Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Jun 1873, p. 2

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4,1,.s- . _ ., @tlitoi’fi gilded. . til Rit'IiMoNn lIii.i.. .II'NE 20. 19173. P.:terman’s W. M. Church Tea party ‘ {ti-(lay. ‘ AND“ '_"“"’" ‘H‘”# 5 The annual meeting; of the Victoria THE COUNTY COUNCIL THE HIGH SCHOOLS. The County Council has carried the bylaw altering the High School districts of the County of York, by which the High Schools of llic‘i'inoiid Hill, Mark- ham and Newm irket are confined within EiIioRANrsâ€"During the month of May, 2.338 passes were issued to emi- grants travelling from Quebec to Tcronto and north of Toronto. the limits of the l'tlSilCCllVe municipili- It Inc constqnenccs of this cil'lllj wiil be a, 0M Whole village is on ii quivivc of Serious blow to higher education in tliepxpl‘cmlm” “f ‘1 bl}! day On the 1st of “urn,”p-ntsofthis county, We rpwmduly. A concert Will be given in the ' ' i A r l . - I i ' ' that the Council has shown an iiiclin ‘Uemna’ dt- lldlfPJSt set/911,11! aid of the ntion to fall bick to the position We vrere hand fund- tios in which they are situate. in a (pi-trier of tl century ago; but they ' The Rev Canon Ramsay has acted on the kind fatherly advice of the Bishop claim to have the IMWfl'. and the iii-Ijiil‘l- ii in it most 'iittspzir Moss's \luuquflynms and ,ot the Diocese. and tendered his ruse:- ty are Using iiig manner. other: Took a Pruininent hart in bringing l “MN” "I h” ch “are "t N‘i‘l'mrl‘“: w Hall Company wi.l take place this (Fri I ' r q l . v -; ) .. I l 1 -‘~ " about the closmg oi our High beliools, by LII“ cm“ 0“ m" ll‘lJ Of July'- tlieir Course in the Council on Wednes- day) eVCl'lIIlg at 8 o'clock. I dayâ€"it remains yet. to be seen how the villages will meet the difficulties of the “f 'l‘e'l'P‘lrmlce "I Kelllflly 0" Saturday- Fit'tcen hundred persons sat; down There was a large gathering of Sons position in which they are ,D1 to -d by this lit-st. new Bv law. The speeches of the (my to a sumptuous tea, after which addresses, cnzies oftho Conan" hiin Schools wont. Were delivered by Several eminent speak- to point at. the imprudent. action of the'ersion the temperance question. Richmond “til I} HI'I of High School trustees last ye-irâ€"by their extravagant Railway communication was estab- iislied between Toronto and Owen Sound in,r the fact. that that line of tll';lllll'3tll on Eidiy last. The first train of the had much fore 5. for al Iiotuli the l‘timnto, Grey and B 'uc: line conveyed Bum] the President ind «iifici ils of the Comâ€" mdufim ,1 “pi”: ,i,,. Um m .55 09!), ll... only with .rtew others, on ii trial trip There is no disguis plans for building. of Trustees II'llI pisaid a re then Secreta y and ‘I‘I'tthul‘tfil' of the I" the Sound on tliit ii 35'. Board (‘Ilfl Lawrence) interfered wi Ill The Pope has completely recovered from his recent illness. SCHOOL EXAMINATIorI.â€"â€" The half- yoarly examination of our schools will be held as follows :â€"â€"- In the High School on Friday the 27th inst., and in the Public Schools on Monday the 30th. DARING THEFT.â€"~On Wednesday afternoon, one of. the workmen named Puterbaugh engaged in the building; of the new store for Mr Atkinson, in this village, hung his vest: on the fence ad- joining bi: work. Before quitting ~imc some person, who evidently has forgot the text of the eighth commandment, made away with the watch, leaving the chain and test. No clue to the pcrpe-l traitor as yet. Mr Roome Kny.the noted elocntionist, ‘ having concluded a most successful sea son in the United States, will give an evening with Dickens. in the Masonic hall, in this village, this (Friday) even- ing. The treat will comprise a sketch of liislife; remarks concerning his works and their influence upon the reading