man, having been admitted to the barI ~on the 18th of November, 1858, and watched as a barrister in 1860. This wppointmedt has met with the approval 'of the three Toronto papers, but it has met satisï¬ed the ideas of a large section brofthose /who usually support the Minister «of Justice; the views and opinions - enunciated by one signing himself “ a con- 1 semtive,†in last week’s Mail, are in‘ harmony with those of a large number of the friends of the Ottawa ~Ministr_y_ We grant‘zthat there§ may be eircmm- stances connected with this favor bestow- ed upon an opponent that justify it in the eyes of those who speak so approving- ly of it. We have even Heard it whispered that it was an understood, arrangement before the ex-viee-chancelloï¬was induced to accept the position he now holds, that the brother of the late Premier of Ontario Was to be foist‘ed into the position he now occupies. Whilst giving Sir John A. Macdonnld a fair and generous sup- port, we at the same time are bound in justice to ourselves and the party With Whom we act to question the propriety and fairness of this favor bestowed on a most rabid and rancorous opponent. It is certainly not carrying out the doctrine so religiously adhered to byihis opponents of “to the wictor belongs the spoils,†and we sincerely trust it may not be “ casting pearls before swine.†NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmonn Hill Livery stableâ€"J. Brown' Christmas is comingâ€"G. A. Barnard. Agents Wantedâ€"~11. K. Anderson. Richmond Hill Saw Millâ€"A. Mager. Intel-colonial Railway Contract. Notice to Contractors. A 70106 from the Central store-W111iam Atkinson. v For Saleâ€"E. Harris. Christmas Goods at the Herald book store. =8, Blake, the gentleman who has received preferment at the hands of Sir John A. Macdonald, is quite a young Wm égmk gmm. OUR NEW VICEâ€"CHANCELLOR. nâ€"Carried. Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Rea- man, moves that the Treasurer ishereby authorized to refund to the undermenâ€" tioned persons the following sums, they being erroneously assessed . To Wm. Rumble & Trench.$20 00 “ John Atkinson ............ 1 00 “ Mrs. Downs ............... 1 00 “ Neil Malloy jr ............. 1 00 “ Jesse Grant ................ 1 00 “ James 1 44 Mr. Porter. seconded by Mr. Reaman, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to refund to Charles Nixon, collector, the sum of $11-95 being an amount he was unable to collect.â€" Carried. ' Mr. Porter, seconded by Mr. Webs- ter, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to refund the sum of $873 to Andrew Riddel], beingan amount he was unable to collect.â€" Carried. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Vaeghan met at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 10th day of December, 1872, at ten A.M. ‘ V The Reeve in the chair. Members present: MesSrSfl‘ Porter, Webster, Reamentand McQuarrie. Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Webâ€" ster, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authoiized to pay the» following road accounts, as certiï¬ed to by the Road Commissioners in their respective districts, viz: ' ' ' In district No. 1â€"W. & R. Henry.$100 00 “ No. Zâ€"Jas. Thompson. 6 93 “ No. 3â€"J. McCange. . . . 4 50 “ “ â€"J. & D. Elder.. 4 86 “ “ â€"â€"-Wm. Patterson. 2 00 â€"Carried . Mr. Porter, seconded by Mr. Web- ster, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts: ' To D5. Rupeyt, for attepdance on Susannah Shank..