Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Aug 1872, p. 4

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in the cahly autumn of the year 1838, bu-imss culled mc 10 the romh of Irrland. 'l‘ln w~ {ltlxcl‘ was ddightfuly 1hr: ncenu’y and pmvplc “01x; new 10 ml, and ending my lug- gag-‘Sfi'fly the mull-«1 itch IOU‘O in charge of a svnant, I hunt: a selviceable nag at a pobtlngâ€"hpuse, and full of the curiosxty of an cxpwwr, I commenced a leisurly journey of five-and.twrnty miles on homeback, by se- questered megs-roads, to my place of destina- tlun. By bug and hill, by plain and ruined castle, . and many a winding . stream, my piom’esquc road ltd me. l Lad bt'dIL'Jd late, and having "made little mom; thug bull my joumuy, l wasA thinking of making a rhurl halt m. the mod; conven- ient place, :und letting my horse have a rth and 30mm {cum-and making Same provision also tor 1110 ( omlurls of his l‘ltu'l'. Rivas aloun four o’clock when the road ascuudmg a gradual slcup,10und a paSsagc through a. look); gorgo between the abiupt tCl'm1n=lti‘\,-lluf a range of mountain to my left and :1 10L:in hill, that; roso (la. k and sudâ€" (1x1). an my right. Below me my a, limb thatched villago7undcr a. long line of gigantic bt‘l‘LCh-[l'el 5, through i110 boughs of which the lowly clmnmy sent up lheir thin turf- ,smoxe. ‘ To my left, stretched away for miles, lucouding the mountain Hinge l have men- tioncd, a Wild pmk, through whose sward and urns th: rock broke, time-worn and lichrn-qainud. This purl; was studded with snuggling wood, Which lhiuhuied to some- thing like a lun st, b hind and beyond the little Vlllage 1 was ayploaching, clothing the irregular usuent of tho hillSldr'b' with beautiâ€" ful, and 111 some places ulsudorcd foliage. “No, sir, that was 3/ long while befdrc-‘-I was bqrpt But. my; gl'andiather was butler inn; mug 'ago, and many a mme I 11: 1nd tell how Sir Demgnick'é'amc by'his death, There Wm no warmer in the 'grcat. h‘ou-o'ch-r Sinnt‘ that. DEFINE? d."’But thire'was um savanna“ in can at it, and my aunt was bin 0‘ them ; and she kep’ me here Wid her til} 1 was nine,ycms‘vld,' and she ‘vws lavin’ thu‘ filacu to go’ 4 to Dubhu; and from that time it was 1‘ ft to! :go auWn. ‘.'J he wind sthript the roof, and the rain rotted the timber, and little by little, in Asgmu descend, the mud windx-a slightly, with the gmy parkâ€"wall, buiAt of loose stout, and manlled here and there with ivy, at its mt, and CIOSNCS a shallow 10rd; and as 1 ap- pluaclnd the Vilmgc, Ullullgh breaks :1) the wwdhmds, I caught. gliml s :s 0f the long from of an old ruich house, plaud among the hers, alout half-way up the picturusquc mountain. side. Thc Sulillld': and melancholy of this ruin piqu=d my cluiob‘iiy. Wlu-n l" hgxd 1mm 11‘ d the mac um‘tchrd pubiic-huusv, with the Sign of m. Uhlllnlllkll!,“'lih robes, miterand crusz disytqyed over its lintclfbaving Sven tn my'borec,‘;.nd made a. gem! maul mywll on w rusher and xgg~z, I bt-uz‘m 10 think again of the w: odeu park and 1112 rumnus hUth‘, and rI-Ffilv'd ‘11 n In). No of halt an hour anmng its sylvun Sillitudi“. ‘ '1 m mum of mm plug-e, I found, was Dun. (mm ;r and boz5i 6 11m gale a stile udmx-Ltcd to the g ouuds, thr: ugh which, with a. pm- Hivu 011)“) ml 111, 1 1305811 to saunter towards ‘hc unlupzdntcd manna-11. ‘ The road, (‘5 it approached the houst’, skilled the £5qu of a Inscipitous glen,(-lotln 01 With hazel, dwarf-oak, and thorn; and .the Si] nt house shod with its wide-open hall- Gum facing this bark 1‘a\’illfi‘,thm quther (ng of “high “in crownru wnh Iowuif g 12mm; and a: at U011? stood about the house and 11s =":1Lg;<:l,court-ya1‘<l and stables. A long grass-grown l'O‘d'Ti, with mzmy turns and windmgs, led up to the old house, uu~ dcr Mu; shadow the wood. ' v - I walkcdjn and l« okcd about 21:0,1111‘011211 liii‘Sil};tS overgxown With nctiics and Weeds; from loL-m .to ‘I‘GOXD With ceilings rotted, and hem and ihrru a guat bunm‘ dark and wumuvnh cudrils 01' Ly' naming over it. Thu tuli walls wixh wit-cu plaster wu‘c stained and niouidy, and in sumu rooms the remains of' dccaycd wainsuoting crazin Swung to and fm The almom. sashless windows wmc dankI m d al>o with ivy, and about the tall chimneys the jackdans ware win-cling, While thin the huge trees that (m 1-hnng1hu glen in somber masses at the other side, the rooks kept up a ceasemss cmviugr. A: I walked through these melancholy szssugu Llpéuping pnly into some of the rm ms, for the flnox’ihg was quite gone in (he middiqmand buwul down toward the center, and the house 'was my nearly untoofcd,_ a :siatu of thngs which made the exploratiuu h little“ ‘crmcaRâ€"I began to woud-l‘ why 1:0 gland a houso, in the maustv g; Jsggncry so piuturcsquc, had hum permimdw decay; I drvamed of the husyinhucs of which it had 10m: ago been 11m 11:] ying ,pfin-c, and I thuught whata 804 m of R dguumlut rcvch‘its it might dizâ€" closc aim-.duight. “ The groan stamens: was of oak, whit-h had staucl tL-C vZ'ceuh-V-x wonderfully, and I say down up;~ its amps, mumng vaguvly‘ on the tralmit‘onmss of ml things unfit 1' the sun limp-lion: the hom‘Sr ax d dietaut clamor of thugjgpm, hardly audible where I eat, no 80111x(l(',b;ukc, the pxofound stillness of the spot. b'uuhm sense of solitudel have sel- dom cxprrwncul before. 'l‘hu air was shr- lc.~.