Apparently authentic accounts state that Mr. Fish actually placed his resignation in the hands of President. Grant, but was in duced to withdraw it by the urgent repre_ sentations of a large number of leading American politicians. The revolution in Mexico is becoming formidable. Saltillo, with all the Govern- _me_nt troops, arms and ammunition, has .surrendered without conditions. In Mata.- moras, the municipal elections have resulted in favour of the anti-Juarez pgrty. At other points the revolutionists are recruit- ;ing actively for offensive purposes, and upon the whole, the prospect is far from en- gouraging to the ruling administration. President Grant’s Message has stirred up the grave Spaniards to unwonted excite- ment. The references to Cuba and its difli. culties have only conï¬rmed the Government in its deteamination to retain this brightest gem of the Spanish crown, at whatever cost, to judge from the despatclies describing the entensive preparations at once commenced for the defence of the island, and the sup- pression not. merely of the insurgent forces but of the not less dangerous rebels against law and order, the volunteers of Havana, HIM/ANA, Dec. 12.-â€"To day and hencefor- ward, regular troops will garrison Morro Cabana. and Ike principle forts. In view of the arrival of reinforcements from Spain, Vai/masedu considers it. just to relieve the volunteers from their arduous service. Spain will send to Cuba this month four battalions of troops from the regular army, besides 10,000 reinforcements which are to follow within a year. Diseases such as Consumption, Bronchitis, Debility from Typhoid and other Low Fe- wers, from excessive grief, study, or close conï¬nement, and prostration of the vital powers, yield to Fellows’ Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites sooner than any remedy ever before discovered. Senor Mel-e116, the new Governor of Havana, has begun the work of suppressing 1he gambling houses. Cholera is raging in Delhi. The formation of new troops of cavalry are gazetted for the town of Cornwall. 0n- !ario, and the district of Beadingly, Ma. The expected denial of the truth of the New Yurk Herald's story respecting the grand plan for the impeachment of P'resi .dent Grant has promptly followed the can- ard. flence that designs, attributed to France, of securing the aid of Russia in revenging Sn.- .dowa, have not been successful. 'A. harbour mester's ring has been dis. covered in New York, and exposed by the .shipowners. Some members of this ring .are charged with extorting money from ship captains ranging in amounts from $60,000 to $200,000. Mhese were nice fat pickings, and will be food for the Commit- tee of 70â€"thnt body having been requested :to investigate that question. It is estimated that the great trunk lines .of railways curried last year 3,000,000 tons ,of Western produce to the Atlantic markets, valued at $4,000,000. Without the agency of railroads, full three-fourths of this amount would not have been produced. One of the functions of railways is to make distant productions marketable. In this way they produce wealth by enabling others to pro- .duce it. Rinvg'fm'ud‘s are amioimced from Chicago, where it is said the members of the City Council have been blackmailing those ap- pointed to Corporation ofï¬ces. The friendly sentiments towards Germany rgently expressed by the Czar have caused ' " all stir in Vaterland, where the utter- es are considered as guarantees for a con- .uance of peace in Europe, and as an evi- ;- LONDON, Dec. 12,â€"The Lord Chief Jus- tice. and Sir Alexander Cockburn, have gone to Geneva to attend the meeting of the Board of Arbitrators appointed under the Treaty of Washington. The business to be transacted is purely nominal, viz: the rati- ï¬cation of the powers of the arbitrators. The British Government proposed to dis. pense with it but the Washington cabinet objected and it will be necessary for all the members of the board to be present. in per- son on the appointed day. It. is possible ,that at the ï¬rst meeting a complete organi- zzition may be effected but the probability is that nothing will be attempted beyond an exchange of credentials. Semmox, PA., Demâ€"It is authorita- tively stated here