public, with quotations from Dr Mac- kenzie and the Rev James Carmichael. The following are the selections: “A Christmas Tree" ; “ The Tea-table Woo ing of Mrs Cortney by Mr Bumble, the Beadle,” Oliver Twist,- “ The Murder of Nancy Sykes"; “ Miss Squeers‘ Tea party," Nicholas Niclclcby ,' “Old Weller as a Grandfather.” To commence at 8 o’clock. Admission twenty-five cents. Borax. CANADIAN BANK â€"â€" The «hareholders of this Institution Ill 1d their , can demonstrate as pliinly as that two and ‘ argument, ttrat the titteen toll takers re- ' i that falls very,l'ar short of the realityâ€" YORK ROADSâ€"WHY TOLLS SHOULD BE ABOLISHED. To the Editor of the Mail. Sm,â€"There are placed on these roads fifteen gates, at which tdll is collected; and no matter how disagreeable or incle- ment the weather every four or five miles you must. stop and hunt. your pockets for change when your fingers perhaps are numb and cold, and you have frequently the greatest difiiculty in utibuttouing your clothes to get access to- your purse. All this trouble would be avoided if all necessary payments were made once a year at your own fire-side to the tax- gatherer on his annqu visit, and at the some time the county make a savmg of from $7,000 to 10,000 a year; which 1 two makes four. Allowing, for the sake of ceive on an average $400 each a sum that would make $5000 a year. Then toll-liousrs, toll gutes, side burs, fences and tariff boards and other expenses in- cidental thereto, (which would not. be necessary under the assessment system), must amount to another $1 000 ; reach- ing an aggregate of $7.000 extracted from the travelling public forâ€"nothing. or worse thannothing; for it. is attended, as I have shown above, 'with a great deal of trouble and inconvenience in the pay- ments, besides which there is the interest ' on this sum. ' By adorning an assessment and dis carding tolls the county would cfl'ect- 31 saving: of the above sum at least, and it may be a great. deal more; for it is ini- possible to say how much iiioi';ey is colv lect‘cd. With the money now on hand an assessmentcf one and a half mills on the do Ir will produce suflEicient lunds to pay ofl‘ the dibt in the twelve years re maining of the term of the purchase. and allow to be spent annually a greater sum than has been spent for repairs since the roads became the proparty of the county. And. according to the valuation of last venr, the municipalities of the county I storm .XGENTS WANTED. I 2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- Iiuin and Vaughan who a new and what will l-e a very popular book None but live busi- “fists men engaged. Exelusivo territory. Ap- piy at the H. ruld Ull'lce. BARGAINS .’ REMNANTS oilâ€"DRESS GOODS. ' A beautiful choice lot to be cleared out at greatly reduced prices at the Control Store, “'in ATKINSON. Richmond Hill. Juno 5. 8-3 776 pi‘ OTE LOS'I l 3120M. ()u ‘l'hursdny the 2'2iid inst” in Toronto. or (in th- war to fulclillluiltl Hill. ii No 3 of Hand tor $i9.1.7 given in n-r favor by Marv Town- fili’V. Y0:k‘llllt\. and due on the 22nd of April last, jut ut'tllrm m‘v cautioned om to negotiate for the sum» its puv-neiii IIIIN boon slopood. Aux one finding the above note and return ing it to the subscribvr will be rewarded. GEORGE LL'GoE, Lat 58, in (Join. Vaughan. Richmond Hill, May 26. [873. 775-41 MISS HICKS, NIILLINER & DRESS MAKER, PATTERSON, Announces to the Indies in this viciiiitv. that. she Is pre lured to do all limb: of sewing author 11!, home or her custonit-rs' residences. at Low Prices and on the Shortest A wire. Patterson. May '29. Ir'7‘.’ “OCEAN T0 OCEAN." SANDFOIID FLEMING’S EXPEDI- I‘li'iN THRUUGII CANADA IN 1872, Being a diaiv kept dl‘ltlup'jx tn'ut‘y From the Atlantic to the Pacific l BY THE Itl'ZV. GEORGE M. GRANT, Of Halifax. N 5.. 