Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 May 1872, p. 3

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Tlatldlng,‘fllld its surroundings? have fairly gone mad; but in the midst of all this wild 'hu'rryhnd tumult comtas the stg:1i{icmxt,mdm. and notice, from His Highness -‘ Prian Blackstone,” to qnit the territory forthwith, if ht; will not, permit any more prospecllng r surveying IO bapdone up tlrere‘ until the Dominion; Govgt‘n_1n9nt settles up 01- pm. chases tlie' mhbhlcm'etegl‘tet‘i-itm'y, Hc,tno, has caught the infection, but his madness takes another fot'mâ€"lwlievin: thnt the j'-D:)1nininit=§«§t'-0ng box, pt‘qtcctcd by sin F HiJcks, i; the most available ground to e: plore :nid"t'li;:, dextex‘onsly using the Indian Reserve Hilda as the ‘wettpon wliercwilh to i‘pjét'tce tlt‘oug‘d hearts oftlie Ministers cf’tlie A'Croirvn; “9110:th suppnscd‘ i_n sgmqwmy to control it and the trezmtres untold that in? hidden i11_itéstfonglit)ltls. For $1,003 ouch" he would allow thankâ€"the MCKL ,g‘m‘. presenting the McIntyrqs and the mes’ ‘0 go 011,-aud all and Sundry to prospgc: nndl exploreâ€" not one cent less. Cum: FOR L()CKJAW.â€"-â€"Dr. Demm-quay has discovereda. cureifor lockjawflxe puts patents it] a." room heated to. from 61 to ’32 (1634113085 Fahrenheit, and rc‘dovcs the spasms mu] muscular contractions by iuyrmnusculm' in jéctions ‘o‘f zmn’phiue. 0n: fife 10111 inst ,‘the “'Piehbox'nc claim. ant” was placed at. thebar before M 1‘. Bayou Cleasby and MruJus‘tiéO Quain. and lh.) in. dietmefints‘ were read. To each of the charges he pleaded not. guilty; The case is to bé carried to 1110 Court of Queen’s Bench. The money which has been collected for the defence. in rcspoynce to an appeal inserted in sevelal of the dailypnpers, amounts, It is Enid, 16:11pwm'ds of £700. The mania for claiming consequential damages is spreading, {Ltd now a .iIL‘XlCitn widow claims on the ,Unized bintcs govern- ment for the indirect losses inflicted upon her by the murder of her husband in a border row en the Texas frontier. Even in England the infection has made its appear- ance, for we find that a poultry fancier has bmnghtuen‘ action against the owner of some tame rats which killed thirteen of his bantam chickens; the “claim” for com- Ipe‘nsation for which includes not only the estimated value of the said chickens, but alsozof the prizes which they would be sure to take at the poultry shows. Time is tip. nhd 1 must close. Give my respects to all friends. ' ' I have seen yesterday, at M. McIntyre‘s, as rich ngd bearing quartz as I believe can be , found on this continent. Yesterday morning a large party started from here to take up a. large quantity of lands this side of- the ‘r‘ heighxh of land”â€"tl1e sample 311an being large nuggets of pure gold, brought‘down during the night.‘ Mr. Miles, the sTn've or, went lip, getting in; "est :6r his pqigs. "MIG. Still, enough has been done to establish the fact that no second “ Mudoc” is lying in wait to seize a. second edition of Victims; that. a genuine gold bearing country exists. rich in gold, silver and copper, which will pay largely, upon judicious investment, worked with skill and energy; easy of access, and vast in' extentâ€"sufficiently so to absorb all the spare capital and labour of Canadzii» and a large share of United States. ‘ ' The “Alxomzt'l is still sinking, and the manager {all me only a day or him since that he could not wish {L better thing. The “ Ontario” is stopped for want of power. 4‘ Silver lle ” has this month past fairly outdone its previous otl‘orts. Semuch for the silver prospects. You may expect large demonstrated results from the working; Olinthe dill‘et'ent mimrs this winter, in the spriitg, all things cunsitleretl. -1had f'or- gotten the "J‘Slmrninh."1 Mr. Lowe, the nannger is handing all his energies to thu 'fifiifiug Emli‘efiiixiue, ati‘d‘flgy the\monti1 of Julie ilcxt,’tlm world W11 he better able to judge'of the value at that property whgn the manager begins to tumble down in the levels and galleries of the mine. The pay ore. that he sa's forms the walls of the eriormous vein down through which the Workingsm‘e being: yttshed. , HNowfas to the gad'fields of Shobandowan, and Jack fish Lake. The lif‘tl'e world that inakgs up the" village of. Prince Arthur’s (The “ Bock” mine is a good thing, if the manager, Mr. Griffith, is 1.0 ha believed,mzd .the dovelopmpnt of 3 A, Just north of 11:, something mmrvo‘flflus. First; as (0 the mince~~T don’t now re- member distinctiy what I cmfld have writtf-n you that could have caused, you and minus SO much exultgglion, bu my at once that the pfospecfs of minm ! are cox-minly promis ing‘ for the future of “13:, count ' monk». n. VANNohMAN, snmxnmu? ‘ ’ ' " MAGISTRATgL ' THUNDER BAY, LAKE Summon. _ Register Oflice,Prince Arthur’s Landing. ' V “April‘lZ, 1-872.