â€"A sonnet, compoued by Cowper, was re- cently sold at Messrs. Sothcbys. It was in the handwxiting of 1he poet, and it is said to have been composed for ‘the beneï¬t of a. frinter at Leicester, who had got into prison or selling the “Age of‘Reason.†It fetched #4 14s. 6d. The Indians pay much more attention to the beauties of dress than other classesfl‘hey are all costumed in light blue flannel suits throughout, and wear a blue cap with a black band, on which the name of the vessel is inscribed in golden letters. The costume is very pretty, and harmonizes with their swarthy complexions. The Chinese present the very opposite features of dress. Their clothes are of every variety and color7 and hang about them loosuly, as though the main notion was to cover their nakedness. No idea of the picturesque seems to have a place in their thoughts. They shuttle about the deck in a careless, slipshod manner, and when not at work seem ill at ease. Their positions, too, when at rest, are awkward and ungainly, while the postures of the Indians are greceful and easy. The scene on board the Glenartl ey yester‘ day was novel. The deck at an ocean steamer always presm 3 features of interest to the' landsman, but a ship manned by pagans, and overrun with monkeys7 parrots, and other oriental birds is particularly in- teresting'to the visitor. All day long the deck of the Glenartney was thronged by men, women and childnn, who gazed with umlisguised wonder upon the swart'ny forms and outlandish costumes of the sailorm ThenGlenartue †has not been out of Chinese and In ran water until now for three years. But in July last she was charâ€" tered by a ï¬rm in Amoy to bring a large cargo of tea to New York. She saile from Amoy on the 6th of July, having on board 32,000‘boxes of the exhilarating herb (the largest cargo of tea ever brought to this port), and after a voyage of sixtyâ€"seven days dropped anchor in the lower bay on Frida: last. With her novel crew she an once he- came an object of wonder to all New Yorkers, and yachts and steamers carried down hund- reds of visitors curious to explore the recesâ€" ses of a iresh ship from China. On Saturday she was hauled up to pier 13, 1' ast River, and the work cf discharging her cargo was begun. The steamship “Glenartney†is built of iron and is 1,700 tons burden. She is owned by Jardinc Matthewson, of Calcutta, and is enga ed in the East India trade, running bet ' een Hong Kong and Calcutta. She is commanded by Captain Bolton,a tall, heavily built gentleman, with long, black whiskers, and a glnuine good nature all harmoniously blended. The ‘oï¬icers are all Englishmen, but the ship is manned by a motley crew 01 Ch nese, Hindostanese, Bengalese, Arabs and kas. Five day?» afterwarde, the Gazette of Wilma contained this announcement. “The Polish criminav, Alexandrina Ko’ssowitz, (daughter of the rebel Peter Kossowitz,) who was knout- ed for seditious utteranc on the 29th or July 3t Kernst, -while submitting her lacerations to medical treatment, in the house of the physician Kemensky, stole a vial (vi prussic acid, with which she ended her days.†If, in passing from the house of the gather- ing she had been more observant, Alexanriâ€" na would have seen the maliciously trium- pham glances cast after her by Catharine Merkotf, a woman of about thirtyâ€"ï¬ve, 8. Pole by birth, and a sympathizer with her unhap- py country-woman whenever her own passion was not concerned, and, from the subsequent proceedings, it seems that in this case she had been superseded in the affections of the young Dr. Tremensky by the more beautltul and younger Alexandrina Kossowitm On the following day shortly after rising, Alexandlina was seized in her own home, a short distance from Kernst, by two Cossacks of the guard at the garrison, and taken be- forgthe petty judge. The young lady of nineteen, handsome and tremoling, produced no feeling of pity. Having at ï¬rst denied the accusation, she was commuted with Catherine Merkoff, and then acknowledged her ofl'ense. In passing sjntence, the petty judge said that her sedi- t ous utterances might have warranted him in sending her before a higher tribunal, where the penalty would be death; but in view of her youth and contrition, he should merely order her to receive thirty- ï¬ve lashes of the knout. Almost benumbed with shame and terror) the girl was led away to be prepared for punishment, for in Russia all sentences save that of death are carried out immediately after they have been pronounced. Word having been sent to the ofï¬cer com- manding the troops, a guard 0t two hundred men were ordered into the garrison square, and the executioner of the troop was called upon to be ready to carry out the duties of his ofï¬ce. .In helf an h( ur after the sentence had been given, thetroops had been formed in a. hollow square, in the center of which had been placed a scaffold, standing ‘on four legs, the top of which was an inclined plane. Beside this stood the