Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Nov 1872, p. 3

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' Best p.en"ot two latfifis, W Bowes, $2; 211d do, J Colley. $1. r Besifiéri-Vorf iwo eves. two shears and over, having raised lambs in 1872, S Senior, $3; .2119 do, R Marsh, $2. 7 ' ' - Best spring h‘eifer calf of 1872, J Colley, $2; 2nd do, R J Stanton, $1. - CATTLE. Best herd of cattle. being one male and dive female, for breeding, of any bleed, not Iess than six, Jacob Lahmner, $4. .Best' pen two shenrling ewes. S Senior, $2} 2nd do, R: Marsh, $1. Best éhefirling rah, J Colley, $2; 2nd do. G ledreck, $1. ‘ Best ram, W Bowes, $2; 2nd do,J Colley, $1 ‘ Best pen of two ewes, two shears and over, having raised lambs in 1872, J Colley, $3 ; 2nd do, J Jackson, $2. . > Best pen of two shearfing ewes, W Bowes, $2: 2nd do, W Bowes, $1 Best pen two ewes. two shears and over, having raised lambs in 1872, J Jumieson. $3; 2nd do, J Jamieson, $2. ‘ Best pen two Shem-ling ewes, J Jamieson, $2 ; 2nd do, J Jumieson, $1. I FAT SHEEP. Best mp fut sheep, ewes or wethers. S Senior, $2; 2nd do, John Rounduee, $1. PIGS. Best Ema“ brood sow, had pigs in 1872, J ogeph Femhgzrstong, $3. ‘ Judges-George Bell, John Ackrow, and Seth Haycock. Best hull, two years old and over, Lth mer & Cooper, $3: 2ndor10, Geo Cooper.$2. Best pen. of two liambs, R Marsh, $2; 2nd do, J Jacksop, $1. cu'rswom SHEEP. Bess mm, two shears and over, W Bowes, $3»; 2nd_do, Culley, $9 _ U LEICESTER SHEEP. Judgesâ€"Thomas Teasdales,‘ Geo. Ireland, and J Curler. Bust ram, two shears and over, John 'Collny, $3; 2nd do, John Jackson, $2. ~1icazsheaflingi minim, J'Coney, :2; 2nd do, -.. \v . J udgesâ€"Wifliam Richardson, John Pike and Thomas Davies. Best large boar, W Richardson, $3; 2nd do. J Featherstone, $2. J Best shéarling ram, S Senior. $2; 2nd do, 0 Fmr, $1. Best. ram lamb, R Marsh, $2; 2nd do; ‘8 Senior, $11; Best heifer, Bile year old, J Porter, $2; 2m} do. R Craig.»$l. u - I â€""‘ "1 J McNair, $1. " ' ' - Best ram lamb, John Ackrow, $2; 2nd do._.l Colleyt$1~ Beat. pen of two ewes.twn shear and over, having raised lambs In 1872, John Jackson, $3; 2nd do, John Jackson. $2. Best pen of two shearling ewes, John Culley, $2; 2nd do. Wm Bowes. 531. Best pen of two lambs, John Ackrbw, $2; 2nddo, J McNail-, $1. SOUTH DOWN SHEEP. Best ram, two shears and over, Robert Maish, 23:] do, Willing: Qapnert $2. ‘7 Best small boar} W Alderson, $3 do. S Peterman. $2. Best. large brood so’w, had pigs in 1872, Joseph Feathersmne. $3; 2nd do, J H No Clare. $2. , , Beéi heifer, two years old, JV Colley, $2; 2ng donJ AQolley, $1. Best cow; any age, wilh‘evidence (3f hav- ng had a calf since [st January. 1872. '1‘ Porter, $3; 2nd do, J Labmer, $2; 3rd do, J Cplley, $1. . . 7 Bégtillyie‘ifer, two years old, R J Sianton, $2_;_ 2111} fig. R J Stanton! $1; _ 7 Best heifer, one year old, Iiobert Craig, $2»; 2m} d9, T Pprgey, $1. Best'spring b'un calf of 1872, J Lahmer, $2; 2nd do. RJ Stanton, $1. AYRSH!RES. Best. bull, one year old. D McCallum. $1. Best bull, two years old, A Cameron, $3. Best cow. any age, W Bun/es, $3. Best spring heifer calf, A Cameron, $3. FAT CATTLE. Best fat ox or cow, J Colley, $3; 2nd do, W Elcout, $2. 4 Best. yoke kaing Menâ€"proved to be such, B Musselman, $3; 2nd do, P Cock- burn, $2. Best cow, any age, with evidence ofhav- ing had a cult since lst Junuary-I 1872, J Culley, 2nd do. W Elgoatj ‘Ilu “U, I" L' lcllllllx' 0‘- Best yearling fillv or gelding. J Dobson, $21 2nqrdo, T- Dunn,‘ $_l. _ ' Best heifér calfof 1872, RJ Stanton, $2; Qng do, J Coll-eytfilz V Bésm large boaf. Iiinén3éa since lst April. i872, Juseph Featherstone. $3 ; 2nd do, J Roruudtl'ee, ‘ ' $2. Best Berkshire sow, littered since lsL ApriL’IS’TZ, W1 Hartman, $3; 211d do, Thos Grahame, $2. Best smizll boar, littered since lst April, 1872,J Feathemlone, $3; 2nd do, I Round trap, $2._ -: ‘ Heat pair-of turkeys, Cha'rles Plum, 81; 2nd do, John Jackson, 50 cents. B'esrt. large sow. littered since 154. April; 1872‘, J, Featherstmie,’ $3; 2nd Ado, J Fe:ut11ars{011e. $2 Best Berkshire sow. had pigs in 1872, T - Glalmme, $3; 2nd do, J Feutherslone, $2. I Best Berkshire boar. liner since lsL April, ' '1872, W Haltman, $3; 2nd 'do, '1‘ Grahame, V Bes't span generallphrpose horses in bar ness, D. Rumble. $4; 2nd do, W. Clark, $35» 3rd do, {Wakefield-$2. Best Mud-year old dréught entire colt, J J askson, $3. Best, yeau'vling entire colt,» J Jhckson, $2 ; 2nd do, H- Fleming, $1. Best Berkshire boar, W Hart-man, $3; 2mg do‘, if (firfthnme, $2 7 - B'est general purpBée mare, with foal by her side, W Cim-k, $3; ZnH do, J Porter, $25» 3rd do, [I Cop}so_n, $1_. Best two-year old general purpose filly or gelding, W Fostef, $3; 2nd do. 0 Cobb,$2. Best