Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Mar 1873, p. 1

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Nitrous Oxide Gas 8» Aurora. Aurcra,_ April ‘28, 1870 ew method of extracting teeth Without N pain, by the use of Ether Spray,which effects the teeth only. The tooth and gum myfiounding becomes insensible with the eitemal agency, when the tooth can be ex- treated with no pain and Without endanger- ing the life, as in the use of Chloform. Dr. Robinson will be at the following places prepared to extract teeth with his new ap- paratus. All Office operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner : Aurora, lst, 3th, 16th and 22d of eaoh month ‘Newmarket..... .. 2d Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th “ “ Mt.Albert ....... .. .........l5th “ “ Thornhill . . ............ 23rd ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Meple .................... ....26th “ “ Bin-Wick ..... . .. . .....28th “ “ Kleinburg . ..29th “ ‘ Nobleton...., ..:...30th “ “ Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, Wines, and Liquors, Thornhill. By Roynl Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer of ‘ Marriage Licenses. Corner of Young and Centre street: East, lave conntantly on hand a, good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oill, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Vamiahea, FancyArticlea, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines Ind all other articles kept by druggists generally. Our stock of medicines warrantâ€" ed genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, J an 25, ’72 705 orner of Yonge and Colborne Itreets, Thornhill. Consultations in the. office on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Stturdays, from 8 to 10 a In. All consulta- tions in 321;? olfice, Cash. ember of the RoyalCollege of Surgeons, M England. Residenceâ€"North of Rich- mond Hill, at the Elgin Mills. A11 call (night or day) promptly attended to. ngin Mills, Jan. 1870 598 RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of L York, Peel and Ontario. Residenceâ€" Lot 7, 6th Com, Markham: P. 0. address, Unionville. Sales attended to 011 the short- Ihortest notice and on reasonable terms. Orders left at the Herald oflice for Mr. Car- ter’s service will be promptly attended to. June 27, 1867 York and Peel. Residenceâ€"Lot N o. 20, rear of 3rd Concession, Markham. P. 0. address, Buttonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sanderson’a service can make arrangements at the Herald office. January, 4, 1855 431 Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Will generally be found at home from 8 a m. to 4 p. 111. George A. Langstafl' i nuthorized to collect accounts Richmond gill, 0017.4, 1869 568 ,fieap Book and Job PrintingEdablr'a/zmmt, “Mn for 'any of the undermentioned des‘ cription of icensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on the short- cut notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0, adgigegs, Buttgnville. will be promptly attended to : Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Law Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads‘Fancy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Letter-Press Print- ing__ HENRY S MELSOR, icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and. Feel, Collector of Notes, Acâ€" counts, the, Small charges and plenty to do. Lankay, March 2, 1865 539-1y Having made large additions to the print- ing material, we are better prepared than ever to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. _D0()'l‘0RS 01“ MEDIUIN E, Plain & ColoredJob Work than one year, insertion .............. Each subsequent insertion .............. 20 inches to be considered one column [‘EJE HERALD BOOK & JOB PRINTING Ono inch, one year... . Two inches, one year... Three inches, one year... . . ..... Advertisements for a ghorter period All transitory advertisemznts from rgga- lat or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. Advertisements without written direction ins‘ef-tgd till‘ forbid, pndgharged acpordingly. No paper discontinued until all aFrearages are paid ; and parties refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for the lubacriptlorgz Thornhill, Juné 9, 1865 TERMS: Oné Dollajr ‘per annum in ad.