M he! it may he that the scheme propounded by Mri Cupreol is not as perfect as it shonhl ‘b'e, .or would attain all thut may he desired, or that the route is not in the correct course but that a route capable ol'm-uking a ship canal can he tound we have no doubt what- ever, for even should it diverge from the “"ctrhight line so us (0 keep along the level, there is but. little doubt but that it: can be uccomplished. It ‘tlierfore becomes the manitest duty of the people of'l‘oronto, and all tilting the line of route of the canal, to see that means be taken at once to ï¬nd out the proper direction, and procure correct oslinmles, so as to commence work thereon without any further delay whatever, and. as it will take some live or six years to accom- . ylish. so at the end of such time there will he ample means in the way of freight as 1 it is open for trafï¬c to keep it fully outplayed. ' i“Tlielsch‘dme or turning the Erie Canal in. to a railroad to trnnsport freight at the rate V of ten miles an hour, Int. a rate equal to one ' cent. per ton per 'mile, which is said to be uhout. the Same as it costshy the present canal, would be for a vessel of the capacity vaultflï¬OO runs. for the whole length of the road. an enormous sum. as 1" om Georgian Bay to "l‘o‘ronto, oue quarter of the distance of the Erie Canal, or say 90 miles, it would ,I.g:(ist. #900. [t is useless to talk' about turn "511;; the Erie Canal into a lailroud, as with- ‘out it. could work cheaper than a. canal, the through railroads would most assuredly per- !form all the business of the country.besxdes which, though it may be able to forward all ‘ftho:stull‘iusuallirjcft over during the winter. ï¬ver it could not possibly be expected to per- fmm'a‘ny other than local trafï¬c durin; that. "‘ (inieY as the position of Oswcgo, its northâ€" ern terminus, is some 150 miles north ol'the them-es; direct through line of winter trulï¬c “so that. all the western and northâ€"western »| rude that. would flow to it, would be com- prised -in the slime time as formerly have peeu attracted hitherto by the canal. Crinuda “nevebexperieneed n time like the preseanher. to push ft rwurd the Claims of the Huron and‘Untario Ship Canal be came such a vital neces‘ityl notwithstund the Solons who composed the canal com mission not two years'siuce took upon them, selves thetusk of ignoring the scheme it] together. We. have ~u.lw.y.~; thoung that when the country around Lake Superior and the greiï¬ WeSt came to be developed. there would txrisea time when we should be called upon to im'proveburmenns 0| transport, but. never supposed that it woulrl‘ ‘come so soon 35 it has done. i When we are informed that. 'in the last two years the ‘tonnuge plying on Lake Superior water» has in‘creased 200 per cent; that lumber is in such abundance nt- Coliinzwood :1\V;iiliti,_r shipment to Toronto that the Northern Railway cannot supply the deman for trans- pott, but. that the Beaver-ton Railway has to Come to its rescue; also, that. in one day, eleven vesselo loaded with grain arrived at Collingwood from Chicago, we must. con- fess frankly that trade and travel in that _d‘trection ure fur more than equal to our ingos‘t sgnguine'expectutions. ml†L. l . ‘ ‘ , I ' ‘ If such has been the result. in so short. a time, whnt. must, want. will he the case in the iuture?‘ it will inevitably be that the Northern Ruilwny will not be able to per- form one tithe of that which will be re‘ quired of it. Therefore, the old and trite asuying of “ being forewarned is to be fore armed,†ought to o'blige us to see to it that, make; tequisi'te means we provided to assist in developing our country, and there is no other Wny in which such can be done more. satisfactorily than in building a ship canal from Georgian Bay to Toronto. A project Was started about two yearsl .since tn build £151“:qu road of four tracks from l Chicago to New York, on us (liteet a litth as is possible, but any that, thnt was 800, rmiles iu lt‘llglll, the height even at 1c pet" ' ion per mile would he sulï¬cient to eat up; the whole value of all grain transportetll tht-l'eou. lt is, thereiore, USeless to talk of ‘ applying t'ttiled charges to 'ztnals, for without the canals-can‘eurry ll't'l,_'l]l cheaper than the railroads. the latter would most, assumdly do all (she business of the country, but \xith the Georgian my 'Cunu! an alt: (‘oml-llslted fact, and the locks on the SL' .tht‘rence Canals enlarxud, there is no1 qttg'st'inu but that the bulk of thevwesternl trtttle wouldï¬nd its way to 'l‘orotéto and! Montreal. and it does seem to he our int n et‘ut.i,\:e'duty to see' to it that no stone be ; ef‘tiunturned to accomplle that required bud; ~ ' l I“: soon aslhe Canada Paciï¬c Railroad is ‘lin :slled to Luke Superior? It is impossi- - Ma [9 my": any appruxiumte estimate uftho. anmuhl. for in addition hr the 2min and flvux' lhut will be grown and pmtluced, the number of cattle that will be raised on our W16rri§ory, and packed at difl'erent points therein will ofitsell give full employment 10 a. railroad. Does any one suppose for one instant that if the buli‘nlo to the ivurnher of millions can, and do ï¬nd a home ‘ {he-im- all the wmter, [hut