â€"-â€"Everybody mostly in now aflflctod with a bad cold. â€"London has a new cab. 'Wonde’m will nflver 068.56. â€"McClosky Bros. of Bell River are to es- tablish a foundry at‘ Windsor. wâ€"smttlrd head teacher'u salary raised to 00. --New steam saw-mill at amnion. ~â€"Strat1md mechanics going for nine hours a day laboz. â€"â€"A new saw mill is to be erected before spring at the mouth of Green’s Creek. --A billy goat and a dog had a ï¬ght in Bellvi lo lately. A she goat stood umpire. â€"Montreal had thirty-two deaths from small-pox last week. -â€"Sovem.1 surprise panties in Blansharj during the past week. he XII Chapter of 1mm Pu‘aphrased. â€"â€"Scarlet fever has caused several deaths in OrangeVIUe and vicinity during the past weak. The day will coma when than nhalt- U Lord, I will Thee praise. The frowns of J muoo am disputed In Love’s atoning mys‘ IL Behold 0 God, thou dost. me save. 1 wm’ not. be afraid; The Lord's my constant strength and m3, 0:: mm my carve are laid. Annmnum or Luv. â€" A Canadian dmggist lately obtained some lurd' from a respectable pork dealer the article being noticeable on account of its extreme white- ness. In using a. portion of it in the prepar- ation of ointment of nitrates of mercury the wlorbecama gradually deeper, till it was of a slaiy hue. he lard was heated, and found to contain a. largelpropoztlon of lime, and it was subsequently stated by '3 man Lathe trade that the mixing of two pet~ cent. '01 more milk of lims with melbcd lard is a common practice. The comnination oi the alkali with some pudlon of the fat soponiï¬es, and dlows 25 gercgnc. of water to be stirmd in widmutlbe'ing detected, III, I now with gratitude and joy \Vill living water draw. Free from salvation’s liv‘! 3 wells Wham lova hath sunk 1 law. â€"-Elora contemplatas putting up water “ï¬x-ks similar to the Watcroun system in Bmford. _ A tallery capable of seating 150 people ‘8 being Man-wed in Knox’s church, Har- flsron. -â€"A twanty-alx-year-ma W med me other day at Middle River, rm“, county, 53’ n ~Stmtford Good Templm, omnizea about six months ugh, have 1'30 members, and afterdoipg big work: â€"Mageneee has been' discovered near Truro, N. B. Specimens. have keen sent to England. ' H A ' â€"The oommlsaioners for the management of the interior economy of the House of 00m- monfl, have closed their sittingfl. --A lady in Shefï¬eld, has, during the last thirteen months, become the mother of three beautiful girls. Who can exoel this ?. â€"Fredeï¬cton has 830 children atiendlï¬g the Free Sohooln, and accommodauon for 520 more. ~Fifty-threc tons of goods was received at Dmyton station during the month of Jan- uary, and four hundred and nine tons. ship. pod from it. --Aa our town increases in impedance- and we approach that city-like aspect ol matters in general, which so characterize the growing of a town, we regret to say so corneal the nuances incident thereto, viz: “row- rlyisrn." Predominant in this line stands the vulgar habit of street-corner loaf- ers, which, as the weather now moder- ates, are to be seen after dark, in groups at every corner on Dunlop street. Especially on the Sabbath evening is the practice in- dulged in; and when the Several churches are dismissal these individuals eeemingly like to make themselves a nuisance as much as within their power. Their ungcntlermmly remarks and indecent conversation are truly unï¬t for the ears or any respectable passen- hy. There is a panacea for this cvll,wc think,and one which might easily and eï¬ect- ually be applied, that is, to cause by force such rough! to move on; or, if not complied with, levya ï¬ne for obstructing the sideâ€" nlk8.--Ba¢ri¢ Examiner. ~A young lady was baptised in Halifax harbor on Sunday. The day was so intensely cold, that but very few spectator» were prea- enL . X): that day also thou shalt my: P 150 God: call 027 His name; re through nllthe earth His deeds boundless love px‘oclnim‘ â€"Tho Ottawa correspondent of the St.~ John TcItgrap/L has unintentionally commit. (ed a grave crime by killing M. Baillairge. He reports that that gentleman is no more? --D1'.Corderre, of Montreal, is at much pains to disseminate his opinion to the efl'ect that vaccination is not only useless but dangerous. The trouble is that many igno- rant people believe him, and there are many deaths from small-pox in consequence.