Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Jun 1872, p. 2

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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Strayedâ€"F. Gibson. Sli-ayedâ€"S. Proctor. Property for Saleâ€"John Eycr. The Yorkville Council met on Monday evening last, at eight o’clock, the Reeve in the chair. Present zâ€"Councillors Dean, Pliilbrook, and Gibson. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. From the Young Men’s Christian Association of the Church of the Re- deemer, praying for arcmission of the fees paid by them for the use of the Town Hall. Councillor Joseph Gibson, seconded by Councillor Dean, moved that one hundred posters be printed and distribut- ed, containing sections Nos. 1,2,3,4, and 5 of By-Law 16-! relative to the dis- charge of firenrnis,which were as follows : 1. That it shall not be lawful for any persons to congregate together for the purpose of ringingr bells, blowing horns. MR. METCALFE’S POSITION. On the 6th and 7th September, 1867. the ratepayers of the East Riding at York exercised-the privilege of choosing a representative for the House of Com- mons. On that occasion we advocated the cause of Thomas A. Milne, Esq, a gentleman every way qualified to fill the position. Both as to personal and public reasons, we deemed him best sumld to represent the Pcnple 0f the shouting, or making other unusual noises riding; he came out fair and square. ‘ he know he Could be depended upon, but. unlin'lulmtcly he was defeated. Wt- thoung Illc‘l and think now; that our friuid Millie did not receive considera- tion where he ought to have expected it, tending to disturb the public peace. 2. That it shall not be lawful for any boys, young men, or other persons, to congregate on any public street, or at the corners of any of the streets, by. ways. or lanes, of the said village, for the purpose of conversation or for doing any not. matter, or thing which may in any wise tend to disturb the public peacc. 3. That it shall not be lawful to set 03' any fire-arms, sgut'bs, crackers, or fireworks, in the public streets. lanes, or public places within the said village. and this cii'cLiiiistzilice, taken together with the mint of money spent by the gentleman from the antipodcs, Caused the loss of his election. Mr. Mezcalt'c. on the contrary. was returned. He was: the nominee of the Clear Grit Convcn' tion held at Millikcli’s Corners, iii the . ,1 . : . _ l '0' t . M w 1867 mi W” “7.11” nifah , e 4. That it shall not be lawful to dis- tcrnicd “ all things to all men. Vi lien charge any gun, 71'fle,pl'sfol, revolver, or other flu-arms. in the public streets, lanes. &c., in the said village, nor in any back-yard, entry, paddock, fold or premises, whereby it now in any wise muse any duiigcnto any inhabitant of said village. Oouiicillor Gibson in moving the above resolution, sziid the penalty for violating this by lttw'was not less than $1 or more than $10 for ench offence Some of the he decliicd it safe he had no objections to giving the govermneiit o liiir trial. On the otlnr hand, with the Grits he was a grit. of the first Water, and some people have laid he had an axe to grind in That he had some understanding with at least some going into the House. of the members of the Government we now believe, looking back at all the cir- cumstances which occurred about the time of the last general elections. We are furor-d to this conclusion, when we find inhabitants had lately complained of rifle bulls being fired into their houses r no doubt unintentionally, to the great C'llIC")lll‘d roui one gentleman to another I danger of the inmlmi He thought it, n . , I . ‘l- ' l I ‘A . 1' O ‘ ‘ I “l “I‘M” ‘1“ LI“ ""””t““‘ “ m" WLdlllle that this sort of thing should he; find iln- Hon. \\ ll]. \ICI)llllg;llI zllld the pm a amp to; and bv haviug ihe bylaw lloirhind. both ilictilbers ol'i ' t J '. . . . . no 1;, h ,printcd and distributed, attention would the. ()iH‘Cl‘lllllL“ t. the fol-inc." voting,r for. the position of return m; ofliccr 1 , l , b~ drawn to the penalties incurred by ril lll‘ :lt'cr it' it'll. ' ' tr ' i ' ‘ L ‘ ' WHHf“ “(thing to , such c::reh-.