Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Jul 1872, p. 2

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remr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Harvest toolsâ€"W. Atkinson In Chanceryâ€"T. W. Taylm.‘ List of Letters in P.O. Notice to Contractors ,mrwm'w, ,_ VT- Elbe art RICHMOND IIILL, JULY 5, 1872. W l WHO SHALL GOVEIIN US? This is the great question upon which the Managing Director, through the columns of the Globe, is striving might and main to raise an agitation on, through-i out Ontario especially. That is his’ forte, he is great on agitation but noth- ing more, and upon what grounds is he trying to raise an issue? Solely on the character and conduct of men now in :powor, and if We are to believe the great defamer of our public men and give credence to the vile outpourings of a disappointed demagoguc, who has made it his business and grown fat thereby, our whole political system is rotten to the core. The Ministers of the day and the large majority in Par.- liament which supported them, especially during the last session, are nothing but sehemers and trickstcrs, corruptors and corruptionists. In the whole Commons there are but fiftyfive good and true me“; and only 80m!) of those sound ex- ‘cePt‘ againSt the Treaty and the interests ‘OF the clerC- Bl‘.t if we are to accept tho Wholesale 51” ider and denunciations 0f the 1393‘“ our own day as true, so also are the y equally true of those of the PM”; 3111 at one time or other have been file objects of his vituperation, upon‘al” even upon Baldwin down have the “all s of his wrath been poured, even to the .- vcry drcgs. What, then, is the de proposed ? Who are to be the viours of the country ? Echo answers who? Hark! from the inner chamber of the Globe, even from the sanctum sanctorum of the great maligner of his countrymen comes a stcntorian sound as it came one short year ago : Blake, Mackenzie, McKcllar, Oliver, Bodwcll, KERR, LEWIS, ct hoc genus. These are the last and only hope and refuge. ’ Choose these and a new system of purity, honesty and truth will be inaugurated. Reject them and we are lost hopelessly, sunk in the slough of corruption and dishonor. What a proposition to a people even yet writhing under the dis. grace so recently perpetrated (by these very men, ‘ Proton frauds.’ Speak now. Railway appropriation by Parliament whib imhas not complied with the con- ditions; to dare to ask the country to support men so utterly rocyeant to the principles they urge when in opposition. 'l‘o entrust them with the management of the Pacific Railway and the enlarge ment of our canals; men who doubled the railway grant in Ontario, who voted against the thirty millions for the Paciâ€" fic,â€"why place them in power, who, from their antecedents, would make it sixty millions. Let Onrario speak now, once and forever. Let the battle cry be “ No more Brown, Blake St 00.,” decept tions and frauds, agitation and slander, but henceforth unity, loyalty, progress and peace. Five years more to the men who have piloted us so far in safety, in honor, in prosperity. Let Brown and Blake apply themselves to the study of the first principle of honor, and integrity in government. So mote it be and so it shall. N’DOMINION DAY.â€"â€"Last Monday being the fifth anniversary of the Confedera- tion of our provinces in British North America, a large majority of the Cana~ dian towns and villages observed it as a public holiday; and among the many celebrations which took place we are not a little gratified to know that the citizens of Richmond Hill were not behind in the same. Numbers of gaily dressed people, old men and maidens, lads and lasses of all classes were to be seen flocking in du- ring the forenoon,and at about 10:30 A.M. the key to all the amusement, the Pat- terson Brass Band,made their appearance, Shortly after dinner the games were com- menced, of which