Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Jun 1873, p. 4

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TiiE DOCTOR'S YOUNG MAN "ism Lty very quiet on her sofa, looking out of 5the window,.and won- dering, in o. dreamy 'kind of way, whether it might be April or July. To be sure, the almanacs said April ; so did the tulips and lilies of the valley,,be» ginning to glimmer in the prim stars and circles of the oldâ€"fasliioneal garden just under her eyes; so did.the newâ€" built nests peeping. through the thin foliage of the trees against the wall, and the pale tinting of the fields beyond ;5 but with all this, there was none of that stir that comes with the spring- time, when the sap in the leaf and the air in the heavens and the blood in the veins thrill together with the fitful pulse of new life. Here was the form and hue of April with the atmosphere of July; the buds stood out so many spots of painted. color under the sun- light; the scanty foliage lay notched, leaf by leaf, against the unwinking blue above; the birds hrooded motionâ€" less on their nests; everywhere, like on actual presence, was the absolute mid-summer stillness. But if everything was still elitva the house; everything was by no means still within it; Miss Theodosia was in what is vulgzu'ly known as “ the fidgots,” and when Miss Theedosiu’s nerves were on the stretch, no one’s else, outside of .Ethel’s Buoyed room, were :Lllowel 1m instant’s rep-(>33. She turned now in her restless trot from window to win- dow, to say reproachfully, “ I Wonder, Marin, you can sit there so quiet, and that poor child dying under your eyes 3” “Dying 3" Mrs. Dukes Started up with a precipitation very unusual to her, then, reassured by long experi- ence of Miss Theodosia, sank bunk again, murmuriug, "' How can you startle one Sf), Dosy I" Miss Theodosia, little as she lnukezl it, was the younger sister, and Mrs, Onkes had never learned to drop the nursery name, than which nothing c’mlzl be more ludicrously inappropriate. “ \Vell,” she. returned, somewhat apâ€" peased by the sensation which she had caused, “ at ,any rate, 3110 might; be dead and buried for all the. ductox- seems to cam E” She might he, certainly, if time and mortality were as rapid Miss 'i‘iieo- dosia in their operations, as, vary for tuxmtely fox-Ethel, they were not. Having gone already six times to the front door, the seventh, for variety, she went to the back; and now, as it hapâ€" pened, while she was walking down one path, what she was looking for walked up the other. “ I was requested by Dr. \Vheeier, â€"" began the new-comer. ,‘ O‘u‘; then please to come in,” un- ceremoniously iniorposeil the servant who had unsweer his ring, 21ml, 13ml- ing him through the hull, sixo opo- Ethoi’s door, and will: tho simple :.- nouncwmeut, “ the ductin JON: UiTmnf A tall young man with a nice Voice 3 This was not a very definite description, certainly, but it was all Miss Theodosia could get, so she had to be cantended with it for the 1_resoiit. Meanwhile the doctor’s assistant was thinking a great deal more circumstanâ€" tially about the pale girl he had left.â€" Never in his life, he was sure, had he Dean a face like that turned to him from its white pillow, hardly whiter than it- self. The unearthliness of its buauty had fairly startled him. It was not that it looked so ill, but that in hardly looked of this world at all. The still “ How very odd 1” she said languid- ly. “Will you sit down 9” motioning to a. chair. Then, after a pause, during which her large eyes had rested on him with an abstraction which did not apâ€" pear to take note of him, “ You come from Doctor Wheeler 2” “ Yes ; the doctor's young man,” he said, bowing with recovered self-possesr sion. Then he proceeded to explain how the physician had been unable to come in person, arranged the medicines he had brought, with their written directions, and