LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE Counties 01' York and Pool, Collector of Notes. Accounts, &c. Email charges and plcnby to do. fl 3,1“ m 2, 15' 3 53') 1y URNER 01“ YOUNG AND COLBURNE STREETS, TIIORNIIILL. Consultations in the Ofï¬ce on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursâ€"- days, and Saturdays. from 8 to 10 AJI. *ï¬All consultations in the Ofï¬ce, CASH. Thornhiu, June 5), 1805 12 1 NIEMBER 01“ THE ROYAL COLLEGE Surgeons, England. Residence: North 01' Richmond Hill, at the Elgin Mills. All calls (night or (lay) promptly attended to. Elg'ln Mills, Jun. 1, 1870. 12 508 Corner of Young and Centre street East, have constantly on hand a, good assortment. of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, ()ils, Toilet Soups, Medicines, Val‘nishes, Fancy articlch Dye stufl's, Patent Medicines, and all other articles kept. by Druggists generally. 14 Conï¬nes (n‘rYbfk and l’ecl. Residenceâ€"Lon No. 20 Your or 3rd CODCeSbiOX-l 01"Ma_1_'kham. _ I". 0‘. ’Agi‘dre 'â€"â€"Bg}.tonvillc ILL GENERALLY BE FOUND AT HOME from 810 .M’. George A. Lungsmï¬" 1s authorized to colluct Amounts. - Richmond Hill, Oct. 14, 1869. 12 563 Our stock of Medicines and ofthe best qualities. Plain and Coloreï¬ Job Work «In! M . h“, VV...†. Having made large addmons to ihe printing material, we are better prepared than over Lu do the neutespand most beautiful printing of é'vei'yrdcécx‘i ptlon Parties requmï¬gv anderson’s service can make arrangements abjhe Herald omce. By Royal Letters Patent, has been appointed Issuer of Marriage Licenses. EW METHOD OF EXTRACTING l‘EETH without Pain, by the use of Ether Spray, which affects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding become insensible with this external agencynvheu the booth can be extract- cd with no pain and \VITHOUT ENDANGERING THE LIFE, as in tho use of Chlorol'orm. Dr. Robinson will be in tho following places pre- pared to extract teeth with his new apparatus. All otï¬ce operations in Dentistry performed in a workmunlike manner : One inch, one your . , . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . . Two inches, one year . . . Three mches, one year. . . (Jvel'three inches, one yetu.... Advertisemequ fqr a shorter period than 7 one year, ï¬rst, insertion . .‘. . . . Each subsequent insertion. 20 inches to be considered one column All transitory advertisements 1‘ I'Qlll strangers or irregulnr customeg's must be pald for when lumdcu In for inscruon. Onlch for any of the uudel‘mentioncd des- (:11 ptviou 01' will be promptly attended to: Funcy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Law Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Chocks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads, Fancy Cards, ’zunphlcts, Large and Small Posters, an_(_l exj¢21'3'ocl{el'kl11(l of er-l’r “'1’ ’ t' LICENSED AUCTIUNEER FOIL THE County of York. Sales unended {,0 on the shortest. notice and at. moderate rates. 1’. 1). Address, Buttonville. Advertisemean without wrltten directions useer til forbid and charged accordingly. TIIE IIEIx’JALD BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHLVIENT. Counties of York. Peel and Ontario. Residenceâ€"Lot. S, um (1011., Markham. P. 0. Unionvxllc. Sales attended on the shortest, notice and on reasonable terms. Aurora, lst, 8th, mm and 22nd of each month. M U Newmurket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2nd Richmond Hill.. 9th ‘- N Mb. Albert . . . . . . . W 14th “ “ Thornhill. . .. .. 23rd “ “ Maple . . . . . . ., 26th H “ Burwlck. .. .. 28th “ u Klein burg. . . . . . . , . . 29le H * NobleLon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30:11 “ “ Nitrous Oxide Gas always on lmml at, Aurora THE YORK HERALD w 11 always be fnund to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local News and Markets, and the groaLesL care will be taken to render it, acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Nngspapor: _ __ ‘ . TEILIS . Une Dollar per annum, in advance if_not, paid within two mon ms, One Dollar and Fng Cents win be chul'qu. N0 pal r discon 1 113d until all arrom‘nges are paid; and parties refusing papers without paying up will be held accountable for the subscription. All letters addressed to the Editor must be ost-paid. â€" THOMAS CARR. DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, (5R0: HERIES. Winns and Linum's. ’l‘hornhll]. G; H. If. having'hall Voiviu 71111;“ LN i EA‘RS’ PRACTICE, feels conï¬dent of giving entire satis- laction. Cheap Book 6' Job Printing Establishment. Every Friday Morning, To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past, he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the future. he would my that. no endeavor on his past will be want,ng t9 ‘I‘nen't their approval. V,.VVK.. ’ REFERENCES.â€"â€"The followin gentlemen can with conï¬dence 1'eoommond ( . ]{. Husband m all requiring Dental aid : Dr. Reid, Thomhill,‘ Dr. Bull, \Vesbon; Dr. D’Evlyn, Bul‘wlck; Dr. (Dorson, Brampton. RESIDENCE . . . . . . . . . .TIIORNHILL. Thornhill,_Sept. 17, 1368. 6 PUBLISHER AND PROPRIE'I‘OR OF ORK ERRED]! And dispatched to subscribers by the Oprlicst mgils o_r’ otheLconve-yanpg, when sq dqsu‘cq.‘ G, H. HUSBAND, L. D. s, ENTIST, BEGS MOST RESPECTFULLY to announce mm. hnwill Im at U to annol'mce that. he will be at Unlonvllle. WHISL Monday ofeucll month. VVestou. .. . 9m (lay “ Klinebu .16Lh H Burwlck .23nd “ ‘ Scar boro . . . . . . . 23rd “ \thre he will be prepm’ud undmmst happy to wait, on thosp wpo may requle his sel‘ngcs. RESIDENCEâ€"Thornlllll‘ Jul y 22, 1869. Richmond Hill, Jan Markham, July 24, June 27, 1867. J anuury A1, 1365: EDWARD SANDERSON, XCBL'SED AUCTIONEER FOR THE JOHN CARTER, ICENSED AUCTIflONrEISIBM you THE PROPRIETORS OF THE RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, Aurora, April 28,'70 JNO. D. MCCONNELL, M.D., .RADUATE 01“ TORONTO UNIVERSIRY. Vol. XIV, N0. 