I m ‘ 'fllnrrraprurlrm. " To the Editor of the York Harald. ans and you‘lto,†warns: reply. Th leader caught hold of the mules and un- bitehed them, cutting the harness. Fair- child, clinging'to the lines, leaped to the M 1 Emma.- If you would allow space ground. The poor wretcbes implored for in your valuable columns for this short communication, it might be interesting many of your readers to'know' that the temperance demonstration for June 3rd in ,Mr J Stoutenburgb’s grove, Victoria Square, was held according to announce. meat. At eleven o’clock the Fireman’s Band, from Aurora, with the Rising Star banner in front, headed a large pro- cession composed of Prospect'Temple, Whitchurcb, as a lodge in full regalia, carrying a very pretty banner, after which came Rising Star temple and Edent'emple, followed by many members * from other lodges, who had not come in _ j, body but were well represented A; and heard. The fearful.,.voices of those women and children still ringing in my ears, but the cowardly hounds wore not» largenponcourse of people followed the procession to the grove, where “a plenti- ful repast was served at 12 o’clock. Int the absence of G. Flint, Esq., who had been for chairman, Mr A. Mc- Leanvyvpsflcalled on. to preside. wet: the meeting, when the following ministers delivered, addresses: Rev; G. Abba, Springbill; Rev.IE.‘lMiddleton,iEloTs§ Rey. iMr' Pibkéri‘n‘g, Alunora; Rev. J. Smith, apd Rev. E. H. Sawers,,Victor_ia square;3{'Tbe speaking was 'sbort,.pomt: cd,‘andlively; the musicgood, and the interest well sustained. At.- ‘5.,..o’,clock a tea, was served and at 7. o'clock the Vic- toria Square lodge assisted by Richmond Hill and Unionville, gave a "reunion in the Rising Star lodge room, to a large and appreciative audience. The day was that all could be cxpected,tbe provisions good and plentiful,thc entertainment of all kinds interesting, the feeling happy, and the receipts over 8127 which is to in- crease the already "existing fund for the erection of a new lodge room. “ ONE WHO WAS THERE. Markham, June 10, 1873. I †RICHMOND HILL, June 12, 1873. To the Editor of the York Herald. - SIR: Who is to blame 2 This ques. tion was asked a. good many times last evening in reference to the ,uproarious . and disgracent noise outside the Hall during Mr Kay’s readings. Now Mr Editor it‘ seems to me that when a gen- tleman of Mr Kay’s position and talent generously gives his services for'tbe good of'tbe‘churcb, and moreover provides an‘ intellectual feast, such as we. seldom havetbe opportunity of'hearing; that he should not be annoyed and an entire ' andienceidistressed, and their enjoyment marred by a few unruly boys. Is there no'CoDstable in the village ? if not why esteem in‘ a “ special "9 forsricb an" Occasion, but on the other hand who are these candidates for the - treadmill and l the penitentiary," for from the numberlof depradations lately committed in the vil- lagebyboys, some of them will most certainly go there. Why do not their parents or friends see that they do not spend their evenings among bad com- panions, forming idle habits and using vulgarand profane words. As a resi- dent ot‘ the village I spoke to Mr Roome I Kay about the interruptions and hoped ' that he would notbe so disgusted as, to _ say he would never pay us another visit, ‘ his reply was, ,thatjt waseexcessi'vely adj: n‘oying but, that ï¬re did not blame the. boys so much as their parents, and that if they would not do their duty by keep- ing the young offenders out of the-street ‘ at night the authorities should take the matter in hand and make an example of some of them. I feel sure that among the, numerous assembly of the literatic of. Yonge Street who listened last evening toMr'Roome Kay's masterly elocution there ,was not one but felt highly indig- nant that their enjoyment should have been by the outrageous conduct of a few bhckguud boys} Let us hope that’so‘me steps may be taken to prevent auroonrreuce‘ of last nights proceedings ,' with the Raven let us say , . _ , , V " ' levnaéM'o'nx.