ltlunrrymulrtlo. MR. ROBERT MARSH’S CONGEI Whose tongue soe’er speaks false, “ Not truly speaks; who speaks not truly, lies,"â€"Shakspeure. To the Editor of the York Herald. DEAR SIR, â€"Had. Mr. Marsh conï¬ned himselfto the points at issue between us, in reference to the school difï¬culty,and avoided introducing new and irrelevant questions in his Valedictory of last week, I would have left him to wallow in the slough he prepared for himself. I have proved his untruthful- ness before the County Judge on the evi- dence of W. Warren, Esq , J.P. ther instance, I have â€"on your evidence, Mr. Editorâ€"proved Mr. Marsh guilty of a flagrant 1Violation of the Ninth Command» merit, in reference to the “breach of the peace†in front of your office. ‘Finding himself hoisted by his own petard, he now resorts to additional nntruths, thinking there by to cover those of which I have proved him guilty. Mr. Marsh says: “As it was “ from Mr. Tecfy himself that I received “my information about the affair (tie. the f‘ breach of the peace) which was to the “effect that he had called Mr. Boyle ‘9. “ liar,’ but that no blows had passed between “them; therefore, ifthe peace was broken, “ I woald like to know which of them broke “it.†I now proclaim the foregoing quo- tation tolbe untrue, and only deserving of the reply given to Mr. Boyle on the occasion referred to. The facts in connec- In ano- tion with this afl‘air are simply these: As I ' was passing the HERALD ofï¬ce, after closing my oï¬ice are evening in the month of August last, my attention was called to a report that was in circulation referring to one Of the candidates for West York ; there were several persons sitting on the platform in front of the HERALD ofï¬ce; in the course of conversation Mr. Boyle charged me with being “a public slanderer,†and in reply to this grave charge, I said he was “ a liar†; be rushed at me with violence to strike me; I stepped back out of his way, was tripped by accident, and fell on my back ; while trying to get up, he made a. vicious kick at me, and had it not been for the strong arm of his friend, William Trench, junior, he would have done me an injury that he would have had cause to regret. These are the simple facts of the case, and when Mr. Robert Marsh, or Mr. anybody else, states them differently, with a view to bolstering up a desperate cause, I can only reply in the laconic manner I did to Mr. Boyle, when he accused me in presence of my neighbors of being “ a public slaiidererâ€â€" l of which Mr. Marsh will please “accept, service†(as lawyers say), and save me from ‘3 repeating the odious term. I could not have stated the case to Mr. Marsh, or any other person, as he represents,without doing ? myself an injustice ; any person of common sense, will at once perceive that it is not likely (in view of the facts as I have given, and of which you are aware, being an eye- witness); therefore it is self evident that what Mr. Marsh has stated is not true. Mr. Marsh is untrutliful, ag'ain, when he says that I am in the habit of insulting per- sons coming into the Post Ofï¬ce on their own business. I dismiss this part of Mr. Marsh’s letter by a flat denial, which is equal to any assertion he may make. In my last letter I said, and made good the charge, that the “main features in Mr. “ Marsh’s (former) letter are egotism, igno- “rance and a disregard for truth.†His egotism and ignorance are made prominent in tendering his unsolicited opinion to me, as to how I should conduct the annual school meeting, and is again manifested in the following fashion: “Now I defy Mr. “ Teefy to prove that 1 ever said that I was “entirely satisï¬ed with the whole of his “proceedings at the election. The very “fact Of my having asked him before he “commenced taking votes to adjourn the “election for the purpose of notifying the “electors outside, is plain proof that such “was not. the case.’7 Clear as mud, Mr. Marsh; but you expose your untrnthfulness by a play upon words, which I have caused to be italicised to mark your attempt at deception. I own prove that you did say you were “perfectly satisï¬ed†with the course I took at the school meeting, in ac. cepting Dr. Hodgin’s letter and acting on it; and that you did say, “I withdraw my objection to your proceedings.†And when I asked you if you wished me to make a minute of your objection, you answered “ No I am per call satisfied.