5. CERiES'; Winéé iuu'l leuoré, Thbrhhlll. OFFICE-vâ€"YONGE Sax, RICHMOND HILL. DOC'I'Q RS 0F lVlEDlCINE. Terms: $1 per annum in advance. H. SANDERSON & SONS, FRANCIS BU TTON, JIL, A. ROBINSON’S, L. D. s,, D3. JAS. LANGSTAFF ADVERTISING RATES JOHN N. REID,’ M.D., ALEX. SCOTT, HENRY SMELSOR, DR. HOSTETTER, u r] AUCT DENTISTRY. Tm Yonx HERALD." DRUGGISTF. IS PUBLISHED 1863. warranted genuine, mm men. ...... $4 on (il 1375â€" 1y -liv7 431 THE EXCELSIOTU’UMP IS NO\V MANU- FACTURED by Reuben Phillips and Jacob Bl'illluger, Richmond Hill, who have purchas- ed the business from Mr. 1’. Phillips, who are prepared to ï¬ll all orders promptly. This Pump is Easiest \Vm'kexl, Most-Durable and Neatcst Made in the Dominion. IL ls so constructed with the castings orthe handle as to makeit all Light, therefore pl'P- vglltiug qhildï¬on from. putting 1'11 1mg Into 1t. The highest-market prices given for 'uLt-lc, Sheep, I .ambs, &c. Also, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. venting children from muting anything Into at. The Subscriber \voul respectfully announce that he is prepared to put: in this Pump on Trial for one month! And if accepted idersigued having received an agency for the Townships of Wlxitclmrcli, King, Mark- ham, Vaughan York and Etobicn kc, begs leave to say that he is now actively engaged. in canvassing the same; and mose wishing to insure before being called on in the ordinary routine of the canvass, that, by addressing him at, Newmarketw or at head (mice, givingTNo. 01' lot and concession and name of township, they can secure prompt, attention. TIIUSL ATKINSON; Agent. N ewm :u'keiv, Aug. 16, 1871. 7 652-ly BUTCHER, RICHMOND _111LL, HAS AL- WA Y5 on hand the best, 01' Beef, Mutton Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c., and sells a the lowest, prices for Cash. I V iIIE-adaiitéci 101 {118 ilreépoétfwells. Refer- ences in all. Depths from cisbex‘nw one [lun- red and thirty feet. r v lifaT'EE Eoï¬tï¬feï¬fufrbpiutixtion, and are fast suporised ing all other kinds both in wood and meta . PO‘VELL’S PATENT PUMPS cannot be )‘ivalled withvut infringing Powell’s Patents. Users 01' infringing pumps are liable. C. POWELL, Putemce,Newton brook. I 7 11,11,907ï¬eéxfgmt‘uuéd By the highele legal tribun'tls, and universally approved by an enâ€" llglltened public wherever Introduced. \VARR ANTED TVVU YEARS, 01' if they are not preferer to any other pump they may be returned, and the-money will be refunded. . These Pumps are suitable for all 'Lleptlis from a. (cistern to a well of 150 l'euL. They are not lluble to gen Out of repair, being Double- valved, and mo joints are all turned in a lathe: consequently there is no Leakage at, the joints which is invariably the case with the common plgnp madg by haml. viii; f: Rates as low as ins possible for any Mu- tual Cnm pally m make them, keeping in View t11_(_3_seot11'l_ry 9r its ygiicy holders, ‘ H E S U 1350 R I B ER IN RETU {NING thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he commenced business as a Butcher on Richmond Hill, begs to announce Lu men) that 110 has disposed of his~business be his son, HENRY HOPPER, who Will in future carry on the businosu. Ho also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow thc'ir pm,- ronnge on his successor. PO\VELL’S PATENT PUMPS have all the merits ofuther pumps. with- out their defects. Nth-others possess their pe- culiar advantageous, Dentures. . POWELL’H PA'I T PUMPS ' as now perl‘oe d, are the succg am 1'5- L» V E'sâ€"liéwwpéff‘o'e d, aré the succcsriful rc- sulb of twelve years ondeuvorto supply a Want, universally felt. POWELL’S PATENT PUMPS even in their hitherto imperfect. form, have in all instances carried- ofl‘ the highest, prizes from all competitors. OWELL’S PATENT PUMPS while they cannot be appronchcdin wood, gilve ngver y ct been equalled in metal at dou- e cos . POVVELIIS PATENT PUMPS lmvn lmnn slutnjnml hv Hm Alsonmnul‘uulurcs 1» Pump fur cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for clsteru not exceeding 8 feet. Churn pumps for cisterns, 83 ea (‘11. \Vell digging done 011 the shortest. notice. Adam " stating depth ()l'well, 2nd. The important, feature introduced by this Company of insuring NON-HAZARDOUS PROPERTY ONLY, being the means of giving its Policy Holders VERY Low RATES on detached dwellings and farm property. PUWELL’S PATEN '1‘ PUMPS as now made have no castings to loose or break. Iiuvc all steel bearings autced PO‘VELL’S PATENT PUMPS erected within the last, ten years, can have recent improvements attached, and guaran- teed supenor to any omcr make. POKVELL’S PATENT PUMPS ‘ have already taken the landing place in some parts ofth United States as well as in Canada. P0‘VELL’S PATENT l’UM PS m-p [Uln'lflï¬d I'm' the rlnmmst ‘ A Pri'cc: $0 Aflove platform, and 40 cents per foot below. THE ISOLATED RISK FIRE INSURANCE Company of Canada. HEAD OFFICE: King street, Corner of Church, Toronto. , Capital - - - - - $500,000 Depoflted with Government - 50,000 President, ALEXANDER McKExer, Esq.,M.P. Manager, JOLlN MAUGHAN, Jum'. ADVANTAGES OFFERED: 1st. Absolute security to policy holders, in the shape ofavery large cash capital: 3rd. The Stbékâ€"hoklers, Directors and Agents being allresldcnts in Canada, losses will be ad- iusted without, delay, and paid Ix ('ASH AT OWELL'S PATENT PUMPS :u‘e mmleundcl‘ genuine. patents in Canada and the UlliLetl States. Are no spurious im- ilution or iufl-mgcmem. PUXVELL’S PATENT PUMPS have n. orm tl npntnl rmmt: Now :w, 1581 [)0\VELL’H I‘A’ ‘ICNT PUMPS The only efï¬cient. ï¬re engine pump, 11v:in- szIe in a few seconds, winter and summer, day and night. Infriugm‘s beware. AIUSTARD'S PILLS ARE TH Id BEST PILLS you can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billiousnuss, Liver, Kidney Complaints, &c. HAVE YOU RHEUMATISM, WOUNDS. Bruises, Old Sores, )uLs, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, ’uinful Swellings,\VhiLe Swell- ings, and every conceivable woan upon man or beast? Stands permanent] '_above every other Remeâ€" dy now m use. It is Invaluable. A BL'E for Dianx-hmu, Dvsentvery, Flux, Colic, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stom- ach and Bowels, &c. DirecLiuns With each bottle and box. Manufactured by H. MUSTARD, Proprietor, Ingersoll. Sold by Druggists generally. THE DOMINION WORM CANDY IS THE medicine to exr‘el \Vorms, Try it. 2 700! ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITUR-IN- Chancery, Convoymxcer, 6w. OFFICEâ€"N0. 6, Royal Insurance Buildings, Toronto Street. Richmond Hill, Sept. 27, 1871 ROBERT HOPPER, Richmond Hill, Jan. 7, 1871. 3 USE-tr Toronto, Dec. 2, 1860, L Acute and Chronic cuses 01' Catarrh, Neu- gia. Headache, Colds, Coughs. Group, thma~ Bronchitis, &c , it, is also a good Soo- iug Syrup. LSO, THHEHPA‘IN \[101‘03 IS VJ__N1<‘A’LI‘AII- STARD’S CATARRH SPECIFIC CURES Excelsigr 13ulnp. CHANGE OF BUSINESS PATENT NIEDIUIFES I’IKJOCLAJNIACL‘ION. P0\" Ehlfls I’UVIYIPS. FIRE INSILIEANCE. PHILLIPS Sc BRILLINGER, WILLIAM MALLOY, THE KING OF OILS B n 'I‘CIIEIKING NOTICE. Richmond Hill 697- ] y come guar- (2' f8 'â€"‘ -â€"’.l‘he Prince 01 Wales intends to present the ofï¬cers of the 10th Hussars. of which he --1N- l is the colonel, with an equestrian statue of 1 himself in bronm. The work, which is one of great artistic excellence, is intended for a 50; 5 table ornament for the use of the mess. ings, â€"â€"An Alabama lady is reported on medi- cal authority to have borne seventeen children in nineteen years. â€"'Dueling is describeâ€"d b} a gushing Memphis poet as “ this wart on a Christian age.†diet Guard Band by the" British residents of Boaton and vicinity will be given July 1. _..Little Japanese parasols, apparently made of straw, are the latest novelty hawked about Broadway, New York. â€"A lady in Indiana has been granted a. divorce on the plea. that 1151' husband_had rc- fused to assist her on washing days. RING’WOOD MARBLE ‘WORKS. P \VIDEMAN,’MANUFACTURER 01“ ALL . KINDS of Monuments Headstones &(‘. Call and examine my Stock and Prices before purchzwlug elsewhere, as you wl.l find it to your interest. __.A Florida judge, the other day, ï¬ned a hwy er tép (1011413 for lgugpirgg at him. 7 r â€"It is said that the original picture, by Sir George Hayter, of “The Burning of Lati- mer and Ridluy at Oxford,†has left England for Philadelphia, having been purchased by Mr. Latimer, a. direct descendant of the martyr. â€"’1‘ho Torre Haute Irkprcss of the 6511 says : “ The ï¬rst mass meeting of the followers of Horace Greeley held in the State of Indiana, occurred in this city last evening. The masses Occupied four chairs on the sidewalk in front of the Terre Haute House. The Greeley movement is assuming proportions.†BUILDERS, BRICKLAYERS & PLASTER- :39}, are prepared to contract. for creating all kinds of Dwellings, Churches, Schools, 510,. The best of workmanship guaranteed. Plas- terlng done on the shortest notice. IUCSII)EN(‘IGâ€"-)l>\hle. Maple, Oct. 12, 1871. 12 GOO-ly begs to anuounaevxo the public that, he is now practising with ‘ SANDERSON, of the same placcnvhere they may be consulted personally 01' pg: loqt‘crgn all diï¬ Lses 01' HOI‘S ,Cmv‘tleï¬â€˜ï¬cc: â€"-â€"lrou terry boats are u failureiuNtw York. -â€"A man incarcerated in thc Tombs has been ï¬guring in chalk on the walls of his cell: “In New York city the spires of 342 churches, worth $41,130,000, point heaven- ward. I’m here for stealing a loaf of bread for my starving child.†â€".A report is current that the New York Herald establishment is to be shortly sold. Young Mr. Bennett, it is said. has decided to discontinue his connection with journalistic life at an early day, and the paper will be sold either at private sale 01' at auction. â€"A new vessel is about to be built on the Clyde to run between Liverpool ant New York, of dimensions only second to the Great Eax’mz. Her length is to be 576 feet over all, and she is to be 50 feet beam, and 25 feet in depth. It is expected that the great steamship will make the voyageï¬irom port to port in seven days. V of Toronto ;_\'Etex‘iriary Coilege; coriml: of .Yong‘e and Uentfe‘str‘get E45}: l§jcl§l§zoqd Hill, -â€"-The rcmams 0t ptcrodzwtyls, or winged reptiles, found by Prof. O. C. Marsh in the cretuceous shale 01 Western Kansas, show for one individual an expanse of both wings equal to neaily twenty icct, and for another twenty-two feet. They are the largest yet found. -. ACCOUNTANT, BOOK-KEEAER, (ION- VEYANCER and Commission Agent. for the sale or purchase of Lands, Farm Stock, (#0., &c., also 101‘ the collection) of Rents, Notes and Accounts. VETERINARYr‘ESURG EON. GRADUATE n" 'l‘m-nntn>\ tarinm-v ï¬nilmm, mnmnr nf‘ V Alvl Oi‘IVIOl‘S I'roirï¬rardistaï¬Ã©e'iï¬gfï¬biizfzï¬tenhzla Viv, and medicines sent to any part of the Pro- v 1100. 11141.8 U BS C It I B E R‘. IN RETURNING thanks to his friends for the patronage he has received since he comment-ed business as a. 1300'1‘ AND SHOE MAKER, on Richmond Hill, begs 10 announce to them that. he hns (lis- posed 01 his business to his son Rom-21m Su‘mc, Janna, who will in future curry on the business. He also [rust that, his customers Will continue to bestow their pan-0nqu on his successor. ROBT. SIVER, SR. In reference to the above the subscriber begs to announce that, he will give his best/attention Lo business and will keep on hand a select, stock .01‘ Ready-made Boots and Shoes, suitable for the trade in the neighborhood, and hopes to merit the support of his father’s friends. ROBT. SIVER,'JR. -â€"-Chappaqua, famous as the place that holds Mr. Greeley’s farm, is of revolutionary mention. MajorAndrc was there, bound for New York, on the moming of the day on which he was captured, and made inquiries as to the road he was traveling. 136 ts ahdShbés'iriéd'c'to measure, 01†the best materi: Is and workmanship, at (he lowest, rcmunerutlng prices. ‘ Hdrses examin'c‘d' as to soundness, and also bought and sold‘on commission. Richmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872. 