‘ -â€"-The residence and bootand shoe store of Hr. T. Jennings, near Basement, in the township of Mulmur, were,' with their con- tents, completiely destroyed by ï¬re on Tues. day evening. The property was insured. We have not learned the value of the prop crty destroyed, but it must be considerable. â€"A team belonging to the Messrs. Water- ous, ï¬ve years old and weighing 1,6001bs., drew at one load 2,000 bricks a distance of three miles, and s Blantford paper mentions the circumstance as somewhat wonderful These Brantford people are evidently pleased with small matters. -â€"-Mr. L. B. Armstrong, of Woodstock, has ovclved from his inventive power a simple and unique arrangement for drawing, copy- ing with a pencil and enlarging from the original, it neoeseery. He has prepared a model which he intends sending to Ottawa, so as to secure 3 patent. Freedom from complications, 1; desideratum that is attained by simplicity of construction, is noticeable in this new article to an extraordinary de- gree, sothat there will be no difï¬culty in utilizing its advantages. â€"At a very large meeting held at Suther- iand’s Hotel in Wellandport, at which every township in the county was well re presented, L. McCelium, E541†M, P., on motion of Mr. Edward Lee, of Marshviile, seconded by Mr. Oille, of Peiham, was unan- imously chosen an the candidate for the Mod. ante Constitutional Party of the county of Monek, at the coming elections for the Com- mom «It. i's reported that tho Windsor and An- napolis Railway have bought a line of steam- mi betwecen Annapolis and St. John, and will run a steamer daily, . - ~An ingunious invention for fastening huness by means of a simple iron. lever con- necting ï¬nk, instead of the old fashioned harnessustrap, has appeared in Ottawa. â€"-The Port Elgin Frat: Press aayl, in speaking of the progress of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce Railway; 6" Work has already commenced in our village. “Choppers have been busy clearing the “mode this side of 'the Mill Creek. Blngm the Lord our God, ï¬or Ho Thing‘s excellent. hath done : The 10 m1 tidings are made known To a l beneath the sun. -A large seizure of liqu'ors from n. whom- sale ï¬rm at Halifax, N, 8., was made by the Revenue ofï¬cers, on Saturday, for Allegt'd undenjalnation. Cry out and about, 81! yo who dwell Un Zion's holy 11!! For eat, ‘5 our Lor , the Holy 0118 \V 10 heaven and earth doth ï¬ll. CANADA. WILLIAM MURRAY. uThe death 0! Admin; Gambia 3.5 m4 nuanced. -â€"The raining '13! :1:th M’ayo‘ww 136 mu; veycd to England. â€"~Bmall-pox has brokcxrout rather viru- lently in the blgrgp nyhyemrle. --Mr. Chrisfopizex‘ 'Pa‘ll'es, Q.C,, has been appointed Solicitorâ€"General 191' Ireland. â€"-The ernock iron mouldere are at pre- sent agitating for a reduction at the bout! of labor. -â€"Mr. Winwoad Reade is engaged upon a. work called “The Dark Continent," in which he makes an attempt. to apply Mt. Darwin’s principles in their full event to'histmy and religion. â€"A very unusual case in reported fmm Salisbury. England, when; a gentleman A has been ï¬ned $500 by the local magiztrate for refusing to serve the ofï¬ce 01' mayor to which he was elected last. November. â€"-Professor Blackie, on Thursday, in a speech, said that Burns and Walter Scott have had the distinguished honor 91’ making the whole world takeoff its hat to the nam‘e’ Scotsmen and Scotland whenovorit 15 pm: Wed. --'I'wo leading. English qlmrchmen, Earl Nelson and Bishop Piers Clalghton, have‘ madea vigorous attempt to bring about a reconciliation between the Wesleyan: and the Church of England. It seems, however, to have pmed a laughtable» failure; ‘ s. wEvery railroad in England has a stairway or platform, or some other means 9f cxossing the tram, and such persons as disregard the prescribed way and step, upon thexmck are immediately aeized'and ï¬ned $25. 'Iil this way @116 companies are savui .many suits {or directand constructive dam'aées’. which entered the part during 1871 meas- ured :125,244 tons mora' than in 1870 ; and 9333 Vessels artived,against 7,303 in the previous yeah .There was a, surplus on .the year of income over expenoiture of no less than £10,370, the totgl inc-pipe ï¬Jr’flle year being £64,250. _ Â¥ --The annual report 'of the‘Belfast Harbor Commissibxi’ers shows that thé‘ tdh‘na‘ge -Dx.:E." Mall has just-Tpubllshed, at Bros. lau, his new critical edition of our short mixteenthcentury mystery, “The. Han-rowing of Hell,†from the Digby Iand other MSS. In a. careful description of its forms, he do- termines the dialect to heEuIt Midland, and he has .a’ppénded full notes-on the text, the history of the subject, 6w. - â€"-Dean’zs oï¬iceuâ€"FreahmanoPleasa air, was my petition ior excnsa for absence from radiations granted ? Secretarwahat was your excnac sir 7 Fryâ€"I went to have r tooth one. Samâ€"Tooth in, Exit FL, R. U. E.