two-yenr-old draught filly'or gelding, C Fair, $3; 2nd do. A Burggz'ag, $2. Best fillyfimy breed, Robert Fleming, $2; 2m} do, J Pprtgr, $1.7 Best, saddle hbrse, E C Fisher, $3; '2'nd do, N Story, ‘52. - Eesl. spar; of carriage Horses, in harness, T Porter, $4; $04! do, N Playtér, $3; 3rd do._J Smith, $2. _ Best t'w'OZyeabold general purpose ehtire col}, H Mason, $33 2nd do_, A Musmifl. Best; small sow. ‘Iittered siuqe ‘lst April, 1872, J Feathersmne, $3; 2nd‘do,J Round} tree. $2. Judgesâ€"=4?h J ohpston, E. 0. Fisher, J l‘., and William Russell. Best lot of poultry in one pen, owned by exhibitor. Joseph Ballen, $1; 2:16 60, C. PIuyter, 50 cents. Eest hair of geese, Joseph Feathelstone. Slj 2nd d_o, {ohq Jackgqn, _50 gents. Best spar; ioadster horses, in harness, J Mc‘Leam3 $4 ;_ 29d do_, W R ngngr,_$3. _ Best (in-inglht brcod' mare, witIh foél'by her sidg, Robert. FAleming, $3. Best thbrbuérhbred ximre, any age, pedi- greed, Geo. Peamor}, $4. - Beat. single hbrse in harness, any breed, W_J Oliveglifl; 2nd do. A Mchqgall, $2f Honsus. Judgesâ€"R. Robinson, John Harrison, and Mr. Brownridge. 1' Best thoroughbred horse. any age, pedi» greed, John Colley, $4; 2nd (it), John Wakefield, $3; 31d Sic. Thomas Dobson. Prise List of the Vaughan Agricul- ‘turul Show. DURHAM CATTLE. M ERINO SHEEP. GRADE CATTLE POULTRY. 2nd Best patchwork quilt. made in 1872, pm 'sented bv Prpsident, M rs Rhmage, 3 dab 5 I 3!!!! do, Mrs Harper-o 50 cents. ' " I Bes't marke't, waggr'm, J Shuttlew 0111113 doL; 2nd doaJ Street, 2d<fils. Best two bushels mun-cwfat pens, J Feulhersloue, ldol. . Best, two bushels field peas, W Darker, Idol; 2nd do, .1 Feutherstone. 50c. Best two bushels oats, J Featherstoue, l dol ; 2nd dv. G Pearson, 500. Best. two bushels buckwheat, G Moore, 1 dol. Best bushel clover seed, Joseph Kel’fer, Idol; 2nd do, Joseph Keffer, 500. ; Best, bushel flax seed. W Liuum,” dol; ‘lnd db, J Burkhulder. 50c. ; Brst twelve ears Indian corn, field, W Darker. Idol; 2nd do, W Shank, 500. Best two lbs hops, W Burkholder, 1 dol; 2nd do. John Brown, 500. _ AGRICULTURALummmnx'l‘s. Juggesf W ‘A Wallis. M'Cobswell and H Best clever horse power threshing ma- chine, with sepnmlnr. J Ahel‘, 3 (101%. Best reaping machine, John Ahell. (1018. Est mowing machine, John Ahell,?y‘dols; 2nd do, John Abell. 2 dnis. Best grain drill. John Abel]. 3dnls.. Best two horse farmer’s walggon. J Sihutte- \ orth, 3 duls; 2nd de, W Scoolen. 2 dols. Best open buggy. J Shuttleworth, 3 dols ; 2nd do, A & W Wilson. 2dols. Best cultivator, John Brown. 2 (1013. Best iron plouthohn Hi(:ks,2 dols; 2nd do, John Hicks, Idol. Frank. Best ditching machine, John Abell,2 dols. Best horse hay fork, J H McClure, 2. dols. Best. horse power threshing mnehine,wi1h separator, J Abell, 6 dols ; 2nd do, Jéfibell, 3 duis. .r ' * ‘3 lies! pair of'iron ban-OWS, JSnvage.2dols; 2nd do, JBrown. 1 dol. Best. straw cutter, W Dick, 2dols; 2nd do. Juhn Abe“. Idol. Best cast iron plough, steel John Brown, 2dols; 2nd do, 1 dol. Best grain crusher, John Abel], 2 (3018; 2nchQ. JoblAbgl‘l, lrdolt Extrasâ€"Side hill plough, highlp recom- mended.John Brown; double furrow plough, highly recommended, John Abell: force pump, highly recommended, Mr Brillinger. Best. crock or firliin'of butter. not less than 20 lbs. presented by the President, Jils. LICNMI‘, 5dols; 2nd do. D Wood, 2 dais. Best. six lbs flesh huller, Mrs, S Woods, 2dols; 2nd do, Geo Weldrick, ldul. Best cheese. no: less than 12 lbs, Mrs Morgan, 1 dul; 2nd do, Robt Coulter. 50c. Best six lbs of honey, in comb, R. John- ston, l dol. Best six lbs of hdney', rendered, W Hart- map, 1 qul. Beét Pumpk'in, W Linton,’ 1 do}; 2nd do, J Brooks. 500. ‘ Best three citrons. W Crossin, 1 do]; 2nd doLJ Roundmreet 500. Best two bushels spring wheat. J McNair, 2 d_gls; 2nd do, D MCMm‘tfy, Idol. Best. pairof wooden harrowg, W Scoolen, 2 duls. ' lieal'hulf' buéhel 0f nbmtoes. peach blows, J Kefl'eg', l‘dql; 2ndAdo, W Fogtev: 50¢. Best six celery, Richard Haslen, 1 do]. mum Ax!) SEEDS. Judgesâ€"Same as on Pigs. Best two bushels white winter wheat. J MgNair, 2 duls; 2nd do. J Keffi‘r. .1 do]. Best'lwo bu'shels red winter 'whem. J Featherstoue, 2dols; 2nd do, J Kel’fer, Idol. Besi two bushels bailey. Dunn, 1 do]; 2n§ do, J Feughefstpne, 50c DAIRY PRODUCE. Judgesâ€"E C Fisher, W Russell and R Johnston. , Judges- Same as in dairy produce. Best barrel of floua, D Elder. 2 dols. Best ten ynrds home made flannel, E Rose. 2 dols; 2nd do. Mrs R Johnsan (10'. Best tenlym-ds fulled cloth, Mrs R Juhn- st‘on._2;dnls;” 2nd do, A R09, 1 do]. ’»est ..en yurdé tweed. A Ruoe; 2 dols. Best. pair home made .blpnkets, A Roe, 2 d 13; 2nd do, Mrs 'Haz‘p'ei', l dol. Best. twelve r'adishes, field, J Gardener, 1 d'ql; 2ud_do, L_;»S»nidex-, 590. Best. three leaves home-made bread.' not less than 4 lbs each, presumed by [he Presi dent, Mrs J Burkholder, 5dols; 2nd do, Mrs A Shunk, 2 duls Best twelve fidishes, ghrdenJ Ronndtree, 1 dul. Best s,e't single- harness, Martin Burns, l‘tiols. - Best half bushel of potat'nes, game-t chill, C Early. l.d_QI ; >213d do, M Robinson. 