Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Feb 1873, p. 2

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n q... r.-. I- . NEW ADV ERTISE IIENTS. Cardâ€"Dr. James“ Langslatf. Parliamentary Noticeâ€"A. Patrick. List of letters ill I’. O. Ellie tigers ‘lllll. RIcnnOND HILL, Fsimrmv 7, 1873. Editor’s VALENTINFsl VALENTINESII look out for them at the HERALD book store. MONTHLY FAIR.â€" The February cattle fair was held in this town on last â€"- Wednesday. Plenty of buyers present, butpOOI' stock on the grounds. OFFICIAL ASSIGNEES. l The Wesleyans of this circuit held their quarterly services in the 1V. M. lClIureh of this town on Sunday last. " b' ts tl at the ' u , , fussed, tile vanous 5“ 160 l y The Rev. Dr. Fowler, of Orillia, deliv. In their Wisdom deemed necessary to the The yaiious Boards of Trade have met throughout the Dominion, the members belonging thereto have dis- ered eloquent and pointed sermons both good of the country. Representatives of said Local Boards were appointed to meet at Ottawa, said~ meeting Was held and although the subjects discussed were worthy of men of intelligence still we failed to see any sufficient notice taken of the appointment of official assignecs, &c., as we should have supposed ought, to have been done. Now to carry outl the Insolvent Law satisfactorily an in-l telligent, honest and business class. of_ persons should be appointed to wind up the estates of bankrupts. We also be- lieve these appointments should be in the hands of the Government, we believe‘ they should be residents of the centres! of trade. As it is now,thcsc officials are ’ appointed all over the country; they: charge almost what they like for com- missions, &c., they often take as long as they think proper in winding up an estate, six, nine and twelve months not, being considered too long before a divi-l dead is declared. Instances have beenl known where application had to be madel time and again before a dividend could: be received, and sometimes not before a .threat was made Of appealing to the, (County Judge, would the amount be, 'fortbcoming. This may be considered, exceptional, nevertheless it shows a laxity that should not be allowed. Either let us have a good Bankrupt Law, or none ' morning and evening. \Ve have received copies of blanks for taking stock in the city of Toronto Per manent Building and Saving Society. We believe taking stock in Savings So- cieties is a profitable investment, and all such societies should be encouraged. Our Presbyterian friends of Markham Village and vicinity have just erected a beautiful brick church in that village, at a cost of about $6,000, and have put, in it one of those excellent organs manufactured by Prince, of Buffalo. Fort 1873.-â€"Now is the time to sub- scribe for the Canadian Illustrated News, Young Ladies Journal, Gentleman’s Journal, London Journal, British Work- inan, Children’s Magazines, &c.. &c., for 1873. Fresh arrivals at the I‘IERAI.D book store; catalogues seen on applica- tion. “ PEN AND PLow.”â€"The Farm and Fireside Journal, a monthly devoted to the culture of the mind, and culture of the soil, and published in New York, has commenced the new year under the more concise name of Pen and Plow. It is only fifty cents a year. aud'is very inter- esting and instructive to farmers and housekeepers; we wish it long life. FRUITFUL.â€"â€"The Orangeville Sun The curater of the Woolwicli Museum, lately issued a circular givingl directions to sea captains about the pro-l servation Of specimens illustrative ' .f‘ natural history for the Museum. WI n DR. NAMES, LAN GSTAFF, ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rally he found at home from 2 to 3 the articles are to be sent in spirits) the o'clock. P In. John Elliott Langstatf is auth~ curator advises that a little tartar emetic be added, as cases had arrived at the Museum from which the thirsty mariners had abstracted the alcohol, in conse- quence of which the specimens were in a miserable pickle. The Alliance News thinks that if all spirituous beverages were blended with tartar emetic, the peace and well-being of the world Would gain prodigiously. The trial of the Tichborne claimant, for alleged perjury, will commence on the 13th of April. It is difficult to guess at the date of its termination. The Richmond Hill Town Council will meet in the Court Room, on Mon- day evening next, at 7 O’clock, PM. 