executioner, having 'in his mus- cular hand the knout. This weapon con- sists of a stick or handle two feet long, with a lush four feet long, of soft leather, to the ’end of which Is attached by a loop a yiece of flat rawhide two inches wide and two féet long. In the hands of an experienced man the piece of rawhide can be made to out like a knife. At agathering of Poles in the-little village of Kurnst on the Southern Nnieman, on the 29m of July last, when all thought them- Selves secure from the intrusion of any of the numerous spies who keep the Russian oflicials informrd of the malcontents among than, Alexandrina. Kossow‘itz, a young lady whose father, the younger son of a formerly noble Polish family, was killed in the recent troubles at Warsaw, expressed her sympathy with the unto tunates whom Russian severity had murdered or sent into exile. The meeting was a purely social one, and none dreaded that anything said there would reach the ears of the spies, for all present were known to be Poles, and ï¬rm haters of the harsh rule under which they then lived. Still, as the young girl in her passionate remembrance of a father’s love, deplored his death, expressed her symâ€" pathy with rebellion and her detestation of her oppressors, she was cautioned lest her loud tone would enable people at the win- dow to hear her. With a hasty glance as though to read in the faces of those about her who should betray her the young lady lapsed into silence. When ten o’clock a1â€" rived, the latest hour of Polislrgatherings, the company separated, and the young lady accompanied by her aï¬ianeed, Julian Ter- mensky, went to her home. As the executioner stood facing the scaf- fold, Alexandrina Kossowitz was brought to him by her guard, and in a few moments her clothing was removed to the waist, notwithstanding her almost mute appeals to be spared the shame. As she pleaded she was bent on the plane, her hands strapped to the two upper corners. and her ankles secured at the feet of the structure. One of the executioner's assistants held her head, and the petty judge gave the order for the whipping to commence. Twirling the long lash in the air th‘e executioner stepped suddenly backwards, and with a sharp crack the tong fell on the back of the sobbing girl, cutting a livrd streak from the right shoulder to her waist. A terrible tremor passed over her, and a low cry escaped her lips, but it was the only sound she uttered, .md were it not for the blood which soon dommenced to flow, it might have seemed that the Whipping was being done on the naked back of a corpse. When the lash had been given, the young lady was unlastened, and, with her clothing rudely thrown over her. she was taken to prison, and there, after thanking the judge lor his mercy, accmding to the necessary formula, she was delivered. over to her friends. A Novel Crew and Cargo. A Polish Lady Knomed. So abnormal was the appearance of these skulls when ï¬rst discovered, that Dr. Foster had difï¬culty in satisfying other investiga- tors'that these skulls had not been subjected to compression. But the shape is entirely dilferent from that of the Indian or 'any other, compression or otherwise. The skulls of Europeans (Caucasian) and of: Ameiican Indians were compared with the Mound Builder. The Caucasian’s_kull is developed J. W. Foster, LL. D.,ofUhicago, exhibited some strangelyvshapcd human skulls, and drawings of others. He said : There have been several skulls discovered in Indian mounds widely separated as to locality, which seem to have a common type uiterly unlike those of any other known human crania. These skulls, taken respectively from two 'groups at mounds, about ï¬ves miles apart on the Des P aines River, in the vicinity of Chicago; from the neighborhood of Merom, a. station on the Cincinnati and Terre Haute Railway, in Indiana; and from the vicinity of Dunleith, Illinois, just across the Missis- sippi from Dnbuque, Iowa, present these marked peculiarities in the most extreme de. gree. In the ï¬x st or the two groups 0! mounds near Chicago, portions of 11 skele- tons were found; but only one skull and three frontal bones were sufficiently well preserved to admit of measurement and com- parison. The other group of mounds yielded human remains evidently belonging to two distinct eras, one of which must have been exceeding recent. In addition to these were found, nearly on a level with the origi. a1 surface, many skulls far gone into decompo- sition, and presenting peculiarities not apper- taining to the existing Indian. To these Dr. Foster is inclined to assign an antiquity 01 several hundred years. Some of these relics are undoubtedly those of the mound builders, and are of the highest value to the antiquary. The New York Tribune's report of the pro- ceedings ot the American Association for the Advancement of Science contains the follow- ing : Sir Jerome Horsey, in his 4‘ Observations on certain transactions in Russia,†gives a remarkable