~-s handling of firearms. &c., do so on grounds of i'i‘t’lll'lil‘lll to Mix} Melcnll‘”. from ' the first to the last session of ihe,‘ lt’thoy passed lows, he did not see why , Then lookin;r at the Course I ' " ‘ they should tint be enforced. H I l l I I , 'Iln- le<tlllliitl5l n'ns curried mm. con. Ouso )ui'rucz )V t int 2cm cm in, not , . . . l I “ ' . l The Council thou tidy turned till Mon-i last, but not least, when we find his - - w - - , ' .tlaty fortnight. Clear (Illh fricirls, timse who clicercdi ' l and suppo' tod hint dlii'ili§_r his long,r can vliss. ilm‘it.‘ who disbursed his mnnoy inidj illASHVU} Fri-»TIV.\I..â€"-â€"On, Monday hch Iii: purse sti'ii.p-s turning tail nn‘lnst. the lllt'lliblil'fi of the Richmondl him at the looming held at \iillilwms‘Lodge of Free ills-one, of this town. Ciu‘um’s ‘l few necks :lg'n, it Ill cs Scum :issistcl by a number of the Brethren of'i YORKVILLE COUNCIL. ' l “a @tntttitfi, 8w. ,. .A..-v,_..,_ . Qty bandit“, diatoms. @131! 050mm (brownies PRESENTATION. HEALT mertalii up -‘. in the twenty one cities and towns of“ch kingdom was at the annual vote of _ 00. In London the rate Wits 19; Iii-ism '24; Wolverhampton, 26; Birmingham, Zl; Nottingham, 21; Liver pooh. 28'; Manchester. 29; Bradford. 25; Leeds, 29; Sheflield, 24; Newcastle, 24. By command of Her Majesley, the large THE PEOPLE’S STORE l RICHMOND HILL, TO THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL! IF YOU WANT AT THE TEAS. OF THE BEST FIRE PROOF STORE! Strength and flavor. call at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. « It is our pleasant duty to record the followmg very interesting ceremony, which took place at the last regular meeting of the Vaughan Lodge of Free Masons at their hall at Maple, on Tues. day of last week. W. Bro. A. P. Conger, pew Iileihached whordk Er DIME.“ ig‘hich i... 1 . . can it erto ea. c oste. i art is to P' M" was made the {Lelpmm 0f alhe-named Fort Burgovne, in‘memory hf the beautiful Postmaster’s Jewel by the l late Field Marshal. er Majeslv has taken membersof the lodge, as a mark of their a personal interest in the matter, and se . . . . lecled the fort herself out of several whicl' respect and appreciation of his serVices, - which had so much tended to the pros-1 SPRING. 1872 T I'I E SPRINGGOODS“CENTRALST0RE’ STILL HEADS THE LIST! __ o WM. ATKINSON Has now on hand 1872. NEW 1872.1872' .-â€"._. ISAAC CROSBY perity and happiness of the lodge. I were suggested. w, l M., Bro. J. Martin made the presentation l with the following remarks: “ W Bno. CONGER: It has been the cus- tom from the earliest period in the histm'y of our order for Masons to recognize and acknowledge true worth, and reward deserv- ing merit. This gi‘ert principal in one of the peculiarly distinguishing chumcmrislics ol‘ out-instituti. n, and has been mainly in your pll’SttllCKf ill our regular cumiiiuiiicalioils to encourage us in the path oi'dnty by yimi ClllltICllS; to Correct the eirors and 1110,,“ ltll’llt‘S of the b clhern. and by the regularity of your conduct “(folded the best exttllllllt‘ for the. lit-honour of others. You have filled ihe vuiiuus l'eSpunSilLQ positions to which you have been elected with bccumiu: dilnily and due Consideration for the l'lJllls and privileges of the members and Ihe Wol hue and prospctily oi'the Lodge. -- As a rule in the craft, you have guarded well the ancient usuigcs custo ns and Land mailts ot' the (odor; you have laboured tuilbl'ully to insiruci those placed under your charge in the tenets peculiar I0 Mitsulll‘y, in order ilint they mnv become skilllll tit-.itts mm and the Master‘s work prosper. lo a mum your zeal for our good has been earnest :i d coiisluiit. and it zllfords tile iolinilc pleu- b.eihorii of this Lodge to acknowledge. ill! ,rrt-nt obligiitit'tos under which you have placed them, and in so doill: to pi-i-sciil ‘Yllll wear it." Mr. Conner made a neat reply in a few well chosen and appropriate scntcn- wonld nlwzivs cndcnmr to wear it with :contcnts arc. \Villiziiil Orton, l’res‘dclit \Vostcrii Tclou'rnpli (‘o.; Tariff Question? by Horace Greeley; Steal 0r Starve \l Sir Francis (lrosslcy, .