Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Feb 1873, p. 1

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H. SANDERSON & SON, PBOPRIETORS OF THE \RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, BOUT!) IRS 01“ RI EDIL‘I N IC. will be promptly attended to : Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Law Forms, Bill Heads, Biank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads‘Faucy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other Lind of Letterâ€"Press l‘riut- 111g... - 1 1 1 1'v ' 1 IL l .,,,,' Licensed Auctiomer for the Counties of York and Feel. icsidenceâ€"Lot N0. 20, rear of 3rd Concession. Markham. P. O. addrpss, Buttouville. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’s service can make arrangements at the Herald office. January, 4, 1855 431 Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Ontario. Residenceâ€" Lnt 7, 6th Com, Markham: P. 0 address, Unionville. Sales attended to on the short- shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Orders left at the Herald ofiice for Mr. Carv teris service will be promptly attended to. 53nd 11311, at the Elgin Mills. A11 call (night or day) promptly attended 150. Elgin Mills, Jan. 1870 598 orner of Yonge and Colbome streets, Thornhill. Consultations in the office on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thu“sdays and Saturdays, from 8 to 10 a m. All consulta- tions in the office, Gash. Diember of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. l‘lesialgngeâ€"‘qu‘rth of Rich- Corner of Young and Centre streets East, have constantly on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishcs, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines and all other articles kept by druggists generally. Our sfiock of medicines warrant- ed genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, J an 25, ’7‘2 705 FHE LIBERALD BOOK & JJB PRINING ESTABLISH MEN‘I‘ 693MB for any of the unalcsmentioned des criptiou of "'0 Having made large additions to the. print- ing material, we are better prepared than ever to do the neatesi; and most beautiful printing of every description. HENRY SMELSOR, icensod Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Feel, Collector of Notes, Ac- counts, &c, Small charges and plenty to do Laskay, Much 2, 18:56 5.ifl)~1y icensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended $0011 the short- est nutice and at reusonable rates. P. 0. address, Buttouville. pain, by the use of Ether Spmynvhich A ects the teeth only. The tooth and gum surrounding becmnes insensible with the external agency, when the tooth can be ex- tracted with no pain and Without endanger- ing the life, as in the use of Uhloform. Dr. Robinson will be at the following places prepared to extract teeth wi 11 his new ap- paratus. All office operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner : Aurora, lst, 3th, 16th and '22_d_ 0f eafth month E07 method of extracting teeth without WAll lebbe§s addressed to the editors must be postâ€"paid. » m ~ _ r , t v V I Advertlsemems for a shower penod than one year, insenmu . ........ Each subsequent. insertion ....... 20 inches to be considered One column Advertisements without written direction inserted till forbid, and charged accordingly. All transitory advertiseneni‘s from regu- lar or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. Plain & Coiored Job “ark ealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Wines, and Liquors, Thornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed 1s- auer of Marriage Licenses. Newmarket..... Richmond Hill, 9th and Mt. Albert . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Thornhill. .................. . Maple.. Burwick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kleinburg................... Nobleton....,.....‘.......... And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest Innis or other conveyances, when so desixed. '1‘ch YORK HERALD wI'IK always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Ocean News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceytable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. N 0 paper discontiuued until all ah‘eamges are paid ; and par'uies refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for the subserlptmn. One inch, one year... TWO inches, one year Three inches, one year Advertisements [or a Will generally be found at home from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. George A. Langstafl'i authorized to collect accounts Richmond Hill, 0013.4, 1869 ‘7568 Nitrous Oxide ( Aurora. fim‘ora, April 28“ TERMS: One Dollar per awmm in ad- vance, 11 0t paid within two months, One Dollar and Flity Cents win he charged. Every Friday Morning, THE YURK H ERA Ll) Cheap Book and Job Priming Establishment June 27, 1867 July 22, 1869 Markham, July 24, 1803 Thornhill, Juné 9, 1865 raduat-e of the Toronto University. Resi denoeâ€"Thornhill. OFFICEâ€"«YONGE S1,, RICHMO}‘D H ' ‘UBLISHER AND TEE JOHN D. MCCONNELL, M. D., VOL. XIV. NO L’iMS: $1 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ALEX SCOT‘e , FRANCIS BUTTON, JR., A. ROBIESON", L. D. S EDWARD SANDE RSON, ADVERTISING RATES JOHN N. mm), M. D., DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF A [JU’I‘I 33 BE “39. THO MAS CAR )\, . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . 26th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28$ .. 9th .................... 30th Oxide Gas always Apri128, 1870 ‘ THE YORK DR. HOSTETTER, DE‘T‘IS} “Y. DRUGG ISTB‘. JOHN CARTER, IS PUBLISHED 1111mm) PH 01’ NE: UR OF 54th 15th 23rd on hand at PERINCH .. 