Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Jul 1873, p. 2

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any. “a! 4;. .‘x': - r ‘ ‘ ill. RICHMOND HILL, JULY 11, 1873. ‘ 2w”; Elle Igor Mara ed, Sir Hugh Allen hastens to explain their meaning. We never had a doubt gard to these charges, and the letters and afiidavit. confirm our expressed Opinion of three months ago. The ,Premier’s grand aim is to so guide the helm of 'afâ€" fairs as to culminate the grezit and glo- rious work of uniting the British pos- sossions on this continent in one compact and influential confederacy, to be in the future the Great Britian of America! The work is all but completed, and we trust Providence to spare his life for that great end. Of one thing we are sure; he will not be “ turned” aside from his purpose, by the machinations and treaâ€" sonable utterances of his personal and political enemies. THE PACIFIC RAILWAY SCANDAL. In the Globe of Friday, the 4th inst., the readers of that paper were favored with the letters, said to be the evidence with which they were prepared to estab- lish the notorigus charges made by Mr Huntington, in the Commons, anent the Pacific Railway Contract. The indict ment has been read by the public, and if the Grits have nothing further which will bear stronger evidence in substantia- tion of the charges lhat have been made, and it is reasonable to look for their best cards first, we must say that Mr Brown’s effort to make out his case has ended in smoke. Those letters are said to have been purchased, by Grit subscriptions, from one McMullen, for the modest sum of $25,000. Admitting their truthful- ness, and Sir Hugh says he wrote them to his American friends, there is not a Sentence the purest Grit could distort into evidence that would implicate Sir John Macdonald or any one of his Gov- ernment, as having baser sold the'char. tor for a large sum of money; in fact, those letters prove the contrary. They state that the writer, Sir Hugh Allen, did spend money, if he did all that he says he did in one of his letters. V He hoped to secure suflicient French in- fluence ,to obtain the charter, and he did what? Project the railway from Montreal to Quebec, and secure a conâ€" trolling interest in it. Em ploy several young lawyers to write it up. Subsi~ dize the newspapers. Go everywhere throughout the country spending with a. liberal hand. “Make friends of the priests.” And finally form a. Commit- tee to “influence members of the Le- gislatrire. ” The letters prove not only that Sir John Macdonald's Govern- ment neither received, nor ever were proâ€" mised a single dollar, but that Sir Hugh and his American friends were “ all right with the Globe ;” or in other words that Sir Hugh had secured its influence for the project, and that in addition $50,000 worth of the Railway stock had been set apart for George Brown-' â€"Sir John’s accuserna person of ‘whom it is said, received $20,000 on a former occasion for shirking what he, at an hour previous, considered his duty. The whole of the charges have been levelled at Sir John Macdonald, and 10! when the stolen letters come to light it is Mr Brown whose'price had been ascertained, Mr Brown'who had been bought to agree to co-operation with the Americans. Sir John Macdonald was not insulted with being priced. l ‘A FEW QUERIES. If Sir John Macdonald’s Government sold themselves to the Yankees, why did the said purchasers not receive the Can- adian Pacific Railway Charter ? Can there be found, ofwhatever nation- ality, not to-speak of the money-loving Americans, I set of men so foolish as to pay $356,500 for a thing they never re- ceived ? If the Yankees boght the Canadian Pacific Railway Charter, why do they not furnish the money for building the road? and why is Sir Hugh Allen com- pelled to go to England as the only place in which he can obtain the money for that purpose ? ' Why did Sir Hugh Allen in his allot- ments of stock in the proposed Pacific Railway Company set apart $50,000 to the Hon. George Brown ? and as long as there was a prospect of Sir Hugh’s Yankee friends obtaining the charter, why was be “all right with the Globe?” When that prospect was efi‘ectually ernment deciding in the interest Of the country that the much coveted charter should be exclusively Canadian, why did meuceto rail with all the low language at his command, at Sir John being sold to the said Yankees? In the appropriations mentioned in Sir Hugh Allen’s letters, where does ONE of the Ministers of the Dominion Governâ€" ment appear ‘1 Why were those of the above mentioned letters which would exoulpate Sir John left unpublished by the Globe? If the Yankees were not disappointed by Sir John Macdonald refusing them ' the Pacific Railway contract, why have they been induced to give up Sir Hugh’s letters, thus cutting their connection with that gentleman and literally throw- ing up the contract for $25,000, the price said to be paid by the Grits for thoSe precious missives ? Why have Messrs Blake and Dorion refused to act as a Royal Commission, when they could thus place the whole evidence before the country ? And why is Sir John so anxious to have an inquiry if the charges are true ? We would like to have these queries answered by the Globe or its satellites. On the day following, Saturday, we have in the Mail a sworn affidavit of Sir Hugh Allen. It gives the full account of the letters referred to above, and like- wise some correspondence that has been suppressed by the enemies of Sir John ~ Macdonald. The following one of the letters proves all that is required with regard to the posifion of the Government in this matflr, and it is with them and the Huntington oh'srges we have to do , up to the present time. The letter reads thus: ‘ MY DEAR. MR MCMULLEN,â€"â€"No action has yet. as far as I know, been. taken by the Government in the matter of the Pacific Railroad. The opposition of the Ontario party will, I think, have the effect of shutting out our American friends from any participation in the road, and I apprehend that all negotiation is at an end. It is still uncertain how the contract will be given; but in any case the Government seem inclined to exact a declaration that no foreigners will have directly or indirectly any interest in it; but everything is in a state ‘of uncertainty, and I think it is unnecessary for you to visit New York on this business at present or at all till .you hear what the result is likely to be. ‘ Public sentiment seems to be decided that the roads shall be built by Canadi- TAKING HIMSELF OFF. .â€" We understand Mr George Brown proposes leaving for Europe on Saturday next. It is unfortunate for Mr Brown that he should deem, it necessary to leave the country at this time. His name has been prominently mixed up in a trans- action which reflects but little credit upon him. If there should be an inves- tigation of the charges preferred by Mr Huntington it is quite evident thtit Mr within the reach of the Committee. Is be afraid of the further revelations which are in store for a public already surfeited with sensations ? There doubtless are a good many reasons why Mr Brown should take himself off, and the Canadian people will not be slow to indicate them if Mr Brown persists in shirking the en- of the innocence of Sir John with re- crushed by Sir John Macdonald’s Gov- George Brown then, and only then, com- Brown must be put on the standâ€"â€"-if ans only. ‘ Yours, truly, ' (Signed) ‘ HUGH ALLAN. ‘ G. W. MOMULLEN, Picton, Ont.’ quiry. We shall say no more until we see whether Mr Brown really leaves the countryâ€"Mail. a The Globe places great stress on the “menetary conditions” on which the charter was said to be obtained, but the expression is interpreted as referring to the financial conditions .imposed by the charter. The expression is used to es- tablish the charges against the Govern- ment, but Sir Hugh Allen has sworn in reply to the accusation, that: HORSE STEALING.