bnumtmn or AK Amman ‘Exrmxma nxpflm- TI lâ€"‘lfll OUUKTBY ’I‘u BE V1 ITED.‘NATURE 0? TH] DI OUVERIES EXPECTED TO FE [From the N. _Y. Tribune] A vmuublc cumributmn to lhu ligemmre of £116 Huly Land is liluly to be the trunk of an expedition which lulled 1mm (Us City about, a m: 1.1m ago under the charge. of Li. m. Edgar' Z. ateeVer of the Unued Slates army, who has rcccivcd Ihe nrcesxary leave at absence 1 ï¬rm the Secretary of War. Tue rmall coun- 1 try of Palestine um bu viuw‘d In no whole? exmni 1r In many Flaws baud: 1mm Pisgah. ‘ me the watch 0! the Dad 8 a, at he suutlmu « xtr-miry, tbu snow. at M um Ha.- mou can budnunguxnhud N. mtb‘l 1-8 thu mholn cuncuc 01 Sam (1 I-l..~tury N‘IB imu Pmnstluc than the E wt. and the r. humus whn h I ‘1361 had w‘th XML 11), Monk, Ammuu, Bashun, an! the “llmruem-, from which they emerged as a nuw mm 1.1, mum-r a thorough explombinu of that regiun almnsc euscutml to a perfect oompr heuriuu of 801nm imaaoxtztut. f cts in 'the uiuwi‘y of modern ciwl za iun. It in mm region cunt. -f the Jamuu which the Palatine Exploration 3001a) especially intend to makc known to us. This dwuict, b side the hit-turlcal interest which attaches It) It, in of pinvgu ur animation to aruhwomgints. In xums urn nut only gum In Hm, but uu'quu nu l-mrnctur. P4 ha has a ounhcuun of tenuplun, pu lllu budding, and pnmw houu's, has but L hub curwd out. 'of the rock use“. Nunh uf Edhm me stones of derem d titles, unuhuugvd {rum century to cenluuy, owmg to their huvmg Inn «on- alxuulod thwughuut of muslec stones. In many iunluuouy their buildwru seam to haw been gunned by lht: mmplr aim at ludustmcdhilily ; so that not not only the ueilxug, but thu doom and window-shumrs Ware, madrot .try haw} slabs whivh 311:1 l'L‘bt ou tluil‘ pivms. '1 his {alum-wt coulsr, lends all UXUt‘pliun‘il 1u~ urea 10 the UXp orgmuu- of such a'couutr» comparcd With utth and m lauds whnsl‘ citlcs hJc lung bincu r mmnlcd away. This dlsuiut has becn posmwel hxr many centurile lawless Amb mhes; but thia has cunuibuted to the yrcsmvuuun at Its architectural remains. In promemu a: the‘ dwmuw winch we situ-nted w‘ st ol the Jar ‘ dau ham: enj yud periods of Civil zuiuu and prx-spcrity, no lhdt um inhalutaum might builu and nularge their cm. b, may have m. varmblydon 8U at the rxp» hat: ut the gnut sun tum b longhg tn the which Vn. ceded (11 ‘m the gnu R unan wild in ï¬le rum» ol 0. Hana am a Cultglnlnblali 0| Plumm- ciau mammals 1mm old Du and Alhmcc. 'Lm re 18 sumac], a any: nun lu b‘ylm now, Wh ch duct; 11 t pch to be the rum m mum and m, ruins. « A smglu casllv, cum-mug a. 1mm.) pumi- pxw In L ham 1),th lhwuh ui Cunnaullia' , Gmk, Human, bamcnmc, and Turkish bulmcm. ' Lime chdu m-nrwiy up, nc'ablu climauc 35‘ mu- 5 has cuntrxhuï¬ud to alter ha- 0- uturien punt. the up}: cl. (It lhf- 1mm; ul Dlhuu, H-rbwn, harm, Baal M-ou, Hull)th Ammon, th an, auu ounr when, wuuw d‘ - s‘ md In u“ a s.i.l alum! mums hahi atiUUh for jmknl , ban, and owls. the gen» ral n adur’u notice tnat more men haw died young who have bet 11 connected with the New Yolk pres; within ten yrars, and that, two, tron) intcmpeiance, than in all othrr educational cnllings put .ugetherâ€" young men whose talents have been ot the ï¬rst 0 d: r, and gave promise of a life of use- fulnesa, honor and eminence. The best pnsni- hie thing int a wan to do, when he feels too tired to perform a task or too weak to carry it through, is to go to ind and sleep 8. WM' , if he can Thln iu the only true recuperation ot brain pawn, the IlJl_\ actual. remwal of brain force. Because, during sleep the brain is in a state ofrvut, in a condition to re. c: in: and appropri to particl. s of nutrim. m from the blood which tak« s the place of those Which havv burn cumumed in previous lab. rs sincelthu very 8! tot" thinking conanmt s,burnu In snlid partly-[vs as eVery turn ofthe wheel or screw oi the splendid rteumer is he result of the consumption by ï¬re of the fuel in the lurnace. Tnut snpp‘y ot ton~umrd brain substance Can onlv be had tiom‘ the untri- men! particles in the blood which were ob- tained ("mm the mod eaten previnusly, and the brain in so constitut d that it can best remive and appropriate to ttsdf 111mm nu- trvmeut particles during the mate of net, 0'1 quit and of stillness in sleep. Mere stimu- lantat supply 11 thing in themselveamtnry only guild the brain, f me it to a greater con- sumption of it» snhsuum“, until that sub- stance has be 1: so fully 8311!“:th that: there is not power enuugh left to receive a supply just as min are so near death by thirst or starvation, that there a not power enough left to swallow anything, and all is over. The incupucny of the brain for re: owing recupe. mtlw particles some tim‘s come-s on with the fluidity of a stroke or lightning, an d the man becomes mud in an instant. 108 es Iense, and in an idiot. It was under circum- ggmou of this very sort, in the very middle Malling {mm the 1mm Foulbcnl limit 0: (hip ï¬x 111', «h: rod), win-rucqu dmtnv! of Loom lb pawn in“; we L-urm 1's m um ium, thb, ï¬lm I: run all 113 the nus: ‘ 1' 1h 1) in Scl. The nowthrl‘u within!) (:1 lhia‘ ma 1‘ how krmeu tho Baum, in u hlgh’ divcrnï¬ (‘1 mm - uuu, wul w. but) an!) )wtll:,1.s bu l-u-r oxun conned wnh Iht‘ pH luncsque rynun oak. Alum: the bunk uf [bu but! 54: up to the ehtla‘hcu 0! tbs J. Man, the mounts. n- smk down deupl) Into the dc pest thasm on the fauc 0- the - mm), with tn Ir wl‘lrh' w Lune and ranged that they Imparla dam and ev‘ 11 «avg; a>pcct to t. u mu m that th‘rtllgulukr. Ram “31!: upw r tub r-Innd lhc hrlghln ubuul Jurumhln um. b w‘ 11 awn. 5. v: ml .~'na:u~ cut Ihcir sun duwn no nu luk. tluuugh great gurgcs, at the mm] of whu h 11 an the lower __ . If.“ .... n. BV'.V~' _‘ ' exuumuy uf m Dcud baa aw bu er, um: 01 the unulcnl Capllalh ut Muah, and now (alluu Kerak. About- 12 mil: 5 mth of it arr. thc ru us of AI, 01 Baubth Muab. Butt! thew plan wt, as Well an many ruimzd cit;o.