Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 May 1872, p. 3

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LONDON, May 13.â€"â€"â€"In the House of Com mons this evening, Mr. Gladstone made his promised explanation of the negotiations regarding the indirect claims, and of the position talzen by the Government. The House was full and the galleries crowded. Mr. Gladstone on rising w s greeted with cheers. He said that, in order to allowan Opportunity for discussion on the statements he was about to make, he would bring up a formal motion for the adjournment of the. House. After alluding in terms of praisei to the forbearance shown by Parliamentl during the controversy, he said he would commence his narrative of its progress with - the 18th January, when it became known- to him that the claims for indirect damagesi had been presented at Geneva by the Ameri- 5 can case. Her Majz'sty’s Government; then { protested on the 3td February that the' indirect claims were not Within the scopel of the Treaty of Washington, nor withinl the intertion of either party to the Treaty. Secretary Fish replied in April that he thought the Geneva Board ought to decide the whole question. The tone of Mr. Fish’s' despatch was most courteous. In the mean- time, cmmnnnicatiou was received from Gen. Schcnclt, the American Minister, suggesting another course which would be acceptable, to England and American. This was to interchange notes, setting forth the views, terms and conditions whereon both would agree to proceed to the arbitra- tion. We accepted this suggestion, con- tinued Mr. Gladstone, and carried on the correspondence altogether by telegraph. On Wednesday, the 8th instant, President Grant submitted the proposition to the United States Senate. On Thursday we ascertained that.the proposition was not precisely as we, understood it should be, because of the brevity of the cable despatch on which it was based. On Friday a draft conveying a letter ot'our views was forwarded to Minister Schenclt, and although lengthy. it was immediately telegraphed by him to Washington on Saturday. Gen. Schenck informed Lerd Granville that the President had accepted and the Senate entertained that draft. Mr Gladstone thought. this f:.ct was almost equivalent to ratification. He begged for the further forbearance of the House, now that the question was approach- ing a satisfactory issue, honourable alike to both nations. lfsnccessful in this nego tiation, Her Majesty’s Government had a right to exact praise for settling a. moment.- ous question. SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION OF M11. GLAD- s'roxu T0 Tum'Bumsu PARLIAMENT.â€" AN AMICABLE SE'I‘TI.EMEKT.â€"A SETTLE~ ME T AGREED UPON. The last proposal on the part of Great: Britain suslmnml the position taken by the Government in the Queen’s speech at the openingr of the present seSSion. Mr Glad stone, in conclusion, smd he thought he was not too sunglaine in predicting that the negoliminns would result in a settlement which would rcduund to lhe credit of both parties. Mr. Disraeli followed with thanks to the Premier for his slattemeut. He should not seek tn embrnrass xhe Government. What- ever difference existed on olller subjects, all arties were u filed in the desire for a. peace- ful and honourable sexllement. In the House of Lords, Earl Granville made :1 statement similar to that of Mr. th-‘Fatone. V Earl 111153031 again postponed his motion for, an address to the Crown to withdraw from the axhitrntion. He hoped the ques- tion was no longer one between the honour of the Crown and the re-election of Presi~ dent Grant. The Earl of Derby and the Duke of Rich mund- expx‘essed the hope xhat the new pro. posiiion of the British Government was unambiguous; they had heard enough of misunderstanding. As Mr. Glmlstono took his seat there was loud and repentel cheering from all parts ofthe Ho Loxnox, May 13.