775 3m the architect, and was the Clli~U of liir iiip,~ the plans drawn upon a so no of m i;- uificeoce cnnnLinsni-aio \vi Ii his poi-uli-ir notions of grandeur and dis- play! The result. of Mr (I I'll I; iit‘l‘eiiec's D-iiiixios DAY AT 'l‘nsros.--The villagers ot' Testou intend giving a grand calibration in the beautiful glove ad- ij doing the W. )1. Church on Tuesday, §Jtil_\ 1st. Swings and other means oi lllcdilllll‘l WIIII IIIC (II‘IIWIZI: «If. IIIC ()l‘lil- iul||iscnh-l][. will be, grouped in file #rHVA, nal piaiis has been lll.i', i isteail ot'a mo» , (U [,3 pulp,“ Hi the de-t bui.di.ig at n Illtlllt rite expense, and sniiipttious Tea its seivtal at one o‘clock; ailer wieii abl-~ which Would have met the reptli‘ements .’ lectures will be given by the Rev Mess)». of the High School Iiispecnn', the farm ‘E. II. Dcivart, Locke, J. G. Scott; and lug comtiiiioity, throu4liout the county, 'mhcrs, hum-Spars.” w have taken alarm at the prospect of be- lUIltHf. hitli music by the All for twenty five cents. Pro- “.2 IN'VilY “‘xr‘d l” [NIH] ‘1 High ,Ceeds to be applied to the organ fund. SCIIOIDI that was liker ti cost froml $8.000 to $10000, instead of 33000,! as at first c ltllfillllllttledil)v the Board oi Trustees It. is true, that in deference to the opinions expressed It] the County Council, list Febl‘tl'lfj, the present Board of Trustees (of which .‘li‘_L:iw- moon is, thrtunately, out a member) de- cided to set aside .\Ir Lawrenco‘s castle; they ordered a new plan, which has been adojted. and the contract for completiin,r the new High School given at. it iiioder , ate priceâ€"ii e. $3170. This Was done lnxoi'der to prove to the County Council that the Board of Trustees were de- sirous of pressing lightly on .the High .School District thcn laid out, while they Wei-e compelled by the In- spector to provide better .itcomiiiodation , FIRE AT UXBIIDGE-_ 0" Monday for High School purposes. All t-fl‘ortsevemnrl ill“: “I! Six O'CIWk’ ‘1 large file on the pirt of the pl'eSent Board ot’imnul’lcml'y deiti'TT-Wd ‘cr‘mrordys “V0” Trustees has provcl ineffectual, in iheir'sulblus and drwmg Shedst MCDom‘ld‘h endeavors to allay the Iceliii; aroused Jewelry stare. the Allgli.)-.\IIIUI'ICIII1 Hotel. A big: time is expected at the British Templars’ I’icniic, in Mr Irwin’s grove, at Neivmarket, on Tuesday next, There will be an cxcursim from Toronto and all stations south to Newmarkct. The tea is free, and tickets to pass over the Railway will be issued as follows: From Thornhill and return, 70 cents; liichnioud Hill, 60 cents; King, 45 cents; Aurora, 20 cents. Tickets from Rich- mond Hill station for sale at. this oflice, gut Rupert’s store, Maple, and by Mr Limos Wideman; from Thoriihill. Tick- etc for sale by Mr W. A. Kirkpatrick, and Mr Joseph Gaby. annual general meeting in Toronto. on Tuesday last. when a statement of its would contribute in about the following . Scorelary to the Expedition. proportions ;â€" ‘ WITH SIXTY DJIUSTRATIONS. I Itltohicoke..................$l,750 affairs up to the 3151’. ult. was submitted. Georgina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553 JAMES C “WM.” & 80,, . . , 1 i 4 .1 . . It appeirs from the report. that this bank ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' 1 77;, pumps ,., m0,.,,,,,,_ is in a flourishing condition as the direct- Kihg . _ _ _ _ l , , glow) â€"â€" ors are enabled to announce that the Markham. . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. 4 '33” i “,2 ng‘fiqftgjf'ztl‘. z'j, a, p , _ 7 . Sou bino’ . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . . 2 rm r :14 pm‘“ fw- Hm’gn mint/ha: ciiiimil the l VIII] rluiii ....,......... .. 3 H0 ’l'liI'L ‘r'Jllii‘: i,'t‘.l "s‘ t Y Hayâ€"after dcdiictiuxr‘woi-Etirw . '1,’)l3tl‘l£35, York . . . .. . . {1.0% l , , u _ . s .. . _ . a” I f . 