â€" Harvwrd Advocate. â€"-At the halfif’eafly géneral meeting of Eh? Spottiph' Milfofologichl_ poggggy, 113m in’ Edinburgh on Wednesdgy, Mr. mun}: Home, at the request of the Council, brought under t-hs notice of the Sociezy a acheme, proposed "I r"tzuuzunb‘dore Maury, for outJning In all w‘mme' ‘ vemly meteom-agticultm statis- u-.. L.‘....z-_ A- --A little shaver was told by ’his- mother the other evening at the (able, that 116* could not have any meat, we it was not good for him, when he ssmewhat astonished her by quoting a verse from a Sunday-school leuon, that “ man could not. Live by bread alone," and added, "Now, ma, I don’t think little boys can either.“ The juvenile had tho best of that argument. --A lad crawled into asugar hogahead, and the ï¬rst exclamation was,-“ On, for a thousand tongues !†-â€"Wby did .he Highlanders do most exc- cutlon at Waterloo? Because every man had one km before the battle began. ‘1 Where do ybu live when you are at Emma T} To which she promptly replied; “ When I am at home I 1ch there." -'A1ready £6,000 have been proij by subsctibers lowaugli the, pmppsad pnrk tor the west end of Edinburgh. At a meeting of proprietors helalawly, it was unanimously lagmed that the open ground lying betwuen Grosvonox Crescent and the Water of Lenh, and bounded on the easy by the roadfrom Palmerston Placu w Bell's Mll!a,-and on the: â€"I have Just heard from an eye-witness of the result of the Scotch and English loot'ball match, which was played yesterday at Ken- nington Oval. It would seem that an Eng- lishman achieved the pr‘overbially diï¬icult feat of “takin’ the hreeks sit†a Hielanmanl†A Scot had got possession of the ball. and was making ofl with it, when one of the English players caught him by the waist of his knickerhockers and literally bereft him totally of that indispeusible garment, which was of thelightest material. This happened exactly in mint ofa s'tafid in which there were some thirty or forty ladies watching the game with the deepest interest. The victim threw himself flat on his face, and called for an Ulster. coat; friends and foes crowded round and formed a ring, within which he man- aged to put on that extraordinary Vestment, which really was of great use on this occa- sion ; and he' then was able to retreat into the tent, the English player leaving the game at the same time with him. The Scots may claim that this lost them the game, which was ultimately won-by England scor- ing two goals and a try while Scotland only scored one goal. I heard the story from an Englishman, who .did not know the name .01 the unlucky Scott who so distinguished himself, so I cannot say whether he really was a Highlandman ox'not. uc- Masai; :5??? 71mm; agreed to express a gage.ul’:ppmn1 of mo scheme, and remit to the Councu to. make ., favomble‘. answer to Commodore "Mann's communication. ~ , -\'_ west by the back of Mugdala Crescent, was the best spot that could be chosen for the [Ragweed new park“ The area in qucauou is aboun thirteen acres in‘ extent. ' --A gentluman was intrbddbed to 'a young 19.5!!! receptly', and addressed be: M follows: â€"-Mr. Ruskin Calls upon ’ workingmen to promise those three things: “1. To do their own work woll,whetherit be for life ordeath. 2. To help other people to do theirs when they can, and seek to avenge no injux'y. 3. To be sure they can obey good laws, before they seek to alter bad ones, .: xâ€"Sir Henry Hollwd,the venerable English physicianywho his beau no groan cwreier, having for‘aixty yum: spent his vacations in visiting foreign lands, and who hm: made half a. dozen vialts to Amen'ca. has just b- ushed, in London, his “Becollooflgms.†1111' volume of moderate 91min which he witches, in u very agreeable mannerl on they many countries he has visited, the various scenes he has witnwseï¬â€˜aud the vast number of celebrated men with whom he has been ao- qualntud, from Ali Packs, the tyrant of Al. bmid, whom he visited may years ago. to President Lincoln and Secretaty Seward, with whom he was intimate during his :8: cent xigm tothis country. 