Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 May 1873, p. 3

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The Reeve was requested to take a le- gal opinion on the question of Dr. Wood’s exemption from tuXutiou. The Treasurer was instructed to pay the following sums :â€"-'l"o Mrs Murphy, $4; to Mrs Rowels. $5 ; to Mrs De- vuney, $3; to Mrs Gilbert. $4; to Mrs Milan, $4; to M rs Welsh, $4. The 1 ownship Engineer was instruct ed to inspect and report upon a survey of 3168er Wadsworth and Unwin on the line bet-ween lots 5 and 6, con. 1, from Bay. Also to receive tenders and con- struct a cedar culvert at foot of Spark- hall’s Hill. The. Clerk was instructed to prepare a by-laW to divide School Section N0. 13. From Simon Ross et al, praying that the road between lots 10 and 11, in 4th eon. East York, be opened. From Wm. Mallendine, praying fnr a certificate to obtain a tavern license. " $100 was granted to assist in building a bridge over the River Humbel‘, on con- ditioil that, Etubicgke grant, an equal a» mount. $250 was granted for improving mud~ Way at Chapman’s Hollow. between York and Searboro".0u condition that Scarborn’ grant an equal amount. By-laW N0. 413 was passed commut‘ inf: statue labor at. ermbton. The Counml then adjourned, to meet in Court of Revision, at the Prospect. HOHSe, Eglington, on Monday, July 7, 1873, at 11 o’clock, a.m. And from Wm. Nason, praying for re- muneration for expenses incurred for Moses Finlay. Also, to issue accrtificzite to John Mullendine, to enable hlm to obtain a tavem llcense. The Council met and appeals were received From Robert Leppington, James Hop- kins, Thomas McLean and William Moore. The assessment of Robert Leppington was reduced. The assessments in the other cases were sustained. From Father Rooney et al, praying for a grant of money to grade and plank the road in front of the church at Brock- ton. The assessment rolls were then exam- ined, and finally passed by the Court. The Court then rose. ARTHUR L. WILLSON, Clerk and Treasurer, YORK TOWNSHIP. A report of the proceedings at a pub- lic meeting, held at Seaton, for selecting a school site, was received. Petitions were received From the Building Committee for the eastern portion of School Section 13, ask- ing the Council to assess the section for building a school house. From Arthur Wells, in reference to the opening up of' the road allowance be- tween lots 25 in 2nd and 3rd concessions from Bay. From Joseph Rowntree, asking the Council to grant $100 towards building a bridge across the Humber river. me J. G. Dodd, respecting an indi- gent: person; and from Spencer, Rose & Macdonald, re Dr Wood and Mr Tur- ver’s assessments. Reports were received. 'From the Township Engineer, in re- ference to bridges on 5th concession, and cutting a hill. The Council met at the Prospect House,Eglington, on Monday, May 19th. Communication were received. From E. Gunther, respecting a bridge on Davenport: lane. The above council met at Size’s hotel, Union‘ville, on the 17th inst. Members allpresent. Reeve in the chair. Minutes nfllasl: meeting were read and approved. Petitions were presented : By Mr Lane, from John Welsh and forty others asking a grant to cut down the hiil on the east side of the Don, on Lot No. 30, in the 1512 Con.; known as the Brunskill hill. From Thomas Mitchell, in reference to a bridge on East Centre road. From George Monroe, asking the Council to open Queen street. By Mr Button, from Leonhard Kes- ter and seven others, prayiug'for a grant on the town line between Markham and Pickering to i'bpair the public highway bc‘aweeu Lots 23 and 35 inclusive, and to purchase grayel to be placed therem. By Mr. Button, from John Dougherty and nine others, praying for a grant to placeadrain on the east side of the highway in the southern part of Stoufil ville. V ' By Mr Button, from John Dougherty and eleven others, asking a grant to re- pair the road allowance on the town line between Markham and Whitclnurch along Lot No. 35 By Mr Marsh, from 'Wm. Teasdale