We copy from (the Toronto Leader, an article under the ahme caption. The heading is signiï¬cant, and is evidently called forth by the expression “Go “into opposition or we shall starve up ‘leere,†said to have been uSed by Mr. Gordon Brown, at the time the Hon. George buried the hatchet, and shortly after he had delivered himself of the celebrated “melting speech,†in June, 1864. The Leader, as usual, :1ny shows up the inconsistency of the Globe and proves that its occupation is gone‘ when the guns of the Grit organ are required for defensive operations instead of assailing the enemy. Evidently the Globe, in George’s own words, “ is trying to rise superior to the pitifulness of party†politics in the interests of our country, by having nothing to say as to the Blake Scott coalition. We recommend the ar- ticle referred to, to the attention of our readers. I l . OPPOSITION OR STARVATION‘ The Loeézl Legislature is announced to meat on Thhrsday next, the 18th inst. Nothing startling; in the way of Legis- lation. We expect the new Commis- sioner of Crown Lands will take the earliest opportunity to refute the “.vile slauders†published agamst him some weeks ago in the Toronto Telegraph. We fear the entire session, and the whole strength of the Grit-Republican party will not be equal to the task. However, lively times may be expected; as Mr. Scott has promised to prove the Telegraph wrong~and the assertions made by it far from the truth. He has a big job in hand. The trial of John Trevié for the mur- 6er on the 23rd of November last, of John Johnson, a farmer in the township of East G-willimbury, commenced on Wednesday morning last, at the Assizes in Toronto, before the Hon. Justice Wiison. A number of witnesses were examined in regard to the tragedy, and the case for the Crown was closed before the Court rose. Mr. R. A. Harrison, Q.C., for the defence, addressed the jury 1 yesterday. Mr. K. McKenzie, (2.0., conflucted the prosecutron. Up to the1 hour of going" to press we have not learned the verdict of the jury. Wat the $3.; alntaest shall be taken this year as heretofore, and» that there will be a large attendance. E. R. Y. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. â€"-’The annual meeting of the East Rid- ing of York Agricultural Society will be held at Milliken’s hotel Milliken’s Cor-x nets, Markham, on Thursday next, the 18th inst, at '10 o’clock am. The ob- ject of the meeting is to‘receive and adopt the report of the directors, and REUNION-JIM second Re-unién of the season wiil be held under the auspi- ces of the Mechanics’ Institute in the Masonic H.211], Richmond Hill, on Tues- day evening, the 16th inst. Proceedings to consist of vocal and instrumental music, readings, 850,, by several new‘ and talented amateurs. No pains have been spared to make the entertainment a successful one. Doors open at 7:30 .P.M.; to commence at 8. Admission, 10 cents. Programmes at the door. The next Annual meeting of i Vaughan Agricultural Society will held at Burwick, on Saturclay next, 1 13111 inst, at the Inkerman hotel, at o’clock RM. ' l TOWNSHIP Comems. 4- Thc ï¬rst meeting; of the Township‘Councils of Vaughan and Markham, will be held on Monday next. MISSIONARY MEETING.-â€"A missionary meeting, in connection with the Presby- terian Church of this town, will be held on Thursday evening next, the 18th inst. The Rev. Mr. McMullon, 01†\Voodstock, and the Rev. Mr. Pringle, of Brampton, will form the deputation to address the meeting. We learn that Mayor Conrad, of Montreal, has had the Royal order of Spain conferred on him, it is also ex- pected that Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir George F. Cartier have been honored in the same manner. COLLEGE APPOINTMENT.