f The action of the gentlemen forming the above corps in our House of Assembly has fully warranted our remarks from time to time, through the columns of this paper. We have warned the people of the country from having such repre- sentatives as fourt-rate chancery lawyers ; men of good repute in their profession, men of business capacityâ€"although they may be chancery or common lawyers, we have no objections to ; but we must protest in the name of all that's decent against the time of the House, and the country being taken up with quibbles of law. We fancy if we had alittle_less law and more common sense in our Legis- lative Halls it would do no harm. The government of Sandï¬eld Macdonald was something awful because four out of the ï¬ve were gentlemen well learned in the law. The Globe then could ï¬nd fault, but now, consistent paper that it is, it has not a word against the Mowat adminls-l tration but rather commends it, although four of the ï¬ve are [lawyer-s. 0’ “ con- sistency, thou art a jeWel." Let the moderate men of the country think of this. I Another reason in favor of the adop-I; tion of the “series†is that it results in overcoming a difï¬culty experienced ini all schools, and that is the irregularity of teachers; every superintendent is- in~ 9"†acqugmt'eazuithf‘it nnoouï¬em'enée Md by the absence of winners; If @1119 agan ï¬mmw. (Communicated) Another advantage derived from the International Series of Sabbath School lessons is the aids which will be avail- able to every earnest teacher, to assist him In preparing for his class. The se- lection of a series of lessons, reaching over a period of seven years. being known to all, it affords plenty of time to authors and others to gather, digest, and concen- trate the best material that can be pro- cured to elucidate the great variety of topics which are to be brought before our Sabbath Schools during that time As all evangeheal denominations are taking hold of the work, the ablest men of each are anxious to contribute something to wards its success, hence already we have Hall's Commentary on the lessons, and other excellent works in course of prepa- ration. In addition to these there are Sabbath School papers, magazines, week- ly, semi-weekly and monthly, under the auspices of all denominations, which give a large amount of information; and for ï¬fty cents, or one dollar and ï¬fty cents, a year, all the “hints†required by a teacher may be brought within reach to obtain that which would by other means require quite a library. There are also “ lesson leaves†containing ques- tions and comments for the use of teach- ers and scholars, if they wish, and sheets containing the date of each Sabbath, with the ‘lesson’ and where it may be found for the year, for the homes of the scholars. so that all may know what is before them. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES OF S. S. LESSONS CONTINUED. the “ series†does not interest them suf- ï¬ciently to ensure their attendance, when absent it enables the superintendent to turn two or more classes into one, and as it is the same lesson, one teacher is prepared to instruct the whole, a plan far more preferable to leaving a class un- taught, giving them into the hands of an elder scholar or visitor, who. perhaps, knows nothing about the lesson. Lastly. if adopted the “series†admits of a review. It is not so much what our scholars learn as what they retain that hasa tendency to make them mighty in the Scriptures. for doctrines like the multiplication table in our boyoohd days take a great deal of getting off, but a rehearsal occasionally. in the shape of a review, fastens them on the memory. and makes them their own. A series of lesâ€" sons studied by a whole school for three months embracing some important doc- trines, and again glanced over by the scholars at the end of the quarter. and that knowledge drawn out by the skillful questioning of the superintendent before the previously invited parents of the scholars, not only imprints that lesson upon the minds of the scholars to bring forth fruit in due season but is beneï¬cial and interesting to oï¬icers. teachers and visitors, raises the school in the esti mation of the society which has it in, charge. and makes it popular in the lo- cality in which it exists. We hope that not only all the Sabbath Schools in this County but that all the schools in the Dominion will soon adopt the Interna- tional Series of Sabbath School lessons and by so doing avail themselves of the“ advantages to be derived from their‘ coming into general use, and we believe that the result Wlll be a more systematic method of instruction in each school, increased interest among the oflicers, greater diligence by the teachers. quick or perception en the part of the scholars. a higher appreciation of the value of Sabbath Schools by the parents, addi- tional popularity in the hearts of the‘ people, and greater successes in the grand object of all our efforts. the leading of the rising generation to Christ. Again, the scholars are more likely to learn, because the most attractive por- tions of the Bible have been selected. and all learning the same, are prompted to study, and when leaving that locality for another it would be a pleasing thing for them to ï¬nd no break in the series, but that they could commence with their new Sabbath School acquaintances at the same lesson as at home, though many miles distant. At the close of the school if a superintendent made any remarks such was the variety of lessons under the old system. every teacher choosing for himself from Genesis to Revelation, that he could not direct his attention to any one in particular and make it interesting to all, so that the addresses were of a general character or were sermons with- out texts, but under the system now being adopted. the superintendent know. ing what had passed at the teachers’ meeting, can prepare his closing address, drive home, and clinch what has been brought before every scholar in the school by the teachers. RICHMOND HILL, JANUARY 31,1873. THE CHANCERY BRIGADE. The members elect of the Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall, on 'Monday, the 20th day of January, A. D. 1873, at 12 o'clgnk, noon. ‘ From Fred A. Roe and thirteen others, asking aid to Charlotte Haystead; from John Brown and eleven others, asking aid to Lydia Watts; from Fred A. Roe and thirteen others, asking aid to Sarah Nye; from William Devlin and eleven others. asking aid to Mary Richardson; from William Patterson and twenty-two others, asking aid to Thomas Ellrington; from J. Duncomb and eleven others,;ask- ing aid to Jane Espey’; from James Mc- Williams and fourteen (it-herd asking aid to John Dayidsoii and wife,- indigents. From the-trustees of S. S. No. 9, ask- ing v for ‘-. ,the' gronnds baldnging to the ’1‘0wn'H’a‘ll’, as; __a nlgyground. x MmPorï¬eï¬Seoondéd by MbryMcQuar- rie', mo'vos tilii‘ï¬â€œ the Treasurer be and is hereby authm'ized I, to “my, ï¬lm under- mentioned 119991163 «amine-following per- somflamed, for charitable purpe’ée‘s : To John Franks, for widow Hlayz H r Thdmenibérs havihg executed the de- claration of qualiï¬cation and of oï¬ice took their seats, and proceeded to busi- noes. The petition: of "James McWilliams and‘ fourteéh-btheré, ï¬skipg aid to John Davidsou‘adif,‘,wife, was laid over" until {heun’ext‘ mébï¬ing,'for further considera- 110nm . :‘rl’ 1'“ ’1 7 ‘ Mr. Porter, secomied by 'Mr. Mc- Quarrie,‘ moves that 'the‘interost. accrued from the Clergy Reserve Fund up to the ï¬rst day of January, 1873, be equally divided amongst the several and res- pective school sections, as heretofore, and that the; Treasurer 'be and is here- by authorized to pay the same.â€"-â€"Carried. Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. Web- ster, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to refund Thomas Bates one dolingzbeing amount of dog tax, be having destroyed his dog imme- diately after being-assessed for said dog. stead. per qualiï¬er, . . . . . s . £143 5 00 To Joh;.,}:‘mk§,‘sror sfa‘ra'h’ Nye, per quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 To John Franks, for Lydia. Watts, per quarter,‘.;..;....' . . . . . . '.. 12 00 To Wm. Nixon, for Mary Richard- ' son. per quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 To W3l|iam Pattewon, for Thomas ’ Ellrington,-perqnarter . . . . . 10 00 Also, to J. Espey the sum of $500 per quartergon‘condition that the Mark- ham Council, grant. a like sum, payable to jobs} Langstnï¬iâ€" Carried. Mr. Webster, seconded by‘ Mr. Rea- man, moves that the trustees of S. S. No. 9 have the use of the grounds be- longing to the Town Hall for a play- ground for the children on the same terms aslast yeahâ€"Carried. Mr. Pbfler, Seconded by Mr. Reamao, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following account, v12 :" ‘ . 'l‘o Copï¬,~ Ciprk & CQ.,. . . .. . . .N 80 .â€"Curried. , ,f X ' Mr. McQuan-ie, seconded by Mr. Por- ter, mo‘Ves ‘fllï¬'t this Council meet on the'second ‘Tuesday in each month his ten o’clock, 1.11., during the present year Q1878), except “theumouth of June, in which month the meeting to be held on the ï¬rst Tuegjn‘y.