- vanco, not paid Within two months, One 1391.13.1- and Fifty ants will bf charged. THE YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Ocean News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Fainin Iiewapaper. I denceâ€"Thornhill July 22, 1869 And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest or_9ther @nveyanceg,‘ W_hen _so»de§ired‘. Every Friday Morning, THE YORK HERALD radunte of the Tplfgnto University. Reai Markham, July 24, 1868 All letteis addressed to the editon must OFFICE~YONGE S12, RICHMOND HILL .UBLISHER AND PRC-PBIETOR OF JOHN D. McCONNELL, M. D’ A. ROBIESON’", L. D nuns: 8 VOL. XIV. NO. 42 H. SANDERSON & SON, PBOPRIETORS OF THE FRANCIS BUTTON, JR., EDWARD SANDERSON, JOHN N. REID, M. D DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF ALEX; SCOTT, ADVERTISING RATES THO MAS CARR AUUTI UNEERS. DENTISTRY. ESTABLISHMENT DR. HOSTETTER, DRUGGISTS. " Tm: YORK HERALD.” JOHN CARTER, IS PUBLISHED always on hnnd at 615-tf 575-1y PER INCH 497 $4 00 3 50 ETERINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University College, corner of Yonge and Centre streets East, Richmond begs so announce to the public that he is now practising with H. Sanderson, of the lame place, where they may be cpnsulted person~ ally or by letter, on all diseases of horses, catt}e, & . RING‘VOOD MARBLE WORKS, P \VIDEMAN, manufacturer of all kinds , of Monuments, Headstones, &c. Call and examine my stock and prices be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as you will find it to your interest. a Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 5 Ringwood, Sept. 13, 1877. 497 ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chan cery, Conveyancer, Arc. OFFICEâ€"N0. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, Toronto street. USTARD’S Catarrh Specific Cures Acute and Chronic cases of Catarrh, Neursl~ gia, Headache, Colds, Coughs, Group, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., it is ulsoa good Soothing Syrup. ' D USTARD’S Pills are: the best pills you can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billiousnesa, Liver, Kidney Complaints, 6w. AVE you Rheumatism, Wounds, Bruises, Old Sures, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, White Swellings, and every conceivable wound upon man or beast ? I cannot be rivalled without infringing Powell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are liable. C. Powell, Patentea, Newton- brook. OWELL’S PATENT PUMPS have been sustained by the highest legal tribunals, and universally approved by an enlightened public wherever introduced. OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS have a continental reputation, and are fast superseding all other kinds, both in wood and metal. I whllc they cannot be afiproached in wood. have never yet been equalled in metal at double cost. . OWELL’S PATENT PUMPS are adapted for the deepest Wells. Re- ferences to all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. have all the merits of ethervbumps with- out their defects. N 0 others possess their peculiar advantagous feature'. OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS as now perfected, are the successful re- sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a want universally felt. OWELL’S PATENT PUMPS even in their hitherto imperfect form, have in all [instances carried off the highest prizes from all competitors. I erected within the last ten years, can have recent improvements attached, and guaranteed superior to any other made. I have already taken the léigling place in some parts of the United States as well as in Canada. I as now made, have no castings to come loose or break. Have all steel bearing: guar- anteed. OWELL’S PATENT PUMS are made under genuine patents in Can- ada and the United States. Are no spurious imitations or infringements. OWELL’S PATENT PUMPS The only efficient fire engine pump available in a. few seconds, winter and sum- mer, day and night. Infringers beware. DOWELL’S PATENT PUMPS HE subscriber in returning thanks to his T friends for the patronagehe has received sinee he commenced business as a butcher on Richmond Hill, begs to nnnounce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son, Henry Hooper, who will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his sucoessor. UTCHER, Richmond Hill, has always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c., and sells at the lowest pripes for cash. The Highest market price: given for cattle, shag), 1ambs,_ &c._ Al‘s'o corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. H‘ Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859‘ The undersigned haviifg recyeived an a ency for the Townships of Whitchurch, ing, Markham, Vaughan, York and Etobicoko, begs leave to lay that he is now actively en- gaged in canvassing the same; and those wishing to insure before being called on in the ordinary routine of the canvass, that by addressing him at Mewmarket, or at head ofiice, giving No. of lot 1nd conceseion and name of township, they can ucure prompt attention. THOS. ATKINSON, Agent. Newmarkdt, Aug. 16, 187-1. 