there was a. heavy pro- gramme, and were well contested ; all of which aflbrded unqualified amusement to the spectators. In consequence of the excessive heat, which made playing very Iatiguing, one or two games, such as foot ball,&c., were omitted. however, the weather became much more agreeable, and a large number tarried to witness the grand tot‘clrlight processsion Towards evening after which was to follow a magnificent display of fireworks. The procession was really excellent, but unfortunately the committee, who were eminently successâ€" ful in the order of affairs during the day, met with an accident while in the act of lighting a sky-rocket, the result of which was, the whole thirty dollars’ worth of fire-works burnt up, and the finish of the day’s enjoyment made to prove a failure. It is an unpleasant duly however, to ob- serve that Dominion Day was not allowed to pass comfortably as on former ocea sions, inasmuch as scieral li'l'i‘ifving persmial encounters werewitnee-:cdwhich _ considerably marred the day’s procccdl ngs ’ . r - ,. I The Vaughan Council will meet Ior! business at the town hall, on ’l‘utsday ‘has any quantity on hand, for sale, at ._. w. Mu , a1.“ " tr “A7 Dig/Met; MONTHLY FAIRâ€"Tho usual monthly faia was held in our town on Wednes- day last, when a large number of cattle was collected on the grounds at an early hour. Several buyers were present, and business appeared pretty lively during the day. t Guan PnAs.â€"~â€"11'e received a dish of “Green Peas” a few days ago, which to us was very relishing, but which we understand is no rarity to some, for we learn that Mr. J. Mortlcy, of this town, the low price of 15 cents per peck. POST OFFICE SAVINos’ BANK, RICHMOND IIII.L.â€"d[072tlLlI/ and half- ycarly Statementâ€"The following is an exhibit of transactions in the Richmond Hill, Post Office Savings’ Bank, up to the 30th June .' Total Dcpostts in Bank up to 30th Juno...._. $48,493 00 Total DCposiIs for six months, ending June 30 . . . . . . . . . . . 9.172 00 Deposits in month ofJune . . . . . . 2,751 00 Withdrawals durinz [110111.110lean 1,633 72 M. Tnnrr, Postmaster. Fonoor. EXAMINATIONSâ€"~01] Thurs- d- y of last week, the Junior and Senior Departments of the District School of this town, held their midsummer exami- nation. The first mentioned depart- ment is under the charge of Miss Turn- bull, and the latter of Mr. Switzer. The pupils of both departments showed a marked and creditable aptitude at the examination in their prompt answers on the various subjects in which they were examined. On the Friday following, the High School examination took place. The pupils in this school, who are under the charge of Mr. J. Crozier, 15.A.. exhibited satisfactory progress during the term just closed. The different ex- aminations were attended by many of the parents of the pupils and others who take an interest in educational matters. CLEAR GRIT Mommasâ€"ch have much pleasure in being in a position to announce that the West York members of the above dramatic company have de- CIdCd to give one more of their entertain- ments; two of which were so well re- ceived at Weston, and latterly the one at lVoodbridge. They purpose, on this occaSIon, giving an opportunity to the friends living in the eastern part of the Riding to witness the performance, by meeting at Cherry’s hotel, townlinc of at 1 1’.’.\1. The programme will be slightly changed from that given at the other 71-70 gramme. In the words of one o ‘ their leaders, and a JP. at that, judging from the past, it will be one of the biggest bar-room rows thatlever took place in West York. , i" Tun Elsr timro or Youir.â€"-'I‘lie members of this branch of the dramatic company will meet at Millikons’ Corners, on Tuesday the 9th, (the day previous to the Cherry entertainment) in order that those who are expected to be there may be able to cross over, and give their assistance in the westw the day following. PnusnYTEniAN CiiunoiI.