Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Jul 1872, p. 2

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WEST YORK.â€"-Al7 the Clear Grit Cherry entertainment, hold on Wednes- day last, Mr. David Blain, a Toronto lawyer, was chosen as their candidate for West Xork. It appears that the dozen or so of aspirants had to enter into bonds, for an immense amount, to abide by the decision of the meeting. 7As it is Mr. John Netlerville Blake, cousin to Edward of that ilk, is in the field and has issued an address to the electors. He is a very able and enthusiastic politi~ cian, and will teach Mr. Brown's henchw man a lesson he will not {'0' "' It is very pleasant to be able to an- nounce that arrangements are being made to have a grand mass political meeting in our town, in a week 01' two. The Hon. Sir John 1» McDonald, Sir Francis Hincks, Sir George E. Cartier and Dr. Tupper,â€"membcrs of the Dominion Government, are expected to be present. “’0 hope to be able to announce the pro- gramme complete nexh week. The heading of this article may be considered as somewhat singular, but, nevertheless, it is with no wish to be irreverent thatkpit is used. It happens in this wise: a person had occasion to call on the Hon. Mr. Blake to enquire the residence of a. certain Mr. Ross.â€" Having knocked at the door of the pri- vate office, he was desired to enter, when ihe stated his request; The answer :given was as follows : “ I have no more , “ knowledge of the present residence of "' the person you are in quest of than I “ have of the Archangel Gabriel.” We are assured that so taken aback was the poor fellow who attempted approaching ‘ his Majesty, that he was fairly dumbâ€"- Could not utter a word, but turned on his ‘heel, and, like a whipped cur with his tail between his legs, retreated from the presence. chamber of the great per- :~sonage,â€"and not so much with the words as with the style and action. The turn of the wrist, with the exquisite raise of the eye-brows, together with the dignified cast of oountenancc,~â€"~being al- together something that he had never witnessed before, That hao. he not known that the President of the Council was a great “Reformer,” a “liberal,” and “ one of the people,” he would have ,put down the Hon. Edward Blake as a great “tory,” and an Irish one of the deepest dye. Thus it is, that those who pride themselves as being servants of the peopleâ€"who prate on all public occasions of their Reform principles, in private life are so often incapable of giving a Wmmon sense answer to a civil question. Mr. Blake is'the man who is held up to the people as preferable to the gallant Knight of Kingston, who, tory as he may be called, can and does treat the most humble man that may call on him with courtesy and civility. “ Provision has been made by Parliament for the construction of a Pacifis lhilwny upon Canadit 1 territoryâ€"the Company to receive from the Government a money sub- sidy and land grtmt; it is confidently be- lieved that the alternate blocks of land ;l-- tained by the Government will yield a. sum more than sufficient to replace the money subsidy, thus securing the constinction of this vast work without Post to the rate payers of \he country. * “The Government have the proud satis- facfion of showi lg to the people lhutthey have perfech and consolidated '1e Confed- erat’on of British North America, with all its attendant exponscs, not only witheuL in- eleased taxationj but. on the untrary, with a surplus ' 1 the Tl‘reasul‘y at the end of each year. Mark well the abova facts and pge- serve the prosperity of the country by votingfor men who will give the present government a liberal support. “ Ii] the S« sion of 1871, uxation was re- moved to the extent of EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, and still the surplus at the end of the present fiscal year will amount (us estiu ated uy the Finance Mimstcrg to THREE MILLIONS, ONE HUNDle AN!) FIF- TEEN Tuous‘mn, FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY- SEVEN DOLLARS l “Supplies have also been voted for the enlargement of our cenu‘s, and the improve- ment o"our n’eans' of water-communication. And‘yet so prosperous is the couna‘y and so Luoyant the new? rue, that the Government after.