†me publicly, --....., - f y - u . .m These are your wordsfMi. Marsh; let uo keep to them; the words “entirely†and “ whole†are introduced by you as a saving clause, upon which you are endeavoring to escape Conviction of untruthfulness. Mr. Marsh’s vanity and ignorance are fully dis played in asking are to adjourn an annual school meeting, when an adjournment is de clared by Dr. Hodginf’s to be unlawful. See his School Law Lectures, part 1, pageu, ‘ Anotherdisplay of Mr. Marshls ignorance is to be found in a printed handbill dated 13th March, calling a Public School Meet- ‘ing, of which the following is a true copy: “ PUBLIC Sonooi. Nortonâ€"Pursuant to the Order made in setting aside the illegal glection held on the 27th day of January lactpdst by George Duggnn,‘ Esquire, Judge bf the County Court Of the County of York, (at meeting of the ‘assessé'd freeholders and ï¬nd householders of Union school Section N6. 3, in the Township Of Markham, and No. 4, in the Township of Vaughan, in- cluding the Incorporated Village of Rich- mond Hill,will be holden in the Court House, Richmond Hill, on Thursday, the Twentieth day ’Of March, 1873, at 9 a.m.,fo'r the purpise of electing six ï¬t and proper persons as Trustees for said Public School Section, and in the event of a poll being demanded, it will be closed on the same day at†5_ Wesleyan Parsonage, Mr. Edwin'Butt of- fo’clock, p-m. " “Ms. M. LAWRENCE. - “ROBERT MARSH. ' “ ‘13th March, 1873.†It will be news for the County Judge to learn that he [held an illegal election at Richmond Hill on the 27th January; but :if the handbill is to be accepted literally, l is the inference to be drawn. It is .evtdent "tlia-t neither Of these two worthies -.understand .how to draw up a simple notice ,correcitly, and yet they have the vanity to ahl‘ust themselves forward on every occasion Ftbat an opportunity offers. Certainly, the Township of Vaughan has reason to be leased with the attainments of its clerk, as displayed in the handbill referred to. as well as on .many former occasions. And as for "the Township of Markham, we must con- gratulate that municipalin upon its good fortune in Once more securing the valuable "services of Mr. Robert Marsh, over whose e W 7'- 23cc (facetiously) said to have fallen, in consequence of which he has ever since been waggishly called after the great Spar- tan â€"â€"as the Lycurgus of Markhamâ€"still in the flashl I l Since Mr. Marsh published his last letter, the electors of the School Section have rendered their verdict, by electing me again as a member of the Board of School Trusteess, and placing me ahead of Mr. Marsh, Mr. Boyle and Mr. Duncanâ€"three of the parties who petitioned the County Judge with a view to persecuting me. It is to be hoped that Mr. Marsh will note the fact, and seek consolation in endeavoring to proï¬t by the lessons he has been receiving within the past few weeks. lwould rejoice to learn that he had turned over a new leaf. With many thanks to you, Mr. Editor. for your courtesy, and a word Of apology to your numerous readers for occupying so much of your valuable space, I beg leave to subscribe myself Yours truly, M. Tsnrn Richmond Hill, March 25, 1873. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS. Copy Rights secured by Regal letters patent. ANSWERS BY WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Ifa School-house built of brick 40 x 60 and the School Boss stands six feet in his half hose, how many ashes will it take for a. barrel of soft soap ? If a man buy 6 marbles for two cents and sells them for ï¬ve cents how much Scott milk will it take to make a man drunk? If a draught stallion can walk four miles in five hours, and a hen can lay six eggs in one week how much will it. take to buy an organ 7 If a horse can go 12 miles an hour, and a mail train on the T (if. N. R. R. be stuck for three days, how long a speech can the local member for East York make on an arch ton bedstead 7 If the Mimico Farm lies low and is sandy, and the Guelph Farm is covered with Can- ada thistles, how long will it take the Hon. A. McKellar to sail across the River Thames in his “ Couch Canoe "7 If an engineer can strike a dead level from hill to valley and can tell how many stones it W111 take to make a mill dam, how long will it take a. pedagogue to walk into a gin shop? N. B. ~Two cents will be paid for answers to each of the above by QUIZ. AUCTION SALES. MONDAY, March 31.â€"Cash Sale of House- hold Furniture and other articles, on Richmond Street, Richmond Hill, belong- ing to Mr. Frederick Williams. Sale at noon. F. Button, Auctioneer. MONDAY, 31 March.â€"â€"Credit Sale of Store Goods, &c., at Rupert’s Corners, 4th Con. Vaughan, belonging to Mr. R. Barlow. Sale at I P.M. II. Sinelscr, Auctioneer. (I? The Store to be let. . TUESDAY, April I.