Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Feb 1872, p. 3

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The Legislature of Manitoba has read, l marked, learned and inwardly digested the matchless hypocrisy ofY the Blake- Scott Coalition with regard to the foul murder of Thomas Scott. Mr. Blake’s erocodilism has been too apparent. The bewailing of a murderous event that‘ happened two years ago, in acountry over which we had no earthly ju.1isdic- tion, perpetrated by a man whom we could not legally punish, and on a man whom we could not legally avenge, was‘ too. gross a piece of buncombe for honest men to be deceived. The refusal, the :shirking, the bolting of the hen. Premier when his voice and vote might have brought the Slayers to justice, were acts too monstrous to escape detection. Last March his hypocrisy was clear enough but not public enough‘ to be thoroughly appreciated. Toâ€"day it is known to every mother’s son and daughter in Orr tario, and has become a by-word and reproach, even in remote Manitoba. The Manitohese, ‘by the mouth of their Gov- ernment, have flatly and openly expressed their disgust at Mr. Blake’s conduct. Well and truly did Attorney-General Clarke declare that the President of the Ontario Council sought support by rat- tling in the ears of Orangemen the dry bones of the murdered dead! Rattled them .in Orangemen’s ears, he might have added, but kicked them from him as rubbish and rotteness when brought face to face with Riel’s felloweountry- men in the Dominion Parliament! Canonized them in Ontario! Pro- nounced them anaemaed in Lower Cana- da! Hugged them as a martyrs relies in Ontariol Flcd from them as from a lepar’s carease in Q’uebeel The orangemen of this Province now fully understand the deceit practised on them last' March. Their brethren in Manitoba are equally 'wise on the sub-7 ject. Both now know right well that the everlasting raking of poor Scott’s ashes by the leaders of' the Grit party was a mere election dodge, a dust-throw- ing trick, 3 political campaign squib, a coutemptiblc subterfuge and pitfall, and knowing that, we are sure and cer- tain that they cannot look with much favor on men who, to suit party, can make shuttlecocks of corpses and battle- dores of the sympathies of a. loyal and honored organizationâ€"Telegraph The Scott Murders-The Action of ' ' Manitoba. SATURDAY, February 10.â€"~Credib Sale by Public Auction, of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, &c., on lot No. 25, 7th Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. J. Beaten. Sale in 12 sharp H. Smelsoi',auctiomer. MONDAY, Feb. ISLâ€"Credit Sale of Farm, Farm Stock, Implemenls, Grain, Bay, 850., on lot No. 25, 4th Con. Markham, the property of Mr. Colin Shell. Sale at 1 o’clock, P.M. J. Gormley, auctioneer. ’TURSDR, Feb. 20.â€" Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Fuf'nilm‘e, &c., on lot No. 35, tear of 2nd Con. Markham, the propezty éf Mr. John Stewart. Sale at 12 o’clockmoon. J. Gormlegaucliouaer. 3' Parties having Sale Bills printed at. his office, will have a. notice similar to the above, free of charge. Cut this notice out and bring it widx you. We are authorized to refund the cash {0 any person or persons who shall buy and use Pao'sonn’ Purgah've Pills and foil of relief and satisfaction. It is now genera“); admhted by honest physicians, that when once the consumption is fairly’faskened upon the lungs, no human power can save the patient from death. They also shy that about fifty per cent. of those who die from th‘s disease can trace the cause to