00 3 50 3 00 615-tf 497 02 U! erected within the last ten years, can have recent improvements attached, and guaranteed superior to any other made. OWELL’S PATENS PUMPS have already taken the leading place in some parts of the United States as well as in Canada. OWELL’S PATENT PUMPS lmve all the merits of other pumps with- nt their defects. N0 others possess their eculiar advantagous features. O‘VELL’S PATENT PUMPS as now perfected, are the successful re- sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a want universally felt. OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS 7 have a continental reputation, and are fast superseding all other kinds, both in wood and metal. 1‘, USTARD‘S Catarrh Specific Cures Acute and Chronic cases of Catarrh, N euml- gia,Hea4ache,(1()1<13,Uoughs, Crou , Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., it is alsoa. goo Soothing Syrup. [ even in their hitherto imperfect form, have 111 all {lustances earned off the lughes‘c prizes from all competluors. r are adapted for the deepest Wells. Re- ferences to all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. I whlle they cannot be a}_).>mached in wood. have never yet been equalled in metal at double cost. DOVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS f cannot be rivalled without infringing POWell’s Patents. Users of mfrmging pumps are liable. C. Powell, Pabentee, Newton- brook. f HE subscriber in retugniug thanks to his fuemls for the patronage he has received suleo he commenced business as a butcher on Richmond H111, begs to nnnounce to them that he‘hxs disposed of h"s business to his son, Henry Hooper, who will in Inture carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers wiH continue to bestow their patronage on his successor I are made under genuine patents in (Jun- ada and the Unltcd mates. Arc no spurious mlitatxons or infrmgements. I The only efficient fire engine pump avullable 111 :1 few seconds, wmtel‘ and sum mer, (lay and night. 1111'r111ge1's beware. I)O\VELL’S PATENT PUM if "‘ USTAR D'S Pills are the best pills you 1‘ can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billinmness, Liver, Kidney Complaints, Em. AVE yo’h Rheumatism,“rounds, Bruises, [ Old Sores, Cuti, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, \Vhite Swellings, and every conceivable wound upon man or beast ‘? )UTCHE L, Richmond Hill, has always on I) hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c., and sells at the lowest prices for cash. The fiighest market prices given for cattle, shgep, lambs,‘ &c.‘ f as now mazle, have nu cmtings to cotne ‘oose or break. Haw all steel bcux'mgs guar- 1nteez1. ' r have been sustained by the highest legal tribunals, and universally approved by an enlightened public wherever introduced. The undersigned having received an agency for the Townships of \Vhitc‘mreh, King, Markham, Vaughan, York anl Ltoblcoke, begs leave to say that he is now actively en- gaged in canvassing the same; and those wishing to insure before being called on in the culinary routine of the canvass, that by addressing him at Mewmarket, or at head office, giving No of lot and cnnceseion and name of township, they can secure prompt attention . THOS ATKINSON, Agent. A130 corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. Richmond Hill, Sept. ‘27, 1871. GSQ-tf \VIDEMAN, manufacturer of all kinds , of Monuments, Headstones, &c. Call and examine my stock and prices be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as you will find it to your interest. fié’ Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ringwood, Sept. 13, 1877. 497 YE'I‘Ellll\"ARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University College, comer of Yonae and Centre strecLs East Richmond ‘3 . y . has so announce to the >ubhc thathc is now :2 V. I I. ‘ l prauusmg wu-h H. btunlurson, 0f the same place, where they may be consulted personâ€" ally or by letter, on all diseases of horses, cattle, & . Horses examined as to soundness, and also bought and sold on comuussmn. fichmond Hill, Jan. 25, 18729 507 BAR‘RISTER, Attnsney, Solicitor-in~C1mn Gory, Conveyzmce.‘, 5m. ()FFHIEâ€"No. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, Tomnm street. 3 Toronin, Dec. 2, 1859. 594 All orders {m .11 a distance pm‘mptly atâ€" tended to, and medline sent to any part of the Province. lst. Absolute securELy to po‘icy ho‘ders, in the shape of a very ‘1 rge 03311 capitzfl. 2d. The important feuture thI'oducfd by tlfis cunpany of insuring nun-hazardous quper" (injy, bezng t‘hc means of 1 ' ‘ 4th Rat» s as low as it is possib‘e fur any Mutual Comp my tn make: them, hearing in View the secncity of 1133 policy hn‘dcrs l ANUE 00. of Canada. Head Office : King. street, corner of Church, Toronto. TPOIwy Holders vee§ 10w 51:05 011 deiached dwe: ings and farm properhy. 31"]. The Stockholders, Directors and Age: ts, being all residents 'u Canada, 105568 Wl'i be adjustel without (May, and paid in cash at 01130. HOWELLis mrim PUMPS RUDE KT HOUPER. Richmond Hi‘l, Jail. 7, '71. 652-tf Nenulmrhdt, Aug. 16, 1871. Capital... 0 ......