-â€"-Credit Sale of Standing Timber, Furin Stock, &c., on Lot 29, 7th Con Vaughan, the property of Mr. H. Petcrman. Sale at one O’clock. Henry Smelser, Auctioneer. ' 0:? Parties getting Sale Bills printed at this ofï¬ce will receive a notice similar to the above, FREE of charge. Miscellaneous. The population of San Francisco is 188,323â€"11,000 being “Heathen Chinee.†Two childcrn were seriously injured in Kingston on Saturday in consequence of a snow laden roof falling upon them. Mr. Neil McDonald, of the township of Whitchnrcli, died at his residence near the village of Siitton,in the 80th year of his age. The deceased gentleman had been a resident of that locality for 42 years and was univer sally esteemed. Jacob German, a sawyer employed in Lapp’s mills, Castleton,was seriously injured on Saturday by coming in contract with an edging saw, which cut otf an arm,gashed his, back and out till two ribs. Strange to say the injured man is reported doing well. A Telegram from New York states that Commodore Vanderbilt has given another $5,000,000 for the purpose Of erecting a seminary for the ladles on the grounds Of the Moravian Church at New DOrp, Staten Island on the plan Of the seminary at Beth- lehem Pal, which is also endowed by the r‘ommodore. x... 1-,. .4 A man named Byron smile“; Who was the chief forger upon the Bank of England recently, has been arrested at Havana. He arrived there on Saturday last in company with his wife, and was at once taken into custody. It is stated that when the proofs Of his guilt arrive from England he will be sent back notwithstanding that their is no treaty between Spain and England. The detectives are doing good service in tracing the proceeds of the recent forgery upon the Bank of England. 7 On Saturday, packages containing bonds to a large amount and addressed to Bidwell and McDonald, were found in the New York Post Ofï¬ce, addressed to care of the Safe Deposit Com- pany. These packages were formally at. tucked in the interests ijustice and Will be held to await the result of the investigation. 1 W MARRIED. Burr. â€" Fisn.â€"At Poterborol, on the 12th inst, by the Rev. Charles Fish. at the Toronto, to Miss Frances'W. Fish, of - Peterboro’. BIRTH. l Srernsnson.â€" At Bracebridge, ou the ï¬lth inst, the wife of Mr. F. Stephenson, “Free Grant Gazette,†of a son. t REAKFAST. â€" EPPS'S COCOA. â€"- 5 GRArRFUL AND COMFOR'l‘lNG-â€" “By a thorough, knowledge ofllie n itural laws which i,goverutheOperationsofdigestiou and nutrition, l and by a caroyul application of the ï¬ne proper- 5 ties of well selected cocoa, Ml Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many lieavv doctors’ bills.â€â€"-0i.oil Service Gazette. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk. Each packpt is labelledâ€" ‘ .lAMh‘S Errs &. ‘70., Honireopnthic Chemists, London." MAnumcrunn 0F COCOA.â€"“ We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps do C0,, manufactures of dietetic arIicles. at their works in the Eustou TWICE“ Shoulders the mantle of Lycurgus Road. Londonâ€â€"Gasscll’s Hausa/told Guide j October 31. 1872. 739-137 fian ltlltl Show. TORONTO MARKETS. Toronto, March 20. 1873, mammal gllmplrmmta Flourâ€"Sn erï¬lic............ 550R? 5 5 . SpIiiig Wheat extra . .$ 0 00 ft?) 0 30 Farmers: Read Thls ! Fancy.............. 5901@ 595 -â€"â€"' Extra... ....... 6 40 r» 6 50 um ARRIVED, AT THE NEW S"P°“°"EXI“‘ - ~ - - - ; 7 25 (a 7 50 Cheap Cash Store. one thousand dollars’ Oatmeal....... 500113 000 worth of Cornmeal 290m) 000 Bl‘all.............. .... 121l0@0(l(l0 BOOTS AND SHOES 3 Wheatâ€"Spring............ 125(1) 127 Scales and Deihl . . . 125 fd) 148 . . a v. i Treadwen . , _ , _ , , _ _ , i 30 {a 1 35 Of all kinds and sizes. in all the Iateststvles, Barley......... ....... . o 63 an 0 on which is positively l’ease......-..-............ 069@ 000 r .. v "' Oats........ 040m 041 “‘1'me AND CHEAPEST Rye. - . . . . 0 65 fit) 0 00 Assoriment ever oflerad to the public on gay“ . . . .. .. . . . 2‘3 00 [(3 25 00 Richmond Hill. all of which will he sold traw..................... 90t)@12tl() I’otatoes.perbag ...... 050/.» (I75 VERYCHEAPFOR CASH! APl’le-‘a Per barrel . . . . . . , , ... '2 00 {(2 3 OI Or on short credit; and now, in returning his Beef, by the side. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 @ 6 50 thanks to the public for their very liberal patro- Mntton, by‘he carcass . . . . . . 6 Ell f0) 8 10 “age during the short time he has been in this Ionltryâ€"faeese... . . . . . . . . . 0 15 F60 0 90 town. the subscriber would respectfully call Tu'Ike-l‘ " ' - H- ' - - - 0 75 @ 1 50 their attention to the following list of prices: Chickens, per pair.. 0 55 (O 0 60 Ducks, per pair. . I _ (i 9;: (g) l 00 Men’s French CalfBoots. from $450 to $5-50 Porkâ€"Moss. . . . 16 50 re 17 00 Men’s Stogos " “ 3-0010 350 Extra Prime .. . . . . . .. 