Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Feb 1873, p. 3

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The Coumy Council met Wednesday, the 5th inst., at. H) o’clock, the Wardén in the chair. A Communications were received ‘ ,Frme Mgssn'§.4Ha1~rison, Osler 8.: Moss, dated Feb. 3, no'fifying the Cmmcil that the Court of Common Pleas had that day de livel‘ed judgment in favor of ‘he defendants in the case of County of York v. City of Toronto, it having been held that Llause 403 of ‘he Municipal Insulution Act was not sufficiently explicit to enable a county to recover against a cily for the use of the Court House for judicial purposes. up their report, which recommended the Conncil to petttion the Legislature of On fitnrio to have the said claim properly inves i‘tigated by a Committee of that House. Mr. Montgomery appearing to have been most unjustly dealt with. The report was adopted. On motion of Mr. Munsie, the Council went into Committee of the Whole. for the purpose of consxdcring the report of the Standing Committee on Roads and Bridges. i The report .recommended that the petition‘ of Newman Silverthorne,askin,;r tlte privilege l of ‘ nnecting his fence with the road fence i at the south side of' Dundas stt'oet.’and con- necting with Etobicokebridge. be granted. The Standing Committee considered 'no‘ good reason had been‘shown why the Coun- ‘ cil should appoint a'commmissiouér for the l purpns‘e of obtaining plans and estimates1 for bridges atghe River Fxtobicqlie, andl ,conld not therefore recommend 'such up 3 paintment. With reference to the petitions of J. W. Gamble, William Wallace, Wm. Wakefield, G‘r. W. G. Whitney and five-hun dred others, praying that the control of the companyfii roads should"‘he assumed by the Souncilflhe cotnmittee reported that Bethune, timing solicitor for the companies, on being examined had st d that he was not in possession of suffic- ent data to place before them to enable the Standing Com- mittee to come to an intelligent conclusion, t and it. was therefore advised that the matter be allowed to stand over till the June meet- ing of the Council. With reference to the petition of Thomas Jackson. requesting the Council to open the original road allowance at the town line between the townships of York and Vaughan, at the second conces- sion of these townships, the Committee were of opinion that a straight line drawn between the stone monuments at said town line. planted at the front. and rear of the second concession of the township of Vaughan, will mark the true northren boundary of the original road allowance of the aforesaid town line between the town ships of York and Vaughan, and suggested that the Clerlz of the Corporation be m- structed to give the necessary eight days’ notice to enable the Council to pass a by- law at its June session to open said town line in accordance with thesev ews. From the ma} Manager; 01' the Girls' Home, thanking the Council for their li~ beralily in voting $100 towards the support of the Home last. year, and praying for con- tinuance of lhe gram: From the Board of Trustees for High School District No. 3, in the County of York, enclosing their erm'a, I'l'ofn which it appeared 1M} Lhfi’fi‘lm‘ber of puplls entered .‘....... n Ari-“um o'l‘n mnnu man A!) «Ln mu: m.- - - "y . 7. - - uu Lllc reglsfiy during the year was 43, the hverage attendance being 23". which is an increase of two on Lhe average attendance of the previous yea_r._ The by law fnr granting the sum of $475 tn ihe Electoral Division Agriwltural So- cieties, the money to be apportioned on the same bzisis as last year, was read a second time in Commiliee. W The comminee appointed to Investigate the claims of Mr. John Montgomery prgught Mr. Eoyle, seconded by Mr. Porter, moved 1n amendment to the fourth cl use, that the same he struck 6mm: ing inserted in lieu thereofzâ€"“Thut your Committeevm-e of opinion that the road as now travelled is the true original road nl- lowance, and recommend that no further action he tnken in the matter.” Lost on the following division: Yeasgâ€"Bovle. Cane. Power, teed, Speigltt,\Vlwler. Websterâ€"7. Nuyn--â€" Clarke. Canning. Duncan, Jones, Law. LCSlIG. Mackltem, Mi liken Munsie. McDonald, Phillips, J. D, Randall, Ste- phension, 'l'yrrell and Watsonâ€"[5. The reubrt as aivan above A 5 adopted. Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Macklem, moved that a special Committee composed of Messrs. 'l'yi'rel, Randall. Porter, J; D. Phillips. and the mover, be appointed to enquire into the management of the several lllgll Schools for the purpose of learning, it any of the youth taught. or it' incidental expenses are charged to the High School Divisions which should he paid by the Pub- lic School Sections, and that said committee report to the Council at its June meeting. Mr. Porter moved that the' Warden be instructh to communicate with the Chin Superintendent of Education to ienrn the (rovroct interpretation of the School Law with regard to the formation by County Cuunml of High School districts.