€,.300,000 Deposited withG overnment 50,000 Presidem‘Alex. Mackenzie, Iqu., M. Manager â€"-John Maugham, Jr. .OVVELL’S PATENT l’UMS >OWELL'S PATENT PUMPS ()W'ELL’S PATENT PUMPS O\VELL’S PATENT PUMPS OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS UWELL’S PATENT PUMPS FflRIC l‘tfiURA'fifllC. HE ISOLATED RISK HIRE INSUR- RINGVVOOD MARBLE \VORKS PATENT MEDIUIN . N. [’0 “’ ELL’B I’li NI Pa. PROCLADIATION. ADVANTAGES OFFERED VV 131. COX, SANDER; H. J. I‘U'I‘O IE EICS. \VM. MALLOY, :30}: GS‘Zâ€"ly [From 11m N. Y. >un.] A parly was glvcu unu (‘Vt'nillg last Wct'k by HM: pan-ms of a. yulln: mmsof alevo‘n yrars, at their eumpnmus r sideuuc in Rmok- lyn, lhu gu sis hing exc usively thu cum. panions, mul-» and Icmule, ot tho daughter l‘t‘fcl'l‘cd to. The part, was a FULL DRESS AFFAIR, th‘s hou’s appmntrd being from 8 pm. to 2 a, m, From 150 to 175 gnuhts \ are pram-Ht, who WrI‘B waived by their young llO»ttSb‘ with as much ‘asc and sell-posscbsiou a a matron could assume. The dwssw confined of white, pink, vel. low, lavender, and cell blue silk, elaborately trimmed and (1:0de wiLh S‘vfiflglt's. The hair was drch (1 in THE LATEST STYLE, frizzed, puffed, pUWdcl‘Ud, uLd adort‘md with flowers. Foul-buttoned white kid glows wvsre gcnurnlly wmn, while French kid bouts, matching thu dresses in culur, encased the feet. Only one thing was lavking in the miniature I‘f‘pltSr‘ntfltiUll of an adult party, viz, ermine-lied laws. Puw<lu1',h<)wevcl, was Il‘erly umd, but so artistically as to almost dwfy detection One little girl (it she could he rvcg‘gnized as hllch) partiuulmlv raw: '3 r1 :i'tvmiou. Sim could nut have b m . ~.1 uii 0 year: 02 age, and in ad< iliuu Lu mu powdervd hair and dazzling costumcs thu sported with txuc appreciation a pa'r of Another child of? snmmers was arrayed in a rose-001mm silk, $7 per yard, trimmed with \hrec-poiut‘applique fluunc'cs; a galaxy of diamonds and oLhur expensive jcwvlry; a gold belt, the b Ickle of which was literâ€" ally covered wrth diamunds; a band of gold encirclud the head, and from a pendaun therefrom sparkled a solitare 0t gruat value. Her mother was heard to vxclaim exultingly that the: price or her child's outfit for that evening was DXAMUND EARRINGS, a gold chain, and watch Skuddr-d with cia- monds‘ Upon each arm was a. bracceet of elaboratu work nauahip, Which she he, (1 up for display, exclaiming as shu did so, “'l‘hem’s no sham about tl‘n se; tn ._\"re the real :Luff, for mother said so." SEVEN TH USAND DOLLARS. Ajualous mother overhea mg aha remark, declared, “Upon the uexu occasion my daugh- tur shall bu dl‘L‘ESt'd in tea-r :31 511k, which is by all means less comnwu than pink, As to: j:-~el:y, éhu shall surp ms Miss Nollie or I’m m'stakn; u.” AN EVENING mmv IN THE CITY OF CHURCHES â€"RICH suns, FINE LACES AM) BRILLIANT DIAMUNDSâ€"A $7,0UU ummr ON A mss UF SEVEN YEAR'â€"YUU1\G Am:ch ALIVE The young gentlemen, whose ages ranged from 9 to 14 wars, Werv generally attired in biack dress coat-s, light p ints, and [amendI-r UL‘Ck tie:-. Th‘ 1r ambition was exhibited by Cunspiou -us guld wuti-h chains and seal urna. mi-nts. Rings 0! every deSCl’ig tion and quality were worn, comistiug of diamonds, on) x, seal, auicihyst, topaz, emeralds, &c. Thu hair 01 the elder swaius was Mnstc and Izabéiug, intt-l‘spursud wi(h flir- tatious, oucupled ths evening. AL 12 the jnvrnilc ass 111ny WCl't' summoned to supper, which was pcxf‘ct in its appointm-ntn, and served ‘0) Uoltll‘rd WztiLvl‘x imyurxed for t e On-vasiou. 'l‘lm u-ii 11+ Wart: Spukeu with sufiicicnt .ram: 4nd care Jouy to satisiy the, most ardent dcvutuu of Sta uls permaneuifiy above may mher Reme- dy now 3.1 use. in isi.1va]uabie. LbO, the Pa? 1 Victor is Infallil‘le for 1 Dias 110cm I)yseate:y, Flox, Col'c, Uhn‘era Mou'nw, Bald and Cramp in the biomach and Euwcls, 5E0. DiLemlons with each botole and be): Manfuactured'by IIMUSE‘ARD,” Sold by D:u'c';'st3 ge :esa‘ly. The D< n" 1:011 \‘Voxm Candy to expel worms. T47 it. PAR'I‘ED IN THE MIDDLE and worn in mug, floating locks. MUDERN ETIQCETTE. As the reporter left, the festive scene, the wonder why hm; was such a large numb-.-r 0t vain and (01) isb women in the community had vanished. â€"St. Catharines Acws says “there is no doubt that. the navura‘ growth forests will disappear, and that more rapidly than many imagine.” We suppu'sw whrn they have dlsâ€" apprarvd (-onsumurs W111 haw tu fall back on the artificial grow1h. (2. H. U. havi‘w hadnvur eleven Years‘ r n d y n v . . praotxcc, feels cmudenu ox glvmg euter sat- lsfac’uion. References â€"-»The following gentlemen can w1th c011.1deuce recommend (3. H. Husband to all requiring dental ah] : Dr. Reid,Thoru- h111;Dr.Bull, “'eutrm; Dr. D’Evlyn, Bur- wick; Dr. Corso 1, Brampton. icsidence ..................... Th ornhilf . Thcrnhill, Sept. 18, 1868. Unfimvill H . ......lst Monday of each month \Ves‘uon... .. .. ,9th day “ K'ei1burg.. .. lfith “ " llulwicku . . . . . 22d “ “ Scarboro’. . . WES: “ “ \Vhere he will begvepared and most happy to walt on those who may mqmre 111s ser- To thuse who have favorel him wiLh their patr‘ovage in the past, he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so it) the future, he would say that no endeavor on his pad; will be wanting to meet their ap- prova]. Butno form nor fave rcsemhins Thou: m) inmosl hran vmhrlnos; And the vmc-, u muckvry mumllng, My wildaugui h but. refim's M 11M, 1 Yep my >pI1‘iL’s swine ‘ Bldmy fnm- myleng Ls b-Iieâ€"- Snvu- , e’eu when my heart, in [making Brusm g back each biLu ralgh‘? All in vain I try to quiet, ’l‘hnuglus Ln 1, likv Iempeslvravo; We :u'e lwrv, but than an, Nev-ping, Lax ed one. in I‘m‘ damp, cold grave. Uh ' me wry tlu) glu, in madness: thiy fxnm my aunt] at.anâ€" Wnerc Lm- cmwd mw thickent. mingles LoL mu hide my aclu, g iwa» 1.. MINNIE Mox'rmru‘ Sad l gala unzund 1h:- oirme- Thou, lhe dI-:11'e:~t()f Lu m 211‘.â€" Thou art, gone furevvr, duriix‘g, Far l)v.\ and my 10v rumll: And my frouziod bran is roe 1mg, ?