Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Oct 1872, p. 2

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Wire éflmk It is really and Italy pitiable to wit- .5 Bess the last dyingr struggles of the Globe in its vain efforts to make it appear that , the Government- has been defeated. ‘ and that the motley gang of grits, an heads will soon hid farewall to the cold shades of opposition. and hask‘in the ; sunshine of ofiice, to enjoy with neri'cct gusto the swpets theretoappertaining. No doubt the change, to them, would he very pleasant, “ a consummation devout- ly wished thin”, Long and arduously I nexationists, o‘bstructinnists, and sore t I l have they toiled for such an event; no efi'ort has been spared, no stone left unâ€" l turn-ed. They have displayed a, per- sistency and zeal worthy of a better cause; fair means and foul have alike- been resorted to. The foulest abuse.H the vilest malignityllte most unscrupluns : slandcrs have been hailed at the head of ' the Government, and at each individual ‘ member, the sole end and object of which E l has been, not the welfare of the country, : not the rights and liberties of the people, ' but the selfish aggrandisement of a fth ticn; and now with defeat staring them 1 in the face they are at their old. tricks 6 again: falsely and wilfully mistepresent ing the result of the recent general elec- tions. If the managing director and the geremanderin: l)yunond,from the defunct V Star, really believed what they are try- ing to make the Grit faction-0f Ontario believe, why have they not classify the: members elect in all the provinces, and not those of Ontario alone? Because they dare not.‘ They know full wetl that such a course would expose the de- ception they are tryingr to foist upon their credulous readers. Their prog- nostications may mislead many who haveyseen their first election here. But those who have seen the same dodge re- sorted-to after every cleotiout'or the past I eighteen" years, know that it is only a delusion :and a snare. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, and the retnnant'l of a once great and united party whol still adhere to the fallen fortunes of the “Incubus” feel and know in their heart of hearts that. it is all bumykutn. Of course something mist be done to keen THE RESULT OF THE ELEU 'rmxs. up theiwaning‘ circu‘lvatvioo‘ of the (Hal/e until Parliament meets, then the debates will. keep it going during the st-ssion;| at'te'r that the usual abuse in large blwck letter type of those whom the (llobrj Will presume to style “traitors,” corrnp lionists. &c.. &c. Tlltl) will come the; old stereotvped rigmaiole of the ren geance of a betrayel peole at..the next election. Thus and so the organ may be kept in tune ‘t'or another year but the end to all this sort of thng will come,‘ and it. will go to its grave unwefit, un- honored and unsung. It and its partyl have alike served their day and generag tion. A new party has sprung up from the ranks of the old parties, composed of the moderate and most able of both? one better adapted to the changed and; improved eireurnstannes of the country ; l a party that inaugurated, carried on": and will eventually bring to maturity the' great srheme of Confederation. Hap 1 pin is it for the Dominion that ,there itsi such a party. . Happy is it that 'old is. sues were thrown aside and that a large majority have again decided at the polls that they shall not be resuscitated, but. shall remain buried in the 'tomb of the past.’ Let the Party of Union and Progress gird on its loins, and urge on the good work so auspiciomly inaugura-j ted five years since, extended. during the past fiveyears, and so full of prom-j ise for the Future, guided and guarded‘ by its wisdom, moderation and prudence. Never more may faction rai-e its dis 1 honored head, nor its malign influence be‘ felt in enuendering strife and division, and reading asunder this great and glo- rious Confederation, even as it succeeded 1 in breaking up the Union of the Cana-l das,â€"happil_v for the better and greater schemeâ€"but not from patriotism on their part. however, but fora base and selfish purpose hoping“r thereby to raise; itself to power, but in which it signallyl failed, even as it has again failed in thel recent contest. There is the asauraneel of air John and Dr. 