For loss of end, horn nil, red water in .cows, loss of appetite, rot, or Imurrain in sheep; thick wind, broken wind, and roar- ing, and for all obstructions of the kidneys in horses use Sheridan’s Cavalry Coudm'on Powders. A maritime province exchange says that 1.13.: pocmuasmmin that part of the country have beenvinstructed to demand acent from the person who receives a postal card. Is this new rule to be general, or conï¬ned to the Lower Provinces? Dgri’ng the year in which the marriage of the Erie of Wales took place about ï¬fteen huudre female children received ‘the name of Alexandra, and nearly three tnousahd boys were registered Albeth Edward.~ I can safely and consistently recommend Fellows’ Compound syrup of Hypo- phosphites in a variety of cases, especially for Chest diseases, having successfully pre- scribed it in Bronchitis, Asthma, Debility from Liver Complaint, Debility from Favors, and Debility from improverished Blood. hues Snuox, I" tising Physician and Surgeon. Trou of a more serious nature promises to arise tween the German forces occupy- ing certain eastern departments of France and the inhabitants, in consequence of the stern determination of the conquerors to punish those in the army connected with the murderous attacks on isolated German soldiers. The French will, in some cases, bitterly resent such severe treatment, and sanguinnry consequences may be expected. PARIS, Dec. 25.-â€"'.1‘he members of the Right’UenLre in the National Assembly hav- ing made overtures to the Legitimists for coalition, the latter, in reply, say they will usually coalesce, but, at the same time, will preserve their independence. They also an- nounce their disapproval of Orleanist princes as leaders. PARIS, Dec. 26.â€"M. Thiers delivered a powerful speech in the National Assembly to duy in opposition to the levying of an in come tax. Messrs Trubner & Co. will shortly publish a catalogue of dictionaries and grammars of the principal languages and dialects of the world. There will be upwards of 250 languages represented in this catalogue. As far as we know, a similar work has never been attempted in England. middle classes.†The Company of New Testament Revisers have completed the ï¬rst, and provisional, revision of the ï¬rsi two Gospels, and a cbmmencemeut has been made in the re- visxon of the Gospel of Sn. Luke. An Irishman called at a drug store to get a bottle of Johnson’s .Anodyne Lim'ment for the Rheumatism ; the druggist asked him in what part of the body it troubled him most, “ Be me soul," said he, “I have it in ivory haul and comer er me.†The Vancouver Island papers say that re_ (gently as high as $1'50 per dozen was paid for island eggs in the market. Subsequently $1- and $125 per dozen was asked and pad in the stores. The Princess of Wales has sent a dona- tion of ï¬fty guineas to the North London College, feeling, she says, the “importance of giving a better education to girls of the middle classes.†Somewhat late in the day, considering the outrages which have been committed, the new Spanish Colonial Minister announces his intention of giving his attention to the volunteers of Havana with the object of re- forming that unruly organization which i has long and really ruled in Cuba whenever its interests happened to diï¬'er from those ‘ of the Captain-General of the day. It is , .gh time that the power of this cruel Proe- (Lian band should be broken, and until its downfall has been assured the authority of 3 King Amadeus will remain a mere ï¬gure of speech, and the increased measure of liberty which, under the changed order of things, might be naturally considered the inheri- tance of the “ Ever faithful Isle†will con tinue a mocking delusion. A step‘ in the right direction will have been taken by the brave Admiral, should he actually carry out the task he is reported to‘ have undertaken; but he will ï¬nd it a work of great danger and difï¬culty. The mere attempt to adminis- ter ju i ' e sternly in regard to the late thre ning