Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Jun 1873, p. 4

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“ Hallow l" cried the keeper of this foul den as the two girls hurried out with the travelling-bag and a large bundle sooner than he had expected ; and he came quickly forth from the cellar in which he lived like a cruel spider, and tried to intercept them, but they glided through the gate and were out of his reach before he could get near, He could follow them only with obscene invcctives and horrible oaths. Well he knew what had been doneâ€"that there had been a robbery in the “ Hawk’s Nest,” and he not in t9 lharo the booty. l As soonas Pinky and her compan- ion in this terrible wickedness were alone with their victim,they searched her ocket for the key pf her travel- ling- ag- On finding it, Pinky was going to. open it, when the othersaid : “ Never mind about that ; we can ox- amine her baggage in a. safer place. Let’s go for the moveables.” And saying this, she fell quickly to‘ work on the person of Flora, slipping out the ear-rings first, then removing her breast» in and finger rings, while Pinky 'un uttoned the new guitar boots, and drew ofl' both boots and stockings, leaving upon the damp straw the small, bare feet, pink and oft almost as a. baby’s. It did not take these harpies five minutes to. possess themselves of everything but; the poor girl’s dress and undergarments. Cloth oversack, pocket-book, collar, linen cufi‘s, hat, shogsand stockingsâ€"all those were taken. Pinky gave him thirty cents. He took a key from hispocketand opened the door that led into the lower room. The stench that came out as the door [swung back was dreadful. But poor Flora Bond was by this time so re- laxed in every muscle, and so dead to outward things, that it was impossi- ble to get her any farther. So they bore her into this horrible den, and laid her down in one of the stalls on a bed of loose straw. Inside, there was nothing but these stalls and strawâ€" nota table or chair, or any article of furniture. They fill up nearly the en- ‘tire room, leaving only a. narrow pas- sage between them. The only means of ventilation was by the door. .“We want to get this girl in for a little whilo," _ said Pinky. “ VVe’ll take her away when she comes round. Is anybody in there ‘8" and she pointed to the hovel. I The man shook his head. “How much?” asked Pinky. “Ten cents apiece;” and he held outhishand. “What’s wanted ?” he asked, in a. kind of growl, his upper lip twitch- ing and drawing up at one side in a nervous way, letting his teeth appear. As the gate banged on the fence a coarse, evil-looking man, wearing a dirty Scotch cap and a red shirt, pushed his head up from the cellar of the house that fronted on the street. And she pushed open a gate as she spoke. It swung back on one hinge and struck the fence with a bang, dis- closing a yard that beggered descrip- tion in its disorder and filth. In the back part of this yard was a one-andâ€" a-haltlstory frame building, without windows, looking more like an old chicken-house or pigstye than a place for human beings to live in. The left over tho first story was reached by a ladder on the outside. Abova and below the hovel was laid ofi' inâ€"kind of stalls or bunks furnished with straw. There were about; twenty of these. It was a ten-cent lodging- house, filled nightly. Ifthis wretched hut or styeflcall it what you willâ€" had been torn down,, it would not have brought ten dollars as kindling- WOOd. Yet its owner, a gentleman ('f) living handsomely up town, received for it the annual rent of two hundred and fifty dollars. Subletted at an av- erage of two dollars a night, it gave an income of nearly seven hundred dollars a year. It was known as the “ Hawk's N est," and no bird of prey ever had a fo‘uler nest than this. “Pat's too greedy a devil. There wauldn't be anything leftof her when he got through. No, no, Pinky; I’ll have nothing to do will: it if she’s to go into Pat Maloy's cellar.” “ Not much to choose between ’em,” answered Pinky. “ But; it won’t do toparley here. We must get her in somewhere.” “ Where’s your room -?" “That insn’t the go. Don’t want her there. Pat 'Maley’s cellar is just over yonder. We can get in from the alley.” Hastily paying for leu nyximts and liqumr, Pinky wa»; on hand in n lew moments. From the bark door of'lho house they entered u small yard, and passed from this through a gate into a narrow private alley