Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $9 be paid to W. Bricknell for building a bridge and ï¬xing the approaches thereto, between Lots 20 and 21, in the 4th Com, said sum pay- able to the order of Henry Jennings. I Mr Milliken, seconded by Mr Lane, moved that the sum of $26.75 be grant- ed for replanking bridge on the 5th Con. in front of Lot 9, said sum payable on order of Thos. Patterson, overseer. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that Messrs Milhken and Eakin be and are hereby appointed a com- mittee to examine and repair the bridge in front of Lot 9, in the 6th Con. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $10 be paid to Abraham Grove for furnishing 100 loads of gravel in road division N0. 49. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of $41.47 be paid to Samuel Lehman for furnishing 2,158 feet; of plank and 171 loads of gravel in road division No. 62. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Milliken, moved that the sum of 3510 be and is hereby granted to cbmplete the contract in front of Lot 1, in the 10th (1011., and that Benj. Reesor, Jos. Lapp and J. Mil- roy be commissioners to expend the same said sum payable on order of the com- missioners. ' Mr Laue, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the Treasurer be and is here- by instructed to pay to the order of the Reeve the sum of $5.60, being the amount expended for plank for culverts. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Mafsh, moved that the account of A. Fleury,for mad shovels, amounting to $30, be paid to.him by the Treasurer of this muni- cipality. - Mr Milliken, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that; the sum of $15 be granted to complete the contract on the bridge in front of Lot 9, in the 5th Con., said sum payable on order of the commission- ers. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Miliiken, moved that the following-sums be paid to the parties herein named, being for damage done to their sheep by a dog or dogs unknown. being two-thirds of the value of said sheep as proved on oath: James Carswell, $4.66; John Miller, a minor, by J. Canning, $5.33; David Break, $3.33. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $60 be and is hereby granted for the purpose of ditch- ing in front of Lots 29 and 30, in the 2nd 000., and that James Cosgrove, D. Glass and John McCague, be commission- ers to expend the same, said sum payable on order of the commissioners after the work is completed. Mr Lane, secomled by Mr Button, moved that the account of D. G. Hoover, amounting to $28.35, being money ex- pended by him in excess of the statue labor in his road beat, be paid to him by the Treasurer. By Mr Button,‘ from \Vm. Holden and nine others, asking a-sum of money to improve the road in front of Lots 31, 32 and 33, in the 9th Con. Mr Lane gave notice that he will at the next meeting of this Council intro- duce a motion instructing the Clerk to notify the ratepayers of School Sections Nos. 2, 3, and 4, that this Council pur- pose passing a by-law to so alter the said sections as to form a new section out of portions of sections 2 and 3. By Mr Milliken, from Abraham Foot and forty others, asking the Council to have the sideroad between lots 5 and 6, in the 3rd COIL, put on the original road allowance. By Mr Milliken, from H. P. Crosby, Esq., and twenty-ï¬ve others, asking a grant of $70 to assist in repairing side- walks in the Village of Unlonville, the petitioners to pay dollar for dollar grant- ed by the Council. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $8.55 be and is hereby granted for furnishing gravel to improve the road in division No. 19, and H. Jennings be commissioner to expend the same, said sum payable on order of said commissioner. A communication was received from J. W. Collins, relative to the Council of Whitchurch granting $150 on the town- line, prov1ded Markham made a similar grant, said grant to be expended in such places as may be determined upon ; Messrs Jones and Macklin cominisioners. Petitions were presented: By Mr Marsh, from H. Jennings and ï¬ve others, asking a grant of $8.50 to furnish gravel to improve road in division No. 19. By Mr Marsh, from B. Cosgrove and ten others, asking a grant of $100 for cutting a ditch on each side of road in front of Lots 29 and 30, on the 2nd Con. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Marsh, moved that the sum of $10 be granted to Mrs Graves for the support ofa found- ling child, said sum payable on order of the mover. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Milliken, maved that the Reeve euqulre at the Orphans’ Home as to whether a female The above council met at Size’s hotel, Unionville, on the 28th ult. Members all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. MARKHAM COUNCIL; On the morning of the 18th June> the barque Concordia, bound from Quebec for Plymoth, England, with timber. was wrecked at Cape Grilla, N. F. The capâ€" tain, mate, mi three others were drowned and the remaining eleven sailors reached shore, and the second mate reached Halifax yesterday and reported the circumstance. A sad case of suicide is reported from Belleville. Mr James Ross, formerly Clerk of the Executive Council of Ontario and brother of the late Hon John Ross, took his own life on Saturday by cutting his throat with a razor. No cause is assigned for the rash act. A dreadful series of storms have visited Cincinnatti and neighbouring portions of Ohio, doing a great damage to the crops and impeding railway travel: The storm extended to Wisconsin and did much damage there. A pleasure boat on Green Lake in that state was struck by the tornado, the boat capsized and twenty persons were drowned~ Youngstown, 0., is relapsing into the barbariti/es of the dark ages. ‘The following pleasing circumstance is recorded by the Vindicator of that town: “ A lot of little Christian urchins caught a. little Jew boy at the corner of Watt and Champion street, a few evenings since, tled him to a post, piled a lot of tinder wood about. him, and were about to ignite it when they were dis- covered by some men and the little Jew rescued. The only reason assigned for their action and intentions by the Christian urchins was, that the Jews had cruciï¬ed Christ. The body of a female was found floating on the Niagara river on Saturday, opposite Youngstown. It is supposed this is the unfortunate young woman who went over the falls on the 4th inst, in company with her bétrothed, or her husband, and her little brother. Mr Lane, seconded by Mr Milliken, moved that the sum of $150 be granted to improve the townlinc between this Township and Whitchurcli, to meet an equal grant made by the council of that municipality, and that Messrs Marsh 8; Button be commissioners to expend the same, said sum payable on order of the commissioners. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Lane, moved that M'essrs Eakin and Millikan, be and are hereby appointed a commit- tee to examine and repair the Unionville bridge. V The Council adjourned to meet on Saturday, the 26 inst. A GENTLEMAN.â€"Sl]0w me a man who can quit the society of the young, and take pleasure in listening to the kindly voice of age; show us a man that is ever ready to pity and help the deformed; show us a man that covers the faults of others with a man- tle of charity ; show us a man that bows as politely and gives the street as freely to the poor sewing girl as to the millionare; who values virtue, not clothes. who shuns the company of such as congregate at public places, to gaze at the fair sex, or make un- kind remarks of the passing poor girl; show us a. 