50c. Best Gushel {tiny other'sorts. R, Johnston, 1 dlfl; 2nd dn, J Roundu-ee, 50c. Beét Squain of any kind, J l’muudn'ee, 1 d3]; and dqu flpgpdn-ee, 500.7 3 601'; Best pair 'of Spanish fowls. J B Allen, Idol; 2nd do, S Wolf, 50 cents. ‘ Best puir ‘of Don-king fowls, J Jackson, Idol; 2nd do, J Feutherstone. 50 cents. Best pair of Poland fowls, J B Allen, 50 cents. _ Best pair Brahma Pootra, S Wolf, 1 do]; 2nd do, J B A'ller, 50 cents. FRCITS, Ram's AND VEGETABLES. Judges-W, A. Wallis, M. Cobwell, and H. anksluwm Best vmiety of apples, 6 of each, R Musselman, l dnl; 2nd do, J Shuttleworlh, 50 cents. Beét twelve'roots blood Beets, W Burk- holder, 1 do}; 2nd do, W Shunk, 50 cents. Best peek of onionsrred, J Roundtree, I do]. 8th two hehds of caulifléwer; W Crosssin, 1 do! ; 2-mimd-0, W_Pi(:rcy. 50c. fieét half bhshel of yktutoes. early rose, R {ohnyqnfil do]: 2nd (in, J Julian, 500. Best peek of onions. white, J, Roundt1:ee, 1 dol. Best. pair of, men’s fine boots, Jas Stuart, 1 dol: 2nd du, Jets Sluzu‘l. 50 cents. Best three heads of cabbage. W Crossin, l (191; 2nd do, J Roundlree, 50c. Best; puir of men’s coarse boots. Jas Stuart. 1 "lol ; 213d do, Jas.Sttmt-t, 50 cents. Best two flour barrels, Wallace Brothers, idol; 2nd do Wallace Brother, 50 cents. Best hearth rugs, George \Veldrick,1 dot; 2nd do, Mrs T-Julian, 50 cents. Beét six autumn pears. J Kefl'er, Idol; 2ng do, Shqltleworth, 50 gems. Beét twelvé mots field, carrots. S Wood, 1 d_ol; 2nd»do, W Shank. 50 cents. Bes't twelve }oots mangel wurzel, J Davis, ld_ol; 2nd_do, J Wakefield, 50 cents. . Best bonle homemade wme, manufac- tured from grapes grown in the open air in Canada, Mrs Burkholder. 1 do]. Best twelve eooking apples, 8 Wood, ldpl; ledrdo, S Wood, 50 cents. 1%th nvelve'table apgies. J Shuttleworth, Idol; 2nd do. S Woo . 50 cents. Besi twelve 'roots Swede turn'ips, C Fair, 1 dfl; 2nd 510, W Shlrmkr, 50 cems. Best bottle home made wine, not grape, Mrs R Wilson. 1 do}. Best sewing machine, M Treadgould.2dola. Best knitting machine, M Treadgould, 2 dols. ‘ - mums’ ‘ wnnK. Judgesâ€"J Barnes, Thos Duncan and Joim ' McCaHum. Best patchworkqnilt. Mrs Ramage, 1 dol; 2nd do. Mrs Linton, 50 cents. ‘ Bes't pair of common ducks,J ohn Jackson, ~lvdgl; 2an d9, J Feqxhqrstprje, 50 cents. Best. six winter peag‘s, J Shuttleworth, l (101 ; 2.14 do, J Sh‘ultleworth, 60 cents. V Beét pair of'game fowls,J Grhhame 1 do]; Zing do, J Grabume, cepts, Best pair of Aylesbury Ducks, J B Allen, 1 d_ol; 2n_d d9. J Featherston. 50 cents. Besf Set. douhle l1_arrne'ss,‘1\Im-tin Burns, two bushels field peaq, W Darker, 2nd do, .1 Feutherstone. 50c. two bushels oats, J Featherstone, 2nd dt‘. G Pearson, 500. two busheTs buckwheat, G Moore, ROM E MANUFACTURES. mouldbnnrd, John Ahell, i l The South Boston horse car company has réce'mlv adopted a nmv and novel expedz- PM In the absence of their sick horses they harnessed a. number of employees to 9. cm- nnd made a mund trip. The fare charg- ed was twenty~five cents, and full loads were secured. Tm: EMANCIPATION QU STION IN SPAIN.â€" The Congress by a vote. of‘lGl against 57 has refused to consider the nmev‘dment offer ed by n republican member to the address to the King asking for the emancipation of slaves. The Chancellor of the Exrhequer received in the financial year 1871â€"72 sums'amnnnt- ing‘ to £7132 forwarded to him for consci- envP sake. This is nearly double the amount (£3852) received on the same account in 1118 preceeing year. dise. President Grant has thanked the Emperor of Germany for the great pains be his taken in settling! the dispute between Great Britain and the United States about the San Juan boundary. The price ofcoa} in Brimin has again ad- vanced. The mining companies of Belgium are not able to execute the orders they have received to send con] to Britain because of the scarcity of miners in that country. A communicahon was read at the City Counci‘ Toronto, On Monng evening last, on behalf of the Governor-General, return- ing 'thnnks f'n‘r- the kindly manner in which he, as the QUEEN'S representative. had been received in Toronto. A. gang nf'Americnn f'reebonfors crossed 11w "Rm Grundo from-Texas a few days ago. and murdered and plundered n numher of Mexicans. The Americans also hurnnd every'hnuse in a town which lhw attacked. Two _of' their number were kElled in the fight. It is rumored that President Thiers has requested King Victor Emmanuel to recall Chevalier