Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Jun 1872, p. 3

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It would b» difficult to name a i8"gc city in the Civilil’d world. whvre human life is hs‘hl less a cued than it in i v the metrpnnlis of the Uumu. Darin; the last few weeks, thv record of crimes of violence in this city has heat: simply aplmtling. Evt‘ry Form of iuwlpssness which thv illblllfl‘ f'runzv ul'dtittk cnuhl prinan m- which the ulter contempt nt ull tllllbul‘ilY could tender possible. has bean sxemplifiéd. am it would be blind tn any where u. mutt van be considvt‘ed [wrfizotly safe against hrutul assault in the. grout cvtttre of a. numitmlly ('lnistiun community. At hump, in the puh'ir thor-yu-ghl'uwa. in day. light. by gas 31' :ht at'eu-ly (MN-Lpeuplfi h/IVQ lli‘cfll tmhhed. shall at. (rumpled UlLalld generally mult‘reateti it id. true that the /»11Wumhtr*twi'* cfimns have hue" thr- I-osulta (:f drunken brawls. Intmzicalinu lini'is nf t'nv viiest lit-'Scrlllll01|.||idfid in thvir ' uldd‘lt‘lllilz influence by the first viulent ‘ ', h-‘dH ul Sll-lllnfl".IlCC'illle to a certuin degreé fur the fun! deeds of the lrst few wepks. hit. unfortun=tte'y f'ur the pnnceable citizen. these elemmtts fail tn BCCUUH‘ far all the ‘lPalu vs of the dark record. There have bean ‘recent Crimea in this city. in thuroughlv unnrovnked. so brutal in tltmr character, and an deliberate in their axecminn. us to force the quemfin upon public notice wht-ther the rowdy is not, becoming in New York stronger than the law. DEAR Sm: Startling events are the order of the day in this old “classic- euburb." Two weeks ago our Council- lor Doctor rushed frantically into print, and exhibited himself in his true colors; causing his friends to blush, and his enemies to laugh at his folly and igno- rance. Last week our august council were indicted before the grand jury, at true bill was found, and the verdict of “guilty? was recorded against them. subject to the judgment of one of the superior courts on a point of law. The cause of action was their neglect to keep in repair-a bridge on a highway running through RosePark. They cer- tainly occupy a' dog-in-the mahger’ri position." They refuse to do what is required, and they won’t let the owners- of that part of the village place them selves in a position to do it themselves They have paid taxes forseventeeu or eighteen years, and have had very little improvements made in return. And yet this same council, while refusing to do a rtquisite, just and proper work'are doing; their utumst. to l'oist on the village a water Wur-ks’ scheme that nobod} has confidence in at :1 Cost of forty or art; tlmusmud dollars. The emumtttee met last week, und if " Conserv-itivc Legion" was there he would hear that there was nothing “tangible reported,” and ulsnl that "Sentinel No. 2" was correct in saying that the company of six had "gone up the cretk;" and that the majority of the committee think that renders the scheme less “tangible” than‘ bel'oro. It is pretty safe to assert thutl the village is at present safe from the abortive project. More anon. Yours, &c., \Vhru. "or inmanoe, could be imagined mare churnflermlic uf a state of moiety in which three ll the only law. than th~ can nl'lhe min Brown. who was quimly return in: lwme M nightwilh his wile. wus tumva r! m rescem tho funl lnnxungs With whivh she mu usmiled M n. crnwd n‘.‘ ynnnz rulfi ma; Wu»: 1h 'mvn down and tram-.vlcd (ML and lI-ft with a lint-lured skull to die ten minutes “flaw-wards ? The rude- unl‘m‘mvd s'wiMV 0f fmmmr «:ivilizuinn. where Judge Lynch in the pre.~inlin«: arhiterhe'ween man and man. could u-it alumni! Nah fr)" reel-(3951 dist Inn? of fill thp c‘uinn of law and humanity. lu Lmrlnn or in Paris such an Pveut would have hem] a nine days wonder. a fruitful Bullfl'e of indignant sueech and wriiin‘z Fur m mtlu after its occurrenoe. lu New ank it clues no mam than excitfl a brief Feelin‘." of h'n'rm‘, lill its rleprnritv is capped by thp dnener lquilt of next day's crime. Men slmm at Mull ulher in bar mama mm] on lhe siren-t with a degreu of readiness and u renklvss lllfllelfll'd of conseqnmxcm that re (mil llie practices of Denver twenty years ago. or (if San Francisco before ‘he days of (he Vlzilnnce mmminopn. . Where [his h to curl. it would he tiifficnh Pn'lllll'l 'n mm‘lim Sn lax": in (lime “‘9 lens (f 'lw mwa v’tvil ohn nilnr '1‘ 1h“ mamwliwol: uhivh Cnnrls u-umm bv m- lruswd m enl'nrt'n. tlwrv it (:lmu'lv Izn limil h 1hr» i (-rs-ase ml the ranks of crime. Thu pulim of Ihis (-ilr are n o 12 Hum linlful‘wiri of tho Imlrinns gangs of ward mughs Thi- mngislrms hvl'm‘e wl-o‘n snvh mun an» lm-luln \vlwn mnulll in some «‘f :hrir f'n quent deeds of vinlnnm, lime nmlmh‘v lwen gz'mlly indrhtml for (hair Hill a! elm» ginn Din-ms, and wnu‘l‘l luse n. :‘owd manv Vma w e Him to I-eyt h-m 'i‘h arr v ma w e thev tn t~e ,t tan 'i‘h an” thin: like dwamwd sme ltv Sn the Bench and the I'ulfims have a kind