‘....., ..... $14 00 To Wadsworth& Unwin, P.L.S.’s 7 15 “J. A. Franks, for repairs at the Town Hall................ 8 60 “Carried. - The minutes of last meeting read, and, after substituting Mr. Porter’s name in- stead of Mr. Webéter’é, in the notice of motion for introducing a By-laW' to re- peal By-law No. 264, were approved of. Claims for loss of sheep killed by dogs were presented by Henry Snider, John Nattress, and James Dalziel. Mr. Porter, seconded by Mr. McQuar- rie, moves that the Treasurer be and is here authorized to pay the following sheep claims, being two-thirds of the amounts claimed: To Heqry Sqidey, fey Ewe sheep_ ._ ‘ r and Eme lamb killed. ..‘.s'11 00 To John Nattress, for one sheep injured and one lamb killed 4 00 To James Dalziel, for one sheep killed . ......................... 4 66 â€"Carried. A petition was,‘presented by Mr. Reaman, from George Topper and twelve others, praying for an equal division of School Section No. 12. Biennium: HILL, DECEMBER. 13, 1872. VAUGHAN COUNCIL. Polling places: district No. 1, Pat- terson; district. N0. 2, Wood‘mvidge; district No.3, Kleinburg. Returning Ofï¬cers: district No. 1, James M. Lawrence; district N0. 2, Duncan McCallum; district N0. 3, John McCallum. Also, By-law No. 276, appointing Re- turning 0flicers for holding the Muni- cipal elections for the ensuing year, and ï¬xing the polling places, as follows: Byâ€"Law- No 275, repealing by-law 264, was then passed. Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Rea- man, moves that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to have 400 copies of the minutes of this Council for present year printed, for distributionâ€"Carried. The above council met at Size’s hotel, Unionville, on Saturday the 30th ult., The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Mr- W 11]. Button presented an account for tile draining, which was laid over till Dex‘i meeting. Mn Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken, moved that the sums opposite their re- spective names be paid to the following ’persons, for damage done to their sheep by' a dog, or dogs, unknown: Daniel Strickler, $20 ; Elijah WiSmer, $15-43. “I assure‘you ’hat to come to a hand- some hall like this for the purpose of hear- ing heauxif'ul music; of listening to one of the cleverest recitations it, has ever been my good fortune to hear, can be to Lady Duï¬'erin and myself, but a labor of love.†Tickets, twenty-ï¬ve cents each; to be had afl the door. ' Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr. Homer, moved that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay A.P. McLean the sum of $28, for .building bridge and putting in posts and railing on the north side 70f Rouge flill, between Scarbo‘ro jand Markham. Also, the sum of $8, 1for the purchase of road shovel for Divi- Lsion No. 43. I School Examinations. â€"- The half-yearly examinations Will be held in éur schools during next week; in the Public Fichools on Thursday. the 19th insr‘ mu? in the Highï¬chool’ru Friday, the 20th inst. Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Horner, moved that a certiï¬cate to obtain a license be granted to Mrs. Annie Christian, to keep an hotel known as the Elgin House, situated on Lot No. 51, in the let Con. of the Township of Markham ; she pay- ing therefor $12 to this municipality. Mr. Homer, seconded by Mr. Lane, moved that the sum of $5 be granted to Mrs. Jane Ross, a sick and indigent per- son; and that said sum be paid to tie order of the mover, by the Treasurer. ' ! Literary and. Musical Enterâ€" ‘tainmentrâ€"To pay of the debt on that “great†Victoria Hall, our neigh- bors at Thornhill appear to be almost over anxious; however, we are- called upon to inform our readers that they have secured the services of James Room Kay, Esq., Professor of Elccution, Hellmuth College, London, to give a series of his popular readings and recita- tions, in