Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Jun 1873, p. 3

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liwsaloed, That the 36th section of an Act untitled “ An Act to improve the Common and Grammar Schools of «he .vaince of Ontario." and accented to the 15th day 01" February, 1871, among other things enacts as follows :â€" Therefore this Council deem it advis- able to obtain a legal opinion as to the best, mode of' recovering back from said High School Board the sums of money unlawfully collected from the townships of Vaughan, King. Markham, and Whit- cllurch. as aforesaid. Petitions were presented. From 0. Hurst, gale keeper of Lake Shore Road, praying for a reduction of rent. And whereas the township of' Vantrll- aunwl as much ni'lllu lHWIh‘lIlp‘ of King, Markham, 21ml \Vllitclmrch, lyin." with- in the limits of" said High Sclmul, Disâ€" trict No. 3, could not lawfully called uiaon to euntributc anything towards ilm erection of' a building for High School purposes Within ,the municipality of Richmond Hill. From R. H. Smith, making application for the Cl'erkfliip of the County Council And whrreus, the High School Board of High School D1s.rict No. 3. which High Scl'ool district, being: compased of' the township of Vaughan and a portion of' the townships of King. Markham. and ‘Vhitchuxfch, and the incorporated village of Richmond Hill ditl in the your 1872, collect from the taxable property of High School District No. 2, as aforesaid, the sum of $3,000 for the purpose of erecting a buildng for High School ac- commodation in the village of Richmond From the Trfistees of H iSéVthi No. 1, praying that an assessment bf 81,- 7 00 be levied on their district. In the ease of a High School in towns, incm'poraled villages, and townships, one- hull'ol' the amount paid by the Govern ment shall be paid by the Municipal Council of the County in which such High School is situated upon the ap plicutiou of the High School Board, and ‘such other sums as may be required for the maintenance and school accommo- dation of the said High School shall be raised by the Council of the Municipality in which the High School is situated upon the application of the High School Board. Hill. M r Munsie gavu notice that; he would tmunrrow move the Council into a Com- mittee of' the Whole on the following re- solution :â€" \The report. of the county auditor With respect. to school monir-s in account with the ‘l‘reasurnr was presented. The ex- penditure and balance in hand was as finllnws:â€"â€"Fm' Etnbicnke, expenditure, $764.83; balance in hand. $6520; Georgina, expenditure. $358.75; balance in hand, $344.60; North Gwillimbury, expenditure, $653.23; balance in hand, $30.17; East, Gwillimbury, expenditure, $1,009.74; balance. $218,00; King, ex- penditure. $1,860,64; balance, $227.71; Markham, expenditure, $2,102,01 ; bal- ance, $563.94 ; Scarborough. expendi- ture. $1, 855.76; balance. $390,11 ; Vaughan, expenditure, $1.183,77; bul- anee. $24118; Whilchurch‘ experditure $205037; balance. 8144,10; York, ex~ penditure, 31.85410; balance. 3425,26. From the Focretary of the Girls’ Home. petitiuuing' for aid in the shape of accustomed yearly grant to that. in- stitution. / From Wm. Smith, Provineial Officer, enclosing a Cnpy of Section No. 8 of the Act. passed 0!; the last session of the On- tario Legishture, amending the Acts respecting tavern and shop licenses. From the vainciul Secretary re- specting new registry offices for Toronto and Newmarket. Fran the County Clerk 01‘ Peel, an- nouncing; that; the County Cuuvcil 01" {‘11' i. t! . Â¥ .‘Ilri xvi": grants. 1‘,” From the Clerk of the Peace, enclos- ing :1 copy of the Presentment of the Grand Jury at the March Sessions. From 1’. Ashdnwn,rcspe<;ting the open- ing of' :1 road in Vaughan. {Aluucil grunt mmiur nm-unls, xxzpm $300 (,0 build m0 bl‘iugcs 1'): lllv Cuuuty line hanvwn Albion and King; .‘llbO the sum offifilfiO m lmlld :1 bridge over the river Mimico, between the Gore of Tor- onto and Etnbicokc; also the N1!” of $400 to build a bridge over the River Ebobicoke, on the County line between York and Peel. COMMUNICATIONS. From the Clerk of the Peace, enclos- ing the report, of the High Constable. and recommending the Same to the fa- vorulflc consideration of the Council. From Messrs. Han-ism) Usher and Moss, chsing their account against the County of York, MARKHAM.â€"“’ym. Eakin, Reeve; John Lane and Wm. Miliiken, Deputy- Reeves. Sc RBono’â€"â€"J0hn P. Whaler. Reeve; D. G. Stephenson, Deputy-Reeve. Y(lRKVlLLE.