- .nmking' provision for these public Works, have felt justified in repealing the duty on ten. and CI feeâ€"thus xeliev‘ug the people of taxaden to the extent of over 01x1: MILLION, THREE HUNDRED THJL'SAND FOLLARS a year I" Logge, K.F.'& AM. No. 23. 4 .1'1‘5 _ _ _ _ _ _'l ‘1')...1IA...‘ -. ,1 A..-‘ Men of “York,” you are asked by Brown,'Blake & Co. ; the Dominion is asked, and more especially Ontario is asked to take from the Ministry that is now in power at Ottawa, the confidence that has been placed in them for the past five years. Before doing so, it rests with youâ€"and it is a duty you owe to yourselves, your children and your coun- tryâ€"to weigh well the consequences of such a step, to think, to hesitate, before committing such a. valuable trust into the hands of men such as the Globe and its satellites would wish to rule over you. We cannot conclude this article better than by )plaeing before our re'dd‘ers‘an extract from the address of Mr. Walsh to his constituents in North Norfolk 2â€"â€" RESIDENCE OF THE ARCH~ ANGEL GABRIEL. 7L?“ of Licensed Pedlers and Auctioneers â€"-County of York. - Van Amburgh’s & Co. Menagerie. Eh» 3mm gfifimm. Desirable Farm for Sale. Patent Sieveâ€"John Rae. Strayedâ€"Johu 03.3er. Emergency meeting nf‘ the Richmond RICBHOND HILL, JULY 12, 1872. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - Mr. Eakiu, seconded by Mr. Homer, moved that that Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Henry Jennâ€" ings or his order,the sum of $14.25,being for gravel to repair the sideline between Lots 25 and 26 in the Gth 0011., they having complied with the iconditions re- quiregl by a standing resolution of this council Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken, moved that $50 be granted for opening out the townline between this township and VVhitchurch, in the lat and 2nd Com, on condition that the council of the township of Whitchurch grant a like amount, and that Jacob Horncr be commissioner to expend the said grant on behalf of this municipality, said sum payable on order of the commissioner. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Millikan, moved that the sum of $300 be granted for cutting down the hill known as Clarkson’s hill, in accordance with the plan and specifications of Peter S.Gibson, P.L.S., and that Geo. Pingle. sr.‘, James Clarkson, Wm. Lundy, Wm. Eakiu and J. Horner be commissioners to expend the same, said sum payable on order of the commissioners when the work is completed in accordance with the plan. ‘ Mr:Eakin, seconded by Mr. Homex, moved that the Treasurer do pay to Samuel Brown, or his order, the sum of ninety-three cents, for purchasing 144 feet of plank to repair culvert in road division No. 27. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the sum of $50 be granted to repair the bridge at Brown’s Corners, between Lots 10 and II in the 4th Com, and that Wm. Young, M. Tomlinson and Joseph Wilmot be commissioners to exâ€" pend thc same,said sum payable on order of the‘commissioners. A communication was received from the Clerk of Whitchurch, giving this council notica that Whitehureh had ap- propriated the sum of $100 for the im- provement of the townline in the lst and 2nd Con; also the sum of $150 for the improvement of the aforesaid road, in the 9th Gen, near Sloufl'ville, between Whitehnreh and Markham, on condition thatMm-kham makesiniilar appropriation. Petitions were presented as follows : By Mr. Lane, from Robt. Marsh,Esq., and twenty-three others, asking for a grant of $150 for the purpose of ditching the sideroad between Lots 15 and 16 in the 2nd Con. The above Council met at Size’s hotel, Unionvillc, on Saturday the 29th ult. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the sum of $40 be granted to bUIId a bridge and widen the road on the townline between this municipality and the township of Whitchurch, at Ringwood, providing the Council of Whitchurch grant alike amount, and that Philip Widemnn, John Rainer and N ewberry Button loo appointed com- missioners, on behalf of this municipality, said sum, payable on order of the com- missioners. