Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Oct 1872, p. 2

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.5.._- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Boot and Shoe Storeâ€"~W. Gamble. f Astrayâ€"Timothv McPherson. 31m; cumin, comm flog Glands, attractive MARKHAM COUNCIL. WEI GOODYEARâ€"At Richmond Hill, on the 6th itist.., the wife of Mr. Robert Goodyear, of ason. The above council met at Size’s hotel, _.__.___'-r _.._ til-l ' NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS. , 1872, F ALL, , 1872, .4... Richmond Lodge, A.F. &A_M, No, 3, Unionville, on Saturday the 28th ult. ': v , _'_ . . _______.___-. , G.R.C. Members all present. The Reeve in [AYNEY BUGGY‘YMT' J'hM‘ DSVH’ MARRIFD "â€"‘ L i - .‘ n '- t ' , ‘iis'wa e ~ . A . _V .. :Ite chair. lhe minutes of last tneet- 0 “5 own on y 0m mm 0,, the IS, inst" by WM. ATKINSON P JUST ARRIVEDI AT frt-iE FIRE PROOF STORE! A GRAND DISPLAY OF NEW DRUERYâ€"STRUNG. ’ the llcv. Mr. Mont'cth, at the rcstdence of the Bride’s father, Mr. William Drucry, to Miss Isabella. Anti Strong, bolli of York. .._..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" the Provincial last week, called at the Central Fair, held at Guelph, and hitched his team to the first prize, in the shape of a fine new bug'g . int: were read and confirmed. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Etlkln, moved the sums opposite their numes’be paid to the following parties for damage done to their sheep by dog's unknown,bc- in}: two-thirds of value of said sheep, as N RETURNING HIS HEARTY thanks for the large share of patronage dutiug the-post eight yottrs h,- lttts teen in business on Richm old .rll', would announce _ that he has just received A COMPLETE STOCK E . . ‘ H, NEW FALL GOODS! FALL GOODS l T Elttiiiégovli §kvrclth REAKF‘AST. â€" EPPS’S COCOA. -â€" GttA'rtzrut. AND Comrotrrtumr "By a thorough knowledge of the II tttral laws which Rtt-nnofin Ilit.i.. ()cronnn II, INT? RICHMOND HILL Mncuttivics’ INSTI- Fpl . TU’I‘E.â€" \Vo are h tppy to announce that SM A I,‘ testified on oath : “Robt Mal-5b, $666 ; govern thcoperationpofdigesliot:an: nutrition. , ’ .._._ , , t n; ~c_uni f‘ t] and by actreyul app tcatton r tie no proper- lvm- Rnbbv $937- he ope "g! on 0 16 season’ under ties of, well selected cocoa, IVIJ Epps has pro- MAIN Tu RICH MON D (“LL- Unequalled In quality and variety.and at The number 0, lawyers ,fi-ering pm. Mr Lan gocnndod by Mr Miman the au~pices of the .llltiYe Institute, will Ended Oul' breakfast tables witlt a delicately Commi‘hw . . . . ‘ ' "' ' ' i l - _ ; : -dl ' l‘! \' vcusman‘y ‘ ” _ ,, -â€"-- Parlmmmlary ,h‘mm‘s ‘5 ever mamas”? moved thatacertificate to obtain a licensr be hffld m m" MI W ‘0 Ila” on FueSday , llgzsifidoc‘fiovrzi’alilillsll’1CCi1iiInSign“ Gaznlln. Dre” Goods Shawls Pl'zces that COWIPEMHO’Z- ' . 3 'That too many of this class of out (will. ,0 keep a 'hme, known as the Amy,” evening next, the 15th of October; The , plan's rililiply .lvipt” lpiltng Watrfr ot-dbltfilk. - Mimmry ’ “Manly” . N0 ! . . ‘ t t . o . ‘1: . i' ' â€"- ‘l .‘ , 1 ., 7 , . ‘ munity from one tnotttc or another I'm American, ,, ,,,,,,.,; in M , rkh u, Vi 1,7,": PI'OSW“ “‘9 W'” cOll'l “58 Vocal and 1"â€" . HST.Egalfilfcilifiiis,hmfifififw P231543, man. Fat-tarry Canons Prints, THE STOCK “Cl-"Dr‘s ..._.. . ' ,l ‘,- ,. v. t - ._, .