demonstration, resulting in the sad death of the students,'wou1d arouse the passions of the volunteers to such a pitch that a rebellion might be at once effected. As the Cortes had been adjourned to the 20th of January, it will probably be some time before we receive the details of the Admiral’s scheme. In the meantime, how- ever, rainforcements are continually leaving Spain for the troubled island“ to crush entirely the remainder of the insurrection, and to hold in check the rebellious volun- teers. Reinforcements continue to go forward to Cuba, to aid in the suppression of the insurrection on that; Island. Admiral Topete, Minister of ‘ the Colonieg has announced his intention of making a. reform in the volunteer organization in Havana. Lo ', Dec. 27.â€"Tlie ‘ noon bulletin fro dringham to clay reports that his ighuess the Prince of Wales passed -a. quite night, but that convulesence is re tarded by a. painful affection above the left hip, accompanied by feverishnesa, but no unquietude is felt as to the P_rince’s condi- tion, but regret and disappointment at the slowness of his recovery are generally ex- pressed. Hopes had been entertained that the prince would be able to go out before the end of the holidays, and preparations for public rejoicing had been made. The non-realization of these hopes has throw) a damper on the festivities of the season. The Queen returns to Sandringham to-day. @wï¬wgmyhm Great Britain France Spain After the nominations were over, the nominations were over, the nominees pro- ceeded to address the meetmg. Mr. Tyrrell having been proposed ï¬rst for Reeve, requested to be allowed to speak at a later stage of the meeting, so that he might be able to correct any mistakes or settle any disputes which might arise during the proceedings. He was then followed by Mr. Bull, who spoke much of past errors during the years previous to which he had been in the Council, but of judicial manage- ment during the past year, owing I sup- pose to him being a member of that body of men, Mr. Jacques, in the course of' his re- marks, referred to a trap that was set for him last year by a gentleman, the name of whom I need not to mention, and said that a similar one was laid this year; He (Mr. Jacques) was nominated for Reeve, as stated above, by a. gentleman not at all a friend to himself, for the pur- pose of getting him to run'ns such, and thus get him out of the road for being elected as Deputy Reeve ; but that gen- tleman. miscalculated this time, for Mr. Jacques is sure of his election as Deputy. The gentlemzin aforesaid, the name of whom I have no need to mention, has himself canvassed the greater part of the township for support as Reeve, and after completely failing, openly declared that he never had any idea of running for the Reeveship; the gentleman who acts thus ought not to be eleeted as a Deputy Reeve. Mr. Franklin next spoke long and elo- quently, but little to the point. He spoke of the vast amount of good he does the township, by dealing in cattle, and does not see why he has not as good a. right to be elected because he is a, butcher as a farmer has. He also flat- tered No. 4 Ward a great deal because he did not get a vote there last year for councillor, and regrets that the wards do not elect their members as they did formerly, because he would easily be elected in hjs own (No. 1 Ward.) \Vhen Mr. Duncan so‘dcited support, he said he had been in the Council two years already and they did not seem to ï¬nd much faint with him, he thought he would be elected again. Mr. Watson then spoke, assuring them that if they elected him he would not as heretofore, honorably and to the best of his ability. Ms. Armstrong then delivered his very brief speech, asking for support on the ground that he knew more now about Municipal affairs than he did twelve months ago, when they elected him be- fore; and, therefore they should elect him again. But Mr. Francis, his opponent, seemed to destmj all‘ his hopes, wlth his remarks but that will be seen