~ in nu», aeighboxhi 0d, though vimrd bcfvl'c by trav- ehru, are not yut as Well I xplond as cuuul be wirhud, owmg to he tumulan uni His.- picious chum-Let of in; preacut inbamtuuts. NONI! 01 this is the lung, deep king of ihe River Amun, which separated Moan from Amman, and which is mt,qu refund tu In um historical looks oi the Bible. Bu) und it lie the It mains or Amer and Dib- n, from Lhc Ill-L16 at which last was bruugm we celebrated “Mqubite Siouc.“ inscripuun 0t antiquity. It was fulmd by the Rev. E. A. Knuiu m 1868, la a quarrel of the Arabs um I the pusm ssiun ot the stuun it. was broken into fragmtuw; but its in- ecripuun was preseiwd wiIh the cxwption of nbuut one-seventh. It mode the SUtOVSS- ful rebellion oi Mcï¬hu, King of Muab,u5uin~t the Isl‘nelltiuh yuke am: a. forty years’ up- presswn by the house or Own. It is the oldest alphabetic insuiptlou rxtant, dating about the year B. C. 890 This dist ovmy ï¬lls up a gap in u e nanmliva 01 the. Scrip- tures, and encouragta the hepe lhat utth sinyilax tl‘t'nhul‘ea may be found by this new exploring uxpediuun. Thu mï¬Ã© 6f this Moubnish stuns has been aenelted m be beyond {but of any single “Steep the Best Stimuli: t. The pulpit, the bench, the bar, the forum, have contributed their legions of victims to dmukrn habits. The bcuutiml woman, the sweet uiugtr, the convrrsationaliuu the pe-iu- dital writer, have ï¬ned, but too otteu, the drunkard's grave. Now that the pm-s has become nuch a great power in the luud,wht n the raganmu must come out on a Certain day, and the daily nvwspupvi at a ï¬xed huur, Homing walls, t veiythmg must give, way to {helm-nimble Cull tor a copy, and, ritk (Oi wallmlsposcd or indirpused, asleep or awakr, the copy must come. The writer murt Cum- puse his article. Whether he feels like it or not, and if he is not in the vu‘n of writ. lug he must whip himself uptoit by the stimums of think. Some oi the greatest writers of the mummy have confcnsm to th~« practice, on Ulgtht (ICt unions, 0! taking a sip of brandy at. the end of CW r) page ur even Oftenrr. It may Lave escaped mm. mum... n..." Exploratibn in 9319mm. of a sentence of great national power, one of the mont eminent minds of the age has fmgut his it] as, pressed his hand upon his foreh ad,and utter a moment’s silence said, “ God, as with a spunge, has blotted out. my mind,†Be assu‘wd, my readers, “ '1 here. in rest for the weary " only in early and abun- dant nlwp, and wise and happy are they who have ï¬rmntu enough to resolve that “By Gwd’s help 1 will ask it in no other way."â€" Hall’s Jou‘mz If Health: SAN anmsoo, Nnvv 26 -A meeting ohho dm eturn 0‘ 1m; b‘uu F'aucinxo and New Yrrk Cnmmcrcml uni Mm up: Cunvpuny “as be" ‘ y«‘l~lrltlfl.y aftrmuon to l‘vt‘eth‘, n puxts tron) [hr (1 ï¬ltrxical Surwy sent out und- r Clarâ€" I'hcu Klug, and commuting of Mr K 113, l) D. Coltmn, uurveyor Bohr, and Mr. F-y. Volu mmuun rx-pnrts from the sunny werr re crlv‘d deuount-ing the whole pren'nded du. comry as a gigantic fraud. The husk-m adopted a. rvsulutiou to the efl‘ct that the fraud be at (mar and lully expand, in order \hat. the public may be protected ; 2950, that no more‘ stouk bu usual or transfernd, pad that the corpnra- tiou be t‘llsmlv:-d as won as placticubl- . Thu public ure warned against any funlnr txansactionfl (In the full] 0| the alh gen dis- crnvvri a. All the. hllltk lhus fnl‘ suld‘in 8H“ brld by W. U. Ralsloh; at me Bank or (‘uli- furniu, aid the original mmrpommrs will aa- ‘ span: the emu-c lnss Irum [he operatiuna 01 ‘ch ('ompmy. AGOLOFBAL FRAUDâ€"COLLAPSE 0! A OOIPANY. Tue nepnrt. of Clarence King gives the m - erminnn of bin survey in (1 mil. In the vicin- izy of ’l‘nb1e Bock, dimm nds and rubies wvre fnund on ihv surface. ï¬nd in ghe crevices, hut in envy instance Ufa “and†tn m was ewi- drnce that cm.- soil h d bven iampen-d With. 1-1 clevit-es where there were no tray-9P. «f thc work of man, no cvid~-nco of me vxis'- once of piecimuu :tones was discovered Sumo diamonds were tound in what was evidently avmi inl b01123. Thu conclusion arriwd at 15, Mr. King is that the gems found were in pr- sitious when: they would have bven dc- posittd by the hand of man, and that nnne vxint where, in ihril‘ occum-nce had been grnuinv, the inuvilublv laws uf Nature m nld have plaCcd them. Finally, he assent: that (he xeputed diamond flvlds have bven “z-‘a‘ltr'df’ or waltfll‘rd uer with stun: H to: the purpose of neCt‘iViug chance or unskili' d na'aluhr-rn The rep rt» c f t-hu uthur cxpiorem Corrthva mm of Mr. King. ' The 13th tin, some nme «ince, publ‘shl d a pmtm expnauuf the upvmtivns 01 Ann-Id, tlw man who sold Ihe magma] “uiw‘uvery†lo tln- Hmpendlpg Company for $150,000. 1! is and than thr dirufloru at the limr ut this pnbticanon b. Lana, satisï¬ed of the, frwud, hut vb air» (1 1h“ rqmns mrmiumd Lo swish any (10m t~x upon Ihu ruhj -ct,aud to d- 1. cl, it pusmble, um unginu'ors hf [I e nwmdlv. With this Vit w the suck has been held I'm k untx! {hr 3‘ nuinemss m the repoxts flom a1} quarters could he tab (1. Slvcv: g elegy]; ï¬md lo the aim, like the I ld-ï¬me tight rl< «Vv B, arr mvrv Mylirh than uasy ï¬â€˜tlhg mat lxeus. Whtn hlt‘l'VtN are nngml) (-1) n at the wni t they bhoulll «hm» nu inner Iimng ‘ f while silk,iusuadut bcmg Inu d with rilk I=kv the uress “hm: rilk amp is mud by the bet-t uoflimes for (her-s hnings. An lune. belt. n: mdmury bell Iihbuu is plamd iuridc all bmqu 8, pt lot-aims, and run round “Hints. It .3 Simply ta-krd to thy Lack and sulr m'ams, lh‘ 1n ok- (1 In from. as b01118.» the dn sh u: put on, and smes to hold um back in place A . .. . A n - ‘1," The ï¬c‘Iu-collar is a van stylish trimming fur arms waists. This Is a bin! Iand n! vc - vet (or any maloxiuI wnh which the dr‘ yes In L Imm- d), hued