECt Way to avoid a wet cellar is to lay a tile drain entirely around the outside of the excavation, nearly 21 foot lower than the bottom of the cellar, before the founda- tion walls are laid. But after an edifice has been erected, and wpter appears on the cellar bottom, the most Sntlsfactory way to render the bottom dry is to sink the channel nearly at {00c deep entirely around the cellar close to the Wall, and lay a course of drain tiles in the bottom, which will out 01f all water veins, and thus render the collar quife drv. by conâ€" ducting the water into the ljiv glore it can work along toward llle nzé'QlJle of the cellar. A correspondent of the Laws of Life, who claims to have had extended expeli- ence, is “ decidedly of the opinion” that apples keep far better when put into close boxes or barrels, and secluded as When ‘ thus stored, he says they will come out l much as possible from the air. in the spring full and plump as whcni taken from the tree. the Tallnan Sweet, Spitzenburg, and other kinds that are not considered as long keepers and shrivcl badly, will do well treated in this way. I have, he continues, found universally, that they keep better if you l.t them lie without It is much better to :pile them into a large bin across the cellar, picking over. say six or seven feet high and four ori five feet wide, and cover them up tight, than to lay them on shelves. such a bin that a man had kept through the WilltOl'.â€"Ab0'1t the first of April he thought he would open the windows on the side of the cellar next to the bin to let in the air, that they might keep bet- ter. I was at his place and he called my attention to the fact. just over the bin were opened about ten days or two weeks, and the apples exactly I once saw Two windows oppOsite the windows, about one-third rotted for as much as afoot in depth, and the remaining part on either side were not rotted at all. Another stance : A neighbor of mine had about fire-hundred bushels in a pile in a collar. As they became a little spooked he e0m~ menced pic-king; them.»0Ver; and when about half done, got/tiredfind concluded to let tlieglgo. When marketed about six weeks after, he found that about one third of those picked over were not fit for market, when all but one twentieth of the others were good. This I have seen i in numerous instances. IF you wish to try the experiment, make a box as tight as a carpenter can make it, and when picking from the orchard, fill it and make it fast. Let it lie in orchard till it is in danger of" freezing, l than put it in the cellar.â€"â€"Put the same quantity on shelves-for trial. I_ am pretty sure one experiment will convmce. in- Many varieties, as » ’F‘HE NEW CA] AEâ€" Series of Selim Authorised by the straction Fixis‘i'BoOK,witliillil inl nip clothâ€"5 Flam-linen, (sot-0nd} strongly hound ii SECOND Boon, with bound in cloth ‘0 l‘IiInn Book, 41 illu in cloth hoardsâ€" Foum H Book, »15illu in cloth hoardsâ€" FIFTH Book, 54) illus in cloth hoardsnâ€" Oomramou To run It For sale at I HF THE 54TH V0 THE lLl PHRENOLOG A First-class ' pHRENOL‘JGY.â€"rrhi Location of the Org culture and training. and body described. l’in’siriusouv, or t wiih illustrations, and specialiezuuro. lC'erLoGYor The illustrated, will he gii answnoev AND A tion, structure and i hotly; with the laws I we should eat and di oxo'cise, sleep and hygienic principles. .l'UR'l‘RAI‘l‘S, sketche ing men and women are special features. PARENTS. TEACH}: guide in educating in magazine has no snpi .Much general int'i topics of the day is , spared in make this instructive as well as lilagazine ever publii: ESTABLISHEDrâ€"Th 54th volume. it has 5 during the many yea and “73S lleel' IlIUl'e l 'l‘saunaâ€"Monthly, tingle numbers. 