2,, AIM, .‘ bad debts. can to be $179,413. They] 33:31:7- e- --------------- 1 23; 11cc] 1/06“ .2/ wilt-“li'lahou if"'5‘t',t‘:‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. <1: - ,s ,., _ have therefore appropriated to the Rest, Holland Landing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 0’ (’anx:iri:,io,f;i:nff: {igniglffiu(gilfgl'dcm‘b account $50,000 and 8 er. cent interest â€"“‘ . , . . A i , , i '3 . . . . $24,798 NORMAL swoon, TORON! o. to the stockholders. Such indications . f q .t ’ r ' y. a d , And thus effect a saying to the people . or 0 pro. pert 3 a o eIICOlll'aE-Jmn 31" glow of the County of York, of 3584.000 di- III. 82.11 CLASS CERTIFICATES. , business. RICHMOND HILL COUNCIL.- SUMMARY or PROCEEDINGS. JUNE 14, 1873..â€"Couucil met at seven o’clock P. M. The Reeve in the chair. All the members present. Mr Warren presented the report of the .committee on Roads and Bridges, relating ,to contracts for laying plank side walk on Yoniie Street, together with ditching and building a Culvert. on Par- liament. and Church Street, which was received and adopted. ._ . The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid :â€" Copp Clark & 00., for Blank Forms $5.48. Returnig Officer’s account for holding that. they are doing a‘Isaie and profitable l against- Ill-,Ell Schools in the county; :1 result. which cut be traced to that. no- fo-tunate IUVe of display. so peculiar to the late Secrciiry and Treasurer. It has been insinuated by a few that the incorporation of the village~ of Iiich- moud Hill and )Iarkh in) has g-iVen rise to the present- criisaile against High Schools; but there is no truth in the statement, and the speeches of ‘ir Munsic .glld others in the county Council On Wednesday. dispelled that delusion. for they openly asserted that it was due to the extravagiiit. plans, and heavy tax arising out of the course pursued by the Board of Trustees of last. year, tliit created the feeling out of which the present. bylaw originated, limiting the High School Distiicts to the villages in which they are located. We yet hope the giiverninent will. find a remedy for our present. difficulty, and save the Iliin Schools of the coun y from destruction. ORDINA‘I‘IUN AND INDUCI‘IHN.â€"-TIIe Ordination ant induction ot the licv l) Mcliiiosu to the pastoral char-5e iit Brown’s Corners and .llelrille L'huruh Markham, took place on I‘uesday, IIM' 17th instant, by the appointment of the Presbytery of Toronto. The I'oliotv'iii,_i~ minIs‘iei-s olIiciated: 'I‘lic liev M r Burn field,of Scuboro, preached; the Itev llIl' Dick, of I‘Llciiiiioiitl IIIII, pt‘osldei‘l, and put the moat) questions of the lor- IllulJ to the minister, and along with the other uicmbcis of the Presbyteryor- dained illl' McIntosh to the oiliee of ihe lioiy ministry, aim inducted him to He pastoral of the congregation. Mr Ulck .t'ldi'essttd the minister and the ReviMr Cameron, of the East lied Lliut'cli. 'I‘oi'onto, the congregation, on charge their relative and mutual duties. the ordination Al'ier services, there was a Sult'ee, got up by the ladies ot' the con- gregation, at which a great many people attended. After the repist, the congre- gation assembled again in the cliuicli, and were addressed by several ministers on a great. variety of topics. York County Temple, I. O. G. T., meets at. Spriugliill on Wednesday neat. and several dwelling houses and out- IIIIHSUS, finally reachingdhe finest. dwel- linpr house in the village, belbnging to Mr Plank, leaving nothiinr but the bare walls standing. Before the fire was sub idued a square of over two acres of pro petty was destroyed, includini,r a large stock of lumber and cordwood. The lwhole village was in iiiiuiiiieiil danger as the corporation has no engine, although lthe ratepayers petitioned for one some , tiine ugo.