it will not be most. The trade of the North-West. is immense even at the present time. Why, the State of Minnesota,which has only been settled some 29 years, now exports Some 20, 000,000 bushels of wheat, besides other grain and produce. Then look at the grain, po;k. beef and other produce that is yearly shipped from Chicago, Milwnultie and other Michigan porls. Chicago alone exports more grain a-d pork than anv other city inthe world. If we can olfer the cheapest and most direct route, is it not in the‘noture of our cousins on the other side of the line to take ndvmnage of it? There is no people who understand what is 'for their 0W" interest better than' they do, and it they can save the smallest fraction, «either in time or money by using our route, "it-will manifestly be their interest to do so. There is no doubt whatever but that us soon as the canal is built, it will be taxed to its utmost capacity to supply lhe‘demand for Hrglght'that 'will be made upon it.' in building so requisite and necessary a wo‘rlt' as the Georgian Bay Ship Canal "fr "luclive returns ought, in a. great mea- sure; to be left out (if-the question. inas much as we clmm that it is a dire necessity, ï¬nd that in addition to «my returns it may possibly make to its proprietors. it will most assuredly he the means of building up Town to. and making:- it. one of the largest. cities on this cnnlim-nt. With the St. Law- mnce looks enlarged, what is ‘there to hinder foreign vessels, comng to our whurves. and after discharging, taking a return trip from us? We are Convirccd that such is only a question of more time, and are certain that: its fulï¬lment will be seen as soon as the locks are enlarged and the Ship Cannl built. ' profitable. most lucrative,. to go into the cattle business on the largest scale, when thegrass average two and n h lt' tons to itlle time? 'l‘hen there will be t e through tr:th of the Canada Paciï¬c Railroad and also the return freigh to Lake Superior. the great west and British Columbia. Snrelv ythere is no one who can possibly question ’liut that the canal. at even low rates, will pny a sufï¬cient amount of interest to satisfy Ilre stockholders. Of course. such a work will require to be supplemented in some puny or another by eitln r the Dominion or Log-til, ..or both Governments, and. if it is ultimately to prove so great. and manifest 'zt beneï¬t they would be Wise to aid it to the axle-Hi of all the means in their pawev. 'Yn addition mall the present and pros pectively Increasing trade from the Uniled Slums, what shall we say to that which ‘mu‘st Lume to us from Our own great West Can'ï¬â€˜l t6 Georgian Bay. The prosperity oflhe gold producing Pro‘ Vince of the Dominion may be inferred from ‘lh‘e smtemeut of a Californian paper that L$78,000 worth of gold dust was assayed in I the Citl‘thU district. British 0 ï¬uml’nmdnring the mouth of August. The same authority ‘ aiso st. [es Lint [here is a great, demand for ilalmurers in the ciLv of Vicmrizz. The Wellénn Canal when it ï¬rst cum- menced, was scarcely morelhat EL ditch, and the Erie not much better. ~vet we now see to what. proportions thew have grown, ‘uud what an incalculable beneï¬t they have prove! not onlv to the districts traversed; but to all the Slates and countries eusl and west. ()l‘them‘, we may Wherefore surely ex ,;.ect1h:fl [he like results would arise from the building of“ ship canal i'mm Toronto urGeorgiau Bay. in reality making 'l‘urmm) :he point. where all freight would be trans I'9I'red from oue_veesel to another, and which vnuld illen be receiving at her wh‘rves Height from nzl puns ul'xhe world.~Leadcr. Rev. Mr. Hart has been appointed a mis sionm-y of the Kirk of Scollund in Manitoba and u Professor in the College there. The Lady Duffm‘in, a. ï¬ne new schooner, was launched at Port llurwellon Saturday. Her cup city is 23,000 bushels, and she is valued at $25.000. SHOEMAKERS’ STRIKE.â€"-The journeymen shoemakers of Kingston struck last week for 25 per cent advance of wages. The bosses resnsted the demand as excrbitant, but on Satuxday, for want of workmen, were forced to grant; it. The public may look out f0 ‘ a ruse in shoe leather prices.~~King- ston B. Whig. EMIGRA'I‘ION RETURNS â€"Dm-in=_z last week 120 English, 20 Trish, and 50 Scotch guii grunts arrived in Toronto. 100 Norwegians passed thl'qugh to the United States. STRUCK BY lnr;n'r_\'1NG.â€"Ou Wednesday evening, Sept. 18111, during llie storm which prevaiied, the wife of Mr. Jus. Nolan, of 'l‘ecuqnsch, was struck by lighting, leaving her in a, speechless condition for several hours. By timely and judicious means, Mrs. N.. is mpidiy recovering from [he etfeccs In the stroke. Prufessm' Plantamour, who prophesied the wm-ldXvas to be burned uy a few weeks ago, is now in Paris. He desires to read a; paper before the Academy to prove‘ lhg di« minution iu the sun‘s heal, and that we will be all frozen to death about A 1). 