682-ly 3rd. The Stockh‘old‘ers,- Director» and Agents, being all residents in Canada, losses will be adjusted without delay, and paid in cash at once. 4th Rates as low as it is possible for any Mutual Company to make them, keeping in view the gecnfity ‘of it? policy_hol}iers. lat. Absolute security to policy holders, in the shapfb of a_ve;‘y‘1a}~ge c555}; capital: _ (‘1 n“ 2d. The‘important featiire introdluced by this company of insuring non-hazardous property only, being the mean: of giving its Policy Holders veey low rate: on detached dwellings and fatty prqperty. _ - HE ISOLATED RISK EIRE INSUR- ANCE 00. of Canada. Head Otficé : King street, corner of Church, Toronto. \OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS O'WELL’S PATENT PUMPS ROBERT HOOPER. Richmond Hill, Jan. 7, ’71. 652-tf ‘OXV'ELL’S PATENT PUMPS ‘OWELL’S PATEN S PUMPS OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS Richmond Hill, Sept. 27, 1871. 652-“ Capital.... 4. ......$500,000 Deposited with Government 50, 000 Presidentâ€"~A1ex. Mackenzie, Esq., M. Manager ~John Maugham, Jr. ADVANTAGES OFFERED: PATENT MEDICINES: PROCLAMATION. P0‘VELL’S PUM PS. FIRE IN SUBANCE. J. H. SANDERSON, W'M. MALLOY, BUTOHEBS. For awhile they were prospered in all things ; but in middle life her husband died suddenly of heart disease. Now two of her sons fill druukards’ graves, and the remaining two are miserable outcasts from society. \Vith no em- ployment, they lounge away whole days in smoking vile cigars, and reading vile books. Her beautiful home is gone, her property dwindled to a mere pit- tance. She keeps no servant, but do you suppose her petted sons aid her in the household drudgery? No, indeed. The frail little mother, when remon- streted with the other day, as she was met coming around the corner of the The letter of E. B. L. recalled to my mind a conversation with an intim- ate friend of my girlhood, when we were both brides, some forty years ago. She then made that same remark, " No room in myihouse shall ever be too good for my husband to smoke in; "and after a mild controversy on the subject, as we were parting, she glanced over her shoulder with a. smile, calling out : “ You may fight the moths through life, and I will enjoy the smoke. ” (I have never had any moths in my house, nor snoke either, except when some guest had not enough politeness to ask if it was offensive,) Soon after my friends, marriageher husband inherited a moder- ate fortune‘ Four sons were born to them, andrdedicated in their infancy to the Lord; for both parents were active Christians. A lively controversy has been going on in the N. Y. Evangelist on the tobacco question. Both sides have had a fair hearing. But the anti-tobaccouists have had the best of it. Among other things one old lady writes :â€"-« Christ says of such a corrupter of youth : “ It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depths of the sea.” That was a terrible pun- ishment sometimes inflicted on male- factors ; but it was light compared with what God has in store for those who cause to offend these little ones. An infidel merchant took great pains to instil his views into the minds of all in his employ. Any young man of especial intelligence was sure to receive his most marked attention. His books were loaned freely and pressed upon him, and he did not rest until he felt he was fairly won to infidelity. He has gone to give up his account; but he could not bury his influence. It was like a poisoned well whereof hundreds may drink to their eternal death. I have seen a. youth urged and press- ed into a bar-room, with great mirth and jesting, by a party of grown men. He hung his head and went in most unwillineg at first, but he soon became a. regular visitant there. 