Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Mar 1873, p. 1

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N o paperftliséontiuued until all aFrearages are paid. ; and parties refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for s the subscriptmn. . -â€":tw__..All-4e$ters addressed to the editors must Cheap Book and Job PrintingEstablis/xment‘ be post-paid. Every Friday Morning, And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails or other conveyances, when so desired. THE YORK HERALD w‘ll always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Ocean News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. ,1 One inch, one year... . Two inches, one year......‘.... Three inches, one year ............ Advertisements for a ShOrter period TM 5*] YORK H EBALD TERMS : wage hfidilg; JLrper annum in ad- vance, not paid within two months, One Dollar and Fifty Cepts will be charged. than one year, insertion. Each subsequent insertion . . . . i . . . . . . . . . 20 inches to be considered one column Advertisements without written direction inserted till forbid, and gharged accordingly. AH transitory advertisements from régh- 131‘ or “regular customers, must be paid for when handed In for insertlon. Orders for any of the undermentioncd dos cription of will be promptly attended to : Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars,LaW Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads‘Fancy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Posters, and every other kind of Letter-Prcss Printâ€" mg 1 ‘ 1 1:4,: ._._ LA 4.1.A “4,4- BOOK & JGB PRINIING Plain & Coiored Job W: maHaving made large additions to the printâ€" ingmateria], we are better prepared than ever to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. icensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on the short- flt notice and at reasonable rates. 1?. O. wiglg'ess. Buttgtgvillq. icensed Auctioneer' for -the Counties of < York and Peel, Collector of Notes, Ac- counts, kc, Small charges and plenty to do. Laskay, March 2, 1865 539â€"1}; ' icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of .‘ York and Peel. "Lesiriencelâ€"Lot N0. ‘20, rear of 3rd Concession, Markham. 1’. O. :addrnss, Buttonvillc. Parties requiring Mr. §Sanderson’s service can make arrangements .at the Herald office. January, 4, 1855 431 iccnsed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Ontario. Residenceâ€" Lot 7, 6th COIL, Markham: PA 0 address, Unionville. Sales attended to on the short- shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Orders left. at the Herald oflice for Mr. Car- ter’s service will be promptly attended to. J une 27, 1867 ember of the Royal College of Surgeons, England. Residenceâ€"North of Rich- mond Hill, at the Elgin Mills. All call (night or day) promptly attended to. ngin Mills, Jan. 1870 598 OFFICEâ€"YONG]: Sn, {Iclmoxp HILL “Iill generally be found at home from 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. George A. Langstaff is authorized to collect accounts Richmond Hill, Oct.4, 1869 V r 568 . orner 0f Yonge and Colborne streets, Thornhill. Uonsultations in the office on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from 8 to 10 a 111. All consulta- tions in the office, Cash. UBLISHER AND PROPBIETOR OF Corner of Young and Centre streets East, have constantly on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishes, FancyArticles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines and all other articles kept by druggists generally. Our stock of medicines Warrant- genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, J an 25, ’72 705 Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, “fines, and Liquors, ’l‘hornhill. By Royal Letters Patent has been appointed Is- suer of Marriage Licenses. ow method of extracting teeth Witheut N pain, by the usv1 pf Ether Sprayfivhmh aifects the teeth only. The both and gum surrounding becomes insenslble With the external agency, when t he fcoofih can be 61" tracted with no pain and Without 61164111201.“ ing the life, as in the use of Chlofiirfli: _ D1- Robinson will be at the following paces Prepared to extract teeth w {'11. his new.' paratus. All oIfice operations 111 I)£5Dt1§u1’y performed in a workmaulike manner : Aurora, 1st, 3th, 16th and 22d of eagh mogul Newmarket..... .. 2d ‘ “ Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th “ H Mt. Albert .................... 