â€"The Time's and Other London papers this morning.r are of opinion that the announcement of Friday that the negotiations between Great Britain and the United States. with regard to the indirect claims, hall been broken off was premature. The Times says positively that all still yet be rightcd. It maintains that the American Government has agreed in principle to withdraw the claims for indirect damages, and advrses forbearance on the part of both Houses of Parliament, by this presentation of the indirect claims. The British Ministry expressed a willingness to resume negotia- tions on that basis, which was telegraphed here y ‘rday afternoon. Last night. the President convened a special Cabinet meet- inhr at the White House. at which this new and important phase of the situation \'as thoroughly and earnestly discussed. The result was that it was decided, rather then let the Washington Treaty failpto enter upon the work 01 framing a. new Treaty to include the point that, hereafter neither nation shall make any claim upOn the other for consequential damages, because of any failure on the part of either to ob serve ‘ strict neutrality when the other is a bellijercnt. Arrangements are in progress between Schenck and Lord Granville to secure for the present a suspension of the Geneva Conference. It will merely meet on June 15, and again adjourn. A new Treaty will at once be negotiated in London, and forwarded here for ratification by the United States Senate. If Congress adjourns before the Treaty is received here, the President will convene the Senate in extra session to discuss and ratify it. The Adminis- tration therefore yields the principle involved in the indirect claims and shifts the res- ponsibility from its own shou'ders to the Senate. These facts are derived from official sources, and may be relied on. New Yonx, May 13.â€"A Washington special sayszâ€"“Since the negotiations so suddenly terminated in London on Friday last, over the consequential claims between the United States and Great Britain,import- ant correspondence, which was inaugurated by General Schenck, has transpired, by which the Washington Treaty is to be suspended for the present, or until the two Governments can negotiate and ratif'y a new or supplemental Treaty, covering the dis ruted question raised.” FROM \VASHINGTOX. \VASXIINGTON, May l3.â€"The President may today or to-morrow send to the Senate in confidence the correspondence relative to the Alabama claims. It will include the latest telegrams, and show that several pro- positions had been made to accommodate the differences as to the claims for conse~ quential damages, though no conclusion has been as yet, reached. The correspondence will not be published unless the SeJute'witl remove the'injunction of secresy. The con- ference of the Executive on Saturday night was between the President and about a dozen Republican Senators. and not with the Cabinet officers, as has been incorrectly stated. \VASHIXGTON, May 13.â€"-There was a brief debate after the reading of the docu~ nient relative to the Alabama claims, in- volving the merits of the question. A motion was made to remove the injunction of secreny, but this failed, and the message and documents were then ordered to be printed in conference and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. There is scarcely a question that the Senate will advise the acceptance of the additienal arti- cle to the Treaty. The Washington Treaty. The all-gone feeling which people some times speak or, is caused by want of proper action of the liver and heart. These may be assisted, and the bowels regulated, by Parsons’ Purgative Pills in small doses. On Saturday three hundred natives of Alsace and L'n'raine, now residents of San Francisco, waited upon the French Consul with the tri-colour draped in mourning and took a solemn oath of allegiance to the: re- public of France. The following paragraph is going about: “It. is stated that of the forty two thousand inhabitants of the city of Lowell, Mass., twenty seven thousand never attend a place of religious worship.” Small pox has made its appearance at Sarnia, and there are several cases in the town. The council has held a meeting to consider the matter, and vaccination is the order of the day. The Carpenters’ strike in Brooklyn. N.Y. for the eight hours system, ended on Friday last m a victory for the strikers. The car- penters of New York city. to the number of 5,000, struck on Monday last for $3 50 per day, of eight hours. Corn and flour are staple articles: but not more so than Johnson’s Anodyne Lim’ mcnt. where known. It is good for children or adults, for any internal soreness of the chest or bowels, and the best Pain Killer prepared, under whatever name. The Law Times says~It is understood that the Recorder of London’ Mr.Russel GUI“ ney, is to be elevated to llie Peerage. Sir T.Chambers will certainly be elected to the recordership that will then be vacated, and the common sergeantcy will be open to competition. The Fergus Express savs :-â€"We