â€"J. Severn, lieew; S. Wicksnn, Deputy Reeve. Nb‘VSIARKE’I‘ â€"F. Jackson. Reeve. HOLLAND LANDING.â€"-\V. H.Thome,_ Reeve. AUerA.â€"Jnseph Fhlery, Reeve. RICHMOND HILLâ€"A. Law, Reeve. MABKHAM VILLAGEâ€"Juan Spcigln, ‘VHITCHUIiCH.;-J(;IIII HalldzlneRceve; Maxon Jones and Phile Mnclem, De- puflu lieeves_.__ - YORKâ€"Wm. Tyrrell. Reeve; J. P. Bull, Henry Duncan, Joseph Watson, and George LeslieJur}. Deputy-Reeves. Noam GWILLIMBURY.â€"Isaae Mar. ritt. Reeve. EAST GWILLTMBURYzâ€"Wm. Cane Becve ; Wilson Baud and Henry Mosicr, Dummy-Reeves. ' KIN'Grâ€"W'm. Munsie. Reeve; Joel Phillips and J. D. Phillips, Deputy- Reeves. VAUGJ‘AMâ€"DaviJ Boyle, Reeve Tlms Websmr. Deplity Reeve: H r ErbBrcoxs. ~r Matthew Canning, Reeve; John Clhrk, Deputy-Reeve. GEORGINA. â€"â€" Donald McDonald, Reeve. The Council ofthe Corporation ofthe County of York commenmd their second sitzing: this year yesterday afternoon, in‘ the Councii Chamber, at the Court, House, the \Vzu‘dcn, Mr ‘V. U. Tlmrne, in the chair. The fulinwiug gentlemen Were present :â€" York County Council. From the City Dailies. Mr Phillips mmred that the salary be fixed at $800 per unnum. Mr Bull moved in amendment that the sum fixed be $600 per annum. A rather lengthy discussion took place on the snject-. The amendment was then put to a vote and declared lost. Mr Jackson then moved that the sol ary be fixed at 3700. Mr Mnnsie thought that the original motion should be put to the Council first. The Chairman ruled the amendment out of order. annum. The original mnfinn was deck, tied, and the salary fixed a; .583 :2: annum. The Warden to‘ok the chair shoflly ufim- two o’clock. The Council resolved ifsoif' into a cmnmiuce of the Whole to take inm cm!â€" sidersxtion the by-lnw For the appointment of :1 Clark to the Council, in place of Mr J. Elliot, resigned â€"Mr Webster in the chair. it would be no injustice to make a local municipality bear the expenses of such High Schools, the county providing the means for running the school, but it was to be remembered that Dr liyerson had given it as his opinion that previous to the division of a. county into school dis- tricts, the local municipality in which the school was situated hall to pay for building it, on the application of the Board; hut’in the event of the division tukimr place, the whole county was to contribute. He objected to words “no- lawfully collected,” in fourth clause, as the illegality of the proceeding was not yet proven. He would suggest that the third and fourth clauses be struck out. and the following substituted: “And whereas that portion of the said High School District' No 3, outside the muni- cipality in which the school is situate. was culled upon to contribute its moiety towards the afiiresoid sum of $2,000 for the construction of a l-uilding for said High School, Resolved. That this Court: cil therefore deems it advisable to obtain at legal opinion regarding: the legality of collecting: Said $2000 for building pur. poves in the entire High School District No 3. and in case such collection be ille- gal as to the proper coutse to redress the grievance, and that the following mcm hers of this (louneil be appointed :1 Coin- xnittee to obtain such legal opinion : \lessrs Munsic, Boyle, Bull, Eukin and J. Jackson. ' 'I‘lie Cofxucil then adjourned until two o’clock. This amendment was agreed to and finely)! adopted in Council. Mr Jackson said the amount collected was $2,000. and not 83,000, as stated in Mr Munsie's resolution. Hf: “10ng 1|. The Conneil went into Committee, Mr Watson in the chair. The first clause was adopted. Mr Munsie moved that the second clause, which related to the. raising of‘ $3,000 for the purpose of erecting a building for High School accommodav‘ tiun at RichmOnd Hill, be adopted. He presumed objection would be raised to the clause. He thought it highly desi- rable that legal advice should be taken us to the real meaning of the statute re- ‘ ferred to in the first clause. He dis-i puted the right of the village of Rich-l mond Hill to collecta sum of money from the township of Vaughan, or any any other township lying beyond the limits of the municipality. for the ‘pur- pose of erecting abuilding for High School accommodation. _ Mr Munsic moved that the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the resolution of which he had given notice. Seconded by Mr J. Phillips, and carried. By Mr Canning. from Joshua Atkin- son, asking to be relieved of the lease of gatg N0 2, Dundas street. pint of Kuflfick. 