~-, there was: not cvcnthc rustle Ufa witm 1'. d 1cm alum; the passage. lm was op- j)l‘CtSiVe.. The tall tre'cs that stood ciose about Ihu building dark 116d if, and add‘ (1 something oi awe to the melancholy of the scene.) - In thisrmood 1 heard, with an unpleasant SUI‘lnl‘iSr, ems-c to me, a. vozce that was drawl- ing, and, [' funr 11d, warring, repeat the Wultis : “ Fuod for worms, dun and Iottun; Gad («Y61‘LLII.” There wusa small window in the “all, hen vugy thick, which had ban built up, and in_ the 691k recess of this, (10(1), in the shadow, 1, now saw a. sllar‘J-mmund man, sittinggvith hip‘vfceli dangling. His keen eyes were fix: d on me, and hu was smiling cynicallyfimd bd'ore I had well Iecovcrcd my surpnslv he luplattd tlm distich: ‘Jt'duaLh was a. thing t! at movey could buy. The non they would live, and the puor they wouch die . ” “ It’was a grand house in its day, sir,” he cominucd, “Dunoran House, and the Sims- fi Ids. bit D0 iuick fiatsfirld “a: the last of me old so pk. Ha lost» his lec_ not six 10ut away £10m why ru you are sitting.” “ Upon my :word I should not; I can hardly brlwve it cvw now.--- Still, you don’t rumL-mberv'Sir Dominick-Sarbficld’s death ‘2”! mm, g’iufiaing up at the ominous stain o; the waJ. ' ’ ' 3' “ Well, I sfiOul’d ghcss you to be about fix'e-anqtfifty .” H Bojanghed, and took a. pinch of snuff, and said: .v ' . “ l’hlth‘ t, your honor, and something to the back of it. L.was seventy last Candle- 1m 5. You would not have‘thonght that. to luuk at me.” ‘ As h'uvthus sp< kc 13-0 lxt hima'vlrf down, with a hub; jump, on. to the ground. He 'Was a dal‘h-léucd, shurp-fuatured, little hunch‘huuk, and had a walking-stivk in his hanlewitu we end or Whiuh he pointed to a rubty main in the plaster .of the s all. ‘ ‘ Do )Ou mind that murk, sir ?" ne asked. ‘I Yes.” 1 said, standing up, and looking at it, w1tb a. culiuus autluipution of something worth hearing. “ ’Tia nothing so lucky, sir,” he answered, with the same cynical smile and a. wag 01 his hum), mu pointing at the mail: with his Stick. “ That’s a splash of brains and blood. It’s tlj‘re this hundred years ; and it Wlll neverulmve it while the wall stands.” “ He'wzw mUIdUI‘E-d, 'hen T" “ Worne thaurthat, sir,” he answered. “ Hulkllled himself, perhaps '1’ ‘5 Worse than that, itself, this cross be tween us and harm! I’m ouldcr than I look, 6i: 3 you woulcu’t guess my y. ans.” Hé' bécéme silent, mid looked fit me, cvi- denlly invinng a guess. .10.. n.‘,_, “ ’l‘iiut‘satout seven or eight foot from the ground, sir, and you'll not guess what it is.” “I dare say not," said J, “ unless it is a stain from the Weuthtl‘ '2” ' CIR BOREHEICK’S BARGAIN. A LEGEND OF DUNORAN‘ sixty years time,it kem to what you see. But I have u likin’ for it still, fo‘r the sake of ould times ; and I never come this way but I take a 100k In. I don’t think it’s many moretimes I’ll be turnin’ in to see nhc old place, for PM he undh‘ r the sod mySrlf before long.” “ Yo i’ll outlive younger puople,” I said And,quxtcmg the tribe. subject, I ran on : “ .' don t. wundrr that you like this old place ', i is a brautiful bpot, such noble trees.” H I wish ye seen the glin when the nuts is ripe; they’re the sweetest nuts in HE? Ireland, I think,” he rejoined, with a practical sense of the picturesque. “You’d fill your pockets while you’d be lookin‘ about yam: H These are very fine old woods,” I re- marln d. “ I have .401; seen any in Ireland I thought so bcautlful.” “blah! your honor, the woods about here is nolhiug to what they WOI'. All the moun- iuus along htl‘c was wood when my father was a gossom , and Murroa Wood was the grande of them all. All oak mostly, and all cut down as Law as th‘ road. Not. one at: here that’s fit to compare with than Which way did your honor come hitherâ€"- from Limerick T” “ No. Killaloo.” “ Well, then, you passed ti o ground where Murroa Wood was in lorm'cr times. . You kl'm undlnr Lisnavourra, the steep knob 01 a hill about a mile above the village here. ’Twas mar that. Murmu Wood was,und ’twas there Sir Dominick Sarsfiold first met the devil. the Lord bctwceu us and harm, and a bad meeting it was for him and his.” And he made up his mind, if no better thOught came ld hiin betwwn'that and there, [ so won as In: came to Munoz). Wood, he’d 1 hung himst frgm one 19f the oak branches \ with his ctava‘t. ’ ' I had bcuume interested in the adventure which had 004mm]. in the very scenery which had so gieatly attmvzcd luv, and my new acquaintance, (11»: little hunchbauk, war casuly cutreatvd to tell me the story, and spoku thus, so soon as we had each resumed his scat : It wasa fine estate when Sir Dominick came into it; and gland doings there was anti i1y,fcm~ting and fiddling, tree quarters tor ml 111i: pipers in the country round, and a welcome for every one that, liked to Come. Then: was wine, by the hogahcad, for the quality; and poltcvn enough to set a town uâ€"fiiu, and thl‘ and Ciuct‘ mongh tn flunt a navy, fur the boys and girls and the likes 0‘ me. It was kcp’ up'ighe best part ofa‘mpnth, till 11w" V'mnhur bl‘ukl‘, and the min spoilt the rod far L110 monecn jigs, and the fair 01 Alifimlly Killnducn comin’ on they wor ob- “de t0 give 0v! 1‘ their diverrion, and attinc' to 11K: LyigS. But b'ir D-m'nick “as -only begiun‘in’ wlnn they Wur laviu‘ 011'. Them. was no way of guttin’ rid or his money and ( status he did not_ tryâ€"what; with drmkfin’, diciu’, muiu’, cards,’ and all sorts, it was not many )cars bciul‘u the entatcs war in dobt, and Sir Diminick a distressed man. Ht‘ Show d a. bold front to the world as long a? he could ; and then he scu.d cfl' his (1035- and inth 0! his horges, and gov out he was going, 10 thiavclin'ance, and the like ; and So off wich'him iur a while; and no one in these putts heard his 01' tii ings of him 101' two or three years. Till at last \inrxprcted, om night there comes a. rapping at film big hitél‘icn window. =1t was past ten olclock and 041 Connor Hanlon, the butler, my grundliuher, was simin’ by the fire alone, warming his shins over it. ’l‘heie,W§iS a keen cast. wind blowingzilong the mountains, and whistling,r cowld enough, through the, tops of the trees, and soundin’ lonesome through the long chimneys. Iu wag; a bright moonlight night, thci'e was just‘a bit (if a. cloud drivmg acron-B {he moa’n’ now m1 then, ’but, only 101~ that, as light a’most as day. ' ‘r l â€" ’ ' .