â€"-Carriedt Mr. Reid introduced a. by-Inw for the ap- pointment of two persons as auditors for the County, to act in conjunction with the Chairman of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace Messrs. John P. Wheler and Nelson Graham were duly elected, and the by law was carried. Mr: Wchster, seconded by Mr. Mart-Mr, moved that. the resignation of the Clerk of the Council be accepted, but not to take efl'ect till the next. June meeting of the CounciLâ€"Cm-ried. ‘ The Council then adjourned till 10 a.m Thursday. The Council met on Thursday morning at the usual hour, the Warden in the chair. The report of the Standing Committee on equalization, which was adorned, stated that, the assessment rolls of the several munici palilies had been examined and found L01 emny correct. On motion of Mr. Stephenson, a select cnmmmee consisting of Messrs. Jackson. Munsie, Whelel', 'l‘yrrell. Enkins, Cane, the Warden. and the mover, was appointed to wait on the Governor in Council. to press the claims of the County Council for a. share of the surplus funds about to be divided among the several municipalities of the l’mvince. The by-lnw for granting aid to the Elec- mrul Division Agricultural Societies was read a third lime, and amended to read :â€" “lllhaLlhe tnlai amount granted be $400 lll$Tl>m141f $175, to be almorlim ed as f'ol‘ lows: \VPSVRWHI: Society, $1255 East Riding, $125; and North Riding, $150. A by law introduced by Mr. PI illips for the appointment of a new clerk in place of Mr. Ellinn. refiigned. was read a. third time. The Coum‘il adjourned till Friday. The Council met on Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Ihe Warden in the chair. Mr. Tyrrell moved the second and third reading of the petition to the Local Legis luture in respect to the 82nd section of the new Municipal law. The tnotion was our- smd the petition was duly read and adopted. It set forth that the provisions of the sec- tion referred to were most. unjust to young men who were unassessed, in compelling them to do two day’s statute labor! while those who were assessed in small amounts had but. to perform one or one and a half day’s labor, and prayed for the Legislature to authorise the County Council to act in the matter. v After some discussion the second report of the Standing Committee, on printing, was adopted. York County Councll. was then The amount of 878455 was ordered to be paid as the expenses incurred dun-mg the year, $235 of which were for carpenters’ work at the Court House. A bylaw was submitted with the report for the purpose of empowering the Commissioneré to lease rooms in the county buildings not required for public service.and to reject. persons who may occupy_such in default of payment at rental. The by law and report were finally adopted. The Council resolved iiself into Commit- tee of the Whole. for the purpose of hear- ing the opinion of Mr. Kerr, of the firm of Blake, Kerr & Boyd. so‘icitors, on the defi- nition of the by~law respecting the High School limits. Mr. Kerr, who was present, then stated that he understood the limits of the Gram mar School District Divisions Within the County had not in any manner been defined previous to the passing of the Act of 1871. (15th Feb., 1871) ‘iHe was of opinion that the County Council may now by by law determine the limits of ngh School Dis- tricts within the County. and in doing so may alter the limits described in By law No 224,, but there was room for argument to the contrary. He was, however, inclined to doubt whether such alteration of the limits of the High School Districts would affect the liability of the limits defined by By-law No. 224, to raise and provide the sums prescribed in that bylaw, assuming the same to be a valid bylaw. " So long as that by law remained unrepealed. the simple change of limits of the High School Dis tricts would not prevent the levy and col lection of the sums authorized by such by-law within the limits therein described. Mr. Bull presented the report of the Committee on County Property, on which the Council went into Committee of the \VholaIMr. Speight in the chair. The re- port, rec‘omm’ended the letting of the con- tract for the new toll house to J. I. Date, at a cost of $550; also the lettering of the tariff boards at $8 each. No settlement had been arrived at in the case of Morten & Smith v. the County, in reference to the running of a traction engine, the former re fusing to come to terms. 1 On the cbnclusion of Mr. Kerr‘s remarks the Councfl adjourned pntil four o'clock. The Council reassembled at 4 pim. The following communications were re:- ,ggived :-- -n n ‘p nun- - u .- s . From Messrg. Blake/Kerr and Bathune, saficitors, giving their opiuimf’relative to the obstructions to the outlet of Lake Sim- coe. ' ‘ "in-om w. G. McWilliams, in relatioh to the office of ‘clerk. y The bylaw for defining theJimits of High School Districts for the County of York, received a third- reading. 