‘ and that the Clerk is hereby auth‘driaed to get notices printed of the same and put up in the most pub- lic places in the Municipality.~â€"Carried. THE HOUSEâ€"What a sham is “ Re- form †as preached by Ontario Grits ? Here we are near the end of the third week of the session, and nothing for members to dol On Monday last, the House had to adjourn before ï¬ve o'clock, the whole “paper " having been exhaust- ed. We venture to say, with the most perfect certainty that our statement can- not be successfully controverted, that such a thing never happened during; the reign of the SANDrrnLD MACDONALD Administration. And yet all the years they were in pOWer it was a favorite practice with the Grit sheet to denounce them for their unreadincss. Mr. Mownt ought to have learned his lesson in shorter time. He postponed the meeting of the House for a full month to suit his own convenience, and now, at the end of' Jan-- nary, he has not a single measure of im- portance ready to submit to the Legis- lature. And this is what we areasked to call “Reform†Bah iâ€"Muil. . By-law No: #280, a'appointinéwf'enco vmwersand-pou‘ndi keepers. . - FENCE VIEWERS: For distrigtv,(No,..17-Hugh.. “Devlin, Jacob Bennett;"a'nd “David Smellie; for district, No. 2â€"1rJaoob Burkholder, Mi- chael Brown. and John Kaiser; for dis- trict No. 3â€"William Patterson, Richard Eagan, and William Constable. pounn KEEPERS : For district lâ€"Thomas Buttery, Robert Bumbleggind James Hayden; for disti‘ict N02"2-â€"'Nathaniel Wallace, William Sterlinggnd John Philiips; for district No. EWPeter Frank, Allen McLean, and 'Dfli‘d Gould. . By law No. 281;." regulating salaries. The Council ' then adjourned until Tuesday, the, 11th day of February, 1873, to meet at 10 A. M. Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Ben- mnn, moves that’lthe Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the under- mentioned Road accounts, as certiï¬ed to by the sever’ai‘ Road' Commissioners, in their respective districts, viz: In district No. to Joseph Keffer.$ 5 00 “ No. 2, to Stewart Blain. 4 21 “ No. 3, P. Cockburn. . . . . 19 66 By-law M19279; appointing tiie fol- lowing persons road, gomnlissioners, viz: for district No. 1'. Thomas Page, Wm. Devlin, and Dr. Lan _staif; district No. 2. Joseph Brown. Jo n Brown and Wm. Farr; district"No,...3, Wm. Pant/arson, Johp Walker,l did John McKinnon. The following By-la‘ws were phased :~ By-law No. 277, appointing auditors and inspectors of houses of public en- tertainment, as folloWsz-Johu Natress, and John C‘ McQuarrie, auditors; Isaac White; ID. McCallum, and John Allen, inspectors. â€"Carried. By-Iaw No. 278.>appointing Thomas Page and ggeeph Stonehqusg, assgssors. The following petitions were presented: VAUGHAN COUNCIL. rung". him} We beg to assure our conespondentfl yghan “X,†that the fault is not ours; we are; r, the always anxious to publish the minutes of l “t 12 the Township Council proceedings for the benefit of our Vaughan friends, and 18 de- . Oï¬ice the public generally. We sent, as usual, bug. to the Township Clerk to ask permission to copy the ‘minutes,’ but our special “ted: messenger was informed that he could heâ€, not be allowed to copy them, and if we; £3: wanted the minutes particularly we must; . R0: pay a dollar for them. We have com. gamh plied with the Clerk’s “stand and dye: level) liver" exaction rather than keep our 15°"; friends in the dark 'as to the mOVemeuts gig? of the Council. We did notwwant the :a‘sk: Clerk to write them for us',"we_were sat- s Mcâ€" isï¬ed to copy them, and only-wished to ‘8' Bid be permitted to take a copy from the ge,nts':rninute book. We claim" that our re; gaff; guestvwns reasonable," and that Mr. lLawren‘cc is endeavoring. to prevent the liams publicity of the Council proceedings; in John : exacting from us ,the sum of one dollar: ,“nm 3 in this instance. The ratepayers of the “161% T0wnship are‘heginning‘ toiawakcnl We m" shall see what we shall‘sce. g Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milllken. moved that the time for collecting the l taxes of this township for the year 1872, be extended to the lat day of Feb., 1873. Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Millikan, moved that the Treasurer be and is here; VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP COUNCIL } Mr. Mafsh introduced a By-law to up point Auditors, which was passed, the " Council appointing Juines Fairless on be- 1 half of Council, the, Reeve nominating t Samï¬Ã©liMoor-by. SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINgs.~â€"SE00ND MEETING OF COUNCIL. ' JANUARY ' 27, 18721 -â€"Pu_rsuant to adjournment, the Council met in the Court Room. ‘ The Reeve in the chair. All the members present. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid: to J. T. Bolph, for Corporate Seal. 38 00;" Copp, Clark & 00., for Municipal Manual, 8400; Copp Clark & Comfor blank fonns, '33'63.‘ On Fire aid Waterâ€"Messrs. Bulï¬n- gexLPovzell my} Bopkigs. r V The Council thefx adjourred. to meet in the Division Court- Room on Tuesday, the 11th February next, at 7 o'clock, PM. The above council met at Size’s hotel, Unionville, on Monday, the 20th inst. Wm. Eakin, Reeve, in the chair. > Mem- bers presentâ€"Messrs. Lane, M illiken, Button, and Marsh. After they had taken the declaration of qualiï¬cation and of ofï¬ce, proceeded to business. A communicationï¬'roui J. Elliot, Esq†Clerk of .the COunty Council, was read, requiring a survey and plan of Village for registration purposes. Th3 Council Iapï¬ointed the following stagding cqmmittgcis 2â€"- ‘ v On By lawsâ€"Messrs. Law, Wargep, and Hopkins; , - " ' h“ On Financeâ€"Messrs. Law,-Warren and Brillingcr. Thé Couhjéil then adjourned u'ï¬'til thb last Saturday in February n'ext. NORTHERN AMBITION.â€"Um‘_ con- temporary to' the north of us, the New. market Courier, has lately got a fresh editor, who appears to be a live journalist, and we would like to give him a “ puff,†but before doing so we Would have him explain what ‘ place’ he means when he says: “The York Herald lets out a disconsolate groan because six grits compose the Public School Board of that place this year," It is well known to our readers that the YORK HERALD is not in the habit of“ letting out “disconsolate groans †about anything, let alone about six paltry grits, besides everybody knows that the said six grits, referred to in the HERALD, belong to the Yorkuille School Board. Be more cautions in selecting your “editorial melangc,†Mr. “ Courier†-â€"though young in the profession, you may do well yet. Pound Keepers. -D_ivisi0n No. 1, W. Gohn, and Wm. Perry; No. 2, Elisha Harris and Jonathan Brillinger. No. 3, Anthony Size and John Webbr. No. 4, Wm. Spoffard, jr. and ‘Wm. Hall; ’ No. 5, Joseph M‘illoyand 'Th‘omas Poucher. No. 6, Peter'Richards and Calvin Yake‘e _ Mr. Lane in'trodu‘ced a By-lgxy Vto up point Road Overseérs, Pound Keepers, am! #09999 Inswctoréiawhis’h W35 Wei- License Inspecmrs.â€"Division No. 1, Wm. Stiypg, i 3.0., .2. -, Samuel~4-quwn'. No. 3.1703": Carter. Not 4. Lutou Mil- ler. Nos.‘ 5 and 6, W'. Miller. Mr. Milliken‘ intrbduoed a Bylaw to appoint Assessors and Fence Viewers, whjgh V_Vl_lS ppssad. ‘ Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Button, moved that the Treasurer be and hereby authorized to pay the following sumh for damages doné tosheep by dogs, viz ; Mrs. Coleman, $14 ; Peter Phillips, 3732; John Clark, 84. . Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Milliken. moved that the sum of 81.50 5 we]: be paid to Renal Stocks, for keeping Wm. Lowey, an indigent personwsaid grant to date from the 13th I‘eo..c-'l'872, and to be paid on order 9f the Beéw‘?‘ ' " ' ,, . h . Fence Vieweré¥Divis;9n_,No. 1, Wm. Hood, Vincent Johnston, and Michael Cross. No. 2, Jas. Stoutenburgh, Chris. Hejse, and John McCagne. . No. 3. Nicholas Hagerman, John Canning, and Andrew Crosby. No. 4, George Bruce, Philip Wideman. and Alex. Lee. Nos. 5 and 6, John Pike, A. B; Reesor, and Wm. Armsgrong, jr. by authgrized to pay to Mrs. Phoebe Vanderli‘urgb the sum of $9, for main- taining and furnishing clothes 0 a pauper, named‘ Wm. Law'rie. " ‘ Mr. Marsh. seconded by'Mr. Button, moved that the Reeve be and is hereby instructed to obtain the Opinion of R. A. Harrison, or Dr. McMichael,in regard to the dispute between the T. & N.R.R. and this municipality, respecting the'asesss menton their railway property in this township. ~ W [Jqu U“ UluUI Ul lulu LUWVU. :. - v ,n u 3 a. Assessorsâ€"William Wilmot andflG'eo. G. Fenwick. " ' RICHMQNJS..Lï¬ï¬1L1VIi.LXGE "1' CO UNCUJ. f MARKHAM COUNCIL. , :‘évII, qngnpot imflginef’ \gnid‘ a Town ‘Cbuncilldf, 3‘ why my whiskers turns grey so much sooner than‘the hair of my :‘head.’.’ :1vf‘ Bécnus’e,†obsetvé'd a†by- stander, “‘7ydii h‘ixv’e‘ wdi-ke'd: hagder with your 'jnaWS thmiï¬itï¬fï¬Ã©ur ï¬rï¬inh." “ CANADIAN DAIRYMEN’S ASSOCIATION. â€"â€""l‘he sixth annual convention of the Canadian Dairymen’s Association will be held in the town of Ingersoll, Ontario, on Wednesday and Thursday, February 5th and 6th. In preparing the programme for this meeting,the Executive has aimed to introduce such topics for discussion as will be of the greatestvintercst to all en- gaged in dairying« operations. X. A. Willard, A. M., will deliver the annual address. Prof. ‘Guldwell, of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., willxuddress the conVention on ‘1 Tainted» Milk," and the Hon. George Brown, on “ Sailing." Prof; J. T. Bell, of AlhertCollege, Bell- ville, and the Rev. W.;F.. Clarke, will also; address the iconvention on subjects of their own 'Selection. Hon. A. Mo. gellnr, Commissioner of Agriculture,and 1’rofessor Bueklï¬pd, if their duties will permit, will elso‘fli‘e present. The follow- ing are some of the topics that. will be introduced ‘ for discussion zâ€"Marketing Cheese; Floativkpgpurds; Best Pasture fo'r ' Deiry Siook ; Proper Curing of Cheese; ,Milk‘ and Milking. A question drawer, under .eompetent management, will be oï¬e'of time most. thte'resting fea- tures of the meeiing. Prominent cheese makers will be present and prepared to give detailedaégeounts’. of their system of manufacttire.â€"â€"Leader. HAT LARGE AND COMMODIOUS Dwemng House. with Ham. Stables and oulhouses, to which are hunched fourteen and a quarter acres of lund.â€"â€"including garden and orchardoâ€"silualed on Yonge Streal. in the Township of Vaughan. adjoining the Village of Richmond Hill. Possession on the lat of April maxi. ‘-Appiv-on the premises :0 ' > CéN'cEET'TTAND LECTURE. m a?" Q;‘R‘“fï¬l>1flf?fdfi The weH-kï¬ow’n huld'of the Dr. LA 183""- Tun-z. and a mugth of (planted amateurs have promised their lervicos for the occasion. The Rev. J. J. McCaun, of Oshawa. will deliver "an interesting “’1 serve sows during the Benson." He took the ï¬rst pvize at the Markham and East Yiï¬k Union’Show. at King and Whitchurch Union Show, and at the North York Show. in 1872. l have on hand a number ofpigs, of the above breed, for sale. ' LECTURE 0N MUSIC! In conngclion wit}; the Scum-uric Almi- cu, Messrs'.‘ Manual; Co, are Solicitors of American and Fï¬eig†Byems, have had over 25 ,ynnrs' exporippg .flgnd have he lamest establishmentjx‘l 1116 world. ï¬t you have 'made an invention. wrnto (helm: Inter -1md‘ send u sketch ;‘ they will nljgmpjly tinform sou. free of charge, whether “your, device is new and patemablb. 'l‘h'oy wflhalso send you.'flu qf charga. a copy of tho'l’mpnt Lawsfln full, with instructions ,h'o'w'pq proceed lagohlain a patent. Address Music '& 'Co.. 37 Park Row, New York. , D King Street. East... Toronto. R. A. Huuusoum, c. 'F.'Osuan. THOMAS Moss, Q.c. W. A FOSTER. Cumws Moss. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE MONDAYIEWNZG, FnRIrAnY 10, " Tickets: fog: ghq concert and lecture. 95 cents; for tlna'pqomenpde. admiuing Indy qnd gomlemnn. 50 cams? " Descriptions nif'xiinnrovoments. Diquyeries. amt lmportnng Wdrk‘si"‘ï¬crtihï¬ng to Civil and Mechanical Enginoeï¬ng, Milling, Mining and ,Melqliurgy-g .Rbuot'ds-of‘lhe‘lmbrt 'pro'g‘res: in ihe Applicvntionï¬gfï¬ï¬gam, Slum Engineering, Railways. Shipmhniiding, Navizmion. Tele- graphy, Telegrnph V Engineering.â€Elcctuicity, Mpgnetism. Light‘and "out. ' ‘ 4 “The Latest“ Qiscpuries in Photography. Chemistry, Nveand Useful Applications of Chemisu-v in'.th'g,jArw and .in Domestic or szsehom 412cm For which n ‘excollqnl quqd‘yillo hm! hu " Been“ secured DooE-i'open at 7:30. r. m; concert to com- mence at 8 o'clock. slurp. ‘ ._ . I H ,lmormnlion p‘ertdiulng" to Technology. Microséopyflulhemnléenm stri'noo' 1h)". Geography. Meteqrohmy, Milloralngy. Gobiogv; Zoologv.’ ‘Botany.' Horticulture, Ag'leulmre. Ami-hectare. Rural Economy, Housnhold Economy. F ood.Lighting, Heating, Ventilation. and Hgfltl'n 2†â€â€™ " "" lu rhflfl the who range_ 0; 331,9, Sciqqqos,and Practical Arlé‘ltlrll‘ 0 Ma,“ "gullth the scope ï¬t the Scientiï¬c Amoriéln. No pom“ who desires to intelliggntlylnfnrmed can ‘mfl'urd w flywhhoudthï¬pipb‘ ' ' Teachers, Clergymen..¢{.awyers,- and People of all. Professions. will ï¬nd the Scmx'ru'lc AuumgguvLpgkevpfg‘grenl value? I: should have a place in eveiy Family. Library. Study. Ofï¬ce and Counting Room; in every Read- ing Room, Collegs. Academy. or School. The SCIENTIFIC AMI-ZRICAN‘ nowZin its 28th year eujoyï¬t.