‘ ' :iii‘ f, 'TIIE Issac cs. The following smear or the atrocious murder of Indian prisoners by volunteers is given in the Associated Press Tele- gram, dated J one 8: , ‘. James Fairchild, and about a dozen crashes, left Fair-child's menopause. wood Creek, with seventeen Modoc cap-- tives, including women, and children and Shock Nasty Jim, Bogus Charley, Teh‘ee Jack, Pony, and Little The In- dians more in a waggon drawn by four mules. Attire crossing of the last river the party encountered a body of Oregon volunteers under command of Captain Hizer. Waggon and questioned Fairebild. The latter told them the Indians were all Hot Creek, except Little John, and that there were no charges against them. Fairchild undertook to rush on to Boyle’s camp, and the volunteers retired to their camp near Crowley’s. On the road, Fairchild noticed two men ahead, riding to Rocky Point, as if to intercept him. When the team approached the two men, one of them presented I niedlc gun at Fairchild saying, “Get down, you old Whitehead- ed individual." “'By what authority ‘2?’ _“ By I am going to kill the Indi- ‘were not charged with murder. The soldiers gntbered about the mercy and begged Fair-child to save them. The warriors were unarmed and knew , that resistance was, useless. They were l the coolest in the party'althougb facing inevitable death, but the women and children shrieked, .groanedand wept, piteously. Fairchild‘had nothing but a small pistol, and six: inches from his car was the muzzle anecdlepgun. He _says that the tearsnca‘rnye' into his ‘eyés',’ {and he mingled‘his entreaties with those ‘of the Modocs, in hopes that the massacre ‘ I shudder when I think of what I saw» tO'be balked. A slide“ and Lime :Johir lay dead in the waggon with a bullet in his head." The mules dashed away with lines. Five more shots, by which Tehee J ack,-:Pony, “smoothies-skilled, and in the shoulder. “Away; ahead on the ioadï¬ in: the dir'ectioir earn", a cloud of dust was perceived, indicating the approach of a team. M The murderers espied the dust,“hiid}sbbl‘-tly afterwards were riding rapidly away. Sergeant Murphy, of battery.G.-ï¬_th'artillery, with ten men and a teamstcr, came upon the scene of massacre. Teams with an escort Were at once sent to bring the prisoners, dead and alive. N 0 steps were taken for the apprehension of the felons who per- formed the bloody wtirkflTt'is‘ generally supposed that the guilty parties were Oregon volunteers. Fairohild is of that opinion bimsclï¬- ~Tbe,.-.wprriors _killed Every- one bere condems the affair as atrocious and without eiéusez" ' TORONTO YOUNG "MEN'S . CHRIS- TIAN ASSOCIATION. _â€" CoaNEn or QUEEN AND JAMES Srs., -TouoNTo;'§I’bNE, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others ' whose Sons, Wards, gr Friends may be leaning home for: residence in themCily of, Toronto. take pleasure i_n.informing their-friends and the Christian Public generally of the facili~ ' ties for usefulness which they now enjoy. Thainbeautiful nndacqmyngdious building, ' with its Halls, Library, Eiéépgading Room and Gymnasium are intended at once to in- vite and improve all young‘3'ilieh'»wb‘o enter. Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical En~ tertainrnents are freqirently-held~.and‘6p'en. 3 1to all. _ n V, gang: >er if, , Parents, Guardians, Pastors. or others who have youngffriehdsfiipl thp‘City or about to come to it, are. invited to'vurgo them to come to us. i 'A Receptiomcasimrués 'has‘ _been formed, the members of which gladly call on all strangers'whom'ltbeylnray hear ' ' ' of from those interested. Communicptions ' from friends stadistnncegsre gladly re. ceived. “ ' l " 7 Yours repectfully, . , ;, _-; _, Tnos. J. WILxIs, Secretary. . ., _ '2'; ' Miscellaneous: ' The steamship «1“‘Drbmfnond Castle," while on a voyage fromHn‘nkuw to London, went ashore on Chpsan lslpDId. oï¬' the east coast of Chitin, and became} total _wreck. Thirty persons were drowned. " V I ' I The}. Alexandra palace, Mnswell Hill, a northern suburb of~-Londorr;~has~bocn en: tirely destroyed. , The Ipinljoss is.estimaud at $3,000,000, on which}: "the: insurance amounts to $600,000. Theirs was'eaused by the carelessness of workmen who were repairing the zinc roof. A great ï¬re raged in a timber yard in Dublin on Monday last. A crowd of per- sons whose object ‘waï¬l‘iilï¬blfli, 'stdnddltbe firemen and a detachment of soldiers, whib‘b had been brought to preserve order. The latter charged on the mob, wounding many of them. ‘lntenle ex‘citglhllrlt prevailed, and the scene during the charge of the troops was fearful. 