Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Feb 1873, p. 3

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Mr. Jackson laid on the table the accounts â€"â€"-â€"- and vouchers of the Newmarket High The inaugural meeting of the new School, and the annual report. or the Public County Council took place on Tuesday Jan. School Inspector for the Southern Division. York County Counct‘. 28th at two o’clock in the Cobncil Chamber of the Court House, Adelaide street, Toron 10. , The Clerk took the chair, and having Mr. Speight, presented the accounts and vouchers of the Markham High school. The Clerk then read report of the Pub- lic School Inspector for the Southern Divi- In Committee of the Whole, Mr. Dull. seconded by Mr. Diriean, moved that the Finance Committee be instructed to bring in n, bill granting to each of the Electoral Di- vision Agricultural Societies iii the County the sum of $150 for the current year. Mr. Jackson thought that the. North Riding of York should be subsidized on glut (Flotilla, (filtrates. 1 872. FALL. 1 8'72. Change of Business. I HE EXCELsuâ€"ifiâ€" PUMP is NOW manufactured by Mr. Jacob Brillingcr, H.B.REESOR, DEALER 1N installations. it MORGAN av. summits; .Aantsra‘tts, somcr'rons IN Chancery , Nannies, «Kc. . 7 ll 1 n ‘l 1 Richmond Hill, who has purchased the busi- s CT . . . . (fence -â€"-Coun Street. Toronto. Branch called the meeting,r to order, read over the , ston, from which it appeared that the Iii- iianies of the Reeves and Deputy-Reeves of SpeCIOI‘ had during the year twice visrted the several municipalities, all of which were the public schools in accordance with the the same basis as last year, when it got $25 more than the East and West Ridings. Mr. Munsie said ,the North Riding; inclu- present. Mr. Wm. Eakin, Seconded by Mr. David Boyle, moved that Mr. John Lane be the \Varden for the ensuing year. Mr. Tvrrell, seconded by Mr. Mozier, moved that Mr. W. Henry 'I‘lioriie be the Warden. 'Mr. Isaac Marritt. seconded by Mr. D. Macdonald, moved that Mr. Munsie be the Warden. Mr. Severn, seconded by Mr. Wickson, mored that Mr. Jackson be the Warden. Mr. Law, seconded by Mr. Leslie, moved that Mr. Brill be the Warden. The resolutions were then put to vote,,- and Mr. Thorne declared elected by a vote of seventeen out of thirty three. Petitions were presented By Mr. Bullâ€"It ruin the trustees and rate- payers of School Section No. 13. praying the appointment ot a committee to divide their section. lly Mr. Clarkâ€"From Newman Silver- thorne, asking permission to make use of a certain fence on Duiidas street By Mr. Win. Cane â€"Frotn Judah Daeon and 136 others, praying that the (10;,r tax be dispensed with. By Mr. Watsonâ€"From the Trustees of Hiin School District No. 1, requesting that , their district be assessed for the sum of $1,- 600, to make a payment on school premises purchased in 1871. By Mr. Reidâ€"From John Montgomery, of the village of Headford, requesting,r the Council to recommend his claims to the far vet-able consideration of the Lieutenant Governor and the Legislative Assemny Mr. Watson presented the report of the Weston Iliin School District No. I. The followingr gentlemen were then rip- pointed a Select. Committee to strike the Standingr Committee of the Council for the current year :~- Messrs. Munsie. J. I}. lull, Cane, Lane, Wlielei'. 'l‘yrrcll. and Jackson. The Council then adjourned till 10 a. m., Wednesday. The County Council resumed its sitting at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning iii the Coun- cil Chamber, the Warden iii the chair. Communications were received From the Secretary ofthc Burnside Lying- in Hospital, pl'ttyltlg that the annual grant from the Council be. continued. From the Sisters of St. JOSeph to the same effect. From the Rev. John J. McEntee, Dixie, praying to be allowed to travel free of toll on the York Roads. From the Commissioner of Crown Lands, relative to a petition for the survey of cer tain lands in the Township of Etobicoke. From the Clerk of the Lincoln County Council, enclosing copy of petition to the Legislature respecting the conservation of forests. From the Elgin County Clerk, enclosing copy of res ilution pass' d by the Council of that County respecting petitioning the Legis- lature for appropriations for gaol expendi- titre. [from Messrs. Wadsworth and UnWin, surveyors, enclosing,r an account for $11 for services rendered in connection with the County Registry Office. From the Provincial Secretary, acknow Iedging receipt of a. petition front the Coun- cil. praying for the survey of certain lots in I the Township of Etobicoke. From J. C. Daniels, enclosing account of, $15 for distrttei'l'ing the body of the child of cine Fanny Williams. at Markham. From Messrs. Harrison, Osler (5:. Moss, solicitors, (‘Il‘fI-OSIlIg account for services' rendered. Itiom Messrs. Paterson. lain At, Akcrs, ,1 solicitors. requesting payment ofau account , of $911 59, the amount. of costs for services tendered on the 11th May. 1872. The following petitions were presented :â€" Ily Mr. Jacksonâ€"Front William Tyrrell, praying Ihat. his son he admitted to the Deaf and Dumb Institute at the County’s, expense. By Mr. Wicksonâ€" From Thomas Jackson, 1 praying, that a certain trespass road cross in: his property might be closed, and sub- mitting a by law for that purpose. 