‘ ' Ydu’r‘ letter Of the 25th’u1timo came to hand..last night late, and I have not as much “mg to post, y’og’as I could desire. Peter, Archie in’d‘i‘ihe firmly that were mining on the Gold, got back about two or three weeks ago. It proved very satisfac- my; they had finished the Work that they intefadpd when they commenced, but they were going to leave a couple of men to take care of the place, had it not been for the In- dians. The Chief Blackstone came and or- dered them all away until the treaty was made. The Ghief promised that everything lett would be safe. 'Thfie‘kxc‘ito‘ment is raging here about the G015: Thestw') Surveyors that are here can- not do half-the work fimt they are called upon . to survey ilmnediately to the south- west of Shebfindpwan ‘Lake; ' Silver Islet is doing well. The last repmts state that the vein looks very well" in -the degpost walking. . The A-‘lgomn Company, workng on ‘the Beck lode on the east, 11 we two shafts doWn thirty to farty feet, and show rich specimens containing silver gkunce, from it.’ The rocks are indentical with the Rock. .3 ' The Dutchman quit \x‘orking No. .) 7 they have taken out twexny pun) bands of silver org. :Thoy were displaying Vluuzdsome specimehs of extraordiluny richness from it. The vein is not largo, hm it sewing-true. You will he happy f0 hom- tlmt ' they ,Btrllck a rick shnwiu the bottom of the sec. 0nd level at the Shuuinh Mind the day be- fore yesterday. 1 have not seen it yet, tut I heard a note from Captain law read, which stated that he had hefoze him Speci- mens than would go over $310,000 per ton, and that the VOL} slone was actually hanging together with the precious metal.- It. Is going to he]p.lhe country‘a good deal. Peter was (1mm at? ille'Becl: Mme and No. 3 A. lle says that the former loelgs well in the drifts where @11er are working and that they "have in large amount of lore barrelled up, and Show very fine specimens of ore. The shaft was full of water up to the level of the glrif't, so Peter could motsee how the vein looked below, but Mr. Griffith, the agent,smt_ed that they were getting silver in the deepesfi Working. ‘ V, ' . r \+ n (Signed), « We have pleasure in laying before our readém this mornimr e: mots from letters from Vort William dated April 17th, 113mb ring to the mineral developments: in than 1‘0 gion. The first is £15011} Mr. JC‘ 1 Myliellar; ELLAR. LETTER FROM NIL. JUIHX 1‘ FORT Wummx, April MINI Faithfully yours. D. D. VAN-NORMAN. one-quarter râ€"-. A 117,15! u An imnorlan selzure 01 mmshas been made at Limmick. The New Zenland gold yeah] shows an increase 0f'185, HO oz.i11187l. The Cal-list hands in Spain are' reported to be gaining: strength. A battle is daily expected, as the Government troops and the insurgent force are confronting caeh other. Don Carlos and De Roda, his chicflcnder, are said to ha a L33 a megii Of the registered letters 112, from one cause or another, miscarried in Ontario and Quebec, and 27 rcachud their destination with aliegéd or proven loss of conteniens or part of contents. The number was very much swoiicn last year by the fires at Brad- fo’r and Farmu’s Point and the burning of a Post Office car. Deny onstle, nom' Killnlloo, was burnt to Hm ground on the 16111 inst. Two persons were burnt to death in the flames. llIent-meserving in Australia proceeds actively, and full exports will soon be re- sumed. The Melbourne Company, during the six months ending April shipped 2,100, 000 lbs, chiefly mutton. A trade is spring- ing hp with India and China. The mileage of the service for 1871 was nearly 300,000 miles in eXcess 0f1870, and there is a. continuous pressure for the estab- lishment of new routes and increased fre- quency of travel upon those already in operation. . ,, _ .e. u“. “u, v. vn‘J,,uul,I/VLI During the year 304-; miles of new rail- way mail service had been opened, all of which were in Ontario, with the exception of 69 miles in Quebec. The number of postal cards issued up to the 3lst of Decem» her was 1,470,600. The Department is now nearly self sustain- ing. The total expendilure for the year was $1,271,007. while the revenue was only $1,079,767. The deficiency is mainly caused by the large excess of expenditure in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. In the two larger Provinces 1hc mail service accounts come more nearly to balancing each other; The number of money order offices open in the Dominion was 571, at, which orderswcre issued to the number of 111.530. and for the amount of“! 537,902. We learn from the Hon. Mr. Campbell’s report for 1871 that the number of Post Oifiees in the Dominion then was 3,943. of which 555 were in New Brunswick, 742 in Nova Scotia, and the remainder in Ontario and Quebec. The number of letters and postal cards transmitted was 27,050,000; of newspapers. 