30 mote $9. each, and a We are offering the the Inclose 1.") cents for a Pictorial Poster and List of Premiums. 2 S. R. 3 November 8. 1871. How to avoid W et Cellars. Feeding- Sheep in Winter Stormg \Vinter Apples mimmmm \ THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONCE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1871 Way defines snoring as letting ofi' isleep. i Homeâ€"Home is the one place in all this lworld where hearts are sure of each other. ,It is the place where we tear off that mask i of guarded and suspicious coldness which \the world forces us to wear in self defence, land where we pour out the unreserved oom- [mnniention of full and confiding hearts. It. lis the spot where expressions of tenderness gush out without any sensation 0r awkward mess, and without any dread of ridicule. Let :1 1mm travel where he will, home is r the place to which “ his heart uutrammclled fondly turns.” He is to divide all pain. A happy home is the single spot of rest which a. man has upon this earth for the cultiva- tion of his noblest sensibilities. “Ifamgn sleeps under my preaching, I do not sendiboy to wake him up, but I feel that a. boy had bettér come and Wake me _up. ”â€"Beecher. Nothing can work me damage except mmelf'. The harm I sustain I entry about with me, and never am a, real sufferer save by my own faultâ€"St. Bernard. “ Ideas,” says Voltaire, “ we like beards â€"â€"men only get them when they are grown up, and women never, have any.” The wretch. LITTLE Sinsâ€"In a California forest of a thousand acres you can scarcely find a tree that is not dead and crumbling to de- cay. No fire has swept over it, no lightingr scuthed those naked; bleaching pines. This ruin was wrought by a little insects lurvm,no larger than a grain of rice. What a hundred nxemen could not accomplished by years of hard labour, this seemingly in- significant insect sent its feeble offspring to perform. One alone could have little,power it is true. but millions were marshalled, and all the skill of man could not' stay their course. Such is the power of little sins. Begs to meuced PHOTOGRAPHY. Persons, Animals, Houses or Old pictures of done-used friends copied and enlarged suilubb 101' ‘mming. 111‘ Duil and cloudy weather I); hindrance to the an. NB. Children and animais move risk of the owner. Emtm’mmwmmmm‘ «V M Fmsu‘Boox,\villllllllluslrations,sl.rongl§houu inl mp clothâ€"5 cents. _l“1ns‘rliuoxc, (second part} with 542 Huslmtions, strongly hound in limp clolhâ€"IO cents, SECOND Bump will) 55 Illustrations. strongly bound in cloth boardsâ€"2‘9: cams. l‘Imm 13mm, 4i illuslrntions,slrougly bound in cloth hoardsâ€"3U vents. Foum H Book. 45iHustrations,sironegbound, in (1301!! boardsâ€"40 cents. FIFTH 13mm, 54) illustrations’ strongly bound , in clolh hoardsâ€"5H cums. COMPAwa To THE READERSâ€"25 cents. For sale at the We are offering the most libm'zfl Px‘ex‘niums. Inclose L") cvnts I‘or a sample: numbeuwith new Pictorial Poster and Prospectus, and complete List of Premiums. Address ’E‘HE NEW CANADIAN NATIONAL THE 54TH VOLUME, FOR 1872 THE ILLUSTRATED i’kanNoL~JGv.â€"The Brain and NS Functions Lucailon of tho Organs, with directions for culture and training. and the relaliuns of mind and body described VMucll general information on thé leading topics of the day is given, and no efibrts nro spared m mulio this the most interesting (ml instructive as well as the Best Pictorial Famin lllngazine ever published. hsx'ABLISHrzv.â€"â€"-’l‘he Journal has reached its 54H] vohune. It has Meadin increased in favor during the many years it has been published, and was never more popular than now. 