'l‘uppot‘ to the f'acti of their comic,r ofl' victorious, and being sustained by the country as a Wlto'e. On the other hand there is the bogus attempt of the Globe to induce the On- tario {action to believe what it does not believe itself, but knows to be the base- less fabric of' a vision. The Party of Union and Progress are still in the as- cendantâ€"ethat is the result, and that is as it should be. NE‘V ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Arrived.â€"-Mrs Myers. Socini.â€"â€"Episcopnl Church. Just arrivedâ€"Isaac Crosby. Boots and Shoes â€"â€" W. H. Myers. New Full G00ds.-â€"-Wilhnm Atkinson Mr. J. M. D:l\’i~‘, 0? this town. took the first prize at. (he Prawincin? qhuw he” at H unile 1.1m“ wank. [Ur b t marriage {mum in the‘ Dominion. Ru'mmxn HILLEUCTUBER 4, W72 East York and Markhafii tural Emubxtion Tuesday. the opening duy of this 13xhl Hzion, pruw-d fime'..nd hdflnt, and a u-Iy large MIth “1' I‘D ymnnum-y of Ihis and udJuiniu: (‘mlhlhfi :nheued mum the" grounds The u‘mm‘nh cmmis‘ of, smut» ’vamy news nl him \ : gums. at llw smz'hern 0m] t f Ihv \i‘mw 0t Mmkhumhd juininz Ilu- \\ r E‘:=;Im, H IO]. The 3111mm! has hm-I. {chum} nu lhw man an end ill-in; 4 lim- :run- of m . .\ 1r 1hr c-nlrancu’m the 110 th ems! mu! a Ear-1‘- hall has hue" ervc H1, in “hh-h uw A'Xhihlh d :IH Ihk‘ Mrll(:?(;» :th u.\u Hy go m muiu- upmu-hshuwe. \v'ih llH‘ I‘xve‘ylluu m- illl‘ liu- slack HM] i pit“ mvu‘q‘ Am"; Ihu snmhle. null HSIPI‘H side's maxi lho {num- me n numhm- )l‘ netu put up envvrn-d sluHs and pens \‘ lhe “VP slmvh’. now of “hiclL huwm‘ . \WH- on the grounds yvsluplny: today/flu: set-um! day. l)ei.ig'dvu.L»-. m Illeu1.//l“ho “Inside ShIHV‘ ()1 inwlt-mmns was my: large. but “us nf a very mat-ml chul'umel'. Tin-re “as u. filH‘ slmw uf buggies, (‘m‘li:|u‘1r‘. slvighs um] furrows wag-guns Aumn: 11m Inllm' “P unnmd ()u‘ whh :1 Nun'an hunum on a new Maw specially (lusi mod I.) ulwinle tho Imhuus and he -V\ luiltHU'Ut‘llelikUHHI100‘s and pnlumvs when dmwn {mm lhe “0'11 11! Ihu pils m- lmm cMim‘. 'Hw hullum i.‘ new plum SPUUIHH)‘ (lusumm I.) nun:th (no Imhuus and he -V\ luiltHU'Ut‘llelikUHHI100‘s and pnlumvs when dmwn {mm lhe “0'11 11! lhu pils m' hum cvliur. 'l he lmllum is 11-"le an lhul “H llu- dill mm}in this |m as..lhv h-and is hung dumu mmv. and In 1m lnnd it isuniy nvcwwr)’ [01H dnun a FU‘7 Hf hingud u‘unJWH)’ in Ilw («mu-u. whvn‘flw Yum. 4mm dnwn a sinling gvlafiulm sidegn t‘m-m xl'w Mtg-40”. Qum- n IJIIHIH‘I' uf 9x calla-m 1110”. his and hm mws m-n- shnwu mul. any or two venpms and 'n‘rm- s. and sump. mnng mii 1! :. \yuy h1g1) (i"«_!:(lv or t'xoel .enc . 'Hu- Shnw uf' {mm 'IHN'lH‘P was m-l hm I'uv qn: i')' “as (Ix-(w-lhml. Hw 1m “haw l The sum nf $1100 had lumn shhsm-ilwd for lpt-izos. $50 nt' which was by sume of thv; ‘lending mew-hunts nt" 'l‘nrnntt). and the hul [ inuce by tho VillHL'PI'S nf Maiklmm‘ This lavas one of ti]? most imam-sting nnd amiisin;r t'tantuws ot' the day. there being: in all lthirti-mm entries it is am usually an ad :junct (if (‘tinndiun F‘Xl‘liltllittlts‘, and in this crmntry has hithvrtn ltuon t'nr thv most part '(mt-fiuod tn picnics. wherP it has divillt d lattentinn with flllthiit‘ spurts. &c. Thu ’nuvaltv at tho thin 1 Int course Created =1 lt('l] lvxcitomvnt and the scene was a. lively and animntod (HIP. Thu proverbial disnm 'Il) iui‘evvrv mnthpr tn (-nnsiller hm' own vhiid ltht' finest and lmndsunwst lmhv that vvwx' ‘exixted was strikingly tlxtlmnlil’itid ltv thn complzwpnt (mnfidv-tcp rtxhihitvd hy thv ‘proud and hath nmtruns in O":LI“!