Nigra, the Imlizm Minister to France, because he is a Bonapartist. The Steamer Victor,- while proceeding from New York to New Orleans broke her shaft and went. ashore on Jupiter Islet. Loss,’$250,000; cargo, assorted merchan- J',, The English press commend highly the efforts of the National Board of Trade to procure reciprocity with Canada. This fiV' ourabfe state of opinion is attribumd to the Washington Treaty. Rnhert Moms. :1 Cumberland cattle driver: has been fined £20 and costs for haviqu had §u his possessinn five hundred sheep afl'ncted with foot :1an month Manage, and neglecting to n‘tmnrt mam tn the nol‘eefl It was stated that {ha whole pennhv for which Mr. Moses was liable amounted to £2500. Best copy bouk, written by girls, in any school section ‘in the townshm, under 16 years of age (no membership required), Miss R Tolten, 1 do}; 2nd (10, J Blain, 500. The wife of Mr Horace Greeley died at New York on Wednesday last. A Republican has been elected Municipal Councillor for Paris, France. The horse plague is extending into Maine. Nearly all the horses in the town of Bangor me sick. The damages to property. and loss of Life bv the mundminns of the river Pa. in Itulv, are reportec' to be very great. Thousands of persons are homeless. Best Canadian moss work, Miss A John- ston, Idol; 2nd do, Miss A Johnston, 50 cents. muss u. 10118”, 1 00!; 2M (In, Best specimen penmanship, 2 duls. Best collection of stuffed binds, J Round- tree. 2 dnls. ‘ The Germans of New York waited upon Minister Washburne yesterday. upon his art rival from I’m-is and thanked him for his kindne§s to the Germans during the siege of Paris. - Bes't Canadian Darling, 1 do]; crnts. Best oil painting on canvs‘ the work of exhibitor, J McCallum, ZdUIS; 2nd do, J McCalIum, l (101. Stanley, the African explorer, will leave England for America on the 9th of Novem- ber. He may expect an ovation. Best-tailing. Miss VMcVean, Idol; 2nd doz Miss C Johnston; 50 cents. Best copy book, written by bovs, in any school section in the township, under 16 veurs of ago (no membershi requined,) W eriesnn, idol. The English (March Times savs: “lt is onmmnnlv reported in political circles at Viontm.tl1at the three Empernrs have agreed to unite in njnint note tn the Pope demand- ing the suppression ofthe Jesuits. and mom- isin‘mif he will agree to their demand tn take the other religious orders nnrler their pro- tection and to come to some urle-rstnnrling with the Tmlinn Government regarding their property.” Beét embrdidery in muslin], Mréfll‘f‘Mc Venn, Idol; 2nd do, Miss S McVean, 50 cents. Best pair wdollen mits; M'rs' Harper,1dol; 2nd do, Mr_s Harper, 50 clunts. Best pair woollen gloves, Mrs Harper, 1 dnl‘; 2rd do, Mrs Harper, 50 cents. Best, Canadian straw hut. Mrs J Brown, Idol; 2nd d0. Miss Brown, 50 cents. Best collection of photographs’ the work of exhibitor, A Askin, 2dols; 2nd do, A Askin| 1 do]. Best. pan' woollen. socks. Miss Ramage‘ 1 do]; 2nd do, Miss Morgan, 5ppenls. CENTRRVILLE Oct, 19,â€"Wliile a farmer named Kfleqnn. from Sheffield. was driving down the hill noer the R. C. Church in Cam den. his horses took fright. and ran off the emlmnkment upsetting the waqsz‘on unnn himself 5rd wife. Mrs. Keefmn hnrl both arms brokpn and was otherwise seriously injured. Mr. Keognn'nsmned nnlmrt. Dr. Ash was called upon and dill all possxble for the relief cf pmn and setting of fractured limhs. Beat fancy knitting. any article. Mrs S Clark, 1 do]; 2nd do, Mrs Harper, 50 cents. Best, fum‘y netting, Mrs Harper, Idol; 2nd do, Miss McVe'an. 50 cents. Best pair woollen slociginés;Mrgfiézrper: 1 dol ; 2nd do, .Mrs ng‘pefj 5Qgents. Best specimen crochet work, Mrs McVean, 1 dol’; 2nd do, Miss (} Johnstbne, 50 cents. Best specimen Berlin wool work, Mrs Mc‘ Venn, 1 dol ; 2nd‘do. Mrs R Wilson,50cen§s. Best raised Berlin wool, Mrs S Wood, 1 do]; 2nd do, Mrs Bedinfield, 50 cents. Bes't embroidery in worsted, 'Mrg 1 (10!; 2nd‘d0,_ Miss Johnston, 50 cents. - Best gentleman’s flannel shirtnhand made All! Steart, l dol. Thn Pme, it seems, has turned Turlr upon the Irish clergy, and snuhhed Cardinal Cull- en. who recently visitod Rome. for the: pun- pose of nslnnghis Holiness m interfere on belmll‘qf‘ (he Galwny clprgy, who. it. was asserted. were persecute-(l. The Pope in- timated than 1he l‘rish Clergy were loynl to him when it suited l'neir own pin-rose, but disloyal when their pnssions would he sac rificed hy obedience to the commands ofthe Pnpe. This is n. slap in the face which the Irish priests will not relish. 