15th "‘ “ Thomhfll... . ..23rd “ ‘ Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . ....26th “ “ Burwick... ....28th “ Kleinburg... ..2£)th “ “ Nobleton. i...30th “ ” RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, DOCTORS 0F NIEDICIN ll. Nitrous Oxide Gas a. Aurora. Aurora, Apr1128, 1870 Markham, July 24, 1868 TERMS: $1 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE I" dence--Th0rnhill July 22, 1869 Thornhill, Juné 9, 1865 raduate of the Torqnto University. Resi VOL. XIV. NO. 43 ALEX. SCOTT, JOHN D. MCCONNELL, M. 1)., FRANCIS BUTTON, Jr: ADVERTISING RATES “ Tm: Yank HERALD EDWARD SANDERSON, A. ROBIESON’S, L. D. S [[113 I-lEIlAL‘D 'AIJU'nmEaans. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF ESTABLISHMENT H. SANDERSON & SON, JOHN N. REID, M. D., HENRY SMELSOR, THO MAS CARR, DR. HOSTETTER, JOHN CARTER, DRUGGISTS. PBOPRIETORS OF THE IS PUBLISHED DENTIm‘IaY. ...26th “ ...28th “ ‘ ..2£)th 1‘ ...30th “ always; on hand at PER INCH $4 00 3 so 3 00 497 615-“? .2 1'1; Tm; ISOLATED RISK EIRE INSUR' ANCE CO. of Canada. Head Office 2 King street, corner of Church, Torontol lst. Absolute security to policy holders, in the shape of a very large cash capital. 2d. The important feature introduced by this company of insuring non-hazardous property only, being 12118 means of giving its Via-[oldélr’s vac; low rates onHetaEhed dwellings and; far1_n_ pgqperty. “. m3rdifii‘rhre StockHoldLers,‘ Directors and Agents, being all residents in Canada, losses will be adjusted without delay, and paid in cash at once. The undersigned having received an agency for the Townships of Whitchurch, King, Markham, Vaughan, York and Etobicoke, begs leave to say that he is now actively en- gaged in canvassing the same; and those wishing to insure before being called on in the ordinary routine of the canvass, that by addressing him at Mewmarket, or at head office, giving N0. of lot and conceseion and name of township, they can secure prompt attention. THOS. ATKINSON, Agent. Newmzu‘kdt, Aug. 16, 1871. 682-1y 4th 1541-3615 as low as it is possible for any Mutual Company to make them, keeping in View the gecn‘rity _of it? policy-holiders. )UTCHER, Richmond Hill, has always on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, &c., and sells at tho lowgst _p_ri_ces for cash. 1‘ ..1 Th; fiighest market prices given for cattle, sheep, lambs,‘ 8:0. V u ,- 1 1 1 Vv__,VL,, , Also corned and spiced beef, smoked and dried hams. Richmond Hill, Sept. ‘27, 1871. -(352-tf V WHE subscriber in returning thanks to his friends for the patronagehe has received since he commenced business as a butcher on Richmond Hill, begs to nnnounce to them that he has disposed of his business to his son, Henry Hooper, who Will in future carry on the business. He also trusts that his customers will continue to bestow their patronage on his successor. n nnr‘nm Trnnhwn are made under genuine patents in Can- ada and the United States. Are no spurious imitations or infringements. OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS The only efficient fire engine pump available in a few seconds, winter and sum- mer, day and night. Infringers beware. HOVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS I as now made, have no castings to come loose or break. Have all steel bearings guar- antced. erected within the last; ten years, can have recent improvements attached, and guaranteed superior to any other made. f v 113:; fillieady taken the leading place in some parts of the United States as well as in Canada. ‘ have all the merits of other pumps with- out their defects. N0 othch possess their Peculiar advantagous feature“. 0\VELL’S PATENT PUMPS as now perfected, arc the successful re- sult of twelve years endeavor to supply a want universally felt. O\VELL‘S PATENT PUMPS even in their hitherto imperfect form, have in all Einstances carried off the highest prizes from all competitors. Capital... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500,000 Deposited with G overnm out 50, 000 Presidcntâ€"Alox Mackenzie, Esq, M. Manager T‘John Maugham, Jr. f' 5.1;;(1ul)t6d for the deepest “T111534 Re- ferences to all. Depths from cistern to one hundred and thirty feet. OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS I P have a continental reputation, and are fast Superseding all other kinds, both in wood and metal. O‘VELL’S PATENT PUMPS whlle they cannot be approached in wood. have never yet been equalled in metal at double cost. cannot be rivalled without infringing l‘owell’s Patents. Users of infringing pumps are liable. C. POWCH, Patcntoc, Newton- brook. J v sustained by the highest legal tribunals, and universally approved by an enlightened public wherever introduced. USTARD’S Catarrh Specific Cures Acute and Chronic cases of Catarrh, Neural- gia,Headache,Colds,Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c., it is alsoa good Soothing Syrup. USTARD’S Pills are the best pills you D can get for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Billiousness, Liver, Kidney Complaints, &c. AVE you Rheumatism,Wounds, Bruises, Old Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, White Swellings, and every conceivable Wound upon man or beast '3 OYVELL‘ZS' ATEIST IT M PS ... ,Wvo, ROBERT IIOOPER. Richmond Hill, J an. 7, ’7 1. 652-tf ‘VIDEMAN, manufacturer of all kinda , of Monuments, Headstones, &c. Call and examine my steak and prices be- fore purchasing elsewhere, as you will find it to your interest. 193' Issuer of Marriage Licenaes. £35 Ringwood, Sept. 13, 1877. 497 \VM. M ALLOY, ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor~in-Cha11 cery, Conveyance)", &c. OFFICEâ€"N o. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, Toronto street. Toronto, Dec. 9, 1859. 594 ETEBINARY SURGEON, Graduate of Toronto University College, corner of Yonge and Centre streets East, Richmond begs so announce to the public that he is now pmutising with H. Sanderson, of the same place, where they may be consulted person- Horses examined as to soundness, and also bought and sold. on commission. Rlehmond Hi1], Jan. 25, 187?. 507 HAll’ordcrs from a distance Iromptly at- tended to, and medicine sent to any part of th: Province. )0‘.‘VELÂ¥]S PATENT PUMPS ‘OXVELL’S PATENT PUMS Exily 01' by cattle, & OVVELL’S PATENT PUMPS OWELL’S PATENS PUMPS O\VELL’S PATENT I? UMPS ‘OW’ELL’S PATENT PUMPS ADVAN TAG ES OFFERED RING‘VOOD MARBLE WORKS FEIRE INSURANCE. PATENT M EDIUIN 12S. [’0 ‘W ELL’S PUM P31. :, VvAAvnu “n, “An/VJ vv vu“ “MWM L . 01' by letter, on all dlseases of horses, F’ROCLAMA’EI()N- BUTO LIE at s. J. 11. SANDERSON, OI‘SCS . . . . ’ Jose Martxm Coutmho, a resulent of Cape Frios, in the Province of Rio Janeiro, Brazil, is said to be the oldest man in the Wt rld. He was born May 20, 1694, and is therefore nearly 179 507 years old. 1y ut- .\rt of (1 also Unionvill . . A . . ‘ ‘ . . lat Monday of each month \Veston..... ‘. ....“9th day “ ” Kleinbu rg . . . , . . . . . 16th ‘ ‘ " Bulwick ‘ . . . . , . . . ‘ . . . . 2211 “ “ Scarboro’ . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ ‘ 23.1 “ “ Vthre he will be prepared and most happy t9 uait on those who may require his ser- wees. (Sr. H. 11. having had over Eleven years’ practice, feels Confident of giving entire sat- isfaction. To those who have favored him with their patrbnage in the past, he returns his sincere thanks, and to those who may do so in the future, he would say that no endeavor on his part Will be wanting to meet their ap- proval. Referencesâ€"Ji‘he following gentlemen can with confidence recommend G. H. Husband to all requiring dental aid : Dr. Reid,Thorn- hill; Dr. Bull, \Veston; Dr. D’Evlyn, Bur: Wick; Dr. Carson, Brampton. Residence ..................... Thornh Thornhill, Sept. 18, 1868. Stands permanently above every other Reme dy now in use. It is invaluable. LSO, the Pain Victor is Infallible for f Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flex, Colie, Cholera Morbus, Pain and Cramp 1n the Stomach and Bowels, kc. Directions with each bottle and box. Sold by Druggigts generally. The Dominion Worm Candy is the medicine to expel worms. Try it. 700~y FARMERS’ BOOT AND SHOE STORE- OHN BARRON, manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of boots and shoes, 38 \Vest M afflict Squ_ar.e, Toronfco. .n Vifigoitrs shbes made to measure, of the best material and workmanship, at the low- estiremunerfitingyprjces. CCUUNTANT, Book-Keeper. convey- [ ancer, and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of lands, farm stock, &c., also for the collection of rents, notes and ac- counts. Charges Moderate. OFFICEâ€"Richmond srreet, Richmond gill. D'mer-h . those extremely plain young personsl It may be all right, but I don't half like it. I am a piece ‘of glass, if you must knowâ€"a very transparent piece, for that matter. 