of mutual inter dependence which in u sawmill to mndwrn civilization. and a hlnt unon Repuhlican in stitminns. Tth, thcre is the pumice of nllnu‘in'zulcnhnlic liqnnr to be freely sold on Sunday. Frequent us are tha crimes of wet-k days. those uf the day of rest are more than four-fold beyond tLe nsvtal averngc.and nll bec mire liegislutms have not the coumge to SP6- tlnt 1h“ Excise law worthy of 0. Chris- tian country is Iignroun‘y enftrcpd. Again. there is practice of carrying pocket pistol- Snme good citizens currv such weapons frm the mistaken belir-f that they are n de'b Ice, nnd the same law that. nuthorims this en-blps also hundredl of rufl’taue to conceal upon their person the instruments of vinle co and murder. Better to have a comprehensive law against all bearing about of enncauled' firearms, than allow the drunlmrd. the burglar, and the midnight assassin to profit by the fancied necessities of»; few rvspectable people who carry pistol: in aelf‘dcfence. We have touched on the three more immediate causes of the prevail- ing lawlessness of the on . There are others ofa still more radical c aracter,which may. at some future time, be illustrated.â€" S. A. Journal. A. young man named McCormnok, of about 26 years of age. deliberately drowned himself in the river Thames, at London. Out. on Saturday last. The poor fallow is said to have been drunk at the time, and consequently insane. This 5! another “In pernneo lacturo, which uhonld have a good efiuct cyan thew liubh to mutation. YORKVILLE WATER WORKS. SENTIN’EL No- 3. Yorkville, June 24, 1872. To the Editorof the York Hera” warmwnflmm. Crime in New York. Mr. R. M. Roddy. an eye witness, says that he was sitting in the first clnss cur. immediately after the nocident; he wrnt to lhr- second class Cur, where a. squad of 14 men of his. from ()rilliu, were. with whom he was going to Montreal, the second class car and smoking car were telesctiped. and on the locmnntive. the steam from which, issuing frvm the windows of the ours, was so dense that he could see nothing. One after another of the scolded victims were crawling from the openings. Crowhml were instantlv put in requisition by the pas longelfl from the first class car. all of whom escape-d injury. Many were found Pltltulgiud and weneextricatud with the utmost diffi- culty, limltnl‘s having: to be broken, and five‘ persons wure f nnd dead and carried to [he rtmdsidv. whet-~- the wounded lay for near y three hours in the most, fearful agony. JI'. HuHiHl from Bellwille, arrived at this time and lid thvm removed to the Pull- nmu cur. telegraphed an once for all the medical skill here, find that. the fteiglll shed he clmred‘ a supply of bandages and other necessary appliances, which was prnm' tly done. on theirnt-rivul everythngr wna (it)th to ullny their sufferings, The mrdicul men of the town were summoned. mnttressvn procure-cl and the large freith she-d turned into a temporary hospttnl. “here the patients receive every possible mlouliotl. .The tnvdical men rand their HRSIP‘MUI‘H are unremittin; in their attentions, while thé nnnislm's ot' the Gospel vie with eachnther in their zeal in themlmiuistm- tioti at“ their sacred ufiicei Em-h and all oi’ every denomination receiving their careful attention. The siJht was one to batfiie des- The engine of No. 3 train going east broke an axle near Shannonville, and the passenger cars mounted the engine. Nearly all the ixnjumd are second class passengers. lThe (lend and wounded are brought, back lln Bellhville stnlinn. Nine :n'e- dead nnd -l'):mt l‘nrly badly scnlflvdâ€" mnnv ul' Ihvm fatally. The engined‘iver, Jacob [lilihnrd 3 killed. The wounded me all in ihe ,r' eight hhed,‘ and all the medical man living here are in ranwldunce. Everything re 1uineil has hem furnished by the Ufil‘lals of h. cnulpuny. under the supervision of Mr John llell, to rplivve lhen‘ sufl'erings. The night vxm'ess went Clan past this “lave at 12:30 this morning full of pussen .ers, embracing umnng Ihe number many 'anlSIC-I'S 01' the English Church. en run/e humewaid fmm the Synod which hm l) en in smalm: at T-lrolm). Eva-1y thing went well nmil the lml'm-‘unmo 1min IOHCllcll Ihe lH'ld e that crossed the Shannunville River at Mill Town. about elwen milvs lualuw the H llmillo, stuliun. Just at the enlmnve m uhil h the Hallie jumped the truck. can}- Iug disnmy. (lt-nlh and l} ml'nl torture- tu lhc Rv-m'r-s ul' pusseugvri in the I'm-ward cues ll nppwrs, lhal the lngJa-ue car Irvmzlllt‘d :m tho truck and Ielewupell lh~ SH) nun: our and llw secnnd clues pnaswngw- cm. ln-nving thv'm on the Inn of the myinv. ex 'osml lo the 41S(.‘a:'lll£ filvlim from :hn lmilur llexe the poor crvutuhs new penned llleC- lnssly [ex-lied for snnw linw, bre' thing the vapors nf death and sufl'ering ull Ihe «guuirs of immersion into a railway cauldron of super heated water. In: disnmy. dt-uth 511d 'fi-mf'nl RI-m'r-s ut' {misengvl'i in the I! ll[|;)“ril‘s that the baggage :m the truck and telewupel} cm- and lhv secund class F ln-nving thvm on the Inn of t cripti-m. und wi'l live long,r in the memory of those who witnessed it. 