'Besl: gentléman’s shirt, Hand-milde. Mrs S Woods, 1 (101 ; 2nd do, Mrs Straight, 50 cents. Best patchwork quilt, the oldest afid the one which has taken most pnzes, presented bnyresideng Mrs_R Wilson, 4 dols. Qfilem FINE ARTS- wax flowérs or fruit, Mrs 2nd do, Mrs Hoover, 50 Allen, FIRSTâ€"CLASS STOGK BREEDERS. Stock fed \vilh it have always taken first prizes. Milch Came pmduce more miik and butter. D (hmnm‘un AND Com-‘onrnca. â€" “ By a thorough knowledge of'lhe natural laws which nutrition. and by amreJul application of the fine proper- lies of wellseiected cocoa, M; Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tablesrwilh a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy ductm's’ bills.”â€"â€"C'itit'Sr,rvicc Gazelle. Vlude simply with Boiling Wulvr or MHIK Each packet is lalmlled-‘â€"-'JAM:3 EPPs & ’70., Homceopalh'lc Chvmists, London." MANUFACTURE or Coco.\.â€"-“ We will now give rn accuunt of the process adopted by Moser James Epps £1. 00.. manufactures of dietetic articles. at their works~in the Euston Road. l.ondon”â€"Gassclt’s HauSchM Gmdu. October, 3!. 1872. 739-51 YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEE DE R! It Fattens in One-fourth the usual time, and scams Food. Price 25 cents and 3] ~00 per box. A dollar box‘cnmuins two hundred'feedn. L traction of Iha Anglo American Home by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commrdious premises belong in: to Capt. T. A‘ Milua. opposite Mesws. Spoight & Son’s Novel-y Wnrks. Markham. Excellent ncmmmpdat'on afforded fur the travellingpuhlic and commercial men. Livery stables in connaction with the hnLel. Bottled Ale and Porter. { 0R! FATTENING AND BRINGING into condition Horses. Cows. Calves, HUGH MILLER K'. (70., AGRICULTURAL CHEMlsrs. 167. King Street East, 'l'oromr.‘ For Sale by Druggists and Storekebyers. Sepg,1'l.‘lh7§l.,_r > 7394!“ A SMART, ACTIVE LAD -â€"AUOUT l5' or IE years of age. a< an apprentice to the Harness bulsiness. Apply to WM. HARRISON, Richmond Hill. JUST RECEIVED FROM ENGLAND DlRECT. AT THE; [Inn-n Boon Sronn, Wool .. . . These Hymns are used in tha Trinity Church, 'l‘nornhill. and Richmond Hill. CHURCH PSALTER a; HYMNBOOK, talllfl 6-! pages fillad with choice litera lure, Original and Selected. and one or mnr piulorial illustrations, besides a piece of music 331-50 9. year, 35 wants a number. Fnr Sale at he HERALL 60m Store... \J A weakly journal of current Evolus. Literature. Scielne and Arts. Agricuhure and Mechanics/Fashion and Amnmment. Sold at 100 a numbe" at the HERALD Bnok Store. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, J A weekly journal of Current Events. Flourâ€"Superfine . . . . . . . . . . . .: Spring Wheat extra. .. Fancy............... Extra................ Superior Extra. . . . , ocxm BOOKS OF ALL KINDS at the HERALD Book Store. Store. )APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT inc HERALD HookSture. V ' ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. \ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZE, at the Husk/mo Bonk Skore. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES- Sept. 4.48733. Sept. 20. 1872. VONCERTINAS, WITH SELF-IN J strnclor, at m; Hum; Book Store. EWELRY! EWELRYI FOR SALE REAKFAST. â€"â€" EPPS’S? (30 COA. â€" ‘EW DOMINIONVMONTHLY, CON OLLARS AND CUFFS, OF THE By the Rev. Wm. Mercer, MA. ‘OLD PENS, PENHOLDERS. AND OBERTSON‘S HALF DIME MUSIC Wanted, SMA RT, ACTIVE L into condition Horses, Cows. Calves, Sheep and Pigs the cheap at the: Hmulm Bunk Store. NIPISSING- HOTEL, MARKHAM. , latest styles. at the H mum Rook Store EUCAL' WORKS,_0E:_ALL THE diffarem'poexs. at Itha HERHAI Book pencil cases at the HERALD Bnok Store for sale at. the HERALD Buok Store . Is used and recommended by gm:ch 51mm. at the Husk/NJ) Bonk Siam. TOI‘LQN TO MARKETS. A supply of the (OXFORD 191).). Tqron'o, October 81. 1872. D. T. WOO'I‘EN. 7374f )OQOIU“ 7”58“0 HGOHOOWIGIOQS 7 0 80 )(U. 0| 2 U m45hmwuwsxmrmml% 0006I000300U0010 Mm® WM ‘0 06 ((3 0 ()7 045/0 Obi ((3 07 @I f6)! _ rd) RD f6) (53 .fi) fa) (I? fit fl? {(3 («D 2500432950 1600 055/0 IOU léUfrD 275 rd) 006 ((3 007 ft» 065 @‘080 m) 055 ((3 075 @l7l0 @@@@@ mwmmw .IIOOU 7: .(‘w r Flour and feed kept constantly on hand; Will clean a‘l kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye. barley; and oats and will not choke \vilhany llllflley or foul grain. No Silvzk or hroo n required lobe used. and the mach'ne noed not at nnv lime be stopped by clogging of lhe Sieve. BLOOD’S PORTER! PATENT SIEVE ! All orders for Ibis Siova addressed to the nammoo. John Rue. Lansing l’.0.. Ont‘, will recmve prompt allv'mion. Any 'infriI-ugeu‘ent on this palent will be punished with (he ulmOsL rigor of the law. JOHN RAE. G. A. BARVARD‘S. Sign of the British Flag Staff. Richmond Hill._ A" sizes. and prices as cheap as any house in (he trade. at G. A. BARN \Rl)’S. Sign of {he British Flag Slag, Richmond Hi”. May 16. 1872. 