The following‘pre‘cious morsel we clip from the “peckeh†organ of the M.P. for East York :â€" As a set-0E to the above we give the inl- lowing telegram of Mr. Thomson to the Leader: ‘ To the Editor of THE LEADER. “CLIFTON, Nov. Hill. 11:30 mm “The Globe’s Saturday eï¬ition. under ha telegraph heads, makes me say, in :1 speech at Ridgewny. (hat if' elected ‘ his ï¬rst and great duiy would be to use all hie eforts to hurl from power the most corrupt Government with which any free country had ever been cursed.’ Inasmuch as I never uttered such buncombe, nor intend to allow friend or foe to draw me out of my own laid out path, Igive a flat contradiction to the above quotation. “Notwithstanding the extraordinary mis sionary efforts of the Government to elect their candidate, Dr; King. in Welland, n Conservative constituency formerly, he was beaten by Mr. Thompsnn, lhe Reform can didnte. by a majority of'sixly eight. Public opinion is gradually and persistnntly turning against. the present Dominion Government. in consequence of their reckless legislation. and should their organs continue to urge rural municipalities to, make their local elections political, their doom will be ï¬nalli sealed.†' Wm @mk “imam. “Signed, WM. A. THOMSON.†Either Mr. Thomson is honest in what he says, or he‘ is not; if the’lattcr, it only shows to what lowness clear grits will stoop to obtain oflice, or power. We hope for the best, at the same time re- gretting the defeat of King. FLORAL‘ GUIDE.-â€"â€"We are in receipt of Vick’s Illustrated Floral Guide, for 1873. It is the most beautiful of the many splendid cataloges that have been published by Mr. Vick. It is now pub- lished as a quarterly, four numbers each year. The ï¬rst number (this being the ï¬rst for 1873,) is designed to reach all on or before the ï¬rst of January. The second number will be published in May, the third about thei'ï¬rst of July. and the l fourth will reach subscribes by the ï¬rst of September. The ï¬rst number of each year will contain plain and practical in. istructions for sowing seed, transplanting, making lawns, walks, &c., and also his catalogue of seeds, &c., for spring plant- ing. The second and third numbers will be composed almost entirely of valu- able information’of the'gre'atest possible value to the cultivator of both ‘flowers and vegetables. The fourth number will be especially devoted to the culture of bulbs and plants in the house, giving designs, &c., for‘all kinds of floral de- corations for the home. Also, instruc- tions for the planting and care of hardy bulbs in the garden. This number will also contain, his autumn catalogue of bulbs for fall planting. The four num- here will makes-volume of about two hundred pages, with many hundreds of engravings,'and one or more colored plates_ The price ohargcdfor the gear will be twenty-ï¬ve cents, and any person having paid this price for the Floral Guide, :ind afterward ordering seeds and sending money to the amount of one dollar or more, can also order twenty-ï¬ve cents worth of seed extra} the price paid for the Flor-Al Guide for the year, so that it will cost his customers nothing but the , trifling postage, some six or eight cents for the year. Please inform all you‘rj friends of this new arrangement. REMARKABLE AGRICULTURAL Pao- DUCE.â€"We learn from the Hull News, pf the 2nd inst., that Messrs Matthews, Driflield, Yorkshire, England, exhibited a large truck load of mangel wurzel in the market on the Thursday previous, whidh attracted much attention. The roots were large, even sized, and the quantity grown was no less tllan‘ 115 tons on Wand-aghalf 16m. SOCIAL AT TnostLL.