'man who abhors the libertine; who scorns the ridiculer of his mother’s sex, and the exposure of womanly reputation; Show us the man who never forgets for an instant the delicacy and respect due a woman, as a woman, in any condition or classâ€"and you show us a trim gentleman. Mr Milliken, seconded by Mr Lane, moved that all the members of this coun- cil be and are hereby appointed a com- mittee to examine the original road al- lowance between Lots 5 and 6, in the 3rd 0011., as to the propriety of opening the same, and report at: the next meet- ing of this Council. Mr Button, seconded by Mr Millikan, moved that the Treasurer be and is here- .by instructed to pay W. Holden the sum of $6, fbr gravelling thirty rods of road crossing the swamp on the 9th Con., in front of Lot 34. DAnmG Renownâ€"About half-past eight o’clock last Saturday evening, Mr J. W. Shaw, wholesale grocer, of Toronto, while in the act of getting off the steamer City of Toronto, which had just arrived at the Yongc Street wharf, felt a violent tug at his watch chain, and looking down saw a hand with his watch and chain leaving his waistcoat. He immediately secured the thief, and called out lustin for the police. P. C. Munro, who was then on wharf duty, on hearing the cry hastened to the spot and took the piekpocket into custody. The chain, which the man had retained in his grasp, was of course recovered, but the watch, notwithstanding a thorough search, was nowhere to be found, and it is supposed that it must have been slipped of the hook during the scuffle, and handed to an accom- plice. The prisoner was taken to No. 1 station, where he informed the sergeant on duty that his name was John Cox, and that he was employed by Mr Walton, the builder. John Cox received an invitation to hold a conference with Mr McNabb, and was com- mitted for trial. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Button, moved that the sum of $36 be and is hereby granted to repair the bridge be- tween Lots 20 and 21 in the 8th Con, and that ‘Nm. Johnston, Chas. Stark,T. Swails, and Jas. Reid be commissioners to expend the same, said sum payable on order of the commissioners when the work is completed. Mr Marsh, seconded by Mr Lane, moved that the Treasurer be and is here- by instructed to pay to David \Vooten the sum of $15 for the support; of :1 pauï¬er named'Cul'rie, in the year 1872. child, abandoned by its mother in this township, will be received into that in- stitution, and if so on what terms. @MW @mm. GRATEFUI. AND CoMFOR'I‘lNG.â€"“By a thorough knowledge ofthe natural laws which goverthoperalionsofdigesiion and nutrition, and hyacareJul application of the ï¬ne proper- ties of well«sslected cocoa, M: Epps has pro- vided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which mav save us many heavy docturs’ bills.â€â€"Civil Service anctlc. Made simply with Boiling Water or Miik. Each packet is labelledâ€" ‘ JAMES EPPS 6L ’70., Hommopathic Chemisis. London.†Oatmea|.. Cormneal BIRTH. ‘ Emmaâ€"0n the 28th ult. at Falls City, Nebraska, the wife of Mr John Heiso of a daughter. MCLEAN.â€"At Victoria Square, on Tues- day the 8th lust. of Group and Diptheria, Allan Marlin McLean, son of Allan and Rachel McLeanâ€"ï¬tng 3 years, 1 month and 5 days. Wool .. . A T mums BATTLEâ€"A terrible en- counter tool: place on Friday last,at Elston’s in the township of McGillvray between two stallions, the “Comet†formerly of Rich mond Hill, and “King George,†which re- sulted in the death of the former. King George, OWHBd by Thomas Simpson, Mc~ Gillvray,1s badly injured. Not being seâ€" curelytled, he broke into Comet’s stall, where e. teritï¬c struggle ensued. Comet, lied, was unable to defend himself properly; owing, however, to superior weight and strength, he completely overpowered the other, but in doing so he burst a blood ves‘ sel, causing instant death. Comet was a magniï¬cent draft horse, light grey, has taken prizes at the Provincial Show. The owner, Charles Bean, of McGillvary, refus- ed, a. few days before, $1,000 for him. Great sympathy is evinced for Bean, and a subscription list is out and almost. $200 al- ready subscribed. The owner of King George is much blamed for leaving his horse insecurely tied. The noise and smash- ing of stalls during the ï¬ght baffles descrip‘ tron. Flourâ€"Superï¬ne. . . . . . . . . . Spring Wheat extra . . Fancy.............. MANUFACTURE OF Coc0\‘â€"-H We will now give an account of the process adopted by Messrs James Enps (KL C0H manufactures of dietetic articles. at their works in the Eustou load. Londonâ€â€"Cassell’s Household Guide October 31. 