have heard of lean cattle, but; never saw any to approach seven or eight head which ap- peared upon the fair ground on Tuesday. So weak were they that (In y propped them selves against the board fence to keep their perpendicular. The Latest news about the position of the negotiations in connection with the Wash ington treaty is somewhat conflicting. One report has it that the British Goovemmcnt has withdmwu from the Geneva Board of Arbritmtors, and another statement comes from Washington to the effect that COI‘I‘OS pondence on the subject is still progressing. A meeting at Fergus has resolved ofi‘er ground and a. suitable building, not exceed $2 000 in value, to any person persons who would start manufactures that place. The son of Morgan. the disappearing Mason of the olden time, lives at San Fran- cisco. He says his father lived and enjoyed himself for thirty years after his supposed death. At the lime of his capture he was taken to Quebec, and at once sailed f0:- England, whence he finally went to Van Diemaud’s Land, and when there started a paper, the Advertiser, which is still pub- lished. The population of London England is 3, 254,260. Prince Napoleon has again returned to London. There are in France 6,037,740 acres de voted to the culture ofthe grape vine. The Wesleyan Conference meets at Montreal on the first Monday in June. Montreal is also this year the meeting place of the Congregational Union. 0n the 20th ult., Her Majesty the Queen paid a visit to the Ex Emperor ofthe French and the Empress Eugene, at Chlslehurst. By Cable we learn that news has been received in London from Bombay that Dr. Livingstone, the African explorer, 1s safe wi'.h Stanley, the Chiet ofthe N. Y. Herald Caps OI'Scarch, at. Zanzibar. The report. of the great traveller’s safely has since been coroborated,and particulars of {Le Amerisz search party‘s exslormions and of Dr. Living- stone’s condition when found may soon be expected. The Chicago Jom'nalstates that the larg' est real estate transfer for any one week in Chicago previous to the fire was a year ago, when the sales reached $1,500,000, while during the last. week of March, the aggre- gate reached $1,517,207, the largest ever made in that city. There were 225 transfers, amounting to $1,487,032. within the city limits; representing $132,175, being of suburban property. AN AMERICAN POET'S Oplxxon 0F Qt'mjx VICTORIA.â€"â€"Jonquin Mille says of Queen Victoria gâ€"“In Whitehall I first; saw the Queen of P‘ngland, a sad and silent woman, whose vi: tues, charitiesmnd simplicities have challenged the admiratiom of the world ; a woman who has turned from the ullurements of courts 10 cdueate her own children : a woman always clad in uncompromiqing black She never wears hoops nor waterfalls, nor false hair. Ithink she deserves a. crown for this, if nothing more. " Free institutions have their little failings, after all, \‘lien compared with an absolute despotism. Thus we find New Yorkers be- wniling the unfortunate position of their city at being threatened with an irruption of Cuban gamblers who have been driven out of that island by the arbitrary will of the Commanderixrcliiof. Those very undesir- able exiles will form a strong reinforcement to the already numerous centingent of the like class already to be found in that city, and who have rendered its name a by-word among the capitals of the world. Amadeus has made a bold attempt to carry out the broad and {enemas programme laid dnwn in his speech from the Throne 0n the opening of the cm-tes, but it is said to think that the people are so diisalisfied as to give him no rest to carry out the needed reforms. The Cm-list rising, unsuccessful as it evidently will be in achieving its main object, has evidently gone far as to infuse in the minds of the popuiuce a Spirit of (Incon- tent at seeing an alien Rented on the Throne, â€"â€"-a. spirit far more difficult to deal with than any dissatisfaction with the adminis- trative policy. Oregon State is not. a very difficult place to get a divorce in, if you have some reasonable sort of ground on which to base a. complaint; against your wife, but even there it; is not; sufficient. to say that the part- ner of your bosom is in the habit of falling sick and putting,r you to the disagreeable necessity of footing her doctor’s bills. So found Mr. Swaringem, of Yamhill county in that State, who thereupon brings an action againstthe parents of Mrs. S. on the ground that they are guilty