â€"â€"The social given by the ladies of Thornhill, on Tues- duy evening last, was a highly successful affair. The large ball was well ï¬lled and the very bountiful repast was every thing that could be desired. The music was particularly good; Miss Campbell and the veil-trained young ladies of her establishment rendered very eflicient assistants, and their different performan- ces were highly appreciated. The solos of Miss Proctor and Miss Sanderson deserve especial notice, while those. of Messrs. Prout, Smith and Snowdon were it marked feature in the entertainment. The Thornhill amateurs gave several selections in a highly creditable manner, while their solo reputation was well sus- tained by Miss Eva Purkiss. In ï¬ne it was a sociable evening and the pro- ceeds, amounting to $123 satisï¬ed, as it well might, even the most sanguine. This result will serve to show what can be done by a committee working in unison, and let us hope that something similar will become an annual aï¬'air until the debt on the hall shall be entirely liquidated. ‘ Notice-Alfred Hoskin. Oysters & Fishâ€"G. A. Barnard. Church Opening. ' Church of England Bazaar. Card~~Robert Raymond. Rlcnnoun'BxLL, NOVEMBER 29, 1872. WELLAND ELECTION. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS An exchange says: “ The, slow men of business who fear to risk a dollar in ad- vertising, should be reminded that it is in no way inimical to life, has never been known to poison anybody, and would not harm the youngest child. Do not fear it, my friend. Make a mild experiment for once, and watch the result. But take a good dose of medicine and wear a light coat of chain-mail for fear it might. strike in." CHURCH 01“ ENGLAND.-â€"The social‘ given by the ludiesin connection with this church at Thoruhill, a few Weeks ago for the augmentatinn of the Building Fund of' the new Church in this town was a great succeSs. The proceeds were up- wards of ninetysix dollars. We have to record also the entire success of the sce0nd entertainment of the same ‘kind held in our town last week, the proceeds 1of" whieh‘wer‘c sixty-began dollars. The majority report of the committee on the address was read in the Assembl} this afternoon. It is astrong indictmentagning; the Radical party, and insists on the estab lishment of a responsible Ministry as a means nfï¬ghtingr radicalism. The majority of the committee asked for immediate con sideratiun of' the report. ' The minority moved it. he postpnned until Thursday. The mmion was carried by a vote 356 you to 332 nays. The result is regarded ass very llwm-ahle indication fo. the Government. The President’s summrters in the Assembly believe this vote virtually ends ll’l0(1'i$ls, and that 1; mynilnr Innjo:-ity~ig_ Aux-e foyi u,“ Gowmment next Thursday. aw mm. To-DAY.â€"-We bane received the ï¬rst number of “ To-day,†a new paper pub- lished in Philadelphia. It will be de~ voted to “Health,†Popular Science,†“Practical Recipes,†“ Literature," &c., and its editor, Dio Lewis, who has long stood eminent as a writer on physical culture, feels conï¬dent that he will ob- tain ‘such a support as will enable him to make much larger contributions to the physical and social good of i the people than he has ever heretofore made. BANK onCOMMERcmnâ€"The cashier (if this institution has resigned his p0, sitmn ; on account, it is said, ofdiscountâ€" ing a note without it ï¬rst referring it, to the president. It is remarkable that three 01' male cashiers have resigned connection with this bank since its com- mencement. Change, especially in in- stitutions of this nature, is not always beneï¬cial; liberals in politics are not always the most: liberal in private business. RE-UNION.â€"â€"-We have great pleasure in announcing that the second re-union of the season, under the auspices of the [Richmond Hill Mechanics Institute will Ebé held in the Masonic Hall, of this town, on Tuesdayï¬vening next, the 3rd ofDe- cember. The programme will include vo- cal and instrumental music, and seVeral choice readings, from the best authors. 'Admission, 15 v cents ; members free. ‘ Doors open at 7:30, P.M., entertainment to lcommonce at ‘8 o’clock. We bespeak h icrowded houéé. 