Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Aug 1872, p. 3

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Charged with Murder. , On Saturday morniniug last a man named A. Morell, who has been doing business in this city for some time past as a dry goods merchant and general jobber on King street over the Leader office was arrested by De tective Hodgins on an information laid by a woman named Anne Moss,chnrging him with the murder of her daughter, Rebecca Moss, in the city of Hamilton, during the month 0} (larch last. It appears thzt lust year the lrisoner became irtimate with the Moss family, while they resided on Queen, nearly opIOEIite Chestnut street, and the:e appeared to b: a mutual attachment between the young woman and the prisoner. In the latter part of the fall the Moss family re- moved to Chicago. Shortly ,before Christ- mas Morell states that he received a letter from the girl to the effect that she was un- able to live with her parents, on account of maltreatment she received at their hands, and that she intended joining him in this city. On the receipt of this letter he tele- graphed to the parents, informing them of their daughter’s intended flight, but it seems that the girl had left them before the tele- gram had reached, its destination. A few days later Rebecca MOSS arrived in this city and met Morell, and after spending some time here they went to Hamilton where they obtained board as man and wife under .the names of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander with a Mrs Lemon; who resided at NO. 11 Cath- cart street. On the 2nd of March Mrs Alexander was confined, and during her illness was attended by two medical men and a competent nurse. 0n the 12th, about noon, it is said that a medical man had visited the deceased and found her progress- ing very favourably, but that on his calling later in the day he was met by Morell, alias Alexander, on the stairs, who told him that his services were no longer required as his patient Lad. died a short time previously. This information considerably surprised the doctor and he asked to be allowed to see the corpse but this request was refused. Mrs. Lemon, the landlady of the boarding house. states that Morel] laid the corpse out himselftandjthatwhen it was coffined it was dressed in a night-gown and chemise, with frilled front and white stockings. It had a while handkerchief under the jaws and the feet were tied With a straw rope. The pri soner states that the deceased made a request befor ishe died that she should be buried in the Jewish burying ground. lilorell left. Hamilton by the two O’clock train on the 13th for Detroit, taking the corpse with him, and it is supposed had the bodyinterred as desired. From 'tt strtement made by De- tective Rousseau, of Hamilton, it appears that Morell was accustomed to speak very harshly to the deceased at times, and that he had said of the child, which died on the 19111 Of March, that he could take it by the legs and knock its brains ‘out against the wall. When Morel! Was told by the‘ detect ive that he had a warrant for his arrest, he replied withoutbeing info med Of‘the nature Gibbs offence, that it was all right: that it as a put up job by some parties that he knew had bzen blackmailing him for some months past, until now he was almost ruined. In the police stati'on‘when informed of the nature of the charge hedid not appear to be at all excited, and asked’the detective to telegraph to his uncle, S. Morel], at Preston, Ont. the prisoner is about five feet six inches tall, and about thirty-one years of age. , He is dark complexioned, wears a moustache and beard, without side Whiskers. He has resided in Toronto nearly all hislife, and has up to? the present time sustained a good reputation. ~ M Tragedy at Orillia. ORILLIA, Aug. 6-â€" One Ofthe mOst cold- blooded attempts at murder ever heard of took place a few miles from here today. It appears thatsome time during last winter n. man named Peter McAI-thur, living a few miles from here, was having a sale of his stock. HissDn by-luw, named John Turner, .v livingpsrtgpuanq. cinema dispersal of ‘some'o his cattle,at the same tim'e agreed to drive them up,_,to,Mc,A rthur’s and sell them ‘with his. Aftcr‘thé'Salfi, McArlhnr refused to settle with Turner, and they have not lived on friendlv'terms since. This morning Turner left his home, boasting that he would either have a settlement bt' vikiflip‘oth 'Mc Althurs and his wife. In approaching Mc- .Arthur’s house. he met Mrs. McArthur out- side, and without an provocation whatever drew ’his revolver null shot at her breast,but as she was standing _with her arms folded, the ball passed through her arm near the elbow, thus saving her life. Turner is Still at largeâ€"Leader The wolf debtiqf France amounts-lo $610," 000,000. ‘ ' ’ ' Lord Dufferinjs said to be a Good Templar -â€"a total abstainer. , A new