Professions are a cheap stock-in-trade ’with the so called Reformers, but when éin ,a position to give truth to what they {have so earnestly contended' for, their shortwomings are but too apparent. For seventeen years or more have the men 'who now compose and support the mi- nistry which sways the destinies of this fair province, proclaimed their Reform principles to the world. How far their practice has followed their professions, is but too well known to every one. Their course has been a lie from their inception of oflice to the present time. In opposition they contended for economy and purity; in power they have been most extravagant and corrupt. Plunder of the public revenue has been their sole object. The cold shades of opposition for so long a. time, have made them reck- less of what, according to their profes- sions, they should have been most careful. In their wrongâ€"doing they have been sustained by the not-over-veraeious Globe, , whose meat and drink is to lie, defame and debauch the fair name of men whose characters‘are so far above the scribes who write for the Globe, as the sun is above the earth. George Brown, his brother Gordon, Dymond, and others of the like kind, desire that all, every one, 1 be he great or small, should swear by the 1 Globe; in that case, no matter how 1 black their characters may have been, t they at once become pure and of good 1 report. Every member of parliament, 1 provided they take the Globe as their standard, and follow-the desires and , wishes of the Brown family, are safe; ' their course will be free from all blame ; they are considered patriots and true j lovers of their country. But on the contrary, dare they act as they may deem best for the good of the people whom they represent, and if their so acting, should be contrary to the wishes of the Brown family, their doom is ‘ sealed; their death knell is sounded over the breadth and length of the land as awarniang to all peoplermé notable instance of the kind may be found in the case of Mr. Dodge, who had the temerity to successfully contest the Riding of North York against a nominee of the Globe party. For six months a rod has been soaking in pickle for him in the sanctum of the Globe oï¬ice. If he voted against the ministry at Ottawa, his sins were to be forgiven and remem- bered against him no more. On the contrary, dare he to please himself, dare he to exercise the free thought of a British subject, and vote contrary to the Globe, then no crimes in the calender were too great for him to commit. Upon l the words of a political parson and his WORTIIY son, that paper has accused Mr. Dodge of forgery. Following the foot- steps of this vile sheet we ï¬nd Mr. Corson, in the Markham Economist, ac- cusing, not only Mr. Dodge himself, of doing what was not right, but introduc- ing the names of some of the family in New York, of being guilty of crimes of which they knew nothing. But suppos- ing for the sake of argument, such was the case, is it correct that a man should suï¬'er for the faults of his relatives. It may possibly be that some of the rela- tiVes of the proprietor of the Economist have been in times past in too close con- nection with a hempen necktieâ€"is it fair that he should suï¬'er. The fact is, the Globe and the Economist are afraid of the influence that the action of North York may have upon West and East York; so much so, that the spirits of Hartman, and other Reformers of former days, cannot rest quiet at the idea of North York being represented as it is by Mr. Dodge and Mr. Boultbee. Itmay at some future time be told us that the spirits of such great “ Reformers" as Amos Wright, Crosby and Metcalfe are unhappy because East York has thrown off the yoke that she now bears, in the shape of being misrepresented by such shining lights as Crosby and Me.