(‘ ut' thtl Eini'unts rm I'Xlllhtilltll. who lnnkvd tlw_ pith tturP nt' llf‘flilll] and «1mm t'wqiwnt and tin- lmistnkt-mhn 'I..‘lt'HCP, of tho strrangtlt ul', tlwit lungs. in“ selmztiun nt‘ (‘ttmltPit‘hl ‘ jud r93 wits a mutter at mth tliifivulty. dis intHrr-xtwlness. :r'md jttdrnient and pructi- ‘cal (Axiu-riencn twin: in this. ‘48 in othpi l depmtments of (mm-<0, an oswntipl requisite ‘t'tn- tho tinsitinn. Finallyv )leqm. J. It). Ellis and J G‘ War-ts. ni‘ 'l'nrnnm. werr» {entrusted with tho m'ernns duty and ma-ny i were the smiles and hlnndishnwnts br'stnwed ume tlwut hv the umtprnal guardians of the ymtitgstms: hoping. riuuhtlosm to in fluonoe thvm to a f'avnurnhle decision. as :they II'dSSf’ti round. f'ePling the weight ni'nne, 'pnllilt! annthm- to ascertain the firmness of -the flesh. and examining the teeth of thv next. to ascm'tni’i the nge. We are much atrnidthat :iftm- the decision was announced. : which brought disappnintmout to the ltmws inf many of thv fond PXl’Hhil'll'S ct httllNP- r hold twannres, the judges \vmtld have mat n t'ai‘ dimlrent reception. hand they ‘aRhlv re turned again to face them aftpr ltlifllllli! their cherished antivinatinus h ' :tu ndw-rse judzemnnt The first prize_ was far Ihul finest child under one year old. $13»; 2- (l. i$8; 3rd. $5; for these tilt”? there wete thine entries. Mrs Gall. of Cnnnington, l hhvtng tho champion hnhy was dsclared en ltitled to the fir<t nrize ' He i4 nine months lnld. and his fighting weight is 4t llts. Mrs. {Cr Rensnr‘s htihv tnnk «av-ind prize. and tMrs Sinclair’e third .-\ Spet'inl nrizn was lawat-dad to Mm ltevi Wism-r‘s youngster. l'l‘he next pr‘zns war;- for the finest t'ltild hp tween 011° and five vears: lst. $12; 2nd. $9: 3rl, $5 Twenty-(me (and mothers en- tered their jmvvls Fur (intritzelitinn, and the "t‘iZ‘S wm'n awardvd its fillllWVS: 1st. Mrs. D. Mt‘Lend. Wondville: 2nd Mrs George Gt)()de"htlm. Tni‘ontn ; 3rd. Mm. R 'l‘. Haw- kins. Markham. 'l‘hu win [if $12 fur the finest twins ll‘tlm‘ live roars at age was :uvarde'l tn Mrs. Enos Wism-r, ot' Markham. 'l‘lree enttins were made for trinlots. hut as tho‘: did not put in an aniwnrance lhejudjos decided to give snot-inl nrizex' tothe ha’m's «if the f-‘llmvinz ludins. viz : Mrs. J\. Mt:- K iv. Canninrtun: “I”. W ’7. \Viem-i-y M-trltltrtm: Mi'i.'latiivl dos, MrS.E. ‘Viun'n. vl:t.: Mrs. Silic'nir. I_l ‘ , M's. Hand, l1 \ 'tAr man's ("Ut‘tiet‘fit .\'l~s. \. 3'.er kl . with; Hm: M r. l’ “lunch, (10.; M 4. I). (Mark, Markham; and Him. Xuvi Wisner, do. W0 nmy as we'll say that it is: Impossible n- IPPUI‘H‘I‘S In do jnstii-Ye- Irv oxhihimm UI‘ five am" individual lnn‘se ('m- whm (-fi'n‘is are made at (fit‘c‘liGhW ulwn the 01d fuzz" ("ushiun nf exchzdinrj llw mum-s ()fnxhihillm's from the entry cards nffixvd ll: each arliclu is f‘l‘NiSYGd ih It is limp Ihis I'I'HC of :m thnL l‘, \\ In Fullnm J4 h'» .W Anfliu. Ju'nu I Mm‘m‘ Arxhum TH Id BABY SHOW aim upmu-hshuwe. \v'n P liu- stock um] i pie .s'nmhmx. mu! aslvrn me u numhm' )1. Deal!) 5 and pens r the 1in L lmwvv \wn- (m the l.» d“)- ,4 1r: SPCHNI day. 9111.,/i‘lw<.lut,<itle shnw my: large. but “us uf a Ier. Tin-re “as u. film ll” HI“ 1" , 10 may he influum-ed .iu .' IS of 11w fiin’nsirmi 4TH! set-um! day. ‘ho (:Iltsitle shnw :0. but “us nf a ht-re “as u. film 15. slvighs um] mcui- 'rucm run-m. u. .nv "nun"... ....-.n Viv-r- im, VAUGIIAV 'C“}U\"CIL.â€"â€"TÂ¥1‘is' council " ' WM- __"___ HUM w ‘ will meet. in the Town Hall on_Tuesday PAPER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT ‘ 1 wk day. next, the 8th inst, at ten A. u. an Hun." Bookswre. ,Pr lmosf' worthy» Om'Westefif‘E‘xde ol' I'tvhe @ymdfliqus m‘nnnds, we noticed ifm'din‘é Hé’fi mplomonm two or three double action funnng .g to Messrs. A. and W. lhis town. The machines All?!" We dt‘oish-ns were made and the hnhos mil): tirkvwd, Hm): were expnsed 10 viuv to the‘sp chums. numbering about 2.000,.und "were fei’w d rwifli loud-iglnd enthusiastic _ 5 V v“ sgygeml articles hihilinn will egg dgjdéttdrfluyr Mail. g. The prizefifm-I 6n. WiW~ 7‘ ihis town. The machines‘ sum to be the centré 0F atli‘action ‘HUOIHI ihc farmers. and, we undeiwtund \lr. Wilson disposed of n’orlb'ss ihzin sown nmclzinvs on the griumls dui'ingl Hm day Mr. flick. of Hi: place, had nlm on Qxhihifinn two iron henm plows“ l\lr=. Flu-um, Auvnm.