â€"â€"A man named J no. Hardy was arrested on Monday last on a. charge of having stolen a horse, the property of his employer, Alfred B. Lamb of Mimico,Township ofEtobicoke. It appears that the prisoner abstracted the animal during Sunday night, and arrived at the Hotel of Mr Collins, Queen street west, with it early on Monâ€" day morning. He remained there until the arrival of business hours, when he entered into negotiations with the landâ€" “With regard to the construction .which appears to be placed upon the statement in the letters referred to as to the preliminary expenses connected with the character, I state most positively and explicitly that I never made any agree- mentor came to any understanding of anyylcind or description with the Govern- ment or any of its members as to the pryment of any sum of money to any one, any way whatever, in consider- receiving the contract for the ation of Canadian Pacific.” And again : “ I did not on any occassion or in any way, pay or agree to pay anything what- ever to any member of the Government, or to any one on behalf or at the instance of the Government, for any consideration whatever in connection with the chm-tel or contract, as may be gathered from the letters in question.” Could there be any doubt as to the no meaning of the words we have quot- lord for the sale of the horse, and being anxious to dispose of him agreed to sell the animal’s value. The price being absurdly low, suspicions were awakened in the mind of the buyer, who after giv- ing the man $1 as an earnest of the bar- gain, sent for the police, Detective Reid f soon arrived and the two soon proceeded in the direction of the tavern of Mr Mc- Dowell, to whom Mr Collins had been referred by the seller of the horse as one who could vouch as to its ownership. On the way thither they met Mr Mc- Dowell and the owner of the horse com- ing to the city to recover it, and when the thief subsequently returned for the balance of the purchase money the de- tective officer arrested him and conveyed him to the City Hall lock up. him for $50, which is about one-third of “fir: .-. let’s about. Elli Our Village Council meets on Monday evening next, the 14th inst. VITAL STATISTICS. â€"â€" Twenty-four deaths, fifteen births, and eleven marria- ges were registered in the ethos of the Toronto City Clerk for the week ending the 28th ult. THE ASYLUM.â€"-â€"There are now about 630 patients in the Lunatic Asylum, TorOnto. The grounds have been beau- tifully arranged for the summer, and it is hardly necessary to say that the in- terior is a picture of cleanliness. There will be a lacrosse match between the juvenile clubs of Thornhill and Rich- mond Hill, on Saturday (to-morrow), at at two o’clock, p.m., on the fair ground in this village. And the return match between the juveniles Ofl’atterson and Richmond Hill, will be played at the former place on Monday next. DISCHARGED VOLUNTEER "About forty discharged ‘men of the Manitoba Volunteer Force arrived in Toronto on Monday last, under command of Col. Sawyer. The detachment left Fort Garry on the 14th of last month, stop- ping a week at Fort Francis, and reached Toronto from the latter place in six days’ travel. ‘ \â€" TORONTO YOUNG MEN'S CHRIS-l TIAN ASSOCIATION. CORNER. OF QUEEN AND JAMES S'rs., TORONTO, JUNE, 1873. To Parents, Guardians, Pastors, and others whose Sons, Wards, or Friends may be Toronto. The Young Men’s Christian Association take pleasure in informing their friends and the Christian Public generally Of the facili- ties for usefulness whi‘ch they now enjoy. Their beautiful and commodious building, with as Halls, Library, Free Reading Room and Gymnasium are intended at once to in- vite and improve all young men