Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Aug 1872, p. 3

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We now left the cars and passed over this bridge to have a View from the Canadian side. Here are the Falls of Niagara. Are they what you fancied they were 7 No'! How could you form any kind ot'anidea o'f'wzrter falling nearly a distance of' 200 feet over a tremenduous precipice?” But its there before you, now. You gaze at this point, and that fall, and the other wonder7 and still you are lost in wonder, amazement and ad- miration. Almost the first thing that attracted our attention after reaching: the Table Rock, was the sightof' a dog being launched into eternity by being thrown into the rapids and carried over the monstrous precipice. You are Set think- ing. First, what is man ? Second, how great are the wondersâ€"â€"how vast the works of nature ‘? Third, how All-power- ful must the maker of all things be. Surely you could cxclaim : “ How great and marvellous thy works, oh God?” The sight is grand; but the roar is terri- fic. We now crossed another bridge (lately erected) similar to the first one over to the American side. It might not be amiss just here to remind the reader that the fee is only '50 cents to cross and return either of' the aforemen- tioned bridges, and moreover you can be (and will be persuaded to be) driven around both sides of the Falls. up to the Table Rock, around to the islands and all over for the sum of $1 per hour, provided you (the passenger) pay all tolls; and in all probability you will pay a dollar for _ invigorating. As usual, we had a motley _vated much by his looking at a dramas falling down there. For the Herald. “ All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” is an old but none the less true proverb. So I thought when I took advantage of a two weeks vacation of summer holidays, and set out for a trip to the Falls. First, Istruck off in a northerly direction and spent a very pro- fitable time,.both for amusement and concord, with some friends in O , a town situated at the terminus of the Northern Midland Railway, whose ad- vantages in business capacity and its1 beautiful scenery have gained for it a world-wide reputation. As a watering place it is "excellent, and in the summer season is known to be the Favorite resort of our fashionable Toronto smalls and Metropolitan belles. The town has,dur- ing the past three years, quadrupled itself in the number of inhabitants, and in a very short time, if it continues so rapidly to increase, will be the County town of the north. Its name is today better known to English tourists than any other spot in Ontario, save the single exception of the mighty Niagara,â€" to which I shall presently allude, after a minute description of my journey hither. Well, after taking a temporary adieu to the town of O I got on board ' the Northern train, and was soon on my - journey to Toronto. On the road down I passed by Bradford, which is rebuild- ing, but it will be necessarily slow. There are good signs of rcsm'gam. As most everybody knows, the Northern Railway is a good one to travel on, every- thing having a very solid appearance, and the cars centaining very comfortable 1 seats, making them easy to ride in. The ofiicials are also very kind. ,By the way, we had a large number going down, but one thing I noted, they were nearly all fat men, and pretty thin women. “ To- ronto is growing like a hop ;” this is the suitable expression tolthc remarks of all that see it now. I went up to the halls of the Y.M.C.A., to attend a. lecture which was to have been delivered by Mr. Houston, but owing to some mis understanding a goodly number that had assembled were disappointed, and the lecture was postponed. Van A-nburgh’s Great Golden Menagerie made a triumph- al entry into the city, and it drew thou- sands to witness the show. One very fine morning I found myself aboard the City of Toronto, and in a little while we were on our happy way to Lcwiston. It was an excursion trip, a merry, though not an unduly one. . It is a pleasant trip from Toronto across the lake; it is so -m-â€"+m» .M._‘ assemblage, and it took the greater flirt of four hours to reach Lewiston. As any chum remarked, it is a queer old place. A Canadian’s idea of an Ameri- can House of Justice would not be ele- genus at Lewiston. You have been = there no doubt, but all through the villagethere is a uniform, sad and piti- ful viewâ€"it is failing to nothing. : Brook’s Monument is an honor to ’ Canada, and a fittingr tribute to the memory of the noble inan‘whose name it bears. Queenston Heights must ever remain a sacred spot to Canadians also, for it was there our