with shï¬ roundly-tn 1:, un mnaned and nightly shaped to ï¬t OVL r Xln bust It asses around the back ut 1hr (-01- sagu jun-t brlow the rollar, laps like a ï¬chu m from, and is fasleuul juht album: the by It by hooks and loops 1!. is a'mmple and sulish addition to u ailk (an-amaze, and is mam: A“ Eng ish crape, and is worn thh mourning dresses. Vx'cht bl lts are worn with dirssea of all stylmn, «:vm accompanying rhorl busquus. In many cases Ihry are in front of the b-«uquc only, buginning at the scum under the arms. and lament-d on the left side by a small how, or ‘186 in front by a budde cfj-t or oxidlz 'd SIIVGX’. If such a. sash is added, it is met. ly long loups and two rtruamers ol‘ diï¬cn m lengtx‘s and diagonal ends. These are at. tachrd under the belt, toward the left side of the back. Du lsy Waistcoats for dinner toilette: are of black velvet, with the front fvl‘mtd 0' alternate cross bums of white gnipure marr- tion and VCIVct. Thu wlvrt back has the mums outlined by a. band of guipure, and a rufllu of the same lace edgvs as the gnrmrut ’l‘he best protection for dress skirts that drug on the floor is a box plraIing three inches wide, made of winging doubled. ll m phatad into a binding, and in busted in- side the facing of Lhcfdrces, just at the edge, to keep the dress yrum touching the ground. This is sold ready-made for whiny-ï¬ve cents a yard. Fine muslin plantings are placed inside skiits of rvening dresses.â€" Many, no doubt, will be surprised. in read- ing Polo's book, to observe the fri qucnt in; dicaiions it uflords to the wide-spra ad diffu- sion of Christianiiy in his day throughout Grntral and Eastern Asia. Without luring too much stress upon the reputoi preaching vi the Gospc' and planting of ciinrchis by the apostles in Persia, India and China, iliough there is good reason to belieVe ibut St. Thomas, whose ’ body, acuording to Polo, lies lvufltd near Madras, preached the ()0â€" pei in; the fur East, stiil it is quiu- car an: that Christianity at an wily day disman- inated quite generallv throughout Asia and the inunds of the Indian Ocean. At a very early period there th‘e Christian bishops at busa and Pcisipn- lis, at Beirut, b‘amaicand, and also in Seismn, while the Catalan map btfll‘h wimcs: t') the ixistenw of an Armenian mnnast 1‘] near Lake Isslkul, to tho north vi Kashgar. Christianity was inti‘udthd into China in the early part of the sevi nth or! - iury, about the same time as Mohammedan ism, u imm diatsy afur the as. of tin- Hcgiia In fact, during this nd the sun-- Cbtdlng‘ caniuries there Wcre flourishing Christian churches in everv considerable city oi Ct ntral Asia, as far east as Yaskland Kash- g0i. with a “ chain at bishops and metropoli- tans from Jerusalem t v Pekin." As tu lhk' 08.11565 which led to the 4 eca- dance and ï¬nal di>appuarance of Ctirintianit, iu the East, It may be, ooarrved that the [unity of Christian doctrine and practice appears to haVc becomu gmdumly corrupt. d by Its con- stant comact with idolatry _; and ï¬nally, by ingrafung upon its Ceremonial, {rum time to time, pagan rites and ceremonn a, it at 1811th bxcume merged into paganirm itself. Polu relates that. in his time 0' r siiun priests pruclimd astrololgyv with a “kind of astro- labe," togrther with divination by rods, the same a» the priests of Buddah; while in AhySI-iuia, he tel‘a us, they obserwd the double baptism of ï¬re and warm râ€"thu former bp branding a mark upon the forehead and cit-her cheek with A hot iron. Abulfedn, in Early Progress of ‘ hristianity in the East. We ï¬nd Natal-inn and Jacobite Christians, with a patriarch at. their hrud. According to Polo, thiu“patriarch, WI) 111 they call the jatulic. chute-s aruhmshups and abbot» and *I‘rlatcs of all other degrtes, and sends than in o evrxy quarlur, as to India, to Bands, pr I0 (Tï¬tlla),jl18t an we Papa of Rome (1ch nu thr Latin wupties." ’ In Polo’s um» We ï¬nd Christians not only all along his route of Irchl to the count ul the Grcat. Khan, but also on his return voyâ€" age alongme Curumandul Cuastin Ab ssinia, and cl-‘pnciully in Smotra, an ialand of the Indian 8 a. Nor w- re those simply mlnsiuuary ulupusts. Kashgar in the seat on: mctrl‘politcu ace ; so was b‘thrnflmceu of which Ie‘nalu'ud as late as the seventeeth cengury. At Mosul The Diamond hwimdle hxnosed. Illnts “berm K r In sues. speaking of the inhabitants 6! Eocroca‘, 553‘s they were “ E~ an mu Christian“ and pirates! As late as the nemnmnzh centur), while they *enn nain d u Mum idolatry for th. cram, Hwy pmcliued LirLumcisiou and sacri- ï¬c. d to the moonâ€"a lingular xmdlny OI Juduium, idolatr). and 3 ps- adv-Christianity. -â€"From “ Marco Polo Mud Ml Book," by 0 ll. Spanner, in uarpcr‘a Maguzmefor Dcacmbn. The cmrespondent of the Roman news- paper Le Reforma, mitmg from Tunis 0“ 1h. 4th um, says: “ 0n Suturday, the. 31»: 01 Augusi, wP had a gland huliday and Itjui‘o ihgs.. on m câ€"auut of the opvmng of the mix. m1) mm Tunin o the 64:1. Lia. Tha tw Na io m m to tum-{n ly d cumhd mm flag‘ mu rgl. em and approp-mh tmblelun. ‘1 In- fl gs u! all lmliolln Mmbmiz d llm- bond :1 buy: erlyz cummuni n which ought to hm In.- all, and he: “an of which i.