3y 3} 1' Leslie, from \‘Cm. Hargreaves for the reduction of' rental of gate No 1 Yonge Street. A communication was read from the Superintendent of the York Roads, showng the present condition of the Roads. Petitions were presented : By Mr Lane, from the United Board of‘ High and Public School Trustees of "lle and Public School Trustees of High School No 3, for levying a tax of $1000 on High School on High School District No 3, for building and School purposesâ€"$500 for building, and $500 for current expenses of the school. TUESDAY, June 17. â€" The Comm-E} met. the Wurde in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read. L l' V U r H mud on his pmpertv 1n Vaughan, after which the minutes were confirmed. A letter was received from the M anag. ing Dnjecfor of the Toronto and Nipiss- mg Ruiquy, ofl'ering the members of the Council a trip on the line. It was re- solved to accept the kind ofi'er,and Thurs- day was fixed on as the day to enjoy the pleasure trip. A correction was made in the minute referring to the eunmnunicntinn of P. Mul'kinsnn rulntive to compensation being awarded (0 him fur opening up a The Council-then adjourned until 10 o’clock next, morning. Mr Munsie presen'ted :1 similar fietition fur the granting of a free license to J. E Buck. From Charles Harnny and others, asking for :1 grant to build a bridge over me liumbex‘, between Vaughan and A petition was presented by Mr. Eak- in, from Salem Eekhardt. and others, praying that Bylaw No. 223, pascd by the Cuunci‘. of Markham, fur the closing up of mud ulfowzmce front of Lot 415 in the 8rd concession, be confirmed. From Thomas Humberstone and seventy others, praying the Council to pass a bylaw in Ieference to the disputed road between York and Vaughan town- ships. Mr Eukin presentod a petition from H. P. Crosby and others. praying that a. two horse pedlur’s license be granted to Mrs Samuel Watson, free of charge. From Jessie Nurse, asking for agrant to open and imprm'o. the Indian: line. From John Shields, praying for a grant. to bui‘d a. bridge over the Humber between Albion and King. King: from A. Hnod and ennfirmaaiun of By- * far the closing: up ‘ 13mm g) REAKFAST. ~â€"~ EPPS’S COCOA. â€" i) Unm‘mm. AND (Innii-‘un’rlnq ~“ Bv a morough kumvietlyenrthe n lllrnl laws: which guveu litheupm'aiilmsnfviiguslinn and nutrition, and by .1 carejnl application (.f the fine: proper. ties of \vell-svleclod cocoa, :Vh Epps hm pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mav save us many haavy doctnrs’ hills."â€" Civil Nurvice Gazelle. Mada simply with Boiling Wain or Milk. Each parka! is labelledâ€" ' JAMi-‘s Ens JL ’30.. Homceopalhin Cht‘mists. London." MANUFACTURE or Cocm.â€"” We will now give Ml account of the process ndopmfl bv Monsrs Junes Epps J1, Cm, umnufaclnree of dietetic articles. at their works in Iha Fan-hm Ru, (1. l.ondou”â€"-0u.~rscll’s llausdwlzl (.‘uulc October 3!. 1872. 739-15' . Counnissionerin li.R.,is Government on: for issuing Marriage License in the County onork. Oflico hoursâ€"7 9:30 PM Richmond Hill.0ctober23.186!y. \ TEEFY, NOTARY PUBLIC AND 1 Ag ()nlmenl.. Mr jaokson then moved that the by law do not now pass but. be deferred till tomorrow, so that: information on the matier may be obtained from the county solicitors. This was also lost, and the lay-law was. finally carried by twenty votes to nine. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK. Flourâ€"Superfine. . . . . . . . . . Sprung Wheat extra Fancy Fixu'a.....‘....... Superior Extra. . .. . Harley” \MrJackson moved, seconded by Mr Law, That tl e by-Iaw do not now pass, but that it be referred to a Committee of the Whole‘ with instructions to so amend it as to provide for increasing the respective High School Districts of the Incorporated villages of Newmarket, Richmond Hill, and Markham, from the boundaries of the said incorporations, from three to ten miles, as such commit- tee may determine. In moving this re solution he said that the by-law, in its unamended state, would act in the most prejudicial manner with regard to, the schools, besides being unjust towards the taxpayers of the districts laid out. He trusted that the council would agree to enlarge the extent of the boundaries oi , the districts to a, reasonable extent, as, the amount of property was so circumw scribed that it was not suflicient to main- tain the schools, more especially as the High Schools had to admit persons out- side the limits of' the incorporated vil lages in which they were situate. "Mr Jackson’s "lotion Was lost; Yeas, 10_;7naiys,719. Disrrir‘l Nu 1. â€"â€" 'f‘hc municipniiiy ui Kilt: mun-ship 03' Yn‘rir. Districz N0 2.