fathers fell and died for our country and theirs. It looks, as it were, down on the country round Lewistonâ€"even as the laws of Briton are far above those of America. Sudden- ly, as if by magic,the country is changed â€"you will notice it in dress, custom, conversation, and everything else. But let- us hasten on to the Falls. On board the N. Y. Central we are ready for a pieasant tripâ€"â€"nor do we fail to get it either. Beautiful, grand, delightful is the scene. As we pass on, we notice they are a little in advance of us With their crops. as we observed fail wheat in shock ; and in having plenty of ripe fruit also. Now here is a bank 200 feet high on the one side, and here, roaring 200 feet below you on the other side is the Niagara river, its blue and foaming waters hurryingon to Lake Ontario ; and you are riding just on the very edge of a precipice which would require but very little stretch of the imagination (especial- ly if you are nervous) to fancy yourself It is but a thought though, and up this precipice man could not climb ; but we are nearing the town of Niagara Falls. The town which is called after the Falls is yet some distance from the great curiosity. Just before we get there, we notice the great Suspen- sion Bridge over the river. Now com- mences the wonderâ€"how could it have been built? How long a time did it occupy in building ? How much did it cost? And a hundred such questions flash into your mind. Nature is grand, but art is fascinating. T A TRIP TO THE NIAGARA FALLS. ' @fimmwwrfilwm PRGSI'EH'I'Y ix ENGLANI).â€"â€"Tlle depression in trade which pro 'nilcd in England. some time since. hns passed away; and the conn try has again tison to the prosperous con- dttion with which her name has been associn ted for so long. Ofcoutse the gauge that. indicates this is the Government revenue; and this is estimated at, sot-nething like six millions of dollars in an excess of what it was for the corresponding thice months of lost your. Manufacturers have a supernbun (huch of index-s, railway traffic is more ex- tensive than over- before; nnd, as n nn‘urul consequence, rnilwny stoclis, investments that have proved cnlntnitous to so many, are at a higher figure The prosperity is so, general that there is less difficulty in find- ing capitalists than in rliscnrerinu‘ invest, men'ls on which theiz money can he lnid out. The relations between England and America are so intimate that the prosperity of the one reacts upon the other: and so it i‘ollows that commercial prosperity in Great Britain is of considerable moment to us on this side of the Atlantic; and it may be anticipated that the influence will he felt directly. The superfluous capital going begging in Europe may, perhaps, be diverted to this colony where it; can be invested with equal security, but: with the additional advantage of bearing larger interest than could be obtained in the old country. The Corporation of London have decided to have a medulsrruck in comemomtion of" the 'l'lmnksgivinz in honnur of the Prince of Wales. The cost is not t0 exceed $5,625, and coples of the medal will be presented to the Rnyal family, and to museums and liter- ury insl'lruliuns at home and abroad. General Tom Thumb is said to be worth two million dollars. A deputation (hf Guelph citizens visited Hamilton on Friaay, to consult with the Great Western Railway authorities regard- ing the building: ot'a Central llailway Depot at Guelph. Nothing definite has resulted as yet. are at the some time exteitded thti'mgh the stables in the rear to the outbuildings he- lonqing to Matthew’s Hotel and caught the root'of the littlet' building, which, from want of proper supplr ot water, was also sfieedily destroyed. The hulk ef the furniture how- ever was saved, but in a very damaged con- dition. The fire was unfortunately attend ed by loss of life. The wife of Mr. Evans Formerly proprietor of the Connnerertl Hotel, and who occupied the dwelling over Nye‘s tobacco store. was burnt to death. Mr. Evans, after vainly endeavouring to rescue her, narrowly escaped Lt-ing badly turned himself. A servant girl in his em ploy sprang from the third ~ story window. and received injuries which it is feared will prove fatal. The servant girl of Mr. Morti mer also dropped from the third story win dow‘ into the street, and was severely but probany not fatally injured. The flunin of Mr. Mortimer was fortunately absent, or the list of casualties would no doubt have been much greater. The loss is estimated at over $150.000, a large portion of which was probably covered by insurance. l‘wo LXVES LOSTâ€"S} 50,000 WORTH ow PROHICIITY Dmrnoyw. OTTAWA, July 2Kâ€"Ah0ut. 3 o’clock thiS morningr :L fire hruhe ()th in the back pm" of the threl’ story smm‘ premises on Sussex street. Occnpiud [w Mr. Hen. Mnrlimor, drugrgist, and quick j; spread through the hnilding. Befial'e (he aim-m was given the flames hatifn’ude (:nnsiJeiwihlo head-WM, and soon vxtouflud In 1hr! adjoining huiMings in lhe same rum-(A, «iccnpiud lily Messm. Nye, tubacconist; Bullion, vmzfl‘clinner; Men.