ixUnianillé. Sales attended to on the short- Ihortut notice and on reasonable terms. Order: left at the Herald ofï¬ce for Mr. Car- tor’l service will be promptly attended to. J uno 27, 1867 Oflico at VVILLOWDALE, Yonge Street} the Township of Yoxk. New method of (Extracting teeth without pain, by the ule of Ether Spray,which meets the tooth only. The tooth and gum surrounding becomes insensihle with the external agency, when the tooth can be ex- tracted with no pain and without endanger- ing the life, as in the use of Chlox'oform. Dr. Robinson will be at the following places prepared to extract teeth Will his new ap- paratus. All ofï¬ce operations in Dentistry performed in a workmanlike manner : Aurora, lat, 3rd, 16th and 22d of onr‘h month Nowmarket..... .. 2d “ “ Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th “ “ Ht, Albert ..................... 15th “ †Thornhill. ... ..23rd “ ‘ ‘ (SUCCESSORS T0 W. W. cox,) UTCHERS, RICHMOND HILL, HAVE nlwa s on hand the best of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, ' cal, Pork, Sausages, &c., and sell at the lowest prices for Cash. Also, Corned and Spiced Beef, Smoked 311d Dried Hams. ROVINCIAL LA N D SURVEYOR, P Civil Engineer and Dranghtsman. Order: by letter should state the Concession, Lot and character of Survey, the subscriber having the old Field qutes of the late D. GIBSON and other surveyors) which should be consulted, in many cases as to original monuments, kci, prekus to commencing work. . All transitory ddvertisem‘éuts from regu- lar or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. ESTABLISH MENT. Odor: for any of the undermentioned dos, cription of will be promptly attended to : Fancy Bills, Business Cards, Circulars, Law Forms, Bill Heads, Blank Checks, Drafts, Blank Orders, Receipts, Letter Heads,Fancy Cards, Pamphlets, Large and Small Ponters, Ind every other kind of Letter-Press Print‘ mg. “fines, and Liquors, Thomhill. By yal Lottara Patent has been appointed 15- suer of Marriage Licenses. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Groceries, o than one year, insertion . . . . . Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 inches to be considered one column having made large additions to the print- ing material, we are better prepared than ever to do the neatest and most beautiful printing of every description. Corn-r of Young and Centre Streets East, In" constantly on hand a good assortment of Drugs, Paints, Perfumery, Chemicals, Oils, Toilet Soaps, Medicines, Varnishes, FancyArticles, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines “1d all other articles kept by druggists gunorally. Our stock of medicines Warrant- od genuine, and of the best qualities. Richmond Hill, J an 25, ’72 705 Richmond Hill, 9th and 24th Ht, Albert ..................... 15th Thornhill. ............ ....23rd Maple .......... ... .26th Burwick ....... . .. 28:11 Kloinbuxg.... “'29th Nobloton ...................... 30th Nitrous Oxide Gas always Aurora. Aurora, April 28, 1370 The highest market price given for Uuttlc‘ Sheep, Lambs, &c. One inch, one year... . Two inches, one year... Three inches, one year... Advertisements for a shorter penod Advortilementa without written direction ins‘ofich till. forbid, .amllgharged acyordingly. HENRY SMELSOR, icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Peel, Collector of N otes, Ac- oonuts, kc. Small charges and plenty to do. Lukay, Much 2, 18155 539-1y FARMERS’ 3001‘ AND SHOE STORE- Boots Mid shbes made to measure, of the but material and workmanship, >at the low- utiromgmrgtingkprriges: All lettefs addressed to the editors must be posts-paid. 3130K 6; JOB PRINTING Plain & Colored Job Work icon-ed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on the short- out notice and at reasonable rates. P. O. adglfou, Buttonvillo. OHN BARRON, manufacturer and dealer in all kin is of boots and shoes, 38 \Vest Mail-he’s qun :e, Toronto. N 0 paper discontinued until all aFrearages are paid ; and parties refusing papers with- out paying up will be held accountable for tho Ippncriptiou. RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, TIRMS: On-e Dollér .1)er annum in ad- vance, if not paid within two months, One Do‘lihr and Fifty ants {will be charged. And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mail: or_9ther ggnveyancei when so_de§ired: Tun YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most important Foreign and Local News and Markets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. Every Friday Morning, THE YORK HERALD Cheap Book and Job PrintinyEstablis/‘zment. Ju'y 8, 1873. Richmond Hill, Oct. 24, ’72 Toronto, Dec V3: 18674 Markham, July 24, 1868 icensed Auctioneer for the Counties of meK Mid Ontario. Residence~ - ,' 5.91130?! Karkhgm} ‘1‘." ‘0 _add_ress, Omenâ€"Yam: Sn, RICHMOND HILL uUBLISHER AND PROPBIETOR 0F TERMS: $1 :23 ANNUM m ADVUCE \V. H. A; R. PUGSLEY, VOL. XV. NO 4 A. ROBIESON’S, L. D. S FRANCIS BUTTON, JIL, ALEX. SCOTT, H. SANDERSON Jr. SON, ADVERTISING RATES PETER S. GIBSON, AUC'I‘I‘UNE E BS. I‘ll [£2 11 ERALD THOMAS CARR, " Tm: You}; Hunt.†DENTIST]: Y . I‘BOYRIETOBS OF THE BIEUGGISTB'. JOHN CARTER, IS PUBLISHED on hand at PER INCH G lï¬-tf 497 02 9| 755 The cholera on its march west- ward has reached Damuic, a seaport of Prussia, whore seven: cases are re- ported. It Would be W'bll fox- all cities to pubme for its possible visit. HIMNEY SWEEP. AND DEALER IN old iron, rags, &c., 87.0., Richmond Hill. All orders promptly attended. to. RCHITEUT, CIVIL ENGINELR, AND b‘m'veyor, Trust and Loan Buildings, cor- ner of Adelaide and Toronto streets, To- ronto. 719-tf \VM. MALLOY, BARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chln cery, Conveyancer, 65c. OFFICEâ€"N o. 6 Royal Insurance Building†Toronto street. Toronto, Dec. 2, 1859. 594 lesidenceâ€"Opposite D. Hopkim’s Stow, Cor. Yonge and Parliament ‘59}. Richmon‘l Hill. HE EXCELSIOR PUMP IS NOW manufactured by Mr. Peter Phillip], who has recommenced business in Richmond Hill, in the old plaoe, and who is now praplrod to ï¬ll all orders promptly. This Pump 1': [laziest Worked, Mont Durabla, and Neatesz Made in [In Dominion. It is so constructed with the castings of the handle as to make it all tight, therefor. preventing children from putting anything into it. The Subscriber would respectfully III- nounCe that he ’5 prepared to put in this Pump D Chancery, N otaries; ézo. OFFICEâ€"Court Street, Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Divmiou Court Clerk‘s Uliico, Rich- mond H111. Tues. K. MORGAN. HORACE Tnonxx. U ver \Vatches, Jewelry, bureet, Toronto. (Late of Duggan 5f Meg/mg) ARRISTER, ATTORNEYâ€"AT~LAW', SoLICITOP. m CHANCERY, CONVRYANCIR, &c., &c. Omen ;â€"No. 12 York Chambers, South- east Corner of Toronto and Court Struts, Toronto, Ont. UCOUNTANT, Book-Keeper, Convey- ancex‘, and Commission Agent for the sale or purchase of land's, farm stock, JUL, also for the collection of rents, notes and ac- counts. Charges Moderate. OFFICE ~Richmond srreet, Richmond Hill. 700-1 y Or if they are not preferred to any other pumg they may be returned, and the money will erefundod. These pumps are suitable for all dapthi, from a cistern to a. well of 150 feet. They are not liable to get out of repair, being double-valved, and the joints are all turned in a lathe ; consequently there is no lukqo n; the joints, which is invariably the cut withfgho cpmmon pump made by hand. All, orders from a distance promptly st- tended to, and medicine sent to any part of the Province. Also manufacture: a. ump for cistoms and shallow wells. Price, 6, compiato for cil- tern not exceeding 8 feet. Churn pumpl for cisterns, $3 each. Well digging done on the shortest notico. Addren, stating depth of well, ETERINARY SURGEON, Graduato of Toronto University College, corner of Yonge and Centre Sts. East, Richmond Hill, bags to announce to the public that he is now practising with H. Sanderson, of tho lama place, where they may be consulted anon- nlly or by letter, on all disouo: of on», cattle, «to. Horses examined a: to soundness, and All. bought and sold on commission. Richmond Hill, Jan. 25, 1872. 