- . . F st' net tal n usic readino“ f tl b ‘ .km" 01' Will’s" Milky 0000a Cocofland Con- ; Flannels Blankets ' < TWEEDSBROADCLOTHS Remember I L‘O "S US COIN Illf'l ->l- ‘ ‘ . - L‘ CU' . - t t .L. 4 .. _ ‘ , ol the License Inspector be "ranted H / ‘t r W' ~ 'ad I ISh'~t‘ ’ D tit-iiibets free. D ltll‘> opt n at 730; en:l AGRICULTURAL FAIRS, Collars, Cttfl‘s, Incoysat a] woo it tug. ,S offer thcmst-lves for the suffragcs of thci' fellow men cannot be denied, and it rest in a great measure, with the residents ii the country constituencies if they are content to allow of more than a fair pvt contage ofthis class to h:th seals Ill it I] otise of Cotttiiiotts and in the local P. l liatncnt of Ont-trio. It might be aslth what is a fair percentage? ttpon tlti question there need be no hesitation i people will only make up their minds 11/ curtail the quantity and at the same t‘iun quality. At. least one thing: is (p ilv evident that lawyers front the city of Tox‘ontOâ€"xfletlzliugs iii too many instances It would almost appear with some links that it was. at thatâ€"are getting too thick. quite sufficient for them to have the aid and support. of the Club, and it is all right ; people of the country pould by in means refuse thorn. From time to titn the following have been sent I'orthufrottz the head centtc of Toronto to do battle for the rights ('3) of the people lll‘tll'lt': the cndorsutiou of the Patty and having: had full consultation with the bend physician. Doctor Brown, in his private parlor at the Globe buildings,King Street. ' 'I'oronto-â€" viz. IItidgius. Rlztiu, Edgar, IVells,D’Donoltoc, Kenneth McKenzie, Dcnison and others. The first four have succeeded in cajolinf,r the voters of West Elgiu, “lest York, )Ionck, and South Bruce. to elect them; the other threcl named have not succeeded. One of them has however had his: wounded foclinqsl oiled with an office under the Ontario said sheep as testified on oath. ‘Wm. M 2111'. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken .itoved that the sum of $4 be paid toJoh.- Lungsth by the 'l'l’eusurer for damn}; d be to his Sheep, by u do;r or dogs 11 known, being two thirds of the value - .‘It'. l‘iztkiit, sco- -tt'll b ‘-l l' Horm moved that. the 'l‘i'cusurcr be and is litll‘t My authorized to pay the “oil “in: sums To the order of Wm. Young. M. Ton' littsou, and Mr. \\'il1iiot.lor cuttinf.r dilc - on sideline bctueou Lots 10 and II, It the 4th Cow, $29; Andrew Crosby, roud overseer, for 828 feet plzmk, drawinpr anti repairing bridge near L. Crosby's place, l't‘p John :Raymer, road overseer, road diviâ€" sion No. 56, for 600 feet plank for bridge on sideline, $420. Mr. Eukin, seconded by Mr.‘ Millikcu, moved that the sum of$20~37 lN' granted for gravt-llittg iti road division No 32, the parties interested lt:l\‘ill‘.: complied with the standing resolution of'tltc Coun- cil respecting: gravclling, said sum pay- able to the order of Cleo. I’l'lLl'ltl, jr., Witt. Mason and Wm. Braithwaite. Mr. Lune, st’coudt‘d by Mr. Milliken moved that the sum of 50 cents per week be granted to Win. James, tin indigent. person, during the pleasure of this Coun- cil; snid sum payable to Peter Pike or order. Said payment to be made from the 1st of October, 1872. Mr. Milliken, seconded by Mr. Lane, Government. Kenneth who received some fifty thousand dollars for defending . the fcnian prisoners in 1866 may one of these days he opposed to his friend O’Donohoe, the former in defending and the latter in prosecuting fenians. It is to be hoped however, that the moral influence of having appointed John to , the position of Crown Attorney will have the benefit ol'prcvcnting any future raids. We do not at the present moment know - the number of- lawyers returned at the elections just ovci, but. it cannot be much less and probably more than those holding seats in the Local House, which we set 4 down its one third of the Whale ; that is, to every three representatives ofthe people one is of the profession of the law. That this