- dows. iimmrr, (10,; Frank Max-(lmigall, hardware; Faulkner. dry goods and cording and tin Ware. AM (if these shops, with the stock and furniture in the dw Hings over- heads. were ahnnst entirely destroyed. The I‘ , A .1 - _ . , A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY MADE BY A TORONTONIAN. l l To the Editor of the York Herald DEAR Sm: At a meeting of the elec- tors of the West; Riding of York, held. at Mr. Eagle’s Hall, on the 25th insu, there appeared in the crowd assembled a good-natured looking, burly gentleman; areal John Bull in appearance, and as his countenance. depicted, the great an- xiety he felt to address the assembly. The chairman politely invited him to the stand, when-he came forward unmeâ€" diately, and with the first dash assured‘ the audience that he was no Grit, but a lawyer and a pure Conservative, and that he had made a great discovery; after “ five long years of hard toil and laborH he had actually discovered an honest burg/pr. He appeared to think the andiv once did not believe such a thing possi. bio, for he repeated it with great emphasis no less than six times. He at length made some impression, and was loudly ehcered.‘ There were none in the hall who appeared more astonished than himself. . {your dinner also. No person need bar- bor the idea that he can escape these sharpers until he has once experienced the diflieulties of a visit to the Falls. After crossing the latter bridge we passed over to Goat Island (admission fifty cents) and Followed on to a bridge which led us across to the tower, situa- , ted on Lunar Island. The ascent we at once made, and there you have a grand ' View of the Horse Shoe Fall; it is much larger and wider than the Ameri- ‘ can Fall. The rainbow is apparent. Then again, if you go down a flight of 281 steps the sight is still more wonder- ful; almost suspended in the air 190 feet above you is the Bridge, and com- merce, traflie,and labor are at work there. The sight of all impasses one with a _sense of man’s nothingness, and you are reminded that “In wisdom He made them all.” It would take a couple ofi days to see all about the Falls but it is l an excursion, and ere we are aware the time is ‘up for going home. We have been with nature; we are back with the world again, it is our loss. Now for a lovely return trip. The passengers were ‘to be seen marching round the deck of the ship singing “ The lonely sailor boy,” “The merry Mouth of June,” “The Sweet Mansions above," &c., &c., which sounded delightful! The City of To~ ronto arrived at Toronto about 9 o’clock, with the excursion party saluting their , numerous friends at the wharf awaitng their arrival with the song or" the National Anthem. Strengthened, invigorated,and improved in body and mind, I do not begrudge my five days’ trip away from home. kStO'] J 2. 7 A, 111 y , 9, 1L: I ADOLPHUS. Richmond Hill, July 22, 1872. remain sir, with great respect, Your Ubed’t Servant THE WESTON MEETING estructive Fire at Ottawa. AN ELECTOR. , San ..... Wad . . . . . . . . Fredrick Stone, writing to a London paper from Doncnste“. calls attention to :1 remark- ahle passage in Mr. Stanley’s despatches which. he thinks. gives eolouringr to certain doubts that have been expressed as to their mmnlete authentieity. The meeting: :It L'jEji between himself and Dr. Livingstone . is thus descrihed :â€"“ As the procession ‘ entered the town. Mr. Stanley observed a ‘ gronn of' Arabs, in the eentre of whom was a nnlelooking. greyberrded. white man. whose Fair skin contrasted with the sunlmrnt visnges of‘those by whom he was surrounded. Now. ten years ago (Mr. Stone s:1_vs)Living- . stone’s comnlexion was oi’a dark mahogany colour, which even in contrast with the most snnhnrnt visage on the the, f‘aCe of the earth could not he called pale, and it is difficult to conceive by what process it can have become blanched: A mysterious attempt was made on Fri- dnynight in New York to assassinate a music tencher named 'l‘ugenhold Muller. of. No 23 Delaney street. Dnrinzthe nf'terâ€" noon he received a letter signed Fisher, askingr him to meet the writer in n ‘lnger ‘heer saloon on First Avenue at 9:45 p. in. He did so. and the man calling himself Fisher said that, he wished to engage Mr. Muller’s services as teacher. The two men l Barley . l’eusu. _ ()nts .. . Rm . .. Haw Potatoes. per bag. . . . . . .. /\11!