'It is stated the Mnnitopb while in Ottawa succeed in inducing the Govern- ment to give its approval to a scheme ex- tending the,lirnits pfitlprt Pro ince to about ten times its preheat Oren, r’d’ac ihg‘Huds’o'd’s Bay, Lake Superior and the American frontier as far as, Ontario. V It would give Manitoda a port at "thd“l‘thd§on's Bay Govermcnt Factory, which is open during three months every year. A despatch from Shanghlii giving-some particulars of the capture by the Imperial Chinese forces of the city of Talefoo, capi- tal of a Mohamedan State-in =the1provinee of Yunan, south-western. China, 's'ays “the most frightful scenes were witnessed in the conquered city upon the entry of the Empe- ror's army. The victorious forces fell upon their captives and massacred 30.000 of them. The ' Sultan poisoned ' him‘self. preferring death by his own hands to.falling into the power of his enemies. CLIFTON, J une' 10.â€"â€"For several days oh- structions have been placed on the track of the Erie & Niagara Railway ,wirh the in- tent of throwing the express train from the line. The engine-drivers,by 'dilligent watch, have more than once prevented serious re- sults. Acouple of men residing near Black Creek, father and son, being suspected, they were closely watched, and have been -de- tected in the act of' placing a tie across the track between Chippewa and Black Creek. One of the parties admits his guilt. They were arrested on Wednesday last.‘ “ " ' migth beaverted. He.»adds : ‘9 It. was l a terrible sceneâ€"one I never shall forget. Fairchild, who become entangled in the ' Little John’s squaw frightfullywounded , TORONTO MARKETS. f, _ _\ Toronto. Juno‘l2.1873.~ Flourâ€"Superï¬ne». a . ml. REAKFAST.,â€", EPPS'S COCOA. 3-: GRATrcrur. AND Couronrrsswâ€"“Byn' thorough knowledgeofthe natural laws which, 'govornthooporntions ofdigestion sndgrutrilion. andb scare]!!! application of the ï¬ne proper-. ties 0 V well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps hnspmé- vided our breakfast tables with s delicately; flavored beverage which may save us man ' heavy declors’ bills.,â€-â€"‘Cinil_ ,Scrvice Gazelle; Made simply with 'Boiliilz'*W'al'er‘ or Milk. Each packet is labelledâ€""hum Errs Gr. Ce... Homoeopathic Chemists. London.†MANuI-‘Acrous or CocoA.â€"-“ We will now give an account of the process, adopted, by Messrs James Epps & Co.'. manufactures- of dietetic articles. at their‘works in the Euslon Road. London"â€"Gassell’s'Housclrolrl Currie ‘ October 3|. 1872. “ 739-ly' ‘AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH moud Hill PostOï¬ico. Uniilfurt'he'rnoliceahe mail‘s‘ywillToolb éd ntthls ofï¬ce as follows Ironsrno , Northern Mail.. . ' . . . .6:45 A.sr. Southern Mail.. ...... . ........6:45 AJI. , rivssrso. Southern mail V ...... . ... .....6:55 EM. ‘ N.B. REGISTERED ,er'r'r'Ens will require to' he handed in 15 minutes before the time ‘of closing. _ . _ -â€" , ' B". T SH‘NA‘LS Are old on‘ r. ’r'op o n‘1 "allows: By Cunard Lice. every Mond. y. . . 10:30 A.rr. By‘Canod‘an Llro.eve.y 'P'lr ' wriay mum on. N.B., Letters "or Dekpn'» h In: these In row of Sleam'ers slionld be so m use * The rate on Lcltcrsfor the U for- K' Igr‘nnr (via Quebociu summer. a )(l Po: I, 'r. ' Iw' r- tor),il DOWIOduced t06 cools nor; oz. v. eigiri. ' ll sent via New York. it will be 8 ms. "and oz. The†into-apply onlytogn'nyaidletprs; ifisent unpaidmrlmï¬oiemly prenaid.iirere wil lbe s The Xoung Men’s Christian Association fine of doublothes'rnormtofdeï¬cionipostuge. . p M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Richmond Hill.Nov 20.1871. J ‘- .-®xnmita, 8st. 133nm "mi “Sean; “RICHMOND! HILL. THE‘TEA CHEST ALEXTOODIE Has always on hand the largest and best ' variety of GROCERIES, Consisting of Tons from 50 cents to $1.00, which for quality and flavor, cannot be sur- passed. . . . ' COFFEES, Green. Roasted and Ground Coffee; v A SPLENDID ARTICLE. Salmon Troufcod Fish and, i. "Labradorlrlerring. " PROVIIEIQNS: Eyor's Flour-kept on hand. which bonnet be beat by auyrhiug that comes to town. . r. , Peus,.Shorts, Bran, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, (to. WINES AND LIQUORS, ALL KINDS. Pure and Unadulteraled. BLoon's' DUBLIN PORTER. AND (V. I O’KEEFE’S ALE. sic. Crockery do Glassware. ‘ GARDEN TOOLS. sic. ._ Farm Produce taken in exchange. CHEAP JAPAN TEA. ONLY 25 CENTS PER lb. Skining’s Improved Purple Top Swede, Mangel Wurtzel and Car- ' vrot Seed, at the DOMINION TEA'HOUSE. A. MOODIE. ONTARIQTHOUSE- . JUST ARRIVED ‘ ONTARHH ' A Large and Select Stock of SPRING'GOOVDS. CONSISTING 0F . Choice Teas, Tobacco, Currants, ' Raisins, Prunes, Dried A22 .lfl-S. do†. SALMON Tau 'r‘. COD FISH. COAL OIL, doc. Which for strength and flavor cannot be surpassed north of Toronto. .4 large and beautiful assortment of Just came to hand. suitable for tho SPRING TRADE, AtiPrwes that defy competztzon. Remember in Boots and Shoes. I cannot be undorsold. IN THE FLOUR AND FEED Flour manufactured by tent judges to be the best flour brought into the town. Poss, Oats. Bran. Shorts, Bacon. Hams and Potatoes always on hand A choice lot of BLACK TARTAII. OATS now on hand ï¬t for seed. Also Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of ï¬eld and gardon seeds. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange and the highest market price paid. Call and examine our stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. as we feel conï¬dent we can give perfect satisfaction. . Remember the place, Corner of 2 "41 0mm Stu opposite Sanderson d: Sons, "Bichmï¬rfmll. J. BROWN." CA NADIAN}& ENGLISH? I 550m) 60 v _ :prrngWhontoxtrnu 000de 000 ‘ nncy.............. "590% 595 -Ext-Ia............... 65U@ 01’0 . SuperiorExtra..... . 725@ 7-5) Oatmeal................... 475d?) 480 Cornmoal.................. 290@ 000 Bran. I..............,..,.... I300@ 00.00 Wheatâ€"Sprin ............ 128@ 1'30 Soules and Delbl... l25® 135 Trondwell . . . . . . . . .. l25f<b l3!) Barley..................... 061/61» .0 70‘ Posse.........-.......... . 067@ 066 Data... 04l {(3 04? Rye. . 065m) 000 an..... recon) 2450 Straw..................... Il (NIKE 14 00 Potatoes. pcrbag... . . .. . . ... 0 50 KB I) 60 Applaupoerbarrel . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 @ 3 01‘ Hoof.bytlie,s,ido............ 600@ 650 Mutton, by the carcass. . . 8 00 (I)~ 9 00 Poultry-i-Gouov . . . . . . .. . . . 0 75 (1‘1) 0 90 Turkeys........... 075((D l5_0 Chickens. per pair.. 0 55 ((3 060 . , Ducks. perpnir.... USU/d) 100 Porkâ€"Mess........,....... IS 00ft» I800 , ~ExtraPrime'.......... ooorw 000 Bn‘co'n..................... 0.08%),012 Hamsâ€"Saltod....:.....:.'... 0 I? "@"012‘ Smukod........‘.... (Jill/('1) OI? Dressed Hogs...... ....... . 625@ 7503 Lard......~.. .0 09m 01) Butterâ€"III Rolls 0 20 (ii) 0 2'2 ,, Packed 01063 0 l3 Eggi...... . .. own 020, DrrsdA . . . . . 007f(b 07 ‘ Salt...-‘.... l5flï¬i OI Wool coco-coo... . aha-I. 04am Q4 ..‘P _-.DRESSe-:GOODS Ii Prints, Cartons, Gingham, do, DRAWS NEW-“AND IMPROVED " FIRST PRIZE photographer. “begs to in» Io HOUSE :Spkndid arm Tea-for 50 “ms Per II" On Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers at25 Department will be found the very best family It destroys the Ticks. promotes the growth of Rumble &. Calvnrt, the wool, and improves the condition of the Richmond Hill Mills. which has stood the test animal. for a length of time. and is allowed bv compo- 35 lambs. m- " gully Gnarls, , omits. . ANNOUNCEMENT, W ATKINSON Bogs to return thanks to the inhabitants of RICHMOND H ILL. And surrounding country for past patronage, and desires to.stnte that his SPRING' STOCK IS VUOW Complete in all its Branches !; And he feels conï¬dent that NO OTHER HOUSE CAN OFFER A BE'I‘TER-ASSORTMENT 0f Goods. or at Lowu'é Pinon, , . He would call spbcinl attention to his , LARGE STOCK 0F . TWEEDS, Cotton Tweeds,‘5Cottonades, Gam- broons, Denim, doc. l And to rho Ladies hejwould say, if you want I A DRESS: LUSTRE, * Jusr CALL ATQTEE CENTRAL, And there youjwill ï¬lid the BEST ASSQ'IrTMENT OF I Ever shown orgasms Hill, ' At prices ranging froï¬_100 to 50¢ per yd. Also a fulfibsortment of BLACKZEGOODS, With a large stock of SHAWLS, Fancy. IShavvls. BLACK &WHIT‘E LACE SHAWLS‘ White and Chlored Quilts, IN FACT ALL THE NOVELTIES IN THE DRY'GEOODS LINE. The MillincrgDepartmrnt, Hitherto kept so replete with all that was Chuste and Elegant. this season embraces the most beautiful and exquisite goods of the VERY LATEST STYLES. A full nesOrrment of Groceries, 9%., Which cannot be surpassed if equalled. WM. ATKINSON. Dealer in everything Good and Cheap. Central Store, Richmond Hill. BOOT AND. SHOE RICHMOND HILL... . WILLIAM' GAMBLE ’ETURNS HIS SINCERE THANKS .t. to the pubic frir the libâ€"6i“ p'ntronn 0 he Ins. received while inbusim and won! also invite an early call to hisnssortod stock .’ 