â€"-It is our pleasing duty {This week to inform our readers of the agpointment of Mr. James Room Kay, that celebrated and popular elocutionisiv, as Professor of Elocution in Hellmuth and Huron Colleges. Rchu 2:1» HILL‘ JANUARY 12, 1872. W134 th e the Tm: TOTAL Ecunss OF THE SCN.â€"-A telegram from Co]. Tonnant, in» charge of the Indian-Eclipse Expediuon, sent on Tuesday morning from Occtmamund, in the Ncilgerx-y Hills, says six good photographs were obtained. He adds :â€"“'Revension of lines entirely conï¬rmed,†referring to an important observation of Professor Young. in Spain last December, who saw, at he ‘ moment of tctal obscuratinn, all the dux'k lines reversedâ€"mm: is, Light on a dark ground. A (elegmm from Jaffna SLMOS that there was splendid weather during the eclipse. Most satisfahtory and interesting ohsez‘yalipns have been made. '. Oxford lam-luv numbered among its stu- dents the Duh-1’: of Genoa and Prince Hassun of Egypt. At presentlime a‘x‘lislin- guislxcd member cf the Siamese Goyern ment is an undergraduate at Balliol. He is quite English in dress, appearance, and 3e. As to Prince Hassnu, he, too’ me quite the Englishman, and may be seen rowing on the river, or driving his pair, cigar in mouth, just like any other yuung swell. iliu langun has hr {'0 The Princess Alice is in constant dance on the Prince of Wales, and it? proves a most admirable nurse. It was the Princess Alice, it, may he remembered, who took t :e burden 01" nursing her father in his last illness, ten years ago, and all ac- counts agree that Her Royal Highness has shown herself unwenried in that (liilicult and trying, but most: important art. The Duke of Edinburgh is also in constant and close attendance at Sandriugham. It is with difï¬culty that the Princess 01" Wales can be induced to quit her husband for short in‘ tervals: even though the slzillcd sisterly nursing of the experienced Princess Alice has never been wanting in those intervals. The route from Berlin to meov I just been 311031er by the opening of 1 Brest to Smolensk line, which plazas Kim‘- saw in direct communication with the 0M capital of Russia. WWft'thIJand, fore must leave before the emi of Use service Cannot you say a few words‘ ful‘ him in prayer early in the service, that I may join with you in prayer for him ?†i ‘We observe that the inhubiï¬nts hf lMarkham village are agitating for the 1 incorporation of their town and are about ito hold a meeting to have the question thoroughly ventilated. \Ve hope they Will sneeed in maturing their plans, and sednre the privilege of investing their local taxes in local improvements. Rich- mond Hill ought to take steps in the same direction. A few of' the advan- tages would be: sidewalks clear of snow and kept in good repair; weed;- out down in summer; ï¬re engine and tanks in proper order in case of ï¬re; a pro;“ poet of the introduction of" Village drain- age, so that ~sanitary iinprovemcms Cit] be effected, 850. Many other advantages might be quoted, and We hope that our town will not be behind Markham, hm, that. some of our leading men will take steps to call a mee‘iing of the villager! ï¬nd have the question discussed, in a Qeighborly way. Our 120??!) is in a better position to run basiness 011 its own ac- count than our friend cast, having a. ï¬ne central building suitable for council and public meetings. “’0 subjoin a letter written by M. Loppez', for some years .s‘lcove of Aurora, Whose opinion Lord Tenderzieu died this morning (Nov. 3rd, 1832). His mind had far :1 day or two been gone. He was all time in busi- ness, and the last words he' spoke were (addressing ajul‘y); “ Gentlemen, you are ail dismissed.