13y Mr. D. Boyleâ€"From Mr. W. Devlin and forty-ti ve others, praying for a. grant to l the Sisters of St. Joseph in charge. of the, House of Providence. Ily Mr. Dullâ€"From Alex. Ross. praying for leave to remove a shed on the Kingston Road; also, a petition from the same per it-ioi: in relation to compensation for loss SIlS~ tained bv the manning ot a traction engine on the Kingston Road 3y Mr. D McDonaldâ€"me Antoine Greenwood, praying to have his daughter admitted to the Blind institute at the Coun- ty’s expense. By Mr. Watsorr-â€"-From Thomas Vaughan and forty eight. others, praying that an action be taken in the matter of School Seeâ€" 1ion No. 13. York Township. By Mr. I)uncan-â€"-From James Sampson and others. in refrence to tolls. By Mr. Jonesâ€"From Joseph Dar-ks and thirty othrs, asking for a pedlar’s license free of charge for Robert Greenbury. By Mr. Fleiii‘yâ€"From Henry McKenzie and sixty eiuht. otl.ers, praying that the rent of tollgate No. 5, Yonge Street, be reduced. By Mr. Fleury~ From Charles Dean and iiinteen others, asking for a pedlar's license free of charge for Wm. Pointon. Mr. Reid, secirided by Mr. J. D. Phillips,‘ moved that the petition of John Montgomery be referred to a Special Committee, to be composed of Messrs. Tyrrell, Marralt, Mcr Donald, Severn, Jackson, and the mover, to "ep0i‘t to the Council at an early date. The select Committee appointed to numer- ate the several standing committees for the current year, brought tip their report, which recommended the appointment of the follow- int:t Committees 2â€"- Fiiiance and Assessmentâ€"Messrs. Cane, Jackson, Wheler, Lane and Royle. Ediicalina.â€"â€"1\Iessrs. 'I‘yrrell, Joel Phil.- Iips, Leslie, iced. Jones. County Properiy.~Messrs. Bull, Severn, Porter, Flenry, and Ealriiis. Equalization and Assessmeizt.-â€"Messrs. Marratt, J. D Phillips. Wickson, Duncan, Mosier. McDonald, and Stephenson. Roads and Bridges.~â€"Messrs. Munsie, Milliken, Randall, Watson, and Canniiigze. Priming and Contingencies.â€"â€" Messrs. Macklin. Law, Speight, Clark,and Webster. On motion of Mr. Jackson. seconded by Mr. 'l‘yri'ell, the report was adopted. The Council then adjourned till two o'clock. t On re assembling at two o'clock, Mr. Munsic begged leave to introduce a. 1 bylaw to appoitnt auditors for the year, whose duties would embrace the auditint.r of both school and municipal accounts. Leave was granted, and the by law was passed throuin its various stages, and ultimately adopted, the following gentlemen being ap» pointed auditor's: Messrs. Robert. Hall, Smith and William Jacques, at a salary of‘ $40.00 each. Mr. William Tyri‘ell, seconded by Mr. Watson, moved that a s 'lect committee, composed of Messrs. Wheler. Cane, Lane, Jackson and the mover,be appointed to take, into consideration the present proposed Muni‘ cipal Lamond to report to this Council such regulations of the Council of Public In struction. The Council adjourned till ten o’clock, Thursday. The Council reassembled Thursday morn ing at ten o’clock, in the Council Chamber, the Warden iii the chair, . Communications were received as fol~ lows:â€" ‘ From Mr. Munsie. enclosing statement from the Commissioners appointed to super- intend the expenditure of$150 on the Indian Line. From James Hodgson enclosing memoran dam of expenditure on behalf of the County Board of Examiners for 1872. From the Superintennant of York Roads enclosing the annual report regardinor the state of the roads. Mr. Watso.i presented a petition from the President and Directors of the Company Roads of'the county and five hundred and twelve others,- praying that. the Council purchase the s tme. Mr. Wm. Munsie, seconded by Mr Jas. Spcighlâ€"moved that a special Committee of live consisting of Messrs. Jackson, Boyle. Mari'att, Jones'apd the mover. be appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature of Ontario praying that the money for tavern and shop licenses be paid to the Treasurers of the various local municipalities in the. Province.â€" Carried. Mr. Ilull moved, seconded by Mr. Wat- sonâ€"That the Courieil go into Committee of the Whole to grant aid to Agricultural Societies of York Countyâ€"Carried. The Council went into Committee. btit rose after a protracted discussion without deciding:r upon anything. The Council i'c-assemblcd at 2 pm. A Communication was received from the 'l‘rcasurci- of the. County of York, enclosing,r tli.