'lhe tertiiic cries of the sufl'ervra rent the hearts of the onlnnkers. who made every possiqu vtfurt to grant their requests for water, stimulants and food. Their contortioas under the influence of their terrible injulies were fearful to witness. whilst prayers a. d cries and pre-nonitixns of approachng (lissnlu tinn were here and there heard. After the injured arrived hem some of them passed away. a. happy seltet' being afforded from their dxeadl'ul agoniea. Those who were tho least injurt‘d walked uhuut swmlied in hunduyes and converged freely uhnut the occurrences of the night. The express and baggage (-m's wme t‘urced past the lnnlren engine withnul. i tjnring the. express messen gr-r or l):l-.';.m:-.'eman. but the slnulting cur teluacnped the Svennd (.lMHH car,-â€"the latter going fm'mud hunched off the snf'vty valve of the builer. and remained on top of file extuino, nlltmivm the stenm tn fill the-’aecnnd clues our, which was crowded with pussen gem. many of them lmuhermen, en route for Qucl :c. The iwn first class 0 rs and the Pullman var were comparatively uninjured, and the passengers were truushipped, and went East “He afternoon. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT 0:: THE 0. T. RAIL- WAYuâ€"TWEXTY FOUR DEATHS. â€" Foun- FOUR WOUNDED. NAPANEE, June 22nd.â€"A fearful ace) deut occumed last night on the Grand Trunk Railway, one mile eual of Shannon vxlle. The En ine of No. 3 Express Train wing was thrown from the track, and the baggage and second clan cars piling on the top, Ihe escaping slealm passing through them. Seven or eight are repo ted killed, and about tl‘irly barliy injured. some fatally. A correct list. of thvnlm Os of the killed and womded lnnotbe given yet. All the injured are now under medical attendance. Further uarticulars will be given soon. Sixty fivr mm: and women were tharfully scolded and othprwise injured, six of “ham (lied on the :pnmmd the bodies were brou hi to this place. Four tnme have did in 'h» ftei ,rht shed and others are dying every hour. Nut mm‘v‘ than Onfi‘llllld of the injured thl 5w. J .lm llilt' Ht, 1hr engineer. wns izxt-tutly ‘tivlwl and the fi HIM” hmlly in itxr'd: v.19 ut‘ llH lots will have tn hw :i‘tlltltl‘lft'll ll Neilsau. Conductor, and tth' rui, lnmls t'Sca .ed u.ti:._1u~eti Tilf‘l tittnrir-(i and tlw (ling tt'l‘ i\'it|,{ stretch: ll nu [n.Hll'('$S“S um titu floor of lllt‘ftt‘i it! slit-ll. so much t’lisfi ,{lF'Ptl us to he llll‘e mzniz l‘iiv. Fire of the Wounded. who ‘ warn Hbl" tn \t'uilt. left by the express train. at ll a in for Tot-nit :. iiElJJCvll/Lli. June 24 -The catastrophe nihS-(ttnrriav night last continues to he the thugsmhing lltl'lne of ormversntinn here Inst trighl, four more namvs have tie it added to the list of de:1d, is very rvohnhlo thnt before this'reaches the eitrs of the trader three more unfortunate: will he relieved from their tortures. It Wasa sad sight to day to see the Waggon loads of coffins OCntaining the killed mouin-z away from the station to the Roman Catholic burial ground; but still sadder was it when the train from the east arrived bringing relations of the injuaed or of the dead. Many were the enquiries made. and invmnny instances the awful word “dead” wns the response given. At nine o’clock to night sternl cofined corpses wore conveyed to Montreal by the eXpress. The vacant building. formerly used by the ladies of Loretta as an educational establishment,but : generously placed at the disposal of the Grand Trunk authorities by Vicar General Farrellv for use as an'hospital still presents a sad sight. Thirty poor creatures, hardly oistinguishahle from one-another on account of their severe injuring occupy it. Our bright feature in connection is the presence of a number of young ladies of the first families of Bellerills, who quietly more about from room to room, bathing and fan ning the faces of their pvnents. They are truly Christians, and donor-we all prsile. It is not until the poor wrstéhes are within a fsw hours of dissolution that they lose their consciousness. nnd while: unable to do more than utter A few words, they dictate to their kind nut-lea momgu of fanson to their rslativos. What a heart-rendering mm the rooeipt of s tologrum, containing tho words. “ Dear father, I out dying; com lap, to: God’s uh,” unit b0; 1“ Inch BELLEVILLB. 22nd.â€"It ‘iJs impossible to get sufficient information to rpport_ in full. Rai'way Disaster. “'9 ('umnl (*nnr-Iudn our naiufn‘ task with on? hearing tpnfimmw m the anxieiv of the Grand Trunk nfiiv‘in‘s to plat-e an the evi- dencp i' was nnssihlu m procure ht-fort‘ Hi. and 10tth‘ZPquns and lmWPariPd exertions to procure evnrvlhinz that fnmthnuzllt and svmnmhy nnuld 9:11-1th m aPevi-ue the an? firings nf’ tha injured passengerfl. "That Jnvhn Hihhert and thliam Me (‘m-miok came tn their dmth from Injuries N’N‘iVPd ly the run ing of? the track of No. 3 Eym'vss grunt: enst. ab'mt hue mile eat-st of Shanunnville. mu tho manning 0f Sutur day. 22 u? Ju fie inst: that All 'I'remhlny. Juan '8 anisgr» R (Mm:th Curt, llamhrtk Rt'l'nlm. Jusmuh Wullmtm Mnll'lL' Chub”: Plflrw Gama, ()dt‘l as Lnt-na. U Mumtpultel'. 