There ,can be no doubt, even at this stage of the oï¬cial investigation, that the loss of the White Star steamship “ Atlantic,†and the appalling sacriï¬ce of life which attend- ed .it, must take rank in the list of prevent ‘ able disasters. In regard to the due ap- portionment of blame. it is perhaps too soon to form an opinion. Without. reference to "ï¬lm precise degree of responsibility it is clear enough, ï¬rst, that the captain is guilty of fatal neglect of duty. Making all dur- allowance for the mistake about his reckon ing, which the most competent 6f navigators might conceivably have made.there remains the crushing fact against him that he left the bridge when he knew that he was approach v ing a dangerous coast with which he and all but one of his ofï¬cers were totally unfa- miliar. He cast no lead and he caused no extra vigilance to be used, and while he quietly slept below, the great ship with its living freight was driving on to certain de- ‘ struction. Captain Williams has a heavy ‘ enough burden to bear to make it seem al- most inhuman to pile reproaches upon him; but nobody can think of those 546 corpses that lie in and around Prospect Bay and calmly judge the man whose carlessness and incompetence were the immediate causes of their death. When the captain went below shortly after midnight, he left the ship in charge of its proper ofï¬cers during the middle watch. After he has been judged for leaving a. post which no prudent captain would have left, under the circumstances, to a subordinate, what shall be said about the ï¬delity of those who were left in charge of the vessel? The night. is now ascertained, contrary to the ï¬rst. reports, to have been clear. In such weather Sambro Light can be seen at a dis- tance of 18 miles. But the point where the “ Atlantin†atrnnlz in km ulna mum. 11:560.]! “ Atlantic†struck is but nine miles distant from Sambro, and yet neither the lookout nor the ofï¬cer on the bridge appears to have observed it. It seems incredible that on a starlight night it should have been possible for a large ocean steamer to run upon the rocks of a coast which any “watch†de- serving the name could have perceived in time to reverse the engines and save vessel. The incompetency of the captain was clear- ly shared by his second oflicer, and the carelessness which he showed in preferring his own ease to the safety of the 900 human beings entrusted to his charge. had evidently communicated itself to the men who com- posed the starboard watch on that fatal‘ night. But after all this has been said the ques‘ I-(on will arise. whv did the “Atlantic†go to Halifax at all? She was but ten days out and there were but 127 tons left of her coal supply and only two days of additional provisions for cabin and steerage passengers. The Liverpool agents of the White Star Line profess themselves astounded at the rapidity with which an “unusually large †supply of coal had been consumed. Either their notions ofa large supply are miserably inadequate. or the quality of the coal was execrable. From either ofthese conclusions there is no escape, and in either case their' responsibility is a very grave one. The facts are, however, only part of a vicious system which this line has for some time pursued in regulating: the passages of its sleamships. If we mi take not the steamers which this company can draw upon do not exceed five in number. The outside "sched ule time," i. e. the time between leaving Liverpool and the hour of leaving New York againâ€"allowed to each boat. was six- teen days, and in the case before us the “Atlantic†could not have kept the adver tised date of her return trip with a longer passage than 12 days. With a fleet six times as large as the White Star Company the Anchor Line has never instituted any “ schedule time†at. all, and the other com- panies allow from 18 to 23 days. with fair margin for any unforSeen casualities. A White Star Commander was more a slave to his “schedule time†than a streetcar conductor, and frequent. departures from it would inexitably have cost him his place. Captain Wlliams occupied a position which required sleepless vigilance and consummate skill. He fell verv far short of exhibiting evidences of either. The company that employed him were committed to a. task in the execution of which the highest type of ollicers and the best disciplined crews in the trade might have failed. They seem to have exercised but little care in selecting either, and then sent them to sea with a trust in luck which is absolutely criminal. The terrible catastrophe which has been the re sult of combincd’recklessness and neglect has at least this obvious advantage. that its warning will not readily be forgotten either by the steamship companies or the travelling public.