Tl‘ESDAY. Jan. 21.â€"â€"C‘{(‘dli Salr‘ ()f'n Farm, being lot No. 321 1st. Cm], ,Vauglmn. be- longing to the estate of the late Robert Gibson. Sale at 12 o’clock, noon. J. Gorinley, Auctioneer. ‘3' Parties having Sale Bills prinioll n? this uflioe. will have a notibe similar to the above, free of charge. Woonnxman.Dac.17.â€"'I‘he Woodhridgn \vm-lis are closed this afternoon to all of tho (:mplwyes. who are to attend the funeral ul‘ one at their late nnmhor, named liohert Nicholls. who dial on Sunday morning, nl‘ ~ a lingm-ing illness of three months. In used was an Englishman, and leaves a with and family in 1 “land. “ We, as your pnpifs. cannot let the‘pre- Rent occasion pass, without acknowledging our'npprecialion of the-kindness and cure You have taken with us (luring the past 1-year. Not only (to we feel_thnt in you we have a proï¬cient and zealous teacher, bu we have also been made to feel that. we could trust you as a friend ; and the, correct principles yon have ever endeavored to in culcate, have not only stimulated us to greater diligence in our studies, but have led us more earnestly to strive after that virtue. which is its own reward, and which lms been so pleasingly embodied in your own conduct. In presenting you with {hese volumes, “‘0 “113$ X0" Will Not look at their pecuniarr value, WMC'D W0 COHSth' entirely inadequate t) convey to yOU in any measure onr‘respect and Miami but trust von will look upon and Pl‘im‘thi‘m as tokens of re- membrance. from 131080 who will always he pleasedjo iltini‘E they have had you for u teacher and a. friend“ We learn that Rupert‘s steam saw mill, at Maple, was cnnsumed by ï¬re on \\7ednesduy morning last. Messrs. McNMr, Wallace, Page and McKinnon are said to have resizned. Reeve: James Robinsnn. Wm Aâ€an Deputy Reeves : H. Maw, Wm. Millikan J. Lune. Councilmen: Robert Marsh, E<q.. J. Homer, N. Button, J. Reesm‘, J. Tran", Cu]. Button. Mr. Mel. can briefly replied, gratefully acknowledging lllC kindness of' his pu- pils. in making him this present, which, tlmnglivaluable in itself, lie especially prized as an evidence of their appreci- ation and good-will- ' The followingis a list of the candi- dates. nominated for the different Muni- cipalities of Richmond Hill, Vaughan, and Markham: For Reevo: Dr. Duncomb, A. Law Matthew MeNair. iomwiiiorszâ€" \V. S. Warren. Hewy Sanderson, James Freak, Jzicoh Brillinger, J. R. Arnold, William Harrison, William ineil. David Hopkins. P. G. Savage, Wm. Trench, jun, W. H. Myers. VAN}qu TOWNSHIP. For Reeve: Jmnes MCNMP, and David Dgputy Reevm: Thompson Porter, Thos. Webster, and Nathaniel Waane. , Councillors: Thomas \N'Pbster. Thomas Page, Daniel Reaman, and Neil McKiunnn. “ Mr. Carruthers offered to resign in M r. “ Shaw’s favor, but was told by the Re- “: turning Oï¬icer that, being nominated, “ he would have in go In tho poll.†Again, we are sustained in this Opinion by the course the Returning oï¬icer took at the nomination for our Village, on Monday last, who declared that. all who were pro~ posed and seconded must go to the poll. Thus we claim that, as there were more than thenecessary number of candidates nominated for the Vaughan Council, on Monday, polls must be opened, and the electors have the right. to vote for the men of their own choice. Neither the candidates nor the Township Clerk have any discretionary power inythe matter; they must carry out the law. H On Friday, the 20le inst.,_tl1o 12st teaching day in the present year, Mr A. McLean, teacher in School Section No. 7, Markham, was presented by his pu- pils with two elegant volumesâ€"Milton’s and Tennyson‘s Poetical Worksâ€"and the following address : We invite the special attention