acnount of an attempt made by an Emperor of Russia to obtain .an English Wife: Juan Vassilivitch, Great Duke and Emperor of RuSsia, having a desire to marry an English lady, was told of the lady Mary Hastings, daughter of the Earl of Hunting- don; whom, being of the blood royal (they were Sir Jerome Horsey’s words), he began to affect. Whereupon making his desires known to Queen Elizabeth (who did well to approve thereof) he sent over Theodore Pis. semskoxe, a nobleman of great account, his ambassador; who, in the name of his. master, offered great and advantageous terms to the queen, in case the marriage took effect, and promised that the issue by this lady should inherit. The ambassador thus arriving in England, was magni- ï¬cently entertained, and admitted au-r dience. The queen hereupon caused the lady to be attended with divers ladies and young noblemen, that so the ambassador might have a sight of her, which was ac- complished in York House Garden, near Charing Cross, London. There was he (air tended by divers men of quality) brought before her; and casting down his counte- nance, fell prostrate before her, and rising back with his face still towards her (the lady with the re t admiring at his strange saluta- tion), he said by an interpreter, “ it- sufï¬ced him to behold the angelic presence of her whom he hoped should be his master’s spouse and empress,†Seeming ravished with her an- gelical countenance, state, and beauty. She was after that by her friends in courtrcallrd Empress of Muscovia. But the queen, as well as the young lady, understanding (ac- cording to the laws of those countries) he might put his wife away from him when be pleased, took occasion to put a. stop to that overtureâ€"Leisure Hour. Years ago into a wholesale grocery store in Boston walked a. 1all,muscular-Iooking, raw-boned man, evidently a fresh comer from some back town in Maine or New Hampshire. Accesting the ï¬rst person be met, who happened to be the merchant him- self, he asked : The Baltimore Gazette says: “A novel and certainly very ingenious mode of purifying the inner harbor has been invented by Dr. Bantz, of this city. The plan he proposes is to create an artiï¬eal current by means of a tunnel and double Ericsson screws. He sug- gests that the tunnel shall be 20, 25 or 30 feet in diameter (although he believes the 30 feet tunnel the best), which tunnel is t') com- mence at William street clock (the mouth to be six inches under water at low tide),to run under the bed of said street to Bandal street, then to bear easte rly, so as to strike Jackson street at the Patapsco River (this end to be also under water) At ti o commencement of the south third of the length, he proposes to place the 1,000 horse-power engine to work the machinery revolving the propellers. At the point where the machinery is placed the tunnel (30 fc t) diverges into two smaller tunnels (15 x 30 feet) for a short distance, then converges to one of the original size, forming a diamond (30 feet) which goes to the Patapsco. The propellers are 29 feet in diameter, placed on a shaft to run the long diameter of the diamond, and to revolve 25 times per minute; and it is said to be‘ the opinion of a practical mechanic that the tun- nel will be emptied six times per hour, which, according to his estimate, will dis- charge 26,857,766 cubic feet, which is about 179,147,596 gallons. A 25-fect tunnel will discharge 20,734,560 cubic feet, which is 125,- 407,370 gallons. A 20-feet tuuel‘ will dis- charge 13,280,118 cubic leet, which is 79,620,- 710 gallons- per hour. Dr. Bantz believes that the adoption of this plan will not only sweeten the basin, harbor &c., but will carry off-5,000 scow loads of sediment and dirt that is already there and that will be depos- ited during the year, and forever save the citya vast deal of money in dredging and sewerage. A model machine, which we have seen at work and which is necessarily on a small Scale, certainly produces a strong cur. rentand is an ingenious application of 8 Well known principle, Whether it will accom- plish the work claimed for it only competent engineers can decide." “You dont want to hire a. man in your story), 019 your? . “Do I" said the man, “I rathcr guess I can turn my hand to almost anything. What do you want done?†“ Well, if I was to hire a man. it would be one that could lift well, a strong, wiry tel- lowâ€"one, for instance, that could shoulder a sack of cotfce, like that yonder, and carry it, across the store and never lay it down.†“ There now, Captain,†said our country- man, “ that’s just me. What will you give a man that will suit; you '2†“ Done!" said the stranger; and by this time every clerk in the store had gathered around and were wait ng to Join in the laugh against the man, who, walking to the sack, threw it across his shoulder with per- fect ease, as it was not extremely heavy, and walking with it twice across the store, went quietly to a, large hook which was fastened to the wall, and hanging the sack upon it, turned to the merchant and said : “There now, it may hang them till dooms- day; I bhau’b never lay it down. What, shall I go about, mister! Juat give me plenty to do and $100 a month and its all right.