‘l.l".; Monticello, Famous as the Home of Thomas JUITI’l'SmI; Expression ; The Chinese in the Philippines, Preachers and Preio‘iitu; B vi‘s’ llibriry; Carrion sure to inform v NJ l at l Hill d-ipuied ll) “Ni ces, expressing his thanks for the llnnd.l . . . l his brethren in the lodge, and said he: will advertisements. % Strayed. CAME iiiiif‘o THE PREMISES or the stihgcribar, Dominion Ilniol. Rich- mond Hill, on Monday morning last, a )m n2 more. The oniher is requested to prove pro- perty, pny expenses and ioko liar tw'm. ' I‘ ll 0 subscriber, lot No. 53 in the I»! ('01- anlnl‘alt. shout thv month ago. a while and drrl; b-owu sunttotl user-2 \enrs old the o vuer is requested to prove propa r 5'. pay ex pauses and take him away. r oilisnv ' Vaughan. June 27. 1879. 7:7 3 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. l‘ho su :sciihor ofii-rs for sale the fol-wing Valâ€" Dflllll- plain-rues, viz: ). FARM CONTAINING 97 ACRES Being lot ‘24. ‘lna Poo. Markham. The Ian". I»- "inlet a high state of l'ulllVflltnll, with the exception of about '1 A"RES ()l" VALUUtLF‘. H \Rl)WOOl) riii-ll. Thorn is on the or pnrtvn v'wulliug linusr‘. two turns. a driving house and stables. ‘I smell tircllul‘d of Illlthllg‘ fruit. and 1t llflvr‘l" l This property is in ihe best neighborhood for a nice custom ll'fil’lt‘. n'~d vcll worth llh' al‘eiilinu of 'fil'lll‘fl wi-llii-g to iiivrst. being \vit‘ in l" mile.u ll'olit llll- t‘iii «l 'l'osonln and‘ "5 flow Ill» iiicovnmniml vi'lngcot Richmond ill I. IS For l'uriln-r lirilllcilnrc 'ipwlv (if ln .tiiril. 1p at paid) to he ow rl‘ on lilv ‘H‘PIIIISOH‘. i it)” x“ w: on, find! I \\’Ill re. I lll-l uh VH i'oWl‘"J hi‘ llxnvi g “'h,” is the ii at ilil~ t (lice, u!‘ at .l. J llnrkoi'e, thikhmu, 'I new ranâ€"‘2 Executor. ’ Notice. '1; ()TII‘E IS Hldltl‘ll’) GIVEN Til \T .‘1 oil nartir lllIVlllu! (fl’ti or. €'>iiill‘ 0‘ lim lot} (\clmii Swim. of lt.-'_ ho. ‘23 in the 3 d (Ion. til Vnnqliziu. (lI‘CCth'tl, no lvqllikirfl In lo'lgu a t'iNfilll- s'rteinuut of I?“ .ili Si (‘1. , IF YOU WANT PURE Ground Coffees Sc Spices, Don’t fail to call at- THE PEOPLE’S STORE. ll“ YOU WANT PURE WINES & LIQUORS! For the host :is-o-‘tmeni nt‘ CANNED FRUITS, FISH, d-c. GO TO THE PEOPLE'S STORE. lt‘ you require anything in tllfl line of FURNITURE, ROOM PAPER, J WINDOW SH). if} Tinwm'ep Pat'rtts d' 0573, Glass (it Puffy. Cltllmy mu] F. 1‘ Goods, (‘ROCKEZHC In fact it' ion want to find where the ElihAl’ES'l‘ AVll A‘-'io llllt‘nl of A ltept, or vl' nii‘ lllllllj- call at INC ‘T >~:"h‘l-ll“. “Illir' “"5. hull l'usY-o lino in lilu AND [716'er some and unexpected gift rccvivod from [iI-v'W’I‘ir'f‘ V'I‘illilv- . lltr a (Mile line‘s THE PEOPLE'S sronn, flue hig‘ioul prices paid 'or Fe III Pt‘ancu. PARCELS DELIVERED. llichmoiid llill. Amil 1?.l87‘2. P. G. SAVAGE. 7l7- if “~4- Ebb Boss to npnonncn '0 his customers and {floods that. he is now in receipt of a large portion of his THE LARGEST AND POSITIV LY THE BEST STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS and Summer CONSISTING 0" Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, To which constant additions w’ll _ be mad-- tlirounhcui the neuron. An Immense Ash'ortment of Staples and FANCY DRY GOODS Comprising the LATEST NOVELTIESI IN DRESS. GOODS ‘POPLINS, SPRING TWEEDS, DRY‘GOODSI strumeninl in wewing those bonds that S PROCTQR- "F "HE n $ I a. ' d . . ,,_ unite us in our Common biolherhood, and Richmond llill, Juno ‘25. lr-l7-2. 7527-3 VERY BE .4le BRANDS Boots and Sham), e 9"“ '3 die 01‘- Rlillmond ltlll. is csicr-ined by every true hearted and worthy _ l ’ _ . ' " ’ ......_. Mastip. n culdiiml virtue. 1 1 Strayed, CM at Mflllfir’fl‘y and Ilium/es, THU “ ‘or many years you owe men a mem __ THF PEOP] E’s S'I‘ORE. “ . her of Vuughiin Llilge; cvcr;. by , ‘AME INTO THE PREMISES OF 1 J CTOI’]: H f/afid G]08$ll)(l7'€,é‘c. D HESS DEPA I? Til] EN T lte‘ng one of tho lea-ling hiaiirhr-s in our hllfllnt'ss si'ccml “lit-ill on has lw-ii oivt-n to the st ‘oclion o" the invest and lit-si in .