that the companies opera- ting coal mines in Lackawamia Valley have determined to make no reductions in the miners wages for the New Year, and if the men still continue to work at the present rates no suspension to the mining operations will take place. ' New YORK, Dec. 12,â€"A committee of Internationals waited on the Police commis- sioners this afternoon to ask permission to parade next Tuesday. Mayor Hall was not present but sent a communication to the effect that he would be glad to meet In- ternationalists at a public meeting on the subject. This suggestionthe Internationals declined to accept, and the Polio commis- sioners refused to grant permission for a. demonstration on Sunday next but without giving any explanation. A committee of Internationals leave for Albany to night, and will wait on the Governor tomorrow. SAM: LAKE, Dec. 12.-â€"Letters received here yesterday from the capitalists in Eng- land express grave apprehensions of civil war in Utah between the Mormons and Gentiles and the probability of tne Indians of Wyoming and Arisona joining the Mor- mons and driving out. the Miners. Such apprehension is totally unfounded. Never was a. possibility of a conflict more remote. YORK, Dec. 12.â€"Much excitement prevailed in the cotton market this afternoon in consequence of the failure of several houses and the rumoured insolf‘enc oflnany _others._ _ » > WMWW. Great Britain United States Cuba SIR :â€"-/I‘he following is said to be the programme of proceedings on Monday next. The Reeve to be nominated by the Hon. “Sandy†Reesor, who has long 1retired from where the “Woodbine twineth,†who will say as follows: I have had the honor to have proposed Mr. Robinson annually for some years, and I have only to repeat what was said on these several occasions: he is a person ‘ whom you all know; has a term of six- teen years more to serveâ€"the allotted term of clever men. His ï¬nancial abili- ties are of the ï¬rst orderâ€"clear, grasp- ing and correct. His social qualities are of a free and genial nature. His ta- lents as a speaker are of the most bril- liant order. His engineering faculties are unequalledâ€"he 'no sooner sees any engineering skill displayed than he is able, with his touring mind, to apply it at once; especially was such the case when he sawthe model of a Bow-bridge, and when occasion required a. bridge, it. was built upon the Bow principle. He is like the young ladies, for you know, gentlemen, they are fonds of “Bows.†.(At this tremenduous joke the floor almost gave way, and some took "omething" to revive them.) The Lieut. “Kernel†went on to say that bridges were a great thingâ€"~there was Do Burg corrupted into Brydges of the Grand Trunk R. R., London Bridge, Victoria -Bridge, Suspension Bridge, bridges flat, bridges narrow, on Yonge Street, when Mr. Robinson was County Commissioner â€"â€" Log Bridges, Tabular Bridges, Bridges on the curve, “,Bridge of “ Sighs†of Lord Byron,and several other bridges notorious in history, but the Bridge that can knock all other bridges to where John A. ought to be, for not giving me an ofliee in his governâ€" ment when I coaxed him, is the Bridge of Bows, on lot No. 4, 10th Con. Mark- ham. It is Bowed both ways like the ancient Bows. Gentlemen, I can say nothing more, only I think that Sagit. tanius Robinson, who is to represent us for sixteen years more, ought not to be opposed b’y anybodyâ€" Ilwill go fur. ther, I here throw down my gauntlet and dare any man to run agains him. The Lieut. “ Ke’rnel" sat do quite exhausted. Several gentlemen are to be nomina- ted for Deputy Reeves and Councilmen, very likely the old lot with the exception of Padget, who, I believe, returns. H. 0. Man- is to be one for Deputy Reeve, and. Jesse Reesor 'for the Council, and, it may be, Col. Button and half a dozen more. But by Deputy Reeves here, and Councilmen there, the whole interest of the nomination is centred in the Bow Bridge Reeve, who, on'rising to his feet, was greeted with overwhelm- ing applausemenough to fairly frighten any man who ever thought of opposing him, will say: “Gentlemcnv-I am not going for to say much, but for to the point. I have been your Reeve for four years and six- teen more to run. I have served you faithfully in