~ grwty id in fmeign c. 1 nun-z At 9 20 me tran. rutwnd the stutiuu ohm, cumin], and Win- rrCrintd with loud at camatinns by the sultan: ding munnudus ,gatlmud mun: the rtauun to we sucu 8 mm] Spectacle. On thu arrival of me 15er m Tunis, he repaired to the principal muqu 1 bfldi Muhr-j to 0&3 r a prayer bf I-hauksgiv ing on (he uccasuun ut Ihls happ) rvrui. H .1! an hour lat. r we tram sighted on itu r. turn juul‘uky 10 “Av G 1 Ha n! tiuu, wueu, Lu a ighdug from the, t-aiu, th H ghm s d, - M:- d tn ihsp: ct lhv railwuymnul minu vly ex. ammru an d waned cxylau .tiun~' ‘ f LVL‘I'j- t inz In uunfxiou with [ha works. H1» Hl‘ hue] th~ n hunured the X‘t‘pn‘h't‘lllalh't‘r» 0t thw- lunwm by accepting a. uullation,whiuh was laid out for 250 pvrsons‘ A special room ln ing prepared ft 1‘ the Bxy. he (wk his ma ,nun'ounu‘ d by all hinamily his mimsu-ls, the diplomatic and cnmsul x curpfl, and am heads u! tm different Ieligium budiLh‘. Aner tho banquvt mm va nude a ‘ short but aypnuprlfle spe- ch, i Whiuh he eta ed that hu was hhignly satirï¬Ã©d with th‘ quiun and happy t.rm1uutwn m†the lm»,and nu hnpl‘d that, It would mm) to the uva rc- tqa. and man lial progress of his pcoplv, wiuhiug pH Spe-nty In the railway," etc. 54 me 01 the, (11pmmat1v body, the Roman Catho- Lu Bu;th uf licsulm, the Gruck Archi- umudrltv , and utln rs, t x-u spnlw. On Mun- duy, thc 2:id of Svptrmbx r, the Aim- wan upech for pm he 1 afli ', which hld com muuwd under much tmo able- cin umhtancrs; UIOWdu \me waning at the [10K t ofï¬ce aux mus tn tlv lhi‘ n w stylr: m [moan-Von. Up- ‘ wands of 5,000 pansengcrn' Wcm >ll‘l'lrd ll» ï¬mt day hum um: t ammulinu to the mhur; the. folluwlng am, if the Iolal numl-ernf pm sung n; Hid uot ‘xL-u d the lil‘. t d’iy, it. dig no: mu thlt of tilt name. At mm: o’ulnuk in 1h,» 1m rning, his High- ness lhe hey, auummnhd by his tamig Mnï¬, nud nu ulhrrs I f hrn hx-us hold was n; veiv~da1 lh gut in [he n-pumntmivrs u the Cnmpany and ( 01mm tvl‘ and couducu-d Io llae piununm, Mu Ic, afm-r (L 112w apprnprinh Wolds m th ALkM tor [1h nghuwu’ pros» nur- bx MI. TULJ 9, (ha llaspvcling rngihcrr ut the « ompuu), and a r11 mhh rvpl) t-y hls High- ucs>,amug main lv-l‘ G :Imta, lhc anen n ridcuu‘hf .1): B y, fm ’1 mm. Hm High- m'hs mcupi‘ d a an n quemll} Nepal; (1 fm InnI an c~u1,«nnied by hi« two brutllvl“! and mm. Hm ngnuuns was aucomlmnlvd in mm [min by an (be Diplumuma, d C mun. Bud) mm m- Land 01 the HM om- Iehgh m (on-munilhs, and agveat number «4‘ ll): lmdxug m mbmn m Im- l‘unidau eummu II), that h d lu‘t'll unit (1 to th«- 0 cum 2 Le up “we that. the b- n- ï¬rs «f clvdiznio., g udud 3 int-omurrd 101111 ouu-vlry, Will u m a s,ur lo M cile the Amb poymatum 1c ‘11“gl‘M-S in clvlbzud Iitb,and umem tlm' LOU'I {minim uhth In bu luccnmr) to exit [Hut-~11 shu humpc n and lbw pruple 01 ‘11\ pountl), N) that [he commercial and ï¬nancial pm (1 mum at the (oumry thIIIII rumh mat d gne M p-mpv lit), m ubmlx. wlucn all that is uc-dcd is aulivny and umun. The Blue Bunk, containing 1he “ï¬nance ui-muun†nf [bu B itlsh GNcrument fov l87l-72 shuwp that, exc u-lluu thu civil llrl, Which dlnlllllllï¬ 1013406 23817~ 9-1, th gr at to the myal nuiin rhUW a total of £125 986 88 lid. The mid ï¬gurm in this mm], which “ill'at on 1: am ht. attention, are explaiuvd 1-3 the circumsmn‘ e that in “’10 puut ï¬nancial yqu 0111) a puriiuu of the ullowauca made tn the Princess Louise and Prim). Aillmr f I] due. The gram to ihu foim. r is £6,000, aim lo the lime. £15 000 a war. 'l’nu Crown Piiucepn oi Pth- m tuk. 3.138000; thu Prinuem Allut,£6,000; thi- Puma m Wwefl,£40,000; the Piman of Wales, £10,000 ; the Ullku o hdinhirg ,£l§,000 ; ih = t’riiwe sChi‘istinn, £6,000; 1hr; Du h as of C nub idgv, £6,000; UM Duchc~s of M: cklehbuig-Sm litz (daugh- It 1‘ (if tlm D whch 0f Cambniihe), £3,000; Lht Dam: of CambiiJg-a, £12 000 (vipan of warm from his mll'til‘y pay); and th. Duuhu s» of Task, £5,000. There we fuurvx- Chflnci‘llul‘râ€"Llil‘de Si. Lcunurdu, Cll(‘lmF- fold, West any and Calmsâ€"who each draw £5,000 2t year. The pu itical pinsiuns Hie wry iew. Uud I this (mail 1 nly tour annui- ties of thu ï¬rst l lass (£2 000) me permittx-d to run at one time. This Clarfl is iull, and the two palliifl divide the flpoils equall) bith‘en than The anuuitauta are Mr Disnaelt, Mr. Walpole, Sir G 11m: Grey «nu M . Milue- Gibsnn. The two second class pensions of £1,400 at vacant; but Mr. Vil- licis and ii cdmm, undrr ihc a tui’1869, have each £1,200 only a p=:ttlun vi which, huwwcr, comvs out ‘of the Con- flulidmcd iuud, 0f the four lhll’d clam; pensions £1,200) thrith are no.“ t, the our anuui ant b- iug Lord Clmencv Pagan Under ch: 3 ii Ill, pix ensinns ul£l.,000 mea'llow‘ d, bin only ouu is druwu, the Incipith being Admiral Hamilton, lat>~ second uecntary 0‘ Ibi‘ Admiralty Mr. B. ~nuinv, w'ho reviully ,ï¬llld annular EppO‘fltluuut, u on ihu list, lbutanotn iufomni us that the pen-inn I» ‘ suspended wmlr that gentll man is in receipt uf a salary in England as Jucge Advocuti General. Tut: (‘ost of Aioyuuy null Aristocracy n inghmd. ~01) Thuxsday John Curtin, a well-10- dQ and vu'y rcspdctable farmer, Ire-siding on the 5th consussiun, Huron tuwmhip, while buflrriug under lumpomry iusmity, cun his tvnroat, Hop“ arc untermued of his recovery. -â€"'l‘he Clinton New Era speaks wry favor- nb‘y of the HUGâ€?th and popularity of the plan udnptud th-Ire ofl'mpecuug and band- ing buth-r. Th», dusired 1-3ch has been at- minedâ€"m impnovumcm in the quality of butter, â€"The Ymmouth Herald says: Since the gale an rnmmuus quanuty ox HIthfld huh beam driven upon he. allure. Within a Npace Of 800 yull‘ds, 0.000 unloads of this article have drifted ashore and been hauled away for manure. ' We need not refer in detail to the chi! ï¬eerl'r, thrjud’lciul and dlplcmetic peupious‘ but it may uu noted that 1hr: pensions Ior naval and mllita‘y re‘vu'es chalgen on me uUDFUlldalx-d lund amoun‘s to£38,000 a y«ar. l‘he reprzseutauves 0t L n'd R-any r< celv £2,000; ‘hu r. prrm‘nmxivns ut L I d errou, £5,000 and the rt-prvse tatives uf Lord Am- hel'ut, £3 000. 'l‘ueae are perprmal, mp others for mm or more 1 v s. The luredital‘y pensions of the old ty pa are now mmuxd ta, four-th heilfl and dwctndamn WIHiam l‘enn, 154.000 ; the Duke 0t Marlburuugh, £4 000 ;the hairs of the Duke of b‘ homl erg, £2,160 and Lord Bulh,£1,200. Anuuxcam: we pruv rb ally lung-hm d, and gut-1h; a uuuiouu (aw, in poiul : “Mary Ann Fmrusm (uow Tomes), late housexunid at the Hun». of Lv‘rdn, Leland, to: has of rmulumeutu b3 the unum. £18 Os. 6 I.