â€"â€"-â€"â€" The Presbytery of the Canada Presbyterian Church met in Knox's Church, Toronto, on Tuesday morning last, at llo’clock A. M. In the absence of the Moderator, (the Rev. Jas. Pringle, of Brampton) the Rev. James Dick of Ilichinond Hill, occupied the chair until the arrival of the Moderator elect the Rev. 1V. Mciklc, of Oakvillc. Reports were read. from the commissioners to the annual assembly at Hamilton. The acceptance ofa pro- fessor’s chair at Knox College by the Rev. Mr Gregg was reported,and arrange- ments made accordingly. The Assembly received Messrs Jas. Galloway and Jas. Smith as minister and licentiatc reâ€" spectively. The clerk received a letter from the Rev. Mr Pringlc, reporting that the congregation of Mono Mills and Orangeville had agreed to make the former an independent charge, and to 'unitc the latter to Caledon East and Sand-hill. After some private business the presbytcry adjourned until September 3rd. DOMINION DAY AT VICTORIA SQUARE â€"The first of July was celebrated here with a very pleasant tea-meeting, hold in the grove of Jas. Stoutcnburgh, Isq. This grand tea (for it was said to be one of the grandest teas that could have been found in the Dominion,) was got up by the ladies in connection with Wesley Church of that place, and in point of numbers and respectability, it certainly could not be excelled. Shortly after tea, which was served at noon, the company retired to the spot where several addresses were expected to be delivered by eminent ministers of the Gospel, but in the ab- sence of whom were ably supperted during the afternoon by several local speakers, interspersed by music from the choir, who went through an excellent programme in firstâ€"class style. Besides all this other kinds of amusement were to be seen in operation; here a cricket party was deeply interested over an exciting contest, here a still larger and more animated party in a joyous game of ball, and here again the green sward was pressed by the feet of those whose taste seemed to par- take lai‘goly of the gymnastidwhilc others actuated no doubt by a feeling of budding sentimentality. were strolling leisurely in the shade, under the spreading branches which the handsome grove afforded them. The whole passed off in a very pleasant. manner, and was much enhanced by a delicious tea spread out at about five ’l‘..‘»l., yet remaining tuck place, arid the com- pany departed for home all seemingly well cent, at 103.12. had spent the lstof July. Amended 1 ; .LlLC‘u: York, on Wednesday next, the 10th inst, , V _ . places, bv additions to their leadingr .ngmmordersuneonatal IJLaidfimailwny 143"“116I0‘~â€"9‘1LI. n mandates. H ‘ ' . 1 1 7 ,1 a’t '1‘ ’lllCll ‘1 “‘11” of all the grim liltlliltal , l L “I i H V i I ‘ nmmrd luster and Johnson, ason of Mr. ’Johnson, marble cutter, and another child I AUCTION SA LES. MONDAY, July 8.â€"â€"Cash Sale of Household Furiiituic, &o., the property of Mr Robt. Raymond, Richmond Hill. Sale to com- mence at 1 o’clock, RM. W. H. Myers Auctioneer. 'I‘i'icsnAv, July 9.~Credit Sale of Household Furniture. 1%., on the premises, at Rich- mond Hill, the property of Mr. R. A. Gray. Sale at I o’clock sharp. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. Immediately after Mr. Gray’s sale, the following goods will be offered for sale I feather bedâ€"30 los weight, 2 pillows dz: holster, 1 quilt, 3 prs. blankets, 1 French bedstead, 1 Lockstitch Sewing Machine â€"LittIe Wanner. 