- ealfe. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ontario Houseâ€"J. Brown. Noticeâ€"Dr. Hoatetter. Patent Oflice Record and Mechanics’ Ma.- gazine.â€"George E. Desbarats. 'l‘endefs wantedâ€"J. Purkiss. Regular Masonic Communication. List of letters in P. 0. Wm 332ml; gamma. To gain a political triumph, the ECU tor-in-chief and his brother (through the columns of the Globe) are capable of doing any amount of dirty work. One day we ï¬nd the Roman Catholics and their religion abused in the most vile and ï¬lthy language; the next, tel suit their ends, they are capable of the most base sycophancy even to the kissing of the Pope’s toe. One day we ï¬nd the members of the church of England and their church held up to the world as rotten and full of dead men’s bones; the next we ï¬nd a clergyman of the Church supported in his influencing pc- litical meetings and attempted black- mailing. One day we ï¬nd the Metho- dist church and their ministch nude «1"...» »‘ A'.. ....u. 5.. "air, some mchma) Hun, APRIL 4, 1873. THE LYING GRITS. min some‘ “ Toronto Globe’s London correspondent writes that you informed him I had sent you, when in Canada, press'ng telegrams respecting elections. Did you say so ? “ Sxoned JOHN A. MACDONALD.†t: ANSWER. †Distinctly deny statement of Globe’s correspOndent, as reported in your telegram, and authorize you to contradict it publicly.†“ (Signed) POTTER.†In conclusionz we give our readers another specimen of these heaven-born purists. When Mr. Currie was elected Speaker of the House of Assembly; he was voted an increase of salary (being a good Grit), which they, the Blake-Scott Government, stated was to enable him to purchase the necesssary outfit for the ofï¬ce. Instead of so doing, we haye the following details charged in the estimates for 1873‘: end, they are willing to confess their wrong-doings. In fact, big George and his little brother are willing to turn Turk, Jew or Mahomedan if, by so doing, the influence and proï¬ts of the Globe will be increased. But not only are the editors of this paper incapable of telling the truth, but also its correspon- dents. The correspondent of the Globe in London is said to be a certain J. Ross Robinson, at one time proprietor of the Toronto Daily Telegraph. That “ spot- less†character writes to the Globe that Mr. Potter, of the Grand Trunk Rail- way, told him, “ That when he (Mr. “ Potter) was in Canada, he was repeat- “ edly pressed by both Sir John A. Mac- “ donald and Eincks, to use the influ- “ ence of the Grand Trunk Railway as “ a machine to influence the elections in “ favor of the Ottawa Ministry,†&c. Both Sir John A. Macdonald and Sir Francis Hineks, in their places in par- liament, declared there was no truth in the statement made by the Globe’s cor- respondent (and upon which that paper founded a sensational editorial and no doubt will be made to do duty at the next election), and in conï¬rmation, read the following telegrams to and from Mr. Potter : “ To Richard Potter, G.T.R., London: 1 'do â€" _do 1 do do An ofï¬cial hat do Case for do do A gilded cocked but do . Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Freight, duty and charges. $51 75 We fancy this will do for to-day. We have sufï¬ciently shown that the truth is not to be found in those who profess to have it, and it becomes us to be careful to use our utmost endeavors to warn the peonleiof’ thlsi County against trusting men so bereft of all sincerity as are the loud mouthed Grits who prate against their neighbors, at the same time having not a particle of truth within them. Men of East and West York, what say you ‘7 Shall your members support such unworthy men as the Ontario Govern- ment ? The bill for the trial of controverted‘ elect-' ions, introduced by Sir John A. Macdonald