0n the question ,bein pm from thechair whether the by;an sho d b‘ adopted. Mr. Jackson [milled “that, who ‘by-law for allomng the High School District Jimitmdo not now puss," which was lost; on the following decision: Yeasâ€"Messrs. Boyle, Bull. [)uncan.'l<'leury, Jones. Jackson. Law, Leslie, J. D. Phillips, Speight, Severn, Tyrrell, Watson, Wickson â€" 14. Nave â€"â€" Cane, Clarke. Canning, Ealrin, Macklem, Munsie, Marx-aft. McDonA ald. Mosier, J. Phillips. Porter. Randall, Reid, Stephensnn, Wheler. and Websterâ€" 16. This motion was; however, put again, in another shape.and was carried, the bylaw standing over till next June. rThe Council then adjourned till 7 o’clock. The Council reassembled at seven o’clock. The Warden presentei a communication from Mr. J. Elliott, Clerk to the Council. requesting the Council to defer appointing his successor until June next. The Council then resolved i self into Ccmmitlée‘of the thle on the bylaw tot, afppoiut a new Clerk" I'I’)‘ the Council, as sub cesxb‘r'f‘o’ Mr. Ellinlt. ‘. q “The names of five gentlemen Were pro- pLsLdJo fill up thghlankflm the hv law by: Messrs. .l. H. DWEW Smilh. W. G. McWilIinms and JLCrawf'm'd ‘Afjt‘ogl‘fil‘sqrpefiisgussinn, the Committi’q’ rose, rhpofited’hjbg};esflsr and asked leave t?) sit again in June, u'util which time tug adoption of the bylaw was uccmdingly polquonofl. .... . 1 I v I u x Mr. Whole:- moved, seconded hv Mr. Rnll. that a Select Committee, to consist of Messrs. Tyrrell, Leslie, and the mover, be appointed to wait on the Committee in charge of the proposed Municipal Bill. to use thpir influonoe on behalf of this Council with said Committee and the mem- bers of the Government, to obtain such amendments in the proposed Bill as will gnahle this Council tofiohtain from the Corporation of the City of Toronto 3 joint and equitable remuneration for the use of the County Court Homoâ€"Carried. Mr. Jackson moved, seconded by Mr. Whaler, that the thanks of this Council be and are herehv tendered to the Hon. Mr. Crooks. Provincial Treasurer for Ontario. for the courteous reception accorded to this Council this afternoon; and For the frank consideration given to the various amend ments suggested to the Municipal Bill, and other matters before the Legislature.â€" Carried. V Mr. Bull preseMed the report of the Committee on County Propertv. The Cnunoil then resnlved intn Commit» tee on the Wholeâ€"Mr. Jones in the chnir. The report contained the following: re- commendations: "That a free pass to the Rev. J. McEptree, to travel over the York Roads. be not granted; that A. Ross. a former lessee of toll-gate No. 1, on the Kingston Road, he allowed to remove a shed, as petitioned for by him; and further that the said A. Ross be paid the full amount of toll for each time on passing and renassinur ol' the traction engine through the said toll gate during his tenancv, at the rate awarded by the arbitrator: that John Swallow he allowed to pnss and reprise toll gate No. 1, Kingston road, with his passen- qer omnibus, at a commuted toll of $1 per week; that the municipality of Aurora be allowed to widen Yonge Street. at its north ern approach to their village. to a sufficient width to enable them to lay down aside- walk; that, in reference to the presentment of the Grand Jury at the late Assize Court. a register he placed in the hall, and that it be heated from the furnace now heating the Grand Jury-mom; that the Commiss- ioners of County Property be instructed to have certain repairs done to the roof of the Court House; that the Wardenwith Messrs. J. D. Phillips and John Lane be ap- pointed Commissioners of County Property for the current year. The report sis above was adopted, to- gether with the petition accompanying the same. Mr. Marmtt fiinyed. seconded by Mr. Mansion, that \vhnn din Council ndjom-ns 0n Saturduv it. stands adjourned until Mundnv, the 16th of June next, at. two o’clock, p.m. â€"Carripd. Mr. Jackson, presented the report of the sneoiui committee appointed to consider the advisability of ostabhshin ‘ a Poor House or Home of Industry for the Countv. r The Council resnl'ved ilsérlf' intdbémmit- tee of the Whole on the reportâ€"Mr. Sphight, in the chair. 1 The report stated that the committee had given the matter mature consideration. and thought the establishment of such an insti- tution advisable. inasmuch as the cost. would not amount to more than $6.000, which amount was now spent in charities bv the County. The Committee rose. reported progress and fished leave to sit to-morrow. The Council adjourned till nine o‘clock, onfiaturday. __ The Cou'ncil met on Saturday morning at the usual hour. the Wardpn in the Chair. The report ofthe Educational Committee, enahing a. new by-law for the appointment of High School Trustees, was adopted. The Com'ingent Committee brought up their repert to ummend By law 102, recom> mending that, the nayment of Jurors be in. creased frOm $1.25 to $1.50 per day. The mpg}! was adppted. The Committee on Finance and Assess- ment. reported as follows: -â€" Your Commtt~ tee have had under consideration the -t"0l- lowing documents, communication from the Treasurer, together with detailed statement and voucher for four quarterly accounts of the past veer, and statements of the non- resident Land Fund and High School ac counts. with abstracts showing the assets and liabilities of the County. No. 2 High Sqfi‘ool Board-Messrs. James Speight, John Gibson, John Crawford, Rev. James Carmichael, Jones and Henry Duncan. No. 4 High School Board â€" Rev. S. F. Ramsay, Messrs. Freeney, Slow. Sperens, Nelson Gorhavu, John J. Stokes and Dr. John Bentley. Petition of E. Daniels and other consta- bles, praying your council to supply each constable with a badge of office. Billls from Méssrs. Wadsworth & Unwin, in connection with. the incorboration of Richmond Hi1], amogqtipz t3 841: k Bills from Messrs. Blake, Kerr 8; Bethune for $89. N0. 