'The Vaughan Council meets in the Town Hall, on Tuesday next, at 10 A.M. The Provmcial Legislature of ‘Mani- . toba opened on the fifth of February. m l AUCTION SALE. \VEDNESIMY, February 12 â€"Credit sale of stock. implements, furniture, dairy utcn sils. the, on lot No. 27. 2nd Con. Ma-k- hain, the property Of Mr. Jacob Ileisc, Junr. Sale at one o’clock, I’. :ll, sharp. J. Gormley, auctioneer. Tm‘usnav, Fun. 13.â€"Cash Sale of Horses, Cows. Butcher Waggon, Double Frame Dwelling House, Driving house and Stable, at Lemon’s hotel, Thornhill, the propel-trot" Dr. Scholfield. Sale at 12 noon. W. II. Myers, Auctioneer. WFIIanDAv. February 19.â€"â€"Crellit sale of farm stock, implements, furniture. 910., on rear of lot No. 19, 3rd Con. Mark ham, belonging to Mr. John Cliappell. ’orized to collect accounts. ll‘elil'uai'y-4th, 1873. 759-ly PARLIIIMENTARY NOTICE. IIousr: or Cannons, TH E CLERK’S OFFICE. hTTiwa. 30th JAN., 1673. Pursuant to the 50111 Rule of the House. nolico is hereby given. lliat the time hr REâ€" CEIVING PETITIONS for PRIVATE BILLS will expire ON WEDNESDAY, THE 26th. DAY OF MARCH N EX T. ALFRED PATRICK. a ( lel'k of the House. February l‘, 1873. 759-7 List of Letters IQEMAJNING IN THE RICHMOND iv llil_l Post I Rice. Isl. Feb, 1873: lloothliy. Thomas Kib Thomas Ilakor.Slinon Klinck. Joseph A. Cunningham. Frank Kllip. William Crannev. Louis Knight, William Cane, .Rotlierick Lackie. T. J. Ewing, itibhard Manes, Truman Eier ,1,“ 1-1;)? ' MtMahoii. Walter Flavo‘ll', our): (J’Iilinn, J, Frisbv. Thomas Pioke-ing. Thomas Giaham. \Villiam Phi‘llps, R Grey, David ('2) Robinson. A. Greenwood. 1V. Stoddarl, II II. .Gorman, Jane Stockdale, Thomas H all, James 'l‘ovette, Paul Ilixlophdailn ’I'onipkins, Joliiiey Hooter, Bernard Wiltsliiro. George Harper, John C. Vl’alker, Christina M TEEFY. P.M. CONCERT AND LECTURE. VICTORIA HALL, TIIORNIIILL. In, aid 0" the Ronni) Cfl‘IIOlIC Church Mission. on hIONDAY EVEN’G, FEBRUARY 10, ’73. '1‘he.well known band of the Dr: LA INSTI- TD”). and a number of talented amateurs have proniikd their services for the occasion. 'l'lie Sale at 1, P.IlI. J. Gormley, auctioneer. Parties getting Sale Bills printed at. Rev. J. ’11., McCann, of Oshawa. will deliver an interesting Says: “ Ml" LOUIS BOISI a We” IO'dO-lliis office will receive a notice similar to' L E-OTUR E 01y M USIC ! .â€" at all; we believe his the duty of the. Governmentâ€"and the trade of the counâ€" I try requires itâ€"-â€"to see that the law in, this respect is as near perfection as pos- , Bible. The more the country increases in population and wealth the more the trade of the country will extend, so much the more then will it become ne- cessary to introduce such a system that the creditor will be able to receive the most from a bankrupt’s estate, and not as is often the case now, ‘the largest share goes for expenses and commission. The Insolvent Act by effluxion oftiine ezpiminmlzs‘ILIB73, therefore it becomes the duty Of the next Dominion Parliament to see that that Act is renewed with such amendments as‘the experience of other countries and this may deem prorer, and to carry out the law we believe the assignces should be appointed by the Government, so many to each division of the country. We also hold to the view that one or more Government Inspectors should be ap- pointed to inspect the books of these oficials, to see that they have faithfully rendered a just and true statement of the estates for which they may have been stewards. \Ve believe a proper scale of fees should be allowed by law, and that no assignments should be made, except to those persons appointed by the Government. This latter clause may perhaps be deemed arbitrary,neyertlieless as the Government will be held respon- sible for the good or ill effects of the law, we believe it to be the true principle to have no balf measures. SNOWED UP.â€"lluring the severe snow storm week before last, the passenâ€" gers on a train on the Toronto and Ni. pissing Railway, snowed up for the night, prepared for publication the following testimonial to the parties named, but which we inadvertently overlooked last week: “We, passengers on the Nipissing Railway, snow bound near the Scarboro’ Junction last Thursday night (Jan. 23), Wish to convey our heartfelt thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Martin for the supply of refreshments during the night, and for kindly conveying our ladies the next morning to their comfortable residence- when they were sumptuonslv provided for until removed; we would also re- member the kindness shown us by Mr. Mitchell, the conductor, and. Mr. Suin- mcrville, superintendent CAPT SINCLAIR, EIHVARD1VHEELEII, Eso., JoIIN S MI'NNs, .T. W. FFNWon, M. M. BRAITIIWAITE, JOIIN CARTER, And some forty others. BALLoU’s MAGAZINE Fon FEBRU- ARY.