'i‘semiâ€"Monthly, at $3 a year in advance. tingle numbers. 30 cents. Clubs of ten or mme $9. each, and an oxu'a copy to Agent l’uvsxfimouv, 01' the "Signs of Character wivh illlhumions, and how to read them,” is a pacialfemuro. .n. .1- . x "a. ,, ,1‘ In! I , lC'l'HM)LoGY,m' The Natural Hislm'y of Man, illuslruledy will be given. answmcv AND ANATOMY â€"'l‘he Organiza- tion, siruclurc and functions of the human body; with the laws of life and health. What we should eat and diink, how clothed, how to «xxo'cige, sleep and live, in accordance with hygienic principles. l‘on'rlmrrs, sketches and biographies of lead- ing men and women in all departments 0! life, are special features. r . PARENTS. TEACHERS AND O'rHEns..â€"As a guide in educating and [mining Chiidron. this magazine has no superior. .u‘u y. WW, gnfilémifimw, ém Richmond U1”, Sept. 20,1871 Authorisedbythe Council'bf Public 111- struction for Ontario. «EAGAZINES, PAPE RS, 820. VERY WEEK FOR OCTOBER PHOTOGRAPHS PHRENOL 0 GIC’A L .70 URNA L, Ser'ms of School Books R. A. GRAY inform the public thm. having operation in (he nbovo business, prepared to take STYLE 0R SIZE imfingmgfifiy. Arrivsd at the Herald Book Stora ‘ist-class Family Magazme. IN AH‘I REQUIRED SUPPLIED AT THE S. R. WELLS, Publisher. HERALD BOOK STORE. HEVAII‘ INCH FTOdE 389 Broadway, New York . 694-3m4 at the com- I) always on hand the best of Beef. Mut- ton, Lamb. Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c . and sallnat the lowest prices. 'S‘ha highest market prices given for Cattle, Slump. Lambs, «5:0. .,_4. ...,.~ .. ‘ Aléé. Cornea, and Spiced Bfief, Smoked and Dried H, aumsu '[EE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to h':~ frimzds fax» the pah'onage ,5. thanks to h':~ frimtds fax» the pmronage ha ha received since: he comma ‘ced business as SBU'I‘CHEH on R. Imond H i. begs to an- nounve \0 then) u at he has disposod of his busith to his son, Hmznv HfiPPhR. who will m fume carry on tha Business. He also U'usis that lis cusAomm-s win continue (0 bestow their pati'omge on his successm'. 3rd. The Stock-holdels.Directors and Agents being a'xlmsident in Canada, loses will be adv jusnad \w'thout dam}; and paid IN CASH AT ONCE. fi‘HE ISOLATED RISK FIRE INSUR‘ C«pita1. . . .. . ....$500.000 I.)qwsit with Government. 50,000 Presitlrnt. ALEXANDER Mcszm. Esq, \I,P. Mam/gar. JOHN MAUGIIAN, Jun. AUVAN'I’AGI’LS OFFER”) : 1st. Absolute security to Policv Holders, in the sham of a very large (fakh Capital 1 met» Compauv of Canada. Hm; OFFICE : King St. Corner of Church, Toronn‘ . 2nd.’l‘he imponant feature imrnduced by Khis Ccmpany of' insuring N (Ml-HAZARDOUS PROPERTY 03 LY. being the means of giving its Policy Holders VERY Low RATES on detached dwallil as and farm property. The undersigned, having received an agenc~ for [he Townships of W’hilchurch. King, Mark- ham. Vaughan. York and Etnbicoke, begs leave to say that lie is now actively engaged in canvassing tho some: and those wishing lo insure bean being called on in lhe ordinary ruuline of this CflIlVTH-S, that by addrr-ssing him at Newmarket. or at head eflico. giving No. oi 101 and coucessin and name of township, they can secure prompt atleulion. 4th. Rates as I‘m} as: 3‘: is possible for any Mutual Company to make thsm. keeping in viow thesacmily of its poiicy holders. NOISELESS MOVEMENT, GREAT SPEED. D 'm Weekly Papers. received at the HERALD gook Stow. Richmond Hill é‘U m.‘ I’xiiSTRUC'I‘mNs GRATIS No. 3 Machine, price 3545, improved and re. duced to $42 No. ‘2, Urnamental onnzo, silent feed. price $55, I'oducml to $45. No. l, Silver plumd, silent feed. price $65, reduced to 5“, Hall' cm: s. from 5"“ Full (:2: as. from ' ‘7 to $15 extra. 