3 High School Boardâ€"Mess". John Lane, Wm. Patterson, J. P. Wells, James MCNaU‘, N. C. Wallace and Rev. James Dick. « I Accounts of Mest. Harrison, Osler 85 Mass, amounting; to $825: N0. 1 High Self-001 Boardâ€"Messrs. Wm. Nelson, Dr.‘ Bull; R. Wadsworth, James Gaff-mu, .Igmpafiguickghanlg an}! Allan _Grey. The petition of the Lady Managers of the Boys’ Home. asking for aid; also from the Managers of the Magdalen Asylum or Fe. male House of Refuge, asking for aid. The Report also embodies communications of minor importance. The Committee desirg to state that they find the accounts of the Treasurer in a very satisfactory state, showing both abimy and care 'in performing the‘dnties of his ofiice, and‘lhut they find thé financial affairs of the county to be in a verx healthy and pros perbus conditiun., Your Committee have' also made en uiry as [‘0 the sureties‘of the, Treasurer an find them to be satisfactory. The Committee recommend the payment of me' fouowmi‘accodnts: Messryj-Iarri 55m. Osler ‘8; Moss, $8.25; Blake, Ker; & Belhune. $99} , ,- The followmg gentlemen were named as Trustees: Cbmmunication from Dr. Roseburgh, ask ins: aid for the Toronto Jail Missxon Sunday SchnoL In'referring totheiaid applied for by the fullvwing institufihns": The Boys’ Home, the Girls’ Homo. the Magdalen‘Hospitnl, and the Burnside Lying in Hospital, the Housewufl-Providence, and Toronto Jail Mission Sunday School, the Committee be- have them to he useful institutions, but in view of the increasing *deluund of the poor inside the county, they cannot recommend your council to continue granting aid to those institutions outside the county. ‘ TLe Committee recommend find a. one- horse pedlar’§ license be granted to Wm. Pnynton, Daniel Preer, and Wm. Andrews. They also do not. recommend the Council to dispense with the tax on dogs. They re~ commend the Council to increase the jurors allnwance from $1.25 to $150 per day. With :1 view of the increased labor of the County Treasurer, they recommend that. the salary be increased, but: the Committee, however are not prepared to report in favor at an increase at the present. time. Mr. Tyrrell moved ihat the report be not hdopled, but ghat‘it’ be amended by giving the ‘mahrs to charitabie societies as for. MW , Eukin, JOINS, Jackson, uuw. Lane, Macklin, Milliken. ‘Munsie, Murmt, MrDunald, Mo- sieyji‘gml’hj’llips, Porter. ‘ Bandall, Reid, .Slielght; C(ephenson and Whelen‘: total, 21. Nnvsâ€"Dunczm, Leslie, Severn, Tyrrell and Watson; total, 5. The report was adopted. The council then adjourned until the 16111 of June, 1873. wally. ME. E. Jackson. seconded by Mr. Munsie, moved the original question, whereupon a. King Amadeus abdicated the throne of Spain on Tuesday lust, and explained his reasons therefor in a. message which his Ma- jesty sent to the Cortes. His Majesty evi dently lost all hope of reigning in peace, because he found so lnnny persons constantly intriguing against him. He says that if foreigners had done so he could have home with the annoyance. but, when he found Spnniards engaged in creating a disturbance continually in the country he resolved to abilicate and leave the country. At the conclusion of the reading of the message, Senor Rivero. President; of the Sovereign lortes of Spain was then called, to the chair, and upon motion of adeputy. the Burtcs resolved upon establishing a Re- public by an overwhelming majority. BIRTHS. NEWBEM’.-â€"At Aurora, on the 3rd inst, the wife of Mr. Robert Newbery. of a son. MCCONAGHY.â€"-At Richmond Hill. on the 11th inst, the wife of' Mr. Francis McConn- ghy, shoemaker, of a daughter. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . . . . . . Snr'mg Wheat extrh Faucy............ Fxlra..... ........ Superior Extra. . . . . Oatmeal. l BREAKFAST. â€" EPPK ’S COCOA. â€" GRATEFUI. AND COMFOR'I‘ING.â€"“ Bv a {thorough knowledge ofthe n'rtnral laws which ‘ governtha operations ofdigestion and nutrition. 'aud hv a careiul application of the film proper- ties of well~se|ected cocoa, MJ Epps haw pro- vided our breakfast tables with a dalicateiy flavored beverages which m’u' savé us many heavy dnctm-s' hiHsi”â€"-C'i,vil Rm‘vics Gazatln. Made simply with Boiling Watar,~gor Milk Each parked is inbelladâ€" ‘ 7AMI€S Ens & '70., Homeopathio Chmnists. London." Turke\'a‘.......... Chickens. per pair.. Ducks. per pair. . . . Porkâ€"Mess................ Extra Prime .. . . . . ... Racnn \Vool .. . MANUFACTURE or Cocoa.â€"“ We will now give an menu“! of the procesfi adopted hv Messrs James Epns 82. C0,. mnnnf‘acmrea of diotNic “Hides at their works in the Fusinn [{md. l.oudon”â€"-Grmsscll’s Household Gmdn. October. 31, 1879. TORONTO MARKETS. Toromo. February 13. 1973. 139-31 n 01': 0 [2 535 010 017 009 025 (‘08 000 048 TWEEDS, BROAD CLOTHS DRESS GOODS JUST ARRIVED! AT THE FANCY WOOL GOODS 1872. FALL. 1872. FALL GOQDS! BLEACHED AND GREY COTTONS, Comprising Shawls, MnmlesJâ€"Ioodn, Fum.&c If‘you want a pretty Shawl or Mantle don’t miss seeing my dock FRENCH MERINOS Ready-made Clothing, &c., 810. MILLINEM’ BEPAR’I‘MEN'I‘ ! _ FLOWERS. F’iA'I‘HTZKF. Tmmums. Wer‘djng and Mourning lfimnets. always on hand and m'ado to order on theshorlefi’jho. (290. An early inspécliou'is soltciled frOm f K, our Indy; patrons. Is new complex. in ovary requisite of Milli- nary Gaodu, WVe have spared,,1m expense In proqutiug‘lhe nvost approved gym; of tadiés’ Hilts! Bonngts, 0ap§, é'c. BOOTS AND‘S‘HOES CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Kept Constantly on Hand. [13' Befo repurchasmfl QISOWl-Ol‘l give 1 m a call as I think I cém offer inducementst in! will make it to your advantage to buy from me. 1. CRO , Fire Proof Stoee. Richmon’ Hill. PHOTOGRAPHY." THOMAS B~ COPELAgp, Prices that defy Competition. 4IRS'I‘ PRIZE phocographor. bags to’ in- form the public Illat. having commenced operations in the above business on Richmond Hill, he is prepared to take Old pictums carefully copied and enlarged. Parties dusiring pictures printed from the olds negativosgo‘ Mr. Gray or Hood can have them by Orderinggas l have purchased all thuir usgntivesw m Dull and c‘oudy weather no hindrance to the art, except for children Parties getting pictures of children taken are requested to be at the Studio betwuen 10 AM. and 3 tut. 03’ Gallery in the old stand recently occu- pied by Mr. Gray. "’ FARMING IMPLEMENTS & TDDLS gm (Emu, firntnrm. Carter’s Ditching Mn- chlne Steam and horse-power Threshing Machines Combined and Single Mowers and Reapers Wood Sawing Machines Horse and Dog Powers Machine Jacks Straw Cutters Root Cunors 5L i’uipers Grain Crushers Turnip and GrainEDriil Eyu’s Paten' Harrow: Fieldand Lawn Rollo! Horse Hoes 5L Scarfier Cultivators Potato Diggers Pumps Scales Horse Hay Forks Amnlgnm Steel Bails Thu Blanchard churn Barrel &. Dash churns [a‘lore'nce Sewing Ma- Iron FIRE PROOF STORE ! FANNING MILLS ] ADELAIPE ST. EAST,TORONTO Mowers and Roapgrs Wood Sawing Machist Horse and Dog Powers Machine Jacks Straw Cutters Root Cunors 5L l’ulpers Grain Crushers Turnip and GrainEDrill Hand Seed Drills Fanning Mills Clover Hu llars Horse Hay Rakes Co‘ in Shelle‘sSLlHusker Stump Machines Paleut Fan Forges Mowing Machine Knife Cider Mills and Presses Potato Diggers Pumps Scales Horse Hay Forks Amnlgnm Steel Balls The Blanchard churn Barrel &. Dash churns Florence Sewing Ma- chine Philadelphia L a w n Mowar Greenhou so and Gar- den Engines Lat-Indry Machines th‘den Implement! (F and Tools ie-ld Seeds Grax ’5 Single & Double Fruit and Ornamenta I an‘ow Ploughs Trees and Shrubs In endlesaivariety. also a large stock of Unequnllod in quality and vfiigtyuxnd at Oct. 3, 1872. Hollands. Pcinxs! Cobourgs. Luéss'ol' all kinds. Ribbons_al_vd _ FAMILY GROCERIES ! 0P 'ersons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes IN ALMOST ANY REQUIRED SIZE on “ng”.” ( Farrow Ploughs Iron and Wood Beam Ploughs Gang Plough! Double Mould Plough: HATS AND CAPS, Wiucoys and all wool Shining. Flannels, Blankets, HOSIEBY, GLOVES, STRAW CUTIERS, ROOT CUTTERS F. WHITLOCK, CHIMNEX SWEEP. AND DEALER J in old imn, rags. &c.. &:c.. Richmond \J in old imn, rags. &c.. &:c.. Richmond Hill. All ordurs promptly mtonded to. Rlchmond Hill. Sum. ‘26, ’7 ILLUSTRATED Importer.Munufuclurer.nud Dealerin all kinds of Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, (in. (in. d~c~ LAnnzs‘, MISSES’, A‘Nu CHILDREN’S 7l7-tr November '12, 1872. PICTURES! GRAIN’ CRUSHERS. M” 6m. [N Am. Tm; NEWEST STYLES. A GRAND marl." or huff In all Prices and Colon, NOW READY ! £11man HARDWAR E. CUTLERY, A Lunar: Swat/3F WM. RENNIE, ’srocx momma (FIFTH EDITION), AND \VM. RJCNNHC, Token-n, ONT. chine l’hihdelphia L a w n Mower Greenhouse and Gar- den Engines Laundry Machines Girden Implements CATALOGUE I limé 6L ground bone Pure Seed Grain &c., &c. &c., dare, Trees and Shrubs querpIyusphatq _ of 7404f 720-. 747- 9! 'T‘rou‘q.» moms AND SHOES! Change of Business. HE EXCELSIJL? PUMP IS NOW manufacmrod bv Mr. Pater Phillips, who ]â€" manufacmrod by Mr. Pater Phillips, who has rocommenved businels in Richmond Hi", in (he oh! place, and who in now prepared {0 fill ullordora promptly. Or if they are not proferred’to any other pump they may be returned, and ‘he money will be refunded. This Pump i; Eus‘izs'l [Val/cell, Mo's? Ddr'abla -und Nantes! Marla in the Dnmihion. It is no conslrucled with the castings of the handle as [0 make it all light, therefore pre- veflingfhjldrgx from gutting anything into it. Those pumps are suitable for all dopfiha from a cistern lo‘ nwell of 150 feet. They are not liable to get out of repair. being double- vulued, and thejoima are alllurned in u lulle: consequently there in no leakage at the joints which is invariably the case with the common puinp made by hand. A ‘ u. V T'IIoWSubscriBef‘woulld resplgmfixlly nfinuuuce that ha is prepared to put in this Pump On Trial for one Month! And if accepted WARRANTED TWO YEARS, Price: $5 {Above platform. end 40 cents per foul below. Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern not exceeding 8 feet, Churn pumps for eislerhs, $3 each. Well digging done on the ehorlest notice. Address. inning dep lb of well, - "7""' VW‘J WV": " ’ ' " l ' .1 1 Double Sdé3fi35‘50 per pair. L . 1‘; All khlds of custom wé’rk warl'aliléd to give the best. of satisfaction, amt mgo‘od fit guar- anteed, “’ to the pubic for the liberal patronuge he has receivodjmllile imagine“. and would also invito an onrlycull to his nsmrtod stock chh‘vazf fight {0; 5500 pc?‘ pair; wur uumpn-u "u as! . » ANY HOUS/E IN TORQ‘JYTO. “I'gligfi, twozdoors north-orG. A. Burnard’s Store. Stock fed with it have always take prizas. Milch Cattle pudJce more kind butter. 0R FATTENING AND BRINGING into condition Horses, Cows. Calves, YO‘RKS HIRE CATTLE FEEDER? Is {1565 and rdcommegded by FIRST- CLASS STOCK BREEDERS. It F attens in Onej‘ourfih the usual tame, and saves Food. Price 25 cents a $1 '00 per box. A ddilur box contains two h ude feeds. Aoulcuyrunu. CHEMls-is. 167. King Street East, Toronto. For Sale by Druggista and Slorokeepers. Sept 17.1572. ‘ 739-“ Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat. rye. barley. and nuts and will not choke withany lhislley or foul grain. No stink or broom required to he used. and the machiné need not at unv time ba stopped by clogging of the Steve. PATENT SIEVE ! Oct. I4. ’72. 0f ull kinda, which he offers at prices that Ag: " will\ compare With ’ BQSE for this Sieve addressed to the pnlenlee. Jobn Rae. Lansing P.O.. 0nl., will recplve promp‘ ntlantion. linfrfilgemeut on this pniom will be punished with the unnosl rigor of ‘he )nw. Farmers and Thrashers Take Notice. Richmond Hill. 10.1872. D ihrave ulwnyflhln hand me best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb. Veal. Pork. Sausages, 610,, and sell at lhe lowest prices for Cash . . u. is aflopl'e ’i-ed m mako 10 oder me $51 kind of I‘ ‘ _ The highest mnlke! prices given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, &c. Also, Colned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hanna. OUT AND SHOE STORE, RICHMOND HILL. [1 15 or IE, years of age. as 1n npprentice to the Harness business. Apply to WM. HARRISON, Richmond Hill. var Watches. Jeweiiry,&c.. ll3 Yonge Street. TOI'OIMO- 1 truclinn or the Anglo American Hnnsn by fire. the subscriber has taken and fitted up than large and commodious premises belong ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne, opposite/ Mum. Speight «a Son’s Novelty Works. Markham Excellent accommodation afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livew stables in contraction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. WILLIAM: GAMBLE ETURNS BIS SINCEREQ'THANKS A and Surva'or. Trust nnd Loan Bund- ings cmruor of Adelaido Ind Torontgflrv‘ats. Youxngtreet , July. 1872. Richmond Hill. Oct. 24. '7'2. AE‘S NEW AND IMPROVED Sept. 26. 1372. September 1. [871 . N CONSEQUENCE 0F 7TH]? DESâ€" Sept. 4,’ 1972 into condition Horses, Cows. Calves, Sheep and Pigs the U '1‘ c H E R s, _RIC_IIMO_ND _H_I_LL_, 30m and 511025. (mum gnaw. J. SEGSWORTH, ‘EALER lN FINE GOLD AN7D__S{L‘ S. JAMES, (LATE JAMES & FOWLER,) RCHITECT. C I V I L ENGINEER, Wanted, SMART, ACTIVE LADâ€"ABOUT W. H. 8; B. PUGSLEY, NIPISSING- HOTEL, (snows-ans Tu w. w. cox; HUGH MILLER 52. CO JACOB BRILLINGHR: MARKHAM. have always taken first JOHN RAE. D. T. WOOTEN. 737-“ Richmond Hill Lansing P. 0. 7294f 743-1! 700-tf 745-157 740-21‘ 7113-th. miik 684 HUMMING BIRD PIANO Chickering. Stuinwny and Durham Pin-nos. Also. the cele hruled 1V1 ed us in the agency in this motion for the sale of Messrs G. A. Prince & Co’s veloâ€" brated Organs and Melodeous. in favor of which we give our most unqualified approval and recommendation as tlw landing and must relinbie reed instrument now muuufncIured. ($311065 )1. n. COLLINS. wm. mum RFELT. Markham. Nov. 3. 187l. Tonimonial from Profane:- Iz G, Collin! I have carefully examined llm pinhm: m d by Mr. H. B Roesor. caHed the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos. mnnul‘nmn'ad by Mr:â€" thusock, and think they are Wnudorfnl‘w- meet and pure in tone. and from their po-cuL‘. :on- _e_lructi0n. calculaled to remain in Inna~ longer ‘I‘ran other pianow. and consequentlyw stand a greater alnounluf wear ‘ HENRI GUEST COLLINS. Which is anapled to parlors where «pace is an object. The mode of us com-(rm'linn ll entirely new. and h'ased upon Ihe baht known principles of science. ' Prince’s organs & Melodcons, ‘Desirable Farm for Sale, ING THE EAST HALF OF' L01 No. 4 in the 5th Cnncesxion Township 01 D No. 4 in the 5th Cnncesxion Township of King, belonging to ma estate of tho nu. Wil hum McNuir. containing 110 Acres of' which aro undm‘ cullli'utlou There is a good Frame Dwellin House will! an excellent collar underneath. arm. Stable: and other outbuildings and 'l'imhar for a new Burn 40 x 60, Plenty of water . This ltil ven' desirable property being only llotweeh 3 and 4 miles from King Sluion on Nnrzlwm Railroad. when there is a wad market for Alb-kinds of yrodhce. Schooifl & Churches in the imme- diateoneighhorhood. ,’ “p. 