0' Irf’ . . = BOOTS AND SHOES I , Of all kin do, which he alibi-s at prices that " V will cohrpare'wfrh ’ ’ “ANY H0 USE IN‘TORONTO. is nlSo prepared to malty, loprllorlhc ’ best kind of? “ ' French Calf Boots, for $500 per pair; - “q, . flouble Soles, [35-50 mgr-pair. All kindsrof custom work warranted to give the best of sdtisfaction. and ,d‘good ï¬t ‘guar- .auteed. ~ ' Shop. two doors north 0: GuA. Bernard's Store. ' a V flatworm, .. PHOTOGRArIi‘Y. THOMAS a. comma. ' form the public that. ‘liaving commenced operations in the above business on Richmond that he is prepared to take PICTURES! 0" Persons, Animals, Houserlir Landscape: IN ALMosr Asr snowman SlZE 0R STYLE. Old pictures carefully copied an enlarged. Parties. desiring .picturcszv tinted ,Vfrqn‘v. the old negaflves 0' "Mr. Gay drxflood can have, them by ordering, as I have purchased all their negatives. ' III Dull and cloudy weather no hindrance to the art, except for children. Parties gelling pictures of children tnkeugwpquostod to be at the Studio between ID ‘A rs’l’and 3 Hr. - [13’ Gallery ii the old stand recently occu- pied by Mr. Gray. Richmond Hi I. Sept. 26. 1872 7404f ATTENs no Es oars CALVES F Sheep and Pig‘s. ,8) , ’ It Fattens in One-feurth the ' usual tzme, and saves Food. Price 25,centrnnd “,0er box. Adollnr ‘box contains two hundred fiends: ' ' CATERPILLARS THE "(in [Nines = craoss. POWDER Desrroys all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. cents per box. , HUGH MILLER &CO.. Agricultural Chemists, Toronto TICKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR'S TICK DES'I‘ROYER. A 35 cent boxwill clean 20 sheep or HUGH MILLER 85 CO., Annrcun‘rurur. CHEurs-rs. 167. King Street East, Toronto For Sale by Druggists and Siorckecpers. R. E. LAW. Agent. Richmond Hill. BLAKE a. KINGSEOED. ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. cilors, Conveyancers,&.c.,,&c.. Orrcsspâ€"No.‘ 56, Church Street. Toronto. Yonge nexl door north of British Americamlnsurauco Buildings. 4 'J . N. BLAKE. B.E.“‘Kdl6iioib."M.A. ' yourwant to THEY WILL MAKE YOU STARE : 1 9 I Farmers and Thresher-s Take Crockery, Hardware, Glassware, ~ goats aria Show. I lggtimltural g‘ljmrllemmta. IMPORTANT To FARMERS! SPRING SEEDING MADE SIMPLE BY GETTING ONE OF THE ESTERLY BROAD-CAST SEEDERS HICULTIVATOR COMBINED, MANUFACTRRED BY THE Jeseph Hall Manufacturing Co. OSnAwA, On. We guarantee ‘ SAVING or ONE MAN AND TEAM All tIIrough‘Seoding. besides saving seed and doing =lbe work better than the usual way. The Machine can be seen and. all particulars ' explained at 'M'r‘t‘; M'.‘ ‘s. ‘COG'SWELL’S. THORNHILL. Who is acting sis agent for said machine. We claim that our Seeder is the most useful im- plement for the price the farmer can procure. The fact of the above can be ascertained from :any. :of tho following gentlemen :-â€" Daniel Reaman. Vaughan ; Henry Lemon, Thorn- * hill; James Bowman} King: James Mosley. ' Aurora . .Michael Wesley. East Gwillimbury; W. D. Stoddart. Bradford; Michael Fisher, Vaughan : Benjamin .Wcst,West Gwillimbury; 3 spiny Wesley. Whjtchurchp Wm.,.lackson. ,aughan. @700 not fail 'lo‘riget THE SEEDER. if SAVEMVONILIg.“ ,, :.','Y°9'§,v‘..’fl9-s . A; ' AMF'. W. GLEN. Oshawa. ‘A‘. MASON. ' - General Agent fortthomiuion. , lf3m. , UOshawa. Ont. Notice. PATENT SIEVE ! Will v'ern all kinds of grain. embracing wheL' . 3 ‘e. bailey. and outs and will not choke wi gran" 'vI Icy or foul grain. No stick or boonrreaned to be used. and the machine need not at Irv time be stopped by clogging of the Sieve. All orders for this Sieve addressed to the palenteeQ-Jobn Rae, Lansing P.O.. 0nt., will receive prpmpt attention. ' Arr infringement on this patent will be punisllcd with the utmost rigo of the law. J OH N RAE. Lansing P.0. 729-tf ‘y Yang's Street; 872. WM. RENNIE. Importer.Marrufaclurer,nrrd Denleriu all kinds of PARKING IMPLEMENTS 8. TIIIIIIS Field Seeds, Fruit Trees, Fertilizers, ' (be. d:c.. &c, ' '8. ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTO STRAW CUTTERS. ROOT cUTTERS, F-ANNING MILLS. GRAIN] CRUSHERS. &c., 6w. E _rer 's Patent Iron Harrows , Fieldand Lawn Roller Horse Hoes &. Scarï¬or Cultivators Potato Diggou Pu mps V Scales Horse Hay Ferks Amalgam Stool Bells The Blanchard churn Barrel &. Dnslr churns Florence Sewing Ma- Carter’s] Ditching Ma- chluo‘ ‘ , v _ Steam and horse-power Threshing Machines Combined and Single Mowers and Reapers Wood Sawing Machines Horse and Dog Powers Machine Jacks Straw Cutters Root Cutters-fr. Pulpcrs Grain Crushers Turnip and Grain Drill Hand Seed Drills chine Fanning Mills Philadelphia L a vv n Clover Hallo Mower Hum [is R... es Gre'enhousennd Gar- Corn She ems; Husker Stomp Machines Patent m Forges Mowing Machine Knife Cidor Mills and Pro ssos Gny'ISk Io do Double Farrow, longhs , Iron and’ Wood Beam Superphosphato den Engines Laundry Machines Garden Implements and Tools FieldASeerls Frultnnd Ornaments Trees and Shrubs o f Ploughs lime dz. ground bone Gang Ploughs Pure Seed Gurain &c., Double Mould Plougbs 6w. &c..