5 upwards extra, 6'. Reduced Price List! BIBLE SOCIETY DE POSITORY LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. CALL AND SEE IT. C. CHAPMAN, AGENT. The above instrumenls are all fully war- ranted and sold at manufacturers’ prices. For- fnct satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Circulars post free. Termsâ€" Cash, or apprnvcd Notes wit/L innrest. Hithmto the facilities of the Wheeler (5‘1, \Vilson h’lanutacturing C0,, great as they wore. have been inadequate tn supply tho unâ€" I)l'C\dBUI(€d demand at this favorite machine. {scent rxlensivo zuldiliuns to tho cmnpnny’sf nmnufacmring resume-es, however, enablel them now not only to supply the demand of 1110 world, but at a much cheaper rate. ‘lhe public in Canada will now reap the benefit of these changes, and it is nxpected the present large reduction will increase the sale still more extensivclv. Tho privilege ofshowing any person the remarkable simplicity of con- stl'uctinn 'ind corst-qm-nt ease of management of the Wheeler d: Wilson, lways affords us great mtisi'uciun. We theret'om invite all intumsted, (and who is not?) to call and see, and try for themselves. Those who cannot call .«t the warm‘ooms will he waited on at their residences. TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. Stoufl'vilio, April 27. 1871. I have great pleasure in stating that the Wheeler Ar Wilson Sewing Machinelpm‘- chased of Mr. C Chapman givespurf'ectsatis- faction; aiter using it for some time and careâ€" fully examining and testing it by the side of other machines. 1 mm fully satisfied that for durabilih‘, simplicilv, s‘iient running. ease of motion and aujuslment. it cannot be equalled. and in the end is far the cheapest machine ma] can be purchased. Piano Covers (Rubber) and-Music Stools in: great rarioiy. PIANO - FORTES ORGANS & MELODEON S Richmond Hill, Sapt. 27, 1871. Ridnnond Hill, Jan. 7,1871 TUUSWATKINSON, Agent Newmarkot, Aug. 16, M57]. 652 lv )APER BOOKS Ju11615,1870 7 WILLIAM 00X, UTCHER, 3103:4031) 511nm: I_E{_AS UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TORON- From the Establishments of R. S. IV!LLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, EVERY MACHINE VIARRANTED. HEINTZMAN & G OMI’ANY’S WHEELER & WILSON MAQHII (RICHMOND HILL BRANCH) AT THE AND OTHER CELEBBA' ED MAKERS. gm gamma“, Wing @fikzcifinw, gutshwmg, A FULL ASSOR' MENT 0F OF ALL KINDS AT THE I'IERALD BOOK STORE TES'I‘IONIAL Notice. LERRATED HERALD BOOK STORE R 0 RT. HOl’PE R4 WILL? AM COX. E. F. Geo, W. M. Minister. Mark/mm. 652 tf 688 JOB PRINTING PLAIN AND COLORED BOOK & FANCY STORE Fancy Goods, Jewelry, POETICAL WORKS Albums AT THE HmuALD Boon STORE, DAY BOOKS, Clothes Brushes Nail Brushes Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches FARME RS’ ALMINAX Toy Boojcs, Tin Tog/f Shirt Studs Sleeve Water Color Paints <9 Brushes Crag/0713 Puzzle Blocks Wax Dolls Writing Desks W 07']: Boxes Wallets Gold Pens EXECUTED IVITH PR 0MP’1'I'TU TE. MISCELLANEO US & STANDARD E YORK HERALD OF THE DIFFERENT POE-TS, AT THE 0f Every Sizo ana Dercription. CONSTANTL‘I ON HAND Price Fifteen Cents. Bibles ESTABLISHMENT. Concertina: China Dolls Humming Tops Canes 2170]} Wain-figs Gold Plated Penlwlders Gold Plated Pencil Cases Gold Chains Vturls Sleeve Links PRINTING THE HERALD ALL KINDS OF JOSH BILLINGS’ PERIODICALS, A LARGE STOCK 0F PAPER BOOKS FOR1872. Needle Shell Cases Shell Boxes T eslamen z‘s JOURNALS, Dressing Combs Circular Combs i'_I/ Coronets Pocket Cutlery flair Brushes 33 Tooth Brushes Showing Brushes Razors Ear Rings HERALD BOOK STORE. BOOKS AND ALEX. SCOTT. Transparent Slates ’ Mirrors Ladies’ Companions Pocket Books Hymn Books Prayer Books Pocket Combs Sheet Illusic Pearl sets Richmond Hill School Books Razor Straps nan Vases LEDGERS, Portfolios @griwlmml gljntmmnmtfi, ‘ The Markham or Cash Style. first 20 feet, $X0. after 20 feet. 40 cents per foot. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, (4‘ P Kebpa also 1: Stock of'Common Pumps as follows : for (he first 20 feet. 538, after 20 feet, 30 cell-[S P6110“; 120 Champion Double and Single Farrow 1 public fur the literal pmwnugo he has It:- ceived since first introducing to their llolice POWELL’S PATENTS ! Begs to assure them that he will. in fumro‘ as in the past, enduavur to desarve Lhis confidante by supphiug Cislern Pumps. Churn Style . . Excelsior or common lever. . . . Swing. Wrought Gearing . . . . U Swing. do do Large Swing Force. Large Size. . . . . . Pumps as superior to (1723/ 72171716110 pro. duccd as those he has supplied were to the kinds which they supm'ccdcd, AND AT PRICES WHICH DEFY COMPETITION! SWING FORCE PUMPS. $‘ZOI'orfi1‘5128 feet, after 9d fl. 60 cts por fuot SWING LIF’I‘ING PUMPS, $12 for first ‘20 feet, after 20 fl. 5') cls per foot CELEBRATED PUMPS ! NEW PATENT WROU GHT, IRON GEAR This pump, as now made, will throw more water In shallow walls, Inqu work msim‘ in (leap walls Hum (my vtfun' mada.‘ Newton Brook, April 26. 1871. THE‘SO-CALLED ICXCVELSIORWPump, Send for Illusl'mcd Catalogue. “'M. RENN 1 E 667-tf c. PO‘WELL, N RETURNING THANKS TO THE AND USERS OF SUCH INFRINGE- MENTS And all kinds of Plough Fillings kept in stock. 1s greatly improved this season with LARGER CYLINULH and The Latest and Most Approved ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO BEVVARE!!! Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealur in @wm’fi gnaw. JOHN GRAY & CO.’S I NFR I NG E If, S Will be held Responsible. WM. RENNIE, I’LOUGNS! OF ALL Kmns‘ 1115 NOW l'. U. BOX 1355. TORONTO In Canada and the United States. PATENTS To manfac- tun-e under RIGHTS POWELL’s Size SALE, PATENT 565-1y FOR ..$‘~’50 ,. 6 0H . . 7 00 9 0!) .. 20 U) itmvapapm & @agazim, ANY'l’urstAnos IN THIS LIST MAILED T0 SUBScmnuka .vn‘H L’nomv'rmzss. 1‘4 and Magazums supplied by Alex Scoli “You: HERALD” Oflice, Richmond Hill r1 MON'I‘HLIICS. t‘ei‘y’r. rrt‘ All the Year Round 3 (ill AlliollEElllll 375 Ai'liziin...... .................- 375 Annals of Natural History........ 9 50 Argosy (Tl)b)............ u... 2 (l0 Ai‘iiiyList...................... 575 ArtJoiii'iiul 950 Astronomical [legi er... ....... 375 Aunt Judy’s Maguzine........... 2 (it) Beau Monde (Lo) 3 75 Belgravia [iiiclu. Christmas nuui ] 4 00 Bentley’s Miscellany. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 liihle Christian’s Magazine, . 1 30 Bible 'i‘rozisur)‘........... . 1 ll) ‘Burgeon’s short sermons . . . 2 ()0 1303’sJouin-l............. Boy’s uwn )vieiguziiio. . . . ......-. - 2 (10 h'lllsll Friend“ . . . . . if 00 Bow Bull's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L’ :35 Boys 01' l Ilglal:ll...... . .... ‘ “0 Broadway. The. . . . . . . nu . . . 3 75 Hlncliwoud tlddinlunrglied). . .. . . . 9 :30 Builder, The [price vmies] . . . . . . . 5 75 Bond Street .................... 37:3 Bar’s Book of Romance: . . . . . . . . . 2 00 ('ass “’5 “lllgl'flllllicfll Dictionary. . 2 00 Cassell’s Magazine... .... .. . .... . 2 00 Chamber’s Journal. . . . . . . . .. 2 25 Chamber’s Em‘inological Dictonur)‘ 2 (l0 Cliess-r‘lm’er’s Magazine. . . . .. . - - 3 75 CliessWorld....... 375 Children’s Hour . . . . . . 110 Christian Advocate and Review. . . 3 00 Christian Consoler. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 1 10 Christian Ulrervei‘ . . .. . . . . 5 75 Christian Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Chi tian Spectator . . ... . . .. . . 