and twenty-three others, asking that the petition for the alteration of the Schopl Section,- in the 3rd Con., be not heard; élso from Edward Barker and nine others; also from W. P. Munro and seven others; also from J. Lackie and three others for e sine. YORK TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. Willowdale, May 19:11, 1873. MARKHA M COUNCIL. Mr Millikan. seconded by Mr Marsh, moved the the sum of 3530 be and is hex-yby granted to improve the approaches on both sides of the bridge crossing‘the Rouge on the side road between lots No.5 and 6,10th Com, and that Messrs. James Dimma, David Reesor, jr., and James Boyd, Six, be commissioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the connnissioners. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Killiken, moved that the sum of $20 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of im» proving the town line between the Town- ships of Markham and Scarboro, known as Wilkot’s Creek and opposite the 8th Con, and that Joseph Lapp, Allen Mc- Lean and A. T. \Vhaley,be commission- ers to expend the same; said sum paya- ble to the order of the commissioners upon condition that the Township of Scarboro grant a like sum for said pur- pose. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $5 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of fur- nishing a road shovel for road division No. 29 of the Township; said sum pay- able to tie order of Samuel Brown. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of $200 be granted on the 9th 0011., in front of Lot 20, for the purpose of raising and improving the said road, and that A. Miller, Jas. Harrington, Jas. Mustard, and P. Pike be commissioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the com- missioners. Mr Lane introduced aBy-law to dis- pose of‘ a-portion of the road allowance in from of lots Nos. 5 and G, in the 3rd COIL, in pursuance of' the statute of On- tario, 36 Vic.J Sec. 426. The Bylaw reéeived its three several. readings and passed. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $20 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of par-- chasing gravel for the improvement of the townline between the Townships of Markham and Pickering, and opposite lots 23 and 35 inclusive in this munici- pality and that Leonnard Kesier, David Nighswander and Christian W'ideman be commissioners to expend the same. The above being made contingent upon the Council of Pickering granting an equal amount. Said sum payable on the order of the commissioners. Mr Millikan, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of $80 be granted to repair the road across the flats, in front of lot No. 4, in the 10th Con.. and that. Messrs Samuel Reesor, Joseph anp and Andrew Reesor be commis- sioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Milliken, moved that the Reeve be and is hereby authorized and appointed to ascertain as to whether Church street bridge, near the village of Markham; belongs to this munieipulity, or not, and in case the said bridge belongs to this municipality, .he is hereby authorized to appoint com- missioners and instruct them and put the said bridge in a good state of repair, and also to order the payment therefor. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Millikan, moved that the sum of $24 be paid to Jos. Lundy for damage done to his sheep by a dogr‘or dogs unknown, being two~ thirds of' value of said sheep, as proved upon oath. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of $200 be granted to out down and improve the hill on the east. side of the Don, on lot No. 30, known as Brunskill’s hill, and that Wm. Gohn, John Welsh, Robert Lubbock and the mover be commissioners to ex- pend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners when the work is completed Mr Milliken, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of 8100 be and is hereby granted to repair the bridge and crossings thereto on the 8th Con., in Front of lot 23, and that John Byer, J. Koeh, David Raymer, Samuel Wideman \zmd the Reeve, be cmnmissioners. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $10 be paid by the Treasurer to Robert McLennon, a blind man, who has no means of support. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of $150 be granted on the sideroad between lots No. 30 and 31 m the 8th Con, for the purpose of building a bridge and improving the road. and that John Raynier. Francis Pike, 'J. Hoover and N. Button be con)- missioners to expend the same; said sum payable on order of the commissioners. Mr Mai‘sll,scconded by Mr Button‘ moved that the assessment roll of this municipality as now revised be adopted, and that the Court of Revision do now rise The Court adjourned sine die. The Council adjourned to meet the last Saturday in June. A despmch from Berlin says the pre valent opinion in the German capital is that President McMahon will prove a count er-part of Gen M'nck, the restorer of the House of Stuart to the English throne, and his election heralds the Legitesmists’ re- storation in France. The Council resolved itself into a Court of Revision. M 1- Webster, seconded by Mr Reuinnn, moves that the Treasurer be and is here- byauthorizezl to pay the undcrmentioned persons the flullowing‘ amounts as certified to by the Road Commissioners in their respective flistriéts, viz’g'di’s’fi‘l‘ct‘m; James Brown, $49.2"; district No. 3, Robert Cameron @2482. Mr P0rter,seconded by Mr MeQuarrie, moves that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized ’to pay the foliowing sums for charitable iiurposes, viz. : to Henry Aiken the sum of$20 for the purpose of purchasing a ticket and payâ€" ing other expenses in connection with sending James Plumridge to Rock Falls, United States. Mr McQual-rie, seconded by Mr Reaâ€" man, moves that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Alex. Scott the sum of $42 for Printing, Stationary, &c., but deem the charge made for print- ing the minutes of this Township ex- oessive. Mr Porter, seconded by Mr McQuan-ie, moves that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay to William Hart.- man the sum of $6.80, being amount of costs in Allen 1) Doyle. Mr McQuarrie,seconded by Mr Porter, moved that the Treasurer be and is hereâ€" by authorized to ref'und to John Jeffery the sum of $4: he being erroneously as- sessed this amount on the assessment of Byâ€"law No. 286 establishing the road running north from the sideâ€"road to the grounds adjoining the Richmond Hill Station and attaching the same to road beat No. 26. also By-Iaw No. 287 up- pointing Pound keepers in districts No. 2 and 3. The petition of Patrick McCutcheon, and others asking aid for Thomas Ell- ringlon was laid over until next meeting of' this Council. 1872 A communication was then read from Wm. Hartman J. P. in reference to costs incurred in re Doyle. Petitions were received From '1“. C. Stegman, and 15 others asking aid for James Plumri'dge. From Patrick McCutchcon, and 12 others asking aid for Thomas Ellrington, indigent. An applicatlon from S. S. No. 3 to borrow money was presented, and laid over unti‘ next- meeting. Also to John Duncan for Timothy Flurherty the sum of $6. The Council then adjourned until Tuesday the 4th day of June next, to meet at 10 A. M. The Municipal Council of the Town- ship of Vaughan met at the Toivn Hall, on Tuesday, the 13th inst, at 10 a.m., as a Court of Revision. The Reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Webster, Porter, Reaman and McQuarrie. The following appeals were received From Thomas McAllester, James Mltcllell, and Michael Burkholder. Moved by Mr. Porter, seconded by Mr. McQuarrie, that alteration be made in the assessment as entered on the assessâ€" ment roll of this township for the present year, as follows 2â€"M. Burkholder whose assessment was $260, reduced to $240, on real property. The assessment of the other cases were sustained. Moved by Mr Porter, seconded by Mr Webster, that the assessment roll as re- vised be finally passed by this Court and certified to by the Clerk as