Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Apr 1873, p. 2

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The Economist has no condemnation for the men, it Lakes no notice of the fact that afzer a site For an agricultural col- lege was chosen in this County by the G"){';ernmempfiwhoxu )1 r. Cameron Was a member, 1he present men in pGWei‘ “logg'y Hroger to give the preference tn Tn the last number ot' the Markham Economist there are some remarks on the doings of the Ontario Legislative Assembly just closed, after being: nearly? three months in session, and that too without carrying out the whole bill of fare as promised, and leaving some of the most important measures until the tail end. It sets forth with sayng “the measures foreshadowed by the speech from the throne were numerous, and of a very important character.” It give its readers the information that one hundred and sixty-five bills were assent- ed to, and two laid over for the consider ation of His Excellency, the Governor- General. But why, Mr. Economist. did you not inf'orm your readers that the WW) bills laid over are local? Why did you not condemn your model government for not. advising His Honor, Governor Howland, to assent to the acts to incor porate Loyal Orange Associations {of Western and Eastern Ontario? Why did you not condemn the leader of the Government,ex-Vice-Chancellor Mowatt, for voting and advocating for the passage of these measures in the House, and then at the eleventh hour, at the insti Vation of Scott and Frazer, prompt. the Gorernor to refuse his assent? Has the Orange Association of bntario not as much right to have acts of incorpora- tion passed in their behalf, as a society called the Christian Brothers, whose headquarters are at Quebec? Why then refer the former hills to Ottawa, and as. sent to the latter? Is it a political dodge on the part of Mr. Mowatt and his party? if so, we trust the bills will be sent back with the information for Mr. Mowatt to attend to his own local business, and ac- cept his own work. NEW ADVEH'I‘HEHENTS Mnym’s Lung lnf'e I’xllsâ€"R. E. Law. Cnurl uf vaisimtâ€" M 112er Specializies at lhe People's Storeâ€"P G Savage; My 83mm gémalfl. Take it. home, Mr. Economist, and if you have no use for it, you can take it to your big: brother, the 0/1le of anunto, Whose very existence is personal attacks, but, until you mend your own mannels do not attempt to advise others. A despntch From Lord Kimberly, of April 9th, sets at rest. the quenion whether Lieutennnt-Governors are sup- posed to be acting For the Queen. It is stated that on ordinary occasions 'thoy represent the Governor General, but nn such ocuus30ns as the opening- or closing: nf'un ‘\s-mnl)ly, celebl‘utiml of “or “:I jeety’s birthdav, or u levee, they shnuM be devnw-l to be acting directly on behalf of the Queen. doing and so acting this County has not only been unfairly dealt with, but that the Province “Ll sustain a loss of fifty thousand dollars, by ihe change. The Economist has nothing to say awninst McKellur spending $1,500, pickuxing it. over the Province us a fraud, in being: fully understood at the same time that. Mr. Gow’s constituency was to have the honor of having the college. It upheld Mr. Wood. in his action of treachery to the “ Sandfield .