telegraphic. apparatus, working dfilerrere‘d keys, priming the message at it s. lination, yet so Simple that any one can end or receive with it. has just been invent ed by, a.Massachusettsmcchanie. Goonâ€"We learn. that Lord anferin, our worthy Governor-General, Is considerubl of a marksman, and uses the small bore lilfle. It is understood-that he will do all he 'can to encourage smallvbore shooting in Canada, and purposes bringing over an Trish President Grant returns to Washington towards the end of this week. The members of the Geneva Tribenal continue to baflle all the efforts of the “ interviewers,” and maintain the most pru~ found secrecy as to their doings. On Saturday last the members of the Orangeville Infantry Company, received $4 each, being a grant from the Wellington County Council for 16 days' drill at Niagara. Large numbers of people are being pros~ trated by typhoid fever in Mitchell, and the local press expresses the view that unless speedily checked it will prove a. scouragc, It is stated that Mr. James Carter. Chutham, has contracted with the Dominion Government tor the removal of the steamer wrecked and sunk in the Richibucto harbour last fall. . Two‘men employed at the Preston rail- way station were poisoned recently drinkingr methylated spirit which had leaked from acask. One is dead, and the other has gone mad, and is not expected to live. The Island of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St- Lawrence, is tO be purchased by several Chicago, Montreal, and Quebec capitalists, with a capital of$2,000,000. They propose to colonize it with emigrants from Norway and Sweden, and go into the raising of nor theru cerealsâ€"wheat, barley, and potatoes. On Mopday last week a stranger hired a Hav .. . . horse and vehicle from like livery of Mr. Straw . . . . . . . . . .. Potter, Napanee. The time of‘ engagement Potato”. per bat!- . .. . . . . .. . . having expired, and no intelligence being received of the whereabouts of the propert the suspicions of the" owner were arouse , and on inquiry he learned that the person with whom he was dealing was in truths thief, and had decam ed. HO traced him across the border, on had succeeded in recovering the buggy and harness, he believed himself on the track Bacon of the horse. LINCOLN’S RELIGIOUS FAITH.â€"The Con- gregationalist has been reading Lamon’s -‘ Life ofLincoln,” and nfterquotin! numer- ous words of the president, in which he ex- pressed his dependence upon God, declares that “If any person, in the face of such evidence as we have herein set before _our readers. shall insist that Abraham Lincoln was at heart an infidel, and said all these devout and serious things for "efi'ect,”_allr that we can say is that he will incite in our minds the suspicion of being himself as base and bad a man as he would make out our martyred president to be; The slave trade is as yet very far from be- ing extinct. Between July 1st. 1869, and January 1st. 1872. that English squadron ofl“ ~the east coast of Africa captured twenty four regurlarly equipped slavers. On these ves sols were found over seven hundre d negroes. The slavers have largely forsaken their old hunting grounds on the African coasts, which are carefully guarded and very don gerous. and find easy and uninterrupted pun suit of their nefarious work in the south seas. The reports which come from them are Simply apalling. and have aroused the at- tention of the English Parliament to the ne- cessin of immediate action. Our Halifax despatche-l mentionv a re- portal the murder of the Rev. Mr. Gordon, missionary from the Presbyterian”Church of the Lower Provinces to Erromango, one of the New Hebrides group. The history Of the mission on this island is a tragical one. It was here that Williams and Harris fell, under the clubs of the natives, and scvdfal years ago Rey. Mr. Gordon and his wife 'Ive‘re cruelly murdered by the people among whom they had laboured for over a year. Immediately upon the news reaching Nova Scotia. his brother volunteered to succeed him in the same good work, and now, if the report be true, he hasmet the same fate. The authenticity of, Mr. Stanley's reports has been confirmed byaletter from Earl Granville to that gentlemen, acknowledging the receipt by him of letters from Dr.Living- stone. Earl Granville congratulates Mr. Stanley upon the courage he displayed in bringing his expedition to a successful issue; and sayS'lIe has no doubt of the genuineness of the letters purporting to co 9 from Livingsltmie. to Mr. Stanley, acknowledging the receipt of letters from his father. Mr. Stanley has been invited to dine with Earl Granville and a distinguished purIy‘On his arrival in Lon- don. The English Search expedition, which had reached Zanzibar, is on its way back, having heard of Mr. Stanley’s success. Port Dalhoucsie has lost by the death of Mr. Jpnnthan Woodall, in his Stet year,one of its 'oldest. most