so passed, and that it shall be valid and binding on all parties concerned notwithstanding any defect or error concerned in or regard to said roll. The Court then adjourned sine die. The Council then met for general business. MR. EDITOR, Sm: In strolling through your village last week I noticed a gather- ing of boys and men upwards of forty in number, representing all ages from six years to sixty. I was informed that it was the evening for the monthly fire engine practice; previous to the arrival of the Captain, and their being called to active service, they were amusing them- Selves in games and conversation; but, during the whole of the evening there was not a single oath uttered nor did I hear any approach in the least to proâ€" fanity, so often heard in the evening gatherings of young people. It speaks, Mr Editor, very highly of the morality of your village. To the Editor of the York Herald The item for the payment of the Alabama award was passed in Committee of Supply in the Imperial Parlxament on Monday night last. A despatch from Paris says the new French Government has resolved to adopt a free trade pulley. A rumm- cvmes from Washington, that a schemf‘ IS 011 foot to annex a good slice of Mexico. - ExPresiflent Thiers wiH, it is said,resume his literary labors. Vaughan. May 26, 1873 @mmmm‘lwm. VAUGHAN COUNCIL Yours respectfully, OBSE RVER >N.B. Letters for Despntnh by th‘ose hues of Steamers slmuH be so marked The rate on [.alteréforthe United Kingdom (via Quabec in summer. and Portland in win- ter),is. now reduced to 5 cents per g oz. weight. If sent via New York. in will be 8 cls per; 02. These ratesapply Dulytoprcpa'id,letters; ifsent unpaidm: :nsnfiicienfiy prepaid. {hora willbo a fine 01' doubie the amman of deficiempostage. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. 1V1. mond Hill PosiOifico. Untill‘nrlher notice.tho mails willbeclosod at this office as follows Southern mail . . . . . .. .. ...G:55 P M. 1 NJ}. Rucls‘runcn LETTERS will require to be handed in [5 minutes org/ore the time of closing. Aw clmod at Toronto “follows: By Cunard Line. every Mondayu. . 10:30 A.M. By Canadian Linemvm'y 'l‘hursday 10:00 I‘.M. now on hand fit for seed. Also Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed. AH kinds of field and gal'dqn segds. Allwkinds of Farm Produce ta’kan in exchange and the highest market priceyqid: ONTARIO HOUSE Just came to hand, snifiable for the SPRING ’I‘RADE, At PT’LL‘L’S l/mt daffy compctu‘zon. IN THE FLOUR AND FEED Department will he Found the very best famih‘ Flour manufactured by Rumble & Calvart, Richmond Hill Mills. whlch has stood the test for a length of' lime. and is anwad by compe- (81H. judges to he the best flour brought into the (own. Peas, Oats. Bran. Shorts, Bacon, Hams and Potatoes always on hand “ Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centrc‘Stu opposite Sanderson (1’: Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. L) (hm'rnFUL AND COMFORTING- -â€"- " By a thorough knowledge ofthe unhu'al laws which governtlleoperations:ofdigestion and nutrition, and by :1 01m} 111 application of the fine proper- lies of well-Selected cocoa, Mi Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with n delicaleiy flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctnrs’ hijis.”â€"Ci,vil Nov-vice Guzctln. Made simpiy with Boiling Watm‘ or Milk Each packet is laimlio(l-â€"".IAMHS EPPS & '70., Homaaopathic Chmnists. London." MANUFACTURE OF Cocox.â€"â€"“ We will now give 7|!) account. of the process adopted by Messrs James Epps (XL Co.,1nnnufaclures of dietetic articles. at their works in lho Ellslon Road. I.ondon”â€"Gassclt’s Housn/mlrl Gmdc October 31. 1872. 739-137 Cail and examin om" stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. as we fool confident we can givn perfect salisfar‘lion. THE TEA CHEST Choice 7 '6613, Tobacco, Cmv'ants, Ecmszns, Prunes, Dried Apples, (3%., SALMON TRUU'I’. cm) FISH. COAL on, SW. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb.‘ Which for strength and flavor cannot be surpassed um'th of Toronto. A large and beautiful assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES ! Bacon Hamsâ€"Salted Cons .tiug which I’or passed. Wool . ISLUIIAIULVU 1111.111. CENTS PER 111- TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND Skirving’s Improved Purple Top Swede, . Commissioner-in B.Ii.,is Government Juangd Wurtzel and Gap Agent for issuing Marriage License in the Counly onork. Office hoursâ€"7 9:30 P.m «Richmond Hili.0ctobor23 r1.8633. * rot Seed, at the DOMINION TEA HOUSE. A, MOODIE. Eyor’s Flour kept on hand. which cannot be beat by nnylhing that comes to town. Peas,.Sho1-ts, Bran, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, d’oc. Salmon Trout, Cod Fish and Labrador Herring. ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemled, BLOOD’S DUBLIN PORTER, AND O’KEEFE’S ALE, &c. Crockery & Glassware, GARDEN TOOLS. &c. Farm Produce taken in exchange. WINES AND LIQUORS, Northern Mail . Southern Mai‘ . Richmond HilI.Nnv 20,1871 A choice lot of BLACK TARTAR OATS Has always on hand the iargest and best variety of SPRING GOODS, Remember in Hoots 5n?! Shoesfl cannot be undnrsold. NTARIO HOUSE. REAKFAST. â€"- EPPS’S COCOA. -â€" OMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. AILS M ADE Green, Roasted and Ground'Cofi'ee ; A SYLENDID ARTICLE. PROVLSIONS: GROCERIES, A Large and Select Stock of figwciufi afiutim. TORONTO MARKETS (Exam-i923, 8w. of Teas from 50 cents to $1.00, quality and flavor, cannot be sur- ALEX. MOODIE’ JUST ARRIVED AT THE BRITISH MAILS COFFEES, CONSISTING 0F HORN) VENING. 00!000”000rdnl052”“00:0“000UOOUQQQOJJ‘RflUlâ€"O.“ '6090580033(t7640~3060509f0600011l512‘97l“ 3.. 0.30740011100004403690101800007000000 7o 0 21 l 8 l.@@u@@@®@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@W@fl@@@@@ 9)0005 00 5. 1 00001555100 2 51 0 , O 2&0952fi90mm2WrmW4mW0500M775900Ww1H2W%lmmm5 M.r005674231310000810268000080000600000». I .I. 1.1 .l. hwo. y . . . . .. u . o . .u . . . . . a . . ~ . . . m a . u ..u n . n . .. . . . ..“.....un . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . M0..a.....e ..u...wu . . . . . . . . . . . . T f.“ f c . . “U u . . . . . . . .a . UP AT THE HIGH . H45 ,uu ..G:45 A.1\l 0 (10 7 50 4 8n 0 00 (l 46 Carter’s"; Ditching Ma- chino Stenmand horse-power Threshing Mavhiues Combined and Single Mowers and Reapers Wood Sawing Machine; Horse and Dog Powers Machine JacKs Straw Cutters Root Cutters & Pulpers Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Drill Hand Seed Drills Fanning: Mills Clover IIu‘IOI'S' Horse Hay Rnkvs Corn Sheila:st Husker Stump Machmr‘s l’alout Fan Forges Mowing: Machine Knife Cider Mills and PH: 5595 Grm’sfa‘iuglo & Double Ploughs lime KL ground bone Gang I’longhs Pure Sued Grain 610., Double Mould Ploughs &c, &c.,&c, Mowing: Machine Knife and Tools- Cider Mills and PH: 5595 Fieldfiemls Gun ’5 Single & Double Fruit and Ornamenta Fun-row Ploughs Trees and Shrubs [ton and Wood Beam Superplmsphalo o f FARMENE IMPLEMENTS 8s TBHLE U any num‘vorâ€"uolexceodingthreehnndred dollars by any one depositor.) will be received atlhe Richmond Hill Past Uflico.f0r which Governnmnlwilhllow Interest. F0xparticulnrrapplyto MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Will clean all kinds of grain. embracing wheat, rye. bmley. and oaks and will not (-hoke with any lhistley or fan) grain. No Sli"l( or bron n required to be used. and the machine need not at nv time be stopped by clogging of the Sieve. All orders for this Sieve addressed to the palentee. John Rats. Lansing P.O.. Out., will l‘8(:f£lV0 prompt atu-ntion. Joseph All through"'Soeding, besides saving seed and doing the work better than the usual way. The Machine can be seen and all paniculars explained at. Any ‘infriflgmnent on this patent will be punished with the utmost rigo of the law. Officehours: from G:30A.M.toD:30 P.M. May 4,1869 563-” EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post Office. lsL May, 1873: Boyd. Joseph Mitchell, William (‘2) Beatv, James Maison, Matthew Calvert. Mr McNair, Maithew (Q) (fonnaugliton, Bernai‘ndMahon, Waller Calvert & Rumble McLean, Duncan Evans, George McKay, Rev. J. Edwards, John McFadden. John Fetterley. Wm. T. McCrimmmi. Calliel’cn Flavell, Henry O’Gi'adv, Thomas Grant, George O'Brien, Daniel Glass. Daniel Ostor. George Grant, Jessie Parkliill. William Hicks. .lolm Patio", Alex. Hogg. Pheby ‘ Prince, William Hisop, Margret Rulhorrnrd, James Inerham, John Reid. ’1 heorlore Jackson. J. H. Stephen, John (2) Kevs. 