'I‘ha book .wxll tux-published in the States. ‘ --An extraorqmury occurrouo showing «ho necessity tor increased anon on being paid to the ventilation of sewers, is repon from Englsnd. several ‘porsons have been poisoned by noslous ' exhalation; from a. drain connected with a mill. at Pres. ton. The ‘dr'aln ‘e'mptled " itself into an adjoining water conrso, which in turn emptied itself mm the river) Bibble, but when the river was swollonlfrom heavy‘rains, the sewage was backed up by the drsi‘n and prevented from getting away. It is stated that the illness with which the poisoned per- sons were seized was of such s ssevere char- acter that symptoms of typhoid fever, which stoususlly not seen till after severat days, were exhibibed almost as soon as the, patients reached home. ' The Similarity of thé‘origin of the disease to that which so neatly caused the deaths of the Prince of _ Wales, will occur to the' mind of everyone. I " GREAT 3mm, GLEAFINGS. 1n the bland of Cos, as Sir John Manuela. Vilisjells as, there still lived, in his time- that is to say, during the tourteenth cen- turyï¬the daughter of that eminent physi- cian, Hippocrates, M. I*., who had then been dead, if history ‘Iioth not, nearly two thou- sand yous. 'lhe goddess .Diano, for some reason of hers,unhnown to Sir John Maunde- ville, had changed her'oy magic art into the form and ï¬gure of a. loatth dragon, a hund- ; red fathoms in length. Bho inhabitsâ€"fox ; one may suppose she is still thereâ€"so. old 1 castle in the island whence «she comes‘out: two or three times 61'er you, but does no harm to anybody“ And she is doomed j 'to remain in that form until some knight be lound bold enough to kiss hor‘ on the mouth disguised and hideous as she is. Thus once dono, she shallturn again into s'womon. Not, long before Sir John visited tho island, a knight of Rhodes undertook the adventure. Mounting his charger he rode ‘ boldly into the castle where sholay ; but 3 when the dragon lifted her head, tholmight’s i courage left him, and he turned to escape. * Whe‘reupon the dragon tossedhim, horse and all, into the sea. This accident brought the adventurer into disrepute, But there was anotherâ€"a young man who know not of the ; dragon. H9; wandering about the island,ca.me 'upon the Castle, and entering it discovered her on one of those rare days when she was por- mittedâ€"in the strictest privacyâ€"to resume her own’ahape, in- order to comb her hair. Li'sljeftold the youth who was not yet 9. knight, that if he would go away ahd ' get knightod, and thencome back and have the coumge to kiss a harmless dragon on the month, she, and all he: wealth would be his._ He went, was made a knight and rotnrhed to the odâ€" venturo. But, alas i when the dragon came I out-â€"so loathly and misshapenâ€"his courage failed him, too; and he fled in haste. She, when she saw thathe . turned not again; be- gan to cry a's athing that'hath much sorrow; and then‘ she‘ r'etumed to her caVo. Here she sits still, waiting for the knight to come who shall dare 'to kiss her on the mouth. ' 'Sir John, of course, never expected {but any 0116 Would believe this .story, whichwe are to‘ take as the work ot'an old bachelor, a nuisogynist, and as a very‘subtle allegory. It Loxnoxflfleb. 23.â€"Notice is given here that all memmials of the English claimants under the Treaty 0: Wmhington .must be ï¬led by March 28. Mr. Monckton, a Conservative, has been elccted from North Nottinghnmhlre, to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by the resignation» 1' Speaker Dinison. ' ‘ ï¬he hand has beeï¬â€˜ ti’éai’toï¬idhiééï¬iï¬Ã© in the pond, which is but It short distance In the House of Commons might Mr. Bentlnlck - ga‘vevnotlce thnt he should at an early day more that divisions of the House by conducted by pallet. ' ' â€"Aud now Ingersoll is convulsed to its Very center by excitement over a system. And we may, say Ingursoll is noted for its mysteries. The present mystery assumes the form of a human hand, revealed to the astonished vision at the natives not in the act of inscribing unknown characters on the walls of their banqueting halls, as in the days of Nebuchadneazar, but amid the mud and mire of some of the by-ways of that hamlet. The News, in speaking of the cir~ cumstance-says: Our readers will remember the great excitement caused on account ot the mysterious disappearance