- lli_rh School accounts. Petitions were received from Win. Wall ace and others, asking,r the Council to pur chase the Company’s roads. From the constables of the County of York, requesting the ("ouncil to provide them with a badge of oilicc. Mr Lane moved the Cruncil into Com mittee of the Whole to consider the ques tion ofprovidiiigz the County Constables with badges. Mr. Jones, the Chief Constable. was summoned before the Committee to give his 0 l'IIlIOII on the subject. He considered that if badges bearing the arms of the County were supplied to the coristables,tlieir authority would be less liable to dispute than it was under the prPSWII. arrangement. On motion of Mr. Wick on, the matter was referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Wheeler, seconded by Mr. Stevenson, moved that the, Warden and Messrs. Dull, Munsie., Eakin and the mover, be appoinch a committee to wait on the Ontario Govern- ment, in order to obtain the repeal of the statue author-fling the running of traction engines on the public highways. Carried. The Council then adjourndd till ten o’clock, Friday. ( The Cbnricil met on Friday morning at the Court House, the Warden in the chair. The Committee 011 Printing biouqht up their report, which recommended that the contrrct for printing assessors' and collect ors’ rolls, notices, &c.. be given to Messrs. Copp, Clark &'C0. The report was adopted. Mr Roll, seconded by Mr. Leslie, moved that a Special CoirLiiiLtee, consisting of Messrs. J. 1). Phillips,- Milliken, Duncan, draft a‘pdtition to the Governor iii-Council, praying that the Agricultural College and Experimental Farm be not removed from its pressirt site, or if removed. not. outside the limits of this county. After sortie discuss-ion. the motion was carried, and the Council adjourned till 10 o’clock, Saturday. ~- The Council met at 10 a m. on Saturday morning, the Warden in the chair. Communications were received from t'ie County Treasurer. on matters of detail in connection with his otlice: from Blake, Kerr and Bethune, Solicitors, enclosing bill of costs and their opinion on the matter of the County’s liability to the city of Toronto for the sewerage rates and rentals in respect of the County Courthouse. They advise that such rates or rentals cannot be legally levied; nor can the Roard of Works of To ronto legally cut off the communication of the drains frorri the Courthouse with the main Sewer of the city: from Dr. lose burgh, in behalf oftlie Managing: Committee of the Gaol Mission, as acknowledging the receipt of$25 from the Council of1872,and asking a further grant iii aid of the newly established agency for assisting discharged prisoner-s. By Mr. Jackson, that. he will on Monday next move for the appointment ofa Special Committee to confer With the members of East and West York and the Govornment of Ontario, with a view to secure legislation to attach the newlyincorporated village of Richmond Hill to either-Jhe East. or West Riding of this county for electoral and Registrative purposes, said Committee to consist of Messrs. Lane, Porter, Law, Phillips and the mover. On motion of Mr. Cane, the Council then adjourned 1111 two o’clock p. m.,ou Monday. â€"-iâ€" . c The County Council met at the Court House on Monday afternoon, the Warden in the chair. , Communications were received from the County Clerk of Peel, relative to the pro- posed building of bridges over the Etobi- coke river; from J. K. Macdonald, Treasu- rer of York, praying for air increase of salary ,; from the Inspector of Public Schools for North York. enclosingr his an iiual report; from the Clerk of the York Assize Court. enclosing copy of present merit of the Grand Jury. Mr. McDonald moved, seconded by Mr. Marratt, that the Warden be instructed to take legal advice as to the authority of the Council taking action in regard to the re- moval of the artificial obstruction placed in the outlet to the waters of Lake Simcoc, and also to ascertain who would be the proper parties to be compelled to remove the said obstruction. Mr. Jackson said that a committee had been appointed last year to report on the matter. session of some information as to what had been done. The Warden said he did not think the Council could take action in the matter. Private rights were interfered with, and private individuals should remedy the evil. Mr. McDonald said the question was who were the proper parties to take action in regard to the obstruction. which would be set at rest by taking legal advice. After some discussron the resolution was carried. Mr. moved pursuant to notice that the Council resolve itself into ('omniittee of the Whole to consider the propriety of granting aid to amendmentsâ€"if anyâ€"as may appear to them desirable.~,â€"Carried. Clarke, and the mover, be appointcd'to‘ He would like to be put in pos- lull, seconded by Mr. H. Duncan, , ded five large townships, and Should receive a larger portion of the grant. After some discussion, and the rejection of an amendment of Mr. Munsie. embody- ing his views, the resolution was carried and the Committee rose. In Council. Mr. Munsie. seconded by Mr. Cane, moved that. the resolution be not accepted, but be amended by striking out "the stun of $150 to each Electoral Divis- ion Agrietiltuial Society of the County” and l - inserting the following in lieu thereof, “that the Finance Committee be, and are hereby instructed to report a bill for granting $150 r to three Electoral Division Agricultural So- . eieties in the County, to be apportioned' upon the same basis as the grant of last. year.” The amendment. was lost on the following division : yeas~ Messrs. Cane. Fleury. Jones Jackson. Macklem, Munsie. Marratt, Mosier J. Phillips, Randall and Reid, eleven in all. Naysâ€"Messrs. Bull, Czar-kc, Canning. Drin« can, Eakiri, Law, Leslie, Miliken, McDonald Speiglit, Severn. 