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Homer moved that the sum of $200 be granted for gravelling the sideroad between Lots 50 and 51 in the lst Con, on condition that the parties interested give in labor or money,one dollar for eachdollar granted by the council, and that Dr. Langstafl' and Jacob Homer be commissioners to ex- pend the same, said sum payable on or- der of the commissioners. By Mr. Millikan, from Alex. Brown and fifteen others, asking for a grant to build a bridge on the sidcroatl between lots 10 and 11 in the 3rd 0011., and for ditching on sidcroad between Lots 10 and 11 in the 4th Con. By Mr. Homer, from Jacob Atkinson and twenty six others, asking aid to gravel the sideline between Lots 50 and 51 in the 1st Con. By Mr. Homer, from R. P. Hopper and ten others, asking aid to gravel the sideroad between Lots 50 and 51 in the 1512 Con. Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay to the order of H. R. Corson the sum of 352, being for printing blank orders, township accounts in pamphlet form, and By-laws for overseas. Mr. Millikan, Eeconded by Mr. 'Lane, moved that a transfer of license from Mr. N.‘ Button, proprietor of the On- tario Hotel at Ringwood village, to Mr. Wm. H. Hall, to keep the same be granted,hc having obtained the necessary certificates. " Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken, moved that the sum of $150 be granted for the purpose of ditching the sideroad between Lots 15 and 16 in the 2nd Gem, and that Robert Marsh, George Phillips and John Helimkey be commissioners to expend the same. Said sum payable to the order of the commissioners. Mr. Homer, seconded by Mr. Eakin, moved that the sum of $9 be paid Josephus Baker for purchasing 1,000 feet of' plank and drawing said plank, for bridge between Lots 30 and 31, in the 2nd Con. Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the shin of $10 be granted to ditch and otherwise :improve the sideline between Lot 30 and 31 In the 4th Con., and that James Grqr ley, B. Mc- Donald and Charles Spafidfd be appoint- ed commissioners to expend the some, said" sum payable on order of the commissioners. By the Reeve, from N. Button and fourteen others, asking a grant to build a nrjdgg‘onthe townling at‘Bingwqod. MriEakin, seconded by Mr. Milliken, nmved that the sum of $5 be granted for purchasing gravel at twenty cents per rod, to repair the road in Division No. 61, said sum payable to the order of Daniel G‘. Hoover. T. , Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Eakin, moved that the sum of $11 be paid to John Murray for putting in a culvert on the tewnline between Markham andYork, in the 2nd Com, on condition that the council of York grant an equal amount; Mr. Homer, secondedrby Mr. Eakin, moved that the sum of $10 béi‘paia‘to’ Barnard Cosgrove wharfhc opens up a ditch through his property sufficient to carry 01f the surface water on the side- line between Lots 30 and 31 in the 2nd 0011.. said sum payable to the order of Jacob Homer. MARKHAM COUNCIL. ‘}.9 next "."gulav: commun‘ :aiion of the above lodge w”! be held nu. Monday evening at 7 o’clock. Ml". Eakin, seconded by Mr. Millikan moved that the sum of $80 be granted for the completion, as per contract, for the bridge and dirt work on the sideline between Lots 10 and 11, in the 8th Con, said sum payable on the order of the Reeve. “ Mr. Lane introduced a By-law to‘ amend By-law 207, by striking ofi‘ John Welsh, David Wilson and William Maeklcm, and inserting in lieu thereof the names of John Lubbick, Ransom Clendening and J ohnAsh as puthmasters, which received the several readings and passed. U GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING.â€"-“ By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by acarej ul application of the fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, MJ Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a do'iCbicly flavored beverage which mav save us many heavy doctors’ bills.”â€"â€"-C‘évil Service Camila. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milli. Each packet is labelledâ€"“JAMES EI‘PS 81, (30,, Homwopathic Chemists. London." Also. mn~ kers of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- densed Milly) GB7-1y BOYLE.