-â€"S. A. Journal. Srmmxr} News FROM NEW ORLEANs.â€"ONE HUNDRED NEGROES KILLED. New Oamms. April 15.â€"The steamboat Southwestern, which arrived this afternoon, brings stirring and important news from Grant. Parish. The whites have retaken Colfax. and there is not a negro to be found for miles around. From passengers we glean the following: â€" The negroes had strongly entrenched themselves in the court house, and built breastworks three to four feet high. There were. itvis said, about 400 men armed and equipped thoroughly. On Saturday, at about twelve o'clock about 150 men had gathered from the surrounding parishes made an attack on thebreastworks, and a brisk ï¬ght was kept up until some- where near three o’clock. The breastworks, were then stormed and captured. the negroes taking refuge in the Court house, the doors of,which were barricaded. After some fur ther ï¬ghting the negroes threw out a flag of truce, and several detachments of men advanced on it, when they were ï¬red on by the besieged party, wounding several, one pf whom was Capt. Hadwot, who was shot in the bowels and, it is feared, fatally :wounded. Thev retreated outside of the fbreastworks, and as the only way of dis lodging negroes, the Court House was set =on ï¬re, and they were shot as they came :from the burning building. It is reported that between 80am! 100 negroes were ,killed, and that there were none afterwards :to be found for miles around. The captain 'of the Southwestern makes the following ‘stntemeutzâ€"We arrived at Colfax on Sun- :day evening about eight. o‘clock, and the white people, with the sheriff's at their head I supposed had captured the town, after having a conflict with the negroes It wast reborted to me that about one hundred‘ negroes had been killed and many wounded. i We saw from our boat ten or fifteen lying around on the banks dead. A white man was reported killed whose name I did not learn, and two very seriously wounded, Messrs. Hadwot and Harris. Hadwot WAS shot through the bowels. and supposed to be moitally‘w‘o’unded; we brought Harris and Hadwot‘dbwn from Colfax to Alexan dria. Three of" four other whites were slightly'wou'iided." About one hundred ne- groes esféeped"; But it was reported that. the whites "we‘re-‘still‘pursuiug them. All the leaders 'oi’"the riot escaped. The negroes ambuscatled themSeives in the Court House. and thei’whites ï¬ndingr there was no other mode of attack left them, set ï¬re to the building. = The Whites numbered in. the neighborhood of 150: The ï¬ght lasted from twelve o’clock until nearly ï¬ve m. The whites are new in' possession of Colfax, and when I left late last' Sunday night, everything was very quiet; ‘ ' ' The Wreck of the “ Atlantic †Negro Rebellion. The Uxbridge Journal says: “A rather novel melhod, as a preventive against ï¬re, was suggesled at the last. sitlim.r of a Vil- lage Council not far from Uxbridge,-bya lesident,- It, wrs as follows: 111M 3. bylaw be passed that each family be provided wtth a tin horn and pail, and in case of. ï¬re the owner of the house on ï¬re should sound the born to alarm the inhabitants, who would seize their pails and proceed to the scene of action. We are anxiously wailing to see whether the Council will adopt. this method or not.†L'llllu)nnou--Ilillool Exlra............... Superior Extra. . . . . Oatnleal.............~..... Cornmeal .. ........... Bran. Wheatâ€"Spring............ Soulos and Ueihl . . . 'I‘readwell.......... Barley...................:. Peasa..........,........... Oats........ ............. RVs....................... Straw............ Potatoes. per bag.........n. Apples, per barrel...... . .... Beef. bytheside............ Mutton, by the carcass. . . . . . Poultryâ€"Geese. . . . . . . . .. . . . Turkeys†' Toron‘o.April 17. 1873. Flourâ€"Superï¬ne. . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5 45 (I) 5 50 Spring Wheat extra . . U lit) @ U hU Fancy.... . . . . . ..... 590/23 000 Extra. . . . . . . . . . ..... 64H {(1) 650 Superior Extra. . . . . 7 25 @ 7 50 Oatnleal................... 47 fli 4'15 2 n Cornmeal ....;............ 90ft» 000 Barley...................:. Peasa..........,........... Oats........ ............. RVs....................... Straw........... Potatoes. per bag.........n. Apples, per barrel...... . .... Beef. bytheside............ Mutton, by the carcass. . . . . . Poultryâ€"Geese. . . . . . . . .. . . . Turke_\>s...'........ Chickens.per pain. ‘Ducks. per pair.... U Gnu-wot. AND COMFORTING- â€"â€" " By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural Iqu which govemthe operations ofdigeslilm and nutrition, and byamrejul application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well-soleclod cocoa, MJ Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mav save us many heavy doclors’ bills.â€â€"Civil Survica Gazelle. Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each packet is labellodâ€" ‘JAMES EPPS 6!. ’30., Hommopalhic Chemists, London." ling . . . . . . . . Dried Apples. . Salt.......... MANUFACTURE or Cocoa.â€"“ We will now give Ml accnunt of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps & (30.. manufactures of diutntic amicles. at their works in the Euslon Road. l;oudonâ€â€"Cwssull’s Household Gmda October 31. 1872. 739-15' Wool .. . rRichmond HillStalion. akng eï¬'ecl April 24, 1872: Going North 8.04 LN. . . Going South 9.34 A.M . . . . . . . OB PRINTING DONE NEAT AND quick at the YORK HERALD Cheap Book and Juh I rimng Establishment. Municipality of Richmond Hill. To ALL WHOM IT mu coxcmm : At 7 o’clock, P.M.. to hear and decide upon complaints respecting the Assessment Roll for the said village. M. TEEFY, A Court of Revision will he he‘d ‘u the Court Room, in lha Village of Richmond Hill, In all‘ its branches. and from his experience, carefuliauenlion, and moderate charge». he hopes to recnive a share (If the public patron- age. All orders by mail promptly attended lo. JOHN LUMLEY, Church Sh, Markham Village. U timate to his riends that on and after this date and unlil further uollce he will be found at Proctur’s Dominion Hotel, liicmond Hill. April 3. 1873 . 7674f , ND WATERSPOUTS FOR. THE DO- mmow, at $6 per IOO lest. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed ; Sap Buckets. E’ails.CiderMillstWashing Machines.Shing|es Waggon Felloes.and LumberSawodLo order Forparticulars address JOHN LABIGSTAE‘FtI y 17 Civil Enginearand Draughtsmau. Orders by latter should slme the Concession, Lot. and character of Survey. the subscriber having the old I‘iuld Notes, of the late I). GIBSON and other surveyors, which‘shoud be consulted. in manv cases; as to original manu~ mcnts, &c.. pravious lo commencing work. Olï¬ce at WILLOWDALE, Yonge Street. in the Township of York. Jan’v. 8. 1873. 755-4m PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR, Civil Enginearand Draughtsmnn‘ estate of the late WILLIAM CARRU'I'HHM. of lot No. 27, Mb Con. Markham. are reques- ted to seltle the same with William Lawson. Senn, one of the execqus, on or before the ï¬rst day of May, 187ilâ€"and all parties having claims against the said estate are requested to present Ihe same dnly certiï¬ed for liquidation by lhe above date. to the said William Law- son. Buttonville P. 0. RICHARD CARRUTHERS, WILLIAM LAWSON, Sum, . GEORGE LAWSON. Executors THOMAS BOLTON. JUNK. Painting. ’ HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- ‘ I'v [he public that he has ra'wmmenced [1 estate of the Iaxe Damn. HOMER, of log’ D10". 2!, 9nd Con. Markhain.‘are requested to seitlg “If! same with either ofthe ï¬n'déisigxled execylhrs 9'11 'or‘before the Is! of Ap‘i‘il‘next. And'ul! pairtles having claims against the said estate are requested to present the same diily pprliï¬gd for libuidatiou. by the above date. S BAKER. g 3 A. Bgummsmu. “4"†‘ z. 11 Gonnley P. O. WhiLchurch. Dec. 94. ’72. 753-3m \‘ OURT OF REVISION. January 8, 1873. Richmond Hill, April 8, ’73. ON MONDAY, the 5th MA Y, 1873, HOUSE PAINTING 1 Steam Mills'fl‘hornhill‘ ThornlIiII.-Nov. 3,1869. 510-.†REAK FAST Dated 1011] February. 1873 ORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA LL PAR-TIES INDEBTED TO THE LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO THE PETER S. GIBSON, l'y [he public that he has re'wmmenced business at . HOSTETTER BEGS TO IN- Patent Eaveâ€"trough TORONTO MARKETS. Notice to Creditors. Notice to Creditors. gl-ï¬ï¬cxllmmuï¬. .â€" EPPS’S COCOA. â€" Notice Municipal Clerk. 3. 767-4 Changeoltime . . . . . . . 5.04 p.51 ....... 509 P." mmuï¬wwumwmmwmmwwmmmmm..mmm2 2704 0111000052U360010I7000060000(00 0 21 I. I @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@W@W@®@@@a mï¬ummwwwwmmmmwflwï¬woummcmn%mwmmmmu 2|]!0000ï¬9026800006000060000010 l ‘ l 755-611) 760-3m 0 00 6 50 7 50 4 '15 0 00 NEW SPRING GOODS 1873. OYSTER-S AND FISH ! Just received and will have to hand waokb‘. during the season. a supply of ï¬ne FRESH BALTIMORE OYSTERS Table Codï¬sh, Labrador Herrings, LUMBER, SHIN GLES 6’; LATHE White Fish and Salmon Trout, Of the best quality, at G. A. BARNARD’S. Sign of (he Brilish Flag Stafï¬ï¬‚ichmond Hill. . 