â€"\Ve are glad to welcome the farmer, of St. Jean, Port Joli, Q., has just had his thirtieth child baptised. This energetic contributor to the census has been married twice ; by his first wife the above, FREE of charge. Fearful Snow Storm. he had 12, by the second and present 18., 0,,_ l, DISASTERS ON THE DIIITIsII _CMS'I‘.â€"-SAI) ! Out of the 30 there are 26 alive. Loss or LIFE.â€" tario might despair of her rights if there were many Quebcccrs like Mr. Bois.” ‘ LONDON. Feb. 2.â€"- 'l‘lie Biilisli Isles were visited last night by one of the most. fearful storms ever experienced, even at this season The subjects to be taken up for geneâ€" 0f the year'. Snow fell to an extraordinary my discussion at the next session of the idepth'IIIpIty and country. this worning rt Yonfie Street Sabbath School Teachers: ' was SIX Inches deep. III London travel was A $2,.“ n t be hem , T q ‘ ,almostlotally suspended, omnibusses and ‘l 0 1M. 0 d if‘ empe‘ll‘,"c°' cabs ceased running, and scarcely a vehicle V110 neXt ', 0“ 91,901an lam,” rhe Ofany description has been seen in the Sabbath School teacher s missmu, “ The ' streets to day. ‘ Bercan lessons.” and “ The art of ’teach- f h . in” in me Sabbath Qchonl ,, The meet. In,t e proyinces the snow fall was much a "’ > ' heavier, and In the extreme north the drifts is to be held in the Presbyterianlme several feet deep; fpth Church, and the Boys.’ Mr. Bruce, of'great fury all li-i'ohnd En‘glan an t. e rIsh Aurora, Mr, Abbs, of Springhill, and , corsts. Mme wrecks have already been re- othei's are expected to address the audi- I Rfll‘telb and there has been a fearful loss of encc on t1)0_occasion_ Ilfl'e, Especially off Torquay and around Scilly Is an s. ‘ A I’ITIFUL Caseâ€"About six months ago a paper not twenty miles to the east of us ceased to come near our sanc- Oscar XL, the new King of Sweden. is tum, and did space permit we might,10 be crowned on the 21st of May next. dwell upcn the sad inconvenience we The funeral oi'llle late Lord Lvtton, took sustained thereby, but, however this . place in London on Saturday. ' may be, we behold that selfsame “ pocket 1 Miscellaneous. Dr. Wallace is the senior editor of the our columns a notice of a barrow owned by Mr. Skinner, of Schomberg, and did us the injustice of crediting it to “ex,” meaning an exchange, when the exchange the existence of the YORK HERALD. Other papers, like the Globe for instance, copied the same without giving credit therefor at all. DISAPPEARED. â€"- Shortly after the winter set ili we missed from our ranks one of our most prominent citizens, at least. when on the street, and never heard of his name since until reading the fol- lowing the other day in the Guelph Her- old: “A young man named Brandon has been arrested in New York, charged ,with robbing the post-office of 2,800 mail bags. He confesses his guilt, but says he had no accomplices.” The gen- tleman's name to whom we refer was ~Brandon, and he used to drive our mail also, but, nevertheless, we are inclined to think that the. Brandon the Guelph paper speaks about is of a far different stripe from our Brandon altogether. A BAZAAR â€"-0ur Church of England friends have decided to hold their long pending bazaar in the Masonic Hall, in this town, on Thursday and Friday, the 20th and let inst. Valuable articles, useful and ornamental, have been for- warded from all quarters, and many con- tributions have been made in this imme- diate neighborhood, all of which will be sold at very reasonable rates, according to their value. Refreshments will be supplied at all hours on both days. Plenty of choice music will also be ful- nishcd for the occasion. The ball will be Opened at ten o’clock, a. m,. and will be closed at ten o'clock, P. M. Proceeds of the debt on the new English Church February number of Ballou’s Magazine, for it is one of our favorites, always bringing pleasure and Comfort through its well-stocked pages, which interest and amuse. It makes the children hap- at Richmond II ill. SACRED CONCERT.