the Victoria Hall, on Wednes- day evening next, the 18th inst. Many other distinguished amateurs have kindly consented to eliven the occasion with choruses, solos, duetts, 859. To say any- thing of Pron Kay’s ability as a reciter, would be but- to repeat what we have said before, and What, from practice experience, is well known in this vicinity ; we give below the opinion of Lord Duff. erin, taken from the Globe, after hearing Prof. Kay in the Yorkville Town Hall: Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Eakin, moved that the sum of $10 he pald to Hiram Miller, on 6rdet of the Reevexfor cutting a. ditch on the 9th Concession,in front of Lot. No. 23 ; said ditch having been cut by order of this Council. Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr. Homer, moved that! the sum of $1276 be granted, being balance for Contract of cutting down the hill known as the Clarkson Hill. Also, the sum‘of $10 for cleamng up the ditches and ï¬lling up with stone, being about 2-1: rods long,at the aforesaid place ; said sums payable to the order of com- missioners in charge of sad contfactfl " Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr'. Milliken, moved that the sum of $15 be paid to Thomas Lyon, on order of Charles Jus- tice, Eeq., pathmester, for repairing the sideline between Lots 15 and 16, in the 5th Concession; said work having been completed. ' Mr. Eakin, seconded by Mr. Millikan, moved that a reward of $100 be paid by this municipality for such information as will lead to the apprehension and convic- tion of the'evil disposed person or per- sons, who did on Saturday night the 2nd, or Sunday morning the 3rd of November, 1872, maliciously set ï¬re to the sheds (which were entirely consumed) belong- ing to the Wesleyan Methodist church, on Lot 11, 10th Concession, Markham. ‘ Mr. Millikén, seconded by Mr. Lane, mbved that the account of David Steeper, amounting to $13-78, for 978 feet of plank, and drawing and laying the same on the bridge, in front of Lot 17, 10th Concession of this municipalty, be paid by the Treasurer. The Council adjourned, to meet again on Saturday, let inst. ‘ The Council then adjourned, sine die~ MARKHAM. COUNCIL. Q 4U chance. dry hardwood. lying on the 2nd concession of Markham. Apply to E. HARRIS. HOUSE TO LET. APPLY TO “HERAL'D†BOOK- STORE. Horses and Vehicles for hire Charges mo- derate Opposite Sanderson & Sons. JOHN BROWN. Prapriemr. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE CHRISTMAS GOODS! PLANEING DONE TO ORDER. Sealed Tenders marked “Tenders.†and addressed to the Commissioners, will be re- ceived at their otï¬ce in Ottawa, up to 12 o’clock noon on Fawn, the 3lst ofJanuary. 1873. ‘CENTRAL STORE, Intercolonial Railway. Commissiouex’s Ofï¬ce. Ottawa, Nov. 3011:. 1872. 751-4 N.B.â€"- Separum Tenders will be required for the Divisions Numbered l , Q, and 3. CHRISTMAS FRUIT Speciï¬ciations and forms of Tender can be obtained at the oflice of the Chief Engineer. at Ottawa, and at the ofï¬ces of the Engineers, at Rimouski,Dalhousie.New Castlemnd Monctou. ASSORTMENT,OF FRESH TEAS. The CommiSSionerg appointed for the Con- struction of the intercolonial Railway. hereby give Public Notice that they are prepared to recuive Tenders for Track-laying and Ballasting on the following Divisions viz : No. l, on Sections 3. 6. 9,rmd l5.â€"q dis- tance of about 78 miles. No 2. on Sections 16. 10.