3.3, with instructions to present a btlles- tablishing ministerial responsibility, and embodying constitutional reform necessary to secure the regular working: of Republican Government. The resolution has been sub mitted to President Thiers. and he expresses his entire approval of it. A reception, which was largely Atlelidfld, was given at the Executive Mansion on M mduy evening Inst, Marshal MucMuhon was present, and the greeting,r between that ofï¬cer and M. Thiers was very cordial. General L’Admi- mult, Military Governor of Paris, who was present, snid during a conversation that the city of Paris supported the President in the present contest With the various parties of the Assembly. i There is great excitement in this city and throughout the provinces over the aspect of affairs at Versailles. it is announced this morning that the members of the party of the Right Centre in the National Aesemb'y have come to the determination to support the views of the committee appointed to draft. a reply to the message of M. Thiers as embraced in its report. Specinl (les- putches from Paris to the London afternoon papers sny the Radical jnutnuls of the for- mer citr are violent in their language. They declare that ti. terrihle revolution will follow the overthrow of the Government . f M. Thiers. The same journals BCCUQF L.- gitimintsz Orlennists. and Imperialism of having tormed a coaliticn to work for the downfall of the present Government. Gen. Chongnrmer is also charged with aiming to secure power. The minority of the com mittee on the address, who disagree with the report. made by the majority, have adopted a resolution to propose to the Assembly'tho nomination ot'a committee of PARIS. Nnv. 26.â€"Thore me no indications wlmlever this morning nfn settlement! nflhe difl'nrpncefl thwr’en the execuuve and le ris- huive departments 0f 1he Government. Bath President Thiers nnd the enmmim‘e on lhe address in reply to his Message ï¬rmly ad' here to their respective positions. and the situation is regarded by all us very serioul. A Berlin delpalch says if M Thiem is re moved or an needed. the Germans will re- occupy the w ole of the departmems recent- ly evacuated. A LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT.-A grand literary entertainment “:ill beheld in the new School-house at Buttonville, at. the event of' its opening, on Wednes- day, the 11th of December next. Ad- dresses are expected to be delivered by the following Rev. gentlemen: Dr. Ryer- son, James Carmichael, Cattennoh, Car- dus, James Hodgron, Esq., school lnsrector, and several others. Plenty of choice music will be supplied by a select choir, and nothing will be left, undone to render this entertainment specially interesting. Doors open at 6:30 PM. chair to be taken at 7 o’clock. Tickets : 25 cems each; children, half-price. The Political Situation in France. @flmwâ€™ï¬ glam. FRIDAY, Nov’r. 29.'â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, 53., on lot No. 36. 1st Con. Vaughan. Sale 10‘ commence at 12 o’clock, noon. W. H. Myers, Auctioneer. Wsnxesnnt, Dec. 4.â€"-Auction Sale -of a building and lot. on the premises, lot No. 23, 6th Con. Markham. Terms: one-third, cash; balance. 10 mos.’ credit, on approved joint notes. Sale at l. PJI. THURSDAY, Dec. 5.â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, &c.. on Ln! No. 24, 7th Con. Vaughan, by virtue of_ a Chanel Mnrtgnge. belonging to Messrs. J. P. Ru pert & D. Kennee. Sale at 11. Au. H. Smelser. Auctioneer. ‘." Parties having Sale Bills printed at this oï¬ice, will have a notice similar to the above. free of charge. Will be held during Hm day . 'Iha ï¬rst :1! ll o’clock, nan , thu second at 3, p.|n.. and tho third at 6:3“, p In A collecliou le he LIL-en up um each service. on behalf of the Building Fund. 'l“)° nlmlr wil b» alrengIho-ned by some 0! tho ï¬rst :‘I-J-lcll talent lrom 'I'oron o and than neigfbo I "7 "UL. superb int-Human! to he used on - cm --1 ho» hum kindly Ion! y MON", Vprciho :ner. Ttlzomo. Next. lbr' Divine Starving, by the Lord Bishop of the Uiocoso. Ilï¬irfl‘d hy the venerahla Alch- dnacou Fuller, the Rural Donn Givms. and the lncumbom. p‘ert & D. Kennee. bale nt 11. Au. 5.! ~ ppLICAT‘QN WILL BE MADE To bm‘flser- Auctioneer. A the next session 0| -|w Legislature 3" Parties having Sale Bills printed at if r5333?