â€"-A grand sacredl concert will be given in the English list of sand paper is totally oblivious of‘ ground this morning, to be devoted toWards the liquidation! py. it makes the ladies of the household Church {It Richmond I:Iill, on Wednes- happy, and removes many of the burdens day evening, the 12th Inst. The first‘ of life. Ballou’s magazine is so cheap pill‘t “'1” be composed 0f sacred 5010‘. that all can take it without feeling in the 'llleltr‘y &C-~ 850-} llle Second I’ll-"t Willi least impoverished, \Vhy, it is only consist entirely of solos and chorusns, $150 per year, and a pretty little chm from the Mcssmh of fiandcl. The .3110â€" mo thrown in, or 15 cents single copies; russes are to be sustained by five sopra- a sum that a. person often throws away nos, three altos,, three tenors, and five in a thoughtless moment, Address basses, all first class and experienced Themes & Talbot, 33 Bromfield Street, Singers, from the celebrated Choral So- Boston. ciety of Torontoâ€"the solo: by the ablcst â€"_' amateurs. The whole is to be conducted ‘ SAVINGS, BANK.â€"â€" by the wellvknown and accomplished or- ganist and musician. Henry G. Collins, Total de[)031t~‘ in Bank up to Slst 3“if-1' Dams Open at 7130 i concert to 001“ January, 1873 . . ..' . . . . , _ . $57,553 on mence at 8 RM. Tickets 25 cents oach,‘ Ilenosilsin month of.I.ii:Ii:ivy,‘7Ji 1.293'00 and to be procured at the door; the, Withdrawals in morih of Jan.. . 2,025:an proceeds are to go towards liquidatingi POST OFFICE Monthly Statement :â€" a )’ . I '- Olf-fa" ll“ lhe Presumpt'lon ‘0 copy Ilom 'New York IIerald, and has been writing for it twenty years. SEAPOIITH, Jan. 25.â€"A saw mill belong- ing to J. Govenlock. Situated about two miles IIOIII) of this p‘aee, was burned to the We believe there is no insurance. A telegram from New York states that ten days before the date appointed for the execution of Stokes and Foster. two deputy sheriffs will be constantly on the watch to prevent escape or suicide. A fire occurred in Barrie on Frith night, -ond did damage to the amount of $20,000. insurance from $12,000 to $15,000. And a youngr woman named McKay, a. inilliner. residing adjacent to the fire, was s.) terrified . that she died of fright. The deceased had been suffering from heart disease. BIIITISII IfORESIGHT.--Dlll‘1ng the great i war with France. in which our most brilliant ' naval victories were won, George the Third visiled Portsmouth dockyard, and was-sur- prised to find the master builder of that es ltublishment enlarging one of the docks on ibis own respmisibility.â€"â€"“ And why," asked the King, " have you presumed to do this without anthority?”â€"â€"“ Please your Majes- ty,” he replied, “I learnt that the French were building a ship too large to come into the dock as it was." The King,Ir was tliov roughly satisfied Willi the explanationf It Is a. mere matter of fact. to add, that the lFrencli ship was captured very soon after wards, and brought intothc dock so though I Seo’ron Tmcnsus IN ENGLAND.â€"R.eferr- ing to George Dawson’s objection to Scotch teachers that they were unfit for English schools because they cannot speak the Eng lish language, a correspondent of the Daily News says :â€"“ Will you permit me to state ,a fact that perhaps may tend to calm the. mind 0er.George Dawson,of Birmingham? The managers of the Board Schools at Pliinistead have just selected as the head mistress of their girls’ school a Scotch lady. The managers feel themselves fortunate in l having secured a. most acromplished teacher 1 albeit she comes from Scotland, and ifthere are many more like her in that unfortunate country. Mr. Dawson, I four, will have to make up his mind to something like a. Scottish invasion, for he must surely be ' aware of the extreme difIiicuity of getting duly qualified mistresses in England.” THE Slivmcsr WINTER Evan KNOWN IN ENGI.A.\'I).â€"On CI]“1$I.11‘I=IS diy, 1739, frost commenced in England and lasted. with :1, short intermission. till February 16lli. 1740. when it slowly abated The Thames was as much crowded with shops anl carriages as the streets. From the stoppage of out- door work many died of hunger, in spite of the extensive charity which prrvailed. Water, being everywhere turned to ice, was dearer than coals, and they were double their usual price. " Ireud cannot be cut.” sars an English gentlemen. January 13', “ without being set by the fire for an hour. In the same manner we serve our butter. Boiling strong punch, put into n. bowl. presents us with ice in eijlit minutes. My barber, coming yesterday to shave me. put a little but water into his basin below stairs, and in the time he was coming up to my chamber it began to freeze.” The loss of M. TEEFY, Postmaster. the debt on the church. sheep and cattle was enormous. ' These who choose to remain can take part in A PROMENADE ! 