a. neglected cough or cold, which might‘ have been cured by n 51113111 bottle of Liquid Opodeldoc, or what is the same thing, Johnson's Anodyne Liuz'mcnt. e The extraordinary efl'ect of Fellows’ Compomnd Syrup of Hypophosphilcs is due to its power of imparting the vital principal to all constitutions impaired by wasting or debilitating maladies. It is ac ,ceptable to the palate, and suitable for all ages and all constitutions. The blood is restored to purify and health, the nerves and muscles are strengtliened,while tuberch- lous or consumptive deposit is retarded. MARRIED. NEWBERRY.-â€"-GAMBLE.â€"â€"By the Rev. A. J'. Fidlér, on the Gib inst., at the residence of the bride, Sarah Jane, daughter of Moses Gamble, Esq., and Henry J. New. berry, both of Markham. D GBATEFUL AND Couromma. â€" " By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. ‘ and by a careful application of the fine proper- ties of wen-selected cocoa, M1 Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored bevera a which may save us many lienvay Adoclors’ ills."â€"-Civil Service Guzctlo. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packet is labelledâ€"“ JAMES Ens 6; '70.. Homce'opathic Chemists,London.” Also. ma- kers of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- densed Milk.) GS'I-ly 1 union. HALL on THE Assocxarnon. 34 King Street East. Toronto. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors. and others whose Sons, Wards. or Friends maybe leaving home for residence n the City of Toronto : i The Young Men’s Christian Association of Toronto announce that they have a Committee for the purpose of showing kindness to Young Men who "are strangers. and leading them under religious influences. It is requested that all who desire the co-operetion of this ’Committee,wi!l send the names and addresses of Young Men about to remove to Toronto. in whom they are interested, by the person him- selfif poseible, or by post, with such particu- hrsof character as they may deem proper. “Jae. MACDONALD, Tues. J. Wlml. Pro-idem. Secretary. REAKE'AST. â€"â€" EPPS’S COCOA_. ~â€" OUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSO- AUCTION SALES. ’ Toromo, February 9. 1872. Flourâ€"Suporfino. . . . . . . . . . . .25 5 35 f0 5 50 Spring Wheat.oxtrn.. 540@ 545 Fancy............... 55010 555 Extra . . . . . ‘ . .... 5700 525 Superior Extra..... , 600m? 675 Oatmeal.... .............. 470@ 485 Cornmeal..;............... 340/13 350 Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1800@ !9 00 Wheatâ€"Spring....~........ 1216 123 Soulos and Deihl.... 130(6) 13:) ’l‘readwell.......... 1240 127 Barley..................... 066/213 068 t’ease...’....... (Hora) 073 Oats......... .......-..... 043@ 044 070%!) 072 1800@2200 Straw”.................... 11 00/131600 Potatoes,pe‘r bag...... ... 09060 1 IO App]es,per barrel..... ... 28rd 300 Beef. bythe side . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . KI) 0’07 Mutton, by'the cal-case. . . . . . . 0 05 f0 0 07 Poultryâ€"Geese.... . . . . . . . . 050/13 06-1) Turkeys.......-... 075ch 125 Chickens. per pair . . 0 40 {(D 0 65 Ducksuwr pair .... (1‘ 75/0 0 85 .44.. vvn~~ .. V any uumherâ€"notaxcoedinglhroe huuduod dollars by any one depositorj will be received attho Richmond Hill Post Office. for which Government wilhllow Interest. For particularsappiy l0 POST \ OFFICE. E DOLLAR, (03 RICHMQND , HILL nEPossz” OF ‘v ON ‘ ALSO AGENT FOR THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. omcehours: from 6:30 9:30 mu. May 4,1869. 