â€" telinls adopted or the season‘s tulle, and at lll'.(’l‘Ll to romr Within the I'tftiltll 0! till. _â€" GREAT BARGAINS In Black and Colored Sal/1‘s! JAi'eNicsn SIRKS, SERGES, 8.0., 326. Spring Hats and Caps,&c, - THE STAPLE DEPARTMENT ! llis SrocK or T WEEDs,‘ CLO THS, ‘Boors AvD SHOES! ‘VEARIXG also Danes! CAPITA l. VALUE. THE Ft. .Wi its. Pmriinns. 'l‘niiuiiiscls. the. “’(xrldi'lg and \lol'rnilig Bonnets. the . on hand and imide to orth on tlissllm‘test notice. -"r A Laser. “max 0? CHINESE GARDEN POWDER FA MILY G ROGERIES l ll \RIHVHHC Curmuv, .CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE ls replete ir all the standard tooliin at C 0 T T O 1": Ar OX.“ l’itit-l-us. s : vtl'illr l‘liis Patjljiiliastrci-l'd 'lll lube." oil "mug c'nwk “I,” wrung“ ,1,” far,“ Us". a G:‘ 8L AND 1,1,8 I, .I. ’8 ‘ 4d.” 1 7 p .i I” I, n lieu esteem w iici is tie lllwal houoi tlir m,“ ,,,.,.,,,,,,.,,.on '0, N0 mm" “9 3%, CU“ TRI T ' _/ . l 71 y, . ms . /l i..,' m n. Lorine can bestow, or the brellwrli couti r, Mmkhflm. “memm 5" '0 MIVIIX ass ’{f’ll “fl/7’5; "’30 NW 77"“? Dollfl I/H‘I'dc‘n upon any of its members and I trust l)’ o. ) am r or: In llllFllI‘)ni~‘ned I'or -.i\-‘r aiil “I luv. Prints N )lclldid Patterns. Cong-er. you wi-l liie lung and happy lu GRIST MILL & CARDING MILL THE PEOlll‘Ii‘ O SFO"l"' I ' l q a ' i I “- JUST OPENE-» All tli'l'I-i-iiuil Slot it of Real Laces. Lace ('oll’m's. mm? rifnll Wings of Kid (Home. p’ain mu] Romy. ji‘am the best makers. , ALI. riii: Ntwu'r S'ivii‘s is lhonor to Linn-ell and credit to the craft. lit-adtl-itl 5’ 0 Where um \vi’l lm wniel upon with , t i T ,h p i mphmlmd um.‘ yum, .m “7,3. 727 'r' cniiriefiv and 'tiltxllllJl) E “TY & 1 English, French, and Emmericle ,, .T. m.-.” -_ 7A l)l<)l’r\l’ l‘\ll1\l'l‘ _ - . ' 4‘ Flourrmd Feed [aqueous-(untIl/mi hand . l ’ N[ I I l. T N T‘ It Y’ The Plircnollglml diurnal for June $1 Reward. ' ' .. g, ,,,,,,,,,,,e,, .~,,,.:,,,,,,,,_,-,_n amemmim a” the J . 1 . A . . is m, adudmhp, number m “NSC ,1”, 1 Am” “Hwy-.5 latovtntil'sulltl ..oi-nlties1in ........ - . , -. i ()5 '. 0N 'I‘UEN‘D\Y lCVll‘Nle‘. , , i . . q i. a. q i. IFillyâ€"lttllllll\(ilullltlnl lZCrllltnllb ,3“, m h” ,w' Mum ,f'" 2” CELEBRATED AXLE 03“qu é Lad’ps [Ialq,B0'lnP,s A . . . . . . 1 . ,, . ‘ » t I ' J . I‘lll“l."l1".‘-1"Z"le- CU‘WPWW“ "ml": m ,4 h m "N m" ",r ‘5'" I “"’ *“ll’, _ “' FM‘ 5"“!- Grocc: its. Crockery. Hardware the. :90. lAllx nm :1 Inuall In‘l'l scarf shawl. llm ~.- . , Accounts modded ()rztofmi ist. WU. ATKINSON. r‘eziirul 13mm, Lianlltiiutli ilill 7'21}- TJA CUES ‘. SIGN OF THE . . . . . . . , ,and its Diff rent ForuiS' l’nul Du cm" “” 0' ["'f""" "'~ '“l ""‘ “" NW “="" msrnovs an. KIBI'IB or ' as it llicre \vns noiiiclhing ii. in. «Ni-i,” the V ingl‘nu and the .’.isin;_r *uu I1ttfi;’t§.‘~‘,1 ' , ‘ ’ H ,ui'v'. u'itlieii‘wr l‘ :lmuiivl.» : ; irrl evw-nion ‘ Kept Constantly on Hand. "In (‘r “ "-‘l ' f- i' l T I ‘ rel ~i>-l ll 'i‘wl‘ all (f “t J ill ll 0 I Lhmnut ihe fi’m‘m‘l 1"""Ql"l'i Idle In” '81:” ul‘ mm: s lode-nod ') in» said osmin. arc ‘ . i ii 1.1»0 llllivll .t itil it In . t) the , CL-‘w’r‘ Li “4 l" l‘ ’ ‘ " ‘ " ' ,Su,.,,,,lce. & 31,1 p9,, etc “rm, m“ PW q no r d n- scltla on their accounts us soon as InSCCts, Grubs and Cutterptlh‘rrs, t ,, I- CRHSRY. .., I. , , W” _ ,. up . " _ . ‘ .. '. - , ,.,. . . ,_ i ,r, , . . l l 7 A A l - n 1' “In. "Mafia l‘ire l‘ronf Store. Richmond ill! 1: ).,,,., i,l)n5(4.\a,l\(u ()l (1m Indht dud ‘ B lltllhl 1” (I \\ l) )..(.(lll]llla nltlllllelu‘ _ _ _ l - q Vt-"t liitliilm: of York int he, to s \ ‘ il‘llt‘ llrt-tlii'cu ii-el ‘li (licil hall in this fine lnumr’l'mm and Pmini‘ms' A "("vl Eily‘llimil Flam”. m; ALL xmm'm Maya. H72. 720- RIOUMGND HILL ,. . . _. ...-. . _ _,3 , I » v - i I I m . . _ i ;, ' { j ‘p‘ n , l - m.-.” 4W... _ . , - . ‘Vlllll (3 twin} 'it i ‘ ‘ ‘ . » -. - w m V. wl ut v in t: . .- ' ti 7. at .. lil..c» .it about 2 1’. EL. and, utter the I n b “ W h mi” Jill-l nmme A! V=.n l-v in. i9 iszg 9.: n v 1. v â€" V i L' l A ALEXANDER 1310'?) "£3453 1.. «hi. Jo -l i... ll «is ill [inn toi I: H, (mm, mm) m subkcrme- fin” Premiunmi .oi. ..e . t. . 