0 For which on oxceile‘nt quadrille band has been secured . 9-â€" TitkI-ls: for the concert and lecture, 25 cents; for the promenade. admitting lady and gonfleliiau. 50 cents. Doors open at 7231‘. P.1ll.;’ concert to com- mence at 8 o’clock. sharp. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN For levsfwtw ; 'he Srirzlv'ggtc AMERICAN, uow‘in its 28th .0! ' ' “mi ividcsl somatiin of any I .Isperio‘di. I t. s. a . 7 "~ n. ,_ l'ls contents embrace lhn latest and most lllleres'iuq inl'orrnmion pertaining to the Indus- llrial. Mechanical, and Scientific Progress of tho \Vorld; Descriptions. with Beautiful Engravings. of New Inventions, New Imple- inenls, New l‘rort‘sses,nnd Improved Indus- trirs 0' all klnds: Useful Noles, Facts. Recipes, Suggestions and Allvlcn. by l’ral-tical Writ rs, for Workman and EIIII!IO_\‘(’1‘~‘,11|€IIIlllc v IIIOUS Arts. Descriptions of Improvements. Discoveries. and Important “links. pertaining lo Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Milling, Mining and Mo tnllurgy: locorlls of the latest progress in the Applications of Steam. Steam Engineering, Railways. Ship-building, Navigation. Tele- cl’alhy, Telegraph Engineering, Electlicity, Magmtism, Light and Heat. The Latest Discoveries in Photography, (Tlieinislrr in the Arts and in Domestic or Household Economv. The Latest Information pertaining to Technology. Microscopyu‘lallieniatics.Asir. no- linv. Geography. Meteorology. Minera'ogy. Geology, Zoology, Botany. Horticulture, Agr'clilluro, Arcllilecmre, Rural Economy, ‘ Household Economy. Food.Lighling, Healing, Ventilation, aiid Health. In ~llorl the whole range oftlis Sciences and Practical Arts are embraced within the scope of tile-Scientific Amelicali. No person who flashes to be intelligently informed can afford to I10_)VI1IIOllI this paper. Farliicrs, Mechanics, Engineers, Inventors, Manufacturers,EChenIisls. Lovers nfScienco, 'l‘eaeliers, Clergvnieu, Imwvexs,and People of all Professions. will fill! the SCH-:Nrirlc AMERICAN to be of great value. It should have a place in every Family. Library. Study, Office and Counting Room; in every Read- ing Room, College. Academy. or School. Published waekly, splendidly Illuslrated, pnlr $3 a jcnr. ' Tho Yearly Numbers of the Scim'rlrlc IAMEHICAN make two splendid volumes at nearly one thousand pages, equiva'ent in con- 161113310 I’b/lr 'I'I'musaml ordinth Bunk Pages. An Official List of all Patents issued is pub- lished weekly. If? Specimen copies sent free. A mlress the publishers. IlIUhX A5 C0, 37 I’ark RD w’gN ew .York. PATENTS! III connection with the SCIINTIFIC AMERI- CAN, Messrs. MUNN (‘51. Co, are Solrcliors of fully provided for her. ' 1 American and‘Foreign l’alonts, have had over fl5lt‘l‘al's' experience. and have too largest, establishment}: the world. If_\'ou have made an invention, unto them a letter and send a sketch; they will promptly inform \ou. free of charge, wllelher your device is new and patemalile. They will also send you.frce Iy" (Ill/11gb. a copy of the Patent Lawsfin full, with instinctions how to proceed to obtain a patent. Alli-tress MUNN «SI (.'o., 37 Park Row, New York. January 13. 18 3.’ 756-3 1‘, AILS MADE UP AT THE RICIIv iliolid IIillI’ostOfIicc. ' Untill‘urllier notico,the mails will beclosed attliis office as follows NURSING. Northern Mail. . . .... . . ..... ..F-:15 A M. SoulliernMail..... . . . . . . . . . . . .0245 AM. EVENING. Southern mail . . . . . .....6:55PM. N.B. RuclsrnRED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes before the time of closing. BRITISH MAILS Are closed al Toronto as follows : Ry Cunard Line, every Monday. . . 10:30 A.l'll. By Canadian Line.ever\' 'f'hursday 10:00 P In. N.B. Letters for Despatch by those lilies of Steamers should be so marked The rate on Lettei'sfor the United Kingdom (via Quebec in summer. and I'ortland in win» Ier),is now reduced to 6 cents per 1 oz. weight. 11 sent yia New York. it will be S cts per 1 oz. 