offruudulence' in representing to him that that lady was of sound constitution and of good health, for the which he asks the court to award him damages to the extent of five thousand dollars. The result will be of interest to other Oregonians who find themselves in the like difficulty. We understand that, by a circular issued some time ago from the Treasury Depart ment at Washington, additional facilities have been extended to parties passingr from Ontario to Manitoba through the United‘ States, in regard to the conveyance of horses, household effects, the. Upon re- ceipts of a bond that the several articles are for the use of the immigrants and not for sale in the United States,Customs authorities at Detroit or Port Huron will restore them to the "‘ custody and control” of the owners, to be taken by any route or manner pre- ferred, only stipulating that the parties shall report at Pemhina. and cancel their bonds. This will enable emigrants with teams to drive all the way if they wish to do so, and will no doubt be foundacon- siderable advantage. I I) E'ViAlLS MADE UP AT THE RICH- i' mond Hill PostOflico. Unlill'urlllor noticmthe mails will be elosed at Lle office as follows Southern mail .. . .....5:55 P M. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will rcqnire to be handed in 15 minutes bqforc the time of closing â€" 'NJB. Letters for Desp'ntch by lh'ose hues of Steamers should be so marked. The ralefin Lollox‘sl’oz' the United Kilrgdom (via Qnahec in summar. and Portland in win- tm‘),is now reduced to 6 cents per 5 oz. weight. If sent via New York. it. will be S cts per g 02 These rates apply only toprcpuilt letters; ifsont unpaid , or insufficieme prepaid. there wvll be a line of double the amount of deficienlpostage. M. TE EFY. Postmaster. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . . . . . .‘ Spring Wheat, extra Fancy............. Exu‘a...,.........‘ Superior Extra . . . . . \Vuol An- closed Rl Toronto as follow“ “3: Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 AJH. B)- Canadian Line.overy 'J‘hursdgy 10500 P M: (z‘nA'ricl-‘UL AND Comrou'rmu. â€"â€" “ By a thorough knowledge of the nnlm‘al laws which govern the operationsofdigesliun and nutrition, and by a carejul application of the fine proper- ties of wed-selected cocoa, I‘ll Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables will] a delicately flavored beverage which may save. us many heuvy'dactors’ hills.”â€"â€" Civil Sm'vicc (illicit/.5 Made simply with Boiling Walm‘ 01‘ Milk. Each pauliel is labelledâ€"J‘ JAMES EPPS 6'1, ’30., Homeopaihic Chmnisls. London." Also. ma- kers ol‘ l‘lpps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- den_sed Milk) 687-15' ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Richmond HHIStaLion. Change 0! time taking 01?ch April ill, 1872: Going Noni] 8.0-1 A.M. . . .... . . .504 P In Gong South 9.34 A.M, . . . . . . . . . . . .8.(l9 P.2d Toronto. on the evening of Monday lrlsi, the l‘21l1 inst, a Go“) BREAST PIN. ’l‘he finder will be ruitably rewarded by leaving it at, llrls Oilice. or giving it to the Richmond Hill slago'drive“. 7084f lie for their very liberal pnlruurge during the short time he has been in business on Richmond Hill, and would ntulo that he is now fully prepared with a In lhe shop two doors north of Geo A. Ba"- nard‘s Store. and is offering them at Lo .7 [lanes ior Cash. He is also prepared to makr: to orddr on the Shortest Notico, and in the very Best Style, Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tion. at Low Prices. 110 most respectfully invites a call. BGOTS AND SHOES ! .L here and Patterson. a Gmllleman’s Breast I’m. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office or with A. 1’. Cougar, at Patterson. _ Richmond Hill. Jan. 3. 1871. 70'2-1f U Hume, Leisure Hour, Popular Educator, Every Week, Bow Bulls, &c , at the HERALD Book Store. Swre. J- incnmbered land, in sums of not lesS than 357500. Apply to W. G. Falconbridge, Esq. Barrister, (firm of Messrs. Harrison. Oyler & Mosv, Toronto) or to Aiex. Scott. proprietor of the Yonx HERALD. . u .m..n pan '1“ ‘ ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- L . ble for presents at the HERALD Book A Housekeeper, one accustomed to farm work. Apply to l. S , Heral'd Office. D 7 T0 Weekly Papers. rece‘ved at the HERALD Book Store. Richmond Hill THE NEW BOOT a”; SHOE STORE. \, ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. Northern Mail Southern Mail Richmond Hill, Nr‘v. 2!], [Sfl :TATIOXERY OF ALL KINDS AT ZOU'ND VOLUMES OF SUNDAY AT J the lImme Hook Siore. ‘0 N CERT I N A S, WITH SELF-IN Lost, N THIS VILLAGE OR BETWEEN Ruchmond Hill, Dec. 2|,l871. filélkihond um. March 1. 