â€"At Richmond Hill, on Sunday the 7th inst, Agnes, second daughter of David Boyle, Esq., Reeve of Vaughan,â€" aged 16 years. Emmaâ€"0n Tuesday, the 9th inst, at 2nd Con. Markham, Margaret Smith, wife of Mr. Jacob He‘se, farmer. Ne. 23, G- 11.0. E ICHMOND LODGE,A.F.&A.M CALVERT.-â€"In Vaughan, on the 29thult. the wife of M1‘.Calvert, Miller of a daughter DIED I Mr. Millikan introducth a By-law to appoint Poundkecpers and Fenccvicwers for the current year: POUNDKEEPERS. lst Diwisionâ€"William and Alex. Brown. 2nd Division~â€"John Velie and Elisha Harris. 3rd Divisionâ€"Anthony Size, J. Webber and dos. Ruebottom. 4th Division~Wm. Spofi‘ord, sn, and Henry “’idcman. 5th Divisionâ€"Calvin Yake, Wm. Forster, sr., and Joseph Milloy. ' VAN Amnnnan db Co.’s MENAGERIE.â€"â€"This colossal institution will give two exhibitions on Thursday next the 18th inst.,in Richmond Hill, the advent of which will be anticipated with great interest by a large portion of the community; when, if the weather should prove favorable, there will probably be an immense throng of visitors attracted from the surrounding country, as it is some years since an exhibition of the magnitude and high reputation of the Van Amburgh es- tablishment has come this way. Van Amburgh’s Menagerie has been before the public for nearly or quite halfa century and has always maintained the highest degree of public favor, for the reason that it has always been kept up to the highest point of excellence as an exhibition; that its manage- ment by a careful deference to the moral sense of the community,hasinvariably gained thegood will oftlie best ortion ofthe ublic. and tha! it has always Seen free froth the questionable addit'on of circus performance. Consequently when, every few years, the approach of Van Amburgh & Co. is an- nounced, the public are satisfied from their past experience that they will not only see the finest menagerie extant, but also that it will be an exhibition to which they can take their children without danger of their witnessing anything calculated to vitiate their tastes or corrupt their morals while on the contrary they will derive much valu- able information which Will last them all their lives. Indeed the value ofa well con- ducted menage' ie as the best possible illus- ‘tration‘of natnral history, has been fully recognized by the best educational authori ties. As extensive and attractive as Van Amburgh & Co’s. collection of animals has proved in former years, it will be found this year far more varied and comprehensive than ever before. Their European agent secured the best portion of Wombwell’s Royal English Menagerie at the sale on the 7th of April, and which arrived at New York on the 20th of May and joined the exhibition at St. Mary’s Ont. The attrac- tions therefore are nearly double since we first called attention to their coming, and among Lthe most wonderful of the recent additions is the Iron Horned Rhinoceros the only one ever on this continent, and the second that ever reached Europer STRANGE.-â€"Tho Township of Markham, on the 27th 'ult., the wife of Alex; Strange, of a son. Advertising as a fine art has been brought down to a fine point ; but there are people who (an teach us something yet. Nor is the sc'ence of (llvorce fully explored. it seems. A London actress has associated the two accomplishments most 8 lccessfully by adver- ising herself in professional announcements am “of the a 'll pending Godrich divorce suit.” That woman» would make a fortune in America. FENCEVIEWERS. 1st Divisionâ€"W311. Hood, jr., Vincent Johnston and-Michael Cross. 2nd Divi- sionâ€"James Stoutenborogh,Chris. Heise and JohnMcCague. 3rd'Divisionâ€"~Nicho~ las Hagerman,John Canning and Andrew Crosby. 4th Divisionâ€"George Bruce, Philip Wideman and Alex. Leo. 5th Divisionâ€"John Pike, A. B. Reesor and Wm. Armstrong, jr. See adverlisement and bills for mu parti culara. T he Strathroy Age says:â€"“Abe Robinson who pleaded guilty to poisoning ‘Bay Jack,’ received six months' imprisonment in the county jail.