-... .. - u [11" My grandfather was glad to see him Safe, for M WM 8. long time since ihvre was any news of him ; but he Was So’rf‘y, tim‘,‘ for‘ it was a changed place, and gnly himself and vld Juggy quu'urick in, charge of the hOusé, and a man in the stahies, and it was a. pool thing to see him wmin’ back to h); own like that; So he wasn’t quite aura of file kimckin’ at the w ndow, and up he‘ gets, and: sees his mast-Jr’s face. . (Aid. the ster-tcle glanced 11pm the nearest stuck visible from his seat.) He {hook (10.11 by the hand, find says he: “I cumu 1n 1'1: to my a woul to you. I lcit my horse with Dick .ihfflxe staking; 1 may want him again bufox'e morning, or I may new-11am hum”: r v ~ ‘ Aud’ wah thai he turns into the big kitch- cn, and drawsga stool; and SItS' duwn'tu take an air of tbs fire. “Sit down, Connor, opposite me, and “$th to what I tell you, and. don’t be at'ezm (no say Wimp y‘ u rthirnrkffs " “1U: alli-ovcr with me, 0011,” saysfiir Dominick.' ' . > A ‘- Hcawn forbid I” says my grandiathor. “ "l‘is past. praying 101',” Sir Dominick. “ The last guimu’s gone; the Ould p ace will follow it. It must be rscld, and I’nr (‘ome hen-,1 don’t know why», like a ghost, Lu Lama lastiook round me, and go; offin the dmk again.” A M thh that he told him to be sure, in case he should hl at of his dead], to give the. oak box, in ttc closet L-If his Mom, to his cousin, Pan Sal'sficld, .~i11 Dublin, and .thu sword and pistols his g undfubher carried at Aughnim, and two'or tnrw trifling; things of the kind. ' y ' He {poke {1111th time lookin’ into the fire. with his hands stretched OVcr if, and 'alt'uxd man he Ioukud ' “‘A 12’ why shmld 1 be afeared, Masthex' Dom'nick 'F? '45wa my graudtuther. “Your- nelf “as arg’cod warmer to me, and 60 war? yourlfmhvr, rest his soul, before you; and I’ll‘ say the truth, and dam“ tbc‘ devil, alld more than that, for any Stanfield of Dunorangfiuch lcs< )ouxself, and a good right 1301» have}? v And says he, “Lion, they. say iffihe divil gchs you money O\*u1‘night,’you’ll find notha mg but. a bugful ofpibblis, and chips, and nutshe HS, in the morning. ' If Iihought he played fair, I‘m in_ tth humor to make a bargain with him tomight." ' > “ Lord Iorbid!” saysmy gtapdfather, stand ing up,‘ with a Stargand‘ cms'sing himseif.” “ They say tile c'oun'try’s: full of men, listin’ sugers for the King 0' France. If I light on one of them, lill not refuse his 01st How contrary thing goes! How long is it Silva Captain Waller and I fought the jewel at New Custlu '3" ' . . i . “ I did, Con,” says he, “ and I wish, instead, he had shot, me through the heart. Haw ye}: any whisky ’2” ‘ My érpndfmhcr took it, out of 111g lufi‘ct and thv nmsther poured out some into a bowl and drank it otf; ' “ I‘ll‘go out and have a look at my horse,” sayshe. standing up. There was a sort b1 htare in his eye's, as he pulled his cloak about him, as If there was something bad in his thoughts. ‘ “ 511161 won’t be a minute runnin’ out myscxfto the staulc, and looking after the horsp for you,” says my grandfather. “I’m not; 'gom’ 10 the stable,” says Sir Dominick ; f‘I may as well tell you for I see you found it out alreadyâ€"rm goin’ across the dew-park ; if I come back,you’ll see me in an hour’s time. But, anyhow, you’d brttcr not tollow me, for If you du I’ll shoot you, and that ’id be a badlunding tu our nicndship. ’ And with that he Wallis down this passage how, and turns the key in the side door to that. cud of it, and out wid him on the sad into the moonlight and the COW/M Wind; and my gl'andlather seen him walkin' hand to- warsz the park-wall, and then he comes in and closvs the door With a. heavy heart. Sir Dominick stopped to think when he got to the middle of the deer park, for he had not made up his mind when he let! the house, and the whisky did Lot clear his head, only it gev him courage. . ‘ He did not iuJI the cowld wind» now, nor iear‘death, nor think much of anything but the Shame and fallvof Lhu old family. m“. fMasther Dominick, «lid: ye broke his thigh with the bullet the flat shot." . Â¥ D‘.)7\Vvur hc @605, right {01" the jvood of Mut- it roa. It seemed to him every step he took was as long as three, and it was no time till he was among the big oak-trees with their roots spreading from one to another, and than brumhes spreading over-head like the timbers of a. naked roof, and the moon shin- ing down through 'them, and basting their shadows [hick and ‘ twisttd abroad on the ground as black as my shoe. He was severing a bit by this time, and he slackened his pace, and he thought ’twould be better to list in the French king’s army, and thry what that might do for him, for he knew a man might take his own life any time, but it would puzzle himto take it back again when he liked. Just. as he madn up his mind not to make away witu himsdf, what shuuld he hcar but u. rt p c inkin’ along the dry ground undvt the trees, and roun he sees a. grand gentle- man right before him cumin’ up to meet him. He was a handsome young man like Mm- self, and he wore a cocked-hat with gold lacu round it, such as office-rs wear on their coats. and he had on a dress the same as French officers wore in them times. He rampde opposite Sir Dominick, 1nd he cum to a standstill also. Tue two gentlemen took (11” their hats to one gnothe‘l‘hapq says ‘tlie strunger : “I am recruiting, sir,” says no, “for my sovereign, and you’ll find my money won’t turn to pebbles, chips, and nut-shells, by to- mom-ow." in his Athruut, and his hair was rising on his head, but he did get out a word or two that he consented; and with that the Evil One handed him a needle, and bid him give him three drops 01 blogq {110m his arm, ; and he tog]; them in the Cup_ ‘o‘ffian, agony, and gave him a pen", ah’d': 'bid- him write some ~ words ; that he repeated, and that Sir, Dominick did ? hot understand; on two thin Slips of patch-- Imam. , He