0 Pt! l‘rww'm'. Juseyb 'l‘mml-luy. M s lmnne, Wm. \lol‘urmnck. T Wurdv. Wm. Cullen flm‘ “"9 (Mlle t‘l t'. M:1I'\'(‘ullm|d..r, :\l'(‘l)l l‘Hl‘d VuN’dt'. J. thhm't. Mt V9 Fun. Mm Marv Vulgmu, D. (‘uumm One woman. nnv girl, mm hahv luv. and twn mzan. mime: unknown. mun“ tn tlwir dufllh f'mm l'nhziliug swam. mud f‘mm smirk- on the» hudy. ca'ISHC‘ hv tho hv-vahing (\F thn vnlw nf the lmilw of en zlvm nuth 198. and the vamp:- or titrmm and wntnr themfln‘m: that frmn the m'lclom'n wn have lwmd mud f‘rom DP‘S'HHII innuecnon uf‘ the wreck of thn engine and the railwav track. w: are of opinion that the accident was cmmd by the breaking of the flange thn right hand fin'ward truck wheel of onqinp No. 198. and that it was purely necidanlul: that in PM nnininn the tmrk was m good cnnditinn: that. the engineer who mm a sinker, efiicient, and careful ofiéor. diwd at hi~~ nnst. firmed 1w 1h; Curofier. and thirteen out of Tum-teen Jurymen. Th9 onnnoil assembler] M 9 am. The “Mowing romhnion was moved hv Mr Whenier: “That Hm thanks of this Mmmimap aw dup and are rt’llde‘"d In M r. F. C "unreal for '11? interest he- hus taken. and tho unreasinz perinwrence he has mani- fl‘su-‘d in the matter nt'lhe- Hnrnn and On Vuri-v Shin (Vanni. and 11m! the council we nf opinion 1}”? the surmoslion of ihe Hun. J. Tmmn". 0 Bi made beme the cmnminea of tho “nine of “ammonia. rmnecliug a gram of land f'rnm the Ontarin GnYernment. wmflfl he of real and permanent value to this Prnvince if I‘m-riei out " Mr White Bnnnndt‘dihp resolution. which was carried. BELLWILLE. J«no 24.â€"A coroner's 1n- vmtimtinn was unmmpnced here to day. tuurhing the deaths of those fattu injmed by the accident on Saturday. Afier mature delibcrutinn Ihejury returned the following verdict :-â€" have been frequently sentduring the day. It is a hard thing to write, but the fact. is now becoming only too apparent. that of those inju ed scarce a. dozen will recover. The hospital has been placed under~ the charge of four physiL-ians.mth M. . Crowther as hospital clerk. and now a more thorough organization exists. and the sanitary condi tion ofthe buiding )8 considerably improved. There are seven-9| sufferers at private houses in town,who receive every attention possible. While all Christians all‘ doing: whuteve: rests in their power for the summers. I am pained to state that a couple of fiends in human form have been found rubbing the dead. Today the wreck of the train was brought to Belleville, ane now lies in the station yard A strange incident demonstrates the force with which the steam escaped from the boiler was discovered to day. In the Imoking cnr where the newsboy had his papers, the root of the car bears the imprint of a newspaper, it having been caught by the blast of steam and actually drin into th ~ pnres of the wood. So thoroughly is it d m9 :hnt it is impuflsihle to pick it off with the thdP Ufa penkmfe. A by law pr'wirfiug fnr Hm mlyment of 9400 per mmum tu the High Consmble was fidnufiedn Mr. Bnh mnvvd lhnt whon HIP. Council adjrul'n this dnv, it adjduvn until Nov. 20. Mr Roid seconded the monon, which was carded. " Th0 committee upon this matter advised that it ahnulrl be investigated by the L‘sgis- lative Assemhlv. and proposed a petition to that Assembly. which was with the report adnnmd. The cmnmiltep on “via suhi“(~l sn1,.n_rFsted the mn'mem of $31 19 tn MI-nsvs. Pnpp Clark. fur prinliu! anr’ the. like, and $9 to th9 messener of the muncil. This was admins-d. The conncii then adj named. The London 0013er nnnnnncu “If an» nninzmem of Livutvnrmt-(‘rénaval Nil Charles Thnmus Vnn SVmuthzre. K (‘- R , M be Governm- nnd (‘nmm mim- iu Chief'nf' Mal“, and nf Mr. Anthony Mnszmve. C.M.G.. to he Livulenuut Governor of Yam}. A dmmmoh from St. Lnuin state: that Hw Amenicnn Indflms m the number “1' 10 090 aw on 1119 war mlh. and lhnt thug: h‘we made a, raid mm Try: .9. and are nvnr run "in-z 'wd nlun 191511;: the cmmtrV. Wv’l informed Texans he‘lipve 111M :1 Hi: anii-m war is on font. and Ihul 1h" Ammic w G-vv ernm -nt will have a good dml of n-Pu‘flu w‘th the red men. Luvs on \hsnx'w - The hm": nf mnsnm'y a, 0 HF 2w!» kinrh. nun} 7l' (1 uni \‘Prsul. Tlm lucn] laws are rhosv mncwd lw grand and Rnhm'dimlt" hydro: {m- the: gnvurwmnm nf' tho?“ .v‘nwmbwv‘a. Think ~1 renuv-sn, may he ulm or] [w unnumwi .41 xh‘ le‘asu'v- w" lht' h‘xttifls \vh \ (Tl'iji’mHY l'u'n I] flwm Th9 uwiv v'snl MUN :w‘ 'h' «1 hwd'n! dawn hv univewxl (Wilson {Mn thing {in mum-Vin] and whivh :an‘n (hr- (mum 'Iv Ihr'xu [ham thee world. V Th‘ I'II'P Munth I the mnunnl of [he iev m he mifi a“ xho u] missinn of candid-n93 is a Inc-H law. :L-ld varies lhrmuhout the cnuwlrv. ’xut t‘w law th--t declarvs lh'tr nu W.