everything I undertook, and whatever failed to come up to public ex- pectation, I always managed to shirk the responsibility on some one else’s shoul- ders, which you all will allow is very eonvenient for me to do ; and when I make a second mistake in doing that I get my honorable mover to help me, for you must understand we run in pairs. He is always very kind to nominate me, and onceâ€"~'only onceâ€"did he play truant to his trust, and-Wm last year, and then I thought it was all day with me; but, thanks to the Hay Sling, it came out all right; the victims were not able or had not courage enough to fasten the swindle on me. I was elected and the twenty years chain of Reeveship was unbroken. This last year has been pregâ€" nant with some very momentous events. Elections came of last spring and I was not brought out by my friends on both sides, which you know I could have well represented, I thought I certainly should have been brought out as I had a great many friends on both sides of the fence, but I attribute it to an error of their heads and not of their heartsâ€"but enough in this strainâ€"Municipal mat- ters are at a stand still, with the excep- tion of Bow Bridge, so very kindly al- luded to by “ Kernel†Reesor. I was always considered clever on Bridges, in fact it Was my fate. The Bow Bridge on Lot. No. 4, 10th Concession, spoken of, is certainly a monument of my en- jineering skill. I employed the inventor of the Bow model which cost the Town- ship $50.00, and another person to act as cemmissioner, and the job was splend- edly done; it is so narrow that two teams He was secondéd by Captain Bell Klappor, who said‘he dedenï¬t} know any- thing bout speaking, but ‘he bolecvcd every woord that fell from the moner. NOMINATION TO COME OF AT UNIONVILLE ON MONDAY NEXT. @nmmuflww. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1871 cannot passvâ€"a wise provision to prevent collisions in the dark~the Bow 'part of the bridge not being able to hold the weight of two teams. The dirt work 1 approaches were ï¬nished as another spe- ‘cimen of engineering skill; it goes for to Show that the contractor ain’t a going to get his money for doing the job. The mover and myself know exactly what it is worth, and not one cent more. The job is worth about what is charged, but ain’t a going to allow the township to pay it without a suit at law. The suit is going on now, and I intend contesting it to the bitter end. The matter could be settled without much trouble; but as the township has had no law suit since my mover ceased to represezt this ward, I determined to have a couple hundred dollars spent in law costs. I want some- thing for the people to talk about, and to cost them something too; what is 9. luxury without expense? I answer, nothing. The lawyers must live and I don’t see why some of your money should not go towards it. I am not much in the habit of making long speeches, but I may add that already the costs on the Bow Bridge amounts to ï¬fty dollars, with two hundred more to follow. I hold it is better to spend this than settle in a fair and honorable way, supposing you should give ï¬ve dollars too much for the job. I am quite satisï¬ed you will believe this; I don‘t speak as a pri- vate individual, but as your Reeve; I have no doubt you will believe it. Markham Village talks about incorpora- tion, but unless I can see it will not in- terfere with my twenty years reign I ain’t going to allow it. I have got some- thing to do with that little game. I run a tannery with one man and a bull dog in Markham Village; Laying all “goaks†aside, I tell you candidly that I am the only ï¬t man to represent you in the county council; supposing I obstruct business occasionally, it saves a great deal of money altho’ the cost will be heavier afterwards. 