†The total amuum paid out of me conquudQQed mud dunng thr past year my pansium and annuiti- r.- wan- .gau‘; 879 25, 61.; bu', of cow": in addition to uh #1, Lb - varlous w-uuul estimates provide tor a Very cousldexable expenditure of u like nature. â€"-P« nnsflvania depovited a ballot for ch. fwer Davin m the m:th Pn Iidcnuul clue. Lion, An A Mean Rummy. THE OWEN SOUND DISASTER. STRANDING of (he MARY WARD We ï¬nd the following details of the hue dinner near Owen Sound, previuubly ruferxed no in our news-columns, npgear in the Own Sound Tuna : DROWNIhG OB‘ EIGHT MEN. 1t Documcl our melancholy duty this mzek .0 record one of the swat“ mnnuc dlsaatu. which has cvu- Mr Ll] place; tu thin vlumit) u we wwck ut‘ the pl ptlter Mary Wam m LLIL‘ port, and Inn Bubluqu m. u'mwt‘tug u. whiny: tut: panting ru auu crew. bum exam -I lull .iUtLuu bammtu lwt uu her way to Unlllquqou from KlUUlll‘dIU\, Lhiviug UL want a survgiu- patty wmuh hm :tarm u) {hr Uuwb mum lur ‘lhuudur Ba), out 1th that. steamu‘ at 'l‘ubermng, um. mug that; the) would b: ktunbld to reach their oxaliuatuu .ms scasun, and wax now Running 11 .11“. acvuul or our citizeun (amongst th. m Mr. J.vb. 61mph ua, one at Eanunuum), Lunk pus-- 156 01': km 10K qulmgwwd, uuu nhcpl‘ll- exit:ch on her Way, Latlmg an l’lcrq .5: lrlu “yr Wvod. 11w awumg was I) flank and ungy mat, the Uufl-ngwuol 115m; uuulu mu 0; bucu,Lhuush they var. aware {my mum uc apyruuumug um vxcmi-y, and «but 8 gm, Llny pounded un Wu (2 in known nh' u. Nouavmsaga Rum, about, foul mllub man: we ï¬ght muse, and three miles from hul‘u. Fmdmg um vessel fast, and ascer- tumvg mm: position by the light, whim. much was afterwards new, a boat in con» ulaud of Mr. J. b‘. btepbeus want name, and Lach Mr. George Uurwn, pursex, 1nd Mr. E. Mobuly, survuwr, Lo- go to Unilmgwoud 101' asslamuce; the Don: l‘cllll‘u- ug to ma stuulndr. Towards manning a mum: snuun il‘um the southwest sprung up, we waves breaklug mucuon over the xstuum~ u, tearing one of me bums from mu dawn, and banking lhu cabin wmduwa. Ewan: wm kupt. up and thu screw at work to endeavor to bring her on, and by 8 u. m , may ma auccwmd In muvmg nu' several hut, when thc connecting plpe Durantnua l'vllutflillg the engine usduszs, axter whlc‘u .be town of the Wavm dlLVU but on again in order to prevent Iunhcr injury, tm aptmu mduud her to be scum-u, sum ‘5 c1.g no unbldmncu Starting hum Cuhmg- w 0d, It was dttul‘lnlued that a hunt musr Du sum. {or tenet. ' The man being at [mange m tuu loLulny, prevuiua on tin; C Aptuiu L0 g; with the boat, Whilu he nmamcd.m c urge n: \hu VUbBCl ; audabot‘t 11 u. m.,a1lm auuunxu, menu n malnlug on no avenunt tn wt mp1: to Lcavu the vessel un 11 ms st am“: reached thew, Captain Juhnstuz. amuudmilha vent or U-villngwou-l. Th. ca running nunudy hlgh, 1h. y w« re (luv u an tuthelrland, wn‘re Lm-y unavd mm- pic-ml) drenched and bcuumhcd with cum I c m we wavus whluh brulw m". r lhcm, uuu wui‘u detained Hunt: for show Lhwe noun, unublu to get. away. 1n the mx-aut me: the tug Mary Ann tamed how Uuniugwwd tn the relic! of m. Mmy Ward, bul, uwmg to thr- heavy mamas u «bin to chu her, and compclh-d to rrturu t = U llmgwuud. 'l‘nUSu ln bum-d waited aux. «.ualy lb. uppefll’&uuc,0l the tug u-mmg L» rn-i h lief, and when they saw l1 1' turn bank llum be: iulï¬cmual ait'mpt urnacl. m m, aumc ol (Lu m, m spunngm asrlslflllu’, nelcnmued l0 mlk an cffurl t D ranch bhnre, And u. (out wntn ~igm put off from tlw pm- yvlll r ; but. haully had the) game a. huudn a ,u‘xus L11. the man at. the helm mennd 10 [06c control Ill lbw: boat. and letting her ge i ruadsldu \o tlh‘ waves, slm wam caps‘zéd In me bunkers, and a lun board preclpll-alt‘d mm lhr Iagiug clrmrnt, pcrbhxng In full new of linen ompnniuns nu the» pIOpvllu', mm noun on the deck loukiug on with hot- mr, but powu'less to assist. The struggle Was a shun: one, for human st‘rcnglh could not Wllhstand the pew r of the el. mwnla, 01' 1 mg endure me piercing coldI and although thruu were seen to cling to the boat tor a little whilu, soon all that n-mwned ‘m tell of mgm human beings having found a watery “We v 33 um bunt (hitting helplessl) among £110 brun‘km‘fl. The names of the lost me: Jnhn S. Styphunsuud Bubt. Blym of Own Sound, Uhudwxcxuf mmcur, Taylurut Orillia, and Culdwdl or Tarnnm, lh‘lflucin; to M11:- duuh’s surveying puny; R, R ardun, wheel»- man; Wm Rorke, drck mind. late fl'UllJ Eng. land; and (marl as Campbell, who resid- d on ihu shun: opposite, and punshud in night of hm home. On 3‘ riving at Collingwood. Capt. Johnson engaged three ï¬shing boats and sent th- m by main to ’I‘hombur), from wmnce. th‘y rmchcd the wreck, warm-d tnose on board, an: took them to Collinï¬wood The un- luv-mlble weather has so tar pl‘cvented a sun: ceasful attempt to rt the Mary Warn «if, 1qu she is compare; ivuly uninjured, and no duubt is eutenained, bun she can be can,in gut ofl' when a favorable day comes. Bust a nave: been engaged in seanhiug tor the b’dics of thuse drowned, A. M. StupnenS, E-q, having ofl'ered $200 award for his 11- phéw’a bo'y, but. little hopm are enter mined of any of them being tound. Thh muurnful inteiligence has evoked a. feeling of sorrow amongst our citizunn gene- rally, and me greatest interest. has been manifested in learning t ‘0 particulars of thu Had affair. vlr. John S. Stephens was the eldvsn son of the late MI. Thus. 0. Staph: ns, and leaves a widowed mother and a large : ircle of relatives to mourn his untimely Me. Having grown up amongst. us from infancy, he WM universally know and liked. and hlll sud men is sincerely deplored, eu' (‘iully by the young mm of too tuwu,av‘ whom his many manly qualilius W him a g« nerai lawriw. - W; .mngbt A rendcrud The d yuamne was inclosed in a roll about 1 under in length, and this was surroundra with sawdust and papa“ waste to prevent fleeaiug. This was paced in the charm 1 against the wrtical lace, and was covmd mth sand {Km 3 no 4 Centlmctrrs deep, thc gr areal; dep'h being «ma- uhc slant. rude, EU ns [0 dinct mu explosive lows towards the Vtrtical taoe‘ The exploision producv d several ï¬ssures, molt. o: wnich were parallel to the edge at $110 loo, and were from 40 to 50 meten long Mr. "B yum ll aw: a wido' .m. ll childxen, and his ‘0‘] by a my circle of‘wiumves a‘ At a. distance or 14 1].