on Friday, provides for the transfer of said ‘ trials to judges, and for this purpose an 3 “Election Court †is to be constituted. It is provided that whenever a general Court of Appeal for the Dominion shall be consti- tuted, one of the judges of that Court shall try any election pet‘tion relating to any clecLion held thereafter, and any three jpdges of the Court, sitting especially for the purposes of the Act, shall be the court for hearing any appeal from the judge try-, ing any election petition, and shall be in-‘ tended by the expression “The Election ’Court,†which shall sat at the place where the sittings of the General Court of Appeal are held. But until the Court of Appeal is ‘established the judges, of whom one shall try election. petitions relating to elections, and of any three of whom the Election Court, as respects such petitions, shall con- sist, shall be those whom the Lieutenant Governor of each Province shall, by order made by and with the advice and consent of the Executive Council thereof, have author- ized and required to perform the dutles as- signed to them by the Act. In the event of the Lieutenant G-ovornor making no appoint ments, the Governor-General may appoint barristers of ï¬ve years standing to be judges ad hoc for the purposes of the Act. The Election Court being thus constituted, the judges are given power to arrange between themselves by what judge or judges any duty assigned to the Election Court or a judge thereof shall be performed. Every Judge will receive an allowance of $100 for each petition tried, and $10 per day and ("avelling expenses. Petitions must be pre- sented within twenty one days after the re- turn has been made, except in cases where bribery is alleged, when twenty eight days is allowed. Petitioners must give $1000 security. Except where a petition raises a question of law for the determination of the court. it is to be tried by one judge, sitting in the electoral district- to which it relates, unless'in the opinion of the Judge there should be no special reason for not holding the trial there. SYNOPSIS OF THE CONTROVERTED ELECTION BILL. So soon as the trial is over, the judge IS required to certify to the Speaker of the House of Commons his decision, and when any charge is made in an election petition ofany corrupt practice having been com- mitted, details of the same are to be furnish ed. In order to meet special cases, it is provided that when, upon the application of any party to an election petition duly made to the ElectiOn Court, it appears to the Court that the case raised by the petition can be conveniently stated as a special case, the Court may direct the same to be so sta- ted, and any such special case shall as far as may be heard before the Court, and the decision of the Court shall be ï¬nal, and the Court shall certify to the Speaker its decision on such Special case. ' The Bill contains in all,ï¬fty seven clauses, but the above are the main features. It; embodies the views of the Opposition, and may therefore be expected to meet with general approval in the House. It Igives a. death-blow to “ partizan committees,†and must effect a great saving in both time and Legislative Assembly, To J. Stovel. 14 00 3 32 11 86 3 67 11 40 750 The Scarboro’ Council will meet on Monday next at Mrs. J ohnson’s Hotel, Woburn. The York Township Council will meet at the Prospeqt House, Eglington, next Monday. Posr OFFIOE SAVINGs’ BANK.â€" Mom‘hly Statement :â€" Total deposits to 3lst March. . 362,149 00 Deposits in month of March. . . 1,207 00 Withdrawals “ “ . . 872 95. LANGSTAFF FARMERS’ CLUB. -â€"A very able address was delivered before the Club, on the 26th 11%., by Mr. Isaac Munshaw; subject, “ The Horse. It was listened to attentively by an appre- ciative audience.