†And to-day the green countryman is the senior partner in the ï¬rm, and wozth half a. million dollars. “ I tell you,†said the merchant, “if you will shoulder that sack of coffee, and catty it across the store twice and never lay it down, I will hire you £01- a year at $100 per month.†“Wellf’ said the merchant, “I don’t know; what can you do ‘I†A New Plan for Cleaning Harbors. , Men with Bird-Shaped Skulls. The Tables Turned. A'Czal‘ Wooim Mr. Webster was full of fun and humor at times, and when in company with a few in- timate friends he unbcnt, and exhibited his Wonderful versatility ol talent, to the delight of all listeners. He had marvelous narra- tive powers, was a capital ‘ mimic, and imi- tated a broken dialect to perfection. He was not an unamiable man, and never said a malicious thing in all his life; but when perturbed or uncomfortable, either from in. disposition or the eifect of exuberant convivi- ality, he was as unapproachable as a porcu- pine, and often indulged in peevish exclama- tions and satirical remarks. I, I once heard him describe a visit that he made to the elder Adams, at Quincy, a few months i before his death. The venerable sage, then ninety years of age, re- ceived him with cordiality, thanking him for his civility in coming to see him. He was 1: ing in bed, supported by pillows, a heavy, plethoric man, inclined to dropsy,andi amining the skulls of the Mound~ Builders 11 was evident that there was no such swelling at the back. The occiout forms the extreme posterior part of these skulls, from which “the line of the cranium curves upward and inward. Moreover, whenever it has been shown that wherever bandages have been used for depressing the skull, it is marked by long ridges or depressions, which do not exist in the skulls in question. It may be safely asserted that there are certain coincidences in the conï¬guration of the head between the primeval inhabitants ot Brazil, the temple builders of Peru and Mexico, and the Mound Builders of the Mississippi Valley. In. the discussion that followed, Doctor Foster said that Morton had placed loo much emphasis on what he called typical types. Nevertheless here were facts which could not be thrown aside. Amopg the b01115 disinterreda‘t Mcrom, Indiana, there \vvere also thigh bones, or which the shape of the femur was peculiar and different from that of Europeans. Col. Forshey asked whether these differences ,of cranium and femur justi- ï¬ed the announcement or a new species of man, to which Dr. Fester replied in the neg- ative. Prof. Putnam thought we had scarce- ly a sufï¬cient number of these low-browed skulls to assume that they were typical of the Mound Builders. A large majority of the skulls taken from these mounds were not of this extreme form at allâ€"they were of the box shape or Indian skull. At the utmost he thought that if there were origi- nally a race of Mound Builders with low foreheads, it was absorbed or driven south again long before the Mound Builders, as such, ceawd to exist. Professor Winter announced a new'locality of mounds and skulls in Michigan. A few specimens of the real Mound Builders’ skulls had been found there ; not quite so much depressed as those shown hr re, but an intermediate form between the Indian and the extreme MouLd Builder. Dr. Foster stated that Dr. Wallace collected 60 skulls from the Malays and found every variety of race forms, apparent- ly, among them. The skulls of any given race diï¬er widely among themselves. Dr. Foster did not wish to be understood as say- ing that the Mound Builders were a race ex- clusively having depressed skulls; but he} considered the coincidence of these numcr- 1 one discoveries indicative of the fact that largo numbers of men 01 this remarkable con- formation must have existed among the Mound Builders. “ I think,†sziys Dr. Foster, “ that no one can view this fragment, with its great, mas- sive superciliary ridges, its low, flat forehead and its thick bony walls, without coming to Ihe conclusion that its possessor xwhen alive must have been essentially a ferocious brute of two cranla from the Hass’s Park mounds, one is distinguished‘by the almost entire absence of a forehead ; the orbital rings are sharp, without the least sign of a supercili- ary ridge ; but the region of the glabella rises up in a iidg \ and the nasal bones are projected like the beak of a bird or of a. gar~ pike. The skull is only or the thickness at pasteboard. The brain capacity is not large. Without indorsing phrenology, Dr. Foster thinks it may be admitted that observation justiï¬es the assignment of particular faculties of Very particular parts I)! the brain ; as, the seat of the intellect- ual faculties in the ante rior lobe; of