'I‘yi-i'eIIWIVaISOn, Wheler, and Webster, altogether sixteen. The original resolution was then put and declared carried. Mr. Jackson, seemide by Mr. J. D. Phillips, moved that a Special Committee be and is hereby appointed to confer With the representatives of East and West. York in the Local Legislature, and such members of the Ontario Govcriimeit as may be deemed necessary, with a view to secure the requisite legislation to attach the newly incorporated village of Ricbinmd Hill to either the dust or West R dings of this Ciunty for electoral and O'her purposes; said committee to consist of Messrs. Law, Porter, Lane, Joel Phillips and the more r. - Carried, llule 43 having been Suspended, the fol lowing: petitions were presented :- Ilv Mr. Leslieâ€" From John Swallow, praying to be allowed to pass his omnibus throuin tollgale No. I. Ilv iMr. Jacksonâ€"From Daniel Prior, pt'élellJ for a pcdlar’s license free of charge. lly Mr. 'I'yirellâ€"lt‘roni the Lady Maria gcrs of the Magdalen Asylum, appealing for aid. 1y Mr. Flenry~From William Andrews and thirty others. asking for a. one horse pedlar’s license free of charge. The Council then adjourned till ten A M. on Tuesday morning. The Council met at the usual hour, the Warden in the chair. Mr. Porter gave notice that. he would move tomorrow that the Council resolve itselfinto Committee of the Whole, tor the purpose of discussing: the practicability of passing a Ily law to re model the High School Districts of this County. The Special Committee appointed to draft a petition to the Legislature, in refer» ence to the Agricultural College arid Ex- perimental Farm, brought up their report, ,ivith a form of ItOIIllt)” attached, praying,r lthat the Agricultural College be not re 1 moved from its present. site; or, ifrernoved, not out. of the county. The report was adopted, and the petition ordered to be en- grossed. 3"” Mr. 151111 moved, seconded by Mr. Leslie, ,tliat a special cotnmittee. consistrn_r of Messrs. Duncan, Wheler and the mover, be 1 and are hereby appointed to confer with the Corporation of the City of TUI‘I'IIl»L~0' Market Committee, with a View to obtain the repeal of the Dy law compelling the vendors of hay and straw to weigh the same.â€"- "' The )ouncil then adjourned till‘10 a. m., Wednesday. ‘ .mw BIRTHS. Sotfir.i:s.â€"â€"Al Richmond Hill, on the Blst HIL, the wife of Mr. George Soules, baker, of a daughter. TRICVCH.-â€"At Richmond Hill, on the lst inst.. the wife of William Trench, Esq, Jr., blacksmith, of twin daughters. Ransomâ€"At Oak Ridges, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. David Benson, of a son. m.__ MARRIED. Fosrnn.â€"IIAitT.â€"At Richmond Hill. on the 5th February, by the Rev. James Dick, Mr. John Foster, of Scott. to Miss Sarah Jane Hart, niece of John Hart, Esq., Rich- mond Hill. Ql'Alt'l'Z.â€"IIII.L. â€"â€" By the Rev. John Hunt. at Richmond Hill. on the 5th Febru- ary. Mr. John Abraham Quartz.of Vaughan to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Hill, of King. + DIED. Frannui.iisn.â€"At Iluttonville. on Satur- day, the lst inst.., Joliu Fiertielder~aged 68 years, 3 months and twenty d iys. mm TO RON TO MA RKETS. Toronto, February (3. 1873. Flourâ€"Superfiiie............$ 56053 5 65 Spring Wheat extra .. .’ 65 {(3 I) I'll Fancy . . . . . ......... 5901i? 59'l rtxim‘. . . . . . . . . . . 635m 65o SapcriorExtra..... , 7 95d? 750 Oatnieal....... .....»..... 475@ 480 Comment Q9J® 000 Bran. . . . . . . . Moll/(D l3l‘0 Wheatâ€"Spring .. l '2“ Q l 9.7 Sonic; and UeiIiI l 4| ((3 1 5‘2 Ti'eadwell.......... 1 35® I 3‘) llarlev..................... "67 (ill Illi9 I’ease'.........-........... (Ill-5W7) 066 Oats........ 04M? 044 0“5m> not! Ilav................... ... 22l11l®951l0 Straw . . . . . . . .............. “(MW 12110 Potatoes. per bag.... .... .... 1' 511/0 ll (ill, Apples,pm' barrel .......... 200er 3‘35 Beef.bvthe sitle......:..,.. “00(1) G50 Mutton. Iiv 'Iie carcasa..... . 6 5” fl 7 00 Poultryâ€"Geese. .. . . . . . . . . . fl 75 Fl) 0 510 - Trirkein........... 075({3 15“ Chickens. per pain. 0 :35er 075 Ducks, perpaii'.... "III/ID I 00 Porkâ€"Mess............... 1417"?» '575 Extra I’i'inie......... “00 43 000 lacmi..................... 077’,@ It} Harrisâ€"Salted ............. 0 II @ (10” Siiiolted............ "Ill/(D 012. DressedIlogs.............. 5lllfib 535 Lard......... 009er 010 Butterâ€"lbItolls........ ... 01563 017 I Packed”... 11 ltd/(D (109 Wags . . . . . . More 025 Dried App‘es.. . . . . . . . . ll 7.; db l‘ 08' .Salt....................... [fin/(h 000 “lord 045/13 048 REAKFAST. â€"â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€" Giu'rEFUL Ayn Com‘on‘ritx‘n. â€" “ Bv a ‘tliornugli knowledge oftImn~tnra11aws which I governtlio operations ofdigestinii and nutrition. 