563-Lf h AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH- mond Hill PastOffico. Untill'urlhor notico.tho mails win he closed at this offics as foilows: M. TEEFY. Postmaster. ",3 MR. ’I‘wFY is Government Agentfor he sale of ‘ NJ). REGISTERED LETTERS wiil require lo be handed in 15 minutes brfare the time‘of closing The rate on Letters for the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer. and Portland in win- ter),is nuw reduced to 6 cents per é oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will lm 8 cis per ; oz These ratesappl)‘ only topt’qmitl latters; ifsein unpaid , or insufficiently prepaid. there Will be a fun of duublellze among of deficient postage. M. TEEF Y. Postmaster. BRITISH MAILS . Are closmd at Toronto as follows: By Cunard Line. every’ Monday. . . 10:30 1.15]. By Canadian Line.every Thursday 10:00 EM. S». _.ot}0|:s for- Desfialch by lh'ase lines of Slemncrs should be so market}.- _ PEMAINING IN THE RICHMOND ‘1 liillPostOifice, 1st January. 1872: Atkinson Jacob Buothby Thos. ('2) Blair Hugh (2) Bishop Wrren 310wa George (‘2) Barns Hezekiah lizxsinqlwaile W. Crozier James Cockburn M'r. Clifford Alex.! Cosgrove Ellen Coulter John Coleman Denis Cranny Michael Criuemlon Ben Carnaham Letty (2‘ Csopor \V. .Doner Sylvanus ‘ Dayle Theresa Dohsou 'l‘hos. J. Emmersou Robert thmy Palm ll‘izzol Joseph Fishburn M. H. Kirby Nathaniel Lund James Malloy Jahn (‘2) Mall") Mr. (llihg Sch Teacher) McDonald Catharine chouahan Robert Nicholls W. R. O’Brian Timothy Ross Andaw ' Rush Lotte E. Robinson Ro'm‘t Robinson Jane Sjver Robert Stubbins Emma Steete Robert T. Story Margare! Tradell R. A. \Villimns Mr. Washington Clnrlolt ‘ankgr Mrs. John Wilson Ja rigs Young William P. O. SAVINGS BANK. L County of York. Lot 4. 3rd concesuion, Vaughan. P. 0, Address, Concord. Orders promptly attended to. Northern Mail. Southern Mail. . Southern mail ALNDLDLJ‘JLUU, 1-1.1. n. vuu.‘ “:44 Us- u‘- n Solicitors in C h ancery..Convevancers.&c On‘xclczâ€"Proviucial Insurance Buildings. Street, Tux-onto . JOHN ocean. Q.c. ADAM HJIEYERBJR. Richmond Hi“, Nov. :20, “371. JOB PRINTING D 7m Weeakly Papers, race ved at the HERALD Book Store. Riqhmond Hi1} COLLARS AND CUFFS Concord. March 16, 1870. J. N» BLAKE, SARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &,c. On‘wn.â€"No. 66 Church Slreet.Toronto. December 29. 1869. 598 SCHOOL REQUISITES Toronto Dec . 24.1868. M. FISHER. IGENSED AUCTIONEI}. _-FOR THE JAPER BOOKS DUGGAN 62. MEYERS, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Dane Neat and Quick at the Herald Office- UBSCRIPTIONS FOR. THE TQRON‘ TORONTO MARKETS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. 4 (EB. @epmmwt. IBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY (mountain :3an BRANCH) u'nu: ' HERALD BOOK swan: List of Letters nu: LATEST STYLES, AT nu; HERALD BOOK STORE. or ALL xwus .u nu HERALD Boon Srolu: OF ALL KINDS. AT THE MOB?" EVENING. HERALD BO‘OK STORE. Teacher) McDonald Catharine LcLouahan Robert Nicholls W. R- ' O’Brian Timothy Ross Andmv! ' Rush Lotte E. thin-‘mu Ro'm‘t Robinson Jane Siver Robert Stubbins Emma Steete Robert T. Story Margare! Trade” R. A. \Villimns Mr. Washington Clnrlolt ‘ankgr Mrs. John Wilson Ja rigs Young William ADAM H - MEYEBB'JR. 544-1y M. TEEFY, r. M‘ ". o..A. . . 37:45 A n 45 A M THE YORK HERALD, RICHMOND HiLL, om, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9 5 50 5 45 5 55 5 25 6 75 4 85 3 5O 606 NEW & CHEAP FALL GOODS] G. 