â€â€"Lord Swag/Lam’s Memories. The following is a. letter Writen by the. Princess of the Wales to the Vicar of Sand~ ringham on Sunday morning. “My hus- Mnd is befler. wwwth . Sir Richard Wailace has iiii’omled the tenantry on the Hartford estates that he in. (ends to appeal against the decision of the Dublin Court of Common Pleas in regard to the possession of the e' n m ought 3') be worth something, to Mr. J ames Ep-eight, a resident of Markham, and late Deputy ReeVe of the township: “AURORA. Jm. 8, 1872. DEAR. SlR.-â€"YUUI‘S of the 2nd inst. duly received, and in reply. would say that I have been a member of 1hr; (,‘ouueil nearly ever since our village became incorporated, and I must say that our taxes are no higher, (not even farm property that lies within the corporation,) than previous to Ihe incorporw lion, and our improvements are fully one hundred per cent. more than they ever were before: HI was livng in Markham Village, I would most certainly go for incorpornlion heartly, for 1 don’t; think there is a [J’ on in our municipality that regrets the incor- oration of the village of Aurora. I am dear Sir, yours truly. M. LEPPL ..†JAMES SPEIGHT, Esq, Markham A telegram from Munich states that Father Hyaciutlxe is serioust indisposcd, and prevented from continuing his lectures. INCORPORATION News Summary THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HILL, @N T.’, FRIAY, AN UARY 12, 1872 Surrlnj: at Home for Dec. at Herald Book Store The Independent Order of Good Templars have revoked the ‘commission held} by Gxibbles as agent for Devon. Gribbles is the Tempmmzce orator who intimated at a public muting that the Queen is adruukard. The King of Ille Belgians was in the midst of {lie crowd at Brussels lately during one 01' the most en ' étic demonstrations of the people against the late Ministry. <Gillott, the celebrated manufacturer of steel pens, died in England on Saturday last. 'EWELRY! JEWELRY I time, and? more, especially to direct their attention to the “ organ†during the last two or three Weeks. Looking back four or ï¬ve years ago we ï¬nd that the same condition of affairs which existed then, exists 110W, and aleeicnl conclusion apart from other considerations which are daily becoming more and more dis- cernibleâ€"«the elegant but melancholy sentence applies with equal force, “GO into opposition 01' we shall starve.â€â€" Leadar. ' [FANCY GOODS he writes : “ Est us gratefully acknow- "'le(l;1j-3 i he hung ofthc Almighty Disposer (t l‘lxw'nts iu hringingubaut this result. “ Let us aclmowleuge, too, the sagacity, ‘f the y'ynti‘iotisn], the fwgstt'ulncss of -" selfinh and partisan considerations on “ the put at" our statcmncn (Sir John A *‘ Macdonald, McDougmll,Gzilt, Howlzlud, Cartier, etcâ€) to which, under Proviâ€" dence, mne- (luc the inception of the “ project: of a British American Confedâ€" “ cratien, and Célt'l'5lilp; it: to a successful “ issue.†“.70 :tSlC the public to judge the 001w": which has Lean followed by the Giit~ixcpuhliezm chief ever since that , 4 after in the “Oman†of' this chameleon l †, ,, v w “’ large mlmher of men in this assembly “who Will record their voles this night “in favor of flu: party by joining a “ Coalition; I neither want to he a leader “nor a humth member 01" that. party. “If that is the reward you intend to “ give for all our services I scorn connex- “ion with you. Go into the same Gov- “ on mail; with Mr. John A. Macdonaldl J‘ (cries of never! never!) Four days after in the “Organ†of‘ this chameleon he writes : “ DJ. us gi'ai‘cl‘ully acknow- "'le(l.'1‘-3 ihe hzm nI'flm Almiu‘nm human» L011l'edemti0n. ShorL