'I‘euders will be received by the undersigned until the 14th day of April next,for making the proposed additions Ind alterations in con- nection with the Weslaytm Methodist Church. 'l‘horuhili. Or to Plans and Speciï¬cations can he soon by ap’ plying to the Secretary. t’l‘he trustees do not bind lhemsolvel to Iccept the )owost or any lender. By order of the Board. J. PURKISS. Siluate on Yonge Street. one mile north of Richmond Hill; one hundred acres unï¬er culti- vation, thirty of which are in meadow. rosssssmn IMMEDIATELY. For particulars apply to 'IV‘ENDE RS WANTED. PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Richmond Hill, Dec. 9, ’72- 75l-Iy RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL I EMA-INING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post Lfï¬ce, 15: April. 1873: Atkinson, George Batchelor, Wm. Burr. :John Barnes, Mr. Collins Mrs Mary Cranny. Louis Danton. Brown Evan. George Edwards, John Elliot. John Ferguson. Joseph Foalherstone. John Fradell, R. A. Grant. Jessie Grooves. James Gower. George Hicks. John Hurst. J. C. Kovs. 'l‘hos. Lorlie, Isaac Moore. Thomas McKinnon. Miss. or Mm. C. McFadden. J ohn Pelermau. S. W. Prince, William Parrot. E. E. Reid. '1 heodoro Rumhle, Joseph Sanders. John Sanders, B. Sheppard, William Siscoe. Cornelia Tovette, Pauly Varey. Jonathon Vandeiburgli, J . M. Willis. U. '1‘. Wine, James or Joseph Walker. Mrs. John should at once send his name and address wnh $1.50 for one year’s subscription to EVE RY INVENTOR, BUILDER, Mou‘rREAL. A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Ofï¬ce. I " 766-2 £23 @unfla, @rumiw. MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT. The Canadian Patent Ofï¬ce Record Fresh Canned Lobsters, Mackerel,&c ; also \VESLEÂ¥AB HYMNQ, SIZES, utthb HERALD Book‘Slpre.‘ ' " Nov. 27, X872 CHAS, MAGRATH, 0N EXHIBITION AT The Fire-Proof Store. SHINGLE CUTTING, mp TATIONERY OF ALL gmps 41‘ ‘ the 32341,? 500% S’to'fég PAR T1- SPRING GOODS, - A R M T 0 L E T, CONSISTING OF 175 ACRES. AN IMMENSE’ STOCK ANDREW MAGER, M ECHANICS’ M AGAZINE, -__.,‘___; â€"-_-__ â€"â€"â€". at thia Hagen) goéjgzï¬gére. Colborne Stréet. Toronto Tl- WEEK. 0 ULARS NEXT List of Letters GEORGE E. DESBARA'I‘S. TO THE PUBLIIHEK, AT THE NELSON PLAYTER. SPRING, DEALER IN AND McFadden. J ohn Pelerman. S. W. Prince, William Parrot. E. E. Reid. '1 heodoro Rumhle, Joseph Sanders. John Sanders, B. Sheppard, William Siscoe. Cornelia Tovette, Pauly Varey. Jonathon Vandelburgh, J . M. Willis. U. '1‘. Wine, James or Joseph Walker. Mrs. John I. CROSBY, ll. TEEFY, PJI. Richmoï¬d Hill. 1873. 749 D to the pubic for the liberal patronage he has received while inbusiness, and would also invite an early call to his assorted stock 0" BOOTS AND SHOES ! BOOT AND SHOE STORE, RICHMOND HILL. He is also prepared to make to order the best kind of French C'alf Boots, for $500 per pair; Double Soles, 85'50 per pair. All kinds of custom work warranted to give the best of ntisfactioné‘hnd I good ï¬t guar- anteed. Wlll cu Inyulu wuu 4i}? HOUSE IN TORONTO. Shop. twoï¬doors north of G. A. Barnard’s Store. J. manufactured by Mr. Peter Phillips, who has recommem-ed business in Richmond Hill, in the old place, and who is now prepared to ï¬ll all orders promptly. This Pump is Easiest TVarhed, Must Durabla and Neatcst Made in. the Dominion, It is so conilrncted with the castings of the handle us to make it all light, therefore pro- venl_ing~cll_ildr9_n from pulling niiylhilig into it. The-Subscriber woul'd respveetfhlly “cumming; that he is prepared to put injhis Pump ‘ 0F ' Persons, Animals, @uair Landscapes IN ALMOST ANT REQWRED Or if they are not pfeferradto any 0(her pump they may be returned, and the money will be refunded. These pumps are suilnhle for all depths from a cistern to a well of 150 feet. They are not liable to get out of repair. being double- valued, and thejoints are allturned in a lathe: consequently {here is no leakage at this joints which is invariably the case with the common pump made by hand. On Trial for one Mon’th! And if accepted Also manufacmres 3 pump for cisterns and shallow wells. Price $6, complete for cistern not exceeding 8 foot, Churn pumps for cisterns, $3 each. We“ digging done on the shortest notice. Address, stating depth of well, I Price : $5 Shove platform, um! 40 cents per foot below. Old pictures carefully copied and enlarged. Parties: desiriu pictures printed from the old negatives o( r. Gray or Hood can3 have them by ordering, as 1 have purchased all their Illegatives. PHOTOGRAPHY. THOMAS B- adrELAND, IkST‘ PRIZE photographer. begs to in- form the public that. having commencéd operadons in the above business on Richmond Hill, he is prepared togtako ï¬t D3" and cloudy weuher no hindrance to the art, except for children. Parties gelling pictures of children taken are requested to be at ‘he Studio between 10 Au. and 3 P.M. uj’ Gallery in the old stand reconlly occu- pied by Mr. Gray. D Soucnoa IN CHANCE“, Coinhncnn. &c . 