of the electors of the Township of Vaughan ‘to a letter over the signature of “ Sentinel,†in another column of this number of' our paper. We cannot understand how it is that the old members of the Council were declared elected when other candi- dates were nominated and seconded. It is not With candidates in Municipal Eleonons as in Elections for Members of Parliament ; the former are bound under a penalty to serve if nominated and elec- ted; in the latter, candidates can with- draw after nomination. We hope that all who desire to maintain the rights of Electors intact, and free from the susâ€" picion of illegality, will assemble at the respective polling places and record their Votes for the candidates of their choice, Out of those nominated last Monday at the Town Hall. Our readers should bear in mind that the Election is com- mmwed on the day of nomination, and cannot be brought to a close (when there are more than the required number of candidates proposed and seconded.) in any other way than that which is laid down in the statute, as quoted by “ Sen- “ tinel." The candidates nominated must go to the Poll, as instanccd in the nomination in Toronto on Moudayï¬vhen Only one Dollarâ€"J. Duncan 8.: Co. The best. white pig in Ontarioâ€"George \Veidrick. Notice to Creditors. ' ('ordwood for Saleâ€"Charles Spnï¬â€˜ord. House and Int for Saleâ€"F. Crawford. That “ 100 dollars reward.â€-â€" Nicholas Lynett. EXTRAORDINARY PROCEEDINGS OF THE VAUGHAN OFFICIALS. Wm 83ml; “g‘wmm. anuoxn HILL, DECEMBER 27, 1872. MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. DEAR AND RESPECTED TEACHER, NEW ADV ER’I‘ISEMENTS PRESENTATION. MAHKHAM’ TOWNSHIP. AUCTION S ALE RICHMOND HILL DIED. TI{()MS‘RÂ¥.-â€"â€"At Buttrnvfl'c, inst, Thomas Horbvrf. sun Thomson, tnerchunl,â€"-nged 1 days. “ Elgin frauds.†and the “ Flilw-r 14M†‘ business. it treated most (:i (have mat? ters with discreet silence, m liq-hie inn-i testations at the time‘ and new it swansrl to think they hai'e blown (war. rl‘liï¬j.†are neither forgiven nor i‘nrgnt’ren ; and t because fresh topics for the 0/07,: "a «lie-l creet silence have arisen since, let it not imagine that these things are not trea- sured up against the (lies irm which is in store for Grits and Grltisni. Because it imagines a parallel case has arisen in Quebec, which none but Grits perceive to be parallel. it seeks, in its Saturday’s issue. to laugh these "‘ outrages†out 01" countenance. But tlieugh there were fifty parallel ease.Q in Quebec or any other: Province. it will not avail them, for Grit, Inisrule in Ontario is to he judged by Ontario, and the “ pairty†has already scored up a big: reckoning. The “ heck- ling†which awaits them on the owning '0? the Legislative Assembly will he no laughing: matter. and the organ will have in briner all its artillery to bear ilpnn the affairs of its own Provinceâ€"Leader. CIIRiSTMASnâ€"VVe fecl sure that the anniversary of our saviour’s birth was haiied by every citizen with joy and glad- ness, because of' the glorious opportunity it affords of'restin;r from the anxieties of ordinary business life. As this is the time “hen the world’s progress in book- makingr becomes visibie,tho Herald Book Store has endeavored to be up to time, and is now flush with Christmas volumes and children’s literature; the latter em- bracingr the Childrens’ Friend, infant‘s Magazine, Child’s Comranion, Friendly Visitor, Band of Hope Review7 Fireside Readings, Chatterbox. &c., &c. Hopes and cures, joys and anxieties divide this life‘ and however few or many the past year’s troubles, we would tie them up in a bundie. and cast. them into oblivion,nnd begin the new year with renewed vigor and energy. “"0 take this opportunity of' tenderingr our hearty thanks to patrons and friends for past favors, and as Christ†mas is pnst and gone, we wish them all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. \Ve are glad to learn that the concert given by the Patterson Brass Band in the Masonic Hall. was a most unprece- dented success, and that upwards of $40 were realized. This will greatly assist in replenishing the band fund, the object for which the concert was held. CONCERT AND TEA-Miamim.