0 00 KID 0 00 Men’s KIP " " 35010 4'00 Bacon . . . . . ................ 0 7i {(3 07% 3038 Slog†“ " "9“ to 2'25 Hamsâ€"Saltedâ€............ 012 [(3 013 BOF’S Kip “ " 200m 2'4" summed , , _ u H . . n. 0 “ya 0 12 Women’s Peble Ball “ “ 1-60 to 2-00 Dressed Hogs , , , 6 25 [(3 6 50 Women’s Felt " “ 2-00 to 2-30 Lard......... . . 00919 010 Butterâ€"1b ltolls . . . . . . . . . . . 0 172m) 0 =20 A's“ " mg" “35mm†°f Packed....... 0 12 m) 0 13 Overshoes, Rubbers, doc. Eggs...†018d» 0‘20 1. Dried Apples..............._ 0 07 n 0 7g. Kept conswm 3 on hand' Salt . . . . . . ................. 150@ 0110 Wool 044m 046 Inthe FlourandFeeddepanmenthohaathe VERY BEST FAMILY FLOUR l ‘ . Manufacturcdï¬ by Rumble 61 Calve-‘. Rich- &c. mond Hill Mills, which has Hood the est for a length of tiine,and is allowed by competent ~ 7 I if judges to be the beFt flour brought into the town , URRAHI HURRAH! l ' H Peas, Oats, Bran and Shorts ! FOR THE Kent constantly on hand ; also BACON, HAMS AND POTATOES, Corli Meal, Oat Meal, Pea Meal. Barley Meal. Call and examine his stock, as he feels con- ‘ ‘ 7‘ 4 ï¬dent he can give perfect satisfaction. '1 i: E i3 Remember the place. corner of Yonge and _ Celith street. opposite Sanderson 51. Sons. The subscriber would iiow§,inforin the farmers ‘1' BROWN' Succossor to T. Dolmage. Richmond Hill,0ct. 30. 1872. \ 714-1y and public in general, tliat‘ the TEA Crissy has just received A NEW STOCK CHOICE TEAS! Choice sugars, coffees, tobaccos. with a grand assortment of FRESH NEVV FRUIT Cori prising new raisins, new currents, spices, t\’c,, ol’ diï¬â€™erent kinds, which for PRICE, AND QUALITY Of Strength and flavor, cannot fail to merit the satisfnéticn of customers; together with a fresh supply of Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, &c. A choice stock of PROVISIONS, AND LIQUORS Pure and unadulterated. always on hand. BOOT AND SHOE STORE, RICHMOND HILLS? WILLIAM GAMBLE RETURNS HIS SINCERE THANKS to the pubic for the liberal patronage he has received, while inl‘usiness, and would also invite an early call to his assorted stock BOOTS AND SHOES! Of all kinds, which he offers at prior- that will compare with ANY HOUSE IN TORONTO. He is also predated to make‘to order the best kind of Fr/nch Calf Boots, for $500 per pair; Double Soles, $550 per-pair. All kinds of custom work warranted to give the best of satisfaction, and a. good ï¬t guar- Also, the best and cheapest assortment of CROCKERY, GLASS AND PUTTY.. AND CUTLERY or THE Bl'S’I‘ MANUFACTURES. anleed. g - Shop. twoudoors north of G, A. Bernard’s A LARGE STOCK or Store. BLOOD’S PORTER! 700'“ AND O’KEEFE’S ALE ALWAYS 0N HAND. Richmond Hill, Oct. 10,1872. (Excelsior group. Change of Business. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP IS NOW manufactured by Mr. Peter Phillips, who has recomnienved business in Richmond Hill, in the Old place, and who is now prepared to ï¬ll all orders promptly. This Pump is Easiest IVorlml, Most Durable and Ncntcsl Made in the Dominion. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all light, therefore pre- venting children from putting anything into it. The Subscriber would respectfully announce that lie is prepared to put in this Pump On Trial for one Month! And if accepted WA RRANTED TWO YEARS, Or if they are not preferrele any other pump they may be returned, and the motley will be refunded. ‘ These pumps are suitable for all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are Flour andfeed kept constantly on hand, And delivered free of charge. - ALEX: MOODIE. SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST. / Richmond Hill. Dec. 24,1872. 716â€"tf OYSTERS AND FISH l Just received and will have to hand weekly. during the season. a supply Of ï¬ne FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS Fresh-Canned Lobstors. Mackerel,&c ; also Table Codï¬sli, Labrador Herrings, White Fish and Salmon Trout, Of the best quality, at G. A. BARNARD’S. Sign of the British Flag StafljRiclimond Hill. Nov. 27, 1872 749 not liable to get out of repair, being double- \ valued, and tliejoints are allturned in a lathe: ""’ "†’ ‘ ' " '4‘ ’ consequently there is no leakage pt the joints ‘ v v which is invariably the case with tie common pump made by. hand. A Price: $5 above platform, and 40 cents per . foot below. List of Letters Also manufactures a pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern REMAINING IN THE RICHMOND not exceeding 8 feet, Churn pumps for cisterns. $3 each. Well digging done on the shortest notice. Address. stating depth of well, ' PETER PHILLIPS, Richmond Hill 743-13; [1111 PosH tï¬ca. Isl Marcli,1873: A511. James Harrington, John Bethune. Norman J. DKnight, Wm, Baker,Wm, H. Lemon, Walter Baldwin, Iieiirv Lortie, Isaac Brillinger. Jacob (2) Miller, Emma COOK. M. J. McGee, John Dibb. Annie I’arrott. E. FL, Brewery. John Reynolds. w. .7. Demon, Brown Sï¬ndfll'ï¬â€˜. B. Dibb, SCSI†SIfCO. George Ever. Abraham Slsgoe. Isaac Fi-addell. It. A. (a) Ninth, Angys Featherston. John Storkoale, ’l . Fraleighre, Dr. Sanrers. John Flavel, Eiiaa Jane Tapsï¬eld. Mrs. Grant. George Lovette, Pauley Garvey. Thomas Ush. Jame: Hugo, Thomas Varoy. Jonathan (‘2) M. TEEFY, P.M. Oct. 14. ’72. P. D. Ebbtngmpb; .