respected, and best known inhabitants. The deceased was employed on the canal from the breaking of the first sod in 1824, up to within a short period of his death. For many years he attended Lock 1, and when his health failed he was appointed Light-house Keeper, being succeeded in the office by his‘ son. For many years Mr. Woodali has sufi'ered from hernia, but his death was rather unexpected, as but a few moments before breathing his last, he had been conversing with ome friends. There is but oueman now living who has been as long on the Welland Cnnal as an employee as the deceasedâ€"St. Catharines Journal. ' Mr JackSon. who made an ascent In a balloon from the Derby Aboretum during a 4.4 te'omdo compete against Canadians. This, thunder-storm on Monday evening, sends to Will be acceptable news to the members of .the Derby Mercury an account of what he the Victoria Club. The business of banking does seem to be conducive ton, longevity. They have. for instance, in Salem: Massachusetts. a cashier who has filled that position nearly fifty years. Mr. JothAndrews, of lNewburypOI-t. has been fortvfive years in the Mechanics" Dank, “Mk him“ would 8pm Open’ and a loud during which time he has never asked for a clap 0f “Wilde? “You” folIOW- The light vacation, and there have been periods of ning appeared bluer and the thunder more seven 0,. eight years wilhout his absence hollow than is seen and heard from the \{rom his desk for a single day. Many cities in America might learn a les :son from the towns of India, which are con sidered so far behind uskjn, civilization. All garbage and filth are ' y'removed from the honsns and streets agglii‘diun tOwns by a M caste of people whose'idhelited occupation is considervbly exercisad over a matrimonial this is. If any chance to remain, crows, discovery which he scarcely calls a joke. and the heavy The pretty little story runs, that. he came periodical rains, , are an effective Board of to Paris in ‘67 and won the heart ofa baro- vultures, jackals, etc., Health. The people are cleanlyâ€" Brahmins fastidiously .‘so. They bathe frequently; they prepare their food with care; and in these respects would put to shame manv who livefiin‘ mor‘e enlightened countries. - ANOTHER GnsE‘an STOREâ€"Among the . stories told at the expense of Mr. Greeley’s chirography is this: Years ago, when a young man, he received a poem from 8. yo 1;: lady in Vermont. He Strongly sus- xplgcd that all poetry was nonsense, especial- ly if the lines did no} statistical. both ends, and as this particular poem did not come up to his peculiar mechanical sthndnt'd for shell literatuye, he threw it into the waste basket, and wrote the authorcss that- he thought man that offered her his hahd, and mend his hose and tend his babies. than to rack her would read. The poor girl received the cruel letter, but could decipher only the writer’s name. er, and she tOO was nonplussed. A council of inquiry was held ever the strange docu» ment, which was finally interpreted as a proposal to marry the gifted authoress of the rejected rhymes. After some inquiry into the character of Mr. Greeley, the pro- posal was accepted, greatly to the surprise ofthe young editor, who was so Inuch l she would do better to marry the first honest. man who, about 1|. year ago, pretended that , ! dead by his side. brain in trying to write rhymes that nobody , have been very steady in his lmbils, and no She showed it to her moth-l saw': “1 believe‘I witnessed a sight that has never been seen before. In one direc- tion the black storm was raging in all its fury. At times the lightening ran from top to bottom in zig-zag form. This produced rolling thunder. At other times the great earth. Over those parts‘tlnut ‘th‘e storm had passed there appeared light clouds moving in another direction, and looked like white smoke issuing from a fire without flame. The heir apparent to the Emperor of orocco is in awful griefjust now, and he I ness, with a neat little fortune Of 2,000,000 francs. and a high sounding, highly hon- oured damo.. Wedding bells were rung, and he made. the baroness, Mrs Emperor- heirnpparent. The doves were happy-‘11- veryâ€"till one day, on walking out from his hotel, a policeman tapped him on the shoul- der. exclaiming. ,‘ Joly. ‘my boy, how are you I” The lucky bridegroom went back on his friend, but policeman didn’t see it, and made him show his hand. The end of the joke is that he is now on trial for soil- ing under false coloursâ€"is an (ix-detective and the lady loves him. A YEAR or AGONY.