1 \Vhat atype of the young heart is this stream at the first : and how like that heart, when one corrupt teacher has beguiled it, is its course after meet- ing the spring. One wicked lad in school has well nigh destroyed all the rest. Some gray-haired men seem to spend their lives in destroying our youth. “ Their sleep is taken away except they cause some to fall.” â€"â€" 1 A little river in Scythia, Herodotus tells us, has a marvellous sweetness in its waters until a certain bitter spring mingles with it. Henceforth its waters are all tainted and unfit for use. CCOUNTAN T, Book~Kcepor, Convey- xncer, and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of lands, farm stock, &c., also for the collection of rants, notes and ac- counts. Charges Moderate. OFFICE~Richmond arreet, Richmond Hill. 700-1y Boots afid shben 7111;171:120 mealure, of the best material and workmanship, :t the low- est remqnerfitingApliiggi. OHN BARRON, manufacturer and dealer w in all kinds of boots and shoes, 38 VVeit Mgkgt Sqqarp, Toronto. FARMERS’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE‘ Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion Worm Candy is the medicine to expel worms. Try it. 700-y Standl permnnently above every other Rome dy now in use. It is invaluable. LSO, the Pain Victor is Infalliblo for Diarrhoea, Dyaentery, Flox, Celia, Cholera. Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowels, «kc. Directions with each bottle and box. - Mnnfuactured by HMUSTARD, Proprietor, Ingersoll Referencesâ€"The following gentlemen can with confidence reconfi'manifG. H. Husband to all r airing dental aid : Dr. Reid,Thorn- hill; Dr. ull, Weston; Dr. D’Evlyn, Bur- wick; Dr. Corson, Brampton. Residence ..................... Thomh Thomhill, Sept. '18, 1868. To those who have favored him with their patronage in the past, he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do ID in the future, he would say» that no endeavor on his part will be wanting to meet their ap- prgval. G. H. H. having had over eleven yearl' practice, feels confident of giving entire Iat- isfaction. Unionvill..... ...lst Mondny of each month Weston“... .........9th day “ “ Kleinburg . . . . . . . . . . 16th ‘ ‘ " Burwick ..... ...22d “ “ Scarboro’ ............... 23d “ “ Where he will be prepared and most happy t9 wait on those who may require his set- vxces. Toronto, Decal, 1867‘ entist, begs moat relpéctfully to announce that he will be :13 The Bitter Spring G. H. HUSBAND, L.D.S., THE KING OF OILS D. C. O’BRIEN, Smoking RICHMOND HLLL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 1873 “In the early part of yesterday rumours prevailed to the eli’eet that something serious was on foot. It was generally supposed that the sucâ€" cess attending the demonstration on the previous evening Would be fol- lowed up by an attack on the differ- ent stations throughout the city. A thousand different reports prevailed during the'morning, but at noon the excitement had gradually subsided, there being nothing further dene to warrant the feeling. Later in the evening, however, about nightfal, it became evident that a. movement of some sort was on foot. Bodies of men were assembling at different places in the central portion of the city, and arms were freely distributed. It was said on the street that one of the large political clubsiha-d ofl‘ered Governor McEmory 4,000 men. Early in the afternoon an increased number of bodies appearing seemed to justify this assertion. A company .of about 100 had assembled at the lower part of Camp street, another on Poydas and Magazine, and another athering was reported in the neigh ourhood of the suganshed. About half-past nine p.111. a squad of militia moved down Royal street, anal emerging into the plaza in front of St. Louis Cathedral fired into the station house. The fire was returned from the building, a ball grazing General Ogden’s shoulder. The mi- litia retreated, but in about twenty minutes were reinforced by some three hundred men. Pickets were stationed at the intersection of Royal with Toulouse streot, Peter With St. Ann, at the head of St. Peter street and at the corner of StfiLouis and Chartres streets. Afterthe first brush the station house was closed and bolted. The stores of Mr. P. Durand, J. Gailfaux, and L. E. Lee, containing arms, were broken up by the militia and the contents appropriated. At about a quarter to ten p. m., General Badger, with three companies of police, numbering eighty men each,’ and one piece of artillery, formed at the corner of St. Louis and Chartresl streets. The piece was soon after NEW ORLEANS, La., March 6.