took one himself, and the other he sunk into Sir Dominick’s arm at the The young gentlemafi’s voice almost stuck At the same time he pulls out of gold. The minute he set eyes on that gentleman, Sn- Dominick'nad his own ~opiniun_ of him; and at those words he felt the vary hair standmg upon Ins head. “Don’t be afraid,” says he, “(he money won’t burn you. If it proves honest gold, and if in prospers with you, I’m Willing to make a. bargain. This is the last day 0! Fem-nary,” says he; "I’ll serve you seven years, and at the end of that time you shall Serve me, and. I’ll come tor you when the revs!) years is over, when the clock tums the minute between February and March; and the firht of March will come away with me, or: never. You‘ll. not find me «had mas- tcl‘, may more than a. badrsm'vaut. I love ‘myzown; and I command all the pleasures and the ~gio 1y of {the would. ’lhe bmgain‘ dates-from thisday,and the lea e is=eutm midnight on the last. day I told you ; and in the yea1-"-â€"l1e tdd him. the year, it WES" may reckoned, but I forget itâ€"“und if you’d mum wait," he says,“ tor ‘eight‘ months and twentyâ€"eight days, before you sign the wriLiu‘, you muyfifi you meet me here. But I can’t do a great deal-tor you in the mean: time; and itvyou don’t. Sign them, all you get from me,‘ up .to that time, will vanish away, and you’ll be just as you are to-night, and ready to'lsang yourself on' the. first tree you meet." ' M y 'g’i‘aihdfathcr wag r1216 enough,"youmay be sure, to see the master safe aud:_5uund again so 8001]. mm fthc‘ kitchen he bmgs again, and swings the bag 0’ monev on the table; and he stands up straight and heaves up his shouldurs like a. man that has just got shut of a load; and be 101 ks at the bag, and my grandfather looks at him, and from him to it, and back again. Sir: Dominick louken as white as a sheet, and says he : lie seemed shy of opening the bag ; and bu made my grnlgdfathel' heap up a gaming fire ‘ i tu'rf and 'deL and mm, at last, he opens ir,'and, Sure enough, ’1‘,qu stuffud fair 0’ golden guineas, bright and new, as if they were only thut_minute out of the Mint. Well, by the time the night of the 28th of October came ru‘und, llefivas'a’mOSt ready to lose his StnthB with ([11 the demands that war ri'sin’ up again him on all sides, and nothing“ to , meet them but the help of flu one dhreadful Iriend he had to dcpind 91; at nighg in: the oak-“pod Llpwa there below. x ~We”, («110* endofdt ~was,uSir Dominick chose to w_ait,_ a}de he‘came back to the house withra. big [my full 'of money, round as your hat b’most. ' ' I _0ne time- he made ,up his mind to haw né'more to say to such things, nor to speak .again with the like 0! them he met in the wuods of Murrow Then, again, his heart faihfid him wh'eh'h'e thought of hi‘s'débts, and he not knowing where to turn, Then, only a w_eek "hefere the day‘, cv’erythingibegau to go Wrong with him One- man wrote from London to say that Sir Dominick paid thrve ihougand \pounds to the WI;ng man, and must pay iciover again ; another demanded a. debt'he never lwmdol' before; and another, in Dubh‘nz, denied the payment of a thunder; ing’ big bili, and Sir D‘uminick cauld no~ where find the rcr‘cipt, and so on, With fifty other things as 'bad. ‘ So 111611: was nothing .for it but .to' go} throughwith the business,thpt [was begun already, and about the some hour as he wow last, he takes ofi’ the little crucifix he wore round his neck, for he was a Catholic, and his gospel, and his bit 0’ the thrue CIOSS that h» had in a lorket, for since he took the money from the Evil One he was growin’ frightful in himSelf, andlgot all he could to guard him from the power of the devil. But to-night, for 'his lite: he daren't take them with him. So he gave them into my grandfather’s hands without a. word, only he looked as white as a. shoot 0 paper ; and he takes his hat and sword, and telling my grandfather to Watch for him, away he goes, to try what would come of it. Sir Do'mini‘ck made my gmnqnumn sit at his cibow while he counted cvel‘y‘guiuca’in thg hag. When he was done countm’, and it wasn’t fanfxom dayli'ht‘when tha‘ttime dame, Sir Dominick made my grandfather swear not tu tell a word about it. And it clususecrc-t it was TOT many a day after. ‘When the eight monthfi’ and twentyâ€"eight day's were pmtly near spent and ended, Sir Dominiqk upturned to the house here with a troubled mind, in doubt what was best to be done; and no one alive but my grandfath 1' knew anything“- about. the vmatter, andhe no Whalt what had happened. . ' It was a fine, uti‘Hr night, and the moon-â€" not so bright, though, now as the first time -â€"was shinin’ over-heath and rock. and down on the lonesome Oflk~W00dbc10W him. “ I don’t know, Con, what’s in it : it’s the hegxyiust load LAcfverxrcm‘riefi/A’ ' ’AS the day d1'cEvâ€"nrar, towards the cngl ( l OctoberySir Dominick grew only more and- more troubled in mind. ‘ His heart beat thick as he drew near it. There was not a lonesomer spot. in the country round, and if it wasn’t for his (10th and losses'thu: was drivin’ him on half mad, in spite of his fears for his soul and his hoprs 0t paradise, and all his good angel was whis- perin’. in his car, he woxld 8’ turned back, and sent for his clingy, and made his confes- sion and his penance, and (banged his ways, and led a good life, for he was frightened Enough to have done a great; dale. “ You found the money good,” says he, “but it was not enough. No matter, you shall have enough and‘to spare. 