'l'lms. Willis. H- ’1‘. Lee, Reuben Welmnn, George Marshall, 'I‘. Wice. John @gximiituml finmtemmm SPRING SEEDING‘ MADE SIMPLE SAVING OF ONE MAN AND TEAM Who is acting as agent for said machine. We chain) that our Seeder is the most useful im- pIement for the price the farmer can procure. The fact of the above can “be ascertained from any of the following gentlemen :vâ€" Daniel Reaman. Vaughan ; Henry Lemon. Thor.)- hill; James Bowman, King: James Mosley. Aurora. Michael Wesley. East Gwillimbury; W. D. Stoddart. lrndford; Michael Fisher, Vaughan: Benjamin VVest,‘Vest Gwillimbury; Henry Wesley, Whitchnrch; Wm. Jackson, Vaughan. (I? Do not ran m get THE SEEDER, if you want to SAVE MONEY. Yours, etc.. F'. W. GLEN, Oshawa. GEO, A. MASON, PATENT SIEVE ! RICHMOND HILL IMPORTANT TO FARMERS I BROAD-CAST SEEDERS 1 ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO ' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ! M. 'I‘EEFY. Postmaster. /***Mn. 'I‘muw is Government Agenlf‘or he sale of ’ Farmers and Threshers Take Notice. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, 717-” Yongo Street, I’. O. SAVINGS BANK. CULTIVATOR COMBINED, Importer.Manufacturormnd Denierin all kinds of Field Seals, Fruit frees, Fertilizers, (136., 690., &c, AE’S NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN} CRUSH ERS, &C., (SLO M. S. COGSVVELL’S, THORNHILL. POSITS OF ONE DOLLAR, OSHAWA, ONT. We guarantee Q9. imminent. MARRIAGE LICENSES, NOVV READY 1 WM. RENNUC, f TORONTO, ONT. MARRIAGE LICENSE-S" BY GETTING ONE OF THE List of Letters General Agent fur the Dominion, Oshawa. Ont. MANUFAC'I‘RRED BY THE ALSO AGENT FOR THE WM. RENNIE, RICHMOND HILL. (FIFTH EDITION), JOHN RAE, Lansing 19.0. 872. 7294f Chine l’hiYadc-Iphia L a w 11 Mova Greenhouse and Gar- den Engines Laundry Machines Garden Implements Ejm’s Patenf Iron H arrows Field and Lawn Rollo! Horse Hoes & Scal‘fier Cultivators Potato Diggers Pumps Scales Horse Hay Forks Amalgam Sum] Bells The Blanchard chum Bnrrelé’z. Dashchurus [\‘loronco “Sewing Ma- M. TEEFY. P. M. PO '1‘ OFFICE 'l'm'oe largo barns, lwo stables, and olher ne- cessary 1mm buildings. 'l‘wo spring creeks run amass the lot, and plemy of gnod watm‘ abounds. It is siluzxtml at a dislzmca of eight- non miles from Toronto, and_twn“mil?s from Richmond Hill. This I'm-m isnearly all under- draiued. and well fenced, with two good or- chards, and about FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! . . r, Bird, or Colibri Piauns, manufactured by Na- lhuseck, and think they are wonderful!" sweet and pure in tone. and from Umir peculxr; con- struction, calculated to mmain in tune longer Ihau other piunox. and consequently to sland a greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 28. 1872. 714-)y One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cultivamd. Thom are on the pro- periy two good Office. Chickering. Staiuway and Durham Pi-anos‘ ATSO, tho calfbraled 1V1» ed us in [he agnnvy in thissection for the sale_ of Messrs G, A. Prince & Co’s cele- brated ()rgana and Melodvoni. in favor of which we, give our most unqualified approval and rocommendalinn as the handing and most reliabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. WM. FLUM hRFELT. 1 H E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Salo a Half-acre Village Lot with a good Frame Dwellng Home and Stable. good Well and other conveniences situated theer.