507 Pricé: $5 above platfémi, and 40 contl per foot bnlow. ONTRIAL 50R ONE MONTH, Sold by Druggists generally. The Dominion Worm Candy is the medicine to expel worms. Try it. 700-y Stand: permanently above every other Rom. dy now in use. It is invaluable. LSO, the‘ Pain Victor is Inftlliblo for j Diarrhoea, Dysontery, Flax, Colic, Cholera. Morbus, Pain and Cramp in the Stomach and Bowols, kc. Directions with ouch bottle and box. Manufucturad by _ H. MUS'EARD, __ D, US’I‘ARD’S Catarrh Speciï¬c Curu Lent. and Chronic cases of Catxrrh, N anni- gia,Headache,Colds,Coughs, Crou , Althmu, Bronchitis, &c., it is alsoa goo Soothing Syrup. Billiounnegs, Liver, Kidney Complsintl, 62c. AVE you Rheumatism, Woundl, Bruiul, 01d Sores, Cuts, Burns, Frost Bites, Piles, Painful Swelllngs, \Vhito Swollingl, and every conceivable wound upon man or beast ? January 15, 1873‘ November 12, 1872‘ Toronto, April 25, 1872. September 1, 1871 Oct. 14, ’72 March 12, 1873‘ (Ahdalut, Toronto Univern‘ £31,) HYSICIAN, SURGEON, 8:0“ Coroner for the County of Ycrk. J. SEGSWORTH, EALER IN FINE GOLD AND SIL- MORGAN 6:- THORNE, A}: R I S R S , SOLICITORS 1N Change of Business. FD WARD PLAYTEB‘ M.D., USTARD’s Pills are _thg poi-{ping y_ou ADAM II. MEYERS, JIL, \VAR RAN TED T W0 YE ARS, PATENT M E DIG] N hs. SIARD’S £1115 are the but ill: you can get _qu- Dyfgepsia, §ick _ gadnclp, EX!) ELSIO R PUM P. PROCLAMATION- (LATE nuns 5r. FOWLER.) J. H. SANDERSON, THE KING OF OILS F. WHITLOCK, D. C. O’BRIEN, And if accepted, 3. JAMES, PETER PHILLIPS, Richmond Hill . 743-ly Propl'ittor, Ingeréoll HORACE Tnonxx. ti 113 Yong. 756-ly 7644f 747-“ 684 “Ha, ha! that's good; decidedly the boat thing I’ve heard this long time. \Vhatl Mal: Bernard, the good looking, white handed mousurer of calico, going to farming!†jok- ingly laughed Hurry, seeming to think his Iriond was merely in sport. Iver since the pronounced decree that " by the sweet of a men’s brow shall be out,†there has been an unâ€" suspended effort by the majority of mankind. to skirk the responsibility upon the shoulders of other people. The desire to eat of the fat of the land witheut physical labor is uni- versal, and upon this one desire I ï¬nd that the general run of the human mind is emphatically unani- mous. Furthermore, riches alone can render that desire a certainty. Hence we see that he who toils the hardest is the one who denies himself" the most. He who is already far ahead on the road to wealth gradually 10050113 his purse-strings at the de- mand of luxury. Gradually, I say; that is, as the purse ï¬lls, the opening slowly increases in dimension. It was this desireâ€"inborn, as he believedâ€"that led Matthew Bernard to abandon the half-pay of a mer- chant's clerk, and seek for wealth in the earth ; to become an ngriculturist in reality, a farmer in deed. “is ex- perience I will relate, that it may assist some and decide others in the course they choose to pursue for the accummulation of money. “ Yea, I have done so, and am now looking out for a chance at something uite different†answered Matthew. ‘1 1 “ Well, Mat, I hear that ~you have thrown up your position in Yard- stick’s store,†remarked Harry Thomas to Bernard, on the street. “ What in particular have you in View 1’ †“Think I shall go upon a farm,†was the smiling answer. “You may laugh as much as you please, Harry, but that is the conclu- sion 1 have reached,†answered Ber- nard; and the look of determination on his face convinced Harry there was more truth than ï¬ction in his friend’s docisive words. “Well, if that be so, then I must say that I wish you much cannon and pleasure delving through the summer’s heat and winter's snow. But; Mantpardon me if I speak plaiu1y~I can’t; help thinking you are making a fool of yourself.†“N0 apology, Harry. I know well enough you mean right if you do in- dulge in torso terms; and as for be- ing a 1‘00], I think that l have sense enough to see that I can do better at twenty dollars per month on a farm than I can at twenty-ï¬ve in a store.†“Probably so,†answered Thomas, rather doubtlully; “possibly not. In mercantile business one has a chance of advancement; but a farmer’s man is only a. clodâ€"hopper all his life.†“ Oh, no! they are rich und'him all their work done. They spend their time as geptlemen, making farming a more pastime." “ Think you that Horsford 01' Ever- son are clod~hoppers?