22,250,000; of registered letters.1,100.00; of free letters, 1,218,400 ; and of parcels, 64,100. John Walsh, Reva] Exchange Hotel. and three or four frmiie buildings; A. Vance, confectionery; Browell & Barker’s hurtl- ware; Niagara District Bank; George E- Perkin’s three-story brick; J. & H. Little, groceries; J. Gordon.tnilor; G. W. \Valley’s crockery ; the Chronicle office; Mrs Carter, millinery; M. Miler, grocery; J. F. Morrey, cabinet shop-room; F. G- Lewis Photo- grapher; J. Boles, tailor slmp; Sharpnell, grocery; W. S. IileFm-lune, dry" KOC‘dS; estate of Alex. Reeds, dry goods; J. 0. Shown & Co.,har(lware; T. A. Baker,photo- “‘frraplier: Bari'aelongh,’ boats and Slmes; Homes «S; Gillespios, dry goods; M. Tripp, (lrnnfgist; J. MacNiven, dry goods; Jas. Mac-donnid, hats and ears; Pulford, fancy goetls (into this buildinft most of the type was taken from the Chronicle oflice and afterwards l'mrqt) ; A MeCaulay, (irv 510068; J. Gayfor 8c (70., (lrugeist; D. White, dry goods; 0. B. Caldwell. dmgqist; Allan McLean, stationery and fancy goods; R. Gains, barber. Many other house were emptierl of goods and furniture, and it is; impossible to estimate the loss at this stage. Competentjndrrs srw the loss must. be over half a million of dollars. Only eight stores of the busines part. of the town are saved. LATER. INGElisuLL May ‘7, 11:15 P.M.â€"Om~ fire- men 11mm weide bravely, but Were utterly exhausted. Since the Londoners arrived the fire has been got under control and the Hon. Frank Smith’s block Will be saved. The saving of this blouk will save a thickly settled part of Second Street and KingSLreet, which must otherwise have gone. ' JierER‘SOLL, Miw 7, 11 P.M.'-â€",A» fire broke out in the Royal, Exchange Hotel stables, eornerpf Oxferd and Charles Streets, and spread llOI‘lll,‘80ull} and east until it reached Thames Street, the principal street of the town, taking: the Niagara District Bank, Chronicle office, and intermediate stores, many of which were of substantial brick, three stories high. The fire caught the enst side of the street and burnt all the princile dry goods and grocery stores of the town. One nun, named Paine, is supposed to have been lost: in Saving stock from Young‘s saddlery store. The fire is still raging. The London firemen arrived at 10.50. The Postmasiez’ Goneml’s Report. If Hie SRCl‘ifiC of his 1“ wife’s relations ' on the altar of the State’s Treasury be the) noblest attribute of the statesman, Ontario is supercminemly blessed above all nations, save the United States. with rule-rs ready and wiliili'gâ€"to make their wives’ blood flow like water, for "the good of the public service.â€":Maz’l. ‘j z The dead letters numbered 335,508 6. Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE discharged Mr. PEACHIE, gardener at the Bi‘antford Blind Asylum, because he voted the Liberal Con» servative ticket. In the dust accompanying Mr. Pmcnm’s (ilSmiSSfili, Mr. BIACKHNZIE appointed his brother’s father-in law, Mr. A. 'YOUNG, to the bni-szn-ship of that institution. 5. Mr. BULLand Mr. KERR (of BLAKE, KERR & Bn'rn'rxu) were candidates for the Solicitorship to the municipality of the County of York. Mr. BULL is disposed of by an appointment from My. Emma’s Gov- ernment lo a vacant Clerkship ofthe Peace. Mr. BLAKE’S !1:1YU]01‘ and brother in-law is then unopposed for the Solicitorship to the Conntv. 3. Attorney General CROOKS tells Counsel romonsu-nting against the passage of the Water Works Bill that the Govermnent will take the resluonsibility. “ BLAKE, KERR. and BETHUNE” get $250 for obtain- ing the charter. :1. Mr. BOYD, MP 1)., for Prescott. is beaten at the polls, and so loses the chance of sitting in the departmental chair of the Hon. PETER Gow. Hisbrolllcrin law, Mr. R. M \VliLLS, is appointed County Attorney of York. 2. The Royal Canadian Bank received a share of the Provincial account. Messrs. BLAKE BROTHERS and Cmnpuny were ap- pointed solicitors to the Bank. LHon. Emma 13mm nrroqated to himself the funoijons of the Dominion Government, and meuted a number of Queen's L‘uuusz'i, I'm- SAML‘FL FLAT“)! his brother, figures in the list. jib by witimh their pockeid warn Cm‘id‘md £01110 (‘Xiehb M' 0:19 brass farming: at the count y's (‘xpmxzag that none of Hwir kith or kin ruccivcvl oflico at their 11:11:13, or rail in for a‘simrc ()E'the pickings. mu! 1‘quuisi105 in the gift of Ministers of the Crown. Their successors have, in their four momhs of office. practised nepotism th the following extent :â€"- i113 tlmi»: ‘. : m 01' ( ij by withzh Univ £01110 (‘Xtehb M‘ ( country’s (‘xpmxza or kin ruccivwl of; in for zfihmc ()E'th It! F113 V) Dis'ast’erous} Fire at lnggrsoila M 71 MN VACCINATIOF AND SMALT. Pox.