7 Am CURRJNI be]. 0005,53,; {Ry Bbbnps. mi. 0f Letters «2 n '9] .‘,,,, .. i. an, '12.“; . , , r, , , t, ll-‘liul ‘rnnline of blhlllOSS had {lien-r“ . it ' i ’ ‘ ' i ' ’ ’ ‘ ’ ’ ' ’ ‘ ' “ “' ‘. '1' , , , ‘- , .. i . .i i .7. - l c l f, It p cs. ttt l\t, ll lll( lit ll ( l . ‘ .ln . tog-wed. TWINS. $3 fl veflr 30 06”“ "y . er Sale Pl VT“ a“ Q ‘ I EMADU‘NG [N “In RIOHMHXDI li gs to miticunce tie .. o. ire IA pest OHM ,‘ {applm ‘mmwl, 7m (If-SUMMW ‘(lfli‘x‘ml'S install. d for tho ensuing yuai" by h q R i \V V a P ‘b . l V" I I, uh -. m... k c. i “I” 1,0“ mm. hl June mm“ k and bfid, h m. " . . . nuili er. .. . s .. N A r. w v . ‘ . . . i ' bLl‘ is put and mono, more than pin-l ll ' B "- L L- Shades P- “- Im‘m‘dl‘l . k ell ’ i u H I“, L cw El I‘A E 0 F T H b RESP ARAan lRmmn Ame“ LUdfi‘“! Mr‘ 1 F IX WI 3: I Y " ' l york, "7 toxins in Canada. being it :\o ll 7th ‘ lllllll-lgln‘. Jacob ‘ Luster. Jniiies " A 'J l l . lellC },,. ,ntcly alter this ceremony the l‘eprcgen. Di) you not think, c't-rlllcln -n, i' wouldit' be r:cll. it would be pliidt-iit to Call :1 “mt heme“ by ‘1‘" ’1’”itcd '“uSic‘T “'9 ' l’.lttcr.~0li Br :55 Bind, marched thronin Ci'llllll'lll, i'riclltll',‘ to the Cruse of union 0" “Why. ,ngeflmr in 8mm, c‘mraipreturninn' to the hull. they \‘l‘llll ’l. large llllllil‘lt'l‘ of another election will over- niirt-s lirl'lllCll tliciliscivcs in procession7 meeting: of those friendly to good on; tho principil street of the town. and heir friends and invited plicc to disco-us tho siihjic'; if you do w, ,],.,.';,. ,,, H”, ,,(.,_,,,1d',\,, M, Inn“ guests sat down to a fonous repust i W I tho loner h.ill, (whore ample ne- li~ don”. lllt' cvp uu‘: nill be siirell, ‘ [and I“ - . i. . .‘r : b). a’ W ' I" and M,” w,“ MOHW mt,” :mqm'mm, ‘c minod Ill ll) lllll _(Cll (“bib and nlii.h lp][,.. 1.. 'f’l].]...-.t-.l 31.7.. . . Lit col 3 «lull i. (t.(..>i.l t. “it i H l Wlill on!) Illiililh'l' for n future nec.l>ioii.l I i J “‘ h f, ,L 01' tie prepared by ti few of the 54' cells and Masonic. niotines Tiiot the MULWSdtill of such a iiioctinn: - . . .. . inc-casino \i'ili‘ lows: the :ipprovnl of our friends is ) virus of scvernl members of the limb inond Lodge. our desire nod wish. The time is shoat, Al'tcl‘ eii'o ‘ing the Good delay not any longer. . J 'y ‘ I l‘ ' -. ' l things provided, the assembly adjourned to ihe lodge room upstairs, where the 'Dolithli’w DAY ~â€"The time is first .company WOl‘t‘ entertained with spccchis The Half-yearly l‘ixmninntion of the High School ..f' this place, takes plicc to dni (Fritlny.) Friends are respectfully invited to attend. In" iscel inneoits. 'l he Turkish (‘riiisltl 8.! Zn: zi'Hr hits l'ii’ A'Illdl'll in ll mbuv Hl’lclnlt‘lllh‘ of su-lhcv tiny morning lnsi. Several huildi Inn w-le desti oyt-rl. A Grand banquet was given on the Qitlh of May at B-rlin by thi- l‘lmiicror and lint W ‘ Coil West Goilliniliuri', (otitilr ol‘ Simeon. containing Tw) HUHdW'd and Tm Arr/s, l'n'n miles from "I'vllllt'l'll, \l ).’ll'l-"l'll ltiiilivni‘ l‘lit-re nl‘u two good ll“’l as. -\' til barns. nulls. .Vt' . on?! a good i) c .rri‘â€"q i ul sh 'Illll)'l' lll ti-lliii,v_ iii the n ‘lgfhh‘l‘lfl‘ ii. Hill a tin ii I’x‘l'I-I "or Klilt'li 4mm. situ ilvl to me "on-ti- ml. 01' 5,.!,-ul.mii, (inunn oi “rev, ix tulle.» linui l‘oroiilo G cy null lirurc Hallway, 51c \itli lir-aVur \lon I“? of Hi” art-mi, iliu rt--[ Hurt-r ti with rilllri‘ele lioi ier A lion strunm Shil’TldlU 4 TYRWHIT l', liradlbi‘tl Pun Uliico Jlinr- lg. 724 3m. 87‘3. HAVE A PAtKiar‘. or THE CHINESE GARDEN In readiness and jOi will sain- eas -li. MON lav, am POW DE 1 ! tor ihes» (lestriim v.1 Parasiin 1).:35‘ ‘t‘PTUlN i Nil-INT HU‘iii .Vlli.i.l:;it at. 00., Dutioa'srs The New uhiap Cash Store. arpronchiug when the ordinary business, of life is expected to be suspended, and the people as a. whole “bid. dull care begone,” and engage with juvenile eager- ness in the programme of amusement pretided for the celebration of that from the Rev. M r. Lnrlcely, of Aurora, the