~â€"The following is the New Orleans Times‘ account of Wednesday evening’s emeutezâ€" To go with cold feet is to undermine ’ the constitution, andkthis half the wo- men and the girls ere doing. They have the habit of cold feet and the ac- companying habit of ill health; thick ' homeknit woollen stockings are not ‘ very fashionable. Once no country girl was reckoned fit to be married until she had knit her pillow-case full of stockings, but it is not so now. I do not regard that less hand-knitting is done now than formerly, but I hope we shall give up warm woollen stock- ings for winter use until we can re- place them with something better. Merino or the common “boughten " white woollen stockings are rather thin, but some of us supplement them with an additional pair of cotton stock~ ings, wearing the cotton or the woollen pair next the feet as individuals prefer. Cold feet are often caused, at least, in part, by too tight elastic or hands at top of the stockings, or by tight shoes, or shoes tight in the ankles. These interfere with the circulation of the blood, and there cannot be a comfortable degree of warmth Without a good cirâ€" culation and aeration of the blood. My last lesson in this matter came from a baby's experience last September. Suddenly she contracted a habit of having cold feet,_and when I warmed them the skin seemed hard ann inac- tive, suggesting the need of a both, when a bath did not seem necessary except to the feet. At length it seemed to me that her “ ankle-ties” had been too loose, and just before we came home - from our visit a. young lady-cousin had set the buttons back further, to make the slipper stay on better. Ever since that change the slipper-straps had been too tight around her ankles, especially after I put on woollen srockings. I changed the buttons again, and her feet no longer got cold, except in con- sequence of the actual rigors ot the climate. object to Congress gaitors, the elastics are usually so firm and close abOut' the ankle. Only very loose gaitors are al- lowable, and these may not be neces» sury when the stockings are worn over under-drawers. Garters in the shape of straps buttoning to both waist and stockings are most sensible for women as well as children. Some well-inlormed persons : A oorrespondent‘lxo'f ' timAmerican Agriculturalisl furnishes that paper with the following remarks on warm feet, which remarks are admirably cal- culated for our latitude ; I don’t lay all the blame o? my friend's unhappy lot totobacco ; but I do believe that tobacco is the first step towards more than half of the misery and crime that sfirronnds us. house with a pail of water and an arm full of wood, replied, as she endeavored to straighten the bent form and quick- en the languid step: " O I don’t mind at all, the boys would be perfecny will- ing to help me, but I don’t like to have them; it seems so degrading for men to do such work." PARTICULARS OF THE FIGHT. Fight of New Orleans. Warm Feet. ’0. Among the arrivals at this port on Tuesday was the ship City of Sparta, which craft brought a very interest- ing cargo. Among the consignments were a number of rare wild beasts, including four huge Asiatic elephants, a Sumatrian black rhinocerous, a horned horse, three Bengal tigers, &c., the property of A. Forepaugh, the well-known showman. Yesterâ€" day the work of removing these an- imals from the vessel to the wharf was commenced. Several of the beasts, including the elephants, had been safely landed, and everything progressed satisfactorily until about noon, when one of the crew informed Mr. Forepaugh, who was superintend- ing the embarkation on the dock, that one of the tigers had become very restive, and was exhibiting a disposi- tion to break from his cage. The sailor further stated that the beast, in tearing about his cage, had partially succeeded in wrenching it from the strong planks which constructed its floor. Mr. Forepnugh only smiled at1 the fears of the sailor, and went on with his work, and here the matter dropped for the time being After all the smaller animals, tOgether With’ the elephants, had been landed, the 'm I limbered up and taken up the street, ed the police marching by fours. When they reached Toulouse street the fir- ing commenced, a raking fire being delivered from the corner of Jeffer- son street. The police returned the fire, but in confusion, and had some difficulty in unlimbering the pieCe. There was a continuous musketry firing for about fifteen minutes, when at last the gun was gotten in osition and discharged twice down hartres street. This created some indecision ' in the ranks of the military and they fell back momentarily, but quickly rallied, and the firing was resumed. A final shot was discharg- ed from the gun, and the .,mititia re. treated into Jackson square, the