2011. Gen Garibaldi has expressed his pleasure at the peaceful senlemeut of the Alabama claims contrm‘ersy. We learn from London that the Govern authorities have detained a steamer which was to have stalled un Saturday for Canada with emigrants, because it is too late in the season fur their departure. The. contingents far the military force 111. Fort Gnrt'y took their depmtux'e From Lul- lingwuud on Saturday. They embarkid on board the Frances Smith. to the number of ubout, two hundred and tweutxyï¬ve men. They will proceed by the Dawson road. Sir George Cartier took his dép-(grtupe for England nu Saturday, and lie. was hmmure-d wiih a guard of honour of the Grand Trunk Artillery. PRESENTATION 'ro HER. MAJESTY.â€"‘V8 notice from the Im'erlmss papers that during: the Queen’s stay at Dingwall, on the way to Dunrubiu, Misses M. and W. Topp, of To- romo, were presented to Her Majesiy, and with the Royal permission, qommunjcafed through Earl Gmane, handed to Her Ma jesly and the Princess Beatrice superb bou- quets, which Her Majesty Was puaased most. gracioust to accept.â€" Globe. There is a capital anecdote, illustrative of Mr. Giadslone’s supersuhllely, which will be new to man) of our readers; in reintiun to Ml. Gladstunu's (tusuisliczd Inust qt. g‘Qngun» ing.â€"I)uriug Garibaldx's visit to Lunddh, it was suggestvd lhut u nuhie and richlyjnilw ux‘ud \Vlduw, who was much ubnul with him. shuth many him. Tu [he ohjeclion thul he bud a wife hvmg, the wudy ANSWER was, “ Uh. he must get Gladstone to explain her away.†A few days ago a fearful crime was com- inittet’t at the village ol Ewiï¬ch. district of Locche.Vulz/is. In a moment (ll. ruge,cansed by drunkenness a young mun killed his father†by stubblng' him with a knife. The father, fueling his end to be nigh, .cnused his-son to be brought before him. when he forgave him for what he had done, pointed out to him the surest means ol'escupe. gave him smne money,†and expired a moment afterward. A‘ new industrial art. under the nmne ‘of “ llelinnutogruphic printing,†the mwntion of M Jusz. is now attracting .attention in Paris. This process is said to enable an artist to make his own designs and druw~ ings, to print, from them upmi phl-tographic paper and ,reproauce the same upon litho- grnphic stunv. so as to obtain impressions nf his nwn work in the minutestIdotails, inde- pendent of the engraver or lithographic draughtsman. Tm: lsLusr Riotsâ€"The small loss of" life in the recent. riots at. Helf'nst. Ireland. l is an exciting I'emnrlx' on the other side of) the water. A London letter in the New} York Post says :â€"" For more’tlmn a week = i armhed mobs paraded the streets night and ‘ c day. These mobs had opposing tnohs, and neither party had to go far or work hard 1 to ï¬nd the enemy. ‘They came in collision i time and again. both sides using revolvers. : muskets and even rifles. [t is said as many las ten pitched bottles were fought where. ; ï¬rearms were used. Besides, the police and soldiery charged the mobs several times. But with all this burning: of powder the ofï¬cial report shows that. precisely two men: ; were killed. or have since died of wounds The hospitals are full of injured men, to he sure; but the wounds though inflicted with bayonets. bullets and knives me in no cnse_l fatal or serious. Surelv some ruture Died v rich Cniek‘eihocker Will make the most of i the materials this Belfast riot furnishes. by orders from the Coronor and Jury and found on examining the heart an un- natural growth of' warty vegetations ï¬lled with calcareous matter, having their attachment to the aortic valve. He believes the disease was suflicient to pr0' ducc syncope and sudden death. Verdict 'oi'jury, Died from disease of the heart. Bï¬ï¬ï¬‚. Knownâ€"At the Elgin Mills, near Rich- moud HillI on the 25th inst., Mrs. John Knight, of a son. ._______..._____._ DIED. mennsox.â€" At Maple. on the lat insti, Louisa, wife of M r. Leeds Richardson, sadd- lerrâ€"aged 22 years.- ' The problem of telegraphing in the Chinese language, to write which requires some 50,000 characters, has been solved in this way :â€"A few thousand nf‘ the charac- ters most used are cut upon wooden blacks. 0n the opp'isite side of each block is its number. Duplicates of such, numbered blocks are :it each telegraph station. The China merchant selects the blocks which eXtIE'QSS the thoughts to be transmitted. ’l‘he merntor telegraphs only the numerals designating these hlnuks, which enable the operator to select similar blocks at his end' at the line. LIGHTNING FRE.\Ks.â€"Dming the storm of Sunday morning last. a bolt struck the chim ney on the dwelling of A. Trees, of Wind- sor, knocking some of‘ the bricks 200 feet, tore through thd roof. and created damages to the extent of $200. It; ripped up a floor, tore _up fur-titure, went through partitions. and left. without. injuring any of the family, goin' * into n cistern and from there into the ground, althonth Home ol them Were render- ed almost senseless. In the same storm :1. tree was struck near where the volunteers were encamped in the summer, shivered. and severat rods of' fence were torn down, some ofthe rails being splintered into 20 pieces. A negro, known as " Tile Davis.