â€"-The Anniversary of the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School, Tlmrnhill, will be hold - on New Year’s Day, 18737 in the VicAl toria Hall. The friends of the School! haw.» decided to celebrate the comingl anniversary in the above hall, where a} sumptuous tea will be provided by thel ladies, commencing at 3 o’clock, 1111].," after which .1 Concert will be given by I the children, assisted by some of the: teachers, to consist of Solos, Ductts and 1 Choruses. Tickets, 30 cts. each ; chil-l drcn, 20 cents; to be had at the stores1 of A. Gallanough. T. Carr and J, Pur- kiss, and at. the door. Admittance to concert, only 10 cts. Proceeds to aid ‘ the funds of the school. ,‘ The Globe can afford to 1 ejomflpr now ever “ Proton,†“ Speak now.†Hm “ Elgin frauds.†and the “ Film-r PM†How To SPEND NEW YEAR’S. DAY. â€"â€"le10 ladies and friends in connection with the Victoria Square Sabbath School are now busily engaged in nmluringx arrangements for lmldingrwlwir annual festival on New Year’s Day. Jun 151, 1873. A grand tea will be served at. twelve o’clock, noon, after which Will be given a literary and musical entertainâ€" ment, made up of addresses, dialogues. reeitations. &c., with plenty of vocal and instrumental music. From the success which has characterised this Sabbath School anniversary in years past and gone the public are promised, in this coming festival, a most brilliant. affair. both in point of numbers and popularity; and, we have every conï¬dence in stating.Ir that; the friends of Victoria Square will not fail to make every effort to render a treat worthy the support of all who may deem it proper to patronize them. Tickets: adults, 25 cents; children under ‘12, 15 cents. ‘ CARRIER BOY’S ADDREss.â€"â€"0ur car- rier boy wishes us to remind our readers that next Wednesday being the let. day in the new year, he will be “ on hand,†as usual, with his annual. address to the patrons of the York Herald. It is to be hoped that he Will be remembered at this festive season, and will receive the respected token of‘ appreciation, accord- ing to his merits. SABBATH SCHOOL FESTIVALâ€"The teachers and friends of the Headf'ord Sabbath School intend holding a festival in the M. E. Church of that place, on next New Year’s eve. Dialogues. x'ecita Lions, and singing will be given by the children. Tea will be served at 4 o’clock, after which addresses will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Curtz and several others. Tickets: adults, 25 cents; children, 15 cents. SEASONABLE.--Our Institute, ever watchful for the public weal. are arrangâ€" ing to give a New Year’s party, in the Masonic Hall. on \Vednesday evening next. The aï¬air will consist of'a sump- tuous ten. and a musical tran af‘tcrâ€" wards. Thus all who Wish to have a good time, ought to :1 hi] tlicmwlvos or" this sozisonuMc m‘unionâ€"pzirticul::i‘ly as the proceeds will be oxymndod in rwlno ing the debt on the furniture 1‘ , i to the institute. ' Anniversary sermons will be preached in the‘ W. M. Church, Maple. on Snbbmh next, as follows. in the morning, by the Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D., and in the evening, by the Rev. Samuel