‘ gm {widest circulation of any ‘nnlegot’ls'periotlncal in the world. Its cotttenw'iembhtce Walnut and most interesting information pertainlng to the Indus- trial, Mecltahiorl, and Scientiï¬c Progress of the World; ’I-hï¬criptimis. wilh Beautiful Engravingn. of New lnventions, New Imple- ments, New Hocdsser, and Improved Indus- tvies of all klnds: Useful Notes, Facts. Recipes, Suggestions an Advise. by Practical Writers, for Workmen-sn Employerhï¬n all the unions Arts. . «V's-"x- '4 ' . Descnptlous Lf improvements. thcqvertes. Fnimsm. Meprlnlnlgics. En inpgrh lnve'nï¬ora, Munul'aclurqrsflmthis’igf OVBI‘S ofScJeulcg, Those who cliqoso to remain can take part in January [3. 18 3. l6; Thomhiil. Dec. 4. 1572. HARRISON. OSLE’R 8; MOSS, QAERIS'EERS, ;&C., 3103. 36 AND] 38 Toronto, Doc. 4, 1872. fHE‘ :AMERICAN for 1873. BEA UTIFUL’LY ILLUSTRATED. In aid of 1710' Roman Catholic Church Mission. on Berkshire I‘ Pigs for Sale. _â€".â€" Y sP‘RiNG ï¬OAR PIG WILL A PROMENADE I Ma. NELSON PLAYTER. or '.o grim. P. DICKSON, 34 Exchange BuildingS. Toronto. I try 16. 72. 757 8 THORNHILL. â€â€™ To Let, R. J. STANTON. 756-‘3 750 if 7504f D Some-Ton in Cancun. Convnucmn; ‘ 510., &c. Onionâ€"No 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of anonto and Court Streets, Toronto. Ont. AME INTO THE PREMISES 0F lho anhacrbkr. Lot 26. 2nd Con. Mark- ham. about the Is! December last. an Yearling Heifer. The owner is requated m prove pro- perly, pay expenses and take her away. NICHOLAS LYNE'I'. O ceived by the Trustees at the schoolhouse of Srhool Section No. '3, Vaughan. on Satur- day. the 8th of February next. at ten o'clock. A.n.. for the erection of an addition to the sold schoolhouse. Plans and speciï¬cations may be seen al Mr. Rupert’s. Junior. Lot )6. 3rd cone oouion of Vaughan.‘ The lowest or any ton day will nolbo accepted unless mhorwiu satia- Iac‘tory to tho qutpos}, , w . ' ' JOHN smmm, ’ 1 - PETER RUPERT. 'I'rue‘lcts. C. L HOLLINSHEAD. Sixiy-lhreo of which are entirely ï¬t. from stumps or stones. and is in a H r_\' high flaw of cultivation: . The balance is well (imbued with W. J . ,' _ ~L’. A" 0n EMAINING ‘IN THE RICHMOND 4 Hill Post (illice; ls't‘Jauu _1873: Brown, George ' a, Hislop. Johm =‘ Cunningham. Frank Hiney, Edward Cooper, William Jackson. J. ()nnney. Louis Kirkland, James Cooper. Mrs, - Killips. William Dalton, William Mulvena, Rose Ann Demon, Brown A. MoNair, Matthew Derham, Mrs. R. McCleery, Samuel Fox, John ' Smith, John Goodyear. Robert Sanders. B Gamble, William Slinoy. Edward Galton, William, Tavlor. Harriett Gibson. Fullerton Wiltshire, George Harper, John C. Walker, Mrs Hally James Wakeï¬eld. Agnes Hugo, Thomas » Wright. Mrs. Jane Gallon, William, Gibson. Fullerton Harper, John C. Hall, James Hugo, Thomas Hoclor, Bernard MR. FREDERICK PAGE, Seventy-one Q' a Quarter Acres, Glflson‘ and other 5 eybrs, which should be consulted. in manv cases; as to original monu- ments, &c.. previous to commencing work. SPLENDID ROUGH-CAST HOUSE With Mono uellnr. kitchen and wood'shod', all nearly new and well adapted for the residence of any party in'goozl circumstances; a hrge frame barn, with :tables, shed and driving house, all in good repair. A noxer-failing streamiof water crosses the rear of \he Lot, also a good we" and n soft-water cislorn. all complete. This is a very desirable property. fronting‘on Yongo Street. one of the best reads in Canada, is situated only 2;, miles from the Invaorated Town of Richmond Hill, A120 IS miles from the City of Toronto. Terms will be made vely €39}, to soil the purchaser. For further informa‘uion,nyply perâ€" sonaliy or by letter to I‘ fancy articles. will be held in February next. by the ladies in connection with the Church of England, in thin town. Proceeds to bodevoted to the Church Building Fund. po-itributlons will be thankfully received by anv of the following ladies: Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs Arnold. Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Playter,Mrs Myers, Mrs. Barnard. Mrs. Nicholls, Mrs. Palmer. Miss Campbell. Mis Pollock. and Miss Lin- foot. Refreshment table- Mrs. Powell. Mrs Cooper. Mrs.Sedmnn, and Mrs. Brown. Ofï¬ce at Wumwogu. Yonge Street. in the Township of York. “ Jafl’y. 8. l873. 