2" Parties having Sale Bills printed at this office, will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. SOUTH Sinoon JUNCTION RAILWAY. â€"A large and influential meeting took place on Saturday last at Lask‘cy, in the township of King; the Reeve of the township in the chair. Alderman Turner, Thompson, and Mr. Jas. McGee were present, representing the Company, each of whom spoke of the advantage to the township of more direct communication with Toronto, and entering into the whole merits of the scheme and setting forth the importance of Toronto as a market. The following resolution was put to the meeting and carried unani- mously :â€"â€"Movod by Mr. A. Wood, J.P., seconded by Mr. T. W. Tyson : “ That this inectingdiaving heard the statements made by the deputation from Toronto in the interest of the proposed South Simcoe Junction Railway, and being impressed with its importance to the interests of the township, not only as another link in the chain of railway communication tending to enhance materially the value of the property, not to speak of the ad- vantages during construction, be it re solved, that the Council of King be re- quested to submit a lay-law for $20,000 in aid of said railway undertaking at the earliest possible moment.” my.» -Wm~ us. Last week there work in New York 144 marriages, 367 births and 769 deaths. The Southern journals report the growing crops in a healthy and promising condition. The wheat crop in Maryland is reported to be bad, being generally injured by the dronth. A Telegram from Loin,r Branch says that Longfellow won the Monmouth cup easily yesterday. A subscription has been started to pre sent to the Pope a crown of thorns, to be made of massive gold. Gen. Longstreet, of Confederate fame, is - the happy possessor of$175,000 in the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway. A Treaty has been signed on the part of ‘ France and Germany for the complete eva- cuation of French terriIOIy by the forces of the latter country. A terrible epidemic of some kind has appeared in the western towns of Brazil. , Eight thousand out of a population of 113,000 have died. Josh Billings said he never knew a dog of any breed whatsnmever, to take the hyder- ifoby after he had been thoroughly vacci- nated with buckshot. ‘ A w AnothEi‘Tndiana woman last week 3.006111- pliehed the rapid feat of procuring a divorce. l a marriage licence, and a fresh husband, all witliineight hours. The people of Orillia are making pre‘ narations for a cordial reception of the Press on the oecassion of their intended visit to that locality. The Grenadier Guards band, reputed to he the best band in the world, is composed of some sixty eight performers. They have carried the palm at the Boston Jubilee. The band of the Grenadier Guards will sail from Boston on Saturday for England. On Friday they will perform at a concert for the benefit of the local St. George’s Society. The cathartics used and approved by the physicians comprising the various medical associations ofthis State are new compound ed and sold under the name of l’arsons’ l’m-gaiivc Pills. It appears from the published details of the treaty between' France and Germany that the evacuation of French territory is still to be gradual, and will not be completed before the 1st March, 1875. During the performance of a drama in Washington on Saturday night, an actor accidentally shot another actor in the head with the i‘amrod. which had been forgotten in the barrel. The wound was a dangerous one. A day or two since a telegraphic dcspatch informed the amazed readers ofthe Brooklyn Eagle that a bridge in New Hampshire had been carried away by “ a drove of hogs.” The sentence shonld have read, “a drive of logs.” It is said that electricity has been employed successfully in the treatment of insane per- sons, by Dr. Arnt, of Berlin. A lady,fifty- seven years of age, suffering from insanity of a very bad type, was cured by him in a month. A lawyer and a constable entering a car on the Savannah 5: Charleston Railway, one day last week, a man in the car hastily rose and leaped from the train, which was run ning over a tressle bridge at the rate of twenty miles an hour. anbering on the Ottawa is being,~ pushed forward vigorously at