1’1! see alter your luck, and 1’11 give you a. hint whenever it can serve you; and any time you want to see meyou have only to come down here, and call my face to mind, and Wish me pre- sent. You shan’b owe a killing by the end of the year, and you shall never miss the right, card, the best throw, and the winning home. Are you willing ‘2” Softer and slower he stept as he got, once more, in undher tn‘e‘ big branches of the old oak-threes; and when he got in a. bit, near when- he met with the bad spirit before, he stopped and looked round him, and felt himâ€" self, cvcry,bit, turning as cowld as adcad man, and you may be sure he didv-uot feel much betther when hq Seen the same man steppin’ from brhind the big tree that was touching his elbow almost. a b place where he drew the blood, and he closed the flesh over it. And that’s as true as you’re sittin’ there ! Well,Sn‘:Dominick went 1101139 He was a frightcnrd man, and Well' the might be. But in a littlé time he buuan to grow aisier in hi4 mind. Anyhow, he got out of debt very q'uick, and money come tumbling in Luvmake him ricner, and every- thing he took in hand prospexed, and he never made a wager, or played a. game, but he won; and for all that, “mm was not a poor man on the estate that was not happier than Sir Dominick. So he took again to his old ways :. for, when the money came back7 all came back and there was hounds and hons s, and wine galore, and no end of company, and gvand doin’s, and divarsion, up here at the gr-at house. And some said Sir. Dominick was thinkin‘ of guttin’ married ; and more said he wasn’t. But, anyhow, than: was Somethin' troublin him mole than common, and so one night, unhnownst to a I, away he goes to the lonesome oak-wood. It was something; maybe, my grandfltther thought was truuhlin’ him about a. beautiful young lady he was jealous of, and mad in love With her But that was only guess; Well when an Dominick got into the wood this time, he grew more in dread than ev‘ r; and he was on‘ the point of turnin’ and lavin’ the place, when who aboukl he see, close beside him, but my gentleman, squad an a. big stone unulhrr one of the macs. In place of looking 11m fine young gentlv- man in goold lace and grand clothes he np7 pean (1 bcfurc, he was now in rags, he lL-okrzd twicn the size he had been, and his face smutted with soot, and he had a murthgrin’ big ttccl hammer, as heavy as a huh-hundred, with a. handle a yard .ong, across his knee; It was so dark under the true, he did not see him quite clear for some time. ' _ He stood up, and he looked awlul tall en- tirely. And, what passed between them in that discourse my grandfather nevu! been-d. But ,Sir Dumimck was av black as night after- wards, and hadn‘t; a. laugh lor anyl'b'ing nor‘a word a’most for any one, and hi: oixly grew worse and worse, and darker and darker ‘Aud nowvthis thing, whatever ~it was, used ’to cometq him of its own. accord, whelhf‘er‘hc wanted it crfno‘; Scimcfimus in one' shape, and lomctimeé ib'anbthet,’ iu lonesome places, and ‘onwlimcs at ;his side by nighL when he’d be ridin"h‘omu alone, until at la'sn h‘e lust heart altogether and ’seut.f0r the priest. The priest was Wm; him; a long lime, and when he liccnd the 'Vvh ‘lu 'story, he i’odooijl} all the ' uy for the bishop, and the bishop came hare to the. great house next day, and he gev Sir Dominick a good advice. He tould him he must. give over dicing and swean: in”, and drinkin’, and a1 bad company, and live a vartur'us atcady life until the sewn yea-rs’ baigaiu was out; and it tne devil ‘didn’t come for him the minute after the stroke of twelve thegxfiré‘t momin’ of the womb (ml March, he was <afe out. 0! the ba gain."l‘hcre ‘ was not more that; eighg or .tcn months toi run now before the Schn years wor out, and 1 he li‘w/ulal tugtimg. acco‘xding to the bishop's; ad‘vi ' *as' strici as if He was “191 fctrtatr." ‘ The narrator stood up and indicated with the point of his stick‘ the exact ‘site of the body, and. as l-looked, the shadow deepened, the red stain of sunlight vanished from the wall and the sun had gone down behind the distant hill of New Castle, lrav. ing the-haunted scene in' the deep gray of darkening twilight. - So I and the storyteller partied, not with- out good wishes on both sides, and a little “tip,” which seemed not unwelcome, from l’-I.t Donovan was comin’ up to the grth house late that night, and after he passed the little brook, that the carriage track up to the house crosses, and about fifty stepsto this side of it, his dog, that was by his side, makes a sudden wheel, and'springs over the wuli, and sets up a yowlin’ inside yofi’d hear a mile away; and that minute two ‘nurn passed him by in silence, goin’ down "irom the house, one of them short and square, and the other like Sir Dominick in shape, but there was little light under the trees where he was, and they looked only like shadows and as they passed him bv~ he could not him; the sound of their to t, and he drew back to the wall frightened ; and when he got up to the great house, he found all in contusion, and the master’s body, with the bee smashed to pieces, lying just on that spot. year,” says'lie's ‘- And just as they Wylie tulkin’ fihqwd'ock §trikcu twelve; and “my grahdfatficr,"\vh0 was halt ash-win “voila-i); by,-th§ :fig-u iniflw hall,‘openiu’ 11's byes, sees a Eliort‘,‘ squa‘i‘e ficlluwywith a. cloakon, and long bmqik‘hgjxi‘ hush-in’ out from uhdéi‘ his h‘a.t,’étui1diti’ jiliéfi “’Tjsfihg LVleeIfiYI-I‘Iilllkl‘ o; Ecbrg‘aryrltga‘p ‘ ‘ » . A u A i \ ; ‘Tell him I 'vcan’t come dowu’yvt,” says Sir Dominick, and ,he. turns to the cowl-my lathe roomhuntl. {937$ ‘lzw, withga , cold sw‘ggt shinin’ on his face, “ h r God's sake, gem r- men, will any of you jump‘lroxnjhu windbw, and Mini; the priest hare ‘f” 4‘ Um: looked‘ at anuthcr, undnb‘one'kn'uw ’whan tormake ‘of it, and in the mum I time,“qu comes my; gmndlnther again; and. gays ‘_he.,tremljlin’,‘ " He says sir, unless you. gq down to him, he’ll come up to y‘ u,” . H _ . “ I don’t understand flfis,,gfentle1nepmlfll, see what it means," says Si; Dominick, try- mg to put yo face on “hand wglkinfiout‘ 0’ the room like a. man through ‘tilu press-room, with thq haugman waitin"tdi' him outside. Down the stairs he_ comes and two br three of the nllufileu'peépm‘g. over the banisters,to Sac My grandfather was walking six 91' eight step; b hiudhbim, and he seenthe strung” fake-a. rhideoutvto meet Sir Dominick, and catch him up in his arms, and wflifilm head :agfliz'sfiJh‘cAmu,‘ and WP thafirthe hall-doom flies. 