1 daresay you would I imagine you could see through me quite easilv. Perhaps you can; but can you discover, when so doing, the inner workings of my heart? Not you. I was always led to believe I was in- tended to form part of a plate-glass window at an evangelical publisher's. Goodness knows why, on the contrary, I went into an optician’s; but I did, and they made me into a fieldglass. I didn’t so much mind that either, be- cause I was ordered for the purpose of accompanying a certain celebrated commandingâ€"officer to a grand volun teer review. steady-going, respectable pane of glass as have my family been before me, and I don’t particulary approve of soldiers; but then I consoled myself with the reflection that, for warriors, i volunteers are comparatively harmâ€" : less, and that there is less bloodshed among them than among other war- t Yet I could not help i feeling a little uneasy, forI knew that, i like persons. as a held-glass, I might, perhaps, be taken down to some wicked race- courses, and into very questionable company. Alas! I little thought what else was going to happen to me: Some- how I was dropped upon the field of battle by the great ofiicer, and the dis- honest person who picked me up took me, as I expected, to Epsom, Doncas- ter, Chester, Newmarket, and I don’t know how many other fearful places As a pious glass of anti sporting prin- ciples, you may imagine what my feelings were, and with what loathing I felt myselfdirccted upon the scenes of chicanery and corruption passing around me; the more so because, in- stead of banishing the objectionable sights altogether, 1 was unhappily in- strumental in bringing them even nearer to my depraved proprietor. At length, however, in a moment of much SOda~and-B., he left me on the seat of a railway carriage. I rejoiced wildly, but my triumph was brief. The man who picked me up sold me to another bad young man, who was in the habit of attending burlesques. When I think 01 how my feelings were outraged and my transparency dimmed at the out- rageously improper exhibitions by When I think of the nights ‘I have ' wasted, and the money that has beenj spent in my company, in seven-shil-‘ ling stalls! I writhe, as the recollec- tions ot this awful time come across me; but even this, alas! was not the worst thing to which I was condemned. The dreadful burlesque young man has gone utterly to the bad, as well he might, and I have been sold to a friend of his, and mydoom is sealed. I shake in my frame, as I reflect upon the fate in store for me. I am a lostglassl I only hope I shall fall down and get broken, or thatI shall be dropped in the train again, before I arrive at the terrific destination for which a ticket has been purchased. \Vhatisit to be, this time? After all, why should I any longer endeavour to conceal the tearful truth? I am going down to Ramsgate during the bathing season. I was always a very ‘ JHmAm Manfuactured by entiét, begs most respectfully to announce that he will be at Toronto, Dec “3-, 1867 A Most Alarming Statexuent. G. H. HUSBAND, L.D.S., THE KING OF OILS D. C. O’BRIEN, RICHMOND HLLL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1873 HMUSTARD, Proprietor, Ingersoll 700-1y In 1871, England sent to the United States books of the value of more than a million dollars ingold. She received from that country less than $60,000 worth. Count Schouvalofi’is said to be the coming man in Russia. He is new alluded to in court circles as l’homme tout puissant, and is regarded the f'uLure successor of Count Gortscha- kolf, and is said to have been essen- tially instrumental in bringing about the late meeting ofthe three Emperors. A bird show has just been held at the London Crystal Palace, the strong point of whicn was the collection of canaries, comprising 'no less than thirty-five out ofseventy-seven classes. One of the greatest rarities of the show was a Chilian starling, with a brown and black body and a pale crimson broast-a beautiful bird. A Paris journal narrates an anecdote of the editor of a communist paper having been kicked out of the train from London to Chiselhurst on the morning of the Emperor's funeral dy a party of Frenchmen who lost their patience at his continued invectives against the deceased. This was done in a quiet way whilst the train had nearly come to a stop near a. half-way station. The Daily News correspondent in China draws attention to the utter ig- norance of Europe which prevails among the Chinese, and to tho deplor- able rosults it produced at Tientsin in 1870. The