shut in on each side by a high fence. This alloy ran for a considerable distance, and had many gates opening into it from yards, hovols and rear buildings, all of the most forlorn and wretched char- acter. It terminated in a small street. “ i’m 05!; with Norah,” replied Pinky, “ and don’t mean to have any- thing more to do with her.” Along this alloy Pinky and the girl she had met at the restaurant supported Flora, who was fast. losing strength and consciousness. When halfway dowry they held a brief con- sultation. - “It won’t do,” said Pinky, ‘-' to take her through to â€"â€" street. She’s too far gone, and the police will be down on us and carry her off.” “Norah's got some place in “are,” said the other, pointing to an old wooden building close by. Poor Flora, was already too much confused by the drugged liquul‘ she had taken to know what Hwy were doing with her. i‘iii’.‘ AL 1‘»: OF “ THREE YEARS IN A MAN MAP." mum “ CAST Anuwux The Wolf and the Lamb. ‘LL‘uS‘CLUDED And that was the last of it. The whole nation gives a shudder of fear at the announcement of an Indian massacre and outrage. But in all our large cities are savages more cruel and brutal in their instincts than Coâ€" manches, and they torture and out- rage and murder a hundred poor vicâ€" tims for every one that is exposed to Indian brutality, and there comes no succor. Is it from ignorance of the fact? No, no, no! There is not a. judge on the bench, not a lawyer at the bar, not; a legislator at the State capital, not a mayor or police-officer, not a minister Who preaches the Gos« pel of Christ, who came to seek and save, not an intelligent citizen, but knows of all this. What then? Who is responsible? The Whole nation arouses itself at news of an indian assault upon some defenceless frontier settlement, and the general government sends troops to succor and to punish. But who takes note of the worse than Indian massacres going on daily and nightly in the heart ofour great cities? Who hunts down and punishes the human wolves in our midst whose mouths “ SUSPICION or FOUL Puntâ€"The coroner's inquest elicited nothing in regard to the young girl mentioned yesterday as having been found dead and stripped of her clothing in â€"-â€"â€"- street. No one was able to identify her. A foul deed at which the heart shudders has been done ; but the wretches by whom it was committed have been able to cover their tracks.” On the day after, this paragraph appegred: “FOUL _PLAY.â€"About 11 o’clock last night the body of a beautiful young girl, who could not have been over seventeen years of age, was dis- covered lyin on the pavement in street. %\To one knew how she came there. She was quite dead when found. There was nothing by which she could be identified. All her clothes but; a single undergarment had been removed, and her hair cut off close to her head. l‘here were marks of brutal violence on her per- son. The body was placed in charge of the coroner, who will investigate the matter.” } Of‘ what followed we cannot write, and we shiver as we draw a veil over scenes that should make the heart of all Christendom ache-scenes that are repeated in thousands of inStances year by year in our large cities, and no hand is stretched forth to succor and no arm to save. Under the very eyes of the courts and the churches things worse than we have described ~â€"worse than the reader can imagine =--aro done daily. The foul dens into which crime goes freely, and into which innocence is betrayed, are known to the police, and the evil work that is done is ever before them. I From one victim to another their, keepers pass unquestioned, and plun-‘ der, debauch, ruin and murder with‘ an impunity frightful to contemplate. As was said by adistinguished an- thor, speaking of a kindred social en- ormity, “There is not a country throughout the earth on which a state of things like this would not bring a curse. There is no religion on earth that it would not deny; there is no people on earth that it would not put to shame.” And we are Christians 1 No. Of what followed we cannot write. Those who were near the I“ Hawk’s N est” heard that evening, soon after nightfall, the single wild, prolonged cry of a' woman. It was so full of terror and despair that even the hardened enrs‘that heard it felt a sudden pain. But they were used to such things in that region, and no one took the trouble to learn what it meant. Even the policeman moving on his beat stood listening for only a moment, and then passed on. Next day, in the local columns of‘ a city paper, appeared the following: The dress was next examined; it- was new, but not of costly material. Removing this, the man Went out with his portion of the spoils, and locked the door, leaving the halfâ€" clothed, unconscious girl lying on the damp, filth y straw, that swarmed with vermin. In W213 cold as well as damp, and the chill of a. bleak Novemberday began creeping into hot warx‘ri'blood. But the stupefying draught had been well compounded, and held her son- ses locked. 