“:ch trom the {rue .dgauf the lcu(whlcu was 1mm 13 m 29 Ogntimetens thick) achauucl was cm lnmeuez long and Mn 5 centimeters in depth, the motion bcmg in lhc form of». V. Tm: facc nearest. the «dgu ww Vertical: the other was slightly Inclined. Vt"; Non: 1nd’n Engineering Magazine lrnunlutcs the. fu'luwxng interesting article trum Annalee. dc: Mm“. Pussiny this ma- tmial may pxove'ot grant auvuutagu iu bla [- ing lug a. bodlcs of tee which sometimes furm In harbors; as wdl as br-akimg up 1hr, im- mense mu. in the B! d Riw r,‘ whlch mm: M; long pmthed‘ its navigâ€".t-ou : Tue mteuue and ptrrislenbcold of thre lï¬â€˜t wmtu‘ pruducrd at certain poiuls along the Rhone acids of ice which thnau ucd wriuus danger to many floutiue structures, it 11mm would happen to be 8 qudm lhuw with new of ttm stream. The explosion 'of cartridges pmc- d on the ice and (overed with Band or mortar pro- duced only a hole Without lung cracks, ev: n along the line of least. Rhiannon; 3 result. cum-Inning with the man! efl‘ectu u!" this sub- ntanco. 1n urdei lo dclacb large. blocks from a muh or great bupflrï¬vidl extent, we following method was emplv yvd : In view of thin, in Doormber lart, the wl'mr tnnd thv (ï¬nd; of dynamlbe In break- mg up and clearing the ice from tho. (hau- ucl. The reruns ot the experiments Were 80 ‘xtraordmary as to justify 1211- It publlcutvou, wnh an account. of [he Hptcinl diupusiuon made to obtain the maximum of ~ mu. “inï¬nite as an lce-brnnker. “WW ‘and beveral .‘o. I is ul-o deplored .1Ves and fnends. In either direction. In one use a ï¬ssure wal mad' 58 meteujong in one direction and 160 .n the otbcr. The charge was only 210 grammes ut dynamite Nu. 8 Tue ‘0 ocks so antachrd were enormnua ; thm or fuur making an mm of 100 to 200 equate meters. In order (,0 break them into smaller blocks, the following method was ewp eyed: At the center of the block about 3 meters: from me edge,a hole was pierced 8 or 10 cenâ€" timetrra in diameter. In this was put an or- dinnry cartridge with tuse inclosed in gums. purcbu tuba. To this was fastr-ned a block rf wood, which was placed across the hole «0 an to subprnd :hx whuln in water. Our cchriment~ indlcat d that \hc molt eff UIIVQ d--pth of cartridge was 111.0“ 70 cumimetm b-luw the luwer surfacu of mm c; uuh ss i Wm; vexy (hick,when L «ad» pm % mild be 1mm. Tm: cam} dch (Untamed r‘om I7 31. 35 gr mmea of d mnnite. The -x,.l~slun man the ice an! pl'oduvvd radia- L m: ï¬tlrul‘ s fmm 10 m 30 met rs long. This muthud alum: sex VI'F u» bn ak cnnLiuu uu- ice at a dnntau'e or 7 or 8 men-rs frum the dge, but works bett-‘r on (1‘ tavlmd magaxxs L‘he uongumiun of the dynamite must be Vuided, In burdens at, 70 ° own, and does u-d fulminatn m (h:- c«»n itmn ; so that. .t is M II to r-UI‘IOlllld the carnridgt: with sawvmt, and to “)0!de In a mound Luv/clove of pack- .ng pip r. By lhi~' means in a single day we removed 50 000 x~quam metcrn of ice. Four men wen- employed, and thu expcnze WAS 40 francs. \thu \he ice is swt, 50 as to oppose less r ~sismnce, sawdust should be mixed with (hp I, unmitu l0 dlmumsh its force. Mr. Tom Hughén, M P, has been making 4. speed] at Birmingham on the question of" the: diaestublishmeutut the church, which 00 oppostd from a vury cu.ious point. of view. ‘ He acceptcd thu test of the " gr most good (not the grratwt happinuss) of the gu'atrst numbi-r,†and app‘yiug it strictly in ill-7 question, “Will diaestubliahment hem ï¬t Um greatest number of living Englishmenâ€"is It likely to make them wiser: stronger, mom rlghtcum ?"â€"-hc replied in the negativu. Hw must assume at; starting that. the great ma- iumy ofEnglishmcn still legarded Christian- ny as, on the whole, a. guod thing, and tncn nu. wuuld put the question to the ï¬rst. work- mzmau he mn-t: “h’ii possible good .would di~e~mbl Slimth dn you ‘2 1n the course of 11:5 addreas Mr. Hughes said : Yuu have or latu come to the cquclusion, and have been urging on your representa- :ivn:s, that a constant water supply is one of the nea-oauittcs of wholrsome living, In this lcurdially agree. Now, buppuse we had a. mum system of n-servm’s and aqueducts in thiuismnd, which had been provided and paid for by muniflcunn p-rmns or by the state, hundreds of years ago, and which [nought acoustnnt. supply 01 Wfl’t'l‘ to the dohr ut chIy cottagv in cm kingdom. Supâ€" pose that this supply waa thus offered free 0! 0.1 cost, and [hit | vary English citizen was px-rf ctly flee Io take or let, it uluneyas he pvea-td. What Would my trund the work- i’ gumn Ihmk of po iucians who, in the mm: of advanced lihcmlibm, wen: to say to him, “ This stun: water supply is a. gross brev ch 0f sanltmy e-qualicv, the Sum: has no business L :give us wat: r for notbmg. Tkn utfur de- mora'iz-s us. Help Us to pull down thrir uqu'ducts, and build hospitals and scamls wall the atoms. Water which the St-te suppli s 'or nothing must be bad. There can‘t, be enough ï¬xed air in‘ it; Try ow puulpl†I xhink the working man would be l‘xkrly tn answer, when he had looked :0de the pmpowl. ‘Wcll, I don't u~6 much wnnr In) self. but [110 Walnut: want. it, and perhaps thu chxlmcu may get a man: for it. So, on we wnulu I will lat the old wan-twinks alone. The. scufl' seems to have been good Innugh tor my grandmuiur,aud if Idun’t want it; I ngulln’n take it; and at any rate I dun’t pay 101' it. It I seem to want