the pro- pensities which must link us with the brute, in the middle lobe ; of those that appertain to the social affections, in the posterior lobe. Judged by these tests :we may infer that the Mound Builders were not as intellectual as the Indian, but less crafty and cruel. “The human ï¬gures sculptured'on the ancient mounds of Mexico represent, for the greater part, a singuler conformation of the headâ€"being without forehead, and the cranium retreating backward immediately above the superciliary arch. This anomaly, which is generally attributed to an artiï¬cial disliguration of the head, or the taste of the artist, now admits of a more natural explana- tion, it being now proved by authentic docu- ments that there really existed in this coun- try a race exhibiting the anamalous confor- mation. The skeletons, which were of both sexes, were of the ordinary height, although two of them Were above the common stature. 'l‘hcse heads, according to the received opin- ion iu craniclogy, could not have occupied a high position intellectually." Rivera and I'schudi believe that the artiï¬cial disï¬gure- ments of the skull among the Inca-Peruvians owe their existence to the prior existence of an autochthonous race having this peculiarity ; and they further state that such peculiarities are in some cases congenital, having been found in the foitus in Peruvian mummies. As to the shape of the skull being produced by com- pression, Morton has pointed out that where this is attempted, the volume of the brain is not diminished but simply trarsfcrred to parts of the head, where the pressure is not applied. Dr. Foster has examined the skulls of the Flathead and Chenooh Indians, where the forehead is depressed, but there is an enormous prolongation of the posterior re- zion, and the line between the occipital pro- tuberance and the intersection of the lam- boidal sutures, instead of being vertical, as in the normal state, is curved outward so as often to bring the occiput point beneath the skull, and in a line withits base. The back. heitd of the Flathead Indian as drawn by Dr. Foster on the blackboard,was not unlike that more completely than the Indian in every direction, except in a line through the head somewhat above the ears, and is somewhï¬l boatâ€"shaped ;:that of the Indian somewho approaches the shape of a block with the cow nets rounded off. But the Mound Builder-1' skulls is like that of a. bird, and needs only a. beaklto complete the illusion. It rounds down equally from the apex to both front and back, with no forehead Wul‘th naming. The measurement of one 01 the Chicago skulls, as determined by Dr. Bridge, is as follows : Circumference, 20.25 inches; around longitudinal are, 12.5 inches ; vertical hight above the glabello-occipital line, 3.8 inches; extreme longitudinal measurement, 7.6 inches; extreme transverse, 5 75 inches The skull is not quite symmetrical. Its general outline is dolehico-cephalic. Its dif- ferences compared with a European skull are, notably ; Tht large development of the suâ€" perciliary ridges ; the greatly depressed fore- head; the occiput not merely flattened but forming an oblique line upward, While it or:- cugies the extreme posterior part of the skull. Three skulls from the Kennicutt mound ex- hibit/ed remarkably prominent supra-orbital ridges and peculiarly retreating foreheads; one of these being even a more retreating tore- head than that of which the measurement is given above. Dr. Foster then went into an analysis of the peculiararities of ancient Peruvian and Aztec skulls and compared them with North American Indian skulls and the skulls or the Mound Builders. The similarity between Peruvian and Mound Builders’ skulls is noticeable. Dr. Lund, a distinguished Swed- ish naturalist, says : of the ladies of two' or three years ago, when the round ‘waterfall on the back at the head was fashionable, I But on cx- Anecdotes ofDnniel Webster. Any one W110 sufiers from Dyspepsm under- goes slow starvation, for it matters not how much load is taken. nor how good it may be, if it. is not. completely digested, and assimilated At certain seasons of the year most persons are subject to oiseases emanating from a 10W state of the blood. The causes are various but it is only necessary,in order for the prom duriï¬catlon of the fluid that the patient shonl use F ellows' Com pound Syrup of Hypophos phites, with full assumn' e of obtaining the de sired results. i‘his Syrup will, strengthen, 11 organs of digestion, promote healthy assimila» tion, nourish the muscles, and renovate ervous system. Persons desirous of visiting the above states with the intention, if suited, of pur- chasing timber, mineral,or improved arming land direct from the owners at the present very low prices, and not in the hands of speculators, but must be sold at a great sac- riï¬ce, and parties w'ishing reliable informa- tion about the climate, soil, products, &C.,and tickets at reduced rates to visit the