5w. - OFFIcrzzâ€"No. 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Streets, Toronto. Ont. EDWARD PLAYTER, ML!) , (Medalisi, Toronto University) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, to. Coroner for the County of York. Rosidenceâ€"Opposile D. Hopkin’s Store, Co'r. Yonge and Parliament St. Richmond Hill. 0f I“ kin da, which he offers at prices that ii Will compare with LUNG LIFE PILLS ! Horses and Vehicies for hire; Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson 6L Sons. JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Doc. 14, ’72. 751-3111 ARRISTERS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 King Street East, Toronto. R. A. HARRISON,Q c. F'. 05mm. 'l‘uonus Moss, Qqc. W . A Fos'nm. CHARLES Moss. ‘ W. G. FALcoxBIuD-Ic Toronto, Dec. 4, 1872. 750-“ rally be found at 'home from 2 to 3 o'clock. P. M. John EIIioxt Lnngstaff is auth- orized to collect accounts. ARRISTE RS, SOLICITORS m Chgpcery, Notaries, 6gp! OIFWETCOIII'I Strut. Tqromp. Branch OmceLnyision Conn Clark’ajoï¬ico, Rich,- mond Hill.‘ THos. K. Mom". Hone; Tnonul’! Rich mond Bill, Oct. 10, 1872'. 700- Oct- 14, ’72. Richmond Hill. Sept. 26,2’72. J mmary 15. 1873. WILLIAM GAMBLE ETURNS p.13 SINQERE THANKS April 9. 187 a. March l2. 1873 J Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer. &c'. Orncu.~â€"No.5BChu1-chStreet.’l‘orout0. December 29. 1869. 596 HARRISON. OSLER 85 MOSS, 71f-ot‘omo, April 25, 1872; February 4m. 1873. AQRISTER. A_TTORNEY_-AT7LAW, J. N. BLAKE,_ Aggys-TER g ATTORANEY-A‘T‘LAW, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF. acayQNQ H_ILLL WIL‘L GENE: ‘IOHMOND HILL LIVERY S T AB L E S . ADAM H. MEYERS, J15, (Late qf Duggan &' Mnycrs.) E EXCELSIOR PUMP IS NOW WARRANTED TWO YEARS, flow and 531mm; PICTURES! Change of Business. @xcremiur imp. MORGAN 85 THOBNE SIZE OR STYLE. gmwgmphg, PETER PHILLIPS. FOR SALE BY R. E. LAW. Druggilt, Richmoné Hi". CARD. Richmond Hill 743 1y 756-†740-†759-lv 7644f IMONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. ’3“! _ Oflicehours: t'rom6:30A.M.t09:3Q rm. Mi :May, 4,1862 £53?“ @griwltmal ï¬lxzmtcmmtï¬. SPRING SEEDING MA DE’ SIMPLE BROAD-CAST SEEDERS Joseph‘Hall Manufacturing Co. 03mm, On. We guarantee a SAVING or ONE MAN AND TEAM All through‘Seeding. besides saving seed and doing the wprk better than the usua! way. The Michin‘e c-n b6 Sean and all particulars explained at . MR. M. S. COGSWELL’S. THORNHILL. Who i; acting as agent for said machina. We l claim that our Seeder i the most useful im- plemem for the price thu farmer can procure. The he: of the above can be ascertained from any of the following gentlemen :-- Dania! Reaman. Vaughan; Henry Lemon, Thom- hill; James Bowman, ng: James Mushy, Aurora . Michael Waxley. Bust Gwillilnbury ; W. D. Stoddam Bradford; Mich“! Fisher, Vlughun: Bgnjamiu Wut,West Gwillimbury; Hean Well-y. Whilchurch; Wm. Jucluou. Vaughan. [7' Do not fail to get THE SEEDEB. i! you want to SAVE Moi-v.1 Yours, etc.. Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing when, rye. barley. and oats and will not Choke withanythistley or foul grain. No stivll or broom requirad to be used. and the machine need not at unv time be stopped by clogging of the Sieve. Carter’g‘ Ditching Ma- chine Steam and horas-power Threshing Machines Combined mud Single Mowers and Reapers Wood Sawing Machines Horse and DOg Powers Machine Jncxs Straw Cutters Root Cutters & Pnipen Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Uri" Epl’s Paten' Harrows ’ Fieldand Lawn Roller Horse Hoes Gr, Searï¬er. Cultivators ' Potato Diggers Pumps Scales Ho rue Hay Forks Amalgam Sleol Be": The Blanchard churn Barrel do Dash churns FloroncoSowing Mn- Iron PATENT SIEVE I :r‘d‘e‘rvs for this Sieve addrosï¬ed to the patentee. Jobn Rue. Lansing P.O.. 0111., will recplvp p-I‘D‘mpt attention. linfriulurzeunem. on this patent will be punished With the utmost rjgo of the luv. JOHN RA E. Lansing P.0. Mowers and ReapEra Wood Sawing Machines Horse and Dbg Powers Machine Jncxs Straw Cutters Root Cutters & Pnlpen Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Uri" Hand Seed DriHs Fanning Mills Clover Hu Hero;1 Horse Hay'Rakes Corn Shellexwz Husker Stump Machmel Patent Fan Forges Mowing Machine-Knife Cider Mills and Pro sses GruV’s Single JLADoublg FARMING IMPLEM NTS 8. T0815 - Field Seeds, Fruit frees, Fertilizers, (90.. am. FANNING MILLS, Mowing Machine-Knife and Tools- Cider Mills and Pro ssus Field Seeds Grny’s Single 5!. Double Fruitand Ornaments Furrow Ploughs Trees and Shrubs Iron and Wood Beam Superphasphato o f fl floughs lime; & ground bone Gang Plongha Pure Seed Grain 810., Double Mould Plough: &c. &c., &c, 132 Y KSHIRE .CATTL FEEDER! Farmers and Thresher: Take Notice. 