olice remaining on Chartres street, between Tolouse and St. Peter streets. At ten o’clock the militia being rapidly reinforced from ,all quarters of the city, the squads moving in the direction of Jackson square. So far as known, one man was killed and eight wound- .ed on the side of the militia. There was only one casualty reported among the police, a man being slightly wounded in the arm. Lieut. King, of General Emery’s stafl‘, arrived on the scene of action at the corner of St. Peter and Levee streets at 'half- past ten o’clock, and asked for the commander of the mob. Some one informed the officer that this was not a mob, but real. citizens 01 New Or» leans. Colonel Ogden and General Waggaman coming up, the United States ofliecr informed them that he . came from General Emory and had orders to request the militia to dis- eneral Emory had received instruc- tions to that eifect from Washington. Colonel Ogdon responded that he would order the men to retire and disperse immediately. He requested that Mr. Bond, who held a position in . the Court buildings, be permitted to pass through the lines with his men. The officer snid ‘he could merely sub- mit this request to the commander of ‘ the police Colonel Ogden went down and endeavoured to have Mr. Bond released, but his cfl'orts were of no avail. We learn that about this time General Waggaman, commandâ€" ing the militia, was met by General Smith, of the United States Army, in front of the cathedral. General Smith requested General Waggamun, in the name of the United States, to disperse, ivhich the latter at once complied with, remarking, at the same time, to Smith, “Des )ite your courtesy, I cannot say that am glad to meet you, since it appears that I am destined to have that pleasure only in the capacity of a prisoner.” It will be remembered that General Waggaman surrendered the armory to this officer last December. After ward, the crowd gradually dispersed, and left the police in quiet possession of the buildirgs. The Seventh Preâ€" cinct Station was recaptured by the Metropolitans at half-past two o’clock this morning. General Badger, with fifty menand one piece of artillery, reached the station, and, making a detour to the rear of the building, ad- vanced towards 'it, and sent officer Murphy to demand its surrender.“ Before the officer reached the police- station the attacking party were re- ceived with a volley from the shotâ€" guns of perhaps seven tyâ€"fivo men, and immediately returned the fire. The men on duty retreated, and the police, rushing in, captured the station and seven prisoners. It was then ascerâ€" tained that M. K. Chandler, a citizen, . had been mortally wounded, a ball having penetrated his abdomen. An- other man named Ernst Livandias was struck in the arm with a buckâ€" shot. Chandler was conveyed to the drug store opposite the station, where a physician attended him. No hope is entertained of his rocuvcry, the at- tending physician expressing the opinion that dcath was momentarily to be expected. At half-past three all was quiet. The police at that hour retired to the upper portion of erse, adding, at the same time, that i the market houses, leaving a strong guard on duty. An Exciting scene occagioned by the escape of a Bengafi Tiger. (From the New York Star.) From uballreport in the Pulaski (Tenn) Citizen: “Next we gaze on the lovely Miss A. 3, la petite fille a pleura (1e Francais. The perfection of art, the ne plus ultra. of decoration, was rcaehed in the elaborate ‘get up’ of this sweet wanderer lrom the sky. Her dress was made of orange 00!- oured muslin delaine, white fixin’s elaborately looped and embroidered with artificial flowers. Her hairwas stupendoust puffed and t'rizzled, and horticulturally arranged with sunâ€" flowers, did up with duhllius sopped in dew. A lad was killed at Clifton on Sunday, who had gone into an empty freight car, and looking out of the door when the train was moving, had his head caught between the door and side of the cur, owing to a projecting stake. He died instantly. The more talents and good qnaities we possess, the more humble we ought to be, because we have the less merit in doing right. A Down caster arrived in New York, and took lodgings at one of the high houses. Telling the waiter he Wished to be called in the morning for the boat, both of them proceeded on their Winding way upward, till, having arrived at the eighth flight of stairs, Jonathan caught the arm of his guide, and accosted him thus: “Look here, stranger, if