|‘n'»l.l can 1w Hi mined is U'Ii\'0“R|]. and coulrfls :sv l'y lu'L'" on Ihe Face 0" the .glubn. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . . . . . . .r.$ 60013 Syiring Wheat. extra. . 6 10 0 Fanay............... 625M? l-Ixtra............... '7"@ Superior Exm .. . . . 7 00 IE Oatmeal . . . . . . . . ..,...»» . Cornunil .o-.--.u<-1.- Btu“.......¢‘:-1-cvr ‘vbQflI-‘SPTiDWSf-IJ‘On... Soul»: and Deihl. Troadwufl' ...... BIPIO)‘ nnl‘lhllfllilu‘;urvt\o rouse.......... ..".'......‘ Gallium...” .......-... Ru ....... Hay .... ....... . Straw.......‘............‘ Potaloes. per bag. . . . . .. . A. Amish. per barrel. . . . .. . .. Beef. m the side. Mutton. by he carcass. . . . . Poultryâ€"Geese . . . . . . . . . Turks). . ......-- Chi'ekens. per pair _ Ducks, per pair . . Pork-Muu paid-A Iu...’.'..'.; 8." Iolpnpolthoauluocn Wool ................ “DUI”, "I." llclul. . i - Troadwufl' . . . . . . . . . "nun-n... oes. per bag.. - ~. eh. per barrel. m the side. .531 he carcass. Turks). .......-.u Chi'ekens. per pair . . Ducks, per pair . . . . Extra Piiifiéfl; '1'0R~_‘r5;'l'0 :31 A R K ETS Coun'y flannel]. uDIIVI'IOOlfioy Ic-ncuww a... Torouko. Juno 27. 1472. JI‘NE.2'1, 1872. .l). mMunraw.amoMWWWWHMfiWWWWWNSKu 0066043W00l0000mWO‘000I0 flawfiflfiflfiflfiflflflaflflflflflaflmflfl ) 0 (05"Uu50606.22000n5 ) 01270610354 747“n79m%& 3 6669743Blll000fl750300000 u} 1 'III “ 1x ‘1 n 0 5. omMHM5mnwmw2w 5100070000010 momanoaooomam n7 . 00 550MHWMMMM09M 4000070000010 ll. . . I! 060 \lnchiue Jansz "Straw (Tuners x Horn Cullen-ISL I‘llpers ' Gmiu (Truehprc 'Turnip :md Grain D W ‘Illaud Sand Drills Fanu'ng Willa Clnv -r H H mm Harso H ‘31 ankps x Cartar’s Ditching - cnlue Slmmund horse-pow" "‘hroshing “av'hIIIBG (Iom‘vin-d and Sing'o M rwera and ann to Wow Sawing Hammad Hume and nag l’uweru‘ E‘ARMING IMPLEMENTS & TMLS NEW GOODS! ’ [+901], «WRAP, 3N3 STYLISH! satisfactimv. as well as in all other bmnclibs m the Undo. All kinde, of Fav-m Prnducvmken in ex- change for Goodam the highest malth puices (To U snafu. m. nuska anmv .‘Iav'hulws l'nwnl Fan Forge; AVIIHA'III‘)‘ Machine Knife (‘ider Mills and Frau-sex: G run ’n- Single 31 DxIanG DRY G'0,0EDS! §gricuunml gitxmlemcutfi. Furl-ow Pimlghs Trees and 3hran [run and Wand Begun Suvverplwwphata' of I’lnughs limr- K" grmmd bone G‘vuu l‘longlul Pure Seed f~v'ruiu &c., Double Mould "lbughq &c. &c ,&c. CHURCH PSA LTER d: IIYMNBOOK. Those lly-uns Ara nerd in thu 'f‘ui'n‘ly Chmeh, ’3‘nnruhlh. u d Richmond NHL and Survvvn'm'l‘ruxl and LN“ Bni’d- ingfl.finrnur of Adelaide and Town!" alr‘als. ‘l‘vrcmm. 739-“. by? we " (3' 1M m vim \‘lo '1»on mun-m M at \‘n 33, '4‘! numwemn n? \ln'flk' am. 9- H u «v‘v-m mar"! mix-4 and ‘ah m a u-‘u 5px: <lnl‘l\‘ \v wk th high wag-4. A -:‘1\ if M 'N'r-r. m“,- \» H‘I v» ‘ieuw Ju'minra Viralnrin 4'; |‘1.'(\,ul‘ m n a sale a numbnr of Vi'l :go lols. Kitl'rfl in “m vingn of Field Seeds, Fruit Trees. FertilizPrs, (fist dcc.‘ (Ea. 1’ ADELAIDE "l‘. EAS’I‘,TORON'1‘O 120 ° Gag-rural. um Couron'nnr -,“ By I thorough knowledge of the natural law which govern the operationnof digoslinn and nutrition. and hv a c1l'oJlll application r-i‘ [le fine pro‘per- lies of wail selected canon, M1 Eppa be» pro- vided our bronkfasl tabla: with a delicately, flavored have-rage which may save as many hanvy dnntors’ hills.”- Civil Serif“ Gazntlai Madé simply with Bailing Wain- or Milk Each packet is Inbnllodâ€"l' hum Eris $1. ’10.. Hommopllhie Chemists. London." Align. mn- kers of Eppfi’a Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con. densod Milk.) 687-ly Village Lots for Sago. *- " HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR sale a nnmbnr of Vi'l :go lols. privy“! L v iucumlmrod hand, in sums: of not few (Inn $500. ,Apph' 10 W. G Falcnnbridge, Esq. Barriswr. (firm of Messrs. Harrison. ()x‘ier 3a Mon. Tau-mun.) or to A391 Scan. mopriotm of 11m You. HERALD. Money! Money! ! _ "3‘0 LEND 0N MORTGAGE OF UN- Abs”! (hm-fifth of an AM‘I’. Slol‘é. OLD PENS. PENHOLDERS. AND pencil cum at the Huum Bank Stun. Than can be purchased an Richmond Hill. He has just received a large asaomr wt of HE mmd Book Sm; BIBIQ $001 ETY DEPOSITORY _ _ Lflipvmond HiH bunch) n (he HERALD Wifiéh he will sell as chomp aé heretoforo. lN GROCERIES. I am (mvgd tquth Important' Notice. . '1‘ IS A FACT,.THAT' STAPLE 7174f VICTORIA SQUARE! TURNIP SEEDS! UST RECEIVED MOM ENGLAND water. A: Tm; Hun.» Buox Sronu, SILAS mums s: FOWLER, \RCHITECTS. CIVIL mnmnmas‘ :“JQ‘Q A P. R I ‘4 Mn“ 10. 1379. Richmoxm Hi”. Max:311. H72 7M-3m «05 Impurler.‘Mannheim” nnd Deahriu' all kinds of gm fianflfi; (Mum-£95. ‘ Groceries, Boots'and Shaw, &o.v,&c . &c.. ' fl Can be bought choapor from . Newbery, Elgin Mills, GM \"3 Lmn'r CANADA PLOUGHS IN STOCK! Ch‘l'u'fi-y N0 flfitw. &K‘,. pmc- -(‘mm ::l‘.ol. 'Y'nmmo "HIM. m .u‘iCi-‘Lll‘ flour! Cl::rk'x‘<;ffi'e, Rich- REAKFAST. «â€" EPPS‘S COCOA. ~â€" GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS! Fred! and moi. juat received. ROBT. NEwma'nY By the Rev. Wm. Mercer, ALA. OLLARS AND CUFFS. OF THE ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA latest styles. at tho Haven't) Rnok Slur". 