â€"~~'l‘120 incorporated vii. Inge 0F Mnrkhmn. District No 3.â€"â€"~â€"Thc incorporated vii- luge of Richmond Hill. District No 4.â€"â€"'1‘hc incorporated vil- lage of Newmarket. The by-law to define the limits of' H‘gh School Dlsh‘icts, which was read a second time last session. came up for a third reading. It provided that the County be divided into four High School ‘islricts. as ilfiimvs: By Mr J. Lame, from Elias Snider, praying to be released from the tenancy of toll gate N0. 2, Yonge Street. _ By Mr Wm. Eukin, from James Car» michael, M. A., asking to be appointed Public School Examiner for the County of York. The nominations were put to vote several times without arriving at any de- cision, on account- ot' neither candidate obtaining a. majority of the Council in his favor. The committee rose and reported the byâ€"luw as amended, which was read a second time. From “7. A. “Tailiq, with statistics relmiuq to the Mbion Houd~Company. Petitions were prescnfcd. By Mr Speig‘ht, frcm High School disfil‘iCt N0. 2. ailing tha! 9: rate might be cuiluctewl amounting: to $5600 for .school purp ‘ s‘ for the said district. By ‘Jowph Watson, from Thomas Holmes and '10 others, asking for per mission to place a trough in front of [Inlmcs' Hotel, Yorkville. Mr Jackson then moved that the com- mittee rise and report progress, and ask leave to sit again. The motion was lost. , The previous motions for the appoint- ments were again put, and Mr Eakin was declared elected, his duties to commence on the 18th insn. - From th'e Rev. John Carey, asking for a free pasguovex: Dundas road. Froin Siias James. buperintendant of York roads, asking: fur am increase of salary, and to be a1lowed part 01’ the ex- tra. expenses incurred in passing over the roads. WEDNESDAY, June 18.-â€"â€"TheCouncil met, Warden in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Communications were received. From the Ne'wsboys‘ Home, thanking the Council for their former grant in 1872-, and asking for a similar one to be mude this year. The following gentlemen were nomi- naled for the office of Clerk: Mesm-s George Eakin, J. H. Hughes, K. H. Smith, W. G. McWilliams and J. K. Mucdonald. The Council adjourned. MARRIAGE LICENSES 5min; gyntm TORONTO MARKETS. RICHMOND HILL. Torun‘o . June l9. H173. ..$ 55iifi3 5 6 l) 67 (a? 0 74; (I 67 Km 0 6~ 0 4| El) 0 4 0 6.5 .71) (l (w 18 0“ E1) '24 .‘m H (‘0 fm H (In 0 50 @ n (50 (l 75 f0) 0 9n 0 75 f(D l .30 0 55 rm 0 60 ‘9 .u â€"\l-IUI‘J|1C C=C-Hfét€l «2mm . 5‘. ©®§©©©©© J. (29 n7; 1800/6) nan/,3 (Hmrm "1'2er 0 *lg@ fi-25frb 009W) (IQUfiD 0 HWD (Hrs/(3 590m) (Laura 725m) Uilv l I!“ man 001) 0 If! H I? 4112 7 5n 0 I) ()2! 0 l3 0‘20 U 5 95» II ("I It destroys the Ticks, promotes the growth of Ihe wool, and improves the condition of the animal; A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. ‘ HUGH MlLLER CO., U cilors, Convéyancera, &c., &c.. nFFCES.-â€"N0. 56. Church Streat. Toronto noxl door north of British American lnsuranm Buildings. ' Sold by Druggists and Sxorekeepers at 95 cents per box. AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS. 167. King Street East. Toronto For Sula by Druggisls and Storekeeper-s. R E. LA Wl Agent. Richmond Hill THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Dumrovs all klul’s nf Insects, Grubs and Cat erpmars on Currant and Gooxeberrv Bushes Price 25 cents and SI 00 per box. A dollar box contains um hundrud feeds. It Falh’ns in. Onefaurlh the usual “me, and savz's Food. Parlies dashing pictures pnimod from the oh}. nugmives 0‘ Mr. Gray or Hound can have them hv nr-Je ing. as 1 have purchased all |h<~ir negatives. ffi Dull and c‘nudy weather no hindrance l0 Iha 2m, chuul fur children Pnrlion gelling pwmms of children taken are requested to hr at lha "lndiu butwven I“ A M. and 3 P M. [13' G:.lh.-r_v in the old stand recently o’ccu pivd by Mr. Gray. 0n Currant Bushes and F ruit Trees to the pubic ('m' the liberal palrmmge he has received whiie iuhlsinens. and would also invite an early call to his as>01led stock 0 l“ BOOTS AND SHOES ! Shop. two doors north of G. A. Barnard’s Store. French C'alf Boots, for $500 per pair; ‘ “Daub? Soles, $350 perpair? I A" kinds oi‘ cu§tom work warranted to give he nest uf salisfnclion. and a good fit guar- :amm-d. 0F Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes In ALMOSI‘ AN" mquumzu SIZE OR STYLE. ANY HOUSE IN TORONTO. PHOTOGRAPHY. 