Rose. @ï¬imâ€™ï¬ on the 25th of Thomas yam-and 10 ‘1. estato nl' Ilia lnm DAMN, HORNE", (11' int No.1â€, 9nd (You ,Markllam. are I'Pquosted to settle Um same wilh Pillli‘l‘ of tho undersigned exr‘nulnrs on or before the Zst of April next, And all parllos having claims against the said estale are Iaquested In picsent the same duly certiï¬ed for libuidmiou, by the above date. I that l havn [he best pig in Ontario. for he tonk ï¬rst prizes nl the l‘mvmcial Exhibition, Hnmihon. Markham. Newman-km. and mum m ; and too good fur Burwick. so says 1he Mail. ’1‘0 Dt\ VTD RYER, Lot 26, 2nd Con cussinn nt' Markham: My delay Motherâ€" in law. I l'ugrvt (fur §m11~yflke) that you have nclnd 9‘0 nnwtmly as It pnhtish that extrnm'li- nary advertiwnvmw. over your name. in the Y 7].: Hum/(l 1»! tho 2(hh December. pvufessing to ofl'ur one humde dullm's reward "to nnv porsmt who “‘1†give sm-h evidunce as will hand to the apprehmasiun and cmn‘icï¬nn of theparl} or parties who wrate or mails-d†that very stupid loltvr which you appnnr nuxinus that the puhlic would helium tn haw ht‘Cl! sent to you by tmst : If w :8 {no‘im 0t ymt. hbnnme: lsz. ler’t-vhorh' “'30 rnnds it ix of opininn that you know the DHI‘U‘ \voll who wrote ith Hllh' prndm-ï¬xm, and. thereto-o, felt safe in 093%}th to .mgn a mu'nrd nH $1"). Qnd. It is a van snipid zmm‘npt on your part. to :tssmï¬aN‘ In" name with Fonianism. J huueln r-lmllvnge you ‘th prodnr‘n the nriginn) lel‘u r mint-rm! to. and'the cnvm' therm o“. and Suhmil them. to the insperstion of two magistrntos~onn tn he ('llusntl by yourself, and nun hy m‘sanâ€"thm thrir genuinmmss ma} he hated If you rl‘fuaeJo do What I propose. 1le puhiitj \viH be r-unvim'nri that you :an a tiirmzt party to an act nt'ihjustir’n lnwards one whq has. a right \0 oxpeot hmmr of you. I remain yours. Sac†D‘ICHOLAS LYNFZT. Lot ‘23} ï¬nd Con , 'l"p Markham. 200 C HERE CAN BE NO MISTAKE that l havn [he best nip in Ontario. for r41\ 1U “modâ€"second qualityâ€"for sale, in lots \0 suit purchasers. Ayuly to lab ! r-ozmmx: mm indivalnr. a I'orfwl gem for Ilu‘ pm-k xanvmv Trawllor. l‘vntler. 1"» rmor. Buy. und for evervhndv desiring a relia" l6 tium-lumpu‘ . and also a snpm'iur lk’rckï¬l Com. puss. usual W :11qu size. wixh slpcl works: glass r‘rxslnl. all in a neat nride (saw. warranted to dane col‘l‘mzt lime. and tu keapin order. if falrlx' used. fm‘ twn yeare Nothing IikM it A sample of this pwrl'em gem of mechanism Will be sent in a neal case (prupaid) In anv at dress. upon vecolpt of one dollar Address plainly, AGENTS WANTED Evmku mm CHARLES SI’AFFORD. Mr. Spafford will be found at home 61 Mondays oulv ' 'I‘HE MAGNETIC TYME KEEPE'}, i paid to npy pm’sun v. ho will give such vldel cw us will loud (n the apprehension and mvicmm thH puny or parties who \vroteor m I} d inc following letter to me from Toronto ~L x’ :fl'ice 1 “ “'0 have bum! in‘ormed of your dis- hnmm uuudnclmwal'd Nicholas L'znell; mu huvo he,le mbhiug him, with your uahle and I‘uwl all the lime. Nuw ("lie noiice xlml If you dcn't pav him for his grass and other Irnkpasl yuu have commit- ted on him. we shall. a: in dutv boundJm obliged to send a bullwt lhzongh your dutch head mm M lhese nights, and cut the feet from under ynur horses and cows. ()ld 'Vlr llvnl‘ll is [he Fenlans‘ head centre {01' (he (‘ounlv nf York. and thel'efurcrcan- "Signed by order of General John ()’Nr‘ll. (Mnnnandrr uf [he Ibnian fonces. in HM United States, and Dommion 'of Canada.†1.0L nHow you 10 impOs-e on his son. Take this nm‘ce and (may it, or Pisa poepare yum' cofï¬n Dec. 18, 11:79 The Best White Pig in On- tario. Langclaff‘. Dov 52$. 197‘} Whilchurch. Doc. 94. ’7 Richmond HM. Dec. 24. ’72. December 93. 