of Thomas Becord from this place, in September last, and that all efforts to ï¬nd out his whereabouts proved fruitless. Rewards were offered, the country was secured by iriends, detectives were engaged, arrests were made, yet not the least clue could be had toWarda unravelling- the mystery. It is true but small hopes were entertained of ï¬nding him alive even then, and as several months have since passed away without tidings from~ him, all~hopes of his being alive haVe been completely swept away. Many people, hereabouts, have been under the impression for the past two or three days, that at least a clue has been found which may lead to the recovery of his dead bodyâ€"4n the shape of a man‘s hand! It is true aman’s hand has been found, but whether it has been detached from Secord’s body or not is, another question. A lady having seen, on Tuesday last, what she sup- posed to be a man’s hand lying exposed on a street running north and south, close to the edge ot King’s mill pond, in the south; western limits of the town, reported the same to Councillor Budworth, who, in company with Mr. Constable, editor of the New; im- mediately hastened to the place and found the hand. They brought it to this ofï¬ce, and as soon as possible acquainted their neighbors of the fact. The news spread like wild-tire, and during Wednesday the book store in the front part of the oflice building Was crammed with excited people who hadeorne to see “ the hand of the murdered Second." Thousands must have viewed it before night, and the great topic at conversation throughout the town was the ‘‘hand." Who the hand he- longed to, how did it get where it was found, was it the hand of a murdered man, or was it, apart of a student’s “subject,†were ques-: ticns asked but not answered. We must! conicss, with the rest of the people, that it is i a mystery we cannot now solve. From the I appearance of the hand we should say it had been severed from the body about six monthm there being considerable flesh on the upper-i part of the hand but none on the ï¬nger-8.? Though shrunken now there is no doubt; that it has been a large one, The ï¬nger nails i are very long and them seems to have been a‘ large lump on the bmk of the hand. Two small pieces of twine are tied to the cords,} which some who have seen it imagine, at‘ 03° “m6: connech somewhat he)??? 21‘ order to sink it in the pond.°'There are s great.many diner-ant o inions expressed in regard to the matter. ï¬lmy think there i has been foul play whether in connection with 1 Secord or not, and others think it has been I “mislaid†by some doctor or student. The oftencst expressed opinion, however is, that M... ‘1n-\" L-.. Ln.“ “.3 ., Hugnason, under-Colonial Secretary reply- ing to Mr. Dairymple's inquiry, said collid- iom between American and Canadian ï¬sher- men, Were in the opinion of the Government impossible; but precautions would be taken. trcata, under the veil of a local game, of the‘ disguise of women.‘ Women, he tells, is doomed by the goddess Fashion ever to 3;» p‘éï¬f in some shape other than her natural one. She appemmionaliy, that in, when she goes into Societyâ€"galwnys in thus disguise, and never doing my harm to pea. pie. in her own :castieâ€"thnt is, at homoâ€"1 ahe puts on her natural shape; but to the outer wbrld she can newt up; ppm as “she' reaily is, until a knight has been round bold enough to his: her moot-h. Thou the wmnan’u' form ap- pears ; the disguise dropi; oi’L asho stands be- foro her deiiycr.t,nhd ten-Stu.“ the precious sccrcfe‘of he: soul. Then umdowers at love and] sympathy ‘grow up uni bloom in tho sunshine‘of love, and the real self. starved and imprisoned it-herto, swings into the light of u blighte direct-air. I All this is the. disguise of society. Why should girls be afraid at showing themselves to the world as they show themselves to their brothers ? They may, if they like, spoil the curve of a, lovely heql by piling up a. heap of false hair; or they may ruin‘a ï¬gure like that 01 the Venus of Milo by tight-lacingâ€"s the dear little idiots; or they may inflict ton ture on themselves worse than any indmcd by an Indian Yogi, by wearing heals three inches high, and so beng unable to stand up- right. All this they may do if they please. I ,am not a married man, and I have no right to interfere. But what I have a right [to complain of is, that I can never get the damaels of society to show themselves as they areâ€"to be naturalâ€"unless I go through that preliminary performance which the young lady of Cos wanted so badly. And how do I know how she will turn out and what she will be-liko? I am afraid. I am a lineal deacondant of tho knight who ran away, and 1 confess that I am afraid. Is there no other way ? Perhays this is the reason why, as Mr. Weller, lenior, informed the world, that there are more .widowa mar- ried than single wbmon.