51,11. K "-‘MnuAV. .m‘n. -\nri| ‘25 . 1:72 pencil assist the Human 8001: Store. Every farmer should use them bio for mounts at Ll» "5mm Book Grown from aelecmd‘ buib WM. RENNIE, BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT Hgnw Book Sum. 1R7? FAN 85 31:71:02,};3’ T E RS. SOLICITORS m The hue. enumn A supply of the (oxrom) 21).). 1V“. G. IHV'H‘fl'I’”V. Dhm'a Pf). ‘Q, ‘ TH-lf A81} IRFCY WM. RENNIE. Tuuorcrn, ()IT. rhino V PhiMdvlphia l. a w n Vluwnr Greenlmuse and GM: dqu l' "fine-s Laundry Mmhi m 9: Ga d6" Implement; )0": ‘s Pglaln' Iron . Harrowé thlnnd Lawn Rollo: Horse Hues .SL Scarfie- l‘ultivalnm Putulo Diggers Pumps Sca'es Home “n. Furk~t Anna'gnm Smal Bells Thu B‘anrfhmd c‘1un. Barrel 5:. Dash clmrnv Flore-“re \‘ewiug Via- and To ~13 Pi Id See-«Lu [“ruiland ()rnmnnulal “Lil-2le Twain: '7! 4.1! main Mill.“ 7I6-f BOW BELLS FOR JUNE 1 Arrived u! the Hamid BookSwro In the shop two doors north of Goo A. Bar- nard's Store. and is ofl‘ering them at. Lo ,9 Rates ior Gash. He is ulna prepared to make to order on xho Shm‘tasl Notice, and in the very Best Style. Boots and Shoes of every ducrip- Linn. at Low Prices. Ha mmt respemhfllv invites aca". Richmond Hill, Dec. 2| , “$1., 700-tf Testimonial from Profeuor H G, Coilins , lie for their Very hheral pamm ge during the short time ho has bean in bmiuesa on liiohumud Hill. Ind would «tam that ho Is now quy prepared with n BOOTS AND SHOES ! ' ed m: in [he agnncy in this snuxinn for "m Rah,» ~f :'\|- ssrs G A. Prim o & (Jo's vehi- hratod Organs and '"nlndflnnx. in favor of Whilih w» givu nllr must unquwlifiad nmn'nml and rncnfnumnduliou as the- lending and mom l‘ulizbm reed imlrunwm nmv m unufiuzmwd. l hava arefully examined the pianos >od lw Mr. H B Reesor. called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pin] 13. manufacle by Ma- lhuseck. mul think thev nve wrmderfully sweet and pure in 'unfl. and from their pvcnlxat con- Dlruntiml. calculated Io remain in tune lunger -hnn oLlur pianos. and conseqnemly to stand a gremer nmou-=t of wogr HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Web. 28. 1872‘ 7l4-ly Bar In inform tlm pnMi!‘ that. having com- menced oporalinn in the n‘mva husineus. Le i~ prepared to lake OM picturesd deceased friends copied and mular’ged ‘su'nnbla l‘or 'rnming. » N? Dnlland cloudy waathor no hindrance to tho an. NJ}. Children nr‘é :nimnla mavo at Hm risk of Hm owner. Richmond Hill. Sept. 90. 1871. 637-13' Al a" life-elldow«~d hndlI-n. whelhar thF“ he Howl Birds. Haplilt-s. Ihsm'is or evriu Znuv "hith and snhjucls of the Vogomble Kingchm magaurucd by rim/fume, which binds a“ the wring» 0: ex mums. and n! nothing can an mom f om dPll notion when this prinlaiplc- lr-aves mom. uhe Ili:-cow-r\- of menus whereby vimiih may he svsluim-d in tho living body is iudr-od a bum) In the wur‘d. ‘ THE NEW BOOTd SHPE‘STORE. [-IUMMING BIRD PIANO W‘hit‘h is an hj 1" V) enlirelv Modarn ohemistrv has vomiia'ad the ques- linnnud discnvo-red the inzrt’ium con titu- tiug the brain musdon and mums. and finds that by immdncing them: ingrediel'na in prom-r prunorainnn tho brain and nervous syslem ar- ‘lmngilwlmd Thin. than. ie snimamiaily "10 basis nu \‘hiuh Fu.l.uW’s lllrwI-m-srnnms is lmih.‘n.~ III we] m-liu“ is ugmn the “mud the Brain nu!" .‘Inrvn-w Swim“. and he Muralow .‘(rung h- ~niug (ha nerves. it causes tho- nnpitl dislnhn- (inn ()1 Vun'nad Blood in [he )fnxcular Oral-vs. qr im- I; 6y. naming lhn Maggi-h Ram and" Liver nuihmiing «h» Damion “who Ntom‘fi'ch Mu! "nweiâ€" and 'nubiiug 1hr: Lungs to be fiuilyin fl'uwi wnh HID-9'“ '- Prince’s argans & Melodonns PHOTOGRAPHY. Persons, Animals, Hauses or Landscapes it Is afimwd I'wr umnam of Weakness uml Emacialiun \vheflmr ruining (mm ssdontarg “We. a lrnpicnl I limme. frnm f‘uvar nr m-biIiu f'mm any cancv. and is efficapmnn in Puma \: my Cunaumrrmv. mnnv ronflrnzod case» amvmg ‘mau (um-d uni H” blluefiltnl’. where ils we nfi‘.‘ hum: cominuad nv r n fortnith In BTOIKEhilih ii, is u “pm-mu. and m Asthma I: grvafl ruin-«f whine uvm- u(he'r remedv faihx Var N -rvous Hehihl) i: wands unrivalled, ml m 4y he- “sud with Pnnfidvm-o in ail cases. As hi- is "miraév distinct and dim-rout (rum avtny mhar Wennra'mn of valpimsphilas. be careful to ask for Fu-LL-‘ws’ SYRUP. and last- ur other. THE MORNING PAPERS Can be had at the Post Offlse. f6? 10 usan A wxn. Apply to H 0 M A S GRAHAME. IMPORTER md Breeder of Pure Barksh'ircs. var Watches. Jammy, 8m” [’13 Yoéée .Siroqt‘ Toronto Se‘ptamber l. [671. 684 hickoriu . s’hil'WRV and Durham lill‘lDS‘ g A L‘0. [ha caI: hrulat Fellows’ Compound £1 RUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. A W M \Ia-kham Nov, 3. l6? 801.!) BY APU‘I‘HEUARIES. 84-8 or TORONTO: 73“ LEGRAPB. Main“, V869. OV'ICKnâ€"NO. 66 Church Strqelll'conm. Duombor 99. 1869. 