>lfl>,!n-r hart-0| “4151'. 0‘ the >i-E9 . . ~ . Multan. by :he carcase. .. l’oulLryâ€"Ueese . . . Turkem . .. . ... Chickens. per 1) Ducks, per pair l’q rkâ€"Mess govern the operations nfdigeslinn and nulhtxou, and b\' a cnreJnl appiicfllion if the fine proper- ties of welf-sslecled cucoay [\h Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with h delicately flavored lwvomga which may save us many hauvv dunim-s’ hills.”â€" Civil ’S’nrvicc (lltzrztln. Mnde simp!_v with Builng Water 01' Milk Each‘pankel is labelledâ€"P JAMFs EPPS 61, ’70 , Hommupalhic Chnmists. London." Also. ma- kers oi" prs’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- densed Milk) 687-)y iJ Gum-run”. ARI) ComrnH'rmn.â€"â€"" By a thorough k nuwlodqo of the. n-«mml laws which Dressed Hogs Lard. . . . . Eggs . . . . . . Drip-j App’es then started for Fisher's house, which the hitter said was in St Mark’s Place. When Opposite No 65 St Mark’s Place an unknmvu man sprung upon them from the stoop and fired a pistol at. Muller. The builet- missed its mark, and the assailant thereupon attack- ed Muller with the butt-om] of his weapon cutting his lace badly and knookin'z out two of his tenth. He and Fisher then fled. The police have accurate description of the lat- ter. and bone to be able to solve the mystery. A rznse of‘ considm'uhls: inmm-lnnce to farml‘rs was trlNl at Lnrwm last Monday he- fm-e J Molllhm'my. J.l’, The notion was hrmight bv a Mrs. Hmrnrl, against one Juhn T00le {or allowing Canada thisl‘los to gm to svml on the fhrm which hp nernnies and which he lenses from her. The charge mm proved. hut as it was the first time the l:va was put in force in that section of‘ country. ihe magistran mitigated the fine to $2 and $3 50 cosls. Farmers will do well to hnnir in mind that llwv render llmmselves liable to lino if they allow Canada thistlos to cnme tn full blow on their farms, and whether 1hov are owners or occnniers it makes no rlill’erence. for the law seeks to prevent the spread of the noxious weed. A fatal accident occurred on the 3rd c0n~ cession of Camden on Wednesday, by which .an old gentleman named Ross lost his life. It appears that Mr. Ross had dug a hole in- to the ground for the purpose ofgetting wa ter to drink. While hoeing in one ofthe back fields he went to get a drink out of the hole, and in laying down slipped in and was drowned. On one of the recent excursions for poor New York children. a little pale faced but less boy was noticed, who carried his ticket tightly clasped in his hand all day. He found in the grove a small fruit basket, which he quietly filled with earth, and then plantedin it one of the wild weeds which there abounded. Many times during the day he carried his little basket to the spring. and filling his hard with water, dashed it upon the plant. Poor child! he longed to: carry back to his miserable home a. bit ofl the freshness he had scarcely tasted himself. His Excellency the Governor General and Lady Dtift’et‘in started on the 8th inst. for River (In Lonp Aft tr spending a few days with his family at the seat of Thomas Rey- nolds, Esq., at thit place the Governor will leave in his racht, the “Dauntlcss.” which he. has purchased from Mr. Dohell, on a Cruise in the Gulf and the Sstguenav. On his return, His Excellency will make Quebec his residence for a few months, and will nftf‘rwnrds proceed westward, remainin;r :1 while in Montreal and Toronto, so as to ohtnin a close acquaintance with the leading Cities of the Dominion. QREVAKFAST. - EPPS'S COCOA. â€" A Gutenberg Bible, one ofthe few rc- mnining copies ofthe socailed 42 liners, being a Latin copy printed by (S‘rutenlmrgr between the years 1415 and 1454. has been sold I at Erf‘urth for £212. The book, which was bought by an Englishman. is in a very good state of preservation, barrincr the loss '3sz few leaves. A duel with swords has been fought by M. Tirard, deputy for the Department ofthe Seine. and,M. Francis Aubert, an editor of the Gaulois. Both were slightly wounded. The Nova Scolia Wesleyan Conference has passed a resolution “ that the formation of one. Wesleyan Methodist, Church for the whole of British North America is exceed» ingly desirable.” The Conference appoint- ed a committe to not with the Canada Con-i f'erence “to devise a plan of federal union.” Letters from Geneva say that Don Carlos is expected to arrive in Switzerland, having been persuaded to abandon his revolutionary designs in Spain. Sir Alexander Cockburn, arbitrator on 1118' part ofEnglnnd on the Geneva Tribunal, is to he created an Earl in recognition of his services. There are upwards of 38.000_children of out doorpnuper parents in London. Work has begun on the tower of the Par- liamenl buildings. which is to be raised some three feet in height. ' Bears are reported to have been making incursions in the oat fields of the townships of Osgoode mid Templeton. ’I‘ORO N TO MA RKETS Toronm. August 1' pair 10 ('0 €17 H n0 1 3| HE ] 33 1 30 ((3 (I no 1 28 @ 1 31 U (1-2 (LP 0 H3 0:59.171) 0 (i3 0 3% a?) 0 39 (1 “0 M) n ()0 lb‘ ()1) 0, ~31 m 14mm» mm) I) 50 m, 0 3:3 List I... “172?, 575/13 52 580@ CI 61045» (i 84') 63 G: ()(M@ (H 455@ 4! 