after one long, parting look at the pale patient lying back with half-dropped lids among her cushions, wished her good morning, and took his‘ departure, exactly one minute before the entrance of Miss Theodosia, who had lingered at the garden gate to watch What she considered the suspici- ous movements of a. man lounging about the hedge opposite. Learning from the servant, on her return to the house, that the event she had been expecting had come and passed, she went with as soft a step as was possible to her, directly to Ethel’s room, where she began turning over the medicines, complaining that the doctor might have come himself. “ He was called to Mile-Endâ€"a man with a broken legâ€"thewassistant said,” murmured Ethel, half-unclosing her eyes and speaking in little faint senâ€" tences. “ I don’t know, Aunt Theo,” answer- ed Ethel wearily, in the effort to recolâ€" lect. “ A tall young man, with :1 nice voiceâ€"not like a doctor’s assistant, I should think." was 2‘. at tiw adv-(u: I I ; “ Dr. \a’V’hwb-‘r rqu your pardon ~~+ 3” sudden-y ixmarr ing himself with almost a start as she turned her face toward him. “ For what T’ said she with :1 him smile. “H’m! Mile-End! they are always breaking their limbs over there,” grumâ€" bled Miss Theodosia, discontented with this malicious tendency to self-destruc- tion of the Mile-Endians. “ 80 Doctor Wheeler h§s set up an assistant ? Well ! to be sure X What w.:s he like, Ethel T’ “ For â€"â€" my shortcomings in gen- eral,” he answered, with seemingly 110 very clear idea of what he was saying. BY KATE PUTNAM 0800019 IllV 0 {Art fitlut E2112. lmix HH H1 features, marbleâ€"like both for their im- mobility and ntheir utter bloodless pal‘ 101‘, the dilated, deep-blue. eyesâ€"glori- ous eyes, he thoughtâ€"Violets blossom’ ing in the snow ; and then with something very like a pang at his heart, he Said to himself that the snow was melting fast. “ VV-hat is the matter with Miss Cakes ‘1” he asked the doctor on his reâ€" turn “Nothing,” answered D11. \Ylmclar composedly. ‘ ‘ ' The young man stared at hini inâ€" creclulously. “ She does not seem to have a very firm hold on life." he suid.l “Precisely,” said the doctor, “ and I suppose she will quietly slip away from it one of these days. But it is as I tell you, there is no positive disease. I wish there were, for then there might be a fair battle at any rate, But you can’t do anything with a. negative.- Miss Ethel has, as you say, no hold on life, no interest in it, no strength, no energy â€"â€"â€"~" “But is not that, a very singular easel" interposed the young man in an eager tone, as the physician paused thoughtfully. “Not very, unfortunately. She is not the first woman I have seen ready for her grave before her grave was ready for her. Only at her age it is rather renmrkable. But she seems to have none of the tastes of the girls in generalvuiot much like her little men- cey et a sister. She will make the heads; spin round when she gets to bet Ethel'g agef I tell you what, Lune,” continued the doctor, suddenly excited, “ I would give something to see that girl in an out-and-out flirtation! It would do more for her than all the drugs of the Materia Mediea. But 1 might about as well wish to see her in the moon,” he concluded, shaking his head; “ she doesn't like societyâ€"â€" doesn't Want to see any one, only asks to be quiet, and dream dam; and night, and the end will be, before long, she will wake in another world." The young man was silent aw} 110, then he drew his chair nearer the doc- or's, and an earnest and doubtless very learned discussion ensued. Miss Theodosia’s curiosity was SPCGLL ily gratified, for the doctor’s assistant mmle another visit the very next day. Nor then only; after that he came daily in Dr. \Vhecler’s stead, who had been called. away elsewhere. It really sccmcd as if Miss Theodosia was right, 11d that the Mile-Endians were bent