‘ -â€"~â€"â€".____â€". On Friday last. immediately after the close of the funeral obsequies of the late Sir George E. Cartier, Some fifty repre- sentatives from the Province of Quebec assembled in Montreal, and elected Mr I;:itl__§6\’ll| their leader in the place of the dl‘CtilSCd Baronet. The unanimous choice of the member for Dorcliester is a hiin tribute to his worth as a states~ man, the most effective reply to ll a sheer of Ills opponents that lie is not popular Il‘ his own Province Mr Lange i'lII has given ample (.ILIIIOIISII'IIIIOII that he is Well quiliiied to lead the Party of Union and Progress in Quibec, and we .cel satisfied that under his leadership that Province will continue to give Sir John Macdoiiuld a hearty and consistent support. Mr Bellow, the distinguished clocu- tiouist, “he recently made a visit to Canada, has taken away with him a veiy fuvoiubie impression of this couii-. try as a home for emigrants. At a meet_l Ilig in Liveipool, where some 2,000 We- men of the laboring classes were present, :he took cceuion [.0 compare the advanâ€" tages of emigration to the United States with Emigration to Canada. He shew- ed that the iioniiiiaily higher woe-c, olf- ered in the former, was in reality, only seeming, bt‘OnIIse of the immense differ- ence in the cost of living. He also spoke of the extent and capabilities of the D0 niinioii to receive as many as might choose to come, and his advocacy is all the more weighty and valuable, seeing [that‘he is not a paid agent, but. a dis ! interested gentleman, who volunteers his experience for the benefit of the English laboring classesâ€"Leader. first Municipal Election $7.55. A By-law was passed for licensing. regulating and governing transient tra- ders and others. A By-law was passed to authorize a survey of the boundaries of the village for assessment. purposes. A grant of one dollar a month, for three months, was voted to Thomas Martin an aged and infirm person. NEW LITERATURE. BALmn’s MAGAZINE voii Jiii.v.â€"~Published by Thomas & Talbot, 36 Bromfield Street, Boston. The July number Of this magazine is already issued, and a nice number it is, one of the best that has appeared since the great fire, when the oflice of the pub lishers was burned. It is just the book for the household, being one of neatness and good taste, and contains a brilliant list of stories and illustrations. A most frightful murder was committed at. Hamilton on Thursday, the 12th inst.. lifoiiefl‘bomus Fields. He struck his wife in the head with an axe. thoth he did not k.“ her, and cut the throats of his two small children, literally from ear to ear. After the deed was committed he went to the police station and gave himself up saying he had killed his wife. DESTRUCTIVE Finnâ€"Another de- structive fire ocurred at Maxwell on Fri- day place. The cause ofthe fire is unknown, but it originated first in the stables of Dwyer’s Hotel, about. half-past. one o’clock, and spread so rapidly that in less than an hour and a half the whole busi- ness part of the village was destroyed. The only housas saved were those of three blacksmiths, Guy’s, Irving's and Lee’s. The stores were occupied by G. last, destroying nearly all that S. Bowes, W. Milne, W. Kerton and J. 1"““nu‘9d- ‘ Sterling. Little of their stock was saved. Dwyer lost. a horse besides most of his furniture. Most of the buildings were insured. The office of the Montre- al Telegraph Cgmpany was in the store of Mr Bowes. but on account of the ex- tensive heat the instruments could not be secured. I ,. the days mentioned. . tended to. i root expendituio, and the interest no- on cruing on that sum, as well as u contin- Tuesday9 Ju1y 15, at 9a_m, gent disbursement of many thousands ,, , r, U , My more in the-maintenance