-â€"un tho corner of (Tellthu‘eel West and Elizabeth Street, Richmond Hill. Apply to U Hill. containing one acre and a qum'ler of 1am], one frame dwelling house, with a burn stables. and other outbuilfiings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on 1118 premise-‘4 'n HO Acres of which am under cultivation. There is a good Frame Dwelling House with an excellent collar underneath. Barns. Stables and other ouihnildings and Timber for a new Barn 4() X 60. Plenty of water. This is a very desii‘ah‘e properly being only hetween 3 and 4 miles from King Station on Norihern Railroad, where there is a geml market for all kinds of prodnco Schools 61, Churchesin the immo- rliate noighhorhoml. 'l‘srms will be male very easy. For particulars apply to eilho: of the under- signed executors tu the estate. JAMES McNAlR, For further particulars. apply, either by lcller (post-paid), 01' on llmpwmises,10 HUMMING BIRD PIANO should at once send his name and address thh $1.50 fior one year’s subscription to VV'nich is adzxpled to parlors where space is an object. The mode of HS construction is entirely new, and based upon the best known principles of science. f’FEE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR l sale a numbur of Village lots. situated in the village of. i traction of the Anglo American llousn by fire. the subscriber has taken and filled up those large and commodin premises helongn ing to Capt. T. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speighl X5 Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent acmmmodalion afi'orded for the travelling public and commm'cial men. Livery stables in connacticn with the hotel, Bottled Ale and Porter. H. B. REESOR, DEALER 1N Prince’s Wng & Melofleom, I have (*m'ofuny examined the pianos sold by Mr. H. B. Roesor. called the Humming Bird, 01' Colibri Piauns, manufactured by Na- lhuseck, and think they are wonderful!" sweet And are locamd at the North-west coraoe'of !ot No. 35, 41h Concession of Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can {rel steady work and high wages. Applv (if by lettm'.prnpaid) to Henry Jouninge, Victoria Square, or to Markham. Nov. 3,18“. Testimonial from Professor H. G, Collins i} N0,-4 in the 51h Cnncessiou Township of King, lmlunging to tha estate of [he Into \Vil- ham McNair. containing About Oncjfflh of an Acre, {269 Acres of Excaiimt Lam} ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENE ‘ mlly be Found at home from 2 10 3} o‘clock. P M. John Elliott Langstafl' is aulh-‘ orized to collect accounts. I TWO HUNDRED ACRES MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGIâ€" NEER. CHEMIST, FARMER AND MERCHANT, The Canadian Patent Office Record AND Fifty Acres Good Bush. VICTORIA SQUARE E N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES~ Superior Farm for Sale, AEING LOT N0. 28, ‘IN “THESECâ€" MONTREAL, A Copy of first number can be seen {it this Dec. 4, 1872 Sept. 4, 1872 Lot 5.3rd Con. King, Richmond Hill, July 11. 1872‘ f March 152, 873 M arch 97. 1879. February 4th, 1873 Iichmoud Hill, Dec. 24. House and Lot for Sale, 1NMLUCASSTREET, HCHMOND Desirable Farm for Sale, EING THE EAST HALF OF 1401 VERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, House and Lot for Sale. gamma ain'fitmzmmtfi, 011d conces-Kion of the rFownship of Markham, containing ‘ Village Lots for Sale. ‘. II. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED Ernpwtg for gain, NIPISSING HOTEL, M ECHANICS’ M [\GAZINE, GEORGE E. DES BA RATS, MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD 1'0 THIC PUBLISHER, JOHN GILLES The lots conth GEORGE BRECKON. 3. 764-3t WM. G. HINGSTON MARKHAM. Notice. [10125, 2nd i‘on. Vavg‘mn, I". CRAWFORD. D. T. WOOTEN. 