755-4m PLANI'NG DONE TO ORDER. T0 WNSHIP 0F MARKHAJK, Formerly owned by the lalo LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE in all its branches. and from his experience, careful Itlenlion, and modsrule charges. he hopes to receive a share of the [white patron- age. All orders by mail promptly uttended lo. J. rompess and indicator, a perfect gem for the pocket of every Traveller. ’l'rader, Farmer, Boy. and for everybody desiring a reliable time-keeper, and also a superior Pocket Com- pass. usual Watch size, with steel works, glass crystal. all in a neatoride case, warranted to denote correct time. and to keep in order. it fairly used. for two years. Nothing like it. A sample of this perfect gem of mechanism will be sent in a neat case (prepaid) to any undress. upon receipt of one dollar. Address plainly, AGENI'I WANTED Evnnwuxn. ROVINCIAL LA ND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer: and Draughlsmnn. I 1 Civil Engine)" and Drunghlsman. Onion by (altar should slam the Concession, hot and chanclerof Survey. the subscriber having, wield; figlfl 12319.3, Painting. ' HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS T0 NOTI- l's' the public that he has re :ommencod OR THE SALE OF USEFUL AND fancy articles. wili be held in February RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL I ) Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancor. &c' Crimeaâ€"No. “Church Street.Toromo. December 29. I869. 596 January 15. 1873. Markham. Jan. 14. 1873. January 23. I873. January I3. 1872 Richmond Hill, Dec. 9, '72. Church Snw Markham Vil'lage. January 8,1813. 755-6m EALED TENDERS WILL RE RE- December 23. 1872. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28, '72. J. N. BLAKE, ARRISTER 6L ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, HOUSE PAINTING I ARRISTER, AVTTORNEIZ-AT-LAW, "HE MAGNETIC TIME-KEEPER, ADAM: H. MEYERS, Jr., SHINGLE CUTTING, . AND dence for sale, bei'ng compwed 0" pm of [.0157, in the lad mntessionof the BEAUTIFUL FARM AND RESIâ€" HAhlindb "AND" 'CEDA'M PETER S. GIBSON, l'y the public that he has re :ommencod business at Containing by admeasuremem (Late 1;" Duggau 4. Mayan.) ANDREW MAGER, 'I‘he're is on the premises a FARM FOR SALE. Only One Dollar. List of Letters JOHN BROWN. Merchant. Richmond “in l’ O '3. l872 755 if A Bazaar, J. DUNCAN & Co., ‘ Post Drawer 42‘), MoMnaL Tenders. Astray. CARD. DEALER IN JQHNULUMLQL M. TEEFY, MI. 756-ly 753 -2m 75l-ly 756-3 HURRAH I HURRAH ! l ; THE NEW EG'RWER}. 8T9“ * ’36hh“"‘?Brbwrr " ' ‘ The subscriber Would now inform me farmers and pubï¬c in general, that the TM Cuns'r has just pushed Choice sugars. coï¬â€˜ees, tobaccos. with a grand assortment of Comprising new raisins, new Currants, spices, &c,, ofdifl'erom kinda. which for Of strength and flavor. cannot fail Io merit the satisfaction of cuSt‘o'mers ;-iogetber with a fresh suppr of Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, &c. A choice stock-of PROVISIONS, AND" LIQUORS Also, iho banana! chaipost assortment of CROCKEVBY, 7_' ~ ‘ BLOOD’S PORTER I ENORM-OUS’ STOCK. ' ‘._o]râ€" BOOTS AND SHOES, Flour and kept constantly on hand, Would rospeclfully call the attention of the public to his ostnw‘o’l‘ th ‘to' ’1)AhlELl an‘nsgloï¬ lot No. 2!. Qud' (2mi- M'ark'ham. 'aro requéolo'd to some “In sang whh either of the unde'féigneB exec'ulnrs on oglrheforegjhp In of April noxL And 'ull puma!“ hiving clpims agumst ‘he said estate are redï¬â€˜Ã©htéd to ï¬res“)! the same‘ duly certiï¬ed for libuidmiou; by the abow‘ dale} 8, BAKER, A. Bmuumm, § Executor, ' _ Gormloy P20. WhitehuréloiDoc. 94.172. v was-ad.“ Coil-sitting of Choice Teas, Sugars, Caflee, Tobacco, Currants, Raisins, Spices, Salmon ' Trout, Coal Oil, (km, «to. VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR ! Manufactured by Rumble 6:. Calvert. Rich- mond Hill Mills, which has mood the test for a length of time, and is allowed by competent judges tu be the best flour brought into the town. Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts ! Bel'oovï¬hg \bart‘ Cï¬bapGooda is the but adver- tisemem,"he respecifn’ly wiicils a gall. Or on short credit; ahd now. in ramming his thanks to the public {or their vgry libeml pano- nnge dullng :ho short time he ha been in this town. tho subscriber would teapot-«ally e.» thoir It'omion to QMthinglisLof pricco: ‘ Men’é French sunflocs'r'rraig $413910 5550 Men’s Sta‘gosv ' ‘ "“l." ‘"“' A 3300 lo 350 Men’s Kip -- 7' ††350 to 4-00 3035 Slogos “ “ 1-90 to 2'25 Bov’s Kip " '° 2 00 to 2-4' Wémen's Pablo Ball “ "r to 9-00 BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, Corn Meal. Oat Meal. Pen Meal. Barley Meal. uuv-n "v v...“ Remember :l'le'p'leeeicornar of Yonge and Centre street. opposite Sanderson & Sony. J. BROWN. Successor to T. Dolmagc. Of all kinds and 52.65. in all‘ the Most styles. whiuh is posiï¬yely THE LARGé§T_AND CHEAPEST Call and exumine his stock. as he‘feols con- ï¬dent he can give Perfect satisfaction. 