after this he retired from the Coalition Cabinet under the plea of dis-agreeing with his colleagues on the question of‘ Tarifl“, but the prime reason was the hint given by Mr. Gor- (lon Bi‘OWn, “ Go into Opposition or we “ chraZl sZm'vc,†and in a few days after his resignation, we have in his speech delivered on the 27th Jan, 1867, the ibllmw' 'Viz: “If sir, there is any n “ G0 INTO OPPOSITION or. WE SHALL “ STARVE UP HERE†! ! l are words com- pleting ‘ short sentence which is as full of truth to-duy as when the Brother of the Grit-Republican “ dictator,†Mr. Gordon Brown, W1‘0l0 them, years ago. From the peculiar position of the “organ†today, and the remarkable lack of any- thing in its columns of purely Canadian topics, it is not hard to juége Wlitzt may be expected to take place. The position of the “ 011mm" is just as melancholy now as It was then; and needs just much as then to be the Oppa ition paper. Inâ€" dchll in any c?ng uOi’hlltiOll it can EESURE HOUR NGERTINAS, For S‘qu cheap, at the HERALD Ofï¬ce, Opposition, or Starvation. )JlFFE 1E!“ T I‘RICLS,‘AT THE 91:. SALE,C1’1'}IAP AT THE lImALD BOOK STQRE. HERALD‘BOOK STORE PEMAINING IN THE RICHMOND L Hilll’osti.‘fl?ii2ol lst January. 1872: Atkinson Jacob Boothby Thus. (9) Blair H ugh (2) Bishop Wrren Brown George (2) Burns Hezekiah Basiilgtwaite W. Crozier James Cockburn Mr. Clifford Alex. Cosgrove Ellen Coulter John Coleman Denis Granny Michael Crittondon Ben Carnuham Letty (2‘ Cooper \V. Doner Sylvanus Doyle Theresa. Dobson 'I‘hos. J. . Emmerson Robert FinnoyPeter Fizzel Joseph Fishburn M. H. Kirby Nathaniel Lund James Malloy John (2) Malloy Mr. (Hihg Sch Teacher) McDonald Catharine LcLenahan Robert Nicholls W. R. ‘ O’Bzian Timothy M Ross Andew Hush Lotte E. l Robinson Ro'\ert Robinson Jane Siver Robert Stabbing Emma Steele Robert T. Story Margaret Trade“ R. A. Williams Mr. Washington Charlotte Walker Mrs. John Wilson James Young William WORK BOXES, Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. I cannot be excelled in Price, Strength or Flavor. Alse a Full Supply of Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, Pain-A tcrs’ ï¬laterials, Glass Ware, Crockery, Furniture, (fee. - Nice New Dressed Currants ! Muscovada, Crush and Lump Treasurer’s Ofï¬ce, Co. York. Toronto, January lst, 1871. STAPLE ,AND F .A N CY DE CIDEDL Y CHEAP. Again in returning thanks to his nunerous customers for the very liberal support they have favored him with during the past year, takes great pleasuve in announcing that he has receivede hareiofore. T HE PEOPLE’S STORE, Richmond Hill. Dec. 7, 1871 A call from all is respectfully invited Patrick Faulkner . . . . . J 01111 Major . . . . . . . . . . Joseph Lung . . . . . . . . . A. Borngasser . . . . . . . William Pointon . . . . . Michael Lenahan . . . . . George D. Gould . . . . . Albert Mabley . . . . . . . Laughlin McDOnald. . . Robert Tier . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Eilston . . . . . George 1’. Smith . . . . . Thomas Atkin . . . . . . , John P. FOUCfll‘.’ . . . . . Archibald Gallanough. Joseph Willoughby . . . James Abbott. . . . . . .. John R. Emery . . . . . . Paul Shakspeare . . . . . Stephen Price . . . . . . . . Henry Pointon. . . . . . . John E. Buck. . . . . . . e Henry Moulds . . . . . . . . Isaac Thomas . . . . . . . . Orlondo Vanburen. . . . George Blealimuj.) . . . . William Mergenf. . . Francis W. C. Statham David McCarty . . . 