-slmw9d several l farm implements in rcnpnrs. plows, grain ‘ diillsrnnd grnsi‘koednrs, and others mm‘y nl which wei'e lnbvllod with first in-iza tim-kets. ln WH;L!HIIS. hnggios. &C‘ than; was :1 good display: ‘Vlessrs. .‘pvighr and Sun wore the lendm's'in heavy wag- gons; Passing: on. our atlentiou ' was suddenlv attractod t-n Calvs‘ new and improved pntmif fence, exhibited by M. B. Omsby. of Kleiuburm This also at»- tracted \vonrleif'ul attention ifrnm Ithe farmers; it \vai viewe‘l‘ and )‘eviCch, and was pronounced tn be one of the mmt useF'ul inventions nf the day. ' The exhibition of horses and cattle were very numerous. and we believe some of the finest and best animals in the provinc’e were on the grounds. VIn carriage horses the competition was kéen, but as usunlfi' Richmond Hill is hard to beat in this class, the‘ first prize for carriage team lwing awarded to ourif'rii-nd Mr. Nelsnn Pluyten (wh’n alsn tnnk ihn second prize at the Prnvihcinl Ekhihitinn, at Harn- iltnn.) of this ,inwn. My; Jacob Buil- “linger. ni' this plncm nlsn 'reccived the second prize for general pu"pose stallion. :Thb Show of (mule i'vn-s splonnlid, (here being liner and nini-e of‘ihom than at nnv pram-inns: Fair. The sheep pens (on were Well fillerL swine. was uncommonly v, s1:ch b31131 \Yvdn("ay. the seen" day of the Fair. was: as bgilfiim as"m'e"could wish, ahd t m g , b nf'lppimalc was hefimd 5" com C '. Themum'oer ’nnd quality e ‘ s {ms aqua ]y as good as that”: ' {5, 3:?ng among: the n'1:nn_v'~ m I I obserc}? ' we mightrl'gi‘iLS-bnfi ‘ I '7 " good. Poultry Was also Kvoll represent- ed. 0n enteringr the palace. after firms- seme fine stoves. ‘we came upon a grand displav of vegetables and horticultural products in Cabbage. cauliflower. melons, onions of' an’ immense size. and fruits of all descriptions. Next‘in order came the fine arts department. in which there was a number of} ’b uutif’ul paintings and several most exéellent drawings; also a nice collectionfiof photographs. 850. Then came the heady-butter. and cheese, fol lowed bveome lieautif'ul, ornamental cakeathe'moet remarkablle which were the Dnfi'erin and lhoVanitv cakes. There show of Wine and factory- made cloths. and some some good ready» mnrle clothing- was exhibited by Messrs. J. \V Cox & (“on Toronto, and by F. W: Fouwick & Co. 0.1" Unionville. There was a good show of' quilts. countm'pune‘x. rng< anti mats. &e. “ Down the centre” was ehivflv filled up with musical instru- ments. and sewimr machines. comprisingr the Florence;Fingerflshorn and Wheeler '& Vileon. Min-C. Chapman exhibited some very fine organs, :1 beautiful piano, melodeon &c There were some rare samples of wax work. needle Work, 850. Taking everything into consideration, the exhibition has provevl one of the ‘most. if' not, the most, successful fairs ieVer held in Markham. 'i‘he Directors most assuredly deserve. credit for their zeal and energv. and we hopu the farm- ers in East, York will continue so rapidlv to increase in the improvement- of' their live stock. Owing to the want of' space we are unable to publish the prize list this week. Milqu (‘ownm (agent fur Fuwler and \Vulls.) will give six lectures rm Phra- nnhuv. Psvchnlnqy. ano. Cnnrrsnip and Marriage. in tho Mn'snnic nan. Rin‘nmnn'd Hill cnmn'wncing Friday evening" the 4th inst. Arlmi-zsinn tn the first lecture WI” he free, after which tickets will be 35 cents. admitting one person to the five remaining: lecturos. Single adnfission 20 cents; chiidron 10 Cents. SOCIAL.