'A. BARNARD Bags (0 return his sincere thanks to his nume~ rous customers for their past patronage and solicits their future favors He has now on hand a full and complete assortment 01' Gr 0 O D S Suitable for the Season, He_will not be Undersold in Value by any house in the Neighborhood. Horewith will be found a few quotations of Cheap Goods: Good Factory Cotton from . . . . ...$0 09 a yd A nice assortment. of prints (fast colors from.................. Hoffockse’s Long Cloths (the best in the trade) from. . . . . . . . . . . Cotton Ticking from . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plain & Fancy colored Lnslros from lack Alpaca Lnstx‘es from . . . . .‘. . Black Crnpe Cloth from . . . . . . . .u Bednlil’ul Lorne Dress Goods from. Heavy l’lnin VVinceys from. . . . . . . Gala Wincoys, Clan Colors. from . All Wool Scnrlét Flannel from . . . . Checked and Fanéy Flannel, all wool, l'ro'ni..,_...........;:.. Checked Horne-made Flannelqad wide,frum..............:...’ Heavy Canadian Satiu‘eit from. . . . AH wool Iull cloth and weeds from Beaver Overcoating from . . . . . . . . . Beautiful Astracau "and bear skin Cloth Vufitsfroin.,........... 125mb} Man’s Full Cloth and nged Pants (splendid value) from . . . . . .Z.‘ 3 00 a p’r Men’s Black and Fancy Doeskin Pants from... . . . . . . 375 " Men’s heavy all wool ribbed Uudor- shirts and Draw'ers from . . . . . 90 “ qu’s Wincey and Fancy Flannel Shirts from. . . . ; . '. . . . .$1 00 to 2 00 each With an excellent assortment bf Wool Clouds; Ladies’, Misses’ and Gent’é Cloil)‘ ,Glov‘ea‘ Fancy and Tartan Wool Hose, Gem’s W091 Sacks,Tics, Mufiiors,Pape1~ Collars, Bréces,&c. Mantle Cloth. [fem . . . . . .. . . . . Horse Blankets from. . . . . . .. . . . . . Heavy Cornwall Blankets from. . . . Mén’s Beaver. Tweed and Full 1N GROCERIES I have excellent Fre’sh. New and Fine Favored 'I‘eas from 51) cls.lper 1b ; Pure Ground Coffee and Spices : Sphndid Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, GL0. Best. and Purest Brands in the market. My Old Rye and Malt are nut excelled, if equalled by any house in the trade. Genuinb French Wines and Brandi”, Old Tom and Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Scotch, Irish and Bour- bon W hlskies. IN HARDWARE 1 have the best general assortment 10 to found in the neighborhood. consisting in part of Rogers’ Table and Pocket Cultlery. Scissors. Razovs and Butcher Knives, Spoon:f every variety of Locks, Butle, Hil‘lges, BradspWro-ught, Clouéand Cut Nails; Chopping Axes. Buck Saws, Glass in all sizes, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Putty, &c. With a nice assortment of Fancy Goods. &c. I Will also kosp during the season, a nice va- riety of Salt Fish. in White Fish and Salmon 'l-‘rnut. Codfish. Labrador and Cnnso Herrings, Mackeml, Fman iladdias, Lobslei‘s and Sur- duies,ulso the celebrated Baltimore can Oysters G. A. BARNARD. Sign of the British Flag Staff. Richmond'Hi‘l November ‘23. [871. 665 gr}; mag, (mam. THE YORKSHIRE C A T T L E .FEEDER Largest Stocks on Richmond Hill. Used by all First-class Stock Breeders Horses, Cows. Sheep and Pigs fed wiih the Yorkshire Cattle Feeder have always taken first prizes. We have numberloss cougatuiary recom- mendations from Agricultural Societies for the benefit they have derived from its use in raising stodk- __ i N. ,, W; m‘..‘.n .._.. L-.. A An“..- IN WINES AND LIQUORS 17mm glge Iu-anu Price Ebro-guts and $1-00 per box. A dollar box contains 207 feeds. Prepared in Canada only by HUGH MILPER & 00., It Fattcns in One-fourth the usual time. CHEMISTS, 167. King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggisls and Storekeepera. October 18, 16’“. 6914! H.