in, re tin-Ll an- in my want, I will come and buy my penny worth at yuur pump †Now, just ~ hax gt: tlu: word “wat. 1‘" mm “woxshlp and the minix-tmc ona of religion," and you haw. thv case 01 the National Church. Hero: in England. We. have an estanllslimunt eu- tr I) under the control of the nation, by means of which, wbai awn Mrsstsi Daie and Uiosskey Will, I tujuk, allow to be a. not Ul‘jClt'Un/lbllï¬ Iorm of Curirtmn worship, ull thc minidmciuus ul rmigion are {manly ufl'med tn ovary B mph 3qu ct. b‘mce the tolera- uou a i, an British uuhj~ct ha been t-bliged to use tuis woruhlp. In our own tum: awry disabilin has New removed flolll tnune who WIll notuse it, nr‘it thure be any hadow uf disabilities li;ft,thesi+ may be easily abolished. Whuther we use this won-hip or let it alone, not a. man of us n ed pay a penny towards its maintenance, unless we like. And all thin, buing buyond dispute, I would ask the workingman what he is likely to gum by nwuepiug away the whole system? â€" A cormapondeuf ot the New York Herald has alrived in Ottawa to study mu Gun Ition of D .miniou politics. He had}!- iutwrvww‘wiLh Sir John A. Macdemald. â€"Mrs Samud Colt. madv $800,011" out of r. volveru laat year. She Ir J proï¬t duughtur who will mueric $8!" m- a lovely -â€"In London gas cost» v’oovooo- thousand feet; in Nov eighly cents pe cheater the price, in 1 York $3. In Mau- feet, and in Livr < uiXIy coma per thousand N.Y., the luv .A'pool ï¬m cents. In Butfalo, "On! ' he“, , hundred miles of snow fences have p. Y put up along the line of the Union wlflc Railroad. -ury hosts $3.50. GrENERAL STAGE OFTICE. The business heretofore carried on by the undemignnd as a printer 0t newspaper outsider; and advertising agu-nt, has been sold to M3. Grown WILaou, who is author- ized to COIL-Ct a.“ muuvys due or which may become due on account of said busi- nem, and who will henccfurward condu4t the business on his own account. Persons desirous of visiting the above status with the: intention, if suited, of pur- chasing timber, mineralpr improved arming land direct iron! the owners at the present very low pnees, and not in the hands of speculators, but must be sold at a gr at sac- riï¬ce, and parties wishing reliable informa- tion about the climate, soil, products, &c.,a.ud tickets at reduced rates to visit the states and tree transportation to see the lands, it will be to their advantage to communicate with the sul‘vscribur as he is well acqummed with the above states and the most desirable to settle in; good climate, fertile soil, and advantages of railroads, navigation and other tacilities tor the best markets This is (hr best opportunity over off-wed to get a cheap home and the best climate in America. Send for circular of lands and card. 8. 0. CASE, AMERICAN HOTEL, KING STREET WEST. F‘. BEAR.MAN. 500 emu? IMPROVED nus. um 200.000 AGREE or “Luau: UMBER nuns Ion am. NORiB HAMILTON, ONT. April 4, 1375’ Hamilton, Nov. 30, 1372. Eugflsh Church Establishment. N'OTIOE I Southern Land Combissioner, 202, North John Strvet, Hamllmn. CAROLINA &VIB(}IN1A LANDS. PROPRIETOR. W . S. FREED. THE BRITISH AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Is the Only First-Glass Business School in Ontario! Th9 curse of ins'run-‘mn is tho'ou 1h and practical In evely department. Arman) t, u; m emf mm'm urn higher. ‘-hu averaga at, en mum is equal to that of all olhu' bu mu» Sch 01s m the i'mvrzoe a fax-L wlxlch.»uflicx ~nuv U u tunes 1L3 my'ld progress, and at»- ‘Lests the pnat" renew or'thé p blm fora xhnmugh bus‘ness 'laClplinw Mr. dc‘l hm m encouuec .->,-I thu Ihls iubuuuun :ur the ust 5‘ ven years. and duri g the last .V"’al'h:1ssp- “L (:0 mulem'uu man Cmcago a H! mher miles in thlng the la'rgur business hon PH and I :ullng c mmarmul who us for t-hevpur xo<e of emm nlngaud luvnst gun '2 ma. best forms of bu~iness recon), pre pawn rry to nu .duc ug newand lmporant features into the onursa ofinstruc inn. We have introduce} an enth-elv nnw ~aet. oftext hmkl comm ed expr ssly for this chain at mllrg-w, nlld o m ‘ï¬â€˜el' to H] Y iUN’G MEN OF 0 \NADA a business 00111138 never before an- uempLe-i m an o vmmercml schon m Luis country; I! rtcachev’sar-- mun ur ox uri nae n. Id aviary, and not more novices in the profession. ()m' pvnmunship has received First Prize every year [it the valnclal EXhibltLJJ s for the 14m tangears. __«‘-f\“r‘r‘ A T‘ [‘1 We, the nnders‘g‘nerl Bmkars and Business men, nfLerhaviug exum‘ned the business forms ad p ed vy Lhd P. 'i1.1sh AmwmmCommo dial Collegaa‘so a synopsh H! the course ofln |r «mun, h v plva um um HL‘ILLllIg Mun we relieve “admirably atlanta‘l '0 meet. Ln» requirement; or tn use cont ‘mplzl‘ing b_1,-iness pursuing :L | xjn-igiug fn m wuat We know of the ge ‘lemcn connected with L: u Immu'lon. w» haw nuh Isimuoui . comma): ling jL tn Lhoae anxious to secure the uecesm y b11515 for h“ hi ;h st alas: ox‘commurci lwtainments:â€" J. AUSTIN, Esq, . msident Dominion Bank; HON‘ J. HILLYARD CAMERON. _ JOHN MAUGHAN, Egg, MESSRS. DUNN, WaMAN 6‘; CO, 1m rum the Agency; JAMES YOUNG, Esq, M. P.,Galt; HON. WM. MwMASTER. HON.J ~HN SLMPSON, L‘ur friends amo 1g Merchanm and B «inqu men mm on'imly ton numerous- to mention, and w. am only rarer nur [mm-om :n L'lva ieadlny; wudnnh firms Luoruglmuc every town and any in Omario. r-end for our new circqu and analogue. Address, ' 017E} LL 6: TROUT, Tor-onto, Nam. 20. 1372. 81p- Culisaya. Cinclinna, or Peruvian Bark. W 18 Introduced into him- me by he Gilunl-PSS uf Cin- uli mu, wife or the Vicerny of Peru, who had experieuc d rem irkzmle bmem fn-m Its u-e \ft rim introx-I (-1er it Wm (iislriunted flu! sold. bythe Jeanna, wh» obmined for it. the prit'w uf H‘s Weight. 