missionaries find this ignorance the greatest obstacle in their path, and are making an effort to remove it by publishing a maga- zine in Chinese containing informa- tion respecting some of the great maâ€" terial achievements of western Civili- zation. Col. Thomson, the new war minis- ter of Denmark, has inaugurated his official career by asking from the Rigsdag an extraordinary credit for the national defence. The greater portion of the money will be reguired for the augmentation of the navy, and for the construction of the vast Works decided upon mainly for the protec- tion of the capital. The minister says that strict neutrality will be the policy of the country in the eVent of a European war. The New York Cdmmercial Adver- tiser says: “Grace Greenwood gra- ciously writes that Senator Sumner still retains ‘his majestic perrcaIIdi-ure luminative smile.’ ” “ This,” says the Buffalo Express, “ will appear all the more remarkable when we reflect how few men can ‘ smile‘ to any great ex cess and still retain the majestic port.” The Young Woman’s Christian As- sociation in Lowell, Mass., and Port- land, Maine, have determined to open houses as temporary home; For young women, strangers, who come to those cities in search of employment. Port- land gentlemen have subscribed $5,- 000 for this object One of the greatest dangers attend- ant upon a sudden panic in a crowded assemblage is the practice of block- ing the aisles of places where such assemblages meet with benches and stools, in order to add to the seating capacity of the building. The Clll‘ cage Common Council has recently passed an ordnance expressly for- bidding tho placing of benches and stools in the aisles of public places. An enthusiastic Berliner, residing on the co st of Guinea, recently ob- tained a bust- of his well-beloved Em- perorwto present to a friendly chief in the slave line of business. It was a plaster of Paris production, and, in order to give the effect of a bronze work of‘nrt of'high yalue, the Berliner bestowod a few artistic coats of black upon it. The chief received the bust with pleasure, and remained in con- templation of it for some time. The Berilner, astonished at the marked efâ€" fect, asked for an explanation of the long and mute wonder, helicvingit to be due to his artistic efforts. The re. ply was the following question : “ And is this really the great Emperor who conquered his no less mighty neighbour ?” “Indeed it is,” replied the Berliner. “Then,” responded the negro ruler, “I am indeed de- lighted, for I see that the great conâ€" ‘queror, the mighty Emperor William l is, as I amâ€"u negro." A shrewd Yankee from the north- ern part of Maine, seeing Barnum’s advertisement for "Curiosities from all parts of the world,” hit upon a novel plan to recuperate his meagre fortune. He could furnish the great showman with a sable anthropologi- cal specimen, which he declared in a letter to P. ’l‘. B. to be the “greatest prodigy of the nineteenth century.” “I have a man in my employ,” said he, “ who, besides his other wonder- ful qualities, is able to read the finest printed neWspaper in Enthe country when shut up in a room that is per fectly dark, \riiheut Candle or light of any kind, just as well as he, can in the broad sunlight of mid-day. Send me a hundred dollars and I will forward him to you.” Barnum, ever alive to secure curiosities at any price for his big show, forwarded the ‘necessary amount, and telegraphed the man to “send him on at once.” 'Barnum despatched one of his trusty .agents to meet the great “prodigy ” 1at the depot of the New Haven Railway, when it was discovered that the decrepid darkey could in fact read just as well in the dark as in the light for he was as blind as Bartemius.- fiarnum’s Autobiography. A CAFE SUBMERGDâ€"LOSS OF OVER EIGIITY LIVES. The Smyrna correspondent of the Levant Herald, writing under date of the llth of February, gives an account of the melancholy accident in that town, which was briefly noticed in the cable despatches a day or two later. On Sun- day night, the Cafe Kivoto, built upon piles over the sea, broke down suddenly during a performance given by a com- pany of acrobats. The proprietor of the cafe says he only sold 108 tickets, but the people saved declare there were 200 persons present. Most of them were of the poorer class, and there were not many Turks there, or young men of respectable families. At ten o’clock a loud cracking was heard, and