on the 1st of J anu- ary next, when I sincerely hope Mr. Armstrong will be defeated. I would state to the ratepayers of Vaughan, through the medlum of your journal, that I am not a candidate for that position? On account of my pri. vate business requiring my whole atten- tion, I resigned at the nomination at the Town Hall, with the concurrence of my proposer and_seconder. Finally Mr. Tynell, after telling them that he had completed his 2151: year in the Council, and having corrected the many mistakes which has been made by the other nominees during the proceed- ings, delivered some telling and appro- priate remarks to which the audience gave great applalnse. DEAR Sm: I seé by your last issue that I am placed in the list of candidates for the ofï¬ce of Deputy Reéve of the Township of Vaughan, for the ensuing year. To the Editorofthe York Herald SIR: At the late meeting held at the Prospect House, Eglington, for the pur- pose of nominating candidates for Mu- ,inicipal honors, the following gentlemen were proposed. Messrs. T yrrell and Jacques for Reeve. Messrs. Bull, Duncan, Franklin, Jacques and Watson, Tor Deputy Reeves. Messrs. Armstrong and Francis for Councillors. WQMINATIONS FOR THE TOWN- SHIP OF YORK. Allow me to say in conclusion, that I do not Wish my resignation to be taken as signifying any approval of the remaim ing aspirants for the oiï¬oe. . By inserting this, you will oblige Yours truly, The Geneva. Commision on the Alabama. claims wxll last all winter. There an 500 canes. ' York, Dec. 27, 1871. N. CLAkKE WALLACE. Woodbridge, Dec. 26, 1871. To the Editor of the York Herald. wmwmmmflwm Yours, &c., SUBSCRIBER. THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, ONT, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 18-71 BALLOU’s MAGAZINE FOR JANUARY. â€"-We ï¬nd in the January number of Ballou’s Magazine, which is just issued, such a complete collection of stories, ro- mances, poems, engravings, and real useful information ,that 'we do not wonder Ballou’s Monthly is so popular with all classes of society. Here we see a New; 'Year’s story, and there a sea yarn, and so we read through the whole publication ‘and wish for more. The magazine is only $1'5O per year, or 15 cents per copy, and is for sale at all the news depots in the country. Here is a table of contents for the January number. See ‘what a good one it is: “ A New Year’s Vision;†“The Charge of the Light Brigade ;†“Boulogne;†“The Orkney Islands;†“Scenes in ‘Nalesfl’ “St. Augustine Madagascar ;†“ The City of Adrianople; Turkey 2†" Marseilles and its harbor ;†“ The Ogilvie Prideg†“A Ray of Light;†“ The Shining Markf’ “Light and Shade ;†“Miss Bowlesby’s Legacy†“The Frost Fairies;†“ What the New Year brought for Lucy Campbell;†“Sara’s Fate;†“The Old and New Year;†“The Fugitive Slave;†“The Rio Topaz ;†Our Young People’s Story- Tellerâ€"Guess: or, The Son of a Poli- tician;†“A Child’s Party;†“Kisses and Kissing ;†“ Curious Matters;†‘ The Housekeeperf’ “ Facts and Fanciesg†“Winter Scenes†~â€" (Humo- rous Illustrations). Thomes & Talbot, TRANNâ€"DENNISON.â€"By the Rev. 0. Fish, at the Wesleyan Parsonage, on Monday, the 25th inst, Mr. James Trann and Miss Hannah Dennison, both of of the township of Markham. ' ’BENNETT.~â€"WHITE.â€"]§y the Rev. A. L. Thurston, on the let inst., Mr. Jacob Bennett, of Vaughan, and Miss Jennie, only daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth White, of the same place. BRETT.â€"-DCNNET.-â€"By the same, on the 28th November, Mr. George Brett, of Kinghorn, and Miss Emily Dunnet, of Thornhill. BROWN.â€"â€"CUBTZ.-â€"At the residence of the bride’s uncle, Henry Sanderson, Esq., V.S., on the 25th inst., by the Rev. W. 'W. Carson, Mr. Thomas Brown and Miss Mary Ann Curtz. O ROGERS.~â€"SYKES.â€"At Richmond Hill, on the 25th inst, by, the Rev. James Dick, My. Albert Rogers, and Miss Sarah Sykes, both of East Gwillimbury, Ont. DIED. EYER.-â€" On Monday, the 25th inst., at. his residence near Richmond Hill, Mr. Da- vid Eyer, Sema, aged 75 years. He was a resident of this section for nearly 70 years. MARRIED. GIBSONâ€"W1LLIAMSON.