1IRS'I‘ PRIZE photographer, begs to in- k form the public Illut. having commenced rperations in the above b'uwiness on Richmond that he is prepared to lake Hiihertn kept so replete With a” that was (Ilmste'nnd lalegnm. ll'is season ambracvs 1h". must. bommfu! and exquiute gnod> ol' the “’ilh a large stuck nf Prints, Coztons, Ginghams, (51., S I~I A VV LS, Fancy Shawls, BLACK &WHITE LACE SHAWLS White and Colored Quilts, IN FACT ALL THE NOVI‘JLTIES IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. Crockery, H m rlware, Glassware, Granny’s, 9%., mnumummm Of Goods. or at Lawn-LB PRICLE CANADIAN & ENGLISH Ever shown on Bikinnond Hill, At price» ranging frrm Hit: to 50:: per vd And to {he Ladies he would say, if you Wklll DRESS GOODS! . N. Bun. 1051* CALL u Tm: CENTRAL, And there you will find 'Ilm BEST asson'mm'r 0F Complefte. qll if; Branches! And surrounding cunner fur past patronage. and desires [0 sum- that his ‘Kf ATKINSON Bogs to reuun Hunks: m the inhabitants of Of all kiu d3, whichhe offer at prices the! will compare with TICKS 0N SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. Old mclnres calerully copied an Richmond Hi I. Sept. 26.1872 He is also prepamd to make to order thia best kind or BLAKE a KINGSFORD. . AgRISTAERs, ATTQRNEYS, SOL! THEY WiI.L MAKE YOU STARE! Alao a full ussorlmenl of Which cannvl, ho snrpmsw if oquaHed. OUT AND SHOE STORE, RICHMOND HILL. And he feels confident that NO OTHER HOUSE CAN UF’FER A HI'Z'I'TI'TR [P.SSURTMENT vWILLIAM GAMBLE w ETURNS HIS SINCERE ‘THA’NKS T12,” Mi/lincrg/ Departmmt, THOMAS B. COPELAND, A D RESS LUSTRE, @133 05:10:15, @wmim. Conan ’I'weeds, (Tattonades, Gam- broons, Denims, (fie. ANNOUNCEMENT- Us wouid cull special ano'nlion to his PICTURES! BLACIi GOODS, SPRING STOCK CATERPILLARS I @1913 mi fiiwtfi. VERY LATEST STYLES. ifhntugwuphy, er in r\(-l'\‘|iling Gum! and (‘heap Comm} Store. Richmvmd HiEI. LARGE STOCK ()F IUCHMOND HILL. HUG” MILLER &C().. Aglicnltural Chemists. 'I‘oroxito A full amorrmen! of TVVE E Us, IS NOW V'M ATKINSUN, R. E, Kmanroxp. ALA enlarged 740-tf Plbughs limé &, firmmd hone Gang Plough; Pure Seed Grain 610.. Double Mould Plonghs 6w. ($10,511:, Carter’s} Ditching Ma- cnlne Steam and horse-power 'l‘hreshing Mm‘hines CQI-nbimd and Single vaers and Kenya‘s Poluto Diggers Wood Sawing Machines Pumps Horse and Dog Powers scales Vlachine Jacks Horse HayForks Straw Cutters Amalgam Slenl Bells Rom. Cuuers 5L Pulpers he Blanchard chum Grain Crushers arrel &, Dash a-hurm Turnip and Grain Drill Florence Sewing Mu- ilandSeed Drills chine Fanning Mills Philadelphia L aw n Clover Hu Ilura‘l Mower Horse Hay Rakes Greenhouse and Gar- Corn Shells 56L Husker den Engines Slump Machmes Laundry Machinee l’nlonl Fan Forges Garden Implements Mowing Machine Knife and TOUIB Cider Mills and Presses Field Seeds GraV ’sdmgle & Double Fruit and Ornaments: Mowing Machine Knife and Toma. Cider Mills and Presses Field Seeds GraV ’sdmgle & Double Fruit and Ornaments: Furrow Ploughs Trees and Shrubs lrou‘ and Woud Beam Superphnsphale of ‘ ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES at the HERALD Bonk Slum. ’ ‘STRAW CUTTERa ROOT CUTTER& FARMING IMPLEMENTS 8:. TfifiLS FANNING MILLS, Will clean a‘l kinds of grnin. embracing wheat, r_\ e. harh‘y. and unwind wull nm 0th wiihun)‘ Ihinlej; or I'uu‘ 2min. no sh l: or 3mm u requirrd to he “€811. und :1 e I nmclrne 'lN‘d I10! at M" time In? .~u pI-od h) clug; mg ul'vlu Sieve. All orders for this Si‘ve addru-t“ In tlm nan-mac. John Rae. Lansing l’.().. OnL, will rmwlve prompt alumion. Any iniringeu-em on this paint)! will be punished wuh the utmost rigu “I the law. JOHN RAF. ILLUSTRATE D C ATALOG UE I Joseph Hall Illanufacturing Co. PATENT SIE‘VE Y \ll through Seeding. besides saving seed and doing 1 0 work holler than the usual wz-y l‘he Machinncnn be seen and all panliculars explqinad at no is notng as agent for said machine WP chain] that our Sevder is xhe must useml im- ummem tor Hm price- Ilza {'nrnmr can pl'ncuru. l‘he fact of 11m above cnn be ascormined from my of the follnwmg ganllmnen 2â€"!)ulliel [taxman Vaughan; llvmy Lullvll. Timm- m‘l: JmmN Houmnu. Ker: Jamus Nltwslsv, \urnra. Michael Wmiev. Fla-u Gw Iiilnlvury: "V D. Stundau. Bradford: Mirhael Fish-«r. Vaughan: Benjamin VVt-sl,“'6>l Uwflhmnurv; =§enrv Wesley. Whilchurch; “'m. Jnukwn. Vaughan. 