'l‘liese Iatesapply onlyto prepaid letters; ifsenl unpaid , ormsutficiemly prepaid. lhere willbe a line of double the amount of deficient postage M. TEEFV. Postmaster. Richmond Hill. Nov. 20,1871. NANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. .l A weekly journal of Current Events. Literature. Science and Arts. Agriculture and ‘vlc-clianics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at lt'c a number at the HERALD Book Store. BEA UTIFULL Y_ILL USTRA TED“ Chemistry, New and Useful Applications of mums». ova... Ivy-a a an . To Let, r HAT LARGE AND COMMODIOUS Dwelling House. with Barn. Stables and outhouses, to which are attached fourteen and a quarter acres of landâ€"including garden and ,1 orchardâ€"situated on Yonge Street. in (110‘ Township of Vaughan, adjoining the Village of Richmond Hill Possession on the Isl. of April next, Apply on the premises to Mn. NELSON I’LAYTER. or to GEO. ‘P. DICKSON, 14 Exchange Buildings, Toronto. January 16. 187:3. 757 8 CARD. J. N. RAKE, ARRISTER 87. ATTORNEY-ATLAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Convoyanccr. Arc. Osmanâ€"No.56ChurchStroet.'l‘oronto. December 29. 1869. 5516 ADAM H. MEYERS, J12, (Late of Dilggun & Mayors.) ARRJSTER. ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, Somcn‘ou IN CHANcrznv. CoanANvlcu. &c., ch. OPTIONâ€"No 1'2 York Chambers, Sol'th- east Corner of Toronto and Couit Streets, I'oronto. Ont. January 15. 1873. 736-Iy Tenders. EALED TENDERS WILL BE R141 ceived by Ilia Trustees at the schoolhouse of School Section No. 3, Vaughan. on Sator- day. the 8111 of February next. at ten o'clock. AJIL. for the erection of an addition to the said schoolhouse. Plans and specifications may be seen at Mr. Rupert’s, Junior. Lot lIl. 3rd con. cessiou of Vaughan. The lowest Jr any ten dcr will not be accepted unless otherwise satis- laotoi‘y to the Trustees. JOIIN SNIDER, PETER RUPERT. C. L HOLLINSII EAD. January 23.1873. FARM FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL FARM AND RESI- deur'o for sale, being cmnpoed ol' purl of Lot 57, in tho lst eoiieessioupl' the T0 WNSIIIP 0F.MARKHAZII, Formerly owned by the late MR. FREDERICK PAGE, Containing by adnioasurcment Seventy-one d‘ a Quarter Acres, Sixty-three of which ale entirely fee from stumps or stones. and is in a very high stat of cultivuli II . The balance is well IIIIIDLI‘EII with HARDWOOD AND CEDAR! There is on the premises a SPLE NDI D ROUGH-CAST HOUSE With stone collar, kitchen and \\'OO(ISI:P(1.RII nearly new and well adapted for the residence of any party in good circumstances; a large frame born, with :tab’cs, shed and driving house, all in go (I repair. A ne‘er-failing streammf water crosses the. rear of the Lot. also a good well and a soft-water cistern. all ,complole. and a fine, young glowing orchard. 'yTllis is inde'd a very desirable properly. fronting on Yonge Street, oneoftho host roads in Canada, is situated only ‘25, miles from the Incorporated Town of Richmond Hill, Ago 13 miles from the City of Toronto. Terms will be made very easy, to suit the purchaser. For fui'lher information, apply por- sonally or by letter to .10 UN BROWN. Mcrclnnl. ‘ Richmond Ilill I’ 0. 7.15 l g Trustees. 757 3 January 13. 187:2 IiUItRAHI HURRAH! l FOR THE ~...,,. .“7' gm (do llfi, Otntttit‘a. V.______._‘ NEW FALL IMPORTATIONS..: .___._ WM. ATKINSON N RETURNING IIIS HEAR’I‘Y thanks for the large share of pzillwe TEEEA The subscriber would now inform the farmers and public in genoial, that the TEA (Inner during the past eight years he has been in busmoss on Richmond Hill, would announce that he has just received A COMPLETE STOCK ‘S‘T 1:: h: Eâ€" i.- Iias just received A NEW STOCK I" NEW FALL GOODS! C' II 0 I C' E TE A S ! Comm-'1:ng 1 Dress Goods, Choice sugars. cofibes, tobaccos. with a grand _ _ Shawls, assortment of .lII'LllLMel'III, Alum‘les Fa -t 2 .- ' FRESH NEW FRUIT 1.5233310“, gym? . . _ . . . ’ I ' ' i: ts Comprising new raisins, new currents. spices, ~ I. ., a,“ e I ("(5, ol'difl'urent kinds, which for anaf/ Sh“ f3: ,[lUN‘d-‘i'. 7 Collars, Cufl's PRICE, AND QUALITI Gentlencnt G, I. . r Of‘strengih and flavor. cannot fail to merit the L '5 Manse-I] Shirts: satisfact'mn ofcnswmers ' together with a fresh l V supply of Salmon Triiut, Coal Oil, Arc. S S l- A choice stock of A c , \N‘C” &(,_ PROVISIONS, AND LIQUORS 1i luamm'ri-I sror'x or Pure and unadulterated. always on hand. . \. l V Canadian '1‘“ cells, Cloths g Also, the best alIdMI-hcapest assortment!“ CROCKERA’, GLASS AND Pll'l"1‘Y., “ AND CUTLERY OF THE BPST DIANUEACI'URSS. A LARGE STOCK 0E BLOOD’S PORTER! AMI O’KEI'JFE’S ALWAYS 0N ALE HAND. Flour alulfced kept constantlth hand, And (It livol'cd fun- of charge. ALEX. MOODIE. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST. Richmond Hill. Dec 24,1872. 