†who was running on the street, was knocked into the gutter and lay there several minutes before reviving. gm Tn relation to the mrnenters‘ strike now being attemotpd in Chicago, the Tribune alarmâ€"Rome builders. whose contracts are nearly oxnirefl. hove neceded to their reâ€" quests. and are paying $4 her day to skilled workmen. while it is the universal tektimony of Ibuilders that. they can get all the help they wont 'nt $3.50. Carpenters are here in force from all parts of the East. and are realiv to go to work at. these ï¬gures. which is ï¬ftv rents higher pav than the. host of them can get at. home. $3 heimt the custom- urv pay for good workmen. There is uro- hnhlv scarcely :mv builder who will refuse $3 50 or even $3 75 for a good workman. and so long as there is an overplus ofgrood workmen there. with an abundance of work on hand For thewinter. it will he good-holicy For them to avail themselves of their onâ€" pox‘ttlnities. In their “business. as in all otherstheiflexihle law of supply and demand holds good. and all their meetings and re yolutions cannot, change it. If every car- ‘heuter at work today should oease operti'ons, his place could be ï¬lled within twentyfour hours, so for, at least, that bnihling oper- ations would not be materially affected. It: is manifestly, therefore. the part. of wisdom for them to resume operations at the best pri 8 they can make with builders. and swirl-e snug. paving places for the coming winter. The Tribune pars a inst acltonw- ledzment to the men for the forbearance and law abiding disposflion thev have shown. SCARCETY or MEAT 1N ENGLAND.~Tl;e; prodigal son, says the Pall Mall Gazelle; reduced to eat the husks left by the swme is not an image of plenty and comfort. but such ascnnegrace would be fastidious indeed if he objet-tod to Share the meal of some fortunate pigs inhabiting: the State ofCtli fornia. According to the (Californian Hor- ticulturist, a gentleman in one ofthe south- e- n counties nt‘the State having accidentally divnvemtl that, has are excellmit food for swinn. is about to set out. an orchatd (tftreé-s for this purpose. 'l'lm'v are no doubt a. most, excellent (and fur swmp; hut we in Europe are come to such a. pass that th notion of {pr-dint: animals on tl.ese luxuries sounds quitv Utopian. The ï¬g is preciuely one of those Fruits Which, as containing positive nnurishmnm. should entrr far more largely man it tines into our ow†ordinary supply 0f fund. WP mnv, indeed, by the faiiure~ Of our resourves as regards meat he cnmpellPd l to study the question of nourishment with grentvr care and avcumcy, And graduallvl come to undrrstund how dried ï¬gs could t‘-rm an important part, in the commissariat of David’s armv. or large pnpulatinns (-ninv tnlemhle health and strength ou‘mv‘shmish, 17. e. driod npricnts. The prosont crtsis may he verv proï¬table to us in futuro. if'it in- duces us asva nation “accidentally toldis- Cover erellont food†outside the Usual round of bread, meat and potatoes. REAKFAST. . titurhrul. Al thorough knowledgt govern the operation and brunt-83m a-pli lies 6f'wellrselected vided our breakfast flavored hvvm'nga t héavy doctors‘ hills. Made simply with Each parkel IS label Hotutenputhic Chem kurs ot' Epps’s Milk doused Mttqu m.._.___._t__t____ 'I‘ORUIV T Flourâ€"Superï¬ne†. Spring Whe: Fancy... . . .. F1xlrn...... Superior Ext Oatment†.. ‘Cnrnmaaln . . . . . . .. Bran Whetitâ€"â€"Spring .... Soulus and Trendw'ell. Barley.....“..._..... l’ense. .. ()uts.. Rm" llav .............- Straw . . . . .........-. CORRECTIONâ€"In our notice last week of net proceeds of' the social, held' in our town for the beneï¬t of' the church of' England building fund, a mistake occurred with the amount. It should have been $59-55 instead of $50 55. FRUIT Gnowms, ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO.â€"-The Autumn Meeting will be held in the Board Room, Agricultural Hall. corner‘ of Yonge and Queen Streets, Toronto, on .Wednesday, the 9th of Oc- tober, 1872, at 12 o‘clock, noon. Dis’ cussions on the cultivation of Grapes under Glass, and of' Fruit Trees in 01'- chard Houses, and. upon the varieties of Grava most likely to succeed in ' the open air, in the latitude of Toronto and northward. His EXCelleney the Governor General arrived in Toronto on Tuesday nigh‘u lastwweek and was mostenthusiustically re- ceived by a multitude of people. Arches, a torch light procession, an illumination of the Government House, and other decorations were some of the indications of welcome.‘ On Wednesday evening a grand ball W:le givm in his honor, by Lieutenant. Govef‘nor Howland, and on Thursday afternoon he proceeded to the exhibition at. Hamilton. SUDDEN Dunnâ€"On Saturday 1ast,l an old and much respected family resid- ihg in this neighborhood, had a most painful and sudden example of the un- certainty of life. It appears. that the deceased unfortunate young lady, who was about‘24 yeurs of age, named Sarah Jane Clifford," residing with her mother, .at the homestead about three 1 three miles from Richmond Hill, on the l2nd concession of Markham, had been busy with the Saturday’s house work, in- ‘cludiog that of baking, 850, when she ran lout to open the gate for Mrs. Clifford i who had been out with the bugg . She had only got a few steps from the kitchen door when she fel‘l'dead. Dr. Hilllary, coroner for the county, held an inquest !on' Sabbath and Dr. Hostetter made a i post mortem examination of the body by orders from the Coroner and Jury l and found on examining the heart an un- Inatural growth of' warty vegetations ‘iï¬llcd with calcareous matter, having their attachment to the aortic valve. He ibelieves the disease was suflicient to pr0' lducc oyncope and sudden death. Verdict lot'jury, Died from disease of the heart. FRIDAY,OCL 4.