7 705 "In Ottawa county, Kansas, recently, a child two years old died from being bitten by a rattlesnake. The head of the snake, with three or four inches of the body, had been severed with an ax, and was supposed to be lifeless, and the child happened to step near tn severed head and was bitten, and diedheiabout four hours. JOHN BARRON, MANUFACTURER AND Dan' in all kinflg nf‘ Rnnm mu] Shops. .‘lh' UILLV D‘AnJXAJA‘, J‘LAAV L1 1‘ XXL/1 UL\1‘4[V 412% U Dealer in all kindsqf Boots and Shoes, 38 t Markgyï¬quare, [roll-onto. â€"- In describing the flood which was so disastrous to many sections of Virginia, the Lynehburg papers record the following very touching incident: A mother and several little children were making their escape from a. narrow neck - of land, which lies between the river and the canal, when they were amazed to ï¬nd that the bridge was already gone, and their only hope was to cling on the abutment of the bridge until the angry waves should subside. But as they stood there clinging to the abutment the waters continued to rise higher and higher, while in the deep darkness they could hear the crashing of trees amid the thunders of bridge timbers that were wildly dashing all around them. 'Ihey had been in this desperate condition for some time, when the lithe girl felt that her strength was gone, and with a wild shriek of terror she ex- claimed “ Kiss me, mother, for I can’t hold any longer!†And with the warm pressure of the mother’s lips upon her cheeks she was swopt away, and was seen no more. FARMERS’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE .JTIssUFqioF MARRIAGE Lnums ., Binglvopd, Sept. 13,771867.’ V V 12 Toronto, Dec. 3 1867 OFFICEâ€"RichInolld Street, Richmond Hill 6 700-ly Richmond Hill, Feb. 9, 1871‘ WOODBURN & STYLES, MISCELLANEOUS. CHARGES Mum: u'rxs SANDERSBE," UNITED STATES RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, CANADA, FRIDAY, JULY. 5, 1872. D. C. O’BRIEN, \Notice. 45,7 see ladies in this garb†u ~ 7 V 7 salpop‘inspeetiorexmdl , ., and an idiotic-looking young ’man stabbing the dragon. The dragon very bad indeed-â€" head with scales something like a. turtle, and teeth in its mouth that are neither those of lion, tiger, hyena, wolf, bear, or Seal. * * * A great big picture a very thin, tall lady in the cost chained toa rock by her wri ‘ the world could this come abom’ It is very interesting to ï¬nd a. critic of art gor any other critic, for that matter ) 'who ares to get out of the beaten trackâ€"such a man, lor example, as Mr. Frank Buckland, who writesin a delightlully novel vein, in Land and Water, concerning his visit to the galleries of the Royal Academy. We present a. few extracts, which afford a fair index to the quality of the Whole : * * * Not many of the pictures -â€"-I am sorry to say very Jewâ€"tell their own story ; but some do. The gem of the collec- tion, in my idea, is a picture representing an old, gray-haired man, with his hands tied he. hind his back,standing in front of the lions and tour lionesses. The beasts are evidenta-lly very hungry, and they have slain and eaten a man not very long before. ‘ There is a blood-stained spot on the ground, for I see a human femur (left side), aright tibia, a left humerus, and a. bit of the pelvis lying about. A bit-ofa. scapula has flesh still upon it. All the bones are human. Why: don’t these sewage and starved beasts instantly fly upon and kill this poor old man? Look at that three-year-old lion coming round from - beâ€" hind the others; a. sneaking, oat-like, but magniï¬cent beast, worth £200 ut‘least to our friend Jamrueh, the animal dealer. Look at that old lioness snarling and showing her awlul teeth and spine-covered tongue, and the old lion licking his quivering be- whiskered lips. What is that curious light falling full and glorious upon thdv man? It is not natural, itis not the light 33f the sun or the moon, not yet of the eldetï¬e‘ light. By Jove! I see. It is “Daniel inï¬w Lions' Den." Splendidâ€"grand ! I deugrutlilutel the artist. -‘ ’ The young man must be im idiot. Fancy going out to ï¬ght a dxagon with pigeon’s wings tied to one’s anklesâ€"see pictureâ€"and with bare legs, like a. Highlander. The young manâ€"he is neither an anatomist nor a butcherâ€"has thrust his swordâ€"not a scien- tiï¬c-looking weapon at allâ€"a few inches in- to the dragon’s month just inside the mmus of the left lower jaw. The wound would not hurt the dragon 3 bit, It would simply transï¬x his parotid gland, if a dragon has a parotid gland. The sword would run well clear of the carotid arteries, and certainly would not touch the beast’s aorta or heart, This is not the way to kill a dragon. I wish somebody would kill a. dragon and let me cast it. If I wanted to kill a dragon I would set a Scotch “stake†or “fly†salmon net for him, or else get my friend Captain Gray, cf Peter- head to come with his whale steamship Eclipse and a. boat’s ore r, or two or three of his l’eterhead whale-harpooners. We would soon polish oï¬" Master Dragon, I know. I mustnob forget the dragon's blood in the picture. I long to dip a. microscope slide into it. I wonder what the corpuscles would be like. ‘5 * * “A North American Indian sit- ting quite alone on the prairie. If the painter has not actually been on an American prairie himself, he has taken the scene from a. wonderfully effective plate in ‘Cutlin‘s North American Indiatns.’ Something want- ing to interpret the picture. Let’s see the details. A pair of deer’s horns behind the man (deer horns right for a wonderâ€"Germs Virgimanus), a quiver full of arrows, the man had not been hunting, or there would have been fewer arrows in the quiver ; bow I believe right ; a ï¬re three parts out ; logs of wood much too bigâ€"I don’t see where the Indian could have got such big logs of wood on a prairie. The man is illâ€"~I don’t think he has had an accident, certainly not a mic- ture of a bone, or he would be looking at or attempting to support the iractured limb. He has some internal disease, possibly peri- tonitusâ€" a man with peritonitus could cerâ€" tainly not ride. Other Indians in the dis. tance are going away at a pretty fast pace. I suppose they are going away for the doc- tor. The man’s loose horse is in the van of the Indians. It would have been more po- etical if the painter had made the horse ap- pear unwilling to leave his master, thus shaming the men. I peep at a catalogue of some one near, ‘Left tovDie ’ is the name of the picture. Poor Indian. I wish I was there with my medicine chest, I would try to cure him. He can’t be so very bad utter all, or he \VuDId be lying down. the peacefuil‘scehé â€"All the Year Round. mate on‘ her nest Oh, air like balm! 0h, sully calm! 0h, peacefuil Summer night! There is not. in the 1011;,r June days an hour so sweet, and brightY As when the eve begins with dew the flower- cupe to 1311, And lilies float, upon the moat; and ’yond the pine-clad hill, Ariseth up the evening star, with silver lam 1) on high, ' And ’pluinlng zephyrs through the leaves of river-poplar ‘ sigh ' . VVheh tr I‘ll h goué’h Astorope comes forth, .7 v â€â€˜I a dark-brewed queen, H V Aug draws her purple_ sta' strewn veil across A zoowexs'r IN THE ROYAL ACADEMYâ€"ONLY " FUN.†The green leaves rust-1e in the breeze, the Summer sun is low. VVlth crimson and with amethyst, the sky is all uglow; The plash oi oars comes from the lake, the hlackbird on the thorn _ Sings songs of IOVG to cheer his mute. And on the south wind borne, There comes a. sound of Linkllng bells from yonder hillside fold, ’ What time the sunset gleaming, tips the clover bllds with gold., The lurk grows still, his clarion shrill ceases, and to his rest. . Down‘ drop_s he eagerly to join his brown “ If I have offended anv artists I hope they will forgive me, but they wally should observe nature more. Aflcr Ml, what I have written ifonly fun, you know.†â€"â€"Amanin Gloucester, Mass., at the reâ€" quest, or his wife, consented to give all the ï¬ve cent pieces he had in his pocket each day. He supposed the money would be spent in hair pins, or such like triflcs, but was astonished three years afterwards, on the anniversary of his birthday, to receive from his wife as a present, a gold watch worth $100, purchased with the accumulated ï¬ve cent pieces. - â€" It has been decided by the Treasury Department under section 20 of the act 01 July 18, 1866, that grain, or other merchan- dizc transported to a Canadian part in a vessel of the United States to be there re- laden and re-shipped, either in an American or foreign bottom, for an original port 01 destination in the United States, is not liable to forfeiture, nor the importing vessel to the penal tonnage tax prescribed in the act. * * * “ And now, dear reder, I must shut up. I writ’e this from memory in the railway going to Shrewsbury, on ofï¬cial duty, and I am near this ï¬ne old town. Lively Art Criticism. Asterope. [On 'l'hux'sdayï¬vening last one of the mod; imposing, Sad and" Salem); funeral procee- Sio‘ns ever witnessed'rpaswd through the .atreets of Richmond, ’Va., bearing to their ‘ï¬ggljesiing'ï¬pMcve A}: .Holyywood Cemetery Fmgflo’ b1: a5 rest Beneath E5141 “mm Nearly a. week ago the remains of the gal- lant dead were received in a large number of boxes direct from the ï¬eld where they died ï¬ghting for thcl‘qost cause.†A large num- oer of the dead belonged to Pickett’s divis- ion of Virginians, which made the disastrous and fatal charges on that bloody ï¬eld, and their valor and heroism have since become matter of historic note. The entire day was spent in preparing ior the grand funeral ob- sequics. ' The streets along the line of the route were beautifully draped in the sad and sor- rowful emblems of mourning, erape and black serge, in long and graceful festoons, interspersed wit: appropriate mottoes, and occasionally a riddled battle flag, fringed with the emblematic black, hung from the houses and waved sadly in the dying breeze of a. Southern summer evening. All the stores, banks, publ‘c buildings, telegraph ofï¬ces and private dwellings were closed, and even the ofï¬ce of the State Journal, the republican paper, and the post-ofï¬ce, paid the mournlul tribute to the honored dead by closing their doors and hanging out the em- blems of death. Their kinsmen,- the low caste Hindoos, are equally fond of bright colors, equally averse lo ï¬xed habitations ; clever atsnaring wild creatures, chaste within certain wide limits, timid, patient, passionate: crafty at playing upon the credulity of the civilized and scornful of all beliefs, except that it is very good to be where the sun and moon can be seen. They, too, are happy in their way, though'it is not ours. Meantime, it is apity to be too hard on the poor Zinguï¬of Engâ€" land. They will die out soon enough when the heather and furze have all yielded to wheat and turnips, and when hazelnuts are not to be had without paying. They do very little harm indeed, and contribute to many a rural landscape in_ spling and summer a feature of wild primeval charm. At ï¬ve o’clock the procession formed on Main street, at Seventeenth, and marched ud main to Monroe Park, and thence out through Laurel street to the cemetery. First in order came a large detachment of police, headed by the municipal authorities, wearing badges of mourning. Then came the band of the First Virginia Regiment, playing the “ Dead March in Saul," that mouinful requiem ofa soldier’s burial. Following came the Colonel of the ] st Regiment and staff ofï¬cers mounted, at the head of their command, which, with reversed arms, marched to the solemn music and kept step'to the beat of muifled drums. The flags of the regiment were fnrled and draped. Another detachment of police, all comrades of the dead, and then came the most hearts touching spectacleâ€"sixteen wagons, laden with the bones of the dead soldiers who, years ago, marched cheerfully