†asked Mat, us a smile passed over his counten- anco. “And yet I heard Even-on say, a few days since, that; be commenced as a boy at ï¬ve dollars a month and worked hls way up,†calmly answer- ed Bernard. “Then your mind is set on that line of business, while mine is bent on going through the one I am now in. Perhaps I may have to stand at the counter all my lile; but we will sec about that some other time,†said Thomas. “ When ? †asked Mat. “ If we both live, meet me in ï¬ve {Imus to compare notes," answered arry. “ Well, ï¬ve years henée we will HAMMERING IT THROUGH. The‘golden sun has sunken low Behind the old oak’s shade ; ’Tim summer twilight silvery glow In oaklaud’s qulet glade ; And sitting here beside him now, \Vith soul to joy awake, I don’t re rat I took him back, For lint e Lilliq’s sake. M£dnys had been as roses fair to I became his wife, ’Till then I never knew a cure, No shadow crossed my life. But, oh! how oft’ he caused my heirt To bleed beneath its pain. But still, fbr little Lillie’s sake, I took him back again. “ I know that he has left us oft, In sickness and inneed, Nor thought about our misery, Your tears he gave no head ; But should I never see him more My heart will surely break, Please, mammal, take him back again, Just once for Lillle’s sake.†When papa; drinks he’s cross to you, I know, my kindest mother, And sometimes cross, and cruel, too, To mo and little brother. But, mnmnn take him back once more, ‘Twill mks me feel so glad, For he is often good and kind, He is not always sad. PART I.’v-~THE TWO FRIENDS FOR LILLIE’S SAKE. BY R .P. ALLEE. RICHMOND HiLL, ONTARIO, CANADA. FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1873 Yet in ‘all these years the conï¬dence his employer had of his upright and steady attention to business was never mentioned to any one. Closely had he watched the ways of his clerk, and while he saw many things that did not suit- the fastidious tastes of an elderly man, he would quietly declare in his mind that “ boys will be boys," and so seldom intruded ad- vice to the one who sorely needed it. However, there \ 'ns one thing he did that showed in more than words the business opinion he entertained of Harry’s tact in being the best sales- men in the townâ€"he gradually in- creased his wages .until theyewere sufï¬cient for every needl'ul 'wunt, leaving a margin for savings. Four years had passed iiway since the two friends, Harry and Mat, had agreed to compare notes at the gm: of the ï¬fth, and iu" alll5 't‘his’_ n‘ 6 Harry had not lost sight of his de- sire t0 outrival ‘ his friend. The years had not accumulated much. although there was a balance in the hands of his employer. So, sitting upon the counter ono stormy day, when but few customers called, he became absorbed in a column of ï¬gures that he had pencilled upon some wrapping paper. 80 intent was he, that he did not notice the entrance of his employer, who stood with his back to the stove, closely watching Harry; but he soon advanced to Harry, saying :-’“ Thomas, how long have you been in my employ? †Many offers of easier employment and better wages were held out to Thomas, with a view to induce him to change his then situation, but; all in vain. “I am satisï¬ed as it is,†was his solo reply. And' so the months rolled into years; yet he kept plodding on, with some appar- ent object in viaw that he alone know 01. “About ï¬ve years, sir,†was the quiet answer, as he looked up from his calculations. The days lengthened into weeks the weeks run through months; and Thomas steadily applied himself to the never-ceasing round of a clerk’s or salesman's duties. Yards «)1 mus- lins, silks, prints, threads, needles and all the thousand articles usually kept in a prosperous country store, passed through his hand with monoâ€" tonous round. Sinirks for the gaudi- ly-dressed ~customers and hurrying olf with the more humble. Uniform courtesy to all won the good opinions of the many, until it became a gen- eral remark that Harry Thomas was the best salesman in the small county Village of Linton. “ Then you do not wish my ser- vices longer, I understand you to my '1 †queried Hurry, with a 11'011101' in his voice. “Five years is about as long as I would like to keep one clerk.