1872. 739-ly Tennis Balls,» Solid Rubber Balls, Black Jets, Ear Rings, Red, Colored, Opal, Blue and. Pearl Necklets, OPENED OUT YESTERDAY, We have some further particulars from the scene of the wreck of the City of Washington, 80 miles from Halifax. She was on her way from Liverpool, and had 28 cabin and 481 passengers. No lives were lost, and little or no excilement prevailed on board when the vessel struckthe shore. The passengers are at present under tents, and suffer little inconvenience. They will be brought to Halifax and then forwarded to New York. See them qt the HERALD BOOK STORE. RICHMOND \HILL. should at once send his name and address wrth $1.5U for one year’s subscription to MECHANIC. MANUFACTURER, ENG]- NEER. CHEMIST. FARMER AND MERCHANT, A FRESH SUPPLY, At $1.89, $5, $5.50, $8.50 and $9. at the . HERALD BOOK Sromx. Richmond Hiâ€. MONTREAL, A Copy of ï¬rst number can be seen at this Ofï¬ce. 766-2 The Rev. Mr. Ancient has received $557.37, Canadian currency, from ihe BUS“ Lon committee, with the request that he would keep one half himself, and divide the remainder among these mostactive in saving life from the wreck of the Atlantic. Eighty children for Miss Eye's western home arrived at, Niagara on Tuesday. Mr Wm; Blanliesly, of Bradford, was accidentally drowned in the Holland river on Monday. He leaves a wife and child to mourn their sad loss. The Canadian Patent Oï¬â€˜icc Record AND REAKFAST.’â€" EPPS'S COCOA VERY INVENTOR, BUILDER, AMILY BIBLIES, SPLENDID STOCK, MECHANICS’ M AGAZINE, 5min} agyntim. TORONTO MARKETS GEORGE E. DESBARATS, TO THE PUBLISHER, Charms, DIED. Toronto, July 10, 1873, -. . . . . . . . $520@ 2;! .‘V é unannouo C' “no... p.‘ .wo~mcoc-"wwu Com "®®®©©® ; U wamwwwcmuv 3U: o «I ‘1 m C. .. ‘3 an ace 4 ®®©©®©©©©® per pair.. r pail". . . .‘ MW@ 5 25 0% 5 80 5 40 3 00 01) HO 1 24 l 35 l 24 0m 0 (is 0 38 QHM 14W 0 65 3M 6 50 0m 0 90 l .525 0 60 ON 18% O 00 OH OH 0 12 Lockets, Rings, (96. At Prices that will dry? Competition, AND SUITABLE FOR THE CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. A Splendid Assortment of W. H. Myers . . . . . Samuc'. D. Page. .‘ Joseph Bogart. . . . .‘ David J. Brad‘ey. . . . D. G. Stephenson. . Hem} Smelser. . . . Joseph Sheppald. I‘K'auuls Butch. . . . . Thomas AHann. _ . W. H. Mnjov . . . . . . Levi Faidxanks, Jr. . William Bmwu. James Gormley. Fyallcis Linle. . James M. Paï¬orsan . James McClure. . . . . John Canar. . . . . . . . Willimn Heurv . 3011611. Conway. James Kevanagh†. . Adam A F0181 rong. . . And‘ew Headm’sou. . Thomas Pouchev. . .‘ . Nichlas J. Armstvong Salem Eckhu (it . ; . Treasurer’s Ofï¬ce, County of York, Toronto, July 7th, 1873. NEW SPRING GOODS SPRING & SUMMER TRADE. Black Lustres, (smnmmn VALUE) Colored Lustres, Figured Lustres, BLACK, COLORED & FIGURED GRENADINES, French Marinas, Henrietta, Cloths, Grape Cloths, Sedan Cloths, flletz Cords, Cobourg’s, ($6., (120. A BEAUTIFUL AssonmngNT OF LIGHT AND DARK PRINTS. GROCERIES,CROGKERY Canadian and English Tweeds, BLACK BROAD CLOTHS, Doe Skins, 660., 860. - 1â€") Chaucer Notaries; &c. y ’ OFFICI‘Lâ€"Confl Street. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Division Court Clerk‘s ofï¬ce, Richt mond Hill. Tuos. K. MORGAN. “0an THORNE LUMBER, SHINGLES & LATHE PLANING DONE TO ORDER. Henry Pointon . . . . Henry Clmloner . . . John E. Buck . .. . . John R. Emery . . . . John Kennedy . . . . . John McKenzie . . . . William Bye.. . . . . . . James Abbott . . . George Gibson . . . . John Ellston . . . . . . Henry Moulds . . . . . lulph D’Ary . . . . . . William Pointon . . . Michael Lenahan . . William Hall . . . . . ; Daniel Prior . . . . . . Herry Newsome - . . Jobez Scrivener \Viliiam L. Andrews Henry Taylor . . . . . George P. Smith . . Isaac M. Perkins. . . 