‘u,llll 20,â€"a dis- tance of about 46 miles. No 3,011, Sections 2i.22,and '23,- from the '- Miramichi River to Moncton. a dis- tance of about 72 miles. All the above sections are in tue Province of New Brunswick FANCY DRESS GOODS The Commissionels appointed for the con- struction of the Intercolonial Railway, give Public Notice. that they are prepared to re- ceive Tenders for the erection of Passenger and Refreshment Building. Freight Building. and Engine House, at Campbelllon, N.B.. and for Passenger and Refreshment Building, at New Castle, N.B. CommisSioners Ofï¬ce, Ottawa, Dec. 41h,157‘2. W. A. has decide'ifto sell the bn|a11§¢"6¥‘ - stock of INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Tendars may be for the whole. or, any less number of th 656 Buildings, and will be received marked " Tenders for Buildings.†at the Com- missioners ofï¬ce. Ottawmup to 12 o'clock noon, on Fanny. the alst January. 1873? Table Raisins, Figs, Currants, Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, Wal- nuts, Iilberts, Brazils, Almonds, (fcc. Plans. speciï¬cations, and forms of Tender may be seen at theofï¬ce oflhe Chief Engineer. Ottawa. and the Engineers’ oï¬icesat Riumuski, Dalh'msie, New Castle. and MonctonL Dec. 11. 1872 Dec. 11, 1872. Richmond Hill, Dec. 12. 1872. At A1kinsou’s,wlmre you can get 1511: splendid old Currants, for. . . . .$l 12R) splendid new Currants. for. . . . 1 1015 old Layer Raisins. for. . . . . . . . . 1 81h new Layer Raisins. for. . . ..’. 1 2.5113 Prunes, for............... 1 2011) Rice, for........ 1 Richmond Hill, Dec. 9, ’72. W. A. wishes to cal! the attention of‘lhe pgblic to NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. WORTH READING ! HIS 50 CENT TEA! Richmond Hill, Dec. 11. ’72. FANCY WOOL GOODS! SHINGLE CUTTING, AND ICHMOND HILL LIVERY IGHMOND. HILL SAW MILL you: @ï¬verï¬amvmï¬. At a. discount of 15 per cent, fo' Cash; WM. ATKINSON. VOICE FROM AN IMMENSE STOCK l CORDS OF VERY SUPERIOR, ANDREW MAGER, To Contractors. DRY To Contractors. GREAT R. EDUCTION ALSO, A SPLENDID ALSO VERY FINE For Sale, WM. HARRISON BUY YOUR DEALER IN WHICH IS AT THE A. WALSH, ED. B. CHANDLER. 0.3. BRYDGES. A.w. MCLELAN. THE AND A. WALSH. ED. B.CHANDLER. C.J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN. GOODS 1 Richmond Hill. 7511f Vicioria Squuro‘ 751-2 Commissioners Commissioners. 751-ly .$100 .100 .100 .100 .100 .100 751-4 7514f 75L- CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! BARNARD, as usual, has to hand an excel- lent assortment of FRESH NEW FRUIT, SULTA'NA RAISINS! 8m. 656.. SANTA CLAUS supplied with a large assortment of CHRISTMAS TOYS! Inchading Nubias, Surfs. Ties. Hoods. &c.; and a fresh and seasonable v ANY HOUSEIN THE TRADE.’ G.A.BARNARD. Sign of the British Flag‘Stafl“. Richmond Hill. D King Street, Easï¬aTora‘mo. R. A. HARRISON,Q c. F. OsLEm THOMAS Moss, Q.C. W . A FOSTER. CHARLES Moss. W. G. FALCOhBRlDGE 11 claims against the estate of the late Robert Gibson are requested to send the same to the undersigned for payment. and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to pay the same to the undersigned. on or before the ï¬rst day of January. 1873, Manufactured by Rumble & Calvert. Rich- mond Hill Mills, which has stood the lost for a length of time, and is allowed by compotth judges to be‘the best flour brought into the town. STOCK 0F DRY GOODS! obliging and attentive hostYer always in atten- dance. ROBERT EAYMQNDZ 1V1 serve sows during tho season. He took the ï¬rst prize at {he Markham and East York Union \‘how. at King and Whitchurch Union Show. and at the North York Show. in 1872 I have on hand a number of pigs, of the abov bread. for sale. ‘ “56L I (die Fish and Salmon T muggy. , [0f the best quality, at. _ j Call and examine his stock, as he feels con- ï¬dent he can give perfect satisfacp' ‘ BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, Remember The p-Iace. corner of ‘Yonge and Centre street. opposite Sanderson & Sons. 5 & 56 