- or a voice so like thine nwn, Murmurs wm‘ds Lhuu once did'sb uhcr, In the same cud. zu‘mg wue. Ear 5' friends are g 4 herlng round me, [Home Ln thee once all in all] When the orgnu’s deep Dunc mlloth, . mi son lights n’er rare flowers fall. Olrl familiar voices hall me Wilvh fmd greetings. warm and true; But I miss the lovellghL beaming In .hy ducp, dark eycs 01' blue. entist, begs most respectfully to annaunce that he. will he at G. I}. HUSBAND, LAD}; KEN «"uming‘ Human [From 1 h HE KING OF OILS in RICHMOND IILLL, ONTARIO, CAfi‘iiKDA; FRIDAY, FEB. P1 ‘Op 191m 1‘, Ingers all is the medicine 7 CO-y This cluvcl‘ wuman had brought. up hvx' girls very much aft: 1' the principle on which u vermin noble German house mars ins num- erous ofl‘sprmgâ€"nmneiy, the keeping 1:1 stoo an 1mmcn3c variety of ur iclcs, such as Would suib the wants of the most opporim .asles. As is Well known, one branch is l’wtcstaut I0 supplywiw-s 1,0 the FA. mug . intestaut lJOllScb; another Catholic, whiic uvcn the rarer demand, a Greek spammen, can be mrt at oncc‘ 0n thi~ pllIlL‘ipli.‘ Luis incomparable woman had imparted a se; matw tuning, as it Were, to her children, «xpcnd- ing great pains and diligrncc so as to insure: variety, so that he must have been index d a dlflicile suit 1‘ who came that way and could uoi find the article that suited. Thus, N0 1, Olivia, a graceful girl, was pensive, soft and worshipping, adapted to a prorcssional man, doctor or hardworking barrister, ewn to a. curate with respectable expectations. Caroline, No. 2, was the sen sihle well-wad girlâ€"full of iiifnrmation, you understandâ€"in in her history ; iufiiact we had a plaiszint legend in the homily, as to her asking a partner in a qua iille “what he thought f Julius Cmsar ‘8” We took care of course to keep this uowu, so us not to take a diragrceable shape; but it a protssor «A political economy, or a hard-headed membi-r of Parliament, were in want of a good secre tariul wife, we had the “making” of web a thing on the books. N0. 3, Louisa, was all si.i‘ighllinessâ€"exubeiant spiritsâ€"had to be gravely cheLked and frowned at in company. “Really, Louie, what can Mr. Cuiker think of ion 1" It was understood she could ride wild horsesâ€"though we kept no such ani- maldsâ€"t,‘ hounds, could handle lire-arms, act men’s parts in plays, bla k h- r race, and carry out other reckless proucedings: under stood, mind, for I have no remou to suppose she «VL‘I‘ hud Vi ntureu 0:. such things, bu it was thus that we cOutriVed to impress the claimants. Nils 4 and 5 have been back- eted, for Sophia and Alice Were twins, and cul‘i‘icd out the sisterly id 1a to perfection. IL was interesting evvn as a Spectacle, to see both sitting together, listening, expectant, neutralâ€"for we kept them in rvsave, like the princmsses alluded to of the House of Snxe â€"no matterâ€"ready to fashion them into Greeks or Uttomans,accordiug to th« visit- ors’ requirements. It may seem nni‘eeling to speak in this cold businesslike fashion; but I was f0110wing a profession â€"I am st-r iglitt )I‘Wald, and'in such matters Am: lia and I join in (filling spades, spades. Hiv- ing made this little preliminary statement 'It seems to mu that there are muuy strug- g'ing persons contending in an ‘onorublu came, mocceding but Ovam-r tuning, who deserve as much credrt as men_ rho have risen in their profcsuions or haudfi‘mfis. 1 allude particularly to ahu insta ‘55 persons with daughters, or with mall); c nghtrrs, which is my own ca. 6. Surely the bending of all paternal (nelgies to the [roperbesiow- al or these yo mg creatures, to nh"%~upoint- mth ir lilc happily a: rrgauls ferlmg and inqlination, butubovwl, tuimbly an regards circumstuucgs, deserves equal ro-prguition. With a lumlly of daughters this .tm . is thr- must duprcssing inJhe world; iudccl those mythological Illustrations, Sisyphu.c mad the stone which he was» lwaya pushing up, and the colandnrs th: D’ ae. la lies war-9' always 1 li ‘g, scam to mu V1 ry happy by}; 3‘ 0! the Weal)’ ethts ol some heathen faLh' ;w,ith a large family 0t glrls to, be pmvixgd tor. Talk of Mir barrister striving for hwy-11, the doctor furfcesâ€"tlge-ciby man for business! I maintain that the disposalâ€"inveh ment 1 may m) â€"nf ai‘wgg parcel of “filial stock” (which a; returns no interert, “it (11 high?" y calls have to be paid un‘ easing ’Jv) ruquireu as much tact, persevagmcu, labor, and ceaseless exertion as any I "thu entech alluded 10. lb v0 hyen um gm. ful, on lha w "ale; but. 'hr-Egié; 15,1313;â€" re; m‘dL i'.\le 1m“sz *, w oust“) mum: u rub mun. mv countr‘v ~huuld oust") mm my country ~homd bul‘vady with kindly encouragement and support; but a ribald press, nn'l hircling scrxms who must earn their crth s-muhow, have purmanemly enrollcd such attempts «Doug the common typs of things to be [nub/hxdat. â€"All the Year Round All bpamy fmdes away, or Use, alas! Meuk eyes grow dim, and they no beauty see; [‘nc glorious shuws of Nature pass and pass, Quin-kly they come, ili Quickly do envy flee; And he who 11; ms the Voice ofweloumin l 0211's next, the slow, sad farewell ol'hls fr end; T 1er is an end to all but one sweet: hingâ€" '10 Love there 1a no end. And for ourselvesâ€"our father, WhGi is he ‘2 Unne, and a memory alone remain, . There is no refngu 0,: a lnotllcl"5 kme For us, grown uld an'l sad with cares and palms; rv Brother'ess, sisterloss, 0‘11' way We vend To Death’s um‘k house from Wllll‘ n we shall nut. love; And So we ceme: yet. one thing ha”: no endâ€" There Is no end Lo Love. That warrior carved an empire with. 111: sword, The empire nnw is but. llké‘, himâ€"a name; ’I Iqu sxmusmun spokv, and by a. by -ing word {\{h-dzed a Fallow? hem-t llnm a. flame; ‘ 'nw Hung 1515 :e s but m; ws an w br I: «My homage to new men, In iHVd-hlfi-bang; Tun» is an ¢ nd to all bm. one sweet thingâ€" To have these is no end. ' ' MOVE ' One thing alone ’Lhere 1a which hath no endâ€"- There is no and to Love. There is an e‘ ‘d to kisses and to cigils, There is an mm 00 xuuzhter and to tears; An end to fair Lhmgs um. delight. vnr eye-3 Au 0an Lo plans-am- sounds t hm. ch:an our ears; AI. ens: 1,0 eumity’s foul libeling, - And to the gracious Drake of‘euder friend; I‘m-re is an end to all but, one sWeea,‘ Lhingâ€" To Love there is no end. ‘ 1 see that all these things Emmett) an and, The lllillg.