and repair of I'CLADS LEN“ H’Alps' N expensive works beyond thclit'nits of the MONDAY, JUL; 2], AT 2 P. M. county, as the Rouge Hills and bridge. the Don bridge, the Credit [lids and SPECIAL CERTIFICATES, In optional subjects. Natural Histcrv. Botany bridge. all situated in other municipali- tles‘ Win-eh It w-O‘lld the“ be the". duw and Agricultural Chemistry (open to II. class), to keep in repair. ' a In conversing on the subject I have 0“ MUM) \Y’ “E “lh' AF " P' M' found some parties who agree with me Candidates should give notice of 'lhnir in- that, the abstract principle is right, and IPIIUOII and the class in. which they . wish to that it would be desirab'e. to have the OOIIIIIOIQ..II(‘Ct mpaiiicd, in all cases, viitli car tons dOne away win] and they bplieve it. iiIii-stos oi Iiiorul character: and, in the case , . t it II. nod I class candidateswnn (SBIIvfi“!lK(€l‘ Will Come to III-'1? In time. But say they (fron'ilprnciical educators): IRIICI'P-SSIII leaching, let us have the roads paid for firstâ€"a truly wise and judicious conclusion to arrive at. Throw away 3100.000 to pay $29,000! (The ’bala’nce“‘st.ill un‘v paid of the York Roads.) So much for waiting until the Roadii are paid for be- fore doing an act ofjustjce to a very large majoritv of the inhabitants of the county. “hit would be thought of an individual who would keer up such a system in the management. of his private business ? and yet we continue to extract from the pockets of the unfortunate tra~ vellers on the York Roads. nearly three times the amount that, is required to pay for them, and>keep them in repair. If this is not: a. grievance of the highest. order I do not, know what is. The application of the money collected on the York Roads may be illustrated by the way in which a certain individual expected his donation to the foreign mission fund would be expended when he Have a dollar to forward one cent to its destination. ‘Iie Board of Examiners oti or before the with of June. D. FO’I‘HE UNGHAM. Presiding Inspector. Aurora, Mny 28, 1973. 775-2 , List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND Hill Post Office. Ist June 1873: Clay, Thomas McMahon, Walter t‘lsfl'v, Mr Melanne. Duncan Demon. Brown McCrimmow. Donald Evans. George ('2) MeLellnn, Mr LIIiut, Miss MCMIIMI. AIOX. Edwards John McConnell. James I’aircliild. Jennie (2) MoRoe, .Ioliu Gardhnnss. ‘James 0st”. George (iruv. T Paikliilt, William Gibner. Otto Prince, William Hall, Thomas Scott. Rev. J. 'Incking. John Siiidci. John Kora. Thos. Sexton of Chuich. Kyle. I). 'I'rnnl. Mr. Lawrie. James Tensdnll. Go rge Ime, Reuben (2) Thomas, Richard F. Vlarshall, I‘ Wiighi, Mr. Munshaw. Alviru M. 'I‘EEFY. in». Yours, . WM. IIFLLIWELL. Kingston Road, June 13th, 1873 THE CANADIAN PUNCH i “GRIP” 0111: Every Saturday,5 cts. MARRIED. GARiion.-S'ro'rr.â€"At Richmond Hill, on the 18th inst.I by the Rev. James Dick, Mr Alfred Git-rod, to Miss Sarah Stotl, both of limis'll, Ont. FASHIONARLE MILLINE IY SHOP. MRS. IIASSETT Will be happpy to see all, d rsiring anything in Ilbl' branches, being It 2w ggvrrtisrmmts. i A PPRENTICE ’WANTE D. Shel-as no limitation in promising nth I'a'uiou to all who mu: l'uVor her with I call. Inspection Invited and I’atmnage _ Soliciml. Wanted. an opproivtico to the printing busn- , _. ‘ liass. A'iplyat this olfive. ST R A W W O R K -â€"â€"â€" AND Dress and Mantle Making .’ Done in order on the shoitost notice Shop on: door north of Mr. Barn urd's More, Richmond Hill. 31 ny 8. «73. a J. M."WELLS, L.D.s., @ SURGEON DENTIST. ' Residence at Aurora, Ont. Particular attention paid in t‘hiluran’s tooth 7724! -nd also to Gold Filling A sior‘k of t-ienlitil’u‘ teeth u‘wars on hand and at work weirsiitml "MAYOR’S LONG LI FE PILLS ! \lr Wells will visit the tollowiiig places. on Mai" ham, on the 8th day of each month! Stoutfville, -‘ llltli " " Sortiighill. " Milt " " FOR SALE 3" ' ' ‘ OI "1]." i. y. R E LAW. Drugg‘nt, Maple. " 29nd " " April 9. H7... Richmond Hill. Mr Wells or assistant will he at his office. Yoiigt- Street. Aurora. at all times. A l letters addressed to Aurora. promptly at- ! AIR. TOOTH. NAIL, & CLOTH brushes at the H izuALD Bot-k Sta re. lONl‘. ERTINAS, WITH SELF-IN i'oo HERALD Bunk Store. (TOLD PENS. PENHOLDERS. AND imncil cases at the HERALD Bock St are. l 15 L E S U C I E TY DEPOSITORY , iR . i-iiioiid Hill branch) at the HERALD llnok Sum- NIISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for [amounts at the, HERALD BOOK Store. Teeth also set with the Celuloid Base. n tow invention. being Iigbler, stiongcr and .nove durable than the ufd kind. Having had , .ine rears expmiauce, satisfaction can be Richmond Hill. Juno I9. 1873. 7764f. FESTIVAL OFST. JOHN, THE BAPTIST. l ICHMOND LODGE,A.F.&A.M. & No. 23, G.R.C. The next regular communication of the _ ' above lodge will he held next 'I'uesdaytveniug OETICAL WORKS, OF ALL THE the ‘24:]: “‘51qu 7 o’clock. . different poets. at. tho HERALD Book .1i9.i. R. i-:. LAW, Soc'y. so... FRESH ARRIVALS _ AT THE lPEOPLE’S STORE. , The subscriber wish" to announce that he has JUST RECEIVED A Large and Varied Assort- ment of CROCKERY 8: 'GLASSWARE, CONSISTING 0P BREAKFAST, DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. ALSO ANOTHER. LARGE LOT 0.! FFUURrNNIITTUURREE 1 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Which will be sold DECIDEDLY CHEAP. IN GROCERIES, rnoVISiONs, not 960mb, (favourites. SPRING, 1873. __ 1873. AN JMMENSE STO CK NEW SPRING Goons-e 0N EXHIBITION AT The Fire-Proof StOre. CONSISTING 01“ Canadian and English Tweeds, BLACK BROAD CLO'I‘l-IS. Doe Skins, 860., 8:0. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. A splendid S ock of D R E S S G O O D S , At Prices that will (hf/l Competition, AND SUITABLE FOR I'HE I srRiNG In summer: TRADE, Black Lustres, (srnmmn VALUE) Colored /‘ Lustres, Figured Lustres, BLACK, COLORED Jr, FIGUltED GRENAIDIN ES, A Splendid Assortment of BLACK GOODS, INCLULING French .Ilcrllms, Hour/rim PllI/llk, Craps Cloths, Set/4m Cloths, .IIrtz (lords, Cobaitrgs, do, the. A nitAUi‘It'tii. assoiit‘iiiTN'r OI“ LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS. CONSTAN'I‘LY 0‘ HAND A full as ortiiiniil of GROCERIESJIROCKERY HARDWARE, I)c1ph, t" t: . Glassware, 614:. Of Good Value at .Low Prices. I. CROSBY. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, A. c. Which cannot be surpassed in Price or LY ON HAND. DOMINION TEA HOUSE, t'oese i0 lie in the hands of too Chaimiaii of passed. FIRE-PROOF STO RE, Wives AND LIQUO us, , ll,ll"?\l-“‘\I| Ill! l. . “'3 hm I gill cirrlllni C LARGE AND WELL SELECTED l'ammie- sroex, 7 BE SUBSCRIBER DECS TO NOTI- fy the public that he has re :ommencod business at HOUSE PAINTING I In all its branches, and from his experit-nop, careful nitrnI-oii. and iiiodornto charges. he hopes to receive 3 .‘Ilul't‘ ot‘ the ouhl-c patron- agw All orders by mail proiuptli attended 10. JOHN l.U\ll.ICY, Church Si., Markham Village. J anuary 8,1873. 755-6": , V - Quality. FLOUR. 61. FEED KEPT CONSTANT- A. Call from all is Solicited. P. G. SAVAGE. Patent; Eaveâ€"tzough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE D0- MINION. (11356 per lllllte-et. Also Floor- ing and other Lumber Dressed : Soy Rockets. Pails.Ciilerl\lills. Washing: Machines,Shinpr Waggon Follocsmud lmnxborb‘awudtoorder Forpaiticulai sntlilrors JUII N LA NGSTA II‘I“. Slot-iii Allils.’l'hornliill. 'Tlioriihill. Nov. 3, I869. 