number is excessive in an Agricul tural Province like ours can hardly, be denied, some people say lawyers are vci'y necessary in committee meetings, &0. It has Often been stated, and once at least to our recollection, by one of the cliancery firm that more lawyers were required than we even have now, as it required int-n of this class to gel. through billsl But if it is really necessary for country folks to be represented by turn of the legal stump, iii the House, let them take local men. But our opinion is that this class is getting: too plentiful. like crows smelling-citrriou from afar, so those gentry of the long robe have it l(ltlf_’_llll.‘ for Ofice, a desire for plunder. Do Ollt law's improve? is there not such a thing as haying too much law? Once more . we call upon the faimors iti future to look more among themselves for re- prcsentatives, and, if unfortunately tho- havc to go out. of' their own fillings. Hi all events get men of some public I'Pplltu tion and not such small fry as are the sub jccts of this article, and whose only re commendation are that they have Il.(‘ privilege of buzzmg in and out of Lllt‘ Globe office, like flies in' an out of an empty sugar hogshead on a. hot suininer'» day. movod that the sum of $20 be granted to ditch and improve the road on the 4th Con”, in front of Lot 1', and that Samuel Wilson, Mr. Hood and Vincent Johnston be commissioners to expend the same; jsaid sum payable to the order of the ; commissioners. , Mr. Lune. seconded by Mr. Ettkin, moved that the Treasurer be and is here by authorized to pay’thc account of R. l A Harrison, beingr for legal expenses in lthc case of the Municipal COt‘poration of E Markham vs. .I, McB:ien. Mr. Lrnc, seconded by Mr. Ilorner, moved that the sum of $30 be granted . Lot NO. 29, on condition that the parties two dollars for each dollar granted by Peter Rarkoy and Peter Milne be com- iitissioncrs to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the com- missioncrs. Mr. Eakin. seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to payzto John L. llersor the sum of 340, being part payment on :tccount of purchase of gravel from said J. L. Iicrsnr. The council adjourned, to meet on Saturday, the 26th inst. l A UsnaUt. THING IN THE Housn. "(lite ot' the most useful hooks to havo II the ltoust- is Billou’s Monthly Mugaâ€" z'uc, the Norctt-bcr number of which is Just. out, and for sale at any depot. in the c euttll'y. It is its Illltll’l‘rIlllg us it is racy ‘gl‘flVU anl u-t} . lively and severe. It is jti<tuwlat cheers a fireside ot' a win- t. 't' owning, and now that the publishers of Rallon's Mngnziue propose to give a pretty little chi-onto to every subscriber the cumin;r year, we may expect to see the publication increase rapidly in cir- culation, men 200,000 not btiiig too In‘lcll for such a cheap-and good monthly. Such a. selection ol'stories cannot be found iii any other serial in this country. sides, it has a juvenile dcparttiicut which OBITUARY.â€"lVe regret to announcn is most interesting and instructive. Send the death of .‘Ir. Frederick Paige, which a three Ct‘.ll stamp for specimens and, occurred at his residence on Youec Strtvv t‘lI‘L’lllllllll “SIS. and you WWII TWICE it- on Tuesday evening last, me 8,}, inst. Published by Thotuas& Talbot, 63 Con- He was born in Sussex, Eng, in [1”. gross Street, Boston. 3160 per year, year 1817, and was therefore iii his “1‘15ce'li35‘l'lglecwles- 55th year. He emigrated to Canada about thirty years ago, with but little MELANC‘IIHLY Accmnur.â€"On Mon- means} bl“? his honeSIY atid industry has .dziy list. as" the contractors were cutting however gained the esteem of most of the inhabitants of this neighborhood; and, we understand he has amassed quite . 