52 00 Lian Witness............... 1 ()0 't'ian World Magaziiio . . . ... . 2 (MI Clll‘lttluu ‘v‘v'orli . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 2 till (Iliui'cliniaii Mllgafilnti, 'l he . . . . . . J 15 Ch. of England 'i‘oiiipei'aiico Mag. 1 1t) CliuIcli ol the l’eopie. . . . . . . . . .. . 110 Church Clloll'lliarjlvl‘fllld Organist. I 10 Church Missionary liitolligencer . . 2 00 Church V’Vorh........... 110 Clitii'cliiiian’s (Ioniiiuiiioii. . .. 5 Churchman’s Fauiilr M'vgazimu 3 50 0 5 Civil Engineer and Architect’s Jonr 7 5 Colonial Church Chi-oniitlo. . . .. .. 5, 7 Contemporary Review . . . . . . . Coriiliill Magazine. . .. . . .... . .... 3 50 Cutters (The) Mo Journal. . . . . . . 3 00 Day ol‘ Rest . . Dublin IllllVUIL t)‘ Magazme . . . . . . 9 0t) East Angliun ................... 3 25 ECClOSiulK‘ and 'l‘lieologian. . . .. . . 3 75 l'lccloniologib‘. (-alt. AM“). . . . . . . . . . 5 '75 Eclectic 6'2 Congregational Review 3) 75 Edinburgh Vledicul&Surgical Jziui' 7 51) English Presbyterian Mun . } 10 English Mottlinnic . . ,. . . 3 ‘25 Englishman’s (The) Magazine. . . . 3 75 l‘liiglisliavomiiii’s llonioi‘xtic Mag . . 3 75 Entomologist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 00 l‘liiloni \logist’r‘ Monthly l‘vlngazina i ()0 Evuiigalical Clil'iswiitlniii . . . . . . . . . 2 (30 lrlvztiigelical Magazine . . . . . . . . . __ 2 75 lilxe'erllall.......... .. 375 Fainin Friend . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 2 ()0 Family 'I'rcnsnrx'. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 2110 Familr Heralth. 2 00 inriiier’s Magazine. _ _ . . . . . . _ 7 50 Floral Illagiiziiis,,.. 95¢) l“lural\\’or|(l....,..,,,..... 200 Forlei Fortnightly lioview (ino).... l“l‘uf.‘liifl$01l’5 i‘.‘lagm:ino.. Vlleltd..-.....-..-u..... Gmdonor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (IO Gents l‘ilagzizino of Fashion . . . . . . 4 00 ('h'ntiemiin’> Magazine. . . . . . .. .. . 9 5O Geological Magazine . . . . .. . . . . . . 5 75 Geological tVz Nat. Hist. Reportorv. 0 75 Good Sioi'iivs.... .. ............:. 110 Hood “'on ..... .. 175 Goon Words for the Young. ... . l 75 anziiel ill'dWIZ‘iH‘ . .. . . . . . ’. . .. 2 00 llt‘lflltl :iiitl (lt=oh>gi:t.(alt month) 475 Hoiiiilhl . . . . . . . . . . 325 “urological .lotiriiul.. . l'lusii‘aiod l.(\ll(lUl1 I‘v’ltigggiZIl‘ie . . . . . 3 75 llllt’llf’ifflh’ll Oliscn'er . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 Intellectual Repository (Ncw Ch.) 2 ()[l .Ililll'llal ul‘ Agi‘ii'ultiim. . . . , . . . . 3 ’15 Journal oftho (lllt'llxltlal Social} . . 3 '75 Journal of l‘rutrliual Mediciiio. . . . . 3 7.3 Journal of Swain] Science. . _ ' _ .__ 5 7‘2) Kitto’s Billlt‘ Illiistraiioiis. . . . . . , , _ 3 75 limlics' Ciiliiiiot ol' Fashion. . , , _ _ _ 3 75 lianius’(Ioinpuiiion...... . . . . . .. 375 Lailies’ Gazette of l“-‘iSlllOll.. .. _ . _ 3 75 lmilies’ Treasury _, _ _ . _ I . . . “H _ 2 .25 'oimi'o llonr......... _ 900 *3 C211 supply any Magazine published not‘on above list Parties wishing Magazines, &c. bound 1: volumes will receive prompt attention. “ York Herald” ( heap Book and Job Pu'nh ing Establishment. A LEX. SCOTT Zuvlogist.............. ......... 375 35 Add 25 cents to above for postage when or daring 'oi.~nru “our................... ‘2 00 London . onrnzil. 9. (l0 liontlun Sm:iet‘-'. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 3 50 London and Paris Fashions . . . . . . _ 3 75 Mcclianiman .-......-.......... 9 50 lMctliCnl Mirror. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . ... 3 75 Nit-tilltfllifil “ agazino . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Mission'0n......r............ . Q “0 Munilily l’uclmt . 375 ansunni and Journal of Education 2 (It) Musical’l'inies......t.. . . . . . .... (l 50 Nulni'nlist.............. ........ l 10 New Monthly Magazine , . . . . . . I3 00 New Man, Mag. l'oi' S. S. Toacliers l 25 (Mesa \"Veuk................... 325 Our own Fire Side . . . . . . . . . ‘2 ()0 Peoples Magazine: . . . .. .. . . .... . . 9. (lo [’I):41'ni:.‘ct?\llllrhl .lotirnal. . . . . , _ , , , 3 75 Pliiins-(mhit'al Mwmihe . . . 9 5t) [’hmmgrapliit- Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 Photographic Portraits . . . . . . . . . . . f) 50 l’oul ()llicn Direlttor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Poultry 13-Hle . . . V . .......... l’rat‘tical Meclianics’ Journal . . . . . 3 75 Primitive Methouibt Magazine . . . . 2 00 ‘l’rnpheticTinies 175 Pulpit Analyst .................. 2 00 Quiver (The)................... ‘2 ()0 Renwmhrancer. . .. - - - . . .. ... . . . . I 10 Roynold’s Miscollaiiy . . , , , . U _ . . 2 ()0 Robinlmod 2 00 Rout]; dge’s Magazine for Boys . . . $2 ()0 Si, .luines’ Magazine. . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Scientific Rtview . . . .. . . . . , . . , _ . 2 (30 Scottish Congregutiunalist. . . . . . . . 1 Q5 Sharpe's London MaflflZilID. . . . . . . 3 75 Shorthand MilSthllt’. . . ... . . . . . . . 2 NO Sixpenny Magazine . . . . . . . .. . . . , E.) 00 Sooneror Latlil' 375 spinmillltag'izine. . . , . . . . . . . .. 2 00 Sunday Reader 2 00 Sunday School 'l'eaChers’ Mag. , . _ 2 00 Sunday Magn'lille- t . . .... .. .. . . . 2 ('0 Sunday at Home 200 St. Paul’s Magazine 3 75 Scottish Journal. . . . ..... .. . . . 21H) Technologist.................... 3 75 Temple} Bar 375 Tinsloy’s MaEaZlUB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 '75 ’l‘ownsnnd’s Costumes. . . . . . . . . .. 3 75 Traill’s Illustrated Josephus . . , , ‘ . 3 75 'l'rulhseeliel' 110 Union Review [3“. month]. . . .... 3 75 United Methodist Fl'os Church M30 2 Utl United Presbyterian Magazine . . 1 25 Veterinarian 5 75 Victoria Magazine . . . . . . 3 75 Vl’atchworfl 110 West End Gazette 0f1“i’JSlll01lR.. . , 3 75 World ot'Fnsliion . . . . . 3 75 Young Englisliwnman . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 Young Apprentice. . . . . .. H. . .. 2 “0 Young lindins Journal. , , , , . . . . 3 25 Young Englishman’s Magazine. . , . 2 (H; Young Men of Great Britain .. , . 9 (l0 ,‘NGLISH LIST OF NEWSPAPE [6111' uuuuu . .- Hl] .... .... .......... "U 375 375 11' Natural Hisaory........ 9 50 (The)................... 200 ist...................... rpu) mica! lioglslel‘ .. . . .....- \dy’s Magaazine........... nude (Lo) a [inclu. Christmas mun] ’s Miscellany.............‘ Irislian’s Magazine. . . .. .. reusur)‘,................. 1’s shol'lsermom ......... 200 amu-l................... 200 mu )viagaziue... .....- V‘CUICCI HtoprilODICDUI ugwcdcxlcvfi .â€" -. COCO Friend” . . . . . 200 H's . 53:25 'lng'al:t!...... . . . . . ‘ U my, 'J'hu................. 3 Uud Uddiubmghed). . .. . . . The [price vmies] . . . . . . . [root ..........-......... ‘ook of Romance: . . . . . . . . . ‘5 liiugruphicul Dictionary. . '5 Magazine“..., er’s Journal. . . {HOOCLWUICUVC wwMMWUIfS mC:C~J~J17V_1 womun’s Domenic Mag . . 3 75 )lngist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q 00 \logist’r‘ Monthly Mugazina i ()0 held (J'sn’iswn-dmn . . . . . . . . . 2 (30 rlical Magazine ..... . . . . . . 2 75 Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ()0 'I'rcnsnr\'.. . . . . . .... . . . . . '2 “0 Hernh‘.... . . . . . . ........ 200 "s Magazine . . . . . . . . 750 Magazins,,.. .. . . . . . . . . . 950 Norm . . . . , . a . . . . . . . . . 2 00 and l’omologis! . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 :Le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75‘ :htiy Review (mo) . . . . . . . . 7 5‘.) sMngaxme......... . . . . . 950 Lsou’s fi‘lagaxino . . . . . . . . . . 52 00 . . . . . . . . . 200 :or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (10 Magazine of Fashion . . . . . . 4 00 wank Magazine. . . .. . .... . 9 5O icallVIngazine“ . . . _ , . _ , . . 5 75 ica! $1 Dial. {1151. Repmwry. 0 75 EM e... . . . . . . . ..........1]() You» . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . 175 \‘m-ds for the Young. . . . 175 Matmz‘iw . .. . . . . . . . . . ’. . .. 2 00 33 17 17 17 17 33 17 17 17 80 65 17 33 50 65 “"80 17 17 17 33 80 50 07 10 17 17 H I Un . . . - - . a . . . . . . . . . . - . n) 2-) we Side . . . . . . . . . . . ‘2 00 gazine ............... 9. “0 lit:le Joul'nal. . . . . . . . . . 3 75 (“Magazine H... _ . . . , 950 m- Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . 0 75 ic l‘ortmits.... . . . . . . . f) 50 Din-mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 k. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 eclmnics’Journal . . . . . 3 75 Iathouibl Magazine . . , . 2 00 ‘imes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 75 yst ................ 2 00 ‘3) . . . . . . ..... ‘2 ()0 1691' . . . . . . . . . I 10 ‘Iiscollany . . . . . . .. . . . 2 00 . . . . . . 200 sMagnzine for Boys . . . 2 (J0 Magnzine.... . . . . . . . . 3 75 ,(viaw ..... . . . . . . . . . . 2 (EU mgreg‘nliunalist . . . . . . . . 1 Q5 )ndun Magazine. . . . . . . 3 75 Wughzillt’...” . . . . . . . . 2150 ngazine...... . . . . . . . 5200 mar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 famine. . . .. . , . . . . . . . . . 2 00 MIN . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . 2 00 no] 'i'emfllers’ Meg. . . . 2 ()0 Invilie.~.......... 2W) lome . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . 2 “0 Inguzine . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 lrnal . . . . . ............ 9”” -L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 lagazine.... . . . . . . . . _ , 3 '75 Costumes . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 3 75 . I 10 aw [5H, month]. . , , , , . 3 75 )edisl Fros Church Mag 2 U” bylexian Magazine 1 25 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 gazinc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 ‘razette of Fashions. _ _ , 3 75 shion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 an 17 17 33 80 08 90 33 33 33 17 15 17 1'1 >10 l7 l7 17 33 17 13 33 17 17 33 17 17 17 17 17 33 17 33 33 33 55 33' 10 60 17 13' 50 33 'ch Chroniulo. . ..... 5, 75 'Rm'iev.'..........- 901) :zine............... 350 Mo Juurnal....... 300 . . . . . . 200 'sil)‘1\lng mne 9 on ................... 325 d 'l‘heuiogiall....... 3 75 (ah.r\1:u.).......... 575 |aguzine.......-- 375 u . . . . . . . . . 375 . . . . . . . 110 do and Review. . . 3 00 213.... . . . . . . 110 er . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575 '. . . . . . . . . . . 375 mr . . . . . . . . 5200 s . . . . x . . . . . ....1()0 Magaziup ....... 2 (MI . . . . . nu... 200 mineflhe . . . . . . 3 75 xvnxitmi SOL-iv!) . . val Medicino. . . . lb‘uienco. . . . . Arazions. . . . . ’1' (9n. lion. . 011...... . 1' ll‘ashion. . . . . . . -a-...... .- Fushious. . . 3 3 5 3 . 3 3 3 2 ‘2 9. 3 3 dad-4444 queen .__ _ moccuololmwwwcv Pel‘y’r. Pr No. 3M] 25 375 33 375 33 950 80 n... 200 17 . 200 . 2 00 . 3 25 _ 2m; . 5’00 . 375 5500050 770U02“ .3322222 FDUORUFJ 751.97 007133 80 17 33 80 13 10 I7 l7 17 17 ‘20 17 33 33 17 17 17 ill! 1.? '33 3'3 33 165 18 10 17 10 17 33 65 80 33 30 l7 80 30 33 33 33 65 I“ 33 17 17 30‘ 17 17 33

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