0pm, and but goes the candles, and the turf and mod ashesflyin’ with the wind out o‘ the‘hulfll» fire, ran in a drift 0‘ sparks along the flouré by his met. ‘ ' .v- “.n“ .. “.6 V. y“ b0, now, b‘ir Dominick ho’hght' 135 mighl as Well h’avéra piéasilib‘ (awning, after all his faétxn’ and praying ;aud he sent round ‘to half a dozen 01 the neighboring gentlemen to Come and dine with,him anld|lgi§1'ove1'cxmc s ayed and dinedulso, An aii‘barin’ bowl 0’ punch they had, and no clid‘ 0’, and tho swear- in” and diéc, mid» ' cards, ahd guineas clunging hands, and songs and storios, that wouldm d9_ any one gobd to hear, and the good priest slipped away, when he 8661) the- turn' things was twin’, and it was not far 110111 the stroke of twelve when Sir Domiu. ick, sitting at the end oh'the tflJIe, iswearx, “this is the bert first or March I ever sat down with‘my-‘friendgy ' ’ ‘ e - g = «Itainwimfir‘sty‘Marcli," My ism-inf: feman 0t Badyvorecn. Hawaw a Scholmd, and always kept an almauuck. » there N ermyouwe $19.0, ~bit 3,0 '1' ‘.’- ,r' fluid: " agagg 8 way}. 5'39??? '[My huncnbackgd friend pointed with, his stick to that lime patch’o'ffbd'sunsét fight that relieved the dgep‘qqing' shadow ‘bf thé passage‘J ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' “ Tell ybur master," says he, in an mva! volce,.like the growl .of.a buist, ” that I‘m hereby appointmqm, and expect him down, stairs this minute.” . . "WI-J1;figsâ€"IAYjéifihdmther, by these very stcprsryglg’xe s ttjn’ on; ‘ ' ‘ ’ Down runs thegintlvmen. Bang goes the hall doom. Some comes runniu’ ‘l‘lp, and more runniu’ down, with lights. 'IL was all over with Sir Dominick. They lifted up the corpsu, and put its shoulders again’ the wall ; but there was not a. gasp left- in him. H0 was cowld and st-ifi'enin’ already. ‘ W'ellfiou In", ~wss he tclt qpare enough when the mmLilf-‘rf the 28th of February cagne. 'Thc prics' came up by appointment, and Sir Dominick and his ruvurcnce wor tuâ€" gcther in the room yd’u’s'cé t’h'éfb,’ andfik‘ p’ up thcix prayers togdthcr tiil the clock Struck tWelve,‘a.iId8_ goitd houfnfter, andfinot a hign of disturbance: nor nothing came near them, and the ‘ptiestslcp’ , that night .in the 11 use in the room next Sir'Dumimck’s, and all wmt over as comfortabla as could bepnd they shook hands and kissed like two com- rades after winning a baptig. , ' ' _“What. is it, than?” sayfi'Si'r‘ deiuick, start/111’ up, and dbroppin’ the ladle into the bowl, and stut’in’mt' him‘asiflze‘had two heads. ‘ v ‘1 15341 i It was dusk and the moon up by the time I rrachrd the village, remouutcd my nag, and Iooked my last on the scam of the ter- rlble legend of Dunoran.â€"â€"All the; YeariRound. Lâ€"An inebriate asylum is loudly called {0: by Halifnx papers. day. â€"Fort Garry has been Mayflowercd by the Rev. W. M. Puushou. â€"â€"-A 'ba‘se of cons‘drmble importunée 'to ' fgrmers‘was tl'lrd as human last. Monday buâ€" ‘fore J.'Mcmh'argey,' J. P.‘ The aclion was brough-Q by' a Mrs. Hogan, agaihst one John Toohvy for allowipg Canada thistles to go to 1;:ng on the farm which he occupies and which he ’lrtmsws {mm but. _ The (harge was prov'ed,‘bt‘1‘tit' Was the. ills}: time the law was put in force in 11th Section of country, (he Magistlate mitigat- d the fine to $2 and $5 50 costs. Faymvrs will do wul-l tu bun: in mind that. tbs y icndrr themsdves liable to fine if theyallpw Canada thistlgs to come to full ‘tflow diifiheir farms, and whether they are owners or oguupiers itmakes no diflkrencc, for the law seeks to'preiient the spread of tqc nnxibus weed. ‘N ‘H‘I'GAROLINA- & VIBGINIA '61?" " ,LANDS. ~_ â€"-A team of horses drowned in the mill pondjs Stirling on Tuesday: â€"'l‘homas Condrn, a. isoIdier 01 the 87th Regiment, dropped dead in Halifax on Mon- day. Pérsens desirous of visiting the above stateis‘wifh the lifitfintion, if auited,’ of pur- cfiésing‘tiuii‘sgt‘; miqéralpr impmved farming landfiiyéct fgpiziitlié (players at the; prfiséfit verylglow prices, and-Pot in the hands, of specillators, but must be son at a grrat sac- rificé, and paytiies wishing reliable inform». tion 1171mm;s thp climate, soil, firodpqts','&c.,aud gtltqkets‘at.reduced‘rates-to' visit' the states find free. transportation to sea the lands, it will be to their advantage to communicate with tlm mimetibep'as her-is wellfacquaintea with the above slaies‘and the most desxrabfve to magma, in 3. gopd; climate, fertile, ;soil, and [advantages of railroads, navigation and other facilities for the bust markets. This is the ~hets'i: Opportunity eye; oiffi'ed to get a cheap home 25nd the best glimate‘in America. :Send for Cllplllfil‘ of mag and‘bafd. _ ' i â€"-For the year ending 30th June, 1872, 939 Vussds, making a total tonnage of 102,- 890 tons, and ('al'ryin" 4,376 men, cleared from St. Juhn, NB, with cargoes for British and foreign ports. â€"â€"T‘I0mHS Pcnnings, sailor, drowned at Port pulburne on Sunday. ‘ Lâ€"T‘he contract for the construction of the hingston and Pembroke Railway has been signed. ._Mr. Baooks, who was elected for Sher- brooke by acclzunutxon, made very strong deâ€" cIarations on the hustlngs in support of the Gowrnmcnt. -â€"Mr. Hehlock Young. Guelph Township: informs the Mercury that he has a pear tree in his orchard 'which has blossomed three times in‘ the course of this mama, and that pears have been set after each blossomil g, and Mien: is every indication {hat pears will be ,set k0: this third time. * Friend Hempck is nét onlylgrvnfi qn calves, but is ev1dentl‘y p‘ro. ljfw“ in pears. , We‘wish‘him' much