62c. &c. &c. 0f Good Value at Low Prices. I. CROSBY. Grocer and Dry Goods Merchant, 1) King Street, East; Toronto. R. A. HARRIsON,Q.C. F. Osman. THOMAS Moss, (1.0. W . A, Fos'mn. CHARLES Moss. \V. G. Fucoxnmnan Toronto, Doc. 4, 187:3. 7504f 1873. RICHMOND HILL SAW MILL l Hm'ses'and Vehicles for hire. Charges mo- derate. Opposite Sanderson 8L Sons. List of Licensed Pedlars and Auctioneers for County-40f York- 731% WW, (ï¬rmwim. Richmond Hill, Dec. 9. ’72. Toronto. April 25, 1872 JOHN BROWN, Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 14, ’72. 751-3111 HARRISON. OSLER &‘ moss, r QAIElï¬ISIIERShï¬LCW _Nos. 36 AND 33 ON EXHIBITION AT The Fire-Proof Store. FIRE-PROOF STORE, MORGAN a; TIIORNE, AgRIS'MgRs, SOLICITORS IN BLACK GOODS, SHINGLE CUTTING, IOHMOND HILL LIVERY DRESS GOODS, HARDWARE, Glassware, Delph, AN IMMENSE' STOCK CONSTANTLY ON HAND A full aSSortment of ANDREW DIAGER, BY AUTHORITY OF BYâ€"LA TV, RICHMOND HILL A splendid Stock of NAME. CONEISTING OF SPRING, INCLUDING DEALER IN NAME AND OF “0an THORNE 15" f do . . . . Toronto Township Thornhill . . . . . ‘ . . Whitcuurch . . . . . . Ciiy 0i Toronto. . Aurora . . .. Vaughan . . . . . . . City of_T0r0nto. . . ‘Whitchurch . . . . . ‘ oronto . . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill Sharon . . . . . . . \Vhitchurch. . . Whilchurch . . Vaughan . . . . . King . . . . . . . . . ‘ Whimhurch . .‘ Markham . . .1 . City of Toronto Markham . . . . 1873. AUCTIONEERS. 751-]y RESIDENCE. . . Dronto. . . . . ch ....... Peï¬lars. :hahunovd Hill. Chvo“ Toronio. 'Newmai'ket. . .. City of Taxonto. Highland Cleek. Labkey......... Gem-gimmu... Markham†.. ... Nowmarket. .. .. Ava-oia .... -~- Whitby. . . . .. . Egflmlon ..... Win-'1; ham .. . . . . Scu-‘boro’. . . . . . . Bloomingum . . . . Holland Landing“ Mmkham ,‘1Citv OF’J'O unto.. ‘Ym'k . Queensville. . . . Mnlmn......... Ct-y of 'I‘ovomo Markham. . . . . . Nobletou .. . . . . Umonville. . . . . JNO. K. MACDONALD, U any numberâ€"llotcxceedinglhreehundrod dollars by any one depositor,) will be received atlhe Richmond Hill Post oflice,ror which GoverumeutwillzllowInterest. The rate on Lettersfor the United Kingdom (vla Quebec in summm‘, and Portland in Win- ter),is nowrcduced lo 6 cents per g oz. weight. If $911!, via New York. it will he 8 cts per; oz. These rmasupply oulytop'repuid letters; ifsent unpaid, ormsulï¬ciemly prepaid, there willbe a fine of double the amount of deï¬cient postage. M. TEEFY, Postmaster. R AILS MADE UP AT THE RICH mond Hilll’ostOfï¬ce. Untilfnrthernotice.lhe mails willbeclosod at this ofï¬ce as follows 'N.B. Letters for Desphtch by “fess lmes Smamel's shouldbe so marked MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Southern mail .....G:55 P M. N.[}. REGISTERED LETTERS will require to be handed in 15 minutes (More the time of clusiug. BRITISH MAILS Are closed at Toronto asfollows: By Cunard Line. every Monday. . . 10:30 A By Cilia-dial] Hymgvery 'Jilngrsd y IUEOO I! Oflicehours: from§:30 P.M. May 4,1869 563-†Bl. Commissionerin B.R.,is Governmem Agent for issuing Marriage License in the Counlv onork. Oï¬iée hoursâ€"7 9:30P.M Richmond Hili.0¢tobor23.186$;. M??? RICHMOND HILL THE MORNING PAPERS OF TORONTO: Can be had at the Post Ofï¬ce, for ID CEM's A WEEK. Apply to ‘ “.3313. TEEFY is Government Agentf‘or hesale of 11 MINION, at $6 per 100 feet. Also Floor: in: and other Lumber Dressed: Sap Buckets, Pails,CiderMiHs.Washing Machines.Shingles Waggon Felloes. and anberSawedto order Forparticularsaddress JOHN LANNGSTAEFLi $5 TO 33520 KID!) 1U ‘UV’AIU Agents wanted! All classes of working people. of either sex. young or old. make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all thetime,tl1an at anything elss. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & C0,, Portland, Maine4 r U Undertaker. &c. Rasmlmcmâ€"Noal'lv opposite the Post Ofï¬ce Richmond HillA C ANADIAN ILLUSTRATED NEWS, l A weekly journal of Current Events. Kl A weekly journal of Current Events, Literature. Science and Artal flgriculture and Mechanics, Fashion and A:;Jsemout. Sold at 100 a number at tho HERALD Boék Store. Richmond Hill,Nov 20.1871 Northern Mail. . Southern MaiL. P. 0. SAVINGS BANK. May 14.1869. Thomhi". Nov. 3,1869. EPOSITS OF ONEUDOLLAR, (701; FOIparticulnrsapplfto THOMAS SEDMAN, Ad’uyRIAGIE AIFD WAGON MAKER, Patent Eaveâ€"tzough ND WATERSPOUTS FOR THE DO MAIL. 'I‘EEFY2 NOTARY PUBLIC AND BI‘ZS'OILA'CE. flewtnzmt. MARRIAGE LICENSES, ‘Foot ‘ Do One Home Foot One Horse Do Do Do Do FOOt Do One Horse Do Twa Horse Do One Horse Do Do One horse Do Do Do MARRIAGE LICENSES. DESCRXP'I'ION OF L] (JESSE. Treasurer ComzZy of York. ALSO AGENT FOR THE RICHMOND HILL. M. TEEFY , Postmaster MORNING. VI) ING. GLOBE. Steam Mills-,T‘lwl'nhill‘ ...........C:45A1\L . . . . . . .....6:45 A.M Sepf'r. 51h. Sopl’r. 10.11, Sopl’r. Qist, Omober 152m, “ 220d, “ 24 h, DATE “'HI‘ZN EXP'F‘LS M. TEEFY. PER DAY‘ July 511), 187 July 5111, “ July 1111), “ Sept. 2nd, “ Sept. 21st, “ Oct 101b, Nov. 22nd, “ Nov. 29th, †Dec. 111b, “ Dec. 1411), “ Jany. 8111 187 Feb. 11111, “ Feb. 17ih, “ Feb. let, “ Feb. 25111, “ Mar. 12-11], “ DATE WHEN LI- ‘ENSE EXPIRES. Mar. 1211]; “ 151]], “ 24H], “ 28th. Apxil 28111; June 3nd, Richmond Hill 564â€"†524th, POST O FFI C E. IZEADER. 1711), 510-.lf 1874 H THE CHINESE GARDER POWDER Desu‘ox‘s all kinds of Insects, Grubs and Cat- erpillars on Currant and Gooseberry Bushes. W Sold by Druggists and Storekeepors at95 cents per box. And are lucatsd at the North-west comer of lot No. 35, 4th cnucession of Markham. in a sectinn whore mechanics and labol‘er‘s can get steady work and high wagesr A[)pr(if by lc-ucr.prepaid) to Henry Jennings, Victoria Square. or to PHOTOGRAPHY. One hundred and fully of which are deared and well cullivzned. There are on the pro- perty two good FRAME DWELLING HOUSES! 'I'm'ee large hams, two stables, and other ne’ cessui'y farm buildings. Two springr creeks run across 1110 lot, and plenuy of good water abounds. It is situated at a distance of eight- een miles from Toronto, and two mile from Richmond Hill. This farm is nearly all under- draincd. and well fenced, will) two good or- chards, and about Fifty Acres Good Bush. For further particulars. apply, either by letter (past-paid). or on the premises, to I , , U Hill. containing ohe acre and a quarter of land, one frame dwelling house, with a barn stables. and other outbuildings thereon, Terms, easy. Apply. on the premiseé; M 4 IRST PRIZE photographer, begs to in- form the public mat. having commenced operations in the above business on Richmond that he is prepared to lake 1â€" sale a number of ViAlngo lots, situated in the village of About Onefzfth bf an Acre, HE SUBSCRIBER sale a number of V 0F Persons, Animals, Houses or Landscapes IN ALMOST ANY REQUIRED l’urxioeï¬ desiring pictures printed from lhe old negatives 0( Mr. Glay or Hood can have (ham by ordering, as l have purchased all their negatives. in Dull and cloudy weather no hindrance to Lhe art, except for children. Parties golï¬ng pictures of children taken are reqnastad to bo at the Studio betwoen 10 mm. and 3 mu. Price 25 cents: and $1 00 per box. A dollar box contains two hundred feeds. Testimonial fl-om Professor H. G, Collins I have carefully examinad tho pianos sold by Mr. H. B. Reasor. called the Humming Bird, or Colibri Pianos. manufactured by Ma- thuseck, and think they are wmularf‘ullr sweat and pure in tone. and from their pecul.r‘. con- struction. calculated 10 remain in tune longer 'han Otlmr pianos. and consequently to stand a greater amount of wear. HENRY GUEST COLLINS. Toronto Feb. 228. 1872. 