present. Mr. Holt sent up over sixty men from Ottawa City on Thursday morning last to assist in running the timber. There are now six rafts to‘ gether at the head of Des Chesne Rapids. Monday was the hottest day experienced in Toronto for several years. The Globe informs us that. the maximum temperature in the shade, recorded by the thermometer at the Observatory, was 96 ° Fah.. the mer- cury standing higher than it has done since the year 1867. We copy the following from an exchange, which is important, if true :â€" Chronic diarrhoea of long standing, also dysentry, and all similar complants common at this 3 season of the year, can be cured by the use ’ (internally) of Johnson’s Aizodyne Linimcnt We know whereof we affirm. ‘ Mi:LANcH0LY ACCIDENT, Hamilton July 1. ." The enjoyment of the pleasure at the Beach 2 was marked to-day by a sad accident, which occured there about three o’clock this after- tnoon. A large number of those who had ivisited them by the steamers plying on the bay. consisting mostly of women and child- 1'01‘1,’ were waiting on Martin’s wharfto go on board the boat, when the whole thing .gave way, and in a moment some 20 or 30 women and children weie struggling in the water, which at this point is about 10 feet deep. Every means were taken to rescue these unfortunate persons immersod. and they were all got out, but three children, whose name I was unable to ascertain, were pleased with the manner in phich theywhommd. in“, we of the youngest child The I‘YUC‘C’CdS drowned was six “10111112, and the age ot the . I1..‘ ._./ . . . “St-.8111»; 16.41:. “re-«9"- 4.“ entrails. New savour 1YOUNGER & CO’S Edinburgh Ale and Porter! In lots to suit purchasers, for sale at ALEXANDER MOODIE’S. Sign of the Tea Chest, Richmond Hill. July 4, 1872, 728a Harvest Tools. 1UST RECEIVED, A FULL SUPPLY 8.4 OF HARVEST TOOLS, EMBRACING Cradles, Scythes, Forks, Rakes, ‘ Whetstones, (to, (he, (be, Bought previous to the late increase in prices. and will be sold CHEAP, at W. ATKINSON’S. Central Store, Richmond Hill. July 4, 1872 728-tf Astray. CAME INTO THE PREMISES OF J the subscriber. on lot No. 23. 2nd Con. Markham. on the 3rd inst. a Cow and Calf. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away, CATHERINE COLEMAN. Markham. July 4, 1872. 728-3 Notice. 'â€" l 0 BE LET BY CONTRACT, ON on the ground. on Sunny)”, THE 13TH INM'. at two o’clock. r. an. about 250 rods of DITCHING on the sideroad between lots 15 and 1G, in the 2nd Con. Markham. Other particulars made known at the time. JOHN HELMKEY. GED- PHILLIPS, ROB'I‘. MARSH. Markham , July:4.1872. Co mmfssio Mars. 728-2 In Chancery. THE MATTER OF WEST HALF of lot number nine, in the fifth concession of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. Notice is hereby given that V’Valter Dalziel. of the city of Toronto, in the Coniityof York. yeomnn, has made an application to the Court of Chancery for a certificate of title to the above mentioned property,undei “ the Act. for Quietiiig Titles to Real Estate in Upper Caua< IN appears to be the owner thereof in fee free from all incumbrancos except a mortgage thereon. held by one John Lauder. Where- fore any other person havgug or pretending to have any title to or interest in the said land or any part thereof, is required on or before Mou- oAv,tlie'l'wnwrr-srxrn DAY ofAUGusr,now next cunning, ti file a statement of his claim, veri- fied by Aflidaril at my Chambers. Osgoode Hall. in the City of Toronto. and to serve a copy on Messrs. Crowtlier and Till of the city of Termite. Solicitors for Walter Dalziel; and in default every such claim will be barred, and the title of Iliesaid Walter Dalziel become absolute and indefensible at Inw,aud in equity subject only to the reservations mentioned in the 17:11 section of the said Act and therein numbered ono.two. three and four, and the said mortgage. Dated this 27th day of June. 