who enter. Prayer Meetings, Literary and Musical En- tertainments are frequently held and open to all. Parents, Guardians, Pastors, or others who have young friends in the City or about to come to it, are invited to urge them to come to us. A Reception Committee has been formed, the members of which gladly call on all strangers whom they may hear of from those interested. Communications from friends at a distance are gladly re- ceived. ‘ Yours repectfnlly, Tn'os. J. WILKIE, Secretary. r glut Silvrrtiarauula, O A PPRENTICE WANTED. Wanted. an apprentice to lho printing busi- ness. Apply at this office. N 0 TICE. HEREBY FOR-HID ANY PERSON I or persons Hashing my Wife, Sarah Har . or any of my famIIy, they having left me with- out any just cause. HENRY HART. Bultonvllle. July 7. 1873. 78l-3 NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. LL PARTIES :‘IRâ€"E HEREBY CAU- lioned againsl l"espassi0g 011 Lot ‘23, on the 2nd concession of Vaughan. as they will be prosecuted Will the utmost rigor of the law. ROBERT ME'l‘CALF. Vaughan. July 10. 1872. 78l-lf UNICIPALITY 0F RI C HM O N D HILL. Bilâ€"LAW NO. .8, For restraining or regulating the running at large of any animals or poultry. and providing for impounding them, (be, dad, (he. BE IT nuscrno B! THE COUNCIL or ran Con- rcru'rlou RICHMOND HILL: 1. That from and‘after the passing of this By-Law. the following domestic animals shall be restrained and wholly prohibited from Inn- ning at large. viz : Horses, Bulls. Cows or olher such caule,Rams, Pigs of everv de- scription, Geese. Turkeys and all other poultry. 2. Any of the aforesaid animals 01' poultry found running at large may be noslraiucd or seized by any person, and delivered to the pound~_keeper. 3. The Pound-keeper shall receive and take every such animrl referred to In section one of this By-Law, when so delivered to him as aforesaid, and shall collect for the use of the person so dolivcdng such animal or poultry to him, in the some manner as provided by law for the recovery of damages by Pound-keepers, the respective sums following. that is to say: For each Horse. 25 cents; each Bull or Ox, 2.3 cents; each Cow. IO cents; each Goose or Gosling, 2 cents ; and shall pay the same when collected to the person delivering such animal to him. 4. In addition to the foregoing. the pound- keepor shall receive and be paid the followin’g fees for the duties hereinafter mentioned, whether such duties be performed under the general law of this Province. or under this or any other By-Law. that is to say : For receiving. For feeding. Each Horse. . . . . . . . . . . . $0.50 950-5” 11 day " Bull or Ox . . . . . . . 50 30 “ " Cow or other like Caltle . . . . . . . ‘ 30 30 " " Pig over 30 lbs. . . . 20 12% “ " Pig under 30 lbs . . 10 5 " " Goose or Gosling. . 5 2 " 5 The dulles and powers prescribed and conlaincd in the general provisions of the Act respecliug Municipal Institution, relating to ['ounds and Poundskeepers. l’essed 19th May, l873. M. TEEFY. Clerk. A. LAW, Reeve: ISCELLANEOUS BOOKS SUITA- ble for presents at the HERALD Book 1 Store. LB L E S O C I E-TY DEPOSI'TORY (Richmond Hill branch) at the HERALD Book Store. given by this By-Law are in addition to thoseI galactllamva Painting. r HE SUBSCRIBER BEGS TO NOTI- fy the public that he has recommcnced business at HOUSE PAINTING I In all its branches, and from his experience, careful attention, and moderate charges. he hopes to receive a share of the public patronv aga- All orders by mail promptly attended Io. JOHN LUMLEY, Church Sh. Markham Village. J auuary 8, I873. 