â€"Dr. Bruce of Thurso says on this subject that, having given it consideaablc attention, and having made some experiments on it, he has come to the conclusion that complete immmnty from small-pox can be obtuincd by any per- son who will simply take {him trouble to vaccinate until fresh lymph produces no effect. “Dr Jenner,” he adds, " gave out; to the world, and in his third publication on the snhjeet, dated in 1800, expressed his confidence, that ‘the cow pox is capable of extirpating‘ smallpox from the earth. In 1802 the Government, in recognition ofhis services with l'OfIILHâ€"i to the utilin ofvaccin- tion, {rave Dr. Jenner £30,000. In 1807- this matter was reconsideredfind an addition- al sum of £20000 was nwaxded him. The great Jenner did not live (he died in 1823) to see the cow pox give the dentliblow to the smallpox, and the piesent generation has not even at this (late (1872) soon the smallpox dism'nied at" all its terms: but n hen the benefits of the present excellent Vaccination Act, come fully into force, and when the people get better educated, so as to be able to appreciate vaccination, then the time will not be for distant when it will be seen that the ‘cowrpox is enpnhle of extirpating small-pox from the. earth. Two‘ years have now elapsed since, din-impr a short period of time, I vaccinated the same child six timesâ€"four times with effect, though each time with less, the fifth producing sem- cer any ell‘ect, and the sixth no effect at all. I am of opinion that this child, though expo god to its infection, would not take small- 1’. S.â€"â€"Will the “ Mail” please take a note of the above. th To the Editor of the York “maid. SIR. : The great and exciting topic of iv the day in our usually placid superbs, is 3f the water question. A majority of the ratepayers are in favor of obtaining a .0 supply both for fire and domestic pur- )f doses. We used to have an abundance is but every new drain ooustructed‘reduces the quantity. The great difficulty is, a L when and how to get a supply. There 9- is a scheme new laid before the people, )1 ‘jbut there are certain features about it ,elthat fear too strong grounds for sus- ‘pieion that certain parties have an ele- 1. pliant, and that they want to get rid of 'it. The simple facts are as follows: six ,3 vindividuals nppliod to the Local Legisla- e ture at the last session, for an Act of Incorporation, as a company to supplyi the village with water. Our eminent member, Mr. Crosby, piloted the bill through for them. So far so good, no~ body interfered with or oppOScd them. They have a site in View which theycan ; obtain, and which they say will afford an ample supply for the purposes above I mentioned. .They also represent that l the Water privilege and ground for a reservoir can be purchased, and the ne- cessary pipes laid to bring it into the - Village, along certain side streetsâ€"all i for the round sum of $20,000. And ) they further propose to transfer their charter, free gratis, except to be rein- ‘ bursed their expenses in obtaining it. ' Being far-seeing men, and to be in a ’ position to commit an act of benevolence should the spirit move them, they had a clause in the act enabling thorn to sell, and empowering the Corporation to buy them out “body and bones.” This is the position, and this is what the com- pany of six purpose to do. ‘It is said “ Corporations have no souls.” However that may be the first question that pre- sented itself to the enquiring mind of the body corporate outside ol" the Council was,â€"â€"if' the scheme is icesiblo, and will answer the purpose and above all will pay, why does the company of six want to wash their hands of it ? Secondlyâ€" as the Reeve and one Councillor belong to the company and the other two can be controlled by the Reeve, why were they .so anxious to have another member of the company on a committee proposed to 1’ confer with the Council and to make all necessary inquiries into the matter, and _ why was the Deputy Reeve so anxious l" w .r .