â€"Selected. The Disguise of Women. A late ‘writeg says [that while the people of the United'smtes spend two hundred milâ€" lion‘ dollars yearly foil" flour, {Bey'ELiend ifvo ; hlimï¬'ed end my million’douarï¬n we game Gttme i0: tobacco. ‘3 The leaf tobacco con. lsume‘d anoimts', "to ' 105‘,000'_ Ahogslheads of 1,400 pounds each, while about the same quantity is exported kr’Eu'gland, France; Germany,1baly, spam and'angdagn ha; dltion to this vast amount e tax was collected last year on 133,246,0003000 cigars, represent,â€" ing a retail price of $133,224,600. . In'oanada we use-a proportionately smaller amount, but ‘the aggngmo consumed hero is something enormous. ' from where it was found, that the siukcr‘hus‘ ? bacome 10086:an Ind the hand has‘drifted to ’ the shore, where ,it- has? been ï¬eceived by'a dog, perhaps, and used as a plaything until, becoming tired of itr they left it when: it was found. We say this is the opinion of the most who have seen it, but we know not of mi truih or falsity. The one thing We are sure of is that we have the hand; perhaps by next week mom will he loomed concomw ing the mystery. , MYE’L‘II LE AV Y. -â€"The death of Majox General Francis Ilawdon Cheauoy, of the Royal Artillery, the pioneer of the Overland Route to India, has just occurredjn Englr ' ‘ Dropping in to the factory of Messrs. Tuckett 6: Billings, King street, Hamilton, the_ birth-plum of the famous Myrth ï¬lly)- smoking tobacco, we Were forcibly impressed with the {not that a vast quantity of’the Indian weed is consumed in Canada, for before our eyefl lay 150 hogsheads of Virginia leaf, or. mom than two hundred thousand pounds,'while We were told’that a’oonsign- ment of ï¬fty hogsheads, more 'wns on. the why. This tobaccoin all specially selected inYirgfhia By'Mr. Tuckett in person, from extra brighth and it is the original quality of the tobacco itself, much .more thm the casein preparing it, which won 7301' the Myrtle Navy the high position it bears as a -A handsome young gentleman walked, inlo the Adam; express oï¬ice the other day, and desired to express a package of letters to a lady, to whom he desired to return them. “ What are they worth ?" asked the clerk. who, in making out his account, desired to know what was the risk. The young gen- tleman hesitated a moment, then clearing his threat from a certain huekineae, xegled. “ Well.I 1 can’t say exactly, but 5, law weeks “so I thought they hem worth about {our marine thousand dollars.â€"-Lexingtm Pma. â€"A limple method of avoiding the spread ofamailopox baa heendlacoverediu Alabama. .They let the patient die safely by‘ himseltc, hire n negro to bury him; and shoot the negrb as soon as tho interment is ï¬nished. ' â€"Mr. Punshon claims the merit of having produced a gumcotton in which he can ae- cum any required explosive prop} rty. At the same time, he states that the tendency to de- com ,ition, and consequgntly of‘ontqneoue com I: thn is removed. This is effected by covering the ï¬brea of gun-cotton with sugar, and by impregnating the cotton with chlorate of potash, or some similar salt. â€"-It is considered more than probable that Canada will shortly be represented in Great Britain by an Lgcaneneral, smoking tobacco, L; hey “are -»lightly sprinkled , with s. .weak‘solntiouof gum liquorice and sugar, in order to make the leaves snflioientlir pliable to work and mike them stiok together when pressed into plugs. For ohewing. tobacco a. lugs quantity of liquorice is used i" but smok- ing tobacco requires very little. After being properly damped the leaf is taken to another apartment sud the stems are taken out These are packed up sud sold fat the manu- facture of difl'erent brands of out smoking tobawo,§but in plug tobnoco they are useless. After stemming, the leaves are rolled into tolls i:me as thick as a man‘s arm and out into the length of plugs, each roll Wrapped in o'laxge unbroken lew‘rhese are then passed to the drying room, where