1 . . . William Bye . . . . . . . . . Daniel Prior . . . . . . . . . George Caldow . . . . . . . William Cowling . . . . . John Orr . . . . . . . . . . . . George Gibson . n . . . . . William Phillips . . . . . . John Ellston . . . . . .. . . Pure Ground Coffees, PARCEZES DELI VERED. (£1,211: gavextimxmw. Published by authorin of By-Law. NEW LAYER FIGS, A LARGE SUï¬â€™PLY List of Letters GMCERIES, SUGARS, CANNED FRUITS, List of Licensed Pedlars for the County 3f York. NAME. ALL 517.158. A} THE The stock consists of P G SAVAGE, FRESH PRUNES, Speciality. Kiel???†be sdld HERALD'BOOK Swag Teacher) McDonald Catharine LcLenahan Robert NichoHs W. R. O’Bzian Timothy Ross Andew Hush Lotte E. Robinson Ro'm‘t Robinson Jane Siver Rnbert Smbbins Emma Steele Robert T. Story Margaret Trade“ R. A. Williams Mr. Washington Charlotte Walker Mrs. John Wilson. James Young William M. TEEFY,P. MA ECity of Toronto. . Markham . . . . . . . iEast G_wi11imbury. 'Do Markham . . . . . . . City of Toronto .. 5Keswick . . . . . . . . {Markham . . . . . . . iNewmarket... . . . . City of Toronto. . King . . . I . . . . . . . . Vaughan . . . . . . . . Toronto Township 0in of Toronto. . Thornhill . . . . . . . RESIDENCE. 69£w1y vvuAauvllvv .u an uaaus. . J As this is entirer distinct and dlï¬'erent from every other preparation of Hypophosphites, be careful to ask for FELLOWS’ SYRUP, and take no other. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where every other remedy fails. For Nervous Debility it stands unrivalled, and may be used with conï¬dence in all cases. It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation, whether arising from sedentary life. a tropical ciimaie, from fever or debility from any cause, and is efficacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed ‘cases having been cured and all beneï¬tted. where its use has been continued over a fortnight. Rousing. the Sluggish Heart and Liver, strengflhoning the action of the Stomach and Bowels and unablng the Lungs to be ï¬ully in- flated with Oxygen. 'I‘liis. then. is substantially Hie basis on which FELLow’s HYPOI’HOSPHITES is built, its direct action is upon the Blood, the Brain and Nervous System, and Hie Muscles. Strongm- euing the nerves, it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients commu- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous syerm are strengthened. As all “fa-endowed bodies. whether they be Beast, Birds, Reptiles, Insects or even Zoo- phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rimlforcs, which binds all the ‘springs of existence. and as nothing can save mom from desllnction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitaiity may be sustained in the living body is indeed a. boon to the world. _V\-. -,gvv;.;uauu1_.u1v, Convo} aucer and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of Lands, Farm Stock, &c., die, also for the collection of Renis, Noles and Accounts. *3 CHARGES MODERATE. OEceâ€"«Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. 700-1y Fellows’ Compound SIC RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES In the shdp two doors north of Goo. A. Bar- nard's Store, and is ofl'oring them at Low Rate}; ior Cash. He is also prepared to make to m'der 011 the Shortest Nmico, and in the very Best Style, iioots and Shoes 0:" Wery descrip- 1i0n, at Low Pricos. He most respeciFtu invites a can. Richmond um, Doc. 21, 1871. 700-tf SOLD BY APOTHECARIBS, Price. $160; Six for $760. JAMES !. FELkO‘W'S,Chsmist. AS A nvn BOOTS AND SHOES ! Wishes a‘xl a mfn'y Christmas and happy New Year, and states Um; he has opened out a THOS. GRA‘ HA ME, IN THIS VILLAGE 0R BETWEEN hero and PaHerson. a Gentleman’s Breast Fit). The finder wlll be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this ofï¬ce or with A. P. Conger, at Patterson. - r Annual Meeting. THE LANNUAL. MEETING OF THE . VAUGHAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY 11 Housakeeper, one accushamed t6 farm work. Apply to I. S., Herald Ofï¬ce. ‘ Cedar Posts FOR SALE. APPLY TO At the lnkerman hole). at 3 o’clock Secfetm-y. Vaughan, 12111.2. 