‘lacdonald” Government, and compares him to Mr. Gladstone in his recent action in Eng- land. Surely ! surely you cannot be so simple as to think that your readers will for one moment suppose the two cases are equal. Mr. Gl-ulstone. the leader of a government, resigns his position after consultatlon with the members of his ministry. Mr. Wood,0n the other hand, resigns his place in a government without the consent or knowledge of the mem- bers of it, but at the advice of the enemies to it. His case is similar to that of Mr. Lowe, the Chancellor of the Exchecquer, in the Gladstone Ministry. who Conspired against his friends in 1866. His case might be made similar to one Judas.of' wl'om we read in the good book, who took his price and betrayed his master. We intended to have noticed , this at further length, but. it must be apparent to every one that the Econo- mist’s article is but half hearted; it is not genuine, it reads like sounding brass, especially towards the end, where it gives that wholesome advice aboutperSonalities. The Economist has no condemnation for the man who elliployed “ llorrocks Cocks” to obtain information for the hero of the " Protrm outrage," in the “Elgiu frauds.” Oh no! truly Grits have a queer way of doing things; we presume that in the eyes of this Grit sheet it was all right for a servant of the public, getting: paid out of the public chest for public work, to use his time and the public money in Collecting infor- nmtion to serve the purpose of Mr. McKollar. anuoNn HILL, APRIL 11. 1973 THE ECONOMIST. The vote in M r. Huntingdon’s motion was taken as a voteof' want of confidence. We find on that occasion that five mem- bers who voted with the Government upon the first dirtsiou were absent from the House, whilst one voted with the ippOSihilln; on the other hand, only two who voted With the opposition were absent, whilst five who voted with them I changed front and voted with the minis-l try. Of' the seventeen members who did 1 not vote upon the first division four- teen voted for the Government, viz :â€" 3 from Ontario, 1 3 “ Quebec. l 3 “ Nova Seotia,- 2 “ New Brunswick, 1 “ lritish l‘olumhia, 2 “ Muniloha. OF the three new names who voted 'with the oppo>itiou, one each was from Onta- rio, Nova Seotia, and New Brunswick.. We trust that after this test the oppo- sition are satisfied that the Dominion as a whole have every confidence in the ministry of Sir John A. Macdonuld, and that the men that compose it will con- tinue to receive that support that they have lntherto been awarded so long,r as they do their duty to the country at large, not letting local purposes or local prejudices guide them, but; the general good. ‘ SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS. APRIL 7, 1873. â€" Pursuant to ad journment, the Council met. in the Court House, at, 7 P. M. The Reeve in the chair. _ Present: Cuunclllors Brlllinger, Hop,â€" kins, Powell and Warren. ' A communication from the Reeve of“ the Township of Vaughan to the Reeve of Richmond Hill, was read,â€"acknow- lodging the receipt; of a resolution of this Council. relative to a division of the Township assets. Mr. Warren introduced the following by-luws, which Were severally read a first, second and third time and passed : By-lnw No. 5â€"“For preventing and abzning public nuisances, and for com- pelling: persons to remove snow, ice, and dirt from the sidewalks in front of then premises. &c." 1 mare. in foal by Imported horse; 1 horse, 7 years old; 1 Spring colt, 5 fresh milcli cows, and 1 two-year old bull,â€"1 waggon. 1 reaper, 1 mower, 1 new fan- ningz mill. 103 bushels Spring Wheat, 300 bushels oats, and about 80 bushels of Fall Wheat. Mr. Padget has the sympathy of the entire neighborhood, his loss being somewhere near $3,000, and insurance only $500. Leta young man at twenty years of afie put twenty dollars out at interest, instead of' expending it for tobacco. 