within five minutes the entire cafe had disap- peared under water. A few of the per- sons near the entrance contrived to cfibct their escape, and some persons saved themselves by jumping through the windows into the sea. The boatâ€" men rowed up in numbers, but their efi'orts to save life were in vain. Sureya Pasha, the Governor-General ; Ibrahim Agna, Chief of Police and Tahir Bey, commander of the gendarmeric, who were at once on the spot, exerted them- selves strenuously, but fruitlessly, with the same object. The profound silence jwhich succeeded the picrcing cries of ‘despair, told too piainly the terrible character of the disaster. The Catholic and Greek Archbinhops were on the spot early the following morning. Yes terday forenoon the workmen of the Quay Company were actively engaged in removing the roof of the submerged Yesterday the Queen, accompanied by the Princess Beatrice, and attended by Lady Churchill and (301‘ Ashley Maude, paid a. visit to the Empress Eugene, at Chisclhurst. The Queen has, it is known, long contemplated a per- sonal expression of condolence with the Empress in her sorrow ; and the feeling which her Majesty has been desirous of placing on record, with respect to her faithful ally, the Emperor Napoleon III, has been indicated by the offering which she has; made of a. tomb, to be placed within a chapel which the Empress is about to raise {or the reception of the Imperial )emains. Her Majesty. the Princess Beatrice, and suite left \Vindsor Castle yesterday morning, shortly after 10 o’clock, and driving to the steten of the South Western Railway Company, entered the special train which was to convey them to Chiselhurst. Mr. \Villiams and Mr. Cockbnrn had charge of the train, which consisted of two royal saloon and other carriages. Chiselhurst station was reached by 11.‘20, and on the platform were Lord and Lady Sydney, whose residence is in the neighborhood. By them her Majesty was received on alighting, and was conducted to one of the State carriages, which had beensent down from London. The carriage, dmwn by four horses, and preceded by outriders, was driven at once to the little church of St. Mary, scarcely more than half a mile beyond Camden-place. There are few, if any, persons who do ‘ not know, from written or spoken desâ€" cription, What kind of quiet rustic spot it is in which the coffin of the Emperor Napoleon rests for a time, The little ivy-covered side chapel, nestling be- tween the church wall and the house of the cure, Father Goddard, has been visited by tens of thousands. There is a grated opening from this place of Iniâ€" perial sepulture to the interior of the chureh~itself a. building so small that it Would scarcely be noticed were it in turn attached to some stately cathedral. Entering the new historical church of St. Mary, in the lanes by Chiselhurst r Common, the Queen remained some : time before the Emperor's tomb. The = Wreaths are there which had been heapâ€" ied in a sad profusion when the collin was first carried into the diminutive The Queen at Chiseflaurst. Catastrophe at Smyrna (Lomlcm Telegraph Feb. 21.) chapel. Among those wreaths the Queen noticed the mortuary tributes which she herself, her sons, and her daughters had sent. Leaving the tomb after a While, Her Majesty was led by Mr. Goddard, the priest, to an outer site Very near the church, where is to be erected by the Empress, and dediâ€" cated to the Nirgin, that little chapel within which will be placed the tomb of Scotch granite, offered by the Queen. This newly-planned sarcophagus, which is already in course of construction, will resemble in form and fashion that which holds: the remains of the Duchess of Kent. Having surveyed the ground of the intended chapel, Her Majesty quitted the small, neatly-kept cemetery of St. Mary’s Church, and re-entering the carriage, was conveyed to Camden- place. On the steps of the entrance porch the Queen was received by the Empress and her son. That the meeting was one, indeed, of a most sympathetie kind may well be imagined. Their Majes- ties retired together to the private apartments of the Empress, while the Prince Napoleon, the Princess Beatrice, and the Princes Murat remained in the salon de reception. The time passed by the Queen and the Empress in private conversation was nearly an hour ; and shortly before the departure of her Majesty a. few of those devoted followâ€" ers of the E rxperor who had borne him company