6:” Do not fail to get THE SEICDER, if you want to SAVE Many. Yours, 610.. F. W. GLEN. Oshawa. GEO. A. MASON, . General Agent for the Dominion. lv3m Oshawa. Ont. ggmamm gimmementfi. Field Seeds, Fruit frees, Fertilizers, (130., (£50., &c, ADELAIDE ST. EAST,TORONTU SPRING SEEDING‘ MADE SIMPLE BROAD-CAST SEEDERS SAVING OF ONE MAN AND TEAM MR. M. S. COGSWELL’S. THORNHII.I.. 7|7-tl‘ Farmers and Thrashers Take NC tice. EWELBYI JEWELRY! FOR SALE choap at tho Hutu: Book Stare. Yonge Street. MPORTANT TO FARMERS I CULTIVATOR COMBINED, Importer,Mannhmlurm‘.mnd Dealeriu all kinds of AE'S NEW AND IMPROVED GRAIN CRUSHERS. 650., &c. ‘ZIIIw 311551311 «mum. OSHAWA. ONT. We guarantee NOW REA1)Y ! [NO ONE OF THE MANUFAC‘I‘RRED BY TH E WM. RENNIE, (FIFTH EDITION), AND \VAVI. R NNHC, “arrows Fialtlaml Lawn Roller Horse Hoes &. Scurfie' Cultivators Potato Diggers Pmnps scales Ho rse Ha)“ Forks émalzam Slenl Bells Eysl’s Paten' Iron 'l‘onoM'n. ONT. Lansing P. () 7294f ‘- lrlm'lnn of Illu Allqu American “mun by no. the subscriber has mka and fil'ed up hth large and connnndiuns prmnises ln-lnnu- u;- m ('npt, 'I‘. A. Millm. oppmilla Meirh'l'.“ {wright JJL Sou’e Navel y Wurks. Markham 'Xmsllanl nul-umlnnnalmn :xfl'nrded “or I'm ‘mwllingqvnhlic and cummm‘cial men. Livery dublss in «:nnmcucn wiih the hotel. Bnmwl U0 and Porter. \IECHANIC. MANUF‘CTI'RER, ENG! NEER. CHEWIST. FHUIER AND MERCHANT. 77w Canadian Pdfent Office Recorr ’I‘nree huge hams, two stables. and miner KN- lzessmy farm buildings. 'l‘wo spring L-It-ek run across the 001, and pleu‘y of good wnlw abounds. It is situated at a distance ot t-igln “en mil from anontu, and two min Iron fuchnund Hill. 'l'hislarhp is nearly all under drained, and wall fenced. will: twu good or- chards. and about FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! For further particulars. applyeither b) laueu (post-paid). or on the plemiws, to TN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DPS- One hundred and furty of which are clearen and we” cu'livnwd 'l‘lnme are on tho pm- perly two good EVE RY INVENTOR, BUTLDE R hnuld at once send his name and mldrefl w- $1.5Ufor one \‘eur’s subscription Ia Mawkhnm. Nov. 3,18“: Testimonial from Professor H. 6‘, Collins I have aret‘ully exmnined the pianos”! d by Mr. H. Ii Hoesur. called the “manning Bird. or (Jolibri Plilll rs. nmnumclu'ml by \In- thuka . nu-I tlunk 1116': me \v *ndwYuH“ ‘;'vvel and pure; m mue. and from ILnir pwculr’. :ml- elruulmn. cnlr-ulmud In ruumin in Inna lunar-r Ihan ulhc-r pianos. and enmeqm-mly [u Maud a gl'efllcl' numm I u! n ear \nd are kummd at line Nov'lh-wnsl come of nl N0. . ."1, uh auncession ol' MM‘M am. in n m‘liun win-re mechanics and ln'nnl'ers mun LPN ‘eudywurk and high \vagas Applx .if by «Hominy-01mm) to Hemy Jolll]ing~‘, Victoria \‘quaro. ur to Tlm lots contain Abmt (hm-fifth of an Arre, 'l‘hcm ia’ a gnmi Frame Dwnliing ”hflsr‘ “M: an oxmilmnunfim underneath. "urns. Swim: and mhcr outnnihllngs and 'l'imhwr for a nun 31m: 40 x 60‘ Funny of water . Thin L- a vvr. dosirah’c prvmorvy being only bemoan K and 4 miles from ng Station on Nov-:hnrn Railroad. where there is a gund malkel for all kinds 0: pruduce Selma 5 dz, Churches in the imme- rlmle neighborhood. 'l'orms will he ma ‘9 very eaw. For particulars apply m oilhe. of the under- signed executors In the aslale‘ U1 ed us in Um agency III 'lhismulinn Our ‘he sale uf Messrs G. A. Prim o & Co’s velv- hraled Organs and Mulodemw. in l'nwr of which we givu mn' most unqualifiud appran and recomumuduliun as the. leading and must reliabic reed instrumem uuw mamn'mzlured. (Signed) H. a? COLLINS. U _7 WM. uumnurum'. \ ’ Hill. cnnmiuing mm um‘e and u quarrm of ‘wml. one 3mm." dwrlliug Imuw. \\ in“ a I: Hi Huhles, and ullII-I‘ mnlmil: 'ngs .Ir-rann. Tennis: easy. Appl}. on the premised 'n Chickering. Staiuwux' and Durham Pianos. A 90.1llnuelrln‘nmd ,1 Sn!" H mm new Vil'mjn 1 ul wnh a grmvi Frame llwahing “Muse nun Stablu. [mmi “'vll nml mhm' (-nnrenimwas riUI’vtni II'N‘ «MLâ€"nu UH! Itmunr nf (‘mntm Sumâ€"l “'le hm} I‘Zli met” Sin-eluliichnnmnl Hi I. Anp'v tn GEORGE BRECKUV. H4) Arms of whirl) urn Inuit-r cuhivmim: 1 sale a number of Village Ions. mum en u the village of TWO HUNDRED ACRES HUMMING BIRD PIANO Which is aaapred lo parlors where space is an olrjr-m. The Inqu of Us c-uumuvncn L1 entirely new. and based upon the best known prlmwples ut'scienco. No. 4‘!” the filth ()mmeseiun Tu.\'n.~l~ip uf [{mg, h «n.1,; Hg In H]- . “do of tho mlu \Vll‘ mu. M('\air containing - 120 Acres 0f Excellent Lam! med M [if] DEALER 1N Prince’s Organs & Meladeons, GEORGE E. DESBA RATS, . M03111“ A Copy of first number can he wen at [In 33cc. ’ 360-2 Svpt. 4. 