Rev. Bro. Thurston, of Willowdalc, the Rev. Bro. W. W. Carson, of Toron- to. At an early hour in the evening, the company dispersed, all 'seemingly well pleased with the entertainment . . - w. memorable and reuinrltnble episode in given by the 3166 Millions. our country’s history, viz: the Confed- eration of the Provinces. As many of our readers" are aware, the inhabitants of this town h.ive been makingt prepara- tions for some time past to have a. grand gala (lily here on the 1st of July next- The amusements cf the day will -com- meticc with a foot ball match, to take place at ten o'clock, A. M. At twelve, HURRAH Fort EAST YORK GENERAL ELECTIONs.â€"â€"Ulldcr the above caption. the friends in connection with Wesley Church, Victoria Square, announce to the public theirrintcntion of holding- their annual tea-party on Monday. the let of July next, in the grove of James concession of the Township of Mrrkham The hui'ding and its contents were des FARE/IERS! PARA-1 ERS ! l Colin. Thomas , Cotxlt. Susannah ‘ (limiter. “’i ll m Li'n' . . Tllfllllnfl (‘lmrli ., Lying , i'x croplwil. John A ‘ t‘;:l“icll. John ' Ut'l‘llHl. \‘ E I) won. \l . Home lv, Sarah l..ovighousl~,.\'l my A on Low *v 'l'lit-mns Jul-id Jane “all. Margaret ‘ Nelson. V‘ l'lltllll Engi 's'li, "i‘ .liioiii ‘ "l‘flill‘ll. Jollu Finluv, Sniiiitcl (1. Portland Mrs. G-‘hllVlfi.So-rg"rt’l \lnj Rodwnv, 'lonrv 'rlln iii-s “trl'llm‘. lacol-â€"(Zotiii~ Sniuh. J-Ichh , Czllor “Inclitlale. Robert Hartman, Elimheih Trench, Mm. Annie J. lli'ks. .l hti "" ilsoii George Knock, Joseph A, (3; Wicc. lleiirv M.1‘15EFY. P.M ISuture! SHIRTS ll Gnocswssst FilOVlSIONS, W I NE 8 A ND L IQ {753.72 S f Ut‘ the bé'Sl bl‘aiitls.§it:id rtt ihe lowest prices. Just rvveived a choice lzt of :1 colt ii inill. thrill ti ll .vii niibi ill fro ms (1 I - (.5 I! V ‘ lingo, \lniv \iin Roberts. Ellison SUIIE‘RIOR NOBVJAY O’e‘?£3 ‘ con h trawl lttii'l tit-tr ii. men. ’0” ai‘l'lug "a": ‘und'lpr/ ANTS Pr"PM"d 3“ C‘ll'il'ia "3‘2." ll." “3'” vi!"- i‘l 5‘ \. QR"??? l'. l'Ivu Suitable for sv- (l : n'so I‘ll-2H) AN!) Gfililliih' SEEDS Hll ' ' ' - 'i-W ' . lli\ l l- ‘ '. l~ . . , - ,. -; . e ..'. n.“ ' rm.- i too, d within the s )lllldPlll (llalJH ol rln‘lp:N atoning lull: Lil-Milli.“ lll ' pdlldi.‘ and “,7 Km: 5, Eh.“ Tnmum' Humor, \li-s, l‘o corn. Jan-e- F2," . ,bfs (3',”",n,i:',.n “I ,jT-ii',_-,€.i. '5 I. z} I”. l i 'I In t elm It ttn‘ hi nir’ 'llll lan u. 1 "WI“ V r s l l l) i t d t k Hw’t'. J .mrfi (J) Tlcnvli W lliain "'“ 5' ""“ “"l n ” i“ "“1" l“ -l' “’l “'m‘ , . .. u , - , , I p , - - » ~ - * = - ~' K . ' I {put rat in .. a o i_\' l'uguis s an tire «so :9”! , . _. 'I , 0mm! has heel thl l l'l nu itb r h... I. ,- ,m, pm“ J“, a m.‘ (i, b, m“, m, ”’ l HM" J "" “3m”: R A Flourandfeed 7coptconstmzf® on hood, anti-min line, which lli'Clll'lf‘Jl lh-‘ru 'Hl T .tuu Jam, ,0 " ‘ ' " lune 5.l~72. TQi-tl' Hugh”; M 5, W I 110”. Robert A Alltl duliv. l'- (l l‘l'm- 0 charity Richmond Hill. April ll". 151722: 7lt'vtf M gross me hope iitli Paliiccin honor of The chester White Boar dean llflnl‘lLIS irli :ly. ’ ’ i ' » You \VANT _ ' ' 0 h 23 h 1,, {5 b ,k, . » ‘HE "ORGAN." LATELY IMPOR- 1" W , . ".lf - ,‘ f“M’ r" wr, 9 Out .“' the 1 ted by Mr. David Tran“. lot No '26. oh ! White Lon (flat? Shir O O L E N M I L L S spinnin, mil 0 essrs. a ton, Pleston. g l. is, l troyed, the damage hcinsz about £l8.000. ,fi‘ggmgg, 22f?affirbgmgrmelm $36,115: Call at I Famy Cotton and Striped Shim, JOHN EYER . . ‘ ' . ‘ a v , , Through the exertions of Sir It Stewart from ihe ca'ebtnico stock of M . Bover. 1‘ BROWNS' Fancy Wincey ’md Flannel Shunt Be 5 to announce that hint-e the winter and Mr. Clements. Dublin, a band of forty I-‘arkshurg. Chester County, Pt’llllfll‘lval'tla. "" . u . a "mums he has (3,,” ppm“, efficient performers from various quarters l'fll’ml. one dollar in advance. The subscri- 1’ Y0” WANT White 00310" and Alarm!) ‘ ‘l‘ - represents Ireland at the Boston Jubilee. h” ha“ “l5” “Ix “Peril”- CNN“ Pig“ for “It GOOD CARROT, Undenhifls REFITTED A ND IMPROVED ’ A telegram from Geneva. states that the DAVID 'ritANN, t.ealy arbitrator had a short meeting on Victoria Square P. O. MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED!" A grant varintv. in all sizes. llld cheap. Also His machinery in his mill - Monday last. and then adjourned till Thurs Jun. 7,1572, 7933 can at u b l t l ,- . d M ,, I ‘ day. Their deliberations have been kept ...