you in- tend to call me at six o’clock in the morning, you might as well do it now, as ’twill be that time before I get down again. On the other hand, those who rare- ly complain, can, in most cases, find some one who will give them real sympathy in their troubles, and, What is better, put them in a way to re- move them. Children are spoiled by being sym- pathized with; they become querulâ€" ens and peevish. It is better if a child comes to you to show a scratch on its finger, to say, “That’s nothing, it will soon be well,” than to mourn over it and say, “ mamma’s baby,” and to kiss the finger, and say, “ it’s dreadful bad.” By this course you bring up your children to be cowards. Call for spmpathy when the oecasion requires it. but be careful not to make your calls too frequent, lest you over- draw the account. If you ask people for sympathy too often, and on occasions which are not serious, the supply of the real article is sure to run out, and they give you a bogus substitute which is unsatisfy- ing. They say, “I’m sure I’m very sorry,” “Dear me,” and that sort of thing, and think, “ Conf'ound the woman, she is always complaining." Before breakfast was over, the headache had quite gone, and, per- haps, the Wife reflected that there was a little truth in her husband’s re- marks. “ My dear,” said her husband, “I had an immense fund of sympathy, but you have oval-drawn your ac- count»; I have used up all the sympa- thy ] could raise, on your terrible aches and pains, and now 1 have none left.” A lady said to her husband, the other day,â€" “ Oh, my dear, I have such 2L fearâ€" ful pain in my head.” “I know it, my love,” answered her husband, (a “ brute," of course) “ and you have a pain in your back, and in your side, and you think you are going to be sick.” “ You have no sympathy for me,” indignanfly replied the wife. Sympathy is a delightful thing to receive when one is sick or in trouble Some people require more sympathy than they can expect to receive. For every little ache or pain they re- quire sympathy; if they are too hot they must be sympathized with ; they tell all their griefs and disappoint- ments, and if they do not seem as serious to their hearers as they do to them, they complain that they can get no sympathy. a wellâ€"aimed shdb from his revblver, killed the beast. He was valued at $3,000. . workmen turned their attention to the rhinoceros, which was confined in a huge box of thick planks, the cor» ners of which were heavily bound with strong iron bands. Just as the cage had been rolled to the pier the workmen were startled at seeing sev- eral of the sailors, half dead With fright,come tumbling upon thedock, shouting out, as they did so, that one of the tigers had succeeded in escap- ing from the cage. Instantly conâ€" sternation was spread around, the crowd'of sightseers dispersed in a moment, flying in all directions.~â€" The elephants, who were standing quietly in the street, were seized with a frenzy, and began a stampede. Chains were SD21.)de asunder as if more threads, and the animals were gmoving away at the utmost speed. The tiger's escape was a realityâ€"a terrible reality, for, after bounding up the platform which connected the ship with the dock, he had reached the street and fastened himself to the back of a horse attached to a cart be~ longing to Morgan, Reed & 00., and the poor beast lay doing. Policeman Munroe moved towards the animal, which was enjoying his quiet repast, but the tiger, raising his head, deignâ€" ed not to notice the minion of the law, and returnd to his prey. It cost him his life, for the officer, with Sympathy. The penalty of using a. postage s'bamp the second time is $50, During the late galosin the English Channel the sea has gained so much upon the N053 Point, Lowestof‘t, that the foundations of the low lighthoase have been broken up and. shattéred as if by gunpowder. The prospectus ofthe company which has been organized to lay a cable from Plymouth, Engiimd, to Byebeach, New Hampshire, ispubiished. All the money necesmi‘y for carrying out the project has been secured and contracts for the construction of the cable have been conâ€" cluded. The Company is forbidden by the articles of agreement from amalga- mating with any like enterprise. 