1t. fortune. In politics, he has alwaysi been a staunch Conservative. He was it pious and moral man, and a strict, member of the Church of England, His death was not altogether unexpected, he has suffered front many attacks of' illness mud disease at the heart for years- IIe leaves a widow, an aged mother, with a large circle of friends to mourn his loss. The funeral will leave his late residence to-day (Friday), at 2 O’clock, P.M., for the burying grounds at Rich- mond Hill. ' I l l down what is known as Clarkson’s hill, between the 4th and 5th concessions of Markham, the embankment gave way, burying two of the workmen. It ap- pears they had undermined the etnbank~ mcnt some three or four feet whorl it gave way. One of the men, whose name is Phoenix, lately from Norfolk, Eng, was buried some three feet; be was four- fully crushed about the body, and had his arm and leg broken. in great agony until three o‘clock on Tuesday morning when death put an end to his sufferings. escaped with some slight bruises, be having been partially covered. Be- He lingered Sunni)”. Jet. 26 â€"Cre The ,other workman . tartainment to ("I {ne‘lcv it 8 OK ock, l'c bespeak a crowded house. 'I‘HE ll rt; ()Ult Postmanâ€"A ‘tnd Sahbith be 'ld iii the Primitive Methodist Church, Sv-l n l festival will I"hotnpson's” appointment, Lot 35, 3rd incession of Vaughan, on Monday next, file . .tTt inst., tea '1) he scived at twolve 30' k noon. r4 -t' ral eminent rpeakcrs re expected to be present to address P M- ..te meeting. The choir of the ‘liurch, Victoria Square, will uttci‘spersc lie proceedings with some rare selections of music. Tickets: adults 25 cents; $1128; Johti Heise, road overseer, fo‘t Uhlldmfl lléllf'PrlL‘O- The pl'OGCEdS Will Hiring- wad in divisinn N0, 14,, $382 ; be devoted to the benefit seanl. SABBATH SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.â€" Thc oflicers and teachers belonging to that. flourishing Sabbath. School at Hope Church, 4th Con. Vamghau, announce their intention of holding their annual anniversary on Wednesday next, the 16th inst. Addresses will be dclivrrcd bv the Rcv’d, Messrs. Reed, Sitih‘, and sev- eral others. Dialogues and singing will be performed by' the children of the The pub- lic are most. respectfully invited to attend- school, assisted by the choir. To: to be served at twelve O'clock, noon Tickets: adults, 25 cents; children, 1'5 cents. WESLEYAN CHURCH TEA-MEETI‘M}. â€"â€"~A tea-meeting will be held in'the \Vcsleyan Church at Buttonvilln, on Tuesday next, the 15th inst, ten to be Addresses may be expected from the Rev. Messrs. Dick Fishburue Cattenueh, and Sawors. Several choice pieces of music will also be rendered by the choir of the church. The proceeds will be devoted toward paying,- for the organ in the church. Ticket’s,'~_twenty-fiv’e cents each. ‘ An ac- tive committee are making every arrange serVed at one o’clock, I’.M. entertainment of those who may attend. Prof. J. LECTURES. Miller (lowan. l for gruvelliug the 8th Coti.,__iti front of an American, and agent for Fowler A; . Wells, New York. has been giving: a sc_ [interested ctuitributc iii money or luborlrins of lccturcs'in the Masonic Hall in The this town, duringr the past. week. this. Council, and that. Samuel Widcman, subject; upon which he treated are very interesting, and embraced Phrenology, Psycholouy. Love, Courtship and Mai; rings. The lecturer is a pleas-tut speaker land handled the Vill‘lOllS’SllbjCC’S as if he was a thorough master of what. he has studied. were not so successful ascould have been desired, but his phrenological c):I aminations were considered satisfactorily. I-Iis niestneric experiments ‘ YoNoa STREET SABBtTII Scuooi. TnAcnnns’ Assocr.i'rioN.