7374f Richmond Hill P. (‘1‘ '75mf Dinah: P. 0 7144f 753â€"3m 759ohv 766-2 NO roprosmtlnlivnnf miim wiéi nvor tr: m through any part oi‘lhn British l‘roviucvs 1 the Uniiud Stuies. either to sell, 01' to [aim ‘orders for my l‘ii!s and Ointmenhnnd as I iiiavo reason to iiaiinve {im‘ niit‘mpis xvii} veI'V i prnimixiy im made to deceivn [he imblic in this way by persons ('niiing on medicine vendors falselyremrcsentingihatHmyni'c aiming forma and with my knmvit-rigo nmi ('mlsént. l (ienm it advisnhio to pm (in; public on their guard a” inst HIH' such d0l"(‘i)ii0h$h 553, Oxford Stroetflme N L Strand), London, W C.,Saw.].187]. G? ‘l and send a reply; stminfiwhé‘thm' tho Medi- cines are gmmine or Lot. so that i!" spurious he may apply lo the person from whom he pur- chased [hon] to have his lnoneymfimdl’d.I Chomisls and Dmggisls who dosiru In nh~ lain the Modicinospnn be supplied m 'the lowest wholesqu pricosin quantities 01' no; loss than $20 won-2h â€"â€"- viz ,8s. 6d , and 91’s. 8111:1349... per dozen boxes of Pills or pow o Ointment, nail, wiihnnt discount. for which emitlunce must he 90m in advance. [have the honor m be. \Vith great respect, THO \S HOLLOWAY, and may he “sud with confidence in all vases. As 'his‘ is vnlirely distinct nud different from every other preparation of Hypophosphites,b( careful to ask for FmLows’ SY'RUI‘,ahd take no other. I would: . as a great favor, that should H comntn the knowledge of any person that spu- ious mmlit'invsam being mm’e or sold in my nameJm ho plnnsvd msmul mu all the pnrfcu- Ian's he can collect rcspocving the snme. that iw to say. t‘m name and addrors of tho vendor who is snlling the spurious medicines, and like. wise the namevaml nthlrnss 01' [he lluusniu Illa Unltnd Slates. 01‘ eleewhem. which may have supplied lhom,sn as m nnnhln nm, for the protection of the publimm instimtn pro- ceedings against such nvil»docrs. unrl [engage to rmnunorntb vary lmndsnmr‘ly an' pnrspn who mny give me such inl'orlhmion. the in- l‘orlnnmk nnmo never being divulged Should {my pm’snn' haven-ease!) '10 believe that he has been decaived by buying spurious imitatinnr‘ of lhese Modiniues,lm willdo well .In send me, in a lottor, to lhn addgessnt font (which hp can do at a cost of six cents in post- age). one of the books of" instrnmions which are affixed to the S‘fll’llfl. {promise to examine It is adapted for ALLcaFFS‘ of “’eaknnrs‘nnd Emaciation, whether arising {mm sorlemnry life. a trnpicalclimnie. from fever or (inhility from anv cansmand is efficacious in l’Umm- NARY CONSUMPTXON. many confirmed cases having been cured and all lwnefiljed. where its Use-‘nns been continued (WM :1 for‘u .flhL Rowing [hrs Sluggish Tun-t and Livm'. strengthening the action loe menr-lx nnd TSowek and enabling the Lungs to he fituiH- Hated With Oxygnn. In Bronchitis it is a specific. and in As.hmn it gives mliof whore ovm'V nther remedy fails. VorNt-rvons Debihty it stands unrivalled, Mndm'n chemistry has ventiin'mi (“a anS- on nnridiscovorrli (he ingi-H‘iunis- (imbiit ting tho brain. Innsr‘ir‘s and norves‘, niid finds that by introducing them: ingredients in pi'nyo'r proportions the brain and nervous, slam axe strengthenvd. This. then. i: snhsmmia'fly the has}; N! which meow’s Hrmr-nnspm‘rzs is hnihdm direct action is upon llm Blnnd,lh01h'nill and Nervnm Svstvm, and lho leclns. Hrenglh- ouing the hey-vow. it muses tho rapid thslrihu- tiou ol‘ Vitahzed Blood in the Mnscu!ar ()rgst of' the Bndy. I won earnestly mnlrnm nil those who mm: roar] thisndverfisomont that “my be phased. in the public interest. to mmnmuiczde tho pm‘v 1m)" 0] [I30 same to Hush-Friends that they may not ho defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless: imitations of tho gnnnino HULLO‘ WAY’S PILLS AND ()INTMHN'I'. ‘ As alllif‘n-endowod hodh-S. \vholhm' they T20 Beast, Birds, Replilr‘s. lnsovvs or oven Zoo- phites. and subjects of the Vegofa'flo Kingdom urn gamma! by rizalfm‘rn, Whit'h hind: all the springs of existence. and as nothing can mm Lhom 1‘ nm desmmlion whim (his pzinvipln leaves them, nhe di~*covnry of mums whet-oh“ vitality may be sustaixwd in the Hving body ir! indeed .1 been to Um wnr'd. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES. Price. $1250; Six for $7‘50. JAMES l. FELLOWS,CImmisx. 64â€"8 St. John. N.B. T Feilows’ Ccmpound l’RUP OF IIYPOPHOSPIHTE‘S/ 0 THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH We fig’fiufifitifi Sfitfimfifi. Caution! ! Caution! H ngatmt Efisfzfitinw,

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