1872 Dec. 23. 1872 Markham. Doc. 24, 187-2. HE ABOV E REWAR House and Lot for Sale, NULUCAS STREET, RICHMOND LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE 8:32th gï¬vsrtï¬mwntï¬. That “$100 Reward? rCord W'ood for Sale ining one acre and a quarter m (hm-Hing home, wi 1h a barn an! 0mm out‘mflnings thereon . Terms, Apply. on the prmnises. to F‘. CRAWFORD |il_ Notice to Creditors S BAKER. A. BRILLINJER. Only one Dollar ORDS OF FOUR FEET $100 Reward. GEORC l". \VELDRICK J. DUNCAN (in, Post Drawer 4'22, Monti-en} l)AVID EYER. Lot 26, 2nd Con. Markham. 75‘2- “ 8 Novgmber, 1872. D WILL BE Ezecufo rs Gem-lay P. 0 753-3m 753-2m 753-3 5’ Call and examine before purchasing elsewhare. LEMON, ORANGE, AND ozmozv FEELS, FURNITURE, Ground Coffees _& Spices, SARDINES, IN FISH! WINES AND LIQUORS, TEAS a SUGARS, am. ALMOND, FILBERT, UNWERSELL 'ANY HOETSE NICE NEW DRESSED THE JOCK 60151515 or VV In his numerous customer: for their very libral support during me past three years, and now begs to announce that. he is again prepared to supply all those who may SUPERIOR SEEDLESS BAISINS NEW VALENTIA, STAPLE AND FAN CY ‘ ISHES TO RETURN HIS THANKS In his uumerou customer: for their Richmond Hill. Don. 18,1872. GLASSWAREM ROOIVI PAPERS. “ Throughout the house a busy slir. The cook in glory reigning. The maids’ son dream of mistletoe, ’Midsl graver cares disdaining; For, in her ears the magic voice or another song is humming. ‘ The Christmas pudding must ï¬nimade, For Christmas Day is coming.’ †xxx OYSTERS! wo ha†a large and varied assortment. such as: Whale Fish, PARCELS DELI VERED. Yarmout/z Bloaters, Always on hand a replete slack of BRAZIL N'U’I'S, THE CHRISTMAS SEASON, FAVOR HIM WITH A GABB, Salmon Trout, CURRANT& RICHMONAD *HILL. Split {Y Round Earrings, And that. for CASH, ho win cunmurs, P. Gr. SAVAGE PURE AND UNADULTURATED GROCERIES, ï¬wmiw, 8w. CROCKERY, MAIN STREET, In the neighborhood. Finen Haddies, (Fm: 01.1) FRUIT), &c.. &c., &c. Svrunu {Fan Smoked Salmon, WITH LONDON LAYER, AND LOBSTERS, NEW FIGS, AND |1t Hill Post ( mce. lst Alleyn‘. Mary C. Killips. Bassin‘ Henry V Lfll‘ï¬L Bernard. J_ G. Lymh Barnel. Mr. B. May. 1 Bonn, Joseph M orde Camemn. Alick Munsh: Craig. Robert McMah Cunningham. Frank MCWil "lame, .lohn O'Briel Dnvi son A.B. Pickerll Demon. drown Powell, Durham. Mary A Sisco. I Dun". Mist E Slovene Dunton James Slinoy, Davie, Thnresn Sharp, ' Ewlng. R. Taylor, Elliott, Thomas 'l‘eusda Gamble, William 'T‘unlmr. Helmkuv Francis 'I‘rmmlx. Holland, Mrs. R. Vanda-l anter. Beum‘d thf‘ï¬l andsn. JRIMS West. ! Joyce. Redmond - \t. cs TETOLINE,’_’_T_HE NEW AND IN J 7 eflicable 'Marking ink for Collon Luv-n, &c,, for sale at the Hmum ook Store. SINGLE HARNESS Goad Sen} of Double Harness I “11,13 RLAL D†B 0 0 K S T 0 R E At COST. and under. Look at the following list of prices. : Mens‘ French Calfboots.$5-Q5.I'edured to$4 ‘25 Mens’ English Kipp do $4527). “ 3 SW Meus Cowhide do $3 25, " 2 As flweo are my regular7"goods. and will be found as gocd as can be gm elsewhere. SELE'FOR TWO WEEKS LaJics’ ï¬ne Leather do $1 8â€. " GirIs’ Felt do $260, “ Girls’ felLliubbom. 101‘ less than they cost BOOTS AND SHOES Sign of the British Flag. Staff. Richmolia: liill TEE MENDUOUS SACRIFICE ! ‘CENTRAL’ STORE, FANCY DRESS GOODS SLO. 511:. SANTA Cums suppï¬ed with :1 large assnrtmenl of You will n1ways ï¬nd a splendid assortment of CHRISTMAS IS COMING! FRESH NEW FRUIT; SULTANA RAISINS! CHRISTMAS 'I‘OES! Including Nubia»; Sem~f£.-'.Tie9. lloods,.