cbjgiy- mentfih his “firuilful field” in‘ his green old age. . , . -â€"’A person who pretends to know from experience, says that an abundant crop of b‘erries is an unfailing sign 6f 3 heavy har- vesfi Thu bury crop this year has been re- max'kahly goud, and we believe the-re is no doubt that‘thc farmers will have full barns ; so be it. â€"-A fatal accident occurred at Tilsonburg‘ at about half-WW twelve Tu< sduy, by which a b- y, 14 yearu'old, nainrd Jam. 5 ’l‘aylur, was MLcd. JSomermeu wem raking one end ofa load 01 heavy timbch and had got up ébbut three feet» firhufi 'the? blocking gave way, throwing the blueking several few to ( nu ‘sidc 01 the mad, 2 nd on the. buy, who sat usar. 1t threw him on his back, the timbgis fallingnh his breast and head, killing him instantly. When the body was taken out it was very badly crushed; ‘ R. WHEELER’S COMPOUND EL‘IXIR I 01‘"PI’105‘PI{A.TE‘S AN u UALASAYA. firms exegqunv'qnq agreeable; preparabiop- has 'sbeedilyhcmxpe zb_lh\{01‘ibo on account. of its great roliabil‘ty in @119. euro of‘Diseases‘ of the S'bmach, Liver and Kidneys. It relieves at o'hc‘e vain and a sense of t‘ullncss after. eating, flzifiulenoo, acidity, oi‘ "heartburn; headaches, 'nd constipation otathe bowels, all of which 'a‘rise from feeble digestion, and occasion Door 1.) 00 .,‘Ibvenvables‘file‘stnmuch to digest food, pal-lbctlyfand'm snfiicientr'quantity co nourish sh" .VsLem. thoroughly, and prevent. decline mud unning down with nln'nnic was‘ing dis- vases, '11} con man-ion and scrofulnus cases in Women {)x'os'auw Irolm fanny cares. and in delmute chimren. 'wil act ‘hke a charm in Imparmng vitality toaumhe ongans and it vlg- grating the gene: :11 health. it will restore all yum“), whofijrgm long ti me hangan _il}_ 9511215,, Collars, Fronts, Scarfs, Ties and was, Hosnery XV Gloves, $4113.11 Wares & Trimmings Gents’ J ewenry, Umbrella 9 Rugs, Gorge. . Skirts & Bustles, 4 RE SHt XWINH ' A LARGE- AND‘ WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0F GENTS’ FURNISHINGS & J EWELLRY. ~ SMALL WARES, FANCY Goons. . nosmxw, , , GLOVES dz 001:3st, HQOPSKIMS AND Rummy». :791'ders by eLter promptly and care- GRAY; RENNIE, 00., WHOLESALE IMPORTERS, 42 YOUNG STREET. TORONTO. QHOW A COMPLETE STOCK 10F a. ta‘vggn V pp, ehé [xx-.341, and Omulia. gave Chesbly‘ two dollars, as an advance 0n wages. Omleth was undei the influence of liquor at the mm; Law in the evening he was found in the woons insensiblo Whe-n he rucovrrt‘d by {wand-.hiasymoucy aud'a valuable watch gone. Chesby has disappeared. Tmer is no hope of Omeha’s raceway, the wounds being in the abdomen. ‘ fully 1111951. â€"-A brutal assauH: and robbery o<curred2t thy bu kof Hull on Monday.‘ Mr, Martin Om‘elza,’R¢cvc, .of LOW/{gr figvynyxlxjp, Ottawa onumy, Was taking a hired man named Ch! Sby )1qu with him, and they stopped at I .‘ I ‘ > _ ' 500 (:31_IHE,APVIMI‘ROIVED‘FA‘RHS' A’ND‘ZO‘QOGO ACRE§ OEVA‘LUABLE'TmBnB LANDS For: SALE. finding}; 0117119 sxspom, ~A'a1111pajexlel‘gy> and. disqu 1011' to exeruou. It, cuue; 11‘ means of ul'ifyil g the’ blow"; and banding up all the ismes of the body. Sold at. :51 by all Druggists. SPRING TEADE, 1872. ' DAVID McIELLANtr'dy Go. 53'KING STREET VVEST H A M'lLTO N: Orders by mall carerwa filled March 26. 1872. --’l‘hc Ottawa. hens are on a stxikc. â€"Fort Gan; has the typhoid fever. -â€"Harvesting commenced in Manitoba. â€"â€"Clothes lines stripped around Guelph. â€"Stable burned at Petcrborough on Mon- July 16‘ March 26 TOlTTHFTITAâ€"D'E. Southern Land Commissioner, 202, North John Street, Hamilton. GRAX, RENNIE a; Go. CAN \DA. s: 0. CASE, THEY ARE IN USE on the G. \V. R... Ontario Government. Buildings, London, Bellevllle. Orllawa, Bowmanville, and many other places in Canada. Full particulars on application to tr] FI1%E ENQINE! I EVERY TOWN, Village & Factory SHOULD I-IAVE 'i‘I-IElVI. BR ITISH 85 FORIETGN Importing House 48 a; 50 Yonae-st., Toronto, 196 and 198 McGillâ€"st., Momreal BRASS FOUNDEB, Plumber, Steam Fitter, MD V Soda Water Machine Maker. Gas & Goal Oil Ghandeliers on Hand & MADE TO ORDER. ‘ JOBBI’NG of all KINDS ATTENDED T0 OLD AND SILVER PLATER in all its branches. Nickel Silver and Wood Show Cases and Window Bars. Carriage Plating of all kinds. JOHNSON PATENT I I ' COMBUIED Fire and Garden Pumps ! PRICE ~ tr] THE ONLY MACHINE EVER IN VEN T- ED TEA 7 MEETS ALL THE RE UIRE- MEN TS OF THE P URL] 0. END FUR CIRCULAR. Ladies, \Vauted b in every town and village in Canada. to act as agents. Instruction given gratis. Apply APP} ‘TON KNITTING MACHINE 00.. 3 TORONTO STREET, TORONTO IL is needles: to inform Merchants in any section of the coun'l'y, ofthe almost universal advance imprlres of European and Americax: Manufactures. In a few instances, the advance may be Iempnrmy, but in -most it is the result of a emand Wlwtller natural or inflated, in (axpess of prnductpn. . m . n.‘ ,‘,,,,, 7.“ In every part , [put upin Pills 0r Tonic] _ Creates Healthfitrengbhfind vigorous old age cures nervous do hlliLy, Weakness. disturbed sleep, lowness of spirits, and purifies the blood Pills sent in boxes, $1 00. Send addressed enve- lope, stam.p,1‘0r E. K.Brown’s circular. 