‘ wt: w to have things his own way, seeing that' he said to have a certain interest in J the water privrlege? ‘Why were the ‘1‘, company of six so chagrincd because a O. few proper questions wore asked, and p ,why do their utmost tomakc it appear _ i that there is a factions opposition to the scheme, and even got a paragraph inser- 1 ted in the Mail, to that effect. (By the " way the Mail had better take the pre- caution to ascertain the truth of state- ments before publishing them.) Again, j: the Water privilege is only a creek, and the question is, will it afford suflicient water at all seasons, is it fit for domestic -. use, and may it not be fooled in various ways above the site prepesed fer-“the reservoir? Lastly, for the presentâ€"-â€"is it 3, true that one of the company of SIX ad- mitted that it would not pay them to _ run the machine, and therefore they want to rid themselves of the charter, 6; get their expenses back, and .addlo the Municipality with a debt of $30,000 J, at least for construction, to say nothing about working expenses. There is too much reason for believing that, “ There’s iii. the rule.’7 Hence their spleen and venom, because they were not quietly im allowed to have their own way with no “0 questions asked. tin r The report of the committee is an- xiously looked for now, when you shall be informed of the result of their in ves- tigation. Yorkville, May 9, 1872. YORKVILLE WATER Yours respectfully, ,w. .‘5’1‘4’9 SENTINEL. W O R L , Richmond HillStatiou. Changooftimo taking efl'cct April 24, 1871 : ' Going North 8.04 AM. . . .'.. . . ._..._.5.04 mu. "4th Smut “34 12,9 . “3'09 " 2: In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma it gives relief where ovary other remedy fails. For Nervous Debmty it stands' mzrivn'lled, and may be used with confidence in all cases. As this is omiroly distinct and dlffurent from every other preparalion of vaophosphitos, be careful to ask for FnLLows’ SYRUP, and take no other. (Inn be had, at Hm Post Oflico. for I” (Inns A‘ WEEK. Apply to V Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Livar. strangu'muiug the action of the Stamach and ‘Zowcis and enabling Lhé Lungs to be fiully in- flated wuh Oxygen. It is adapted» for ALL cases of Weaknessand Emaciation, whether arising fxom sedentary life. a tropical climate, fromffovcr or debility from any cause, and is efficacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many Qoufirmed cases having been cured and all benefitted. where. its use has been continued over a fortnight. THE MORNING PAPERS 'l’his. than. is subslamially the basis on which b‘izLLow’s Hymwunsrmms is built, its diredt action is upon xhe Blond. the Brain and Nervous 83:10:11. and Iha Muscles. Strength- mliug tho nerves, it causes the rapid dlSU‘ibu- tion of Vitalizod Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the inng dients condim- ting the brain, .musclos and nerves, and finds that by introducing ahese ingrediaum in proper proponions ma brain and nervous system are sh'enmhouml. :3 WALTER 1N FINE GOLD AND SIL- E ver Watches, Jewelh‘y, £10.. 113 Yonge Street. Toronto. As all lifo‘andownd bodies. whether they be Bum-i. Birds, lispti!es,lnseets or, even Zoo- phitss. and subjecis of the Vegetable Kingdom we governed by vilalfm'cc, which binds alithe Yaw-wings of existence, and us nothing can save them i':om_ distinction when this principle leav ‘ than), iho discovery of means whereby vitality may he sustained in tho'liviug body is indeed a boon it) (he worid. 1'1. Housekeeper, one accustomed‘ work. Apply {0 l. S , Herald 0mm. Fellows’ Compaund SBLRIIP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. J; incumberod land, in sums of not'loss Lhan'SSOO. Apph' to XV. G. Falconbridgo. Esq“ Barrister, (firm of Messrs. Harrison. Oslor 61, Moss, Tot-01110,) or to Alex. Scott, proprietor of film You: HERALD. 1 here and Patterson. 21 Gentleman’s Breast Pill. The findm’ wlll be suitably rewarded by Inaving it at this office or with A; 1'. Cougar, at [’attarson. ' ’ U Toronto. Ion the evening of Monday inst, tho lrlth inst.. a GOLD mesr PIN. 'I‘ho finder will be ruitabiy rewarded by leaving it at this Oifica. or giving it to the Richmond Hill stage driver. 708~H' ‘%OW BELLS FO‘R APRIL, SOLD BY APOTI-IECARIES, Price. $160; Six for $760. ‘ JAMES l. FELLOWS,Chomi;.-L 61.8 St. Jnhn. N B. May141,1869. OF TORONTO TELEGRAPH. Orphanâ€"No. 66 Church Stroeifl‘qrontu Docombor 29,1869. 5 - 598 J. N» BLAKE, QARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, 8w Septmnber 1, lb?! .V NEVVBERY.â€"â€"At Richmond Hill, on the 14th inst, the w1fe of Mr. George B. New. 1‘ Dory, of a son. ' Rlchmoxd Hill. March 1.,187‘2. 510â€"3m f Gianaâ€"«1M Richmond Hill, on the 5111 finsl., the wife of R. A. Gray, Artist, of a ,3 sou. . : Flou1'-â€"Snperfino. . . .. Spring Wheat. Fancy .. . . . . . . Ema . . . Supm‘iur L GRATLFFL AND Com‘oR'rmmâ€"“Byfi thorough knowledge of the natural laws which gevorn tho OPCI'HLlOlnS of digestion'and nutrition, and by :1 carqul application cf tho fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, Mi Epps has proâ€" vided our breakfast tables with a. delicately fluvcred beverage which may save us many" heavy doctors’ bills.”â€"-0ivil Service Guzctla. Misz simply with Boiling Water 01‘ Milk, Each paclsoi is labelledâ€"~“ JAMES EPPS (‘in ’70:, lIomwopnthic Chemists, London." Also. mam hers ot' Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- donsod Milk.) ' , ' SB7-ly} Lost, . N THIS VILLAGE 0R BETWEEN {ichmond Hi”. Jan. 3. 