â€"At the Parso- nage, Aurora, 011 December 23rd, by the Rev. A. J. Fiddler, Mr. Robert Gibson, of Markham, and Miss Mary Williamson of the Elgiu Mills. D GRATEFUL AND Comron‘nn‘a.â€"â€"" By a. thorough knowledge of the natural lit‘vVS w'hich govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a careful application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, MJ Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with u delicately flavored bevm-aga which may save us many heavy doctnrs’ bills.â€â€"Civil Service Gazelle. Made simply will] Boiling Water 01' Milk. Each packet is labelled-†.lAmtrsEPPs do ’30., Homoeopathic Chemists. London." Also. ma- kers ot‘ Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- densed Milk,) 687-ly Flourâ€"Superï¬ne. . . . . Spring Wheat, Funcy........ Extra . . . . . . . . Superior Extra FANCY GOODS WORK BOXES, CONCERTINAS, ublishers, 63 Congress Street, Boston, TATIONERY REAKFAST. -â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€"-â€" WITH SELF ISNSTBUCTOR, AT THE TORONTO MARKETS FOR SALE, CHEAP AT THE OF ALL KINDS AT THE Toromo, December 28.187]. ALL SIZES. AT THE Hmuw BOOK Sronu. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE. W55505 0 79 a UOOWFSSS0)058025049280300 456716W0W22WMÂ¥W001000726M020112121204455 55r05643r0111.00004612000100610005000001075 I 2 11 @@@@@@@@@@@@@m@@@@@@flfl@®@®@@®@@®@@@@@@@@ 550000006655 37000055550000791091407,0800 346795401226mm460000005745050019021907300 rd5..dr054331!1,10000801100000â€5000040000000~l5 l 11 ll ‘J the subcriben Lot 31, rear of 2nd conces- sion Markham. about the lat December last, two ewe lambs. The owner is requested to prove properly, pay expensel, and take them away. JACOB ATKINSON. 7 VERY SUPERIOR STERRS AND 2 FINE HEIFERS, In order to be prepared for his immense trade duflng xhe l}o_li_dgys_1 U the Subscriber. Lot 37. Isl concession of Vaughan, 6 Ewes and 1 Lamb. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ox- pensos and take th em away. (NAME INTO ' THE J the subcriber. Lot 31 U the subscriber, lot No. 46, 1st Con Markham. Richmond Hill. on or about the 15th October,2 Ewes and 5 Lambs. The owner is requested to prove properly, pay ex- penses and take them away. The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer. and Portland in win- ter),is now reduced to 6 cenls per g 02‘ weight. if sent via New York. it. will be 8 (:13 per; 02. These rates apply only toprcpaid lollers; ifseul unpaid, or insufï¬ciently prepaid. there will be :1 {ins of double the amount of deï¬clempostage. M. TEEF Y. Postmaster. 1V]. mond H11] PostOflï¬eo. Untilfurther noticmthe mails will be closed at. this ofï¬ce as foliows: Southern mail . ...... ._ . .. . . ...5:55 mu. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. . â€"â€"â€"- BRITISH MAILS U any nu111‘Jel'â€"notexceedi11gtin-0ehnnduod dollars by any one deposilm‘.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce, for which Government \villallow Interest. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the Subscriber. Lot 37. 181 concession Are closed at Toronto as follows: By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 110:30 AM. By Canadian Line. every Thursday 10:00 mm. N.B. Letters for Despatch by those lmes of Steamers should be so marked. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. BUTCHER, Would announce that he has removed to the premises lately occupied by Messrs. Clifton & Co. He would also state that he has seemed two of the vary best beefs fcr Christmasâ€"also a number of Fat Sheep, Poultry. &c. Oï¬ice hours: from 6:30 A.M. t09230 P.M. May 4,1869. 