they tannin two of thmo days, In summer time, they» are dried“ on a flat roof in the" sun; and this is the reason Iwhy summer-made tobacco is the best; no artiï¬cial, heat; can be so salutary no that from old Sol. When well dried therolls are packed in boxes to soften, so that the waxppers may not break to pieces in pressing. They are then put Into a nest of iron boxes, each box holding a single roll, and a series of tho nests are piled one upon the other and placed under a hydraulic press, which crush- es the rolls into plugs. Understremen- dons pressure the plugs lie for whom-s, and when taken out are complete, except for a. little roughness. This is removed by on ad. dltionsl pressure in a compress chest, be- tween tin sheets, from which they come out as smooth as ‘ a planed board and quite as hard. Nothing now remains but to stamp the initisls of " the ï¬rm upon each plug, pack them in boxes and tin caggies, md_ thexrare gently for the market. XYLOLâ€"A Nsw' Guns son SMALL-POXâ€" This odd orthogrsphicsioombinntion is the name for a new small-pox remedy recently discovered in Germany by one Zueizer s nat- ive of Breslau. The discoverer has been in- terviewed by the Berlin correspondent of the New York Herald in relation to the nature of the remedy. The Doctor said, in reply to a question ; -“ By distilling oil of tar you ob- tain st 81 degrees eels. bensol; at 110 de- grees tuloul ; at 140 degrees xylol, and at 216 degrees xylodin. The xyiol, as numerous experiments I have made upon animals have oonv need me, irreadilz‘hbsorhed by the sys: tem. Taken even a moderate doses for some eighteen or twenty hours its complete diffusion manifests itself in the breath, the urine, the exhalations of the skin. Its pecu- liar effect is owing to a property it has of combining wilh the virus in_the blood and forming a salt, which is hsr'nlessly ejected by the system. The doctor claims that by the rise of this agent the duration of the disease has been reduced to ten or eleven days. The diptheris, deliriousness and soreness of eyes usnsll accompanying the disease are very mete slly lessened, and entirely obviated in the moat of cases. Even the pitting is less marked. ~ The ï¬rst operation in thg manufacture of Myrtle Navy is f0 separate the leaves.†“111036 cone in litfldbunches of about a damn, whkh. bunches are carefully separated by girls. and. then , laid on a platform ' where Messrs. Tuckett 6: BillingsLemploy about sixty hands in the manufacture of the Myrtle Nuvy, which has become s'iavorim through. out Ontario, and is gaining'a reputation even alder than that. Those who use it once wever smoke any omenâ€"Hair Jam Specular. The Emmi ‘MYRTLB rim/“Wm registered and; The name 'I'uckou & Billings la cg each Cad357,‘aq§%‘ m omeut unit will be momqu 63 3. J anua'ry H2 1872. - g , ~» on each Plug. ' 2 , M. see & _,B.r"r‘_)'n’ ‘ 'EE‘aJCh Plug. Price so Low that Can Use it. - GAEEION!_" O K E R S! Tobacco. ' £011 A GOODï¬MOKE USE 13111; m‘ quo'huSih iii)? 6? tEeWCBE_E'y~'i'Kr‘iï¬irï¬-§ land. For in ormatlon about, 6 lupus, prloea, location, ML, addres \e'M. A; HOWABD, um CANADIAN camp an the EMPIRE. "Ibo Empire'ié '31 bdistrlbuter with grass seed Bower, and is- w out doum the moat per- I‘nct drill now in ulell sow all kinds ox‘grun both coarse 95nd ï¬ne with equal eomcmeas; The Canadian onset is u «imam (imam on the same principle as the Empire. no“; W, me got up In superior style. Soliciting your ordorgl am respectfully yours SW .1413. EMINGNN. Banana. 'HE mbscxxbor has rm a ï¬n swirl $ '1 dlï¬erentklndeof 1’ E . “‘ W GR'AIN' DRILLS. On which are One Thousand Millions of Pine Timber and Inexhausuble Quantities of ‘Ma le, Beech Elm, Am, emlock, M. The grant 0! lands to the Grand :Rabida and 1 ndiann Railroad Company. to build their Road from Fort Wayne Indiana, to Travgrso Bay and Mackinaw. i ichlgan, comprises in its farming lands every variety of soil. from the rich clay loam, to the light. sandy, and they Are found In that section of Michigan; north or the City of Grand Rapids, and contiguous to the great. (run. belt on the «stem shores of Lake Michigan, now being rapidly developed by nei‘ahroadp andftherentergrtrigea‘éd u, Mum e In Arms are a on (e o- gon, Manistge, Pete Marquette. White. Pine. There éfé’néae of our readers who do not know What the Little Wanzer is; There may be some who me not aware that the new Wanzer Machineâ€"LetterA Family Machine