-â€"-Com. A “Globe-ISM,â€â€"-The London Herald has this new name for a lie. It is very good, and somewhat signiï¬cant of “Big Blunderer’s†character. If a lie should be called a “Globe-ism,†what should a liar be called? Perhaps a “ Glo-beâ€" liever." Vaughan Council meets next Tuesday at the Town Hall, 6th Con. at. ten A.M. Notwithstanding the large amount of bo‘mbast served out by the Globe on every) available occasion ever since the last elections, the Government was sus- tained in a trial of strength on Wednes- last, by a majority of THIRTY-ONE. A motion was made by Mr. Huntington relative to the Paciï¬c Railway, in which dastardly charges were made against Sir John and his colleagues, of having re- ceived money from members of the pre- sent Paciï¬c Railviay Company for the purpose of advancing their interests in the late elections. The tribulation in the Grit camp must indeed be great after such acrushing defeat. Hurrah for “UNION PROGRESS AND DOMINION." Richmond Hill Council meets next Monday evening, in the Court room. At the close of the late sesaion of the Ontano Legislature on Saturday last, Mr. Currie placed his resignation from the oflice of Speaker in the hands of the Premier. It is said that he became thoroughly disgusted with the workiggs of theï¬Cabiynet ; so well he might. "‘5‘“ ~ FIRE MEETING.â€"-On Saturday even- ing last the adjourned ï¬re meeting was to have taken place, but on account of the bad weather, there was not a large enough number present to transact busi- ness, it was therefore resolved to adjourn and meet again this (Frlday) evening, at seven o’clock. Two FACTslâ€"The “ Party of Economy†in Ontario have demanded of the Provincial Legislature, and re- ceived, 71 per cent, more money to carry on the affairs of this Province than was expended last year. The “ Party of Extravagance," who control the Govern- ment at Ottawa, ask for $41,748 LESS than the expenditure of the previous year! Electors of Canada, “Look on this potato and on that.â€â€"Mail At the convention of delegates from the different subordinate lodges of the Independent Order of Good Templar-s, held in this place on the 25th ult., for the purpose of organizing a County Temple for the County of York, the fol- lowing resolution was unanimously- ’passed. M0ved by E. E. Parrot, second- ed by Geo. Flint jun., Esq., .t-hat the thanks of the delegates and visitors are due, and are hereby presented to the good people of Richmond Hill, for their hospitality during this convention. Cowmanâ€"It will be seen by hand- bills and otherwise that the scholars of the W. M. Sabbath School in this place, Wlll give their annual concert on Good Friday, the 11th inst., in the Masonic Hall. We believe that many excellent selections, literary and musical, have been made; and we have no doubt, judging from the past, that the pro- gramme in prospect, which consists of Sabbath School exercises and songs quite new, will be such in its rendition as to be entirely satisfactory to all who may patronize it. We bespeak a full house. NEW CONVEYANCES. â€" It is with pleasure that we notice indications of the prosperity and well-doing of the business men of our village; and nothing gives us so much satisfaction as to hear} of their work being got up in the best and most substantial manner. This has been brought to our mind frequently for some months past by the number of handsome conveyances turned out of the shop of Mr. Archibald Wright, carriage and wagon maker of this town. During the winter just past he has turned out a large number of cutters, which for get up and ï¬nish could not be excelled in ’the country. At present he ‘31 busy COLLAPSE OF THE OPPOSI- TION. @fliï¬tm’a gram. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. ï¬nishing two new omnib'xsses, one for Mr. John Thompson, Thornhill, and the other for Mr. John, Palmer, Richmond Hill. They are expected to be the most comfortable anti best ï¬nished of any he has yet built. Of course the great satisfaction these vehicles givo to the traVelling public, eonld not be arrived at without the assistance of the village blacksmiths, Messrs. Trench. “\ Ion-yum. - Northern Manes; ‘ . ... . . nu . . .6:45 A-ll. SoulhornMafl.. ....... ........5:45 Am. EVENING. Southern mail . ...... . .....6:55 Lu. N.B. REGI§TEEEh LE'rTEamwill require to be handed in 15 minutes lug/ore the time of flexing. .â€" BRITISH MAlLS The ratio 0 a Latin 'sf'or the United Kingdom (via Quebociu summer. and Povtlaud in win- ter),ia now reduced to 6 cents per ; oz. weight- If sent via NewYork. it will be 8 on per ; oz. These ralgsapply orulytopz'epaéd letters; ifsonl unpaidmlinsnmciemly prepaid. ihere wiHbe a ï¬m of double the amount o-"deï¬cien I postage. . f M. TEEFY. Postmasior. L‘ RichmondBillStation. Changeomme nth-g eï¬'ec.April 24,1872: ‘ Going NoCILh 8.04 A.M..............5.04r.n GoiugSoalh 91$4A.u....-.........8091'.» 1V1 mond Hill PoleIï¬co. Unti l-‘Nthernotictht: mails willbeclosed atthis oflico nsfullows Are c‘osod at Toconio as follows: By Cunard Line. evew Monday. . . 10:30 A.M. By Canadian Linemvery Thursday 10:00 PM. "NUâ€"3: “LEA-s o? 'Déé'pézÃ©ï¬ ï¬fthsâ€"é ihio's' b"? S‘eamors should be so marked ONTARIO‘QHOUSE. Jï¬â€˜ST" ’ ARRIVED ONTARIO HOUSE ESLEYAN EYMNS, ALL S] ZES, at the HERALD Bo ck Szoï¬. Choice Teas, Tobacco, Currants, Razsms, Prunes, Drml Apgdes, 6%., SALMON TRU 12001) FISH. COAL OJ L, &c. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents 17‘] 26. Which Cc: strength and flavor cannot be min-sud north of Toronto. A large and beautiful wwortment qf BOOTS? AND SHOES! Depavlment in be f'ound’ihe very bést family Flour mauu’act red by Rumble & Culvart, Richmond Hill] , "US, which has stood the test for a leath outï¬t a. and is allowed by compe- tent judges Lo 56 l 0 best flour b ought inao the town. Poas,0a-’.s. Bran. Shorts, Bacon, Hams and Po‘a-oes alwavs on hand Allâ€"kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange nnfl L_l}eV-Ii_ghost (ya to: p- ice;p_zid_. Call ainduexsmiue our. stock before part-has- iug elsewhere. as we feel confluent we can give perfect saé‘sfacabn. Re nember the plr'ce, Corner Qf Yongc and Centre St, cppoeite Sanderson &- Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. A choice lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS now on hand ï¬t for seed. Also Clover. Timoihjv and Flax Seed. All kinds of ï¬eld and garden seeds. U tima'e to his friends that on and after this date and until [qrther HOHCO he will be found at Proctor’s Dmilin’ion Hotel, Kicmond Hill. Tenders will be Ipceived bv the undersi'rned unill me l4lh day of April next, for mailing the m-onowd uddlï¬ons anu alyeratious in con- nec'ioa wil'uylho Wesleyan Methodist Church, The ulnll, TENDERS WANTED. Plans a-ud Speciï¬cations can be seen by ap- plving to the Sec-'ela-‘v. The trustee? do not bind themselves to accept the lowostor any tender. By orderof he Board. J. PUR‘KISS. The next regular communication of the above lodge will be held next Monday “veiling the 7th inst . at-B o’clock. 719-1. should at once so nd his name and address wiih $1.50 for one'year’s subscï¬iption to EVERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, MECHANIC, MANUFACTURER, ENG]- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND‘ MERCHANT. MONTREAL. A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Ofï¬ce. ' , ‘ . 766-2 EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post Lfï¬ce. Aikinsou, George Batchelor, Wm. Huh-,polm \- Bavnes, Mr. ‘ (,oll'vus, Mrs Mary Granny. Louis Danton. Brown Evans. George Edwards, John Elliot. John Ferguson. Joseph Featherstone, John Fradell, R. A. Grant . Jessie Gr-eaves, James Gower. George Hicks. John Buasl, J; C. Keys. Thos. Louie. Isaac «v lst Apvil. 