â€"-Credit Sale ome'm Stock, Implements, &c. on lot No. 2, 4th. con. Whitchurclâ€, the propert} of Mr. thn Brillinger,senr. Sale at 12 o‘clock,noon. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Oct. 16.-Cash Sale of Farm Stock. Butchering Tools. Household Fur niture &c., on the premises, Richmond Hill, the property of W.W. Cox, Butcher. Sale at noo'n. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. ’f Parties having Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce. will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. AUCTION SA L ES. HIMI‘I-IFUL AND Comroa'rmc‘ -â€"-"' By a thorough k uuwledgeol‘ the u tural lawéwmch govern the operations ofdigesliou and nutrition. and byncarepfl h-pplication of the ï¬ne proparr lies M‘wellrselecled cocoa, M4 Epps has pro- vided our breaiifas! tables with a de‘licalely flavored lu-vm-nga which mav save as many héavy doctors‘ l)ills.â€â€" Ciril Snrvicc (Minds. Made simply will! Boiling ‘Wnu-r or MHk. Finch pav'kel IS labellndâ€" ' 'AMrs EPPS U ’30 . Homoeopathic Chemists. Londun." Alsn. ma kurs of Epps’s Milky Cocoa (Cocoa and Cam doused Mxlkdr , 7 687-1»); «[1 ugh'msl lhe eslate of Dnnihl Homer, ‘ala or the fl'ownshi p of Mm'Hlam, in the Cuuly of York‘ you'man. deceased, morcquusod \o pregem-the same lo the Execuiom. 'duly certi. ï¬ed'fmL liquidation : and those induhï¬ed to ‘ho estate are requested to soul a with the ILXsC‘ utors at once. " PA RTIES HAVING CLAIMS ugh'msl lhe eslate of Dnnihl Homer, ‘ala l numerom customers for Ilue.Pnstl’atrolnage' during the short time he has been in business in Richmond Hill. and would Inspecxfullv am nou'nce that He has now all hand a large as- sortment of ' . * BOOTS. AND SHOES! In order to make room for his Fa] Stock â€" Parties wanting Boots gud Shoes ml] (‘0 well to give us a call, as We feel conï¬dent we VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR! in the Flour and Faed‘dspuramemwe have the Manufactured by Rumble & Calvell. Rich- mond HIH Mills, which has s nod the test for luugth of time, and is allowed by competent judge“... be the bcst flour brought intp the vzl Ingo‘ ‘ CANNOT BE UN DERSOLD. 1 Muslim of lhB Anglo American House by ï¬re‘ the aul‘scribnr has taken and ï¬uéd up those large and commvdiuus pn‘misos lmlnng in: to Capt 'l‘. A, Milne. nppusite' Messrm Speigh! (Vb Sonk‘ Novel y Works. Markham Excellent acrnmmoral an nï¬'nrded for the traveling pnhlicmm commercial men. Livery stables in conuactiuu will} the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, ‘ Corn Magi. Oil Maui, (‘all and examine his stuck. as he forels con- ï¬dent he can give port'ecl satisfaction. _ Bouts madewtu olrderi and mending-Heady executed. Peas; Oats, Bran and Shorts I Remember the place. corner of Yongé‘hnq Centie street. opposite Sanderson & Sons ‘ J. BRUVVN. Successor to T. Dolmngc. SHIRTS! SHIRTS u A great varintv. \n- all sins. n‘nd‘cheap. Also the best. assortment of man’s and boy’s White Long Cloth Shirts, Facny Cotton and Stripch Shirts, “Fancy thceg/ and I'lcm'nel Shirts, White Cotton and Merino All sizes and pr'icen, of splendid value. at ' G. A. HARNARD'S. Sign of the British Flag Sufï¬kichmond Hill May16.1872. 72L†The N ew Uheap Cash Store. MR. JOHN BROWN" ' " CORSETS! CORSETS! CORSETS! Aiso a splendid nssortmaiut in Ladies. Misses, and†Childre'n’s G, A. BARN “UPS. Sign of the British Flag Slag, Richmond Hill May "3.1872. 72Lâ€. All sizas. and prices as cheap as any house in the trade. at all parsqns‘ lhdubled to the estate of be late 'Plxomaé Cook. either lw note or book account, are' retjuired tn have the name settled on or hefb’Te tlw lï¬th dav of October nub-otherwise they will be placed in algwyer’k haan for recovery. ' Merino and Cotton Socks ABRAHAM MULLINGER, SAMUEL BAKER. N RETURNING THANKS TOA‘HIS Markham, Sept. HM). 1872 A'l‘ GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Richmond Hill-,Julv 17. R372 Sept. 4. 1372 REAKFAS’I‘. -â€"_EPPS’S COCOA: -‘ Richmond Hm, Se‘pL 4.1873!) WHITE & COLORED olored Cotton Hose ! OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WHITE' AND FANCY Kent constantly on hand ; also Executors’ N otice. A nice assortment, all sizes. in 'I‘ORUIN TO M A RKE’I'S Execuiï¬rs’ Notice. Which he wi“ sell SPLENFID VALUE. Undershirts, MARKHAM. Toronto, October 3. IS'I‘J; SUSANNAH COOK. 1). T. WOOTRN. 737-“ 1 mm» «13:: u (if: an =0 73 u as rm. 0 97 u :55 r17; 0 3:; (l v5.17!) (I UU 13 no @131. H (mm) mm 0 @- 1 (m 1 5H m) 2.;5. 0 m; a» 007 6 mu ((7; 7 (m u 50 {(D u 6: do 0 25 RD 1,‘ 4H mp 167543. ‘1! U“ @ 007Fa)‘ (HI/(D 008((3' 550E» 3» E1 cation. Administratrix. 7 I 4- 1y 733-4 737-5 0 U7 7 (m 0 7:3 0 an 0 35 * 5!.) 1730 12m '0 (In H “U 'l) l!“- 7 fun U ()0 0 I5 0 l3 0 US v 10 I 21! '7 on 6 4H ()JUll o" 0 0 ('0 01:0 3‘ [U sun l 32 ll" » Acres of Nut-Th ard'undur cuhivntion. 