1‘72. Fifty Acres Good Bush. ‘1 nroh VICTO RTA SQUARE! Village Lots for Sale. "HE SUBS‘CRIBER OFFERS FOR Dec. 4. 1879. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Fab, 72H. R572 714-” Lot 5.3rd Con. King, Richmond um. July I], I872. " HE SUBSCRIBER. OFFERS FOR, Mulch 1‘2. h73 DR. JAMES LANGST‘AFF. i;;‘,‘_;‘,.,;.';‘.,,' ICHM()\‘D HILL, WILL “""“"”' ‘ . il advix'u rmly he (Mind ul lIUIIlr' 1mm ' u m .1, MI. I) .. lm... My”... 1‘.........or :u .... L, "“ " . Superior Farm for Sale, _ EING LO'I‘ NO. 273, AIN __THE_SEC- Richmond Hi“. DH: ‘24. ICING THE EAST HALF OF LOI De“ irabi‘ Hours; and Lot for Sa’w, NULUCAS swmm‘, unturnmxv House and Lot for Sale. gum-ital finatrxmxmtfi, and cuucewsiou of Iha Township 0! Markham, containing NIPISS'NG HOTEL, MECHANICS' M \GAZINE, ggmmrm fur JAMES McNAlR. H. B. REESOR, MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. Richmond Hill P, (‘. 87‘2. 7501f To my. PHELIFHEK, B. REESUR HAS SUCCEEI IF‘TQ. Jpth GIIZ‘IJ'ZS MARKIIAM. WM. G. HINGS'PUN. Dingln I’. 0. ‘9. '3 l4 lr Notice. L0! 231. find "on Vnuz‘m Ah!) D. 'l‘. WOO'I‘I'TN. 7:17-tf' (:H A \V 171 5n I). 1. '72. 7.33 3m for Sale, 4211c: 7124-3! ‘ f:1l.~r~l\'rv- rmem nm In tin-v :n'u.‘ urclmg {ur mo ‘alul with my Innm‘lmigu hnd mwsanl I (team il miviwlhie to mu Nu- (mth on UH‘II‘ guard nga Ilh‘l am sm'h duropliuns I mml Mrnmtly unmmt n2] (1' ow who may read lhmlnlvmlisc mrm Hun IIIvY hn pleased. in Ilw puhln- mumh I. In mmqmlzm-uln {IIP pur- pm" 1»! llm 4mm“ In thrllimufi Ins-I Ihuv may Imlhaulvh’mldrdul'1119:! Inulmy In puwl'rsing \\‘ulllu'vh‘.\ iiniml'vns "1' the gnnnmu HOLLO- \vA\".~ l'lu s AN!) (hrs much I . I would ei>li. a< :1 final l'uvm'. =h~n xhunld x: comet-v Iiu lmuon-Jga- 1.1 may "mm-11 llv’” spu- mu> mmlivinosnrr Mung m» t- or suld in my ||:xlll¢<.ill!DFPIO‘IIN'd10\(>HH'IHI‘11H Hm {mucu- lu n.- hr can Clyllrl'l ['r'spOl'lInu Illa nhllle. HIM i? to mu}. t'w Imnu- 'ned ildnlvns nl' Im- vendor who :swlling llw split-mus medic-Hum. and like-~ “isn we .mnm mud mi- flaw of {he films» in vhe UniI-Id Slates. nr Q-lerwhm’o which may Mu osupplwd Ihmu. Nu m m mth me. for Ilu~ uwwclion (\l' Hm pulflir,lu inqinuu pr0~ e- dings "gums!s1u:!\evii~rlm-rs. and I engugu In rt-llmlwrnle vmr Iluudwnunly um person whn m v giw "launch qum-nmxinn. \he ill- hnnnm's immv m-vor Iomnq dlvuigmi Should nn‘ puvsvm huvu Immm m hn‘ieVG hnl he hm: Ivot‘ll dvm-ivr‘d |>_\' Muqu spurious euimliun- 0' Ihme Mt'lhl'llms he wil‘ (Ivy well wand um. I” n Imn-r m Ihl- mMn-s- ni fun: whirl: in- can do“ a cut I)! Six I'MII- m post' 39) "no.0" lho hunk- M .n.~lrm-nuu.~ which to mfixmi In tho mnm | nrnm: -|u «x-uuine :53, Oxford Street (hue 24 I,’.~'traud). - London. w CM. 8011?: L IU‘TL 6314!!! I‘lm rI-lm. prirns mam: Hu- laho'siu Brilili currunm‘. and nm’vn dnih's unr.‘ Poms. Nu rrpresmnnlivn nl' minn wi I ever lruvt through mn‘ pan or rhn numb l’mvinm-I e lhu U'uilvd Shula». oilhrl' In w“. nr Lo uh nrdvrs fur my l’lilsnn ()inlkut and a! ! huvv rum-nu In ho [iv-v:- Ilm' ado-mus wull very prnhahl} lm mmm 'n dui-eivo‘ (:1- (1. Win I'M (his way by Inn-suns I ang on .nmhrnw w-nduri. the i'liih nud (hulmem wequ uvl preparn-d with Hm nurt- i lmvv nlwny (insirwi. Thom who (in um \x'ixh In iw tin-«ivrd hv tuning spurious llll‘liil‘llll‘fl. u'lnt'ln mo mm Iilmh lumnnnnu- flu-m Iim Slnlesm aim.“ here. hul In pusw» tilt-mm-lrur Hi In: Ln-mlhnn Hal.- |.--w.\v‘.- I‘ll,» liva “mrmw'r. umnul'nc-tn'n’. by "H" in aniuu. I‘:IIQi-'4H(i Wiii (in wait (0 Run llznl unci) pm and h x iu-m: 1h:- British (an‘rn-xlum ~I5HIII‘ vn winiin i- m-gwd'uli liII \an'ds u Hm mu Av‘s PILLS .nn ~‘ numrr.” and tin! liw mum-s“... liw [fliil‘i “‘55:: UXE‘DKI S'rurzn. Lnuvox wiwrn only me} me manu- lacum-d. and in Imuliu'r In?!” 0' lim world an l I'ImVIMLs nr M)er AM”: .A. I beg mum ra mactf'uliy 10 m'qumul tho pub- wu! IIH' HIM II Nurlh Amulwnn man on hat in May. HTJ van-ed Hm Ins new m he Vlnirlen Linn», \nw ank, fur ihusnl: of H0!” (.uw-y’s I'll L- AM) \nxlmvr. -hu~.h \vo-ro up D [hm time p upiuml m Wlliinu‘ lbown. now dew-mud m lw chm-d. I mg'v-t In say that 1 av" rvmou In know that Hm 1mm xgflmvlll of law hllhhl.)$" Imd I'ur sun-Ir yunrs. and In runny ways, hm" m ‘sl Lnelupl. and H mm ha that the l'lllh nud (hulmem wum uvl preparn-d with Hm nurt- I lmvv nlwm‘ (insirvd, Should nn‘ puvsun huvu Immm m hn‘ieVG ha! he has Ivonn dch-ivr‘d |>_\' Innuqu spurious euiuniun- 0" Illuw hit-«humus he wil‘ (Iv) well wand m8. III a INN-r m Ihl- mMn-s- ni rum whirl: in- n du‘il a 0-41)! Six l'l'lll‘ m post' 39) "no.0" lho hrmk- M thl'ul‘tlulh which to mfixmi m xlu- 4mm | “rumm- In «x-uuine and mud n “vply. atrium; win-[her 1hr Hedi- mos am gullllilw or I..:x.