in exile, both in Germany and England, were presented. Prominent among these faithful adherents of Ft fallen dynasty were the Due do Bassunc, formeriy Grand Chamberlain of the Empire; the Comte Davilliers, First Eqnerry; the Comte Clary, Aide-de- lamp ; M. anehesini Pietri, Private Secretary ; Dr. Connenu and his son, Dr. Corvisart; and M. Filon, the Prince’s tutor. The ladies presenth to the Queen were the Princess Murat, the Duehesse de Montoro, Mme. Letreâ€" ton-Bourbaki, and Mlle. Larminet. Having taken nn affectionate leave of the Empress and the Prince Napo» Icon, Her Majesty drove back to Chisel» hurst Station, and returned to \Vindsor by way of Nowcross, London Bridge, Waterloo, and Staines, terminating the railway journey at about a quarter past; one o’clock. Her JVI-ajesty and the Princess Beatrice then drove to the} Castle. A young 1mm in Detroit, )1 icl1,, had the misfortune to cut his foot badly while splitting wond on the morning of the day set ior his ‘marriage; but the brids, learning that he could not leave the house, came to him, and they were married at his homo, as he sat COI'UfOl‘V ably in a chair. It, is said that one of the New York 1‘1;in dealers has a tame oyster which he has taught to come at his whislle and follow him all over the house. The oyster will stand up on his hind legs and beg, 0r lie clown at the command of his master, and will sing, whistle, and count as high as thirteen, and, if reports are ll‘llO, is a most remarkable example ofwhat patience will accomp~ lish. The Brooklyn Eagle makes flCllfil’gO affecting the dramatic critics oi't‘ue New York press. It says that six of these gentlemen, l‘Oj'fl’OSOllllllg tlzo six lamest dailies of New York, have formed a ring. a regularly organized asxocintion. with a preuidont, sec-re- wry and treasurer, which is engaged in the manufacture of reputation for such playwrights, actors and mana- gers as will disburse a sufficient sum for that purpom. POSITION IN SLEEPINGrâ€"Slcopingâ€" rooms should always be so arranged, if possible, to allow the head of the sleeper to be toward the north. Frequently, in cases of sickness, a person will find it impossible to obtain rest if the head is in any other direction, and often a cure is retarded for u long time. A Vienna physician had :1 pativnt who was sufi‘m‘ingii‘om acute rheumatism, wiih painful cramps running,r from the shoulders; to the fingers; and while his head was; to the south he could do nothâ€" ing toward his relief. On turning the bed, however, so that the 110ml was toâ€" ward the north, the patient evinch c2;â€" pi'cssions of pleasure, and in a few hours a grout improvement had taken place, and he was in a few days almuut cn~ tircly cured. Many other cases are given by scientific persons; and people, in building housas, should always have LlllH in Vch. A LESSON is FllICTlON.â€"~Tlle United States steamship b’aragnssa was lately put upon the ways at Baltimore, supâ€" posed to need only new caulking and Copper. The caulkers got to work, and the seams between the planks were dressed out preparatory to driv» , ing in the new oakum. One day the iron, subjected only to a feeble blow, went clear into the Vessel. A closer inspection resulted, and it was discov- ered that for a distance of eighty feet. on each side of the keel, and beneath that portion of the ship where the boilers rest, planks which eight years ago were three and one-half inches thick, were now more hoards of one- half inch in thickness. They Vere not Worm :aten, and to all appearance WCl‘e sound as Wl on first spiked and bolted to the huge skeleton of the ship. Beneath the boilers of the Saragossa lb was discovered that par- ticles of coal had dropped from time to time, and the mere motion of the vessel, as she rocked at sea, had shaken the pieces of mineral from side to side on the planks, and Worn them to the thiekn ‘55 01‘ boards llrt‘tl in an ordinary skill’. 