7217“. GROOERIES & LIQUORS CROCKERY, WHITE AND FANCY Colored Cotton Hose ! SHIRTS! SHIRTS n White Long Cloth Shirts, Facny Cotton and Striped Shirts, Fancy W [meg and flannel Shirts,. White Cotton, - and JWcrino Umlershiris, A grant var-inn: 1n all sizss. and cheap. Also the bust nssnrtmnnt of mm) ’1‘ and boy‘s Also a splendid aseorlment in Ladies. Misses, and Children’s CORSETS! ()QRSETS! CORSETS! .LVl mond [lillI’oleffice. Untill‘nrlher notice.tlle mails wiHbe closed atthls office as follows Merino and Cotton Socks The suhscribex‘ bags have to inform the farmers and public in general, (hat the '1‘ch CHEST ' has raceived All Sim s and prices, of splend‘d value. at M Southern mail .......... .. RM. N.B. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes 567078 the time of closing TEEEA CE Which he is confident wiil give good satixfnc faction both in [are closed al Toronto asfollows: By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . [IL-30 AJH. By Canadian Li nemverv 'l‘hursday [0:00 p M. 'N.B. Letters for Despatch by [Hose hues oi Steamers should he so marked The rate on Leuersfor the U niled Kingdum (via Quebec in sunlmnr. and I’orllund in win- !or),is now reduce-d L06 cents per 5 02 weight. [I semvm New York. it \viH ho S cts per g 07. These ruesapmv unlytoprcpuid letters; ifmsnl unpaid ,ur ‘nsufiiciemly prepaid. there w:||be a fine of double the amount ofdefiniem postage. .\l‘. T E E'P‘ V. I’ostm aster. GOOD NEWS! D tors in Chaucer}. (fopveyancers. &c OFF!CR.â€"Rcmovod to VVhihemore’H Build- ings. Toronto Street: Toronto. 71 I H‘ n and Snrvm‘m'. Trust and Loan Build; ings. corner of_Adelaide and Toronln Mrvals. Toronto. 719-10 Farmers andVThreshers Take Notice. var Watches. Jowo‘liry, &c.. 113 Yonge Street. Toromo; 11 Machine in Working nrder, made by Abel, VVoudbringe. Apgly lo Richmond Hill. July 31,1872. Yonge Street, July. 187:3. Mav 16, [872. CHOICE TEAS! Nm'lharn Mai}. Southern Ma“. Pure and unadulterated. nlwnys on hand Also, the best and cheapest assortment of Ol-‘Flcv..â€"Nn. 66 Church Street .Toronhs Deeember‘29.1869. 595 WHITE & COLORED September 1, i871. Richmond Hill, Nnv. 2H, [87]: Richmond Hill. Aug. I5 [872 AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED m 050mm, (mowicfi. TATIQNERYAOE AALL KINDS M v ALEX. MOODIE. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST. J. N BLAKE. ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER,'&c. NICOL, 8:: NICOL, ARRISTERS. ATTORNEYS. SOLTCI J. SEGSWORTH, MLER. IN FINE GOLD A'Nn SIL. AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH S. JAMES, (LATE JAMES & FOWLER,) RCHquCT. c I VI L ENGINEER, the HERALD Book Store”. PRICE, AND QUALITY OF sirenng and flavor. Choice FIRST-CLASS THRESHING And delivered free of chm-gt A “in: nsrortmont, all sizes. in OF THE BFST MANUFACTURER. GLASS AND PUTTY. O’KEEI"E’S ALE For Sale Cheap A FRESH SUPPLY A LARGE STOCK 0F BRITISH MAI-LS Al.‘VAYS 0N HAND. Srummn VALUE. REMOVAL. FROM THE NURSING. EVENING. DANIEL GLASS. North 'l‘oN gate.‘ AND AND CUTLERY Lansing P. O. . .Gz4o Am . 7lG-tf 7294f 791-1!‘ 7344f 684 U any num «er-nomxceorlinglnruehnmlrod doilars by any one dopasilol‘.) will he rmmivod ntlhe Richnmnd Hill le1 (HTicoJor which Govoi‘umenlwilh1low l unrest. No. 4 in the :‘nh Concession Township of KingY lmlonging lo llw estate of the late Wil- liam McNuir. containing lit) Acres of which are under cultivation. There is: a gnmi Frame Dwelling llnuse with an excellentcellar underneath. Hat-us. Stables and other outbuildings and 'l'imhet- for a new Burn 40 x 60. lenty of waiter .' This is a verv desit‘ah‘o prnnerty heng only between 3 mid 4 miles from King Station on Northern Railroad, where there is a gem! market for all kinds of pt'oduce Sclmn's & Churches in the imme- diate neighborhood. 'l‘erms will be male very easy. For particulars apply to eitlte. of the under- signed ex‘ecutm-s to the estate VJA'VIES MCNAlR. Aml are lormlod at Vl'ue Norm-west corae' ol' !ot No. 35, uh cnncossiun of Mark! am. in a Faction \vlmro mechanics and laborers hnu gel steady work and high wagus Applv lif by’opuid) to Henry Jennings, Vimoria Square ,'ur Io ,, .; WM. G. HINGS'I‘ON. 120 Acres of Excellent Lam] 1. sale a number of ViHuge lols. situated in the village of I have «'nrefnlly examined the pianos go d by Mr. H K. Reesor. culled the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pinn Is. manufactured by Ma- lhuseck, and think they me wonderfully sweet and pure in tone. and from lheii' pvcuhm con- struction. calculated to remain in tune lunger than other pimtomand consequently to stand a greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. ‘LVJ- ed us in the agency in (his sm~liou [or the sale of Mecssrs G A. Prince 86 (30’s ['0l8~ 'bruled Organs and Mhlndumw. iyj ('nvur of which we givn unl‘ must. liHQlInHfit‘d appmval and rocommendulion as the landing and must reliabi’p reed instrumulfl now umnnf'agilured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. V W M. FLUMI'LRFELT. Malkham. Nov. 3. £8“. Testimonial from Professor ii. G, Collins MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COM P.