on doing their frames all the dmnage they could, else was there no account- ing for this; continual demand for the doctor. He did manage to come at last, how- ever, at the week’s end ; sub awhile with Ethel, commended her perceptible improvement, and observed that a little careful daily exercise in the fresh air would do her a world of good. Then he pulled the cut-ls of Miss Dot, perched on his knee, looked at his \V\l}Cl], and as 10:“ "an to be George William Curtis is slowly but steadily regaining his health, and his physicians carnestlyadvise him to abstain from work at least until autumn. Dclavan, 111., is perturbed. It trans- pires that a number ofsheep and hogs eaten up there, last week, had been previously bitten bya mad dog. Every inan is wittching t6 see if hisfieighbdr has commenced getting the hydropho- bu. H “It is wry difficult to live, said a widow, vitlxsevcn girls, all in genteel poverty. "You must husband your time," said a sage friend. “ I’d rather husband some of my daughters,” anâ€" swered the poor lady. ' “ I don’t know much about geniuses, thank heaven 1” said Miss Theodosia, elevating her chin to what looked a dangerous angle, “ but I do know the young man ought to be trustworthy to take your place here so much, doctor I” “ Just 30,” responded the doctor. “ As you say, I can trust him very well to take my place here. I am sure,” ad- dressing himself directly to Ethel, “you Have always founthim properly attentive 2” A Kentucky man purchaged a coffin fifteen years ago, so as to have in handy, and the other day he was burned up in a lime-kiln, and the coffin was a dead loss. A number of monks and nuns have been arrested in Mexico for al- ]eged immoral conduct. ' L net more than another, ut leastl hope net. ‘\ 7hy Llu you ask?" “ You have set up an assistant," said M iss Theodosia uncompromisingly. “ Au assistant ‘2 Oh ! yes, to be sure, my assistant,” repeated the doo~ tor. “ A very peculiar young man‘ too ; I dare say he will astonish us some of these days," but the twinkle in the doctor’s eyes made it hard to say whether he was in jest 01' eurnost. “Peculiar l” repeated Miss Theodoâ€" sia, whose notions of peculiarity had some occult connection with a desi 'e to appropriate other people’s spoons, “1 do hope he is respectable, doctor 1” “ My dear Miss Theodosia, would he be with me else 2” rejoined the doctor blandly. Miss Theodosia shook her held so}â€" emnly, with What meaning was not clear. “ Do you really think he isâ€"is re- markable, doctor?” hesitatingly asked Ethel, who had hitherto listened in silence. “ I really do mean it, my dear,” axiâ€" swered Dr. \Vheeler, land tllisrtime it could be seen that he spoke quite lion- ostly. “ He is a genius in his way.” 15 "Dodan'," mid 31in“; ‘ â€" u, a.‘ n tum Jh.u.5\1u , ‘ul'uptly, at 'mwmg (1H "UHyW murnnn‘c‘d : [TO BE CONTINUED] .. . .. H.” In“).va “m ; but ll K! \I you A telegram from Lerwick, Shetlanfi Scotland, reports that a great eruption of the Skaptar Yokul, a volcano in Ice- land, had taken place. It lasted over four days, and the magnificent sight it presented was Visible from most parts of the country. The Yokuls, or enor- mous ice mountains, are among the greatest elevations in Iceland. The most extensive of these is the Klofa_ Yukul,‘ in the east; it lies behind the' heights~ which line the southeast coast7 and forms, with little or no interrup-I tiony a Vast chain of ice or snow. moun- tains, covering a. gurfuce of perhaps: 3,000 square miles. -The most exten- sive and deVastating eruption ever experienced in the island happened in 1783 from the Shaft-am Yokul. This eruption (did not entirely cease for about two years. It destroyed no fewer than twenty villages and 9,000 human be- ings, or more than one-fifth part of the then population of the island. Don’t avoid the society of “ super- ior” youanr women because you fancy they realize their superiority; you