'l‘enns will be Whale v’ery easy. ’ For particulars apply to e'qhe, of the under- s+gnetl executors to the estate. . \ . t20 Acres of Excellent Land in HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number or Villaflit lots. uimaxea And Are hinted at [hp-INErth-wem coral/9 01 lot No.535, Mh cune fish)“ of Mnrkl am. in a sectinn where, maclmmcs and laborers can get sleady'wgfi‘nnd high wages _ Applv if by leuprflirepnid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, or to About ()nej‘ifth 1} hgnum er-noxexcuediugmrcwhmulrul dollars by {one depumilur.) will br rmmlved atllle Riclnnn‘fifidrlill P'NI HfliceJor which Governmenlwllh Tom] unrest. RIQEIMQNP. HILL ' MONTREAL TELEGRAPH CUMPA NY. Toronto Foh. 28. “572. Ofiicehnurs: from 6:3“ A.M.t09:30 PJI. May 4,1869. 563-11 THE MORNING PAPERS 0F TORONTO : inn he had at the Post Office. 1"0‘1r l0 (:l-m'rs A WEEK. Apply to VICTORIA SQUARE “fun. Pam-w il GOVBI‘HIHOIIMPWOT hesaleof ‘ H O M A S GRAHA ME. IMPORTER and Broader or l‘uro Berkallirel. Eb! 5..“3rd Coy) King. Richmond mu, m; 11.4874: “7294f Fellows’ Compound SERUP 0F HYPOPHOSPHITES. As ailiil'o-ondowed hndien. whetherlhov he Benet. Birds. Reptiles. Iusm‘ys m- eye-,1. Zn“. phites, and subjects hi the Vegotahlé Kin gdnm are governed Ily rim/farm, which binds nl" the springs of ex.slenca. and as nothing «an Have them ham dvsrm'iion win-n this principle leaves them, the discovar)‘ pf means whorohv vitality may he susmiiwd in tho living bodv is inde a boon to the wnr'd.’ ' March 97. 1979. Modern chemier has ventilafod the quan- tion and discnvered lht‘ ingr flienlt cnn litu- fingihe brain. must'les and nnrvm. and finds lhat by inn-«dinning Hume ingredimus in pmpnr proponions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. sale a number 0 the village of aning' the Sluggish Hunrt and Liv". drengthuuing Hm union of the Wamnf‘h and "‘vowels and unuhling [he Lungs to be finllv in. flalod wnh UmgeJ. ' _ ' [n Bronchitis it is a. .va-ifiu, and I1) Asthma it givrss ralief where uverv other rams-d“ fails For Nearvons Dobillly it stands IIIIl‘ivulInd. 3nd mn_\' hr unnd with noufidmu-e in all mums, As this is smirer Mama and dlfl'sront from every other hreparaunn of vaophnsnhitas, ha careful to ask for P‘Lhwws’ SvaP.and take no 0t her. This. than. H nubs'nn'iallv the basis an which FELLow’s HYP-IPHosrm'rm» in 'milt‘iln direul m‘linll is npun the mad H-P Brain and Nnrvnus Swmm. and [lip Muunles. Flu-"91h. fining the nerves. it causes the rapid dmtrilm. tion of Vitalized Blood in the maculur Organ, of Ihn Rudy. 3;me éjnfitz‘umutg,‘ h .3 adapted for ALL cases of Wonknmn and Emncintion. whether lurking finm sndeullan‘ lira. a trupiralulimate. fran fevnr or nubilit} from anv cansnhand is efl‘lcacinna in I’uLMov NARY Coxsumrmu. many cnnfirnmd I'nsup having been aured and all hmmfi'h‘d. where ilq use has been nonlinund nvI-r a Fortnight R; H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED May 14.1869. L and Broader or l‘uro Berkallirel. Post-olfiue flddl‘l‘fifi. Woodhridge. Vaughan, Feb. 8. W72. Folparticulnrmpply QPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR. (OR SOLD BY APOTHEL‘ARIES. 0. SAVINGS BANK. irupmg fur Sm, MAIL. Village Lots for Sale. aflgepartuxcrgt: H._B. REESOR, DEALEMN JAMESQICNAIR. ~ MARRIAGE LICENSES. Pure Bred Swine. Price. 51-50: Six for $7 50 1.012."). 2nd ’ JOHN GlluLl'IS ALSO AGENT FOR THE The lots contam JAMES l.FEIII.O\VS.Clmmis1. 8t ’9‘“). NJ). Notice.- \VR HINGS'I‘ON. , “le9, U Dingle: P. 0 7‘2. 714 l f M. 'rmcn‘fimmtmnmr GLOBE. of/dn Acre, M. TEEFY . Richmond Hill. 564-1! on. Vaughan POST b 0 Fm C E5 LEADER. ZH-lv 706-iy U turn in Chuié’er'). Cannylnéerl.'&c. Orncu.â€"Romoved to Whiflemore'l Build! ingu, 'l‘ummo Street. Torouw. “I a U Chancery, Heavies. Le. '1 mow. ~(Ioun'8n'aal. Town”: ' “ranch Ofliceo-l‘iviswn Conrlfiilnrh o (vflica, luck [hand “I”. Tuos. K. Maud". "was: 'Yuoam . (Tonnuimionel in H H.,Is Hovemmeflt Again for milling Marriugu {AL-um in lho’ (Iounl) ot'York. ,~ ‘ Ulqu Hoursâ€"7 A.» to 9:3!1 P.» ,-’/ lllchmnmi Hi!i.()(:lobel ‘23}.565. n. mums, at $6 per 100 test. Alao'i‘lmu‘ i-ng and other Lumber Dressed : Sn Buckuly ’Iill.()iderMillu.Wnabing Mnchineo,Ship |0I Waggon Folloan.and LumberSlwodto or r Forp‘avticullrs addrenl hi ‘1‘ 13E}: :imryiu aII itimanchn: King. . . n. . . .... . In gj‘é’ich monli“ Rwhnnnd Hill....... .5115!‘ " Vamnmrkm........ Tlmh ‘- \urura......... " ,Toelh inner III the most Improved S‘tyln, an Goldl‘SdVer, Vulcanich Rrhber.u|‘.d AF minivan Bale ‘x’f'eoth filledln finch n manna: IMO presorvo Is (he mostwondorful discover} in chnmiaui for neuliuf ' {a Dr’. Elliot. Uomim, ' 'lforomm)‘ rfiupucll'uliy announce» thul ha will vmt "Lllfi'flgl’luwiug plm-u,(8un~ u'lQJHXCOIHGd ). when he wfilnuoud lo Um :imryiu aII itimanchau King...,.. ....‘ ........IM Mali/ch moni‘" Rmhnnnd Hill. . . .. .. Vaimnarknl. . . . . . . . \urura........ WK “.514!” " z’lmh -‘- ..l5lh " Asia! ‘4‘ ifd‘z'ses and Cattle. MILLER’S DERBY 011'. minivan Bale x’f'ewth filledln finch n manna: IMO prescrvo them hum furthm decay. 'l'eolh uxtmvlsd wnh Iho lea-l no-aihlr pain - rmd Pitpflblai aw nuon pmd' ' no rezuhtion o Izhlldren‘s leeth Charges Mndorp, ,and work wnnmed u! givn salintnminn. All le'lors addressed to Aurora will mean. prolnpl allelllmn ' ' Auroza. MM 25. 1870. 619-11 THOMAS SEDMAN, (NAR‘mAmc AND WAGON-,MAKER, J Undurlnknr. Sm. T'orom. Apr‘iffigllfi? > llrsxnmncni-‘Naaglv ppponile the Post cm“ Ril‘lllljulld Hill I PROVINCE: or man! AIHUCA. hug mm" re-qmclfnllv to au-qnninl tho pub- l'u-u w. Bl'ili'h Nm-Ih Amm'imm nmvi col -hnt in x V. lfi7,l (mused thr- hhninrsn M ‘0 N'lniv’en Hum. ‘ew York, for lhu er 0" Huh-‘- anw’s l‘u L! n )mrmm'r. "luoh were up I‘ Ihal 1mm pmparf-t Willinn- Brown. vow (lot-uawd to [In rinsed rum Ml" Hun I 3an rvnson [0 know that the Incl-hum! 0' law bur-*ihmw hm! for unnu- yt-Hn‘. n In msmy wnxs. Inn u m ‘m 1 onnpi. am! it mM' In! Thornhiu. Nov. 3,1869. "l mo»! earnemly aulrmn all those who may read [his udvarfismnem Illa! they b0 wound: in tho pfiblic IIIIFI‘OM. lo communic-Me mi in". pdrtm the Mama to theirfriandethm they any not bu defrauded of Iheh money by purchasing worthless imitations 01‘ the gunning Hana” ‘wn's Plus ARI) ()IN‘I'IIENT. ; , § I would ask. as n gram favor. Ihnt uhonld U sconth UH knnwledge of any perm" that nap-o .iuus medicinesarn being ma eov wk) in my 11-anme Mi phurd tosend man" the [nuns- glnrs he vun CHIIN-l waving HIQ.IINI. lb“ u [to say. [He mung and Wren"? um young: who mso-Hing llm «yurmun Imunnen. and like- wisn the nunm and attire-us of the II: M» in lhe United Slams, or «18- where. which "my ha -esupp1|ed thennm as m eunhIo me, fry} the protuclinu of Hm pnth-,tn inu'n '- eal-dings «Emmi suc‘v 'I- - M In. rn-mmmmW _ <9mv‘ly‘mn 3an rvnson [0 know that the Incl-hum! 1' law bur-hum! had for nnnu- yt-Hn‘. n In mm. wnxs. Inn u m ‘m 1 onnpi. am! it mM' the Pills and Oinunem were um [n‘eparrd wil' llm care I have nlwn} «haired. and that lhn uddreusunfltlm Ialml is 5‘3 03’s.. S-rkrzrz'r. Lennon whore only they are mnnlv "aclnrvd, and in no nlhor part 0" Hm world The H'lnli prices are on than Inhelsin British cnrrnnm‘. and um in doll-H's and vents. , HUGH MILLER &. 0’)" V ._ lb‘fi'King Sg. Eut'l‘oronm Augun‘glL l3!) filial Thusq whn do mu. wish in he decoi‘wd Ivy l-uving‘spnrionn mndit-Im-s, whier are Imw “ROM 10 oumnnle frum Iho Slams m elm-why". hm lo puma-w mest-h'en of HM zmmina I 01"- mwu‘s Pu.” nu- ()INI‘MITN‘I‘, mnunfnclu'u’. by um in London. England. will do well to use that «uch pot and box burs the Brilinh Govermr‘am stamp on which is engravgd lhn‘ words " HommwAV’a PILL: um “ruin-1'." Nu repmsnmnlivanf mine wit! ever trnvi through ntu‘ part oftha "I'ltifllt l’rnvtum-I I tho- Unitud Stntas. either to he". or to tlh orders for my Pills and Ointment.uud u I have reason to hHipve that attempts will urr probabe he made to deceivo the twlylic in thin, way by persons walling on nwdim'nu vondnn. falselyre, I‘esamingt‘tt they are acting fur me and with my knowledge and nonsanl l dw-m' it advisable to put the public on thoir guard agnzmt nuv such dr‘ccptiuus. NICOL a: moon.- _ ‘ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOHO! MORGAN a THOBNE,- A 33131435, SOLICITORS" at J Ullderlnka r. 81 c. Patcntfiave-txough ND XVATEHSPOUTS FOR THE 150: to 1' un «lo mainly mn [mi uh whovmm infinmaziou. Hm (I- forumth mm!» never bmug dlvulgod ' Should any persron lmvn innmn m imim that he has been déceived by Inning snwwlfi imitaiium M Ihm-e Mediciiws hm willdu wr-H Int-mud mo. in .1 letter In Mia nddrus» in! fun): (whivh 1m can do nt in cml of six cents In imsl- nga) one of the books of inslmclimm whit-J. an! affixnd to the mum I {Hamilton to «unulw ii and s-‘nd n ’(‘pl_\'. aiming whether the Mad}â€" c'n-m are gnnnine or Lanna thnfi i" sputum» he may npulv ‘0 III» pan-1w from who". ha pub climml lilt'lll lo have his monm wt‘undrd. Chi-mists lnld [Nuggisls who drsiu- m 05- miu lin- Medit-inos can I'a suppliid w flit: Mwosl whtlnflale prices in mmlhic-‘s of "0V leg-s \han $10 wonh â€" viz '3. 6d . and 99!. and 34;” per duvn boxer of I’m» at im: e Uinrmem. mini willmut discount for ulurh mnmnnoe mus-I he” no! in advance. I have tlml'mim in be. Willi mt 3.01.”. .. “hing 5;", Oxfx‘rdsirue' {IMO 5“. ‘m hondon, w 0.. sax-s. )~ 15% MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL.‘ 4 TEEFY. NOTâ€"[RY PUBLlC AV. E. airman} I. 138., mnsn ems 6». 'OLD sons. afizw..lww Caution” Caution!!! "rm; PUDLFOF THE BRITISH gamut att‘cdiciurs, mus LANGSTAFI“, ‘39th Mill] ,Thpnihill} RE M OVAL; h mu rower! ; Tm w; as [361.]..0Wé'7, . . . . A , At ’ 510-.“ 619-ly

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