'ere in a gumi Frans Downing House wim‘ nn'excellengcnilal underneath. Kama, Staliee’ and whey puthuildings‘und »'!‘i|||bnr'._,(or a new Barn 41:) x 60. P-enty of water. This is :1 ye" desimhfg'pryuperly being y’all}- between!) mud 4 [miles from ng‘St‘aK H on Nél’dwrn' R-ull'uzgd. ‘wlmrd l-ere iii a quï¬ m'nrkel ï¬gr nH kinds of ï¬i'dduc'o" Sclmuflï¬â€œ& Cnng‘clieï¬n‘ the' imme- diate nuighlnui'hnml. ‘ "l‘erms will no m’a"e_ very eas’y. , ‘ For purm-nlars apply’to‘ Veilhét'of the uud'er- signed executurs tn £an eslale I Will‘uleunnll kinds of grain. embracing wheatjrye. bailey. and outs and WI" not choke. wile aliythisfle‘y nr fqu grain Nu stick or [mm m require-d to he used. and UN! rmch‘lie need no: at auv time be sgupped by Clogging offlu-Sneve. " ' ‘ " ' ‘ y' 'No. 4 h ‘dm (uh (immnflbd anh’ship of K "9:. ‘hnlouging'l‘thw y-stsue Mme lale‘ W11- :uuu McNair. ’conlnin‘in‘ ' PATENT I SIEVE’ ! VA‘II (wafers fnr‘fliiff: 3Sie-ve nddr‘eséefd [n the palengee. John Rae. Lansing l’.O.-. Ont., will rbctflv’e prompt aufln’Lion. - ' ’ I a. ‘. . u. I , Any, Wuiriï¬geumnt ’ on link pa‘ent will be punished with {ho-lumen rigonol aha luw. l20 Acres 61‘ “ligament Land _- ,, or muss-r room, numugma Cradles, I - ‘nua will be sold' CH whim ' Boii’ghj ‘ previ’riu'E yd Ihé Yale increase~ in pr‘ibesu ‘ EING THE EAST HALF ‘OF LOT No. 4 i-I ‘lha 5th (immuflkd anhshin of he ror lhiair very liberal palr‘on‘ an during the short lime' he has bean in busineSS on Richmond Hill, and wouldstate that he is now fully prepared with a ' TFHE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR In the Shah twn'doors North of Gen A. Bar: lrard's Slow. and is offering them at. Lo .1 Rates ior Cash "He is ulsr- prepared [0 make. to order'on‘tlm \‘hm'mst Nolicvmnd in thn van; Bent Sxylu. Boats and Shues of every descrip- tion. at Low Prices. ' Ha mast rot-‘poclfullyinviles a call. sale a 'nu'uber of Village lots. simuch ‘m the village.uf And are healed M the Nowh-wosl corn» 01' !ot No 35, MI concession of Markham. in a [inn where Inecluaninsxam! JaBuJeI-s (:Iul g'ol steadywojnk' nnd high wages Applvw’if h_\' lel.lnr.prop_uid)_lo Heuriy Jennings, Viclulia Square . u; to , v THE NEWBO’OT ¢£~ SHPE STORE. BOOTS- AND SHOES I A.6011t_()ne-ï¬fl/z of an, Acre, ' and'b‘urvlyynfL 'l‘rhs! nud lgolnn Bui‘Uâ€" ings. come} (f Adelaide and Toronto sum-ens. Toronto. 719-“ DEALER IN FINE GOLD, AND Sm. ‘ var Walchas. Jewellry,&c., H3 Yonge Street. Torole \ ’. A w'etkklv juurunl of Curmnl Evt-nls Literature. Sciomu and ,Arls. \gricu‘mre and Mechanics, Fashion and Amnsenwnl._ Fuld at We anumbe- at Hu- Hmuu) Buck Smre‘ ‘ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. ’ A w'muklv iuurnnl nf (Yunnan! Rut-mg gum in Chaucer). (Ilolnueyancers‘. &c : 0FNcu.-Removed'10‘Wllitlomoro’s Buiid- ings. ’l‘uromo‘Slreat.,'l‘oroum. . 7“ u‘ 1' Sale :1 riviie' llnuse a’hd l Inge bf Map} . Fol terms npp'lv HE sunscmnmz‘z. OFFERS FOR Sale :1 Frh'viie' llnuse mid Lon in the Vil- THE MORNiNd PAPERS . V H 1 [Vi] "11(th 5.3!‘q Cg“. Kili‘m. Richm'olid‘ll'ul); July‘ 11,118"; j ‘ ’ 729-“ fl. fmémn‘ IhvaéJk'a'n‘g' hiiiér'I‘llhléééuhg‘f Al)81.:Woodbï¬ag'o. ‘APJIY to' ‘ 'v ' ' ‘ I DKNIEL'GLASS. North 'l‘nll gate. angf." Stream, ‘1 My} 1872. VICTORIA SQUARE! Usr RECEIVED, .‘A FULL'SUP‘PLY Juh' 4-,“1872 Richmond Hill,‘Duc‘. 2|,l871. March 07, 1979. September 6, H71. . 0F TORONTO: T" LEGï¬APu. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE Rich‘incna Han.‘_.‘49g;‘}5-' ‘sje .1; w. pU'I‘IcRB‘AUGH‘.‘ Maple, 120‘ July. 15. 1572. 73!! '. WILLIAM GAMBLE ETURNS’THANKS TO THE T’UB Ove'i'shbes, KILL-baa},- Slippers &c., Bummer. CIVIL ENGINEER, Desirable Farm for Sale NIcoL- 8: 111901., . AR’R’I‘STERS. ATTOflNEYS,‘ SOLTCI rmers and Thrashers Take ' ,A‘Noti'ceg ' ‘ " " {Scyflgegs’ chenp‘ at Iho'Hmul." Honk Sum. ï¬t‘mmtg fur Sale, Village Lots for Sale. For Sale Cheaf) FIRST1 0 LA'SS Tï¬ansmm JAMES Mc'N'AIR S. J AMES.‘ «(LATE JAMES .& FOWLER,) FIRST-CLASS STOCK Harvest ; Tool‘s.‘ F (irks, Jr SEGSW’ORTH, :l‘gu'l' 951'2npl†‘on' ValiQMn. JOHN'GHAI‘RS . 13W AND IMPROVED The lots contam Comm! Store, Richmond Hill Rakes: WM .1 G. ,U.LN.GS'I‘O.\‘.. W; ATKINSON'S. REMOVAL. For Salé m'a.‘ House a’hd hog, Fol terms npp'lv lo GM‘SBE. JOHN 'R‘A'EQ Lansing PJ). 872. ‘ 7:29-11†Whetétories, (Ea, '&'c., (fact, Dingle: l’. 0 '214-11' LEADER. in the Vil- 7'28 4f 73H- TOO-if 734 g; 684 ‘l'urmp :u-u urnm {Ia-Ind Svqu Drills r20 Carlor’s ‘Dilching V. {shine Spam and horso puwor " "‘Iil'oshing Mhr‘hinus Confliimd and Sing'a mm IMPLEMENTS e. Tamas ggricuuumt Bjtsx;:§cnaz‘mtza andrs um! Rnag‘igrs “'04â€vain Muu‘lz‘nm Hurw und Hug Powers Machine Jm‘kn Slruw (WHIer H60! Culleth l’ulpers‘ Gmm Urnslmm Turnip :u-d Grniu Dril' Fprmw Pi'nu‘ahu Tim»: and Shrubs ' Iron and Wuu‘d Beam Sum.y,:m,-,.h,,_.; r-Or ‘ Plough: limo- \\" ground bnm} Gahg I’longhs ' Pm?- th-nd “rain «£12.. Ubuhle Mould “lanM V kc. Nu: . kn, Fanning Mills Claw!†aflul ers . Horse Haj: Rukr-s (.