1872. ‘OMPLIMENTS OF THE J SON z GEO. TEASDALL. Richmond Hill. Jan. 10, 1872. 703-“ Richmond Hill. Jan. 3, 1872 D C O’BRIEN, CQ‘OUNTA‘NT, BAG 0 Kâ€"K E E P E R, Ovez‘shoes, Rulbers, Slippers cfZ'c‘ Do Two Horse One Horse Foot . -. . . . One Home Do Foot . . . . One Horse Do ‘Do ‘Foot . . . . . {One Horse Do Do Do Foot . . . . . One Herse Do Do Foot . . . . . One Horse Do Do Foot . . a . ‘ One Horse *Foot . . . . . ‘One Horse Foot . . . Two Horse Foot . . . . . Two Horse Wanted, M_IDDLFâ€"AG E D WOMAN AS WILLIAM GAZEIBLE VVILL BE HELD AT BURWICK. DESCRIPTION. LARGE STOCK JNO. K. MCDONALD, Treas. Co. York. JANUARY, 1872, Lost, St. Jami ‘1 ‘1 m u. Jauy. 5th, ] Jany. 27th, Feby. 8th, Feby. 9th, Feby. 10th, ‘Feby. 17th, iFeby. 215b, ‘Feby. 28th, ‘Mar. 29th, Mar. 30th, May 22nd, May 25th, May 30th, May 31st, ‘June 14th, June 19th, June 27th, lJune 30th, ‘July 3rd, July 4th, July 5th, July 11th, ‘Aug. 8th, Aug. 16th, Aug. 21st, Sept. lst, Sept. 28th, ‘Sept. 28th, ‘Oct. 6th, :Oct. 7th, Oct. 18th, ‘Oct. 25th, Oct. 31st, iNovr. 4th, lNovr. 26$h, Novr. 31st, Deer. 13th, 3N0. A BELL, President 702-2 DATE WHEN LI‘ CENSE EXPIRES. .RLB. 5th, 1872. 27th, “ 8th, “ 9th, “ 10th, “ 17th, “ 215$, “ 28th, “- 7024f 'H ‘H H H ~.__, _..5v.~\...’ - uqu Luv uuuul [U uu, With great respect, . , ‘ THOMAS HOLLOWAY THE DOMINION WGRM CANDY IS 553, Oxford Street (Iato 244,5t1‘and). ~ghgxxjygedicilus to expel wormn. Try it. TOO-y I‘gndon, W. C., Sept. 1. 1671. (@7-633 Sold by Druggists generiliifn 11 lible for Diarrhae. Dysenlery. Fiux, Colic, Cholera Morbus. Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Directions with each bottle and box. Manufactured by Hi. MUSTARD. Proprietor, Ingersol. an: L» n_,._,, n . Stands pl'e-eminel‘my above every other Re- medy now in use. It is invaluable. ‘ "’ "‘1 Wounds. Bruises. Old ï¬Ã©oirï¬eg, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bites. PiIes. Painful Swellings. White Swelling and every conceivable wound upon man or beast '1 ill. Pillls you can get for Dispepsia: Ei‘cii Headache, Biiliousuess, Liver and Kidney complaints, &c. iVJ. cures Acute and Chronic cases of Ca- tarrh, Neuraigia, Toothache, Headache, Colds. Cough, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, 6L0 , it is also a good Soothing Syrup. Harness Establishment, Richmond Hill‘ SINGLE HARNESS AND a ITPQHQï¬S' ;r BUTTER AND EGGS RAISINS ! CURRANTS I Onlythe very best kinds kept. suitable for the present season, at the Central store, Rich- mond Hill. ‘ XMAS GROCERIES. THE VERY BEST Splendid Stock qf Fresh Teas. CHRISTMAS FRUIT '! Thai aro used at Christmas in the shape of Comprising Raisins, Currants, Prunes: Figs, Oarnaied Peel, Spices, Nuts, Candies, Canned Fruit, cï¬c. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST The Pmprietor of the Tea Chest takes this opportunity‘of returning his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal pa- tronage bestowed on him since starting in business. and assures them that nothing on his part shall be wanting. to retain the conï¬dence placed in {him for the future. Ihave bought tummy" -l- 4L _ LSQQTHE RAIN VICTOR IS INFAL Richmond Hill. Dec. 7. 