†“Sir?†queried Harry, while 11 shadow pasmd over his face as though a. dread communimtion had been given him. “I said ï¬ve years was long enough for one person to clerk in this house,†coldly answered Binning, tho mer- chant. ' â€"â€"I might do something with my small capital that might increase it somewhat-and more, I have an en- gagement with a. friend to meet him in a few months now, to see which is the better business for a man to fol- low-â€"t0 show the difference between the accumulations of a merchant’s salesman and a farm laborer and 1 wish to outbalance him,†replied Harry, with a, smile. “No, I did not exactly say that. I wish to know if you have saved more of your wages than are now in my hands.†“ I have just been casting up to see how I stand, sir. I had a vague idea, not yet fully formch @hatupqrbaps “Well, Thomas, I too have been ï¬guring, and I see I have paid you a trifle over twenty-three llunured dollars since you came here.†“Yes, sir; and out of that I have saved about; nine hundred.†“That is fairly done; still I can- not help thinking it might have been more," replied Binning. Matthew Bernard was an orphan dependent upon his own energieq for support. Harry Thomas could boast of parents in independent circum- stances but not Wealthy. They mov- ed in good society, and had their sphere of social influeucc. PART II.-â€"-HAi".RY THOMAS, FIVE YEARS “Just what I am trying to get at, and cannot yet see how I can do much better than I have. If you can show me in what way I can save a greater average than 1 have already done, I shall feel gl'euly thankful for the in- formation.†“I do not know but you have done well enough upon your wages; but I have thought you might so invest it as to. bring- in a littleâ€"I mean, make your money earn something for it- self,†was the merchant’s anmver. “Place it at interest, or how ed Harry. cauit the balance, but remain friends as of old, in the interim.†“ Certainly; good day.†“Good day," answered Barnard. And the two friends entered upon their diverging roads to wealth. each with a be e and desire to excel the other's ba ance sheet. ask- In Dublin I ï¬rst visited Shops on the other side of the water, and the very ï¬rst thing that. strikes an Ameri‘ can ii the promptness with which he is served, the civility with which he is treated, immense assortment and variety oi‘goods and the elfort of the salesman to do everything to aceom~ modate the purehasor. They seem to say. by their actions, “we are put here to attend to buyers’ wants; to serve them, to wait upon them, to make the goods and the establishment att active, to sell goods, and we want to sell goods.†0n the other hand, in our own country, the style and man- ner of' the clerks are too often that of' “ I’mjust as good, and a little better, than youâ€"buy, if you want, or leave â€"we don’t care whether we sell or notâ€"it‘s a oondescension to inform you of our prices; don‘t expect any attention.†The variety of goods in the foreign shops is marvellous to an American; one pattern of color not suiting, dozens of others are shown, or anything will be made at r. few hours’ notice. Herein Dublin are the , great Irigh poplin manufactories, and, in these days of higher prices hardly‘ any American lady leaves Dublin i without adress pattern, at least, of this elegant material. The ladies of my party, were crazy with delight over the exquisite hues, the splendid quality and the low price". Notwitle standing the stock, the hue to match ; the pattern a lady had in her pocket‘ was not to be had. “We can make you a dress if yor can wait, madam,†said the polite shopman. “ of exactly the same color as your sample.†“ We can deliver it to you in eight or ten days.†“How long will it take you to makeit?†“O, I shall be in London, then,†said the lady. †That-makes no diii’erence, madam. We will deliver it to you anywhere in London, carriage free.