JARVIS STREET,. TORON to. Good stabling attached, and an VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR ! Corn Men/l. Oat Meal, Pea Meal. Barley Men]. OYSTERS AND FISH I Just received and wiil have to hand weakly. during the seasoil. a supply of ï¬nal Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts ! Or on short credit: and ‘now. in returning his thanks to the public for their very liberal patro- nage during ihe short time he has been in this town. the subscriber would respectfully call their attention to the following list of prices: Men’s French Calf Boots, from Men’a Stugos - ‘- Men’s Kip " " Boys Srogos “ ' H Boy ’8 1| u Women’s Fable Ball “ “ Women’s Felt “ " 3.00 to 3'50 to ['90 to 2 00 to 1'60 to 2430 to Also, a large assortment of $460 to $550 3 50 4‘00 2‘25 2 ' 4 ll 52-00 2'30 FRESH BALTIMan OYSTERS Table Godfish, Labrador Herrings, Three large barns, two stables. and other no- cessary farm buildingsl Two spring creeks run across the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. 'i‘iiisfarm is nearly all under- draiued. and Well fenced, with two good or- chards. and about BOOTS AND SHOES ! Of all kinds and sizes. in all the latest styles. which is‘posilively Sign of :he'Brmsh Flag Stamaichmond Hill. Nov. 27, 1872. 749-:r For further particulars. apply, if by L (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. FRAME DWELLING HOUSES I; DRESSED ZANTE 0 URRAN TS One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cultivaled. I There are on the pro- peny two good VERY CHEAP FOR CASH! hi the Flour and Feed department he has the TWO HUNDRED ACRES FANCY WOOL GOODS wmhoxnhifl. Dec. 4. 1572. Overshoes, Rubbers, &0. Kept constantly on hand. GROUND COFFEES AND SPICES, Assortment ever oï¬ered to the public on Richmond Hill. all of which will be sold Fresh Canned Lobsters. Mackerel,&c ; also Dec. 12,1872. Toronto, Dec. 4, 1879. Which, on compariéoh. will ba found to be as cheap as HARRISON. OSLERAL MOSS, QARRISTERS, ~3110.,3IOS. 36 AND 38 (late of Rich niond Hill). Proprietm Toronto , Nov. ‘28; 1872. 749-tf , , FULLARTON GIBSON. Richmond Hill, Dec. 4. 1872. 750-lm THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Fifty Acres Good Bush. Sucésssor to T. Dolmagc. Richmond HULOCL 30. 1872. 7!4.-1§ New Mgs,“Almond, Filbert, and Dec. 4, 1872. THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST LL PERSONS HAVING ANY U§T ARRIYEI),~AT THE NEW Superior Farm for Sale, EING LOT 30. 2_8, _IN gramsch BerkShire Pigs for Sale. CITRON FEELS I Y SPRING‘BOAR PIG WILL Cheap Cash Store; one thousand dollars' worth of 0nd concession of'the Township of Markham, containing Layer. Valentia, Seedless. and Kent constantly on hand ; also Farmers, Read This! Comprising In part. nf ï¬ne, ALSO A FINE VARIETY OF anon. ORANGE. AND V Brazil Nuts, With a fresh lot of N ptlee. 'n. A. BARNAR‘IM.‘ ' " AND R. J. STANTON. Richmond Hill P, O. 7501f _J. BROWN. 75l-tf 3.50 if 7504f by letter IlR‘ NEW FALL IMPORTATION S .1. thanks for the large ahare of patronage during the past eight years he has been in business on Richmond Hill. would announce that he has just received A COMPLETE STOCK NEW FALL GOODS! Dress Goods, Shawls, Millinery, Mantles, Factory 00mm Prints, Flannels, Blankets Wincey Shirts, Tweed: Collars, 02m Gentleman’s Gurnsey Shirts, BRUSSELS CARPET BAGS! 610., 610.. &c. ' DRESS DEPAR TMEN T The stock will be fouvnd very complete. All the latest styles m Hats and Bonnets, Mantles. ready-.mada or made to order. Umbmllas. Rib. buns. Laces, Ladies’ Collars and Cuï¬'.