will find that really intelligent wo- men, who possess the most desirable qualities, are uniformly modest, and hold their charms in modest estima- tion. What such women most admire in men is gallantr ' ; not the gallantry of courts and fops, but boldness, courage, devotion and refined civility. A man’s bearing wins ten superior women Where his boots and brains win one‘ If a man stands before a. women with respect ‘for himself and fearlessness for her, his suit is half won. The rest may safely be left to the parties most interested. Thereâ€" fore never be afraid of a women. Women are the most harmless and agreeable creatures in the world to a man who shows that he has got a man’s soul in him. If youhavc not got the spirit to come up to a test like this, you have not got that in you which most pleases a high-souled woman, and you will be obliged to content yourself with a simple girl who, in a quiet way, is endeavering to attract and fasten you; and one year's possession of the heart and hand of u really noble specimen of her sex is worth nine hundred and ninetysnino yeara’ possession of a sweet creature with two ideas in her head, and nothing new to say about either of them. Wood ashes and common salt wet with water, will stop the cracks of the stove, and prevent the smoke from escaping. If you me going buy a carpet for durability, you must choose small figures. A bit of soap rubbed on the hinges of doors will prevent them from creaking. Scotch snuff, ifvput in the holes Where crickets run out, will destroy them. Green should be the prevailing color of bed-hangings and window drapery. Insurance Companies on each side the Atlantic sustain serious losses by the late Boston fire. ' ~ A bit of glue, dissolved in skim milk and water, will restore old rusty crapc. .' Sal soda will bleach; one spoonâ€" ful is sufficient for a kettle of clothes. If flat irons are r0ugh,rub them well with fine salt, and it will make them smooth. Do everything at the proper time. Keep everything in its place. A1â€" Wa-ys mend your clothes before wash- ing; them. Save your suds for the garden and plants, 01- to harden yards when sandy. A hot shovel held over varnished furniture will take out spots. Ribbons of any kind should bewash ed in cold suds and not rinsed. Blum or vinegar is good to set colors, red, green or yellow. A Great Eruption. The Average Pickpocket. Items for Housekeepers. To Young Men. " I um!) Wnu The Cm ‘ J vered ti” human skull with hair. a. very important pro- tector of the B”_ in. The Cmatoy cov- ered apart of fijan’s face with hmr. It is an impo’rta’xfl; protector of the throat and “lungs. ' The eyes likewise, say some physiolpgists. Did ydu ever bbsei‘ve that curious protuberance in a man’s neck? They call it “Adam’s apple,” from the old notion that when Eve gave the apple to Adam, 1163' was so frightened that, in~ stead'pf masticating it; ‘thoroughly, aw he should have done, he swallowed it {wholcwaandv‘ih stuck in his Ithroat, His descendants have inherited the liunp. This peculiar projection in a mau’sl throat givesextra’length to his vocal chords, so That his mice may be (leel) and low. His vocal box iS thus all outâ€"doors, and requires the protection of the hair. In a \voumu’s throat there is no such prominence Her vocal box is buried in the soft parts, and requires no extra covering. Then there is no doubt that it was designed that 4111111 should do the rough, outside, dusty work of the world, while in the main Woman should stay at home to take care of her little onr s. The beard about the mouth and nose among men, engaged in dusty work catches and holds a vast amount of dust which would otherwise enter and irri- tate the lungs. Men become luld ! \Vhy I Because they wear close hats and caps. ‘n omen are never held, Sometimes, from long: continued headache, heat in the scalp, bad hair-dressing and some other causes, Women may have here