“ “1:: Tt.e(’h’{;.tt7:m'° of'tm‘;l(:Il"l‘t-‘ this mlï¬ce, will have a notice similar to the vile to Carleton. both in th; Town-hip «- “buve. free “charge. ' York. with power to connnct “ml! the Toronto Shell ll'ilwny n1 Yorltville. and at a point . _ . . , _7 twat the Diumupnn Station \Vllll tlt. Nornho-I'n @, Railwny ul' CnnnJa, and at :1 point n-uu' thu- ' ‘ '(Inrletnn Station with the Grand Trunk Rail. ® ’ war ol'lfmt:du and th» Torontn. Grey nnd i hula-e Ih'tlwm', and u l'mtlter pqur to amend â€" ~ . _â€"_~'â€"‘_â€"' :lhu sa'tm lastwnad, to a (mint nn tlu- liraml Mr, spurgeon'g sister is preaching at :I‘rnnk Rniltyn)‘. thorn In connnt-t wi h the Grand Wimmgham. Cambridgesbira I I'rnnk Hallway and the lurualu and th , ’ issrn v Rzilwu ' the total exports from Canada tn Fm: ce ; 1‘:,o..;u_ Nivem'w 2M, 1372, for the year ending June, 1871; was $537000. _ | ALEREIQ HIOSKll‘f. ' Table Codfish, Lab‘radar Herriugs, Just rem-ind and will have (a ham’ \vnafx- (luring the mum". a m1ppl\‘u" Fmv G. A. BARNARD'S. Sign of the British Flag Smï¬'. Richmond Hill, Nov. 27. l87'2. 7494f OYSTERS AND FISH I White Fish and Salmon Trout, 0f the best quality. at ’I‘HE NEW ENGLISH CHURCH, rocomly erected at Rinluimnd Hill, wiil FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS Fresh (‘u nmul Inhsxnrs. \lnnknral,&l- ; nirxo President. Grant‘s annual message has hr-en prepared. and w1ll be presented to flu- Cabinet on Salmday. .1. funny nrlichs. wili be hv'd in Fe'numv Imxt. by m: Indira in ct-nnmlinn with the “mm-h of England. in thin to" n "month: to ho dsvotad Io 1h: Church Bniiding Fund (I.y~(ribuno-u will be-Ihwkfulh‘ rnvcivml by HIV of who ramming Yndiem: Mrs‘ Wilnnx, Wrs "Arm-2d. Mm (7min. Mr. Planar. Mrs “vars. “rs R-rqmrd‘, Mr: Ninholh. x r-. Palm". Min Cmmfl‘e'h Miss Pour-ck and Miss lin- fum “"f'ï¬â€˜hlllonl tabla' Mrs Pawn". Mrs i‘onpcr, “TR.SFdII"|II.I|ld Mr»: Brown Richmond Hill. No! Q , ’4" 749-1 Hamilton propose-s establishing n F a! Men’s Club; No person under twn hundred pounds is eligible fur membezship. Brick is beginning: to be appreciated as I fire prnnf' substance. in Chicago the brick buildings stood innng and resisth more efl‘e-ctnally the flames than other ma terial. and from Boston we hear in similar report. that for a mile around the outski:ls of the burned district the buiidings which had withstood the heat. and whacked the progress of the flames are the old Fashimwd brick hours and stnras, with slate rnnf‘s. Can we evm- consent. however, tn hniH on‘ tirely of brick, even for the sake. of hainy almost. ifnot'quite. Info-from danger of ï¬re ‘3 (‘ain nnv city 'nï¬'nrd to do without iron and stone? We think notâ€"Leader. A painful rumor comes from va York. to the effect that. Mr. Horace- )tfltim' has had an attack of insanity; but it is- in be hoped that the report is false 'l‘hut Mr. Greeley is ill. there is no doubt; l)ul his friends state that. he will be better in a few days. The Early Ruse pnlmn wnizhing 'hrce pounds 2mm: hy Mr. MoWiIliums on a farm near Ashduwn, in the Muskan Free Gr'nnt Distrxct, has be?" surpassed by a putatoe raised by Mr. Robert Bins. township of Ryde Muskoka, which weighs seven pounds four ounces. Bov~MANV1LLE Nov. 26 -Jnmés Brims- combe ajynung mun empluyed on the farm of R & HI BeiIh; Darlington. to attend the horses, was kicked by a 0.011. injhe ymd.‘ last Thursday. f'rom‘the effects M which h» died this morning at 4 o’clock. The Imperial German Government has issued an ofï¬cial Cabinet decrev, command- ing. in the name of His Majesty Emperor William. the German raiiway companies to discontinue the' practice nf' transporting emigrant passengers unless full rates of charge are paid both for the persons and baggage in transit ' Pusw-Cmns 1x FRANCE.â€"The.1\7alinn(ll announcm [hut M, Wnlowski who lust year brought forwutd the proposition to establish a card post in France, is about to resume the ittempt, on the ground that «xxLet-iem-e in England, Russia, Belgium &c..hns shown that. far from irjuring the Post ()fl’tce reâ€" venues, il augments them. M. 'l‘hiers is said to be favourable to the project. In Kinonrdine, last Week, a knowing old cow seeing some very pnlnmhle looking hay in I Ilei :h which was sundiuu in from of a store. uncermonioualy stepped into the box to en'ny a feed. Her awkwm-rlness, m 'get. ting mto the slaigh ï¬-ighcened the xeum at Iached menus? which started “a†with Mm. Cow, who, however, managed (0 spring out without injury. Thomas Cussélman. oftht- 41h c met-‘ssinm ofMulilda. aged 70 years. wu-v gored to deal): by a ferucious bull last Wednede morning. His Majesty Amadeus. Kin-4 uf the Spanâ€" imds. is conï¬ned to his apartments in the palace, in consequence nf attack of illness.