“ East Yorkâ€"As we expected, the would-be minister of Public Works-the Hon. David Reesorâ€"has again humâ€" bugged the Clear Grits in East York, at their meeting on Tuesday last, at Millikens Corners, by having his friend, Mr. James Metcalfe, chosen as candidate for the Riding, in the Grit interest, at the coming election. Many of the Clear Grits in the west side of the Riding have expressed themselves dissatisfied with many of the votes of’ Mr. Metcalfe during the'past five years,and with good reason; he was sent there as an obstructionist and ought, on all occasion, to act as such. ‘ The Council Edjourned until the last Stturday in August. 7191 REAKE‘AST.â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€"- $311311: gammmm BIRTHS. R. E: LAW; Sec’y List of Licensed Pedlars and Auctioneers for County of York Eiders for this Sieve addressed to the putemeo. Jobn Rae. Lansing P.O.. 0nl,, will rocrnlve prqmpt aitonliou. Will clean all kinds of grain, embracing wheat, rye, barley. and oats and will not choke wiihauvthistley or foul grain. No slink-or broom required to be used. and the machine need not at any time be sloppod by clogging of the Sieve. Tréasurer’s Office, County of York, Toronto, July 2nd, 1872. Any ‘iufriullgement on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigor of the law. JOHN RAE. Joseph Bogart. . . . . . . . Donald Gr. S;evenson . George F‘. Moore. . . . . James Kavanagh. . . . . Joseph Sheppard. . . . . . Edward Sanderson. . . . Thomas Allilll§0u . . . . . Hiram Dixonf. . .... . . Henry Smolser. . . .. . . Samuel Hacket. . . . . . . John Osmond iSlraw. . . Robert Conway. . . . . . . William Brown . . . . . . . . Adam Armslrong. . . . James Gormloy . . . . . . . Francis Little. . . . . . . . . James M. l’mterson .. Jumps McClure. . . . . . Andrew Ward. . . . . .. . A ndrow Henderson . . . Thomas Pouchor. . . . . VanNorman Bros . . . . . Nicholas J. Armstrong. F. W.Corto.......... Salem Ecklrardt . . . . . King, 56longmg {o TWA- m Ham McNair, containing 110 ,Acres of which are under cullivadon. There is a good Frame Dwelling House will] an excollentcellar underneath. Burns, Stables and other outbuildings and Timber lor a new Barn 40 x 60. Plemy of wster . This is a very desirable properly being only belweeu 3 sud 4 miles from King Station on Nonlmru Railroad. where there is a good murth fur all kinds of produce Schoafs 5:, Churches in the imme- diate neighborhood. . Terms wlll be male very easy. For particulavs apply to ohhe; of the under- signed executors to the Oblale‘ JAMES McNAlR. W U the subscriber, lot No.45 in the lat Con. Markham. a few days ago. a Buy mare. The owner is requos‘ed to prove properly, [my expenses and take her away. U the subscriber. on lot No. 23. 2nd Con. Markham, on the 3rd inst.. a Cow and Calf. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. ‘ CATHERINE COLEM AN. YOUNGER & CO’S Edinburgh Ale and Porter! PATENT SIEVE ! [29 Acres of Excelient Land In lots to suit purchasers, for sale at ALEXANDER MOODIE’S. Sign of the Tea. Chest, Richmond‘lli-I Bought previous to the late increase in prices. and will be sold CHEAP, at - Cradles, Paul Shakespeare . . . . . . . . . Stephen Price . . . . . . . . . . . . Hean Pointon . . . . . . . . . . . John E. Buck . . . . . . . . . . Henry Moulds . . . . . . . . . . . . Isaac Thomas . . . . . . v . . . . . Orlondo Vnnburen . . .~ . . . . . George Bleakman . . . . . . . . . William Mergu . . . . . . . . . . . F. W. C. Stathan . . . . . . . . . David McCarty . . . . . . I . i . . . William Bye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Daniel Prior . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 George Caldow . . . . . . . . . . . William Cowling . . . . . . . . . . John Orr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . William Phillips . . . . . . . . . . John Eliston . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Nelson . . . . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Rolling . . . . . . , . . Wm. L. Andreivs . . . . . . . . . ‘ David Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . John Major . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . The HoweMachineCompnny Joseph Lang . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Lenahnn . . . . . . . . . Crochet 8; Jory . . . . . . . . . . , John Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Tiew. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesse McClure.. . . . . . . . . George P. Smith . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Ellston . . . . . . . . . David J. Bradley . . . . . . . . . ‘ Thos C. Graham . . . . . . . . . . l Jabez Scrivener. . . . . . . . . .3 James A. Cliverly . . . . . . . . ‘ Mrs. Samuel Watson. . ...‘ .; Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. Yonge Street, July. 1872 Richmond [13]], July II, 1372. July 4, 1879. Richmond Hill. July 10, 1872, July 4, 1872 UST RECEIVED, A FULL SUPPLY Markham. July 4, 1872. Desirable Farm for Sale ._â€"._ EING THE EAST HALF_OF _]f0T~ _ Astray. AME INTO THE PREMISES 0F AME INTO THE PREMISES 0F AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED “a \- moJLm‘um 5ft. (, oncassion Township of Scythgs, 0F HAP-VEST TOOLS, EMBIIACING Harvest Tools. F (irks, NAME. Lot 25,_§lld (.‘on Vaughan, JOHN G!LI.ES By Order, 0%....“ n........... W. ATKINSON'S, Central Store, Richmond Hill. 728-1.!” l'.......... arly........ 'atson. . . Strayed. Rakes, NAME W h etstoncs, JOHN CASELY. 1015,3111 Con. King. Lansing P. 0. City of Toronto. .‘ York . . . . . . . . . . . . Whitchurch . . . . . King . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Whitchurch . . . . . Vaughan . . . . . . . . City of Toronto.. . do do Markham . . . . . . . City of Toronto.. . Keswick . . . . . . . . Markham .. . . . . . . Newmarket .. . . . . City of Toronto. . King . . . . . . . . . . . . Vaughan . . . . . . . . Toronto Township gjty of Toronto. . . (fie; &c., (120., Thbrnhill . . . . . . . . City 01 Toronto.. . King . . . . . . . . . . . Aurora .. ... . .. . Unionville . . . . . . . Yorkville . . . . . . . . ‘City of Toronto.. . East, Gwillimbury. ‘Embicokc . . . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . . Markham . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill . . . Etobicoko . . . . . . . Malvern . . . . . . . . '. Sharon . . . . . . . . . . Aurora . . . . . . . . . City of Toronto.. . do .. . do .. . do .. . Unionville . . . . . . . AUCTIONEERS. RESIDENCE. 729-“ 7284f 7294f LUI‘UULU.- . n . an . . . . . . . - . . xm . . . . . . . . . 'Torouto.. . . . :k . . . . . . . . . am . . . . . . . . . . :rket .. . . . . . _ ’ Toronto. . . . an ..‘ o Towaship. . ‘ Toronto. . . xill . . . . . . . . . Toronto.. . . . ' Toronto . . . . . Frwillimbury. . . okc . . . . . . . . . L . . . . . . . . . . . L 311] . . - . . . . . . . and Hill . . . . . oko “n . . . . . . . . ‘. . . K..-......... L . . . . . . . . . . . 'Toronto.. . . . {o ..... lo ..... {o ..... Ville......... 728-3 7529-3 Pedlars. JNQ. K. MACDONALD, Treasurer County 9/ York. Newmarket. . . . . . Sea rborc... . . . . . . Aurora.... . . .. .. . East Gwillimbur)‘ Georgina.. . . . . . . Markham. . . . . . . Newmatkot . .. . . Scarboro... . . . . . . King............ do Mellon.“ . . . . . . . . Markham... . . . . Malvern». Bloomington.. . . Holland Landing Etobicoke. . . . . . . City of Toronto.. Markham . . . . . . Queeusville. . . . . Nobraion. . . . . . ‘0 LV of Toronto. ;Umonvil)e. . . . . . Ciwvof Toronto York._ .; .LV all parties having claims against the estate oftho late Adam Storm, of lot No. 23, in the 3d Con. of Vaughan. deceased. are requestel to lodge a delzuled statement of the same on or before the lst day of November next, will either of the undersigned executors. And all [arties indebted to the said estate; are required to settle up their accounts as soon as possible, ANTHONY KEFFER IENRY KEFFER, } Ex°°“‘°"5r App ehy. George urp y, . ' Cober. Peter Munshaw. Wm. Connor. James Marsh. William Clark, Mrs Lucy McBride, Samuel Dumon, James McBride. John Ewan, Richard McPherSOn. Timothy Emerson, William McNair, Matthew Grunt, George Niven, John Goodyear, Robt. Portage. David Grant, Bella Pogue. Mrs. Sidney Gray. ILA. Portland. Mrs. Hogg,Mrs.MmyAnn Raymond. [.ibbie Hunt. Rev. John Fulley, John Hess, John Stephenson, Joseph Klinck. Joseph Taylor, Henry Lymburuer. Mrs. R. [LVVilke‘nsom‘L H Longhouso,Mary Ann White, William Taylor. John U (ha subscriber, lot No. 53. in the lsl Con Vaughan. about two months ago, a while and dark brown spotted moorâ€"2 wars old. Tho owner is requested to prove property. pay ox- ponsos and take him away. The subscriber offers for sale the following val- uable properties, viz: a FARM CONTAINING 97 ACRES Being iot 24. 