1 l l , and bvamrejnl application of the fine proper- ties of wellselectod cocoa, Mi Epps has pro- ‘viiied our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mavsnve us many lhoavv doctors’ bills.”â€"C£nil Service Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Waterfor Milk Each packet is labellodâ€" ‘ James Eves dz. C0,, ‘Homoaopatliic Chemists. London." : Mxxvriorunn or COC()\.â€"â€"” We will now give rn account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps A: Co.. ninnufac'iires of JUST ARRIVED 1 Ti I E AT FIRE PROOF STORE! A GRAND DIsPIAY or any Uiiequalled in quality and variety,and at. dietetic articles. at their works in the Euston ' October.3|. 1872. 739-51 Prices that defy Competition. TH E T WEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS Wiiiceys and all wool Shirtitig. STOCK INCLUDES Flannels, Blankets, HOSIERY, GLOVES, DRESS Goons In endlessivarit-ty, also a 1:: rgo stock of FANCY VVVOOL GOOIUS (loinpi'isingSIiaw 1s. Mautles, Hoods. Furs,&c t1l'.,you want a préRf'Shawl or Mantle don't miss seeing my stock BLEAC’HED AND GREY COTTONt‘, Hollands. I'rinls, (‘obourgm Lacrs'ufull kinds, Ribbons and FRENCH MERINOS In all Prices and Colors. HATS AND CAPS, AND Ready~made Clothing, 81c, &c. OUR MILLI‘XERY DEPARTMENT ! Is now complete in every requisite of Milli- ncry Goods. We have spared no expense in procuring the wrist approved styles of Ladies” Hats, Bonnets, Caps, é‘c. FLowmrs, Il‘m'rnrzns. 'I'itthtrhos. Wedding and Mourning Bonnets, always on hand and made to ordoi' on Him hortest nu- tice. An early inspection is solicited from our lady patrons. Larirics‘, Mrso-is’, AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOESi ness from Mr I’. I’hi'lips, and is prepared to Chickering, Stniiiway and Durham Pianos. fill all orders promptly. Aiso, the celebrated FALL-GOODSi~ In An. TriE NLWES'I‘ S'i'rLizs. “K A Liner: St‘ocx or FAMILY GROCERIES l llinnwur E. Connor, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Kept Constantly on Hand. 113’ Befo repurchasrngoIsewlicra give me a call as I thick I can otI'er inthit-ciiients that will make it to your advantage to buy front me. I. CROSBY. Fire Proof Stoee, Richmond Hill. Oct. 3, 1872. 7‘31)- ._....su__._...~.....- Editâ€"whim 13'th PHOTOGRAPHY. THOMAS B; GGPELAND, 11 RST PRIZE photographer, begs to in- l form the public that. having commenced operations in the above business on Richmond Hill, he is prepared to take PICTURES! 01“ Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes IN ALMOS 1' AN \' It I-ZQUIRI‘iD SIZE OR STYLE. Old picturrs carefully copied and en‘arged. I’ariies desiring pictures printed from the 010‘ negatives 0‘ Mr. Gray or Hood can have them by orderinggas 1 have purchased all their negatives. in Doll and c‘ottdy weather no hindrance to the art, except for children Parties getting pictures of children taken are requested to be at the Studio between III A m. and 3 P.M. 113’ Gallery in the old stand recently occu pied by Mr. Gray. thliniotid IliIII Sept. 21, ’12. 74U-tf WM. RENNIE, Importer, Manufacturer-and Dealorin all kinds of ' h ...L../ FARMING IMPI‘JIMENTS 8; TIIIILS Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, (Ira, dc, (to. 1 ADELAIDE ST. EASTJ‘ORONTO ..t_. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, FANNING MILLS, GRAIN? CitusiiEns. «\Zc” 6w. Carter’s Ditching Ma- Eyer’s Patent Iron chlne ' ‘rlarrows St Ram and horse-power Fioldand Lawn Roller 'l‘liresliitig Marliinos Horse Hoes J's Scarficr Cornhinr d and Single Cultivators Mowers and Reapers Potato Diggers Wood Sawing Machines Pumps Horse and Dog Powers Scales Machine Jacks Horse Ilav Forks Straw Cutters AnialtzaniSteol Bells Rant Cutters a I’ulpers The Blanchard churn Grain Crushers Barrel «\L Dasltchnrns Turnip and Grain :DrilI Florence Sowing Ma. Hand Seed Drills chino Fanning Mills Philadelphia L. a w ti Clover Hullers Mowi-r Horse Hay Rakes Greenhouse and Gar- Co n Shellevsdt Husker don Engines Stump Machines Laundry Machines Patent Fan Verges Garden Implements Mowing Machine Knife and Tools Cider- Mills and Pro sses Field Seeds Gray ’s Single & Double Fruit and Ornaments Farrow loughs Trees and Shrubs [run and World Beam Super‘plrosphaie of Plorig'bs lime «it ground bone Gang I’lougbs Pure Seed Grain &c., Double Mould I’louglis Ste. &c , Nae. ILLUSTRATED C ATALOG UE. I (Firm miriou), NOW READY I WM. RENNI‘IC, 717-tf Tononvo. ONT. F. WHITLOCK, HIMNEX SWEEP. AND DEALER iii old iron, rags, &c.. Sun, Richmond C 1119 emblem Elecmral Div:5l0" Agl‘lCUllural Rmd. Londnu”â€"Gassr,ll's Household G'wrle. ‘ “mâ€" A” “‘1‘” PTOWPII." allelldBd l0- 1 Societies in the Countyâ€"Carried. November l2, 1872. 747,- tf This Pinup is Eilsias'l IVorlred, Mast Durablu and Nantes! [liar/ii in 1/11: I) fi’llli‘ltitm, HUMMING BIRD PIANO It is so constructed with the castings of the Which is adan'etl to parlors where space is an handle as to make it all tight, therefore pre- venting children from putting anything into it. The Subscriber would respecttullyannounce that lie is prepared to put in this l’uinp On Trial for one Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Or if they are not preferred to any other pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. 