563-Lf Brooke W. Breckon James Bilton Mrs. W. Bï¬ï¬inger Jonathan Bedard J. Junior Basingtwait W. Bedmd Jos. Blain Hugh Barnes Margaret Caruahan Lilly Clark Henry H Copeland J . W. Covle Thomas Claflfv John Culamen John Cuttenden Bonj. Coleman Denis Cox W. W. 15on A. Green Robert 1 Grant Ge'o ILLIAM COX, BUTCHER, AN- nouncos that he has purchased -I- AN INSOLVENT- I. the undersigned. John Kerr, of Toronto. hale bfen appointed Assignee if} this mam-31'. Creditors ‘ire requeslea to ï¬le their claim: before me. within one month. RICHMOND POST HILL .5 ‘4 o F F 1 c ‘ ; A nEPOSITS OF ONEVDOLLA‘R, (pg Sunday at Home for Dec. at Herald Book Store '3" Mn. TEEFY is Government Agentfor he sale of POCKET OUTTIERY. The Best and Cheapest Assortment of Pocket Cutlery to be had in the County, A Fresh Supply of the genuine Rodger’s, and also other celebrated mallufacgures. at the York Herald Book Store, Richmond Hill. CONCERTINAS, Ricï¬moud Hm’. Dec. 14. 187], JNO. LEDGERWOOD. Yonge Street, Doc. 21. 1871. 700-3 Richmond Hill, Dec. 21. 18?]. DeCumber, 14,,1871, Northam Mai]. . Southern Mail. . Richmond Hill, Nov. 20, 1871. N THE MATTER or NELSON DAVIS, Toronto, 20th Deer. 1871. Richmond Hii]. Dec. 7. [671. P. O. SAVINGS BANK. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Fol parlicularsapply to AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH- .EISURE HOUR, g. (9. flepmmnt. Insolvent Act of 1869. HillPostLflice. nouncos that his has purchased. MARRIAGE LICENSES. gnaulmt amine, HENRY HOPPER. Crristmas Cheer. DIFFERENT PRICES. AT THE - List of Letters ALSO AGENT FOR THE withering, 5mm, Strayed. Strayed Strayed ' WM. S. WARREN. MORNING. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. EVENING. HERALD Boox STORE lst December. 1871: Gleason John Harris John L. Hewison George Klinck Joseph Martin Wm McNair James McWilliams Ja mes McGeachy James Phillips Isaac G Patterson Miss A . Quunce George Robinson Mrs Elizabeth Richardson 1. Steel Robert '1‘. Simpson James W M Vaughan Lo of F & AUM Welman James Walker Mrs John Young William ['2'] JOHI‘S KERR: PREMISES OF . .7:45 A.“ . . ....7:45 A.M Oï¬icinl Aésignee. 70l v2 TEEFYJ’. H 6984f. 699-3 699-3 699-3 In the Greatest Variety. These Goods hafe all been purchased before the late Rise in Prices. TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Ready-made Clothing, Shawls in all tlze Latest Styles, Jackets, Wool Goods in Great Variety, Wmcoys. Cobourgs. Alpacas, Marines. Fancy Dress Goods, Prints, Coitons, Tickings. Plain and Fancy Flannels, Blan- kets, Carpets. Hosiery, Gloves, Furs, HATS AND CAPS, 8:0. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, (ï¬e. cï¬c. Everything Good 6c Cheap 1- clining health, wishes to retire from business and offers for sale his Blacksmith shop, dwelling house and two acres of land, on the rear of lot No. 41. lst Con. Vaughan, two miles from Richmond Hill. A good business has been done in the shop for the past twenty- ï¬ve years. and an unlimited supply of work can be had. Tne house is in fair order and the land in good condition. There is also on the premises a stable and other out buildings. Title indisputable and terms easy. Apply on the premises to Of his large stocks formex‘y has induced him to secure a still Will be found to contain everything that is beautiful, chasie, elegant and qf the latest style. NEW FALL GOODS ! HE SUBSCRIBER, OWING T0 DE clining health, wishes to retire from This succéss is Unmistakeablc Evidence of the conï¬dence of a pa- tronising public. .L with Pedigrees; also a {number of Cot's; wold Ewe Lambs. Apply to Lot No. 7,211d Con. Vaughan. November 14. 1871. ’5 assortment of Hats and Bonnelts Rib- bons. Feathers. Flowers, &c.. always on hand at Mus. DIYERS’\1VI‘1Hil}f3Iy Estgliljshmgnt. _ GREAT SUCCESS I1. mmow. at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails,Cider Mills, Washing Machines, Shingles Waggon Felloes. and LumberSawedto order. Forparticulars address JOHN LANNGSTAEF,‘ SPECIAL NOTICE.â€"â€"A FULL assortment of Hats and Bonnelts Rib- N.B. Ladies’ Dress Caï¬s and Mourning Bon- nets kept costantly on hand and made to order. 