&c and a flesh and seasonablo- STOCK 0F DRY GOODS! BARNARD, as usual, .1159 to hand an excel. lent assortment of CHRISTMAS FR UIT W. A‘ has decided to sell (ha balance of his stock of ASSORTMENT OF FRESH TEAS Table Raisins, Figs, Currants, Lemon, Citron and Orange Peels, Walv . nuts, Filberts, Brazils, Almonds, (ï¬e. Whips, Halters, Collars, Taunxs, &c., &c n DRESSED ZANTE CURRAN TS Richmond Hill. Dec. 17. ’7‘2 Perhaps there is not another house (hat is ggv‘mg such a FANCY WOOL GOODS GROUND COFFEES AND SPICES, WINTER GOC)1)S Richmond Hi“, Dec. 11. ’72 Bib new Layer Raisinsdfor. thb Prunes, for". . a". . . . 2011) Rice. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doc. 19,18? At Atkipson’s, where you can 15R: splendid old Currants, for. . . . 1‘21!) splendid new Currants. for. ; . 10“: old L‘ayer Raisins. for. . . . . . u Which, on comparison. will he found to he as cheap as W. A. wishes to call the attention of the public to HIS 50 CENT TEA! WORTH READING ! 1N FANCY WOOL GOODS! List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RT New Figs, Almond, Filbert, and Brazil Nuts, ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE G‘ A. B-XBNARJ). At a discount of, 15 per cent, fo~ Cask . VOICE FROM SPLENDID ASSORTMENT GETTING A BARGAIN! FINDING MYSELF OVERS’I‘OCKED WIrH CTTRON FEELS !';' Layer, Valentia, Seedless. and Of Silver and other mounted Comprising in part of ï¬ne, ALQO A FINE VARIETY Ol“ DRY You may depend upon I HAVE CONCLUI'ED TO As can be obtained at .EMON‘ ORANGE. AND GREAT R EDUCTXON With a fresh lot of ALSO, A WLENPID ALSO VERY l’lh E Buy You": WHICH IS WM. ATKINSON. THE AND AND Killips. Wiliinm (2) Lani. Bums Lymhurner. James May. Malmlm Morden, Jacob‘ Munshaw, Hannah McMahon, Aifred McVViHiams, Janus O'Brien. Mrs. D.C. Pickering. Mrs. T. Powell. '1‘. H. Sisco. Isaac Slavensnn. Na'haniel S'iney, William Sharp, Thumas Taylor, Henry ’I‘eusdalp, George 'T‘unkur. John (X Tram-,1). Wlliinm Vandovhurgh. .LM. Wakeï¬eld. \ggie West, Richard IN GOODS 1 M. T EEFY, P. M W. H. MYERS.‘ W. H. MYERS 72. 7524f W. [1‘ MYERS W. H. MYERS.’ RICHMOND Dec . 1872: 000 000 ll]. $ . 1 ()0 7514f- 7514f 275 1-50 I'll) \ ./ of H‘.(: whecriber, lot N04 20, 52nd (-nllcies- sion of [Cast Ymk, a cow and call’. The owner is requested to prove, property, pay expnnsas. and lake them awn". fancy m'ticlvs. will he held in Fehrunry next. by the ladies in ennnection with the Church 01' England. in this town Proceeds 10 he devoted In the Church Building Fund CoMributmns will be thankfully received by anv of lhe following ladies: Mrs, Wilcox‘ Mrs Arnold. Mus. Cook. Mrs. l’layler, Mrs‘ Myers, Mrs lamard, Mrs Nicholls, Mrs. Palmer. Miss Campbell. Miss Pollock. and Miss Lin- fon: Refreshment (able ‘ Mrs. Puwell. Mrs. Cooperers Sodman,aud Mrs. Brown. (NAME TNTO THE PREMISES OF / of Hu: whecriber, lot N04 20, 52nd (-nucms- PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Richmqu Hill, Dec. 9, ’72. 751-1y LUMBER, SHZNGLES & LATHE 'l'nroe large barns, two :lab‘os. and other ne- cessary farm b'n‘lidiups. Two sprin crt‘elw run ncross the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situawd m a distance of night ten miles from Toronto,m:d twh nMas~~frnm Rmhnmnd BIN-l. "Thisfarm is nenrl'y an under ‘druiued and wle fenced‘ \vilhf’two good or- chards. and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. Fur further pnl'ï¬nulars. npplv,?‘:il‘ by lcuer (post-paid). m on the premises, [0 MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Horses and Vehicles {or fhire. Charges mo- derate Opposite Sanderson &- Sons JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 75Iâ€"3m FRAME DWELLING HOUSES One hunde nml'furty of WHO! “are clearad and well cultivated} There are on the pro- pmly two good 5.41 D King Slreet East; Torunto. R. A. HUil:l€0N,Q b. F. 0.5mm. THOMAS Mom, Q.C. W . A Fawn-2n. CHARLES Moss. \â€. G. I“Al.co_\m‘.lnck Town-’0. Dec. 4, 1872. 