598 L and Breeder of Pure Barks Post-ofl‘me nddrore, "Voodhxidgc. Vaughan, Fell 8. lb 2. Overahoes, RuE-bors, Slippers (in, WILLIAM GAMBLE I ETURN'S THANKS TO THE PUB- (Signed) PHOTOGRAPHS J. N. BLAKE. ‘ARRISTER, CON VEYANCER, 6m. J. SEGSWORTH, EALER 1N mm; GOLD AND SIL- 363% Md 5km. is mmn'éll m paflnrs whm'e «Irma it an ' The mwh- of us mm l n« li'vn nu i-‘olv n w. and h:de upon Ilu- hast known [Mum'qu of «He-nee. I]. B. REESOR HAS RUCCRED R‘. A. GRAY H. B. REESOR, STYLE 0R SIZE. Price. $159: Six for 187-50. JAM ES L FEIJLOWSvChnmist. SI. Jnhn. N B. FIRST-CLASS STOCK; Pum Brad Swine. Quotngmphg, IN Al! REQUIRED Notice. DEALER IN G 0F M. 'I'EEFY. POLLINQ. FLU M l'IRFEl/D Richmdmd Hm 564-19 LEADER. 706-ly PIANO â€" FORTES ORGAN S & MELODEONS AND MUSIC STOOLS m Gnmx'r VARIETY. TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. 77m above Imtmmenls are ullf'ul’j/ wlwr/v'ntetl In"? so“ at Munu/PIL'MNI-s' Prices. Perfect swig/action guuran~ teed in every case. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE, EPOSTTS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR any umn orâ€"nnmxcuedi"gum-rhnndnu ulullarx b} any um: dalwsilm.) will IN- rucei‘ven allhe llichumnd Hill PM! Officer whicl Governmem wilhllow Inurest. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY IIAIIEIJI 63 ACRES UN LOT no. no. REAR OF m CON. VAUGHAN. ' Near Richmond Hill. Tim laudla nuclear. Ind in a good state of cultivatinn. Then-is rm the premkas a first class Dwefliug House. Burns. Stables. &c. Tharp is aim on (Maprm pen-w n SAW IV! I'LL 1 public for tho liberal patronage ho has re- ceived sinco firrxliuuoducinz to their amino Kllb‘ “(NV HEINTZ‘MAN s: cocs CELEBRATED In good running order. The: Subscriber ofi'on for ssh the “flowing VALUABLE Pnopmrms, Bogs to mealer them that he will in (mum. as in the pull. nufln-nvor to delurvo lhimonfidence w sapphiqu Pumpn as superior to any hi- -|mlo prudum-d as those he has fillppfird ware m fiv- k-nds which they supsrceood, and no PIHCKB Wuch Dun Conny-turn: (Mice‘murs: from 8:30 9:30 PM Way 4, {869. 563-1! CELEBRATED‘ PUMPS ! 3'th Force Pumps. $20 for first 20 am. my 3.: B. If!) camper foot New Pateut Wrought Iron Cislorn Pumps. Churn Bulb, a; .. . .S ‘2 51‘) cheir‘inr or common level"u . . .. . H. . 6 0“ Swing. Wrouqu Gearing . . . .. . . . - . . . 7 00 Swing. do so Large Sin. . 9 on Swing Forte. Large Size..».;...u.... 20cc RICHMOND HILL I “' ‘ IR he sale of V shying Lifting P‘nmpu. $12 for first 20 foot, utter-2d fl. 5:! cm per foot This pnnqy. as now made , will throw more wwlm- m shudnw walls. and work caviar in dang) mils than (my ether made ls granny improvad this nasal) with LANGER CYLINUV.“ and Infringers of Powell’s Patents L |' Map. also | Stock of Common Pumps as fnliowa: _ 1"” lg SQ;§§L_LI§B igxcm.8mqymp. for the fins: 29 feet. 88', lfiel 50 fun, 30 $071711; WLF°°&_ ' ‘ The Markham or Cash Styli. fill! 20 foot. 81". after 2" fool. 40 cents pol fool. ' Newton Brook. April 26. 187! ".566 URE GOLD, A WEEKLY JOURNAL for Canadinn Hams. Resonant-“v. of all flux in Best and Trans in the Cnrnnt thought and Moral Sonfihnnl 0' the Domin- inn ; $9 '- 3'0an Bat-anytim- rmind it tho Emu.” Book Sum. ‘ June 15, i870 C. POWELL, N RETURNING THANKS TO THE P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. AND usms o? snuu INFRINGE- MENTS ARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE. R.S [VILLIAM15‘,R.H DALTON, Fox‘mrliclflarmpply lo yuaicat fiufitrummtfi, it. QB. flepartmnt. AND )Tll EROKLEBF‘TL‘I MAKERS; groper”; for fink, BEVVA‘RE'!!! PIANO COVERS, imam Quantum. MARRIAGE LICENSES. “so AGENT ran 'mz From the Establishmqu of Cmcum us Pas? l‘mw. mm b. held Responsible. A FELL ABIORTMINT 0‘ M. 'I‘I‘JI‘ZFY, Postmaster. Prculu’ is Government Agonxl‘m CALL AND SEE IT. (RUBBER). C. CHAPMAN. on'x'r. ‘IDE‘ POST OFFIC E. To manufac- ture under In Canada and the United States. PATENTS RIGHTS rome-‘s { urrxr FOR SALE Mmk/mm Gama :muers.&c Orncrzz ProvinciklInsurance Buildingv. Street. Tux-onto. JOHN DUGGAN (1.0. DAM Il.Ml-:\’I-:i:P.JR U Solifi 'sinUhaucorv.Convm 'l‘HE FARMERS AND TRAVELLING ' puhiic willfind find-class aecumudulinll u the above Home, m low rates. 'l'hm-s is an nxmnsivo Stablennached, and large ouveled sheds. Ananenlivmndnbliginghustler. 5&7 J. L. PARK E R'J’raprieta'r. 1“ ‘ Commissions. in I; [Liv Agent fnr issuing Marriage Mat Commr of York. Office humanâ€"7 A.M to 9:30 p.51 Richmond HULOcmhm 23, HI .x. Lu ule isir} in all “swam-hes: Kinc........... . ..TM trench mom}7 lhchmmm Hm...... .51}: " ‘Nc-wmurkeh... ......l()lh “ Aurora..................15Ih " . Teeth iusvrled in I‘m mO~‘l Improved Qtyh-s' on Guld. SIIVOI‘. Vufcunizcd Rmmer, and Ai luminan "use. ‘ "I‘m-1hfilledlnsnchamannerasmpresew diam from fur”qu dwzav. 'l‘emh nxnmewd with the has! possibln pain and especial umâ€"nnuu paid to the regulations chndrsn'a Inelh. Charges Moderate, and work ' givr Satisfaction. All Ie'tersnddroased to Aurora prompt attention. Au’rnza. MM" 25. 