1871. T335: 813%,. CR‘OOKERY, AVE YOU VRHIE_IIJ‘MHATI§M, UH..." J, XCELLENT SETS U'§'._I_‘_ARD’S' PILLS ARE THE BEST All Kinds of S’bioe USTARD’S CATA RRH SPECIFIC @mmiw, grnvmmm. WM. ATKINSON. Dealer in everything Good and Cheap GOOD THINGS. A'l‘ WM. HARRISON’S FLOUR AND FEED, &c. THE KING OF OILS FRUIT OF ALL KINDS. ALL KINDS OF FRUIT TH E H IGH BEST PRICE Sign of the Tea Chest. ï¬ï¬mflmwmw, From 50 cents to $1 per lb. A LARGE STOCK OF In Exchange {ox-Goods Proclamation. FRESH ARRIVALS A Choice Seleclon of Fan THE SEASON. largely of thre- GIVEN FOR AND A AND ALEX. MOODIE‘ 683 Chemists and Drugr ists, \mo aesiro to ob. tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale pricesin quiilIllllBS 01‘ not less than $220 Worth â€"- viz., 83. 6d., aad 225., and 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nett, without discount. for which ramillance must he sent in advance. I havo the honor to be, With 95' t respect, i I would ask, as a great favor, that should it i come to the knowiedgéof 11".“ Person thet spu- ious medicines are being made or sold in m name,he be pleased to hand me all the particu- >lars he can collect rispecting “)0 same. that is to say. the name ili‘Li Elddi'FcS'Of' the Vendor who is selling the spu us maximums, and like: Wise the numo and ad†ms of the Hms‘, in, the United States, or eisowhero. which mav have suppliï¬d ihcm. so as [0 enable me, f0]- the protection of the pubiir‘, to institute pm- ceodings against H‘icil eviLdoerS, and 1 engage to remunerule vmy hzmdmmnly any, person who may give me such iiilhz'nmqion. the in. foi'mant’s name ni‘vor hcirg divulged, Should any pew ‘ have reason 10 believe that he has been ( ved by buying spurious imitations of those Medicines, he) will do we“ to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at :1 cm of' six cents in post- age), ono of the hooks of instructions which are aflixed to the mine. I promim to examine it and send a reply, stating whether the Medi- cines are genuine or not, so that ii' spurious he may apply to the person from whom ho pur- chased them to have his money refunded. r1- . . .c . 71 mod em'nea‘ly uulront u}! [Lose who mav read this ndvmus ment that Hwy be pleased. in the public ixmrrost. lo cOllnlYllIlliCatL‘ the pur: port 0! the same 10 lhuir Hands that the" may not be defrauded nf' their money by purcï¬asixm worthIeSs imitations of the gwuuine Homo“? WAY’S PILLS AND Om'rnmNT. No representative of mixm will ever travel through any past cl llm llri i Provinces or the United Slzalox, (-‘iiilcl' 10 Sell, or to take. orders fur my Pills and 0inl,u:ont,and as 1 lmvo reason to bi‘lleve 11ml. ailmle ’ will very probably be 12111th [0 (luceivs liiO public in 1111;; way by p0 :nsr-nlling on medicine vendors, falsely l'epru.~onling lat the" are acting {or me ( lid will: my knowledge and consonl. I damn, it advisable to put [lie public on their guard against any such (loceplloxis: “ Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious 1:19;:ztincs, which are now likely to emanaio fix :1 11:0 “mics or elsewhere. L4 ,, A but to possess themselves: u LowAY‘s PILLS AND Um!‘ I the genuine HOL- manufactured bv mu in Landon, xii. “xi, will do well to, 5:39 that unch 1m and x 1 ~: 1310 British Governnmut 5mm}; UK} which 15 engraved the words “UGLLOVLLY'S PILLS AND ()m'rnucm.†and Lila: tho mldmssun the ' 0| 2502‘} OXFORD svmmm, Loxuox, where only they are manna factm'cd, and in no other pun 01' the worid. The retmi ps‘ices are on lhn iabeis in British currency, and not in doiizns and cums. .AL. Pixovlrm l hug mer lie. of [he 13: mum AI»]E"}HCA. -H""Hyto::r'q*ai;:1 the pub- pmvi test that in May, 1 I~ 0:! 11.0 b mess in 80 Liaiden Lu‘lm, 70w Yul}; fur (he‘suie 01" “01.- LGVVAY’S i’um AND U}, , Much Were up m that time prcpmed by Wlléimt: Erown. now deceased. 10 he dosed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the management of late bus. u some yams, and In many ways, heun 11m t tormpt, and it may be that the PMS and 0mm were not prepared with the care I have a} desired. 