states and free transportation to see the lands, it will be to their advantage to communicate with the subscriber as he is well acquainted with the above states and the most desn‘able to settle in; good climate, fertile soil, and advantages of railroads, navigation and other facilities for the best markets. This is the best opportunity ever offered to get a cheap home and the best climate in America. Send for circular of lands and card. This Line has published a pamphlet called “How to go West," which contains much valuable information ; a. large éorrect map of the Great West, which can be obtained free of charge by addressing the General Passenger Agent B. & M. B. B., Burlington Iowa. 500 CHEAP IMPROVED “mus, AND 200.000 Acne or mummy rman LANDS ms um. Managing politicians who assumed to con- trol the movements ofthc pvople werehis aversion. Mr. Webester went down to his grave with the ï¬rm conviction that he' had been defrauded of the Presidency by the jealousy and intrigues of his rivals. er en- tertained no doubt that; the great mass 8! his countrymen were anxious to make him President, but were overruled and thwarted by the party leaders. The “0., B. 8; Q. R. 28.,†running from Chicago through Galesburg to burhngton has achieved a splendid reputation in the last two years as the leading Passenger Route to the West. At Burlington it con- nects with the great Burlington Route which runs direct through Southern Iowa to Ne- braska. and Kansas with close connections to California, and the Territories; and passengers starting from Canada, on their way westward, cannot do better than to take the C. B. & Qi and Burlington Route. This :3 an enquiry which every one should have truthfully answered before he starts on his journey, and a. little care taken in exam- amination of Routes will in many cases save much trouble, time and money. “ Feeble and nearly worn out,†wrs the reply. f‘The old tenement is in a state of dilapidation, and from what I can judge of the intenuous ofthe landlord. he is not hke- 1y to lay out anything more in repairs.†Ho accosted me once on Pennsylvania avunue : " How long Lave you been in town ’1†“ A couple of days." “ Why have you not been to see me '2 †l‘ I don’t know where you live.†I 3;“ At the (M place, on Louisiana avenue.†“ hear the church on Sixth street 7" ‘5 Yes; directly under the droppings of th sanctuary.†i hRejoiclng rather irrelevantly, I said, “I did not know there was much sanctity in the droppings from a Unitarian church.†“ The last time I saw him,†said he, “be fairly staggered under the weight of empire.†â€"Harper‘s Magazine. â€"An American circus is knocking the sentimxnt emircly out of the Rhine Valley. â€" A Mississippi girl, just out of school hired a. few negroes last season and under- took to carry on the farm at her homestead. The results at. the end of the y M were eight bins of potatoes, 600 bushels of com, and $969 in cash from the sale 01 cotton, after all expenses were paid. -â€"No ï¬ner compliment has ever been paid to a man than that 01 Jean Paul to his friend Weisse, when he said that “his iace was a thanksgiving for all his former life, and a ove letter to all mankind.†drawing his breath with much difliculty. He seemed to pump up his woxds, Mr. Webster said, from a, great uepth, and spoke in short sentencts. “ Huw are you, Mr. A65 115,†inquired his viai.or. Meeting him at the Astor House in 184â€", I mentioned that Nathaniel P. Tallmadge, lately Governor of Wisconsin, was dead. “ Ah! is Tallmudgc dead? Well, all {In tears that will be Shad on the occasion lie in an onion.†“ I used the phrase as descriptive merely. Have you seen Uncle Truman since you ar- iv ed ‘2†I answered in the aflilmative. “ Is ho now, as usual, responsible for all r unkind ?†I said there seemed to be a heap of trouble on the old man’s mind. A STRANGE DIsnASnâ€"Intense radiation of heat in thegreat desert of Sahara. produces extraordinary effects on insects as well as animals and men. When a caravan starts out to t averse that wide waste of desolation, flies follow on in prodigious multitudes, at- tracted, no doubt, by odor from the camels, but they soon drop dead by the intensiï¬ed heat. s burrowing in hair, straw, or sacks, are ‘ illed oï¬" rapidly. But the most singular all is the malady to which men, are inciae t after being exposed a short time to burning sands and a vertical sun on that arid and life-forsaken reg on. It is Pulled ragleâ€"a kind oi brain fever. The stricken traveler is delighted, amused, and made ex- tensively happy by exhibitions of Iantastic forms. He sees mirage-s, palm.tr'ees. groups of tents, shady mountains, sparkling cas- cades, and misty forms dancing delightfully before his entranced vision. From all that can be gathered upon the subject it appears that a certain condition of atmosphere wholly free of moisture, with intense solar heat, produces theme on the brain very srmiâ€" lar to liasheesh. Both exaltthe nevous sys- tem anl speedily distroy all desire to exist, deprived 01 that unnatural excitation of the brain. MARRIAGE or DWARFs.