'Gentlemen, I am done." He was done. other speakers will followâ€"Messrs. Lane, Eakin, Mart, and ï¬fteen others; Mr. L. in his usual happy way, said he does not know whe- ther he voted against his conscience last year or not; however, he will promise to faithfully discharge his duty; Mr. E. does ditto; Mr. M. does ditto, and the ï¬fteen others ditto. Upon the Whole, everything is to pass off quietly, and a qnarter of a mile to go for drinks and cigars. Before going to drinks and cigars, each candidate will sing a song or tell a story. Reeve will sing, “ Carry me gently over The fact that an iron ship will float a considerably greater tonnage that. one of the same dimension constructed of wood, and other reasons which exist in favour of iron vessels for river, lake and ocean navigation are urged as applying with equal or greater force to boats for the navigation of canals. These are necessarily limited in their dimensions to the capicity of the 'canal locks, and ifa boat can be constructed of iron which will carry ï¬fty tons more freight than one of the same size built of wood, a point of great importance is gained. back where oï¬ce IWas.†2nd Councilman, musie on the ï¬ddle. 3rd CouncilmanLCangidates‘ jig in imi- glass. A telegram from Halifax informs us that 85 per cent. ofthe work on the Intercolonial Railway has been completed, and that Mr Walsh has stated thus in a. few months the Commissioners would revisit Halifax a few days, when they would pass over the Nova Scotia. section in a Pullman palace car. The line Will then be open to ,the public. It is gratiï¬ying to ï¬nd that the work on this great public highway has been pushed on so rapidly. A terrible explosion had occurred in the powder and cartridge factory in the fort of Agra. Thirty-six men were killed, among them two commissioned ofï¬cers. A process of purifying water by means of spongy iron has lately been patented in England by G Bisehaf, ofBonn. The ener- getic action of iron upon organic substances in solution has long been known, but its application in the form of cast iron, iron wire, &c, was without practical results, the eï¬â€˜ect being too slow. A ï¬lter of spongy iron, on the contrary, acts rapidly and thoroughly, the most offensive water im- mediately losing its colour and smell, and keeping sweet and in a serviceable condition for a. long time. The substance in question can now be had in any quantity, and at a. moderate price; ' intefspei'sed with a song. 2nd Deputy Reeve, ditto ditto 3rd Deputy Reeve, song, “Oh, how I would like to sit at the Markham Council Board.†lst Councilman, song, “Oh, carry me tation of the Can-Can. The other ï¬fteen, song, “Were jolly good fellows.†‘ Fetler will have nuts at ï¬ve cents a. v u the Bow, 36W Bridgé.†151': Deputy R_eev§ _Will tell a funny story Dear Editor, I feel quite overcome. Yours, &c.,_ December 14, 1871. 'MUGGINS. Flourâ€"Superï¬ne. . . .. . . . . . . . Spring Wheat. extra. . Faucy............... Extra............... Superior Extra . . . .’. . and by a careful application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-solocted cocoa, M: Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavorad beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills.â€-â€"-â€"C’ivil Suruics Gazctlu. Made simply with Boiling Water 01- Milk. Each packet is labelledâ€"~' JAMES EPPS & '70., Homceopathic Chemists, London.†Also. mn‘ kers of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- densed Milk,) 687-ly Eggs . . . . . . Dried Apples Salt Wool . . . . . . . VVoodâ€"Hard Soft . U any nunlberâ€"xmtexceedingthreehundnod dollars byanyone depositor.) will be recoived at the Richmond Hill Post Olï¬ce, for which Government willallow Interest. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. U GRATEFUL AND COMFOR1‘1KG-â€"“By a. thorough knowledge of th; mtural laws which govern 11):) operations of digestion and nutrition. mexAmâ€"Fell asleep in Jesus, on Sun- day, the 10th inst, Hester, be10ved wife of Mr. Christian Widemm, aged 57 years, 7 momha and 26 days. ABHOLDr-A‘v} Thomhill,on 51m 10:}: inn, Robert J. Arnold, Esq., aged 44 years. U the subscriber. lot No. 46, 1st Con Markham. Richmond Hill. on or about the 15th October, 2 Ewes and 5 Lambs. The owner is requested to prove property. pay ex- pens‘es and take them away. Brooke W. Breckon James Bilton Mrs. W. Brilliuger Jonathan Bedard J. Junior Basingtwait W. Bodavd Jos. Blain Hugh Barnes Margaret Carnahan Lilly Clark Henry H Copeland J . W. Coyle Thomas Claffv John Colamen John Cultenden Benj. Coleman Denis Cox W. W. Eyer A. Green Robert Gram Geo JONES.-â€"SANDERSON.