1872 Lost, QETWEEN RICHMOND HILL AND M.msn.~â€"Ou "Thursday, 2nd instfl' at Balsover, John Marshâ€"aged 37 years.. OlyruEl-m _1_§AI_LWAY 0F CANADA Punt: A? Bnmvfi’s Corners, 0n the 2 nd iI‘E-L, 11):: Wife of William J. Perry, of (laugh: O LEND ON MORTGAGE 0F UN \V‘ixnted, MIDDLE-A G ED WOMAN A3 REAKFAST. ,â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€" :1' money! Money !' ! J. SEGSWORTH, TORONTO MARKETS Arrivodat the Herald BookSwre @@@@@@@@ 55000015 "0.187551% 56556438 .$ 1 .u. nu “I” “ .6 in. .41”. o.. .a .c .h mw a. GLOBE, Toromo, May 9, 1872, BI R'i‘ll DIED M. TEEFY, Ricllméud [NH 564-“ LEADEIL 78502000578500050700508120550U 2670700020085h82501020l1212555 10000%513000100M10005000001U64 l 1 _ \er AU _ _ a.m@@z«@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@fl@@@@@@@@ 43210U00070000000791“ 7088“, 00 16747009500685605OUIOMIIIOQWUU 100008002000000400005000001064 11 l] to farm 70‘2-lf (a) 0 UL) rm 5 “0 fit) 3 3‘0 (I) 19 00 fl 0 00 fl 0 00 ab 1 27 (to 0 68 684 5 70 6 20 H) 5 75 ( d We have numborloss congatulary recom- mendations from Agricultural Societies for the benefit they have derived from Us 1?st in rui's‘iug‘ itpdk. l’riJo ‘23? cents and $1'00 per box, A dollar box coilylaiuggo ‘ feuds. I’rpparcd in Canada only by HUG” MILLER s\v'. 00., CHEMISI'S, ‘ , _ 167, King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. October 18, 1671. 6914f THE YORKSHIRE CATTLE F E E D E R 'Horses, Cows, Sher and Pigs fed with the Yorkshire Cattle Feeder have always taken first prizes. ~ It Fattms_ in Onejfom'Z/z the . usual time. - D TO Weekly Papers. x-eéozi'eaitptâ€"he HERALD Rook E5thi Richmond Hi)! Old pictures of deceased friends copied and enlarged suitable forkaming. f}? Dulland cloudy weathér ,no hindrance to the an. - NLB. Chiidron and animals marve at the risk of the owner. Persons, Animals, 1% uSes or Landscapes Used by ’all First-class Stock Breeders Begs to inform Hi? public that. having com- menced operation In the abOVe b’ns'mess, he is prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHY. 0‘ Near Richmond’ Hill. The land ‘is all clear, and in a good state of cultivation. Therein on the premises a first class Dwelling House, Barns, Stables. &c. :Thore is also on thispro- perlv a ‘ , S A W MI I L L 63 'ACRES UN LOT NO. 50, REAR OF 131' CON. VAUGHAN, 'l‘heSubscri’berofi'ers for sale lhe’following ' VALUABLE’ PROPERTIES,‘ FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. Parties wanfing seod will do we" to give‘ him a callr He hopes by strict attention to business and fair dealing, to merit a share of public patronage. ' ' Bexfiember The place. corner of Yohgé and Ccntxo sweet. opposite Sanderson 8L Sons. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED To; Richmond Hi", March 25, 1872. 714-1y 590 Bushcls Pens, Golden Vine Where he will always have on hand The best Famiiy Flour, Pork, Pbtatoes, Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts, Which he will sell as low as any house‘ilrthe trade. A lot of very choice Black Tartar Oats now on hand. clear from all obnoxious” weeds, fit for seed. Also, about He woutd also inform them that in connection with the above, he has started LOWPRIO'ES FOR CASH! Having secured a Hist-class workman. parties can rely on getting mending done wi-Lh noatuess and 'despatch. Richmond um. Sol“. :20. 1871 Selected from the best wholesale houses hi V'Toroqlo. which he will sell at very UBSCRI_I?T}ONS FOR THE TORON Mr. John Brown wisheé'to in form‘tho inhabi- t‘an‘ls of Richmond Hill and surrounding nbigbborhood, that' he has purchased the pre- mi‘ses‘ latey o'cCupied by '1‘. Dolmage, whom he will keep ' ' CONSTANTLY 0N LEAND, CHEAP CASH STORE OLLARS AND CUFFS, OF THE latest stylus. at the HERALD Book Store. In the shop two doors north of Geo: A. Bnr< nal‘d's Slum. rand -is~ onering them at Low Rates ior Cash. He is uiso pl'epm‘ed‘to make to order on the Shortest Notice, and in the very Best'S‘yle, Boots andv‘Shoes of every descrip- tion. at Low Prices.‘ I ‘ V . He must respectquy invites a call. Richmond Hill, 000421, 1871'. 7004f BOOTS AND SHOES 1 “a. .v H A.AL414L\J.JKJ AV 1x412 LUU' ik lie for £1161rvm-y liboral‘ patfomge during the shorL'time h‘o‘ has harm in business on Richmond Hill, and wouldutato thaer is now fu'liypmparod \vitil‘n n * - ' ‘ ' PHOTOGRAPHS WILLIAM GAMBQE. DPT-TURNS THANKS TO THE'PLUB‘ THE NE W BOOT d} SHOE STOR E. BOOTS AND "SHOES I UST OPENED 1. 'l‘hroughout Europg and Canada. 