through the same streets en route to the battle-ï¬eld. The bones and dust in boxes were covered with wreaths, flowers and weeping willow, and as this portion of the processsion met the gaze of the "at concourse of spectators there was scarcely an ;eye that was not dimmed by a tear, and from many of the full and aching hearts of interested persons they flowed copiously. Each wagon was accom- panied by an escort of four soldiers, and next behind the men, whom he led in the battle, came General George E. 1’ickett,com- mander ot the division to whom the dead beâ€" longed. Following him were a long line of (ax-Confederate soldiers, the companions of the dead, and after them came the Society of the Southern Cross Brotherhood wearing their badges. The rear of the procession was brought up by a long line of carriages, extending over a mile. Arriving at Hollyâ€" wood, that city of the dead was thronged with spectators, and, amid the most aprro- priate and impressive ceremonies, the 717 were ï¬nally laid at rest There exists, indeed. an old legend that the ancestors of this singular race were the inhabitants of a village in Lower“ Egypt, to which Joseph and Mary came in their flight with the child. The fugitives were refused admission to its inhospitable walls, and thereupon a voice was heard from the sky, crying: “Those who shut’ love out, shall be shut out from love.†Aft r this the doom of perpetual wandering, with ceaseless ill-treat- went from all men, fell upon the offenders and their posterity. The story is pretty, but it is not true. In these dark-skinned Rom- anies we undoubtedly sce veritable Asiatics ; and that incurable love of wild life and free air, which they everywhere display, is the deep-rooted relic of their ancient nomad ex- istence on the hills and plains of India. As soon as the :leaf is on the willow and the sweet-scented blossoms of the Msy tree make their appearance in the hedgerows of England, then the gypsies bestir themselves to get out of their crowded haunts in the large cities. They have inherited the pas- sion for nature from ancestors older than any stock in England. The gypsy is no Egyp- tian, nor Bohemian, nor ancient Christian driven out of the East by the Saracen, as the French tale goes. He is a Hindoo of the aboriginal type ; his :dialeet is full, in every land, of broken words from Indian roots; his hatred of houses, his airy contempt of dirt, his scorn of books and schools, his turn for pilfering, his rooted timidity and cunning, and his addictedness to divination and bla‘ck arts, are all antique legacies irom an'Asiatie source. The Danes call the wan- deret “ Tartars,†the Germans “Heiden†or. heathen, the French " Bohemians,†and their own word “Romany†is corrupted Sanskrit for a."husha.nd.†But all the other names, Zigani, Zingari, Tehingenes, Gitanos and Czigany, are inflections of the right title “ Zineali,†meaning “ Men of India.†He who has seen the Brinjari and Bheel tribes of that peninsula has seen the ï¬rst kousins of the European gypsies; and the likeness between them and the roving people of Be- loochistan,and at the mouth of the Indus, is perfectly surprising. â€"The Lari of Portsmouth has the honor of being the collateral representative of fir Isaac Newton, and he has generously offered to the University of Cambridge, through the Duke of Dcvonshire (Chancellor of the University), all the papers of Sir Isaac rc- lating to scientiï¬c subjects whi.-h his lord- ship has inherited. Lord Portsmouth’s gift is prompted by a feeling that those papers will be more ï¬tly deposited in the library ot the University in which Sir Isaac was so distinguished an ornament than in his own muniment-room. â€"'I‘ he heathen Ohince in Idaho flies mon- ster kites, which in shape, resemble huge spiders, ith and all, and after reaching a considerable hight, messengers, in the shape of butterflies and paper birds, are sent up on the string. Attached to the heads of these kites is some kind of an jE-vlian instrument which gives forth a. buzzing round continu- ally, that can be heird no matter how high it goes. The Gypsies in Old Englanc. The Confederate Dead. w hynpcw-ux on'Mbnday at ‘ moon about _ v R kw ‘fflq girls, V *1 wannaâ€"LL; ively Va and. seven yearsâ€"the former a. daughter of G.Grange, MP. P., of that place, the other of ’l‘hos. Grangeâ€"wexe drowned in a pond ,whilc bathing at Grange’s mills. G teat sympathy is expressed for the bereaved parents. -â€"The Synods of the Church of Scotland, and of the Canada. Presbyterian Church, the Wesleyan Methodist Conference, the Con- gregational Union and the Bible Christian Conference, have all agreed to observe the 14th of November as a day of thanksgiving. The Church of England will probably adopt the same day. â€" At the last meeting of the Town Counâ€" cil of Ingersoll, the following motion was carried: Moved by Mr. Noxon, seco uded by Mr. Ezl-kins, That, whereas it is desirable to oifer so ue tangible recognition of the services rendered by the London and Woodstock ï¬re companies at the late ï¬re, therefore be it re- solved, that the Finance Committee be re. quested to submit an amount that it may be desirable to vote for that purpose. â€"-After the many doubts and misgivings felt by Canadians, on the withdrawal of the British troops, it is with great satisfaction we hear from Montreal of the assurance given by General Sir Hastings Doyle, at the dinner given to Lord Lisgar, by the citizens of Montreal, that the forces of Great Britain shall ever be ready to protect Canada. in any difï¬culty, and that Halifax shall be retained as a naval port. â€"-Uanadn not only pays her way well as well as any country in the world, but; she is lightly taxed, and has the happiness of deal- ing with a large surplus. Her revenue in the past ï¬scal year is $16,335,000, expendi- ture $15,700,000, surplus about $3,700,000. For the current year the estimated revenue exceeds $20,000,000, and although taxation is ,to be still further lightened a large surplus revenue is expected to remain. We wish her Jailways did as well. It is true one of them is now quite a. prosperous concern, but it cannot yet be said that those who found the capital for Canadian railways in general have beneï¬ted by their enterprise. That; they will do so, however, in time we have not a. doubtâ€"Ilempat/fls Journal. Tebaldo, beside himself with rage, at- tempted to wound her through the gate, and succeeded; the obscurity of the place pre- vented his actions from being obsurved. On her return to her room, the maiden felt a pain in her breast, and uncovering ilr, she found it spotted with a single drop of blood. The pain increased 3 the surgeons who hastened to her assistance, taught by the past, wasted no time in conjecture, but cut- ting deep into the wounded part, extracted the needle before any mischief haul com- menced, and. saved the life of the lady. The state inquisition used every means to dis- cover the hand which dealt those insidious and irresistible blows. The visit of Tebaldo to the convent caused suspicion to full heavily upon him. His house was carefully searched, the infamous invention discovered, and he perished on the gibbet. â€"â€"A letter from a gentleman residing in the township of Loughborough to a fliend of his living in this city, status that on Tuesday last some Indian or Indians stole a child from Kingston. A farmcr allowed them to ride in his wagon ; he noticed the white child, and asking one of the Indians to whom it belonged and from whence.thoy hailed, reâ€" ceived the reply that it had been kidnapped from Kingston. The Indians were then stopping at a house between Kingston and Inverary. The aboveinformation comes from a reliable source, and may be accepta- ble to the parents of the missing child. Ac- cording to the consolidated statutes, chapter 91, any person guilty of decaying or detain- ing a child, under 10 years of age, is liable to conviction for felony, and shall be imâ€" prisoned at hard labor in the penitentiary for any term not less than two yearsâ€"[fing- ston News. Tebaldo waited in disguise at the door of the church in which the maiden whom he loved was about to receive the nuptial bene- diction. Tne assassin sent the slender steel, unperceivcd, into the breast of the bride- groom. The wounded man had no suspicion ofinjury, but was seized with sharp and sud- den pein in the midst of the core- mony; he fainted, and was carried to his own house amid the lamentations of the bridal party. Vain was all the skill of the physician, who could not divine the cause of the strange illness, and in a few days he died. 'l‘ebaldo again demanded the hand of the young maiden from her parents and received a second refusal ; they, too, perished miserably in a few days. The alarm of these deaths, which appeared almost mi- raculous, occasioned, and excited the utmost vigilance of the magistrates; and when, .on close examination of the bodies, the small instrument was found in the gangered flesh, terror was universal ; every one leared for his own life. The maiden thus cruelly or- phaned, had passed the ï¬rst month of her mourning in a convent7 when Tehaldo, hop- ing to bend her to his will, entreated to speak topher at the‘ gate. Her reply was most decisively in the negative. \The following singular traditirn is related of a key in the collection of curiosities pre- served in the arsenal at Venice. About the year 1600, one of those dangerous men, in whom extraordinary talents are only the fearful source of crime and ,wiekedness be- yond that of ordinary men, came to establish himself a merchant or trader in Venice. The stranger, whose name was Tebaldo, be- came enamored of the daughter of an ancient house, already aflianced to another. He dc- manded her hand in marriage, and was of course rejected. Enraged at this he studied how to be revenged. Profoundly skilled in mechanical arts, he allowed himself no rest until he had invented ‘the most formidable weapon that could be imag- ined. This key was of large size, the handle of which was so constructed that it could be turned with little difliculty. When turned it disclosed a spring which, on pres- sure, launched from the other end a needle or lancet of such subtle ï¬neness that it en. tered the flesh and buricditself there without leaving external trace. â€"In Montreal last year 240 tavern licenses were granted by the License Commissioners, and {)1 refused. These at $89 each netted $21,300, and the quota accruing to the 001‘- puration $9 each, was $2,160 ; the remainder, the bulk sum, fell into the hands of the Gov ernment. The same year grocers’ licmses were issued to the number of 485, which, at $26 (311.01), amounted to $11,125. Of this $8 per issue, $3,560, came into the bands of the City Treasurer. For the present year, up to date, 272 tavern licenses have been granted and 31 refusal The revenue will from this source conse- quently be $24,208,111e city gaining its share 2,448‘ GrOCers’ licenses to the extent of 469 have been granted, bringing in $11,725, the city getting $3,692. Of the latter sort few are refused, two being the total number for last year ; one, so far, for this. It is un- derstood that a number of licenses haVe been refused, which will appear in nsupplementary report to be made by request at the next meeting of Council. The Key of Death. CANADA. miflmjfxafï¬ï¬‚ PM?“ WORCESTER, 11855., June 27.