714-ly I)? Gallery in the old stand recently occu- pied by Mr. Gray. It Fattens in One-fourth the usual time, and saves Food. 1 traction of [he Anglo American House by (ire, the subscriber has taken and ï¬lled up those large and commodious promises belong- ing to Capt. '1‘. A. Milne. opposite Messrs. Speight & Son’s Novelty Works. Markham. Excellent accommodation aflbrdod for the travelling public and commercial men. Livery stables in commotion with the hotel. Bottled Ale and Porter. T W0 I] UNDRJ Wkflï¬wm .. _ . ATTENS HORSES, cows, CALVES, Sheen and Plus. 0n Currant Bushes and Fruit Trees. iVl ed us in the agency in this section for the sale of Messrs G. A. Prince & Co’s cole- brated Organs and Molodeons, in. favor of which we give our most unqualiï¬ed approval and recommendation as the leading and most reliabie reed instrument now manufactured. (Signed) H. G. COLLINS" WM. Fl‘UMERP'ELT. Markham. Nov. 3, 187l- AGRICULTURAL CHEMIS'fs. 167, King Street East, Toronto For Sale by Druggists and Storekéepers. R, E. LAW, Agent, Richmond Hill Chickering, Stainway and Durham l’iunos‘ Aiso, the celebrated TIOKS ON SHEEP. USE MILLR’S TICK DESTROYER. It destroys the Ticks, premotes the growth of the wool,and improves the condition of the animal. A 35 cent box will clean 20 sheep or 35 lambs. HUGH MILLER CO., VVhiuh is adapted to pm-‘lors where Space is an object. The mode of Its constrnotim) is outireLv new, and based upon the best known principles of science. DEALER 1N ï¬ance’s fli‘gmï¬ss £3; Meledcens, HUMMING BIRD PIANO VICTORIA SQUAR March 97,1872 Dec 4, 1872 Old pictures calofully copied an eniarged N CONSEQUENCE OF THE DES~ Richmond Hi 1. Sept. 26, 1872 s. 0111.4, 137 I“. CRAWFORD. Richmond Hill, Doc. 24, ’72. 753-3m Superior Farm for Sale, EING LOT N0. 23, IN _'»1‘HEVSEC~ House and Lot for Sa1e, NflgUCAa -STR\EET, RICHMOND THOIflAS B. COPE LAND, gamma ï¬natxumwm, R. H. B. REESOR HAS SUCCEED ond coucosmon of the Township of Markham, containing Sheep and Pips. Village Lots for Sale. PICTURES! NIPISSING HOTEL, wamty fax ï¬nk, CATERPILLARS SIZE OR STYLE. H.B.REESOR, MRS. JAMES CLIFFORD. glxutugrmiï¬ï¬â€™ HUGH MILLER & CO.. A uricultu ral Chemists. Toronto b The lots contain WM. G. HINGSTON. MARKIIAM. Notice. YED A D. '1‘. WOO'I‘EN. 7374f Richmond Hill I’, 0 OFFERS FOR Dingla P. 04 714-1! 7404f 75(Hf As Ilï¬s is entirely distinct and different from every other praparalion of Hypophosphites, b( carel'nl to ask for FLLLOWS’ Symmmnd talu no other. Those who do not wish to ba deceived by buying spurious medicines. which are now likely to emanate from the States 0) elsewhere.. but to possess themselves of the genuine Hot.- Lowav‘s {’rLLs AND OJN'rchT, manufactutei’. by “)6 in London. England. will do well to: see that. melt pot and lmx bears the British Government stamp on which is engraved- the words “HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AM) ()IL'A'MENT.†and that tho mldressnn the label is5J3 OXFORD: STREET, LONDON, whore only they are mam» I'acturcd, and in no other part of the world The retail prices are on tlm labelsin British» currency, and not in dollars and cents. 'Rousing the Sluggiah Heart and Liver. Fh'euglhohing the action of the Stomach and. Bowels and enabling the Lungs to be ï¬ullyinn. flated Wllh Oxygen. ‘ It is aJapted for ALL cases of Weakness and Emuciutiou, whether arising flom sedentary, life. a trupicalclimale. from fever or debilily from any cause, and is efï¬cacious in PULMO! NARY CoNsuMm‘IuN. many conï¬rmed cases having been cured and all beneï¬tied. where in: usé has been continued over a fortnight. .ln Bronchitis it is a speciï¬c. and in Astllmw it gives relief where overv other remedy fails- For Nervous Dehility it stands unrivalled", and may be used with conï¬dence in all cases. .A. Pnovmclcs OF NORTH AMERICA. I beg most respectfully to acquaint the pub- lic of the lirltirh North American provinces that in May. 187,1 caused the business at 80- Maiden Lane. New York, for thesale of HOL- LOWAY’S l’uLs AND Um'rnmm‘. wlnch were up. tn that time prepared by William