0R. FATTENING AND BRINGING Into cout‘itjon Horses, Cows. Calves, FIRSTâ€"CLASS STOCK BREEDERS. Smck fed with it have’ niwnyr takon ï¬rst prizes. Milch Cattle [Induce more: miik and butter. Price 25 cents and $l 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. HUGH MILLER &‘CO., AaRgCUL-runu. Ouamsrs. 167. King Street East, Toronto For Safe by Druggists and Storekeeper-s. Sept. 17,1872. 7394! MPORTANT TO FARMERS ! It Fattens in Oneâ€"fourth. tile usual time, and saves Food. DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, (OR any numbor-notexceediugtin'oehundred dollars byany one depositor.) will be recoived atthe Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ceJor which Governmentwillallowlnterest. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE l RICHMOND HILL CULTIVATOR COMBINED, 731.3m ",*.\In. Tum-v in Governmant Agonlfor heulo of STRAw CUTTERS,. ROOT C'UTTERS. Yong‘o Street, July. 1879. 717-1! Importer,Munufacturarand Dealorin a.“ kinds of AE'S NEW AND IMPROVED P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. pf) ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO GRAIN! CRUSH ERS. aw“ 61c. Fo Ip‘nrticularsapplyto Into cout‘itjon Horses, Cows. Calves, "‘ esp and Pigs tha g. 69. fleynrtmmt. NOW READY ! WM. RENNIB, ls used and recommended by BY 0 ’I'INB ONE OF THE M4RRIAGE LICENSES. lmunmnnn n! Tat r. w. GLEN. on...“ GEO A. MASON, Genny-l Agent for tho Dominion. Oshawa. 0n}. WM. RENNIE, ALSO AGENT FOR THE (FIFTH EDITION), M. TEEFY,Postmusler. AND a chine Philadelphia L I w n Mower Greenhou so and Gar- den Engines Laundry Machines Garden_ Implements Tonon 0,0“. POST 0 FFI C E. 7929M Chickering. Stainwuy and Durham Pianos. Also. the colc bratet Prince’s Organs Muelodwné, HUMMING BIRD PIA NO Whiqh is aouplod to parlors where space is an object. The mode of H8 construction I: entirely new. and based upon the best known principles of science. 151 rd us in the ngoncyin this auction for the sale of Messrs G. A. Princo dz, Co’s cele- brated ()rgmm and Melodeons, in favor of which we givr our most unqualiï¬ed approval and rocommandation as the lending and most rolinbie reed instrument now manufncrured. l have awfully examined the pianos so'd by Mr. H. B, Reosor. called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos. manufactured by Mn- lhuseck, and think they are Wonderful!" sweet and pure in tons. and from their poculm‘. eon- Mrncliyn. calculated to "main in tune longer 'lmn olher pianos. and consequently to mud n gran-r mnount of wear. HENRI GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. ‘28. 1872‘ 714â€"ly (Signbd) H. G. COLLINS. WM. PLUM ERFELT. 'Markham. Nov. 3.187]. Tgéiimonlnl from Profoudr G, Collin; Ind other convenienceu situated lhoreon,â€"-un the corner of Centre Street West and Elizabeth Stream Riehmoiid Hiâ€. Apply ‘0 GEORGE BRECKON. March 12. 1873. 764-51 HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale n Half-here Villain Lot with a‘gnod J. Sale A Hilf-‘acriervrillhgar Lrotivlirtl‘: uremia Frn‘me» Dwelling House and Stable, good Wall U Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of Mind, one frame dwelling house, with a burn stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, any. Apply. on the premise“ M II“ C RA WFORD. No. 4 in the 51!: Concussion Township of King, belonging to the estnta of the late Wil- liam McNair; containing “0 Acres of which are under cultivation. There is a good Frame Dwelling House with an excellentcellar underneath. Barns. Stables and other outbuildings and Timber for a new Barn 40 x 61'). Plenty of water. This is a very desirable property being only helween 3 and 4 miles frmn King Station on Northern Railroad. where there is a geod market for all kinds of produce. Schools &, Churchesin the imme- diate neighborhood. Terms will be male very easy. For particulars apply to eithes of the under- signed executors to the estate. JAMES McNAlR. [20 Acres of Excellent Land FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'I‘nree largo barns, two stables. Ind olher ne- cessary farm buildings. Two spring creeks run across