&c. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE IV (FIFTH EDITION), NOW READY I WM. RENNIE, 717-tf Tonosro, Orr-r. ' I g. 69. grammatical. I P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. RICHMOND PO T ' HILL ,3 OFFICE. . EPOSITS 0F - ONE DOLLAR, (OR __ anyunmbor-notcxcoedingthroehundrod dollars by any one doposilor.) will be received at the Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce .for which Govorrrmcntwillallow Interest. Forpnrticulnrrapplyto M. TEEFY.Postmaslcr. '.'MR. TEE'rv in Government Agent-for hassle of V - MARRIAGE LICENSES. . ALso AGENT son THE MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Ofï¬celionrs: from 8:30A.rr.t09:30 MI. May 4, I869 ‘ ' 563-†MARRIAGE LICENSES, RICHMOND HILL. *TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND N . Commissionerirr B.R.,is Government Agent for issuing‘Morringc License in the County onork. ' Oï¬ice hoursâ€"7 A.sr.to 9:30 P.» Richmond Hill.0vctober23.186$. List of Letters EMAINING IN‘ THE RICHMOND Hill Post Ofï¬ce. 1st June 1873: Clay, Thomas McMahon. Waller Clnffv, Mr McLano. Duncan Danton. Brown McCrimmo-r. Donald Evans. George (2) McLellan, Mr Elliot, Miss MOMllan. Alex Edwards, John McConnell. James Fairchild. Jennie (2) Mc'Rao. John Gardhousc. _Jsmes Oster. George Grav. T Parkhill. William Gibner. Otto Prince, William Hall, Thomas Scott. Rev. J. Hacking. John Snider, John Kevs. 'l‘hos. Sexton of Church, Kyto,D. ’l‘rnut. Mr. stric, James Teasdall, George Leo, Reuben (2) Thomas, Richard F. Marshall. 1‘. Wright. Mr. Munshnw. Alvirn M. TEEFY. 1-. Ir. 0’ .. *’ OB PRINTING DONE NEAT AND uick at the Your: HEEALD Cheap Book and oh i tinting Establishment. groan gustrnmmta. H.B.REESOR, DEALER 1N Prince’s Organs &- Melodcons, Chickering. Stainway and Durham Pianos. Also, the celebrated HUMMING BIRD PIANO Which is adapted to parlors where space is an object. The mode of Its construction is entirely new. and based upon the best known prlnciples of science. Notice. R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ed us in the agency in this section for the sale of Messrs G. A. Prince dz. Co’s cole- bratod Organs and Molodeons, in favor of which we give our most unqualiï¬ed approval and recommendation as the leading and most reliable reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS. WM. FLUMERFELT. Markham, Nov. 3.187I. Testimonial from Professor H. G. Collins I have carefully examined the pianos sold by Mr. H. B. Reesor. called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos. manufactured by Ms- thuseck, and think they are wouderfullr sweet and pure in tone. and from their pcculmr con- oruco calculated to remain in tune longer than other pianos. and consequently to stand a greater amount of wear. ' HENRI GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 28. 1872. ,. 714-1] graprrtfttlgalc, House and Lot for. Sale. H E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR Sale n Half-acre Village Lot with a good Frame Dwelling House and Stable. good Well and other conveniences situated thereon.â€"on the corner of Centre Street West and Elizabeth Street. Richmond Hill. Apply to GEORGE BRECKON. March 12. 1873. 764-5t House and Lot for Sale, ON LUCAS STREET, RICHMOND Hill. containing one acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house. wi Ih a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon. Terms, easy. Apply. on the premises; M F. CRAWFORD. _ Richmond Hill. Dec. 24. ’72. 753-3m Desirable Farm for Sale, BEING THE EAST HALF OF LOT No. 4 in the 5th Concession Township of King, belonging to the estate of the late Wil- liam McNair. containing 120‘ Acres of Excellent Land 110 Acres of which are under cultivation. There is a good Frame Dwelling House with an excellent cellar underneath. Barns. Stables and other outbuildings and Timber for a new Born 40 x 60. Plenty of water. This is a very desirable property being only between 3 and 4 miles from King Station on Northern Railroad. where there is a good market for all kinds of produce. Schools 8:. Churchosin the imme- diate neighborhood. Terms will be made very easy. For particulars apply to either of the under- signed executors to the estate. JAMES McNAlR. Lot 25, 2nd (‘oIL Vaughan, JOHN GILLES Lot 5.3rd Con. King. Richmond Hill. July 11. l87'2. 