3Avarice first. From the faeo his eyes turned to see what had been left by the two girls. An angry impre: cation fell from his lips when he sa'W" how little remained for him. But when he lifted Flora’s head and un» bound her hair, a gleam of pleasure came into his foul face. It was a full suit of rich chestnut brown, nearly three feet long, and fell in thick mass- es over her breast and shoulders. He caught it up eagerly, drew it through his great ugly hands, . and gloated over it with something like a. miser’s pleasure as he counts his gold. Thon‘ taking a pair of' scissors from his pocket, he ran them over the girl’s head with the quickness and skill of a barber, cut-ting close down, that he might not lose even the sixteenth part of an inch of her rich tresses. An Indian sealping his victim could not have shown more eagerness. An lndian’s wild pleasurewas in his face as he lifted the heavy mass of brown hair and held it above his head. It “ as nota trophyâ€"not a sign of con- quest and triumph over an enemy;â€" but simply plunder, and had a mar- ket value of fifteen or twenty dollars. entered the den. Lying in one ofthe_ stalls upon the foul,damfi Straw he found Flora .Bond. Cruel beast that be was, even he felt; himselfheld back as by an invisible hand, as he looked at the pure face of the insensible girl. Rarely had his eyes rested on a coun- tenance so full ot'innocence. But the wolf had no pity for the lamb, nor the hawk fur the dove. The instinct of his nature quickly asserted itsele Growling like a savage dog, this wretch, in whom Wary instinct 70f humanity had long since dledâ€"this. human beast, who looked on inno- cence and helplessness as'a wolf looks. on :1 lmnbestrode across the yard and None but a physician knows how much a reliable alterativc is needed by the people. On all sides of us, in all communities everywhere, there are multitudes who suffer from complaints that nothing but an alterative curesâ€"â€" Hence a (treat many of them have been made and put abroad with the assur- ance of being efl‘ectual. But they fail to accomplish the cures they promise, because they have not the intrinsic vir- tues they claim. In this‘state of the case, DR. J. C. AYER d; 00., of Lowell, have supplied a COMPOUND EXTRACT or SARSAPARILLA, which proves to be the long-desired remedy. Its peculiar dif- ference from other kindred preparations in the. market is that it cures the dis- eases for which it is recommended, while they do not. \Ve are assured of this fact by more than one intelligent physician in this neighborhood, and have the further evidence of our own experience of its truth. â€"-Nashe'ilh (Tenn) Farmer. During .1 recent heavy rainstorm, a beautiful young lady was waiting in a doorway for a car. Up came a polite youth, and with a Chesterfield ian how that would have delighted Edmund Yates, said: “May I have the pleasure of protecting you with my umbrella?” and she answered, in a charming voice, “Elevate your rag." He looked as though the re- mark depressed him considerably. The trial of Dr. Edward Brown, charged with {raking an assault, with intent to kill, upon Sanford Murray, collector for the New York Gas Com- pany, resulted in a. verdict of guiltyâ€"â€" Sentence was suspended until Monday. The prisoner will probably get twenty years. “ One hundred bamboo cages are wantec 1” Such was the form of an order issued :1 short time ago (says :1 Shanghai paper) from the office of the Chow Yang district magistrate near Swatow. The plain meaning was that about that number of men were to be beheaded, and the bamboo workers were required to furnish the requisite means of conveying the victims to the execution ground. The occasion of this hecatomb was the presence of - General Pang, who by special imperial commis- sion is meting out justice to delinquents in the district indicated of twenty and thirty years’ standing, as well as to those of