- The. summer Arizona, at. one time sup posed to he lost. but a few d.~.ys ago repurt ed safe, arride at San Francisco on Saluv day in tow of anot‘xel steamer. STATE or EDIYCATION m Rrssuyh appears from oï¬icial statistivs. published In the Harcow Gazette. that only 9 per emu. ofthe pupulution of Russia are able to read ; and Ibu1,exclud1r_v2 Poland and theCuucnsns. d the cities of St. Patemhurg and Mngcnw, t ere are onlv 624'ngenciea fer the disaeminu lion of literature. including bookshops, public libraries. and newsâ€"moms, amongst a pnpulmioï¬ of 55,000,000. Wild Bill. Nov. 97. 187) 149.9 FOR THE SALE OF USFFUL AND SUNDAY, the 8th DECEMBER THREE SERVICES gm: gdvprtimxmtï¬. rocomly erected at Rinluimnd Hill‘ be opened (D.V) on Church Opening. AUCTION SALES. A Bazaar, THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL,. 5 & 56 JARVIS STREE'I‘. TORON- to. Ruhr-rt Raymond, (late of Rich- mond Hill). proprielol. 1 me tanner} on llm anrm‘ce funn- Yonge Street, will bu sold cheap. Apph on the prumi‘ on, to me proprietor. November l3. $22. 717 4 II‘HE BRICK AND WOOD WORK IN Mnnul‘wlumd by Rulublex’k Culvert. Rich- umnd H.“ Mill.» which has 8 nod H4“ 1951 for length .l I'in.e,and is allowed h} compolem judges tu be the bum flour brought into the town. ' Remember The phoe. corner 0! deza and Cent-o slwet. opposite Sanderson & Son's. Ca†and examine his muck. as he fools con- ï¬dent he can give porl'oct sallsl‘aclion‘ Corn Meal. Ont Mun'. Pen Meal. Baney Meal BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR ! A Rare Chance for Business ‘ one. George Hwiuulhwaiv. Peter Bass)“, HQ'III‘V ‘ Hans, \‘ntson Evans, (:‘ourgo Emmy. Rulwrl I‘hlglihll, .Vlmv Anu (hwy, Mrs. M. J- .lnlmaon, Muss. R 2': :m short cream. and now‘ in returning his :~ »- 415. Lo Iho puhï¬c for their very libaml patro- I .1 - mung :Im plum-l “me he has been in (his .\ m lhl: summit.“ would respectfully cull Muir attention In the following list of prices: .Vlt'll's I’rnnch CalfB rats. from $450 to $5230 Man's Ft gns " “ 3&0 lo 3 5|! Men’s Kip " †3‘50 I0 4'0" Bms Slugus “ " 1'9" lo 2'25 Bm’s Klp " " 2(10lo 24 Munems rem mu “ « 11in w 2-1)" Women’s (“ell “ “ ,2 00m 2'30 ‘ thr- Subscz'ilmr, lax ‘No. 23. “Int! m'nces- aim! nf Vaughan. in [he Alï¬llnr purl 0901:“)th- fuur Shï¬op. Thu mvunr ol‘ the snmé is roqmw- ted to prove property, [my expenses and lake 1hem away. KfiI-Ick._:l_. A ('2) PM 3 , 0 1 ts ’ B ran a .n (l S] 60 I? s _I ’\ mom. or dmi'r‘m; "I gmxing iuln a Hm tor paying bus-um.†ma ,a nun n-w- now in >huuM sand $2 I!" fur full panncnlnra. m: . A1: , of n 1‘ xcniher. Lot 33, 2nd cnnce sion of Mark- hanL about Ihn Isl of October last, a spring pigâ€"whim vol-Ir. with a Mac-k spot on the back Am‘ information given to lhe‘suhscri» bun. lending to the recovery of the sauna. will be rewarded. Linlu. John Mon-e. 'l‘hnnms Vlch'mil-h. Kobe" Nolter, Eliza Of an kinds and sim. in n†the Ink-st shles4 which is pmilively A hum 4Ux (30. and n gocud spring "rook runs arruxs Ihn lot. The till" is indispulnhle. Toer easy. For further particulars. apply on the premises. to “udnï¬ssi nl \flnrh .1116“ can uuquos immhh mnka from 32%!) to $500†per nun-um \ddross! ("AME INT') THE PREMISES 0F “1:- huh. :1“... L. M" 0') IL.) .......\_A More or less, n|| under cullivglinn. There is on Ihe premises a good. [lowed-log DWELLING HOUSE! 1 wbmriber; in! No. 2!. rear of the :Ind collcmsiurn «f Mnrkhnm. in Um month of Jun" last. aired and whim Hahn-ling lmifrr An)" in formation Hum 10 Ilw subscriber, as to her whoreabou s, will be A'ewurded. mum. Marv BOOTS AND SHOES! 1W] 1‘} SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR VERY CHEAP FOR CASH! In the Flour and Fged depnrzment he has the Ti'ï¬e Village of Buttonville, Also. a large assortment of Overshoes, Rubber/'5. 660. Kept constame on hang“ Toronto. Nov. 98. I872 AssoH-m-nl ever. oflemd lo the public on iiicllnwnd l’lilh‘aï¬mï¬ which will bn-sold ,J. BROWN. Successor tq 'l‘. D_olvmagc.. mmond'nm.ou. so". 1872: ' may Strayed, TROM THE PREMISES OF THE SUB Strayed, 71:03; THE PREMISES OF THE N07 27. 