7 Superior Farm for Sale, EING LOT N0. 28, IN THE SECâ€" 0nd concession of the Township of Markhr n, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES One hundred and forty of which are cleared and well cultivated. There are on the pro- perly two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! Turee large barns. two stables. and other no- cessary farm buildings. Two spring creeks run across-the lot, and plenty of good water abounds. It is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two miles from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under- drained. and well fenced, with two good or- ' chords. and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by letter (post-paid). or on the premises, to MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. ,Richrnoud Hill P, 0. Dec. 4. 1319. 75m Village Lots for Sale. HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR sale a number of Village lots, situated in the village of, VICTORIA SQUARE I The lots coutarn About Oneï¬fth of an Acre, And are located at the Northwest corner of lot No. 35, 41h concessioii’bf Markham. in a section where mechanics and laborers can get study work and high wagos- Apva (if by lotion-prepaid) to, Henry Jennings, Victoria Square . or to ' WM. G. KINGSTON. ‘ Dingle P. 0. March 97,1872. 7144f DR. JAMES LANG-STAFF, RICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" rally be found at home from 2 to 3 o‘clock, I- M. John Elliott Langstaï¬' is auth- orized to collect accounts“, .y February 4th. 1873. 759-lv NIPISSING' HOTEL, MARKHAM. IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DESâ€" truction of the Anglo American House by fire, the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodious premises belong- ing to Capt. 'l‘. A. Milne, opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation afforded for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in connection with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. D. T. WOOTEN. Sept. 4. 1872. 737-tf EVERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENGI- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT, should at once send his name and address wrth $1.50 for one year’s subscription to The Canadian Patent Ofï¬ce Record AND MECHANICS’ MAGAZINE, TO THE rusLlsrrEn, GEORGE E. DESBARA'I‘S, MONTREAL. A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Office. 766-2 an guaaelhgltatct. ~_,.. ' Ill lllilll ll'llll s made In all sizes suitable l for Ladies and Gents, both I‘ In gold and silver. But the accompanying cut repre- I acute in proper proportions ,4 THE $25 RUSSELL HUNTING ‘ LEVER wrrcr. In sterling silver case and , ' gold points, full jewelled, ' warranted for .ï¬ve yearsâ€" ‘together with a gold- lated Albert chainâ€"whic will be sent to any part of Cam I ada on receipt of $25, or ' 1 C. 0. D., per express. W. E. CORNELL, Watch Importer, 83 King Street East. TORONTO. ONT. gallant Musicians, Fellows’ Compound 81 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. As alllife-endowed bodies. whetherthey be Beast. Birds, Reptiles. Insects or even Zoo. phites. and subjects of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by Titalforce, which binds all the springs of existence. and as nothing can save them from destruction when this principle leaves them, ihe discovery of means whereby vitality may be sustained in the living body is indeed a boon to the world. Modern chemistry has ventilated the ques- tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- tingthe brain. muscles and nerves. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in proper proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. This. then. is substantially the basis on which FELLow’s HYPOPHOSPHITES is linilt.its direct aclion is upon the Blood. the Brain and Nervous System. and Ike Muscles. Strength- ening the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitalized Blood in the Muscular Organs of the Body. Rousing the Sluggish Heart and Liver. strengthening the action of the Stomach and Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyin- listed with Oxygen. It is adapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emaciation, whether arising from sedentary life. a tropicalclimnle. from fever or debility from any cause,nnd is eflicaeiousin PULMO- NARY CONSUMPTION, many conï¬rmed cases having been cured and all beneï¬tted. where its use has been continued over a fuI'tIIlgIrt. In Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Asthma it gives relief where every other remedy fails. For Nervous Debillty it stands unrivalled, and may he used with conï¬dence in all cases. As this is entirely distinct and different from every other preparation of Hypophosphites,bs careful to ask for FELLows’ Suwrmud lulu no other. SOLD BY APOTHECARIES'. Price. $l- "J: Six for3,,'7-50. JAMES I. FELLOWS, Chemist. 64-8 St. John. N.B. Cautionll Caution!!! r 0 THE PUBLRE THE BRITISH rnovrscrzs or NORTH AMERICA. I beg most respectfully to acquaint the pub- lic of the Brirish North American provinch that in May, 187,! caused the business at 80 Maiden Lane, New York. for the sale of Her.- LOWAY’S I’rLLs AND UINTMENT. which were up to that time prepared by William Brown. now deceased, to be closed. I regretto say llratl have reason to know that the management of late business had for some years. and In many ways, been In est corrupt. and it may he lhat the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with lhe'care l have always desired. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines. which are now likely to emanate from the States or elsewhere. but to possess themselves of the genuine HOL- Lown's l’rr.r.s AND OINTMENT, manufactured by me in London. England. will do well to see that each pol and box bears the British Government stamp on which is engraved the words "IIOLLowAY’s PILLS AND ()IMMENT." and that the addresson tlrelabel is 5.53 Oxronu STREET. LONDON. whore Only they are marin- fnctured, and in no other part of the world The retan prices are on the Inbelsin British currency, and not in dollars and cents. No representative of mine will ever trove through any part of the British Provinces I the United States, either to sell. or to take orders for my Pills and Oinlment,and as l have reason to believe that atlernpis will verv probably be made to deceive the public in this way by persons calling on medicine vendors. falsely renresentingtlint they are acting for me and with my knowledge and consent. 1 deem it advisable to put the public air their guard against any such (leceplions. , 1 most earnestly enlreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased. in the public interest. to communicate the pur- port at the same to theirt'riends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purchasing worthless imitations of the genuine HOLLO- WAv’s PILLS AND OINTMENT. I would ask. as a great favor. that should It comets the knowledge of any person that spu- ious medicines are being made or sold in my name,lre be pleased tosend me all the parlou- lars he can collect respecting the same. that is to say. the name and address of the vendor who isselling the spurious medicines. and llkc~ wise the name and address of the House in the United States. or elsewhere. which may have supplied them. so as to enable Inc. for the protection of the public, to institute pro- ceedings against such evil-doors. and l engage to rernunorate very handsomer airy person who may give me such informmion. the in- formani’s name never being divulged Should airy person have reason to believe that lie has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines,lre will do well to send me, in a letter, to the address at. foot (which he can do at a cost of six cents in post- age). one of the books of instructions which are afï¬xed to the some. I promise to examine it and send a reply. stating whether the Medi- clues are genuine or r.ol.so that if spurious he may apply to the person from whom he pur- chased rhem to have his moneyrel‘undod. Chemists and Druggists who desire to obâ€" tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices in quantities of not less than $20 worih â€" viz..88. 6d. and 22s. ' and 34s.. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots o Ointme‘ut, nett. without discount. for which emittance must be sent in advance. I have the honor to be. With great respect, ‘ THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 553, Oxford Street (late 244, Strand). London, W 0., Sept. I. 1671. 687-6111