75(3-1? 5 & 56 JARVIS STREET, TORON- tn'. Gmd stabling allachad. and an obligiugjaud altemive hosliur always in atten- dance. The Commmimmrs appointed for the con- struclion of 11m Intarcolunial Raiiway. give r’ublic Notice. that they are prepared to re- ceivaf Tenders for ï¬le erection of Passenger and Refreshment Buildmg. Freight Building. and l‘lngino Home, at (Sampbclhun, N.B., and for l’assengeraud tiefrushmem Building, at New Castle, N.B. Cnmmisï¬oners Ofï¬ca, Olla\va,l)ec.4|h,1572. '1‘qu Commissioners appointed for tha Gon- sh’uclion o], the lukercolunia! Railway, hefehy givo Public 1\uticu that {hey are prepared to rocvive Tenders for 'l'rark-Eming and Ballasting on the foilowing Divisions viz: Na‘ 1. an Sections 3. 6, 9,1sz i5.-â€"a. dis- tance of about 78 miles. No. 2. 4m Sections 16. [Unï¬ud 20,â€"}: dis- tance of about 46 miles. No 3,01LScct‘ons 21.22.a11di‘3,-fr0m the Mirumichv River to Monelon. a disâ€" tance of about 7‘2 miles. All the above secuons are in the Province of New Brunswick. Speciï¬ciations and forms of Tender can obtained at [he of'ï¬f-e of the Chief Engineer, Oltawa. and at the ofï¬ces of [he Enginenrs, Rimouski,l)alhomi9,New Cnsl‘eï¬md Monet: Speciï¬ciations and forms of Tender can be obtained at lhe of'ï¬f-e of the Chief Engineer, m Oltawa. and at the ofï¬ces of [he Enginenrs, nt Rimouski,l)alhomi9,New Cnsl‘eï¬md Monctnn. Sea‘ml Tenders marked " Tondm's.†and addressud lo the Cmnmissinnms. will be re- ceived at their oï¬ine in Otiawa. up to 12 u’clock noon on FRIDAY, the 3lst 01‘ January, [873. Intel-colonial Railway, Commiwionafls ()fl‘xco. Ottawa, Nov.’30\h, 1872. 751-4 NBâ€" Separate 'l‘endets will he quuirad fur the Divisions Nmnlnu'cd I, 2, (will 3. Plans. speciï¬cmions, and forms of Tender may be seen a! thcofï¬cn nl'the Chief Engineer, Dunn. and the Engineers’ ofliuzesal Riumuski, Dallmusie, New Cusde, and Monctoa. Tendars may he {'nrthe wholn. or any 1059 numlwr of Hloso Bquings. and v ill be received mmkod “ Tandem for Buildings.†at the Com- n1is:~iauersoï¬icv. Otlawnmp :0 l2 U’clul‘k noon, on FRIDAY, the 31st‘Januar)‘, Ib73. T W0 H UNDR ED ACRES East York, Dec. 18, '72 Richmond Hill, Nov. 2 ,7’72. j OUSE TO? LET. APPLY TO Richmond Hill, Dec. 12. 1872. 1380.11. 1872 ~“HRISTMAS GOODS! 3mm LOT NO. 28, m ,‘THEVSECâ€" NTE RCOLONIAL, RAILWAY. Dec. 4. 1879. NTE ECOLON IAL RAILWAY. 1 (late of Richmond Hill), l’roprietox. Toronto . N‘ovp28. kid. 4 749-lf HARRISON. OSLER £1; MOSS, QARHISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL;~ A Bazaar, OR THE SALE OF USEFUL AND SHING'LE CUTTING, AND ICHMOND HILL SAW MILL I ICHMOND HILL L I V E R Y Superior Farm for Sale, and concessiun of the Towmhip of Markham, mntuining AN IMMENSE STOCK ANDREW MAGER, To' Contractors. To Cbnt’ract’ors. THOMAS GRAINGER. Astray. ROBERT RAYMOND, DEALER IN AT THE WM. HARRISON, Richmond’ Hi†A. WALSH, ED, B. CHANDLER (LJ. BRYDGES. A,W. MCLELAN. A. WALSH, M). B CHANDLER (;.J. BRYDGIGS. A. W. McLELAN. Richmond Hi“ I’. (I ‘ommissioners ‘umm iono 749.“ 75‘2-3 75(‘tf 751-4 7511f 751- Table Codfish, Labrador Herrings, White [fish and Salmon Trout, Of Hm best ql19!31_\',:1( Just receivad and will hava to hand weekly, during the seas-m. a yuppiy of ï¬lm FREbH BALTIMORE OYSTERS G, A. BARNARD’S. Sign of Hm Brh‘sh Flag SlamREchmnnd nm. Nov. ‘27, 1879. 