710-lf TIâ€"IE NEW GR‘OCEPfl STORE. John Brown Would respectfully call the attention of the public to his NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES, Consisting of Choice Teas, Sugars, Orifice, Tobacco, Ourrmlls. Raisins, Spices, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, the, (he. 116 would also call their attention to his ENORMOUS STOCK ._()p_ BOOTS AND SHOES, \‘Vhieli he is solllng AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, In order to make room for a large] Spring stock. :! . >1 - â€"â€" “alloying Ilmt Cheap Goods is the best adver- ‘ Iisoinent, he respectfully solicits a call. Richmond Hill, Dec. 3". ’72. 754-tf PETER s. caisson, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Dfflllglllhlllfll). Orders by lollcrshould state the Concession, Lot and character of Survey. the :uliscuilwr having the old He’ll Noll-5,01" the late D. GIBSON and other sulveyol's. which sliou d be Notice to Creditors. ; LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE 1 estate of the 1an Daniel. Hounun, of lnl.N0. :11. 9nd Con. Markham, are rrquested to settle the same with either of the undersigned executors on or before 1.110523% of 'April next consulted. in many cases, as to original monu- 'monls, &c., plevions to commencing \vnlk. Olliee at \IVIILUWDALE, Yonge Street. in the Township of York. Jan’y. P. 1873. 7.35 4n) Painting. Vl‘IIE SUBSCRIBER DEGS T0 NOTI- fy the public that he has re .‘cmnienccd business at HOUSE PAINTING I In all its branches, and from his experience, careful attention, and moderate cliaigos.‘ he hopes totreceive a share of the pulil~C patron- age. All orders by mail pruiilptly attended to. JOHN LUMLEY, Church Sh, Markham Village. Jai nary 8,1873. Only One Dollar. ']‘HE MAGNETIC TIME KEEPER, . compass and indicator, a nerfent grill for the pockel of every'l‘rnvellor, 'l'rallor, Farmer, Boy, and for everybody desiring a reliable limo-keeper. and also a superior I’ocket Coni- pass. usual Watch she, with steel works, glass crustal, all in a neat oride case, warranted to denote com-ct time. and to kecpin order. if fairly used. for two years. Nothing him it. A sample of this perfect gem of mechanism will be sent in a neat case (prepaid) to any ardross, upon receipt of one dollar. Address plainly, AGENT. WANI‘Icn Evmtvwncun.‘ J. DUNCAN & (10, Post Drawer 4‘22, Montreal December 93. 1872 753~2ln 755â€"Gm RICHMOND IIILL SAW MILL l “ANDREW ‘MAGER, DEALER IN LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE ‘ SHINGLE' CUTTING, AND PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Richmond Hill, Dec. 9, ’72. 75I-ly Berkshire Pigs for Sale. I Y SPRING BOAR. PIG WILL I serve sows duringr Ilie season. He took the first prize at the Markham and East York Union Show. at King and Whilolinrcli Union Show, and at tho Nellli York Show, in 1872. 1 have on hand a number of pigs, 01 the above breed. forsale It. J. STANTON. Thornhil. Dec. 4. 1:572. 750 if HARRISON. OSLER & Moss, ARKISTERS, &C., nos. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. II\RI{I~‘0N,Q C. F. OSLEK. Thomas Moss,Q.c. W A Fes'ricn. CHARLES Moss. W. G. Faucosn RIDGE Toronto, Dec. 4, 1972. 750-tf A Bazaar, OR THE SALE OF USEFUL AND fancy articles. wili be held in February next. by the ladies in connection Willi the Church of England, in this Innn. Proceeds to be devoted to the Church Building Fund Coutribntions will be thankfully received by any of the following ladies: Mrs. Wilcox. Mrs Arnold. Mrs. Cook. Mrs. I’layter. Mrs Myers, Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. Nicholls. Mrs. Palmer. Miss Campbell, Miss Pollock. and Miss Lin- fool. Refreshment tablo- Mrs. Powell. Mrs Cooper. Mrs Sodiiimi,aiid Mrs. Brown. Richmond Hill, Nov 2 "0 7-10-lf ,1.- Anll all paltles having claims against the said estate. are Iu-qucstod to [resent the some duly certified for libnidarion. by the above dale. S BAKER. § , _ A BRILLINJER. Exm‘ms' Guraiiley 1’. 0- W‘iiitcliurch. Dec. 94. ’72. 753-3m {ICIIMOND HILL LIIWERY S T A B L E S . Horses and Vehicles ler 'liirc. Charges mo. doralc. Opposite Samuelson 6L Sons. JOHN BROWN. Proprietor Richmond Hill. Dec. 11. ’7'3. 7.31â€"3In OYSTERS AND FISH ! Just recoived and will have to hand weekly, during the season. a supply of fine FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS Fresh Canned Lobsters. Mackerel,&c ; also Table Codfish, Labrador Earrings, While Fish and Salmon Trout, 0f the best quality, at G. A. BAR.NARI)'S. Sign of the British Flag Staffiflichmond Hill. Nov. 27, 187-2. 