â€"-A story reached us yesterday of the death bed confession ofa he woke up one morning and found his wife The man is reported to word reaches us of any disagreements with his wife, but after a year of agony he con- fessed to a woman who was with him in his last. hours that he smothered his wife, and that ever since she had haunted himâ€" her. face being continually befor his eyes, re- of. by the last accounts pork__M The Docmr’s son al‘ writes" ' REAKEAST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. '-- ' GRATEFUL AND COMFOR'I‘ING. -â€" " By a thorough knowledge Of the natural laws which â€" govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a carejul application of the fine proper- ties of well-selected cocoa, Ml Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a. delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills.”;â€"Civil Service Guzntla. allude Slllllply with Boiling Water or Milk lac I par: Iet is labelledâ€"" JAMES Eves &. '70., - ' ' ‘ Homeopathic Chemists. London.“ Also. mn- Field seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, kers of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Con- J79“ Chen J”- d°"s°d Mm“? 687“ ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO WM. RENNIE, Importer.Manufacturilrmnd Deuleriu all kinds of / , «.-.. TORONTO MARKETS. va’s LIsur - CANADA PLOUGHS IN STOCKl Toronto. August 8,, 1872. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . “'7. . . . . .$ 5 90 r.» 6 00 Spring Wheat extra. .. 6 00 ((D 6 15 Every farmer should use them. Fancy............... 620KB 624 - ‘ Extra t . . . . . . . . . . . ... 6 40 0 6 50 Carter’s Ditching - Eyci's Patent lrou Superior Extra . . . . . . 0 00 Id) 0 (‘0 cmne Burrows Oatmeal .. . . . . . . . . ‘.. .. . . .. 4 55 {ID 4 65 Steam and horse-power Fieldaud Lawn Roller Cornmeal . . . .. . . . . . . . . 4 40 a 4 7n Threshing Map],in Home Hoes .5; Scnrfier Bran . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 11 50 ((3 12 00 Combined and Single Cultivators Wheatâ€"Spring. . . . . . . . . . . l 35 It» 1 3Ii Mowers and Reapers Potato Diggers Soulos and Deibl. . . . I 30 @ 0 00 Wood Sawing Machine! Pumps Treadwell' . . . . . . . . . l 43 a 1 45 Horse and Dog Powers Scales Barley ........'..'.'........... 0 80 rd) 005 Machine-Jacks Horse Hay Forks l’euse.......... 0 60ft? 00: Straw Cutlch Amalgam Steel Bells Oats ...... . .. 0 38 rm 0 40 RootCultorsSL Pulpers The Blanchard chum RN! 0 00 fl 00" Grain Crushers Burroldeashchurna . ... . . . 94 00 @ 26 00 Turnip and Grain DrilI Florence Sewing Ma» . 15 "0 (I? 16 "0 Hand Seed Drills china 0 3" (0 n 40 Fanning Ivmu - Philadelphia L. w n Apples. per barrel . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 fl? 3 0" Clover Hul era ' Mower K 3661'. by the 5159- - - - ~ - - - - - - - 0 00 f5) 0 00 Horse Hay Rakes Greenhouse sud Gar,- Mutton, by 'he cai‘chsa . . . . . . . 0 08 (a) 0 00 Corn Shelloxsdz. Husko den Engines Poultryâ€"Ge so . , . . . . . . . . . . 0 09 ® 0 00 Slump Machines Laundry Machines Tur eye . .. ‘. ... . . . . 0 00 {a 0 00 Patent Fan Forges Garden Implements Chickens. per pair . . 0 00 (a 0 00 Mowing Machine Knife and Tools Ducks. p‘e'r pair . . 0 00 {(D 0 00 Cider Mills and Presses Field Seeds . €88 ... -.'.... . . . . . . . . . 15 5 RD 16 00 Grat’sSiuglo & Double Fruilnnd Ornamental Extra Prime. '. I 3.. . . . . 11 00 IE 12 00 Furrow Ploughs Trees nud Shrubs . . .. . ... 0 07 fr? 0 00 Iron and Wood Beam Superphnsphute : o f Hamsâ€"Salted . . . '.. :I . . . .. 0 10 fa) 0 10 Plouglis lime &. ground bone Smoued . . . . . .. . . ... 0 12 fl 0 13 Gang Plough: Pure Seed Grain &c., Dressed Hogs . . ..... . . .. . . . 0 00 (a ll 00 Double Mould Ploughs 6w. 6w , «Sac. Lurd....... . . . . . ;'...=.;.... 010.46) 010 . Butterâ€"ibltolls........; more 014 TURNIP SEEDS I Packed....'.. (I'll/(3 019 f , db,“ FIsz ...... 014a 015 Gmw" ’°'“'°°‘"° “ Dried Apples 010 frb 0 00 . * “’M. RENNIE. v Salt . . . . . . l 10 fl) 1 l5 717-tl‘ TORONTO, Our. Woo‘........ 0520 053 Swirl blather. CHINESE GARDEN POWDER DESTROYS ALL KINDS OF / h AI-L‘S MADE UP AT res RICH mond Hill PostOfiice. Unlilt‘nrther notice.lhe mails will be closed stthls office as follows . MORNING. Northern Mail. , . . Southern Mail. . . . * 15v . Insects, Grain and Catterpillars, ON ALL KINDS 01‘ ....6215 AIL. .......6:45 LII. CURRANM abosEhERR 213 USHES PLANTS. to. KC: .........1i:55rM.' NB. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before tho time of closing Southern mail ...-a- BRITISII MAILS Are closed at Toronto asfolloiv‘s': By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 A-H. CHINESE GARDEN By Canadian Line.ever_v Thursday 10:00 P In. N.B. Letters for Despatch by tliose lines of Steamers should he so marked. , The note on Lettersfor the United Kingdom (vii-I Quebec in summer. and Portland in win- tor),is nowraduced to 6 cents per; oz. weight. If sent via New York. it will be S cts per} us These rntesnpplv on lytoprqutirllettere; ifseiit unpaid , oriusufiicieutly prepaid. there willbo a film of double the amount O‘fdeficieutpostage. M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Richmond Hill, NW. 2". 1871. HAVE A PACKIGE 0!“ THE In readiness for these destructive Parasites, and you Will save LABOR. _ V MONEY, AND H “ DISSAPPOIN'I‘MENT'. Prepared in Canada only by HUth MILLER 3. C0,, 1 Dnuoousrs, 167. King St. East, Toronto”. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. EW DOMINION. MONTHLT’, CON talus 64 pages filled with "'cboice Kliteru lure. original and selected. and one or mo“ JEEDM' 722:" pictorial illustrations, besides a piece or mu-ic $160 a year, .15 cents s number. For Sale at . _ tlI IlrnAir Br kStb‘ré ‘ URE GOLD, A WEEKLY JOURNAL ’ P for Canadian Home's. Representative of O O L E N i M I L L S all that 1% Best and Truest in the Current . SALâ€"‘3- hlught slid Moral Sentiment of the Domin- . on ; $2 a year- Subscriptions Mceivod at” the JOHN HERALD Book Store. Begs to announce that, sinceth winter' months. he has completely .- (‘iANADIAN' ILLUSTRATED NEWS, J A- weekly journal of Current Events. Literature, Sciencé‘hnd Arts, Agriculture and Mecliauics,.Fasliiori and Amusement. Sold at 100 a number at the HERALD 8 )0k Store. [Iis machinery in his mill AT 'HEADFORD t, : And is now prepared to do all kinds of ' vsunulnnmss. BLOTII nnrssmr Dn’ thqsliortest notice. and in the most. ap- proved style. Below he appends the rates for manufactu- ring the various lines. parties finding the wool: AN'A‘D‘I AN MAGAZINE IS, PUB. liéltc‘d, monthly at Termite. and contains 04 pages;.$2"a tear or ‘20'ceuls a number. For Sale attire HERALD Book Store. » 'OU'ND VOLUMES OE-SUNDAY AT Home, Leisure Hour, Popular I'Tdncntnr, Evprv Week, Bow Bells, drc . at the HERALD" “001‘ Sim“ Cnrding and Spinning. . L . . . . . . .1‘50- PM 117‘ Manufacturing Tvvillod Flannel. . 30¢. per I'd. u ETOLINE," THE NEW AND' IN llCl tl.........35c. " oflicuble Marking" ink for ‘Cotlon. :0 .‘ {3,1 , .mc .. Linen, &c., for sale at the HERALD Book a” “me "‘v"'-_ - Store. -_ . , r ' do Satin-......” ...3Jc. " g ' I r - » ' do ’ Uhion '1‘weed.....23c. " SUBSCRIPTIONS Eon THE TonON. d6 Plaid Flannelg-«ve-Wc- " 'ro Weekly Diapers. recs ved at the HERALD (16 All Wool 'l‘weeds. .38c. “ Book Store. Richmond Hil’ do ‘Suipod “mm”. "350. u ‘ A . . i ' Spinning. Doubling and Twisting..9.50. B PRINTING DONE NEAT AND quick at the YonK "BRILL? Cheap Book and Job Printing Establishment. l JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap. at the HERALD Book Store HA. AMES. TOYS, so. FUR S the HERALD Book Storb. Definite fiiira'ngements lmy'é been made 'to carry to and from tho li‘abtdry Weekly, at the oxudusaof l'h'ti Ilndlroignod, all \V‘ool 81.0.. left at the places of busiue s of the l'o'lowing gentleman : A. Mnorlic, RiclimOnd Hill . Steele‘s bolel. Youge Street. Grisllng attended to with the tisunl prompt- uess and despuich. . JOIIN EYER.‘ 7,20-3m. In, TOOTH, NAIL. & CLOTH b- l tth H . ~ - ms less. 0 KRALD Book Store Hendrord, May 8,,871 . Village assessment OPDEIIS FOR Dale a Innnbor of Wigs lots. situated in the village of. VICTORIA SQUAREl The lols contsm About 'One7fifth .Of “an Acre, And urelmmtnil at life NortthOst career of '0! No. 35,401 concession Of Markham; iii a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady-work and high wages ’ Appr tif by letter. prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, or to ALE Ar _ _ . - Lots for Sale. ...â€"â€" 'CONC ERTINAS, WITH SELFIN‘ stm‘ctonot the Hanan Book Store. ‘. _____LL A'I‘IQNERY OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. ORK. BOXES. ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Bock Store. OETICAL WORKS, OF ALL THE different poets. at the Hintan Book Store. Dinglu P. O. 714~tf ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents at the I‘IEIIALD Hook '1 Store. EVERY WEEK FOR AUG USTi Arrived at the Herald Book Store March .07. late. JUST RECEIVED Fttbltl ENGLANDDIIIECT; M4 MAGZINES FOR AUGUST, Arrived at the l’ornld Book Stare. Air» The Book Stone. A supply of this CHURCH PSAL'TER It HYMNBOOE, “7ESLEYAN HYMNS', ALL SIZES, ,. ‘ x? . . , at the HERALD Bank Store. (a "RD'F-D) By the Rev. Mercer, OLD PENs, DENHOLDE'ES‘. AND , V pencil Crises at. the HERALD Book Stnre. Those llt'm'ns are used in the Trinity Church, 'l‘hni'nhill, .‘u'd Richmond Hill. OBERTSON‘S HALF DIME MUSIC for sale at the HERALD Book Star‘s , Notice. â€"- proaclnng him for the murder. He expressd himselfas willing and even anxious to die to escape the misery he endured. Our own recollection of the case is that the corner's jury returned a verdict of death from heart pleased with the prize he had won that he bonght'the white hat and overcoat he has‘ ' worn ever since, and was married forthwith. â€"- Golden Age. I disease on the testimony of her husbandbut ' that no post inortem examination was made the urging of two physicians to the contrary notwithstanding. ocII'Er mosses ALL‘ KINDS at the HERALD Bock Store. {PARTIES WISHING TO IMPROVE their stock can have an opportunitv of doing so now. as l have just purchased the pure-bred Durham Bull. Mnmqnis of Lorne, from Mr. E. Sanderson. of Markham. JAMES McNAlR, Lot 25, 2nd Con. Vaughan. Vaughan. May 29. I872. 