â€"On the 9th inst, by the Rev. James Dick, Mr. John Jones, of Carrville, and Miss Adsha, youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Sanderson, of Green Field. Ofï¬ce hours: from 6:30 A.M. to 9:30 1am. May 4,1869. 5634f DUNTomâ€"At the 2nd Con.Vaughan,on the 6th inst, the wife of Mr. James Danton, of a son. Lucaâ€"At Patterson, on Friday, the 8th inst.,the wife of Mr. Jas. Lang,ofadaughter. MARRTED. .I. clining health, wishes to retire from business and oï¬'ol's for sale his Blacksmith shop, dwelling house and two acres of land, on the rear of lot No. 41. lst Con. Vaughan, two miles from Richmond Hill. A good business has been done in the shop for the past twenty- ï¬ve years. and an. unlimited supply of work can be had. Tne house is in fair order and the land in good condition. There is also on the premises a stable and other out buildings. Title indisputable and terms easy. Apply on the premises to T. BOOTHBV, ' BOOTHBY.â€" At Altona, on the 5th inst}, the wife of Mr. Edwin Boothby, ofa son. RICHMOND HILL “if MR. he sale of Denember, I4, 1871, P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. 696 JOHN HAMILTON. Elgin Milis, Sept. 21, 1871. 687-“ ‘HE SUBSCRIBER, OWING T0 DE REAKFAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€" ,EPOSITS 0F ONEDOLLAR, (_OR_ EMAINING IN .THE RICHMOND Hill Post Lflice, Isl December. 187]: oke W. ckon James on Mrs. W. linger Jonathan ard J. Junior ingtwait W. avd Jos. 11 Hugh nos Margaret ‘nahan Lilly rk Henry H voland J . W. 'le Thomas {fv John amen John tenden Benj. eman Denis Gloeson John Harris John L. llewison George Klinck Joseph Martin Wm McNair James McWillinms James McGeachy James Phillips Isaac G Patterson Miss A. Quance George Robinson Mrs Elizabeth Richardson J. Steel Ruben '1‘. Simpson James W M Vaughan Lo of F & A M F0! particularsapply to QUANTITY OF SHINGLES FOR: (‘9. flepmtmwt. sale. Apply to Shingles ! Shingles ! l MARRIAGE LICENSES. TORONTO MARKETS List of Letters M. TEEFY. Postmaster. TEEFY is Government Agem for ALSO AGENT FOR THE gm: ï¬at», Toronto. December 14. 187]. For Sale BIRTHS. DIED. WM. S. WARREN. Wolman James Walker Mrs John Young William ['2] Richmond Hm P.O M. TEEFY,P. M. 5550fd009~a0~05r0000006650005»0902.3037080300 5671650122764700200071587001121211204455 5 5564.3511100001612000100410005000001075 I 2) 11 @@@@@@@@@@a@@@@@@@@®@®@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 50000000861534900005550001079 5914875800 4567054012266460010004735m500u7r21107300 555564331]10000m211000000400004000000075 1 1 ll 5 POST OFFIC E. 699-3 These Goods have all been purchased before the late Rise in Prices. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, 620. cï¬c. Wmceys, Cobourgs, Alpacas.‘Merinos. Fancy Dress Goods. Prints. Coflons, Tickings. Plain and Fancy Flannelsx Blan- kets, Carpets. Hosiery, Gloves, Furs, Shawls in all the Latest Styles, Jackets, Wool Goods 272 Great Variety, HATS AND CAPS, 8&0. Everything Good & Cheap TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Will be found to contain everything that is beautiful, chaste, elegant and†of the latest style. NEW FALL GOODS! Of his large tucks formerly has induced him to secure a still 14 FIRST PRIZES By the six following Agricutlura] Societies: Yonge Stroet, East York, Markham. North Yoyk, I_{_ing apd Voqghau. Conï¬dent from his success and the liberal patronage he has received in the past years. that he can still suit intending purchasers in good serviceable articles. W. H. respectfully solicits theinspection of his present stock of This success is Unmistakeable Evidence of the conï¬dence Qf a pa- tronising public. Together with a good assortment of Whips, Lashes, Curry Combs. Cards, Brushes, &c, for the lowest remuneraï¬ve prices. J~ subscriber begs to announce that he has purchased a ver5~ superior Berkshire boar, lavge bread. which will be available for service during the present season. GREAT SUCCESS All orders attended to with Prompmess. Clreapness and Dispatch by the proprietor. WM. HARRISON. ‘ O FARMERS AND OTHERSâ€"THE ~ subscriber begs to announce that he has ‘3 assortment of Hats and Bonnans Ribâ€" bons. Feathers. Fiowers. &c.. always on hand at MRSl MyansLMilliqu‘y Estq§1!5hm91)t, » COLLARS WARRANTED To Fit, Look & Wear VVell SPECIAL NOTICE.