quite recent date. It so hap- pened that only eighty of the cages were used, the remainder being kept in reserve, for the prisons are yet full. The victims, on arriving at the A031- dumu, were placed in long rows, the men in each row being some ten feet apart, so as to furnish plenty of motif for the agile executioner, after leaving one to get a good swing of his blade be- fore coming to another. When all were arranged, and relays of swords or chop- pers were placed at suitable intervals along the lineâ€"for the executioner uSes a fresh one for every half-dozen menâ€"- the horrible work commenced, and the fellow went bounding and dancing down one row and up another, whack- ing ofl’ n human head at every fall of the bloody cleaver. The scene we have ettem pted dimly to shadow forth is more suggestive of the slaughter of hogs in those large American establishments where they make away with a thousand 1 a day. But, for celerity, that one Chinaman can surpass any guillotine. that ever was made. During the past three years General Pang has beheaded some three thousand at least, and the most of the work has been done by this one munâ€"a. short, stout-built fellow, with a hawk nose that well befits his calling-whc attends Pang wherever he goes. His history, as told by the peo- ple of Swatow, is curious enough. One day, in old rebel times, Pang had a file of rebels kneeling before him for execu- tion. The executioner began, and was bunglingin a horrible way. The hawkâ€" nose fellow was down the line awaiting his turn. He was used to such scenes, and did not quail. He watched the bungler for a few turns, and then called in a loud voice to Pang to know if they were all to be hawker]. in that manner; and then asked to be released, and he would show them how to do it. Pang was struck with his audacity, and or- dered his request to be complied with. He went at it and made short work of it, then throwing down his sword and resuming his kneeling posture, he called upon them to finish him. “ No,” said Pang, “ that man is too useful, I want him myself 3" and so he W213 spared, and a bloody career has he since led.â€" He prides himself on his horrid calling, and boasts that he never misses his aim, nor takes a second blow. There were ninetylsoven wrathful women in New Orleans the other day, ninety-eight mothers having taken their darlings to zybaby Show. are red With the blood of innocence}? Their deeds of..cruelty outnumber every year a hundredâ€"nay, a thous- and-fold the deeds of our red savages. There haunts are known, and their work is known. They lie in wait for the unwary, they gather in the price of human souls, none hindering, at our very church-doors. ’Is no one responsible fer all this? Is there no help? Is evil stronger than good, hell stronger than Heaven? Have the churches nothing to do in this matter? Christ came to seek and to save that which “as lostâ€"cmne to the lowliest, the poorest and the vilest. to those over Whom devils had gained power and east: out-the devils. Are those who call themselves by His mime diligent, infithe .work to which Hozputflis blessed hands ? Millions of dollars go yearly-mp magnificent churches, but howlittle to the work or Leaving and succoring the weak, the-helpless, the betrayed, the outcast and the dying, who lie uneared for at the mercy of human fiends, and oitcn so near to the temples of God that their ugonized appeals for help are drowned by the organ and choir! Wholesale Executioni; in China. Some few years ago, says the Pall Afall Gazette, a gentleman who had been dining “ not wisely but too well,” in the course of the evening drew a. cheque for a large amount, and having signed it poked it, by means of a stick,‘ into a box placed at the gates of a charâ€" itable institution to receive the dona- tions of passers by. \thn he regained his sobriety the next morning he re- ; membered with horror his liberality of ‘the previous evening, and addressed a imoving appeal to the managers of the institution in question to restore him the amount of the cheque, which he found had been cashed before he had, had time to dress himself and drink one bottle of soda water. As it was found‘ that the unfortunate man had absolute- ly left himself penniless, the managers, it is believed, kindly allowed him a. small sum to carry him on until the next quarter, but the shock was too much for him, and after a few days of intense mental agony he feliinto a state of total abstinence, from