722.1; OLLAEs AND CUFFS, or THE latest styles. at the HERALD Rook Store. )AP‘EE BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. grittmtttirat gtnptmumta FARMING IMPLEMENTS & TllllIaS POWDER! PHOTOGRAPHY. REFITTE’D .4 ND IMPROVED : propOrt'IOII's the brain and nervous system are I . . W111. C. IIINoSron. i goats and $111525. THE NEW BOOT .c SHOE STORE. WILLIAM GAMBIIE fully prepared with a . FIRST-CLASS sTocK BOOTS AND SHOES Oval-shoes, Rubbers, Slippers &'c., In the shop tv‘vo doors north Of Geo- A. Bar- ETURNS THANKS TO THE PUB- lic for tlieirvery liberal patronng during the short time he has been in business on Richmond Hill, and wouldstato that he is new -. s we“ gleam: 3W truncate, HEINTZMAN & COJS 'CELEBRATED PIANO 00 VEBS, (nusssn). ! AND MUsIC STOOLS IN GREAT VARIETY. nard‘s Store. and is ,offariug' them at Loy listen ior Cash . He is also prepared to make to order on the Shortest Notice, and in the very A Fl”. L ASSOR‘I'MDNT 0’ Best Style. Bouts and Shoes of every descrip- tion. ht Low Prices. ' H'e most respectfullyinliltes a call. Richmond Hill. Dec. 21.1871. c 70041 H. B. REESOR, DEALERI‘N Prince’s Organs & Mclodeon‘s Chickering. Stuiuway and Durham Pianos. Also, the celebrated HUMMING BIRD PIANO TUNING 3‘ Which is adapted to parlors Where space is an object. The mode of Its construction is entirely new. and based upon the best known principles of science. Notice. R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ed as in the agency in this section for the sale of Messis G A. Prince & Co’s cele- brated Organs uttd Melodoons, in favor of which we give our most unduulifiod approval and recommendation as the lendingund most roll-bio reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. . ‘ WM. FLUMERFELT. Markham. Nov. 3. 1871. Testimonial from Professor 2. G, Collins: .1 have carefully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H B. Reesor, called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos, manufactured by Mo- thuseck, and think they ale wonderfully sweet and pure in tone. and from their peculiar con- struction. calculated to rom‘aih In tune longer than other pianos. and consequently to stand a. greater amount of wear. . HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 98. 1872. 714-1y immunity. .__._. R. A. GRAY Rags to inform the public that. hayihg conn- me‘uce’d operation in the above business, he to prepared to take _PHOTOGRAPHS Persons, A nimals, Houses or Landscapes IN ANY REQUIRED STYLE on SIZE. Old pictures of decouhed friends copied and enlarged suitable for training. tit Dullau‘d clundy weather Iii) ln'n‘drhnco to tli‘é a'i-r. 1 NJ}. Childrei'i arid allim'itls .ino'vo at the risk of the owner. ~ g I. . “K Richmond 11111, Sept. 20. 1871. 687-1)’ \ . Felloviis’ Compound = St REP OF HYPOPHosPHITESJ As all-life-Ondowod bodies. whether they be Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo- pliitcs. and subjects of the Vegetable ,Kiugdnm, are governed by ritalforce', wlfichkbindspall the springs of existence. and as nothing canusave them from destl uctiou when this pyiuciple |eavosthem,,the discovery of menuswbereliy vitality may be sustailie‘d in life living body is indeed a boon to the world. N, _ '. V. Model-'11 chemistry husventila‘lod the ques- tion and disc'o‘ve'réid 1hr: ui'hgrledicnts constituv1 ting the brain. ‘II‘IIISCIGS and nerves, and finds that by introdu‘c‘i'u‘i: these ingredients in proper strengthened. . This. then. ls Substantially the basis on which FELLOw’s H rrnpunsrnt'rns is huilt.its direct action is upon the Blond. the Brain and NervousSystom. and the Muscles. é‘treuglhm ening’tho nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitulized Blood in the Muscular Organ of the Body. Rousing the Sluggish Heart__,aud Ilivsr.‘ strengthening- the action of the Stomach and ‘iowels and enabling the Lilng to be fiully in- flated with Oxygen. It is adapted for life. a tropicalclimate. from foyer o‘r debility from any cause,ulid is efiicdciqus In PULMO- NAnv CONSUMPTION. many continued ruse having been cured and all~beusfitted. where its use has been continued olro'r a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asth‘mu it gives relief where overv otliel rem‘edy fails. For Nervdus Deblllty it stands unrivalled, and may be used with confidence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct and dlfi‘ereut from every other preparation of Hypcphpsphites, be careful to ask for FELLOWS' Svnur, and take no other; SOLD 81’ APOT'HEOARIES. Price. 51-50: Six fer $7-5o. JA M ES 1. FELLOWS, Chemist. 34.3 ‘,St. John. NB. l THE MORNING PAPERS or TORONTO: TELEGRAPH. . . LEADER, Can be had at the Po'st Ofiice. for It) hairs A WEEK. App‘yto M. TEEFY. Richmond Hill 564â€"11 1 GLOBE. May 14’, 1969. Put: bred Swine; , T I . ‘ ~-â€"â€"â€"JTSE ID” Street. Toronto- Septomber I. 1871. and Breeder ‘15" Pure Berkshires. Posbofiicepddre'ss, II'loodbridge. Vaughan, Fm. 8. It”. 