1872 HENRY 1'“ [ENIJN‘I' J: (30., 934 and 235 h't, J‘L‘hfl)! $1.. Mmbm! Nuv «ï¬ber :1}, “752' 743- lm JOSEPH A. KLINCK. Markham. Nov. ‘2". I972 743-3 Vaughan. Nov. :40. 1872. THOMAS GAUIJEY. Markham, Nov. 12, ’72. 747-3 Henrl‘md. Nov )EMAINING IN THE \ Hill Pom (tï¬co. Isl Mia [Inn Smnh-west pan of lot N0. )9, i2; u’m 4th cmcession of Markham. near UST ARRIVED, AT THE NEW HIE IARGEST ‘AND CHEAPEST 3530) mm YEAR! LL PERSONSVUT 0F EMPmY Camp ( ash Slow. mm LIN-mum) duflars’ wmm ul‘ Farmers, Read This! Kent constantly on hand : also FIFTY AC RES ! List of Letters Farm for Sale. For Sale. ROBERT METCALFE. ï¬tmyed, Notice. Astray CHK'I‘AINISG 'I‘HOMAS‘ J. LACKPE. ,6‘ 15:2. 746 a Nightingale, Mrs Nimlwls. James \‘V. Nnkm. Mrs I'Idu nrd Rl'rlmrdsmv, “(h-j uniu Kain-h. T- S Smuh. Angus ' Sowmd. 3‘ T. 'l‘mvaslm', VIN. H. T935dnâ€. Jamga‘t Tucker. John H. Vanuwsel. Mra. J. Vi. Wine. Henry Wily-1m. J. anm. Wilfiam Scilcitor for applivauls. 749-7 M. TEEFY, P. Nov . IST‘J: IHCHMUNI) 749- if 748-3 NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS. ml It lu_\'¢ d. - ‘ the l‘M-lc' ml! he read? for dullvary nl'lor "mumher lpt. Subusrihers me rnapeclullly rNhu-s‘ed u have the<pmm ol the volume reme ml the agent may not be unuecesem‘ih‘de 1 thanks for lhn large nhure o! patronage during the pun eight, years he has been in busiuuss on Richmond Olil'. would announce that he has just received NEW FALL GOODS! ,\nj ")1 0 up [0 order. None but ï¬rst-class won-lumen x mployed. BETTER BOOT FOR LESS MONEY Dress Goods, Shawls, Millinery, Manth Furtmy/ C'ofrons Prim Flu mzels, Bltm Witter/y Shirts, 'I'u Collars, G'mllemm’s Gurnsey Shirts, Canadian Tweeds, ’Cloths ! HARNESS ON HAND, (flail/Mains, Colds and consumption, The public generally are invited by the sub- scribur to call nnd inspect Embracing all kinds. suized to every agv. class and condition. Heunmluher you can get a Poplins, Serges, 6:0. l‘he slack wil. be fnm d wrv conup'vte. Al Ihe Imest sures In Hal: um" Bnnm-Is. ,Mnlfltlus. ready-mad" or made to on! r. Umbreum. Ruhr lmns. Laces, Ladies’ (Jollnrs and L'uï¬E. &c. Ladies shou|d call and see our NEW 1‘ ASH- IUN PLA'I‘ELS and gel the latest Myles, Also [’qu ‘Nool. 60 01’s,â€: Furs, imitation nud rent Minkakin Sets, flu: , &c. PARMINE IMPLEMENTS 8; TIME Carter’s Ditching Mn- chino St mm and horsepower 'l‘hrekhing Mar-hines (7 Ijl‘lill'zd uu_thiI-ge Mauve†and Rama rs Wand Eirtm'ing Mimi ‘nok “Jrso Mid Dug l’uwem {VI-whims Jacks Straw Callers RoolC1lvlers& Pulpers G niu Crushers Turnip and Grain Dril' Hand Seed Dnlls Fanning Mills Clovu r‘_‘liu llurs Hurse. ll uy Rakr-s (30 u Slwllc 351. Husker Slump llnt'lnno-s l’nia'm Fan Forges Mowing Machine Knife ('iulw Mills and Prom-p Grzn ’:- Singlu & Dnnblo I’olntu Diggers Pumps Sca'us Ho so Hal Folk! Amalgam Steel Bells The Blanchmd- chum BurreIA- I) slu-huuw Flowum S‘tmlng Mm chine Philadelphia L a w u quvr Greenhouse mud Gur- dun Engines Laundry Machines GnHlan l-nplonmuts and TOHlS Fin Id Sen-(ls hull and llrnnmental Plough! Gang Plough: Double Munld "laughs BOOTS AND SHOES A choice stock of all kinds of Fresh Family Groceries Alwqys on bud. Owing to the duties having been Inlou 03‘ Tom and L‘Lï¬'m, 1 am able lu sell at a ccusidemb e r- dumiun of o.d plires Pilfmw l'lnyghs Iron and Wood Baum D HESS JDEPAR TMENT READY MADE CLOTHING l Crockery; [Iardware,d’cc. always on hand. In Blue/c and Colored Silks! @grimlmml alm'pIcuwntï¬. FANN ING MILLS, I ADELAIDE ST. EAS'I‘.'1‘0RON'J‘() 'e'mg mm of Hm leading branches in our bnmness sprcLJ atlo Illlun has hm-u gin-n lo he .x lamina «1" the lemon and but nm- u-rinis adup ml or 'he pomm-‘s lrnde. and m prices I0 mum- within the much of all. A Seaonablé Announcement. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ! 147- In Cows. Puma, Vests. «Sun : also made to 0rd at m [he shortest noiit e. Richmond Hill. Oct. 30. '72. WM. ATKINSON N RETURNING HIS HEARTY STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT- CUTTERS. BRUSSELS CARPET BAGS! 7174f U01. 