694-3m Can be had at the Post Ofï¬ce. for [U mm'rs A WEEK. Apply to THE MORNING PAPERS A weeklvjourual of current events, Lirera- ture, Scnence and Arts, Agriculture and Me- chanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at 10 cents a number at tho .1. ferred theIrLibraryto the HERALD Boon Store. where Stockholders and others may procureBooks every Friday afternoon. A, SCOTT , Librarian. HIS ASSOCIATION HAS TRANS. ferred the] r Librarv to the HERALD Boon Richmond Hill, Sept. 27, 187i. 696 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT JOHN HAMILTON. Elgin Mills. Sept. 21, 1871. 587-tf 0F TORONTO : TELEGRAPH. May 14, 1869. Tlmrnhill, Nov. 3, 1869. OF THE CENTRAL STORE, IARGEST, flHEAPEST & REST For Sale, wq J13ng CALYES (D 1; R HAM), m (maï¬a, @mmiw, Patent Eavesâ€"trough ND WATEHSPOUTS FOR THE D0 The subscriber begs to announce that he has now on hand the QUANTITY OF SHINGLES FOR Larger Stock for this Season. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, RICHMOND HILL AT THE Central Store sale. Apply to .Doe skins, silk mixed C’lotks, Velveteens, Accounts rendered October lst. Shingles ! Shingles ! I N A D IAN ILLUSTRATED N E W S. THE QUICK DISPOSAL ï¬pevial almim. The stock consists in part of Stock he ever oï¬'ered A Splendid Stock of W. ATKINSON. gar ï¬zzle, AS USUAL THE For Sale DEALER. 1N WILLIAM BOWES. GLOBE. ’l‘. BOOTHBV, SAtggnl Mills',Thornhili HERALD Boon S'roxm. Rich mond Hill P. 0 M. TEEFY, Richménd Hill 564-1t Concord P. O. LEADER, b95-lf 688 Nice Fancy Woolen. Goods ! I Ready Made Clothing, Ste. &C. 00A TIN G’S AND VESTIATG'S, Mantle Cloths, Furs, PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, LOWEST CASH PRICES. Accounts am rendered on the 1st October. and it is expected that they will be promptly met this fall as we have been blessed with an abundant harvest, which brings good prices. Richmond Hill,Sept. 21.1871. 585 CANAD IAN TWE E D S ! THE ONTARIO HOUSE, FIRE PROOF STORE I DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, The Highest Cash Price given for Farm Produce. ROBERT NEWBERRY. I are made under genuine patents in Ca- nada and the United States. Are no spunous imitation or infringement. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S urn 1man “nflm- nanninn unhaan in Pa. ‘- The only eï¬icieut ï¬re engine pump. available in a few seconds,\viuteraud summer, day and night. Infringers beware. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S. ’I‘hn nnlv nflininnt ï¬rn nun-inn nnlnn 1 as now made, have no casLings to come loose 01' break. Have all steel bearings. guaranteed. '- have already taken the leading place in some of the United States,as well as in Canada L erected within the last ten years, cm} have recent improvements attached, and guar- ameed superior to any other make. POWELL’S PATENT PUM P S, nnnnn In!‘ manna. Hm hm; 4.“. I...“ umnm. 5'- have all the merits of other pumps with- out their defects. No others possess their pek culiar advantageous features. ‘- as now perfected. are the su‘L-cessifafl-E; sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a wam universally felt. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S sac nnuy “19:11: knun nn nqcï¬num In nnmn POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S hmâ€: 11H Hm mm-ile nf nHmr “Inan with. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S as now perfected._al'e the successful 1-5- ' W 7 ' 7 1 even in their hitherto imperfect form, hH‘Ve in all instance: carried off the highest prizes from all competitors‘ POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS hnuA gab-Emil“ Ialznn Hm: lnnï¬inn‘ n‘nr-n in L are adapted for the deepest wells. Re- ferences to all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. POWELDS PATENT P U M P s, :“ um'... HAHN.†l have a continental reputationï¬nd are fast supeseding all other kinds both in wood and metal. cannot be rivalled without infrrnging Powéll’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are liable. C. POWELL, l’atentee, Newtonbrook l- have been sustained b'y the hriglvlegilggal tribunals. and universally approved by an en- lightened public whex'gver introd-n» '- while they cannot be approached in; wood, have never yet been equalled in metal at double the cost. POWELL’S PATENT P U M P gu-n “Lunar! I‘m. «In. Jam...