1872. 710-3m REAKFAST. â€"- EPPS’S COCOA. â€"- UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON Lost, ETWEEN RICHMOND HILL AND CHOOL REQUISITES OF ALL OLD PENS, PENIIOLDERS, AND pencil cam-s at the HERALD Book Store. Ouei'shocs, 13le bars, Slippers (flan, ETURNS THANKS TO THE PUB AMES‘ TOYS, &C., FUR SALE AT AIR, TOOTH, NAIL, & CLOTH brushes at Lhe “IZHALD Book Store. strnctor, at the HERALD Book Swro. kinds at the H muva Book Store. Wanted, MIDDLEvA G E D WOMAN AS the HERALD Book Slum Money! Money” LEND ON MORTGAGE OF UN‘ ($11Msz gnaw and $11035» TURON TO MA R KLTS. WILLIAM GAMELE FIRST-CLASS STOCK BRITISH MAILS MURXING. 3156. Tox‘omo, May 16. 1872, 0 I" gamma. 00550500905753. 0005785.00050700508[20 00770730405674?00020085 . 895010201l0~l 0065043w101000055l3000100M|000700000 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 000005007730320000(700000 u)791007088 00775020425674700950008560“001511110 706564381110000800200000040000000000 l .11 .11. u? @@@@@@@@@ 070880U00 111102500 000001064 .7:45 A M. .7245 A.M. 700â€"tf 6 50 4 50 NEW GOODS I 600]], HHEAP, AND STYLISH! Whichjxé will sol! as cheap as heretofore. IN GROGE HES. I am bound to give satisfaction, as well as in all other blauclles ol the trade, All kinds of Farm Produces taken in ex- change for Goods,al the highest market prices DRY GOODS! R. Newbery, Elgin BIills, Than can beyurchased on Richmond Hill. Chickoring. Stainway and Durham Pianos. Also. the celebrated Testimonial from Professor K. G, Collins: HUMMING BIRD PIANO iVi ed us in the agency in thissecliou for the sale of MCSSIS G A. Prince & Co’s cele- brated Organs and Molodeons, in favor of which we give your most. unqualified approval and recommendation as the leafling and most reliabie reed instruman now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. \V M. FLUM ERFELT. Markham. Nov. 3‘ 187l- I have ('arel’ully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H B. Reesor. called the Humming Bird, or Coliln‘i Pianos. manufactured by Ma- thuseck, and think they are wonderfully sweet and pure in tone. and from their peculual con- Mruclion. calculated to remain in tune longer 1han olher pianos. and consequemly to stand a greater amount of wear. HENBY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. ‘28. 1872. 714-15' Which is adapted to parlors where space is an object. The mode of :13 construction is entirely new,-and based upon the best known principles of science. Prince’s Organs & Mclodeons R: n R“ @grfimuuwl @mptemwta. Mowars and Reapérs Wood Snu'lug Machhms Horse and Dog l’owem Machine Julius Straw Cullol's Root Culiers & l’ulpers Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Dril' Hand Seed Drills Fanning Mills Clover Hul N's Horse Hay Rakes Corn Shelletsfiz. Huske Stump Machines Patent Fan Forges Mowing Machine Knife Cider Mills and Presses GruV’s Single & Double PARMII‘EE IMPLEMENTS & TIMES ihawr’s Ditching - Ejel’s l‘ulcu’ Iron chino “arrows Sinai!) and horsepower erldand Lawn Rona: 'J‘hrebhing Mavhines lIorsoHues & Scarlier Cumhimd and Sing‘e Cultivators Mowars and Reapers Potato Diggers Wood Snu'lug Machines Pumps Horse and Dog Powers Scales Machine Julius Horse Hay Forks Straw Cullol's Amalgam Sleul Bells Root Cutters & l’ulpers The Blanchard chum Grain Crushers Ban-em. Unshchurns Turnip and Grain Dril' [Floreumfimring Ma- Furrow Ploughs Trees and Shrubs [ton and VVoud Beam Superplmsphate of Ploughs “111855 ground bone Gang I‘Ioughs Pure Seed Grain,&c‘, Double Mould \‘IOughs &c‘, &c , «QC, A R RI S T E R S, SOLICITORS IN Chancery, No‘taries, &c. (‘rncEyâ€"Court Street. Toronto. Branch Officeâ€"Division Court Clerk: office, Rich- mond Hill. Tues. K. Mona”. _ Home: Tnoanz- He has just received a large assortlrent of ’1‘ IS A FACT, THAT STAPLE Apr?! 10.1872. Qty (500%, @wmiw. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, TURNIP SEEDS I 717M Toronto. April 25, 1872. GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS! Fresh and good,just received. ROBT. NEWBERY, Importor, Malmfuclurer.uzd Daalel‘fi‘: all kinds of Fich Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, MORGAN 85 THORNE, Sun, &c.. 810.. Can be bought cheaper from (90., (£70., (Luau ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTU II. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED Every furmor shuuld us'p [hem H. B. REESOR, Important Notice. Grown from soieclod buth VJM. RENN‘IE, (Inn’s Lxcur I‘LOUGHS IN STOCK! AND FANCY Notice. DEALER IN V\'M.RENN1E. Tonon'ro, Our and T0015; Field Seeds Fruilnnd Ornamental chine Philadelphia L a w n Mower Greeullpuseand Gal'- den Engines Lanndly Machines Gardgn Implements Home: Tnoanz- ' 7 lS-tf Elgi_u MilAls‘ 716-1f 63 ACRES 0N LOT NO. 50. REAR OF I“ CON. VAUGHAN. Near Richmond Hill._ The land is all clear, and in a good state of cultivation. There is on the premises a first class Dwelling House. Barns. Stables, &c. There is also on Ihispra- pem’ a SAW MILL In good running order. The Subscriborofi‘ers for saltule following Begs to inform the pubiic that. having com- menced operation in the above business. he is prepared to lake Old pictures of deceased friends copied and énlarged suitable for 'raming. hf Dulland cioudy weather no hindrance to the'arl. FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. N.B. Children and animal move at the risk of the owner. Richmond Hill, Sepl. 20. 1871. (3787-1)7 We have numberless congatulary recom- mendmions from Agricultural Socielies for the benefit [hay have derived from ils We in raising stodk. PHOTOGRAPHY. It Fattens in One-fourth thg usual time. l’rige Qfi‘cents and 51-00 per boxl A dollar box conmius 20 : feeds. Prepared in Canada only by As all iifevendowed bodies. whether they be Beast. Birds, fiepliics, Insects or even Zoo- pixit‘ISs. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom [are governed by rilalforcc, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them f:om destruction when this principle |eavesthem,1he discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed n boon lo the worfd. Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes THE YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER Horses, Cows, Sheep and Figs fed with the Yorkshire Cattle Feeder have always taken first priZes. Cayman, 167. King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. October 18. 1:71. 6914f Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. Used by all First~class Stock Breeders Modern chemistry has ventilafed the ques- tion and discovered the ingn fiienls commu- ting the brain, muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. This. then. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’S linorunsmu'ms is built,its direct action is upon the Blond. the Brain and Nervous 83510111. and the Muscles. :trenglh- ening the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitulized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. . Routing the Sluggish Heart and Liver, strengthening the action of the Stemnch and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be fiully in- flated with Oxygen. It is adapted fur ALL ca‘sos of Weakness and Einaciaticn , whether arising fl m sedentary life. a tropical climate. from feflr or debilit)‘ from any cause, and is efficacious in I’ULMO‘ NAHY CONSUMPTION. many confirmed cases having been cured and all beliefilted, where ils use has been conlinued War a fortnight. Can be had m the Post Oilice. for 10 cmvrs A WEEK. Apply to lu Bronchitis it is a specific. and ill Asthma it gives relief where ovary other remedy fails. For Nervous Debillty il stands unrivalled, and may be usad with confidence in all cases; As this is entirely distinct and different from every other preparaiiuu of Hypuphosphites, he careful to ask for FLLLOWS’ SYRUP, and take no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES, Price. $51-50; Six for $57-50. DEALER IN FINE GOLD AND SILv ver \Vatches, Jewellry, &c., H3 Yonge Street. Toronto September !, i57l. 684 'I‘IIE MORNING PAPERS Curlewâ€"5ND. 66 Church Str'e‘et.Toronto. December 29. 1869‘ v 593 RBLLARS _AND _ CgFFs, 9E :l‘HE Mayl4,18(39 64-8 OI“ TORONTO : TELEGRAPH. PHOTOGRAPHS 0W BELLS FOR MAY, J. N. BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, 3w. VALUABLE PROPERTIES, Qwerty fur fink, 'I‘hroughout'Elu-ope ahd Canada. latest styles. at the HERAIZD Book Store R. A. GRAY STYLE ()R. SlZE Fattening Cattle. glmtngmphy, (Wattle gender, J. SEGSWORTH, 13 recommended and ll JAMES I. FELLOVVSChemist. Sl. Jnhn. N B. ArriVedut the Harald BookStare HUGH MILEER & CO5, IN ANY REQUIRED ’NAMELY : GLOBE. M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill. 564-“ LEADER. PIANO - FORTES ORGANS & MELODEONS TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED To. AND MUSIC STOOLS IN GREAT VARIETY. The above Instruments are all fully warranted and sold at Manufacturers’ Prices. Perfect Satisfaction guaran- teed in every case. U any num'werâ€"uolaxcaedingthroeIllindned dollars by an y one deposilor,) will be received ntlhe Richmond Hill Post Oflice,f0r which Government willzllow Interesi. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE; MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. SINGLE HARN ESS Officehoura: from 5330 9:30 P.M- May 4,1869. ' 5634f EXCELLENT SETS L public for the liberal patronage II. has re- ceived since firrtinlroducihg to lh‘bir no|ice RICHMOND HILL HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT, Begs to nsshrc them thai he will,in future, as in the past, endoaiior to deserve Lhisconfidence by supphing Pumps as superior to any hi- lhono produced as those he» has supplied were to the kinds which they superceded, and at PRICES WHICH Dr'FY Comrmu'rcfl: 'r'Swinrgr Lifling Plumps. $12 for‘ first 20 feet, after 29 ft. 50 cts per fout‘ fibfimng Force Pumps. $20 for first 520 foot. aflor‘li) fl. 60 cts_per foot.‘ “*“MR. Tau! is Government Agonlf‘or lxersale of Cislerul’umps. Churn Style ........ Excelsior or common lever. . . . . A . . .. Swing. Wrought Gearing . . . . . 4 . . - . . Swing. do do Large Size. Swing Force. Large Size. . .. ..... . .. CELEBRATED PUMPS ! New Pateut Wrought This pump, as now made, will throw more water in slmllaw wells. and work casior in den]; walls than any otlun' made. ls greatly improved this season with Luann Cvmmmu and b. P Rel-spa also a Stock ol'Common Pumps as follows: 'I'HE SO-CALLED ICXCELSIOR Pump. for the first 20 feet. 538, after 20 feet, 30 cents per {001. n.....:. -H. I ile VMurkham or Cash Style. first 20 feet, 83‘“. after 20 feet. 40 cents par fool. Newton Brook. April ‘26. 1871 IVS-66 Infi'ingers of Powell’s Patents tains 64 pages filled with choice litera- ture, original and selected. and one or mo'e pictorial illustralions, besides a piece of musi 9 31-50 a your. !5 com: a number. ForSale me HERALD Beck Store. June 15. i870. C. POWELL, N RETURNING THANKS TO THE P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. AND USERS OF SUCH INFRINGE- MENTS ‘ R. S. WILLIAMS, R. H. DALTON, POST I F0lparticularsapply to gamma: finfitmmmtfi, EINTZMAN & CO.’S EW_ DQMIN'oni Mommy, CON. awlmum y. (19. flcpartmmt. ANDO'I'HER CEQEBBA'I‘EI MAKERS; PIANO co VERS, BEWARE!!! MARRIAGE LICENSES. gems“? @nmpfi. From the Establishment: of AT WM. HARRISON’S CELEBRATED Cmcumxs Pos‘r FREE. A FULL ASSORTMENT 0! Will-be held Responsible. RICHMOND HILLS CALL AND SEE IT. gamma 8m ALSO AGENT FOR THE (nusnm). ms NOW C. C HAPMAN. AGENT. Mafklmm. M. TEEF‘Y, Postmaster 0F Iron In Canada and the Uu'xtnd Slams. To manufac- ture under RIGHTS POWELL’S PATENTS FOR S A L E, PAT} NT Gear. s 2 50 6 00 7 00 9 00 ‘ 20 t0 On-‘lc122â€"Al‘rovincial insurance Buildings. Street, Toronto . " JOHN DUGGAN, 9,.c. A'an'nima‘hmsgn 1V1 . Commissioner in ‘ B.R., is Government Agent for issuing Morria‘ge Licenses in the County of Ydrk; Office hoursâ€"7- AM.“ 9230 RM. Richmond Hill.0ctober 23.1869. ’l‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING public will find first-class accommodation {the above House, at low-rates. Tilers is an extensive Stable attached, and large covered sheds. A n attentive and obliging hostler. A MINIOR. at $6 per [00 beet.~ Also or- ing'nnd other Lamber Dressed : SaprB ets. Pails.Cider Mills. Washing Machin'ee. Shi'fi let iWaggou Felines. and LumberSuWodto of or. ’ Forparticulars address ‘ '. . JOHN LANGSTAFF, .. ,- Steam Mills,Thomhill{ rr. .... -. A .A..- 1116 most wonderful discovery in chemistry 0‘ neaxing . Horses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY QIL‘ . Teeth extracted with the least possiblo pain, and especial attention paid to the reguluion of cluldren's teeth. .‘ l _. X,‘ Charges Moderate, and work warranted to give suxisfactioh. ‘ All letters addressed to Aurora Will'reccive prompt attention. ' . - - ' Aurora. May 25. 1870. 615er THOMAS SEDMAN,""" CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, Undertaker, are. * , z, ’I‘eeih filled in such a manner nslo proserVo them fl;om further decay. ‘ . - RESIDENCEâ€"Nearlyopposite the Poujfiflico Richmond Hill; I n ‘ r . Teeth Virnrsrerriéd i'lvlvtrhvev {fiéavt lm-pr'ovod Slylea, on Gold. SIIVOI‘, Vuicafiizod Rubber. and Al- lumiuum Base. - ,t ‘ J. rrrovmcrzs or sown! AMERICA. 