â€"â€"A FULL assortment of Hats and Bonnans Ribâ€" N.B. Ladies’ Dress Cabs and Mourning Bon- nets kept costautly on hand and made to order. 694-3111 .L) Plasterers, are prepared to contract for erecting all kinds of Bwellings, Ciluthes, Scjyoorg, &c._ Thu b'est of workmanship guaranteed. Plas- tering done on the shortest notice. RESIDENCEâ€"Maple. Maple, Oct. 12, 1871. 690-1)’ .1. with Pedigrees; also a ï¬nmber of Cat’s: wold Ewe Lambs. Apply to Lot No. 7, 2nd Con. Vaughan, November 14. 1871. George A. Lagustafl' is authorised to collect Accounts. Richmond Hill. Oct. 14,1869. 568* TWO BULL CALVES (DURHAM), with Pedigrees: also a number of Cots- JEWELRY 1 JEWELRY! DR. JAS- LANGSTAFF . ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT home from 8 to 9 A.M. Large Breed Berkshire Boar. Richmond Hi", Sept. 27, 187]. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Richmond Hill. Sep. 21, 1871, Richmond Hill. Nov. 30, 1871 Ready-1nade Clothing, OF THE CENTRAL STORE, ‘ARGEST, nHEAPEST & REST M 03mm ï¬rnmim j fling 63:19:15, ï¬mmiw. WOODBURN 85 STYLES. UILDERS, BRICKLAYERS AND SINGLE 6; DOUBLE HARNESS. The subscriber begs to announce that ho has now on hand the HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Larger Stockfor this Season. For Single and Double Harness, Central Store I Doe skins, silk-mixed Cloths, Velveteens, Accounts rendered October lst. For Suie cheap, at the Hggm Qflicg, THE QUICK DISPOSAL In the Greatest Variety. ï¬mim 351mm; To which has been awarded The stock consists in part of Richmond Hill gï¬amm, 8w. Stock he ever offered A Splendid Stock of W. éTKINSON, AB USDAL THE ROB'I‘. GOODYEAR, Lot 42, lst Con. Vaughan. For Sale, DEALER 1N WILLIAM BOWES. AT THE Concord 71’. O. 687-6m 697-6 1395- tf 688 GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery. &c. Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. Accounts ale rendered on the 1st October, and it is expected that they will be promptly met {his fa‘.‘ as we have been. blessed with an abundant harvest, which brings good plices. PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS B LAN KETS, WINCEYS. Nice Fancy “7001621. Goods !! SHAWLS, Ready Made Clothing, 810. 8m. LOWEST CASH PRICES; IMPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, CAN AD IA N TVVE E D S ! DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, FIRE PROOF 9mm! The Highest Cash Price given for Farm Produce. - ROBERT NEWBERRY, I are made under gqnuine patents in Or nada and the United States. Are no spurious imitation or infringement. 1' The only efï¬cient ï¬re engine pump. available in a few secmldsnviuterand summer, day and night. Inï¬-ingerb beware. .- as now made, have no castings to come loose or break. Have all steel bearings. guaranteed. '- erected within the last ten years. cali have recent improvements attached, and guar- anteed superior to any other make. '- havo already taken the leading place in some of the United States,as well as in Canada L have a continental reputation.and are fast ’supeseding all other kinds both in wood and metal. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS. Thn nnlu pmï¬nno Gvn nuninn vunnn 'POWELL’S PATENT P U' M P S are made under genuine patents in Or " cannot be rivalled without infrrnginé Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps. are liable. C. POWELL, Patentee, Newtonbrook POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, m-nntufl within Hm 1.,“ +1“. “mm on“ ‘- . hava all the merits of other pumps with- out their defects. No others possess their pe‘ culiur advantageous features. -'- as now perfected. are the successful re- sult of twalve years endeavor to supply a want universally felt. l have been sustained by the highest legé} tribunals, and universally approved by an en- lightened public wherever introduced. vu-uuâ€"AM *AL-LMA‘Jâ€" J. UJ'J-L U, r even in their hitherto imperfect form, have in all instanceg carried off the highest prizes from all competitors. I“ while they cannot be approac} wood, have never yet been equalled 'm at double the cost. ’- are adapted for the deepest wells. Re- ferences to all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S . hth all Hm vnm'im nf nllmr mlmuw whh. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS gm nnm nnvf’nntnrl m-n 4|“, m.nn.mnr..v “A POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS mm“ in H ' 1n?