1873: Moo~'e. Thomas McKinnon, Miss. Mrs. C. - McFadden. J ohn Peterman. S. W. or Prince, William Parrot. E. E. Reid. ’1 heodore Rumble, Joseph Sanders, John Sanders, B. Sheppard, William Siscoe. Cornelia Tovelt‘e, Pauly Varey. Jonathon Vanderburgh, J . M. Willis. [-1. T. Wice, James or Joseph Walker, Mrs. John The Canadian Parent Ofï¬ce Record Richmond 20.18il. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT ' the H1 mu) Book Store. Ap'.il 3, 1373. SPRING GOODS, Reme‘m‘: ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA AILS MADE UP‘ AT THE HIGH- $321k; @dmtmmmtï¬, ‘. HOSTETTER BEGS TO IN- M ECHANICS’ M AGAZINE, ï¬pvtial 39mm A Largehnd Select Stock of ICHMOND LODGE,A.F. &A.M. , No. 23, G.R.C. List of Letters GEORGE E. DESBARATS, TO THE PUBLIIHER, coxslsmmcr‘ OF Notice AT THE his and Shoes. I cannot .gndwsold. R. E. LAW, Sac'y. AND McFadden. J ohn Peterman. S. W. Prince, William Parrot. E. E. Reid. ’1 heodore Rumble, Joseph Sanders, John Sanders, B. Sheppard, William Siscoe. Cornelia Tovelt‘e, Pauly Varey. Jonathon Vanderburgh, J . M. Willis. [-1. T. Wice, James or Joseph Walker, Mrs. John I KIND FEED M. TEEFY. Secuelary 7674f In". In propamï¬ion for which SPRING GOODS! Gw.0A0'£D : AKNID : CNH‘sEoA‘NP. Situale on Yonge Street. one m‘le north of Richmond Hill; one hundred ac‘es undes‘cr' i- vaiion, thiny of which are in meadow. POSSESSWN !1‘M€DIA“{.'.Y. For particu‘ars vow to Or to CH AS. MAG R ATH , FARM TO LET, LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE PLANING DONE TO 0 RDER. Richmond Hill, Dec. 9, ’72. 751-11 RICHMOND HILL SAW M [LL 1 NEW ENGLISH MUSIC ! THE NEW GROCERY STORE. John Brown MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! Would resnec ’ullv call the aiicaiion of the public 10 hi) Consisting of Choice Teas, Sugars, C'oï¬â€˜ee, Tobacco, Ourrants, Raisins, Spices, Salmon Trout, Coal Oil, «m, the. _op_ BOOTS AND SHOES, Believing \hut Cheap Goods is the best adver- tisement, he respectfully solicits a call. Store. 7 LI' 1;er s 0 c I E TY DEPOSITORY (Rncmnond Hill branch) at the HERALD Book Sum. NEW STOCK OF GROOERIES, lâ€"Ogâ€"nU-Aâ€"W gm ($00M, Granting. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Richmond Hill. Dec. 30. ’72 SHING'LE’ CUTTING, AND He would also cal! their attention to his AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. VOLD PENS, PENï¬Iï¬IOLDEVRS! 4ND CONSISTING OF 175 ACRES. ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA In order to make room {or a hinge] Spring stock. ENORMOUS STOCK pane?! cases'at the HERALD Book Store, THEN SPRING i ANDREW MAGER, bio for presents at the HERALD BOOK A LARGE ARRIVAL 0F Colborne Si-‘éei, Toronto Which will be found WM. ATKINSON Whieh he is soiling NELSON PL AYTER. Richmond Hill DEALER IN Wiï¬â€™fERi Is receiving an 754-“ THE PEOPLE’S STORE, WINES AND LIQUORS, PROVISIONS, Flour and Feed, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, PAINTS. OILS, PAINTERS’ MATERIAL GENERAL GROCERIES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! K? Farmass’ Prodd-c‘e taken in Exchange. Parcels Delivered. HYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8:0. CORO- \1e5‘t‘0-‘iho Counnv of Yewk. LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE estate of the his DANIEL HOMER, of lot No. 21. 2nd Con. Markham, are requested to settle the same with either of the undevsigued executnrs on or before thealst of April next. And all parties having claims against the said estate are requested to present the same duly certiï¬ed for libuidation. by ihe above dais. I 0e." fo-' iho'Counq of Yo'vk. Residenceâ€"Orvoosiue D. Hopkin’s Store, Cor. Yooge and Fania-meat. St. Richmond Hill. March 12. 1873. 