9M4“ " A bouquet of violets, with a small term-coma bust of Louis Napoleon in its centre, is sold in Paris for three sous. ‘ Last year the public baths and wash houses of Liverpool yielded a profit to the corporation of $9,000. Goo. Francis Train has been pro- nounced insane, and Judge Daly will shortly decide about sending him to an a‘svlum. A California politician says that the path of'rectitnde has been travelâ€" led so little in that State of late years, that it has all run to grass. woAn oldJedyâ€"in N ~ ’ compass would be the best sewing machine, because she’s heard it has a. needle with thirtyâ€"two points. An exemplary but imdecunious church goer in Houston, Texas re- cently put his revolver in the plate for the missionaries. \Ve read that a. Chimpanzee, in the London Zoological Garden, re- ceived a tract with much pleasure, and tickled his neighbor with itmthough the subject was a grave one, relating mostly to death. A Western paper boasts of a. “ thin- cdged” reporter Who squeezes into secret meetings and. then exposes their disgraceful proceedings. A Kentucky huckster has over his stall this impressible moral injunction : “ Any Mam 01' Boy that takes an Apel VVii-houy Luafe is a. little Roge in his own Harte”; and Bret is going after that huckster with a forty-foot. THE YORK HERALD Mr. Bass, the proprietor of the London Railway Service Gazette, has given notice that he means to devote any profits arising out of that paper to the funds of the Railway Servants’ Amalgamated Society. Some leading medical men in Lon don have lately had a conference with the View of ‘uising their fees. They consider that in consequence of the general rise of prices, the old fees do not compensate them adequately for their services. A conference of delegates for Home Rule Societies in Great Britain, met in Birmingham the other day,with the object of forming a Confederation of these societies and formally adopted the principles of the Irish Home Rule organization. Termszâ€"Ons Dollar per Annum in Advance A Spaniah biographer thus don cribes Castelar: “Entrancing elo~ quenbc, electrifying phraseology, fas- cinating utterances, soul-stirring poâ€" etry, Titan’s soul within the frail body of man such are the character- iniiL‘B cmbodiedin Emilio Castelar.” A terrible tale of youthful depravity comes from Philadelphia, where a har~ cloned wretch, aged three years, forged his mathcr’s name to a shingle With a piece of @311:de bought five cents worth of rock candy with the bogus orpcr. The latest receipt for making ice- creamâ€"Which Iwe publiSh for the benefit ofour readers, without com- mentâ€"is this : -â€"~“Pick out the prettiest girl you can see, stir her gently into a corner, and ask her to give you a kiss. You will then have a nice screzun.” Au Ohio mun attached a medal to rm eagle’s neck and set him at liberty with much ecrmony on Washington’s birthday. Two days later the proud bird made a descent on a farmer’s sheeppcn, and his brief career was ignominiously brought to a close by a charge of buck-shot. The Boston Journal is confldeub that the idea that household work is thought degrading in the United Suites, in any general sense, or any exceptional de- gree, :is compared with other countries, is utterly a surd, and that as a Whole the WUIHCH of America stand at the very h ad of the housohold workers of tho world. Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, has laid (lov. n the rule, especially aimed at trades-unions, that no Catholic can unite with any assoei tion requiring an oath as a condition of membership; and the sacrament of nummnnion is being denied by the priests of his dio- cese to the Knights of St. Crispin and all such. ' One oflhe most Wicked and out» rug-eons cases of cruelty on record ecurred in Marshall county, Kenâ€" tucky, according to the Lewisburg Gazette, aweek or two since. Two drunken men found {L poor man bare- fooled, and procured a pair of home- shoes, and with hammer and mg proceeded to nail them on hi feet, Uzillg their lgnives freely in paring the feet to make the shoes fit. One 01' the aggi-ewore has left for parts unâ€" known. ' A family named Granby, living on 1" 1013,11 street, have been in the habit of sending their dog to the but- cher’s after mectfigiviug him a basket um‘l the money, writing what was wanted on a, slip of paper. The hub char ycst ‘ “My presented {1, bill of $3 to (he. Sru‘yrncd dug owner, who had ncwr faihzd to send the change by the dog. He,- sent iii‘iy cents in the basket yusmrduy rimming. and watched the dog. Bui‘urc the animal reached the 51:01) :1. rmgru :1}'>};031‘0d with a piece of mmtfor him, and while the dog was (in arming it, the fellow took the money hum U10 hawker, and than outmn L \n‘m‘ mu} the1:1rt\'§;<‘1'.â€"~1!el)oit Free 3' Me 1 . (:Vog. 51ml) mmt ‘UBLISHED AT THE OFFICE ])i€’85‘ Issued W'eokly on Friday Morning YONGE Sn, RICHMOND HILL ALEX. SCOTT, Pnormmon WHOLE N0. 771

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