-- -, ,. , , l“. Commissionerin B.R.,is Government Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in “lo County of Yorlu . / Ofiice hoursâ€"7 Ad“. to 9:30 mu. Richmond Hill. October 23,1869; TEEFY, l . Commi Uarpenters’ Tools in Great Variety, @DENTIST, (LATE ASSIST-l ANT to Dr. Elliot, Dentist. Tel-01110,) respectfully nnnounces that he will visit the following places,(Snn- days excepted). where he will attend to Den- tistry in all its branches : King....................lsl of each month Richmond Hill. . . .... . . ..5th “ Newmarket..............10lh '- Aurora........;.';........15UI " Teeth insorted in the most Improved Styles, on Gold. Snlver, Vulcanized Rubber. and Al- luminum Base. ii‘iéeth filled in such a manner as to preserve them from furthqr d»e_éay. _ unuu u u.. Team extrgc'tet'i‘wnh (11's Iepst possible pain, and especial attention paid Io‘ the regulation ol’. children’s teeth. V‘ noun HILL. Physician's prescriptions cureflully propuod Richmond Hill, DocJ, 1869. 5944f Throughout Europe and Canada.- MARRIAGE LICENSES, W. H. CANNON; L-DS., R. E. LAW. EMIST AND DRUGGIST,,. RICH- EEFY Fatt ening Cattle. AND ONE OF TH!‘ 13 recommended and mm» £22m, RICHMOND HILL. 37; 57 85 1 50 13 15 12; 30 25 15 21; THE YORK HERALD JOB PRINTING PLAIN AND COLORED BOOK & FANCY STORE Fancy Goods, J ewelx‘y, Albums} EXECUTED WITH PROMPTI'WTE. Writin Desks Work Boxes Wallets Tin 7:031} Clothes Brushes ‘ Nail Brushes Waas Dolls Sets Jet Jewelry Brooches ToyBqué‘é‘, HISC’ELLANEO US 3. STANDARD Gold Pens Shirt Studs Sleeve Water Color Paints «D Brushes Crag/01s Puzzle Blocks FARM E RS’ ALMINAX DAY BOOKS: ; "bBNéTANT‘LY ON HAND A111: Hum“) Baal Stony, ESTABLISHMENT; 1:01:03] Wa_tchgs Bibles YMN AND PRAYER BOOKS Concertina: China Dolls Gold Plated Penholders Gold Plated'Pcncil Cases Gold Chains lmds Sleeve Links PRINTING Humming Tops Cams 01‘ Every Siz‘d and Uonription. Price Fifteen Cents. ALL KINDS OF BOOK THE HERALD K mm: 5700: or PERIODICA LS'. JQSH mamas, Needle Shell Cases Shqll Boxes :3 Parian Vdscs Testamehti AND Pocket Cutlery Hair Brushes es Tooth Brushes FOB- 1|79. Shaving Brushes Razors PAPER. BOOKS Dressing Combs v Circular Combs r11 Coroncts Ear BOOKS FOB OIL! AT 'l‘lll JOURNALS, Ladieé’ Companions Pocket Books HERALD BOOK STORI: Transparent Slates Mirrors Hymn Books Piayer Backs ALEX. SCOTT- Rlchmond Hill. Pocket Combs Sheet Music 'carl sets School Books Razor Straps Porgfolios LEDGERS, GREAT SUCCESS NEW V'FALL GOODS ! Of his huge stocks formerly has induced him to secure a still This success is Unmistakeable. Evidence of the confidence of a pa- tronising public; TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Ready-made Clothing, Shetwls in all the Latest Styles, Jackets, Wool Goodsvin Great Variety, Wmcoys. Cobourgs. Alpacas. Meriuos, Fancy Dress Goods. Prints, Cottons, 'l‘ickiugs. Plain and Fancy Flannels, Blan- kets, Carpets. Hosiery, Gloves, Furs, HATS AND CAPS, 860. In the Greatest Variety. Thou Goods have ‘Gr‘o'ccrics, Crockery, Hardware, the. (foe. Will be found to contain everything that is beautiful, chaste, elegant and of the latest style. Everything Good 8:; Cheap gm; (5,10% museum. ARGEST, nHEAPEST dz REST 1â€" clining health, wishes to retire from business and offers for sale his~ Blacksmith alrop,_dwelling house and two acres or land, on the :e‘a'r of lot No. 4t. 1st 0011. Vaughan, two miles from Riclunond Hill, A good business has been done in the shop for the past twenty- fivo years. and an unlimited supply of work can be had. The house is in fair order and the land in good condition. There is also on the premises a stable and other out buildings. Title indisputable and terms easy. Apply on the premises to ’I‘. BOOTHBV. 