†And so, indeed it vas delivered. rl‘he order was left, sent to the factory by the shopman, and at the appointed time delivered in London, the lady paying on delivery the same rate as charged for similar qualities of goods at the store in Dublin, and having the enviâ€" able satisfaction et'showing the double l p0 31in that was " made expressly to or erâ€â€" one dress patternâ€"in Dublin. I mention this transaction to show what pains are taken to suit the purâ€" chaser, and how any one can getwhat he Wants abroad it he has the means to pay. This is owing chiefly to the different way of doing business, and also to the sharper competition in the old country; For instance, the ’a- eifie Mills of Lawrence, Mass, would never think of opening a retail store for the sale of their goods on \Vash- ington street, Boston ; and, it'un Eng- lish lady failed to find a pie ot‘, goods of the color that suited her, of manufacturing sixteen or eighteen yards to her order, and then sending it free of express charges to New York. The qualitity and variety of goods on hand. are overwhelming; the prices in comparison to ours, so very low that I wanted to buy a ship- load. Whole stores are devoted to specialities~â€"the beautiful lrish linen in every 'ariety, Irish bogwood ear"- ing in every conceivable form, braee~ lets, rings, ï¬gures, necklaces, breastâ€" pins, 29;. I visited one large establish- ment where ever y species of dry goods, fancy goods, haberdasheryand, I think, everything but ezttables, were soldâ€"“three hundred and ï¬fty sales- men were employed, the proprietors boarding and lodging a large number of them on the premises. The shops in Dublin are Ver ' ï¬ne, the prices lower than in London undthe attend- ance excellentâ€"~le Trfp to Europe. v Thus far, all lmd been pleasant sailing with IlarryThomas. lIis Cup of Plohty seemed not to cease flowing. [TO ma CONTINUED] â€".*-"~-“_â€"'=>‘°04 Irish Poulins. “Consider it†he did, and the result was he purchased the stock and goodwill of the establishment his employer had referred to, and with the assistance of Binnng he was enabled to re1)leI)isli"l)is stock so thorougth that he had ‘no just reason to complain about his matting up, al~ though being some encumbered with liabilities. “Exactly so; and yet I think I can see an easy way for you. There is a small country store at: the Point, seeking a purchaser, and 1 be- lieve your nine hundred will enable you to effect a purchase. If you can do so, I am willing to aid you some- what in getting started.†“I will consider the subject, sir,†was Harry’s quiet answes as the merchant turned away. “Invest in some business, and go on in your own responsibility.†“Nine hundred will not go far after paying the necossary expense of ï¬tting up,†modestly replied Harry. The Basis of Union Iafd down by the St. John, N. B. Conference has been adopted by the Canadian Pres- byterian Assembly. Heads of' religious orders havcf'orm~ ally protestgl against the B. ll for b‘upâ€" preSsion 9f Religious Corporutlons in Rome. The prikost docs‘not seem of m‘trbh we» A fatal accident occurred on the Midland railway, ahoutï¬lnvnn mflnn south of" '11in ’Wedues- day last; one man reported killed and another scrit‘msly injured. Guelph purposes asking the Gover- m’n‘-Gcnez‘al and Lieutenant-Governor [lowland to be present at the opening of their exhibition on the_l 6th of Sept). next. The debt of Jugzm is set forth at $104,000,000, and the resigning Fiu~ :Luce Minister says a. national ï¬nance collapse may be looked for at any mo- ment. Mayor Cassidy, of Montreal, is dead. He was electezl to the local representaâ€" tion of Montreal West at the lust elec- tion, and also chosen Mayor of the City of Montreulmfur the pmscnt year. The two most precious things this side the grave are our reputation and our life. But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon of the other. “'I’d rather not take a horn with you,†said a loafer to a mad bull; but the bull. insisted on treating him to two, and the loafer got quite high. A painter, being asked to estimate the cost of painting a. certain house, drew forth pencil and paper and made the following calculation : “ A naught; is a naught- ; three into ï¬ve twice you can’t; l'il paint your home for ï¬fty dollars.