2nd Con. Markham. The land is undera high state of cultivation, with the exception of about 8 ACRES OF VALUABLE HARDWOOD This property is in the has! neighborhood for a nice custom trade, and is well warn: the attention pf parties wishing to invést. being within 18 miles from the city of Toronto. and 2;! from the incorporated village of Richmond Hill. Schools,.Chnrches, and Post-office in tho immediata vicinity. 7 .L on the ground. on SATURDAY, THE |3m Insxr, at two o’clock. P. M.. about 250 rods of DlTClIlNG on the sideroad between lots 15 and 16, in the 2nd Con. Markham. Other particulars made known at the time. JOHN HELMKEY, GEO- PHILLIPS. Comm'ksioncrs. ROB'I‘. MARSH, DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. Bush. There is on the property a dwelling house. two burns, a driving house and stables, a small orchard of thriving fruit, and a never- failing creek runs through the farm. Alsom mill'propert)‘ on lot No. 20, in the 3rd Con. Markham, embracing GRIST MILL & CARDING MILL For further phrticulars apply (if by mail, post-paid) to the owner on the premises. OTEE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT all parties having claims against the Vaughan, June 19, 187?. Headfbrd P. 0 Richmond Hill. June 26. 1872. 7274f Vaughan. June 27. l872. Marklnm, July 4.1872 AME INTO THE PREMISES OF EMAINING IN' THE v Hill’ Post Cffice. 1st F ESlDENCI. Foot One Horse Foot Two Horse oot Foot One Horse } D0‘ ‘ Do Do Foot One Horse Do Do Foot One Horse Do Do ‘Two. horse Two Horse Foot ‘One Horse ‘ Do Do Do Two Horse One Horsg Fdot One Horse Do Do Do , Do Two home One horse Foot DESCRIPTION OF LICENSE. 13113 LET _BY _CONTRACT, pN Executors’ N otlce. List of Letters Strayed. N otice! Aucrust Sepbl’r. DATE WHEN {IPIRES :Octobar I‘ H 060’: Jan’ry Feb’ry March ‘1 RI April May 22nd, 24th. 29th. 27th , 30th. lOlh. 12m. mm 19th. 30th. 30th. 10th. JOHN EYER, M. TEEFY, P. M. DATE WHEN LI~ CEKSE EXPIRES. July 3rd, 1872. ‘July 4th, “ ‘July 5th, “ July 11th, “ Aug. 8th, “ Aug. lGLh, “ Aug. 218b, “ Sept. 1st, “ Sept. 28111. ” Sept. 28th, “ Oct. 6th, “ Oct. 7th’ “ Oct. 18th, “ Oct. 25th, “ Oct. 3lst, K‘ Novr. 4th, “ Novr. 26:11, “ Novr.30th, “ Deer. 13th, “ Jany. 4th, 1873. Jany. 4th, “ Feby. 3rd, “ Foby. 3rd. “ Feby. 3rd, “ Feby. 8th. “ Feby. 13th, “- Féby. 17th, “ Feby. 27th, “ Mar. 26th, “ April 29th, “ May lat, “ H , x (g ‘( H u 29”], u « H 25:11, ; “ 29th, 9"."94911» (I U F. LGIBSON. 727 3 ‘I‘h. 9th, 9th, 10111, 1811., 90th. 215n 8th, 11th. 26111. 1872‘ 13th, " 18m, ” 5th. U RICHMOND July. 1872: 8th; 22nd, 27th, Executors, 726-4m 728â€"2 Boots madouto o-rder, and mending neatly executed. ’ TEAS, OF THE BEST Call and examing his stock, as he fools con- fident he can give perfect salisfactign. Remember the place. corner of Yonge and Contle street. opposite Sanderson & Sons. J. BROWN . Ground Coffees & Spices, Don't fail to call at WINES & LIQUORS! THE PEOPLE’S STORE ! Ever ofl’ered to the public on Richmond Hill .1) tors in Chahccxjy, Conveyan'cers, 6w. 0 NICEâ€"Removed to Whittomore’s Build‘ ngs. Toronto Street. Toronto. 711 if BOOTS AND SHOES! CLOVER AND FLAX SEED The subscriber would announce that he has now on hand, the CHEAP BOOTS & SHOES FURNITURE, OURRA NTJ; GOOSEBERR YB USIIES FARMERS! FARMERS! GOOD CA RRQ'I‘, MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED! WINDOW SHADES" CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE In readiness for these destructive Parasites. and you will suvo Dnucmsrs, 167, King St. East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. Juno 5.1512. 7224f Tinware. GROUERIES AND P R 0 VISIONS [I’Qur and Feed kqpt «instantly on hand. CHINESE GARDEN POWDER! GOOD SEED PUTA TOES The Now Cheap Cash Store. GARDEN 8L FIELD SEEDS Successor to T. Dolmagc Richmond Hill, May 17. 1872. 714-137 TO THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL! Are kept, or of anything in the above Hues call at CANNED FRUITS, FISH," (ch; Prepared in Canada only by The highest prices paid for Farm Produce PARCELS DELI VERED. P. G. SAVAGE. Richmond Hill. April 18.18752. 