- ,PHOTOGRAPHY. THOMAS BECOPELAND, IRST PRIZE pliologrnpher.’ begs to in- form the public that. having commenced operations in the above business on Richmond Hill, he is prepared to take P I O T U R E S ! HAT LARGE AND COMMODIOUS o, Dwelling House. with Ham. Stables and . outbousos, to which am attached togrieenï¬and Persons, Antmals, Houses or Landscapes 8. quarter acres of landmvincluding garden and orchard-wsituated on Yonge Street. in the Township of Vaughan. adjoining the Village of Richmond Hill. Possession on the hit of April next, Apply on the premises to Ms. NELSON PLAYTER. or to CEO. b“ DICKSON, 14 Exchange Bhildings. [‘Oronto. January 16. 1872. 757-8 To Let, IN ALiuosr ANY REQUIRED SIZE OR STYLE. Old pictures carefully copied and enlarged. Par-les deJiing pictures printed from the old negatives 0‘ Mr. Giay or Hood can have them by ordering, in 1 bays purchased all their negatives. I ï¬t Dull and cloudy weather no hindrance to the art, except for children Parties gelling pictures of children taken are requested to be at the Studio between 10 Am. and 3 P.M. [13' Gallery in the old stand recently occu- pied by Mr. Giav. Richmond Hill, Sept. 26, ’72. 740.“ W MORGAN 8a THORI‘IE, ARRISTE RS, SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, &c. CARD. J. N FLARE, ARRISTER r. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer. 61c. OFFICE.â€"-N0.56Cllul'chStl‘eel,T01'0nlg. December 29. 1869. 596 ADAM H. MEYERS, J12, (luitcjof' l‘nggan t§~ Meyers.) BARRISTER, ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, Soucrron iN CHANCERY. CONViLYANcER. &c., &C. OFFicnzâ€"No 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Streets, Toronto. Ont. ' January 15. 1873. OFFICE -â€"Court Street. Toronto. Branch ,Otï¬r-eâ€"Divis‘ion Court Clerk‘s oil-ice, Richi- niond Hill. 'l‘iios. K. MosoAN. Toronto. April 25, 1872 H onAcn Titan!!! lE-tf 756-1y Patent Eaveâ€"trough - ~ ‘ w i L. ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0- UBSG R‘IPrIIONb FOR THE TORON l iuiNioN, at $6 per 100 leet, Also Floor- ce-ved at the HERALD 13 okTStZSBlRlchï¬diiE lI‘ll]! ing and other Lumber Dressed : Sap Buckets, o . . ‘Pails,Ciderlllills.Washiiig Machines,Shmglee { Waggon Felloesmnd LumborSawedto order Forparticulars address JOHN LANGSTA FF, Steam Mills,’1‘hornliill. ‘I‘liornliill. Nov. 3,1869. 510-.“ CANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, J A Weekly journal of Current Events, Literature, Science and Arts. Agriculture and Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold at We a number at the HERALD Book Store. IMPORTANT r0 FARMERS l 51’ “N G SEEM†MADE SIMPLE Prince’s Organs & lllclodcons, It 3" GETTING ONE OF THE E S T E R L Y BROAD-CAST SEEDERS CULTIVATOR COMBINED, MAerAcrnnsn Bi T'iiiti Joseph Hall Manufacturing Co. OSBAWA, ONT. We guarantee a SAVING OF ONE MAN AND TEAM All through‘Seeding, besides saving seed and doing the work better than the usual way. The Machine can be seen and all particulars explained at MR. M. S. COGSWELL’S. THORNHILL. Who is acting as agent for said machine. We claim that our Seeder is theï¬most useful im- plement for the price the farmer can procure. The fact of the above can be ascertained from any of the follownig gentlemen :â€" Daniel Reaman, Vaughan; Henry Lemon. Thorn- hill; James Bowman. King: James Mosley, Aurora . Michael Wesley. East Gwillimbury; , W. D. Stoddart, Bradford; Michael Fisher, Vaughan : Benjamin West,West Gwillimbnry; Henry Wesley. Whilchurch; Wm. Jackson“, Vaughan. 113’ Do not fail to get THE SEEDER. if,‘ you want to SAVE MONEY. Yours, etc., F. W. GLEN. Oshawa. GEO. A. MASON, General Agent for the Dominion. ‘ Oshawa. Out. 761 -3m Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. RAE’S NEW AND IMPROVED PATENT SIEVE ! Will clean all kinds of grain, embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and will not choke with any thistley or foul grain. No stick or broom required to be used. and the machine need not at any time be stopped by clogging oftlie Sieve. All orders for this Sieve addressed to the patentee. Jobu Rae. Lansing P.O.. 0nt., will receive prompt attention. Any infringement on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigor of the_law. JOH N RA E. Lansing P. 0. Yonge Street, July. 1872. 