†The Sultan of Zanzibar has signed a trency with Great Britain for the. sup- pression of the slave trade, which was negotiated by Sir BAu'tle Fl'ero. Frederick Ludwig George Von Kan mcr, the eminent; Gorumu historian, has died at the advanced age of 92 years. “ Men are what VVOincn puke Them,†is the singular title of a new book. It may be true, but we have seen some dreadfully poor specimens of L110 nmnuï¬xctured article, which fat-t reflects either upon the mzugerial or the maker. Arrangements have been made by which money orders can be issued be- tween the Dominion and British Indian Islands. A curious discipline is enforced at, revival meetings, where the reverend preachers notify to the speakers in the beginning: “ 11' any man attempts to make a long speech, he will be sung down on the spot.†A Jersey paper describes a man as being " as sociable as a batch of candi- dates two weeks before election.†The health of Emperor \Villimn con- tinues very precarions, and absolute quiet will be required to 01-foot a resto- ration. “Josh Billings †is said to have :11- rcndy made $1,000 clear of all debts, by his humor. A French lady, on her arrival in this county ', was uu‘eful to out only such dishes as she was acquainted with; and being pressed to partake 01' {L dish new to her. she politely re- plied: “No, [thank you; I out only my acquaintance.†The Pope has completely recovered from his indisposition. John Camden Hotten, the English publisher, is dead. ' The‘Ourlists have begun to levy taxes on towns in their possession. A young man askod :1 young lady her age, and she replied: “ Six times seven and seven times three added to my ago will exceed six times nine and four, as double mv age exceeds twenty.†The young man said he thought she looked much older. A. Ministerial crisis; has occurred in Japan. The Ministry has resigned, and as there are serious complaints of excessive tixation, in consequence of the introduction of new schemes by the Government, the unfortunate Cabinet may probably roccive orders to commit hart km‘i. A quarter of a million ï¬re has oc- curred at Toledo, Ohio. Victoria Woodhull is reported in a very critical state of health. The American Departments at the Vienna Exposition are now open. Gen. Chanzy has been appointed governor of Algeria. Danish Immigrants are arriving in New Brunswick. The Ex-Empress Eugene is re- ported to be in Paris. British cities are competing for a visit from the Shah. Mr. T. N. Gibbs 11:13 been swam) in member of the Privy Council and Post- 11133Lur~G eneral, and Hen. Alexander Campbell, ex-Postmzisher-Genera1, has been appointed to the Bureau of Minisâ€" ter of the Interior, It is new deï¬nite- ly understood that Mr. Masson, of Torrebonne, will be Minister of Militi: . CONDEMNED SERMON.â€"- The iaie Dr. Cielund, an eminent statistical writer, of Glzwgoxv,1'eiated that a :riminal, :it'Le ' attentively listening to the con- demned nermon which proceeded his execution, turned to a companion and remarked, in Dr. Clelund’rs healing. “ A ver ' good sermon, but rather we p'dl‘sb'n'a .†ThoEmperor William is indisposed. News Items. " Teefm Esq. We admire punctuality, and We can have but little patience with those persons who are so regardless of it, even in little things, as to continually break their word, under the impres- sion that “It is of no consequence, it will all be understood and amount to the same thinsr in the end,†as many often say, to excuse their everlasting habit of being false to their word. There are some people who seldom or never do as they promise. They hub- it'uate themselves to promise anything and everything, without the least thought 01‘ fulï¬lment. We could name some persons of this sort, who in other respects are worthy people; but they cannot command conï¬dence, because their word is not regarded. We can mention young men of prom- ise who are cov stantl y losing ground with LLVZ. ~l\l\|\usy‘AA\r|tlA\/\/u‘, bury-1' ‘1_' being inattentive to their obligation} and promises in little things. A man will soon ruin himself in this way. In all business transactions, in all in-. lOX'CO'dl‘b‘O with friends, in all engageâ€" ments, let all do exactly