-â€"A marriage scarce- l) 108s interesting than that of Pure Hy- acinthe has lately taken place in Ohio, in the United States. The Springï¬eld Adver- tiser l‘t ports the marriage or Colonel Joseph Leffel to Miss Eveline Beasley. The colonel is forty-ï¬ve inches high, weighs ï¬fty-ï¬ve pounds, and is 38 years old. Miss Beasley, now Mrs. Letfrl, is five or six inches taller than her husband= weighs about seventy- four pounds, and is 23 years of age. Colonel Lefl'el, though dimi utive 1n stature, is re- markably active an vigilant in business, so much so that by earnest attention he has amassed a considerable fortune. He is one of the “bee kings†of the country, and his success in the management of these indus- trious insects has rendered him the object of envy to all bee fanciers. His face is de- seribed as manly and his features strong. The marriage service was most impressively performed by the minister of the English Lutheran Church, and the happy pair de- parted for a tour in Kentucky, bearing witl them the best Wishes of a host 01 friends and relatives. It is rumored that on their return home from the honeymoon they will take up their residence in a large and beautifully furnished beehive. NOR] E CAROLINA &VIF(}INIA LANDS. Southern Land Commissioner, 202, North John Street, Hamilton. HOW TO GO WEST s_. 0. pfxsm, SIâ€"IOULD HAVE THEM. THEY ARE IN USE on the G. W. R.. Ontark Government. Buildings, London, Belleville. Oshawa, Bowmangllle, and many other places in Canada. Full particulars on application to W . 0 . N U N N , t1] General Agt.,Dominion of Canada. FIRE ENGINE I I EVERY TOWN, Village & Factory AGENTS WANTED 1n everw part. of the Don JOHNSON PATENT x !_ ' COMBINED Fire and Garden Pumps! m PRICE - - - $9.00 EVERY HOUSE & STORE depraved nutrition and impoverished blood, with degeneratiOn oi the tissues, will result. It is this condition of insufï¬cient} nourishment thatexcltes hereditary influ 'nces,a,nd develops in the system that class of Chronic Wasting Diseases 0‘ the Consumlutlve and Sr‘rofulous type, Tubercle of the Lungs, Enlargement of the Glands of the neck, Eruptions of the Skin, Spinal Disease, Torpid Liver, Irritation or the Kidneys and Bladder. Mid UHDStipaLlol’l, with headaches and nervous lvritibihty, all have their Origin in one o Jmmou causeâ€"Indigestion Auy remedy tha radically cures those dis- eases must reach their primal y source â€"1he stomach. Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya was especially (le- vised to cure Dyspepsia, ilnprnve Nun-mo“, and prom' te the formation of healthy blood. No remedy in existence acts 56 promptly and permanently in invigorating all the organs 0 qhe body. . He aJsb niatiiiï¬ictures Cider Mills, revolvln‘ Hay Rakes, Straw Cutters, Ploughs, &c.&c.,anl castings of all descriptlons made to order. Buï¬â€˜alo Robes Good Value. THE subscriber is now manufacturing and pre- pared to furnish two difl‘erent kinds or for sowing wheat, rye, oats, peas, barley, corn &(’:'§nd hgxye grass soweg‘ ayached.†The I rills Ere warranted to sow the different kinds ot’graiu mentioned in a good and propel manner, and, without duubt, the bcst Grain Drills now in use. TO FARMERS ! GRAIN' DRILLS! TO BE LOANED __AT_ Very Low Rates of Interest! Legal Expenses Moderate N0 COMMISSION CHARGED. Hats, Gaps, Furs, Gloves, &0. STOCK, Large and Complete 80,000 IN Second hand 'piahbsrmm FIFTY DOLLARS upyarglg. TORONTO, Which we offer at. lower rates than any other hguse in, phe Dominion. ‘Seud for Circular, Price Lists, Terms &0. be- fore purchasing elsewhere to. A. & S. NORDHEIMEIE The Oldest Establiglï¬d House in Canadm EARF. THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE V AGENTS for the following CELEBRA TED PIANY OS Chirkuring a; ï¬nnn. ï¬leiuwny 55 Son. , Dill-ham 5; Sons. llwincu Brat hem Mason llnmlin Organ Cmflï¬stonu (icon ge A.l"rince 5500.. Buffalo. Gents‘ Jewellry, Umbrella "XRugs, Corse- , Skirts dz Bustles, JOS.WEY&CO 8111115, Collars, Fronts, WE KEEP IN STOCK A Large “Assortment of Pianos, BY WELL KNOWN MAKERS, GRAY, RENNIE & 00., WHOLESALE IMPORTERS, 42 YOUN Gr STREET. TORONTO. QHOW A COMPLETE STOCK 0F PIANOS & ORGANS! Sem- 8. Montreal, Jan. 26, 1872 BLAIKIE 6; ALEXANDEE, Orders by mail carefully ï¬lled darcb 26. 1872. with every description of goods in their branch of trade. Manufacturers & Wholesale Dealers in Dundas, July 27. RITE FOR PARTICULARS Toronto, Aug 27. TO THE FARMERS. TO THE TRADE. Scarfs, Ties and Bows, Hosxery ï¬' Glnves, Small Wares 6L Trimmings 37 YONGE STREET, SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THE CHEMICAL To w. c. NUWNN. GRAY, BENNIE & Co. J. P. BILLINGTON. 10 King Street. Eést, Toronto. a†4i. 15 King SE. Liberal discoun to the trade. 