<. &c. Lmiies should call and see our NEW FASH- IUN PLATES and get the latest styles. Also FANCY WOOL Go 01min Furs, imitation ‘and real Minkskim Sets, &c , &c. Canadian Tweeds, Cloths I Alwaysnon hand. Owing to the duties having b een taken off Tens and Coï¬'ee,l am able to 756]] atr a coxlbzdera b Iereduction of old plices. JAPAN ESE SILKS, Poplins; Serges, 8:0. Being one/ of the leading branches in. our business specml attention has been given to the Selection of the newest and best maâ€" terials adapled tor the seasou’s'tmde. and at prices to come within the reach of all. In Black and Colored Silks! >10 00 h Fresh Family Groceries GENT S WANTED. â€"$150 P E R month. to sell the 'l'lmmn, the most useful household article ever invented. Ad- dress fancy articles. will be held in February next. by the ladies in cnnnection with the Church of England. in this town. Proceeds to he devoted to the Church Building Fund. Contributions will be thankfully received by anv of the following ladies: Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Arnold. Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Playler, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Barnard. Mrs. Nicholls. Mrs. Palmer, Miss Campbell. Miss Pollock. and Miss Lin- fooi. Refreshment table- Mrs. Powell, Mrs Cooper. Mrs.Sedman, and Mrs. Brown. READY MADE CLOTHING! Importer.Manufacturer-,aud Dealerin x' z“ am,“ all kinds of Crockery, Hardware,c(’cc. always on hand. ggximitmal gympiemmtï¬. I'AEMINE IMPLEMENTS &ZTMLS Carter’s Ditching Ma- chlne Steam and horse-power Threshing Machines Combined and Single A Rare Chance for Business. A Bazaar, OR. THE SALE OF U fancy articles. wili be he Mowers and Reapérs' Wood Sawing Machinm Horse and Dog Powers Machine Jacxs Su'aw Callers Root Cutters 8L Pulpers Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Drill Hand Seed Drills Fanning Mills Clover Hullers Horse Hay Rakes Corn Shelle.s& Husker Stump Machmes Patent Fan Forges Mowing Machine Knife Cider Mills and Presses Grin ’5 Si ugle 61, Double ment, or dosiraus of getting into a bet- ter paying businesq than they are now in ,should send $2 ()0 for full particulars, Jun, &c.. of a busines at which they can unquestionably make from $2000 to $5000 per annum. Address FANNING MILLS, Furrow Ploughs Trees and Shrubs Iron and Wood Beam Superphosphaae of Ploughs lime & ground bone Gang l’loughs Pure Seed Grain 610., Double Mould Plonghs &c, &c., &c, Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, &c.. (in. &c. ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTU‘ WM. ATKINSON N RETURNING HIS HEARTY [u Coats, Pants, Vests. &c.: 11130, nmdbto order on [he shortest notice. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE gm $00115, @rnvcxiw Oct. 2, 1872‘ STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, Richmond Hill, Nov. 23, ’72. 751-4 IN- MILLINERY 5234 and 236 St. James St. Munlvenl November 21, 1872. 748-lm 717-tf Hats and, Caps for the Million I AND GREAT BARGAINS $5,ooo PER YEAR 2 LL PERSONSâ€"O-UT 0F EMPLOY- GRAIN CRUSHERS. &c., &c. Light and Dark Etofl's. &c.. &c. Accounts rendered Octoberlsl. A choice stock 06' all kinds of NOW READY ! HENRY F. LEMONT & C0., A MAMMOTH STOCK Ol‘ WM. BERNIE, ILAK. ANDERSON. (FIFTH EDITION), WM. ATKINSON. Contra! Sioro, Richmond Hill. Comprising to. Box 360. Mohlreal. v.9. THE 0F WM. RENNIE, Hm‘rows Fieldand Lawn Roller Horse Hoes &, Scarï¬er Cultivators Potato Diggers Pumps Scales Horse Hay Forks Amalgam Steel Bells The Blanchard churn Banal & Dash churns Florence Sawing Ma- . 