1872. (Std) '1" W. TAYLOR, List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post Office. Isl. July. 1872: Motealf. George Murphy, P. Munshaw, Win. Marsh. William McBride. Samuel McBride. John McPherson, Timothy McNair, Matthew Niven, John l’ottage. David Poguo. Mrs. Sidney Portland. Mrs. Raymond. liibbic 1" ulley. John Atkinson, J. Appleby. George Cober, Peter Con nor, James Clark, Mrs Lucy Danton. James Ewan, Richard Emerson, William Grant, George Goodyear, Robt. Grant, Bella Gray, ILA. Ilogg,l\drs.l\laryAun Hunt. Rev. John Hays, John Stephenson, Joseph Klinck, Joseph Taylor, Henry Lymburncr, Mrs. R. I‘LW'ilkenson. .1. II (‘2) Longliouse,Mary Ann White, William Taylor, John M. TEEFY, r. M. Straycd. AME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscriber, Dominion Hotel. Rich- mond Hill, on Monday morning last. a young mare. The owner is requested to prove pro- perty, pay expenses and take her away. S. PROCTOR. Richmond Hill. June 25, 1872. 727-3 Strayed. CAME INTO THE PREMISES OF the subscriber, lot No. 53. in the 1st Con Vaughan, about two months ago, awhile and dark brown spotted steerâ€"2 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay ex- penses and take him away. F. GIBSON. Vaughan, June 27, 1872. 7‘27 3 DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale the following vul- unblo properties, viz: a VFARM CONTAINING 97 ACRES Being lot 24. 2nd Con. Markham. The land is under a high state of cultivation, with tho ' exception of about Bush. There is on the property a dwelling house. two barns. a diiving house and stables. a small orchard of thriving fruit, and a never- failiug creek runs through the farm. Also. a nil] property on lot No. 20,in the 3rd Con. Markham, embracing GRIST MILL & CARDING MILL This property is in the best neighborhood forsa. nice custom trade, and is well worth the attention of rarties wishing to invest. being within 18 miles from the city of Toronto. and 21, from the incorporated village of Richmond Hill. Schools, churches, and Postâ€"office in the immediate vicinity. post-paid) to the owner on the premises. JOIIN EYER, Headford P. 0. Richmond Hill. June 26. 1872. 727-11“ Executors’ Notice. _.â€"__. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT all parties having claims against the estate of the late Adam Storm, of lot No. 23, in the 3rd Con. of Vaughan, deceased. are requested to lodge a detailed statement of the same on or before the 1st (layof November next, with either of the undersigned executors And all parties indebted to the said estate, are required to settle up their accounts as soon as possible. ANTHONY KEFFER HENRY KEEPER, Vaughan. Juno 19. 1872. E Executors. 726-4m do.” and has produced evidence whereby he GROUERIES AND PR ~728-2- r - Referee of Title: â€" » J1». .11...“ t . . r. < ‘ mac. (trawler, 8w. THE PEOPLE’S STORE! 1872. NEW 1872. 1872- RICHMOND HILL. TO THE PUBLICIN GENERAL] IF YOU WANT TEAS, OF THE BEST Strength and flavor. call at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. IF YOU WANT PURE Ground Coffees & Spices, Don’t fail to call at THE PEOPLE’S STORE}! IF YOU WANT PURE WINES & LIQUORS! 01" THE VERY BEST BRANDS, Call at THE PEOPLE’S STORE. For the best assortment of CANNED FRUITS, FISH, (be. GO TO THE PEOPLE’S STORE. If you require anything in the-lino of FURNITURE, ROOM PAPER, CROCKEPIY. .A . . ,_ ....,,,., ... _.:..,.~-.Ag.' £133 (curds, (traction. . . ..:' A; . . .a‘lv gm; (traits, firearm SPRING. _ 1872 SPRING GOODS “GENTRTESTOREM AT THE FIRE PROOF STORE I ISAAC CROSBY Bogs to apnounce to his customers and friends that he Is now in receipt of a large portion of his STILL HEADS THE LIST! WM. ATKINSON Has now on hand THE LARGEST AND I’OSITIV LY THE BEST STOCK 0F SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS and Summer CONSISTING 0!“ Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, Millincry and Mantles, DRY GOODS l A. He ever offered on Richmond 11111.1 s; THE 0 , . . ' redeem/and Glasswmcfic. DRESS DEPAR TMENT To which constant addition will throughout the season. he made An Immense Assortment of Staple and FANCY DRY GOODS Comprising the; LATEST NOVELTIESI 1N Being one of the leading branches in our business special attention has been given to the selection of the newest and best maâ€" terials adapted for the season’s trade. and at prices to come within the reach of all. â€".â€"â€"- GREAT BAIIGAINS In Black and Colored Silks! JAPANESE SILKS, GLMTHRE’ D R E S S G O O D S POPLINS, Sunens, &c.,’&c. WINDOW SHA DESI Tinware, Paints Oils, Glass (6 Putty, SPRING TWEEDS, Spring Hats and Caps,&c, THE STAPLE DEPARTMENT ! His Srocx or CutleryandEm '1/ GOOIlS, T IVEED S, 0 L 0 TH S, GARDEN 8L FIELD SEEDS GO to THE PEOPLE’S STORE. In fact. if you want to find where the CHEAPEST AND BEST Assortment of Are kept, or of anything in the above lines call at THE PEOPLE’S STORE, Where you will he waited upon with courtesy and attention. Hour and Feed kept constantly on hand. ALso BinwnLL’s CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE FOR SALE. The highest prices paid for Farm Produce. PARCELS DELI VERED. P. G. SAVAGE. Richmond Hill. April 18.1872. CHINESE GARDEN POWDER DES'I‘ROYS ALL KINDS OF Insects, Grubs and Calterpillars, ON ALL KINDS OF C URII’ANTIC' GOOSEBEBR YB USIIES PL ANTS, 5w. . & c. HAVE A PACKAGE 01“ THE CHINESE GARDEN POWDER! In readiness for these destructive Parasites. and you will save LABOR , MONEY, AND DISSAPPOINTM EN’I‘ Prepared in Canada only by HUGH MILLER db C0,, DuucoISTs, 167, King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekecpers. Julie 5,1872. 722-tf The New Cheap Cash Store. AND TRIMMINGS, Is unsurpassed for style and quality. BOOTS AND SHOES! WEARING AND DRESS 1 “71310” CAPITAL VALUE. THE Is replete it: all the standard iuak as of C O T T () N S 1 Ar OLD Pnicrs. IIogle’s Prints; Ashton’s Prints, bemo- tiful styles; also the new Dolly Var-den ‘ Prints, splendid Patterns. JUST OPENED Au immense stock of Real Laces, Lace Collars, and afiill range of Kid Gloves, plain and Fancy, from the best makers. ) ALI. rm; erwnsr S'iYLES 1N . & English, French, and AllleriCflll DEPARTMENT. 1:; now open for inspection, and contains all the latest styles and novelties in Ladies Hats,Bonncts FLowuns, PnAanns, TRIMMINGS, &c. Wedding and Mourning Bonnets. &c.. on hand and made to order on the shortest notice. A LARGE STOCK or FAMILY GROCERIES ! HARDWARE. CUTLERY, .CROOKERY AND GLASSWARE Kept Constantly on Hand. 1. CROSBY, Fire Proof Store. Richmond Hill May 8, 1872. 720. For Sale, N E 0 E ’1‘ H E BEST ARABIJE Farms in Canada. being lot. No 11,7111 Con. West Guillinihury, County of Simone, containing Two miles from Bradford, Northern Railway. There are two good houses, with barns, wells, &c.. &c., and a good orchardâ€"good shooting and fishing in the neighborhood. Also a fine situation for stock farm. situated in the Town- ship of Sydunliaiii, County of Grey, six miles lrozn Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway, Willl Beaver Meadow of 100 acres, the rest covered with valuable timber. A trout stream runs through the middle oflhe land, and drives a sawmill on the adjoining lot. There is a log stable and shanty, WI 11 a good well. for further particulars apply (if by mail, pest paid) to SEI’TIMUS TYRWHITT. Bradford Post Oflice. June 18. 1872. 726-3m. FARMERS! FARMERS! SHIRTS! SHIRTS” Ir You WANT GOOD SEED POTATOES Call at J. BROVVN’S. In You WANT GOOD CARROT, White Long Cloth Shirts, Frzcny Cotton and Striped Shirts, Fancy Wincey and Flannel Shirts, White Cotton and Illc'rino Undershirts, . MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED l A great variety. In all sizes. and cheap. Also Call at J. BROWN’S. hr You WANT GOOD TIMOTHY. 