'l‘hen next, year repeat it, and include also the principal and interest of the Former year. and so on until he shall have reached the age of 70; the amount he would rx-alize would exceed thirty thous and dollars. By-law No. 6â€"“ For regglatihg and licensing the owllersl'of liverysrables.” WanYAN CONCERT. â€" We have pleasure in again remindirg our readers that the Wesleyan Sabbath School of this place will give their annual entertain! ment in the Masonic Hall, on this (Fri- day) evening. commencing: at 8. As the purpose to which the proceeds are to be applied is to the purchase of books for the school library, and the great trouble the teachers involve upon themselves in preparing for this entertainment, it will be a splendid opportunity for the public to give a helping: hand to perpetuate the success of' the school, for which it has been noted during the past few years. We believe that many excellent select- tions, literary and musical, have been made; and we have no doubt, judging from the past, that the programme now in prospect, which consists chiefly of Sabbath School exercises and songs quite new, will be such in its rendition as to be entirely satisfactory to all who may patronize it. We bespeak a full house. THUNDER STORM AND FIRE.â€" On Saturday moaning last, this neighbor- hood was visited by one of the most f’ear- f'ul thunder storms that has occurred of late years. About five o'clock, A.M., the lightening struck a barn owned by Mr. William Padgefi, 3rd concession of Markham, destroying the whole contents, which embraced some very superior stock: 2 horses, from Imporfed horse; DR. PLAYTER’S CARD.â€"â€"We direct uttmltiun m the above gentleman’s pro< f'ossionnl card. The Dr. is prepared to give his best attention to any who may rvqnirc his services. t: , am appmnte 0 Hmelfil‘ The Council adjourned, to meet as a Court of Revision at ihe Court. House, on Monday the 5th May next, at ggven o'clock, PM. P. Gr. Savage has the Iargext stock of room papers in ‘he County. See Advt. RIO HMOND HILL VILLAGE COUNCIL. HOW IT STANDS. Kingston has 100 licensed tavernfl. Lennoxville Convocation takes place today The Imperial Parliament adjourned last night to the 12st inst. The estimated cost, of the Vienna Exhibi- iion is million and half sterling. ‘ The mendacity of these Grit politicians is standing evidence of human depravity. The Cofederatinn vote has been carried 111 Prince Edward Island by a large majority. The barns of Mr. Harken. in the town- ship of' Sunnidale, were destroyed by light min}: on Friday night. A boy twplve years of age, named Cunn~ inzham was drowan in the Grand River at Bramford yesterday. “ Round dances” at church festivals in DuhuqueJa..are not considered the “square thmg” by the press of that citv. w .a A Western paper informs the public that board for the summer can be obtained "at a. large and shady brick gentleman‘s resi dance." We learn from London that the Rev. Charles H. Spun-green has been offered $50.000t0 deliver fifty Iecmres in the United States. A Young man namedegmey- was; accidennlly druwned in the H.“le nver on Monday last at Woodbridge @‘falling out of a skiff. " Five miners were killed. anirseveml wounded by the explosion of fireidump in a coal mine in Mon‘mouthshlre, in Euglgpd‘ on Saturday. - A melanchon accident happened at Rochester on Tuesday evening, by which several persons Were precipitated into the river and drowned. The Union station in Toronto was struck by lightning on Saturday. but little damage was done. A couple of men who were working in the building were stunned by the shock, but fortunatly escaped in-j'ury. A boy enterprised to the very last of‘ the earth the other day by circulating adver- tising sheets along a funeral procession of forty seven sTelghs. He stood by the road side, assiduously handing in his hills, and didn't miss any body in the ranks outside the hearse. After fifteen years’ exnerience, the Omaha publishers have come to the conclusion that the newspaper business is a legitimate one, and they have cut off their dead heads and given otice that free puffing has ceased. All they ask is to pay and be paid like white folks; A young woman, while eating an Oyster stew, in Midd’ietown, Conn.. the other even- ing complained that one of the oysters was full of'bones;~ and careful, if not