the iot, and piomy of good water abounds. it is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under- drained. and wall fenced, with two good or- chards. and about One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cultivulfli. There are on the pro- perty two good Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by letter (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. And are located at the North-west comm of lot No. 35, 41h concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get steady work and high wages Appr (if by lellcr.prepnid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square, or lo ‘ .L salé a number of Village lots. situated in the village of About One-ï¬fth of an Acre, EALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- vor Watches, Jaweiiry, 6112.. [13 Yonge Stroot. Toronto. TWO HUNDRED ACRES .1- tructinn of the Anglo American Housa by ï¬re. the subscriber has taken and ï¬tted up those large and>,commodious premises belong- ing‘to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Spoight (b Son’s Novohy Works, Markham. Excellent ncnommodalinn afl'ordod for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connaction with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. [1 and Survefl'or, Tnist and Loan Build; ings c aunt of Adelaide and Toronlq streets. Toronto. 719-lf. Can be had at the Post Olï¬ce. for [U cam-5 A WEEK. Apply to THE MORNING PAPERS OF TORONTO: OETICAL WORKS, OF ALL THE ~.diï¬'eraut pants. at the Emuâ€) Book Star‘s. VICTORIA SQUARE ! Richmond mu, 090124} ’72. 753-3m Lot 5.3rd Con. King. Richmond Hill, July [1. 1872. 729-“ Dec. 4. 1872. September I, [871. ‘N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" March 97, 1872. gamma inï¬trmumtï¬, Sept. 4, 1872 House and Lot"£or Sale, ‘1‘? LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Desirable Farm for Sale, EXNG THE'EAST HALF OF LOT Superior Farm for Sale, EING LOT :NO. 278, ‘IN 3113314301 R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED House and Lot for Sale. Mayl4,1869. RCHITECT, C I V I L ENGINEER, 0nd concession of'lha Township of Markham, containing MAIL. gmmx’tg for (55m, E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Village Lots for Sale. NIPISSING HOTEL, HARKHAM. H. B. REESOB, 8. JAMES, (LATE JAMES & revvng J. SEGSWORTH, Lot 25. 2nd Con. Vaughan, JOHN GILLES The lots contnm DEALER 1N Notice. WM. G. HINGSTON. GLOBE. D. T. WOOTEN; 7374f Richmond Hill I’. O. M. TEEFY, Richmond Hill 564â€"11 Dingln P. 0 714-t f LEADER. 7501f 684 Commissionerin B. R.,iï¬ Government Agent for issuing Marriage [.iCense in the County onork. Ofï¬ce hoursâ€"7 Axmlto 9:30P.M Richmond Hill.Octob0123,isbb. Whiniwiw _ ___-_ ...-~, ~vnw. D tors in Chaï¬â€˜cerj. Convoyancers. Dinahâ€"Removed lo W'hinomofe‘s Build- ings, 'l‘oromo Street. Toronto. 711 H' THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J Undermkér. &c, RESIDENCEâ€"NOAH" opposite the Post Ofï¬c‘o' Richmond, Hi". U have alw§}'s‘6n hand Hm bast‘of Beef; Mutton, Lamb, Veal. Pork. Snunn'ges, &c,‘ and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. - The higbont market prices given for Cattle, Sheep, Lambs, axe U T c H ER 3, RICHMOND HILL; have alevs‘on hand Ihe best of Raaf‘: Also, Corned and Spiced Baof’, Smbkod anrf Dried Hnmr. U in old iron, rags. &c.. 510.. Richmond Hill. All orders promptly attended to. Fellows’ Compound S! RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES.‘ As aliiii‘e-endowed bodies. whetherihey be Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo- phites. and subjects of tho Vegetable Kingdom are gaurned by rilulforcc, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them from destl notion when this principle leaves them, the discovery of means whereby vilaiily may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the worid. Modern chemistry has ventiiamd the quasi tion and discovered the ipgrq’dieuts emit-Hm- the brain. muscles and non/'09. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain anti nervous system are strengthened. It is ada‘mod-for. “it. cases- oerVeakness and Emacialion, whether arising from sedentary“ life. ntfopicalclimate. from fever or dnbilily from any caus,nnd is efï¬cacious in l’uLlo- NARI CONSUMPTION, many conï¬rmed was“; having been cured and all boneï¬lled, where its use has been continued over a fortnight. ln Bronchitis it is a spaciï¬c. and in Asthma' it gives relief where overv other remedy fails. For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may be nsad with conï¬dence in all vases. This. then. is snbstaxilinily the basis 01! which FELLow’s HYPOPHOSPHI‘I‘IIIS is bniitdls" direct nciion is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous Svstem. and the Muscles. : trength- ening the nerves, it causes :he rapid distribu- tion of Vitaiizod Blood in the Muscmar Organs of tha Body. ' A: INS is entirely distinct and dnï¬'erent from every other preparation of vaophosphites. In careful to ask for FELLOWS’ SYRUP.and mu- no other. Rousing the V Sluggl'sh Heart and Livér. strengthening thé action of the Stomach and Bowels and enabling the Luxi'gs to be ï¬tu i 13-5 fluted mph Oxygen. †1 rnovmcxs or NORTH AMERICA‘. 