â€"-is a great impiovement upofl the Little Wane-r. It isa fact, however. Several im- pfOVemants ha.er helm intmduced, and the Lethal-A Family Machine is about as near perlection as it is‘ possible for art and enter. prise; to get this awful household help. ' At the Same time' ‘tlid ’prico is litfle more than one~half that Of an American machine of oéhql charactg. Excellent Farming and Sp ndii MICHIGAN PINE LANDS Title Perfect. October 30, 1871. The Wan'za- Company is flow turning out about a thousand of these machines every week; and they 'go to all parts' of the world This wonderful succass is due in no small degree to the watchful csre,’ the sleepless vigilance, and the ‘ perfect mastery of his business displayed. by the resident. partner, Alderman John N. Tarbox, who‘ hue himself introduced the improvements yhlch have made the Letter A. Family Machine the beat and cheapest in the world. VIII-J STEAMERS OF THE LONDON LINE gyro intended to run “’EEXLY during Season J; are intended to Vruhi“?iisixiÂ¥ [luring Season of Nav union of 187' between the above Ports, the ï¬rst caving Lon on on or about Through Bills of Ladng lssuedon the Conâ€" tinenywxd In London for all arts of Canada, and m the United States to ETRUIT, MIL~ a’AItJKEE, CHICAGU.’Md other points in†the 'es . « London, Quebec 6; Montreal. â€"-.This is the time to look out {or a good assort'menï¬ of garden seeds. If you wan to know where to get a good article, see the advertisement of Robert Evans, Hamilton, in another column. Mr. Evans has been in the business many years, and his reputation is Provincial. Thosa ~who ordar seedn from him may depend upon gettlug~ a genuine mticln. weekly COmmunication BETWE EN 9 O O , 00 0 ACRES -aAn Irish magistrate, censriring some boys for loitering in the street, said: “If everybofl were to stand in the streets, how would anybody get by T†' v 187:2. Ir is nlways pleasant to record examples of genccsity on the part of rich money loam-rs and landlords, particularly as such instsnoes are rm. AneMple is aï¬orded by the house of the brothers Rothschilds the great Jewish bankers in Paris, This In possessed one hundred and forty-four houses in various parts of the city. By a. strange fstaiity, orstrange chance, not one of these buildings were injured by Prussian shells or by Communist fire brands. Instead of rais- ing the rent of these buildings as soon as they obtained possession of them, as most landlord's do when prbperty is not destroyed when a'large portion of a city is consumed, they generously remitted to their tenants the entire rent for a full year. They stated that they†did this in gratitude for their extraordi- nary exemption from destruction, and from pity io thoso who had suï¬'ered so much. our readers _will also remember tnnt Baron Rothsc child, of England, last year presented the large stakes he won at the annual races, to the rider of the winning horse. ‘ Certiï¬cates issued to persons desirous “of pre-pglng the passage of their friends no Jana . .. For further information, apply to WEDNESDAY, 10th APRIL. TEMPERLEYS,‘CARTER & DRAKE, 21 Hunter Street, , LONDON; ROSS a: 00:, $UIBEC' 01' DAVID my; ,7 TO THE FARMERS. 72 . V 18’72. LONDON STEAMERS. FOR SALE, Wunzer Sewing Hacking. ï¬â€™Ã©bd‘éomuflééiéiér, WWW» MONTREAL : WWW Tlill] Most Pe’rfectf EHEAPEST‘ SEWING MACHINE An invention which'eembines improvements of . the highest it» portance which have’been the study of inv‘entoné devoted to the perfecting of the Sewing Machine fromits earliest ' introduction to common use. The advantages claimed for the new LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHNE are SUPERIOR ACCURACY OF OPERATION ‘ DURABILITY, Family Sewing 4 Wanzer Patent! % SEWIIW MACHINE ' MAMIMBTIIHY“ ’llflMINIlIN Famous from its ï¬rst institution, the company have now btbught to perfectibh andQPIaced. inflae Markét the Aï¬eljmntinued impmvem'ents, £1)an .hnve rendemd the history SEWING MACHINE n. M. “sz cu. Hamilton, And the retention of . period of service. The ' ILY SEWING MA ’m :1 am) gram ‘2‘. wm'rxms": (unnummmonucnqm mayonna- the public, rel" Sewiï¬g Machine Manufactï¬re-ré,’ WTMUMPH [IFan m THE NEW WANZER PATkliT of this old estublishediahflZOriginal†SIMPLIGITY FAMILY LETTER A erfWo ntility'through mi indeï¬nite 1‘ {2 “WANZER LE‘II'] ER A mm- [A‘CHINE is now introdgced to ying solely upon the superior merits as the - r, Convenient, Durable AND THE GONVENIENUE