696 Richmond Hill P.0. The subscriber begs to announce that he has now on hand the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT D aséortmem of Hais and Bonnetts Rib- bons. Feathers. Flowers. &c.. always on hand at MRS. Mmks’hMillilwry Estgéfishmout. _N-.'iiâ€":_Ladies’r Dress Caésvand Mourning Bon- nets kept costantly on hand and made lo order. 694 ~3m Richmond Hill. Sept. 27, 18'”. A MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, Pails.Cider Miils. Washing Machines, Shingles Waggon Felloes, and LulnberSawodto order. J'orparlicnlars address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Stoam Mills,’l‘hornhille Central Stor e ' GEO. TEASDALL. Richmo'nd Hill. Jan. 10. 1872. 703-lf A weeklyjournal of current events. Lirera- ture, Scleuce and Arts, Agriculture and Me~ chanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at 10 cents I. number at the A Larger Stockfor this Season. ‘EE SUBSCRIBER, _0WING jro "DE Horses and Cattle. MILLE R’S DERBY OIL In tho most wonderful discovery in chomislry for healing W, ATKINSON. OF THE CENTRAL STORE, 696 Cedar Posts OR SALE. APPLY TO CON CERTINAS, FANCY GOODS WESLEYAN HYMNS, PECIAL NOTICEâ€"A FULL Doe skim, silk-mixed Cloths, Velveteens, Thornhill, Nov.‘3, 1869. THE QUICK DISPOSAL Adgust 17. 1870 Patent. Eavesâ€"trough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE_DO {filo stock consists in parf of Accounts rendered October 15L Stock he ever ofl‘ered N A D 1 AN’ ILLUSTRATED 3mm flutim. is have all been purchased before the late Rise in ~.Prices. fimsn ours ‘03 OLD sonEs. ' A Splendid Stock of gm; fiat», wrung” rmcm, n nu: HERALD Boox Sromz. HUGH MILLER & CO. FOR SALE, CHEAP AT Till: AS usuu. mm AT THE For Sale DEALER IN un mu n- nu: Baum) Boon Smu- 167 King St. East. Toront 3 631- U HERALD BOOK STORE. HERALD BOOK S'rom. 510-.“ 688 , 1872' FIRE PROOF STORE ! CANADIAN TWEEDS! PLAIN AND FANCY FLANNELS, Nice Fancy Woolen Goods !! Ready Made Clothing, 8m. 8w. LOWEST CASH PRICES. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Crockery. &c. Kept Constantly on Hand ISAAC CROSBY. Accounts are rendered on the )st Octobnr. and itis axpectu‘ that they will be promptly met this fall as we havelbeen blessed with an abundant harvest, which brings good prices. FULL LINES IN EVERY BRANCH. m; (tfinm‘w, (flaming. THE ONTARIO HOUSE, UTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT.- DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Clan Tartan Woolingsi, Hosiery, Gloves, The Highest Cash Price given for Farm Produce. ROBERT NEWBERRY. Elgin Mills. Sentembar 28. 1871. 588-3m Richmond Hill; Sept..21. 1871. MPORTANT PUBLIC NOTICE. TEMPERANOE WORKS 00A TIN G'S AND YES TIN GS, M THE MohNING PAPERS Can be had at the Post Office. for w man‘s A WEEK. Apply to .- nun-«u HYMNS, ANCIENT & MODERN, New Fall 5‘ Winter Goods, .1â€" ENG!) between T. J. M., the Rev. JOHN 33mm: and others, (in the York HERALD during the mouths of July, August and Sop- fembor, [868), is neatly printed in pamphlet form and worth a perusal. New Fall Goods. September 28. 