â€"â€"The ladies in ermnoctinn with the Church of' England. Richmond Hill, pnrpnsc holding a social in 'the Victoria Hall. Thornhill. qn Friday even- ing next the 11th inst. f'l‘he election cake exercise which proved so exiiitinq at the late social held at Richmond Hill, will again be one of the leading l'nntnres of' amusement. Doors open at 7 P.M., tea to commence at. 8 o’clock. The bmineés men of this town know that. if' they desire a prosperous Full trade, they must advertise in the HERALD, and our local readers would do well 'to consult our ,advertislnf: wolumns, before pulchnso tlmir f'zlll goods. Bv sn doing they will know what merchants in Rich- mond Hill l] we a Full supply 0f,,goods that, are worth adveytising. POST OFFICE SAVINGS’ BANK, RICHMOND HILL. â€"‘â€" Mmlfhh/ Stutcnmzf â€"â€"f'ur month ending: 30th 01° Sept, ’72: Tutu] dellmsh‘ls lo 30111961” . . .. $51, 413 00 " durng September . . 801 ()0 “ “ 958 ‘54 \Vhlulvn urn]: MONTHLY Rumâ€"The above Fair was held in our town ' on Wednesday last. There were a large number of' cattle on the grounds. but. very few b11yers,cnn- sequently . business was rather dull, and very little-exchanged hands. Withdrawals m be the DRUNK 031 Conn WATER..â€"â€"Mr. J dn("ay. the secogfl day of the Fair. I. :bg‘illiim :xs*m'e"could I _ _ ' b (>f‘pppjralc was d 5" com C . The‘mumber :: m a. c‘ 4“ g; (Srl‘egrsmn among: muffin“ \ I obseléfitinn gh - 6f the worthy“ 'ester‘ "gide ol' M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Norih York Fall Fair, fit‘flewmarltet, ucz. 8th and 91h. ' PiclmringFall'Fuiry at Bfougham, October 101!) andillthfl V, Scar-horn Fall Fair, attWoburn, .October ,Scm-hm-o Fall Fair, at Woburn,.Uctooer JIM). , Whflclmrch and King: Ulfion Full Fair. at Aurony,JOth and lllh of Octéber. . V Vaughan Agricultural Fall Show. at Wood‘ hridge. on Wednesday Oct. 23rd. "1' nnmsumen’. “mumps” “$3.30. , u_ , to crmmenco nu ‘4 U‘PIOCR Cnnvcyaucas !or partius wishing u; MHud mp svmial mm leave Velio’n hotel at! 7 O‘clnck. Pm. . ’1 1- r . Rwlzmund mu; Oct. 3, 1872 741-2 SOCIAL! SOCIAL! 1 f A’l‘ juksflililflms” cossm-me or , 'y w: E z . Bommts, We, Caps, Feathers. Flowers, 'IiibbmsfiOrnar/lmts, d’ac.~, &'c., (20., All'gf which wlll he iri'mmed and mide up in Ilw laws: styles. I: Would he wéll for lhn ln- din o! Rilemond Hill and surroundingneighf I am a thorough. 'pmkitit'nl Mininer, the public may relv on having eve’rylhing made up in a vmy Sunzmok manner. and at prices that 6er competition. ' - WC 73013111 HALL, THORNHJLL, orhond to (-all wind oxamilio‘ Ihe larga ind mantiml :Etmrk before purchasing any of lhvso rnndjvnnade goods found in the commv stoves. Evnr offered an Rirhmnnd Hi". The'snhscri- hear “an: to imfnrm his rustomors'and the pub- ‘ic gmwrally Um! he has ram-ivm' an immeme ~1an lrom Montreuliand other_mhrket:'. (hat cannot be 'knrpavsed for buauty,-dmabilily. KT IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE THAT the'pubiir s bcuhijnow where \o'fin‘dfiie BOOTS AND ‘ SHOES and c'rnnpnevs “hose who mav lw in want of Bout: and Shoes shun 'd on" and axnmiu-n these superiur goods lit-fore purchasing elsewhem, as.,.erfec1 saiml'aotwu is guaranteed. a Really; ,l is Run-vim J“ n Roomh'f. Thomas Rrfl'in'vi'r. 3 ‘ Flt-mam. David mer Emanuel nmnr Int-oh “anion. P-rnwn "unis-l9. Sarah Davii. Nah-m1 Dnvfin, H. L. "We election mkv nxwiim, 'wh‘ich proved so Mitfingmx Hm lam...m;§al 'heki m iichmond‘ lid. wa tag-«in he one. of the lrading featurrs List of Letters REM/amma TN” THE m f Hill Ros: t ffma. m 0c FUR“. S. J. Vdmnnd. Lilly lime'sun Wm Wave”. Eliza Glover. Mrs. E. Hardv. R. Hopkins. David The ‘adias in comwc ion wnh the Church of ' I‘ nglqnnlechmmN Hi”. intend hohiing V ’ n sooial in Iho 4 BRITISH MAILS Are closed Rl Toronto asfollows: 1y Cunard Line. every Monday. . . ll‘:30 A-M. “Y Canadian Linemwrrv Thursday 10:00 P M. N.