1‘ n,,,,,_ _,_J BOOTS AND SHOES 3 RICHMOND HILL LIVERY s TAB L E s . Women’s Felt OYSTE RS AND FISH ' l Just received and wiil have to hand weekly. during the season“! supply of ï¬ne Table Codï¬sh, Labrador Herrings, White Fish and Salmon Trout, 0f the best qualiiy, at Horus and 'Véh’lclos fer hire. Charges mo- deraw. ~ Oppésilo Sanderson & Sons. » ‘4'IJ‘OHN BROWN. Proprioiot. Richmond "NLDOC. H, ’72. 75l-3m ' c. A. BARNARD'. Sign of the British Fling Smï¬ZVRighmond Hill. Nov.27. x872." “ I _ 749m FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS Fresh Canned Lobsters. Maékorel,&c ; hlso VERY CHEAP FOR CASH! CHOICE TEAS?! NEW STOCK 0F GROCERIES, III the Flour and Feed department he has the Assortment ever'bvï¬eretf to the public on RichmoudJiiIL'ill of Which will bn sold Also. a large assortment of Overshoes, Rubbers. 6cc. Kept consmnly on hand. FRESH NEW FRUIT Richmond Hill. Dec 24, l8722. A'l‘ GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Ricllmotlr'tfflfl‘l', 30. {7‘2 Richmond Hi\l,0ct. 30, 1872. 7!4-1y Whitchu rclo.v.,Doc.> 94. .’7'2. Pure and nnaddlterated. always on hand. He would also call their attention to his . hymn-93mm "114;: 2 ~ us'r ARRWED, ‘Auz THEf‘QNHE‘Wf 4 ‘ ALEX; MOODIE. SIGN OF THE TEACHEST. In order to make' room for a Inga ' 'Spring stock. dhzapâ€"aééï¬â€˜Siore: one théu sand Vdpllars’ ' ‘ -’w’orlh of Kent constantly on hand ; also Néï¬Ã©q to- .[Credltort PRICEL‘AND QUALITY And delivered free of charge. , _ 7 M0 CUTLER!“ or m’l‘iwhr'lilk'Kuiflcrï¬iï¬b."' 5‘" y" GLA'ss AND PVUT'I‘Y'. 0’1CE:_EI‘E’_S ALB “ Avs on HAND. ï¬mzriï¬ï¬, m. A NEW STOCK 155M Ic‘ mu or VVhioh he is selling FOR ’1'!!! or ANDv 350 to ['90 to 2 00 to 1'60 to 2-00 to 7l6-tr 7544f 2'30 NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS. Dréas ' Goods, Millinery _Factor_;/ Column, “flinch. ' N RETURNING HIS HEARTY thanks for me large share of patronage during the past eight years he has been in business on Richmond Hil'. wo_nld.annonnco ‘that he has justreccifefl ‘4‘ NEW FALL GOODS ! Canadian. Twe‘ck‘ Cloths ! N Always oh. hand. Owing to the duties having' been 1aken oï¬' Teas and Coffer-.1 hm abYe to "Wat a cmwido‘é‘able rrduction o.’_ 0121‘ prices. The (dork wm. be found-vow completn. All [he hlesl girl†In I) ï¬nally] Bmmols. Mantles. randy-nde m wide to oufler. Umbrellas; Ri'bi bans. Laces Ladies’Colhrsmid Cuflfa. &c.' Ladies should call mid see our NEW HASH; ION PLA I'ES and get . the latest styles: Also FAch Woo]. Go out, in Furs, imitaiimv and real Minkskinï¬ots, 51c: , kc. hing only of. the leadth branches in' our business special attention has been given to tho wleqliopsof the newest and- best maâ€" [Blink Vadap‘ed l'or lhe.sea‘son?s trade. ‘and at prices to commwilhin tha mach of a". A choice stock of MI link of Fresh Family Groceries J agifo ESE .su.xs, Poplins, Serges, Crockery, Hardwa-rgflb. dlwgys on hamL V .Ac'col'xntl! rende'rod Octobel Isl. anoo large barns, two stables, And other new cessary farm buildings. Two spring'oweks run across the lot, and plenty of good 'water abounds. It is shunted at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This fnrm is nearly all under- drained. and well fenced,, with two good or- chards, and about U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of hnd, one frame dwelling house, will: a burn stables. and other onlbnildinga thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premise» M ‘ One hundred and forty of {vhich are éléared and well cultivated. There are on the pro- perly two good ~ FRAME DWELLING 'HOUSES I For further particulars. apply, either by letter (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. u . 1" BEAT..- .. Bla‘clc and Colorch Silks"! HOUSE TO LET. APPLY TO READY MADE {CLOTHING f TWO HUNDRED ACRES In~Coatz<, Pants, Vests. 510. : also made to order on [he shorhst notice. res: ' Goods, " Shawls, Millinery, " Manila, ‘ _Factory Column, Prints, Flan’nela, ' ‘ ' ‘ Blankets, 'Winbey‘Shirts, ' ‘ ngeds, Collars, - Cufs, . an'tlemen’a GuMey'Shirts, BRUSSELS CARPET BAGS: =‘&c., &cL. 8pc. Oct. 2. 1872. Fifty Acres Good Bush. Qty ($00115, (ï¬rnmm. Dec. 1]. l87'2. Dec. 4. 1879. Richmond Hill. Dem24, ’72. 753-3111 Hats and Caps for the Milrion I AND House and Lot for sale, IN LUCAS STREET, RIQHMOND Superior Farm fog Salq,_ . we no! so. SHE‘WG“; A COMPLETE STOCK ond cour'isilon ï¬fth; TWéhip..offr M’ï¬kï¬am, containing . ‘ Light and Dark Eloï¬â€˜s. &é., 6w. WM. ATKINSON MHILLINERY A In m1" Bronx 70†(‘onlrlf SI .70, flit-mom!- I l il‘fl Comprising WM. HARRISON, THE Wm. A'ngnvsos. F. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill P. 0. 1501f Richmond Hill. 7.5m 720-