755-Gm List of Letters EMAINING IN THE RICHMOND ‘ Hill Post Cfiiee. lst July 1873: Brillingcr, Jonathan Byers. J. T. Braxel, John Bond. John '1‘. Baker, Mikel Beers, J N. Clark. Melinda Carpenter, George Clafl'y. Katie Drummond, Janat Deadman. Jghn Finuie, Peter Gardhousc. James Gray. David Hall, Thomas Hacking. John Jackson, Hannah Kely. Hattie Kirkland, James Keall. Frank Lndford. Mary Ann McBride. John Mchlan. Alex. McRse, John Nigh, Jonathan Nigh. Enoch, Railte. Robert Rumble. Edward Rogers, Josiah B. Roaman. Daniel S. Scene; Margret Sexton of Church. Sexsmilh, George Scott. Rev. J . Wright, A. ”’ Wilmot, J. Wheaton M. TEEFY. Ll. AGENTS WANTED. 2 Good Agents required to canvass Mark- ham and Vaughan with a new and what will be a very popular book. None but live busi- ness men engaged. Exclusive territory. Ap- piy at the Herald Office. STRAY.-â€"CAME INTO THE PREM- . . ises of the Subscriber. Lot 42. rear of let Con ,Vaughan, about two months ago, ' A Eweflnd two Lambs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. WILLIAM LUND. Vaughan, June‘ 27. 1873. 779. Santa, Stationery. 8w. leaving home for residence in the Oily of GAMES, TOYS, 3140,, FUR, SALE AT the HERALD Book Store. TATIONERY OF ALL KINDS AT the HERALD Book Store. I)APER BOOKS OF ALL KINDS AT _ the HERALD Book Store. " ORK BOXES, ALL SIZES, AT the HERALD Book Store. ESLEYAN HYMNS, ALL SIZES, at the HERALD Bo ok Store. EWELRY! JEWELRY! FOR SALE cheap at the HERALD Book Store. C H O 0 L REQUISITES OF kinds at the HERALD Book Store. :45 LL AIR, TOOTH, NAIL, a CLOTH brushes'at the HERALD Book Stbre. C o N C I N A 3, WITH SELF-IN ell-actor. at. the HERALD Book Store. GOLD PENS, PENHOLDERS, AND pencil cases al. the HERALD Book Store. OETICAL WORKS, OF ALL THE ‘difl‘eroul pools. at the HERALD Book Store. : MUSIC! MUSIC! MUSIC! A LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW ENGLISH MUSIC 1 AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND HILL. DON’T FAIL TO MAKE A NOTE OF IT! W IRVING’S FIVE-CENT MUSC. NO. 1, ‘f M OLLIE DARLING.” NO. 2, t l “I HAVE NO HOME.” I AT THE HERALD BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL. OCKET BOOKS OF ' ALL KINDS at the HERALD Book Store. » 4» 9"» 7- ~ atrocities, 8m " gtgrltvltuml m! 1~~r ‘ m‘ «4' FRESH ARRIVALS . AT THE PEOPLE’S STORE. The subscriber wishes to announce that he has JUST RECEIVED A. Large and Varied Assort- ment of CROCKERY & GLASSWARE, CONSIS'I'ING 01' 0 BREAKFAST, DINNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS.- ALSO ANOTHER LARGE LOT 05‘ FFUURRNNIITTUURREE I AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Which will be sold DECIDEDLY CHEAP. IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES AND LIQ UORS, We have our usual LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, Which cannot be surpassed in Price or I Quality. FLOUR 62. FEE!) KEPT CONSTANT- LY ON HAND. V A Call from all is SoliCiled. P. G. SAVAGE. grading. %. M. w SURGEON DENTIST, Residence at Aurora, Ont. Particular attention paid to Children’s tooth, and also to Gold Filling. A stock of beautiful teeth alwav on hand and all work warranted. Mr. Wells will visit the following places, on lhe_days mentioned. Markham, on the 8th day of each month. TORONTO AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE l 132 Adelaide Street East. _. The largest selection of - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTSI AND HARVESTING TOOLS In the Dominion. TURNIP SEED! A SPECIALITY. WM. RENNIE, 7794f Toaonro, Our. Farmers and Thrashers Take Notice. RAE’S NEW AND IMPROVED PATENT STEVE 2 ‘Will clean all kinds of grain, embracing wheat, rye. barley. and oats and will not choke with any thistley or foul grain. No stick or broom required to be used. and the machine need not at my time be slopped by clogging of the Sieve. All orders for this Sieve nddrosfled to the paleirtee. Jobn Rae. Lansing P.O.. Ont., will receive prompt attention. Any infringement on this patent will be punished with the ulmosl rigo of the law. J OHN RAE. Lansing P. 0. 7294f Yonge Street, July, 1872. @1613 (lbflfillfi, (dietetic-.1“. ANNOUNCEMENT. .â€"a__. ‘V ATKINSON Begs to return thanks to the inhabitants of RICH MOND HILL. .Slmlxlrmmta . i‘w"_-..