“ Letters for Despntch by those hues of Slnnmnrs should ha Sn marked. The rate on' InerrH'br'the Uniled Kingdom (via Quuhou in summm‘. and Portland in win- wr),ls now ruduced 1,06 cents per§ ozv weight. It <NH vu- N‘e-w York; it will ha 8 cts per 5 oz 'l‘lw.~r raxasanprg‘ unlytoprcpuidlellers; ifsent nnpam ,uv (ttxufficwnfly pro-paid. there willbe a line of double sin" amnnm ul deficientpogtage. M. TEE I“ Y. Postmaster. I MCKELVFY. INsoL-vrmr. I. the unnercignnd. John Kerr. of Tomnto. lmve been appointed Assiglwe in this mailer. (‘I'Pdilnl's are requeth to file their cfaima heron! me. wilhin one month ; land are hereby nnuflad In must at. m\' ‘ flit-e, Court Street, 'l‘nrnutu.nn Monday. Hi»: ‘31“! day ofUctoher. NW. at olrvvnn o‘clork‘ A n .fnrthe examina- iion of HM lnunlvmn, and {or (he ordering of ‘he sfl'm's of tho esinl: generally. ‘ JOHN KERR, N B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to he handed in 15 minutes before the time of dosing- Davinmn. A. (9) )3 NW. Jam. B/IILLIINQERY GOODS a . , . - / llflhe'd mmnhlv at Parent", and contains “4 pages: $2 n \ear or ‘2” cents a number. For Sala at the HERALD Book Store. AllJS MADE UP AT THE RICH i ' umnd Hill POMUH'n-e. llmill'urllwr noticeJhe mails will heclosed u ll)» office as follows ' J quick at the and juh l rimng MRS MYERS. Richmond Hi". Oct. 3, ’72. ‘ , 741:“ USVT ARRIVED I "OLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND J nnncil cases M the HERALD Book Stare. OCKET BOOKS OF ALL: KINDS at the HERALD Book Slore. AGZ [NES FOR AUGUST, Richmond Hi”, Oct \‘V’ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZE, 2". the HERALD Book Store. N THE. MATTER OF ROBERT B .. ON FRIDAY NEXT, THE [111! INST Assignoe. Turonm. H'lh Septembl‘r, '872. 740 2 Nm‘thern Mail. Somhern Mail. ~\‘m‘ollmrn mail mew S'Mmtimwntfi. I r béncil casus’ak the HERALD Book Store Richmond Hill. Nnv. 2U, |87l ‘1 ANADT‘AN MAGAZINE IS PUB OB PRINTING DONE NEAT AND / lalcst sufles. at [he “mum Rnok Store. “()LLARS AND CUFFS, OF THE "AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. ORERTSON‘S HALF DIME MUSIQ LARGEST. CHEAPEST AND vary superior and complete stock of Insolvent Act of 1869. for sale at. the H mum; Book Store, ._â€"â€" m Fair, Ng’iamarket, Oct. Arrived at the l’erald Book Slore. Mgr mac: or Notice. YORK HERALD Cheap Book I‘Lstahlishmenl. VENING Hodgson , .J am on Kindrick, Bridget Murphv, Michael Marshal. Thomas ‘ Mulvona Rosa Mun-on, Thomas Phillips. [AM Pnimmn. Hahrv (‘2 l’irkm‘ing. Timmas Sullivan. C. Mrs. Smith. Jamns Qhin‘d. Aieck S'nddnrds. HJI. Stark. John Tait Marv Tnvlnr. James Vth-ler Thom" VVnNaca. John Wilson, J. W H MYER 3. ’79 7A M. TEEFY, P. M RICHMOND OcL. 187$: , , .6:45 A M. r,.6:45 AJI. ,.,6:55 PM. 7414f (‘3) mgwimm 1. thanks for lhu iarge «have of patrons-:9 during the pnst eight years he has been in business on Richmond Hill. would announce that he has just received NEW FALL GOODS ! Dress Goods, . ‘ Shawls, ‘Mfllinei'lla Mantks Fartorg/ Canons Print F la nvnels, ‘ Blma Wincey Shirts, Tu Collars, Gentlgmeh’s Gurnsey Shirts, Canadian Tweeds. Cloths ! D [BESS DEPAR TMENT The siock wih he found very complete. A] the latest stvles In H fits and Bonnms, Mantlos. vofldv-madn or made to order. PnJasols. Ri'tr hens. Lacesf’ Ladies’ (Jollrs and Cuff: dim. Ladies should call and s¢e «ur NEW I'ASH- ioN PLATES and get the {Meat styles. I Heing one of the ieadintz branches in our business Specml attention has been givenio the seleciiun 01' the newest and best maâ€" terials adapznd lor the 565501“! lrnde, and at prices to‘ come within the ‘ roach of all. GREAT BARGAINS In Black and Colored Silks! - JAPANESE SILKS, V Poplins, Serges, &c. A choice stock of an kirfl's of Fresh" Family Gi‘oceries READY MADE CLOTHING I Always on ho nd. Owing to the duties having been lake“ ofi' Teas and Com-9,1 am able to sell at a considerable reduction of old prices WM. ATKINSON ,N RETURNING ‘HIS _HEARTY Crockery, Hardwareflbc. qlwag/s on hand. PIANO - FORTES The above Instruments are all fully warranted and 30er at Manufacturers’ Prices. Per/eel Satisfaction guaran- teed in every case. "@m‘tfi, momma TUNING & REPAIRING ATTENDED T0. ORG AN S & MELODEONS [1 I5 0r [6 years of age. mum apprenlice to the Harness busine ss. Apply to AND MUSIC STOOLS IN GREAT VARIETY; BRUésELs CARPET BAGS! LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. D Home, Imisure Hour, Popular Vdncator, Everv \Veek. Bow Bells, &c., at the HERALD Book Slore. These Hymns are used in the Trinity Church, 'l‘hnrnhill. and Richmond Hill. tain‘s 61 pages) filled with choice litera lure. original and selected. and one or mm pictorial illustrations, besides a piece of mmic $l'50 a year, ‘5 cents a number. For Sale at. the [13mm '3» 1: Store JUST RECEIVED ‘ FROM ENGLAND DIRECT, UBSC'HPTIONS FOR THE TO RON- ’ 1‘0 Weekly Papers. rec‘evved at the Hmunu Book Store. Richmond Hill. ln_Coals, Pants, VPsIfi. ‘K’rn : alsoimade to order an [Inn xhovteat nuiire. IN MILLINERY CHURH PS .4] 7'1»Y 1% III'WNBOOK, Oct. 9, 1872 Hats and Caps for the‘Million I Juno 15,1870 Sept. 26. 1872. A COMPLETE STOCK EINTZMAN & CO.’S R. s, WILLIAMS, R.H. DALTON, OU‘N'D VOLUMES OF SUNDAY AT EW DOMINION MONTHLY, CON Light afid Dark Etofi's. &c., 514:. By the Rev. Wm. Mercer, MA. SMART, ACTIVE VLAD-L-ABOUT ANDOTHERCELHBFATEDMAKl‘llis. Accounts rendered October 15L AT THE 1-11:an Boon Sromc, PIANO 00 VERS, From the Establishmenhof A MAMMOTH STOCK OP CELEBRATED A 1-‘u LI. ASSOR'I‘MEN'I ol Clncumns' Post FREE. &c., &c.. &c. CALL AND SEE, IT. Comprising WM ATKINSON. Central Store, Richmond Hill. A supply of the I‘M PORTAT IONS. (oxrom) 141).). Wanted, (RUBBER). TH E C.C[‘1APMAN. AGENT. AND WM HARRISON, Shawls, Mantks, Prints, ‘ Blankets, Twccds, Cqfi’k, Rxchmond 'um. M mic/mm. 740-:r 790- 1872'. FALL. 1872. JUST ARRIVED! FALL GOODS! TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS DRESS 'G‘OODS FANCY WOOL GOODS BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, FRENCH MERINOS Ready-made Clothing, 8m, 8w IS now compkue in Ovary requisite oi Mim- nory Goods. We have spared no expense 1n procming the mast approved sly‘as of VVer‘diug and Mourning Bonnets. always an hand and made to order on thnlshomast no- tices An entlv inspection is solicited from our lady patxons. La'clz'es’ Hats, Bonnets, Caps, é‘c. annprising Shawls, anlqsr.g Hoods. Furn.&c If you wanna pretty S|_Iawl, or Mantle don’ffl miss soaing mv stock gm $300115; (Emmicfi. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT : BOOTS AND SHOES Prices that dcfy Competition. HARDWARE. CUTLEHY, C‘ROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Kept Constantly on Hand. [13’ Before pmchasmg chawhera gfi’e‘ me a an“ m» I think I an n ofl‘e' inducements=that will m aka it to your advantage to buy from me. subscribeuxlo: l‘n 4'9'1mCon, Markham, ahonl the midd‘fi of June he!“ an _\nar?3ng bull. nfn fight Red and White (-olr-r, u-Ezh mm crooked horn. and a white‘ s-pnl on t‘nn lere‘lcn'i Any parsun giving such i!!rl'rl’ll(5';l‘l) ‘end :10 his re'covpry, will be rem rewaljdnd FIRE PROOF‘ ST®RE {i‘wenlv mile( from Tornnlo. and abnivt [bran miles from Wondhridge Station The river "umher runs 1hronsrh the property, also the Vmwhan "raval rand PHOTOGRAPHY. IRST PRIZE nhotoqraphar, begs to in- form lho public Ihnt. having commenced operations in than above hminossx on Richmond Hill, he is prepared to lake TERMS. E35}; VApply to the owner on the premises. ' Pariin§ desiring pinhvros primed from Hm oh! nogativos 0’ Mr Grav or Hand can have them bv ordering, as l have purchased all Hwir negatives I ' hf Dull and c‘nudv wemlmr ilt'llhin'drnnne to the u'rt.~oxcw’l {dc children. Pariies gming pirtures of clfildr’on tak'mi are reqlmslvd in he at the Rlndin between lO'A M. 'nnd 3 P M. IL? Gallery in the old sland recently occu- pied by Mr. Grav. Rlchmond Hill, Sept. 26, ‘72. 