8 ACRES OF VALUABLE HARDWOOD Call at Ir You WANT CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES Call at .1. BROWN ’3. the best assortment of men’s and boy’s Merino and Cotton Socks! All sizes and prices, of splendid value. at G. A. BARNARD’S. Sign of the British Flag StumRiehmond Hill. New 16 . 1872. 721-tf 3- BROWN’S- CORSETSHJORSETSI CORSETS! A nice assortment, all sizes. in WHITE & COLORED SPLENDID VALUE. The subscriber would announce that he has Also a splendid assortment in Ladies. Misses, now on hand. the LARGEST AND CHEAPEST S'rocx or For further particulars apply (if by mail, .I Ever offered to the public on Richmond Hill Call and examine his stock, as he feels con- fident he can give perfect satisfaction. Boots made to order, and mending neatly executed. Remember the place. corner of Yonge and Centlc street. opposite Sanderson do Sons. J. BROWN . Successor to T. Dolmagc. Richmond Hill, May 17. 1872. 7!4-1y REMOVAL. NICOL 8r. NICOL, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICI tors in Chancery. Conveyancers. &c. Orificeâ€"Removed to Whittemoro’s Build- ings, Toronto Street. Toronto. 711 If and Children’s WHITE AND FANCY Colored Cotton Hose ! All sizes. and prices as cheap as any house in the trade. at G. A. BA RNA RD’S. Sign of the British Flag Stag, Richmond Hill. May 16. 1872. 721-tf. a Notice. _â€" ARTIES WISHING TO IMPROVE their stock can have an opportunity of doing so now. as I have just purchased the pure-bred Durham Bull, Marquis of Lorne, from Mr. E. Sanderson. of Markham. JAMES McNAIR, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. Vaughan. MIN 29. 1872. 722-“ STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. MILLINERY.‘ A Splendid Stock of Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, (he. the. Accounts rendered October lst. WM. ATKINSON, Central Store, Richmond Hill May 10, 1872. 7420-- SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST. RICHMOND HILL. ALEXANDER MOODIE, Begs to announce the arrival of the largest and best Stuck of "FA MI LY Two Illumlrecl and Ten Acres, G‘ Q C E E E S 1 PROVISION S, WINES AND LIQUORS ! Of the host lii'aiids.,’a11d at the lowest prices. Just received a choice lot of Con ammg Six Hundmd Acres SUPERIOR NORWAY OATS, Suitable fut-r seed ; also FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS From the best Canadian Growers. in every variety, ant. warranted true to their kind. Flour mtdfccil kept constantly on hand, . And delivered free of charge. Richmond Hill. April 10,1872. I-IEADFORD 716-11"- WOOLEN MILLS. JOHN EYER‘i Begs months. he has completely REFITTED AND IMPROVED His machinery in his mill AT PIEADFOIID I And is now prepared to do all kinds of W001. HARDING & GLUTH DRESSINK On the shortest notice. and in the most ap~. proved style. Below he appends the rates for manufactu- ring the various lines, parties finding the wool: Carding nnd Spinning . . . . . . . . ._ .l5e. per 111. Manufacturing Twilled Flannel. . .300. per yd._ do Full Cloth.... . ....35c. " do Plain Flannel . . . . . 300. "' do Saline............35c. " do Union Tweed . . . . . 25c. " do Plaid Flannel......38e. “ do All Wool Tweeds. .386. “ do Striped Flannel. . .35c. " Spinning. Doubling and Twistiiigm25c. Definite arrangements have been made to carry to and from the Factory Weekly. at the. expense of the undersigned, all Wool; 61:0,, 101': at the places of business of the IOHOW'IIIg gentlemen: A. Moodie, Richmond Hill . Steele’s hotel, Yonge Street. Gristing attended to with the usual prompt- d desiatch. "ass a” ’ Jonu EYER. IIeadford, May 8,1872. 720-3m. ' ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA RichmondHillStation. Changeoftimo. taking effect April 24, 1872: Going North 8.04 A.M............ Going South 9.34 A.M............. C H O O L REQUISITES OF ALL kinds at the HERALD Book Store. .5.04‘ Iain, .8.09P.M,_ to announce that, since the winters

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