-«- Hm: if spur nus hta an)" ap;:|\' in tho pow-(w fmm w’mm he pun Emmi [hum m haw his nmnmu-lmuird Chumisw and llaxrgglsm \vlm (twin! to ob- m llu- Mvdioinfi «my ’1' mva r' m the “mist whilvsu!» p. ih gnaw} imâ€" or Inn; 1mm.“ $"l' \vur |= -- viz A“ Gd . med 2325, \d 134*, “w duzun ‘mxo-e M t‘i=|~ nr mm: {s mum-m. leu. with «H discmml ['01 which uumm-P mus! lu- mm m advance.- I have the honor N ha. With mun" “um: MONTREAL TELEGHA PH COMPANY. .LVJ. mnnd Hih [’UM‘HI'M't . Unli'l’ .rlhc-r lllh‘f'flfiJht' man] at Hm ulfice as ("am ws M N B finch-rm 11mm ui lw Inudeu in l5 mimues fig/urr rlmmg. _...._ f, rv nlumvd .1 Tanqu :3 i'uilv-vrs: “V (‘mml'll Linn, cvun Mumfu'. . . . l’ LM. lh- l'mmdlinn him-.uw- ‘,.Illl‘\17'v_\ 5:51'1' H. N.“ lmtmr- tur Harwell-II by (in-m4 Imus Hf Swan-ms sImuH ln- .»‘u mark. 11 '1'le ratvuu ImIH-r rthv Unilc-(i Ki' gdnm (via Qunhoc in sumnxun and I’m-H-n-d In wine- W11,“-Imwn-durpdluliuem:pmgnz “vi-"If, l' mm um .\~u Yuk. ll mli bu " v|~ ppr ; nz, 'l‘Hmm runaway“; nifluoprunmn 'I‘l‘l" » ; n’ w nt mum." . u' insuffimew v pmnm' l'w-H- v. H10 :1 line of donbu: the Hun um n~ awful-fir” wastage. M TKF‘J‘ Y. l’unnumler. an Mm’ 4,1146!) I an} Iuhn arâ€"uuL-XI-l-adingiArm hnmirnd Inllnrs h} an y «um 'hqmsilm'.) will hf rmmlvvd. ll Ilu- lhchmund Hi“ "In! iHiice.rur,\leiu|| Guvnrnmcnl\viHlHow l nan-cu. FolinarliuuInnnlwl} m As :«Yl‘irn-ondu“ 1-(1 Email-s. u'l olhm ‘lmv he val Birds "‘V)ll'lt"‘_ ltvwwls ur I'Vl'll Zhu- nhmw nuti r-‘nljul‘h “I U.“ Vow val/m Kingjdmn qvngurr/‘nu/ [1,, run/[11mg \\ hi1"! hind.» :le‘ ma mung». n' ex >u-n mu as lu-ILinu van mve “(Mu l‘mn rlvsl "Hum w'mn lhis [mutipla mam-s Incl”. I'm l'i~('mH-r\ n! n-unn~ \\ hum -_\' Vilniih "IM‘ '10 su-lniuvll in liu- “Emu, hudy ii vndvml n lmmv In (in u'nr'd Mudm-u uhmnmln inn w-hli I'm! l‘~«- ques- uu --:ml4:ism-vrrm= 1va inva new v n Ism- my 1h:- hrnin. lrlhl‘L-S mud n- r\'»--. and finds IIHH hv Imrmhu-ilxg Ihow tug-mm“ w I1. prmmr ‘Ituporfinns the bum: 11ml ..elx’-)ll.~s).~'u-IIJ mo Juana-[wind This qlmn: 1e sulwmnisllx ’Hm basis nu u hit-h Pumw’s Hw wwsmllns is Ji-m'l Ml'llull i~ “pill the “mull U u Pfi'hlll and \In-vous Sun-m. nml IIH‘ Maw» s M-Iagzh- Ji-m'l Ml'llull i~ “pill the “mull U u Pfi'hlll and \Ifl‘VOII.\ Sub-m. illll IIH‘ Mnut'us Hangzh- ‘niug Hm nerver. n causes [in rapid dMnhu- [inn 0! Vimlizml “laud III {In- Mlmculm Urgzurl at' lhl‘ R ‘th Rowing lhll Slug~ sh H’Wsl‘l «rd Liver. h‘eugllwning 1|er M‘Iinn nl 1510 S'umm-h and "xuweh' um! nuahling lhu Lungs to be lituin- Baird wnll Ux_\yu-I. ll n: uv‘mm-d 1" r .u.l,cas~nx uf \\’or.kzms_p rm“! Hmm-inliuu. wheer :1.:'i.~ing fimu smlcumry Em. A ll‘oph'uh Ixmn’t l'rvno I'rwer nr urbmly I'm”) nnv cmwu. and (‘lfiurmmvn in' "Dunn- unv (Tumumrrms. many c-u-nf'rwed "us-or. HIVng [wen cure-d :Iml nH hmmfilwd. vile-re in In: my. lwun (minimum! (IV' 1' a (which I In Broxwiuxi» ii is u sprmfic. and Ill Amhan : LI:qu rnlit-f whme c-vura nlher rende faila. Var Nurvous UnbllHy i' stands IIIH‘IVHHBd, and "my ln- "Sud wnh (-nufiduure in a“ nus-es. Ail -hi.- is «mirmy disLIm-x and ddfuruni frum nun-y nlllor m'r-parauun ul' Hvymplmxphhes. In -arei’ul to ask for FI-LLUWs' SYIHIPdiIld tak: an nthor. P. 0. SA V’INGS RICHMOND " HILL ‘IIIII 0 R PRIN'I'YN": W uuutk m the YORK “$11!. l‘mzl-‘v is Hoverunmm Agumt‘or nesalanf 80h!) Bl’ A PUTHEUA RIES. l’rice'. $I-5ID: Six ['01 R750 L JAM HS l. I‘W‘IIJ‘AHVS.Chemist. (“-8 SI. Juhn. N U. Northern Mai}. Southern Mal" Sunlhern mm! Richmond Hill. fiwv ()ffico’m-Iru from 6:5“; A.“ lulhih" VJ“. Fellows’ ()c-mpound ’1' RUP OF UYPOPHOSPHITES. CII-MOND .- I 5; .3}? POST‘ HILL A OFFICE. EPOSITS 01“ ONE DOLLAR. (0R 4,1869 353-” AILS MADE UP AT THE 1’»!le quutk Caution” Caution!!! THE PUBLFOF Tm; BRITISH é). chntrtmwt. 0 3“v4- (“>nrfln4: ggfmnt 2&1 rang-me». MA "HI/l (ii-j I.II,‘I-.‘A'.\'Ii.\‘. ‘II the nuJN! T l-‘(lll ’I'HE BRITISH M.“ 1‘”th _\S»HOLLOWAY, mm "a NM 1; ( III-hp Bunk Nait'ihhlhklll. ' Mull‘lhfi. IV l‘G 'l‘ I'IICFY . [70“! must or . ." ’Illll‘\lf'v} 1:! l' 1' ,'~!. p'-:ll'|l by (’lt‘fit‘ Imus Hf .mlrih vi '(irHyv Unilmi Ki‘ gdr‘m r. and I’m-H-n-d m wine- NE NE AVI‘ AND ~ “'1! hrclusud 1)’ A A K. : I‘ M. r! quin- to tho mno of. A M. A. Ill.

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