9. GSWORTH. ALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL 701i- 1 y 684 J. N. BLAKE. BARRISTER, GONVEYANCER, the. ODrICE.â€".-No. 66 Church Strest.Toronto. December 5&9. 1869. I 598 ‘ I..." ‘- Arrivod st LL cases of weakness and Emaciation,wliether arising from sedentary, H o M A S 1 CEAIIAME, IIIPOR'I‘ER var Watches. Jewelll‘y, &c.. 113 Yonge BOW BELLS FOR AUGUST nook Store Toronto. ORGANS & MELODEONS From the Estublishmentrof R. S. WILLIAMS, n. H. DALTON, ANDOTH ERCELIBRA'I’EI‘MAKERB. REPA .__... The above instruments tire all fully warranted and sold at Manufacturers' Probes; Per/eel satisfaction guaran- teed "in every case. CIucDLuIs Posr Fuss. ‘LAMB'S EAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. CALL AND SEE IT. 0. CHAPMAN. AGENT. June 15,1870. Markham. s P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND HILL . A; EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (0R any num'ner-uotexceediugthrec hundred dollars byuny one depositor.) will be received utthe Richmond Hill Post Offico,ror which GovernmeutwillsllowInterest. Folpai'ticularsapplyto . M. TEEFY,Posthiaster. s u ,, lIu, Tssrv is Government Agenlfor hassle of Mji'tI‘IlAGE LICENSES. ALSO AGENT Eon THE POST Jr,” Office hours: rrOIIIltiz30 1.51 .t09:30 1’.”- iilay 4,1869. 5634f Emmet; for fish», T FAR-MS AND SAW MIL‘L [muesli-... L- â€".â€"~a. VALUADLE PROPERTIES, NAMEDY: 6‘3 ACRES ON LOT NO. 50. REAR or. Is-r CON. VAUGHAN“. t 1. » . : Near» Richmond Hill. The land is ullclear. and in a good of cultivation. ’I'ltueis on the premises a first class Dwellingflouse. Burns. Stables, &o.. There ih him on thispro- partv a S A W M I L L In good running order. For terms And other infurn‘inti'on npply‘t‘o the owner on the premises. , GIDEON IIISLOP. , Vaufih‘ah‘, Aug. 23. 2871. use.” n'wrtl’it Dalila CAPOWELL, 1N RETU RNING THANKS TO THE [public for the liberal patronage he has T‘s“- ceived since firstinlroducing‘to their notice HIS NOW CELEBRATED PUMPS: Begsto'sssure them that he will,iu futurer in the past, Ifdoavor todeserve [his-confidence by supplying umpa‘ as superior to any 111- Llletlo produced as those he has supplied wore to the kinds which they superceded, and at Pmcss W‘H‘Icn Dr.” COMPETITION; Swing Felice 'I’mnps. $20 for first 20 feet. after 20 ft. 60Ets perfect. Swing Lifting Pumps. $152 for first 20 feet, after 20 ft. 50 cts'per foot. This pump. as nuts mmle , will throw mow, water in shallow walls. «ml war].- (main- in. deep wells than any other mall’s. Is greatly iuiprovud this season with Lsnann CV'LINDER uhd ,New Pate'ut Wrought Ti‘O’n Gear. Cistern Pumps. Churnâ€"Style ‘.'.‘. Excelsior or common lover. . . . . .. . Swing. Wrought Gearing ' . . . . . . . . - . . . Swing, , do do Large Size. . . .$ 2 so 6 no 7 on l AND USERS or soon INFRINGE- ' MEETS “Ii 11 be held Responsible. ‘B E W A '12 E z 2 z 'W TATLNT RIGHTS tim- iu'ndcr ,POWELL’S FOR. SALE the United States. as follows: , 'l‘lllt'. SO-CALLEI) 1"X(‘1€LSIOR Pum per foot. The Markham or Cash Style. first 20 feet, 810. after 20 feet. 40 cents par foot. Newton Brook. April 26. 1871 lv-5fi6 SILAS JAMES 8s FOWLER, Hunâ€"â€" 719-112 A. " PIANO - FORT‘ES IaINo ATTENDED To. . O. flrpsttmtnt. M 0 FFI C E. Newninrltct. . . ... MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. The Subscriber offers l'o'r ‘s'ilo the following 31 . 9 0." i Swing Force. Large Size.. .... 2010 anr’t'n-grrs of “Howell’s Patents- , TO 'nimiufac ‘ PATENTS 11) Canada and L. 1’ trump. also a Stock ol‘Commo‘n Pumps, ARCHITECTS, CIVIL ENGINEERS, and Survovors. Trust and Loan Build- ings. corner of Adelaide and Torontn lll'l‘ols. gflistrllmunua DUG-GAN a MEYERS, BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Solicitors inCIIaucerv. Convovaucers.k OFFICE: Proviuci til I usurau co Bui Street, Toronto. JOHN DBGOAN. me. Toronto, Dec.24.1 0‘3. ldiugl um namvnnsm: 544-Iy Wonâ€"d MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. ‘ TEEFY, NOfiEY’ PUBLIC AND . Cominissionerin B.ll.,isGovernment Agent for issuing Marriage Licenses in the County onOI-k. Office hoursâ€"7 9:30 P.1\l. Richmond Hill.0ctober23. 2869. Patent Eaveâ€"trough AND WATERSPOUTS FOR. THE D0- . simian, at $6 per 10019‘et. Also Floor- Ihg and other Lumber [Mots-sod: Sup Buckets. Pails,CiderMills. Washing Ma‘chlues.ShingleD waggou Felloos. and LumberSawedto order. I‘ orpurticulurs address JOHN LANGSTAFF, Stean M'Tl Tl ' i Thorulllll,Nov. 3,1869.‘ I s' slftiiii'r'li‘ Horses'and Cattle. EILLEIIIS DEREY OIL Is the most wonderful dis I cover) In chemistry for nonllng Danish ours on OLD soazs. HUGH MILLER & CO. 167 King St. East Toronto. August 17. 