3' Men are in n with two eyes; but with one tongue, in order that they may see twice as much as they say. The Graphic calls attention to a. work, “ Dicken’s Dictionary,” by Gilâ€" bert A. Pierce, and published at Bos- ton, which gives the following sum- mary of the characters portrayed by the late Charles Dickens in his novels; Actors 17, actresses 10, actuary 1, zulvcnturers 2, aeronants 2, alderman l, nmanuensis 1, Americans 25, a1} {:rcntlccs 6, architect-s 4, authors 15, ables 3, bntchelors 10, bzu'bers 4, balkmuidg 2. headlcs 6, blind persons i :5, boardinghousc keepers 3, boobies 2, , boots 4, brokers 9, circus performers 7, church 1 (Little Bethel), clergymen 15, clerks, &e. 47, corporations, the. 8, cricketers 6, cripples 6, dancing masâ€" ters 3, detectives 12, editors 4, emmiâ€" grants 7, fairies 2, farmers 4, footmen [5, {ops 3, Frenchmen 23, Germans 5, governessess 3, grocers 3, invalids 7, Jews 3, lawyers 35, M.P’B.7, misers 9, murderers 10, nurses 13, old maids l6, pawnbrokers 3, physicians 15, plas- tcrcr 1, pony 1, policeman 12, pugil- isL- 1, reporter 1, raven 1, resurrec- tionisa 1, sextons 3, showman '7, shrew 12, surgeons 7, spies 2, swindlers 13, thicch 12, toadiea 10, tobacconist 1, tramps, turnkeys 6, undertakers 6, \‘agabonda 8, vessels 7, vestrymen 8, waiters 13, widower: 3, and widows 39. The Spiritualists of New York have been eonsideraby annoyed of late by one Gordon, who has given exhibitions ‘of a very supernatural character, for they consider him a “ quack.” Accord- ingly, some bold “ true blues” raided his shop, last week, pounced upon him while he was doing his prettiest in showing deceased relatives, etc., and seized his stock in trade, which con- sisted of an assortment of wax faces masks. On Sunday these trophies were shown at a. Spiritualist meeting at Apollo Hall,’ and one of them attract- ed much attention. It was the head of :L very beautiful woman, black eyes, dimples, peachy cheeks and all, and as the men whohad it in charge moved towards the stage, showing the head and .‘L beckoning arm above her cloak, there was a commotion which turned to cries of indignation as he flung the figure on the platform, were the and- ience could see that with a mere bundle of rage and a. wax face Gordon had been fooling a number of people. He culled it his “ spirit bride.” The Angels’brigkt theft,- watcfia x’vill keep. 011, gently soothe his tender years And so allay a parent’s fearsz A father’s love, a. mother's joy . May all that’s good attend their boy. ANNETI‘E GORDON. The atoms of the bottle were care- fully gathered up by the crowd, and the party who had possession of the neck and sealed cork evidently consid- ered that he had secureda. greatfprize, asho humediately ran off with it, a por- tion of the crowd following eagerly after him. The fish after the post mortem examination appeared to adâ€" vantage, and the inside being almost as white as snow, without the slight- est unpleasant odour being felt. On board the Beautiful Star, Sunday, lst of September, 1872. ‘V9 have crossed the line, and all’s wall. Lost night the captain’s lady had a pretty little boy. Heaven bless the little stranger, Rocked on the cradle of the deep :_ Save it, Lord,‘ fr.o§n_ eyer danger, _ rm . The other day some Dundee fisher- men succeeded in capturing a men- ster shark, which has [been exhibited in that town. As advertised. the animal has been opened in public. The booth, the Dundee Advertiser tells us, crowded with sight-Beers, all anxious to See the contents of the brute’s capacious stomachr-vsome exâ€" pecting to see one thing and some another, and a few the Advertiser be- lieves, would not have been surprised if J onahhimself had actually jumped out, so high did expectation go. At three o’clock the animal opened up to the dexterous knife of Mr. James Dempster, and the curious» were soon satisfied. A whole ling, considerably decomposed, first attracted attention, and next, strange to say, a man,s bon- net was picked out, the latter being eagerly seized b the crowd; parts of cod and dog sh, and clean bones, with the hind flappers of a seal were also found ; and towards the close a soda water bottle, corked and sealed with red wax, was discovered, with a. note in it. The moment the bottle was seen it was seized and broken to atoms, the note was takeniout and read aloud to the wondering public. The note which was in a lady’s neat hand, read as follows:â€"â€"~ How a Spirit Bride was Got Up Contents of a Shun-11’s Stomach. THE YORK HERALD firmnâ€" One Dollar per Annum in Advance .UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE Issued Weekly on Friday Morning. YONGn Sm, RICHMOND HILL. ALEX. SCOTT, Pmrm'x‘on. WHOLE NO. 770.

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