729-tf WM. RENNIE, Importer,Manufacturermnd Dealer-iii all kinds of FARMING IMPLEMENTS 8. TllllLS Field Seeds, Fruit frees, Fertilizers, (he, .26., .hc. 1 ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, FANN ING MILLS, GRAIN CRUSHERS. dun, 6w. Eyei’s Patent Iron Barrows . Field and Lawn Roller Horse Hoes & Scarï¬er Cultivators Potato Diggers Pinups Scales Horse H a_\' Forks Amrlgam Steel Bells The Blanchard chum Barrel & Dash churns Florence Sewing Ma- Carter’s Ditching Ma- chlue Steam and horse-power Threshing Machines Combined and Single Mowers and Reapers Wood Sawing Machines Horse and Dog Poweis Machine Jacks Straw Cutters loot Cutters & I’ulpeis Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Drill Hand Seed Drills chine Fanning Mills Philadelphia L a w n Clover Hullers Mower Greenhouse and Gar- den Engines Laundry Machines Horse Hay Rakes Corn Slielleisdr. Husker Stump Machines Patent Fan Forges Garden Implements Mowingr Machine Knife and Tools Cider Mills and Pro sses Field Seeds FrnitandOroamenta Trees and Shrubs Super-phosphate of Gray ’sSlugle &. Double Furrow Plough: Iron and Wood Beam Ploung lime & ground Gang Plouglis Pure Seed Grain &c., Double Mould Plough: &C. &c., &c. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE l (FIFTH sDi'rION), NOW READY 1 WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. ONT. 7174f 0R FATTENING AND BRINGING into condition Horses, Cows. Calves, Sheep and Figs the YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER! Is used and recommended by FIRST-CLASS STOCK BREEDERS. Stock fed with it have always taken ï¬rst prizes, Milch_Cattle [ll’fdJCO male milk and butter. It F attens in Oneâ€"fourth the usual time, and saves Food. __ Price 25 cents and $l 00 per box. A dollar box contai us two hundred feeds. HUGH MILLER & 00., AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. 167. King Street East, Toronto For Sale by Druggists and Slorekeepers. Sept- 17.1872. 739-tf g. (19. geranium. I P. O. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND HILL DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR ally numlie renotoxceedin gtlireehundred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Oflice.for which Governmentwillallow Interest. Foiparticularsapplyto M. TEEFY, Postmaster. ï¬lm-ital élllfilt‘tltlitltlï¬, H. B. REESOR, DEALERIN liarrllnurmta MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. TEEFY, NOTEâ€"RY PUBLIC AND . Commissioner in ll.R.,i.~ Government Chickcring. Stainwnv and Durham Pianos. Agï¬ï¬‚l for issuing Marriage License in the: Also. the-celebrated HUMMIN G BIRD PIANO Which is adapted to parlors where space is an object. The mode of its construction is entirely new, and based upon the best known principles of science. Notice. R. .H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ed us in the agency in this section for the sale of Messrs G. A. Prince 61. Co’s cele- brated Organs and Melodeons, in favor of which we give our most unqualiï¬ed approval and recommendation as the leading and most 3 reliable reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) II. G. COLLINS. WM. FLUM ERFELT. Markham, Nov. 3. 1871- Tostimonial from Prpfessor H. G, Collins 1 havo carefully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H. B. Reesor. called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos, manufactured by Ma- thuseck, and think theyare Wonderful‘r sweet and pu're in tone. and from their pcculn. con- struction. calculated to remain ill tune longer than other pianos, and consequently to eland a greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLiN's. Toronto Feb. ‘28. 1872. 714-137 r Eternity for Salt, House and Lot for Sale. ’1‘ H E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale is Half-acre Village Lot with a good Frame Dwelling House and Stable. good Well and other conveiiionces situated tliereon,â€"un the corner of Centre Street West. and Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill. Apply to GEORGE BRECKON. March 12,1873. 764-51 House and Lot for Sale, N LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. with a barn stables, and other outbuildings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premises to F. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. '753-3m Desirable Farm for Sale, EING THE EAST HALF OF LOT No, 4 in the 51h Concession Township of King, belonging to the estate of the late Wil- liam MoNair, containing 120 Acres of Excellent Land 110 Acres of which are under cultivation There is agood Frame Dwelling House with an excellent collar underneath. Barns, Stables and other outbuildings and Timber for a new Burn 40 x 60. Plenty of water . This is a very desirable property being only between 3 and 4 miles from King Station on Northern Railroad, where there is a good market for all kinds of produce. Schools & Churches in the immeâ€" diate neighborhood. Terms will be inst very easy, For particulars apply to eitlie: of the under- signed executors to the estate. JAMES McNAlR. Lot 25, 2nd (Ion. Vaughan. JOHN GILLES Lot 5.3rd Con. King, Richmond Hill, July 11. 1872. 729-6 Superior Farm for Sale, EING LOT NO. 28, IN THE SECâ€" ond concession of the Township of Markham, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cullivaled. There are on the pro- party two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! ’I‘nree large barns, two stables, and other ne- cessary farm buildings. Two spring creeks run across the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under- drained. and Well fenced, with two good or- chards, and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by lcitel‘ bone (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Richmond Hill P, 0. Dec. 4. 1872. 751M ‘ Village Lots for Sale. THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots, situated in the village of ' * VICTORIA SQUARE! The lots contam About Oney’ifth of an Acre, And are located at the North-west corael of lot No. 35, 4th concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steadywork and high wages letter.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square. or [0 WM. G. HINGSTON. Dingle P. 0 March 97,1872. 714â€"tf J. SEGSWORTH, DEALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- . ver Watches, Jeweliry, &c.. 113 Yonge Street. Toronto- September 1. 1871. 684 NIPISSING- HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" truction of-the Anglo American House by , fire, the subscriber has taken and ï¬tted upi, those large and commodious premises halong- , ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. ‘ Spoight &. Son’s Novelty Works. Markham Excellent accommodation afforded for the travelling public and commercial moo. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Ale and Porter. D. T. VVOOTEN. Sept. 4. 1872. 737â€"11" S. JAMES, (LATE JAMES &. FOWLER,) ARCHITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER, and Surveror, Trust and Loan Build. ings c orncr of Adelaide and Toronto streets. Toronto. 719-tf THE MORNING PAPERS or TORONTO: MAIL. ' GLOBE. , LEADER. Appr (if by , Bottled - County onork. ()Iï¬oe hoursâ€"7 A.Ill to 9:3tlr.m Richmond Hill.0ctobe123. ‘8bb. REMOVAL. NICOL 85 NICOL, 17ARRISTERS. ATTORNEYS, SOLicr 3 tors in Chaucer), (Ionvoyencers. dire. Orrin;â€" Removed to Wliittemore’s Build-- lugs, Toronto Street. Toronto. 711 if THOMAS SEDMAN, ARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER . I Undertaker, Arc, ' RnsrimNcR~â€"Nearlv opposite the Post Ofl'ier Richmond Hill. , " .. - w. H. a R. PUGBLE (succussons TU w. w, cox) , U T C H E R S ,’ RICHMOND HILL, have alwaysbn hand the bost‘of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, GLO. and sell at the lowest prices for Cash . ' Also, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked and Dried Hams. The highest market prices given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, 8m. ‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 24, '72. - wus' 745-ly F. WHITLOCK, , (iniiinni swamp. AND DEALER / in old iron, rags, &c.. &c., Richmond Hill. All orders prompllv attended to. November 12. i879. 747-,1' ’ Extinct Slammer. I ~__. Fellows’ Compound SN RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. As allllfe-ondowed bodies. wlietlierthey be Beast. Birds, Reptiles, Insects or even Zoo- pliites and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governor] by ritnlforce, which binds all the springs of existence, and as nothing can save them from desti notion when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vitality maybe sustained in the living bodyis indeed a boon to the world. ' Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingr- dients condim- tingthc brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous systenlaro strengthened. ‘ ' _ This, then. is substantially the basis '0“ which FELLOW’S H YPOI’HOSPHI'I‘ES is huill,its direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System, and the Muscles. Strength- suing the nerves, it causes the rapid distribu- tion ofVitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. ' Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver, strengthening the action of the Stomach and Sowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyin- fluted with