740-” BUT17HERING BUSINESS! THE DWELLING HOUSE THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale the whole of his Unrlmnarflh. Th" Butch" Shop adjoining is ‘24 hy 226 feet in size. with ntmeroom above and slnnu cellar beneath. full size of lhe ulld- ing. and well drained. Au unlimited supplyof ‘ 0n the premises. 'l‘herq is aka n large and convenient Slaughter House. Inf-gs Pig Pans. &c4, on the rear of the lot with every modern improvement for carrying on business upon a iai'Q‘F‘SCfiti 'l‘hern arm also several other out- buildings on the premises. Fur particulars, Twmh-umlred and Twenty/Acres Unequalled if: quality and variety.and at apply to Strayed- . Q‘RDM PREMISES} OF THE In endless variety. also a large} stock of Hollands. Pr'mls. Cobonrgs. Laca‘s of all kinds. Ribbons and I. CROSBY. Fire Proof Store. Richmond Hi1! Oct. 3, 1872. 720- Very Desirable Property and Business for Sale. v ‘ Syo‘iuombor 21 . W72 FAMILY GROCERIES ! Vaughan. Sept. 26, ’72. Flannels, Blankets, " , Hosmw, GLOVES, 'OF 'ersons, Animals, Houses 07' Landscapes IN ALMOST AN" REQUIRED SIZE OR STYLE. Old pictuv‘as carefufly copied and enhrged HATS AND. GAPS; Contains four hedrooms‘. dining room and ' kin-heuâ€"with a With outbuildings. situated in the village of Richmond Hill. GRAND STONE CELLAR WM W. COX. Richmond Hi“, Sept. 11379. 7384f. Farm for Sale, .EING PARTS OF LOTS NO. 16 Hard and Soft Water FLowwmz. Fm'm ERR. 'I‘mnmmas. THOMAS B' COPELAND, LAnn's’, Mm ES', AND Cmnnnn’s Wincoys and all wool Shh-ling, TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN, CONSISTI‘SG‘ OF A “OUT and I7, in :he 71“ conn’afisinn of the A (mun m’eéut on NEW PICTURES! IN ALL THE N);qu Sums. In all Prices and Colors. THE STOCK INCLUDES HOUSE AND LOT, A LARGE STOCK 0F AT THE THOMAS GRAHAMIC ROBT. R‘ NEWS reasmlabL 74am 740-3 IMPOR TANT NO TICE"! PEOPLE ’s STORE, TEAS AND GROCERIES» WINES & LIQUORS! Cal'l ahd exam: nouns-large :‘md Wei! $6M stock in FURNITURE, WIND OW SH'A DES, TINWARE, 'v PAINTS & OILS, GLASS & PUTTY, CUTLERY, and Ciaims to ho n firstvclass House , and tho onlfi" true way of tesiingit is by comparison; and an inspeclion ol' the stock and prices is res- pectfully solicited. Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. I'D" Thé highest prices paid for of Farm Produce. CELEBRATED AXLE GR EESE GR 0 UND COFFEES AND S PI 0E8, GOOD NEWS! The sunscribor b’egs leave Io inform the farmers and public in general! that the TEA CHEW has received GROOERIES & LIQUORSi Which he is confidvnl 7MB give good satisfacâ€" facfion both in Also, the best and cheapest assortment of CROCKERY, Flour and feed kept constantly on hand, And delivered free of charge. ALEX. NOODIE. YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER V,“ FIRST-CLASS STOCK BREEDERS. Stock fad wiIh it have always taken first prizes. Milch Cattle prpduce more miik and butter. It F attens in Onéffourth 3 the usual tame, and saves Food. Price 25 oents a'nd Si ’00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred foods. ‘ AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. 167. King Street EasL,‘ Toronto. For. Saw by Druggists and: Storekeeyers. Sept. 11.1872. 739,-“: FANCY GOODS! Richmond Hill, July 25,1872‘ CHOICE TE PEOPLE’S STORE. TOR‘FATTE'NING AND BRINGING nu“- DA"..- PEOPLE’S STORE. Pure and unadulterated. always on hand SIGN‘ OF THE TEA CHEST. Richmond Hill. July 31,1872. 7“ PEOPLE’S STo‘i‘RE MAIN T., RICHMON D HILL PARCELS DELIVERED. P. G. SAVAGE. For the besl. purest, and cheapest If you want pnro,unadulteratéd into coud'nion Harm‘s, Cows. Calves, Sheep and Pigs the Of strength and flavor. Choice Remember the OOD’S PORTER I fim’crm; 8w. PRICE, AND QUA LITY ls used and recommended by OF THE BEST MANUFACTURES. GLASS 'AND PUTTY. ANI) O’KEEFE’S ALE IF YOU WANT A FRESH SUPPLY REM FMBER THE 00M PAPER, CROCKERY, ' fl {1 LASSWARE, A LARGE STOCK 0F ALso BIDWELL’s ALWAYS on HAND. HUGH MILLER & 00., m mom, THE 60 1'0 THE Fun SALE. 110M TH I 0F HEEESE‘T AN D CUTLER'Y, all 717- [T 7l6-lf

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