as they say «he punctual at the minute. That is the way to make other people so, and to make them trust us. Mr. W. C., of' Elliott City, a con ceited snob, was so fond of ï¬ne cloth ing that he revelled in them by day and dreamed of them by night. Ono evening he visited a lady, and as he removed his overcoat, 010., in the hall preparatory to entering the parlor, the lady overheard him utter the fol- lowing words. Taking his overcoat and hanging it' up, he said: “ Han, there, you ï¬fty dollar overcoatl' Pulling otl' his gloves, and laying them on the table: “Lie there, you live dollar gloves 1 †Placing his hat on the rack: ‘ Hang there, you ten dollar hatl †Putting his came in the corner: “Stand there, you ï¬fteen dollar 11110 H’ Then entering the parlor, he was about to sit down, when the lady pulled the chair from under him, and as she left the room Mild : “ Lie there, you two cent fool! " He has not been seen round that howe since. Irish claim originality in about everything, and certainly their no- tions of justice are odd enough. At Ballinakill quarter sessions, a short time ago, a woman named Ellen Moore, was indicted for having stolen a shawl. Evidence having been given in support of the charge, the jury re- tired to consider their verdict. After a considerable lapse ot'time one ot'tho jurors was observed to emerge from the room in which they Were conï¬ned, and to be about leaving the court. He was immedi::tely stepped by the deputy clerk of the peace, who asked him where he was going ? "Ah, hegor," replied the juror, “lwouldn’t stay there, they’re all boxiu' and ï¬ightin’ inside.†Notwithstanding [his painful state of atfairs, the juror was ordered back to the room and a constable placed at the door to pre- vent the escape of any ofthe survivors ol’the fray. At last the prisoner was found guilty, and the verdict being delivered the jury were discharged, when one of them was heard to reâ€" mark, “Only 1 threatened to ‘lick' him he'd never agree.†The only ob- jection to the system of jurymen thrashing each other into harmony is that skill in the noble art of selt‘ode- fence \Vlll of course give immense ad- vantage to any juryman who may pessess it, and that weight and mus- cular development will also have con-. siderablo influence over their deliber- ations. Besides, there is the risk that after a long period of deliberation nothing may be loi‘tol‘ them but a few bones. From Achley, Town, last week ah- seonded Charles lieiiik, merchant. He took $4,000 with him, but he left also I a good deal behind him in the shape of a Wife, two children, and debts to the amount of $5,000. He has kindly written from Kansas City to say that his wife need not give “herself the slightest uneasiness, as it is his intenâ€" itimi never to return, so that matters inniy be considered settled if the debts lure net. These he requests his father- iu-law to pay out of his own pocket, which is about the c'oolest proposition i eve;- made to a father. '1‘ ho Danbury News wants to know, if you over saw a man ï¬sh around in the bottom of r. uh of water for a piece of soup. At the ï¬rst he simply reaches Jown upon it to pick it right up, and is very much surprised to ï¬nd that he hasn’t got it. ‘lhen ho approaches it more cautiously, put his hand over it, and then comes down noiselessly till he gets every ï¬nger about it, and then squeezes it tight, nndvâ€"nxisses it. He looks at it fora moment before making another eï¬â€˜ort, and ï¬lls up the interval with afew remarks. The third attempt is a sort of semi-circle, described with a great deal of sagacity, but is a failure. Other remarks follow. Then ho makes a succession of (lives and slops tho wa- ter over his clothes, and (lrenches the carpet, and, catches hohl of the soap sev- eml times, and lots go of it again, and scr sums at the top of his voice, and ï¬nally, in ’perfect despuir, sits down on the {loo ' and actually howls. Termszâ€"Om Dollar per Anmun in Adams. TE E YORK HERALD \IJILLISHED AT THE OFFICE Issued \Veekly on Friday Morning. 1’0on ST., RICHMOS'D HILL One Idea. of Justice. ALEX. Soon, Pnorxm‘l‘ox. Dropping a. Fop. Punctuality. WHOLE ,NO. ~"('79.