300/4? 3". H) ('0 €17 Ill (I (JG RD 6 HI {(7/ (I 70 «VD 0 8n @ 0 .‘m 43 (Hit) {(21 @@@@m )314l 1.11.]: 0000“ 05‘2fib G (In (3 0‘: 5 85 0‘ no G 15 G 50 0 NI 4 65 “6) 05:5 CHURCH I’SAL T13R15 IIYMNBOOIC J their stock can have an onpormnitv nf dning so now, as: [ hnve ju<t numhased file puro hred Durham Bull, Navy/(is (ff Lorne, from Mr E. Sanderson. of Markham. And am Inunfnd at lilo f‘Jorlh-wast come" of lot No 3."). 41h Cullm‘SHlon of Mm‘kl‘am. in a semi-~11 wlmre mechanics and lahwmrs cnu gm! steady mark and 'lxigln wag -s Anph' ’if by loner. ln-opnid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, (21' lo ' ARTIES WISHING TO IMPROVE their stock can have an onnnrmnil‘: ur Mowers and Rnnnzrs Wood Sawing Muchth Horse and Dog Powers Machine JacKs Straw Cullors Root Cullen's & Pubers Grain Cruslwrs Turnip and Grain Uri“ Hand Seed Drills Fanning Mi‘lls Clover IL]! or; Hnrso Hay Rukvs Corn Shellmsfi: Huske Stump Maclmws Pnicxxt Van Forges: , Mowing Machine Knife Cider Mills and Presses Gnu ’s Siughe Sc Doubfe L salea numbo’r H the viHngo of Those “\‘nms am “Sr-v1Sntlm'l‘linitv Church 'I‘lmruhiH. and Richmond Hill. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a numbo’r of Viil :20 lots, situated Carter 5 Ditching - chine Steam and horse-power Threshing Mavhines Combined and Sing‘e Furrow Ploughs [run and VVde Beam I’loughs Gang l’longhs Double Mould i’loughs jUST RE CEIVE D About (me/fifth of (m Acre. FARMENE IM?LEM£NTS & TDBLS do Fun Cloth,....,...3.’)c. “ d9 Plain Flunnel.....39c- " do Saline........ ...33c. " do UIIIOH Twaoxf.....25c. " do Plaid Flannel. . . . .38c. " do All “'00! 'l‘w‘ccds. .380. “ do Striped Fiannill...35c. “ Spinning. Doubling and Twisdngs.‘lfic. “ Definite arrangements have been made to (carry to and from the Factory \Vonkly. at the wxnens» nl' tho nndursignnd, all VVnoL Kw... h-l't at tho plafios of ‘nnsine s of the lo‘lon‘inq gvnllnnwn: A. Momma. Richmond Hill. Sluulfi’s hotel. Yongo Sweet. Glisling attention] [0 with (he uauafprompt- mess and dospmch. Below he appends the rates for manufactu- ring the various lines. parties finding lhe wool: Cardng and Spinning. . . . . . . . . .156. per 111- )[anufacL-n'ing Twil‘ed Flannel. . .300. per yd. do d9 do do do Fun Cloth,.... ....350. “ Plain Flunnel.....390- " Saline........ ...33c. " UIIIOH TWeoJ.....25c. " PlaidFlannel......'38€. " 01: the shortest nolico. and in the most ap- prqrved stvle. ‘ mptcmmtfi. Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizm's, LC-c‘. (96., (QC. 1 ADELA'lDE ST. EAS'I‘,’I'ORONTO WBQL 3513111243: 85 GMT}! DRESSING REFITTED A ND IMPROVE Begs to announce that, since the winter months, he has completely VICTORIA SQUA RE! Iâ€"IEAD’FORD WOOLEN MILLS Lat, 23. 9nd Con. Vaug'han. Vaughan. May 29. 1173. 722-1" March 5’" 197?. 4) All kinds of Farm Produce taken in ex- change for Goods,al the highest market prices Which he will so” as cheap as heretofore. IN GROCERIES. I am bound to give satisfaction, as well as in all other blanches of the trade. 717~Lf TITRNIP SEEDS! NEW GOODS 1 5mm, BHBAP ANQ STYLISH! R. Nerbery, Elgin Mills, Than can be purchased 011:Ricllxllolld 111“. He has just recexvod a large assortn'ent of ilendfin'd, May 8,1872. DRY GOODS! By the Rev. Wm. [Vera/H11. Imporiur. Manlfluclm-ur.and Dealorin all kinds of Apx'i! 10.1872 CANADA I’LOUGUS IN STOCK! Important Notice. T IS A FACT, THAT STAPLE And is now prepared to do a” kinds of AT I‘IEADFORD ! Village Lots for GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS! AT THE Hum“) Hum; SI'URH I FROM ENC-LA DI R ICCT. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, diam, &c.. “t c‘ . Can be bought cheaper from gm (55mm, (fixmriw. " Evury farmer should use xhem. Grown from seiectod buibe. WM. RISNNHC. T()HO:\’1‘0,0NT. Fresh and good, just received. His machinery in Ins mill WM. RE NNIE, JOHN EYER The 101s conlnm A supply (uxyonn ICU). Gxuv’s Lmur \VM. G. HINGS'I‘ON Notice. A ND FANCY {amps Maya, ROB'I‘. NExyBERv, Viil :ge lots, situated rhine l’hi!mh~lphiu L a w n Muwur Greenhouse and Gar- dun Enninps Lnnuflry Machines Ga'fien Implements and Tovuls Fir-M ‘Snmls Fruit and Ornamnntnl Trees and Shrulw Suxvor‘nhnsplmfio of Hm:x &. ground hone Prre qNd Grain &c., é’cc, &c , &c, Pumps Scalus “0"5‘6 “av FUHW Amalgam Sleul Bells Tho Hlnnchard chum Bax-rel Kn Dash churlw Flow-[we Sewing Mu- E}fll’s Pate“! Iron 'H arrows Fiolvdand Lawn Roller Home Hoes & Scarfier Cultivaims Potato Diggers the JOHN FIY ER Dinglru P Riga}; gums. 3m 71-1-H 716-Lf Cm) ho had a! {ho Post Ollicv. Wl-ELK. Applytu i} wr Wmches, Juwollry, 810., H3 Yonge Street. anoulo . September ', l>7l. 684 ' in Bronchitis it is a sperific. and in Asthma it glVdS relief wlmre overv other remedy fails. . For Nurvons Debillly it stands unrivalled, and may 1m usnd with confidence in ail cases. As ihis is entirely distinct and diffarant frum every nlllel‘ preparation of vaoplmsphites, he cnrul'ul to ask for FELLOWS, SYRUP, and take 110 other. r51 . H U M A S I} {A UAME. TMPORTER and l’n'wuier of Pure Berkshires. It is adnpmd for ALL en es of Weakness and Emncizxtiun,\lemher :11 ng l'lmu sedentary life. a lrupiralclimfllc, from fqvor or dobilil) from any cause, and is efiiclicions in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTMN. many confirmed vases having been cured nun] all benefited. where its use hm- boen continued ov~~r a fortnight. 'l'his. men. is substantially the basis on which Fm.l.ow’s HYPOI’HOSPHI'I‘ES is huiILiH direct action is "pan the “loud. the Brain and Nun‘ous Svstem. and Ihe Muscles. Hrunglh- oniug the nerves. it causes the rap‘id dlSll'ibll- Lion usitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Budy. Rou-ziug lhe Sluggish Heart and Liver. ~-trengthoning the action of the Stomach and '§0\vels and vnalfling the Lungs to be fitu inv flared wnh Oxygen. As all life-endowed bodies. wheiher they be 305191. Birds, Reptiles. Insoms or even Zoo- phites. and subjects of tho Vogurnbie Kingdom are governed by rimlfurcc, wlliclnbinds all the springs of existence. and as nnihing can save them 2' om destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vimiily may be sustained in thfi living body is indned n boon to the \vor‘d. Modern chomislry has ventiin‘ed the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients canalilu- ting the brain. muscles and nvrvas. and finds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions tha brain and nervous sysaem are strenglhenod Hf DuHand cloudy weather no hindrance to tho art. NB. Children am! animals man at the risk of the owner. Old pictures of deceased friends copied and enlarged suitablo{01"1'an1ing. Begs tn mencod I have rarefully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H B. Raesor. called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianm. manufacde by Ma- thuseck, and think they are wonderfully sweat and pure in tone. and from their pncuhar con- etrnction. calculated to remain in tune longer '1!an other pianos, and consequently to sland a greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. ‘28. l872. 7l4-ly Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. PHOTOGRAPHY. Testimonial from Profe‘ssor H. G, Collins Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes Wl ed us in the agency in this section for the sale; of Messrs G A. Prince & Co’s cele- brated Organs and Muiodemm. in favor of which wo give our most unqualified approval and recommendation as the lending and most reiiabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. WM. FLUMERFELT. Markham. Nov. 3, 187]. Orncm.-â€"‘No. 66 Church SLreet.Toron(o‘ December ‘29, 1869. . 598 0v TORONTO 'rr‘ LEGILXPH. Which is adupled to parlors where space is an object. The motle of :15 construction is entiroiy MW. and based upon the best known principles of science. N13 SOLD BY A I’O'I'HEOA RIBS. Price. $160: Six for $7350. JAMES I. FELLOWS.Chemist 64-8 St. Jnhn. N B. Chickering. Slainwny and Durham Pianos A‘so. the celsbrated HUMMING BIRD PIANO L and l’n'wuier of Pure Hark Post-011166 address. "’oadbl‘idge Vaughan, Feb. 8. lb 2, Prince’s firgans & Meledcons w,“- 14, mar; In the shop two doors north of Goo A. Bar- uard's Slore‘ and is offering them at. Lo 1 Rates ior Cash. He is also prepared to make to order on lhe Shorlest Notica, 5nd in the very Bust Skyle, Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tion. at Low Prices. 119 most respectfully invites a call. Richmond Hill. Dec. .‘ll, 1871. 700-1!" Ric‘hmond um. Sept. 20. 1871. 687-1)’ BOOTS AND SHOES ! ‘OWJ BELLS FOR JUNE lie for Iheirvery liberal palrouvge during the short time he has been in business on Richmond Hill, and would state that he is now fully prepared with a J. N BLAKE, ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, &c. II E M O R NI NO PAPERS THE NEW BOOT c6 SHOE STORE. J. SEGS‘WOETH, EALER IN FINE COLD AND SIL- PHOTOGRAPHS Ova-shoes, Rubbers, Slippers cfi'c. WILLIAM GAMBLE ETURNS THANKS TO THE PUB ‘. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED inform the public that. having com- operaiion in liie above business, he is prepared to take . Pure Bred Swine. STYLE ()R SIZE. H.B.REESOK, :4ij and 5311mm. agglwtugmphy, Fl RS'I‘-CLASS STOCK Arrived at the Herald BookSLore ANY REQUIRED Notice. GLOBE, DEALER IN 0 I" M. TEICFY, {ichumud [HI 5(14-1! LEADER, "Hm-l)” b P lump» also a Stock ofCommon Pumps as fnlluws: 'I‘H IS SO CALLED I'XCRLSIOR Pump. fur the first 2|! I'eet. $8, after 20 feet, 30 cums per foot, Cislorn Pumps. Churn Style Excelsior or common lever. Swing. Wrought Gearing . . Swing. do (:0 Ln Swing Force. Large Size... I The Markham or Cash Style. first 20 feet. $Ul, after 2” test. 40 cents pnr foot. Newmu Brook. April 26. 1871 lv-556 New Paleut Wrought Iron Gear. Swing Lifting I’lumps. $12 for first 20 feet after 2;! H. 50 cls per {out Bogs to assure them that he \vill,in future. as in tho past. euduavor to deserve thisconfidenr‘e hy supplying Pumps as superior to any hi- lhollo produced HS lhose ho has supplitd wars tn the kinds which Ihcy supel'ceocd, and al Pmcms WHICH DEFY CUBIPF’I'ITION: bwing Force [’u.np5. $20 for first 20 feet. after 20 fl. 60 cu: per foot. I! --vu.-uy,..u,; u; v x“ uuuquuwnn), and Survevéfi, Trust and Loan Build- ings. corner of Adelaide and Toromo attests. Toronto. 7194!. 1 public for file liherul patronage he has res ceived Since fix‘utintrodhcing to their nolic0 HIS NOW For terms and other information apply to the owner on the premises. GIDEON HISLOP CELEBRATED P UM PS ! Near Richmond Hill. The iandis allcloar, and in a good state of cultivation. 'l'liereis on the premises a first claRs Dwelling House. Barns. Stables, &c. There is also on iliispro- party a SAVV MILL MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. lnfi‘ingers of Powell’s Patents 63 ACRES 0N LOT NO. 50. REAR OF 151‘ CON. VAUGHAN. In good running order. 'I'ltis pump. as now made, will [In-mo more mule:- m. s/ulllnw walls. am] war/c urisicr in (leap walls llum any other mimic. ls greatly improved this seas-on with Lumen Cnmvw and U any uum'verâ€"norexceedingthmehundred dollars by any one deposilor.) will be received allhe Richmond Hill Past Officoflor which GOVerumemwilltllow [mu-est. Officehours: from 6:30 A-M.t0 9:30 mm. May 4, l869. 563-” The Subscriber offers for sale the following FARMS AND SAW MILL FOR SALE.“ “*Hlm TEEFY is Government Agontf’or hesnlool‘ LAMB'S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. RICHMOND HILL The above Instruments are all fully] warranted and sold at Manufacturers’ Prices. Perject Satisfaction guaran- teed in every case. , TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED TO AND USERS OF SUCH INFRINGE- MENTS C. POWELL, N RETURNING THANKS TO THE ORGAN S & MELODEONS .SILAS JAMES 85. FOWLER, \RCHHLEQTSfi ClVIL ENGLNEERS, AND MUSIC STOOLS IN GREAT \ VARIETY. Vaughan, Aug. '23. 187’]. PIANO - FORTES June 15,1870. HEINTZMAN & CO.’S P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. CHMOND . ._ HILL F0 l particulursapply to ILS. WILLIAMS, ILH. DALTON VALUABLE PROPERTIES, BEVVARE!!! fl. gantrtnwnt. 313me for $31113, innaical gijufitmmmtfi, 3:201:13”? g‘tmupfi. ANDOTHHRCELEBRA'I'EDMAKERS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. “WI be held Responsible PIANO 00 VE From {he Establishmentsof (,mcummx Pas-r FREE. ALSO AGENT FOR THE CALL AND SEE IT. CELEBRATE!) A FULL ASSORTMENT 0F j *NAHELY : M. TEEFY, Postmaster C. CHAPMAN, AGENT. M «7 khani. (RUBBER), ,nrgo In Canada and the Unitud ( States. 'l‘o manufac- xu ru 11 ndL-r I‘ATEKTS PATENT “GI-ITS POWELL‘S I; L [ZS SALE FOR 683-“ 2‘0 I (I 2 50 6 (HI 7 OH 9 on 553, Oxford Street (late 944, 515E)? " " London, W C.,Sepl. I. IS“. 687-6m. . "' "" r inrs he can cuilL-(zt respecting the sumo. that is to any. 1'10 name. and address of the vendor who is selling the spurious medil'ines, and like- wise the namo and adwress ol' the “mm in the Unilr-d States. or oist-where which may ha esuppiivd them. so as to enable me. far the protection of Hie pubiir',ln inslimw pro- uccdings ngmnx-t such evilAdoers. and l engage to mmmm very imndsomt‘iy anv poi-mu Who in 3- give ms such infurnmzion the h!- formnnz’s nmne m-ver Lung divulged. Should any pursun have mason In believe [hm ho‘hns liopn decv-ived by buying spurious innilulinn.‘ 0! these MNiiaim'N he willdo woll Ln sum! “.0. in n tenor tu xhe address at foot f“ hirii im can do at a oust of six cents In past- ngv) (mo of the hooks oi insiruclions which are affixed In Lim mum. l prnmlsn to examine ii and Sclad u "only. stating whelher lhe Medic cillOS am genuine or Li 1.30 that if spurious ho may apply In the permit from whom he put. chmed llmm to have his money refunded. Chemists and Umggists wim desire to ob- ‘nin Hu- Med-icines can be supplied at tho Inwos: whclasale pricesin quantities of not lets man $20 wor'h â€" viz .8s. 6d . and 22:. and 34s.. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots o Ointment,” neu, without discount. for which emilmnce must bu sent in advance, I have the honor to be. With great napect, T_HOI!I_AS~HOLLOWAX. .u. A ! 1:1. A B. R I S T E R S , SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, &c. . (‘rncu d-Conrl Bmot. Toronto Brant-h Officeâ€"Division Conn Clerk 5 oflico, Rich- mond Hill. TH 03. K. MORGAN. lime; TuonNa- No represemativoof mine will over truvo throuuh any part oi" the British Provinces I the Unitcd States, either to sell. or to aim orders for my l‘illsund Ointnwnt,and all have reason to believe that attempts will very probably he made to deceive the [)l'lJlic in this way by persons calling on medicine vendor». falselyrepresentingthat tlleynre acting for me, and with my knowledge and consanl. l damn it advisable to put the public on their guard agn'nst am- snch (l('(zepll(ll]8- I most earnestly entrant all ti 059 who may read this ndvm‘list-ntent that they bu pleated. in tho public interest. to rotwnunicnte the pnro port at the same to their friends that they may not [In dt-t'rnudedpi' their tummy by pun-hasing wortltk‘ss iznitatinvs of the genuine HOLLO' wAY’s PILLS AND Utxntmvr. 1 would ask. as n grunt fhvor,llmtu)1011ld it come to Ihc liuuwlmige of any person that apn- iuus medit‘inos are being may 0 oruold in my mumka Ive plunde tose'nd me all the panicu; l , , I , r r ‘I ‘ . I .. UIISI “1 cu luv words “HoLLowu’s PILLS AND Human." and that the addressnn thalabel is 5.53 OXFORD S'rmzm, Lemon, where only they are manu- factured, and in no other part of the world. The I‘Etfill prices are on Ihn lubelvin British cnrrency. and not in dollars and cents. t1“ J ‘ '“' . Those who do not wish to be dtm-lt'vd by haying spurious medicines. which sw- v'nw likely to emanate from the States 0| elm-u In no. but to possess themselves of the genuina "vi.- LOWAY'S PILLS AND OIN'TMENT, mullnfhclnr . by me in London. England. will do wail in see that each pot and box bears the British Government stump on which is engraved lho words “HoLLowu’s PILLS AND ()lm-Mnn." and that the addressnn thelabel is 5.53 OXFORD 0W ,, A . . â€" erszmmcnâ€"Nearl Richmond Hill. THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER1 Undertaker. 6w. Charges Moderate, and work give satisfaction. All letters addressed to Aurora prompt attention. Aurora. May 25. 1870. W 7.7“, -v>-ruv||ull_y announces that he will visit the following placea,(Sun‘ days excepted). where he .will attend to Don- tistry in all its branches : King...........t........lst eleach month Richmond Hill...........5th " Nowmarket..............lOth " All_rorn..................l5th " Teeth inserted in the moat Improved Styles, on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Rubb‘er. and Al- luminum Base. 'I‘oeth filled in slIch a manner asto proaort'o them from further decay. 'l‘oeth extracted with the least possible pain, and especial attention paid to tho regulationo children’s teeth. ls duo most wonderful discovery in chemistry for nonliug Horsesfiand Cattle. NiILLER’S DERBY OIL -_- -- .4 uv' MINloN, at $6 per 100 Met. Ala; Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets. Pails.CiderMiHs, Washing Machinen, Shingles Waggon Felloes. and LumberSawedto order. Fox-particulars address 1V1. Commissionerin R.,is Go Agent for issuing Marriage Licens‘ County of York. ‘ Office hoursâ€"7 9:30 P.M. Richmond Hili.0ctober23.1869. Toronto. April 25, 1872. U Solicitors inChancery, Couve Orncn: Provincial Insurance Streel.Toromo. JOHN DUGGAN. (LC. DAME.) August 17. 1870 Thornhill. Nov. 3, lkétgé‘ Toronto, Dec. £4.1868. Patent Eave-trough ' ND WATERSPOUIS FOR THE DO. DUGGAN 5b MEYERS, ARR‘ISTERS, IATTORIjEYS-AT-LAW MORGAN 8a THORNE, Caution! ! Caution l I! THE PUBLTcâ€"OF THE BRITISH gamut ifit’yvdivfim. RICHMOND HILL. TEEFY? NOTITRÂ¥__PUBLIC AND w. H. CANNON, L.DS., § nEN'msr, SLATE ASSIST' FRESH CUTS OR. OLD SORES‘ MARRIAGE LICENSES imficmmwnufi, HUGH MILLER & co A King St. Ens: JOHN LANGSTA FF, Steam Mills,ThornlIi". II RV-.. n unnn JJ ANT [0' Dr. Elliot, Défifial. ’l‘orunlo.) respectfully announces . ‘. .. .. . r wuel'ln u.l(.,xs Government g Marriage Licenses in tho igoppoai the Post Office work warranted to ls! efeach month 5th H IOlh an 15th u DAM ILMEVERan 5-14-ly East Toronto. 631 - tl' will receive 619~ly 718-“ 510-.“ Buildings

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