which he never rallied. [He couldn’t do better ; the only pity is, that he didn’t discover the value of total abstinence a few month! earlier. The New York Evening Post thus discourses of a female, gymnast who is at present delightingmetropolitan audi- ences :â€"â€"“ Lulu is the young woman who swings .on the trapeze, and the people stare at her feats of nimbleness and strength as Spanish women do at a bull fight. A net is spread under- neath to catch her if she falls ; but those who enjoy' the Show would pro- !bamy feel additional delight if the net ishould some time gave way and drop her mangled to the floor. She also jumpsâ€"that is, a four thousand pound weight drops suddenly on one end of a lever, and the other end, striking a platform on which she stands, sends her some thirty feet in the air, Where she catches to a stationary platform, amid rapturous applause. She is ealled the ‘eighth wonder of the world,’ and if jumping like a. frog makes a young wo-‘ man wonderful at all, the play bill de-‘ scribes her truly." Albany women are charged with .plundering the graves in the ceme- ery of flowers. The New York Legislature has passed a. bill amending the existing statutes relative to murder and arson, so that hereafter a person who kills another “ by an act imminently dangerous to others, and evincing a. depraved mind, regardless of human life, although with- out any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual,” shall be deemed guilty of murder iii the first degree. The bill also provides that persons convicted of murder in the sec- ond degree shall be imprisoned for life. If" any one is desirous of keeping their rosebushes free from the small green vermin that frequently infest them, the following remedy will be found a most effectual one :â€"To three gallons of saft water add one peek of soot and one quart of unslaoked lime; stir it well, let it stand twenty four hours, and when the soot rises to the surface, skim it ofl’. Use a syringe for applying it. Mr. Alexandar H. Stephens is called by Lhe Montgomery Journal “ the workingest man in the South, never being idle, but while sick, crippled and emaciated, Writing histories for old and young, editing a, daily paper, canvass- ing and getting elected to Congress, and making the grandest speech of his life While held up by a pair of crutches.” Archibald Frame, of Maitland, Hants County, has been selected as candidate for the seat in the Commons vacated by the elevation of Hon. Mr. Howe as Lieutenant~Govern0n It is thought there will be no opposition. On Queen’s birthday the son of Col. Issacson, of Montreal, was accidentally killed by a companibn on an excursion party to Carillon. T he careless hand- ling of a revolver placed a ball in the head of the young man. ,_ A collision occurred at Verenues the other 1110) ning, between ,the steamer Modwag, of the Temperly line, and the 111' issouri, by which both were injured. They are at present in M onbrcal harbor. J. ‘V. Wallack, the New York actor, died the other day in a sleeping car while en route from South szrolina to New York. A boat mntaining five boys was cap- ' 7 sized ofi' Ggmanoque on the Queen s birthday; and one of them, named Nel- son Free, was (llowne-al. Mr. Lewis Carvel), Superintendent of the Government Railway, and Father Chilliquy, arrived at {alifax from Europe on the 23rd; Last week 40,000 immigrants ar- rived at’Castle Gardens, New York, and on Monday the arrivals were 8,388, the largest known number for one day. ,The Pope, it is stated, contemplates anathematizing the members of the Italian Cabinet and all other parties engaged in secularizng the monasteries. A servant girl fired her employer’s house in Philadelphia, eleven times one day last week, and endeavored to throw suspicion on the son of the family, aged three years. The Royal \Vestem Yacht Club of Ireland has invited the New York Yacht Club to participate in their anâ€" nual regatta at; Queenstown on July 30th, and compete for the Queen’s cup. A certain country squire, Conceiving that the word “clause ” was .in the plural number, would often talk of a “ claw ” in an Act of Parliament. Two corpses have been found near Barcelona, each bearing a placard, on which were the words, “Killed while attempting to assassinate Don Alphonâ€" H 30. “ I’m so thirsty,” said a, boy at work in a. corn-field. “Well, Work away,” said his- ‘industrious father. “ You know that the prophet says, ‘ Hoe, every one that thirsbcth.’ " A great deal is now said about the improving the “ lot; of Woman.” In our opinion, the best way is to built a good house upon it, and put a good man in it to live with her. Hoor SKIRTS, BUSTLES, Cmoxoxs, Sm'rcnns and Drum. Please call and examine our stock. Letter 01 em promptly and carefully filled- G- ESTS' FURmsnxms, GENERAL SHALL Wmms. and FANCY Goons, Lmnss' Comm: DAVID MOLELLAN & 00., 53 King Street West, HAMILTON, 0ST. For Freight or Passage, apply to TEM~ PERLEX, CARTER 21Billeter Street, Ldzxdon; ROSS & 00., Qfiebeo, or to Through Bills of Lading issued on thoCon- tinent and in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States to Petrolt, Mil- Wukee, Chicago and other points in the est. Cabin..,... $60 00 Steerage......... . 24 00 Through tickets from all points ,West at reduced'rates. Certificates issued‘to persons desirous of bringing out their friends. THAMES .. SEVERN ., LIEDWAY DELTA. .. , NYANZA .. SCOTLAND And every alternth RATES OF PASSAGE. DE LTA ................... Saturday, 26th April. MEDWAY., . .. .JVednesday, 7th May. NYANZA, ............... Saturday, 17th Mav. SCOTLAND ............... Wednesday, 28th May. And every alternate Wednesday and Sam:- day thereafter. And from'QUEBEC f0} LONDON (with pri- vilege of calling at Sydney, 0. B., for Coal) as follows : Theateamers of this Line are intended to sail during the Season of Navi ation of 1873, from Lower: for QUEBEC and Jenna, as follows: ' THAMES... .........,,,..Saturday, th April, (Via Halifax, N,S., and St. John, NB.) SEVERN... .........l....VVednesday, 16th April. Northrup d; Lyman, flewcastle, General Agents. Fractical and Analytical Chemists. Composed of the following first-class Iron Steamships : ‘ SCOTLAND, THAMES, SEVERN, AYER'S HAIR anon, by long and extensive use, has proven that it stops the falling of the hair‘immediately ; often renews the growth, and always surely restores 1t color, when faded or _ ‘ gray. It stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy activity, and preserves both the hair and its beauty. Thus brashy, weak or sickly hair becomes glossy, pliable and strengthened; lost hair regrows wit-h lively ex ression; alling hair is checked and stublished ; thin mir thickens ; and faded or gray hair resumes resumes their original color. Its o emtion is sure and harmless. It cures dandruff, h is all humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean and softâ€"under which conditions, diseases of the scalp are impossihle. _ â€"As a d§é§sln§ for ladiea' hair, the VIGOR is praised {of its grateful an agreeable perfume, and valued for the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. DR J. 0. AYER c9 00., WSold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. ' iuadm‘i, Qfiabac flfid Manlrsal. The twanty-third» regifiiélif‘ “of mu- lery in the French army has a white Cochin-China .rooster, upon which a great value is placed on acéfiunt of his meritorious services in the field of a‘, tle. This cock passed through in! whole campaign of the Rhine and wasj carried to Augsburg as a prisoner mil war. At Meta, during the siege..tlm.§ soldiers, although obliged to eat’tiieéi'i horses, held the life of this ltr‘ul'y Game? cock as sacred. At the battle of (Ernieâ€"A; latte he was perched on the shoulders of his master, who was in‘ the Fufinli battery, and was so used to the £272.;- non’s war that he did not pay thel slightest atteutien to it; After his master was killed another artillerist adopted him, and he still remains in the military service. Manufacture s, Importers and Wholesa‘lu Dealersin ___.__.- h, yum. l, POUND Elixir of Phosphates and Cali- saya as a Chemical Food for the Brain and Nervous System is founded on well estab- lished Physiological principles, as it supplies the waste of tissues constantly going on in the system as the result of mental and physi- cal exertion. The waste is greater than the food fumishos in all cases of Indigestion with Kiel-assimilation, great mental anxiety or ex- citement, exhaustion of vitality by bad habits or excesses, blood poisoning from dis- ease or impure air, and in Consumptive, Canâ€" cerous and Scrofulous constitutions ; and unless the supply is maintained in an easily assimilated form, great nervous and. physical prostration inevitably follow. Phosphates are purely physiological in their action, im- Qroving nutrition by romoting the conver- sion of albumen into urine, and the forms;- tion of healthy blood. They are the motive power of the nervous system, being the ori- gin of nerve force, and they cannot injure the system, as their function is to buili u and vitalize all the organs. Sold at $1., Children Whose brain development is un- nsually large m comparison with the body, are most frequently singled out for a prema- ture final resting place. \Vhy is this ?