~' we g‘ox‘y m, Lhe thing: we fear; Annihilamon's shadow still cloth 10ml It gloom to every pleasant. thin and dear, Each heavy burlen under whlc 1 we we' d \\ i‘l some (lay from our wear' (1 shou‘ders MY [HUGH HR OLiVi ‘. BY PERCY FITZGERALD, MA Unendfifi. They rezurned with us. In our large samilyâ€"and it was embarrassing for strang ers_they shnwud notlhe hast constraint, but met us all like old friends. The young man and Olivia were firm nds in a mo ment. The emctl‘ical syn-pail); ol kindred natures had at once begun to tell. Her thoughtful and l'lfl'C‘iVU nature had found its true co-rclalive in his lively m it was. The evening was mast dulightlul; wl- had small plays, the young man told sturivs, gave imitaliuns,sang and played, His companion, though heavy and reserved, began, as my wifu said, “m come out," He had indved nuthing to my for himstxlf; but- I noticed that he at first gazed with 8 anti: of stupid surprise at his friwnd, as thst grits Wuru being devl lopcdâ€"thvn hean to (enjoy them, and finally laughul heartily, saying “Gilli. Lal l” “Bravo 1" “Wull, I declare l” with oxhcr tokens of appreciation. When 1 had said “ 0d bless you I" to them on the steps, and returned to the family, [here was a. chmus of dilight. They were charming. Such an addition! How lucky we ha taken that little walk! “Softly,” I said, H my dears. This is all very Will. l‘hi- w0uld is full of charming and agreeable young men, which qualities, I am sorry to say, are all the property they have in Lin: world, out of which they me to fed and cloth v themselves. their wives, and such lamâ€" lies as they may have to bring up. Ever)- thlug promises Well as far as in goes. Bub we must inquiie. We must have chapter and verse. bhow it. to me in black and white, sir. (ashâ€"wcuritiesâ€"landwâ€"what- 6911' it may be. Tumurmw these tiings must he anceitamed. I should say,” I added gravely, “as a rpiculation, that it Will turn out to be some you: g man of fortune, put under th. direciion of a grave and sober diucior, Whu is to look after himâ€"a sort of governor, ruull as used to be imposed an young men of 101tuuu and bleeding.” as fath: r of a family, I was bound lo ascer- rain all ab uL them act. uratuly. I soon learned their names 1hruugn (he agn nuy uf the pustmistmas. Tlva Wen: Mr. Amarlvy and Mr. Johnson. Auuxluy, as my (Hui; said, was exactly the salt 01 a mum: she would havu suyposed for the y( ung man it had the name gay and engaging tom: nhont it that he had. Johnson was quitu in har- mony with the ponderous yet; muj stic dull- my 55 of his companinn. I wum tu call on thcm formally alter bu-akfuflt The young man was fitting in front of the Jully Flbhcr- man, enjoying a cigar. “ Mr. Jmllsun not down, I sac,” I said. "The early uird gathers the Worm, Mr. An. urley.” “ He looked at me, puzzled. “Johnson n01 down! Why 011,1 520', Vu’y good ; of Course he aln’t.” “ A heavy sleeper, I711 swear,” I went on. “I know hlS character thoroughly. A good lung-hmdud f‘vllOW, sound to vote ; but nox profuse 0t wordsâ€"eh, Mr. Anurloy 7” “Oh that’s Johnson’s character, is it?” said the young man, with the most x'uguisn twinklm in his eyeâ€"a testimony to my shmwdm-SS. I was out walking one :iftcrnuon, with Oliviaâ€"that v|rgin brief on whom I would like to endorse. “ with 3011,” the name or some desirable young gentli-m mâ€"when We pasted by the door of the Jo‘ny Fisher- man. I said to h 1", “Wait outside hII'C, dzfia', while I go in and are ii there is any- thing tor me." This Wild 3. habit of minv, and 1 called it “going my rounds" As I was entering, two gentlemen came up, with fishing bushets, roda etc., and I took spreial note of them. One was a fair, htliely-niade, gentml-lnoking youth, 01 about eighteen summ~ 1‘s. as the novelists say,\vith a something or refim-ment an'E breeding about him. His companion wa~~ a heavy, SOIr inn, shubbily-drt-swd individual ulommovingr and nhrent in manners ; u rpâ€" mai‘kahle contrast to his friend, who seemed o be overflowing with gain-y and spirits. Indeed, he looked at me so gaily and juyously, that I at nee accosted him with a “{z‘ood sport, sir, I hone?" He answered oil-hand, “ Firstâ€"mite 1" But I noted that it was not so min-h to me that he made the reply as to. Olivia. Hisietolid, stupid friend was attracted by nothing, and seem; d impatient to get into the run. He murmured so’mcthing about supper; I at once SL‘IZGd he 2min irrwistible [something , a. ‘ W111 “H H.” w; ml in at), I (min 313:? be making a falre stepâ€"rind I asked both up to “ my Hm- ple mansion," as I called in uI h We a simple fzuni y, gentlemen," I -aid, ‘- and our tart/t5 are Simple, We can olfur you nothing but wh:t prevents an innocent fl1V01' of rue- ticity and virtue. The man win» is addicted to the pleasures 0i tne town mtiy find me and my family Very insipid.I For the m vmvnt I fvlt rather ashamed 0| slipping into the mun. tier of the ext-elk nt Vicar ot VV‘dkefi 1d : but, after all, he found it to answer very well in thi- end. WE all went to bud Inspiring and anticipu. tiun. But there was much to be dom: ;a1ul. “Now, Mr. Anelley,” I went on,“I dare say 1 could