~/ :v t». -_..,.,-. Groceries, 8w. DOMINION TEA HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. '14 - ‘Ihihrrf is ill #â€" ‘h In . THE TEA CHEST ALEX: MOODIE Has always on hand the largest and best variety of. GROCERIES, Consisting of Teas from 50 cents to $1.00, which for quality and flavor, cannot be sur- passed. COFFEES, Green. Roasted and Ground Coffee; A SI’LENDID ARTICLE. Salmon Tl'ouzZâ€"Ood Fish and Labrador Herring. PROVIEIONs: Eyor’s Flour kept on hand. which cannot be beat by nuyihing that comes to town. Peas, Shorts, Bran, Glover and Timothy Seed, Flax Seed, Garden Seeds, cbc. WINES AND LIQUORS ALL KINDS, Pure and Unadultemled, BLOOD'S DUBLIN PORTER, AND O’KEEFE’S ALE. aw. Crockery & Glassware. GARDEN TOOLS. &c. Farm Produce taken in exchange. HEAP JAPAN TEA, ONLY 25 \ CENTS PER Ill. 1 Slcirviny’s Improved Purple Top Swede, ‘ Mongol Win-tch and Can- not Seed, at (he DOMINION TEA HOUSE. .A. MOODIE. ONTARIO HOUSE. JUST ARRIVED AT THE ONTARIO HOUSE A Large and Select Stock of SPRING. GOODS, CONSISTING 0F ' Choice Teas, Tobacco, Currants, Razsms, Prunes, Dried Apples, do, SALMON TRUU'I'. COD FISH. COAL OIL, .vc. Splendid Green Tea for 50 cents per lb. Which for strength and flavor cannot be surpassed north of Toronto. A large and beautiful assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES! Just came to hand, suitable for the SPRING TRADE, And surrounding- country for past patronage. At Prices l/lat competition. and desires to state that his SPRING STOCK IS NOW Complete in all its Branches ! And he feels confident that NO OTHER HOUSE CAN OFFER A BETTER ASSORTMENT Of Goods. or at LOWER PRICES. He would call special attention to his LARGE STOCK OF TWEEDS, . Cotton Twccds, Cottonades, Gam- broons, Denims, doc. And to the Ladies he would say, if you want A DRESS LUSTRE, Jusr CALL AT THE CENTRAL, And there you will find the BEST ASSORTMIL‘NT OF CANADIAN & ENGLISH ,- Remember in Boots and Slices, I cannot , be undorsolrl. ‘ IN THE FLOUR AND FEED Department will be found the very best familv Flour manufacturer! by Rumble &. Calvert, Richmond Hill Mills, which has stood the test for a length of Iinle. and is allowed by compe- tent judges to be the best flour brought into the town, Peas, Oars. Bran. Shorts, Bacon, Hams and Potatoes always on hand - A clIoi:e lot~of BLACK TARTAR OATS now on hand fit for seed. Also Clover. Timothy and Flax Seed. All kinds of field and garden seeds. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange and the highest market price paid. Call and examine our stock before purchas- ing elsewhere. as we feel confident we can give perfect satisfaction. ' Remember the place, Corner of Yonge and Centre St. opposite Sanderson ct Sons, Richmond Hill. J. BROWN. T A LARGE STOCK OF T TEAS, D R E S G O O D S Ranging in price from 33 cents per lb. upward. Ever shown on Richmond Hill, At prices ranging from 100 to 50c per yd. THEY WILL MAKE. YOU STARE! Stoutfvillo, " lfllh “ H / Sprmghm’ u 14“, n u Also a full assorlmeut of ’ h ' l I u ' Â¥l%.:l.‘lll‘,*”l" .83: 2. .. BLACK Goons, Maple, “ 2‘2nd “ “ Withxa large stock of Mr Wells or assistant will be at his office. Yongo Street. Aurora. at all times. Prints, Cations, Ginghams, do, [tilldlcltors addressed to Aurora. promptly at- SHAWLS, ten e to. Teeth also set with the Coluloid Base, ai Fancy Shawls” new invention. being lighter. stronger and BLACI§&WHITE LACE SHAWLS more durable than the Old kind. Having had nine years experience, satisfaction can be guaranteed. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1873. V 778-tf. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS.‘ THE YORK COUNTY Half Yearly Examination or Caudidals for r, 8. Teachers Certificates will commence (D. V.)in the NORMAL SCHOOL, TORONTO. White and Colored Quilts, IN FACT ALL THE NOVELTIES IN THE DRY GOODS LINE. T he Millinerâ€"yâ€"Departmrnt, Chassis and Elegant. Ibis season embraces the I most beautiful and exquisite goods of the VERY LATEST STYLES. A full assorrment of ‘ Crockery, Hardware, Glassware, Groceries, do” 0? Which cannot be surpassed if equalled. 