1‘r.Can- thanbelngtvhe acting ingredientof E K.Brown’i~ Holayax, which speedily forces _ WHISKEBA‘z and MUSTACHE to grow heava and thick in a short Lime. and prevents baldness. Receipl sent in envelope, mst free, for 50 0L5. . V Address, E. K. BROWN. ' Box 7, Summon], Ont. May 4, 1872. M afp-tf _ EVERY ' HOUSE & STORE THE LATEST AN 1) MOST RELIABLE ON 1: A N 1). . Minnie Demorest’s Patterns'in great Variety. Catalogues With cuts sent on application. Toronto, June 2‘ . “:72. . air-mi THE APPLETON , Eamily Knitting Machine. AICard to the Dominion Trade. F A L L 1 8 7 2, Quetton St. George,& 00., WINE MERCHANTS, Inlpul‘t=»t10113 now arrivil‘g every week b) best "nutes from all pa ts of Europe. Terms & Discounts Inn-ml to prompt Dealers. ROBERT WILKljlf, . ELTXIR OF STRENGTH 80,000 IN “USE REPORTER 0F FASHIONS MRS. . SUTHERLAND, July 6. | Mp Box (515, Hamilton, Ont 95 Q’uepn Street; West, Toronto. May 18," ' ‘ ‘ al WHOLESALE 86 BE'lAIL. ‘ [U K. BROWN‘S J'XGEN'JV‘S ‘JVAN 'l‘IGD Wg. MILLIOHAMP, General Agt.,Dominion of Canada. SHOULD “AYE ONE OF THE 284 Yonge Street. W 6}] knqwn, never failing. CHEMICAL No. 14 King Street, East, \V. C. NUNN, W. o. NUNN, VAULTS : gum 'L‘Véi'ontbraiid Mdntreal. SNEle Libcr ul dimmunt‘ L0 the trade. mo BELLEVILLE TORONTO Dominion. afp-tf “7Hle LEADS, "GENUINE." “No. 1,” “No. 2.” and H N o. 3," of this brand, are unsur- passed for body and brilliancy of shade. Pack- ages contain full net weight. The publlc are warned that certain other brands are 1% lbs shprt, iu_evexjy so-calle_d 25 Rognd pqclfnge. ‘ London, Quebec & Montreai. COMPOSED of the following or other FIRST- CLASS IRONSTEAMSHIPS :â€" SCOTLAND, MED vv AY, TEVIO’] TWEED, THAMES, HECTOR NIGER, SEVERN, NILE ADALIA. HE STEAMERS 01“ THIS LIN E are intend- ed to mi. WEEKLY, as follows, during the Season 0! Nevigauon of 1872,30 and from LONâ€" DQNy QUEBEC & M'INTREAL, [Calling at. PLY- MOUTH, Outward, for Passengers, and leaving the Port. EVERY FRXDAYJ ‘1 EORGE ELLIS, MANUFACTURER AND Importer of Human and imitation Hair, Wigs, Bands, &c.' Switches and Chigu- us. Hair work done in the latest style. Fines‘ as- sortment of Hair New in Canada. Manufactur- er of ullis’ Restorer and Barking Oil; The Be- stnrer a valuable preparation for removing Daudrufl;and renderiugthe hair soft and glossy; also ma11ufart1=1‘er of Ellis’ Magic iBloom, for heuutifyirg and preserving the com ploction; each ofvthe above in Bottles at 50c & $1.Whoie- sale J: Retail. Orders carefully attended to. No. 179 Yonge SL, TOR NTO. Ladies Hair Dressi’ g, Shampoomug; and Cutting. Special care taken in (thldrens Hair Cutting. Examihéfifinw bi‘nnd 7am?! do n'ot bevput. grim inferior paints. The BEST is always CHEA P- ST. Sold by respectable dealers In Paints through- out. Ontario, and to dealers only by HECTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wedgesdayfl'ld Ma ( EMPEROR. . . 29th ‘ ADAL [A . . . . . “ 5t-hJul NIGER. . . . . . . . . . “ 12th “ NILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 191.11 ‘ MEDWAY . . . . . . . “ 26th " SCOTLAND . . . _ . . . . . “ 3rd Ju THAMES. . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 101.11 ‘ And direct every WEDNESDAY thereafter. FROM QUEBEC. _ SCOTLAND THE subscriber is row Illlellxtllctlll‘illg and pre- pared to furnish two difl'erent kinds 0! y THAMES. . HECTOR . . EMPEROR ADALIA. . . NIGER . . . . . NILE . . . . . . MENU/AV. QUEBEC TO LONDON : CABIN - - . . . . STEERAGB - . - . . Lowhich’we invite the attention'of the trade. Orders by mail prpmpbly executed. 'J'ulm, 1872, ,, A ‘ 131 GENERAL STAGE OFB‘ICE, HAMILTON, ONT. for sowing Wheat, rye. oats, pens. bal‘loy,'corn Mgmd mlij grass sewer qtgucllqd.“ â€" fiéwal so xfiatiiif‘a'ctures Cider Mills, revolving Hay Rakes, Imw Cutters, Plougns, &c.&c.,and castings of all descriptions made to order. Through Tickets from all Points West at Re- duced Fares. Certificates issued to persons dc- eirous of bringing om their friends. Tur- .-_n Bills of Lading issued on the Continem and in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States to DET {UlT MILWAUKEE, CEICANGQ. :‘ma otper points in'thgaWes J. 'Davison & 00.; IMPORTERSL 54- YONGE STREET, TORONTO.’ The‘ I rills arekxxarranted to sow the different. kinds of grain mentioned in a good and proper manner, and, without doubt, the beat. Grain Urllls now in me. . ' 90 0,040 0 ACRES PINE LANDS GRAIN DRILLS I For Freight or Passage; apply to TEMPER- LEY’S, CARTER It D ‘ AKE. 21 Billiter‘ St. London; \VILCUX & MEEKES, Burrican, Plymouth; R08: 6; 00., Quebec; or «m which are One Thousand Millions of Pine Timber, and inexhaustible Quantities of Ma. le, Beech, Elm, Ash. emlock, Oak. due. The grant of lands to the Grand_ Rapids and ludiana Railroad Company, to bmid their Road 'rom Fort. Wayne, Indiana, to TraverseBay .md Mackinaw, Michigan, icompi'lses in its farming lands every variety of 5011, from the ten clay loam, to Limelight sandy, and they are xound in that section of Michigan, north of the City of Grand Rapids, and contiguous to the great, fruit belt on~the eastern shores of Lake \licliigun, now being rapidly developed by railyoag and'other enterplilseg. _ WE ARE NOW RECEIVING elm EAL L 1 M P 0 R.'.L‘A'J.‘IONS The PINE LANDS are situated on the Muske- 4011, Manatee. Pere Marquette, White Pine, Tamarack F‘a’c and Rouge Rivers, and lyln bwemy miles on either side of the surveye line of said road, and are in the heart of the PINE SECTION, flow which Chicago is so large- ~y_:~:_npplled. ' ' F‘A‘ifilma LANDS are sold to actual settlers, an CREDIT, one quarter down, balance in year- y payments, lntm‘nst 7 per cent. Persons de- ‘lrous 01' locations 1n farms will, on applica- .lon at, the OFFICE, IN GRAND Bums, be fur- xnshed Wit-l1 TIUKETS OVER THE ROAD, en~ itling them to RETURN OF FARES, m the event, »f purchasin an 1 01 the Company’s farming and. For in ‘urmnmon about. the lands, prices, ocation, &c., address 7 WM. A. HOWARD, < Land Comx‘nssloner, "We Pet/eat. A _> Grand gaplds, Mich. AMERICAN HOTEL, I{IN G- S'EREET WEST. FAR CY GOODS. Excellent Farming and Sp ndid E‘. W. BEARMAN, "We Pet/eat. number 30. 187 L April 4. 1872. MAY 30. ’72. Dundus. .Iiuly 2'1. TO THE FARMERS? TEMPERLEY’S LINE. And every TUESDAY thereafter. FOR SALE, MICHIGAN PROPRIETOR. RATES or PASSAGE. FROM LONDON. BETWEEN DAV .D srgtaw, J. 1’. BILLINGTON. ELLIOT & (10., ‘Wedgesdayfl'll May. ‘ 29th ‘ “ 5t.hJune “ 12th “ H H N 26m " “ 3rdJuly H u lfésdayAt h J uue ~n 18th « “ 25le H “ 2nd July H U H 16m “ MoN'éREAL : TORONTO. an) $60.00 24.00

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