surprisn you by our powers of guessworkâ€"that s,my Olivia’s and mine. What would you say it since last night, We had Infidc} out a little of your history ‘2” “Come 1" I said, “Mr. Anerley, are you not an impulsiva, gay young man of conditiony whose frh nds are anxmus tjat he should see the world; while they have feitered you with MLJuhnsun, as a. smt uf guide, philos- 0pm.!" and. lriundâ€"au eXuellunb, Sensiqu I ailuilu spinally to Olivia, I always kcp‘ a waly eye upon the HJolly Fishvrmuu,” which was the name of he I tth: um; la 1' it srcmcd to me than, in a prulcssion buch as 1 followed, chance would often do more than the must labl-rious taxation, and a. iiltlr: inn with a reputation lor sportâ€"aided by the odd tastes ol those in high rank, who am often known to seek solitudu as a sort of altvrahve, sick of the imil id and intrrcsti d alteniiuns ol those of th- ir own classâ€"might tairiy be romantic. There was a realy good fit-hing stream running close by Littletown, with a small tithing inn, and both enjoyed a rizspectable prestige among amateurs of the (raft, even in dibtant parts of the kingdom. I frankly confess I took a di op interebt in the fishing stream and inn ; it Stellled to m“ a ht alth} lei-ling that could’draw fine young ft-llowi~ from such distances, all for the sake of pur sumg an innocent and manly HMI‘U'IUOI’I The creatu‘os oi our own districtâ€"«wall plebeian fry, clerks and l‘ueuntsijliiJJpers"---â€" cared litt e for such (simple and innocent pastimes; thtlugil, indeed, had they done no, we should have cared but little. S nne ol these, indeed, Wcie disposed to interfeze with the p-‘aCtiSu of my piotcssion, one or two good-lovking ones, though their claims to pecuniary subat'zncc Were in an exactly con- verse ratio. In so large a family‘ as mint- Ihere was sure to be a margin 0: lolly, in spite of all our (:Xertions and good [flinging- up, and the repression of incl] 5) mptoms as “mutual attachment springing up,” “love,” and other follies x~ moly ridiculous in a large family of unprovidedâ€"for daughters, was high y necesmw'y. so as to enlim thu sympathivs of the mu m for 0110 who struggles on through his uphill task, I will now proceed to give a mum [HT ticulur inztancu of the la ol‘ious and castly class of duty in which the 1'2anin cngagrd. Hv swuted. “Oh, I sum you'wouldn’t me scene of adventures almost 1873 The second parallel was openedâ€"I mean a Ferond dian'I‘ w-is spicadâ€"wilh an in- crease of result. The third was then got remitâ€"the coup de grace, w‘ en the storming pintin “’ch already mus on (1 in the trenchâ€" cs, and we knew the place muat fall. I ncvor saw my girl looking more attractive. We had a Spvcial wine kept for Hlt‘h nights oi sacxifice, when the votaiy, wound with the generous fluid, was unable to control himself; thcre was a mu (ild Burgundy pro- duced on these occasions, which would have dissolved the mOSE caiimnlunous tissucs into a kind indulg'nce. A 0 met of him repuâ€" tation tolowcd, wariiwd in amp/cm. That “warming in a nil k=n" as always known through the household to hc significant 0* the crisis. It; was, as one of my girls said pleasantly, thc presentation 08 the doizb c- Gdng sivord to the victim. It was so cfl'a ct~ ivc on this 0 casion that I almost rxpuctcd Ihecrisis to come before dinner was“ (chl‘. A charming and most seductch young man, I always will my thoughâ€"L1H this is anti- ipating. In uh: same prop ir'ion the objectionable qualitics of hi: Companion showed thcin- Si‘eri 8 Hr- came in bad humor, and Sin mcd to bu jealous (of the aitcntions paid to his ll‘lcnd, and to resent the choice 1hings bl- D I ;::rssi-d on him ixclnsiwly. I was Ve‘l') eager that my young tricnd should how what hominid ot my choice old Burgu id ,, when, in an unmuth, ill-mannoi‘cd way, lhis tcllow s ith on IE. Singlv iri» a. to the gvncia hilariiy. Mv git] Caroline, indecdâ€"-“the rock of some,” and all thatâ€"I saw. was inciinud to be in iuiguun with him,and he in his tum made some idiotic attempts t0 ('omm nd aimsulf to her gonu gracrs‘ Bub Mrs Henwitchur Sharply and promptly put ihat down. 0110 of hit daughters to be wasting hvr swcctm'ss and gmces on a mdu, HEN qinck or pedagognc of this desmiptinn I “He is quite mghtflsaid the young mun7 with dufvn me. “Excu-e mv, Mr. Johnaon â€"” I said, angrily. “Oh, don‘t Johnson me, I’m fin d of it 1” 1 dwn't l<uww wimt unmvur 1 should h:ch made. to this spuech. only that ()l'l‘ rustic MEI‘VbLH came rushing up, and with falhtring emu n's :mnmmccd that Lord Anerlry hmi rrivcd aul was waning br-lowl ’l‘llr effect 01 this news was ti'umundohs A guil:y flush vamu into my lam, though I had (Junta nothii g tn be aslxam d i f, while Olivia gHVa faint cry and fell back in new chair, But [his was nothing to the kfllx‘Ct on our guests. I soon rallied, hmvvw 1'Y and liulelly })I‘O}*OS\'d {0 go duwn and bling up his lordship, a pro- posal wliiuh filled 1:01.!) with alarm No, they said. rising: they must say goo > niglii and 50â€"h) fzict say good-byv, as tucy would probably have to have ful‘ guod in vhu morn- ing. A sort of horror spread over the Mow of the family ; bu: I was equal to the occa- sion. Mv Burgundy and whey winus wu‘v nut to be i-‘pillzrd in vain. Assumin. a dwtui‘mincd “aS-‘â€"y()lll'-llllcn- lions” manner, I said coldly, “ lllxmisc luv, 1 shall bring up his lordship.” I lllll' iid down, and p12 vziiwd upon a Lliy, tt-tcy latti- man to come npâ€"not ti‘om any cnmpl-mcn! to 11%, but, he said, “ he must look aficr H is liimscll.’ As hr: («nteicd he mid binskl ', and wiihnnt apliing to be introuuced to my wife, “ This is pr it): work 1 1 said lrom the beginning, Juhnsony ynu wore an inlgirflpl'l' person to lith: charge of liiin’7â€"wm'ds adâ€" dressed to the young man! He was Johnson; the hour was the, Honorable Mr. Anirluy, placed under his care for incipient boltening of he intrslivciual pow-1'51 0h, disastious mistake 1 We were over- We had a charmmg little banquet. The Hon. Mr. Ancrhy CXl‘l‘U'd all his powurs, which were guru, and rattled on with a d»- l‘ghtvul vivucify, whicA W-Xn all our hearts. Tue only (iruwbzu'k on our hulmincs“ was his friend Johnsun, who hcgan to lLV-‘ul him- Hk-lf as a. regular blur, or lwurâ€"hmvy, dull, barbaric, and incapable uf Cuntributiug a “Lvt him go without itâ€"I’vo, a better right to it than he has.” lluughed,luttl (,lltl not quite like this generality However, he at once accepted an invitation to dinner lul‘ self and friend, and I withdrew. I reported everything Hithf‘tlly to my delighted family ; and it was a; reed on the taets and statements of Min Anerley which I submtted, that everything was goingr on cl’m;mingl_tg My wifeâ€"an tx- pert in such mattersâ€"weighed his remark: with it. judicial gravity, and pronounced 1h: m to be pregnant wtth nut tial meaning At that momwnt, I dvelure, we leokvd an Oliv it, as pl'UVltlt d tor in lite. But what in; it to the t'Xt'ltcmeDt an r in the (lav, when HOWE came in Oblttlnt'd direct from the postm siren.» herself, and therefure authentic! Nut only was the name 01 t e young man good and arts. tocratie, but a mystic aureme encompasstd him ; fur “H n.” w.-nt befure his name like an untriderl It was ascertained beyond aeou t that much was his pmper (ltcomtion ; and it was the more crrtain, as the young man had gone trivilv to the postmistress, and hugged that she wou'.<'| not unntiun the mutter “ Pewple make such a fuse, and it they knew there was ‘an honorable’ in the n~ighboth00d, would stalk him like a deer.” The jay, the rapture in our family on this discovery, was inconceivable. But there was & ptot‘eund ‘ recognition of my tact in divining the qua. ity of the gue t Wt: were entertaining. Even Mrs. HenWitchvr, reluetant always tu‘ allow me the credit of wistium its eump-tred with her own, cuntessed “ that l lltt'i shown 3 me sort of penetration,” which, from her, was rtnlly a tiaudsume complimttnt. We i must g:ve them a dinner, this rhulllél be the next step This wes really akin to tlll‘OWlllg up an earthwork in an investment; and We usu'tlly pressed the besieged with to much promptne<s and vigor, that atter we hail ‘sapped’H ur wuy I p to the wall by the third dinner, the invvrl’tfd, haul nu alturn'1tivu but to .xuirendt 1', 51- fly inglorit usly by some 5111;. teiranean [was age. The, lam sorry to my, the betiegen‘ was too fend et doing, generally caring Very little how ignozhinious was 111:: “treat. ' Oh,1 am naxt door to a pauper, and haw \‘0 live on what I can pivk upâ€"t-akc any A dd jobs that may come. Julinson, there, Will be walling in wvalth one (ll lhusu 41a zuâ€"xc this in mom I suppose he guts a tlioumud a year." “Fine s4lau‘y to draw,” I said, “for laoking am r an agreeable young gentli man like you; I Wuuld do itfuran clghlh part, 0’ the muuvy; and 1 due my,” I added with muaning, “them are cumin young ladies would I) glad to do it- for nothing” “I should be delighted,” he said in his 4; lecrful way, “to take an urdvr for any large amount, with, nf course, Miss Olivia 11A udlllg the Invoice. ’ “Don’t gin: me the Credit of it,” I mid ; “it was all Olivia, who has a qviiox‘, thougliL t‘ui penetration mm is litci'allx um: Eng.” “Uncommon pletty giri,” was 1: ‘ vii-hum} c: mmcntary. Still, I had not made my advanTe in what strictly the onivct of my visit. I Soundt'i him in various ways. “He met me in tin, mod CIT-hand manner. He mum at we thh a must ennui-r «x prrssion. ~ “Wonderfui, I declare! Tn fi'xdout tha [â€"1 mean Johnsonâ€"was n. llltm I" man in his way, but whose sewn-vs Iysuspect, could he (lispvnsud wil tain quarm-x‘? E 1 l am I right 'I” ! Fll'ullg in n cc The olfituary cf the London Times and the ma diam juuruals have recorded some remark- able illustrations at prolonged existence in in- mbms of thu medical and surgical profes- si Ile who have (lird in the yen Whth has just closul It will be sun, says the Times. in the subjnincd list’ that only muse who had l'r'flCht‘d fourâ€"more yxars anl upward are published7 as Hugh Andrew, M.D., and Petlr Miller, M 1)., «auh niucly-four yvars of age; BUWVr‘r \aux, F. (1.5., ninuLy-nne; Augus- ms Buzzi Gnauvzllc, M D,, and Francis Kiwrnun, all 0.8, rack oightynine; Robert Vcnalflcs7 M l), mighty-eight; Robert; Bu- l-hauan, M D, eightyâ€"s x; 'l‘homas Leigh I; nndcll, M 1)., u'ghtyâ€"fuur; William Bud- iugmn, F R 0.5., and John Gardner, F.R.(‘.S., â€"-Two Nuw Brunswick lumburmen have b {‘11 misS'ng since the 12th inst. It is sup. {‘03‘ (1 they have perk-bed in the wocds,hilew moose hunting netr Cain’s River, N. 5. --Mr. Rucl, Collvctm‘ of Customs at St John, N. B , has brmn <1ismiss»:d,and Mr. JaF. Johnston, Assistant Ooilrctor of Customs, has bucn temporarily appointed to fill the ottice. im,is as the pianist of a traveling Show to To issig or Rubinstein. It main 3 our home- ket‘plng youth acquai itnd v.ith the fresh joy of ROM] wintry air ard smiling wintry land- Stflpfl, of amber sunsots and rich brown hill-sides, and dim gray twilight, and frosty moon rise. Thom is a tiruorous ecstgc‘. in the first brvatliless (essay of the "outward edge," such as the hero may it cl in going into battle, and the fi st sticcusrful “htrt'kward five" may aptly pre- figure all later triumph and achievemt-nt. Nowhere cairour young peopleâ€"boys and girls