~\ NY About One-fifth of an Ac‘rc, RICHMOND , HILL nEPOSITs POST' 0 FFI C E. May 4, 1869 THE MORNING 'PAPERS Can be had at the Post Office. for H! (ZENI‘S A WEI-2K. Apply to ‘ HUMMING BIRD PIA NO As alllil‘n-nndowod lvodirs. whelhnrlhov he Bnust. Birds. Ropiih‘s. lusm‘ls or (won Zun- phites. and subjects of the Vagotahle Kingdnn] my: governor] Ily rim/flute, Whit") binds all the springs of existence. and as nolhing can save them f-om dvsl notion 'le-n this principle leaves them. the di<covorv of means whm-elw vimlilv may he sustained in [th living: bndv is Lndned a l'mnn In the woer.‘ ‘ Whiizh is admit" to parlors whm-e sumo is an obj-V 1-! The u'mh- of Its (muslin: Iiun rs entirely now. and based upon the best known pnnciples of scioncv. *s*\‘l{. 'szl-‘v is (‘mvermnent ASOIHrN hesnlnul' Chickering. Stainway and Durham Pianos Also. the celfln‘aled Mndorn chemistry has ventilated the quas- tion and discovered the ingr-flienl‘ cnn Um- tingthu brain. Innsclrs and nurVes. and fillth that by inn-admins: lllese'ingrodimus in prom-r prnporfimis the brain and nervous system are strenglhelmd.‘ Fellows’ Compound S! RUP OF HYPOPHOSPH‘ITES. As :hisislonlirely distinct 11nd 'dlfi‘r‘l‘f’lll from every other prepmalion of Hvymp‘unsphites. he careful to ask for Funows’SvnuP.and talu- nn other. Prince’s 0rgans}& Melodcons In Bronchitis It is a specific. mud in Asthma it givas rnlief‘ where uverv other remedy fails. I“or Nurvons- Ihbility H stands unrivalled. and may be usud with nonfidmwe in all on. H 0 M A S GRAHAME. TMPORTE'R and anuder of Pure Berkshires. This. then. i: snhsmmially the basis on which l*‘m.l.ow’s “YPIII‘HOSPHI'I'ES is lmilvjls direct action is upon the Blond. the Brain and Nervous Salem. and Iha Muscies ‘ (ruu‘gxh. euingflm nervos. ilcauses [ht- rapid dusty-ibu- tion of Vimiized- Blood in the Muscular Organs of H19 Budy. Homing tho Sl'uggiieh Hmu't and Liver. slreugflwuiug Ilia action of the Stomach nud 'fiow-els and cumming the Lungs to be fiullvin. flatod wnh ()xy'gn'l. ' H, is adapted I_'ur ALL chses of Weakness and Emaciatiun. whether arising from sadeular}~ We. a trupinnlr-limale. from rover or ltuhilitf from anv cause, and is efficacious in punv ChNSUMPTMN. many r-nnfirmed vast-s1 having heen nm'od‘and all behefiitad. whore ilfie um has bnen continued nvm- a Fortnight. VICTORIA SQUARE ! ' (9. flgpurtmeut. Toronto Feb. :38. 1872. March 5’7, 197?. Lot 5.3rd Con King, Richmond um, Ju'h- 11. [87-2. 729.“ P.101‘SAV1NGS BANK. 0F TORONTO: T LEGRAPH. Officehuurs: from 6:30 A.M.t09230 PJ‘- May 14.1869 SOLD BY A PO'I'HEC'A'RIES‘. Price. Sl'fin: Six f'nr $7230. JAM ES 1. I“lCl.l.OWS.Clwmisl 64.8 ’ St. John. N B. EING THE EAST HALF OF LO'I‘ t and anuder of pure Berks Post-amps address. Woodlxridge. Vlfighanyfflb» 8.:1232. FOIparliunlnrsnmvly Lo Desirable; Farm for Sale R. n. B._ Rmésoa ms sficcmfip gamma ilurittrmumts‘i, E SUBSCRIBER OFFER-S FOR Village Lots for Sale. gig-tapertg fim' fink, MARRIAGE LIC Ame AGEs'r FOR THE H.B.REhsonfi DEALER. IN Pure Bred Swine. [10123. 2nd "on Vaug‘mn. JOHN GILLES The lots contam Notice. M. 'l‘ BEFY. Postmaster GLOBE. msmm‘v. ure Berkshires. Riclnnr'md H”! 564â€"“ Dingln P. O 7H-ll' LEADER. 714-137 706- )y 5634! 'JJ ANIfll‘I) Dr I$|linl..’U(\I)lifll:. Toronto.) mspecll‘qu' announces that he. will visi‘ tho fipllowingpluces,(Sung d «ys excepted). whore Ho willtinend to Don» (islry in all ilslgranchcsz, King..... 151. ofoach month. .51“ “ Ncwvmurlaol. . . .. . . . . . . Mlhi “ Aurora. . . .-. . . urtocl‘fi‘hu. W.“ Tooth insorled in the mail Improved Styles, on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized Ruuber.,nlid Al- lnmiuun “use 'l‘ooth filled in such unyminemsto privservo them-from fuuhm decay." 'l‘eath oxtnutlod with tho lr‘nstpossiblq pain, and nspocia! atlvnllon paid to [he regiplation) ulnldron's math. ’ " Charges Moderalo, and wbrk warranted to give-smisfucziun. ‘ ‘ " Allle'lorsn-ddrosse‘d to Afiror‘a Wm receive prompt ntlonlinn. . Aurora. M3“ ‘25. 1870. G'lQ-lv I1 MINIM, in $6 per in!) loot. filso Fk‘mr- ing'nnd other Lumber Dressed LSap Buckets, ‘r'uils.(,ider Mills. Washing Mgmhinessmngles Waggon Felines.andybnmberSuwodto order. Forparticulalfsaddress THOMAS SEDM-AN, ‘ARR’IAGE AND \VAGUN J Underlakor. A'Lr'. 1‘ \J‘ Underlakor. A20. Rv-tsimixcmeuarlv oppgs} 111.11] «M ( fl": 9 Rirhmnnd HiH. ‘ ‘ ' ,' . I 'v' . . ' ‘ . V is she moslwonderrul dISCOTQI‘} In chemistry for Healing i“, .,I (Iommisxinnm in IHLJS (iovermnclffi Agent for issuing Marriage Licmxse in the Count} of York. Ulfico hoursâ€"7 AJ“ 10_ 9:3(H‘Jn . Richmond Hili.