9. "372. Qty Gnudï¬, aï¬mmiw Hats and Capé’ for the Minion ! AND Importer, Mamfl’ucmrurmnd Dealerin all kinds of O'l‘lCEâ€"KITTO'S ‘HISTORY OF Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, «9:0. «’36., (£6. ‘ Than at any ther house in lawn. S THE SEASON HAS ARRIVED GREAT BARGAINS A'COMFLE'TE' STOCK GRAIN CRU SHERSkckc" 5w when I! is absolutely necessary [0 keop the feet dry. in order to prevent Light and Dark Eloï¬â€˜s. &c.. 510. HIS ENORMOUS STOCK ' ALSQ. A LAï¬GM A‘sfllt’l'MEST Of Accounts rondwod Oclohex 19L NOW READY t IVIILL JAPANESE SILKS, A MAMMCTH STOCK 0F WM. RENNIE, (FIFTH Enmox), A'c , 86.. Sac. Contra} Sure, Riuhuan'HiH Comp: ihillg TH E 0 l" Wm. A'rgmsox. WM. RENNIE. w. n. Mums. J. D. BOLTON. and TOM'S. Fin Id Sw-ds Fruil and Urnnmental Trees and Shrubs Superplmsphnlo of lime 81. ground bmm I’nre Seed Hrniu .310. &c , A'c. :1 china Philadelphia L a w u Mowvr Greehlxouse and Gur- Narrows ledaml Lawn Rulie: Hurso Hues & Scm‘ï¬e' (,‘nltn nlnrs I’olntu Diggers Pumps Sca'us Ho so Ha‘ Folk! Amalgam Steel Bells The Blanchmd- chum BurreIA- I) slu-huuw Flowum S‘tming Mm Eyel’s Pawn! Iron INERY Shawls, Manila, Prin (s, Blankets, 'I'wreds, Cuï¬'s, 74l-tf Ann; 7‘2â€. [n the 'l‘ownship of Markham. in the County of Yolk. was (lissohwd by nnulual consent on the Ibuth day of April. vim Ihbusand eight hundw-d amfsevenly-nne. 'l'lm bn‘niuebs will holeuffler he couduclod by Mr. Abraham Evert who will pay all chims "pun the ‘lnle ï¬rm, and whoi s author-ind to collect all de-hls due to the same. A.†[872. In prom-nee of JUST ARRIVED! AT THE “ EYER AND BRO THEE, Manufacturers of Farming Implemenls,†1872. FALL. 1872. FALL GOODS ! 'I‘ WEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS DRESS GOODS Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and ï¬lmllnw walls. Price $5, complete for cistern not excoediug 8 feet, Chum pumps f0] cisterns, $3 each. ’ Well digging done on the shortest notice. Address, Bunting depth of well, FANCY \VOOL GOODS 'l'hese pumns are smln‘alu‘s for all depths from a c-isicru to a wall of I50 fvelv They me not linblo to get out of rennin. being doublm valued. and the juims are nillturnod in a lathe: cousequentlytl‘nele is no leakage at the joints which is invariably the case with the common pulp!) marlih): hnud ‘ rhino : $5 {Above platform, and 40 cent foul below. a per B L EA 011 E D A N!) G Ic, E 1' 0,0 7 "1 ’ONN, Is now compleso in cvery requisite ol Milli- ueny Goods. We have spared no expense In proculing the mod. approved styles 0†(Tnmpris' -: Slmv Z.~ . Numb»st 1 ï¬x. P‘ms,&c It' you want u pu-ny Shuwi Mantle don’t miss swing llI\ Hut-k Ready-made Clothing, &c.,&c. .OUR. MILI‘INERY BEPARTMENT ! Ladies’ Hats, Bonnets, Caps,'§'c. BOOTS AND SHOES ()r if they are not preferr. d to am usher pump tho) may be velluued, aud lhO money Will be rol’uvded. : ' " - ‘ * A I a » FRENCH MERINOS FLuwms. Fun" mus. ’l'nmmmos. Wu‘ding and Monrhing Unnna‘s. ahvnys ‘1 hand and him 0 to order on tho‘nhnrlost Im- ice. ;Au early inspection is solicited from our lady pauons. CROC-KERY AND GLASSWARE Kept Constantly on Hand. [LT Before purchasng mewlmroi'givo ma :1 call 1" I think I can elf-av inducomem: “Ml will make it w your advantage to buy l'mm me. to 41:0 pu ic fur thn liberal pnlrnnagu he has receivrd wh ale in lusine-‘s. uv'd won I! also invite an our!) call to his unsuited stock 0" I manulhrln t.’ ’ In; My. Jacob lh‘llimgpr liichmund HI", \\‘llu has purely-sud 1iu~ buriv "(as I'rnm Vlr l’ l’ha'lipa. and is [uepumd I'u {H anmden promptly. This Pump is Easier! Walked. JIM! Durable and Nude}! Mum: in the D mi in. It iï¬ an couslrm'ted with tlw ca Iiugs of flu- llnml'o us to make it a†light, lhwvl'orf- pre- venting chiidruu fun» pulung mnlhing inm iI. The Subscriber wouid n‘spv-cuulh umuunce that he is prrpare'd 10pm in Ihis l’ump On Trial for one Month! ' And if accepted ' WARRANTED TWO YEARS, B(‘)OTE§ AND SHOES ! ANY HOUSE IN TORONTO. M. TEEFY. Oct. 29, 1879- BOOT {ND SHOE sTanis‘,‘ RICHMOND HILL. 7‘ ‘ French. Calf Boots._ for $5 00 per pair; 1 Double Sales, 3550 per pair. All kinds 0} (“Mom work warranted to give the hm! of suisi'aclion. and a good fl: guar- unload. Shop. two doo rs north of G. A. B' rnard’s Slams. ' HE FXUICL‘W'UR PUMP IS NOW manulhrln t." In- M1. Jacob Hrllimm-r WViumxn old hand: lhli lUlh day of October. Prices that dwfy Competition. gm (60mm, Watering. 