'I‘liese pumps are suitable for all depths from a cistern to awell of 150 feet. They are not liable to get out of repair, being double- valued, and the joints are allturiied in a lathe: consequently there is no leakage at the joints which is invariably the case with the common pump matte by hand. Price 955 above platform, and 40 cents per foot below. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $t‘i, complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet,Chuin pumps for cisterns, $3 each. Well digging done on the shortest notice. Address, stating depth of well, JACOB BRILLINGICR. Richmond Hill 743-1! gotta and Show. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, RICHMOND itiLL. Oct. 14. ’72. WILLIAM GAMBLE ETURNS HIS SINCERE‘ THANKS; to the pubic for the liberal patronage he ; has received while inl ttsilless. and would also ' invite an early call to his assorted stock BOOTS All) SHOES! Of all km (13, which he offers at prices that will compare with ANY HOUSE IN TORONTO. la is also pre ared to minke to order the Ibest kind of French Calf Boots, for $500 per pair; Double. Soles, $55-50 per pair. - All kinds of custom work warranted to give the best of satisfaction. and a good fit guar- anteed. , Shop. twofioors north of G. A. Barnard’s ' Store. 700-tf ' Richmond Hill, Oct. 10,1879. R FATTENING AND BRINGING; into condition Horses, Cows. Calves,i Sheepand Pigs the YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER! 1s used and recommended by} F0 FIRSTâ€"CLASS STOCK BREEDERS. Stock fed with it have always taken first prizes, Mitch Cattle prr'IJce more niiik and butter. It Fattens in Onerfom‘th the usual tame, and saves Food. Price 25 cents a $1 -00 per box. box contains two It udrcd feeds. A dollar HUGH MILLER &. 00., AGRICULTURAL CHEMIsrs, 167, Kingl' Street East, Toronto. For Sale by nruggists and Storekeepers. Sept 17. M72. 7394i" Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. RAE’S NEW AND IMPROVED PATENT SIEVE! Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and will not choke with any tliistley or foul grain. No stick or broo it required to be used. and the machine need not at any time be stopped by clogging of the Steve. All orders for this Sieve addressed to the patentee, John Rae. Lansing I’.O.. Ont., will I‘UCNVD prompt attention. Atty iiitriiigeinent on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigor of the law. JOll N RA E. Lansing P.(). Yonga Street, July, 1872. 7294f W. H. «S; R, PUGSLEY, (succissous To w. w, cox) U TC H E R S, RICHMOND HILL, have altvaysfion hand the best-lot Reef, Mutton, Lamb. Veal. Pork. Sausages, 5:0,. and sell at the lowest prices for Cash . .4 ISO, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Harris. The highest market prices given for Cattle, Sheep, Letiibs, kc. Richmond 11 ill. Oct. 24, ’7‘2. 745-ly Wanted, SMART, ACTIVE LADâ€"ABOUT 15 or 16 years of age, as an apprentice to the Harness business. Apply to WM. HARRISON, Richmond Ilill. Sept. 26. 1872. 7404f J. SEGSWORTH, DEALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- ver Watches. Jeweliry, diam, 113 Yonge Street. Toronto- Septeinber 1. I071. 584 NIPISSING HOTEL, MAaKHAiI. N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€"l traction of the Anglo American House by' lire. the subscriber has taken and filled up, those large and commodious promises belongv 1 ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Mos~rs.l Spoigtit 6;. Son’s Novelty Works, Markham. Excellent accommodation afforded for the , travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in contraction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. T. WOOTEN. SPPI- 4. 1872. 7374f 3. JAMES, (LATE JAMES & FOWLER,) CHITECT. CIVIL ENGINEER, r R A and Survevor, Trust and Loan Build- ings c crust of Adelaide and Toronto streets. Toronto. 719-111 object. The mole of its construction is ; entiron new, and based upon the best known prlnciples of science. Notice. R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ed us in the agency in this section for the sale of Messrs G. A. I’rinro & Co’s cele- brated Organs and Malodeons, in 'favor of, which We give our most. unqualified approval} and recommendation as the leading and most roliabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) II. G. COLLINS. ,n W M. FLUM LRFELT‘.‘ Markham. Nov. 3. 1871. Teau‘monial from Profs-Io:- K. G, Collins I have rarefnlly examined the pianos so (I by Mr. H II Roesor. called the Humming llird, or Colibri Plan is, manufactured by Ma- tIitiseck, and think they are Wullderfllllt‘ sweet ,- and pure in tone, and from their peculm. eon- BII‘lICIIOII. calculated to remain in tune longer Iban other pianos. and consequently to stand a greater amount of wen. , IIENIIY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 28; 1872. 