11 u lvm‘, and in long rig-3,1 - ed the name of Iesnim’ Powder. m Sea-run was at lv-ngcii re ea‘vd. audit, has two me me most. highly estes-nwd and univursai rem‘ dy in ex- Hwnce. ILis thechinfr: liance of Plush‘iaus in Nervous l’roxlrntwn and General Dvbilm, in Fever and \gue, and in all low febrile (um- diliuns of Lhe svsmm, Where 111 We is W’ElnL or lune and vitality. and in Neuraigio and Rhou- manic pains. It. is combined with Numrntiw. ’l‘m ics in ihn form uf u ‘icvicimi \ c xl'di-il in l)». Wheeler’s Com ouudE1xirnt’thphnlvu: “ll Calm-wet. 2: pr lwmhionni‘ wanun‘uinury (liti- r‘acy in building up con-aunuions run down with c ironic wasting dlsvases. BLAIKIE & ALEXANDER. STOCK BROKERS Stocks, Bonds & other Securities, BOUGHT d1 SOLD UN COMJHISJON: Orders From the Country CAREFULLY ATTENDED m .FINANCIA L AG FINTS ! Money lent nu Murtgare. at. low rate of Interest, and exi L-nz Mortgazvs bought on va favorable erms thoï¬mgh 1y disgusted. clues. BLAIKIE 66 ALEXA NDER, Children Actually Cry For I“ Ibis recommend (1 and presnrihed by " pri cl '1~ m die .1 men in Dix-M10 and 39’ “he Druggmts atzï¬ cts. ,Ad by Use ltanv'i "void thn trouble and V pfsgpfforolng ohxldren m take up†dupleagan-E'P CASTOER OIL EMULSION! ETORONTO Hats, Caps, Furs, Gloves, &c. g s T 0 0 K , Large and Complete EJOS.WE'Y&CO Nov., 20, 1372 iBuï¬â€˜ulo Robes 'Good Value. 3995.8" 181 11 Nov. 11. (HEY ARE IN USE on the G. W. R... Ontarir‘. Government. Bmldmgs, Imudon, Bellevllle, Ushawn, Bowmunvule, and many omer places in. Canada. Full partk-ulws on application 00 SPRING TEADE, 1872. DAVID McLELLAN dz Go. 58 KING STREET WEST HAMILTON, A RE SHOWING A LARGE AND WEL : \ ASSORTEUSTUCK UF v G] ZNTS’ FURNISHINGS & J EWELLnY, __ SMALL WARES, S Tm“. PURER’I‘ ITALIAN CASTUR OIL 1n wh oh bobh [he Taste and smell are Toronto, Nov '29‘ FANCY Goons. Hosmm', GLOVES dz 0035mm, floor SKIRT‘ AND BUSTLEH. N. B.â€"Ordera by enter promptly and care, Wily ï¬lled. FIRE ENGINE ! 1 EVERY TOWN, Village & Factory SHOULD HAVE THEM. l’l‘ééï¬jn; {in}; in 413ml: of Commerce; Prwaidv-v t, Provmcial insurance Company; TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Mama er . , , ,, zlwe : Bile]: Insurance Co’y; with every desert Mon 0V goods in their inane of trade. Manufacturers dz Wholesale Dealers in 10 King SLreeb, East, Toronto. lnroh 26 ARCHDALE Wu ' 37 YONGE STREET“, W. l}. NUNN,‘ General A .Domminn of Canada. CA LISA‘YA. ,1 WILSON’S CHEMICAL ‘EQSVMeLJL of Ontario Bank; TE 'L’ ISTINLONIALS: doN 62 00., uemist, Hamilton. ,usédus- medl- 31f“. $1.112 arp-M. mANDA- B. _HAPDAÂ¥I_E, Esq.2 HUGH soon, Esq. ween. Man 'g r Queen’s City Fire In. Co’y.; THOS. N. GIBBï¬, Esq., M R, 0911 Wu; ADAM OLIVER, Esq , M. P., Ingersoll. I'rusident Royal: Canadian Bank; WM. GOOD bRHAM, Er’q., ' resi ‘enf Bunk ofToronto; HON. ALEX. McKEIjZIE, HON JOHN CRAWFORD, If HIE ONLY MACHINE EVER INVEN " El) THAI MEETS ALL TEA. RE UIRE MEN'I‘S OF THE PUBLIC. EN D FUR CIRCULAR Ladies Wanted :3 In every town and village in Canada to not. as agents. Insyrucnon given gratis. The Oldest Establishad House in Canada. THE APPLE PON Family Knitting Machine. Chickerinu a; “'0‘â€. suiuwny a; Inm- , , Dani-am Gr '09.. IQ Alters Bra! hon Manon Hamlin Oran" 1‘0.“ “lion†George AJ'rimw 5:00.. Bll'lll‘. Which we omr at lower my house in the Dommkm‘ 43 than any othol ‘Semndhand planW' upwards.‘ ,m FlFTY DOLLARS Send for Cireular. ' fore pursuant» , Price Lists, Terms ac us A Asewherv no. a; s. NORDHEIMER, ' IDKI at. Eas Any UK Tbmgltifro. PIANOS 8v UiiGANS! CELEBRATED PIA'V‘OS W KEEP IN STOCK A Large Assortment of P9 . m HELL KNOWN MA’ m. afp ly O ‘,.25,'72. 2,0,000 IN USE Jana. For inf-wma'lon about tile lands. price; location, an, address WM. A. [10 mum, Land 00m: alumna ruu Pm Grand Rapids. M1011. EVERY HOUSE & STORE JOHNSON PATENT ! I " COMBINED Fire and Garden Pumps! In ever“ part. of the Dominion. PRICE - ' - - $91.30 Gents' Jewellry, Umbrella @Ru Corse. , kins & Bustles tï¬ GRAY, RENNIE 8; Co., lnw ii. I ah! Excellent Farming and Sp udid MICHIGAN PINE LANDS ,« On which are One Thousand Million: or Pine Timber and Inexhaustible Quantities of '14:; ie, Beec ‘Elm, A1511. emiock. Bk. due. The grant of lands to the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad Company, to build their Road n-om Fort Wayne Indiana, to Traverse Bay and Mackinaw, Michigan, comprises In its Sgning m é‘eï¬'yujgaflety g; soil,l frtrplm the 'o e sun , an: L e an, foundlï¬li/ that section of Michigan, north 0’; the City of Grand Rapids, and contiguous to the reat fruit belt on the eastern shores of Luke ichigzm, now being rapidly developed by railroad and otherenterprises. The PINn LANDS are situated on the Muske- gpn, Manatee, Pere Marquette, White‘ _Pine, “NJ. rn\_4 ___; "4....4 n‘ .u__ 'FARMING Lms are sold to actual settlers, 0N CREDIT, one quarter down, I t1 mce in year- ly payments, lntflrest. 7 per cent . Persona de- sirous of locumons m farms will, on a pheaâ€" 1101} at the Umrxom, m GRAND RAPIDS, fur- nished with TII‘KETh OVER Tun: ROAD, en- titling them [ORETURNOF l' ARES, m the event. of purchasing any or the Com y’s farming land. For inf-wma'lon about L e lands. prices. "°" Apply " “ APPLE’IUN KNITTING MACHINE CO. WHOLEESALE IMPORTERS, 4:2 YOUNG STREET. TORONTO. §HOW A COMPLETE STOCK 0F 1: ins, Collars, Fronts, scams, Ties and Bows, Hos1ory A (Moves, Ismail Wares a Trimmings 90 O , O O O V ACRES inflame}: F‘at and Rouge Rlv'ers, and Iym' twenty miles on either 8 do of the survey line ofsaldro and are in the heart. of the PINE Slwnoxv, m which Chicago is so large- 1y gupplied. ' Title PW Odobn’m. 1m. Or tiers by mail caremlly tilled (arch 26. 1872. ‘ Gen _ M huge} Western Assurance 007.; E ARV. THE HOLE ANN EXCLUSIVE. AGENTS {or the following TO THE TRADE. AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE, SHOULD HAVE ONE OF THE GRAY, BENNIE k 00. Rnx' RIF). Hnmimm. ()n-L ‘reushrer of Ontario; ' “ “‘ ARES, 43 than any other an FlFTY DOLLARS Liberal discouu tome trade. (2v: 1 {n'vvm v hip ly .anos,