764-tf D Soucrron m CHANCERY. CONVCYANCER; &c., &c. 0FFIOE:-â€"NO- 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Streets, Toronto, Ont. Hovses and Vehicles for hire. Charng mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson & Sons JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hi". Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3m FURNITURE, ROOM PAPERS. BORDERINGS. and WINDOW SHADES. A varied ‘s‘wi‘tment of 'l‘inware and general 5:5 mm, (farm’s-m. Richmond Hill, Feb. 18. ’73. Whi-‘church. Dec. 94. ’7 . January 15. 1873. ANNOUNGEMENT- EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , PARTZ- ROGER, and dealer in Teas, Coffees, Sugars and SPRING GOODS. ARRISTER, AiTTORNE‘g-ATâ€"LAW, ICHMOND HILL L I V E B Y Wikh a ln-ge Md valied assorlmont of ADAM H. MEYERS, Jr., (Medalist, Toronto Universiiyg " R!CHMONIJ BILL. Noticg to Creditors. s. BAKER. A. BRILLINJER. (Late qf Duggmn. 4- Mag/M's.) P. G. SAVAGE, Groceriw, 8w. TZ- WEEK CULARS NEXT STORE. AT THE AND I. CROSBY, ‘zecu’ora. Go- mley ‘P. 0 753-3m 756-1y 76,-†HURRAH I HURRAH I I TEEEA ‘CEHéEESET The subscriber would now'f’nï¬rm the farmers and Willie in generwl‘,j lhaf‘ the Tm Cm;er has just reï¬â€™erh‘ed A NEW STOCK Choice sugars, coï¬â€˜ees’, (chances, with a grand assortment of Comprising new raisins! new? é'uï¬H-anis, spices; &c,, of difl'arem kinds, whicl’n foi‘ PROVJSTUNF, AND LIOUORS PRICE, AND QUALITY Offstreugï¬h and flavor. cannot fail to merit thei satisfaclicn of cuslomers; together with a fresh supply of Salmon Trout, Coal Oil. &c. A choice stock of ’ caocxgm, II/oz'r antlï¬nd qut wm/wwfly on hand, And delive|eti free of charge. OYSTERS AND FISH ! Just received and will have to hand w‘eeldy, dun-Eng the season. a supply of ï¬ne FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS White Fishand Salmon Trout, Of the best quality, at Table Codï¬sh, Labrador Herrings, Sign of the British Flag Siaï¬'LRichmond Hill. rally be round at 'home from 2 to 3 o'clock. P. M. John Elliott Laugslafl' is auth- 01 .ed to collect accounts. HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- fv the public that he has recommeuced In all iii branches. 3111 from his expelienco, cane-u! uiiention, and mode-“ale changes, he hopes to recqive a share»? Lhe pubhc patnmâ€" age. All orders by mail promp‘ly attended 10. 1- Civil Engineer and Draughtrmau. Orders by lciior should slam the Come ion, Lot and cha-acler of Survey. the suLm-ihm‘ having the o!d Fit :1 Notes, of we la er I). GIcsoN and other surveyors, WIN-.4) shouzd he consuhed. in many cases, as to 0/ “mm- mcnis, &c., previous to commenn iug Wth Ofï¬ce at WILLOWDALE, Yonge Street. in the Township of York, ARHTSTERS, &C., NUS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HAIU‘ISON,Q.C. F. 05mm. THOMAS Moss, (1.0. W . A‘ FosTEn., CHARLES Moss. W. G. FkLCONBRlDC-E Toronto, Dan. 4, 1872. '7-50-tf PROVINCIAL LAND SU RVEYOR, Civil Engineer and Drauqhtrmau. CHOICE TEAS! Fresh Canned Lobsters. Mackerel,&c ; also FRESH NEW FRUIT SIGN OF THE TEA CHEST. Richmond Hill. Dec. 24,1872. 716 Nov. 27, 1873 Also, tho be tand (heapest assortment :of Pure and unadulterated, always on hand. January 83‘38734 J Solicitor in Chancery. C'onvevancsr. 01-‘wmzâ€"No.5GChurchSLveet.To-'o-)to. December 29. 1869. 596 February 4th, 1873. HOUSE PAINTING I Jan’V. 8. 1873. HARRISON. OSLER & MOSS, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, hIGHMQND HILL,_ WILL GENE- J. Na BLAKE, A & ATTO PLNEY-AT-LAW, PETER S. GIBSON, fy the public that he has recommeuced business at OOD’S PORTER! OF '11-â€! Blï¬l‘ MANUFACTURIN- GLASS AND PUTTY. O’KEEFE’S ALE immummuï¬. @mmiw, 8w. A LAT('E STOCK Ol‘ ALWAYS 0N HA D. JOHN LUMLEY, Church Si" Marl‘hzun Viliago. Painting. FOR THE G . A. BARNARD’S. CARD. AND ALEX. MOODIE. AND CUTLERY 755-6m 755-4“: 759-IV' 7lG-Lf 749! ,I