714-15' yttrium}; tulfiltlh Desirable Farris for Sale, PEING THE EAST HALF OF LOT 3 No. 4 in the 5th Concession Township of King, belonging to the estate of the tale \‘Vitâ€" liain ,McNair. containing 120 Acres of Excellent Land 110 Acres of which are uridor cultivation. There is a good Frame Dwelling House with an excellentcellar underneath. Harris. Stables and other outbuildings and 'l'itiiber fora new Barn 40 x lit). ’lenty of water . This is a very desirab‘u property being only between 3 and 4 miles frorii King Station on Northern Railroad, where there is a geod market for all kinds of produce. Schoo's Ni. Churchesin the imme- diate neighborhood. 'I‘ernis will be male very easy. For particulars apply to eithe. of the under- signed executors to the estate. JAMES MeNAIR. Lot ‘25, 2an (‘on. Vaug'iaii‘, JOHN GILLES Lot 5, 3rd Con. King, Richmond Hill, July 11. 1872. 729- if Village Lots for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots, situated in the village of VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots contain About One-fifth of an Acre, And are located at the North-west corner of lot N0.E35, «Itli concession of Markham. in a section Where tnechantcs and laborers can get steady work and high wages- Applv tif by letter,pi'epa1‘61) to Henry Jennings; Victoria Square, or to( ' WM. G. III‘NGS'I‘ON. Dingla I). 0 March 97, 1879'. ma f o. fltpttt’lltttttl. rt P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND , , POST HILL i, 1 ~' OFFICE. DEPOSITS ,OF ONE DOLLAR, (0R any iittiii rerâ€"notexeoedingtni'oelinndrod dollars by anv one depositor.) will he received atthe Ricliiiiond Hill Post ()llice,t’or which Government\villtllow Interest. It‘otparticnlarsapplyto M. 'I‘IGICFY, Postmaster. *,," ‘~IR. 'I‘Enrv is Government Agentfor be sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALSO AGENT ron rm: MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Officeliours: from 6:30 A.M.t09:30 PJI. May 4,1869. still-ll THE MORNING PAPERS or" TORONTO: MAIL. ' GLOBE. LEADER. Can he had at the Post Office. for It] tzrzivrs A WEEK. Apply to M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill. May 14.1869. Eli-I-tl Pure Bredl Swine. H O M A S GRA HAME. IMPORTER and Ilroeder of Pure Berkshires. Post-office address, VVobdbridge. Vauglian,’l“eb. S. 1872. l l 703-iy Fellows’ Compound Sir RUP or HYPOPHOSPIIITES.1 A5 alllife-endowed bodies. whether they bel Boast, IiII'dS, Reptiles, Insects or even Zoo- pliites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom I r l l OIIIUCâ€"v-I‘IVISIOD Court “Clem a, tflice, Iticb niond Hill. 'I'Hos. K. MORGAN. Tamra, April 25.§IB‘7'2 Home: 'I noun ' il-e tr REMOVAL. ‘NICOL a; NICOL, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, sourcr ‘l b tors in Chancery, Conveyancers. die On‘lcr..â€"-Reniovcd to-VVhitteniore’s lluild- ings, Toronto Street. Toronto. 711 U MARRIAGE LICENSES RICHMOND HILL. B] TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND . Commissioner in I} II.,is (iovetiinieut Agent for issuing Marriage License in the Coniin onork. Other: hoursâ€"7 A.i\ 9:30r.rt Richmond IIiIi.Octoboi 23. ISM}. 7 Patent Eave-tzough ND WATERSPOU’I‘S FOR- TIIE DO. MINION, at $6 por ltttl tact. A150 Floor- ing rind other Lumber Dressed; Sap “rickets. l"ails,(Jideri\lills, Washing Machines.Shingles Waggolr‘eltoosmud Lnnibei'SaWedto order Forparticulai 9 address JOHN LANGS'I‘A F1", Steaii. Mills,TIrornhill; 3,16U9. Sill-.11 'I'iiomiiiri. Nov. Horses and Cattle. 1V ILLE t’S DERBY OIL- Is the niostwonderful discovery in chenii>tiy for rivaling FRESH CUTS OR OLD SORES.‘ IIIICII MILLER N. Cf). Iti7 King St. East Torento; August 17. 18W “.31- ti W. II. CANNON. LDS., ‘ EJi‘isr, (LATE ASSIST N AN'I' to Dr. l'iIIiot. Dentisl, . . . . Ioronto.) respecttnlly announces that lie vr'ill Visit the following places,(Snn- days excepted). where he will attend to Dan- tistry in all itsni'anches: Kine .............--....-- Ist ofeacli niontb Richmond IIill...........5i1i " Nowniarket...... . . . . . . . . 10th Anrora............-.....15111 Toctli inserted in the most Improved Style-id: on Gold. Silver, Vulcanized lbllbllel'.al’.d AI- Iuniinum Ruse. 'I'ootli filled in such a niantiei asto preserve them front further rlccav. ’I‘octli extracted With the least possible pain. and especial attention paid ‘ ‘ «he regulation of children’s teeth. Charges Motlol'f... , and work warranted te give-satisfaction. All le‘tcl‘s addressed to Aurora will receive prompt attention. Aurora. Mav25.1870. THOMAS SEDMAN, ‘tARRIACE AND WAGON MAKER, J Underta‘kd‘r, Ne, Restorascrzâ€"Nearlv opposite the Post Cflieo Richmond Hill. fitted & tritirlttrr. Caution! I Caution! I I ' ‘0 THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH PHOVINCES or Aolt'I‘H AMERICA. 1 hog most respectfully to acquaint the pub- lie of the Briti~|i North American provi cut that in May, 187,1 caused the business at H' Maiden Lane, New York. for the sale of Hot < LOWAY’s I’ir Ls AND (JINFDIFZN’I‘. which were up t“ that time prepared by Williair‘ Iii-own. nor-r deceased, to be closed. I regi'etto say that l have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years. and III iiiaiiv . ways. born mssl corrupt. and it may be that the I’ills and Ointment were not prepared with l the care 1 have always desired. Those who do not wish to be deceived Irv buying spurious medicines. which are now likely toeniannlo front the States or elsewhere. but to possess themselves of the genuine Hui.