777° 7 "7 chine Philadelphia L a w n Mower Greenhousg and Gar- and Tools- Field Seads Fruitand Ornamental Eyex’s Paten’ Iron ,1, den Engines Laundry Machines Gal‘d911_ Implements Shawls, Mantles, Prints, Blankets, Tweeds, Chefs, USEFUL AND TORONTO, VON 7494f 790- JUST ARRIVED! ' AT THE 1872. FALL. 1872. FALL GOOD S 1 DRESS GOODS TWEED S, BROAD CLOTHS FAN‘CY WOOL GOODS FRENCH MERINOS Ready-made Clothing, &c., 8L0. OUR BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, Is now compielo iu‘ every requisite ol‘ Milli- nery‘lGoods. We have spared no expense 1n procuring the most approved styles of Ladies’ Hats, Bonnets, Caps, é‘c. Comprising Shawls, M‘amles, Hoods. Furs.&c If you want a pretty Shawl or Mantle don’t ‘ 3 - miss seeing my stock. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ! FLOWERS. FEA’I‘HERS. TRIMMINGS. Wet‘ding and Mourning Bonnets. always :1 hand and made to ordeï¬on the shortest no- ice. An early inspection is solicited from our ladmeuons. BOOTS AND SHOES Also manufactures a. pump for cisterns and shallow wells. _ Price $6, complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet, Chum pumps for eislerns, $3 each. Well digging done on the shortest notice. Address, stating depth of well, 'EXCELSIOR PUMP. These pumps are suitable for all depths from a'cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are not, liable to get our of repair. being double- vqlnad, and thejoints are allturned in a lathe: consequently them is no leakage at the joints which is invariably the case with the common pqln!) madiby' hand. .1. v ‘ ... | ‘Price : $5 ébove platform, and 40 cents per fool below. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Kept Constantly on Hand. [13' Before pnrchasmg Elsewhere give me a call as l thiI-k I can offer inducements-that will make it to your advantage to buy fxom' me. 0; if they are not preferred to any other pump they may be returned, and the money will he reï¬lhded. \‘ BOOT .AND SHOE STORE, DRICHMOND HILp, WELLIAM GAMBEE DETURNS HIS SINCERE THANKS to ï¬le pubic for the liberal patronage he has received whlie in business, and would also invite nu eariy call to his assorted stock Prices that defy Competition. 1â€" manu'facturad by Mr. Jacob Brillinger, Richmond Hill, who has purchased the busi- ness from Mr. P. Phillips, and is prepared to ï¬ll all orders promptly. This Pump is Easiest "forked, Mast Duralrla and Nautcst Made in the Dominion. It is so cpnsn'ucted with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight, therefore pre- venting children from putting anything into it. ThewSubscriber wouid resï¬Ã©ctfï¬liy aiinounce plat he is prepared to put in this Pump On Trial for one Month! And if accepted @133 ($00M, @rnvcrm‘. BOOTS AND SHOES ! ANY HOUSE IN TORONTO. A the next session of 'the Legislature of Ontario for a charter to construct a railway from the Village of York- ville to Carleton]. both in the Township of York. with power to connect with the Toronto Sheet Railway at Yorlxville, and at a point near the Davenport Station with the Northern Railway- ot‘ Canada, and at a point near the Carleton Station with the Grand Trunk Rail-‘ way of Canada and the Toronto. Grey and lsruce Railwav, and a further power to extend the same Eastward, to a point on the Grand Trunk Railway. then to connent with the Grand Trunk Railway and the Toronto and Nip- issing Railway. 'l'oronto. November 2lst. 1872. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP IS NOW manu'facturad by Mr. Jacob Brillinger, French Calf Boots, for $500 per pair; Double Soles, $550 perpair. All kinds of custom Work warranted to give the best of satisfaction. and a good ï¬t guar~ anleed. Shop, two doors north of G, A. Barnard’s Store. FIRE PROOF STORE ! Unequalled in quality and variety.and at Oci. 14, ’72. In endless variety, also a large stock of Of all kinds. which he offers at prices that will Iconinare with ' Fire Proof Store. R‘ichmond 'Hin. Oct. 3, 1872. , > 7321), Hollands. Fxï¬nls, Cobourgs. Laces