spots here and there; but with all these __c;iuses com. bined; you. never see a women with a bare, shiny, bald head. And you never see a men lose a hair below where the hat touches his skull. It will take it off as clean as you canshave it down to exactly tlnit line, but never a hair be. low, not if he has been held fifty years. The common black still“ hat, as imper- vious as sheet iron, retains the heat and perspiration. The little hair-glands, which bear the same relation to the hair that the seed wheat does to the plant above ground, become week from the presence of the moisture and heat, and finally become too Weak to sustain the hair. It falls out, and baldness xâ€" ists, A fur cap I have known to pro- duce complete baldness in a single win< tor. A man with a good head of hair needsmry little protection where the hair grows. \Vomen who live much within doors. and who are therefore peculiarly susceptible to the cold, oil their hair and plaster it down hard and flrt upon their skulls, so as to destroy nine-tenths of its power as a non-con- ductor, have worn for years postage stamps of bonnets stuck on the back of their heads, exposing the Whole tops of their skulls, and then going out of furâ€" naceâ€"ligated parlors, have ridden for hours in a very cold temperature withâ€" out t: l .153; cold and without camiplziint. Man, with his. Wmtur vig'n' mu} habits" of outvfiz hair not p1:1w:m Kong-Kong must be a perfect para- dise for ladies who affect elaborate costumes in summer, as the following account by an American lady now re- siding ‘there will show. She says, “Finding I must prepare for the hot season, when every man, women and child wears white, I sent for a Chinese tailor. He came, a horrid specimen of an opiumâ€"eater, bringing along his sewing-machine, and planted himself, cross-legged, in my sewing-room. He fitted mo, and made lovely dresses of their grass linen and mufslin, all for two dollars and fifty cents per week in gold. The lovely dresses he turn- ed out were fluted, tucked and ileum- ed, and fitted elegantly. The two skirts and waist could be done up in exquisite style .for two cents a piece, regardless of number of flounees or tucksâ€"prise the same as if per- fectly plalnfand' my dresses only cost six centgy, for the “ getting-up,’ which in America would at lea-it cost five dollarsj’.‘ \Vt'finl‘ ill what are do not dare step out in :i. chi .A phone :L‘momeut lest we take cold. It is silly, wank, and really a serious error. The Creator knew what he was about when he covered it man’s skull with hair. It has a very important function in protecting the brain. Baldnegs is a serious misfortune. I b will never oc- our in env man who will wear such a hat as I Lieâ€"«cu common black. high silk hat with five hundred holes through the top, so that there will be more hole than hat. [Ellis costs nothing; the hatter will do it for you when you purchase your hat, If the nap be combed back the wrong way,v and if after the holes are made it is combed the right way, no one will ever observe the peeuliarity. The hot will wear quite as longâ€"the batters Buy considerably longerâ€"be- cause it is day instead of moist ,- in brief, there is not e single objection to it, while it will certainly prevent baldâ€" ness and keep the top of the head cool and prevent much headache. « ‘ I H Junta to snow no.4 \Vhile discussing $th Eu‘ujcct of our hair, I would remark that the 339,615 of the neck should be protected in the wihter‘againgt cold and in the summer against great 116M}, Nothing can ac- complish this uniformly [and perfectly but; the hair. The custom of ahiugling off the hair from ‘the back of the neck unphysiological, and it should in both sexes be allowed to fall low epough to cover the nape or meet the usual drew. The present fashion of ladies, of draw- ing and straining the hair away from the nape of the neck and pulling in on top of the head with an indescribable mass of dead people’s Min, and bark, ete, is mischievous and monstrousuâ€"m Dio Lewis. ' Preparing for Summer Hair. Bradlaugh has been I'eloaged by the Carlistsh ./ , . . Dr. Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phos- phates and Calisaya combines 'th‘ése valuable remedies, in the form of adelicious cordial. Phdsphorous a. brain food, Lime an excitant of nutrition,‘ Iron a blood maker, and Cali- saya or Peruvian Bark, the Only specific for chills and fevers, and all conditions of per- voim prgstmtion and gggeral debility. Phosphates are the only agelu‘ta mewn that actiixmnexliately on the stoumch, perfecting the digestipu and idésihfilationfif 'ngd, and determining the fflrmabfin of puer bloodx N9 combinubinn cficr disgoveged is. so rQIIm-x'k- ‘ able for building tip the Cpngfitutian run down with old qoxxlplulnts that; have hereto- fore resisted all other ordhxary-metfhods of treatment. ‘ Children whose hrggin development is un- usually large in caigapax'ison with the body, are most frequently singled out for a prema- ture final resting place. Why is this ‘3â€" Simuly because the functions of the body are to frail to supply the Waste going on in the brain consequent upouiactive intelligence, Fellows’Compouud Syrup of Hypophosphites is so prepared that it imparts the vital prin- ciple directly to the brain while it assists in. developing a vigorous and robust body This compound of the vegetable alterativos, San sapariiiafib'ch,Scilliiiginia and Mandrake with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron makes a most eifec- tual cure of a serigs of ints w iuhare 'e v . w: and aiiflcti b. r It purifies um blood, {lurgcs out the lurking minors in the system, , ' that, undermine health and settle into trouble-Jamie disorders. Eruptions of the skin are the spy» ‘ muce on the smxace of humors that should be emailed from the b10011. Inmmul do- mngd ems ai'e the dammit“ n 0i" the x “0‘ hu- _ to somei ‘ I J o ‘ rhose action they demnge, and whom . _ disease and destro . A‘nm's {imam {mu Cx‘pcis Lheue humors from the blood. When they are V 10, the disorders they produce dimmw KEN/'13 RS lii’tccl‘:'xtz4/nx of the Liver. SIM-null, J{:.‘lne{z,e, 1.1mm, Eruptions and Eruptivc [ha-c m nf the skin, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose or [L'I'yé 110/«m, Pimple», I’mlulee, Blutchex, (fails, Tunmm, Tyler- and Full Rheum, Scum Hmd, Ring worm, Hit-07w mid Eur”, I r Hunmtism, Anu- rulyiu, Pain in tile Bunny, Side my L'cczd. Female Weulvzcs»; Stervfliim [Jul/H‘T‘ITH'N arising from in- !emml ulcmwh‘oa and uterine diycme. 0 my, Die. pepsin, Eli-(Il‘i'llfffl‘n mul llmcml Del/ifity. With ‘ their de * ire health returns. O a ‘ i V$ELLUCU \ {y . HOSPHOROUS, LIMP} IRON, UALISAYA, or‘I’E'fiUVIAN BARK PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER (f2 00., Lowell) Muss, Practical and Analytical Chemist;â€" Normrup and Lyman, NHL-castle, GENE/VIZ Agents. (32.?- Sold by all Drnggisis and Dealers in Medicine. Sold by all druggiats or .3 e 1 a: y; 58 AiflClH] The, success. ’i‘wa Gem “mama igusm auvggz'dgzz’i in Maseow, Russia, am! Lfima, Peru, 1552“ Yul-kw} by hand or foot ox1Pa§uzt Staad. For Agents’ terms appiy to Persomi (lesimus of 'isiting the almvc states with the intén‘cian, if suited, of purâ€" chasing timber, iiiiiieml, 0‘: improved farm- ing 1min]. direct‘ from the owners at the pres- ent very low priCes, and not in the hands 0- speculators, liixt mqu be sold at a great saci rifice, and piu‘tics wishing reliable informa- tion aboti'r! the climate, soil,” products, &c., and tickets at I‘CLlilCQil rates to visit the states, and free transportation to 263 thelamls, it will be to their advantage to cammunicate with the subscriber as he is well acquainted with the above states and the most desirable to settle in ; good climate, fertile soil, and advantages of railroads, navigation, and other facilities for the bestmarkcts. This is the best opportunity ever oil" Yeti to get a cheap homo and the best climate in Amszica. Send for circular of lands and card. S. 0. CASE, 1 Southern Land Commissioner. 