-- Simply because the functions of the body are to frail to supply the Waste goin on in the brain conequent uponljact-ivo intelligence, Fellows’Compound Syrup of Hypophosuhites is so prepared that it imparts the vita. prin- ciple directly to the brain while it assists in developing a vigorous and robust bodyl rpHE‘ USE OF mg. WHEELER’S COM- fiYéfiifi HM? W333; TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. April 10, 1873‘ 1‘10? @1612“ TEMPERLEY LIKE}. I'm- Restorizag Gray flair QUrBEc T0 LONDON DAVID SHAW, Montreal PREPARED BY . . . . . Thursday} 8th May. ...... Tuesday, 13th “ ....... Tuesday, 27th “ ‘...‘..Saturday, 7th June. Thursday, 12th June. ...,Tuesday, 24th “. sate Tuesday and Thursday thereafter. HECTOR DIRECT Easéaga, .3119 MEDWAY, DELTA, NYANZA, Advancing years, sick- ness, care, disap oint- ment, and her ltary predisposition, all turn the hair gray, and either of them incline it to shed prematgrelyv. STRENGTH UNALTERED. Produces no nausea.’ Children are fond: of it. Sold Everywhere, in bottles at 25 cents each; SWEET fiéfi‘fifi mi.» By Royal Letters'Patent c o P L7; N D ’3’ P. S. VAN WAGNER VVilson’s Castor Oil Emulsion Is recommended by Medical Men, and sold by Druggists throughout the Dominion.~â€" Price, 25 cents per bottle. Gentlemen,â€"~Having used [or some time “Wilson's Castor Oil Emulsion" in In} family, it is with pleasure'I certify to the entire satisfaction it has given. It is all that could be desired. The disguise is per- fectâ€"the offensive taste and odor of Castor Oil being removed, while its medical proper- ties seem unchanged. Children as well as Adulis {Like it readily. ilton TEAS, SUGAEES. 1510.. N BROWN, GILLESPIE & 00.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, H A M I I; T 0 Have the foilowing Engines all ready for delivery: SAVV DIELEJS. feet all flu 3 STATIONARY STEAM ERGENES A Good Assortment in Stock. WSend for Price Lists. B. 1-1. ‘ MOORE, AGEN F. G. BEEKET? ($39., HAMIL TOM 0NT., MANUFACTURERS __-_._ «an u um‘ I palmed on the public of Canada for the past number of years, under the colormg‘ of number of First. Prm‘ taken, or other high sonndlng pretentious, are now beginning to be well understood, and by many the pang of dece‘ tion felt keenly, as having “PAID T00 DEAR FOR THE WHISTLE." To those, and all others, we won (1 advise them to wet the Improved Nolaeless Wheeler & Wllson, and be ~safo. Thay last a lifetime. m‘mustmted Catalobme, giving particulars, sent post tee to any address. Sena for Circular, Price List, Terms, &c., before purehaeixgg elsewhere to rlxxm LARGE NUMBERBQF gHEAP A131), poonLY MADE smymjg magmas THAT my]; gm »_1_.A; H," ,, I‘v , ., .,....,, , h ,4 , p THE f0LDEST BETABLISEED HOUSE IN CANADA. ‘ ‘VV E ARE THE @3th A)? D EXCLUSKV E AG ENTS for the foslowing Which we offer at lowel rates than any other house in the Dominion. Second hand pianos from FIFTY DOLLARS and upwards. Hagan Eumflu 01-53:: (0., Beaten, George A. Prime 5'. (0., Jufian, we kocp in stuck A Large Assortment of Pianos BY WELL KNOWN MAKERS, The Cheapestfirstâ€"slass Scale in Canada wfit‘h'l‘he Extrgest in the 'BR[DGEPORT, CONNECTICUT PIANw AND URGAL‘SS Chirkerlng 2: Sons, H. B. ‘WARREN 85 CD’S 775,090 Q‘sl“ Tfil ESE CELEB RATED fiAilliiNES‘ SOLD In. all Parts of the World. An IncreaSe of Sales Unprecedented. AS!) 902$ (PEEN‘ANS, C. 9. EDWARDS’ 53 A. WALTON, flfifiififfifiaL AGENT VV E ARE THE SQLYC A)? D EXCLUSH AG ENTS for the t‘ozlmving UELEBRATFZB K’KAR’fiS : Burlington Beach, East, June 12, 1871. . Messrs. Archdale “’ilson, 8; 00., {mn- Hami‘lton,Apri115, 1373‘ DEPTH May 14, 1573‘ DIRECT IMPORTEHS QERTEFBQATE. ARCHDALE WILSON & Co., Chemists, Hamilton, Out 85 King St. \Vest, Toronto ; 54 James 81%. Hamilton ; 37.8mm}; St. Ottawa. C Hamilton, May 6, 1872. v.16 A... 0:. '"D Counter and Platform Scales, S IIOIESE-PGWER MACHINE: MANUFACTORIES Fl BISâ€"5’ BOO F SA F ES. 54 Front-Sh. East, Toronto. A. & ST NORDHEIMER, steinwziy a Rpm, ELEEERES AND mmhani & 94mm, flames Brothers. 