attraclive, exam-inafibnshowed that it contained forty- five pearls, varying in size from a pen to a pin's head. NEWM'A‘RKET, April 7â€" The Committee appointed at, a. public mPeting a short time ago to consider the question of Vnrgani‘ging an Emigration Aid Society in this riifing, under the Act, met to day at this plam. The meeting decided to from an association here vfitb a captial stock of $500. Stock- books are now open. , BOOTS AND SHOES ! l I minute to, his ’riends that an and after this date and until further nolice he will be found at Proctor’s Dominion Hotel, Hicmond Hill April 3. 1373. 7671-“ SBRING' TRADE. a At P’I'ZL‘RS that defy companion.) A conductor on theNew Haven amfNorth- ampth road while taking fares the other day was asked by an old gentleman, “ What do you d9 wizh 5‘.“ this ’ere money you fit of passengers as don’t have tickets ‘I” “ Put it in my pocket," answered the good nature}! conductor. “ Just what I xhought,” S‘a}d ONTARIO HOUSE IN THE FLOUR AND FEED Department will be found the verv heat familv Flnur manufactured hv Rumble 55 Calvart, Richmond Hi” Mills, which has stood thfi test for a length of time. and i: allmvad hv compe- mm judgm to he the host flour brought into the town.‘ Pens, Oats. Bran. Shorts, Bacon. Hams and anmas alwavs on hand fl erember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St” opposite Sanderson ti: Sons, Richmond Hill. .1. BROWN; At 7 o'clock, than, tg hear and decide upon complaints respecting tho Assqssment R0” [or the said village. M. 'I‘EEFY. ONTARIO HOUSE. JUST ARRIVED CONSISTING 0? Choice Teas, Tobacco, Unwants, Raisins, Prums; Dried Apples. (3%., SALMON TRUU’V‘. COD FISH. COAL «VIC. Sphmdid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb. Which fer strength and flavor cannot be surpassnd noth of Toronto. ' A large and beautith assortment of now nu hand fit for seed. A’sn Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed AH kinds bf field and gqrdon sends. All-rkinds of‘ Farm Produce tnkom in exchange: and lhn ' ighest market price paid Call and examine our stock before purchan ing‘ elsewhere. as we feel confidsm we can ino norf‘art smisfhr-fion. newspaper. A long lost husband made his appefimnce in Brunswick. N.(‘- , the other day, and with tears and $75000 induced his divorced wife In luck her second husband down the back- stairs into a his: pen. The tears might have Falled, but the second argument brought a flnnd of“ kove into that gentle womans heart that she could not resist. To Au. WHOM IT MAY cr'mcmn; A Court Qf Rovisinn will he heid in the Court Room. in ma Village of Richmond Hill, COURT OE REVISION; Municipality ofRichmon& Hill‘ LUNG LI FE PILLS ! A choice lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS Richmonglg Hi". April 8. ’73. April' 9. 1873. 0N HONDA Y, the 51h MA 37, 1353, Remember in Boots and Shons, I cannot be undnrsold. SPRING GOODS, @5911: gaammmnw, Just came to hand‘ suitable for the . HOSTETTER BEGS TO IN Egglmfi gyms. A erge and Salect Stock of FOR. SALE DY Notice R‘ E LAW, Dmgg‘m AT THE 767 MnnicipfiClerk. Richmond Hill. 767-4 SIPECIALITIES! PEOPLE’S The Etherin begs ‘0 announce that he has 'g', new in stock over V‘fINDOW SHADES, In an endless variety. ‘ As this is Que of lh’e' leading branches izilour business; mrtfosin want of anyihing in the above line would do well to call on us before purcha- sing elsewhere. FLOUR AND FEED KEPT CON: " STANTLY 0N HAND. EARBEH AND FIELD SEEDS! GARDEN TOOLS, 8w. GLASS AND PUTTY ! SOLD“ DEéU’JDEQEfiUHEAE BOILED, RAW, d9; ELEPHANT OILS. ' In General Groceries MIXED PAINTS; in all colors. CROCKERY 8: GE: ASSWARE We have our usual lugs and well selgpled Stock. which is unsurpassed in QUALITY, WHITE LEADS, in all brands. 'We have} very large ‘K'Bprrtvefiistdckpwhich WEB; * -' « WINES AND LIQUORS, NEW FANCY GOODS ! A Gall from all is solicited. Riel-mung Hm, AMI 10. 