202 North John’ Street, Hamilton. 2701 Gentlenien,â€"Having used for some time “\Vilsdn's Castor Oil Emission” in Am} family, it lg ~with pleasure [ certify to the entire satisfaction 'it has given; It is all that coulzl be desired. The disguise is per- fe'ctâ€"thg ’uffensive tdsto aim". odoi‘ of Castor Oil being removed, while its medical proper- ties seem unelmnfled, l’ iildron us well as iltori A 500 CHEAP IMPROVED minis & 200,000 ACRE - 01“ YALYABLE TDIE‘ER LARDS 1'91"; SALE; P. VAN WAGNER W’Hson’s Castor Oil Emulsion Is recbmmenéed by Medical Men, and 5010. by Drugglsts throughout the }:’Gl:’liiii01L- Prue, ‘25 cents per bottle. '1‘ E22135. H N ORTH BEG'EJ, GILLESPIE 6; Go A MERICAN‘ HQ’IEIE KENS 'ETREET WEST. " I‘ROPREETOR. : " ~ OFFECE g-ggngRAgJ ham“ . HAMILTON, 035?, H AL 1% "I L T 0 ET Adults 121110 it I'Zzflfiy PM FOR ARCH DALE “I'ILSOIf & (10., J nmis s ' 'nfi‘oori Cl“ (5,.HJ. 1‘ ,0 GEOCERS, THE CELEBRATED RIFYiNG CAROLINA and VIR- XI'IIA LANDS. * Burlington Beauh, “Jun: R. M. \VANZER [c 00., ml {11‘ OFâ€" THE BLOOD ""453. 33 E Li Na} A‘s-M (Phi W-n L"; ,1); U2 1W"; sERELLfi Hamilton, I Ont ul 00., Ham- d Wzmze: J“. 1871 368 feet, 307'f’ec! H E E LiE R w I L S O N ‘ S W’ifi‘he Intrgest in the VVorldmfm BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT, U. S. v ' a. WING MACHINE IEEANUFAOTORIES {FEE LARGE NUMBER OF CHE; P AND POORLY MADE SEWING. MACHINES THAT flAVE 8W polzned on the public of Canada for the past number of years, under the coloring of number or" first W266 taken, or other high sounding pretentious, are now beginning to be well understood, and by many the pang of deception felt keenly, as having “ PAID T00 DEAR FOR THE WHISTLE." To those, and all others, wa would advise them to get the Improved Noiselcss Wheeler 81 Wilson, and be Slfe. They last a lifetime. E’fi’lllustmted. Catalogue, giving partiuuhrs, sent post free to any address. 775,000 (E'F THEME CELEBRATE” MACHINES 50L!) In all Parts of the World. An Increase of Sales Unprecedented. By Royal Letters Patent C o P 171: N 33 ’ s 3 IR iis’G’i‘H UNALTEI‘J‘LD. Profiuccs no naasmn. ‘ (jlziidron are {mm 01' it Sold Everywhere, in bottles a"; 2.“) cents em-h DEPTH SWEE‘?‘ fifififiéfé 1%; a l-‘KUN T DAVIE) GEMB’}"URK19»1M-m GI 1M1. 5mm 53 King Street ‘Wsst, HAREHE.‘E“6‘9E, é: Manufacmre a. Emmrtsrs and W Please cn‘land examine our stock. Latter 01‘s promptly and garufuily filled. PE AND ORGA w DELTA. .‘. ................ \Vcdnesday, 14th May. NYAng, “ 21st “ Tumms. “ 4th June. SEVfRN .. ..Saturday, 14111 " SEDTLAND ............... \Vednesday, 25th ‘ ‘ I‘lAnd every alternate Wednesday and Satur- ‘ day thereafter. 2 I And from Qfimme for Loam” as fol- For Freight or Passage, apply to TEM- PERLEY, CARTER & DRAKE, 21Bill'ete1‘ Street, London; ROSS Sc (10., Quebec», 01- to DAVID SHAW, Mammal. 4, 11mm: 'lzmzfia (Fr-gain 66., Emmi; Gsos'ge (‘2. Prime in Through Bills of Lmling issued on theCon- tinent and in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States to Fetroit, Mil- waukee, Chicago and other points in the \Vost. Hamilton, May 6, 1872 Through tic-tha from all points \Vcst at reduced rates. Certificates issued to persons desirous of bringing out their friends. F‘Ji) RATES OF PASSAGE Cabin. . . . Steerage lows : DELTA ................... Tuesday, 1 10th June. NYANZA ..Tlmrsday, 19th “ THAMES ..... “Tuesday, 1st July. .SEVERNH “Thursday, 10th “ Soon/1x1). .. . ,..".Tuesday, 22nd “ And every zaite‘x-m’co Tummy and Thursday thereafter. 13. .‘Ll’, R’IQ-DIQEC, £3. £1} SCOTLAND, THAMES, SEVERE; Composed of :5. 