749-3 ‘ Farmers, Read This! UST ARRIVED, AT THE NEW Chtap Carli Sioro. one thousand dollars’ wolth of BOOTS AND SHOES .' Of ullikinds and sizes, in all the latest styles. which is positivelty LARGEST AND CHEAPEST Arso rtnient ever oflered to the public on Richmond Hill. all of which will be sold VERY CIIEAP FOR CASH! Or on short credit; and now. in returning his thanks to the public for their vefy liberal patro- nage duling :Iio shalt time he has been In this town. ..the subsoiiber would respectfully call their attention to the following list of prices: Men's French Calf Boots, from $450 to $550 Men’s Stngos " " 3.00 to 3 50 Men’s Kip " " 350 to 4’0!) Bms Slogos “ " 1'90 to 2'25 Bot ’s Kip “ “ 2(1010 2 4 ' WOmon’s Fable Ball “ “ 1 till to 2'00 Women’s Felt " “ f2 00 to 2-30 Also. a large assortment of Overshoes, Rubbers, doc. Kept constantly on hand. Iii the Flour and Food department he has the VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR ! Manufacturer! by Rumble & Calvelt. Rich- mond Hill Mills , which has slood the test for ‘I length of time, and is allowed by competent judges to be the best flour bronglit into the town. Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts ! Kent constantly on. hand ; also BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, Corn Meal. Oat Meal. I’ea Meal. Barley Meal. Call and examine his stock, as he feels con- fident he can give perfect satisfaction. Remember the place. corner of Yongc and Centlo street. opposite Sanderson dz Sors. J. BROWN. Successor to 'I‘. Dolniage. Riel mond Hill.0ct. 30. 187?. '7'4-])' Light and Dark Eloll's, the, «kc. Till: ' DRESS DEPAR TMENT Icing one of the leading branches in our buslnoss spocnil attention has been the selection. of the LOWPSl and best niaâ€" torlnls adaplml :or Ilia season's trade and at prices lo (-onlo williin tl-o- ' reach of all. riven to IN'bIILLINERY Tile s'ock will he found very coiilp’ete. All‘ the latest styles in Hats and Bonnets, Manlles xeadv-niado or made. to olilr-r. Unlblcllas. Rilit buns. Laces. Ladics’ (Toll rs and (‘iIfI'-. A'c. Ladies should call and see our NEW I'ASII- ION FLATICS and out the latest. stvles. Also 1%ch Wool. “0015‘, iii Fuis, imitation and real 'Miukskin Sets, tN‘C , «\‘e. G, RENT BA I n Bloc/c and Colored Nil/cs! JAPANESE SILKS, Pophns, Serge-s, doc. Hats and Caps for the Mil’ion ! AND READY MADE 0.0 THING I Iii Coats, l’ants, Vests, Clio. ; also made to order on the shortest iiotito. .â€"__ A chain stock of all kile of Fresh Family 'Grocor-ies Always on hand. Owing to the Ilnlins having been taken «If Tots and Coffer», I Ml] able to sell at a considerable reduction of old plices. Crockery, IIardwu.7-e,tt'~c. always on hand. Accounts rciidoiod Oelobci Yst. ‘ WM. ATKINSON, (antral Slum, Iticlinibiil Ilill. 7‘20- Oct. 52, 187:2. r .1 if f: Ii; izcs suitable for Ladies and Gents, both in gold and silver. But the accompanying cut repre- sents in proper proportions THE $25 MISSED. HiliiIlild IEVER WATCH, In sterling silver- easc and gold points, full jewelled, ’ ' warranted for five yearsâ€" if together with a. goldâ€"plated Albert chainâ€"which will I be sent: to any part of Can» ada on receipt of $95,. or . ' ‘I a i (.. O. D.. per express. w. E. t ORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street East, TDRONTO. ONE. HOUSE TO LET. APPLY To WM. HARRISON, Richmond 1111? 7.3m" Deo.11.187‘<!. Superior Farm for Sale, 1 EING LOT NO. 28, IN THE SEC- ontl concession of the Township of Markham, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well (-ullivaled. 'I'hele are on the pro- perly two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! Three large barns. two stables, and other he- cessai‘y farm buildings. Two spring careks: run across the iot,.nnd plen'y of good water abounds. It is silnalcrl at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all ultdow drained and WP” fenced. \villi two geother- chards, and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, eithrrhy Icller (post-paid). or on the premises,to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Richmond Hill P. O. 7501f Dec 4. 1879. House, and Lot flap S2119; ON LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND I lill, containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi lb a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms: easy. Apply. on the premises to I“. CRAWFORD. lliclimoodmlli'l, Dec. 24, ’72. 753-3m

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