of all kinds, Ribbons and Nov. 27,1872. FAMILY GROCERIES ! Richmond Hill, Oct. 1021872. TOD-lf HATS ‘AND CAPS, Flannels, Blankets, HOSIERY, GLOVES, He is also prepared to make to order the best kind of PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO LAonzs’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN’S WARRANTED TWO YEARS, - Wiucoys and all wool Shining, 3mm and flow. A GRAND DISPLAY OF NEW IN ALL Tm: NEWEST STYLES CHA NGE OF BUSINESS. In all Prices and Colors. THE STOCK INCLUDES. HARDWARE. CUTLERY, A LARGE STOCK 0F JACOB BMLHNGER, Notice. AND ALFRED HOSKIN, Soilcitor for applicants. I. CROSBY. Richmond Hill 743-13! 749-7 IMPORTANT NOTICE PEOPLE ’S STORE, TEAS AND EGROOERIES. WINES & LIQUORS Call and examme the large[t.nd wel‘EI-selvceied stock in FURNIiURE, WINDOW SHADES, TINWARE, PAINTS & OILS, GLASS & PUTTY, CUTLERY, and. Hill Post (fï¬ce. lst Dee. 1872: All eyne, Mary C_ Bassin, Hem-y ’ Berlin-i). G. Barnet. Mr. E. Boon, Joseph Cameron, Alick Craig. Robert Cunningham. Frank (Name. John ' ' Daviugon. Denton. Brown Durham, Mary A Dunn, Miss. E, Dunton. James Davie, Theresa Ewing. R. Elliott, Thomas Gamble, William Helmkuv Francis Holland. Mrs. R. llocter. Benard Hayden. James Joyce. Redmonq Killips. William (2) Light, Bates ’ Lymburner. .{ameg May. Malcolm " Morden, Jacob Mun show, Hannah McMahon, Alfred' M‘cWilliams, James O‘Brien, Mrs. D.C. Pickering, Mrs. '1‘. Powell, '1‘. H. Sisco. Isaac Sleveuson, Nalhnnie‘ Sliney, William‘ Sharp. Thomas Taylor, Henry ' Teasdale. George Tucker; John O. Trench, William Vandouburgh. J.M. Wakeï¬eld . Aggie ‘ West. Richard . I] mnnuv _ .. Claims to be a ï¬rst~class House , and, the only true way of testing it is by comparison; am! an inspection of the stock and prices is res- pectfully solicited. GROUND COFFEES AND SPIUES, 113" The highest prices paid for am kinds of Farm Produce. ‘ BETTER BOOT FOR LESS MONEK‘ PHOTOGRAPHY. [EST PRIZE photographer. begs to in- form the public that. having commenced opeyalions 'm the above business on Richmond Hiâ€, he is prepared to take And made up to order, None but ï¬rst-glasg workmeg employed. ‘ ' BOOTS AND SHOES Embracing all kinds. suited to every age. class and condition.- Remember you can get a Flour and Feed kept constantly on hand. HARNESS ON HANDz 0F Persons, Animals, Houses 07' Landscapes IN ALMOST ANY REQUIRED A when it is absolutely necessary to keep the feet dry. in order to prevent Uhillblains, Colds and consumption, The public generally are invited by the sub- scriber to call and inspect CELEBRATED AXLE GREESE Parties desiring pictures printed from the old‘ nogalives 0‘ Mr. Gray or Hood can have them by ordering, as 1 have purchased all their negatives. hf Dull and chudy weather no hindrance to the art, except for children. Parties gaming pictures of children taken are requested to be at the Studio between 10 QM. and 3 P m. 113' Gallery in the old sfand rocently occu- pied by Mr. Gray. thhmondTHiH. Sept. 26, ’72; 7404f A Seaonable Announcement. liichmond Hill. Oct. 30. ’72, FANCY GOODS! PARCELS DELIVERED. ‘ P. G. SAVAGE. Richmémd Hm; Ju13'2551872. v 7l‘7' Old pictures carefully copied and enlarged. PEOPLE’S STORE. PEOPLE’S STORE. MAIN ST., RICHMOND HILL. EMAINING' IN THE RICHMOND S THE SEASON HAS ARRIVED PEOPLE’S STORE Than ï¬t any other house in eolwn THOMAS B' COPELAND, For the best, purest, and cheapest If .you want pure, unadulterated PICTURES! 1H Remember the HIS ALSO, A LARGE AFSORTMENT 0F @wmiwï¬, 8w. SIZE OR STYLE. List of Letters Efï¬lwtngmplm, IF YOU WANT ENOï¬MOUS S'I'OCK; REMEMBER mu 00M PAPER, CROCKERY, (a LASSWARE, 1 ALsn BIDWICLL’B m SHORT, THE GO TO THE Fox SALE. W. H. MYERS. \ M. TEEFY, r. 741. “iv