†khhnmon "Mugâ€"(5.,“ In...“ POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS nu “our InaHA hnvn nn nncHnlrc in nnlnn POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S hntvn n'lrnadv cairn“ Hm Insalrnhr “lam: in POWELL’S PATENT P U M P am ul‘arflur‘ rm. :1“. Ann“... "MIL. nn POWELL’S PATENT P U' M P S hang 1mm. mutnhua “I... .L- L:_l._~L Lâ€. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S hnvn g (Innï¬nnnln' mmuonm. mâ€: ...m rm. POWELL’S PATENT I’ U M P S while they cannot be approached 'n POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS cannot be rivalled without infrnminu Richmond Hill,Sept. 21,1871 FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. September 28, 1871. New Fall I)“ Wz'nZer Goods, U'"I7‘M-N- ANNOUNCEMENT. 60ATINGS AND VESTINGS, Ian Tartan Woolings, Hosiery, Gloves, Bought in the Best Market and will ‘be sold at the New Fall Goods. Clothing, Boots (f2 Shoes, cj‘c. Is now open with a large stock of Great Bargains I GRAND BJSPLAY gummy £mupï¬. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Jllcmtle Clot/L‘erdrs, R; NEWBERY’S New Store, GO AND SEE THE The Stock includes Double and Single He can give you in BROAD CLOTHS, AT THE agpï¬gched 'n; Elgin Mills. 588-3111 585 meta] BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND On Richmond Hill. 2: Horsk‘s? Yorkshire ï¬rst prizes. 'VVe have numberless c‘ongatulary recom- mendations from Agricultlu‘af Sociglies for the beneï¬t they havé derivpd from“ us use in l'aiï¬iflg stodk. A , . .‘u Prié’e 25 éénts and $1 '00 per box, d0?“ box contains 20:) feeds. Prepared in Canada only by HUGH MILLER 61, CO., It Fattkns ifl aneffomt/z the. usual time“ I AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE POSITIVELY THE GREATEST J and Dealer in 21†kinds of Boots and, Shoes. 38 west Market Square. Toronto. In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention m business and will kenp on hand a select stock of Ready-R‘Iade Boots and Shoes. suita- blo for the trade in the neighbourhood. and hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. ROBT. SEVER, Jun. .1. thanks to his friends for the patronage ho has received since he commenced business as a Boor AND SHOE MAKER, an Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT SIVER, jum. who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continne to bestow their patronage on his successor. FARMERS' BOOT & SHOE STORE [G’Bootsand Shoes made to Measure, of the Best Mqtorialsund Wow-kmanshiu, at the newestRemuneratngl’ricea ' ’ Richmond Hlll. Feb. 9, 1871. JOB PRINTING THE YORKSHIRE C A T T L E Is the most wonderful discovery in .chcmisuy for healing Good, Fresh and Strong Young Hyson Tea,_ 0115; 50 53t_s_17_e1' it: The above Teas were carefully selected and are fully ten cents per 11? better than any Teas sold on Richmond Hill Examine and test them and I Will guarantee you will hear me out in my assertions. MILLER’S DERBY OIL Used by all First-class Stock Breeders Flue full flavored Young Hyson Tea, only 60 cts per it; 7 Superior Maymm Young E15501) Tea, from 85 cts per 11». Fine flavored Black Tea, from 80 cls per it Fmest flavored and best Black Tea imported, $1 00 per 11) In Canisters of 5 its, 5 cts per 11), less than “15:59 pripes. G. A, BARNARD. Sign of the British Flag Staff. Richmond Hill. CHEmsTs, I 167, King St. East, Toronto. or Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. October 18, 1671. 691-“ ALL THIS MONTH L'l‘ {ichmond Hill. Aug.§l§0, :87]. 681-1!†New Crop I‘RESH NEW TEAS: Toronto , Dec. 3,1867. BOOTS 80 SHOES ()HN pAuRQN, “MANUF‘AQTUREB: August 17. 187.0 Dime Neat and Quick at the Herald Ofï¬ce. September 28, 1871. FINE FRENCH C’ALF BOOTS .13 SUBSCRIBER, VIN RETURNING $0015 and Shaw“, Throughout Europe and Canada. as; €ows, Sheep and Pigs fed with the re Cattle Feeder have always taken FRESH CUCRS 0R OLD SORES. BELOW COST BARGAINS Evm OFFERED u Gents, Attention ! Horses and Cattle. Fattening Cattle. (23mm 32mm. HUGH MILLER &, CO Is recommended and AT $5 PER PAIR. Selling oï¬â€™. Your order for Notice 167 King St. East Texan: J ' 631- u' ROBT. SIVER, Sen. T. DOLMAGE, '1‘. DOLMAGE’S. T. DOLMAGE’S. Excelsior Boot Maken 6364f 655-lf