()<-lob01‘.’3.EHst. l Pnovixmas or mn‘m AMHHCA. l bug mos! rmpemany tn al'qnainl [ha pub- lic of Ihc' Britiéh 1V0th Ami‘rican provi cm (ha! in “My. WWI nnnved the hum’uess m M) Mniden ImumNow York. forlho‘snlv of “mm, Lomv’s I’I’I' m Arm Umnncwr. whwh were up h [hm limo prepared h“ W'yHimr Brown, now deceased, In 1m closed. I rogrntm any thin I ‘uavu ronsou In) know lhul 91w xflnogayy'lvnnvnt of late husin’oss hadfor some yam-ls. am! In mavv ways, hm‘n Imsl Lu’rvupt, and it. mm he Hr t [he l’ills and Oinhnmu-wem Immmparr-d whh" the cum I haw: anu'ny- (loaned. Horses ahd Cattle. MILLERis DIEEEY OIL' Cautidn ! !‘ Caution! ! f To THE PUBILTE'OF THE BRITISH No rflpl‘esununivnnf mine .wiH evnr [rave throth any pm: of tlm- British “rurml‘v‘s n (he Uniln-d Stams,l'“l19‘lj to w“, Ql‘ !o lnka orders For my P‘rllsuud Oiunnnu,t,;lnd as. haVI) reusml loin/Hove that laltungds \vili vow prnhably Im Ina-d!» I0 deceive Iho p1 Mir in HM way by porsnnsvnlliI-g on mmfinine ve-ndnr~. Those who do um wish lo hademivod |~v- buying spurious ,umdiuiufis. whir'll are nmv I'llxely (u elm-mam from tho Slnlos’m elm-whom, Inn 10 pnsro'ss llu-IHM‘H‘W of’lho genuine I'm.- LUWAV'S l‘n.|.s Axlf (PINI'M ZN'I‘. nimmfhrrnn '. by mo in Lnndnll. EM! m1. will‘do “mil in suc- that “Hill put and lmx"bmirs'rlm British Gave‘rnnmut slump on which is flngrnwd H~n words " “01.1.dun's P’Ims ANHUM'J'MIM'I‘.“ aiul [hm lho mkfrmsnn rlminlmltisfiém ()xw‘Rn STEM-:1. Luxnom wlmrn (mly they are mann- l‘acmrod, and 'in uh) minor part of? Ilm world The rolmi prich are (in HM humisin Brilirh curronm‘. and not in thms’aud cams. .l)‘ SolicitorsiuChancerv.Convevuficers.\(“In . ' a t V 5 Own-I: Provinci h 1 Insurance Building; Streol.Tnmnm. JOHN DUGGAN (LC. DAM B.M‘l-ZYVFF.JE‘ falselyE'e‘m'excnlingtl ul l'uoy nl‘l"u(‘.lillg_7 {or III", and \\'ilth)}' knnu'lvdgu and consent I (haan it advisable 1.03m! lhu pnhiin'oii [heir guard 3ng DH :Hn' Slwh dm-vpiimasâ€"J Clwmisrs ,nud lhuggisis win: «insirn to ob- tain the Medicines mu: [.9 supplivd m tho hum-sf whrlesnlc prim-sin qufimivies of no! less than $12!! wm'_h â€"- viz .85 6d . nad 223.. and 1:45.. I-e‘r duzun boxes of HMS or palm o ‘()immenl: Holt, wish an discmun. For which umiumwe mth [)0 90m in advance. lhavu thp ‘mn a big With rcmwr-t, I mo~lonrnomly Huron! it” ll'o'sn who nth read lh‘xsmivmrisouiont that [lulv hn pleum-d. in [he pubiiu int-Mesh to t‘lmnnuflibnle the [nu- pori oi the samn 1'0 thdir mend.“ fl '1' the) "my not he liefrnpded (II' this}: Imnmy'hy'pun-hasinq \\‘nI'UIle‘S.~ iznitminm «If the gonuihe HOLLO" wur’s Plus A2“) UIN‘IMIm'I‘. I would nsk. as a great l'avm'..lhnl should it: come in [hr knowlvdgv ur any; person the! spur ious medicile am being um ewr sold in luv nmnmlm ho plmswho'seud me all the panic"! Iars he can cum-N .rrspemhm the; sumo. that it (0' fly. L'w nun-imam! addrms of the vendnr W‘Ii'o isselhn‘g Ihnspurinus-medicines. and “km. wise the Imme and mhirrss of the. llnusr in [he Unimd Slales..ur.lolsqwhm‘o. which may hn' esnmrhod Alwyn. so ns Io uuublo me. fur; the pl'hlecliou of lho pu‘blirrfio ins‘lizum pro» standings against such milrdnms. and l engage» to r'epuineralb’: vex)”: limrdéonwhv nnv person- who mry giv'o' rho such infr-rmrn’inn. lhe ‘in- formam’s nmm- new-r Iil'lhg dh'mgod. Shonhl any person hme reason In heliove thnl he has heon dk‘cwivc'd‘ hy hnying spurious imilnlinm of lhese- Mrdinim‘s he willdo well to sand mo. in a lmtor in tho nddre-ss nl. font: (which he can do M. n‘cnstfof six cents on post- age), one of the hooks n! ilrsmmliuus which am affixed tn Ilm sauna. J pmnmm to examine it and srnd In reply. stating whether the Medi- cines are gmmine or I.(II,HO that H' spurious he may apply to “w person from whom ha pur~ I sell lhvm to have his-numey refunded. Chancery, Notarigs,‘&c. (Thenâ€"{701111 Strum; 'V'ovomo erwh Offi(eoâ€"-l‘ivisioxl Court Clerks office, Rich- mond Hill. ‘l‘nos. K. Mo'noAn. Home: Tnnnnu’ 53, Oxfiwrd-Strem (infr‘M-l, strand). ' London, W (3.,Sem L In”. 687.6,“, .) August [7. 1870 '1II'011nhill. Nov. 3, Toro|n(-,Dec. 24.1 Patcrit EaveÂ¥tzough ND WATERSPUUTS FOR THE D0- DUGGAN a MEYERSJ AERVISTERS ATTORNEYS-AT LAW (For “0. April 2.]. I372. MORGAN a; THORNE, A R RISTERS, SOLICITORS IN TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC AND; CANNON, LES; nnIvN'r*rsT,_sLA1t.s A§»SIS_T: FRESH CUTS 011' 61.1) sons; $319111; fil‘mficfim. MARRIAGE LICENSES, 0'1." ..‘ m Walkman-1:5, )0. JOHN LANGSTAJ-jr,‘ 2‘ = Steam .Vlills,'l‘hornhill. HUG” MILLER & C'), V, . HST Kiu;;'_b'l. Easl’l'oyomo. 7. 1870 631- fi' RICHMOND m'LL. nrzn .Lr‘lv' Wm \1 AS IiiiLLoW» v . $69. IMM ll . MEYFFfiJfl 544-1,»- Slu-Jf

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