- l.ow.»\Y’s l‘il.i.s. AND ()lN'I'MIZN'I', iiinnufnctn'i-I liy mo in London, ErigEnnd. will do \\'Hll to Sim that each pot and box bears the llritisli Govcriiiiront stamp on which is etrgrnvod tlm words " lloi,LowAv‘s PILLS AM) (Ilb'lMlCN'l‘." and that the ailtli'essoii the label is 5.621 (lxninn STREET, LONDON, where only they are manu- fMCltll't‘Cl, and in no other part of the world 1The retail prices are on the laliolsin British currency. and not in dollars and cents. No representative of mine will ever trave through any part of the Ilritisb I’rovincos r the United States, either to sell. or to taktI orders for my I’illsand as I have reason to believe that attempts will vow iproliahly be tirade to deceive the pi lilic in this way by persons-calling on medicine vendors, falsely re: t'csentiiigtl at they are acting- for tire and with my knowledge and consent. 1 (icon: it advisable to put the public on their guard .aga.tist ntiv Slll‘ll rlrceptioiis. I most earnestly entreat all those who niav read this advertisement that they be pleased. megaherncd by rimlfm'ca, which binds all the i in tho public interest. to eonoiinnicete the pur~ springs of exrsteiice. and as nothing can save them f om destruction when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means tvlierebv vilalitv maybe sustained in tho IIVIIIL’ body is indeed a boon to the wor‘d. ' Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingrrdients con titti- ting the brain. muscles and nerves. and finds that by introducing these ingredients iii proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. This. then. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’s Ilvrornosriirrns is huilt.its direct action is upon the Illnod. the Brain and Nervous System. and the Muscles. .‘trengrb- lining the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalizod Blood iii the Muscular Organs of the Body. Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver, strengthening the action of the Stomach and 'Iowels and enabling the Lungs to he fitillv iii- tlateri wrth (Ixrgea. _ i It is adapted for ALL cases of ‘v’i’eaknoss and Einaciation. whether arising fioiii sedentary life. a tropical rliinate. from fever or debilili from anv cause, and is efficacious in I’tiLMoâ€" NARY Consume-non, many confirmed cases having been cured and all benefilted, where its use has been continued over a fortnight. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in Asthma it gives relief where every other i'eniedv fails F‘01~Ntii'v0iis Debility it stands unrivalled. and may be usod with confidence in all eases. As this is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of Ivaoplinsphites. be careful to ask for FILLOivs’ SvtruP.and take no other. SOLD BY A PO'I'HECA RIES. Price. $11-50; Six for $750. JAMES I. FELLOVVS,C1ienIisl. 64-8 St. John. N B. port at the same to their friends that they may not he defrauded of their money by purchasing Worthless itnitatiovs of the genuine HOLLo- WAY‘s I’rt.i.s AND Oimrirziv'i‘. I would ask. as a great favor. that should It conieto the knowledge of any person that spu- .ious medicines are being niar‘e or sold in my no riin.lre be pleased to send me all the partcn- Iars be can collect respecting the same. that is to say. the name and address of the vendor who isselling tlicspurions medicines, and like- wise the name and address of the Home in the Unich States. or elsewhere. which may IIn‘ o supplied them. so as to enable 1119. for the protection of the publie,to institute pm- ceedings against such evil~doz-rs. and lenan‘fl to reinuuerate veiv handsomely anv peran who Ill y give me such information. the III- formaiil’s name never bring divulged Should any person have reason to Irelievo that he has been deceived 1)_\'I‘|ll_\1l|g spurious imitations of these Medicines, be willdo “'1'” to send me. in a letter to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents III pest- age). one of the books of instructions ii bit-ti am affixed to the same. I pl'tlmIH' to examiner it and send a reply, stating whether the. Merli- cines are genuine or that if spurious he may apply to the person from whom he. put" chased them to have his money refunded. Chemists and Dtuggists who desire to ob- lain the Medicines can be supplird at the lowest wliclesalo pricesin quantities of not less than $271! tror h -â€" viz .8s 6d . and 9‘23. and 34s.. per dozen boxes of I’ills or poll- 0 Ointment. nett, without discount, for vrliieh emittanee must be sent in advance, I have the honor (it: be. “73th great respect, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 553, Oxford Street (late Mt. Strait-t), , .I ondoii, W 0., Sept. 1 "5‘1. 6'"- m.

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