â€"The above association held their llnllll‘ll meeting in the village of Maple. on Monday last, the 7th inst. were appointed officers for the present your: A. I‘. Conger, of Patterson, Pre- Wm. Lund. Vice President; James Ness, Secretary and Treasurer. The followingr gentlemen sidmtt ; Committee on topics: Rev. Mr Reid. Messrs. A. P. Conger. and J. P. Rit- pertL Esq. A vote of thanks was given to the retiring officers, Messrs. J. Hum- ilton, J. P. Rupert. and J. S. Sanderson. The audience were then addressed on the subject of “Sabbath Schools,” by the Rev. Mr. Reid, Messrs. J. P. Rit- pert, J. McQuarrie, and D. Kinnee. WW AUCTION SALES. 'I‘t’nsntv. (lot, 15. (‘t-ndit Sole of Farm Stock. Imnlnmcnts. Village Lots. (be. on lot No. II 6th Con. Villl'!ltnn. belontziur: to Mr. Thomas ‘Vilty. Sale at 10 o'clock. II. Smelscr, Auctioneer. l WEDVI‘SDAY. Oct. 16.-»Cnsh Sale of Farm I Stock. Rutchcring Tools. Household Fur- niture 820.. on the nrcmises, Richmond Hill. the prnpet'tv of W W. Cox. Run-her. Sale at non"). J. Gormlcv. Auctioneer, FRIDAY. 'lcln Illâ€"Extensive Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements. IIouselmlrl Eur nittit'e. &c.. on Lot 26 .‘lrt'l Con. Markham. belonging to Mr John Ileise. Srle at If) AM. J. Gormlcv. Auctioneer. 'TI’ESDAY. Oct. findâ€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock. Implements &c., on lot. No. 27. 2nd Con. Murkhnm. belon itiglo Mr. Jacob Heise. Solettt 1 o’clock. P M. J Get-m- Icy. Auctioneer. - THUusDAY, Oct. Zlâ€"‘Credit Sale of Farm Stock. Implements the, on lot NO. 15. 6th Con. Vaughan, belonging to Mr. George Ash. Sale at ll o’clock, A.M. II. Stnelset', Auctioneer. dit Sale of Farm Stock. Implements &c.. on l-‘i’ N0. 4. 5th Con. King, belonging to the estate of the late Wm. McNttir. Sale at ll o’clock, II. Smelsor, Auctioneer. 2" I’m-ties. h'tviug Sllfi' Bills printed tit his ofiicc. will have a notice similar to the above, free of charge. incnt possible. We understand, for the“ Gentleman’s Gurnsey Shirts, BRUSSELS CARPET BAGS! &c., 620.. &c. Vaughan Agricultural Fall Show. at Wood bridge, on Wednesday Oct. 23rd. A MAMMOTH STOCK 01‘ Canadian Twccds, Cloths l Light and Dark, Etofi's, 619, 5w. “gov glimtiuvmmtfi. or The next regular communication of that above lodge Will be held next Monday evening at, 7 o’clock. viii I, icuitoun LODGE,A.F.& AM. A No. ‘23, G. ILC. IBIS Being one of the leading branches ill our business special attention has‘beeu given to the St lection of the newest and bettt'niaa' torials adapted for the season’s trade. and at prices to come within the reach of all. IN MILILINERY The clock will be fettttd'Verv complete. All the latest styles tti Hats and Bonnnts, Mantlcs. ready-mad!» or made to order. Umbrellas. Rib- bons. Laces Ladies’ Collnrs and Cuffs. 51c. Ladies should call and see our NEW FASH- ION PLATES and get the latest stylés. R_ E. LAW. Sec’y. Astray. 'AME INTO‘ THE PREMISES 0F J the subscriber. Lot 38. rear of Isl Con. Vaughan. anemith poll. The owner is reques- ted to prove pggpei'tr, puv expenses and take it away. ' TIMOTHY MCPHEILSON. Vaughan, Oct. Ill, ’72. 742-3 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, RICHMOND HILL. GREAT BARGAINS In Black and Colored Sal/63‘! JAPANESE SILKS, Poplins, Serges, & of. Hats and Caps for the Million I AND READY MADE CLO THING Itt Coats, Pants, Vests. 