717-4? LABOR, NICOL 85 NICOL, ARRISTE‘LBS, ATTQHNEYS, $011101 In fact. if you want to find where the Insects, Grubs and Cattmpillars, If you require anything in the line of Whale you will he waited upon with courtesy and attention. LARGEST AND CHEAPEST ޤhmg~ Oils, Glass (1’4 1’1: 1/, memand Fancy Goods, THE PEOPLE’S STORE. THE PEOPLE’S STOREJ IF YOU WANT PURE THE PEOPLE’S STORE. THE PEOPLE’S STORE. THE PEOPLE’S STORE. THE PEOPLE’S STORE, VERY BEST BRANDS, CHEAPEST AND BEST IF YOU WANT PURE For tlm best assortment of Strength and flavor. call at HAVE A PACKAGE OF THE MONEY, AND (fimcrm, 8w. DHS’I‘ROYS ALL KINDS OF RICHMOND HILL. 11" You WANT GOOD TIMOTHY. PLANTS, &c. . & c. IF YOU WANT HUG-[P MILLER (£3 00., ALso Bmwnufla 00M PAPER, CROCKERY, (j LASSWARE, 1 ON ALL KINDS OF Ir You WAS? Ir Y on WANT IF You \‘VANT REMOVAL. Anion-Imam of Swan 01' Fun SALE. gov THE Call ' at Call at Call at ('allat Call at GO TO co to DISSAI’POI N'I‘M ENT J. BROWN'S. J. BROWN J. BROWN’S. J. BROWN’S L‘JLDE ARTIES WISHING TO IMPROVE their stock can have an opportunity of I their stock can have an opportunity of doing so now. as I have just purchased the pure-bred Durham Bull, Marquis of Lorne. flom Mr. E. Sanderson, of Markham. ' Sign of the British FiagVSlag, Richmond Hill. Bogs to announce to his customem and friend's that he is now in receipt of a large parlion ' of his All sizes. and prices as cheap as any house in the trade. at G. A, BA RNA Rl)’S . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS- Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, Boots and Shoes, Millincryand Manllcs, Crockeryand Glassware,é‘c. 1 8'72. NEW 1 8'72. To which constant additions will throughout the seam“. SPRING GOODS DRESS GOODS Also a splendid assortment in Ladies. Misses, and Chi!dren’s G. A. BARNARD’S. Sign of lho British Flag Stafl’.Richmond Hill. May 16.1872. 721-“ CORSETS ! CORSETS! CORSETS! WHITE AND FANCY Cdlored Cotton Hose ! A great variety. 1n all sizes. and cheap. Also the best assortment of men's and boy’s SPRING TWEEDS, Spring Hats and Caps,&c MILLINERY & M ANTLE Two miles from Bradford, Northern Railway. There are two good lmuses, WI“! barns‘fwolls, &c.. &c.. and a good orchardâ€"good shootng and fishing in the neighborhood. Also a fine situation for stock farm, situated in the Town- ship of Sydunham, County of Grey, six miles h‘om Toronto Gray and Bruce Railway, With Beaver Meadow ol‘ “)0 acres, the rest covered with valuable timber. A trout stream runs through the middle of the land, and drives a sawmill on the adjoining lot. There is a log slahio and shanty, will a good well. For further particulars app‘y (if by mail, pod. paid) to Merino and Cotton Socks! AH sizes and prices, of splendid value. at Is now open for inspection, and contains all (he ' . u. . vlawsL sg’lofl and novelties in , meuns. Fm'rmzns, 'I‘mmmvas. &c. Weflding and Mourning Bonnets. &c.. on hand and made to order on the shortest notice, U Farms in Canada. being lot No II, 7th Con. West Uuillimbm-y. County of Simcoo. containing Ladies Hats,Bonncts CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE SHIRTS! SHIRTS !! FANCY DRY GOODS CAPITAL VALUE. Containing Six Hundmd Acres White Long Cloth Shirts, Famy Cotiqn and Striped Shiv-ts, Fancy Winceg and Flannel Shirts, White Cotton and Merino Undershirts, TWEEDS, 0L0 THS, Two Hundred and Ten Acres, Vaughan. Muv 29. 1872. May [6. 1872. m (timid-5, (Nutmeg. An Immense A§splimentj_pf Slapl'g)T FIRE PROOF STORE !. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ‘ the HERALD Book Store. May a, 1872. June 18. IBTQ. WHITE & COLORED BOOTS AND SHOES! FAMILY GROCERIES ! For Sale, NE OF THE BEST ARABle LATEST NOVELTIES! IN Is unsurpassed for style and quality. A nice assortment, all sizas, in Kept Consz’mztlz/ on Hand. WEARING AND DRESS ! ISAAC CROSBY AND TRIMMINGS, “AW A LARGE STOCK or SEPTIMUS TYRWHIT'I‘. Bradford Post (.‘flico DEPARTMENT. SPLENI‘II) VALUE. I. CROSBY, “ire Proof Store. Richmond UH] Comprising the Ills S-rocx or consxsrma or Notice- AT THE JAMES McNAlR, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. THE 726- 3m. 721-“. [Jo mado~ 7224f am}: 7'20.

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