‘ovn Shall" s& Hnslce Stump Machines Patent Fan Forge-a Mogvinq, Machivw Knife Fidel; Mulls and I’rmsm Grm ’:~ Siu 9‘10 &'1)uub§o Chickering. Shinan and Durham Pianos A‘so. lhn cahbratod I ed In: in the agency in this Sfll'llfln For the sale. .If fsle-ssrs G A. l’rim-e & Co’s (relu- ln'alad Organs and Mulndanns, in favor ol’ which we givn nur most unqualiï¬ed approval and rucnmumndulvinn us the loading and mos! ‘raliabia rueil imuumont now manufactured. Prince’s nl'gnns & Melodeons HUMMING BIRD PIANO Which is adnp'evl _to parlors where spa e is an uhjecl The molygof‘ Ms can-trhfl an as emiron new. and based upon {he best ‘ V kllqwn prluciplos of science. l have nnral‘iully examined the ninnns so d l)\' Mr. H B Rngso". called ‘lllé' Humming Bird; br Colihri Pim I51. nmnul‘zicmvod by Mnâ€" lhuamckl and 1|an I'h‘ev are wlul‘lderl‘nlly swem and pure in inns. and from their pnculml con- Mrnutimn. cnlcnlnu-d In rmnniu‘ in nine luuan 'llan olhar pianos. and consequently to stand :1 g‘fï¬ï¬‚' BT‘aT'an any nun] erâ€"nomxm-udlng‘nrw-hximirm Mllars h} any mm (lap-Mun.) will In; numivm M thv “Mahmoud Hill Put-l Uï¬ico.fm' whch Govurnmunl willtlluw Inureal. Testimonial from Professor H. G, Collins MONTREAL ‘i‘ELEGm PH COMPANY A: alllil'nunndowed hodiPs. \vliellier lhev be Banal. Birds. Ihrplils‘s. Insovis my evou Zoo- phites. and suljucls M the Vegetable Kingdnm um governed by rilu’lï¬ncs, whii'h liiuds ull th» springs of exrsujncP. and mu mulling (EHH save Ihem I'om dens! unlion whv-n this principle leaves mum. ilm [liq-(Minn 09 umnm wheth viiaiin' may ’m snslaim'd in tho living: bud) is indeed a bum! In Hie Wur’d Mudern «:hmnEsn-y |m~ vm.tiln’od the quos. n and disruverw? tlm iugv r'iem ('Hllalilll hug tlu- hm'm H'Hh'f‘h‘?‘ any! mrve.~. and ï¬nds lhru by inm-I‘uaing these Engradimus in pl'uprl' prunol'lizlufl the brain and uerVOue> wm are droug‘hmmd Ruuwi-ng the Slugzish Heart and;~ lgi'ver. strengthening lho‘aclion of the Stomach and Wowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ll]|}'in- fluted wnh Oxygen. . RICHMOND POST HILL» - " 01* PT c 1‘: nmosn‘s OF ONE DOLLAR, (on 'l‘his..tlmn. w suhsmmially jhe *hnsis nu which PHJJJW’H “VPUPHHSPHH‘l-Zs is 'mih.ils di Mal nuliun is nan Hm “mud. the Brain} and Nervous Swtum. and Ilm Muscles .‘ hwngrh- «Mug tha nervos. il causes the I‘ilpid d.sl|‘ihtl- tion ul‘VimIIZed Blood in the Musculal‘ Organs of'rlhe Bud)’. ' ' It is adapted fbr'ALL cases of Weakness and Emacintinn. whether arising ï¬om sodentnry life. a trnpical nlimals. fl'mn fever or nubiliu‘ from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in PULMO- 'NARY- Cousvmrrmn. many ounï¬rmed rnsns having been mired and al-I beneï¬Ued. where it's use Im been conlinued (WM a denight. ’H 0 M A S. GRAHAME. IMPORTER and Broader 0!" pure Berkshires. *,," Jig l‘a-zmcy is Guvarumum A'genni‘or hesnle of ' ()ï¬icvhuuré: from 6:30 A.1\I.L09230 11.1“. Hay 4, I669. V 563-†In Bronchitis it is n spefiï¬c. and iii/Asthma i! gives relief where uvem other re,méri_\" fails. For Nnvvous, Debilll}: i1 stain/d! Illirivalled, and may M “sud with onuï¬dumre in all vases. As 'h‘w is entirely dietinc'wnd dxï¬hronl fmm every mher V‘reparauou or vauphosphites. ho garel'nl to ask for anows’ Smurmind take no other. Isa“) BAY‘XPO'I‘H’ECA miss. l’ribe. $l-50: Six for #750. JA M ICS l. F_ELI.O\'\’S.Chemist. 64.8 St. Jnhn. N B. TURNIP SEEDS! 71hr Importer. Manllfaclurm' . a nd Denier in -a|l kinds of Fie'h'l SEeris'. Fruit Trees. Fertiliï¬ers; ($6.. (ï¬at, )n ADELM m; 51‘. MSTJ‘OILONTU HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. '28. 1872. 714~lv Orilrn.â€" No 6!: Church‘ Streclmbromn Daemon 29. 1869'; 599' P. 0 SA VINGS BANK. ‘ a Gum’s Men"; cnauxmwuuns ix STOCK! l l and Broader 0t" pure Berks Pest-amuse address. Woodbridge. Vaughan, Feb. 8,15. 2. Fellows’ Compound yRUP OF HYPOPHOSPIIITES. gamma ï¬jnsatrmumtï¬, Pos)articiflnrsappvly [o J". N BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER. 63c. y. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED Qélmt'mcnt. Every funnomhuu .d tiso Ilwm G rowu 'fmm soiecwd hu‘. HI. 3. REESOR, MA I.‘ I: IA G E IJICENS 53.4%; Pure Bred Swine. WM. RENNIE,- ALSu Am FUR Tm DEALER 1N Notice. .\l. 'I‘EEFY. Postmaster W i WM. RENNH’.‘ ' Tnnam‘o. 0911-. Li‘i ’s l’atrn‘ lroin iffl‘unws ledmnguw n R‘nHo: Hu’rsv Hues & Sun’flier (Tullu‘ulms ‘\P051110 Diggers V Plilnps Su-ales H-b'sn HA“ Fm'km I [\umlgam Sm.†Bi-xns The Maul'hnlrd «:‘Iul n_ Hm‘rt‘l ‘\' UM}! ullurlm [NUWIIUO \aning Mu. ï¬llino Philadelphia L a w n Mower . Greenhonsunnd Gal'- dun Enghws I Laundry Machines Ghl'den hnplemonle and To 1.1- Fi' M SH-(Vs Fruilnud Urugmnnml l"um Berkshires. 706-! y Solicitors ini'jlmncerV, Convex uncenA Ori-‘lcr: I’Fovincih v Insurance Buildiixï¬ï¬ " 'em. 'l‘uronm. JOHN uvccm Q.c. 'l'urmm»,l)nc. 24.1433. DUGGAN ($1. MEYERS, IJARRIS'J‘ERS, ATTOR ‘EYS-AT-LA“; Solilrémrs ini'Hmnm-rv. ( Imwm Inn-urn . m ‘31 . (Imuumsnnnm‘in H It..i.«- (u‘mv \gum for issuing Marriage License Count} annrk. “Hive zmursu-T A.M to 9:3“ I'.M Richmond HH‘I.()(.“UI10)23.1.1405). I WANT m‘ I); Elli-n. Dentile 'l‘ommo.) rospecll'ulfy announces that he will Visit the followingplacea,(Sun-_ (hya excepted). where he will attend to Dent lislry in all itsbrauchos: King.........,l.........lnt oreacll moml» Richmond Hill. ‘ . . . .Slh " Newmul'ketu... ....1mh “ Amman...) ...........l5lll " % Tenlh inserted in the moat Imprinted Stvloï¬ lm Gold. Silver, Vulcanizofl Rubber. and. Al- luminnm Base Tneth ï¬lled in snéh a n {helm frmn fnlthnr decav J1 mmiuv. at $6 gun-'1' MU lee-t. ‘ Mm Flour- ?cue and mrlm‘v. Lumlu-r Dragged: sap Bllclgt‘ls, “hâ€? ( if! “illlixï¬vnsldngy \Inr-hiuN.Shing‘cs \\ anhms. and Lluulw I'Suu’cdto order. Forpal "gulunmhlrr.