61c. : also made to order on the shortest notit 8. WILLIAM GAMBLE 1:) ETURNS HIS SINCE {E THANKS \ to the public for the liberal patronage he has received while in lusiiiess. and would also invite an early call to his assorted stock or? BOOTS AND SHOES ! Of all kinds. which he offers at prices thrt will compare with ANY HOUSE IN TORONTO. He is also prepared to make to order the best kind of [French Calf Boots, for $500 per pair; Dbttble. Soles, $550 per pair. All kinds of custom work warranted to give the host of satisfaction, and a good fit guar- ! A choice stock of all kinds of Fresh . Altvavs on hand. Family Groceries Owing to the duties having l. . “QED two doors “or”, of G, A Barnard,“ been taken off Teas and Corlch all] able to Sum), ' ' ' i sell at aoonsidemhlo reduction of old piices '{tchmoud Ilill, Oct. l0. l87‘2. 700-tf r r “A; ~ 7 ~~ r »â€"â€" / Crockery, Hardwarc,tll:c. always on hand. SOCIALI S CIAL H Accounts retidetod Octohei‘lst. WM. ATKINSON. ‘Coiilrul Store, Richmond Hill. 7'20- The ladicsin co nnectiou with the Church of Englandylic “LQIHI I'Iill. intend holding ‘ n soninl iii llic liturgy 49L, THORlfluLE, Ob Ochfl, lc'lfl. truimv .vth't‘, ’I‘HE ttm INST. HEIN'TZMAN & Go’s The election coke cxntt'ise, which pmvcd’so ext-liltth at the hilt-social held at lticlitno'nd ‘ Hill. Wlll agtin be one of the leading {Baird-(S of auntscmcut.' hoor- opcn at 7‘30. P M.. to commence-m sz' o'clock. (lonvbyancos for parties wishing to stilt-nil the social will leave Volte’s hotel at ‘ 7 O'cll‘ek. r.i.t. Richmond Hill, Oct. 3, [872 CELEBRATEI) PIANO â€" FOR-TIES 74l-2 P'IfANO 00 (unseen), t‘Usr ARRIVED t 'J AND Mvsm STOOLS IN GREAT VARIETY. A very superior and complete stock of MILLINERY GOODS AT MRS. ntvtcns ’ coNSis'rith or Bonny/tic, Iqus, Cops, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Ornaments, (fie, (boa, die, All of wltic’: will be trimmed and made up in llt \ latest styles. It would be well for the Im- tliosot' Richmond Hill flllti surrounding neigh- nnrliontl to cull and examine the forge and tettttlil'ttl stock before purchasing any of Ilinsc t-ondr-t'nudo goods found iii the country stmos. As I fit” a thorough. practical MJIincr, the ,nuhlic may rer on having everything made no in a vcty Surctctou manner. and at prices ’ that defy cutiipetitto‘u. A FULLASSOR'I'MEN'I‘OI ORG ANS & MELODEONS From the Establishmcnttof I ILS. lVlLI.IAu‘lIS', R. H, DALTON, ANDTI‘H KRCI'ZLI'IBRA’I'l-ZLIM’AKHRS. MRS MYERS. Richmond Hill. Oct. 3, ’72. 74I-tf Notice. TUNING & REPAIRING AMENDED T0. wnrrdntecl "ml sol/l at Ilqmut/iwtturcrs’ Prices. Perfect Satisfiwllb‘n guaran- teed in every case. Cmcumns I’osr l'umz. T IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE THAT the public should kite w where to find the LA RG EST. CHEAPEST AND BOOTS AND SHOES The subscri- l‘lvol' offered on Richmond Hill: new ho is to inform his customers and the pub- lic onncrally that. he has received an immense stock trout Montreal and other mm‘ket“. that cannot be surpa‘setl for boauty, durability. and cl‘oapucss "hose whn innv be in want of Roots and , Shoes shou’rl null and cxuutittfithcse superior goods hefm'e purchasing elsewhere, as xerfoct satisfaction is guaranteed. W. II. MYERS. Richmond Hill. Oct. 3. WE. LAMB’S FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. CALL AND SEE IT. C.C llAI’MAN. AGENT. June 15,1870. Mark/mm. Very Desirable Property and Business for Sale. ' HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR. sale the wholcof his 74““ Btt'rtiiiniiititi BUSINESS! ‘ HOUSE AND LOT, ' “’ith outbuildings, situated in the village of Richmond Hill. , THE DWELLING HOUSE Contains fou r, bedrooms. dining room and kitchenâ€"with a GRAND STONE CELLAR Uodotncnth. The Butcher Shop ndjoiuiug is 24 by ‘26 feet in size. Willi storei'oom above and stone collar beneath. full size of the multi- ing, and well drained. An unlimited supplyof Hard