__â€" ___.._ I J. BROWN-s. '9 as as!" "'6" 0 me" an" 5 ' AT HEAD FORD ! Seem“ .' "â€" Merino and Cotton Socks I And is raw prepared to do all kinds of Mr. Stephen Horliby. of the firm of rHE SCIETCE OF HEALTH," IF Y0" WANT Roberts. Buckle-y it, (lo..mnchinists. Staley bridge. committed suicide on the 25th ult.. He was found with his head almost severed A NEW INDEPENDE‘JT K‘ Stoulenburgh, Esq., Lot 25, 4th Gen. Markham. One of the grandest teas to be found in the Dominion is to be served at twelve o'clock, noon, after which ad- dresses will be delivered by several emi- nent ministers of the Gospel. An excel- lent choir will be in attendance. Tickets: adults 25 cents; children under noon, the Richmond Hill Callithumbians will march through the town, headed by their chief, in full regalia. Immediately after, the athletic games will be intro_ duced, for which various handsome prizes will be awarded to successful com. petitors. In the evening-.1, a torch-light proceseion is to be formed, headed by _ _ h the renowned Patterson Brass Band, 14‘ 15 cents' Proceeds to hquld‘m’ the after which will follow a grand display debt on the Chumh‘ of fire works, such as. was never before ' exhibited on Richmond Hill. Altogether it is expected to be a pleasant and pro- lific source of enjoyment for the holiday. AUCTION 3 A LES. ansv. June 28.-Auction Sale of Horse, Buggy. Harness, Cutter. furniture, &c.. At the residence of the Rev. Mr. Bredin Newton Brook. Sale at 2 o’clock, r n, Precisely. W.H. Mvers, Auctioneer. FROM CAMP.â€"-â€"We learn by a telegram received yestcrd:y, that the Oak Ridges troop of CaVulry will ui'rive,.fiom camp at Niagara, at headquarters, Richmond Hill, this evening (Friday). They are . all well and hearty, and will be enter. fife"! A“°"°““°" - . a ' . Parties bevingiSale Bills printed at gins: .at “PS: by nelghbm Procwr’ this.ufice. will have a notice similar to the 011‘ arriv- . shove, free of charge. TUESDAY, July 9 -â€"Credit Sale of Household Furniture. &c , on the premises, at Rich mond Hill, the property of Mr. R. A. Gray. Sale at 1 o’clock Sharp. W. H. GOOD 'l‘lMO [‘llY. i All sizes and prices, of splendid value. at l G. A. BARNARD'S. Wllflli HARDING 8. GMT}! BRESSII‘GE HELLLTH MONTHLY ! Sill“ °f “‘9 8mm" "‘3 summch'm‘m Hm‘ On the shortest notice. and in the most up- t'rom his body. 0 t d 1 u f d r t u ' Cl" 3‘ May 16,1372. 72l-tf prayed stifle. d l r a r Pie araiions have bean mode for a man. on e o ,w prraerv.‘ "i? "l ’50” on 0 ,, WW â€"" . slow onppa'n a tie r'nl‘es or menu antu: ster armament... of trades’ union man no... “Wk” "’g'°“‘°""“°""°" 1' mow“ 3' CORSETSIGORSETSl CORSETS! "HRH"!"mmlines-Pattiesfiudms the wool. on strike in New York. It is computed that there will be at least one hundred I! is Health is the great want of the ego. the noun 0" the individual. the nation, and the Ir Your WANT A nice assortment, all sizes. in Carding and Spinning. . .. . . . . . .156. per 111. Manufacturing Twil'cd Flannel. . .30c. per 5d. lhousm-d me" 1" lb” Processwm race., Health in long ii‘e: Disease is nroma- C H E A P 8‘ S H o E 8% W H IT E & C 0 1.0 R E D do Full Cloth... . . ....3hc. " A correspondent at Ottawa states that turn death. Health develods hodfi'. mind, and ( a” l“ . do Plain Flannel. . . " Sir John Macdonald and several of his col- ‘0'”! DiSOGSO "WE'VE ""d Pflrflllz“ 3” "‘0 J' BRO‘VNIS' sump") VALUE l d S t'n'l 35" H leairues left for Montreal on Wedneng educate the pennies {in “ID Science of Life. -- _____ 0 '11 -r-:~= »_ ‘ u 1.“: to be prpsen‘ M ‘he bahquet m b'e which includes all that relates to preserving The subscriber would announce that he hu- _ , L d, M_ do. Union lweoil.....2.ic. 0",” to 10rd Lisa," to morww even," health, and tollie art of treating dis-use wiih- now on hand. the l Also a splendid assortment Ill, a 106. 