Oxygen. It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation, whether arising from sedentary life. a tropicalclimale, from fever or nobility, from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION. many conï¬rmed cases having been cured and all beneï¬tted. where its use has been continued ovor a fortnight. ’ 7 In Bronchitis it is a spociï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief wliere OV61'\' other remedv fails. For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be used with conï¬dence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of vaophosphites,bt careful to ask for FRLLows’ Sruur,and takt no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES. l’rice. 5151-50: Six for $760 JAMES I. FELI.OWS,CliemisI. 64-8 St. Jul-m. ND. Caution I ! Caution! l I To THE PUBLIF OF THE BRITISH PROVINCE! or NORTH AMERICA. I beg inosl re»=pcctfoll_\‘ to acquaint the pub- licot' the Bl'lflrh North American provi can that in May, 187,1 caused the business at 80 Maiden Lane, New York. for the Sal" of Hot.- LOWAY’S l’iiLs AND Umrmznr. which were up to that time prepared by Williair Brown, now deceased. to he closed. I regret to say that 1 have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years, and ill many ways, been m 'ist coriupt, and it max be that the l’ills and Ointinentwere not prepared with the care 1 have always desired. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines. which are now likelv to emanate from the States or elsewhere. but to possess themselves of the genuine HOL- i.OWAY’s PILLS AND OIN'I'MENT, manufactured by me in London, England. will do well to see that each pot and box bears the, British Government stamp on which is engraved the words “ HOLLOWAY’s PILLS AND ()iM'MnN'r." and that the addresson the label is 5.53 OXFORD S'rasn'r, LONDON, where only they are manl- factured, and in no other part of the world The retail prices are on the Iabelsin British currency. and not ill dollars and cents. No representative of mine will ever tran through any part of the British, Provinces l the United States. either to sell. or to take orders for my Pills and Ointment,and u I have reason to believe that attempts will vorv . i probably be mst to deceive the public in this way by persons calling on medicine vendors. ‘ falsely re resentingtl‘at they are acting for me and with my, knowledge and consent. 1 do»!!! it advisable to put the piibl‘féidn me‘i'r‘guni-d» age list any such deceptions. I most earnestly entreat all those‘whe may read this advertisement that they be pleased. in the public interest. to communicate the pur-- port of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing Worthless imitations of the genuine HOLLO- WAY’s PILLS AND ()iNrnnN'r. I would ask. as a great favor. that should It cometotlw knowledge of any person that spl- ious medicines are being ma 6 or sold in my nameJie beplensed to send me all the parlou- lars he can collect rrspecling the same. that is‘ to say. the name and address of the vendor who isselling the spurious medicines. and like- wise the name and address of the llnlisc in the United States. or elsewhere. which may have supplied them, so as to enable me, for the protection of the pnblic,to institute prov cecdings against such evil~doers. and 1 engage to reinnncrato very handsomon any person who in 3‘ give Illa such information. the in- formnnl’s name never being divulged ' Should any person have reason to believe that he has been deceived by buying spuriout imitations of lliesc Medicines lie willdO well? to send me, in a letter to the address at, fool: (which he can do at a cost of six cents in post- age). one of the books of instructions which. are afï¬xed to the same, Iprnmisc to examiner it and send a reply, staling whether the Medi‘ cities are genuine or l.ot,so that if spurious ho may apply to the person from whom he pur- chased thorn to have his moneyrel'uuded. Chemists and [Muggists who desire to ob- tain the Medicines can be supplied at the Cali ho had at the Post Office, for Ill cnm‘s A “cilia. TEEFY is Government Agentt’or WEE,“ App‘y ,0 lie sale of MARRIAGE LICENSES. ALso AGENT roa THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Oflicehours: from 6:30A-M.t09:30 r.iu. May 4.1869. 563-tl‘ M. TE EFY. Richmond Hill lowest wholesale pricosin quantities of not less than $20'wor:h â€"â€" viz .8s. 6d , and 22s.. and 34s., per dozen boxes of Pills or pets 9 Ointment. nett, without discount. for which May 14.1869. 564-†emittonco must be sent in advance, ' l have the honor'to be. ’ I; With great respect, . OETICAL WORKS, OF ALL THE THOMAS HOLLOWAYi dlï¬'erent poets. at. the HERALD Book Store. ' l r. 553, Oxford Street (late ‘244, Strand)..’ London, 6-, .I