1871. PRICE !5 CENTS. For'sale at tho HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill; BANNER Office, Aurcra; Wilson’s Fancy Store. Markham; Wesleyan Book Room. A. S. Irving’s and M. Shewau’s, Toronto. £00m, ifuhliwtimm, 8w. Bought in the Best Market and will be sold at tho Of the Spottih Temperance League at the THE SCOTTISH TEMPERANCE LEAGUE PUBLICATIONS Consist of highly instructive and entertaining stories, which are deeply interesting as well as impressive of the principles of temperance and sobriety. Besides a large number of the stories. there are books of facts and arguments compiled frem sacred find profane history. which cannot be contravened bv the ablest logic of the moderate drinker. CATALoaUI on application at the OF TORONTO : TELEGRAPH. GRAND DI'SPL-AY May 14, 1869. BLANKETS, WINCEYS. ' Great Bargains 2 AGAZINES,_ PAPERS, &c. Is now cipeu with a large stock of Clothing, Boots do Shoes, (yo. Mantle Cloths, Furs, A LARGE ASSUR’I‘MENT 0F The Stock includes To Controversialists. E POLEMICAL CORRESPOND. Double and Single BROAD CLOTHS, R. NEWBERY’S Temperance Works. GO AND SEE THE He can give you in A mew svrrLi AT nu: SHAWLS; AT TE“): SUPPLIED AT THE New Store, HERALD BOOX STORE, HERALD BOOK STORE. GLOBE. HERALD 1100:: Swan. mum) Boox Sroxs. M. TEEFY, Richménd Hill. LEADER. 585 filmâ€"1f hilly Julln Miller’s imported Mock. is available for service by those who are desi- roiis of improving their breed of pigs. Apply LARGE BREED BERKSHIRE BOAR 8 months old, by John Miner’s imported stock. Apply m 1 WM. ECKARDT. Large Breed Berkhhire Boar. .__..â€" T0 FARMERS AND OTHERSâ€"THE -r subscriber Legs m annomme that he has JV subscriber Legs lo announce that he has purchased a very superior Berkshire boar, lavge‘ breed, whjch will be available {or service during the present season. ' “flaws £1332?“ agammm. Large Breed Berkshire Boars. 0 FARMERS AND OTHERSâ€"THE subscriber begs to announce that he has .1. subscriber begs to announce that he has purchased a first-class black Berkshire Boar, large breed, and also a white one of the same brood. both of which will be available for ser- vice c'uring the present season. BOOTS AND SHOES AT AND M'arkhfin)‘; Doc. 27. 1871. Markham, Dec. 27, 1871. POSITIVELY THE GREATEST Richmond H111. Nov. 31), 1871. 01: Richmond Hi”. M Richmond Hill, Dec 7', 1871. LARGE BREED BERKSHIRE BOAR“ I AM NOW PREPARED TO TAKE ALL 'rms Marni LT Good, Fresh and Strong Yo‘ung Hyson Tea, only 50 cts per Tb Ftne qu flavored Young Hyson Tea, only 60 cts per Kb Superior Mayune Young Hyson Tea, from 85 cts per 11). Fine flavored Black Tea, from 80 «is pet-1b Fmest flavored and best Black Tea imported, $1 00 per 1!) In Canisters of 5 ibs, 5 cts por 1b less than th¢§9 pripcs. m ., , ,r,_n_. _-‘-.\I‘J ....A u-wuu y- Wu.“ The above Teas wax-e Carefully selected and' am fully ten cams per it better than any Teas sold on Richmond Hill. Examiuo and test, them and I WI“ guarantee you \'.'E"‘\1)ear m' out in my assarlious. G. A. BARNARD. Sign _of the British Flag Staff, Richmond Hill. BOOCES 8c SHOES CONCERTINAS, New Crop. JRESH NEW TEAS. POETICAL WORKS Richmond Hm. Afig. 10, i871. GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS &'2 v The new and innefi'aceabio Marking Ink for Cotton, Iénon, &c.. for sale at the) Hahn) Boom 8m“: “TETOLINEy 5eember 28.!871: FINE FRENCH C'ALF BOOTS £00m and flaw, TATIONERY ONDON J OURNAL BELOW COST Berkshire Boari AIR, TOOTH, NAIL '& CLOTH BARGAINS Evan Orr}:an n OF THE DIFFERENT POETS,AT THE Gents, Attention ! mm SELF ISNSTRUC'I‘OR, A4 um r011 Dam-1nwa ARRIVED AT THE For Sale, ROB'I‘. GOODYEAR, V Lot 42. Ist Con. Vaughan; Sellin‘g ofi? AT $6 PER PAIR. or ALL KINDS A'I WM. ECKAnDT. Your ordm‘ for “sou. CASES AT THE HERALD BOOK Sromc. BRUSHES AT THE HERALD Boox STORE. HERALD BOOK STORE.- HENRY HOPPE R. HfiRAL'D BOOK STOP-E. HERALD BOOK STORE. T. DOLMAGE. T. DOLMAGE'S. Unionville Slatiou. T. DOLMAGE’S. Uniouvillé Station. Excelsior Boot Maker. HERALD Boon S‘rqu-z. 701-3 701-3 697-6 Butcher) CBS-tr 681-17

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