~s my 'l‘orm [I o .) 'l‘eotlu nxtracted willinrtiuve lust possible pain; and «special utlr-utlon paid to the re'flulnï¬ona cluldreu‘n moth Charges Moderate, mid vhï¬'k wnrrnmcd to~ givosmisfaclion. ‘ lube “‘01:! \vcinderftxl discm‘éry in cl'mmiury' for nu’nling V All le'torsuddressed to Aurdra will receive prompl allenlion, Allr()rn.hla\'25.1870. ' BID-Iv Horses and Cattle.‘ ,. .â€"‘â€"“ 7 ‘ REILLERS DERB}. OIL \J Undertaker. «Km. Rnsnnascxâ€"Nearlv opposi the Post Oflive Ril-hmnnd Hill rpo THE PUBLIC OF THE Emitsï¬ â€˜â€" PHOVINCES 0|" NORTH AMERICA. 1 hug mum reqmcmlliy to acquaint the pub- l‘u- of flu- Bl'ilibh North American pmvi Ces_ .|._A ICv-I' I t~1llnltivm~ p «pared lu' “'illinn‘ Brown. novkv dvnvnwd. [0 Im (flowd. I reng to say that ‘xavn n-ason m knuw thn! thn management of Sale husilmsu had I'M some yonrmUmd Ill many \vms. hm‘u m'xsl Lorlnpu and H mm‘ lm Illa; me PIHF and Uinmmm \{mm "M prepan-d wilh the cure I hnvv nhvnv- desirnd. 'hat in May. IH7. I ranked the husmexs M 5'0 MuMen Laim. {Vow York. for lhesnlv- of Hm} myw‘v ’IlLs AND lHN'rMF which ware up ...|... b-4- -- Tle who do nol wisli In b6 anaived bv buying spnripus madinines. . vi'lxinh are now likely lo emanate l'ruin Ilm 81511614 in elmnrhere. han pnssrss lhvmsiï¬lrns oi' the genuine Hot.- I,n\vu‘s PILLS AN]! Omrmm'r. Innillil":aclur0"'- by mo in Landon. England. will do wall in km ll}al each p01 and box lil'ï¬l‘f [ho Brilisli Government stamp on which is mxgrai ml the wmrls †HOLLOWAV'S PILLS AND ()I 'I'MPK'I'.†mul Lim' Iho addrusmm llm lnlml is 5J7} 0x90!!!) S’I‘eria‘r. LnMioN win-r0 0|in Ilii‘y m9. Innnuv 'PCIIIH‘d. Hull in nu mlmr pm) (v_l"llm world This I'le prim-s moon ilm lnllï¬'s'in British curmncv. and not in dullrs mill routs. N0 reprosunmlivn nl‘ minr uliil Pwr [rave (lirnnah any pm! nfllln “mirth l‘rovnu'vs l tho United Stalk-s. oitlneu; m sell. or to lake «)I'dt‘l‘s for my l’illsnnd ()inuiwnLand as have rem-mu m lin'linveilm' allempln will verv prnlmhly lm made In deceive Ilm |)I.biip in this why by perqunsoalling on madir‘ine vt-ndors. falvolvrepresénlingt! at llioy are noting fur I'lle nnd with my knowledge and ransom I def"), il advisable 101ml the public on their guiml against nur SlH'll llrroplinns I mus! earnmlly onlrent 11!] those wilt} may fi-ad thus ndvmlisvnimal lhn'} [ht-V be pleas-(1d. In nhc- publn-nnm-osh [0"01);llll'lli'“10â€": pur- Lion" «I Ilm mnw to Web friends Ihm 11m} may nnl Im dud-angled M Ihei: mmle by pnmtnsing wmthie» itnilalit‘i-e of the gunuiue Houm' wn's Puma ANN (hm-1mm. I \vnnlu ask. as :1 gram favor, Illa! shmfld it come 1': [hr knnwlg’dg» of any porsnn lluu spu- muH “winnings-am being mm 9 or sold in HIV "MINIMHf' be pleased town!) IIIF a" llmpnrticu Iars hn énn collqm resprcxing ihe aanw. that in mm} ['19 mums and address. of tho vendor who isséHing lllospnrious medicinaa. and like- wise use name and ndhosr of the Hunso in' the Uninfd 51mm, or ellrwllere. which may I‘iu esupp'l'ied llu‘mfllm as to enable me. for life prnleclion of QM: pliblir,l.o insiilme pro- céédiugsugnmstï¬nchevi1~do¢irs.and language to femunornle very handsoth an" poison who m 3- ï¬ve me such informiï¬on. the in- formnm’s name newer ht‘lllg divulged. _ I Should any parsnn have reason to ï¬a‘ieve that he has heen dt‘ceived by buying Spurn-mi imilalimn of Ihese- Medicinem he wil|"do We†insend me. in a loner, to the nfldros's i“ ‘funt (which he can do at Ii ‘cust o'f six cents In print- H26); one of the books of insyruciibns which aré afï¬xed to 1116? sumo. l prom‘wo to «xmnine iLniid send a reply, stating whether (lug Medi- ciltgï¬â€˜are genuine or I.Ol.N0 that if srmrioun‘ he may apply jo lhe person from whnnr he pur- chased thï¬hn to have his money refunded. BA R RISTE as, SOLICITORS IN‘ Chance‘ry, Notaries. 61c. Pinch: â€"-Coun Str'neL Toromo Bramij Oï¬â€™lce-tllli'ï¬sion Court Clark 3 ofï¬ce, Rich- moud Hi!) I Chemis'h; and [Muggiis who desire to ob- tain tho Modu'im-s cnn le supplivd a: th‘ II>W(‘Sl whtlesuln priaesin quantities 0| not Inâ€! than $2“ wor h -â€" viz .85 611.. Mid 225.. and 34$†per doznn hon-s ut‘ l‘ills or pot;- o ()illtlthlll. netl, withum discount. for which emitlaime must he sent in advance. I have the honour to be. With mat respect, THOMAS IYOthO‘Vï¬Y. 553; Oxford Street (late ?41,Slra}165 ' onduu, W C..Sexn. L 187] (v ‘l‘ubs. K. Mona“. Tomr‘o. April ‘25; ‘87?- August 17. mm THOMAS‘SEDMAN, > "mam/mm AND WAGON MAKER ‘. Swan. Mills 'l‘hornhilh Thornhiâ€. Nov.‘3.718b'9. 510-.“ Patent Eaveâ€"twugh ND \\';’\'1‘1“.2€SI‘()U'I‘S FOR THE D0 TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC AND" MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. W. H. CANNON, LDS FRESH CUTS 0R. OLD SORES Caution! ! Caution i l! Egatmt Eamï¬vim, MORGAN ‘& THORNE. ï¬ï¬imlmmuï¬. You x LA N a STA 1"!“ HUGH MILLER AWC'I ‘ . 167 King LS: Ens! vafM'HOi 7. IRZU 631- 21' ENTIST, (L A TE ASSIST manner ‘8 IO PIOSOTVQ DAM n . mzvmszu 5444)- Hana T‘m'uljil" 7 '8'“ is (x‘mvPrnnmnl “87-6111. 619-1v in the