111 e Dominion. BELLichLLE USE 3b., rust TORONTO. afp 1y a.f.g‘ afp afp 131 Wholesale & Rciail Prices byMail on Application. ['4 ORONTO, Qct. E. > afp Shampooing, Cutting and Dressing Instructions for Self-Measurement for Human and Imitation Hair, Wigs, SPECIAL ATTENTION SPRING TEADE, 1872. DAVID McLELLAN & Go. 53 KING STREET WEST HAMILTON, RE SHOWING A LARGE AND WELL A ASSORTED STOCK 0F Gmn‘s’ FURNISHINGS & J EWELLRY. SMALL WARES, FANCY Goons. HOSIERY, GLOVES 6: CORSETS, HOOP SKIRT! AND BUSTLES. ' N. B.â€"â€"0rders by ester promptly and care- ml'lyï¬uegi.†GEOI%GE ELLIS, AMERICAN HOTEL, KING STREET WEST. G'ENERAL STAGE OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. ~ ANDERSON’S PATENT EVEN-BALANCED VIBRATING' CULTIVATOR! F. W. BEARMAN, PLOUGIâ€"IS, Iâ€"IORSE JRAKES, LAND STRAW AND. Minnie Domorest‘s Patterns in great, variety. Catalogues with cuts sent. on application. Toronto, J um;- 22 1872. air-l AWN! 1. 1‘17! SEED DRILLS - 0F Agent for H. Sell’s Cider Mills. “IHITE LEADS, "GENUINE." “No. 1," “N o. 2," and “ N0. 3," of (.1118 brand, are unsur- passed Ior body and brilliancy of shade. Pack- ages contain full net. weight. The public are Warned that certain other brands are 15 lbs 511er in every so-Calleg 25 yognd pqcl‘tage. would remind their frlends and the public gen- erally thumhey have now in stock all the above mentioned articles all of which will be furnished to the trade at, the lowost cash prices. ‘ _ _ __A Jr Fifty Cents an Acre Upwards. T. D. LEDGARD, HE LATEST AND MOST RELIABLE ON H A N I). DUNDAS 7 Eihiiiih'ewtuhi V b}?an {mil do n'ot be‘lput with infurlor paints. The BEST is always CHEA P- EST. Sold by respectable dealers in Paints through, out Ontario, and to dealers only by BOOT TREEING MACHINES Cheap Lands For Sale! Well Timbered Lands For Sale REPORTER OF FASHION S MRS- SUTHERLAND, Lasts ! Lasts ! Lasts !' Dunda-s Last Factory ORIMP AND ORIMP SCREWS â€" ALSO -â€" CRIMPING BIACHINES Toronto. Sept. 7. 1872‘ HE PROPRIETORS OF THE Both on American & Canadian prlnciple. Bands, Switches, Chignons,&c. MAI-(EH29 'Dundas, Aug 27, ’78. Ladies’ & Children’s Hair. TRADE In Differenl Parts of Ontario Wigs sent Free on Application. MANUFACTURER &. IMPORTER 284 Yonge Street. PROPRIETOR. HE MAN UFACTURES & KEEPS'CONSTAN‘TLY 0N HAND GIVEN TO â€" FRODI â€"- _7_4__chge Smeet, Toronto. TURNIP CUTTERS, ELLIOT e: 99., MANUFACTURER OF MARK. TORONTO afp THE LATEST PATTERN â€"â€" ALSO â€" DJ NATIONAL LINE u LAND, ROLLERS THE ONLY MACHINE EVER IN 111V ED THATMEETS ALL THE RE U1 11E MENTS OF THE PUBLIC. EN D FOR CIRCULAR. Ladies Wanted in every town and village in Canada. to act as agents. Instruction given gratis. Apply APPEE’l-ON KNITTING MACHINE CO. towhich we invite the attention of the trade.» Orders by mail promptly executed. J. Davison & 00., IMPORTER& 54 YONGE STBEEn TORONTO. WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR FALL I MP ORTATIONS nlUAK‘lU. uuu. (ll/HUI y! uuba Lu bul: '7 “all: For Freight or Pass e, 8 ply mTEMPER- LEY’S, CARTER a: I) A E. 21 Billiter St. London; WlLOUX dz WEEKES, Barrican, Plymouth; RUSS &00.,'Q_ueboc; or FAN CY GOODS. The Cheapest and Best Passages (T0 or from Hamilton) '. THAMES... . EMPEROR. . HECTOR . . . . MEDWAY .. SCOTLAND. MEDWAY. . snOTLAN D THAMES. . . ‘ EMPEROR . HECTOR . . . QUEBEC 'I'O LONDON: CABIN . - . . . . any}:qu _ . , . - Through Tickets from all Points \Vest at Re- duced Fares. Certiï¬cates issued to persons (16‘ Sirens of bringing om. their friends. Tm“th Bills of Ladin issued on the Continent and; London for 31 parts of Canada and in the. United States to DETROIT MILWAUKEE, CEICAGQ. and otger points luth¢W_(e§§.____ The Largest and Fastest STEAMERS AFLOAT. COMPOSED of the following or other Ems" CLASS IRONSTEAMSHIPS :â€" SCOTLAND, MED W AY, TEV 101‘ TWEED. THAMES. HECTOR: NIGER, V EMPEROR, NILE HE STEAMERS OF THIS LINE are intend- ed to uni. WEEKLY, as iollows, uurm the Season 01 N rdgation of 1872,to and from OK DON, QUEBEcdz M'mTREAL, [Calling at. PLY MOUTH, Outward, for Passengers, and leaving the Port EVERY FRIDAY.) 56011 1501.11 ways. New York Central and H. R. R., Lake Shore & M. S. R. 3., Demon & Milwaukee R. R, Taylor’s Fire and Burglar Proof Bats-s ’ C" A-. III DIQIRGAN. General Passage Agent, 11 James 312., Hamilmn. P. 0. Drawer 113. BETWEEN London, Quebec & Montreal. THE APPLE I‘ON Family Knitting Machine.†TEAMERS WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW L‘ YQRK and LIVERPOOL calling at Queen- For TICKETS and further information apply to the undersigned. Agent, for the following: Liverpool, London Excursion Tickets to North Carolina" ONLY 29 DOLS.! July 6, 1872. July 6. | afp Box 615. Hamilton, 01.1%.? July 15. f7? TEMPERLEY’SLIN E. Gr 1 as o W, are to be had via this line. ‘ m“ Qneenstown, RATES 01" PA SSAGE- FROM LONDON. . . . . . . . . .Wednesday, 11 Sept. “Sunday, 218$ “ . . .Frlday, 41h .. . . . . Wednesday, 16th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monday, 28m ' FROBZEUEBEC._ ONTARIO _To_ and :Tilesday. . Saturday, .Tn ursduy. Thugsdny, Londonderry, Mox'ï¬REAI. 5 19 Sept. 26th “ 8th Oct. 19th “ 81st “, $60.00 24.105 175