1 [mg most respectfully to acquaint lhe‘puh- lie at the Bririrh North American provir ces that in May. 187,1 caused the busineesyut 80 Maiden Lane. New York. for the sale of 1101.1 Lownr’s 1’“ LS AhD QIN'I‘MLN'I‘. whrch were uy h that time prepared by William Brown. now deceased. to he closed. I regret to say that I have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years. and In many ways, been rn’Jsl corrupt, and it may be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the cure I have always desiredr ANT to' Dr. Elliot. Dentist. Torontm) respectfully announces that he will visit the following placoa,(‘Sun- days excepted). where he will n'uend lo‘ Den- tistry i213.” ilsbrauches: > - . King...-...-.....‘....a...lst ofench monlhfl Richmond Hil|.¢.....e.‘.5(h' “ Neflmnrketuu........'.'L101h “ Aurora..................l5lh " Caution! ! Caution! ! rpo THEPUBLIFEW THE BRITISH Those who do not Wibh to be deceived by buying spurious medicines. whinh‘ and now likely to emanate from the States or else“ here. but to possess themselves of the genuino UOL- Lowu‘s l’ru.s Arm Oxu'mmc'r, manufactured by me in London, England. will do Well to see that ouch [ml and box bears the British Government stamp ou.which is engraved lho words " HoLLowu's Plus no ()IA’R’HENT." and that the addressnu ihelahel is 553 Oxrono S‘rmcm', Lennon, where only they are many. fuciured, and in no other part of the world. The retail prices are on Ihn labels in British currency, and not in dollars and cents. No representative of mine will ever travel throung any part of the British Provinces or the United States, either to sol), or to; lake orders for my Pills and 0inlment,and as I have reason to buliove that ailemizts will vary pinbany be made to deceive the [H blic in this way by persons Calling on medicine vendors. falsely re, reseulingtl at they are acting fo'r me, and with my knowledge and consent, 1' dgnm it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such_dccep!iuns.__ ‘553, Oxford Street (In. 3“, Strand); 7 r London, W C-, Sept. 1. 1871. 687763. "l mostéarnaatiy entrant all those who may read this udvenisemeut that they be phased. in the public intaresl. to communicate the pnri port at the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing wulthless iznituticvs pf the genuine Home" WAY’b l’iLLs AND ()lM'Mm‘T. I would ask. as a grunt favor. that should ilt come tu the knowledge of any person thvl. spu- ious medicines are being mania or sold in my name , he be pleased to send me all the particu- lars he can collect respecting the same. that is to say. the name and address of the vendor who is telling the spun-ions medicines. and‘likc.‘ wise the name and address of the House in the United Slates. or elsewhere, which may luv 6 supplied them. so as to enablo me. for the protection of the public,to imtituto proa cerdings against such evil»doers, and lengaga to rcmuncrate very handsonwly any person who may give me such informmion. the ill-1 i‘ormani’s name never being divulged. Chemists and Druggists W30 desire to ob”- tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest whalesule pricesin quantities 01' no: less than $20 worzh â€" viz.. 83. 6d . and 225.. and 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pots o Ointment,I non, without discount. for which emittance must be sent ,5 advance, I have the honor to be. .With great respect, ' ' EHOMAS HOLLOWAY. -.... - . .n. . 3.. ~ ._ b'houh} any person have reasou= to b-Iiove lhal he has Lean diceived by buying spurious iuntminm or Ihese Medicines,-lle will do we" to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can dam. a gust of six cents mpost- uge), one of the books of instructions which are affixed to the sumo. I promise to examine it and send a-reply. stating whether the Medi- cines are genuine or not. so that if spurious he may apply la the person from whom he pur- chn'Fed them to have his money refunded. 537 Toronto Dec. 24,1868. 215 and 917 Yonge Streat. Toronto. August 17. 1870 Thomhill. Nov. 3. {869; DUGGAN a. MEYERS, KAERVISTERSLAATTORISEYS-ATLAW Patent Eave-tkough ND WATERSPOUTS Eon Tamgbo‘ TQEFY, NOTARÂ¥_PUBLIC AND Solicitors in Chgucarv, Cdnve\'ancors.& c MARRIAGE LICENSES, GREEN BUSH HOTEL, 3mm mummy, rains}! CUTS on 0L1) sous. . w. H. CANNON, -t..Ds., ‘ & nENTIST, 7(7LA:1‘_E ASSIST- fittimilmmw, HUGH MILLER & C0. RICHMOND HILL. J . I.“ PARKER g.Proprictor . 167 King St. East Toront l) I . ~ 631- tf A'an'ln : humans ,1“. E. ‘, :544-1y 510:4!"

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