0 F 15 King Street F PORTABLE TOR’QSTO (1257-6m ch STREET WEST- :E'. m} BEARMAN ' mormméon. GENERAL STAGE OFFICE “HAMILTGN, ONT- : ' AMERICAN HU'IEL I Persons desirous of visiting the above states With the intention, if suited, of pur- chasing timber, mineral, or improved fami- ing land. direct from the owners at the prex~ ent very low prices, and not in the hands 0- speculators, but must be sold at a great sacf rifles, and parties wishing reliable informa- tion about the climate, soil, products, &c., and tickets at reduced rates to visit the states, andfrec transportation to see thelands, it will be to their advantage to communicate with the subscriber as he is well acquainted with the above states and the most desirable to settle in ; good climate, fertile soil, and advantages of railroads, navigation, and other facilities for the best markets. This is the best opportunity ever ofiered to get a cheap home and the best climate in America. Send. {Or circular of lauds and card. u... w. vuv vuum u. quuu. ua Aua, uc Aur- - 1 nished with Tickets over the Road; entitlin them to Return of Fares, in the event or purchasing any of the Company’s farming land. For information about the lands, prices, location, 550., address WM. 4. EQWARD, 500 CHEAP IMPROVED mums a 200,000 ACRES or VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. NORTH CAROLINA and VIE: GINIA LANDS. Farming Lands are acid to actual settlers, on credit, one quarter down, balance yearly payments, interest 7 yer cent. Persons de- sirous of locations for farm: will, on a plica- tion at the Office, in Grand Bapifis, E9 fur- -.u m. 1 . .~ Tide Pezfact. Oct. 30, 1871 The Pine Lands are situated on the M115- kegon, Manistee, Pore Marquette, White Pine, Tamarack, Flat and Rouge Rivers, and lying twenty miles on eitherside of the sur- veyed lino of railroad, and are in the heart of the Pine Section, from which Chicago is so largely sgpplied, On which are. One Tuousand Millions 0 Pine Timber, and inexhaustible Quan- tities of Maple, Beech, Elm, Ash, Hemlock, Oak, &c. The grant of lands to the Grand Rapids and Indiana. Railroad Company, to build their road from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Traverse Bay and Mackinaw, Michigan, comprises in its farming lands every variety of soil, from the rich clay loam, to the light ' sandy, and they are found in that section of! Michigan, north of the City of Grand Rapids, and contiguous to the great fruit belt on the eastern shores of Lake Michigan, now being rapidly developed by railroad and other enterprises. Excellentrarming and Bplendi Orders by mail carefully filled March 26, 1872. _I_ Nervous Debility, S ermatorrhca, Noo- ‘X‘URNAL EMISSIONS, Wea ness of the Gener- ative Organs, Palpitation of the Heart, Tremblings, Sleeplessness, the effect of over- indulgence in alcoholic stimulants and tobac- co, 810. Dr. J. BELL SIMPSON’S Pills are the only effectual ones tor the above diseases, and are never known to fail. They have alseady cured hundreds in this country. Robert Arthur, machinist, Hamilton, testi- fies to his recovery by their use. Safe, certain and rapid in action, a short trial will prove their efficacy. N o sufferer need despair of being.r relieved from the frightful effects of SELF-ABUSE. The Specific Pills are sold by Druggists at $1.00 a. box, and the Tonic Pills at 500. a box, or they will be sent by mail, postage pre-paid, and securely wrapped from observation, on receipt of $1.06 for the Spe- cific, and 56c. for the Tonic Pills, by W’HOLESALE IMPORTERS, a2 YC}U.L\"-’C§r 1: ’I’ REE: ‘fGRONTO. Q HOW A LARGE STOCK OF Shirts, Collars. Fronts, Gents' Jewolfi’Twu " Umbrellas and Rang PINE LAN DS, Drawer 91 P.0., Hamdtonk'}, Sold by all Wholesale Druggists. Pam-- phlets Sent post-free rn application. Feb. 26, 1873. 6m ‘ TO THE TRADE- GRAY, RENNIE & 00., DR. d. EELL SIMPSON’S GENTS \VANTED FOR SOME OF the best and most popular Subscription Books now publishing. Exclusive terri- tory and Liberal Discounts. Write for circulars. Address LANCEFIELD BROTHERS Publishers, Hamilton, Ont Ngieeiflc and Tonic Pills. {1H}; GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY FOR Sonrfs, Ties and Bows. Hosiery and Glcves. ‘ . ‘ hymn Wares and Trnummgs, 1 13.7; , Southern Land Comx'nissioner, 202 North John Street, Hamilton. FOR SALE, MEUEEGAN AQEEEE$ J. BELL SIMPSON-{(30.9 l‘orsétBZSkirts and Bustlem SJOT'EASE,‘ GRAY RENNIE 8: Co‘ \Vorid. "m Land Commissibner, Grand Rapids, Mich 0F 2 19 feet. 526 r fee_L-, DuLPTH FRONT

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