133.115. ‘ at} 9': With a nice assortment of Fancy Guods. 6210. 1 Wm also keep durin {he season, a nice va- riety of SM‘MW‘MM Séfmolx 'I‘l‘uut, Codï¬sh. Labnadur and Cause Herrings, Mackeral, Fluau Huddias, Lohslers and Sur- diuesmlw the celebrated Buhimore can Oysters G. A. BARNARU, Sign of the B 'Mh Fiag Sizu‘, Richmond Hi3]. Nevembcrw, 871. 65:3 r IN HARDWARE I hays the best generai assortment it) he found in thu neigm‘orlmod. consisting in part of Rogers’ Table and Pocket. Cuttlery. Scissors, Razmrsiand BnLchcr Knives, ‘ , WV. Axnuvoa, Spooncf every variety of" Locks, Bulls, Hinges, Screws. Brads; Wrought, Cloutand Cut Nails, Chopping Axes. Buck Saws, Glass in all sizes, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, &c. ' 7 V ___..., .. uulu \r -;\.H_ 4|, I'IUBH‘ New and Elmo P .avnred Teas from '30 015. per 1h ; I’um (mound Command Spices; Splendid Qunnlrluu .. rV|._, rm 1 ‘ IN WINES AND LIQUORS I have the Best and Pumrt Brands in the market. My Old Rye and Ma“. are not excrlled, if equalled by any house in the trudm. Genuine French Wines and Blandiez, 05d Tom and Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Scotch, Irish and Bour- bon VVhiskies. ' u“, , ' i ‘ "' " 1 Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, (kc He will not be Undersold in Value by any house in the ‘Z‘ch'ghborhood. shirts and Drawers frum. . - 90 " Men’s Wiucey and Fancy I-“lamm’l Shirts from. . . . . . . . . . .5141 ()0 to 2 (“0 each} With an excellent assortment of Wool Clouds. Ladies’, Misses’ and Gent's (fiotll Gloves‘ Fancy and Tartan Wool Hose, Gent’s Wool 0,,1 , Sackéflies, Mufliersfl’ï¬Ã©Ã© Begs to return his sincere thanks to his num‘e- rous customers for their past patronage and solicits their future favors ‘Ie has now on hand a full and complete assox‘Lmont of Herewith will be found a low quotalions of Cheap Goods: Good Factory Cotton from .. . . . . .559 {)9 a yd A nice assortment of 17ti:z!s (last colorsfrom.................. 10 †Horrockse’s Long 610le (the best ' intlie trade) froa'n.“ 13 “ Cotton Ticking f‘rom......... 15 “ Plain & Fancy colored lmsn'os from 12% “ Black Alpaca Lustros from. , . . . ,, 25 " Black Cl‘ilpo Cloth from†.. . ... 30 “ Beautiful Lorna Dress Goods from. 25 †Heavy Plain VVincoys from. . . . . ., l5 " Gala VVinceys, Clan Colors. from . 21; †All Wool‘Scarlot Flannel from . . . . Checked and Fancy Flannel, all won], from.................. Checked “tune-Inade Flannel, yard \vide.fl'mn.................. Heavy Canadian Sarina“ from . . . . All woo] full cloth and tweed.» from Beaver Overcoming frn Beautiful f 11)......... Irwin! and hour kin Men’s Beaver. Tweed and Full Cloth Vests from .. . . . . . . . . . . Mom’s Full Cloth and Tweed l’unls (splendid value) from ,. . . . . . Men’s Black and Fancy l)_ oskéu Pants from.................. Men’s heavy all wool ribbed Under- Mantle Cloth, f1‘om.. Horse Blankets from. . . . Heavy Cornwall Blanket Men’s Beaver. Tweed G O O ‘D 8 Suitable for $118 Season, NEW & CHEAP FALL GOODS 1' G. A. BENARD IN GflQCEFEflES I have execs?! Carpenters’ Tools in Great T/Var'icn, 1-4 vi 0 C m @VEE $119235, mwm. Largest Stocks on Rickmond Hill. AND 03‘ OF THE 01 L e Hrnsoi eisowlxero. which mav ) :il; [0 enablo me, fo'r mbiin, to institute pro- vil~duers, and 1 engage :xudwm" anyporson llixgihz"rzz-q:.111. the in- (the best ï¬lms from U-y.... rv ..... was from. »m.. rs. from . from . mum], a“ .nnul, yard om . . . . ‘eedr, from 13 15 12% S 30 25 15 21; .20 35 .u 57 85 1 50 from AME"}HCA. :zr'qw int the pub- ML~ 1 provi ces 1,.0 business a\ 80 1' tho‘mie 01" “01.- v‘hmh Were up THE BRITISH oilm's,151'aces,&c. 12f Fresh. 375 ‘f [00 25 each 50a ’ 251!†(30 a. p’r