1523. Painters’ Material, 850. ‘1 " PROVISIONS, House FurnisQ-ing Goods. IN FURNITUM (firhtcriw, 8w. 00 PIECES OF CON" 31!“: 0' AND GENERAL OR PRICE, AT THE D‘d m 15min FINISH- ;és. plain and figured PAPER! P. G. SAVAGE. STORE 703- In. preparation for which SPRING GOODS! The rate on Lettprsfor the United Kingdom (via Quebec: in summer. and Portland in win- ter),i9 now reduced to 6 cents per} oz. Weight If soul via an York. it will be S cts per ; oz Theso ruosapply onlytop'rcpuid letlers; ifsenl unpaid , orinanfliciomly propnid. there willbe a [$49 of double the amonm oi‘deficientposmge. M. TE EF Y. Postmaster. h AILS MADE AT THE RICH- mund HillPoleffich ‘ Untill‘urther umiemthe mails willbecloseg ntthus oflice‘gé fqllows " N.B. REGISTEREX) Ln'g'rnné‘will require to he handed in 15 minqu lgrjuz'e the time of closing ' .â€".â€"-â€" ' ‘ BRITISH MAILS Ange closed at Toronto asfollows: Hy Cunard Line. avery Monday, . . 10:30 A.M. Bv Canadian Line.everv Thursday l0:00 nM. Richmond HillSlalion. a‘king efi'eel April 524, 1872: Going North 8.04 AM. . u... Going South 9 34 14.»;. .' . N.B. Letters for Despatch by th‘ese lines of Sienmors should be so marked GW,0AO'Bb::AKNLD :CkflsEoA’NZ’f 1) \Ru-nmund Hill branch) at tho HERALD Book Slum EVE RY INVENTOR, BUILDER, should at once send his name and address wnh $l.5U for one year’s subscaiplion to C) the HERALD Bonk Stare. A Copy offlrst number can ha 99¢“ a; 0511-». “(fig \TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT k 1|”. nunAln Raul: Sim-n MECHANIC. MANUFACTI'RER, ENG]- NEER. CHICMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT, RICHMOND; HILL L I V E. R Y Horses anLVehicles for hire. (‘hnyges mu- aera‘lu. Opposite Sanderson &Soné.‘ JQHN BROWN. Proprielop Richmond Hill, Dec. 14, ’72. 75143;!" The Canadian Patent Office Record AND ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Bonk Siam. gm GE’mmlfi, Q‘émmim. Southern mail qulhern Mail. . Southern Mail. . ,Biohmond Hi“, Nov 18"“. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE CHOOL REQUISITES OF ALL ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA "IMMEN SE STU OBERTSON‘S HALF DIME MUSIC AIR, TOOTH, NAIL, & CLOTH brushes at thp H PIRALD Book Store. I B L E S 0 C] E TY DEPOSITORY cheap a! [ho Hmuu» Book Store. kinds at thg HERALD Book Slum for sale at the HERALD Book $1.9m. THEN SPRING ! MEQEANICS’ M ‘LGAZINE, at the) HERALD Bonk Siam, fipniral gamma. WM. A TKINSON Which will be found GEORGE E. DESBARA'I‘S. TO TH E YUBLISHER, E‘,‘ “UI‘SSQNG. EVENING. INTER! Is receiving an Changeoltime Mn: ' ‘... 809 P.M “.6255 P M. M 0;“- R EAL. shill EMATNING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post l fiice. Isl Ag'ml. 1873.: Atkinson, George Batchelor, Wm. Bnrr.'John l' Barnes, Mr. (.rllius. Mrs Mary Cran'fiy Louis Domini. Hro'wu Evans. George Edwards John Elliot. John Ferguson. Joseph Peatherstoue, John Fmdell, K. A. Moore. Tli‘omus McKiunon. Miss. or Mrs. C. ”' McFadden. .l olm Polerman. S. ‘W. Prince, William Parrot. E E. Reid lhoodore Rumhle, Joseph Sanders. Juhn Sanders B. Sheppard. William E55008. Cornelia. LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Richmou.) Hill, Dec. 9. ’72. 751-ly Grant. Jessie Greavefl‘ James Gower. George Hicks. John Hurst. J. C. Ke“s. 'l'hos. Lorlig, Isaac COLD PENS, PENHOLDERS. AND vnancil cases at the HERALD Book Store. ’I‘ENDE RS WANTED. 'l‘enders win he xoceived by tfie‘undersiigfibd until lhe 14th dayof April next, for making the proposed additions and alterations in non nogtioqwith the Wesleyan] Methodist Church, ThornhLII. Store. N E‘N ENGLISH MUSIC! Hans and Specifit‘aliona can be seen by ap- plying to tho Secmtnry. The trufleoa 110' no! bind themselves to accept the Iowosl or any tender. By order of the Board J. PURKISk . 7 Seczuuh Situate on Yonge Street. mm mile north of Richmun‘ Hill; one hundred anr sun arculti» valion, thivly .