132213 71 7/16 C’ mapéséflrst-chms TERI PEEEEY LENE, April 10, 1873‘ my 1.4, 1873‘ {1001' SKIRTS, BUHLES Counter and rlatfm’m Scales, 85 King St. \Vestg, Toronto ; 54 Jam-.35 St. Hamilton ; 37 Spark St. Ottawa GENTS WANTED FOR SOME OF the best and most popular Subscription Books now ublishing’. Exclusive terri» tory andLi oral Discounts. . \Vrite for circulars. Address LANOEElELD BROTHERS {=31 ork Trail-St, Flatt “’- stciaiwréy .‘k Sores QUEBEC T0 LONDOX “A and BM!“ Cummst Fwncn Hmong, 'cr at Euw 1. SMALL ‘x‘.’ A “as. an! FAN Y Goons. LAmYs’ Gunsms wa liecp in stock the following firS't-clatrs Iron Steamsh’ips : ' ‘ WALYQE‘ES, GENERAL AGENT Pub‘I-i‘shers, Hamilton, Cnt’ HECTOR "AYE 11A K V “ :lfihnu 7H.” mg n... U ,nVU .iiu «J J :MEDWAY, DELTA, 14 YAI‘TZA baa a nd W Emles Me am, ‘uiiszfa, in Canada i: R: 'i‘ . (Li. Send Him d‘ZB CI‘ ,3 VJ . DR. d. BELL SIMPSON’S Sgwcific arid Tonic Pills. I HIE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY FOR Nervous Debility, Spermatorrhea, N00- TL'RNAL EMISSIONS, Weakness of the .Genen ative Organs, Palpitation of the Heart, Tremblings, Sleeplessness, the effect of over- imlulgence in alcoholic stimulants and tobac- co, (Ste. Dr. J. BELL SIMPSON’S Pills a‘r'e the only effectual ones tor the above diseases, and are never known to fail. They have alseady cured hundreds in this country. Robert Arthur, machinist, Hamilton, testi- iies to his recovery by their use. Safe, certain and rapid in action, a short trial will prove their efficacy. No sufferer need despair of being relieved from the frightful effects of SELF~ABUSE. The Specific Pills are sold by ruggists at $1.00 a box, and the Tonic Pills at 500. a box, or they will be sent by mail, postage pre~paid, and securely wrapped from observation, on receipt of $1.06 for the Spe- cific, and 560. for the Tonic Pills, by J. BELL SIMPSON 8: 00., Drawer 91 P.O., Hamill;qu field by all \Vholesale Druggistst Egg}: ph‘xcts Sent post-free ru applicatiom ' 2 Feb. 26, 1873. 60.1 VCI'IZOLESALE IMPORTEKS, ($.23 YK’DUL‘Q' G‘ .‘t..’.[‘ ER 1233'] ',_ Ti) THE TRADE GRAY, RENEIE 85 00., Shirts, Cuilurs, Fronts, Gvnts’ Jewelrry, U ubrellas and Rugs: Hai'c the following Engines 2111 read; Ion delivery; ' Q HOV." A LARGE STOCK GE On which are (311:; Tuousand Millions 0 Pine Timber, and inexhaustible Quan- tities of Maple, Beech, Elm, Ash, Hemlock, Oak, The grant of lands} to 'iihe'vGrand Rapids and Indiana Railroad Company, to build their road from Fort ‘Vayng Indiana, in Traverse Bay and Mackinaw, Michigan, compriges in its farming lands every variety of soil, from the rich clay loam, to the light sandy, and they are found in that section of Michigan, nprbh of the City of Gimti Rapidq, grid ie'en‘gigilevgs to the great fruit belt oil thereastern shores of Lake Michigan, now belipg rapidly developed by railroad and other ehterpi'isus. Faflnilig Lands mic; goldfio 13,951,131 giggly“ on credit, om) quarter doiyjli," Balance yéafl' payments, interest 7 yer emit. Persons de- sirous of locations for farms will, on applica- tion at the Oifice, in- Grand Jidq, b? fiui: nished with Tickefis pygp'the o. dfehhtliu'g THé'Pine Lands are situated on the Mus- kegon, Mamistee, flare Marquetta, Pine,‘ Tamarack, Flat kind Réugé Rivers, apd lying twenty miles on either side of the sur- veyed line» of railmad, and nfe in the heart of the Pine Section, from which Chicago is so 'la.x'ge}y sypplged, ' them tokcturn' of Fares, iti'tha event 07 purchasing any of the Company’s farmng land. For information abbut the laniis prices, location, &c., "6513“; Yen u xv.“7.» I STATEONARY 5! 4m VJ" M 1 L L EMHLTON, ONT, "" MAHUEACTURERfi Tide Perfect. Oct. 30, 1871 ,8“? if; . 15% 8.5353 Hamilton, Apxil 15,’ '0 29 Smurfs, Ties and Bawsr, Hosmry and (flows. _ meull Wares and ’Inmmmgfifl M 1m; 'E’Gfififi'fi'gq (‘orscts . S SESéVtVsz’Skirts and Bustlee. GRAY RENNIE 31 Co 'C‘b v Land Coinr‘mséiéméi‘, Grand Rapids! Mic}; AND u‘s‘ LA DEE. S&E;Ea PORTABLE 65 W4 5% Peat, IQ man F W )N T L167

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