7494' 1'11 serve sows during rhn season. He took the ï¬rst prize at Hm Murkliam and lCnst-anfl Union \‘how. at King and Whitchurch Unmet, Show, mm at me North York Show‘ in 1872;- l have on hand a number of pigs, 01 the abov breed, forsale. OYSTERS AND FISH ! n claims agnins‘ the estate of the late Robert Gibson are requested to send the same to the undï¬rsignmi fm‘ payment , and h“ pm'sons indebted to [ho t'stale are reques'ed 10 pay «he same to the undersigned. on or before [he ï¬rst. day of January, I373. Call and examine his stuck. as he fee|s{10u- ï¬dent he can give perfect salml'acxinn. Remmnber the place. corner 01‘ Yang? and Centre streak. opposite Sanderson & Sons. J. BROWN. Successor to 'l‘. Dolmagc: Manufactuwd by Himrble & Calvert. Rich-w mond Hi“ Mills, wh‘iuh has s mad [liejest for 9 length of Nina. and is alluwed by competent judges Lu be the bxzfl flour brought into the town BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, Corn Meal. Oai‘ MeaI. I’oa Meal. Barley Meal; VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR ! Always on hand. ()wmg to the dulias having been taken 0!? Tabs and CAR-9,1 mn “No to sell at a considerabio reducUon of oh} prices . AV 5 NEW FALL IM PORTAT IONS. Of all kinds and size Or on short credit; and now, in ruinrning his thanks to the puhlic f'or ihoir very iibezai patro- nage dining aim .«hmt l‘mm he has been in this I0~vn. (In: whsmiher would I'(a»[mcifully call their atlention [U the following list 01' prices: Men’s F‘I‘unch CaifBuoisl from $34-50 to $5250 Men‘s St. gas " “ BF“ (0 3 50 Men’s Kip , " " 35010, 4'00 Unis Singos “ “ 1-9010 2‘25 BM ’5 Kip " " 212010 21'4- K‘Vï¬-Hnen’s i’oilio Bali “. " 1-6“ to 9‘0†Women’s Felt “ “ 201) to 2'30 Dress Goods, Millincry, Factory 001910713, . Flamzels, W inccy Shirts, Fresh Family Crockery, Hardwarcgï¬c. always on hand. BOOTS AN D S H DES I Peas, Oats, an and Shore‘s NEW FALL GOODSE many-made or made to ordur. Umlnellas. R1!)- lwns. Laces, Ladios’ Cull rs and (‘nï¬'<. «\‘c. Ladies should call and see our NEW FASH- IUN l’LA'l‘l'IS and get the Entest Myles. Also FANCY W001. Gum-SJ“ Furs, imitation and real Miukskin Sex-s, &c _. 6:0. Poplins, Sergesg, 82:0. Canadian Twceds, Clams 1. thanks for the large share of patronage during thapam eight years he has been in busim-ss on Richmond Hil’. would auuouucw that he has just rermivedT The stock wih be'jfound verv comp‘.c\m. Al} \hn latest slylrs In Halls and Bonnets, Mantles. In Black and Colored Silks! VERY CHEAP FOR CASH! iehvg one of' ihe Heading branches in our bu_siness‘specml attention has been given ‘0 tliaseleuliun of the newest and Best'ma- torials adapled 101" the season’s trade, and at priCes to come within the much of all. READY MADE éC’LOTHING I In the Flour and Feed dnparunent he has the Fresh Canned Lobsters. Macke1~el,&n ; also AFsorllnont ever offered to (ho puhlc m) {ichmend Hill. all of which will lm sold '~ Oven-shoes, Rubbers, &0. Kept consmmly on hand. Thornhi‘l, Dec. 4. ’57‘2 In Coats, rams, VesIs. (Q0. : ufso'umdo‘to order uu [he shortest nmu'e. ’ Richmnnd Hill, Dec. 441872. Richmond HjU,Oct. 30. XS7‘2 URL 2, WM. ATKINSON NA RETURNING HIS HEARTY Call} me, I Cqï¬ Gen tlemen’s Gummy Shirts, BRUSSELS CARPET BAGS L IN NIILLINERY U ST ARRIVED, A '1‘ THE NEW Chelp (‘ash Slore. mm [hullsand doihï¬s’ worth of LL PERSONS HAVING \ANY Qty (Fa’nmlï¬, (ï¬rumicï¬' Hats and Caps for the Million ! THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST Berkshire Pigs for Sale. GREAT BARGAENS ?ESS DEPAR TMENT A COMPLETE STOCK. Farmers, Read Tk’is Light and Dark Etofl's. 510., &c‘ Kent constantly on hand : also Accounts renamed Octobel Isl. WM. ATKINSON. Central Sloro, Richmond Hill A choice slock of all liiudw-‘of SPRING BOAR PIG‘ WILL Also. a large assnrt JAPANESE SILKS, A MAMMOTH STOCK OF and sizes. in 71!! ï¬re. 1912952515163. which is positively FULLARTON GIBSON «:0, «\‘c.. &c. Notice. Comprmng THE z R. J. STANTON Shawls, M (171 tles, Prin ts, Blankets; '1 'waeds, Cqï¬â€˜s went of irocer-ies; TSU-Im 7l4-Xy 75H tf 720â€"