1 lmg mom respectfully to acquaint the pub- lic of the British North American provinces {hat in May. 187,1 caused the business an 5‘0 Maiden Lane. New York. for the sale of Hot.- Lomv’s Plle um UINTMENT. 'Vhlch wefe np‘ tn that time prepared by VVilliulr Brown. now deceased. to be closed. I regrettn say that l have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years. and In many ways, bun Inns! corrupk. and it mav he thaï¬ the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the cure I have always dasirad. Caution†Caution!!! rpo THE PUBLICâ€" OF THE BRmsKi Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines. whit-ll are now likoly to amanato from the States or elsowheru. but to possess themsolvos of the genuine Hot.- Lown’a PILLS AND Onmunr, manufactuw‘. by me in London, Englund. will do well to no that ouch pot and box bears the British Government. stamp on which is engraved the wards “ Hox.t.ow.u’s PILLS AND ()lh'I'MEN’l‘.†and that the addresnon the lah'al is 553 OXFORD STR-zm, Lennon, where only they are manu- factured, and in no other part of the world The retail prices are on tho labelsin Bt'illbll" currency. and not in dollars and cents. No representative of mine will over [rave thrmigh any part of the British l’rovincos 1 the nited States. either to sell. or to take orders for my Pills and 0intment,and as I have reason to believe that attempts will vorv prnbably be made to deceive the public in this way by persons calling on medicine vendors, falselyrepresentingtl‘at they are acting for me and with my knowledge and consent. l deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptions; 1 would ask. as a great favor. lhat should 1: cometn the knowledge of Iny person that spl- ious medicinesare being mmie or sold in my nameJue be pleased to send me all the parteu-‘ lars he can collact respecting the same. that is tony. the mama and address of the vendor who ilselling the spurious medicines. and like- wise ,tha name and address of the House in the United States. or elsewhere, which mny have supplied them. so as to enable ma. for the protection of the public,to institute pro- ceedings against such evilâ€"deem. and l engage to remnnernte very handsomrly unv person who may givo me such informmion. the ll- formnnl’f name never being diVulged n -I most e‘arnently entrant a†thosé who mav' read (his advartiselnent that they be pleased. in the public interest. to communicate the pur- port of the same to thairf’riends that they may' not be defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine HOLLO- WAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT. Should any person [lavenrouson- to believe that he has been deceived by tuning spurious imitations of these; Medicines, he will do well to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents In post- age), one of the books of instructions which are afï¬xed to the same. I promiso to oxamina it and send a reply, stating whether the Medi- cine's ire genuine or I‘ that if spurious ho may apply to the person from whom he pub chnfcd them [6 have his moneyrel'undod. Chemists and Diuggists who dosne to ob- tain the M'edicibes can he supplied at the lowest wholesale pricesin quz‘imities of not less tingx‘i $90 wohh â€"‘~ viz .85. 6d . rad 225. and 34s.. per do'zqn boxes of Pills or pets 0 Ointment, uett, without discount. for which emiltwce must be new in advance. I have the hone! 3?. be. With great respect, THOBNASNHOLLOWAY, --.. A .. ._. 5533 Oxford Street (Inn! 911,‘S|rand‘). ' lJn‘an,W CE,‘3€;I'.1. TS'IL v , .‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 24. '72; November '19, ‘87‘2. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES. moor. a: NICOL, ARRISTEï¬ShATTORNEYS, SOLICI' r. WHITLOCK, HIMNm SWEEP. AND DEALER; TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND MARRIAGE LICENSES; W. E. I R. PUGSLEY. gamut afl-cdivim, §§Ii5rxuunwm my (“1001985038 1'0 v. w. 0033 Price. $31-50: Six for$7-5(l. JAMES l. FELLOWS,Chemist,’ Stulnhn. N I. RICHMOND IIILL. REMOVAL, 747- tâ€