111. do 11 CLASS CERTIFICATES. WM. ATKmSON. °N Dealer in everything Gaod and Cheap. Central Store. Richmond Hill. Hitherto kept so replete with all that was Tuesday, July 15, at 9 a.m. ' I. CLASS CERTIFICATES. N 0 ~ MONDAY,” JULY 12, AT 2 P. M. ' SPECIAL OETIFICA TES, In optional subjects. Natural History. Botany and Agricultural Chemistry (open toll. class). ON MONDAY, JULY 14th. AT 2 P. M. Candidates should give notice of their in- tention and the abyss in which they wish to compete, accompanied, in all cases. with cer~ lificates of moral character; and. in the case of II. and I. class candidates, with certificates (fromlpractical educators)ofsuccess in teaching, these to be in the hands of the Chairman of lhe Board of Examiners on or before the 24th of June. D. FOTHERINGHAM. Presiding Inspector. 775-2 fillllluug and Sewing. , MISS HICKS, MILLINER & DREss MAKER, ' PATTERSON, Announces to the ladies in this vicinity, that she is prepared to do all kinds of sewing either at home or her customers’ residences, at Low Prices and on the Shortest Notice. Patterson, May 29, 1872. 775-3m - FASHIONABLE MILLINERY SHOP. MRS. HASSETT Aurora, May 28, 1373. her branches, being a On Thursday the 2‘2ud inst. in Toronto, or on the way to Richmond Hill. a Nola of Hand She has no hesitation in promising satis- Ior $89.37 given in my favor by Mary Town- faction to all who may favor her With a call. slay. Yorkville, and due on the 22nd of April last All parlies are cautioned not to negotiate Inspection Invited and _ Patronage NOTE GLOST l for the same as payment has been stopped. solicited. Any one finding the above note and relurib ing it to lhe subscriber will be rewarded. R K GEORGE LEGGE, S T 1% A “IND W 0 Lot 58, list COD. Vaughan. Richmond Hill, May 26, 1873. BARGAINS .r REMNANTS Cirâ€"DRESS GOODS. A beautiful choice lot to be cleared out at greatly reduced prices at the Central Store, Wm. ATKINSON. Richmond Hill, Juno 5. 1873. 776, I 775-4: Dress and Mantle Making Done to order on the shortest notice. Shop one door north of Mr. Benn ard’s stove, Richmond Hill. May 8. l873. 77'2-If UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE TORON- To Week] y Papers, recowed at the HERALD Book Store, Richmond Hill Will be happpy to see all desiring anything in J. N_ BLAKE. Also a flue assortment of Family Groceries. I. Crosby, Fire Proof Store, RICHMOND HILL. IL glyllsrvllmumta. “OCEAN T0 OCEAN.” SANDFORD FLEMING’S EXPEDI- TION THROUGH CANADA IN 1872. Being a diary kept during journey From the Atlantic to the Pacific I BY THE REV. GEORGE M. GRANT, ' Of Halifax. N. 5.. Secretary to the Expedition. WITH SIXTY EUSTRATIONS. JAMES CAMPBELL & SON. 77!) Publishers. Toronto. MA,YOR’S' LONG LIFE PILLS ! FOR SALE BY R E. LAW. Druggiat, April’9, 187.). Richmond Hill. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, ICHMOND HILL, WILL GENEâ€" , rally be found at home from 2 to 3 o'clock, r. M. John Elliott Langstafi' is auth- orized to collect accounts. February 4th. 1873. 759-” BLAKE 62. KINGSFORD, ' 'ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI- citors, Conveyancers, &c., &c., ‘OFECEsvâ€"No. 56, Church Street. Toronto. nexl door north of British American Insurance Buildings. R. E. KINGSFORD, M.A. EDWARD PLAYTER, M.D , (Medalist, Toronto University,) PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, lire. Coroner for the County of York. Residenceâ€"Opposile D. Hopkin’s Store, Cor. Yonge and EliZabeth St. Richmond Hill. March 12. 1873-7 754-tf THE CANADIAN PUNCH ! “ G R I P” Out Every Saturdayfi cts. JOB PRINTING DONE NEAT AND quick at the YORK HERALD Cheap Book . and Job lrinting Establishment. :

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