Brown. now deceased. to be closed. I regret to say that D have reason to know that the management of; late business had for some years. and In many- ways, has“ must Conupt, and it mav be that the Pills and Ointment were not prepared with the cars l have always desired. No representative of mine will ever travo through any part ofthe British l’rovincos I the United States, either to sell. or to tako orders for my Pills and Ointment, and at! I have reason to believe that attempts will vertI' probably be made to deceive the public in thist way by persons calling on medicine vendors, falsely representingthat they are acting for me- and with my knowledge and consent. 1 damn it advisable to put the public on their guard" against any such doceptions. Modern chemistry has ventilaled the quos~ tion and discovered the ingredients constitu- tingtlm brain. Ilium'k‘s and nerves. and ï¬nds that by introducing these ingredients in propel: proportions the brain and nervous system are strengthened. 1 would ask. as a great favor. that should tr cometo the knowledge of any person that spu- ious modicinesare heing made or sold in my nume,he be pleased to send me all the partcu- lars he can collect rsspecting the same. that i? to say. the name and address of the vendOI who isselling tlio spurious medicines. and like‘ wise the name and address of the House in the United States. or elsewhere, which may have supplied them. so as to enable me. for the promotion of tho public,to institute pro- ceedings against such ovilï¬doei‘s, and l engage to remunerate very handsomely any person who m 'givo me such ilif'ormmion. the in- fornianl’ name novor being divulged As quif’e-ondowed bodies. whetherthey be Boast, Birds, Replilus, Insects or even Zoo- phito<. and snijccts of the Vegetable Kingdom are governed by rilnlfm‘cc, which binds all the springs of exisionco. and as nothng can save them f:0lll desli nciiou when this principla leaves them, the discovery of" means whereby vimiit)‘ may be sustained in the living body is. indeed a boon to the worid. Modern chemistry has ventiialed the ques- This. thou. is substantially the basis on which FELLOW’S Hyvnmosvnrms is‘builhits direct action is upon the Blood. the Brain and: Nervous System. and the Muscies. Strength- ening the nerves. it causes the rapid distribu- tion of Vitaiizod Blood in the Muscular Organe of the Rudy. 1 most cal-neatly entrant a1} those who may read (his advertisement that they be pld'hsed- in the public interest. to communicate the purv pox-I of the same to theirf'riends that they may not he defrauded of their money by purchasing Worthless imitations of the genuine HOLLO- WAY’s PILLS AND OIN mN'r. Fellows’ Compound Q1 RUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. Chemists and [)mggists who desire to ob- tain the Mudiciues can he supplied at the lowest \vhclesale pricesin quantities of no: loss Hmn $20 worth â€"-â€" viz ,85. Gd., and 223. and 345.. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots o Ointment, no“, \viihom discount. for which emittmmo must be mm in advance. 1 have the honor ta be. With 2mm rcspoct, 'l‘lI()"1AS H()LLO\VAY, Should any person have rausoï¬ to believe that he has been docnived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines,he willdo well to send me, in a loner, to the address at fool (which he can do at a cos‘f six cents in post- age), one of the hooks of instructions which : 'e'afï¬xed to the name. I [H‘OIDISO to examine it and send a reply, stating whathor [he Medi- cines are genuine or that if spurious he may apply to the person fugn whom he pur- chased them to have his moneyrefuuded. SOLQ _BY Arli’O’l'IIE CA 13155.. 61-8 3, Oxfbrd Street (late ‘2“,51rmxd)‘ London, W (3.,Sex-L ‘ “:71. (E 0 THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISH? W1. 0 flaw wig My†haw Caution! ! Caution! H gamut éï¬mï¬tiw, Price. $41-50; Six for 957-530. JAMES l. FELLOVVS,Chemist, St. John. NKBu mu é‘ii’ï¬atdz.