1870 631- If W. H. CANNON, Loss, DENTIST, (LATE ASSIST ANT to Dr Elliot. Dentist; Toronto.) respectfully announces that he will visit the following placea,(Suni days excepted ). wher‘e he will attend to Don. listry in all itsbr‘nticlles: King............... .....1st 1‘ I Richmond Hill a eac ‘ mom" ...........5|b H . . . . . . ..Hllh Aurora.......... .......l5|ll . Teeth inserted in the. moat II on (1.3ch Silver, Vulcanized lumiuum Ilnse Teeth filled in such a man them from further deoav. Teeth extracted with thel and especial attention paid 1 children’s teeth. Charges Moderate, and give satisfaction. All letters addressed to Anr prompt attention. Aurora. Mar ‘25. 1870. n proved Stylog' Rubber,ar.d Ala no! as to pie‘seri'o enst pm-sihle puts . o the regulations work warranted to ora will receive 619.17 ‘TIIOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER J Undertaker, &c. ’ RI-zsIIIaNcuâ€"Neurlv opp‘Osi chmond Ilill. the Post Oflico . ‘gltfwl gtl.ictticints,. Cautionll Caufion! I! To run remain THE BRITISH: , ruovlu‘clts '0}? NORTH AMERICA. I beg most respectfully It: acquaint the pub- lic of tho ‘Bl‘fil:ll North ~merinan provi car that in May. 187.1 cm. .-:1 the‘ business at 80 Maiden Lane; New th. for tho sale of IIOL-l Lownr’s I’ll Ls AM) Um : uth13 which wore up to tll'altimo p 'cparod m Williair Iii-own. now deceased. to be class“. 1 regret to any that I' have reason to know that the mnnapeineut Of' late business had for s nur- years. and 111 main" ways, barn "F's! n" ’ ' ' ' I 'I and il mar be Ihtit' . . . v I the I’Ills and Olnlntc:.: v (1'3 not prepared with the care 1 have alum: ' Aired. Those who do not. v ..‘is. to be deceived by buying spurious math '1. s. which are now likely to emanate from (Lt 'z'n‘os'ot elsewhere. but to possess “It‘lllsl‘ll'eb o.’ tint Lrhiiinh 1'”: I.oWAv’s 1"I'I.I.‘s AND 0mm “1. s '1..v’, ‘ I by me in London. England. .. <‘v null 16 i see that ouch pot and box heal-s ll'iu British Govcrliineht stamp on which is words “ HOLLOWAV’S 1’ and that the addressnn the label is 5.53 Oxronn S'I'unnr, Lou-pox, where Dnlv they are Immu- lectured, and in no other pnrt of the world; The retail prises are ou the lahelflin Britili currency. and not in dollmsand cents. NO represelllntivoof mine will ever trnvé throuch any part arm‘s ll‘rltieh 1’ the United States. oith orders for my Pills-null have rcaSou to brlir prnlmllly ho Illfi'id { way by per falsely rt, engraved the ILLS AND (llh'l‘MEN'I‘." roviu‘cos , l C-I to sell. or to také Ointment, and. Del '19 that attempts will ‘v‘oi-y oileceive tbsp. blic In this Eons calling on medicine vendors. pl‘cselllillgtl'ul they are nelin'gfu‘r inc, fllHl with my knowledge and chosen“, I (ls-“Ill '3. titlvisable‘to put the public On their guard against any such docepliolls V I most cm-ncstlyc‘mrent’all tliosc‘wlto mu 1 road this ndvorlisrlncnt tllul they he'pleus‘ed. in the public i'uterosl. to communicate the 'pur'. port of the same to their l'riou‘ds‘tllat they may not he defrauded of Ilieir money by purchasing . worthless iniitntiors of the gi‘uuilie Home. wufs PILLanD ()IN-rmcslr'. , , . I would ask. us a great favor. that sli’ohld It comoto the knowledge of any person that spu- inus medicines are 11911)}: mire or Sold in my nameJlo lie pleased to Send meal! the phrlic’ui-i. lars he can collect respecting the sumo. lll'at ll to any. the homeland addl'oss‘of the Vendor who is selling the spurious medicines. and like: I also the name and address of the Bonsai-rs ' the United States. or clscttl.hl‘o,wllicli mow ' lm‘ e supplied them. so as to enable me. {Or the protection of, the public, to institute pros ' cot-dings against sucli‘evil_-docns,mind longago to runnncrnte very handsomely Luv person who In 3‘ give Inosucli i-IlfnrmnI-on, the in- forlnnnl’s name neve‘r bung divulged. Should 111]}‘.[)Gl‘f~' :'.n have reason to believe Llull 190 has been deceived by buying spurious lniitntir'm or these Mediciuchle willdo welL to send me. in a letter, 10 the address at foot- (which he can do at a cost of six cents on post-- ago), one of the books 01 instructions u'hlcli' are affixed to tho sumo. I promise to examine it and send a reply. stating whether the Medi- cines are genuine or I.nt.uo that if spurious hQ may apply to the person from whom he puqu chased them to have his money refunded. Chemists and Dmggists who desire to oh-r rain the Medicines can be supplied at tho lowest whrlcsalo pricesin quantities of not less than $20 worrh â€"- viz .88. 6d . and 225... and 349.. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots o Uimniem,‘ nett, without discount. for which emittauceJnust be sent inpdvunce. I have the honor to 1'0. With great rcsp ct, THOMAS 10LLOWAY: . P. 553, Oxford Street (late ‘144, Strand). for the first 201‘eet, $8, after ‘20 i'eet,30 cents London, W C.,Sopl 1. 18'". ‘ 68726.”. MORGAN a; THORNE, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS of Chancery, Notaries,'&cr " OFFICEâ€"Court Street. Toronto ' Branch Officeâ€"Division Court Clerk: oflico, Rich- ' mond Hill. - Tuos. K. Monosv. Hone: Tlolm Toronto. April 25, 187.2. "#11

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