and Soft Wetter ' On the premises. There is also a large and convenient Slaughter Housaflarge I’lg l’ons, &c . on the rear of the lot. with evnrr modern improvement for carrying 0'] business upon a large scale, There are also several other out- buildings on the premises. For particulars, apply to List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND llill Post (flies. lot Oct. 1379: Ilodgtvou, James Klurlrick, Bridget. Murphy, Michael Marshal. Thomas Mnlvena Rosa Mots-on, Thomas Phillips, Lot . Pointon. Henry (2) Pickering. Thomas Sullivan, C. Mrs. Smith. James Shield, Aleck Siod'lnrds, lI.II. Stark, John 'l‘ait. Marv 'I‘avlor, James \tholer Thomas Wallace, John Wilson, J. Ill-titty, James Burt-ion. John llooihhy. 'l‘homas Ill-iliiut’ei', .l I‘lclticnl. David Donor. Emanuel I) tnot', J’lcoll llento”. anwti Daniels. Sarah Davis, Nelson Devlin, H. L. Davidson. A. (2) Honey. .laun Elliot. S. .l. Edmund, Lilly lit-unison. Vth Flat/ell. Eliza Glover. Mrs. E. Hart“, '1. Hopkins, David M. TEEFY. P. M. ORERTSON’S HALF DIME MUSIC for sale at tho HERALD Book Store . _ OCKE'I‘ BOOKsWF ALI: KVIEOs at the HERALD Book Store. WM. W. COX. Richmond Hill. Sept. ll. ’72 738-tt'. EW DOMINION MONTHLY, CON talus GI: pages filled with choice litera ture, original and selected. and one or mor pictorial illustrations, besides a piece of music $1250 a rear, l5 cents a Dumber. For Sale at the IIuRALr 80 k Store EWELRYI EWE-LRYI FOR. SALE cheap at the ilcmnn Book Store. "‘OLLARS AND CUFFS, OE THE latest styles. at the HERALD Rook Store. / i)APER BOOKS OI" ALL KINDS AT l mu HERALD IlucltStote. l _ DRESS DEPAR TMENT BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, The above Instruments are all fully' Blankets, HOSIERY, GLOVES, DRESS GOODS In endless variety. also a large stock of FANCY WOOL GOODS Comprising Shawls, Mantles, Hoods. Furs.&c If you waul a pretty Shawl or Mantle don’t miss seeing mr stock 3 F1annels, tr YOU WANT TEAS AND GROCERIES. For the best. purest, and cheapest. GROUND COFFEES AND SPICES, 60 TO THE PEOPLE’S STORE: If you want pure, unadulterated '& MQUORSJ REM It MBER THE PEOPLE’S STOR ~â€" Hollands, Prints, Coho rgs. Laces oIiall kinds. thbms and FRENCH MERINOS WINES In all Prices and Colors. HATS AND CAPS, AND Ready-made Clothing, 8Lc.,&c. E. »; Call and dkami no the large and well selected stock in OUR FURNITURE, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT 1 Room PAPER, 13‘ now complete in every reqitlsitb'of Milli- CROCKERY, ncry Gbods. We have soared no expense In procuring the most approved styles oi"I }LASSWARE,. Ladles"Hats, Bimnets, Caps, é’c. FLownus, FRA‘I‘HERS, ’I‘uiMinttves. WINDOW SHADES,. '1‘INWARE,, PAINTS & éOILS, GLASS & .Purtrv, CUTLERY, and" Wedding and Mourning Bonnets. always on hand and made to order oti the shortest no- tico. [An early inspection is solicited! from our lady pattous. Estates”, Mismas', AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES IN ALL Tut: Newms'r STYLES. FANCY GO'O‘DS! .1.â€" ‘gl A LARGE S'rocx or FAMILY GROCERIES l . IN snow, THE HARDWARE. CUTLEIIY, C KO 0 K ERY A N D GL A S S WAR E Claims What a lirstAclass House . and tho ct‘lly' true way of testinn it is by comparison; Ealld Kept 0078mm!” on Irand' an inspection of {he stock and prices is ros- IIF' Before purchastng plsowhcre give me Peelluuy sollcned' a call its I .thirk I can offer” inducements that will make it to your advantage to buy ftom me. ._anâ€"â€" Flour and Feed kept! constantly on hand. I. CROSBY. ! Fire Proof Store. Richmond Hill. ‘ Au” Bulme s ' Get 31 1872. 720- CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE _ ., For: SALE. for all kin-cg Farm for Sale, EING PARTS OF LOTS NO. 16 and I7, in the 7th concession of tho TOWNSHIP OI“ VAUGHAN, CONSISTING 0F ARMS ‘l' Two-limulrerl and Twenty/Jams 'I'wonlv miles from Toronto. and about thrnn miles from I’Voodbridgo Station The river Ilumbar runs tlirotioh the property, also the Vaughan "rnvel road. Tennis EASY. Apply to the owner on the premises. IE? The highest prices paid of Farm Produce. PARCELS DELIVERED. , , P. G. SAVAGE. Richmond Hill. Julyf25,1872. m. it GOOD NEWSI FMM THI THOMAS GKAI‘IAME. Vaughan. Sept. 26‘, ’72. 740-3 PHOTOGRAPHY. The subscriber begs leave to in form the farmers and public itt general, that the Tu. Luau" has received ' TEDMAS .ZB' COPELAND, IRST PRIZE photographer, begs to iti- foi'tn the public that. having commenced InnerfiIIOI‘I-‘l in the above business on Richmond I - Hill, ho is pvt-pared to take , P‘I‘CTURES 01" Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes A FRESH SUPPLY CHOICE TEAS." Which he is confident will give good satisfuc» faction both in . PRICE, Atrt) QUALITY 0f strength and flavor. Choice ' GROCERIES & LIQUORS Pure and unadulterated. always on hand: I 1N Arulosrr AN" uchmnn ' SIZE OR. STYLE. I Old pictures carefully copied and enlarged l’arti'cs desiring pictures printed from the olli' nrgntil'cs 0‘ Mr Grav or flood can have ‘ r llhotn by ordering, as I have purchased all LI‘OCKER‘XV ltht-ir negatives GLASS AND PUT'I'Y. ill Dull and c‘oudv weather no hindrance AND (.UTLERY’ to the art, except fot children. Pnrlics getting - “ pictures of children taken are reqnastcd to he or 'run srsv Misunm‘vttas. at the Studio betwuott Ill A M. and 3 P M. EL? Gullm‘y in the old stand recently occu- pied by Mr. Gray. Richmond Hill, Srpt 2), ’72‘. Also, the best and cheapest actortmcnt of' [Luann sTocK or BLOOD’S PORTER!‘ AN!) O’KEEFE’S 7404f ALE l iP. 0. SAVINGS BANK. g, ALWAYS 0N HAND. RICHMOND v Mi: . Post}.r 'â€" , HILL 0 F Fl 0 E. Flour amlfeeol kept constantly on hand, “grits-L ‘53" And delivered free (it change. EPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR any omit torâ€"nolcxcecdlngltti'oehnudrcd dollars hvanv one dopositor.) will be received at the Richmond Illll Pnst ()lllce.t'or which Governmentwilltllow Interest. A ILEX. I“ 001)] E. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST. Richmond Hill. July 31, “372. 7| G-tf} F0tparticularsapplyto M. ’I‘EEFY, Postmaster. *,,*‘.1n. ’I‘tzt-irv is Government Agontt’or hesule of MARRIAGE LICENSES. A LSO AGENT FOR THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. F0 Ofllcehotirs: from 6:30 A.itt.t.o9:3(l r.i\t. R FATTENINGI AND BRINGING into condition Horst-s, Cows. Calves, Sheep and Pigs the ' May 4,]869. Still-if . YORKSHIRE For Sale Cheap _‘ .Y FIRST-GLASS THtinsuiNG CATTLE ll EEDER -‘ me. Is used and recommended by FIRSTâ€" CLASS STOCK BREEDERS. Machine in Working order, made by Abel, Wondbriogc. Apply to ' DANIEL GLASS. North 'l‘oll gala. Richmond Hill. Aug. I5 “372. 734 tf Stock fed with it have always taken first prizes, Milcli Cattle produce more milk and butter. J. SEGSWORTH, EALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- ver Watches, Jewellry, &c., 113 Yonge Street. Toronto. September I, l87l . Wanted, A SMART, ACTIVE LAD â€"AROUT , l5 or 16 years of age. asan apprentice to the Harness business. Apply to " wit. HARRISON, It F attens in Oneâ€"fourth the. usual tame, and saves Food. Price 25 cents and SI (In per box. A dollar. box contains two hundred feedl- HUGH MILLER &. C0., AGRICULTURAL Cultuls'rs. 167. King Street East, Toronto, 684 I For Sale by Druggists and Storekeepers. . ‘thhmoud I-IiIl , Sept. 26. 1872,. _ filo-tr Sept. 17.1672. 735mg .-. .2“ ‘a U V

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