1870. L Puo'vucha 0? how“: Auunu. I beg mum reqxecll'tu lo acquaint Um [wh- lie of Ihe Briri’h Norah Amarioau provi rr that in May. M57. I named the business m * , Muir‘on Lano. how Yolk. for 11w mle H“: » town’s Puts Ann'Umazxm. Wimzh was = p p that time p epnred by H'iz’limr Bram». '1: w deceased. In be clusué. I xegwtm my Hun I 'mvo rvason m knnw than the lnanegemm I u‘ lnlo luminous had for some yarns. and In many Ways, bush mas! Lorlupt. and it min" ho 1M the Plus and ()mlmeut weia um prepan-d will: the care I have alwny that 'red. MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. 1‘ TEEFY, NWT/EN mmmc AND ¢ Commissions: in I; [Liv (;m~mx«.....w 'l‘ommo.) lhlll ha will visit 1h:- d yrs oxceptnd ). where (VARRTAGE AND WAGON MAKER J' Undertaker. &c. Rnsxnsxcuâ€"Noarlv oppoai the Pelt Ofl‘i *6 Richmond Hill. Those wlm do um. wis to be‘ decoiwd ‘xv buying spurious medicim's, whinh no nuw like!) to Mnanate frvm the Slams m elscm hmr‘. but to pussrw tlwmmlvos of the genuin ' i'l.’ LOWAY'I I’m”. nu: 01ch , mnuurm-nuv by me in London. Eng“ ad. wit! do vw I cos that Mch pm and b :5 heart: tho lfi-éw Govmuuveul slump on which is engrnwr' words “ llmmwnr‘s PILLS mm Hum: v and that “to nddresm-u03613130158563UXF’E‘ Swan. Lam-ox. wlwre only may are u mcmu-d, and in [In other part of lhfl' “min The "and prices are on thw- {ahels in. BM?!) currencv. and nm in dullara and cents. 2 ‘. 'ViILLER’S DERBY OIL L . N0 rr‘plcsollluliva of mhm will «var Lmvc LhrOHL-h any pant oflhn “hush l‘mvmws 2 H19 Unilvd Haley, either to he". or to who orders for my Pills um) Ointment, 1nd as» I have roam“ m1wlio‘ve that attempta wil; V!‘ ’V‘ probably be made to deceive the [a Mic in H mm bv person» I ailing on medicine vomhzrs, La MINIDV. m $6 m-r HEN tum. ng and mlnm [mum-r lhessud ; “Halide” Hzii>. V‘: firming: Hm la '3 aggun Feilotws. and Lumhm :21 For partir'u' “x mMr. \: n uwvlcg {ulston re reaming!» at llnj‘nro acting for may mud with my knowledge and coumm. I (Be-Pm in advisable to pm the public on their guard against ant such dt repliuns. l moutearnexllyemu-email than who may read thin mlvauisrmem that they be flamed in thu public inn-NM. m'mnummicnle the r. mrl of tho name In their Mendy aka! the} way not be defrauded uf 1122i. manoy b) pinch-Hug woumlvas 1‘ innit.» M" the gang-.11” Hui-m“- wn’s FILLS 12m Ummrm. , 1 would ark. as a grant favor. :Emt 1M 13:? it come-Ru (he klka'dgv of am: mum» H151 n51!- inns m minerals being n= :56 or add in my -m..... YAAI 553, Oxford Street ( lute “grilrl'rlngiâ€"v London, W C.,Sop|. I, 1671. 6874M .., way u. IIIV :1 -r -~ . nannon Iv-e, pleam d l(lht‘l.d me all the pmxiou- Inrs he can cone-ct NFju‘ECIiNg the 5mm. Hm is to may. {38' name and addrr-ss of {he vendor who £5501]:ng the spurious medicines, and like- wise the name and adr-rcw cf the “(mm in the Unimd Serum; or ehrwhéra. which may ha' 0 supplied [ht-u). so as m enable me. for tho prolecxiou of the pthlirfio immune pro. needing again»: such ovii‘doms. and I engage m remuncmle very hnvdwmr-‘vy any person who Inky give Inc web infonnnfion. (he in- human?» name new: [wing divulged. L'LA..I.I r ‘ ' b'houid any poison thu Iva“): w believe [hm he has been deceived by liming spurioul imitation: of them Medicinest will do Well to send me. in I letter to lhe ddress at final (which he cIn do u I cast of nix ctnts In past- uge) one of the books of instructions which are Iflixed to the nine. I promise to examine it and send I reply. 0min. whelhar the Modi- cinos no genuine or m1. no that if spurious in any apply In lho worsen from whom he pur- cinsad them to hive his money "funded. nL,IsI , I n- . fl" . ._.- "w u-vuv'y unuqu u. Chomitll and Danni-In who defliro to ob- Ilin tho -Me¢ficines can Ito sprpplio-d M the lawn! whdunlo pricosin unniu'en of no: lo» Ihun 8'29 wor h â€" vi: v. a. 8d . and 225.. and 343.. per dozen box» of Pilla- or pon- o Ointmonl,’ non. will-om discount. for which omimnco 1mm be out in adv-zoo. I luv. the honor b 50.54.“ With m vénpect, THOMAS HOLLOW) Y Toronto, Dec. 24.13.68. August 17. 1870 l’atcnt Eaveatxcugh END WATERSP‘OUT‘S FOR THE DO §|5 and 217 "011,20 imehi”. Nov. 3, INS. DUGGAN a; MEYERS, ‘AEQISTERSLATTORNEYS‘AT LAW we most wonder Ful discover) neai i n g Caution” Caution!!! Tum PUBLEâ€"OF THE mun-31? GREEN BUSH HOTE FRESH ours on OLD sons. HUGH MILLER & co. £ntmt gttmlicim, w. H. CANNON, LDS, E» 1312mm: (LATE ARSEST i’fitifiwlmmus, THOMAS SEDMAN, Horses and Ca Hie J02 ..\' LANGS'Y‘A I77? Sivan. Mi”,~ ‘ ..;.....!M trench mouth .........:'nh " ‘.........l”lh " .........l.’)lh " in Hm nm~‘l Improved Q1310? Vufcunizcd Rmflmhnxzd Ai 167 King at Al\'l‘ m ,5):- m VUI' l'llliux. “l-lllir‘ rmpm'll'nl y m nun (- l'nlluwiug Nam 9. (Sn he will amend Lu Dun S‘WM. Toronto. work warranted m UAM H. Ml'll’liflfln73 544.1)- ..v~ Unvmmuun‘ Licvnv‘es in [he :hx‘u SHHI!“ :lnu'cdtu orllur HG!) Ens! Toronto‘ 631- N will recoiva in éhcrniflr} HM} ‘S'hmu! 51h .u 619-lv F'hml'

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