togetherâ€"meted in more healthy, natu- ral and hearty relations than on the ice. Nowhere can a. manly young fellowâ€"we say it without shadow of silly sentimentality â€"â€"so commend himself to tho regard ofa. frank, kintilygitl as by his patient, consider» ate, and helpful cart in su‘irs ot first skating l: ssons. Nowhere is a fine, cour- ageous, spirited girl more attractive than in the modest but fearless determination with which she audiosses herseli to better the in. stru tion of but most robust Ct mpani'm. Yonnx eyes will light up at the glance of other eyes, we know ; young hearts will lit-at n-sponsivc to othur hearts, why not a. thousand times better under the free sky, the crisp, clear air, and fine inspiration of noble t‘XUItlSB, than in the stilling, noxious atmos- phere and amid the morbid excitement of the hall-room or the theatre ?â€"Scribzzer’s . vb-\ .U.’ NICE eighty lwo ; Thomas Coleman, F R 0.8., eighty-one; Hobrrt Wade, EEC S, Thomas Darius, M 1),, arm James Ahxnndcr Gor‘ mm, M. 1)., (Etch eighty years ofage. Tln united ages (‘f tucsp‘ lourtecn gtlrtleu 6.1 unouut ti) 1,200 yi-m's, giving an average of snow than nig it).iive years to each. Dr. Cihpm') 01 Berlin, in his wwrk on the duration of human itv, lia~ placed medical men as rvprescnting a medium longevity of fifty- six. Artists are lercSlDle at fifty-seven; iawycis, litLy-eigh ; military mun, filty.nin(; .‘ A Lu V.u., uuu Ulluu Ururuxul 1‘ .u. . Artists are lerCSlDtJd at fifty-seven; lawycis, iiILy-eigh ; military mun, filty.nin(; lurmers and clerks, sixtyâ€"one; merchant», sixty-two; and clergyman, sixty-five. To prolong l.fc, the sum: authority adls that go 7d umpur and hilarity are nwccssary; violent passions, the inward gnawings of of- foulcd vanity and pride, tending to corrode ovch viscus, and to lay the seeds of f11.ure mental and b vdily sum-rings. Apathy and lusmsibility buing, uul'orlunatcly, the best rounm of pence oi mind,and,as Frontenelle wbsvrvod, “a Wood stomach and a. bad heart a 1-. (Scullfifll to happiness,’ perhaps the has: 11‘ xim to prolong 0111' days and render them as tulemblo as possible is tild “Belle vivere ct loeim‘i." â€"-St. Catharincs Police Court has had a. batch of snow cases before it. One shran genius who pleadvd that the sidxcwalk wrs not his property but that of the corporation escaped fine. There is no finer, man nmn‘ly, graceful, and im'lgm‘ming sport chem skating, and it in a. thouwsmd pith-s “1% fashion or prudvm'o should have oust some dis ‘dlt on its enjoy- mvut and himh n d ins unzvursal popularity. It gives undies scope, for personal courage, endurance, skill, and tasb L One can’t get mind of it, tor it is an art whose poss‘bidt‘es are boundless, and whusu minute and finer (luvclopmrnts 11m infinim in subtlety and b - winlvring in thuir complax vmitty. To xhe accomplisth li4u1'e-bkmcr of to-day, the bluuderiug, straight’uhcad operator of twenty yum; ago, who made it his wile to skate a“; many miles in so many minutes, to cut a. ling bani-kvardx‘ and jump ova a log on the â€"At a dmcing party at Marglreo, C. B., on Ihl' 9th inst, the H: or of the burl-room claw way. and the (lumen Welt: prcgipitated mm thu (-0133. . vutcrud on a wan-ct as honorable as that; which he had abaxdoned almost at in; outset promimd to be. His vnice was heard when Vcr the. can»: of truth and st'ce moved his mum hunt to exprefs ts omntious in fuwvnt words, and his able pen was never very long idle. He has gunc to his rvst- amid general and deep regret. The Baptist denomination of England have sustained a loss by the r: moval at this distinguished xninLtur, who-:0, decease oc- curred last week, similar in gravity to that which the Church of Stolland Sllhlalntd in the death of Dr. Norman McLeod, and tl 0 Church of England by thn lamenth removal of the :‘art-ly gifted, high sonl‘ d D an Alfal‘d. Mr. Nor-l was equally distinmisht-d by thorough cultute, an int gl‘ity which thrauk from no sacrifice and HUVt‘l‘ “as impugnxd, and an activity in the cause nfrreligion and humanity, which, ever ardent, seemtd only to int'rvnse at a periodtt life when inergy usually declines AC was not only noble by nature and in~'ti11t'ts, but by biith, being the sunof Sir Gimril Nthâ€"Vot-l by Bur. onvss Barnum, and was born at. Guirb tough in 1799. He was «dutat d at I'riniiy Collxgv, Cambridge, took orders to the ('s- Ialrlistwd Church of England, and was hon- ured with the appuintnn-nt of Chaplain to Hvr Maj sly. In course of time his views nf ecclvs’astical p lily, and theological nnttt rs underwent so Feiio s a chanw that he felt it to be his duty to resign the hope of pretermvnt, and he took the imâ€" portant ttup Without l‘ilhilnl'Sh‘ but without; humanly" limitation. Having joined the Ba,tist Communion, and bwn appointed to a pastril charge in the Mt-ttopolis, he whr lmcd with rhume and voulusion at our g 05:; Jully7 which there was no n-paiting. The: young man, whose 111 when now seem to me tr.) haw,- buun ful'W-H‘d and free-mld. ~usy, ‘nd based on a. music hall pwturn, attempted to :ar'ry it off with ajust, which I repelled with suitable dignity. Oh, the mm: at my hrmt when I thought of the cros: dullness of the gxanuire noblxman, compared with his fllppancy, and the 8 ar‘- vamws to Olivia, which we in our blir dllE’ES set dowll as “ uncouth!’ The whols party went away that; night..â€" Oasscll’s. THEE: YORK BER? LD The late Hon. and RW. Imle Noel. I‘7il Lsucd \Vu Lang‘cviéy of Medical Men. SUOTT, I’ROPMEmR One Dollar per Azmum in Advance WHOLE NO. 7 7 S) .ximg' R'mmwh HI THE OFFICE ON 3-"; iday Morning

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