00‘. I4. ’72. Dissolution of Partnership. _â€" )UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN FIRE PROOF STORE! ()I' a]: kmds. which Vho offers at prices th will conmnrz- with Oct. 3, 1872. Uamqunlled in quality and varietymnd at Innullessrvtui913I Him a iargr- stock of FAMILY GROCERIES ! Richnom‘. Hiâ€. UPI. N), l8†Hollands. I’r‘nns. Cbhonms. {mars sf ull kinds. Rbhous and He is also yrapaml m nmko In ("Her lbs. stI kind 0| Flannels, Blankets, ' Hosxsmr, GLOVES, HATS AND‘ CAPS, XCELSHH': WILLIAM GAMBLE . ETURNS HIS SINCERE THANKS that the parluemhip carried on by the undclaigued under lhe head 01' LAana‘, Mus-m’, no Cmmmm'v Wincoys and all wool Shining. gum and gum; [N Am. Tm: Ntwrzs'r S'I'ymzs. A (mum man" 01-‘ pm CHANGE: In a" Prices and Colors. 'rmc FI'OCK xs-w‘uumts Hmnwmu. Cu'rum‘v, A Luna E‘S‘l‘ocx or JACOB BRILLINGER. L CRUSBY. Proof Store. Richmond HH MillaHAM ICYER. JACOB EYLR. AND 0F BUS] NESg. PUMP. Richmond Hill 743 1y 145-4 700 :r 7‘20 L U numlce to her fliendsnnd rnslonwrs that sh» has removed In the (we-ling Iwuee In!st or-cux ipd by Mrs. 'l hum: s. and adjoining Mr. Mug-n! Richmond H ill whcn- HIP “rill lwa happv lo. Iereive their pap-quay. In formerly ‘ /7 in ulvl i“vu, 'rngs. &n . A1?“ Hivhmnud Ilill All Oldrrs prmnpklyaucuded to. F. WHITLOCK, V CHIMNEY SWEEP AND DEALER. / in ulvl i“vn, bags. K’n . A1?“ Hivhmnud The high»! matket prices given for Callie, Sheep, lmmbs, &c Richmond “in. Oct. 94. ‘79. 745- 1y lmw alwuvs (-7“ Mann Iin- hell of Beef; Mutton, Lamb. Vral. l’ol‘k; San-ages, 55c, and sell at Ihr- Iowo-st [Mars for Cash. ' A hm, (.‘mned and Spiced Beef, Smoked am! Drivd Hmnr. PEOPLE’S STORE, ' A'l' mas mums ' COXSH'IING;OI‘ Bonnets, Hum. Cups. Feathers. Fiuu‘rrs, Ribbons, Ornaments, (96., (l"(;., (to, All of which w.ll;ï¬e trimmed and mad» up in thy 15mm, mvlesA It would be. well for 111w h- dio ol Rirhumnd Hill am! Fl'll‘uvmndzng heighâ€" borhoud Io call and examine the [alga and hauntiml sunk bnfm-e pnruhmiug am (If Iluso ready-made goods found in the cummv Moms. A: 1 am a thorough. praclirnl Mnhnol, the public may relv on having everylhing made up in a very Surnmou manner. and at prices that defy cmnpexilion. TEAS AND GROCERIES. IMPORTANT NOTICE ! WINES & LIQUORS Call and oxummo the largeg‘and v 93%“!de stock in WINDOW SHA DES, TINWARE, PAINTS a OILS, . ‘ GLASS & PUTTY, (yummy, and Chin‘s to he a ï¬rst class “mum . and Ill? only true way of tasting i1 is by cumpuri’mn; and an inspection of the stock and prims is ros- poctl'nlly solicited. IRST PRIZE photographer. hogs to in- 4 f=rm Ilu- public hat. Imving connnenm-r! operations 5') !lm ahuvr hirinst on Richâ€) vind' Uill, In- is l'r- - ed to [also 141 DJ" and cloudy wemhar no hind-mun.- m Illa nrl, except {04 children. I’m-lim- gluing unrinrm 1f «:hildwn taken me reqnurtn-d m be m We uul'u: mun-nu HI A m. and 3 y M. [13' G All. i} in Ilw old smnd lucv mly m-cu yird in’ Mr. Gaul. Rlchmond H' ' Sup: 96,’72. ’HIMF 113' The highest priccs paid for an kimb ol‘ Farm Produce. ()Id plcmrls can-'ully (mph-d and en‘KigM PM it's «'e‘siv‘ng [vivtvrr-s printed I‘ru-m Hug oh"~ mgmuos 0' Mr Grm‘ nr ".uud (“an have them h» «rt-Wing,“ l have purchumd all Ihglir nogativm Persons, Ariimuls, Houses or Landscapes “6 ALMOST AN" INQUIRED SIZE 0 R STYLE. Flour md Feed kept constantly on hand. PHOTOGRAPHY. Nonmbar 12,1872. CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE Richmqu Hill. Nov. I3†[872. 0120 UN!) COFFEES AND S PI 0E8, ? URll‘IITURE, Richmond Hiâ€. Ont. 3, ’72.. MIILLIN ERY GO ()1 )8 P. G. SAVAGE.’ Richmond Hill. Jnfy 25, “372 ’ 7lT-.LE UST ARRIVED I FANCY GOODS! MRS. w. s. muocx, R ESS M A K E R. mans m AN- U TC H E R s, RICHMOND HILL, PEOPLE’S STORE; PEOPLE’S' STORE- A very superior and complain stock of PEOPLE’S STORE THOMAS 13-" COPELAND, PARCELS DELI VER ED. MAIN Fur the hem. pnren, and cheapest If you want pure, numlullorntea W. H. a“ R, PUGSLEY, PICTURES! Remember the (smgusgqns Tu W. w. 00x) (Eiwctrim‘, 8w. glwtnmaplxy, H“ YOU WANT 00M PA PER. CROCKERY, f1LASSWARE, Am" Imxwm l.’l Rum mum 1m: ‘., RICHMOND ll ILL m suom, THE GO TO 'IHE Fuli SALE. [JP M RS MY ERS. 7471“ 7464f 7414f