“ "MIL. h- POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS hnvn n r-nnï¬nnntnl u-Anuloï¬nn um] mm cm.» POWELL’S' PATENT PUMPS 11mm km.“ “manhunt I“. .L Ag,- POWELL’S PATENT P U M P S, K while they cannot be approached in MPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. POWELL’S n nn! In. September 28, 1871. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. New Fall é†Winter Goods, £11; ($911115, @mmiw. UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at the lan Tartan Woolings, - ‘1 Hoszery, Gloves, New Fall Goods. Clothing, Boots cï¬ Shoes, (5%. Kept Constantly o‘n Hand ISAAC CROSBY. Is now open with a large stock of B L A N K E T S , WINCEYS. Great Bargains ! flaws/W 313111115. GRAND DISPLAY A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GO AND SEE THE R. NEWBERY’S The Stock includes Double and Single He can give you in BROAD CLOTHS, Crockery. &c. New Store, SHAWLS, AT THE PATENT P U M P s Elgiu Mills. 588-3111 - Cumvns'rs, ' 167, King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeayers. October 18. 1871. 691-†We have numborless congaiulary’ N500!!!“ meudalions from Agricultural Societies' {WWW beneï¬t they have derived .from its 115‘†“V raifing sAtodk. l’l'igo 25 cents and $1110 per box, A dollar box contaius 20-} feeds. Prapared in Canada only by HUGH MIL’I‘JER 65 C0., BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND 011 Richmon HRH, M I AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE It Fattens in One-J‘fouï¬/Z the. usual tame. POSITIVELY THE GREATEST Horses, chs, Sheep and‘ Pigs fed with the Yorkshire Catu'G Feedeaw 11â€" “1W3†take" ï¬rst prizes. 1 thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he commenced business as a Beer AND Suon MAKER, on Richmond Hiil, begs to announce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son ROBERT SiVER, jun.. who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that he will give his best attention to business and will keep on hand a select stock of Ready-Mada Boots and Shoes. suitas ble for the trade in the neighbourhood, and" hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. 150713.11, SEVER. Jun. THE SUBSCRIBER, IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the nan-011mm FARMERS’ BOOT 86 SHOE STORE: _()HN BARRON, ’ MANUFACTURER and Dealer in all kinds of Books and Shoes, 38 west Market Square. Tomato. Richmond HUI, Feb. 9,1871. [13’ Bootsand Shoes made to Measure. of: lhe Best A’Iaiarialsand Workmuushiv, a! the: Lowest RemuneratingPrices ’l‘oronto,l)ec. 3.1867. Used by all Fifsbclass Stock Breeders THE? YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER JOB PRINTING- Supmior Mayune Young H3501] Tea, from 85 cts per 11). Fine flavored Black Tea, from 80 (:15 per it Finest flavored and best Black Tea imported, $1 00 per “3 $40951, Fresh and Strong Young Hy§dn Tan, 0,1ny 50 cts per ib- Ftne full flavored Young Hyéon Tea, only 60 cts per i}; The above Teas Wul‘e carequy selected and are fully ten cams per 11) better than any Teas sold on Richmond Hill. Examine and test them and I W!†guarantee you will bear me, out in my assertions. Wq.’ A.r BARNARD. Is the most wonderful discovery in chemistry for healing In Canisters of 5 113s. 5 cts per 1b less than the_s9 pripes. Sign of the BriLish Flag Staï¬â€˜, Richmoï¬d Him September 28. 1871. 6864f Horses and Cattle. IflILLER’S DERBY OIL: ALL THIS MONTH n! Richmond Hill, Aug. 10,1871. FRESH NEW TEAS} BOOTS & SHOES August 17. 1870 Done Neat and Quick at the Heraid 01m: FINE FRENCH OALF BOOTS 30m and 511m, Throughout Europe and Gmmda; BELOVV COST FRESH CUTS OR OLD sons. BARGAINS EVER OFFERED If Gents, Attention ! Fattening Cattle. was £22m. HUGH MILLER & CO. 16'! King St. East Torout 7. 1870 ' 631- tt‘ AT $5 PER PAIR. Is‘ recom mended and Selling off: NeWC Your order for Notice ROBT. SIVER, Sam T. DOLMAGE. T. DOLMAGE’S. T. DOLMAGE’S. Excelsior Boot Maker" 110px 6814f 6554f