â€"-'1‘he three mile eingle scull boat race at Lake innae- Lg'amond, yesterday afternoon, for $500 a side between Ellis Ward, oneof the Ward Bros, of Newburg, N. Y., and J. J. O’Leary, of this city, was won easily by Ward. Time: 21 minutes and 38 seconds, which is the .bm timeonrecerd. ’ " -» -- ' Persons desirous of visiting the above states with the intention, if suited, of ur- chasing timber, mineral,or improved farming land direct from the owners at the present very low prices, and not in the hands of speculators, but must be sold at a great sac- riï¬ce, and parties wishing reliable informa- tion about the climate, soil, products, &c.,und tickets at reduced rates to visit the states and free transportationto see the lands, it will be to their advantage to communicate with the subscriber as he is well acquainted with the above states and the most desirable to settle in ; good climate, fertile soil, and advantages of railroads, navigation and other facilities for the best markets. This is the best opportunity ever oti'ered to get a cheap home and the best climate in America. Send for circular of lands and card. NORTH CAROLINA 85 VIRGINIA LANDS. Advertising alone does not produce success The thing which is advertised must have intrinsic merit, or else largo advertising will eventually do it more ham than good. It you have anything which you know to be good advertise it. thol‘oughly,and you will be sure to succeed ;' if it is not, don’t praise it, for people will soon discover you are ly- ing. Lfvxgm’oo-L, June 2 7,â€"A1'ri90dâ€"stenmoili p Canada. from New York. SOUTHAMPTON, June 27.â€"Arrivedâ€"steam- ship Tasmania. from Aspinwnll. New YORK, June 27.â€"A Geneva. special reports that General Sherman paid a. visit to General Dufour, formerly commander-in- chief of the Swiss army. Gen. Dufour en- quired of General Sherman if he came to Europe on account of the Alabama claims arbitration in Geneva. General Sherman answered, No, he wouldJeave that to law- yers. A difference existed on the subject be- tween the countries of the United States and Great Britain, but the afl'air of its settlement was not at all in his prowfince. Lvnn‘lu, In...†«an: .2. um.‘,.,.'9 Heidflr‘...’ tains the following: Lord Tcnferdenï¬he British agent, received the reply of his Gov- ernment to the last dispatch, which was re- ccived by Bancroft Davis from Secretary Fish. It is possible that the ï¬nal sitting of the tribunal of arbitration will be held on Friday morning. Mr. Davis will leave Geneva for Paris on Friday evening, but contemplates returning to the former city in a few weeks_ England, however, persists in her demand fora. long adjournment, but it may bore- ceived as cerlain thnta long adjournment will not be granted. It is certain that a. majority of the arbitrators will vote, against an adjournment for a. longer period than a. fortnight. “Many buildings and trees at other points were struck by lightning. Between the towns of Stafford and Wolverhampton the crops were prostrated and destroyed. LIVERPOOL, June 26.â€"'I‘he stéï¬mship Ne- vada, which sailed to-day for New York, took out 350 Mormon colonists. LONDON, June 27.â€"Efl‘ortsr tire making to adjust the diï¬crenccs between the masters ang journeymen masons here. Such is the policy 01 the Burlington Route, which runs to three great- regions in the West: 1st, to Omaha,couuecting with the great Paciï¬c Roads. 2nd, 'to Lincoln, the capital of Nebraska, and all that beautiful region south ot the Platte, ï¬lled with R. R lands and homesteads. 3rd, to St. Joseph, Kansas City, and all Kansas points. NEW YORK, June 2G.â€"-A Geneva special toy the Herald saws, the summary of the position is that the United‘Statea withdrawn nothing of its claims. Both . parties are fairly before the Tribunal. Dufou'r replied that? if it were to be settled, qujand must Bay, am} probably know; it. 500 CHEAP IMPROVED mums, up 200,000 Acun or VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. A special dcspatch from Geneva to the London papers, state that the Tribunal of Arbitration will meet again at 11 o’clock on Thursday morning. The American rrepreSen. tetions before the Board, in consequence of the confusion of their Cypher dispatches, mis. apprehended the intention of Grant and Fish, who did not deï¬nitely withdraw the claims for indirect damages. A majority or the Board of Arbitrators are unfavorable, to 'a longer adjornment of the Tribunal than a fortnight. The English representatives will leave Geneva. on Friday, and it is therefore supposed that an important decision will be given by the Board on Thursday. ‘ 5 a. m.â€"â€"The Daily News says America agrees to being non-suited in her case before the Board of Arbitration, so fat as indirect‘ claims are concerned. ‘ " The roads are splendidly built, héwe the best bridges, ï¬nest cars, the Miller plattorm and coupler, and the safety air brake (to pre- vent the loss of life that is everywhere else appening) ; Pullman’s sleepers, Pullman dining cars, large and powerful engines (to make quick time and good connections)’ and in a word the best equipped roads in the West. So that if you desire to go safely. surely, quickly and comfortably to any poin in Southern Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, or on the Paciï¬c Roads, be sure that you go “ By Way of Burlmgtou. LONDON, June BILâ€"At the session'of'tha House of Lords to-night, the ballot bill as amended in that body passed to its third ranging. A " Terms ; One [Dollar [per [Armand in Advance. All who wish particular information, and la. rge map, showing correctly the Great West, and all its railroad connections can obtain them,and other knowledge by addmss lug General Passenger Agent, B. 8: Mo. B. B B“, Burlington, Iowa. By Telegraï¬h. Dear Sirâ€"Having used your Compound Syrup for some time, in my practice, I have no Lies- ltatlon in recommending it to my patients who are sufl'ering from General Debillty or any Disease of the Lungs, knowing that even in cases utterly hopeless, it. affords relief. I am, Sir,yours truly, a. G.:A.DDY. up. St. John, N. 15., Jan. 1868. Mu. JAMES J. FELLOWS, Chemist, St. John, Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas, California. | “THE YORK HERALD,†,UBLISHED AT THE ormcm 0N I1. Tufy, Egg, Issued Weekly on Friday Morning" s. 0. CASE, Southern Laud Commissioner, 202, North John Street, Hamilton GENEVA TRIBUNAL. Yams Sn, Bxcuuounvï¬ny...‘ ALEX. Sconfll’normmon. GREAT BRITAIN. WHOLE No, ‘728. MIX