1350!, da maid Flannel. _ t #380. u "l ' ' ‘ 3' out medicine. is tho-object and yurpose of this and Lliidreii I 1 do A” woo, Tweeds agc‘ ,, The system frequently get out at orderiiew Health Jofirnal. _ I LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ' I .. .. u and shoiild be at once regulated else other 3 THE Scum": 0“ "Elm" will "m t" di" 8mm: 01' ' w a x T E A N D F A N C Y do Stuped Fianna" ' '3”. i troubles will ensue; when ithvsic is needed take I’arsom’ Purgatz've Pills: they are a safe, wholesome, and natural medicine. Tooth ache proceeds from :1qu in the face. Operation,r upon the exposed nerve of a decayed to )ll’l. linh the gum thormmhlv with ihe finger, wet with Johnson’s Anna's/m Lim’ment, heat the face well, and lap n, nominate throughout the world a knowledge of Hygieniiic principles. It will not he the orgui - of any person. bllSIIIPRfi. or institution. but an ,aarncst teacher of the Laws of Life and 1 Health - Tor. St inset: or HEALTH will be the exon- lm-nt of all known mean.» br which Health, ’Sirnngth. Happiness and Long Life may he lohmiot-ozl. by using and regulating those agen- lcies vitally related to Health and the iron!- BOOTS A ND SHOES 1; Colored Cotton Hose ! P ver ofi’eied to toe public on Richmond Hlll ! A“ sizes. and prices as cheap as my hon“ m Call and examine his stock. as he feels con- ' the trade. at fident he can give pnrl'acl S'lll‘rflcllnl'l. _ . . ‘ _ _ Bouts made to order, and mending neatly Sign of the British Hag Stag, Richmond Hill. executed Remember the place. corner of Yonge and l G. A. BARN \RD'S. May I6. i812. tin-tr. Splmiing. Doubling and Twisting..95c. " Definite arrangements have been metle to currv lo and from the Factory VVet-hly, til the expelisc of the undersigned, all Wool. &n., 1ch at the plaan of husine s of the 'o lowing gPllllnml-n : A. Moorlie. liichnicnd llill . Steele‘s hotel. Yosge Slrcot. Glislliig attended to with the usual prompt,» nos and dos-patch. ' flimnelm “:t],xighgfettgnfizfl;e?3 ‘ifliofilfg' met 01' Dir-ease. including Air Light. Tem- can,» “"N' oppo'm sandermn “7 80"" NOtTOOo JOHN EYER. a Help r‘flh tot 1h on cotton e paraturo. Bathing. Diet. ( lothing, Exercise J. BHQ’WN' “‘4 lleudford, May 8,1872. Nil-Sm. ca” y i e i ‘ ' , Rein. sleep, and all normal agents and liyg - Successor to l. Dolmagc. ARTIES WISHING To IMPROvE LIEUTENANT-GENERAL Sm Svnxnv Joan emc innit-nails. (Torres, K.(‘/.B., was, on the 28th ult. ’l‘nuus :-â€"Published monthly at $2-00 a rear gazetted as the new governor of Chelsea in advance: Iinglonumbors,‘2 cents. Clubs Hospital. inthe room ni'the late Sir John of ion at $15" eacli,-nnd an extra copy to Richmond Hill, Mav l7. l87'2. REMOVAL. 7'4-ly their stock can have an opportunitv of .doing so now. as l trove just purchased the pure-bred Durham Bull,"llla~-quis of Lame. from Mr. E. Sanderson. of Markham. NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RielimondHillSIatinn. Chungroltimc taking effect April 24, 1872: NICOL 8a NIC’OL ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLlCI tors in Chancery. (Ionveyancers. 8w. Outlawâ€"Removed to Whittcmoro’s Build- " lags. Toronto Street. Toronto. 711 tt‘ 5 . JAMES McNAlR, Lot 25. 2nd Con. Vaughan Vaughan. Mav 29. IH7'2, 7-22-tt' TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the Baum) Book Store. Pcnnefother. Sir Svdney Cotton was born I agent. We are ofi'e-ing the most liberal list of ’ ' t w ' ' g premiums. LOCAL {incurs warned every- $1,112,? $38,321:];ai'3dlglo esiflntair' his: wh are, and cash commissions given. Address ~ It loders to numerous stnfi‘anpomtmenta. and common a , . . ded a. division of the Bengal army in the SAMUEL WELLS, I’l“i_iblisliYor.k .lndiaa mu'iiiy. for which lervice he was 359 Bm‘dW'h "3 °' - l created A K.C.B. - 1534-3 Going North RN A.M............ .534 PM Going South 9 34 A.M............."’.ll9 is." HOOL REQUlSlTlZS OF ALL 0 ' ‘ l 1'11: 3 L1) B uh Store. June 19. 1819. I S loans at tie in u \J‘

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