‘l' which are In meadow. roasvtssn N IMMEHATEIJ, For particulars applv to 0-;39. HILL SAW MILL I MUSIC ! MUSIC g MUSIC Q gm 6500:1221, @mmica‘. 3' vpancil cases at the HERALD Book Store. ANNOUNCEMENT. NEL§ON PLAYTER. Richmond “in r ‘0 CHAS. f\ZmnrmA-r’n, SHINGLE CUTTING, AND PAR T1- SPRING GOODS. AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- 519 "for prosoutp a; the HmnuBoo‘g A R M To L E 'I‘, CONSISTING CF 175 AGNES. “wavy MAGEB, A LARGE ARRIVAL OE T1 - WEEK. 0 ULAR S NEXT (I'ullmru'a Street. Toronto List of Letters STORE. AT THE DEALER IN Mrs. C. "' McFadden. .l olm Polerman. S. ‘W. Prince, William Parrot. E E. Reid Ihoodore Rumhle, Joseph Sanders. ,luhn Sanders B. Sheppard. William Siscoe. Cornelia. Toveus, Pauly Varey. Jonathon Vandelburgh. .l . M. Willis. H '1'. Wine, James or Juseph Walker. Mrs. llohn M. TEEFY, r. n. I. CROSBY, TEEEA CEHEIYIES‘E‘T The subscriber would now inform the: farmers and public in gene‘s], than the TEA CHEST has just received Choice sugars. coffees. tobaccos. with a grand assortment of HURRAH I HURRAH I! Comprising new raisins, new «(0,, u! difl'orem kinds. Of'strengflvnnd flavor, cannot fail In merit the satisfaclicn of customers; togslhflr will] a fresh supplv of Salmon Trout. Coal Oil. Azc. A "hoice stock of PROVISIONS, AND LIQUORS ' ‘. Also, tho bvst and cheapest assortm entjof CROCKFZRYL BLOOD’S PORTER! Flour andfeed kept constanfly on hand, OYSTERS AND FISH l Just received and will have to hand weekly. during the season. a supply of 5% FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTE RS Fresh Canned Lobsters. Mackerél,&c ; also Table Godfish, Labrador Herringsy White Fish and Salmon Trout, 0f the best quality, at G. A. BARNARD'S. Sign of the British Flag Staffiflichmflnd Hill U b‘oucrroa IN CHANCERY. CoNvumcsn.’ SlcvV “Kc. ~ * , OFl-‘Icvzzâ€"No '12 York (Ihamhers. Sol'th- east Corns of Toronto and CourtStreets ’ ‘l‘oronto, Um. » 1 £1 estate of the late DANIEL HORNER, of lot No. 21. 9nd Con. Markham. are requested to settle thfl same wiih either of tha undersigned execumrs on or before the 1st of April next. And all pal-lies having claims against the said: estate are iequested to present the same duly, certified for libuidmion. by the above date. estate of the late Wliunx ()Aualy'rguna.’ of lot No. 27, bth Con. Markhzllm. am requesu led to settle {be same with William qusnm Smut, one of the execu‘u's. on or bel‘dl'e the first day of May, 1871lâ€"and all parting having claims against, (he said eslam are requested [0 Pmsem Ihe same dnly certjfied fgr llqnidalloq by [Ina above (late. to the said William Law- son. Buttonville P. O, 'l EDWARD PLAYTER, M. D , (Medalist, Toronto Univgr§ity,) P HYSICIAN, SURG EON, 6w. Coroner for the County of York. Rhidellt‘aâ€"LOppONiIO l). Hnnkin’s Store, Cér. Yonge and Parliament, St. Richmond Hill. OB PRINTING DUNE NEAT AND "quick at the YORK HERALD Cneap Book and Job hinting Establishment. : CHOICE TEAS!" FRESH NEW Richmond Hill, Dec.24,1872. Nov. 27 . [872 Purernnd'u'nadulterated. always on hand. Whilchurch. Dec. 94. ’7' March 12. 1873 lglluary f5. 1873 RICHARD CARRU'I‘HERSJ WILLIAM LAme, symmn GEORGE LAWSON. ) THOMAS BOI."1‘ON. mm. J Datéd llllh February. 1873 ARRISTER. AjTORNESEâ€"ATâ€"Lmvl ALEX. MOODIE. SIGN OF THE TEA GEES]. LL PARTIES INDEBTED TOJI‘HE LL PARTIES [NDEBTED To THE ADAM H. MEYERS, Jr. PRICE, AND QUALIT Y And delivered fyeo of chm'gm‘~ OF THE BFS’I‘ WIA[\‘lJl-‘AC'I‘URE.I Notice to Creditors. s. BAKER, A. BRILLINJELL (Late Qf l‘uggYLH. 1% M‘I'yc7's,) GLA'SSMND PUTTY Notgcg t9 Craditg‘rs. O’KEEFE’S ALE fimmiw, M. A NEW STOCK A LARGE STOCK 0F ALWAYS 0N HAND. FOR THE AND AN 1) CUT‘LERY nurrn‘lis, spices, which for FRUIT Excwtora Gormley P O. 753-3m } l Exccu‘torss 760-3 756.13; 7|6-lf 764-tf

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