5104f RICHMOND HILL. _ “1917001213 ' CHEST Ilu always on hand the largest and best variety of GROCERIES, Consisting of Tau from 50 cents to $1.00, which loi- quality Ind fluvor,eimnoi be sur- RICHMOND HILL LIVERY‘ s TAB LE 8 . Horses'aud Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson 6L Sons. COFFEES, JOHN BROWN. Proprietor. PRA CTICAL MILLINER Green, Roasted and Ground Coffee ; A SPLENDID ARTICLE. Richmond Hill. Dec. H. ’72. 75l v3m Salmon Trout, Cod Fish and HARRISON OSLER 8‘ MOSS’ Labrador Herring. P R 0 V 1â€"51 0 N s : Eyor’s Flour kept on hand. which cannot be I beat. by anything that comes to town. Peas, Shorts, Bran, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, (15:0. WINES AND LIQUORS ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemlecl, BLOOD'S DUBLIN PORTER. AND U’KLEFE’S ALE. &c. Crockery dc Glassware, I GAR DEN TOOLS, GIG. Farm Produce taken in exchange. HEAP J cm is in. its. Skirving's Imp) lived Purple 'I‘op Swede, illaligel Wurtzel and Car- Irot Seed, (It the UOMIVION TEA HUUSE. ONTARIO HOUSE. JUST A RRIVED AT run A. MOODIE. ONTARIO. HOUSEI- A Large and Select Stock of SPRING GOODS, CONSISTING OP Choire 7 Raisins, Prunes, Dried 163, §' Ap 1)., SALMON Tito ‘. coo FISH. COAL (“In 51:. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb. ‘ Which for strength and flavor Cannot be surpasst north of I‘nrontn. A large and beautiful assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! Just came to hand. suitable for the SPRING ‘I‘ltAUE, At Prices that defy competition. Remember in Boots and Show. 1 cannot be undorsold. IN THE FLOUR AND FEED Department will be found the very best familv Flour manufactured by Rumble &. Calvari, Richmond Hill Mills, which has stood the test for a leuth ol‘ time. and is allowed by compe- ientjudges to he the best that brought into the town. Peas,0nts, Bran. Shorts, Bacon. Hams iiiid Potatoes always on hand A chaise lot of BLACK TARTAR. OATS now on hand fit. for used. Also Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of field and garden seeds. 2 ll kinds of Farm Pioriuoe taken in exchange and tho 'i ighest market price paid. Cull‘uiid examine our stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. in we feel confident we can give perfect satisfaction. ’ Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St" opposite Sanderson dc Sons, Richard Hm. J. BROWN. JAPAN TEA. ONLY 25 'eas, Tobacco, Currants, ARRISTEI’LS, &C., NOS. 36 AND 38 I King Street East, Toronto. R. A.Iquti-oN.qc. F. Usuzn. 'I‘Honas Moss, Q.C. W. A Fos'rnn. CHAiuacs Muss. W. G. Fancosunmnx Toronto, Doc. 4, 1872. 75- 4f ' MORGAN 8r. THORNE, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS IN Chancery, Notaries, «Sac. ' . OFFICE â€"Court Street. Toronto. Brunch Officeâ€"Division Court Clerk 5, ollice, Rich- mund Hill. I THUS. K. Monum. Toronto, April 25. IS'IQ. Houses 'I'i-LmNI It“ I' l RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL ! ANDREW MAGER, DEALER IN LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE SIIINGLEâ€"O UT TING, AND ,PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Richmond Hill, Dec 9. ’72. 751-ly THE MORNING PAPERS or 'ronos’ro; MAIL. GLOBE. LEA DE R, Can he had at the Post Office. for It) cm'rs A WEEK. Apply to ' M. TEEFY, Rehmoud Hill. May 14. 1809. Ettaâ€"rt THOMAS SEDMAN, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKER, J Undertaker. Arc. RESIDENCEâ€"Neaer opposite the PostOflice Richmond Hill [$5 TO s20 P R r Agents wanted I All classes of working people. of either sex. voting or old. ma o more manor at Work for us in their spare moments. or all the Iifhe. than at anything else. Particulars I'm-o. Address G. STINSON & 00., Portland, Maine. ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS. 1 A weekly journal of Current. Events. (Literature, Science and Arts. Agriculture and l Mechanics, Fashion and Amusement. Sold It 100 a number It. the HERALD Book Store.

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