301;}ershoe's, Rubbers, Slippers (fro. @3133?th fax. finite, R.A.GRAY STYLE.OR SIZE FEED STORE! Fattening Cattle. mm»: (intact, ls recommended and filming-mung, hum 3E5! gméi FlRS'lRCLASS STOCK A large assortment of ANY REQUIRED THE NEW NAMELY S 687-] y NEW DOMINION MONTHLY, CON- taius 64 pages filled with choice litera- ture, original and selected. and one or move pictorial illustrations, besides a piece of musi ° $160 a year. 15 wins a'uumbm‘. FOrSale at _ The Markham or CashStyle. first ‘20 feet. 351mm“ 20 feet. 40 cebts per room. V Newton BrooktApril 26. 1871 IVS-66 as follows 'I'HE SO-CALLED JCXCICLSIOR Pump. for tho first 20 feet. 588, after 20 feet, 30 cents perrlr'oot. 7 Cisiern Pumps. Chum Style . . . ... . . .$ 2 50 Excelsior or common lever. . .i 6 00 Swing. Wrought Gearing 7 00 Swing. do do Large Size. . 9 00 Swing Force. Large Size. . . . .... . . ... 20 L0 Swing. Lifting Iiumps, $12 for first 20 feet after 20 ft. 50 cts per foot. Infi'ingers 0f Powell’s Patents bwiug Force Pumps. $20 for first 20 feet aftg r 20 fl_. ctsyer foot. Rags to assure them that he wil],in future, as in the past, eixdenvor Ld deservethiscoufidence by supplying Pumps as superior. to any hi- theuo produced as (hose he has supplied were to the kinds which they superceded, and at PmcEs VVHICH DEFY Commune»: New 'Pateut Wrought .1. public for the libm'al patronage he has re- ceived since firstintrodgcilggrlo their nofico CELEBRATED PUMPS 77d: pump. as now malls, will throw more water in shallow mulls. and work easier in deep wells than (my other made. 13 greatly improved this season with ‘LAnaun CYLINDEHVflud HARNESS ES TABLISHMENT, SINGLE v HARNESS MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY EXCELLENT SETS OIficehours: from 6:30 A.M.t0 9530 Lu. May 4,1869. ‘ ‘ 563-tf U any num'rerâ€"notexceedingthreehundnod dollars by any one depository) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Office, for which Governmentwilhllow Interest. “,3 MR. T‘er is Government Agenxfor hesale of AND USERS OF SUCH INFRINGE- MENTS Will be held Responsible. c. POWELL, N RETURNING THANKS To THE RICHMOND HILL LAMB‘S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE The above Instruments are all fully warranted and sold at Manufacturers’ Prices. 'Per/ect Satisfaction guaran- teed in every case. TUNING 8; REPAI'IUNG ATTENDED TO. ORGANS & MELODEONS AND MUSIC STOOLS IN GREAT VARIETY. PIANO - FORTES Juno 15,1870. HI P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. CHMOND-.. HILL ‘ ‘EPOSITS 0F , POST OFFICE. ONEHDOLLAR,(QR Folparlicularsapply to BEWA’RE!! R. S‘. IVILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, [Soaps also I Stock of Common Pumps g. ('19. flvpartmmt. gummy 31:11:95. EINTZMAN & CO.’S mm; zirstrmumtfi, ANDOTHER CELEBRA’ ‘DMAKERS: MARRIAGE LICENSES. AT WM. HARRISON’S PIANO 00 VERS, RICHMOND HILL; From the Establishmentsof aimw, 62¢. Cmcumns Pos’r FREE. ALSO AGENT FOR THE CALL AND SEE IT. CELEBRATED A FULL ASSORTMENT 0F HIS NOW M. TEEFY, Postmaster C. CHAPMAN. AGENT. ’ Markham. (RUBBER), of Iron In Cnnada and the United Stales. To manufac- luro under POWELL’S PATENTS RIGHTS SALE, PATENT FOR Gear. fl, , ,7-__~ ..vuuv n on 1‘553, Oxford Street (late 244! Strand); London, W 0., Sept. 1. 1671. GSYgUm .. any. nuuuuucu'. Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob- tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale pricesiu quantities of not less than $20 worth â€" viz.. 88. 6d,, and 225.. and 34s.. per dozen boxes of l’ills or pots o Ointment,‘ nett, withuut discount. for which emittance must be sent '5 advance. I have the honor to be, Will: great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAYA ppn A n .... 1 would ask. as a great favm', that should it come to the knowledge of any person that spu- ious medicines are being macie or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the particu- lars he can collect respecting the some. that is to say, the name and address of" the vendor who is selling the spurious medicines. and like- wise the name and address of the House in the United States. or elsewhere, which may lime supplied them. so as to enable me. for the protection of the public, to institute pro- ceedings against such evilvdoers, and lengage to remuuerzite very handsomely any person who may give me such informaqion. the irr- formnnt’s Home never being divulged. > b‘houltl any person have reason to believe that he has boon deceived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines,he willdoifiell to send me, in a letter, to the address at: foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents In post- age), oue of the books ot' instructions which are affixed to the same. I promise to examine it and send a reply, stating whether the Medi- cines are genuine or not, so that if spurious he may apply to the person from whom he pur- chased them to have hismoney refuudcda ‘ Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob- -1 most. éle‘llasllg’ enn'eat all those who read this advertisement that they [)0 pie in the public interest. to communicate the port oi the same to their friends that they not be defrauded of their mduey by purch worthless imitation of the genuine Ht WAY's PILLS AND 0131‘»: INT. Those who do not wish to be deceived ‘by buying spurious medicines. which are now likely to emanate from the Statbs ‘oi elsewhere. but to possess themselves of the genuine HOL- Lown’s l’iLLs AM) Omnmm', manufactured by me in London. England, will do well to see that. each .pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is engraved the words " HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS Annuuu‘mam‘.” and that the address (in the label is 5.53 Ouran S'rmclt'r, Lonnom where only they are manu- factured, and in no other part of the world. The Rated prices are on llM labels in. British currency, and not in dollars and cents. j ND representative of mine will ever tinirel through any part of the British l’rovliiceé'or the United States. either to sell. or L6 take orders for my l‘ills and ()intment,and as I have reason to believe that attempts will very probably be made to deceive the prbtic in this way by persons calling on medicine vandérs. falsely representlngtlmt they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and cbns’ent, l damn it advisable to put the public on their guard against any suclrdcceptions. - .1. PROVINCES or NORTH AMERICA. I beg must respectfully to acquaint the pub- lic 01' the Brirish North American provinces that in May, 187,1 caused the business-m 80 Maiden Lane, New York. for the sale of Hon. LOWAY’S Pius AND Um'rmmr. which Were up to thal time prepared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years, and in many ways, bean nmst corrupt, and it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the care 1 have always desired. Caution” Caution!!! To ‘THE‘ PUBLhToE THE BRITISH \J Undertaker, 5L6; RESIDENCEâ€"Nearly Richmund Hill. Charges Moderate, and work give satisfaction. All le'tors addressed to Aurora promplaltemiou. , Aurora. May 25. 1870. , .._u.._, . Teeth extracted with the least possible pain, and especial attention paid to the regulation ol.’ children ’s tooth. ‘ t Teeth inserted in the r on Guld. SIIVCI‘, Vulcuni lu'minum Base. Teeth filfepl in such a 5 them from further decay ' 10 Dr. Elllol, Dentist. ~ 'l‘ol'unlo,) respectfully anno'unces that he will visit the following places,(Sun- days excepted). where he will attend to Don- tistry in all its branches: King...........V........lst ofezlch momllj Richmond Hlll...........5lll ” Nemnarketi...........“UNI: _ “ Aurora“. .............l5lh " the most wonderful discovery neailng rses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBYOIL I THOMAS ‘SEDM'AN, , «ARRIAGE AIj‘D WAGON MAK 1r“), ‘ MINION, at $6 per IOO teenfldlso WED;- ing‘ and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails,Cidor Mills. Washing Machinea,’Shinglel Waggon Felloes. and LumborSawedm ozdelfi Forparticu lars address JOHN LANGS'I‘AFF, Steam Mills ,Tlldmhilhj r‘hnrnlfill MM. 0 mm 7 _ H-..“ ... u....,muuvc Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses County ondrk. ‘ Office hoursâ€"7 A.M. to 9:30 [7.51. _ Richmond Hill.0ctober23.!869. V ‘HE FARMERS AND TR. public will find first-class‘ attho above House, at low rates. extensive Stable ullached, and I sheds. An attentivo and nhh'nin U SolicitorsinChancer)‘,Cauv Owner;â€"-I’roviuciul lnsurauc Street. Toronto . JOHN DUGGAN, (1,0. ADAM ll August 17. 1870 5:) I "than-nun]. Nov. 3, 12:65: Toronto Dec. 24,1SGB. 215 and 217 ND WATEfiASPOUTS'FOR THE 3mm ficdfivfim, DUGGAN {Sb MEYERS, . ARRISTEBS, 'ATTORISEYS-AT-LAW Q-I:_:. , , TEEFY, NOTAEY PUBle AND . CoxnmiSSioneriu B.R.,is Government .u I‘_.. 2, W. H. CANNON, ‘L.Ds., Q TWENTIST, (LATE ASSIST- FRESH CUTS 0R OLD SOR‘ES MARRIAGE LICENSES Id Hill...... . . . . . 51h ” ket; .... . . . . . . . . . Uhh “ ...... .........15Ih' " inserted in the most ImproVed Styles, SIIVCI‘, Vulcanized Rubber. and AI- n,., Patent Eave~trough GREEN HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East @imuanmw, 1 House, at low rates. ’l'hers is an [able ullached, and large cavered attentive and obliging hostler. RICHMOND HILL mums 9ND TRAVELLfNG umreat all those who may cut that they be pleased. . to communicate the pur- . L. PARKER. bropricxor Yonge Street, Toronto BUSH HOTEL, opposite the Post Office a manner as to preserve ll'lBHGS that they may mduey by purchasng the genuine HOLLO‘ 1' which Were up ’illiam Brown, now regret to say that I he management of pears. and In many and it may be that work warfanted to ADAM}1.MEYEI:S.JH I. 544-ly class accomodanon , Cauve\uucels.&e East Toront 631 - tl' will. receive in chémislry 619-]y 0 Buildings 510-.“ in‘ the

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